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sionally to monitor their operation. Other hardware requireshigh levels of crew service and control.In a sense, the crew act as caretaker cells watching overthe health of the total vessel to achieve a homeostatic balance.During crisis situations, the total system responds aswould an organism, working to produce higher levels ofenergy and to deal with adverse conditions at a faster pace.The living areas of the <strong>star</strong>ship have been designed formaximum comfort and safety while the crew is conducting amission. Long-term studies of humanoid cultures haveconfirmed that as each race embarked upon permanent occupationof space, large personal living spaces had to beestablished, especially on early sublight expeditions. TheEnterprise allows for some 110 square meters of living spaceper person, in addition to community space and the areas allocatedtopurely working functions. While some engineers onthe Galaxy Class Project questioned the relatively large sizeof the vessel, opting forasmaller, more efficient design, it wasconceded that the large size provided a greater number ofmission options, given the changing social, political, andeconomic conditions in the Milky Way.Conference loungeMain ShuttlebayShuttlebay 2Main BridgeUpper sensor platformShuttlebay 3Saucer impulse engineWarp nacelle pylonExterior cargo doo'rsAft photon torpedo launcherStarboard warp engine nacelleAft lateral sensor arrayMain impulse engine1.3.3 USS Enterprise aft elevation

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