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CONTENTSINTRODUCTION BYGENE RODDENBERRYAuthors' Introduction4.0 Computer Systems 494.1 Computer System 494.2 Personal Access Display Device (PADD) 524.3 Isolinear Optical Chips 531.0 USS Enterprise Introduction 11.1 Mission Objectives for Galaxy Class Project 11.2 Design Lineage 31.3 General Overview 51.4 Construction Chronology 142.0 Spacecraft Structure 182.1 Main Skeletal Structure 182.2 USS Enterprise Coordinate System 202.3 Hull Layers 222.4 Structural Integrity Field System 232.5 Inertial Damping System 242.6 Emergency SIF/IDF Procedures 252.7 Saucer Module Separation Systems 263.0 Command Systems 303.1 Main Bridge 303.2 Bridge Operations 333.3 Basic Control PanelATerminal Use 333.4 Flight Control (Conn) 353.5 Operations Management (Ops) 373.6 Tactical 393.7 Command Stations 403.8 Science Stations 403.9 Mission Ops 413.10 Environment 423.11 Engineering 433.12 Guidance and Navigation 433.13 System Diagnostics 463.14 Battle Bridge 473.15 Main Engineering 475. Engineering Operations and Safety5.9 Emergency Shutdown Procedures5.10 Catastrophic Emergency Procedures6. Propulsion SystemsWarp Field Theory and ApplicationMatter/Antimatter Reaction AssemblyWarp Field NacellesAntimatter Storage and TransferWarp Propulsion System Fuel SupplyBussard Ramscoop Fuel ReplenishmentOnboard Antimatter GenerationImpulse Propulsion SystemsImpulse DriveRelativistic ConsiderationsEngineering Operations and SafetyEmergency Shutdown ProceduresCatastrophic Emergency ProceduresUtilities and Auxiliary SystemsUtilitiesExterior Connect HardpointsReaction Control SystemNavigational DeflectorTractor BeamsReplicator SystemsCommunicationsIntraship CommunicationsPersonal CommunicatorShip-to-Ground Communications54545763676970717273737575787980808181848587899092929496

ivCONTENTS8.4 Ship-to-Ship Communications8.5 Subspace Communications Network8.6 Universal Translator9.0 Transporter Systems9.1 Transporter Systems Introduction9.2 Transporter Systems Operation9.3 Other Transporter Functions9.4 Limitations of Use9.5 Transporter Evacuation10.0 Science and Remote SensingSystems10.1 Sensor Systems10.2 Long-Range Sensors10.3 Navigational Sensors10.4 Lateral Sensor Arrays10.5 Instrumented Probes10.6 Tricorder10.7 Science Department Ops11.0 Tactical Systems11.1 Phasers11.2 Phaser Operations11.3 Photon Torpedoes11.4 Photon Torpedo Operations11.5 Battle Bridge11.6 Tactical Policies11.7 Personal Phasers11.8 Deflector Shields11.9 Auto-Destruct Systems979910110210210310810910911011011111311411511912212312312612813013113313413814012.0 Environmental Systems 14212.1 Life Support and Environmental Control 14212.2 Atmospheric System 14212.3 Gravity Generation 14412.4 Emergency Environmental Systems 14512.5 Waste Management 14614.2 Shuttlebays14.3 Shuttlecraft14.4 Extravehicular Activity14.5 Captain's Yacht15.0 USS Enterprise Flight Operations15.1 Introduction to Flight Operations15.2 Mission Types15.3 Operating Modes15.4 Cruise Mode15.5 Yellow Alert15.6 Red Alert15.7 External Support Mode15.8 Separated Flight Mode15.9 Reduced Power Mode16.0 Emergency Operations16.1 Introduction to Emergency Operations16.2 Fire Suppression16.3 Emergency Medical Operations16.4 Lifeboats16.5 Rescue and Evac Operations17.0 Conclusion17.1 Projected Upgrades17.2 Future Directions: The Road to 1701-E17.3 Mission BackgroundAfterword by Rick Berman158160163164165165165166166167168169169170171171171172174176177177177179180Index, Key to Acronyms, and Unitsof Measure 18213. Support SystemsCrew SupportMedical SystemsMedical TricorderCrew Quarters SystemsFood Replication SystemTurbolift Personnel Transport SystemHolographic Environment Simulators14714714815115215315415614.014.1Auxiliary Spacecraft SystemsShuttlecraft Operations158158

1.1 MISSION OBJECTIVES FOR GALAXY CLASSPROJECT1.1.1 Galaxy Class Starship Development Project logoStarfleet has long been charged with a broad spectrum ofresponsibilities to the citizens of the Federation and to thelifeforms of the galaxy at large. As the volume of exploredspace continues to grow, and with it the Federation itself, sodo Starfleet's duties.These duties range from relatively mundane domesticand civil missions, to cultural contact and diplomacy, todefense, to our primary mission of exploration and research.Many of these responsibilities are best carried out with relativelysmall, specialized ships. Yet there continues to be anongoing need for a small number of larger, multimissionvehicles that are capable of implementing the complete rangeof Starfleet's objectives. This need has in fact grown as thevolume of relatively unexplored space within Federation influencecontinues to expand.The Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>ship represents Starfleet's mostsophisticated achievement in multimission ship systemsdesign.Pursuant to Starfleet Exploration Directive 902.3, thefollowing objectives have been established for the GalaxyClass Starship Development Project:• Provide a mobile platform for a wide range of ongoingscientific and cultural research projects.• Replace aging Ambassador and Oberth class <strong>star</strong>shipsas primary instruments of Starfleet's exploration programs.• Provide autonomous capability for full execution of Federationpolicy options in outlying areas.• Incorporate recent advancements in warp powerplanttechnology and improved science instrumentation.To provide for these objectives, the Starfleet SpacecraftDesign Advisory Commission recommended to the AdvancedStarship Design Bureau that the Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>ship meetor exceed the design goals in the following specificationcategories:PROPULSION• Sustainable cruise velocity of Warp Factor 9.2. Abilityto maintain speeds of up to Warp 9.6 for periods of up to twelvehours.• Fifth-phase dilithium controlled matter/antimatter reactorprimary power. Sustainable field output to exceed 1,650cochranes, peak transitional surge reserve to exceed 4,225%of nominal output (170 ns phase).• Warp driver coils efficiency to meet or exceed 88% atspeeds up to Warp 7.0. Minimum efficiency of 52% to bemaintained through Warp 9.1. Life cycle of all primary coilelements to meet or exceed 1,200,000 cochrane-hours betweenneutron purge refurbishment. Secondary coil elementsAuthors' note: We will occasionally step out of the Star Trek scenario for a moment to relate a bit of trivia or backgroundinformation. Footnotes such as this will be separate from the main body of the Technical Manual. A key to many of theacronyms, abbreviations, and units of measure used in this book can be found in the Index, beginning on page 182.

1.1.2 Galaxy class Starship USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-Dto meet or exceed 2,000,000 cochrane-hours between neutronpurge refurbishment.• Warp field geometry to incorporate modified 55° Z-axiscompression characteristics on forward warp lobe for increasedpeak transitional efficiency. Warp nacelle centerlinesto conform to 2.56:1 ratio of separation to maximum fieldstrength.• Secondary (impulse) propulsion system to providesublight velocities up to and including 0.92 lightspeed (c).Engine systems of choice to include but are not limited to atleast two YPS 8063 fusion drive motors. All units to beequipped with subspace driver accelerators, field output notless than 180 millicochranes at 1.02 x 10 7 K. Reactor modulesto be field-replaceable. Independent impulse propulsion systemof choice for primary hull to include but not be limited toYPS 8055 fusion drive motors.MISSION• Ability to operate independent of <strong>star</strong>base refurbishmentfor extended periods. Independent exploration modecapability of seven Standard years at nominal Warp 6 velocityfor docked configuration. Ability to execute deep-spaceexploration missions including charting and mapping, firstcultural contact scenarios, and full biologic and ecologicstudies.• Space allocation for mission-specific facilities: Habitablearea to include 800,000 m 2 for mission-adaptable facilitiesincluding living quarters for mission-specific attachedpersonnel.• Ability to support a wide range of mission-relatedongoing research and other projects (including sufficienthabitable volume and power generation for facilities andoperations) without impact on primary mission operations.• Full spectrum EM, optical, subspace flux, gravimetric,particle, and quark population analysis sensor capability.Multimode neutrino interferometry instrumentation. Widebandlife sciences analysis capability pursuant to Starfleet lifecontact policy directive. Two-meter diameter gamma raytelescope. Upgradable experiment and sensor array design.Ability to support both on-board and probe-mounted scienceinstrumentation.• Support facilities for auxiliary spacecraft and instrumentedprobes needed for short-range operations to includeat least two independent launch, resupply, and repair bays.Gene Roddenberry tells us that there are presently five Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>ships in existence, presumably including the USSGalaxy, afterwhich the class is named. A sixth, the USSYamato, was destroyed in the episode "Contagion." Other ship namesare being left to writers of future episodes.

1.2 DESIGN LINEAGEENVIRONMENT/CREW• Environmental systems to conform to Starfleet RegulatoryAgency (SFRA)-standard 102.19 for Class M compatibleoxygen-breathing personnel. All life-critical systems to betriply redundant. Life support modules to be replaceable atmajor <strong>star</strong>base layover to permit vehiclewide adaptation toClass H, K, or L environmental conditions.• Ability to support up to 5,000 non-crew personnel formission-related operations.• Facilities to support Class M environmental range in allindividual living quarters, provisions for 10% of quarters tosupport Class H, K, and L environmental conditions. Additional2% of living quarters volume to be equipped for ClassN and N(2) environmental adaptation.•All habitable volumes to be protected to SFRA-standard347.3(a) levels for EM and nuclear radiation. Subspace fluxdifferential to be maintained within 0.02 millicochranes.1.2 DESIGN LINEAGEThe Galaxy class Enterprise maintains Starfleet's traditionof honoring the original <strong>star</strong>ship Enterprise. Like herpredecessors, this ship bears the original Starfleet registrynumber of that illustrious first Enterprise, NCC-1701. In thiscase, the suffix "-D" indicates this is the fourth successor to thename and number. Few other ships in the Starfleet have beenso recognized. So significant were the exploits of this originalship and its crew, that in 2277 the practice of having aseparate insigniafor each <strong>star</strong>ship was abolished, and the Enterpriseemblem was adopted as the official symbol for theentire Starfleet.1.2.1 The original Enterprise emblem (ca. 2245) and thecurrent version of the Starfleet emblemTACTICAL• Defensive shielding systems to exceed 7.3 x 10 5 kWprimary energy dissipation rate. All tactical shielding to havefull redundancy, with auxiliary system able to provide 65% ofprimary rating.• Tactical systems to include full array of Type X phaserbank elements on both primary and <strong>star</strong>drive (battle) sectionscapable of 5.1 MW maximum single emitter output. Twophoton torpedo launchers required for battle section, oneauxiliary launcher in primary hull.• Ability to separate into two autonomous spacecraftcomprising a battle section, capable of warp flight and optimizedfor combat, and a primary section capable of impulseflight and defensive operations.• Full independent sublight operational capability forcommand section in Separated Flight Mode.DESIGN LIFE• Spaceframe design life of approximately one hundredyears, assuming approximately five major shipwide systemswapouts and upgrades at average intervals of twenty years.Such upgrades help insure the continuing usefulness of theship even though significant advances in technology areanticipated during that time. Minor refurbishment and upgradeto occur at approximately one- to five-year intervals,depending on specific mission requirements and hardwareavailability.The first <strong>star</strong>ship Enterprise was a Constitution classvehicle commissioned in 2245 at Starfleet's San FranciscoYards, orbiting Earth. This ship, first commanded by CaptainRobert April, then by Captain Christopher Pike and CaptainJames Kirk, became a historic figure in Starfleet's earlyexploration of deep space.This ship was refitted several times, remaining in activeservice until 2284 when it was assigned to training duty atStarfleet Academy. It was destroyed in 2285 while defendingthe Mutara sector against a Klingon incursion.The second Enterprise, NCC-1701 -A, also a Constitutionclass ship, was commissioned in 2286. Originally namedYorktown, this ship was redesignated Enterprise and assignedto the command of Captain Kirk following an incidentin which Kirk and his crew were responsible for saving theplanet Earth from the effects of an alien spacecraft. This shiplater played a vital role in the success of the Khitomerconference, which had such a profound impact on the politicalclimate of this part of the galaxy.1.2.2 USS Enterprise, NCC-1701

The third Enterprise, NCC-1701-B, was an Excelsiorclass ship built at Starfleet's Antares Ship Yards. Although thedecision to model this ship on the failed original experimentalExcelsior was at the time controversial, the economics ofusing the existing (and otherwise successful) engineering ofthe basic spaceframe were compelling. The wisdom of thisdecision has been borne out by the large number of Excelsiorclass <strong>star</strong>ships that still serve Starfleet in a variety of capacities.(Indeed, the Excelsior herself ultimately proved to be adistinguished part of the Starfleet.) The third Enterprise wasa key figure in the exploration of space beyond the GouramiSector. This ship and her crew were responsible for mappingover 142 <strong>star</strong> systems, including first contact with seventeencivilizations.The fourth Enterprise, NCC-1701 -C, was an Ambassadorclass ship built at the Earth Station McKinley facility. Commandedby Captain Rachel Garrett, this ship was lost in 2344near the Narendra system while attempting to defend aKlingon outpost from Romulan attackers. The heroism ofCaptain Garrett's crew was a crucial step leading to thecurrent alliance between the Federation and our formerenemies, the Klingon Empire.The fifth Enterprise, NCC-1701-D, is a Galaxy class<strong>star</strong>ship built at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards above Mars. Itwas commissioned in 2363, and is currently under the commandof Captain Jean-Luc Picard. This latest <strong>star</strong>ship to bearthe name Enterprise is Starfleet's flagship and has alreadydistinguished itself in an impressive number of significantmissions of exploration, as well as in several crucial incidentsdefending the security of the Federation.1.2.3 USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-A1.2.4 USS Enterprise, NCC-1701 -B1.2.5 USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-C1.2.6 USS Enterprise, NCC-1701-DWe assume that other Federation <strong>star</strong>ships have had histories as illustrious as that of the Enterprise, even though Kirk's shipseems to have become the most famous. It's a big galaxy, and there are presumably a lot of adventures out there, enoughfor many, many <strong>star</strong>ships.

1.3 GENERAL OVERVIEW1.3 GENERAL OVERVIEWAny discussion of the Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>ship that attemptedto detail all of the possible attributes and applicationsof the vessel would fill many volumes of this size. As with livingorganisms, a mobile environment as large as the USS Enterpriseis undergoing constant evolution. Were one to make aclose examination of the <strong>star</strong>ship at ten-year intervals overthenext one hundred years, one would see a slightly differentvessel each time.At present, the <strong>star</strong>ship is still in the early operationalphase of its lifetime, a few years out of the Utopia Planitia FleetYards, its components and crew settling in, slowly becominga totally integrated working unit.The USS Enterprise is categorized as an Explorer, thelargest <strong>star</strong>ship in a classification system that includes cruiser,cargo carrier, tanker, surveyor, and scout. While most <strong>star</strong>shipsmay be adapted for a variety of mission types, the vessel typedesignations describe their primary purpose. Smaller vehicleswith impulse or limited warp capability, such as shuttles,are referred to as craft, to distinguish them from the larger<strong>star</strong>ships.Seen from a comfortable distance of two or three kilometers,the <strong>star</strong>ship takes on the graceful lines of a nonrepresentationalorganic sculpture. Nature has determined the flow ofthe design, adhering closely to mathematical formulae at workin the universe surrounding the builders. Even in the desireto expand beyond the apparent limits of the natural world,familiar forces create familiar shapes. As the rapid aquaticand avian creatures of dozens of habitable worlds independentlydeveloped the unmistakable attributes of streamlining,so too did their interstellar cousin.The combination of forces produced within the warpengine core and the flow of space and subspace around thevessel created the particular engineering solution to theproblem of faster-than-light travel. The initial Starfleet requirementthat a single spacecraft be able to perform as threedistinct vehicles presented some rather complex — thoughsome engineers not normally afraid of numbers preferred theword "daunting" — computational challenges.The docked configuration presented the most efficientuse of warp flight forces, but the Battle Section was alsorequired to perform to specifications at warp velocities on itsown, and the Saucer Module would have to have the capabilityof high sublight speed and possibly survive a separation athigh warp. Scientists and engineers throughout the Federation,with all the deportment of composers and conductors,arranged sweeping curves, described vast volumes, andsummoned up fantastic energies to bring their creation intoexistence.1.3.1 Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>ship Enterprise

1.3.2 USS Enterprise front elevation< RCS thruster quad (typ.)Main BridgeDorsal phaser arrayVentral phaser arrayMain deflectorPhoton torpedo launcherLifeboat hatch (typ.)Lateral sensor arraySaucer deflector arrayPHYSICAL ARRANGEMENTThe hulls, remarkably birdlike in their strong, hollowconstruction, are reinforced against flight stresses by activeenergy fields that tighten and flex where required to compensatefor natural and artificial internal and external forces.Structures integrated into the hulls allow for a variety of necessaryfunctions.The Bridge consolidates command positions for the restof the <strong>star</strong>ship, windows give crewmembers needed vistaswhile in space, phaser arrays and photon torpedo launchersprovide defense against hostile forces, and subspace radioarrays communicate with other worlds and other ships.Lifeboats allow for escape in dire emergencies, transporteremitters afford reliable movement of crew and gearnearly instantaneously, navigational sensors and deflectorsgive the <strong>star</strong>ship distant vision and a method for clearingobstacles, and powerful warp engines propel the ship atspeeds only dreamt of when most spacefaring races begintheir climb to the <strong>star</strong>s.The forty-two decks are internally divided around majorload-bearing structures. A great many systems, especiallythe pressurized habitation sections, are suspended within theopen spaces, essentially "floating" on flexible ligaments tominimize mechanical, thermal, and conductive radiationshocks. As the Enterprise left the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards,approximately 35% of the internal volume was not yet filledwith room modules and remained as empty spaceframe forfuture expansion and mission-specific applications.The interior spaces validate the concept of the interstellarorganism, with the level of complexity rising dramaticallyonce inside the hull. The <strong>star</strong>ship possesses structures akinto a central nervous system and circulatory apparatus, foodstorage areas, a heart, locomotor mechanisms, waste removalpaths, and numerous other systems. Many of these areself-maintaining, with crew intervention required only occa-The <strong>star</strong>ship Enterprise was originally designed back in 1964 by Matt Jefferies, art director on the first Star Trek televisionseries. The current incarnation of the ship was designed by Andrew Probert. The actual working blueprints of the shipminiature were drafted by set designer Greg Papaiia, and a six-foot model was built at Lucasfiim's Industrial Light and Magicunder the supervision of Ease Owyeung. A slightly smaller (but more detailed) four-foot model was built under the supervisionof Greg Jein during our third season. These models are constructed from cast resin and Fiberglas on a precision-machinedaluminum framework. Interior lighting is created by a maze of neon and incandescent lights, controlled by an external powersupply console. (Greg Jein is also responsible for the Nebula class <strong>star</strong>ship introduced during our fourth season, as well asthe USS Stargazer from "The Battle"and the Enterprise-C from "Yesterday's Enterprise.")

sionally to monitor their operation. Other hardware requireshigh levels of crew service and control.In a sense, the crew act as caretaker cells watching overthe health of the total vessel to achieve a homeostatic balance.During crisis situations, the total system responds aswould an organism, working to produce higher levels ofenergy and to deal with adverse conditions at a faster pace.The living areas of the <strong>star</strong>ship have been designed formaximum comfort and safety while the crew is conducting amission. Long-term studies of humanoid cultures haveconfirmed that as each race embarked upon permanent occupationof space, large personal living spaces had to beestablished, especially on early sublight expeditions. TheEnterprise allows for some 110 square meters of living spaceper person, in addition to community space and the areas allocatedtopurely working functions. While some engineers onthe Galaxy Class Project questioned the relatively large sizeof the vessel, opting forasmaller, more efficient design, it wasconceded that the large size provided a greater number ofmission options, given the changing social, political, andeconomic conditions in the Milky Way.Conference loungeMain ShuttlebayShuttlebay 2Main BridgeUpper sensor platformShuttlebay 3Saucer impulse engineWarp nacelle pylonExterior cargo doo'rsAft photon torpedo launcherStarboard warp engine nacelleAft lateral sensor arrayMain impulse engine1.3.3 USS Enterprise aft elevation

1.3.4 USS Enterprise dorsal plan viewSaucer impulse engine (P/S)Bussard collector (P/S)Engineering Hull (Battle Section)Warp engine nacellePrimary Hull(Saucer Module)— • Dorsal phaser arrayUmbilical connect hardpointsMain impulse engineShuttlebay 2/3Main ShuttlebayLifeboat hatch (typ.)Upper sensor platformMain BridgeObservation lounge

Transporter emitter (typ.)Saucer Module impulse engineCargo loading doorStarboard warp engine nacelleExtendable docking portRCS thruster quadLifeboat hatch (typ.)Tractor beam emitterMain deflector dishVehicle separation planeCaptain's yachtVentral phaser arraySaucer deflector arrayLower sensor platformCargo loading door1.3.5 USS Enterprise ventral plan viewFormation light (typ.)

1.3.6 USS Enterprise <strong>star</strong>board elevation, exteriorTen-Forward lounge •Saucer Module impulse engineConnecting interhullMain ShuttlebayDorsal phaser arrayObservation loungeMain BridgeUpper sensor platformBussard collectorWarp engine field grillWarp engine nacelleSaucer deflector arrayVentral phaser arrayCaptain's yachtMain tractor beamBattle Section ventral phaserDeck 25 docking portVehicle separation planePhoton torpedo launcherRCS thruster quad

Observation lounge •Main Shuttlebay •Docking latches •Battle bridge •Saucer impulse engines •Shuttlebays 2/3 •Main BridgeLiving accommodationsBussard ramscoopWarp field coilsForward torpedo launcherEnvironmental supportNavigational deflector &long-range sensor arrayAft torpedo launcher •Tractor beam emitter •Antimatter generator •Warp reactor core •Antimatter fill port •Antimatter storage pods •• Captain's yacht• Separation plant1.3.7 USS Enterprise <strong>star</strong>board elevation, section at centerline

1.3 GENERAL OVERVIEWStar Trek: The Next Generation uses an enormous number of special visual effects, far more than even most movies. Atypical episode wiiihave fifty effects shots, while some episodes have had more than two hundred! Even more amazing is thateffects fora typical episode are produced in just a few weeks on a budget that is a fraction of a movie's. Star Trek visual effectssupervisors Rob Legato and Dan Curry are in overall charge of these weekly visual, budgetary, and scheduling miracles, underthe aegis of producer Peter Lauritson. These guys are constantly juggling an incredible number of projects at the same time,ably assisted by visual effects coordinators Gary Hutzel and Ronald B. Moore. To date, over five hundred spaceship shotshave been created for the series, which may make the Enterprise the most photographed spaceship in the history of televisionand motion pictures.Model photography for our first episode (which became stock footage) was done up at LucasfUrn's Industrial Light andMagic. New model shots for episodes are done at Image "G" in Los Angeles by motion control programmer Eric Nash andstage technician Dennis Hoerter under the direction of Legato and Curry.The complex job of compositing the model elements into a seamless illusion of a <strong>star</strong>ship in flight is accomplished at ThePost Group by visual effects editors Peter Moyerand Pat Clancey. (Fred Raimondi, Stan Kellam, and Don Greenberg servedin these positions during our first three seasons.) They also do our transporter effects with the help of assistant editor RayClarke. Phasers, photon torpedoes, and similar effects are created by animator Steve Price on the Quantel "Harry" electronicpaintbox system. Another key element of our visual effects is the work of Don Lee, Price Pehthal, and Kevin Cox at CompositeImage Systems, responsible for the sophisticated bluescreen effects and the precision transfer of film images to videotape.The use of this computerized video technology is the key to producing such an enormous amount of work on such a tightschedule. In contrast, the traditional methods of film optical effects can cost many times more. More important, it would beimpossible to complete the work in the extremely limited time available for post production.Matte paintings such as the city scape on the Klingon home planet from the episode "Sins of the Father" are produced bySyd Dutton and Bill Taylor of Illusion Arts. These paintings are often supplemented with such touches as moving clouds ortiny people seen in windows. (Bill Taylor also wrote the song "Benson, Arizona" from the cult s-ffilm Dark Star.; Special filmanimation effects such as the "energy entity" in "The Child" have been provided by Dan Kohne. Maury Rosenfeld (currentlyof Planet Blue) has contributed Mirage video animation programming.Other important players on the Star Trek visual effects team include associate producer Wendy Neuss and post productiondepartment staffers Wendy Rosenfeld and David Takemura. Visual effects are an important part of Star Trek, and weare fortunate to have such a strong team creating magic on a weekly basis.U.S.S. ENTERPRISEGALAXY CLASS • STARFLEET REGISTRY NCC-1701-DUTOPIA PLANITIA FLEET YARDS, MARSFIFTH STARSHIP TO BEAR THE NAME • LAUNCHED STARDATE 40759.5UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETSSTARFLEET COMMANDAdm. Gene RoddenberryAdm. Rick BermanAdm. Michael FillerAdm. David LivingstonAdm. Robert H. JustmanAdm. Peter LauritsonAdm. Susan SackettENGINEERING GROUPCapt. Andrew ProbertCapt. Herman ZimmermanCapt. Richard JamesCapt. John M. DwyerCapt. Jim MeesCapt. Cari L. ThomasCapt. Richard McKenzieWARP TECHNOLOGIESDEVELOPMENT GROUPCapt. Robert LegatoCapt. Daniel CurryCapt. Gary HutzelCapt. Ronald B. MooreCapt. Wendy NeussCapt. Richard Arnold...to boldly go where no one has gone before."ADVANCEDTECHNOLOGIES UNITDr. Rick SternbachDr. Michael OkudaYARD ENGINEERSCapt. Gregory JeinCapt. Dana White1.3.9 USS Enterprise commissioning plaque located on the Main Bridge

1.3.10 USS Enterprise forward dorsal perspectiveThe very nature of Star Trek frequently requires new types of visuals, so our people are constantly pressed to inventingenious new effects. The catch is, of course, that they have to be ingenious, new, and achievable in the time and within thebudget allocated for a particular episode.Such innovation often takes unexpected forms. Dan Curry once created a phaser hit effect using a Mylar pom-pom. Thatinfamous pom-pom also saw use as a nebula and as the mysterious forcefield that imprisoned Riker in "Arsenal of Freedom."(Dan, like mostTrek staff members, often tries to help out in areas beyond his normal job responsibilities. One of his moreunusual projects was the Klingon "bat'telh" bladed weapon from the episode "Reunion." A martial arts enthusiast, Dan consultedwith our prop makers on the design of the weapon, then assisted actor Michael Dorn to develop the ritual danceiikemovements associated with its use.) Rob Legato, faced with the daunting task of creating the end of the universe ("Where NoOne Has Gone Before"), made use of the shimmering reflection patterns from a pan of water. Visual effects associate DavidTakemura often helps supply similarly mundane items with equally exotic results. Some of these have included pumicelikerocks from the Balboa Brick Company, used for asteroids in such episodes as "Galaxy's Child," and an ordinary garden hose,used to create a water spray that became another forcefield effect.One dramatic example of Star Trek <strong>technical</strong> innovation is a new ultraviolet light matting process used for modelphotography. This technique was proposed by Don Lee of CIS and developed by Gary Hutzel and the staff of Image "G." Itinvolves the use of a fluorescent orange backdrop instead of the traditional bluescreen used for model photography. Thistechnique makes it much easier to generate "holdout mattes," which allow the image of the model to be combined with abackground of <strong>star</strong>s and planets. It is such a big improvement over "normal" methods that it allows Star Trek's effects teamto produce literally four times as many ship shots in the same amount of time. (And since time is money, it means that we getto see a lot more new spaceship scenes than we would otherwise.)Less obvious but equally important is the logistic and organizational wizardry of visual effects coordinator Ron B. Moore.Ron developed systems to help organize the massive numbers of projects, jobs, contractors, and other elements needed toproduce each week's visual effects. Such coordination is essential to enable our people to get the most "bang" for their visualeffects bucks on the most ambitious weekly science-fiction television series ever produced. (One of the greatest illusions thatour people create every week is the impression that they have a whole lot more money to spend than they really do!)

