
franchise-star-trek-tng-technical-manual1 franchise-star-trek-tng-technical-manual1


iDHiiiiniriiriiiiinin9.2.1 Personnel transporter (typical)Primary energizing coilsTransport chamberPhase transition coilsMolecular imaging scannerPattern bufferBiofilter9.2 TRANSPORTER SYSTEMS OPERATIONTransporter operations can be broken into five majorstages. Because of the criticality of this system, normaloperating rules require a transporter chief to supervise andmonitor system operation. (Note: This section describes abeam-down sequence from the transport chamber to a remotedestination. The beam-up sequence from a remote siteto the transport chamber involves the same system elementsin a somewhat different configuration.)• Target scan and coordinate lock. During this initialstep, the destination coordinates are programmed into thetransporter system. Targeting scanners verify range andrelative motion, as well as confirming suitable environmentalconditions for personnel transport. Also during this stage, abattery of automated diagnostic procedures assures that thetransporter system is functioning within operational standardsfor personnel use.• Energize and dematerialize. The molecular imagingscanners derive a realtime quantum-resolution pattern imageof the transport subject while the primary energizing coils andthe phase transition coils convert the subject into a subatomicallydebonded matter stream.• Pattern buffer Doppler compensation. The matterstream is briefly held in the pattern buffer, which allows thesystem to compensate for the Doppler shift between the shipand the transport destination. The pattern buffer also acts asa safety device in case of system malfunction, permittingtransport to be aborted to another chamber.• Matter stream transmission. The actual point ofdeparture from the ship is one of seventeen emitter pad arraysthat transmit the matter stream within an annular confinementbeam to the transport destination.SYSTEM COMPONENTSMajor components for the transporter system include:• Transport chamber. This is the protected volumewithin which the actual materialize/dematerialize cycle occurs.The chamber platform is elevated above the floor toreduce the possibility of dangerous static discharge, whichsometimes occurs during the transport process.• Operator's console. This control station permits theTransporter Chief to monitor and control all transporter functions.It also permits manual override of autosequencerfunctions and other emergency abort options.• Transporter controller. This dedicated computer subprocessoris located to one side of the chamber itself. Itmanages the operation of transporter systems, includingautosequence control.

• Primary energizing coils. Located at the top of thetransport chamber, these coils create the powerful AnnularConfinement Beam (ACB), which creates a spatial matrixwithin which the materialize/dematerialize process occurs. Asecondary field holds the transport subject within the ACB;this is a safety feature, as disruption of the ACB field during theearly stages of dematerialization can result in- a massiveenergy discharge.• Phase transition coils. Located in the transportchamber platform. These wideband quark manipulation fielddevices accomplish the actual dematerialization/materializationprocess by partially decoupling the binding energy betweensubatomic particles. All personnel transporters aredesigned to operate at quantum resolution (necessary forsuccessful transport of lifeforms). Cargo transporters aregenerally optimized at the more energy-efficient molecularresolution, but can also be set at quantum resolution ifnecessary.• Molecular imaging scanners. Each upper padincorporates four redundant sets of 0.0012|i molecular imagingscanners at 90° intervals around the primary pad axis.Error-checking routines permit any one scanner to be ignoredif it disagrees with the other three. Failure of two or morescanners necessitates an automatic abort in the transportprocess. Each scanner is offset 3.5 arc seconds from the ACBaxis, permitting realtime derivation of analog quantum statedata using a series of dedicated Heisenberg compensators.Quantum state data are not used when transporters areoperating in cargo (molecular resolution) mode.• Pattern buffer. This superconducting tokamak devicedelays transmission of the matter stream so that Dopplercompensators can correct for relative motion between theemitter array and the target. A single pattern buffer is sharedbetween each pair of transporter chambers. Operating rulesrequire at least one additional pattern buffer to be available inthe system for possible emergency shunting. In emergencysituations, the pattern buffer is capable of holding the entirematter stream in suspension for periods approaching 420seconds before degradation in pattern image occurs.• Biofilter. Normally used only in transport to the ship,this image processing device scans the incoming matterstream and looks for patterns corresponding to known dangerousbacteriological and viral forms. Upon detection ofsuch patterns, the biofilter excises these particles from theincoming matter stream.• Emitter pad array. Mounted on the exterior of thespacecraft, these assemblies transmit the components of thetransporter ACB and matter stream to or from the destinationcoordinates. The emitter pad includes a phase transitionmatrix and primary energizing coils. Also incorporated intothese arrays are three redundant clusters of long-rangeMatter stream9.2.2 Pattern buffer tank

iDHiiiiniriiriiiiinin9.2.1 Personnel transporter (typical)Primary energizing coilsTransport chamberPhase transition coilsMolecular imaging scannerPattern bufferBiofilter9.2 TRANSPORTER SYSTEMS OPERATIONTransporter operations can be broken into five majorstages. Because of the criticality of this system, normaloperating rules require a transporter chief to supervise andmonitor system operation. (Note: This section describes abeam-down sequence from the transport chamber to a remotedestination. The beam-up sequence from a remote siteto the transport chamber involves the same system elementsin a somewhat different configuration.)• Target scan and coordinate lock. During this initialstep, the destination coordinates are programmed into thetransporter system. Targeting scanners verify range andrelative motion, as well as confirming suitable environmentalconditions for personnel transport. Also during this stage, abattery of automated diagnostic procedures assures that thetransporter system is functioning within operational standardsfor personnel use.• Energize and dematerialize. The molecular imagingscanners derive a realtime quantum-resolution pattern imageof the transport subject while the primary energizing coils andthe phase transition coils convert the subject into a subatomicallydebonded matter stream.• Pattern buffer Doppler compensation. The matterstream is briefly held in the pattern buffer, which allows thesystem to compensate for the Doppler shift between the shipand the transport destination. The pattern buffer also acts asa safety device in case of system malfunction, permittingtransport to be aborted to another chamber.• Matter stream transmission. The actual point ofdeparture from the ship is one of seventeen emitter pad arraysthat transmit the matter stream within an annular confinementbeam to the transport destination.SYSTEM COMPONENTSMajor components for the transporter system include:• Transport chamber. This is the protected volumewithin which the actual materialize/dematerialize cycle occurs.The chamber platform is elevated above the floor toreduce the possibility of dangerous static discharge, whichsometimes occurs during the transport process.• Operator's console. This control station permits theTransporter Chief to monitor and control all transporter functions.It also permits manual override of autosequencerfunctions and other emergency abort options.• Transporter controller. This dedicated computer subprocessoris located to one side of the chamber itself. Itmanages the operation of transporter systems, includingautosequence control.

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