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to those compartments include biomedical telemetry links andmedical gas connections. The ship's cargo bays, gymnasiums,and other recreational facilities can also be converted toemergency medical use. All of these compartments arestocked with medical conversion kits, which provide necessaryhardware and standard medical supplies. Additionally,during noncrisis situations, one or more Holodecks can beconverted to patient care use. While this is a very convenientprocedure, it is also very energy-intensive and is not normallyemployed for long-term care or during alert situations.Supplementing emergency medical supplies, contingencypreparedness scenarios include provisions for large-scalereplication of supplies and hardware. Nevertheless, becauseenergy availability for replication may be severely limitedduring crisis situations, emergency plans are designed todepend primarily upon the use of stored supplies.A typical emergency situation might be a case where asevere explosion has injured 150 crew members on a starship.The Enterprise medical department response might be asfollows:Afterthe determination of the existence of the emergencysituation, the Chief Medical Officer would receive a reportfrom the Main Bridge. The CMO would consult with theCommanding Officer as well as the Security Officer to determinethat the accident site is sufficiently safe for Enterprisepersonnel to transport over. Such determination would generallybe based on sensor scans of the accident site.The CMO may opt to supplement the on-site triage team withan on-site treatment team, although treatment in a controlledon-ship environment is usually preferred.Using all personnel transporters aboard the Enterprise, amaximum of approximately one thousand individuals per hourcan be evacuated to the ship. If the number of casualties isrelatively small, site-to-site transport can be used to beam thepatients directly to the on-board treatment area. Otherwise,patients are beamed only to the transporter rooms and thenshuttled to the treatment area by gurney. This is because siteto-sitetransport effectively halves the capacity of the transportersystem.While on-site triage is underway, conversion of secondarytreatment areas would be prepared, using medical conversionkits. For major disasters, hospital and emergencypatient care modules can be deployed, providing full-scalesurgical and intensive-care facilities. If necessary, theseconversions can include complete biohazard protocols.Once patients are received onboard, treatment teamswould include all available medical staff. The medical staffwould be supplemented as needed by additional crosstrainedpersonnel from other departments.A survey and triage team would then be transported tothe accident site. The CMO would normally lead this team,evaluating the extent of casualties and on-site requirements.Simultaneously, the medical staff on the Enterprise would bepreparing sickbay and secondary treatment areas for theimminent arrival of patients.At the accident site, the triage team would separatepatients into one of three categories:1. Individuals whose injuries are not immediately lifethreateningand do not require immediate transport to theship;2. Individuals whose injuries are severe enough torequire immediate attention but can be successfully treated;and3. Individuals whose injuries are so severe that they arebeyond help.Individuals in the second category are prioritized fortransport to the ship. The triage team does not administer anyactual patient care (except for airway management) becauseto do so would slow triage processing to an unacceptable rate.

16.4 LIFEBOATS16.4 LIFEBOATSThe nature of its missions in the galaxy requires that theEnterprise carry a set of small spacecraft for dedicatedescape and rescue operations. Located throughout both thePrimary and Secondary Hulls, these ejectable lifeboats aredesigned to meet the short-term survival needs of the starshipcrew in the event of a catastrophic emergency.As set down in the original Starfleet specifications, thestandardized ASRV, or autonomous survival and recoveryvehicle, is capable of the following operations:• Rapid departure from its parent starship with aminimum velocity of 40 m/s.Independent maneuvering with a total delta-v of 3,600m/sec.• Life support for a total of eighty-six person-days.• Recombination with other lifeboats after ejection toaugment survivability.• Subspace radio signaling for location and recovery.• Atmosphere entry and landing.The first group of ASRVs were delivered in 2337 in timeto be fitted to the last Renaissance class starship, the USSHokkaido, and with minimal hardware and software changeswere chosen as the lifeboats for the Galaxy class. Automatedfacilities on Earth, Mars, Rigel IV, and Starbase 326 produce85% of the ASRVs, with satellite facilities on Velikan V andRangifer II acting as industry second-sources for the remaining15%.The ASRV measures 3 x 3 x 3 m and its shape is characterizedas a truncated cube. The total mass is 1.35 metrictonnes. Its internal spaceframe is a standard beam andstringer arrangement, constructed from gamma-welded tritaniumand frumium monocarbonite. The frame is skinnedwith single-crystal microfilleted tritanium, with umbilical passthroughs,conformal emitters, and sensors doped with hafniumcobarate for passive thermal control during atmosphereentry.Spacecraft propulsion is achieved through three distinctsystems: ejection initiator, main impulse engine, and reactioncontrol system. The ejection initiator is a single-pulse, bufferedmicrofusion device that propels the lifeboat through thelaunch channel. Power is tapped from the fusion reaction tostart the lifeboat's inertial damping field and spin up the gravitygenerator. Like its larger cousin aboard the Enterprise, theIDF protects the crew against acceleration forces. The mainimpulse engine, a low-power microfusion system for all pri-Environmental systemSurvival gear storageConsumables storage •Acceleration seatEntry/docking hatch (1 of 4) •External sensors •Main impulse engine16.4.1 Typical lifeboat pod

16.4 LIFEBOATS16.4 LIFEBOATSThe nature of its missions in the galaxy requires that theEnterprise carry a set of small spacecraft for dedicatedescape and rescue operations. Located throughout both thePrimary and Secondary Hulls, these ejectable lifeboats aredesigned to meet the short-term survival needs of the <strong>star</strong>shipcrew in the event of a catastrophic emergency.As set down in the original Starfleet specifications, thestandardized ASRV, or autonomous survival and recoveryvehicle, is capable of the following operations:• Rapid departure from its parent <strong>star</strong>ship with aminimum velocity of 40 m/s.Independent maneuvering with a total delta-v of 3,600m/sec.• Life support for a total of eighty-six person-days.• Recombination with other lifeboats after ejection toaugment survivability.• Subspace radio signaling for location and recovery.• Atmosphere entry and landing.The first group of ASRVs were delivered in 2337 in timeto be fitted to the last Renaissance class <strong>star</strong>ship, the USSHokkaido, and with minimal hardware and software changeswere chosen as the lifeboats for the Galaxy class. Automatedfacilities on Earth, Mars, Rigel IV, and Starbase 326 produce85% of the ASRVs, with satellite facilities on Velikan V andRangifer II acting as industry second-sources for the remaining15%.The ASRV measures 3 x 3 x 3 m and its shape is characterizedas a truncated cube. The total mass is 1.35 metrictonnes. Its internal spaceframe is a standard beam andstringer arrangement, constructed from gamma-welded tritaniumand frumium monocarbonite. The frame is skinnedwith single-crystal microfilleted tritanium, with umbilical passthroughs,conformal emitters, and sensors doped with hafniumcobarate for passive thermal control during atmosphereentry.Spacecraft propulsion is achieved through three distinctsystems: ejection initiator, main impulse engine, and reactioncontrol system. The ejection initiator is a single-pulse, bufferedmicrofusion device that propels the lifeboat through thelaunch channel. Power is tapped from the fusion reaction to<strong>star</strong>t the lifeboat's inertial damping field and spin up the gravitygenerator. Like its larger cousin aboard the Enterprise, theIDF protects the crew against acceleration forces. The mainimpulse engine, a low-power microfusion system for all pri-Environmental systemSurvival gear storageConsumables storage •Acceleration seatEntry/docking hatch (1 of 4) •External sensors •Main impulse engine16.4.1 Typical lifeboat pod

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