1.4 CONSTRUCTION CHRONOLOGYThe construction of any new <strong>star</strong>ship is said to begin, asin the days of sailing ships, with the laying of the keel in theshipbuilding yard. While the wooden hull of old has beenreplaced by metal alloys and ultrastrong synthetic compounds,the significance of laying the keel has survived undiminished.The inception and completion of a conveyance,whether tailored for crossing distances on the scale of anocean or the galaxy, has for millennia filled its creators with asense of accomplishment and purpose.The history of the Galaxy Class Project, and of the USSEnterprise in particular, is a story of technological innovationand teamwork spanning more than twenty years. Researchand fabrication centers throughout the Federation, under thedirect authority of Starfieet Command's Advanced StarshipDesign Bureau (ASDB), combined their efforts to plan andexecute the newest and most complex vessel to join Startleet'sinventory.When the official <strong>star</strong>t for the project was announced inJuly 2343, much original theoretical work had already beenaccomplished, particularly in the propulsion field. While theattempt to surpass the primary warp field efficiency barrierwith the Transwarp Development Project in the early 2280sproved unsuccessful, the pioneering achievements in warppower generation and field coil design eventually led to theuprated Excelsior and Ambassador class <strong>star</strong>ships. Bothvessels served Starfieet in exemplary fashion. They continueto do so, even beyond their original design lifetimes. TheGalaxy class is expected to remain true to its predecessors.The construction of the USS Enterprise followed a pathsimilar to that taken by the pathfinder vehicle, the prototypeUSS Galaxy, and the first production <strong>star</strong>ship, the USSYamato. As with any large space vessel project, improvedmaterials and construction techniques were incorporated intothe USS Enterprise assembly process, allowing the minimumflyable <strong>star</strong>ship to be delivered to Starfieet in two years lesstime than the previous class. On June 3, 2350, the first twospaceframe components, the Deck 10 computer core ellipticalcompression member and the <strong>star</strong>board main longitudinalcompression bulkhead, were gamma-welded during a briefceremony at the Utopia Planitia assembly site 16,625 kilometersabove the surface of Mars, in synchronous orbit.The initial procurement order issued by Starfieet Commandwas for six Galaxy class ships. A projected total oftwelve vessels is held as an option to be activated by Starfieetand the Federation, should conditions warrant. Once theinitial spaceframe design was finalized, it was decided toproceed with the completion of six vessels and to take theother six to the end of the framework stage only. These sixspaceframes have been broken down into manageable segmentsand dispersed by cargo carriers to remote sites withinthe Federation as a security measure.1.4.1 Assembly facility at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, Mars

1.4.2 Structural frame assembly at Utopia PlanitiaThe following events describe the construction of theUSS Enterprise. There exists little difference in the generalconstruction logsofthe Enterprise and those of its dockmates,the pathfinder vessel USS Galaxy, and the second <strong>star</strong>ship offthe line, the USS Yamato. Major installation and testing milestonesfor the first two ships precede those of the Enterpriseby six months to one year. Certain design and fabricationlessons learned were applied to the Enterprise in rapid order,once the soundness of the yard changes was verified. Certainproblems, such as the warp engine development, werecommon to all ships, and do not necessarily indicate a uniquesituation. Where the Enterprise experienced a ship-specificsuccess or failure, it is so noted.2343Galaxy Class Project officially approved. Design centersbegin drawing upon previous <strong>star</strong>ships once general specificationsare transmitted. Vehicle frame, engine systems,computer cores, and hull receive high priority.2344ASDB begins early definition work on Galaxy class missionsimulators programmed with basic vessel characteristics.Detail design work continues.2345Mass and volume studies proceed for all internal systems,based on first cut of frame designs. Field narrows from fortyto fifteen. Computer core and software architecture passesDesign Review 0.2346Testing of hull materials proceeds; final design must includeconduits for structural integrity field (SIF), inertial dampingfield (IDF), and deflector shield grid. Warp and impulse systemspass Design Review 0; materials difficulties foreseen inwarp coils. Impulse system design frozen. Computer designpasses Reviews 1 and 2. Sensor systems evolving. Habitationand workspace module design frozen; fabrication begins.Redesign of transporter biofilter is requested. Phaser emitterundergoes redesign; photon torpedo upgrade proceeds withstandard launcher and casings. Main deflector design frozen.2347Warp engine systems design tentatively frozen; anticipatingnacelle design frozen later in the year. Impulse designundergoes tweaking. Computer cores pass Reviews 3 and 4.Transporter biofilter design frozen; system fabrication begins.Phaser emitter redesign passes Review 0. Main deflectorpower supply redesigned to accommodate science instruments.2348Vehicle frame design and docking latch system pass Review

0. Final selection of frame alloys; materials ordered. Warpengine and nacelle designs frozen; nacelle passes Reviews0 and 1. Warp engine components begin test fabrication.Impulse engine components, main computers, and transporterbegin fabrication. Communications system and tractorbeam design frozen; fabrication deferred for power simulations.Phaser emitter third redesign passes Review 0; Reviews1 and 2 skipped as fabrication begins. Main deflectorpower redesigned; fabrication begins.2349Frame and docking system pass Review 1; structural latchesbegin fabrication. Hull skin design frozen; some areas remainunder development. Warp engine materials failures slowfabrication. Nacelles pass Review 2; fabrication begins lateintheyear. Tractor beam system underconstruction. Photontorpedo launcher design frozen. Sensor pallets under construction.All auxiliary spacecraft under development.2350First frame members gamma-welded in Utopia Planitia ceremony.Warp nacelle shells under construction; coils remainin test phase. Impulse components test-fit within frame atmidyear. Computer core framing underway. Habitat modulestest-fit. Phasers and photon torpedo assemblies under construction.2351Frame construction and major hardware installations continuesimultaneously. Hull layers begin attachment. Warpengine core 65% complete; nacelles pass Review 3 withassumptions of successful fixes to coil materials problems.Major impulse engine installation complete. Computer cores50% complete off-site. First layers of habitat modules installed.Transporter installation deferred in labor rescheduling.Tractor beam emitters modified to accommodate hull skinchanges. Phaser bank installation proceeds. All other powerand consumables conduits continue installation.2352Warp engine core completed; materials difficulties eliminated.Warp field coil manufacture delayed by furnace facility complications;other system assemblies completed. Preparationsmade for impulse run-up tests. Main computer cores 80%complete; nonflight mock-ups complete fit checks. Habitatand connecting passages 55% installed. Transporter systemsminus hull emitters begin installation. Phaser bankinstallation complete; electro plasma power supply to phasersdeferred until warp engine power levels verified. Photontorpedo magnetic launcher power supplies reworked. Temporarygravity generators installed; network active only wherenecessary.2353Framing and hull skin construction continues. Docking systemlatches and pass-through fit checks continue. Deuteriumreactant tanks and antimatter pod assemblies arrive from offsitefor integration. Warp coil fixes effected; production ofmatched coil sets continues. Impulse engine system run-uptests performed; fusion chambers powered singly and incombinations. Reaction control system (RCS) thruster assembliesinstalled. Two computer cores completed; one eachinstalled in Saucer Module and Battle Section. Third corecompletion slowed by isolinear chip availability problems.Phaser power flow regulators and conduits installed; predictedwarp core power tap verified as adequate. Maindeflector piggyback instrument power supply work complete.2354Some hull skin sections show unacceptable welds; 2% reworkedto fix problem. Imbedded defensive shield grid notaffected. Warp engine core begins low-power tests; reachesWarp 2 equivalent energy. Nacelles still awaiting coil delivery.Impulse tests continue; RCS thruster software problem fixed.Third computer core delayed for additional two years; affectsall downstream <strong>star</strong>ships. Habitat layers 70% complete.Shuttlecraft, work pods, and lifeboats arrive for integrationtests. Photon torpedo loader thermal expansion anomalyfixed.2355Final outerframing members completed; minordesign changein forward dorsal requires added longitudinal members. Warpengine core tests continue. Impulse engine system complete.Permanent gravity generator network complete. Habitatmodules and storage volumes complete. Transporter andsubspace comm system antennae modified; made compatiblewith deflector shield grid emissions. Structural integrityfield (SIF) runs at low power; works out <strong>star</strong>ship's framing"kinks." Main deflector field focus test successful after <strong>star</strong>tupfailure repaired. Starboard pylon phaser bank swappedwith one from USS Yamato; better operational fit for each.Photon torpedo loader thermal problem returns; new fix isfinal. Sensor pallets 50% installed; minimum for flight.2356Starship skin 95% complete. Warp engine power up tests toWarp 8 equivalent. Warp coils delivered and installed. Impulsefusion generators perform full power nonpropulsivetests. Third computer core delivered and installed; additionalWhen a script calls for a new spaceship to be seen, the initial task of design usually falls to Rick Sternbach. Rick will oftencreate the initial design on his trusty Macintosh computer, using 3-D software to visualize the general shapes on his computerscreen. This allows him to try many different variations very quickly before settling on a final design in consultation with ourvisual effects supervisors. Rick then draws up the final plans (using conventional drawing tools), which are then turned overto modelmakers like Greg Jein and Tony Meininger.

1.4 CONSTRUCTION CHRONOLOGYprogramming and tests continue. First habitat module swapoutby transporter successful. Transporter tests complete. FinalSIF and inertial damping field hookups complete. Commsystem 90% complete. Impulse power to phasers certified.30% of lifeboats delivered and docked. USS Galaxy islaunched from orbital dock on maneuvering thrusters.2357Hull integrity complete; all SIF and IDF systems operational.Warp nacelles buttoned up and certified for flight. Finalimpulse system adjustments underway. Computer coresubspace field shielding problem arises on Enterprise only;threatened one-third of power systems on <strong>star</strong>ship, traced toconflicting power-up procedures, then fixed. Comm systemcomplete after minor rerouting to avoid computer problem.Photon torpedo system remote firing successful. Defensiveshields final hookup complete. Sensor pallets certified. USSGalaxy is commissioned; declared deep-spaceworthy andwarp-capable; moves to outer solar system.smoothed out by computer adjustments to warp geometrycontrol software. Skin reinforcements and frame stiffeningperformed during dock layovers. Final hull coatings andmarkings applied. Live-fire phaser and photon torpedo exercisestest crew and systems. Low-level defensive shieldpower deficiencies appear; enhanced shield generatorsdesigns put into work. All lifeboats and auxiliary spacecraftdocked, including flight-qualified captain's yacht. Operationalbridge module docked.4 OCTOBER 2363The USS Enterprise is officially commissioned in a ceremonyat the Utopia Pianitia Fleet Yards. The USS Galaxy and USSYamato send congratulatory messages via subspace radio.2358Tests continue on total warp and impulse propulsion systems.All other internal spacecraft systems powered up; crosssystemtests continue. New flight software installed in allthree computer cores. Ejectable bridge module docked.Minimum flight test program crew completes preliminarytraining aboard ship. Captain's yacht test article docked,nonflightversion. USS Enterpriser launched; leaves dock onmaneuvering thrusters.2359Flight test crew continues developmental shakedown trials inMars space. USS Enterprise computers receive continuousperformance updates from USS Ga/axyorbiting Pluto. Tasksinclude extensive sensor operations, simulated emergencyconditions, simulated combat exercises, and power systemstress analysis. Warp field coils receive first power, nonpropulsive,Warp 1 equivalent. Power conditioning of warp coilscontinues up through Warp 8 equivalent. Performance analysiscontinues on all vehicle components. Main computersdeveloping "systems awareness," learning and recordinghow ship behaves as a total entity. USS Enterprise declareddeep-spaceworthy and warp-capable. Yellow warp-stressvisibility hull coatings applied.2360-2363USS Enterprise achieves warp flight in outer solar system.Initial vibration difficulties transitioning to higher warp factorsGiven the existence of matter replication devices (like the show's "food replicator" terminals), a very logical question is: "Whycan'tthey just replicate entire <strong>star</strong>ships?" The real reason is that such an ability would allow us to create entire fleets of<strong>star</strong>shipsat the touch of a button. This might be great for Federation defense and science programs, but makes for poor drama. Forthis reason, <strong>star</strong>ship construction facilities (seen at Utopia Pianitia in "Booby Trap" and Earth Station McKinieyin "Family") havebeen depicted as construction platforms rather than large replicators. We assume that replication is practical for relatively smallitems, but that energy costs would be prohibitive for routine replication of larger objects. (Jon Singer points out that if you couldmake a <strong>star</strong>ship at the push of a button, you wouldn 't need to....)

2.0 SPACECRAFT STRUCTURE2.0 SPACECRAFT STRUCTURE2.1 MAIN SKELETAL STRUCTUREThe primary spaceframe of the Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>ship isfabricated from an interlocking series of tritanium/duraniummacrofilament truss frames. These members average 1.27m 2 in cross section, and are located an average of every 25meters across the ship's exterior.Larger numbers of these trusses are located integral tothe main and saucer impulse engine sections, the warpnacelle pylons, both saucer and battle sides of the dockinglatch interfaces, and along the centerlines of both hull structures.Smaller trusses, averaging 0.53 m 2 in cross section, arelocated every five meters on average, and also provideinternal supports within the deck and core structure of thespacecraft interior.This basic mechanical framework provides physical integrityto the vehicle while at rest. A parallel series ofaluminum crystalfoam stringers are phase-transition bondedto the primary trusses, providing low-frequency vibration attenuationacross the main truss structure, as well as supportfor certain utility conduits.Also attached to these stringers are various conformal2.1.1 USS Enterprise main skeletal structure

2.1 MAIN SKELETAL STRUCTURE2.1.2 Structural integrity field dynamic stress pointsIsopiestic lines through <strong>star</strong>ship hulldevices built into the hull structure, including elements of thedeflector shield grid, as well as subspace radio antennas,which are incorporated into the exterior skin of the spacecraft.SECONDARY FRAMEWORKMounted to the primary spaceframe is a secondaryframework of microextruded terminium trusses to which theinner hull structure is directly attached. The secondaryframework is mounted by means of 3.2 cm diameter x 5.1 cmlong semirigid polyduranide support rods, permitting a limitedamount of mechanical isolation from the primary spaceframefor purposes of strain relief, plus sound and vibration isolation.Secondary spaceframe segments are also separated fromeach other (although mechanically attached) to permit replacementof inner hull segments and associated utilitiesinfrastructure during major <strong>star</strong>base layover.sag under its own weight in Earth's gravity without the reinforcementof the SIF [See: 2.4]).The exterior hull substrate is joined to the primary loadbearingtrusses by means of 4.8 cm diameter electronbondedduranium pins at 1.25 meter intervals. These pins areslip-fitted into an insulating AGP ceramic fabric jacket thatprovides thermal insulation between the spaceframe and theexterior hull. The pins, jacketing, and hull segments aregamma-welded together.Structural integrity during powered flight is provided by aseries of forcefields that reinforce the physical framework.This structural integrity field energy (SI F) is distributed througha network of molybdenum-jacketed waveguides, which in turndistribute SIF energy into ceramic-polymer conductive elementsthroughout the spaceframe. Without the structuralintegrity field, the vehicle would be unable to withstandaccelerations greater than 7.4 m/sec 2 without significantdeformation, or greater than 19.5 m/sec 2 without unrecoverablestructural damage (in other words, the spacecraft would

2.2 USSfi^Wf COORDINATE SYSTEM2.2 USS HmmtCOORDINATE SYSTEMEXTERNAL COORDINATE SYSTEMAn integrated system governing control of all manufacturing,repair, and operational structural reference pointsexists for the USS Enterprise and all other Starfleet vessels.The system utilizes a standard three-dimensional vertex andvector measuring scheme, with centimeters as its operativevalue. The three axes are labeled X, Y, and Z. The X axis runsport-<strong>star</strong>board, with +X to <strong>star</strong>board. The Y axis runs dorsalventral,with +Y to dorsal. The Z axis runs fore-to-aft, with +Zto aft. Note that this is opposite in sign to translational maneuvers,which consider +Z to be in the direction of flight.All single points, vectors, and planes can be determinedwith this scheme, creating a common ground for structuraltopics. The Enterprise is considered to have three vesselconfigurations: Docked, Saucer Module, and Battle Section.Each configuration maintains a specific measurement origin,designated by the XYZ value of the forwardmost structure. Forexample, the center forward edge of the Saucer Module islabeled XYZ S 0,0,0. Coincidental^, it is also the origin for thedocked vessel and can be labeled XYZ D 0,0,0. The origin forthe Battle Section, designated XYZ B 0,0,0, also correspondsto a point on the docked vessel as XYZ D 0, -1676, 25146,meaning that the Battle Section origin is at 25146 cm aft of theship's forward edge and 1676 cm below.Specific components, such as the warp engine nacelles,are given their own origins and coordinate values, and thesewill also have corresponding values relative to their parentassemblies. For example, the origin of the port warp nacelleis labeled XYZ NP 0, 0, 0. This point, relative to the BattleSection origin, is XYZ B -12954, -1524, 13716.Planes passing through the different vessel configurationsare labeled according to their axes. XY planes of thedocked <strong>star</strong>ship run vertically and laterally, XZ planes intersectthe ship parallel with the saucer equator, and YZ planesrun vertically and fore-to-aft. Planes may be called out asexisting at specific XYZ station points, and coordinates maybe given within that plane, especially in locating key <strong>star</strong>shipcomponents or processes.Normally, all coordinate and planar data are manipulatedby the main computers in their monitoring and repairtasks and are available to Engineering crew members as anoption in considering exact three-dimensional relationshipswithin the ship.INTERNAL COORDINATE SYSTEMStructures and objects within the USS Enterprisespaceframe are located with the following coordinate system.Intraship locator addresses are based on a fifteen-digit codewhich follows the form: "12-1234-000/000/000."XYZ D -27987,0,19418— XYZNPOAXYZBXYZ D+XTranslational maneuvers2.2.1 External coordinate reference station points

The first group of two digits refers to the deck number.Possible values within the Primary Hull range from 01 (Deck1, the Main Bridge) to 16 (the captain's yacht docking port onthe underside of the saucer). Within the Engineering Hull,deck numbers range from 08 (the Battle Bridge at the top ofthe dorsal) to 42 (Deck 42, the bottom of the Engineering Hull).The final group of three three-digit numbers refers to theXYZ coordinate address within a compartment. In caseswhere greater precision is required, decimal values are appendedto each of the XYZ coordinates.The second group of four digits specifies the sector andcompartment number. For locations within the Primary Hull,the first two digits of this group refer to one of 36 ten-degreesectors (See: 2.2.2).For locations within the Engineering Hull, the first digit ofthis group is always a 5, with the second digit designating oneoften sectors (See: 2.2.3). A first digit of 6 indicates a locationwithin the port warp nacelle or pylon, and a first digit of 7indicates a location within the <strong>star</strong>board warp nacelle or pylon.The third and fourth digits in this second group indicatethe compartment or station number within the sector.Note that the first and second group of the locatoraddress (totaling six digits) are generally used as roomdesignator numbers within the habitable volume of the spacecraft.By keeping in mind this general scheme of room andcompartment numbering, it is possible for crew members tolocate virtually any room on board the ship by use of theinternal coordinate system.2.2.2 Saucer Module sector coordinate (third digit in internal coordinate address)Mike was responsible for the signage in the Enterprise interiors and by default became responsible for keeping track of all theroom numbers of all the rooms seen in the show. This fairly simple task is sometimes made difficult because many doors arereused and redressed to represent different parts of the ship. The actual room numbers are fairly difficult to read on television,but he has gotten letters from viewers who let him know when he's made a mistake (for example, by putting the wrong decknumber on a particular door sign). By the way, for any aerospace types out there, our external coordinate system is looselybased on the numeric references used by Rockwell for building the space shuttle. The axis labels are based on motion-controlnotation (used when programming the computerized special effects cameras used in filming the ship miniature) rather thanthose used by the present aerospace industry.

'Li HULL LflYtHS2.2.3 Sector coordinate address in Engineering Hull2.3 HULL LAYERSThe exterior shell of the spacecraft consists of multiplelayers which afford structural and atmospheric integrity for thespaceframe, integral waveguides and field conductive membersfor the structural integrity field (SIF), and pathways forother utilities (including deflector grids), as well as resistanceto radiation and thermal energy.' Exterior00Interior •The exterior shell substrate is composed of interlacedmicrofoam duranium filaments. These filaments are gammaweldedinto a series of contiguous composite segments thatare 4.7 cm thick and are typically two meters in width. Thesubstrate segments are electron bonded to three reinforcinglayers of 1.2 cm biaxially stressed tritanium fabric, whichprovide additional torsion strength.00000In areas immediately adjacent to major structural members,four layers of 2.3 cm fabric are used. The substrate layeris attached to the major structural members by electronbondedduranium fasteners at 2.5 cm intervals. The substratesegments are not intended to be replaceable, except byphase-transition bonding using a transporter assembly jigduring major <strong>star</strong>base layovers.000nIT'. ' • • . • •rThermal insulation and secondary SIF conductivity areprovided by two 3.76 cm layers of low-density expandedceramic-polymer composites. These layers are separated by2.3.1 Hull layers

2.4 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY FIELD SYSTE.an 8.7 cm multiaxis tritanium truss framework, which providesadditional thermal insulation and a pass-through for fixedutility conduits.Radiation attenuation is provided by a 4.2 cm layer ofmonocrystal beryllium silicate infused with semiferrous polycarbonatewhiskers. This layer is networked with a series of2.3 cm x 0.85 cm molybdenum-jacketed conduits. Theseconduits, which occur at 130 cm intervals, serve as triphasewaveguides for the secondary structural integrity field. Conductivetritanium rods penetrate the waveguides at 10 cmintervals and transfer SIF energy into the ceramic-polymerconductive layer.The outermost hull layer is composed of a 1.6 cm sheetof AGP ablative ceramic fabric chemically bonded onto asubstrate of 0.15 cm tritanium foil. This material is formed intosegments of approximately 3.7 m 2 and is attached to theradiation attenuation layer by a series of duranium fasteners,which allows individual segments to be replaced as necessary.(Micrometeoroid erosion is kept to a minimum by thedeflector shield system, but is sufficient to warrant replacementof 30% of leading-edge segments on the average ofevery 7.2 Standard years.) Individual outer hull segments aremachined toatolerance of+0.5 mm to allow for minimum dragthrough the interstellar medium. Joints between segmentsare manufactured to a tolerance of ±0.25 mm.Also incorporated into the outermost hull layer is a seriesof superconducting molybdenum-jacketed waveguide conduitswhich serves to distribute and disperse the energy of thetactical deflector system. Selected segments of this networkalso serve as radiators for <strong>star</strong>ship thermal management.2.4 STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY FIELD SYSTEMThe mechanical integrity of the physical spaceframe isaugmented by the structural integrity field (SIF) system. Thissystem provides a network of forcefield segments that compensatefor propulsive and other structural load factors thatotherwise exceed the design limits of the spaceframe. TheSIF applies forcefield energy directly to field conductiveelements within the spaceframe and increases the loadbearingcapacity of the structure.Field generation for the SIF is provided by three fieldgenerators located on Deck 11 in the Primary Hull and by twogenerators located on Deck 32 in the Secondary Hull. Eachgenerator consists of a cluster of twenty 12 MW gravitonpolarity sources feeding a pair of 250 millicochrane subspacefield distortion amplifiers. Heat dissipation on each unit isprovided by a pair of 300,000 megajoules per hour (MJ/hr)continuous-duty liquid helium coolant loops. Two backupgenerators are located in each hull, providing up to twelvehours of service at 55% of maximum rated power. Normalduty cycle on generators is thirty-six hours online, with nominaltwenty-four hours degauss and scheduled maintenancetime. Graviton polarity sources are rated for 1,500 operatinghours between routine servicing of superconductive elements.The output of each SIF generator is directed by means ofanetwork of molybdenum-jacketed triphase waveguides whichdistributes the field energy throughout the spaceframe. SIFconductivity elements are incorporated into all major structuralmembers. When energized by the SIF, the load-bearingcapacity of these conductive structural elements is increasedby up to 125,000%. Secondary feeds also provide for reinforcementof the vehicle's external shell.Cruise Mode operating rules require at least one fieldgenerator to be active at all times in each hull, although theFlight Control Officer may call for activation of a second generatorwhen extreme maneuvers are anticipated. During Alertmodes, all operational units are brought to hot standby forimmediate activation. Reduced Power Mode rules permit asingle field generator to feed the entire spaceframe using thefield conduit umbilical connect between the primary andengineering sections.Fairly early on, Rick did a drawing for our writers showing the Enterprise superimposed over a map of the Paramount Studioslot. This was fun because it gave us for the first time a concrete idea of how big the ship "really" is. Abitlater, though, we<strong>star</strong>tedto think of some of the implications of this enormous size. We began to realize that it would be pretty difficult for a structurethat size to maintain its rigidity and form, especially under the tremendous accelerations that impulse and warp drive wouldlikely entail. (We envisioned the main impulse engines firing, squashing the ship like a partially deflated blimp. This mightactually be a valid way for a space vehicle to operate, but it would probably look pretty silly on film.) Because of this, we cameup with the "structural integrity field," which we envision as a powerful forcefield that helps to hold the ship together.

2.5 INERTIAL DAMPING SYSTEM2.5.1 Inertial potential cancellation using IDFPrimary/backup IDF generatorsCounter-acceleration imposedby IDF generatorsNatural acceleration vector2.5 INERTIAL DAMPING SYSTEMOperating in parallel with the structural integrity field (SIF)system is the inertial damping field system (IDF). This systemgenerates a controlled series of variable-symmetry forcef ieldsthat serve to absorb the inertial forces of spaceflight whichwould otherwise cause fatal injury to the crew. The IDF isgenerated separately from the SIF, but is fed by a parallelseries of waveguides that are then conducted through syntheticgravity plates.The IDF operates by maintaining a low-level forcefieldthroughout the habitable volume of the spacecraft. This fieldaverages 75 millicochranes with field differential limited to5.26 nanocochranes/meter, per SFRA-standard 352.12 forcrew exposure to subspace fields.As acceleration effects are anticipated, this field is distortedalong a vector diametrically opposed to the velocitychange. The IDF thereby absorbs the inertial potential, whichwould otherwise have acted upon the crew.generator consists of a cluster of twelve 500 kW gravitonpolarity sources feeding a pair of 150 millicochrane subspacefield distortion amplifiers. Heat dissipation on each unit isprovided by a pair of 100,000 MJ/hr continuous-duty liquidhelium coolant loops. Three backup generators are locatedin each hull, providing up to twelve hours of service at 65% ofmaximum rated power. Normal duty cycle on generators isforty-eight hours online, with nominal twelve hours degaussand scheduled maintenance time. Graviton polarity sourcesare rated for 2,500 operating hours between routine servicingof superconductive elements.Cruise Mode operating rules require at least two fieldgenerators to be active at all times in each hull, although theFlight Control Officer may call for activation of additional unitswhen extreme maneuvers are anticipated. During Alertmodes, all operational units are brought to hot standby forimmediate activation. Reduced Power Mode rules permit asingle field generator to feed the entire spaceframe, using thefield conduit umbilical connect between the primary and engineeringsections.There is a characteristic lag time for the shifting of IDFdirection and intensity. This lag varies with the net accelerationinvolved, but averages 295 milliseconds for normal impulsemaneuvers. Because IDF control is generally derivedfrom Flight Controller data, normal course corrections can beanticipated so there is rarely any noticeable acceleration tothe crew. Exceptions to this sometimes occur when power forIDF operations is restricted or when sudden maneuvers orother externally caused accelerations occur more rapidly thanthe system can respond.Flux generation for the IDF is provided by four fieldgenerators located on Deck 11 in the Primary Hull and by twogenerators located on Deck 33 in the Engineering Hull. EachThe tremendous accelerations involved in the kind of spaceflight seen on Star Trek would instantly turn the crew to chunkysalsa unless there was some kind of heavy-duty protection. Hence, the inertial damping field. The reason for the "characteristiclag" referred to above is to "explain" why our crew is occasionally knocked out of their chairs during battle or other drasticmaneuvers despite the IDF. The science of all this is admittedly a bit hazy, but it seems a good compromise between dramaticnecessity and maintaining some kind of <strong>technical</strong> consistency.

2.6 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES IN SIF/IDF FAILURE2.6 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES IN SIF/IDF FAILUREFailure of the structural integrity field (SIF) or the inertialdamping field (IDF) can have potentially catastrophic consequencesto the <strong>star</strong>ship and to its crew. For this reason,multiple redundancy has been built into these systems, andemergency protocols have been devised to anticipate thepossibility of failure of one or more of these units.The Enterprise is dependent upon its structural integrityfield to maintain the spaceframe during the tremendousaccelerations encountered during impulse flight as well as thedifferential subspace field stresses experienced during warpflight. The inertial damping field also provides vital cushioningto the fragile crew during such maneuvers. Without suchprotection, the spacecraft and crew are unable to surviveaccelerations in excess of 30 m/sec 2 (approximately 3g)without serious structural damage to the spaceframe and severe— probably fatal — injury to the crew. By way of contrast,accelerations considerably in excess of 1,000g are not uncommonwhen under full impulse power. Warp flight operationsdo not produce direct acceleration stresses, but SIF/IDFprotection is needed because of the potential for warp field differentialstresses and local variations in inertial potential.Under Cruise Mode operating protocols, two field generatorsare active at all times, although one unit is sufficient toprovide adequate protection for both spacecraft and crewexcept during extreme maneuvers. In case of failure of onefield generator, a backup unit will automatically engage,keeping the number of active units at two. If a third unit isavailable to be placed in service, Cruise Mode rules allowoperations in progress to continue without interruption.remaining field generators is believed to be immediately imminent.The failure of all five field generators requires an immediateRed Alert status. The Commanding Officer is firstrequired to stabilize the situation, take steps to minimizepotential risk, and then to begin deceleration maneuvers.Severe operational limits are imposed on vehicle maneuvers.Immediate downwarping to sublight must be performed, exceptduring active combat situations. Such downwarping must bea simple field collapse maneuver; differential field maneuversare not permitted.Once the Commanding Officer or supervising OperationsManager has determined that further system failures areno longer an immediate threat, power conservation proceduresare initiated because of the possibility that the ship maybe unable to make a significant change in course or speed fora period of several months. Starfleet Command is notified forpossible assistance or rescue efforts.Until the arrival of assistance, the ship should maintainpower conservation procedures and perform the maximumdeceleration consistent with vehicle and crew safety. Rescueand salvage options include replacement of field generationcomponents, evacuation of crew to permit unprotected decelerationusing the ship's own engines or a tractor beam. Undercertain conditions, it is possible for a rescue vessel to projectan SIF/IDF onto the ship, although this is a difficult andextremely power-intensive procedure. A final option is theevacuation of the crew and abandonment of the spacecraft,although even this option should not preclude the possibilityof salvage at a later date.In the event of failure of two field generators, or in thecase where an additional backup cannot be brought on line,operating rules require a Yellow Alert status to be initiated,and the Commanding Officer is required to make a determinationwhether to allow primary or secondary mission operationsin progress to continue.In the event of failure of three or four field generators, regardlessof the availability of backup units, Yellow Alert statusmust be initiated and the vehicle must attempt to decelerateto an inertially safe condition, subject to sufficient generatorcapacity. If the spacecraft is presently at sublight speed, thatspeed must be reduced to the point where further decelerationcan be absorbed by minimal inertial damping and structuralintegrity capacity. If the spacecraft is traveling at warp, animmediate reduction to sublight must be initiated, subject tomaximum allowable subspace field differentials. Such downwarpingmust be a simple field collapse maneuver; differentialfield maneuvers are not permitted. Operating rules provide forexceptions during combat situations or when the failure of theWe assume that these operating protocols are somewhat conservative. In "Tin Man," the ever resourceful Geordi La Forgewas able to divert some power from the structural integrity field to keep the shields up. The computer warned that doing sowould compromise safety limits, but Geordi was obviously able to keep the ship together and the shields up.

