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11.8 DEFLECTOR SHIELDS11.8.2 Deflector grids (dorsal view)Outer Saucer Module gridInner Saucer Module gridEngineering Hull grid (P/S)directed energy weapon are known, it is possible to dramaticallyincrease deflector efficiency by adjusting the shieldingfrequencies to match those of the incoming weapon. Similartechniques are used to protect the vehicle against variousnatural hazards, as when shielding is increased in the 10 10meter band to protect against X rays generated by a supernova.Raising shields to defensive configuration also triggers anumber of special operating rules. First, active sensor scansare operated according to special protocols that are intendedto minimize the interference due to the shielding effects. Forcertain types of scans, sensors are continually recalibrated totake advantage of any EM "windows" left open by rotation ofshield frequencies. In other cases, the random variation ofshield frequencies is modified slightly to allow a specific EMwindow at specific intervals necessary for data collection.Such sensor operation techniques generally result in substantiallyreduced data collection rates, so sensor usage isstrictly prioritized during Alert situations. Further, most defensivescenarios require sensors to be operated in "silentrunning" mode during which the usage of active scan sensorsis not permitted and only passive sensors may be used.serves as the transmission medium for the transporter beamrequires such a wide EM and subspace bandwidth that it isnormally impossible to transport through shields. Additionally,the shields' spatial distortion effects can be severelydisruptive of the transporter beam's pattern integrity.Shield operation also has a significant impact on warpdrive operation. Because of the spatial distortion inherent inthe shielding generation process, there is a measurable effecton the geometry of the warp fields that propel the ship. Warpdrive control software therefore includes a number of routinesdesigned to compensate for the presence of deflector shields,which would otherwise cause (at maximum rated output) a32% degradation in force coupling energy transfer. Simultaneously,shield generator output must be upshifted by approximately147 kilohertz to compensate for translational fieldinteraction.Also affected by deflector shield usage is operation of thetransporter system. The annular confinement beam thatThe idea of frequency "windows" in the shields used for sensor scans was the basis of O'Brien's trick in "The Wounded" whenhe was able to beam onto the USS Phoenix, even though that ship's shields were raised at the time.

11.9 AUTO DESTRUCT SYSTEMS11.9 AUTO DESTRUCT SYSTEMSIt is an accepted fact of life aboard Starfleet vessels thatthe ultimate sacrifice may have to be made to insure thafneitherthe intact starshipnorthe technology contained thereinwill fall into the possession of Threat forces. The totaldestruction of the docked spacecraft or either of its twoseparated components can be executed by special commandauthorization procedures, and may be accomplished with tworelated systems.DESTRUCT SCENARIOSMost situations in which vehicle destruct would occurhave been extensively modeled using computer simulations.As this is a tactic of extreme last resort, all other availableoptions must first be exhausted. The bulk of the modeling hascentered around potential loss of the ship during combatoperations with known and computer-created Threat forces,although sophisticated hijacking schemes cannot be ruledout.In the worst-case examples, all propulsion and defensivesystems are irreversibly disabled or destroyed, and thereis no possibility of assistance by other Starfleet or alliedvessels. A high probability that the ship can be boarded ortractored then exists, and the activation of the auto-destructsequence within the computer is to be the final event. To alesser degree, certain scenarios judge a disabled starship tobe a catastrophic danger to a greater number of living beings;e.g., the population of a planet, requiring the abandonment ofthe ship and its subsequent destruction to prevent the disaster.COMMAND AUTHORIZATIONThe command to activate auto-destruct can be issuedonly by a limited number of crew members according tospecific flight rules. Conditional tests programmed into themain computers are distributed to key autonomous subprocessornodes throughout the ship to allow the autodestructsequence to be carried out, even if the main computersare disabled. These tests check for the proper sequenceactivation inputs by command personnel, beginning with thecaptain and first officer. The programmed conditions checkforthe succession of command personnel; if eitherthe captainor first officer is determined by the computer to be unavailable,the system will accept-inputs from officers only down to theposition of Operations Manager.In the case of authorization issued by the captain andexecutive officer, the captain activates the destruct sequenceprogram, and both officers provide verbal input, which permitsthe computer to recognize the identity and authority of bothofficers. The computer then requests verbal confirmation ofthe executive officer's concurrence with the destruct order.Following such confirmation, the computer will request the de-11.9.1 Location of auto-destruct ordnance packages

11.9 AUTO DESTRUCT SYSTEMS11.9 AUTO DESTRUCT SYSTEMSIt is an accepted fact of life aboard Starfleet vessels thatthe ultimate sacrifice may have to be made to insure thafneitherthe intact <strong>star</strong>shipnorthe technology contained thereinwill fall into the possession of Threat forces. The totaldestruction of the docked spacecraft or either of its twoseparated components can be executed by special commandauthorization procedures, and may be accomplished with tworelated systems.DESTRUCT SCENARIOSMost situations in which vehicle destruct would occurhave been extensively modeled using computer simulations.As this is a tactic of extreme last resort, all other availableoptions must first be exhausted. The bulk of the modeling hascentered around potential loss of the ship during combatoperations with known and computer-created Threat forces,although sophisticated hijacking schemes cannot be ruledout.In the worst-case examples, all propulsion and defensivesystems are irreversibly disabled or destroyed, and thereis no possibility of assistance by other Starfleet or alliedvessels. A high probability that the ship can be boarded ortractored then exists, and the activation of the auto-destructsequence within the computer is to be the final event. To alesser degree, certain scenarios judge a disabled <strong>star</strong>ship tobe a catastrophic danger to a greater number of living beings;e.g., the population of a planet, requiring the abandonment ofthe ship and its subsequent destruction to prevent the disaster.COMMAND AUTHORIZATIONThe command to activate auto-destruct can be issuedonly by a limited number of crew members according tospecific flight rules. Conditional tests programmed into themain computers are distributed to key autonomous subprocessornodes throughout the ship to allow the autodestructsequence to be carried out, even if the main computersare disabled. These tests check for the proper sequenceactivation inputs by command personnel, beginning with thecaptain and first officer. The programmed conditions checkforthe succession of command personnel; if eitherthe captainor first officer is determined by the computer to be unavailable,the system will accept-inputs from officers only down to theposition of Operations Manager.In the case of authorization issued by the captain andexecutive officer, the captain activates the destruct sequenceprogram, and both officers provide verbal input, which permitsthe computer to recognize the identity and authority of bothofficers. The computer then requests verbal confirmation ofthe executive officer's concurrence with the destruct order.Following such confirmation, the computer will request the de-11.9.1 Location of auto-destruct ordnance packages

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