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• Setting 11: Explosive/Disruption Effects; dischargeenergy 300,000 for 0.78 seconds, SEM:NDF ratio 1:11. Thedamage index is 670; ultradense alloy structural materialsabsorb/rebound energy, 0.20 sec delayed reaction beforematerial vaporizes. Light geologic displacement;

11.8 DEFLECTOR SHIELDSThe tactical deflector system is the primary defensivesystem of the Galaxy class starship. It is a series of powerfuldeflector shields that protect both the spacecraft and its crewfrom both natural and artificial hazards.Like most forcefield devices, the deflector system createsa localized zone of highly focused spatial distortion withinwhich an energetic graviton field is maintained. The deflectorfield itself is emitted and shaped by a series of conformaltransmission grids on the spacecraft exterior, resulting in afield that closely follows the form of the vehicle itself. This fieldis highly resistive to impact due to mechanical incursionsranging from relativistic subatomic particles to more massiveobjects at lesser relative velocities. When such an intrusionoccurs, field energy is concentrated at the point of impact,creating an intense, localized spatial distortion.To an observer aboard the starship, it appears that theintruding object has "bounced off" the shield. A zero-dimensionalobserver on the intruding object would, however, perceivethat his/her trajectory is unaffected, but that the locationof the starship has suddenly changed. This is somewhatanalogous to the spatial distortion created by a natural gravitywell, and is typically accompanied by a momentary dischargeof Cerenkov radiation, often perceived as a brief blue flash.The deflector is also effective against a wide range of electromagnetic,nuclear, and other radiated and field energies.FIELD GENERATORSThe deflector system utilizes one or more graviton polaritysource generators whose output is phase-synchronizedthrough a series of subspace field distortion amplifiers. Fluxenergy for the Primary Hull is generated by five field generatorslocated on Deck 10. Three additional generators arelocated on Deck 31 in the Secondary Hull. Two additional fieldgenerators are located in each of the warp nacelles, althoughthe output of the Saucer Module grid can be boosted to includethe nacelles if necessary. Each generator consists of a clusterof twelve 32 MW graviton polarity sources feeding a pair of625 millicochrane subspace field distortion amplifiers. CruiseMode operating rules require one generator in each majorsection to be operational at all times, with at least oneadditional unit available for activation should an Alert conditionbe invoked. During Alert situations, all operational deflectorgenerators are normally brought to full standby.Nominal system output (Cruise Mode) of the deflectorsystem is 1152 MW graviton load. Peak momentary load ofa single generator can approach 473,000 MW for periodsapproaching 170 milliseconds. During Alert status, up toseven generators can be operated in parallel phase-lock,providing a continuous output of 2688 MW, with a maximumprimary energy dissipation rate in excess of 7.3 x 10 5 kW.Heat dissipation on each generator is provided by a pairof liquid helium coolant loops with a continuous-duty rating of750,000 MJ. Four backup generators are located in each hull,providing up to twenty-four hours of service at 65% of nominalrated power. Normal duty cycle on primary generators istwelve hours on-line, with nominal twelve hours degauss andscheduled maintenance time. Graviton polarity sources arerated for 1,250 operating hours between routine servicing ofsuperconductive elements.SHIELD OPERATING FREQUENCIESProviding shielding against the entire spectrum of electromagneticradiation would prove far too energy-costly fornormal Cruise Mode use. Additionally, a full-spectrum shieldingsystem would prevent onboard sensors from gatheringmany types of scientific and tactical data. Instead, CruiseMode operating rules allow for deflectors to operate at therelatively low level (approximately 5% of rated output) and atthe specific frequency bands necessary to protect thespacecraft's habitable volume to SFRA-standard 347.3(a)levels for EM and nuclear radiation.During Alert situations, shields are raised to defensiveconfiguration by increasing generator power to at least 85%of rated output. Shield modulation frequencies and bandwidthsare randomly varied to prevent a Threat force fromadjusting the frequency of a directed energy weapon (such asa phaser) to penetrate shields by matching frequency andphase. Conversely, when the frequency characteristics of aSaucer Module dorsal gridSaucer Module ventral grid11.8.1 Deflector grids (starboard elevation)Interhull grid (P/S)Engineering Hull dorsal gridEngineering Hull ventral grid

• Setting 11: Explosive/Disruption Effects; dischargeenergy 300,000 for 0.78 seconds, SEM:NDF ratio 1:11. Thedamage index is 670; ultradense alloy structural materialsabsorb/rebound energy, 0.20 sec delayed reaction beforematerial vaporizes. Light geologic displacement;

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