2.7 SAUCER MODULE SEPARATION SYSTEMS2.7 SAUCER MODULE SEPARATION SYSTEMSThe USS Enterprise consists of two spacecraft systemsintegrated to form a single functional vessel. Under specificemergency conditions, the two vehicle elements may performa separation maneuver and continue independent operation.The two elements, the Saucer Module and the Battle Section,are normally joined together by a series of structural dockinglatches, numerous umbilicals, and turbolift pass-throughs.Eighteen docking latches provide the necessary physicalconnections between the major load-bearing members ofboth vehicles. The active side of the latches is located on thedorsal surface of the Battle Section around the periphery ofthe Battle Bridge and upper sensor arrays. The passiveapertures for the latches are set into the aft ventral surface ofthe Saucer Module. Each active latch segment consists oftwo spreading grab plates driven by four redundant sets ofelectrofluidic pistons. The grab plates measure 6.9 x 7.2 mand are constructed of diffusion-bonded tritanium carbide,similar to the main load-bearing spaceframe members. Theseare designed to accept and transfer energy from the structuralintegrity field generators, locking the two vehicles together.The dorsal surfaces of the grab plates are layered withstandard ablative hull coatings for exposure to the generalspace environment and warp flight stresses. The latchingsystem has been designed to accept a failure rate of 1.5 latchpairs per ten separations; in the event a single pair fails to seatproperly within its passive aperture, the structural loads canbe shared adequately among the other latches.Each electrofluidic piston consists of a main fluid reservoir,magnetic valve controller block, piston computer controller,attach brackets, pressure manifolds, and redundant sensorassemblies. Piston operation is maintained under computercontrol to assure smooth activation of all latches simultaneously,though under emergency conditions a manual latchingoption is available.Quick-disconnect umbilicals set into the vehicle interface,which normally allow for the unbroken flow of gases,liquids, waveguide energy, computer information, and otherdata channels, are isolated once the separation sequence iscommanded.The vehicle interface also accommodates a set of standardturbolift pass-throughs, including the dedicated emergencyturbo to the Battle Bridge. These shafts are equippedwith automatic path termination seals, which have beendesigned to double as airlock modules. If either separatedvehicle docks at another Starfleet facility at the vehicle interface,the termination seals retreat to their default positions justoff the turbolift shafts.2.7.1 Saucer Module separation

2.7 SAUCER MUOULE SEPARATIUN SYSTEMS2.7.2 Latching systemSEPARATION SYSTEM OPERATIONIn the docked configuration, the passive apertures retainthe grab plates in their fully deployed positions, and a structurallocking wedge is driven into the gap between the plates.Energy from the structural integrity field (SIF) is conductedthrough the grab plates to rigidize the combined vehicle. Allumbilicals would operate normally to transfer consumablesand information. The turbolifts move normally between theSaucer Module to the Battle Section. At the confirmed signalfor Saucer Module separation, once an assigned crew hasoccupied the Battle Bridge, computer event timers deadfaceall interconnects by commanding all umbilical blocks to shutdown and retract to safe housings, and turbolift termination2.7.3 Docking latch (Battle Section side)seals to drop into their deploy positions. Should any keyumbilicals or turbo paths show a failure condition at thevehicle interface, the computer will close off the affectedelements at the best possible points upstream of the failure.Hardware and software failures will then be dealt with later,once the emergency situation is resolved. Crews on bothsides of the vehicle interface monitor the progress of theseparation sequence, and are then on standby awaitingreconnection duties.Once all systems are safed, preparatory to the -Y translationalmaneuver, the latch wedge blocks are retracted andthe grab plates are moved together. If the maneuver isconducted at sublight, there exists an option to postpone thelatch retract into the Battle Section, in case a rapid reconnectionis required. Once into warp flight, however, this option iscanceled, as the latches must retract quickly to minimizevehicle stresses and any chance of collision with the SaucerModule.The separation maneuver will cause the two vehiclecomponents to behave differently from a flight dynamicsstandpoint, and vehicle velocity at the time of separation willfurther increase the differences in handling characteristics.The main computers aboard each vehicle, interacting withtheir respective engines, SIF, and the inertial damping field(IDF), will perform realtime adjustments to compensate forvehicle-induced oscillations or externally forced motions. As

2.7 SAUCER MODULE SEPARATION SYSTEMSthe Saucer Module is equipped only with impulse propulsion,computational modeling has verified that special cautionsmust be observed when attempting separation at high warpfactors. Prior to leaving the protection of the Battle Section'swarp field, the Saucer Module SIF, IDF, and shield grid are runat high output, and its four forward deflectors take over tosweep away debris in the absence of the dish on the BattleSection (See: 7.4). Decaying warp field energy surroundingthe Saucer Module is managed by the driver coil segments ofthe impulse engines. This energy will take, on average, twominutes to dissipate and bring the vehicle to its originalsublight velocity.Discussions of emergency conditions and actions on theparts of both vehicles following separation can also be foundin Sections 11.5, 11.6, and 15.8.EMERGENCY LANDING OF SAUCER MODULEIn the event the Saucer Module is disabled near aplanetary body and cannot maintain a stable orbit, landing thesaucer is the final option. This is to be attempted only whenan acceptable chance of success has been computed and allother available procedures have failed, short of total evacuationby lifeboat modules. If the senior officer aboard theSaucer Module makes the decision that the attempt must bemade, special sets of crew procedures and stored computercommands will be implemented. While extensive computermodeling has been taken into account in creating the landingprograms, no guarantee as to their effectiveness can yet beoffered. SIF reinforcement of the saucer framework is believednecessary to avoid exceeding saucer structural limitsduring atmospheric entry of a Class M planet.Without at least minimal reinforcement, aerodynamicloads associated with most entry profiles may result inspaceframe destruction prior to landing. As it was deemed toocostly to subject a Galaxy class spaceframe to a full-upatmosphere entry test, the computer model is the best availablereference. Starfleet has recorded a total of three datasets from previous smaller <strong>star</strong>ship hull landings, and thesewere extremely helpful in the design of the computer routines.Conventional wisdom believes, however, that the Galaxyclass hull is still outside the survivable performance envelopeand would be unable to successfully perform a deorbit andentry into a Class M compatible atmosphere.A complex set of terrain touchdown options reside in themain computers, taking into account such factors as contactmaterial, air density, humidity, and temperature. If there is anadequate amount of time for sensor scans during the approach,the sensor values will be compared to those inmemory, and the appropriate control adjustments can be sentto the impulse engines and field devices. Beach sand, deepwater, smooth ice, and grassy plains on Class M bodies arepreferable sites; in contrast, certain terrain types have notbeen modeled, such as mountainous surfaces. Other nonterrestrialbodies may possess survivable surfaces, and theirMainBridgeSIFgeneratorsRCSthrustersSaucer ModuleTurboliftinterconnectsUmbilicalinterconnectsDocking latchservosSIFinterconnectsBattle SectionRCSthrustersTurboliftinterconnectsUmbilicalinterconnectsDocking latchservosSIFinterconnectsMainEngineeringSIFgeneratorsBattleBridge2.7.4 Saucer separation latching and umbilical systems

2.7 SAUCER MODULE SEPARATION SYSTEMS2.7.5 Best-case atmospheric entry profile for Saucer ModuleMidcourse correction phase 1Planetary approach velocitymanagement or deorbit impulse firingMidcourse correction phase 2Airflow managementAPotential landing site imaging\Final approachContact and slideoutsuitability as landing sites will depend on the specific situation,computer recommendations, and command decisions.Naturally, many planetary types will possess environmentsso hostile to crew survival that remaining in orbit will bea preferable option, unless emergency landing is mandatedby tactical considerations.Prior to landing on a Class M planet (as only oneexample), the structural integrity field and inertial dampingfield would be set to high output, with the SIF also set to flexthe vehicle in small, controlled amounts for shock attenuation.The deflector grid will be set to a high output as well, with itsfield decay radius configured to optimize the Saucer Module'sfinal slideout distance while applying a controlled frictioneffect. During approach the computer would take atmosphericreadings and make adjustments along the descent,and command the deflector field to perform airflow andsteering changes. In the event computer control is limited, theFlight Control Officer (Conn) should be able to make manualattitude control inputs from his/her panel. The IDF would beconfigured to "jolt mode" during major impacts, if they exceedcertain preset translational limits. The deflector field is designedto protect the vehicle hull, though only up to thespecified load limits when the hull must make contact with theground. If the SIF, IDF, and deflector grid are all functioningduring slideout, they can add a great deal to minimizing impactforces.It is assumed that the vehicle would be a total loss insofaras ever being returned to operational service, due to theextreme loads placed upon it, which would result in deep, unrecoverablealloy damage. Postlanding mission rules call forfull security measures to protect the crew and vehicle whileawaiting Starfleet assistance. Numerous options have beendocumented, from simple waiting within Federation or alliedterritory, to total evacuation and vehicle destruct in areas controlledby Threat forces.

3.0 COMMAND SYSTEMS3.0 COMMAND SYSTEMS3.1 MAIN BRIDGEPrimary operational control of the Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>shipis provided by the Main Bridge, located at the top of the SaucerModule on Deck 1. The Main Bridge directly supervises allprimary mission operations and coordinates all departmentalactivities.The central area of the Main Bridge provides seating andinformation displays for the commander and two other officers.Directly fore of the command area are the OperationsManager and the Flight Control Officer, both of whom face themain viewer.Directly aft of the command area is an elevated platformon which is located the tactical control station. Also located onthe platform are five workstations, nominally configured asScience I, Science II, Mission Operations (Ops), Environment,and Engineering.At the very front of the bridge chamber is located a large(4.8 x 2.5 meter) visual display panel. This main viewer isgenerally used to display the output of one of the forwardoptical scanners, but can easily be reset for any other visual,informational, or communications use. When in communicationsmode, the main viewer shares the use of a dedicatedsubprocessor, which permits near-instantaneous conversionand display of nearly any visual communications format. The3.1.1 Main Bridge location on Saucer Module

3.1 MAIN BRIDGEmain viewer display matrix includes omni-holographic displayelements and is thus capable of displaying three-dimensionalinformation.Behind the aft workstations is a 3.2 meter equipment bay,normally sealed to crew personnel. This equipment bayhouses three of the seven dedicated bridge computer opticalsubprocessors, and six of the twelve shared subprocessors.Also located in this equipment bay are several power, environmental,and optical data trunk connects. The remainingcomputer subprocessors are located in smaller equipmentbays integral to the aft stations, in the side bays port and<strong>star</strong>board of the command area, and in the deck structurebetween Conn and Ops and the main viewer.Other facilities located on Deck 1 include the captain'sready room and head, the aft observation lounge, and thecrew head adjoining the bridge itself. Both the bridge and thecaptain's ready room are equipped with food replicationterminals.Major connects to the bridge include two standard turboliftshafts, one emergency turboshaft, and four electroplasma power distribution waveguide conduits. Additionalconnects include four environmental support plenum groups,nine primary and two backup optical data network trunks, tworeplicator waveguide conduits, and three service crawlways.Because of the criticality of bridge systems, especially inemergency situations, the Main Bridge is designated as anemergency environmental support shelter, receiving prioritylife support from two special protected utilities trunks. Thesefeeds permit Class M conditions to be maintained for up toseventy-two hours even in the event of failure of both primaryand reserve environmental systems. Also provided within thebridge shell are two emergency atmospheric and powersupply modules, each capable of providing up to twenty-fourhours of atmosphere and lighting in the event of total environmentalsystems failure.The Main Bridge module is connected to the spaceframestructure with a series of 320 7.2 cm duranium fastening rods.These fasteners can be disengaged at major <strong>star</strong>base layover,permitting disconnect and replacement of the entirebridge module. Torsion relief and vibration damping areprovided by a series of 17 mm microfoamed AGP semifiexibleceramic gaskets which form the mechanical interface betweenthe structures. The Main Bridge shell is constructed'The Enterprise bridge was one of the firstthings developed forStar Trek: The Next Generation. It was initially designed byAndrew Probert, then finalized and built under the direction ofproduction designer Herman Zimmerman. Working blueprintswere drafted by set designer Les Gobrugge. Since oursecond season, set design (including Enterprise interiors) hasbeen supervised by production designer Richard James, whowas honored with an Emmy award for his art direction in "Sinsof the Father."OtherstationsTacticalsystems3.1.2 Command intelligence links to major systems

3.1 MAIN BRIDGE3.1.3 Main Bridge\from an interlaced microfoamduranium filament shell gammaweldedto a tritanium truss structural framework. The innerenvironmental envelope is fabricated from low-density expandedceramic-polymercomposite segments, providing bothatmospheric integrity and thermal insulation.During the initial spaceworthiness tests of the originalUSS Galaxy prototype vessel, the standard Galaxy classbridge module was not yet fully operational. Instead, acustom-built module was used that was equipped with independentlife-support and sublight propulsion capabilities. Thisunit was used as a self-contained crew compartment duringthe initial shakedown and could have been ejected, carryingthe crew to safety in the event of a catastrophic failure of thespaceframe or propulsion system.It is anticipated that the current bridge configuration of theGalaxy class <strong>star</strong>ship will remain relatively unchanged for anumber of years. Current planning calls for annual designreviews of the bridge and control systems, with major systemreplacements projected at twenty-year intervals.The concept of the replaceable bridge module originated during Star Trek V, when we were working with Herman Zimmermanon a new Enterprise bridge that was quite a bit different from the one seen in Star Trek IV. We rationalized that this was becausethe bridge, located at the top of the saucer, was a plug-in module designed for easy replacement. This would permit the ship'scontrol systems to be upgraded, thereby extending the useful lifetime of a <strong>star</strong>ship, and would make it easier to customize aparticular ship for a specific type of mission. This concept also fits the fact that we've seen the main bridges of at least fourdifferent Miranda class <strong>star</strong>ships, the Reliant (Star Trek II), the Saratoga (Star Trek IV), the Lantree ("Unnatural Selection"),and the Brattain ("Night Terrors"), each of which had a different bridge module.

3.2 BRIDGE OPERATIONS 3.3 BASIC CONTROL PANEL/TERMINAL OSEOperational authority for the <strong>star</strong>ship rests with theCommanding Officer (usually the captain or duty officer). TheCommanding Officer is responsible for execution of Starfleetorders and policy, as well as for interpretation and compliancewith Federation law and diplomatic directives. As such, theCommanding Officer is directly answerable to StarfleetCommand for the performance of the ship.The Main Bridge is directly responsible for the supervisionof all primary mission functions. Through the OperationsManager, the bridge also monitors all secondary missionfunctions to provide an optimal operating state. The multimissionoperational profile of the Enterprise requires extensivecoordination between different departments.The Main Bridge also serves as a command centerduring alert and crisis situations. During Separated FlightMode, combat operations are managed from the Battle Bridge,while control of the Saucer Section remains with the MainBridge. In such scenarios, the ship's captain and seniorofficers will generally command the Battle Section, while adesignated junior officer will assume responsibility for theSaucer Section.BRIDGE OPERATIONS DURING ALERT CONDITIONS• Cruise Mode. This is the normaloperating status of thespacecraft. Cruise Mode operating rules require a minimumbridge staff of Commanding Officer (typically the captain),Flight Control Officer, Operations Manager, and at least oneother officer available to serve at tactical or other stations asrequired. Other stations may be attended as specific missionrequirements dictate (See: 15.4).• Yellow Alert. During Yellow Alert condition, all activebridge stations are automatically brought to Full EnableMode. Auto diagnostics (Level 4) are initiated for all primaryand tactical systems. Ops is responsible for evaluating allcurrent operations and shipboard activities and suspendingany that may interfere with ship's readiness to respond to potentialcrisis situations (See: 15.5).• Red Alert. During Red Alert condition, all bridgestations are automatically brought to Full Enable Mode.Tactical systems are placed on full alert and, if unoccupied,the duty security chief will occupy the bridge Tactical station(See: 15.6).Control/display panels aboard the USS Enterprise aresoftware-defined surfaces that are continually updated andreconfigured for maximum operator efficiency and ease ofuse. Each panel is tied into a local subprocessor thatcontinually monitors panel activity and compares it to predefinedscenarios and operational profiles. This permits thecomputer to continually update the panel configuration toprovide the operator with a current menu of the most likelycurrent actions. This also provides the operator with sufficientinformation and flexibility to determine and execute nonprogrammedinstructions, if desired.Layout of the display surface is designed for maximumintuitive grouping of related functions and for logical organizationalflow of operation. The library computer access andretrieval system (LCARS) software continually monitors operatoractivity and continually reconfigures the display surfaceto present the operator with a selection of the most frequentlychosen courses of action in that particular situation. TheLCARS software also provides the operator with full information(to the level selected by the operator or by operating rules)to choose any other legal action.Most panels are also configured to accept vocal input,although keyboard input is preferred in most situations forgreater operating speed and reduced chance of input error byvoice discriminator algorithms.Cruise Mode operating rules allow each crew member todefine a customized operating configuration for his/her workstation. This means that crew members are free to configurepanel layout and procedural menus to suit personal workingstyles and levels of training. In the case where a systemupgrade has recently been installed, but the duty officer hasnot yet been trained on the new configuration, panel softwarecan usually be instructed to emulate the previous version untilthe individual has been properly certified. Standard configurationcan be activated at any time, and Full Enable configurationis automatically activated during Alert status.CONTROL/DISPLAY PANELSControl/display surfaces are composed of three basiclayers. The outermost layer is fabricated from a 2.5 mmtripolymer-coated transparent aluminum wafer into which isimbedded a sensor matrix. This matrix detects tactile input bythe operator's fingertips. Also incorporated into this layer is atransducer matrix that provides tactile and auditory feedbackto the operator, indicating that a particular control surfaceaddress has been activated.Mike actually spent a fair amount of time trying to come up with a graphic "user interface" that would be the design basis ofthe various control panels on the ship. His design goal was to create a visual style that suggests an extremely simple meansof organizing and controlling very complex processes and hardware. However, a closer examination of the actual panels usedon our soundstages would reveal that many of the buttons and indicators are labeled with the initials of members of the StarTrek production crew. (You'll have to take our word on this — they're too small to be legible on television.)

ULfHIUtL/ltKIVIIIUHLUStThe aluminum surface wafer is chemically bonded ontoa triaxial optical display crystal membrane, which serves as ahigh resolution graphic display medium. Monocrystal microwaveguidesat 1.8 mm intervals provide electro plasmasystem power transmission to the upper sensor matrix andtransducer layers.the panel nanoprocessors include sufficient nonvolatilememory to permit system operation, even in the absence ofmain computer support.The substrate of the control surface is composed ofmicrofoamed polyduranide sheeting, which provides structuralintegrity to the assembly. Incorporated into this layer isa matrix of optical nanoprocessors that permit the display surfacesheeting to be self-configuring, once addressed and initializedby the local processor node. For redundancy's sake,3.3.1 Display panel layers1 Clear tripolymer coatingImbedded sensor matrixData crystal membraneMonocrystal waveguidePolyduranide sheetingOptical nanoprocessorWe incorporated the concept of software-definable, task-specific panel layout into our controls because Mike thought it a logicalway of simplifying designs that would otherwise have been nightmarishly complex. The basic idea is that the panelsautomatically reconfigure themselves to suit the specific task at hand. A side benefit we discovered is this gave our actors muchmore freedom in hitting controls to accomplish various tasks. (Even though our cast tries to get things right, there are numerousoccasions when a particular shot will require an actor to hit a button on a specific area of a panel, which may not reflect ouroriginal design for that panel.) Variable-layout control panels mean that the button that fires phasers this week is not necessarilythe same button that fires them next week.

3.4 FLIGHT CONTROL (CONN)3.4 FLIGHT CONTROL (CONN)The Flight Control console, often referred to as Conn, isresponsible for the actual piloting and navigation of thespacecraft. Although these are heavily automated functions,their criticality demands a human officer to oversee theseoperations at all times. The Flight Control Officer (also referredto as Conn) receives instructions directly from the CommandingOfficer.There are five major areas of responsibility for the FlightControl Officer:• Navigational references/course plotting• Supervision of automatic flight operations• Manual flight operations• Position verification• Bridge liaison to Engineering departmentDuring impulse powered spaceflight, Conn is responsiblefor monitoring relativistic effects as well as inertialdamping system status. In the event that a requested maneuverexceeds the capacity of the inertial damping system, thecomputer will request Conn to modify the flight plan to bring itwithin the permitted performance envelope. During Alertstatus, flight rules permit Conn to specify maneuvers that arepotentially dangerous to the crew or the spacecraft.Warp flight operating rules require Conn to monitorsubspace field geometry in parallel with the Engineeringdepartment. During warp flight, the Flight Control consolecontinually updates long-range sensor data and makes automaticcourse corrections to adjust for minor variations in thedensity of the interstellar medium.Because of the criticality of Flight Control in spacecraftoperations, particularly during crisis situations, Conn is connectedto a dedicated backup flight operations subprocessorto provide for manual flight control. This equipment packageincludes emergency navigation sensors.SPECIFIC DUTIES• Navigational references/course plotting. The FlightControl console displays readings from navigational and tacticalsensors, overlaying them on current positional andcourse projections. Conn has the option of accessing datafeeds from secondary navigation and science sensors forverification of primary sensor data. Such cross-checks areautomatically performed at each change-of-shift and uponactivation of Alert status.• Manual flight operations. The actual execution offlight instructions is generally left to computer control, butConn has the option of exercising manual control over helmand navigational functions. In full manual mode, Conn canactually steer the ship under keypad control.Emergency override selectImpulse systems controlWarp drive systems controlX-Y translation pad controlManual sequence controlsNavigational reference display3.4.1 Flight Control panel (Cruise Mode)

• Reaction control system (RCS). Although the actualvector and sequence control of the system is normally automated,Conn has the option of manually commanding theRCS system or individual thrusters.Conn also serves as a liaison to the Engineering departmentin that he/she is responsible for monitoring propulsionsystem status and providing system status reports to the commandingofficer in the absence of an engineering officer'spresence on the bridge.FLIGHT INFORMATION INPUTThere are five standard input modes available for specificationof spacecraft flight paths. Any of these options maybe entered either by keyboard or by vocal command. In eachcase, Flight Control software will automatically determine anoptimal flight path conforming to Starfleet flight and safetyrules. Conn then has the option of executing this flight plan ormodifying any parameters to meet specific mission needs.Normal input modes include:• Destination planet or <strong>star</strong> system. Any celestialobject within the navigational database is acceptable as adestination, although the system will inform Conn in the eventthat a destination exceeds the operating range of the spacecraft.Specific facilities (such as orbital space stations) withinthe database are also acceptable destinations.• Destination sector. A sector identification number orsector common name is a valid destination. In the absence ofa specific destination within a sector, the flight path will defaultto the geometric center of the specified sector.• Spacecraft intercept. This requires Conn to specify atarget spacecraft on which a tactical sensor lock has beenestablished. This also requires Conn to specify either arelative closing speed or an intercept time so that a speed canbe determined. An absolute warp velocity can also bespecified. Navigational software will determine an optimalflight path based on specified speed and tactical projection oftarget vehicle's flight path. Several variations of this mode areavailable for use during combat situations.• Relative bearing. A flight vector can be specified asan azimuth/elevation relative to the current orientation of thespacecraft. In such cases, 000-mark-0 represents a flightvector straight ahead.• Absolute heading. A flight vector can also be specifiedas an azimuth/elevation relative to the center of the galaxy. Insuch cases, 000-mark-0 represents a flight vector from theship to the center of the galaxy.• Galactic coordinates. Standard galactic XYZ coordinatesare also acceptable as a valid input, although mostship's personnel find this cumbersome.3.4.2 Bearings are measured relative to the ship's attitude.Azimuth anglesElevation angle,Spacecraftorientation000°Spacecraftorientation.000°Object is at bearing024, mark 35Most of our control panels and displays are large photographic transparencies designed by Mike Okuda and Cari Thomas usingAdobe Illustrator, as well as conventional pen-and-ink techniques. These large sheets of film are mounted on Plexiglas sheetsand backlit with electronic "blinkies" by the Star Trek special mechanical effects department under the supervision of DickBrownfield. The result is a very clean "high tech" look to our panels. When a panel must be seen in close-up, Mike often createsanimated readouts on his Macintosh II computers using such programs as Macromind Director, Supermac's Pixel Paint, andParacomp 's Swivel 3D. The resulting graphics are directly outputted to videotape using a Raster Ops board. The visual effectsdepartment is then responsible for digitally superimposing these displays onto the control panels in postproduction.

3.4.3 Headings can be measured relative to the center of the galaxy. This is analogous to a directional system used onEarth that is based on angular differences to a reference point located at the northern rotational axis. In both cases, aheading of 000 from any point in the galaxy (or the planet's surface) represents a vector directly toward the referencepoint: the center of the galaxy or the planet's North Pole. Both these ships have azimuth heading of 030.SiDirectionof flight(heading 000) (heading 030)Directionof flight(heading 030)3.5 OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (OPS)Many shipboard operations involve scheduling resourcesor hardware (such as power or the use of sensors) that affecta number of departments. In many such cases, it is commonfor various operations to present conflicting requirements. Itis the responsibility of the Operations Management Officer(normally referred to as the Operations Manager or Ops) tocoordinate such activities so that mission goals are not jeopardized.Having a crew member in this decision-making loopis of crucial importance because of the wide range of unpredictablesituations with which a <strong>star</strong>ship must deal.The Ops panel presents the Operations Manager with acontinually updated list of current major shipboard activities.This list permits Ops to set priorities and allocate resourcesamong current operations. This is especially critical in caseswhere two or more requests require the use of the sameequipment, entail mutually exclusive mission profiles, or involvesome unusual safety or tactical considerations.An example might be a situation where the Stellar Physicsdepartment is conducting an experiment using the lateralsensor array to study a nearby binary <strong>star</strong>. Simultaneously,part of the same array is being time-shared with a long-rangecometary population survey. A request from the bridge for apriority scan of a planetary system might jeopardize bothstudies unless Ops authorizes a minor change in ship'sattitude, permitting the Stellar Physics observations to use theupper sensor array. Alternatively, Ops may weigh the optionof placing one of the ongoing studies on a lower priority toprovide the bridge with immediate use of the lateral array.PRIORITY ARID RESOURCE ALLOCATIONMost routine scheduling and resource allocation is doneautomatically by the Ops program. This frees the OperationsManager from routine activity, leaving him/her able to concentrateon decisions beyond the scope of the artificial intelligencesoftware. The level of these decision filter programscan be set by the Operations Manager, and also varies withthe current Alert status of the ship.In cases where priorities are ambiguous or where specificOps approval is required, the panel will display a menu of themost probable options for action. In virtually all cases, theOperations Manager also has the ability to input choicesbeyond those presented by the action menus. This is importantbecause it is impossible for mission planners to anticipateevery possible situation. Action menus may be displayed forany current activity (even those which would normally behandled automatically) upon keyboard request from Ops.During crisis situations and Reduced Power Mode operations,Ops is responsible for supervision of power allocation incoordination with the Engineering department (See: 15.9).Load shedding of nonessential power usage in such situ-

ations is based on spacecraft survival factors and missionpriorities.The Operations Manager is also responsible for providinggeneral status information to the main computer, which isthen made available to all departments and personnel. Opsroutes specific information to specific departments to informthem of anticipated changes and requirements that may affecttheir operations.An example is a scenario where an Away Team is to besent on a mission to a planetary surface. Typical Opsresponsibilities might include:• Notification of Away Team personnel of the assignmentand providing said personnel with mission objective information.When Away Team personnel are drawn from operationaldepartments, Ops will sometimes coordinate to provide crosstrainedreplacement personnel from other departments.transport operations, as well as the assignment of a transporterchief to the mission. If available, Ops will also providetransport coordinates to the transporter chief.• Notification of Engineering to prepare for power allocationfor transporter operations, as well as deflector shieldshutdown, if necessary.Such notifications are generally accomplished automaticallywithout the need for active intervention by Ops. However,because preprogrammed functions cannot be expectedto anticipate all possible situations, Ops is responsible formonitoring all such coordination activity and for taking additionalaction as necessary. Such flexibility is particularlyimportant during alert and crisis scenarios, during whichunpredictable and unplanned conditions must frequently bedealt with.• Coordination with Mission Ops for assignment of commrelay frequencies and preparations to monitor Away Teamtricorder telemetry.• Notification for issuance of tricorders, phasers, environmentalgear, and other mission-specific equipment.• Assignment of personnel transporter room to handleCommunications selectCurrent action menuOperational priority selectManual sequence controlsX-Y translation control padDepartmental status displayEmergency override select3.5.1 Operations Management control panel (Cruise Mode)

3.6 TACTICALThe Main Bridge station dedicated to defensive systemscontrol and <strong>star</strong>ship internal security is Tactical. As currentlyconfigured on the USS Enterprise, Tactical occupies a uniqueplace in the overall command environment, situated directlybetween the center command area and the aft work stations.The physical layout of the raised Tactical station consoledescribes a sweeping curve affording an unobstructed view ofthe main viewer, and an equally clear view of the commandstations below. This allows for an uninterrupted exchangebetween the Security Officer (doubling as senior TacticalOfficer) and other bridge officers during critical operations, aswell as exchanges with crew members occupying the aftstations. The console lacks a seat and is therefore a standupposition, deemed ergonomically necessary for efficient securityfunctions.While the length of the control/display panel canaccommodate two officers, most scenarios will see the SecurityOfficer conducting operations alone. Even during crisissituations, when action levels are highest, a single tacticalofficer will respond in the least ambiguous manner, with aminimum number of significant order confirmations andcommand interrogatives. A second Tactical Officer will beavailable as necessary, in.the event the senior officer is calledto Away Team duty or is otherwise indisposed.authorized deputy. Armory inventories, Security team personnelassignments, and detailed directives are but a few ofthe items handled with panel inputs.STARSHIP DEFENSE FUNCTIONSThe very survival of the ship will often rest in the hands ofSecurity Officer in the performance of operations in hazardoussituations including close-in missions to energetic celestialobjects, dealing with dangers posed by certain artificialconstructs, and potential hostilities with Threat vessels. Awide variety of systems are available to the Security Officerfrom the Tactical station, including the ship's defensive shields,phaser banks, and photon torpedoes, all first-line devices(See: 11.0).Tactical coordinates with the Flight Control Officer andFlight Operations positions in all situations involving externalhazards. Guidance and navigation information, targetingdata, and external communications are networked through allthree stations, providing expanded options for dealing withunknowns as they present themselves.Other systems that may be commanded by Tactical includelong- and short-range sensor arrays, sensor probes,message buoys, and tractor beam devices.SHIPBOARD SECURITY FUNCTIONSPart of the default control layout, depicted in 3.6.1,presents the Security Officer with information readouts dealingwith the internal protection of the Enterprise and its crew.The first tier of coverage involves a benign, low-level approach,watching over basic crew safety. The second tieractivates during diplomatic and cultural missions, providingsecurity for ambassadorial personnel or other important visitors.As an adjunct to these measures, high-level counterintelligencemeasures may be brought into play to negatepossible sabotage or terrorist penetrations on board theEnterprise.Security teams can be directed from Tactical via voicecommand or keyed instructions by the Security Officer or3.6.1 Tactical systems control panel (Cruise Mode)

3.7 COMMAND STATIONS 3.8 SCIENCE STATIONSThe Main Bridge command stations provide seating andinformation displays for the Commanding Officer (normallythe captain) and two other officers, typically the First Officerand the counselor. The command stations are centrallylocated, designed to maximize interaction with all key bridgepersonnel, while permitting an unobstructed view of the mainscreen.The captain's chair features armrests that incorporateminiaturized status displays, and simplified Conn and Opscontrols. Upon keyboard or vocal command, the captain canuse these controls to override the basic operation of thespacecraft. Such overrides are generally reserved for emergencysituations. The other two seating positions in thecommand area include somewhat larger information displayterminal screens, which permit these officers to access andmanipulate data as part of their duties.Cruise Mode operating rules require a shift CommandingOfficer to be on duty at all times, although the presence ofother command personnel is optional, depending on specificmission requirements. Yellow and Red Alert operating rulesgenerally require the presence of at least two commandpersonnel, in addition to Conn and Ops.Science stations I and II are the first two aft stationslocated directly behind the Tactical station on the upper levelof the Main Bridge. They are used by bridge personnel toprovide realtime scientific data to command personnel. Thesestations are not assigned full-time technicians, but are availablefor use as needed.In some cases, the science stations are used by personnelattached to secondary missions including researchers,science officers, mission specialists, and others who need tocoordinate operations closely with the bridge. A typicalexample might be an ongoing study of stellar composition,normally handled down in the stellar spectroscopy lab, butwhich has occasional periods of large-volume observationsbetter managed from the bridge. Another example would bethe control of an automated probe, gathering interstellar dustsamples from a hazardous area, later requiring specific shipmaneuvers in order to successfully recover the probe and itssamples.Science I and II are generally configured for independentoperation, but can be linked together when two researcherswish to work cooperatively. The aft Science stations havepriority links to Conn, Ops, and Tactical. During Alert status,science stations can have priority access to sensor arrays, ifScience Iaft stationSciencedepartmentsBattleBridqeLateral arrays(saucer)Lower sensorarrayLong-rangesensor arrayNavigationalsensorsMission-specificsensors3.8.1 Sensor tie-ins to bridge science stations

necessary overriding ongoing science department observationsand other secondary missions upon approval by the OperationsManager.The Science I station incorporates an isolinear chipmatrix panel that permits specialized mission profile programsto be loaded as needed, and also permits investigatorsto accumulate data for later study.SCIENCE STATION FUNCTIONSPrimary functions of Science stations include:requirements and to supplement Ops in providing realtimescientific data for command decisionmaking support.• The ability to act as a command post for coordinationof activities of various science laboratories and other departments,as well as for monitoring of secondary mission status.• The ability to reconfigure and recalibrate sensor systemsat a moment's notice for specific command intelligencerequirements.• The ability to provide access to sensors and interpretivesoftware for primary mission and command intelligence3.8.2 Science I and II aft station panels3.9 MISSION OPSThe third aft station is Mission Ops. This station providesadditional support to the Operations Manager, and is specificallyresponsible for monitoring activity relating to secondarymissions. In doing so, Mission Ops acts as an assistant to theOperations Manager, relieving him/her of responsibility forlower-priority tasks that must be monitored by a human operator.Mission Ops is responsible for assignment of resourcesand priorities according to guidelines specified by the OperationsManager and by operating protocols. For example, Opsmay determine that a particular research project is to haveusage of specific sensor elements, subject to priority usage ofthose same sensors by the bridge. Although the actualminute-to-minute assignment of resources will be automaticallyhandled by the Ops panel software, Mission Ops willmonitor the computer activity to ensure that such computercontrol does not unduly compromise any mission priorities.This is particularly important during unforeseen situations thatmay not fall within the parameters of preprogrammed decision-makingsoftware.Mission Ops is responsible for resolving low-level conflicts,but will refer primary mission conflicts to the OperationsManager.

A Mission Ops tech generally serves as relief OperationsManager when the duty Ops officer is away from station.3.9.1 Mission Operations aft station panelOTHER MISSION OPS DUTIESThis station is responsible for monitoring telemetry fromprimary mission Away Teams. This includes tricorder dataand any other mission-specific instrumentation.Mission Ops is also responsible for monitoring the activitiesof secondary missions to anticipate requirements andpossible conflicts. In cases where such conflicts impact onprimary missions in progress, Mission Ops is required to notifythe Operations Manager.During Alert and crisis situations, Mission Ops also assiststhe Security Officer, providing information on AwayTeams and secondary mission operations, with emphasis onpossible impact on security concerns.3.10 ENVIRONMENTThe Environmental Systems station permits monitoringand control of the life support systems aboard the Enterprise.Although this station is often unattended due to the highlyautomated nature of these systems, this station is of crucialimportance during crisis and Alert situations.This station is normally programmed to monitor statusand performance for atmosphere, temperature, gravity, inertialdamping, and shielding subsystems. Environment alsomonitors critical consumables such as oxygen and water.Finally, this station also oversees the function of the variousrecycling and reprocessing systems that insure a continuoussupply of breathable air, water, food, and other consumables.When unattended, this station's programming will alert Ops ofany situation requiring crew attention.During Alert and crisis situations, Environment serves asa deputy Operations Manager, monitoring and allocating lifesupport resources to maximize crew survivability. The EnvironmentalSystems Officer (when required on the bridge) isauthorized to initiate Yellow and Red Alert conditions and isresponsible for execution of survival scenarios such as evacuationto environmental shelter areas.3.10.1 Environmental Systems aft station panel

3.11 ENGINEERING3.11.1 Engineering aft station panelThe Engineering systems monitor duplicates in simplifiedform the Chief Engineer's primary status displays from MainEngineering. These displays include the warp propulsionsystem, impulse propulsion system, and related subsystems.The purpose of this station is to permit the Chief Engineer tomaintain supervision over engineering systems while on thebridge. This is particularly critical during Alert situations thatmay require the Chief Engineer's presence on the bridgewhile simultaneously requiring that officer to maintain a closewatch over the status of key systems. During most routineCruise Mode operations, bridge monitoring of these systemsis the responsibility of the Flight Control Officer and the OperationsManager.Although this station is normally configured for passivesystems status display, priority access by the Chief Engineeror senior staff can provide full control of virtually all engineeringsystems.The console is linked to the engineering systems throughthe bridge's dedicated optical data network (ODN) trunks, butan additional measure of redundancy is provided by dedicatedoptical hardlines, which permit direct control of keysystems in the event of major control systems failure. In sucha case, the main computer cores would be assumed to beunavailable or unreliable, so manual control of systems wouldbe enabled with support from the bridge Engineering subprocessor.In Full Enable Mode, this station is capable of individuallyaddressing each control and servo device (as well as Engineeringcommand software) in all propulsion systems (subjecttosafety restrictions), giving the Chief Engineer enormousflexibility to reconfigure system operations in response tounforeseen situations.This station is normally unattended, except by the ChiefEngineer or key Engineering personnel, although most of itsdisplays are readily accessible to both Ops and Conn throughtheir respective control programs.3.12 GUIDANCE AND NAVIGATIONCritical to the flight of any vehicle through interstellarspace are the concepts of guidance and navigation. Theseinvolve the ability to control spacecraft motions, to determinethe locations of specific points in three and four dimensions,and to allow the spacecraft to follow safe paths between thosepoints.The theater of operation for the USS Enterprise takes itthrough both known and unknown regions of the Milky Waygalaxy. While the problems of interstellar navigation havebeen well-defined for over two hundred years, navigatingabout this celestial whirlpool, especially at warp velocities, stillrequires the precise orchestration of computers, sensors,active high-energy deflecting devices, and crew decisionmakingabilities.SPACECRAFT GUIDANCEThe attitude and translational control of the USS Enterpriserelative to the surrounding space involves numeroussystems aboard both the Saucer Module and Battle Section.As the <strong>star</strong>ship maneuvers within the volume of the galaxy,the main computers attempt to calculate the location of thespacecraft to a precision of 10 kilometers at sublight, and 100kilometers during warp flight. The subject of velocity isimportant in these discussions, as different sensing and

3.12.1 Galactic navigational reference systemFar infraredscannersSubspacefield sensorsLong-rangearrayPulsar/quasarcountersStellar pairimagersFed TimebaseBeaconsInertial dampersensors _\OpticalWarp drivesystemsIImpulse drivesystemsLateralsensor arraysOthersensorsGravitonNavigationsensorsreceiversOnboardtimebaseAccelerometersIInertial Baseline^*Input System _^1ReactionControl SysTPropulsionsys inputsFlightControllercomputation methods are employed for each flight regime.During extremely slow in-system maneuvering at sublightvelocity, the main computers, coupled with the reaction controlthrusters, are capable of resolving spacecraft motions to0.05 seconds of arc in axial rotation, and 0.5 meters of singleimpulsetranslation. During terminal docking maneuvers,accuracies of up to 2.75 cm can be maintained. Changes inspacecraft direction of flight, relative to its own center of mass,is measured in bearings, as shown in 3.4.2.Internal sensing devices such as accelerometers, opticalgyros, and velocity vector processors, are grouped within theinertial baseline input system, or IBIS. The IBIS is in realtimecontact with the structural integrity field and inertial dampingsystems, which provide compensating factors to adjustapparent internal sensor values, allowing them to be comparedwith externally derived readings. The IBIS also providesa continuous feedback loop used by the reaction controlsystem to verify propulsion inputs.EXTERNAL SENSORSThe major external sensors employed at sublight includestellar graviton detectors, stellar pair coordinate imagers,pulsar/quasar counters, far infrared scanners, and FederationTimebase Beacon (FTB) receivers. These devices alsocommunicate with the structural integrity field and inertialdamping field processors, inertial sensors, and main computersto obtain an adjusted awareness of the ship's location.The wide range of external sensors make it possible to obtainthe greatest number of readings under many different conditions.The standard external sensor pallet has been designedto insure that coarse position calculations can be made underadverse operating conditions: e.g., magnetic fields, denseinterstellar dust, and stellar flares.While the network of FTBs operate on subspace frequenciesto facilitate position calculations at warp, vehicles atsublight speed can, in fact, obtain more precise positioningdata than ships at warp. In the absence of clear FTB signals,onboard timebase processors continue computing distanceand velocity for later synchronization when FTB pulses areonce again detected.Guidance of the USS Enterprise athigher sublight velocitiescouples the impulse engines with those systems alreadymentioned. External sensor readings, distorted by higherrelativistic speeds, necessitate adjustment by the guidanceand navigation (G&N) subprocessors in order to accuratelycompute ship location and provide proper control inputs to theimpulse engines. Extended travel at high sublight speed is nota preferred mode of travel for Federation vessels, due to theundesired time-dilation effects, but may be required occasionallyif warp systems are unavailable.In the Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>ship, ongoing G&N system researchtasks are handled by a mixed consultation crew oftwelve Tursiops truncatus and T. truncatus gilli, Atlantic and

Pacific bottlenose dolphins, respectively. This crew is overseenby two additional cetaceans, Orcinus orca takayai, orTakaya's Whale. All theoretical topics in navigation arestudied by these elite specialists, and their recommendationsfor system upgrades are implemented by Starfleet.NAVIGATIONThe whole of the galactic environment must be taken intoaccount in any discussion of guidance and navigation. TheMilky Way galaxy, with its populations of <strong>star</strong>s, gas and dustconcentrations, and numerous other exotic (and energetic)phenomena, encompasses a vast amount of low-densityspace through which Federation vessels travel. The continuingmission segments of the USS Enterprise will take it tovarious objects within this space, made possible by theonboard navigation systems.THE MILKY WAY GALAXYThe Milky Way galaxy would seem, by any scheme ofmapping, to be a record-keeping nightmare created to thwartall who would attempt to traverse it. Not only is the entire massrotating, but it is doing so at different rates, from its core to theouter spiral arms. Over time, even small-scale structureschange enough to be a problem in navigation and mapping.A common frame of reference is necessary, however, in orderto conduct exploration, establish trade routes, and performvarious other Starfleet operations, from colony transfers torescue missions. The mapping and galactic heading systemestablished by the Federation is shown in 3.12.1.Celestial objects become known by planetary deepspaceinstrument scans and <strong>star</strong>ship surveys, and are recordedwithin Starfleet's central galactic condition database.Locations and proper motions of all major <strong>star</strong>s, nebulae, dustclouds, and other stable natural objects are stored anddistributed throughout the Federation. New objects arecatalogued as they are encountered, and updated databasesare regularly transmitted by subspace radio to Starfleet andallied Federation vessels.During stops at Federation outposts and <strong>star</strong>bases, alldetailed recordings of a ship's previous flight time are downloadedand sent on to Starfleet. Most of the information in thedatabase concerns the present condition of an object, with"present" defined as real clock time measured at StarfleetHeadquarters, San Francisco, Earth. The overall visual appearanceof the galaxy from Earth or any planet is, of course,unreliable due to the limitation of the speed of light; so manyadditional sources (such as faster subspace readings) areneeded to keep the database current. Where realtime objectinformation is unavailable, predicted conditions are listed.The main computers of the USS Enterprise apply thegalactic condition database to the task of plotting flight pathsbetween points in the galaxy. Objects lying along the flightFed TimebaseBeaconsSupemovaeSubspace radiorelaysEmissionnebulaeDistantStarfleet shipsSubspacephenomenaNearStarfleet shipsInstrumentedprobesQuasarsSensorplatformsStellar pairsArtificial navigational devices • Natural celestial objects used for navigation3.12.2 Navigational reference aids

.13 SYSTEM DIAGNOSTICSpath, such as stellar systems or random large solid bodies,are avoided. At sublight as well as warp velocities, theexternal and internal sensors communicate with the computersand engine systems to perform constantly updated coursecorrections along the basic trajectory.DEFLECTION OF LOW-MASS PARTICLESLighter mass materials such as interstellar gas and dustgrains are translated away from the ship's flight path by themain navigational deflector. During low-sublight travel, anumber of nested parabolic deflector shields are projected bythe main emitter dish. These shields encounter distant oncomingparticles, imparting a radial velocity component tothem, effectively clearing the space ahead of the vehicle forashort time. Higher sublight velocities require the additionaluse of precision-aimed deflector beams directed at specifictargets in the projected flight path.Control of the deflector power output is available in anumber of modes, from simple deflection to predictive-adaptivesubspace/graviton; a series of high-speed algorithmsanalyzes the ship's velocity and the density of the interstellarmedium, and commands changes in the navigational deflectorsystem.3.13 SYSTEM DIAGNOSTICSAll key operating systems and subsystems aboard theEnterprise have a number of preprogrammed diagnostic softwareand procedures for use when actual or potential malfunctionsare experienced. These various diagnostic protocolsare generally classified into five different levels, eachoffering a different degree of crew verification of automatedtests. Which type of diagnostic is used in a given situation willgenerally depend upon the criticality of a situation, and uponthe amount of time available for the test procedures.• Level 1 Diagnostic. This refers to the most comprehensivetype of system diagnostic, which is normally conductedon ship's systems. Extensive automated diagnosticroutines are performed, but a Level 1 diagnostic requires ateam of crew members to physically verify operation of systemmechanisms and to system readings, rather than dependingon the automated programs, thereby guarding against possiblemalfunctions in self-testing hardware and software.Level 1 diagnostics on major systems can take several hours,and in many cases the subject system must be taken off-linefor all tests to be performed.• Level 2 Diagnostic. This refers to a comprehensivesystem diagnostic protocol which, like a Level 1, involvesextensive automated routines, but requires crew verificationof fewer operational elements. This yields a somewhat lessreliable system analysis, but is a procedure that can be conductedin less than half the time of the more complex tests.• Level 3 Diagnostic. This protocol is similar to Level 1and 2 diagnostics but involves crew verification of only keymechanics and systems readings. Level 3 diagnostics areintended to be performed in ten minutes or less.• Level 4 Diagnostic. This automated procedure isintended for use whenever trouble is suspected with a givensystem. This protocol is similar to Level 5, but involves moresophisticated batteries of automated diagnostics. For mostsystems, Level 4 diagnostics can be performed in under 30seconds.• Level 5 Diagnostic. This automated procedure isintended for routine use to verify system performance. Level5 diagnostics, which usually require less than 2.5 seconds,are typically performed on most systems on at least a dailybasis, and are also performed during crisis situations whentime and system resources are carefully managed.

3.14 BATTLE BRIDGE 3.15 MAIN ENGINEERINGA second major facility for <strong>star</strong>ship operational control isthe Battle Bridge. This facility, located on Deck 8 at the top ofthe Battle Section, serves as a command and control centerfor tactical operations during Separated Flight Mode (See:15.8). The Battle Bridge incorporates the standard Conn andOps panels for <strong>star</strong>flight operations, but includes enhancedtactical analysis and weapons control stations, as well ascommunications and engineering. As with other controlfacilities, software-definable workstations permit consoles tobe reconfigured as necessary to handle specific situations(See: 11.5).In addition to its tactical role, the Battle Bridge is capableof serving as an auxiliary control center as a backup to theMain Bridge. The Battle Bridge computer subprocessors areable to control all major ship's systems, even in the event oftotal Main Bridge incapacity and partial main computer corefailure.The Battle Bridge is directly accessible from the MainBridge by means of a dedicated emergency turboelevatorshaft. Access is also possible by means of the regular turboliftsystem through a corridor on Deck 8.The Main Engineering control center on Deck 36 servesas a master control for the ship's warp propulsion system, aswell as the impulse propulsion system and other engineeringsystems.Main Engineering also serves as a backup control centerin the event of failure of the Main Bridge and the Battle Bridge.Workstations at this location can be reconfigured to emulateConn, Ops, Tactical, and other command operations. This isa desirable site for such functions because of its protectedlocation within the Engineering section and its proximity to keywarp propulsion system components. Optical data networkhardlines provide protected backup communications to othermajor systems.Principal control consoles available to the engineeringstaff in Main Engineering include:• Master systems display. This large tabletop displaypanel permits duty engineers to gain an overall understandingof the "health" of the spacecraft. This display incorporatestwo small workstations that permit individual engineers toperform specific tasks, leaving the larger displays for theremaining staff. This console can be configured for limitedflight control functions in emergency situations.N3.15.1 Main Engineering, aft view

• Warp propulsion systems status display. This walldisplay incorporates a schematic of the warp propulsionsystem and shows performance of all key system elements.• Impulse propulsion systems status display. Thiswall display incorporates a schematic of the impulse propulsionsystem and shows performance of all key system elements.• Master situation monitor. This large wall displayfeatures a cutaway of the <strong>star</strong>ship, showing the location of keysystems and hardware, highlighting any elements that arecurrently experiencing any condition out of nominal. Thisdisplay also incorporates two sets of user controls to permituse of this station for troubleshooting.• Chief Engineer's office. This control room includessmaller-scale repeater versions of most key displays in MainEngineering, as well as workstations for the Chief Engineerand two assistants. It also includes emergency controlstations, and the primary isolinear control chip panels for MainEngineering. This office is located immediately adjacent tothe matter/antimatter reaction assembly. A reinforced opticalwindow permits the Chief Engineer to directly observe thevisible reaction patterns within the core without the need forsensor display.• Duty engineer's console. Adjacent to the ChiefEngineer's office is a smaller workstation available for theuse of the duty engineer. This console incorporates mastersystems display repeater panels.This facility is located immediately adjacent to the matter/antimatter reaction chamber. For safety reasons, two sectionisolation doors are available to protect the Main Engineeringcontrol center from the matter/antimatter reaction core chamberin case of serious malfunction or plasma breach. Theseisolation doors can be triggered automatically. Further protectionis provided by a system of containment forcefieldswhich can be activated in the event of a warp core breach orsimilar contingency (See: 5.10).The tablelike master systems display console in the middle ofMain Engineering is actually the same unit, refurbished, thatwas used by Admiral Cartwright and company in StarfleetCommand in the movie Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.Most Star Trek production staffers have taken to informallyreferring to it as "the pool table."3.15.2 Main Engineering forward view

4.0 COMPUTER SYSTEMS4.1 COMPUTER SYSTEM4.1 COMPUTER SYSTEMThe main computer system of the Enterprise is probablythe most important single operational element of the <strong>star</strong>shipnext to the crew. The computer is directly analogous to theautonomic nervous system of a living being, and is responsiblein some way for the operation of virtually every othersystem of the vehicle.Crew interface for the main computer is provided by theLibrary Computer Access and Retrieval System software,usually abbreviated as LCARS. LCARS provides both keyboardand verbal interface ability, incorporating highly sophisticatedartificial intelligence routines and graphic displayorganization for maximum crew ease-of-use (See: 3.3).COMPUTER CORESThe heart of the main computer system is a set of threeredundant main processing cores. Any of these three coresis able to handle the primary operational computing load of theentire vessel. Two of these cores are located near the centerof the Primary Hull between Decks 5 and 14, while the third islocated between Decks 30 and 37 in the Engineering Hull.Each main core incorporates a series of miniature subspacefield generators, which creates a symmetrical (nonpropulsive)field distortion of 3350 millicochranes within the faster-thanlight(FTL) core elements. This permits the transmission andprocessing of optical data within the core at rates significantlyexceeding lightspeed.The two main cores in the Primary Hull run in parallelclock-sync with each other, providing 100% redundancy. Inthe event of any failure in either core, the other core is able toinstantly assume the total primary computing load for the shipwith no interruption, although some secondary and recreationalfunctions (such as holodeck simulations) may be suspended.The third core, located in the Engineering Hull,serves as a backup to the first two, and also serves the BattleSection during separated flight operations.Core elements are based on FTL nanoprocessor unitsarranged into optical transtator clusters of 1,024 segments. Inturn, clusters are grouped into processing modules composedof 256 clusters controlled by a bank of sixteen isolinearchips. Each core comprises seven primary and three upperlevels, each level containing an average of four modules.CORE MEMORYMemory storage for main core usage is provided by 2,048dedicated modules of 144 isolinear optical storage chips.Under LCARS software control, these modules provide averagedynamic access to memory at 4,600 kiloquads/sec. Totalstorage capacity of each module is about 630,000 kiloquads,depending on software configuration.Port and <strong>star</strong>board computer cores •Engineering Hull computer core •4.1.1 Location of main computer cores

4.1 COMPUTER SYSTEMThe main cores are tied into the ship's optical datanetwork by means of a series of MJL junction links whichbridge the subspace boundary layer. There is a 12% Dopplerloss in transmission rate across the boundary, but the resultingincrease in processing speed from the FTL core elementsmore than compensates.SUBPROCESSORSA network of 380 quadritronic optical subprocessors isdistributed throughout both ship's sections, augmenting themain cores. Within the habitable volume of the ship, most ofthese subprocessors are located near main corridor junctionsfor easy access. While these subprocessors do not employFTL elements, the distributed processing network improvesSystems monitor room •overall system response and provides redundancy in emergencysituations. Each subprocessor is linked into the opticaldata network, and most also have a dedicated optical link toone or more of the main cores.The Main Bridge and the Battle Bridge each have sevendedicated and twelve shared subprocessors, which permitoperations even in the event of main core failure. Thesebridge subprocessors are linked to the main cores by meansof protected optical conduits, which provide alternate controllinkages in the event of a primary optical data network failure.Further redundancy is provided by dedicated short-rangeradio frequency (RF) links, providing emergency data communicationswith the bridge. Additional dedicated subproces-Subspace fieldsystems access —FTL nanoprocessor units •Upper coreLower core4.1.2 Cross section of typical computer core

4.1 COMPUTER SYSTEM4.1.3 Optical data network interconnects between computer cores, main bridge, and other key systemsEngineeringHullopticaldatanetworkPrimaryHullopticaldatanetworkInterconnectumbilicalsODN network linksProtected ODN backup linkssors can be installed as needed to support mission-specificoperations.Virtually every control panel and terminal within the shipis linked to a subprocessor or directly into the optical datanetwork. Each active panel is continually polled by LCARS at30 millisecond intervals so that the local subprocessor and/orthe main core is informed of all keyboard or verbal inputs.Each polling inquiry is followed by a 42 nanosecond compresseddata stream, which provides panel update information.This data stream includes any requested visual or audioinformation for panel output.The network is specifically designed to permit independentoperation of remaining system elements in the event of a widevariety of partial system failures.Short-range RF data links are available throughout theship to provide information transmission to portable andhandheld devices such as tricorders and personal accessdisplay devices (PADD).This integrated network of computers, subprocessors,and panels forms the "nervous system" of the ship and permitscontinuous realtime analysis of the ship's operating status.We realize quite well that the Enterprise computer system is definitely overpowered in terms of twentieth-century computingapplications. On the other hand, the history of computer technology has shown that each time a faster, more powerful computerbecomes available, useful applications quickly follow to take advantage of the new machines, which in turn spurs computerdesigners to build still more powerful machines. One might expect that such trends will yield enormously powerful computers,which one might reasonably hope may significantly enhance the quality of life, as they apparently do for the men and womenof the Enterprise.

4.2 PERSONAL ACCESS DISPLAY DEVICE (PADD)4.2 PERSONAL ACCESS DISPLAY DEVICE (PADD)In its primary role aboard a <strong>star</strong>ship, the personal accessdisplay device (PADD) is a handheld control and displayterminal. Small, easily managed terminals and computers arein daily use throughout Starfleet, as a natural response tocrew members' needs to (1) execute hardware functions in avariety of locations, and (2) manipulate visual information andcommunicate that information to others aboard ship. Accessto the Enterprise computers and other pieces of equipmentcan be accomplished through the usual control displays andlarger terminal screens, of course, but the PADD has becomea convenient adjunct to those panels.The standard small PADD is 10 x 15 x 1 cm and isconstructed from three basic layers of imbedded circuitcompositematerial. All primary electronics, including multilayerdisplay screen, are bonded to the casing, a boronitewhisker epoxy. If dropped accidentally, even from a height of35 m, a PADD will remain undamaged. Replaceable componentsare limited to three, the sarium power loop, isolinearmemory chip, and subspace transceiver assembly (STA).In normal daily use, the power supply remains installedand is induction recharged. A full charge will last sixteenhours; if a PADD is about to exhaust its battery, it can set amemory flag in the main computer to transfer tasks to aworking unit, or suspend them until a later time. The totalmemory capacity of the isolinear chips is 4.3 kiloquads. Likethe tricorder, the PADD can transfer its total memory to themain computers in less than one second if the need arises.The STA is used to maintain data channels between thePADD and the Enterprise computers. If taken on an awaymission, the PADD can also perform uplink/downlink operationsand function as a transporter lock-on node. Datatransmissions and computing functions can be shared withany other Starfleet device supporting the STA com protocols.As with the personal communicator, transmissions are encryptedfor security purposes.The display screen, 4.25 times larger than that of atricorder, allows for the manipulation of control graphics,numerical data, and images by touch. Electrosensitive areasof the casing (colored brown on the standard engineeringPADD) are designed for specific data movement and storagefunctions. They can also be used to personalize the defaultsetup and single-crew member security restriction. An audiopickup sensor permits voice input.The PADD's control functions mimic those of any multilayerpanel, insofar as the security restrictions for individualcrew members are concerned. Properly configured with theConn position bridge controls, a crew member can theoreticallyfly the Enterprise from a PADD while walking down acorridor. While this would be an impractical exercise due to4.2.1 Personal Access Display Device (PADD)

PADD memory limitations and the relatively small diplayscreen, it is an example of the overall multiple-option philosophyestablished in the Ga/axyclass <strong>star</strong>ship design objectivesby Starfleet's Advanced Starship Design Bureau.This philosophy treats the <strong>star</strong>ship as an integratedorganism in which each component can be regarded as a cellin a body directed by a central brain, but with processingcapabilities distributed throughout the neural network. Becauseof this, PADDs and many other handheld data devicesare capable of accessing any data file or command programto which the user has authorized access.Custom PADD configurations can be fabricated aboardthe Enterprise or in any <strong>star</strong>ship hardware replication facilityequipped with custom isolinear circuit programming capabilities.Guy Vardaman, who among other things occasionally plays acrew member seen in the background of scenes in theEnterprise corridors, says that he and his fellow extras sometimesrefer to PADDs as "hall passes." The acronym PADDwas suggested by Star Trek research consultant RichardArnold during the early days of the series.4.3 ISOLINEAR OPTICAL CHIPS4.3.1 Isolinear optical chipIsolinear optical chips are the primary software and datastorage medium employed throughout the Enterprise computersystems. These nanotech devices represent a numberof significant advances over the crystal memory cards used inearlier systems.These new chips make use of single-axis optical crystallayering to achieve subwavelength switching distances.Nanopulse matrix techniques yield a total memory capacity of2.15 kiloquads per chip in standard holographic format.Like earlier crystal memory devices, isolinear chips optimizememory access by employing onboard nanoprocessors.In these new devices, however, higher processingspeeds permit individual chips to manage data configurationindependent of LCARS control, thus reducing system accesstime by up to 7%. Additionally, the chip substrate is infusedwith trace quantities of superconductive platinum/irridium,which permits FTL optical data transmission when energizedby the core's subspace flux. This results in a dramatic 335%increase in processing speed when used in one of the maincomputer cores.Isolinear chips can be ruggedized with the application ofa protective tripolymer sealant over the refractive interfacesurface. This allows the chip to be handled without protectivegloves. When so treated, isolinear chips are used as aconvenient form of information transport. Many portable datahandlingdevices such as tricorders, PADDs, and optical chipreaders are able to read and write to standard format isolinearchips.Isolinearopticalchips were inventedby veferan Star Trek writer Dorothy Fontana forthe episode "The Naked Now." The designof the prop is intended to reflect the original "microtape" data cartridges used in the original series, but in a much more compactand powerful form. Ironically, those original props are about the same size as the 3.5-inch Macintosh diskettes which we usedwhen writing this book.

5.0 WARP PROPULSION SYSTEMS5.0 WARP PROPULSION SYSTEMSIf one were to consider any of the ship's major componentsas its heart, the warp propulsion system would have tobe the logical choice. The WPS, the single most complex andenergetic element of the USS Enterprise, is the latest versionof the device that at last afforded humanity access to deepinterstellar space, facilitated contact with other lifeforms, andprofoundly changed all preeminent technological civilizationsin the Milky Way.5.1 WARP FIELD THEORY AND APPLICATIONLike those before him, Zefram Cochrane, the scientistgenerally credited with the development of modern warpphysics, built his work upon the shoulders of giants. Beginningin the mid-twenty-first century, Cochrane, working withhis legendary engineering team, labored to derive the basicmechanism of continuum distortion propulsion (CDP). Intellectually,he grasped the potential for higher energies andfaster-than-light travel, which signified practical operationsbeyond the Sol system. The eventual promise of rapid interstellartravel saw his team take on the added task of anintensive review of the whole of the physical sciences. It washoped that the effort would lead to better comprehension ofknown phenomena applicable to warp physics, as well as thepossibility of "left field" ideas influenced by related disciplines.Their crusade finally led to a set of complex equations,materials formulae, and operating procedures that describedthe essentials of superluminal flight. In those original warpdrive theories, single (or at most double) shaped fields,created at tremendous energy expenditure, could distort thespace/time continuum enough to drive a <strong>star</strong>ship. As early as2061, Cochrane's team succeeded in producing a prototypefield device of massive proportions. Described as a fluctuationsuperimpeller, it finally allowed an unmanned flight testvehicle to straddle the speed of light (c) "wall," alternatingbetween two velocity states while remaining at neither forlonger than Planck time, 1.3 x 10~ 43 second, the smallestpossible unit of measurable time. This had the net effect ofmaintaining velocities at the previously unattainable speed oflight, while avoiding the theoretically infinite energy expenditurewhich would otherwise have been required.Early CDP engines—which were only informally dubbed"warp" engines — met with success, and were almost immediatelyincorporated into existing spacecraft designs withsurprising ease. Although slow and inefficient by today's standards,these engines yielded a substantial reduction of undesiredtime dilation effects, paving the way for round-trip flightson the order of a few years, not decades. Cochrane and histeam eventually relocated to the Alpha Centauri colonies (amove that took "only" four years because of CDP-poweredspace vehicles), and they continued to pioneer advances inwarp physics that would eventually jump the wall altogetherand explore the mysterious realm of subspace that lay on theother side.The key to the creation of subsequent non-Newtonianmethods, i.e., propulsion not dependent upon exhaustingreaction products, lay in the concept of nesting many layers ofwarp field energy, each layer exerting a controlled amount offorce against its next-outermost neighbor. The cumulativeeffect of the force applied drives the vehicle forward and isknown as asymmetrical peristaltic field manipulation (APFM).Warp field coils in the engine nacelles are energized insequential order, fore to aft. The firing frequency determinesthe number of field layers, a greater number of layers per unittime being required at higher warp factors. Each new fieldlayer expands outward from the nacelles, experiences a rapidforce coupling and decoupling at variable distances from thenacelles, simultaneously transferring energy and separatingfrom the previous layer at velocities between 0.5c and 0.9c.This is well within the bounds of traditional physics, effectivelycircumventing the limits of General, Special, and TransformationalRelativity. During force coupling the radiated energymakes the necessary transition into subspace, applying anapparent mass reduction effect to the spacecraft. Thisfacilitates the slippage of the spacecraft through the sequencinglayers of warp field energy.WARP POWER MEASUREMENTThe cochrane is the unit used to measure subspace fieldstress. Cochranes are also used to measure field distortiongenerated by other spatial manipulation devices, includingtractor beams, deflectors, and synthetic gravity fields. Fieldsbelow Warp 1 are measured in millicochranes.

A subspace field of one thousand millicochranes orgreater becomes the familiar warp field. Field intensity foreach warp factor increases geometrically and is a function ofthe total of the individual field layer values. Note that thecochrane value for a given warp factor corresponds to theapparent velocity of a spacecraft traveling at that warp factor.For example, a ship traveling at Warp Factor 3 is maintaininga warp field of at least 39 cochranes and is therefore travelingat 39 times c, the speed of light. Approximate values forinteger warp factors are:Warp Factor 1 =Warp Factor 2 =Warp Factor 3 =1 cochrane10 cochranes39 cochranesWarp Factor 4:Warp Factor 5 ••Warp Factor 6 ••Warp Factor 7 ••Warp Factor 8:Warp Factor 9 •102 cochranes214 cochranes392 cochranes656 cochranes1024 cochranes1516 cochranesThe actual values are dependent upon interstellar conditions,e.g., gas density, electric and magnetic fields within thedifferent regions of the Milky Way galaxy, and fluctuations inthe subspace domain. Starships routinely travel at multiplesof c, but they suffer from energy penalties resulting fromquantum drag forces and motive power oscillation inefficiencies.5.1.1 Warp speed/power graphPower usageapproaches infinityW1010,000~=Peak transitional threshold for Warp 1W10*1,000-=100~=Warp factorPower usage in megajoules/cochrane-'910Figuring out how "fast" various warp speeds are was pretty complicated, but not just from a "scientific" viewpoint. First, we hadto satisfy the general fan expectation that the new ship was significantly faster than the original. Second, we had to work withGene's recalibration, which put Warp Wat the absolute top of the scale. These first two constraints are fairly simple, but wequickly discovered that it was easy to make warp speeds TOO fast. Beyond a certain speed, we found that the ship wouldbe able to cross the entire galaxy within a matter of just a few months. (Having the ship too fast would make the galaxy toosmall a place for the Star Trek format.) Finally, we had to provide some loophole for various powerful aliens like Q, who havea knack for tossing the ship millions of light years in the time of a commercial break. Our solution was to redraw the warp curveso that the exponent of the warp factor increases gradually, then sharply as you approach Warp 10. At Warp 10, the exponent(and the speed) would be infinite, so you could never reach this value. (Mike used an Excel spreadsheet to calculate the speedsand times.) This lets Q and his friends have fun in the 9.9999+ range, but also lets our ship travel slowly enough to keep thegalaxy a big place, and meets the other criteria. (By the way, we estimate that in "Where No One Has Gone Before" the Travelerwas probably propelling the Enterprise at about Warp 9.9999999996. Good thing they were in the carpool lane.)

5.1 WARP FIELD THEORY AND APPLICATIONThe amount of power required to maintain a given warpfactor is a function of the cochrane value of the warp field.However, the energy required to initially establish the field ismuch greater, and is called the peak transitional threshold.Once that threshold has been crossed, the amount of powerrequired to maintain a given warp factor is lessened. While thecurrent engine designs allow for control of unprecedentedamounts of energy, the warp driver coil electrodynamic efficiencydecreases as the warp factor increases. Ongoingstudies indicate, however, that no new materials breakthroughsare anticipated to produce increased high warpfactor endurance.Warp fields exceeding a given warp factor, but lacking theenergy to cross the threshold to the next higher level, arecalled fractional warp factors. Travel at a given fractional warpfactor can be significantly faster than travel at the next lowerintegral warp, but for extended travel, it is often more energyefficientto simply increase to the next higher integral warpfactor.THEORETICAL LIMITSEugene's Limit allows for warp stress to increase asymptotically,approaching but never reaching a value correspondingto Warp Factor 10. As field values approach ten, powerrequirements rise geometrically, while the aforementioneddriver coil efficiency drops dramatically. The required forcecoupling and decoupling of the warp field layers rise tounattainablefrequencies, exceeding not only the flight system'scontrol capabilities, but more important the limit imposed bythe aforementioned Planck time. Even if it were possible toexpend the theoretically infinite amount of energy required, anobject at Warp 10 would be traveling infinitely fast, occupyingall points in the universe simultaneously.WARP PROPULSION SYSTEMAs installed in the Galaxy class, the warp propulsionsystem consists of three major assemblies: the matter/antimatterreaction assembly, power transfer conduits, and warpengine nacelles. The total system provides energy for itsprimary application, propelling the USS Enterprise throughspace, as well as its secondary application, powering suchessential high-capacity systems as the defensive shields,phaser arrays, tractor beam, main deflector, and computercores.The original propulsion system specifications, transmittedto the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards on 6 July 2343, called forhardware capable of sustaining a normal cruising speed ofWarp 5 until fuel exhaustion, a maximum cruising speed ofWarp 7, and a maximum top speed of Warp 9.3 for twelvehours. These theoretical milestones had been modeled incomputer simulations, based on a total vehicle mass of 6.5million metric tonnes. In the following six months, however,well before the spaceframe designs had been finalized,Starfleet reevaluated the overall requirements of the Galaxyclass, based upon a combination of factors. The drivinginfluences were: (1) changing political conditions amongmembers of the Federation, (2) intelligence forecasts describingimproved Threat hardware, and (3) increasing numbers ofPort warp nacelleStarboard warp nacelleDeuteriumsupplyWarp field generator coilsWarp field generator coilsPlasmainjectorPlasmainjectorMagneticconstrictionsegmentPower transfer conduitsEPSpower tapsMatter/antimatterreactionchambermDilithium crystalarticulation frameMagneticconstrictionsegmentAntimatterreactantinjectorAntimattersupply5.1.2 Warp drive system

5.2 MATTER/ANTIMATTER REACTION ASSEMBLYscientific programs that could benefit from a vessel withsuperior performance.Further computer modeling efforts by members of thestructural, systems, and propulsion working groups resultedin revised specifications being sent to the Utopia Planitiadesigners on 24 December 2344. These specificationsrequired the Galaxy class to sustain a normal cruising speedof Warp 6 until fuel exhaustion, a maximum cruising speed ofWarp 9.2, and a maximum top speed of Warp 9.6 for twelvehours. The total estimated vehicle mass was reduced throughmaterials improvements and internal rearrangements to 4.96million metric tonnes.Once the major designs were "frozen," prototype enginecomponents were fabricated, using elements of past vehiclesas reference points. Computer models of each major assemblywere merged into a total system model in order to testtheoretical performance characteristics. The first all-up systemmodel test finally took place at UP on 16 April 2356, andwas demonstrated to Starfleet two days later. As performancestudies progressed, prototype hardware was fabricated.Materials failures plagued the initial development of the coreof the system, the warp reaction chamber, which must containthe furious matter/antimatter reactions. These difficultieswere eliminated with the introduction of cobalt hexafluoride tothe inner chamber lining, which proved effective in reinforcingthe core magnetic fields.Similarly, materials problems slowed the construction ofthe warp engine nacelles. The key internal elements of thewarp engines, the verterium cortenide 947/952 coils, whichconvert the core energy into the propulsive warp fields, couldnot be manufactured to flight tolerances in density and shapefor the first half of the prototype construction phase. Theseproblems were corrected with adjustments to a lengthy furnacecooling period.Remarkably, work on the power transfer conduits betweenthe warp core and the nacelles proceeded withoutincident. Detailed analysis of the prototype conduits revealedearly on that they would easily bear the required structural andelectrodynamic loads, and their basic function was littlechanged from their predecessors of a century earlier.Once the prototype spaceframe test article was sufficientlycomplete to allow for it, engine installation was performed.The powertransfer conduits, which had been imbeddedwithin the nacelles support pylons as the spaceframe wasbuilt, awaited the docking of the nacelles and core assemblies.On 5 May 2356 the prototype <strong>star</strong>ship NX-70637, as yetunnamed as the USS Galaxy, for the first time existed as aflyable space vessel.5.2 MATTER/ANTIMATTER REACTION ASSEMBLYAs the warp propulsion system is the heart of the USSEnterprise, the matter/antimatter reaction assembly (M/ARA)is the heart of the warp propulsion system. The M/ARA isvariously called the warp reactor, warp engine core, or mainengine core. Energy produced within the core is sharedbetween its primary application, the propulsion of the <strong>star</strong>ship,and the raw power requirements of other major ship systems.The M/ARA is the principal power-generating system becauseof the 10 6 times greater energy output of the matter/antimatter reaction over that of standard fusion, as found inthe impulse propulsion system.The M/ARA consists of four subsystems: reactant injectors,m" .letic constriction segments, matter/antimatter reactionchamber, and power transfer conduits.REACTANT INJECTORSThe reactant injectors prepare and feed precisely controlledstreams of matter and antimatter into the core. Thematter reactant injector (MRI) accepts supercold deuteriumfrom the primary deuterium tankage (PDT) in the upper bulgeof the Engineering Hull and partially preburns it in a continuousgas-fusion process. It then drives the resulting gasesthrough a series of throttleable nozzles into the upper magneticconstriction segment. The MRI consists of a conicalstructural vessel 5.2 x 6.3 meters, constructed of dispersionstrengthenedwoznium carbmolybdenide. Twenty-five shockattenuation cylinders connect it to the PDT and the majorspacecraft framing members on Deck 30, maintaining 98%thermal isolation from the remainder of the Battle Section. Ineffect, the entire WPS "floats" within the hull in order towithstand 3x theoretical operational stresses.Within the MRI are six redundant cross-fed sets of injectors,each injectorconsisting of twin deuterium inlet manifolds,fuel conditioners, fusion preburner, magnetic quench block,transfer duct/gas combiner, nozzle head, and related controlhardware. Slush deuterium enters the inlet manifolds atcontrolled flow rates and passes to the conditioners, whereheat is removed to bring the slush to just above the solidtransition point. Micropellets are formed, prebumed bymagnetic pinch fusion, and sent down into the gas combiner,where the ionized gas products are now at 10 6 K. The nozzleheads then focus, align, and propel the gas streams into theconstriction segments. Should any of the nozzles fail, thecombiner would continue to supply the remaining nozzles,which would dilate to accommodate the increased supply.Each nozzle measures 102 x 175 cm and is constructed offrumium-copper-yttrium 2343.At the opposite end of the M/ARA lies the antimatterreactant injector (ARI). The internal design and operation oftheARI is distinctly different from that of the MRI, owing to thehazardous nature of the antimatter fuel. Every step in manipulatingand injecting antihydrogen must be undertaken with

5.2 MATTER/ANTIMATTER REACTION ASSEMBLYmagnetic fields to isolate the fuel from the spacecraft structure(See: 5.4). In some respects the ARI is a simpler device,requiring fewer moving components. However, the dangersinherent in handling antimatter necessitate uncompromisingreliability in the mechanism. The ARI employs the same basicstructural housing and shock attenuation struts as the MRI,with adaptations for magnetic-suspension fuel tunnels. Thehousing contains three pulsed antimatter gas flow separators,which break up the incoming antihydrogen into small manageablepackets to boost up into the lower constriction segments.Each flow separator leads into an injector nozzle, andeach nozzle cycles open in response to computer controlsignals. Nozzle firing can follow complex sequences, resultingfrom equally complex equations governing reaction pressures,temperatures, and desired power output.MAGNETIC CONSTRICTION SEGMENTSThe upper and lower magnetic constriction segments(MCS) constitute the central mass of the core. These componentswork to structurally support the matter/antimatter reactionchamber, provide a pressure vessel to maintain theproper core operating environment, and align the incomingmatter and antimatter streams for combining within the matter/antimatterreaction chamber (M/ARC.) The upper MCSmeasures 18 meters in length, the lower unit 12 meters. Bothare 2.5 meters in diameter. A typical segment comprises eightsets of tension frame members, a toroidal pressure vesselwall, twelve sets of magnetic constrictor coils, and related5.2.2 Magnetic constriction segmentspower feed and control hardware. The constrictor coils arehigh-density, forced-matrix cobalt-lanthanide-boronite, withthirty-six active elements configured to provide maximum fieldstrength only within the pressure vessel and permitting little orno field spillage into Engineering. The pressure vessel toroidsare alternating layers of vapor-deposited carbonitic ferraciteand transparent aluminum borosilicate. The vertical tensionmembers are machined tritanium and cortenite reinforcingwhiskers, and are phase transition-bonded in place as thevehicle frame is being assembled to produce a single unifiedstructure. All engine frame members possess integral conduitsfor structural integrity field energy reinforcing undernormal operation. The outermost transparent layer serves as5.2.1 Matter/antimatter reaction systemThe studio initially thought that very little use would be made of the engine room in this new Enterprise. In fact, we originallydid not plan to build this set for the first episode, "Encounter at Farpoint." The problem was that the nature of televisionproduction made it very likely that if this major set was not built for the pilot, it would probably never be done. When GeneRoddenberry discovered this omission, he immediately wrote a scene in the engine room, thus justifying the very largeexpenditure to build it for "Farpoint."

.Z HUM 11 tli/flhl I IMA 11 tii KtAU I liim ASStNIBLY5.2.3 Matter/antimatter reaction assembly (M/ARA)Matter reactant injector(Deck 30)Upper MCS capDeuterium control conduitMagnetic constriction segmentOuter thermal blanket •• Vertical tension memberPhase adjustment coilPower transfer conduit• Dilithium housing• Reaction chamber(Deck 36)Secondary valve blockPressure vessel toroid• Lower MCS capAntimatter reactant injector(Deck 42)one observable gauge of engine performance, as harmlesssecondary photons are emitted from the inner layers, providinga visible blue glow. The peristaltic action and energy levelof the constrictor coils can be readily seen by the ChiefEngineer and/or deputy personnel.As the streams of matter and antimatter are releasedfrom their respective nozzles, the constrictor coils compresseach stream in the Y axis and add between 200 and 300 mlsec velocity. This insures proper alignment and collisionenergy for them each to land on target within the M/ARC at theexact center of the chamber. It is at this spot that the M/Areaction is mediated by the dilithium crystal articulation frame.MATTER/ANTIMATTER REACTION CHAMBERThe matter/antimatter reaction chamber (M/ARC) consistsof two matched bell-shaped cavities which contain andredirect the primary reaction. The chamber measures 2.3meters in height and 2.5 meters in diameter. It is constructedfrom twelve layers of hafnium 6 excelion-infused carbonitrium,phase-transition welded under a pressure of 31,000kilopascals. The three outer layers are armored with acrossenitearkenide for 10x overpressure protection, as are allinterface joints to other pressure-bearing and energy-carryingparts of the system.The equatorial band of the chamber contains the housingfor the dilithium crystal articulation frame (DCAF). An ar-

5.2 MATTER/ANTIMATTER REACTION ASSEMBLY5.2.4 Matter/antimatter reaction injectorsFuel conditionerMatter injectorFusion preburnerMagnetic quench blockGas combinerNozzle headUpper MCS capLower MCS capNozzle headAntimatter injectorGas flow separatorAntideuterium sublimatorFuel conditionerMagnetic suspensionfuel tunnelmored hatch allows access to the DCAF for crystal replacementand adjustment. The DCAF consists of an EM-isolatedcradle to hold approximately 1200 cm 3 of dilithium crystal, plustwo redundant sets of three-axis crystal orientation linkages.The crystal must be manipulated with six degrees of freedomto achieve the proper angles and depths for reaction mediation.Connecting the equatorial band to the upper and lowerhalves of the chamber are twenty-four structural pins. Thesepins are hafnium 8 molyferrenite and are reinforced in tension,compression, and torsion, and are continuous with the enginestructural integrity field. Running along the center of theequatorial band are two layers of diffused transparent tritaniumborocarbonate for reaction energy visual monitoring.THE ROLE OF DILITHIUMThe key element in the efficient use of M/A reactions isthe dilithium crystal. This is the only material known toFederation science to be nonreactive with antimatter whensubjected to a high-frequency electromagnetic (EM) field inthe megawatt range, rendering it "porous" to antihydrogen.Dilithium permits the antihydrogen to pass directly through itscrystalline structure without actually touching it, owing to thefield dynamo effect created in the added iron atoms. Thelonger form of the crystal name is the forced-matrix formula26dilithium 21 diallosilicate 1:9:1 heptoferranide. This

5.2 MATTER/ANTIMATTER ¥highly complex atomic structure is based on simpler formsdiscovered in naturally occurring geological layers of certainplanetary systems. It was for many years deemed irreproducibleby known or predicted vapor-deposition methods, untilbreakthroughs in nuclear epitaxy and antieutectics allowedthe formation of pure, synthesized dilithium for <strong>star</strong>ship andconventional powerplant use, through theta-matrix compositingtechniques utilizing gamma radiation bombardment.M/ARC POWER GENERATIONThe normal power-up sequence of the engine, as managedby the MCPC, is as follows:1. From a cold condition, the total system temperatureand pressure is brought up to 2,500,000K using a combinationof energy inputs from the electro plasma system (EPS) andthe MRI, and a "squeeze" from the upper magnetic constrictors.2. The first minute amounts of antimatter are injectedfrom below by the ARI. The lower MCS array squeezes theantimatter stream and matches its aim with the MRI above, sothat both streams land at exactly the same XYZ coordinateswithin the M/ARC. The largest reaction cross-section radiusis 9.3 cm, the smallest 2.1 cm. The stream cross-sections ofthe upper and lower MCS can vary, depending on the powerlevel setting.There are two distinct reaction modes. The first involvesthe generation of high levels of energy channeled to theelectro plasma system, much like a standard fusion reaction,to provide raw energy for ship function while at sublight. In theDCAF, the crystal alignment cradle positions the dilithium sothat the edge of two facets lies parallel to the matter/anti matterstreams, coincident with the core's XYZ B 0,0,125, where 125is the reactant cross section radius. The reaction is mediatedby the dilithium, forcing the upper limit of the resulting EMfrequencies down, below 10 20 hertz, and the lower limit up,above 10 12 hertz.The second mode makes full use of dilithium's ability tocause a partial suspension of the reaction, creating the criticalpulse frequency to be sent to the warp engine nacelles. In thismode the XYZ coordinates are driven by the three-axisadjustments made by the DCAF and place the exact mathematicalcollision point 20 angstroms above the upper dilithiumcrystal facet (See: 5.2.2). The optimum frequency range iscontinuously tuned for specific warp factors and fractionalwarp factors. Regardless of the mode employed, the annihilationeffect takes place at chamber centerpoint. The M/Aratio is stabilized at 25:1, and the engine is considered to beat "idle."3. The engine pressure is slowly brought up to 72,000kilopascals, roughly 715 times atmospheric pressure, and thenormal operating temperature at the reaction site is 2 x 10 12 K.The MRI and ARI nozzles are opened to permit more reac-5.2.5 Matter/antimatter reaction chamber (M/ARC)

5.2 MATTER/ANTIMATTER REACTION ASSEMBLY5.2.6 Diiithium crystals are used to regulate and control the matter-antimatter reaction.Compressed matter streamSecondary annihilation reactionsShaped diiithium crystalDiiithium crystal articulation frameCompressed antimatter streamtants to fill the vessel. The ratio is adjusted to 10:1 for powergeneration. This is also the base ratio for making Warp 1entry. The relative proportions of matter and antimatterchange as warp factors rise until Warp 8, where the ratiobecomes 1:1. Higher warp factors require greater amounts ofreactants, but no change in ratio.Other <strong>star</strong>t-up modes are available, depending on thespecifics of the situation.POWER TRANSFER CONDUITSAs the entire engine system undergoes <strong>star</strong>t-up, theenergetic plasma generated is split into two streams at nearlyright angles to the ship's centerline. The power transferconduits (PTC) are magnetically similar to the constrictorsegments, in that they constrain the plasma to the center ofeach channel and peristaltically force the plasma toward thewarp engine nacelles, where the warp field coils (WFC) utilizethe energy for propulsion.The PTC channels extend from Engineering aft, wherethey intercept the warp engine support pylons. Each channelis fabricated from six alternating layers of machined tritaniumand transparent aluminum borosilicate, which are phasetransitionwelded to produce a single pressure-resistant structure.The interfaces with the reaction chamber are explosiveshear-plane joints that can separate within 0.08 seconds inthe event the warp core must be jettisoned. The joints are setduring manufacture and cannot be reused.Taps for the electro plasma system (EPS) are located atthree places along the PTC, at 5,10, and 20 meters aft of theshear-plane joints. Taps for the EPS are available in threeprimary types, depending on their application. Type I accepts0.1 capacity flow for high-energy systems. Type II accepts0.01 input for experimental devices. Type III accepts relativelylow-power input for energy conversion applications.Oh, very well: The current warp values are presumably much faster than those achieved by the original Enterprise in the firstseries, but the "old" and the "new" Warp 1 are the same, the speed of light. The "old" Warp 6 is about Warp 5 on the new scale.The (then) amazing speed of Warp 14.1, achieved by the first Enterprise under extreme duress in "Is There in Truth NoBeauty?" now works out to around Warp 9.7, which the new ship achieved while fleeing Q during "Encounter at Farpoint."

5.3 WARP FIELD NACELLES5.3 WARP FIELD NACELLESThe energetic plasma created by the M/ARC, and passedalong the power transfer conduits, quickly arrives at thetermination point, the warp engine nacelles. This is where theactual propulsion work is done. Each nacelle consists of anumber of major assemblies, including the warp field coils(WFC), plasma injection system (PIS), emergency separationsystem (ESS), and maintenance docking port.The basic structure of the nacelles is similar to that of theremainder of the <strong>star</strong>ship. Tritanium and duranium framingmembers are combined with longitudinal stiffeners, andoverlaid with 2.5 meters of gamma-welded tritanium hullskinning. The addition of three inner layers of directionallystrengthened cobalt cortenide provides protection againsthigh levels of warp-induced stress, particularly at the attachmenthardpoints on the support pylons. All framing andskinning of the nacelles and the support pylons accommodatestriply redundant conduits for SIF and IDF systems.Attached to the inner framing members are shock attenuationcylinders for the warp field coils, as well as thermal isolationstruts for the plasma injection system.The emergency separation system would be used in theevent that a catastrophic failure occurred in the PIS, or if anacelle damaged in combat or other situation could not besafely retained on its support pylon. Ten explosive structurallatches can be fired, driving the nacelle up and away at 30 m/sec.During <strong>star</strong>base layovers and low-sublighttravel, with theM/ARC powered down, the maintenance docking port allowsany work pod or shuttle equipped with a standard dockingcollar to attach, permitting engineering crews and hardwarerapid access to the interior of the nacelle. Normal monitoringvisits from within the <strong>star</strong>ship are made by single-occupantturbolift through the support pylon.PLASMA INJECTION SYSTEMAt the terminus of each PTC is the plasma injectionsystem, a series of eighteen valved magnetic injectors linkedto the warp engine controllers. There is one injector for eachwarp field coil, and the injectors may be fired in variablesequences, depending on the warp flight function beingexecuted. The injectors are constructed of arkenium duranideand single-crystal ferrocarbonite, with magnetic constrictiontoroids of nalgetium serrite. Control inputs and feedbackare handled by twelve redundant links to the optical datanetwork (ODN). Small timing discrepancies between thecomputer and the injectors exist during any initial <strong>star</strong>tup ofthe coils or change in warp factors, due to the physicaldistance from the computer to the engines. These are rapidlysmoothed out by predictive phase-synchronization softwareroutines, thereby achieving as close to realtime operation ofthe engines as possible.5.3.1 Port and <strong>star</strong>board warp power transfer conduits

5.3 WARP FIELD NACELLESThe injector open-close cycle is variable, from 25 ns to 50ns. Each firing of an injector exposes its corresponding coil toa burst of energy to be converted into the warp field. At WarpFactors 1-4, the injectors fire at low frequencies, between 30Hz and 40 Hz, and remain open for short periods, between 25ns and 30 ns. At Warp Factors 5-7, the firing frequencies risefrom 40 Hz to 50 Hz, and the injectors remain open for longerperiods, 30 ns to 40 ns.At Warp Factors 8-9.9, the injector firing frequencies riseto 50 Hz, but there is a tailoff of the injector cycle time, owingto limitations of residual charges in the magnetic valves, potentialconflict with the energy frequencies from the M/ARC,and input/feedback control reliability. The longest safe cycletime for high warp is generally accepted to be 53 ns.WARP FIELD COILSThe energy field necessary to propel the USS Enterpriseis created by the warp field coils and assisted by the specificconfiguration of the <strong>star</strong>ship hull. The coils generate anintense, multilayered field that surrounds the <strong>star</strong>ship, and itis the manipulation of the shape of this field that produces thepropulsive effect through and beyond the speed of light, c.The coils themselves are split toroids positioned withinthe nacelles. Each half-segment measures 9.5 x 43 meters5.3.2 Warp field nacelleCutaway of this section belowNacelle support pylon •Plasma injector •Warp field coil •Off-axis field controllerCDCDooO\mi „ -hirxo)CD O CDC 3 O o o o O O o 9 o OEarly in the series, Patrick Stewart came up to us and asked how warp drive worked. We explained some of the hypotheticalprinciples described in this volume, but added that such a device is far beyond present-day physics. We emphasizedthat no one has any real idea how to make a ship go faster than light. "Nonsense," Patrick declared. "All you haveto do is say, 'Engage.'" And he was right...

and is constructed from a core of densified tungsten-cobaltmagnesiumfor structural stiffening, and imbedded within acasting of electrically densified verterium cortenide. A completepair measures 21 x 43 meters, with a mass of 34,375metric tonnes. Two complete sets of eighteen coils eachmasses 1.23 x 10 6 metric tonnes, accounting for close to 25%of the total <strong>star</strong>ship mass. The casting process, as discussedpreviously in 5.1, proved to be somewhat difficult to repeatreliably during the early phases of the Galaxy Class Project.Improvements in materials and procedures led to more exactcopies for use in the spacecraft, though the installation ofclosely matched pairs of coils within a nacelle is still practiced.During coil refurbishment at a major <strong>star</strong>base yard, themaximum time between the youngest and oldest coil shouldbe no more than six months.When energized, the verterium cortenide within a coil paircauses a shift of the energy frequencies carried by the plasmadeep into the subspace domain. The quantum packets ofsubspace field energy form at approximately 1/3 the distancefrom the inner surface of the coil to the outer surface, as theverterium cortenide causes changes in the geometry of spaceat the Planck scale of 3.9 x 10 33 cm. The converted fieldenergy exits the outer surface of the coil and radiates awayfrom the nacelle. A certain amount of field energy recombinationoccurs at the coil centerline, and appears as a visible lightemission.WARP PROPULSIONThe propulsive effect is achieved by a number of factorsworking in concert. First, the field formation is controllable ina fore-to-aft direction. As the plasma injectors fire sequentially,the warp field layers build according to the pulsefrequency in the plasma, and press upon each other aspreviously discussed. The cumulative field layer forcesreduce the apparent mass of the vehicle and impart therequired velocities. The critical transition point occurs whenthe spacecraft appears to an outside observer to be travelingfaster than c. As the warp field energy reaches 1000 millicochranes,the ship appears driven across the c boundary inless than Planck time, 1.3 x 10 43 sec, warp physics insuringthat the ship will never be precisely at c. The three forwardcoils of each nacelle operate with a slight frequency offset toreinforce the field ahead of the Bussard ramscoop and envelopthe Saucer Module. This helps create the field asymmetryrequired to drive the ship forward.Second, a pair of nacelles is employed to create twobalanced, interacting fields for vehicle maneuvers. In 2269,experimental work with single nacelles and more than twonacelles yielded quick confirmation that two was the optimumnumber for power generation and vehicle control. Spacecraftmaneuvers are performed by introducing controlled timingdifferences in each set of warp coils, thereby modifying thetotal warp field geometry and resultant ship heading. Yawmotions (XZ plane) are most easily controlled in this manner.Verterium cortenide:Outer layer •Inner layer •Tungsten-cobalt-magnesium:Inner core •Outer core •Plasma cavity •Field release gap •5.3.3 Warp field coil segment (typical)

5.3.4 Subspace field geometry of Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>ship100 10 1 0.1 0.1 1 10 100 10Relative field differential (percent)at 1000 millicochranesAft field lobeForward field lobePitch changes are affected by a combination of timing differencesand plasma concentrations.Third, the shape of the <strong>star</strong>ship hull facilitates slippageinto warp and imparts a geometric correction vector. TheSaucer Module, which retains its characteristic shape fromthe original concept of an emergency landing craft, helpsshape the forward field component through the use of a 55°elliptical hull planform, found to produce superior peak transitionalefficiency. The aft hull undercut allows for varyingdegrees of field flow attachment, effectively preventing pinwheeling,owing to the placement of the nacelles off thevehicle Y-axis center of mass. During Saucer Module separationand independent operation of the Battle Section, interactivewarp field controller software adjusts the field geometryto fit the altered spacecraft shape (See: 5.1). In the event ofaccidental loss of one or both nacelles, the <strong>star</strong>ship wouldlinearly dissociate, due to the fact that different parts of thestructure would be traveling at different warp factors.

5.4 ANTIMATTER STORAGE AND TRANSFER5.4.1 Location of antimatter podsSince its confirmed existence in the 1930s, the conceptof a form of matter with the same mass but reversed chargeand spin has intrigued scientists and engineers as a means toproduce unprecedented amounts of energy, and to apply thatenergy to drive large space vehicles.Cosmological theory maintains that all constituent partsof the universe were created in pairs; that is, one particle ofmatter and one particle of antimatter. Why there seems to bea propensity toward matter in our galactic neighborhood is, tothis day, a topic of lively discussion. All of the basic antiparticleshave been synthesized, however, and are available forcontinued experimental and operational use.When, for example, an electron and an antielectron (orpositron) are in close proximity, they mutually annihilate,producing energetic gamma rays. Other particle-antiparticlepairs annihilate into different combinations of subatomicparticles and energy. Of particular interest to spacecraftengineers were the theoretical results presented by deuterium,an isotope of hydrogen, and its antimatter equivalent.The problems encountered along the way to achieving aworking M/A engine, however, were as daunting as thepossible rewards were glorious. Antimatter, from the time ofits creation, could neither be contained by nor touch anymatter. Numerous schemes were proposed to contain antihydrogenby magnetic fields. This continues to be the acceptedmethod. Appreciable amounts of antihydrogen, in the form ofliquid or, better yet, slush, posed significant risks should anyportion of the magnetic containment fail. Within the last fiftyyears, reliable superconducting field sustainers and othermeasures have afforded a greater degree of safety aboardoperational Starfleet vessels.As used aboard the USS Enterprise, antimatter is firstgenerated at major Starfleet fueling facilities by combinedsolar-fusion charge reversal devices, which process protonand neutron beams into antideuterons, and are joined by apositron beam accelerator to produce antihydrogen (specificallyantideuterium). Even with the added solar dynamo input,there is a net energy loss of 24% using this process, but thisloss is deemed acceptable by Starfleet to conduct distantinterstellar operations.The antimatter is kept contained by magnetic conduitsand compartmentalized tankage while aboard the fuelingfacility. Early <strong>star</strong>ships were also constructed with compartmentalizedtankage in place, though this method proved lessdesirable from a safety standpoint in a ship subjected to highstresses. During normal refueling, antimatter is passedthrough the loading port, a 1.75 meter-wide circular probeand-droguedevice equipped with twelve physical hard-docklatches and magnetic irises. Surrounding the antimatterloading port on Deck 42 are thirty storage pods, each measuring4x8 meters and constructed of polyduranium, with aninner magnetic field layer of ferric quonium. Each podMost privileged visitors to our main engine room set are duly impressed with the sense of "really being on the Enterprise."Even so, there is still something missing. That "something" is the almost subliminal ambience added through backgroundsound effects. The viewer is rarely consciously aware of it, but the characteristic low thrumming sound of the engine room orthe instrument sounds of the bridge are a powerful part of "being there." Sound effects on Star Trek: The Next Generationare the province of associate producer Wendy Neuss. Under the supervision of co-producer Peter Lauritson, Wendy overseesthe Emmy award-winning sound effects wizardry of supervising sound editor Bill Wistrom, sound effects editor Jim Wolvington,and assistant sound effects editor Tomi Tomita. (The original development of many Enterprise sound effects was alsooverseen by series creator Gene Roddenberry, along with Rick Berman, Bob Justman, and Brooke Breton.)These sound effects are usually the product of extensive digital processing, but many are built from surprisingly mundanesources. Despite the advanced technology available, our sound people generally prefer to <strong>star</strong>t with acoustically recorded"natural" sounds because they feel the resulting harmonics are much more rich and interesting than purely synthesized tones.The bridge background sound includes the highly processed sound of an air conditioner's rumble. The characteristic "swoosh"of the doors opening is based on the sound of a flare gun with a bit of the squeak of Jim Wolvington's sneaker on the floor atModern Sound.Most Enterprise sound effects are deliberately reminiscent of the sounds from the original Star Trek television series, butwith a high-tech twist. Some, like the communicators and the ship's phasers, are actually derived from the first show's sounds.Alien sounds can come from a wide variety of sources such as the voices of the Bynars (from "11001001") which was built byprogramming brief "samples" of the actresses' voices into a Synclavier, then playing them back with a cadence much fasterthan normal human speech. The sound of "Tin Man's" interior was actually based on the sound of Wolvington's stomach,recorded through a stethoscope. Notes Wolvington, "I didn 't tell anyone where that noise came from until after the show wasdone because I didn't want anyone to get sick!"

5.4.2 Antimatter storage pod assembly (typical)contains a maximum volume of 100 m 3 of antimatter, giving a30-pod total <strong>star</strong>ship supply of 3000 m 3 , enough for a normalmission period of three years. Each is connected by shieldedconduits to a series of distribution manifolds, flow controllers,and electro plasma system (EPS) power feed inputs. In rapidrefueling conditions, reserved for emergency situations, theentire antimatter storage pod assembly (ASPA) can be drawndown on jackscrews and replaced in less than one hour.because refined antimatter is a valuable commodity, and vulnerableto Threat force capture or destruction while in transit.Starfleet cruiser escorts are standard procedure for all tankermovements.In the event of loss of magnetic containment, this verysame assembly can be ejected by microfusion initiators at avelocity of 40 m/sec, pushing it clear of the ship before thefields decay and the antimatter has a chance to react with thepod walls (See: 5.9). While small groups of pods can bereplaced under normal conditions, the magnetic pump transfermethod is preferred.Antimatter, even contained within storage pods, cannotbe moved by transporter without extensive modifications tothe pattern buffer, transfer conduits, and transporter emittersfor safety reasons due to the highly volatile nature of antimatter.(Specific exceptions apply for small quantities of antimatterstored in approved magnetic containment devices,normally used for specialized engineering and scientific applications.)Refueling while in interstellar space is possible throughthe use of Starfleet tanker craft. Tanker transfers run considerablerisks, not so much from hardware problems but

5.5 WARP PROPULSION SYSTEM FUEL SUPPLYThe fuel supply for the warp propulsion system (WPS) iscontained within the primary deuterium tank (PDT) in theBattle Section. The PDT, which also feeds the IPS (impulsepropulsion system), is normally loaded with slush deuteriumat a temperature of -259°C, or 13.8K. The PDT is constructedof forced-matrix 2378 cortanium and stainless steel, withfoamed vac-whisker silicon-copper-duranite insulation laiddown in alternating parallel/biased layers and gamma-welded.Penetrations for supply vessels, vent lines, and sensorsare made by standard precision phaser cutters. There are atotal of four main fuel feed manifolds from the PDT to thematter reactant injector, eight cross-feed conduits to theSaucer Module auxiliary tanks, and four feeds to the mainimpulse engine.walls over time. The PDT leak rate has been measured at

5.6.1 Bussard ramscoop collection fieldTrajectory of interstellarhydrogen atom caught in magnetic fieldsMagnetic fields attractstray molecules of hydrogentoward collectors in warpengine caps5.6 BUSSARD RAMSCOOP FUEL REPLENISHMENTIn the event a deuterium tanker cannot reach a Galaxyclass <strong>star</strong>ship, the capability exists to pull low-grade matterfrom the interstellar medium through a series of specializedhigh-energy magnetic coils known collectively as a Bussardramscoop. Named for the twentieth-century physicist andmathematician Robert W. Bussard, the ramscoop emanatesdirectional ionizing radiation and a shaped magnetic field toattract and compress the tenuous gas found within the MilkyWay galaxy. From this gas, which possesses an averagedensity of one atom per cubic centimeter, may be distilledsmall amounts of deuterium for contingency replenishmentof the matter supply. At high relativistic speeds, this gasaccumulation can be appreciable, though the technique isnot recommended for long periods for time-dilation reasons(See: 6.2). At warp velocities, however, extended emergencysupplies can be gathered. While matching supplies of antimattercannot be recovered from space in this manner, minuteamounts of antimatter can be generated by an onboardquantum charge reversal device (See: 5.7).each warp engine nacelle. It consists of three main assemblies,an ionizing beam emitter (IBE), magnetic field generator/collector(MFG/C), and continuouscyclefractionator(CCF).The curved nacelle endcap, the largest single cast structureof the spacecraft, is formed from reinforced polyduranide andis transparent to a narrow range of ionizing energies producedby the emitter. It is the function of the emitter to impart acharge to neutral particles in space for collection by themagnetic field. At warp velocities, the ionizing energies aretransitioned into subspace frequencies so that the beamcomponents can project out ahead of the <strong>star</strong>ship, decay totheir normal states, and produce the desired effect.Behind and supporting the endcap is the MFC/G, aIt is an accepted fact that a <strong>star</strong>ship in distress willcontinue to deplete its energy supplies; however, systemssuch as this have been included to afford at least a smalladditional chance at survival.A Bussard collector can be found at the forward end of5 Q 2 Bussard ramscoop

compact set of six coils designed to cast a magnetic "net"ahead of the <strong>star</strong>ship and pull in the charged particles towardthe intake grills. These coils are constructed from cobaltlanthanide-boroniteand obtain their power from either thepower transfer conduits directly, or the general electro plasmasystem. At sublight velocities, the coils sweep forward normally.At warp velocities, however, the coil operation isreversed to slow down the incoming matter. This systemworks in close connection with the main navigational deflector.In normal operation, of course, the job of the deflector isto prevent any interstellar material from contacting the ship.Small field "holes" are manipulated by the deflector and MFG/C to permit usable amounts of rarified gas through.Tucked within the MFG/C is the CCF, which continuouslyseparates the incoming gas into different grades of matterconsidered "burnable" within the warp engine. The separatedgases are compressed, and pressure-fed to holding tankswithin the Battle Section.5.7 ONBOARD ANTIMATTER GENERATIONAs mentioned, there exists in the Ga/axyclass the abilityto generate relatively small amounts of antimatter duringpotential emergency situations. The process is by all accountsincredibly power- and matter-intensive, and may notbe advantageous under all operational conditions. As with theBussard ramscoop, however, the antimatter generator mayprovide critical fuel supplies when they are needed most.The antimattergenerator resides on Deck42, surroundedby other elements of the WPS. It consists of two keyassemblies, the matter inlet/conditioner (Ml/C), and the quantumcharge reversal device (QCRD). The entire generatormeasures some 7.6 x 13.7 meters, and masses 1400 metrictonnes. It is one of the heaviest components, second only tothe warp field coils. The Ml/C utilizes conventional tritaniumand polyduranide in its construction, as it handles only cryogenicdeuterium and similar fuels. The QCRD, on the otherhand, employs alternating layers of superdense, forcedmatrixcobalt-yttrium-polyduranide and 854 kalinite-argium.The Bussard ramscoop was featured in at least two episodes, "Samaritan Snare "and "Night Terrors." In both cases, the systemwas backflushed so that hydrogen gas or plasma flowed out of the scoops (rather than into them as would normally occur).In the first usage, it resulted in a spectacular (but harmless) pyrotechnic display. During "Night Terrors," the hydrogen streamwas used to attempt to seal a dangerous spatial rift. The concept of using electromagnetic fields to collect interstellar hydrogenfor fuel use was proposed by physicist Dr. Robert W. Bussard back in 1960.5.7.1 Antimatter generator

This is necessary to produce the power amplification requiredto hold collections of subatomic particles, reverse their charge,and collect the reversed matter for storage in the nearby antimatterpods.The technology that has given rise to the QCRD is similarto that of the transporter, SIF, IDF, and other devices thatmanipulate matter on the quantum level. The conversionprocess sees the inlet of normal matter, stretched out into thinrivulets no more than 0.000003 cm across. The rivulets arepressure-fed into the QCRD under magnetic suspension,where groups of them are chilled to within 0.001 degree ofabsolute zero, and exposed to a short-period stasis field tofurther limit molecular vibration. As the stasis field decays,focused subspace fields drive deep within the subatomicstructure to flip the charges and spins of the "frozen" protons,neutrons, and electrons. The flipped matter, now antimatter,is magnetically removed for storage. The system can normallyprocess 0.08 m 3 /hr.It can be said that the total potential energy contained ina given quantity of deuterium can drive a <strong>star</strong>ship for someconsiderable distance. Applying this energy at sublight speedswill be next to useless in a desperate scenario. Interstellarflight at warp speeds requires tens of thousands of timesgreater velocities than those afforded by impulse power, andso antimatter generation will sometimes be necessary. Onedisadvantage imposed by the process is that it requires tenunits of deuterium to power the generator, and the generatorwill produce only one unit of antimatter. Put another way, thelaw of conservation of energy dictates that the power requiredfor this process will exceed the usable energy ultimatelyderived from the resulting antimatter fuel. However, this mayprovide a needed survival margin to reach a <strong>star</strong>base ortanker rendezvous.5.8 ENGINEERING OPERATIONS AND SAFETYAll warp propulsion system (WPS) hardware is maintainedaccording to standard Starfleet mean time betweenfailures (MTBF) monitoring and changeout schedules. Owingto the high usage rate of the matter/antimatter reactionassembly (M/ARA), all of its major components have been designedfor maximum reliability and high MTBF values. Standardin-flight preventative maintenance is not intended for thewarp engine, since the core and the power transfer conduitscan be serviced only at a Starfleet yard or <strong>star</strong>base equippedto perform Class 5 engineering repairs. While docked at oneof these facilities, the core can be removed and dismantled forreplacement of such components as the magnetic constrictorcoils, refurbishment of interior protective coatings, and automatedinspection and repair of all critical fuel conduits. Thetypical cycle between major core inspections and repairs is10,000 operating hours.While the WPS is shut down, the matter and antimatterinjectors can be entered by <strong>star</strong>ship crew for detailed componentinspection and replacement. Accessible for preventativemaintenance (PM) work in the MRI are the inlet manifolds, fuelconditioners, fusion prebumer, magnetic quench block,transfer duct/gas combiner, nozzle head, and related controlhardware. Accessible parts within the ARI are the pulsed antimattergas flow separators and injector nozzles. A partialdisassembly of the dilithium crystal articulation frame is possiblein flight for probing by nondestructive testing (NDT)methods. Protective surface coatings may be removed andreapplied without the need for a <strong>star</strong>base layover. Inboard ofthe reactant injectors, the shock attenuation cylinders may beremoved and replaced after 5,000 hours.Within the warp engine nacelles, most sensor hardwareand control hardlines are accessible for inspection and replacement.With the core shut down and plasma ventedoverboard, the interior of the warp coils is accessible forinspection by flight crews and remote devices. In-flight repairof the plasma injectors is possible, although total replacementrequires <strong>star</strong>base assistance. As with other components,protective coatings may be refurbished as part of the normalPM program. While at low sublight, crews may access thenacelle by way of the maintenance docking port.Safety considerations when handling slush and liquiddeuterium involve extravehicular suit protection for all personnelworking around cryogenic fluids and semisolids. Allrefueling operations are to be handled by teleoperators,unless problems develop requiring crew investigation. Thekey hazard in exposure to cryogenics involves materialembrittlement, even in the case of cryoprotective garments.Care should always be taken to avoid direct contact, deferringclose-quarters handling to specialized collection tools andemergency procedures.

iT.ll.Mlii iiiirm 1'iirninil nunNUUH5.9 EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES 5.10 CATASTROPHIC EMERGENCY PROCEDURESOperational safety in running the warp propulsion system(WPS) is strictly observed. Limits in power levels and runningtimes at overloaded levels could be easily reached and exceeded.The system is protected by computer intervention,part of the overall homeostasis process. Starfleet humanfactorsexperts designed the operational WPS software tomake "overprotective" decisions in the matter of the health ofthe warp engine. Command overrides are possible at reducedaction levels.The intent was not to create human-computer conflicts;rather, command personnel are trained to use the softwareroutines to their best effect for maximum <strong>star</strong>ship endurance.Emergency shutdowns are commanded by the computerwhen pressure and thermal limits threaten the safety of thecrew. The normal shutdown of the WPS involves valving offthe plasma to the warp field coils, closing off the reactantinjectors, and venting the remaining gases overboard. Theimpulse propulsion system (IPS) would continue providingship power. In one shutdown scenario, the injectors would beclosed off and the plasma vented simultaneously, the systemachieving a cold condition within ten minutes. High externalforces, either from celestial objects or combat damage, willcause the computer to perform risk assessments for "safe"overload periods before commanding a system throttlebackor shutdown.Under certain stress conditions, the WPS may sustainvarious degrees of damage, usually from external sources,and much of this may be repaired to bring the systems backto flight status. Complete, irreparable, and rapid failure of oneor more WPS components, however, constitutes a catastrophicfailure. Standard procedures for dealing with majorvehicle damage apply to WPS destruction and include but arenot limited to safing any systems that could pose furtherdanger to the ship, assessing WPS damage and collateraldamage to ship structures and systems, and sealing off hullbreaches and other interior areas that are no longer habitable.Fuel and power supplies are automatically valved off atpoints upstream from the affected systems, according tocomputer and crew damage control assessments. Wherefeasible, crews will enter damaged areas in pressure suits toassure that damaged systems are rendered totally inert, andperform repairs on related systems as necessary. If the WPSis damaged in combat, crews can augment their normalpressure suits with additional flexible multilayer armor forprotection against unpredictable energy releases. Engineeringpersonnel may elect to delay effecting system inerting untilthe ship can avoid further danger. Exact repair actionsdealing with damaged WPS hardware will depend on thespecifics of the situation.nmnri•rfo&.222'f1'{itr2>«L•wsnnuu5.9.1 Emergency annular containment field for use in WPS breach emergencies

5.10.1 In an extreme emergency, both the warp core and antimatter pods can be ejected.Sequential ejection of antimatterpod assembliesEjection of M/ARAjJettisoned antimatter loadingport exterior hull plateJettisoned M/ARAexterior hull plateIn some cases, damaged hardware is jettisoned, althoughsecurity considerations will require the retention of theequipment whenever possible. In the event that all normalemergency procedures fail to contain massive WPS damage,including a multilayer safety forcefield around the core, twofinal actions are possible. Both involve the ejection of theentire central WPS core, with the added possible ejection ofthe antimatter storage pod assembly. The first option isdeliberate manual sequence initiation; the second, automaticcomputer activation.potential to vaporize the entire <strong>star</strong>ship, multiply-redundantsafety systems are in place to minimize the failure conditionsof the pod containment devices. Structural or system failureswould be analyzed by the computer as with the warp core, andthe complete pod assembly would be propelled away from theship. A manual ejection option, while retained in the emergencycomputer routines, is not generally regarded as workablein a crisis situation, due mainly to timing constraintsrelated to magnetic valve and transfer piping purge events.Core ejection will occur when pressure vessel damage issevere enough to breach the safety forcefield. Ejection willalso occur if the damage threatens to overwhelm the structuralintegrity field system enough to prevent the safe retentionof the core, whether or not the WPS continues to providepropulsive energy. The survival of the crew and the remainderof the <strong>star</strong>ship is deemed in most cases to take priority overcontinued vessel operations. If the impulse propulsion systemis operable, vessel movement may be possible to enhancesurvival prospects. Scenario-specific procedures withinthe main computer will suggest the proper actions leading topersonnel rescue. During combat operations, the core will becommanded to self-destruct once a safe distance has beenachieved.Damage sustained by the antimatter storage pod assemblymay require its rapid ejection from the Engineering Hull.Since the antimatter reactant supply possesses the energy

6.0 IMPULSE PROPULSION SYSTEMSG.1 IMPULSE DRIVEThe principal sublight propulsion of the ship and certainauxiliary power generating operations are handled by theimpulse propulsion system (IPS). The total IPS consists oftwo sets of fusion-powered engines: the main impulse engine,and the Saucer Module impulse engines. During normaldocked operations the main impulse engine is the activedevice, providing the necessary thrust for interplanetary andsublight interstellar flight. High impulse operations, specificallyvelocities above 0.75c, may require added power fromthe Saucer Module engines. These operations, while acceptableoptions during some missions, are often avoided due torelativistic considerations and their inherent time-based difficulties(See: 6.2).During the early definition phase of the Ambassadorclass, it was determined that the combined vehicle mass ofthe prototype NX-10521 could reach at least 3.71 millionmetric tons. The propulsive force available from the highestspecific-impulse (/ s ) fusion engines available or projected fellfar short of being able to achieve the 10 km/sec 2 accelerationrequired. This necessitated the inclusion of a compact spacetimedriver coil, similar to those standard in warp enginenacelles, that would perform a low-level continuum distortionwithout driving the vehicle across the warp threshold. Thedriver coil was already into computer simulation trials duringthe Ambassador class engineering phase and it was determinedthat a fusion-driven engine could move a larger massthan would normally be possible by reaction thrust alone,even with exhaust products accelerated to near lightspeed.cousin, the warp engine. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) andelectro plasma system (EPS) taps provide energy for all shipsystems in a shared load arrangement with the warp reactioncore.IPS FUEL SUPPLYThe fuel supplies for the IPS are contained within theprimary deuterium tank (PDT) in the Battle Section and a setof thirty-two auxiliary cryo tanks in the Saucer Module. Redundantcross-feeds within both spacecraft and fuel managementroutines in the main computers perform all fuel handlingoperations during flight and <strong>star</strong>base resupply stopovers.While the PDT, which also feeds the WPS, is normally loadedwith slush deuterium at a temperature of 13.8K, the cryoreactants stored within the Saucer Module tanks are in liquidform. In the event that slush deuterium must be transferredfrom the main tank, it is passed through a set of heaters toraise the temperature sufficiently to allow proper fuel flow withminimal turbulence and vibration.As with the PDT, the auxiliary tanks are constructed offorced-matrix cortanium 2378 and stainless steel, laid down inalternating parallel/biased layers and gamma-welded. Penetrationsfor supply vessels, vent lines, and sensors are madeby standard precision phaser cutters. They are installed byFleet Yard transporters and may be transporter-removed forservicing at Starfleet maintenance docks. The internal volumeof each auxiliary tank is 113 cubic meters and each isExperimental results with exhaust products temporarilyaccelerated beyond lightspeed yielded disappointing results,due to the lack of return force coupling to the engine frame.The work in this area is continuing, however, in an effort toincrease powerplant performance for future <strong>star</strong>ship classes.In the time between the Ambassador and the Galaxyclasses, improvements in the internal arrangement and constructionof impulse engines proceeded, while continuing thepractice of using a single impulse engine to perform bothpropulsion and power generation functions like its larger6.1.1 Impulse drive systems

6.1 IMPULSE DRIVE6.1.2 Main impulse engine located on aft dorsalMain impulse engineSaucer impulse engine (P/S)capable of storing a total of 9.3 metric tonnes of liquiddeuterium.Emergency flight rules allow for the injection of minuteamounts of antimatter into the impulse reaction chamber inthe event that short periods of overthrust or increased powergeneration are required. The main impulse engine is suppliedby the Battle Section's antimatter storage facility on Decks 41and 42. The Saucer Module impulse engines are supplied bytwo dedicated antimatter storage pods on Deck 10. There isno transfer capability of antimatter between the two vehicles(See: 5.4).IMPULSE ENGINE CONFIGURATIONThe main impulse engine (MIE) is located on Deck 23 andthrusts along the centerline of the docked spacecraft. Duringseparated flight mode, the engine thrust vectors are adjustedslightly in the +Y direction; that is, pointed slightly up fromcenter to allow for proper center-of-mass motions (See: 6.3).The Saucer Module impulse engines are located on Deck 10on the vehicle XZ plane and thrust parallel to the vehicle centerline.Four individual impulse engines are grouped together toform the MIE, and two groups of two engines form the SaucerModule impulse engines. Each impulse engine consists ofthree basic components: impulse reaction chamber (IRC,three per impulse engine), accelerator/generator (A/G), drivercoil assembly (DCA), and vectored exhaust director (VED).The IRC is an armored sphere six meters in diameter, designedto contain the energy released in a conventionalproton-proton fusion reaction. It is constructed of eight layersof dispersion-strengthened hafnium excelinide with a totalwall thickness of 674 cm. A replaceable inner liner ofcrystalline gulium fluoride 40 cm thick protects the structuralsphere from reaction and radiation effects. Penetrations aremade into the sphere for reaction exhaust, pellet injectors,standard fusion initiators, and sensors.The Galaxy class normally carries four additional IRCmodules primarily as backup power generation devices, though6.1.3 Typical impulse fusion reactor0

UliU'lithese modules may be channeled through the main systemexhaust paths to provide backup propulsion.Slush deuterium from the main cryo tank is heated andfed to interim supply tanks on Deck 9, where the heat energyis removed, bringing the deuterium down to a frozen state asit is formed into pellets. Pellets can range in size from 0.5 cmto 5 cm, depending on the desired energy output per unit time.A standing pulsed fusion shock front is created by the standardinitiators ranged about the forward inner surface of thesphere. The total instantaneous output of the IRC is throttleablefrom 10 8 to 10 11 megawatts.High-energy plasma created during engine operation isexhausted through a central opening in the sphere to theaccelerator/generator. This stage is generally cylindrical, 3.1meters long and 5.8 meters in diameter, constructed of anintegral single-crystal polyduranium frame and pyrovunideexhaust accelerator. During propulsion operations, the acceleratoris active, raising the velocity of the plasma and passingit on to the third stage, the space-time driver coils. If the engineis commanded to generate power only, the accelerator is shutdown and the energy is diverted by the EPS to the ship'soverall power distribution net. Excess exhaust products canbe vented nonpropulsively. The combined mode, powergeneration during propulsion, allows the exhaust plasma topass through, and a portion of the energy is tapped by theMHD system to be sent to the power net.The third stage of the engine is the driver coil assembly(DCA). The DCA is 6.5 meters long and 5.8 meters indiameter and consists of a series of six split toroids, eachmanufactured from cast verterium cortenide 934. Energyfrom the accelerated plasma, when driven through the toroids,creates the necessary combined field effect that (1) reducesthe apparent mass of the spacecraft at its inner surface, and(2) facilitates the slippage of the continuum past the spacecraftat its outer surface.The final stage is the vectored exhaust director (VED).The VED consists of a series of moveable vanes and channelsdesigned to expel exhaust products in a controlledmanner. The VED is capable of steerable propulsive andnonpropulsive modes (simple venting).IMPULSE ENGINE CONTROLThe impulse propulsion system is commanded throughoperational software routines stored within the spacecraftmain computers. As with the warp propulsion system commandprocessors, genetic algorithms learn and adapt toongoing experiences involving impulse engine usage andExtremely close examination of the impulse drive systemschematic panel in Main Engineering might reveal that one ofthe components is labeled "Infinite Improbability Generation,"a tip of the hat to Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker's Guide to theGalaxy.IPS commandcoordinatorExhaustVectoredexhaustdirectorDriver coilassemblyAccelerator/generatorThrustEPSpower tapsIEPSpower distribDeuteriumfuel supply6.1.4 Impulse engine system

make appropriate modifications in handling both voluntaryexternal commands and purely autonomic operations. Voicecommands and keyboard inputs are confirmed and reconciledby the current active main computer, and then handed offto the IPS command coordinator for routing to the engines forexecution. The IPS command coordinator is cross-linked withits counterpart in the WPS for flight transitions involving warpentry and exit. Specific software routines react to prevent fieldenergy fratricide (unwanted conflicts between warp fieldsand impulse engine fields). The command coordinator is alsocrosslinked with the reaction control system (RCS) for attitudeand translational control at all speeds.6.2 RELATIVISTIC CONSIDERATIONSWhile the Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>ship is the most advancedspace vehicle in Starfleet's inventory, it is perhaps ironic thatone of its most sophisticated systems can actually cause anumber of annoying problems with extended use.As fledgling journeys were made by fusion <strong>star</strong>ships latein the twenty-first century, theoretical calculations concerningthe tau factor, or time dilation effect encountered at appreciablefractions of lightspeed, rapidly crossed over into reality.Time aboard a spacecraft at relativistic velocities slowedaccording to the "twin paradox." During the last of the longvoyages, many more years had passed back on Earth, andthe time differences proved little more than curiosities asmission news was relayed back to Earth and global developmentswere broadcast to the distant travelers. Numerousother spacefaring cultures have echoed these experiences,leading to the present navigation and communication standardswithin the Federation.Today, such time differences can interfere with the requirementfor close synchronization with Starfleet Commandas well as overall Federation timekeeping schemes. Anyextended flight at high relativistic speeds can place missionobjectives in jeopardy. At times when warp propulsion is notavailable, impulse flight may be unavoidable, but will requirelengthy recalibration of onboard computer clock systemseven if contact is maintained with Starfleet navigation beacons.It is for this reason that normal impulse operations arelimited to a velocity of 0.25c.Efficiency ratings for impulse and warp engines determinewhich flight modes will best accomplish mission objectives.Current impulse engine configurations achieve efficienciesapproaching 85% when velocities are limited to 0.5c.Current warp engine efficiency, on the other hand, falls offdramatically when the engine is asked to maintain an asymmetricalperistaltic subspace field below lightspeed or anintegral warp factor (See: 5.1). It is generally accepted thatcareful mission planning of warp and impulse flight segments,in conjunction with computer recommendations, will minimizenormal clock adjustments. In emergency and combat operations,major readjustments are dealt with according to thespecifics of the situation, usually after action levels are reduced.The use of<strong>star</strong>dates is, among other things, intended to suggest a timekeeping system that takes into account relativistic timedilation as well as any temporal effects of warp speeds. In actual practice, Star Trek script coordinator Eric Stiliwell (co-writerof "Yesterday's Enterprise') is the keeper of<strong>star</strong>dates. At the beginning of each season, Eric compiles a memo listing theestimated range of<strong>star</strong>dates available for each planned episode. The writers then use this as a guide to help the good captainkeep track of his log entries.

B.a tniuinitbKifliu uptKAiiuniiiAmu SAI-NY6.3.1 IPS fusion reactor replacementTransfer aisle •IPS reactor Port 3 •6.3 ENGINEERING OPERATIONS AND SAFETYAll main impulse engine (MIE) and saucer module impulseengine (SMIE) hardware is maintained according tostandard Starfleet MTBF monitoring and changeout schedules.Those components in the system exposed to the mostenergetic duty cycles are, of course, subject to the highestchangeout rate. For example, the gulium fluoride inner linerof the impulse reaction chamber (IRC) is regularly monitoredfor erosion and fracturing effects from the ongoing fusionreaction, and is normally changed out after 10,000 hours ofuse, or after 0.01 mm of material is ablated, or if >2 fractures/cm 3 measuring 0.02 mm are formed, whichever occurs first.The structural IRC sphere is replaced after 8,500 flight hours,as are all related subassemblies. Deuterium and antimatterinjectors, standard initiators, and sensors can be replacedduring flight or in orbit without the assistance of a <strong>star</strong>base.Downstream, the accelerator/generator (A/G) and drivercoil assembly (DCA) are changed out after 6250 hours, or ifaccelerated wear or specific structural anomalies occur. Inthe A/G, the normal need for changeout is brittle metalphenomenon resulting from radiation effects. During flight,only the accelerator assemblies may be demounted for nondestructivetesting (NDT) analysis.Similarly, the DCA is subject to changeout after 6,250flight hours. Normal replacement is necessitated by EM andthermal effects created by the driver coils. None of the DCAassemblies may be replaced in flight and all repair operationsmust be handled at a dock-capable <strong>star</strong>base. The vectoredexhaust director (VED) is serviceable in flight, requiring theleast attention to deteriorating energy effects. All directionalvanes and actuators may be replicated and replaced without<strong>star</strong>base assistance.Operational safety is as vital to the running of the IPS asit is to the WPS. While hardware limits in power levels andrunning times at overloaded levels are easily reached andexceeded, the systems are protected through a combinationof computer intervention and reasonable human commands.No individual IPS engine can be run at >115% energy-thrustoutput, and can be run between 101% and 115% only alonga power/time slope of t=p/3.The IPS requires approximately 1.6 times as many manhoursto maintain as the WPS, primarily due to the nature ofthe energy release in the fusion process. The thermal andacoustic stresses tend to be greater per unit area, a smallpenalty incurred to retain a small engine size. While warpengine reactions are on the order of one million times more energetic,that energy is created with less transmitted structuralshock. The major design tradeoff made by Starfleet R&D isevident when one considers that efficient matter/antimatterpower systems that can also provide rocket thrust cannot bereduced to IPS dimensions.

6.4 EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES6.4 EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN PROCEDURES 6.5 CATASTROPHIC EMERGENCY PROCEDURESHardware failures and override commands can placeabnormal stress on the total impulse propulsion system (IPS),requiring various degrees of engine shutdown. Systemsensors, operational software, and human action work inconcert to deactivate impulse propulsion system componentsunder conditions such as excessive thermal loads, thrust imbalancesbetween groups of individual engines, and a varietyof other problems.The most common internal causes for low-level emergencyshutdown in Starfleet experience include fuel flowconstriction, out-of-phase initiator firings, exhaust vane misalignment,and plasma turbulence within the acceleratorstage. Some external causes for shutdown include asteroidalmaterial impacts, survivable combat phaser fire, stellar thermalenergy effects, and crossing warp field interaction fromother spacecraft.Emergency shutdown computer routines generally involvea gradual valving off of the deuterium fuel flow andsafing of the fusion initiator power regulators, simultaneouslydecoupling the accelerator by bleeding residual energy intospace or into the ship's power network. As these proceduresare completed, the driver coil assembly (DCA) coils are safedby interrupting the normal coil pulse order, effectively settingthem to a neutral power condition, and allowing the field tocollapse. If the shutdown is in an isolated engine, the powerload distribution is reconfigured at the first indication oftrouble.As with the warp propulsion system, the IPS may sustainvarious degrees of damage requiring repair or deliberaterelease of the damaged hardware. Standard procedures fordealing with major vehicle damage apply to IPS destructionand include but are not limited to: safing any systems thatcould pose further danger to the ship, assessing IPS damageand collateral damage to ship structures and systems, andsealing off hull breaches and other interior areas which are nolonger habitable.Deuterium and fusion-enhancement antimatter reactantsare automatically valved off at points upstream from theaffected systems, according to computer and crew damagecontrol assessments. Where feasible, crews will enter affectedareas in standard extravehicular work garments (SEWG)to assure that damaged systems are rendered totally inert,and perform repairs on related systems as necessary. Irreparablydamaged IPS components, <strong>star</strong>ting with the thrust ventsand moving inboard to the drive coils and reaction chambers,can be taken off-line and released if their continued retentionadversely affects the integrity of the rest of the <strong>star</strong>ship.Variations on these procedures are stored within themain computer and IPS command coordinators. Crew monitoringof a shutdown is a Starfleet requirement, although manyscenarios have seen engines being safed before reliablehuman reactions could be incorporated. Voluntary shutdownprocedures are dependable and accepted by the main computerin 42% of the recorded incidents.The Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>ship Enterprise has a lot of windows that look out into space, giving many of our sets a wonderful senseof "really" being on a <strong>star</strong>ship. This requires us to do a lot of bluescreen shots to show streaking "warp <strong>star</strong>s" whenever theship is traveling faster than light. Naturally, these visual effects are very expensive. The result is that there have been a fewtimes when budget considerations have forced our producers to find an excuse — any excuse — to have the captain take theship down to impulse so that we can avoid the extra expense.

7.0 UTILITIES ARID AUXILIARY SYSTEMS7.1 UTILITIE7.1 UTILITIESThe Galaxy class Enterprise internal distribution infrastructureincludes a number of related systems whose purposeis the distribution of vital commodities throughout thespacecraft. Although these commodities vary widely in thenature of distribution hardware, all require complex interconnectionsthroughout the volume of the spacecraft, and nearlyall are of sufficient criticality to require one or more redundantbackup distribution networks.MAJOR UTILITIES NETWORKSThese utilities distribution networks include:• Power. Power transmission for onboard systems isaccomplished by a network of microwave power transmissionwaveguides known as the electro plasma system (EPS).Major power supplies derive microwave power from the warppropulsion power conduits and the main impulse engines.Additional feeds draw power from the saucer module impulseengines as well as a number of auxiliary fusion generators. Asecondary powerdistribution system provides electrical powerfor specialized requirements.• Optical Data Network (ODN). Data transmission is accomplishedwith a network of multiplexed optical monocrystalmicrofibers. A series of five redundant major opticaltrunks link the two main computer cores in the primary hull,and an additional set of trunks link these to the third core in theengineering section. Any individual trunk is designed to beable to handle the total data load of the ship's basic operatingsystems. Major ODN trunks also provide information links tothe 380 optical subprocessors located throughout the ship.These subprocessors improve system response time by distributingsystem load and provide a measure of redundancy incase of major system failure. From these subprocessors, additionalODN links connect to each individual control panel ordisplay surface. Two secondary optical data networks provideprotected linkages to key systems and stations; thesebackup systems are physically separated from the primarysystem and from each other.• Atmosphere. Breathable atmosphere is distributedthroughout the habitable volume of the ship by means of twoindependent networks of air-conditioning ducts that recirculatethe breathable atmosphere after reprocessing. Switchingnodes permit alternate system segments to be employed inthe event part of one primary system is unavailable.• Water. Potable water for drinking and cooling is distributedby two independent conduit networks. These networksrun in parallel with wastewater return conduits to the fourwater recycling and reprocessing facilities located on Decks6, 13, and 24.• Solid waste disposal. Linear induction utility conduitsare used to convey solid waste to reprocessing facilities onDecks 9,13, and 34. Such waste is automatically separatedinto mechanically and chemically recyclable material, with theremainder stored for matter synthesis (replicator) recycling.Hazardous wastes are immediately reprocessed.• Transporter beam conduits. A series of high energywaveguides serves to connect each transporter chamber toits associated pattern buffer tank and then to the variousexternal transporter emitter arrays. Because any given personnelor cargo transporter may need to be linked to any of theseventeen external emitter arrays, this network must providefor any interconnection permutation.• Replicator and food service conduits. Similar to thetransporter beam conduits, these waveguides connect thefood service and general replicator headends to replicatorterminals throughout the ship.• Structural integrity field (SIF) power conduits.Force field generators for the structural integrity field arelocated on Decks 11 and 32. Two parallel molybdenumjackedtriphase waveguide conduit networks distribute thefield energy to the SIF conductivity elements built into thespacecraft framework. Crossovers between the SaucerModule and Engineering Section permit field generators inone hull to feed the entire spacecraft if necessary.• IDF power conduits. Inertial damping field generatorsare located on Decks 11 and 33. Two parallel molybdenum-

7.1 UTILITIES7.1.1 Major utilities trunksStructuralintegrity genComputercoresOptical datanetworkMajorsystemsInertialdamping genAtmosphericsystemAtmosphericdistrib netRedundantdistrib netWarp drivesystemEPSpower tapsWaterreclamationSolid wasterecyclingWaterdistrib netWastecollectionRedundantdistrib netImpulse drivesystemAuxiliary fusiongeneratorsEPSpower tapsEPSpower tapsEPSpower distribReplicatorsystemsTransportersystemsBeamwaveguidesBeamwaveguidesReplicationterminalsEmitterarraysOthersystemsGravitygenerationFieldconduitsReserveutilitiesProtecteddistributionReservesuppliesjacked triphase waveguide conduit networks, similar to theSIF network, distribute the field energy throughout the vehicle.Crossovers between the Saucer Module and BattleSection permit field generators in one hull to feed the entirespacecraft if necessary.• Synthetic gravity field bleed. Although the ship'ssynthetic gravity field is created by the gravity generatorslocated thoughout the ship, a network of forcefield conduits isemployed to allow translation of excess inertial potential toother parts of the ship. This process is computer controlled tooptimize gravitational stability and subspace field differential.Any inertial potential in excess of system capacity is automaticallybled off into the structural integrity field system.• Cryogenic fluid transfer. This refers to a number ofinsulated piping trunks that provide for intraship transfer ofsuch cryogenic fluids as liquid helium. Oxygen for breathinggas replenishment is transferred to atmospheric processingmodules in liquid form by means of the cryogenic fluid transfersystem.• Deuterium fuel transfer. Two 45 cm insulatedconduits provide for transfer of liquid deuterium between theprimary deuterium tank and the impulse propulsion system.Additional insulated conduits connect the primary deuteriumtank with the warp propulsion system, and the Saucer Moduleimpulse engines and its associated fuel storage tankage(using a cross-feed conduit connecting the two sections).Smaller 18.5 cm insulated conduits connect various auxiliarystorage tanks and the auxiliary fusion power generators.• Turboelevator personnel transport system. Thisincludes the actual turboshaft tubes through which the inductivelydriven turbolift cars travel throughout the habitable volumeof the ship, as well as the dedicated EPS power trunksand ODN links that support the system.• Reserve utilities distribution. This refers to a lowcapacity,independent system of atmosphere, power, data,and water distribution networks. These systems serve asbackups for use in the event service is disrupted from primarysystems. Depending on load factors, this reserve system hasa capacity of approximately thirty-six hours.• Protected utilities distribution. Another set ofredundant utilities trunks, this system provides limited atmosphere,power, and data to critical areas of the ship as well asDick Brownfield, Star Trek special mechanical effects whiz whose work on the Enterprise dates back as far as Star Trek's firstpilot episode in 1964, tells us that some of the conduits and pipes seen on the original Enterprise sets were labeled with theterm GNDN. Dick tells us that this was a joke with him and set decorator John Dwyer (another veteran of both versions of StarTrek) to inform the discerning <strong>star</strong>ship crew member that a dummy pipe "Goes Nowhere and Does Nothing."

7.1 UTILITIESto emergency environmental support shelter areas. Alsoincorporated into this network are low-capacity superconductiveelectrical power distribution cables for critical backup systems.ADDITIONAL UTILITIES SYSTEMSAdditional utilities systems provide support for the ship'sservice infrastructure. These include:• Umbilical resupply connect ports and associatedsystems. Principal among these are the resupply umbilicalconnect clusters located along the spine of the Engineeringsection. These include provisions for deuterium fuel loading,cryogenic oxygen resupply, gaseous atmospheric support,fresh water, wastewater off-loading, EPS external support,external synthetic gravity support, and external SIF/IDF support.Some of these umbilicals are used for resupply, theremainder allow external support systems (such as thoseavailable at a <strong>star</strong>base) to carry the load of key systems,allowing the ship's systems to be shut down for servicing (See:15.7).• Jefferies Tubes. This refers to a system of accesstunnels and utilities corridors that carry much of the variousutilities conduits and waveguides. The Jefferies Tube networkcovers the entire volume of the ship, providing access toutilities trunks and circuitry. Also located within these tubesare a variety of maintenance and testing points that allow theperformance of various systems to be physically measured atkey points throughout the ship.• Corridor access panels. Additional utilities distributionis provided by a network of passageways located within(and running parallel to) the personnel corridor walls. Thesecorridor utility paths are accessible from within the corridor byremoving the wall panels. Also located within certain corridoraccess panels are various emergency support packages,including emergency atmospheric and power supply modules,firefighting equipment, disaster medical supply kits, andenvironment suits (See: 13.4).• Auxiliary fusion generators. Utilities systems includea number of small auxiliary fusion generators that providepower when the warp and impulse reactors are inactive.These fusion generators also provide supplemental powerwhen needed and are a key element of contingency operations.Jefferies Tubes are named in honor of Matt Jefferies, artdirector of the first Star Trek series and the original designerof the <strong>star</strong>ship Enterprise. The term is a carryover from theoriginal series.7.1.2 Corridor utilities and equipment lockers

7.2 EXTERIOR CONNECT HARDPOINTS7.2 EXTERIOR CONNECT HARDPOINTSDuring its predicted one-hundred-year operational lifetime,a Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>ship is expected to put in for maintenanceand upgrade layovers at <strong>star</strong>bases and repair docksapproximately two hundred times. A typical <strong>star</strong>base visit willinclude periodic component swapouts, structural scans bynondestructive testing methods, systems upgrades, and consumablesresupply. Many of these functions are carried outthough a series of dedicated umbilicals, loading bays, andaccess hatches located over the entire vehicle.The exterior connections were designed into the <strong>star</strong>shipto take advantage of certain existing docking mechanismsoriginally created for the Ambassador class and integratenew automated arm and end effector devices. Most of theconsumables supplied to the ship are accepted throughtwenty-four transfer ports located along the structural spine ofthe Battle Section. Distinct one-way-fit supply tunnels matewith the spine ports, assuring that fluids, gases, and driedsolids remain separate and are routed to the proper storagecompartments. Most raw materials destined for eventualreplicator reassembly are transferred in this manner andplaced in large bulk holding tanks (See: 7.1).Exterior connections for numerous other ship systemsare located within the spine, including the electro plasmasystem, optical data network, main computers, structuralintegrity field, inertial damping field, and aft torpedo launcher.Much of the general "health" of the Enterprise can be gaugedthrough these links, and appropriate preventative maintenancecan be performed to bring the ship into homeostasis.Fill, vent, and purge lines to the primary deuteriumtankage is accessed through eight connectors in the spine.Complete tank cleaning and inspection are accomplished by<strong>star</strong>base-assisted pumps, followed by deuterium refilling.Complete antimatter tankage refurbishment is performedonly at certain <strong>star</strong>bases with refining or tanker transport capabilities.The antimatter ports and warp engine core accesspanel are located exterior to Deck 42 on the ventral surfaceof the Battle Section.Bulk cargo is loaded through six large iris and flexibleplanarbay doors located in the aft hull undercut, the forwardventral surface of the Battle Section, and the ventral surfaceof the Saucer Module. These doors open onto eighteen cargoholding and distribution spaces; materiel is routed to smallerstorage bays for later use during flight. Certain internal cargobays not serviced by exterior doors or cargo turbolifts areaccommodated by large cargo transporter pads. Items requiringspecial handling, such as medical supplies, can bestored in these bays for rapid dispersal by transporter andantigrav pallets.Personnel transfers are accomplished through four pressurizedgangways. Two large elliptical tunnel connectors can7.2.1 Exterior connect hardpoints

7.3 REACTION CONTROL SYSTEMbe deployed vertically from the dorsal surface of the SaucerModule. Most large-scale crew movements take place atthese points, plus two docking collars on Deck 25, aft of theforward photon torpedo launcher. Starbase gangways arestandardized with adaptable docking collar interfaces. Thereare two additional crorsover points to <strong>star</strong>base spacedockfacilities in the form of turbolift pass-throughs, allowing turboliftmodules to move directly to the base from the ship.7.3 REACTION CONTROL SYSTEMIn its normal docked configuration, the USS Enterpriseachieves low-velocity attitude and translational controlthrough the use of six main and six auxiliary reaction controlengines for fine adjustments. The reaction control system(RCS) is designed primarily for sublight operations involvingstation-keeping, drift-mode three-axis stabilization, andspace dock maneuvering.The RCS is divided into two parts corresponding to thetwo sections of the total <strong>star</strong>ship. The Saucer Module RCSconsists of four main and four auxiliary engines located onthe hull edge; the two remaining main engines and ten venierthrusters make up the Battle Section RCS and are locatedoutboard of the main deflector dish. In the docked configuration,both systems are cross-commanded by the main computerpropulsion controller (MCPC) to provide the requiredguidance and navigation inputs. In separated flight modes,the Saucer Module continues to run modified MCPC routines,while the Battle Section switches over to its singlecomputer core guidance and navigation (G&N) software.Each main RCS engine consists of a gas-fusion reactionchamber, a magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) energy field trap,and upper and lower vectored-thrust exhaust nozzles. Deuteriumfuel for each fusion chamber is stored in six immedi-Engineering Hull thruster (1 of 2)Primary Hull thruster (1 of 4)7.3.1 Reaction control thruster quads

7.3.2 RCS thruster quad assemblyUpper vectored thrust nozzleDeuterium supply tank (1 of 6)Fuel distribution nodePressure regulator •Mooring beam tractor emitters >MHD field trapLower vectored thrust nozzleate-use supply tanks and tied to replenish lines from the maindeuterium tank group in the Battle Section. Fuel transfer ismanaged by three redundant sets of magnetic-peristalticpumps, pressure regulators, and distribution nodes. Ignitionenergy for the reaction chamber is provided by a step-upplasma compression generator, and supplied through a standardcapacitance tap by the ship's power distribution net.The reaction chamber measures 3.1 meters in diameter andis constructed of hafnium carbide 0.2 meters thick, with a0.21 cm replaceable inner wall of duranium tritanide. It canwithstand a total of 400,000 firings and 5,500 hours' operatingtime before requiring inner wall servicing.A two-stage MHD field trap lies downstream from thefusion chamber. The first stage acts as an energy recoverydevice and returns some of the undifferentiated plasma to thepower net. The second stage performs partial throttle operations,in concert with fuel flow regulators, to control theexhaust products as they enter the thrust nozzle. Bothstages are manufactured as a single unit 4x2x2 meters andare constructed of tungsten bormanite. The plasma returnchannels are rated at 6,750 hours before the inlets must bereplaced.The vectored nozzles direct the exhaust products at theproper angle for the desired force on the ship's spaceframe.Each nozzle assembly produces a maximum of 3 millionNewtons thrust with one nozzle active, and 5.5 million Newtonswith both nozzles active. Kreigerium plate valves regulatethe relative proportions of exhaust products flowingthrough the upper and lower nozzle components.Each auxiliary engine consists of a microfusion chamberand vectored-thrust nozzle, but without the MHD trap. Themicrofusion chamber measures 1.5 meters in diameter andis constructed of hafnium duranide 8.5 cm thick. Eachauxiliary engine channels its exhaust products through themain RCS nozzle and can generate a total thrust of 450,000Newtons. The auxiliary engines are rated for 4,500 hours'cumulative firing time before servicing.Also incorporated into the RCS quads are precisionmooring beam tractor emitters used for close-quarters anddocking maneuvers when <strong>star</strong>base-equivalent mooringbeams are not available.

7.4 NAVIGATIONAL DEFLECTOR7.4 NAVIGATIONAL DEFLECTORAlthough the density of the interstellar medium is extremelylow, significant hazards to navigation exist, especiallyfor a<strong>star</strong>ship traveling at relativistic or warp velocities. Amongthese are micrometeoroid particulates, as well as the muchrarer (but more hazardous) larger objects such as asteroids.Even the extremely tenuous stray hydrogen atoms of theinterstellar medium itself can beadangerous source offrictionat sufficient velocities.HARDWAREThe heart of the navigational deflector system is threeredundant high power graviton polarity source generatorslocated on Deck 34. Each of these generators consists of acluster of six 128 MW graviton polarity sources feeding a pairof 550 millicochrane subspace field distortion amplifiers. Theflux energy output of these generators is directed and focusedby a series of powerful subspace field coils.The main deflector dish consists of a duranium frameworkonto which is attached the actual emitter array, constructedof a series of molybdenum-duranium mesh panelsthat radiate the flux energy output. The dish is steerable underautomatic computer control by means of four high-torqueelectrofluidic servos capable of deflecting the dish up to 7.2°from the ship's Z axis. Phase-interference techniques areused to achieve fine aiming of the deflector beam, usingmodulation control of the emitter array. Subspace field coilsjust upstream of the actual deflector emitter dish are used toshape the deflector beam into two primary components. First,a series of five nested parabolic shields extend nearly twokilometers ahead of the ship. These low-power fields arerelatively static and are used to deflect the stray hydrogenatoms of the interstellar medium as well as any submicronparticulates that may have escaped the deflector beam. Thenavigational deflector, also controlled by the subspace fieldcoils, is a powerful tractor/deflector that sweeps thousands ofkilometers ahead of the ship, pushing aside larger objects thatmay present a collision hazard.LONG-RANGE SENSORSBecause the main deflector dish radiates significantamounts of both subspace and electromagnetic radiation, itcan have detrimental effects on the performance of manysensors. For this reason, the long-range sensor array islocated directly behind the main deflector, so that the primaryaxis of both systems are nearly coincident. This arrangementpermits the long-range sensors to "look" directly through theaxis of the fields.The long-range sensor array is a key element of the navigationaldeflector system because it is used to provide detectionand tracking of objects in the ship's flight path. Theforward sensor array can also be used to provide this informa-7.4.1 Navigational deflector

.IGATiONAL DEFLECTORtion, but doing so results in lesser detection ranges and mayuse sensor elements better assigned to scientific use.The molybdenum-duranium mesh of the main deflectoremitters is designed with areas of 0.52 cm perforation patternsso as to be transparent to the long-range sensor array.Note that certain instruments, notably the subspace fieldstress and gravimetric distortion sensors, will not yield usabledata when deflector output exceeds a certain level (typically55%, depending on sensor resolution mode and field-of-view.See: 10.2).OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONSAt normal impulse speeds (up to 0.25c), navigationaldeflector output can usually be kept at about 27 MW (withmomentary surge reserve of 52 MW). Warp velocities up toWarp 8 require up to 80% of normal output with surge reserveof 675,000 MW. Velocities exceeding Warp Factor 8 requirethe use of two deflector generators operating in phase sync,and velocities greater than Warp 9.2 require all three deflectorgenerators in order to maintain adequate surge reserve.Navigational deflector operation is somewhat morecomplex when the Bussard ramscoop is in use because thenavigational deflector actually pushes away the interstellarhydrogen that the collector seeks to attract (See:5.6). Insuchcases, field manipulation is employed to create small "holes"in the navigational deflector shields, permitting the rarefied7.4.3 Saucer deflectorLHr rLinterstellar hydrogen to be directed into the ramscoop'smagnetic fields.SAOCER DEFLECTORWhen the Enterprise is operating in Separated FlightMode, the main deflector obviously services the Battle Section.The Saucer Module is equipped with four fixed-focusnavigational deflectors for use in such cases. These mediumpower units also serve as a backup to the main deflector whenthe ship is connected, and are located on the underside of theSaucer Module, just fore of the lower transporter emitterarrays.j irSubmicron particle^deflected by static shieldsMacroscopic objectdeflected by activedeflector beamDirection of flight, axis of main deflector,and axis of long-range sensorsNested low-leveldeflector shieldsSubmicron particledeflected by static shields7.4.2 Navigational deflector shield configuration

7.5 TRACTOR BEAMS7.5 TRACTOR REAMS7.5.2 Typical tractor emitterStarfleet missions sometimes require direct manipulationof relatively large objects in proximity to a <strong>star</strong>ship. Suchoperations can take the form of towing another ship, modifyingthe speed or trajectory of a small asteroid, or holding a pieceof instrumentation at a fixed position relative to the ship. Theexecution of such missions generally requires the use oftractor beam remote manipulators.Tractor emitters employ superimposed subspace/gravitonforce beams whose interference patterns are focused ona remote target, resulting in significant spatial stress beingapplied on the target. By controlling the focal point andinterference patterns, it is possible to use this stress patternto draw an object toward the ship. Conversely, it is alsopossible to invert the interference patterns and move the focalpoint to actually push an object.EMITTERSTractor beam emitters are located at key positions on theship's exterior hull, permitting objects at almost any relativebearing to be manipulated. Key among these are the two maintractor beam emitters, located fore and aft along the keel of theEngineering Hull as well as a third main emitter located on theforward surface of the interconnecting dorsal. Additionalemitters are located near each shuttlebay for use in shuttlelanding maneuvers. Mooring tractor beam emitters, usedwhen the ship is in dock, are located at each reaction controlthrusterquad.The main tractor beam emitters are built around twovariable phase 16 MW graviton polarity sources, each feedingtwo 450 millicochrane subspace field amplifiers. Phaseaccuracy is within 2.7 arc-seconds per millisecond, necessaryfor precise interference pattern control. Secondary tractorbeam emitters have lesser performance ratings. Main tractorbeam emitters are directly mounted to primary structuralmembers of the ship's framework. This is because of thesignificant mechanical stress and inertiai potential imbalanceMain Shuttlebay emittersShuttlebay 2/3 emittersRCS quad mooring emitter •1 RCS quad mooring emitterForward dorsal emitterRCS quad mooring emitter• Main steerable emitter7.5.1 Tractor beam emitters

7.6 REPLICATOR SYSTEMScreated by tractor beam usage. Additional structural reinforcementand inertial potential cancellation is provided bytying the tractor emitter into the structural integrity field (SIF)network by means of molybdenum-jacketed waveguides.Effective tractor beam range varies with payload massand desired delta-y (change in relative velocity). Assuming anominal 5 m/sec 2 delta-v, the primary tractor emitters can beused with a payload approaching 7,500,000 metric tonnes atless than 1,000 meters. Conversely, that same delta- \/can beimparted to an object massing about one metric tonne atranges approaching 20,000 kilometers.The original design of the new Enterprise showed only onetractor beam emitter, at the base of the Engineering Section'sfantail. At the time the location made sense, since the mainapplication of tractor beams is to tow other ships. As the showprogressed, however, we had more than one episode in whichthat emitter location was not visible in ship exterior scenescalling for tractor beams to be used. As a result, our visualeffects staff has "added" a number of additional emitters to theship. With hindsight, the new emitters do seem to make sensegiven the fact that the Enterprise sometimes needs to moveobjects that are not directly below and astern. Our television<strong>star</strong>ship, like its imaginary counterpart, continues to evolve.7.6 REPLICATOR SYSTEMSRecent advances in transporter-based molecular synthesishave resulted in a number of significant spinofftechnologies. Chief among these are transporter-basedreplicators. These devices permit replication of virtually anyinanimate object with incredible fidelity and relatively lowenergy cost.There are two main replication systems on board theEnterprise. These are the food synthesizers and the hardwarereplicators. The food replicators are optimized for a finerdegree of resolution because of the necessity of accuratelyreplicating the chemical composition of foodstuffs. Hardwarereplicators, on the other hand, are generally tuned to a lowerresolution for greater energy efficiency and lower memorymatrix requirements. A number of specially modified foodreplication terminals are used in sickbay and in variousscience labs for synthesis of certain Pharmaceuticals andother scientific supplies.These replicator system headends are located on Deck12 in the Saucer Module and on Deck 34 in the EngineeringSection. These systems operate by using a phase-transitioncoil chamber in which a measured quantity of raw material isdematerialized in a manner similar to that of a standardtransporter. Instead of using a molecular imaging scanner todetermine the patterns of the raw stock, however, a quantumUser control padPhase transition chamberService access ports7.6.1 Food replicator terminal (typical)

7.6 REPLICATOR SYSTEMSgeometry transformational matrix field is used to modify thematter stream to conform to a digitally stored molecularpattern matrix. The matter stream is then routed through anetwork of waveguide conduits that direct the signal to a replicatorterminal at which the desired article is materializedwithin another phase transition chamber.In order to minimize replicator power requirements, rawstock for food replicators is stored in the form of a sterilizedorganic particulate suspension that has been formulated tostatistically require the least quantum manipulation to replicatemost finished foodstuffs (See: 13.5).The data themselves are subject to significant accuracylimits. It is not feasible to record or store quantum electronstateinformation, nor can Brownian motion data be accuratelyre-created. Doing so would represent another billionfoldincrease in the memory required to store a given pattern.This means that even if each atom of every molecule werereproduced, it is not feasible to accurately re-create the electronshell activity patterns or the atomic motions that determinethe dynamics of the biochemical activity of consciousnessand thought.REPLICATION VERSUS STORAGEThe use of replicators dramatically reduces the requirementfor carrying and storing both foodstuffs and spare parts.The limiting factor is the energy cost of molecular synthesisversus the cost of carrying an object onboard the ship. In thecase of foodstuffs, the cost of maintaining a large volume ofperishable supplies becomes prohibitive, especially when thecost of food preparation is included. Here, the energy cost ofmolecular synthesis is justified, especially when one considersthe dramatic mass savings involved with extensive recyclingof organic material.On the other hand, certain types of commonly used spareparts and supplies are not economical for replication. In suchcases, the items in question are used in sufficient quantity thatit is more economical to store finished products than to spendthe energy to carry raw materials and synthesize the finishedproduct on demand. Additionally, significant stores of criticalspares and consumables are maintained for possible useduring Alert situations when power for replication systemsmay be severely restricted or unavailable.REPLICATION LIMITSThe chief limitation of all transporter-based replicators isthe resolution at which the molecular matrix patterns arestored. While transporters (which operate in realtime) recreateobjects at quantum-level resolution suitable for lifeforms,replicators store and re-create objects at the muchsimpler molecular-level resolution, which is not suitable forliving beings.Because of the massive amount of computer memoryrequired to store even the simplest object, it is impossible torecord each molecule individually. Instead, extensive datacompression and averaging techniques are used. Suchtechniques reduce memory storage required for molecularpatterns by factors approaching 2.7 x 10 9 . The resultingsingle-bit inaccuracies do not significantly impact the qualityof most reproduced objects, but preclude the use of replicatortechnology to re-create living objects. Single-bit molecularerrors could have severely detrimental effects on living DNAmolecules and neural activity. Cumulative effects have beenshown to closely resemble radiation-induced damage.i

8.0 COMMUNICATIONS8.0 COMMUNICATIONS8.1 INTRASHIP COMMUNICATIONSCommunications aboard the USS Enterprise take twobasic forms, voice and data transmissions. Both are handledby the onboard computer system and dedicated peripheralhardware nodes. Though those sections of the computer normallyallocated to communications tasks are named the communicationssystem, the metaphor of the human centralnervous system is more applicable in this situation. The sheermass of adaptable links radiating outward from the maincomputers virtually assures that all information within thespacecraft will be rapidly transmitted to the correct destination,and will be received with little or no detectable loss of thatinformation. While the multitude of communications functionsare directly traceable to the same hardware, the operatingmodes and protocols around which they are based aredistinctly different and are worth noting.SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONThe hardware configuration for dedicated intrashipcommunications involves a minimum of 12,000 allocated dataline sets and terminal node devices distributed throughout the<strong>star</strong>ship, in parallel with the pure hardware telemetry links ofthe optical data network (ODN). This is the primary route forvoice and data signals. An equal number of radio frequency(RF)-based terminal node devices are distributed throughoutthe ship as a first backup layer. A second backup layer runsparallel to the electro plasma system and consists of 7,550kilometers of copper-yttrium-barium superconducting strands.This layer utilizes the same terminal node devices.Each terminal node device is a disk measuring 11.5 cmin diameter and 2 cm thick. The casing is constructed ofmolded polykeiyurium, the internal arrangement consisting ofa voice section and a data relay section. The voice sectioncontains an analog-to-digital voice pickup/speaker wafer,preprocessor amplifier, optical fiber modulation input/outputsubcircuit, and digital-to-analog return processor. The datarelay section contains two nested circuits consisting of astandard subspace transceiver assembly (STA), found mostprominently in Starfleet-issue communicator badges, andshort-range RF pickup and emitter. Handheld devices andtransportable devices not hardwired to the ODN send andreceive data via this part of the terminal node. While duplicateRF pickups exist in the backup system, their function in theprimary system is to manipulate data signals for transmissionover the optical fibers.OPERATIONDuring voice operations, the normal procedure involvesa crew member stating his or her name, plus the party or shiparea being called, in a form that can be understood by thecomputer for proper routing. Examples: "Dr. Selar, this is thecaptain," or "Ensign Nelson to Engineering." The artificialintelligence (Al) routines in the main computer listen forintraship calls, perform analyses on the message openingcontent, attempt to locate the message recipient, and thenactivate the audio speakers at the recipient's location.During the initial message routing, there may be a slightprocessing delay until the computer has heard the entirename of the recipient and located same. From that point on,all transmissions are realtime. When both parties haveconcluded their conversation, the channel may be activelyclosed with the word "out," which will be detected in context bythe computer. If both parties discontinue without formallybreaking the channel, and no other contextual cues havebeen offered to keep the line open, the computer will continuelistening for ten seconds, and then close the line. When usingthe communicator badge to initiate a call aboard ship, thecomputer will consider the badge-tap to be force of habit, orsimply a confirmatory signal.In the event that the recipient is unavailable for a routinevoice call, a system flag will be set in the computer and willalert the recipient that a waiting message has been stored.Emergency voice transmissions are prioritized and controlledby command authority instructions within the computer, andcan be redefined by command personnel according to thesituation.During most Alert conditions, the communications systemis automatically switched over to high-speed operationsoptimized to afford the Bridge uninterruptable links to the restof the ship for contact with other departments and assessment

8.1 INTRASHIP COMMUNICATIONS8.1.1 Intraship communicationsLocalsubprocessori , ifShort-rangeRF pickupiPersonalcommunicatorTricorderMaincomputercoreOpticaldata networkDesktopterminalTerminalnodeLocalsubprocessorShort-rangeRF pickupPersonalcommunicatorOtherdevicesof possible damage. At this time, routine channel operationsare disabled (See: 8.2).Data transmissions may be established between anystandard Starfleet hardware units equipped with RF or STAdevices, either by manual keypresses or by vocally commandingthe computer to handle the data transfers. In mostcases, the computer will automatically execute the desiredfunctions; on occasion, the computer may request identificationkeypresses for specific pieces of hardware, usually forverification of device type, data transmission protocols, orsequencing of multiple devices.During both voice and data transmissions, channels maybe secured by either manual inputs or vocal request, dependingon the respective locations of the parties or devicesinvolved.

8.2 PERSONAL COMMUNICATOR8.2 PERSONAL COMMUNICATORThe current Starfleet-issue communicator represents thelatest improvement in small subspace radio devices. Itsprimary role is to maintain voice contact among crew membersaboard ship and during away missions, and to provide alock-on contact for transporter operations. Voice contact withother devices, such as the ship's main computers, is alsowithin the communicator's capabilities.The communicator casing is micromilled duranium overlayeredwith gold and silver alloys in a diffusion-bondingprocess. The metal alloys serve to complement the aestheticdesign of the device, which has been fashioned into theStarfleet emblem.SUBSPACE TRANSCEIVER ASSEMBLYThe heart of the internal electronics is the subspacetransceiver assembly (STA). This circuit incorporates ananalog-to-digital voice encoder and low-power subspace fieldemitter. It is also the same circuit used in devices such as thepersonal access display device (PADD) and tricorder, andshares the efficient data transmission protocols.Voice inputs are received by a monofilm pickup diffusionbondedto the inner casing and routed to the STA. While thestandard STA possesses input channels for other data, theseare not active in the communicator. As all Starfleet communicationsare normally encrypted, the voice signal pulses areconverted by a series of encryption algorithms. These algorithmsare changed on a random schedule by StarfleetCommand for galaxywide subspace transmissions, and individual<strong>star</strong>ship codes may be substituted during local awaymissions.Battery power is provided by a sarium krellide crystalrated for two weeks in normal use. When close to depletion,the crystal will produce a faintly audible oscillation; it can bereturned to full power by induction recharging.COMMUNICATOR CONTROLControl of the personal communicator while aboard aStarfleet vessel is a matter of preference and habit. To initiatea voice call, it is simply a matter of tapping the front of thebadge to confirm to the STA that the message is meant to goout. This may seem redundant, as the intrashipcomm systemis constantly monitoring and routing voice transmissions, butit is a good practice to learn. During away team operations,the tap is essential to preserving internal battery power. Thetap activates a dermal sensor to relay a power up commandto the STA.The range of the communicator is severely limited, mainlydue to the small size of the STA emitter and power supply. Intransmissions between two stand-alone communicators, clearExternal configuration• Duranium casingCommunicator shown full sizeInternal configurationSubspace transceiver assembly •Dermal sensor controller •Encryption circuit assembly •Sarium krellide power cell •8.2.1 Personal communicator assembly

8.2 PERSONAL COMMUNICATOR8.2.2 Personal communicator schematicAudiopickupDataencryptiontControlprogramSubspacetransceiverLocationtransponderAudiospeakerDatadecryptionvoice signals will propagate only 500 kilometers. This is a tinyfraction of the 40,000 km required to contact an orbitingspacecraft, so it is the spacecraft that must become the activepartner in order to receive the communicator's lower-powersignals, and transmit correspondingly high-power signals tothe communicator's receiver.communicator will fail to activate. During benign situations,security codes are changed every five days. During emergencysituations, or when Away Team members are involvedin planetside operations, codes are changed on a randomschedule at least once every twenty-four hours.The communicator is a line-of-sight device during awaymissions. Its planetside range may be improved if the magneticfield value is below 0.9 gauss, or mean geologic densityis less than 5.56 g/cc.Various EM factors will affect voice and transporter lock.Most remedies to comm interference will take place on thespacecraft side, as there are few user-adjustable controlswithin the communicator. In the event of loss of transporterlock, other ship sensors can be brought into play to locateStarfleet crew members, though the process can take longerto complete.USER ID SECURITYFor security purposes, the communicator is a personalizedStarfleet device that can be programmed to respond tothe individual crew member's bioelectrical field and temperatureprofiles using the built-in dermal sensor. If an attempt ismade to operate an appropriately programmed device byanother crew member without security override authority, the

8.3 SHIP-TO-GROUND COMMUNICATIONS8.3 SHIP-TO-GROUND COMMUNICATIONSThe next higher organizational level for the overall communicationssystem involves contact and information exchangebetween the <strong>star</strong>ship and planetside personnel andremote equipment.Communications external to the spacecraft are routedfrom the main computers to the radio frequency (RF) and subspaceradio system nodes. While the term "radio" is somethingof an anachronism, since Starfleet communicationsmore often than not involve visual information, it neverthelesscontinues to describe the basic function of the system. Normalradio frequencies are set aside as backups to the primarysubspace bands, though RF is in continued use by numerouscultures maintaining relations with the Federation, and Starfleetvessels must sometimes rely on this older system whensubspace bands prove unusable due to stellar or geologicalphenomena, or when hardware difficulties arise with eitherthe host or remote sides. Such space-normal radio communicationsare, of course, restricted by the speed of light,resulting in severe time and distance limitations.INSTALLED HARDWAREThe RF section consists of a network of fifteen triplyredundant transceiver assemblies cross-connected by ODNand copper-yttrium 2153 hardlines and linked to the maincomputer comm processors. All are partially imbedded withinthe structural hull material at degree and distance intervalsabout the <strong>star</strong>ship for maximum antenna coverage andmanageable antenna timesharing loads.Each transceiver assembly is a hexagonal solid measuringthree meters across the faces and one-half meter inthickness. Each consists of separate voice and data subprocessors,eight six-stage variable amplifiers, realtime signalanalysis shunts, and input/output signal conditioners atthe hull antenna level. RF section power is obtained fromType III taps from the electro plasma system. The basiclimitations of the RF section stem from the c velocity limit, anda normal useful range at moderate power on the order of 5.2Astronomical Units (A.U.). RF frequencies directed throughthe steerable central component of the main deflector canextend the useful range to some 1000 A.U., though nopractical applications of this power have yet been demonstrated.The subspace transceiver specifications, in proportion,are roughly akin to the warp propulsion system being comparedto its less powerful impulse cousin. Approximately onehundred times more energy is required to drive voice and datasignals across the threshold into the faster subspace frequencies,and even when applied to relatively short distances, thetransmission reliability climbs dramatically. As with the RFsection, small transceivers such as the standard subspacetransceiver assembly (STA) in the personnel communicatorsneed not emit great amounts of power if the large transmittersand receivers remain on the <strong>star</strong>ship.A series of twenty medium-power subspace transceiversare imbedded within the <strong>star</strong>ship hull at various locations toprovide communications coverage similar to that of the RFunits. Each triply redundant device is contained within atrapezoidal solid measuring 1.5 x 2 meters by 1 meter inthickness. The system is powered by Type II electro plasmasystem (EPS) taps with a total maximum power load acrossthe twenty nodes of 1.43 x 10 2 MW. Each transceiver consistsof voice and data processors, EPS power modulation conditioners,subspace field coil subassemblies and directionalfocusing arrays, and related control hardware. Signal handofffrom the optical data network is done with a combination ofrealtime and sequence anticipation Al routines for maximumintelligibility, given the FTL nature of the outgoing and incomingsubspace signals.APPLICATIONSCommunications between the <strong>star</strong>ship and a destinationtypically 38,000 km to 60,000 km away from the antennae arehandled by the above-mentioned radio systems. Situationsencountered cover a broad range, but most notably includediscussions with planetside governments, communicationand control of Away Team operations, local and regional crisismanagement, data collection from remote and active occupiedresearch stations, shuttlecraft departure and approachterminal guidance, and Starfleet search and rescue. TheEnterpriseSubspacetransceiverAway team/i|\Other planetaryJ8.3.1 Ship-to-ground communications

subspace transceiver network is the active system linked tothe transporter for personnel locator and coordinate lock-onfunctions. A minimum of three transceivers covering a givenportion of the spacecraft sky coverage must be available forreliable transporter lock. The maximum reliable distance forroutine transport is 40,000 km, owing to the median matterstream blooming tolerance of 0.005 arc-seconds, thoughsubspace communications by the medium-power networkcan extend to some 60,000 km.Normal contact with the <strong>star</strong>ship, if externally initiated, isdivided into two basic types: Starfleet personnel, especiallythose persons directly assigned to the ship, and non-Starfleetagents. Away Team members will call directly to the Bridgeor other active departments during the course of their work.Normal contact from outside agents will be held by Security forpresentation to the captain or other senior officers. Emergencytransmissions will usually be passed without computerdelay for appropriate action.Standard encryption/decryption, plus enhanced securityencryption protocols, are handled by FTL processorswithin the main computers. Starfleet encryption algorithmsare rotated and updated on a random schedule. Multipleprivate key portions are retained with the <strong>star</strong>ship computers,and the public portions are transmitted to Starfleet-issuehardware, such as handheld instrumentation, communicators,personal access display devices, and other pieces of expendablegear vulnerable to possible capture by Threatforces. Calling for a secure channel on either the spacecraftor remote side will be detected by the main computer, whichwill place higher encryption schemes in standby mode toawait confirmation by command personnel.With certain non-Starfleet subspace transmission protocols,particularly for data burst receiving, protocol matchingdelays may be forced by the computer until matrix translationvalues are calculated and applied in realtime. True Starfleetburst modes, as designed into the standard and medicaltricorders, allow rapid emergency transmissions of storedinformation via the subspace system. Single antenna coverageis acceptable, though the physical layout of the antennagroups assures at least two arrays will be visible if thespacecraft is in line-of-sight of a transmitter.8.4 SHIP-TO-SHIP COMMUNICATIONSThe most energetic and far-reaching communicationspossible from the USS Enterprise encompass ship-to-shipand ship-to-<strong>star</strong>base transmissions. These will typically spanfrom hundreds of Astronomical Units to tens of light years, farbeyond the capabilities of the lower-power subspace transceiverunits already described.The communications system designed into the <strong>star</strong>shipcomprises ten ultra-high power subspace transceivers. Eachis a trapezoidal solid 6x4 meters by 3 meters thick, set belowthe hull skin layer. The antenna array is the only deviceimbedded within the outer 11.34 cm of the skin. It is tied to therest of the transceiver by a direct field energy waveguide.Since the operation of the long-range units can take placeat both sublight and warp velocities, the internal arrangementof the transceiver allows for a greater number of major assemblies,including a sublight signal preprocessor, a warp velocitysignal preprocessor, an adaptive antenna radiating elementsteering driver, Doppler and Heisenberg compensators, acombined selectable noise/clutter eliminator and amplifierstage, and a passive ranging determinator. As with the shortrangesystem, signal encryption/decryption is handled by themain computer.All Starfleet <strong>star</strong>ships are able to transmit and receivevoice and data via subspace, at a maximum transfer rate of18.5 kiloquads/second. Calls between ships during lowactiohlevels are usually initiated by a hailing signal packet,which contains all pertinent information relating to the callingship. The call, usually directed toward upper-tier commandpersonnel, can be held for routing to the proper destination bySecurity or Ops. Routine voice and data exchanges betweenscientific, <strong>technical</strong>, and operational departments aboardboth vessels can be cleared by Security once contact hasbeen established.Crisis action levels, especially during Red Alert, can seenormal hailing signals circumvented, depending on the exactsituation. As with the other communications modes, calls canbe closed out by either active controls, direct voice commands,or the aural monitoring functions of the main computeras it processes contextual cues.STARBASE CONTACTSCommunications with <strong>star</strong>bases are handled in a similarmanner. Depending on the action level and distance from the<strong>star</strong>ship, voice contact with a <strong>star</strong>base can be routed throughnumerous Starfleet Command tiers. As face-to-face exchangestake place, information is constantly moving alonghundreds of other high-speed subspace channels. Starshiplogs are downloaded along with volumes of collected information,including vehicle hardware and crew performance, sensorscans, strategic and tactical analyses, experiment results,and many other areas. Uploads to the <strong>star</strong>ship include new

8.4.1 Ship-to-ship communicationsFederation <strong>star</strong>shipat great distanceSubspacerelay networkIfStarfleet commprotocolstEnterpriseFederation <strong>star</strong>shipwithin close contactrange(A)StarbaseUniversaltranslatorOther commprotocolsOtherspacecraftUnknownspacecraftadditions to the galactic condition database, Starfleet clocksynchronization values, compilations of other <strong>star</strong>ship downloads,flight advisories, mission orders, and other informationnecessary to the smooth running of a <strong>star</strong>ship. While dockedat a major <strong>star</strong>base, voice and data are normally transferredby the ODN.NOW STARFLEET CONTACTSMost of the key interstellar-capable cultures in the MilkyWay have come to use subspace frequencies in the interestof rapid communication. To echo an old saying, it's the onlygame in town. As such, even those that have had dealingswith the Federation but are not members usually have gonesome way toward adopting some common protocols, if only tointeract with Starfleet vessels. Those who do not use standardvoice and data translation routines, especially newlyencountered races, can nevertheless be dealt with if theEnterprise main computers can perform adequate signalanalyses and produce viable algorithms for use with the universaltranslator.the Prime Directive by all concerned departments. PendingFederation policy determinations on the specific contact,Starfleet's traditionally conservative interpretation of the PrimeDirective's noninterference requirements may result in subspacechannels being closed down or set to higher encryption,if it has been determined that a new contact is usingsubspace radio.In many cases, however, dedicated survey and contactships will precede <strong>star</strong>ships as large as the Galaxy class,performing pathfinder missions, making cultural contacts,and compiling the required communication information. Thepossibility always exists, however, that a certain small percentageof true first contacts will be made by the Enterprise,activating a series of events designed to insure adherence to

8.5 SUBSPACE COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKThe speed of propagation of a subspace signal continuesto be the limiting factor in any long-range communications.Subspace radio signals, even those highly focused andradially polarized, will decay over time, as the energies forcedacross the subspace threshold will tend to "surface" to becomenormal slower EM. As this decay occurs, enormousamounts of information are lost, since the modulated signaldoes not decay evenly.The propagation speed under ideal galactic conditions isequivalent to Warp Factor 9.9997. This places subspaceradio about sixty times faster than the fastest <strong>star</strong>ship, eitherexisting or predicted. The phenomenon, which occurs atdistances proportional to the peak radiated power of theoutgoing beam with an upper distance limit of 22.65 lightyears, has necessitated the placement of untended relaybooster beacons and small numbers of crew-tended communicationsbases at intervals of twenty light years, formingirregular strings of cells along major trade lanes and areas ofongoing exploration. Within the Federation, Starfleet's subspacecommunications network is supplemented by theFederation's civil communications system, as well as byvarious local networks.New relay beacons are placed as areas of the galaxy arecharted; small expendable beacons are carried aboard theEnterprise and other <strong>star</strong>ships as temporary devices until permanentunits can be placed. Already the extended explorationand patrol range of Starfleet vessels is so great that over500 new subspace relays are made operational each year.Starfleet is continuing to conduct experiments with higherenergy levels in an attempt to drive communications signalsinto "deeper" layers of subspace, where it is thought the signalwill travel farther priorto decay. If this is indeed feasible, it maysomeday be possible to eliminate up to 80% of the installedboosters.Long-range subspace communications are vital to thecontinued effective operations of <strong>star</strong>ships and their attendantplanetside and free-flying base stations. Federation policy isformulated and carried out based on the rapid and accurateconveyance of orders, analyses, opinions, and scientific and<strong>technical</strong> information.While the hardware and processes have been thoroughlydescribed, the basic concept of communications is moreimportant than the preceding sections might imply. In a veryreal sense, the unceasing beat of life in the galaxy is dependentupon communications. Multiple levels of organizationexist in the Milky Way, ranging from 10 33 cm to 10 u km.Quarks and subatomic particles populate the lower end andlead to larger structures, through molecules, organic chemicals,and bioforms. At the higher end, atoms assemble intoplanets, solar systems, stellar clusters, and density waves inFederationcivil commnetworkStarbaseLocalplanetary nettTemporarysubspace relay •JEnterpriseSubspacerelaySubspacerelaySubspacerelaySubspacerelay\StarfleetCommandOther Federation<strong>star</strong>ships8.5.1 Starfleet subspace communications network

8.5.2 Automated subspace radio relay platformTemporary habitatTransceiver module •Subspace antennathe galaxy. Each new level exhibits its own paradigm governinginteractions, the exchange of energy and information.As sentient beings developed and progressed outwardtoward space, the exchange of information provided thenecessary constant stimulus to learn more about the surroundinguniverse and to pursue the exploration of the galaxy.Contact among different cultures has led to real communications,in part facilitated by subspace transmission methods.While a small fraction of early contacts has resulted inhostilities, through misinterpretations of intentions or actualaggressive movement, most cultural compatibility problemshave been solved through determined negotiations oncecommon meeting grounds were found.In the view of many scholars, the entire Milky Way galaxyis experiencing a gradual acceleration in the rate of overalldevelopment because of continuing communications betweensentient beings. The Federation's Prime Directivenotwithstanding, a number of technological civilizations are"catching up" at various rates, leading to what some considerwill be an inevitable single broad leading edge of explorationand scientific discovery. The exact direction this wave frontwill take will remain an unknown, just as the future has alwaysremained unknown. Tantalizing glimmers, however, will stillbe seen and shared, helping us to deal with the unexpectedwhile preserving the excitement and sense of accomplishment.

8.6 UNIVERSAL TRANSLATORThe <strong>technical</strong> ability to exchange data is not in itselfsufficient to permit communication. A common set of symbolsand concepts — a language — is equally important beforecommunications can occur. This is difficult enough on aplanet where individuals of the same species speak differentlanguages, but it becomes a formidable task indeed whendealing with individuals from different planets who may shareneither biology, culture, nor concepts.The Universal Translator is an extremely sophisticatedcomputer program that is designed to first analyze the patternsof an unknown form of communication, then to derive atranslation matrix to permit realtime verbal or data exchanges.Although the Universal Translator is primarily intended towork with spoken communications, it has been used successfullyfor translation with a wide range of language media.DERIVING A TRANSLATION MATRIXThe first step in deriving a translation matrix is to obtainas large a sample as possible of the unknown communication.Wherever possible, this sample should include examples of atleast two native speakers conversing with each other. Extensivepattern analysis yields estimates on symbology, syntax,usage patterns, vocabulary, and cultural factors. Given anadequate sample, it is usually possible to derive a highlysimplified language subset in only a few minutes, althoughFederation policy generally requires a much more extensiveanalysis before diplomatic usage of the Universal Translatoris permitted.In the case where the individual lifeform communicatedwith has a similar language translation technology, it issometimes useful to translate outgoing messages into theLinguacode language form, since this is specifically designedas a culturally neutral "antiencrypted" language medium.LIMITATIONSThe accuracy and applicability of the translation matrix isonly as good as the language sample on which the matrix isbased. A limited sample will generally permit a basic exchangeof concepts, but can lead to highly distorted translationswhen concepts, vocabulary, or usage vary too far fromthe sample. Since the Universal Translator constantly updatesthe translation matrix during the course of usage, it isoften useful to allow the program to accumulate a largerlinguistic sample by exchanging simple subjects before proceedingto the discussion of more complex or sensitivesubjects.Unknownlanguage formContextualreferentsGrammaranalysisTranslation matrixderived fromanalysis of unknownlanguage form•pVocabularysynthesisJUsagedataSyntaxgenerationJLinguisticdatabaseCulturaldatabaseTranslatedlanguage form>8.6.1 Universal Translator

9.0 TRANSPORTER SYSTEMS9.1 TRANSPORTER SYSTEMS INTRODUCTIONExtravehicular transport to and from the ship is accomplishedby a number of transporter systems, which allowpersonnel or equipment to be transported at ranges up to40,000 kilometers.Transport for crew and guests is provided by four personneltransporters located on Deck 6 of the Saucer Section. Twoadditional personnel transporters are located on Deck 14 inthe Engineering Section.Cargo transport is provided by four low-resolution transporterslocated in the Deck 4 cargo bay complex, and fourmore located in the Deck 38/39 cargo bay complex. Theseunits are primarily designed for operation at molecular (nonlifeform)resolution for cargo use, but they can be set forquantum (lifeform) resolution transport if desired, althoughsuch usage would entail a significant reduction in payloadmass capacity.levels compared to standard units, but have therefore reducedrange and Doppler compensation capabilities. Typicalrange is about 15,000 km, depending on available power.Each pair of transporters is designed to share a singlepattern buffer tank, generally located on the deck directlybelow the actual transport chambers. The emergency transportersare designed to access the pattern buffers from theprimary personnel transporters to supplement their own buffers.This doubling of hardware results in only a 31 % reductionin payload capacity of the shared pattern buffers, but yieldsnearly a 50% increase in system throughput in emergencysituations.The Enterprise exterior hull incorporates a series ofseventeen transporter emitter array pads. These conformalemitters incorporate long-range virtual-focus molecular imagingscanners and phase transition coils, and are strategicallylocated to provide 360-degree coverage in all axes. There issufficient overlap of emitter coverage to provide adequateoperation even in the event of 40% emitter failure.Emergency evacuation from the ship is provided by sixemergency transporters, four of which are located in thePrimary Hull, with two additional units in the Secondary Hull.These transporters are equipped with high-volume scan-onlyphase transition coils and are capable of transport from theship only; they cannot be used for beam-up. These emergencytransporters are designed to operate at reduced powerPersonnel transportersEmergency transporters9.1.1 Location of personnel transporters

iDHiiiiniriiriiiiinin9.2.1 Personnel transporter (typical)Primary energizing coilsTransport chamberPhase transition coilsMolecular imaging scannerPattern bufferBiofilter9.2 TRANSPORTER SYSTEMS OPERATIONTransporter operations can be broken into five majorstages. Because of the criticality of this system, normaloperating rules require a transporter chief to supervise andmonitor system operation. (Note: This section describes abeam-down sequence from the transport chamber to a remotedestination. The beam-up sequence from a remote siteto the transport chamber involves the same system elementsin a somewhat different configuration.)• Target scan and coordinate lock. During this initialstep, the destination coordinates are programmed into thetransporter system. Targeting scanners verify range andrelative motion, as well as confirming suitable environmentalconditions for personnel transport. Also during this stage, abattery of automated diagnostic procedures assures that thetransporter system is functioning within operational standardsfor personnel use.• Energize and dematerialize. The molecular imagingscanners derive a realtime quantum-resolution pattern imageof the transport subject while the primary energizing coils andthe phase transition coils convert the subject into a subatomicallydebonded matter stream.• Pattern buffer Doppler compensation. The matterstream is briefly held in the pattern buffer, which allows thesystem to compensate for the Doppler shift between the shipand the transport destination. The pattern buffer also acts asa safety device in case of system malfunction, permittingtransport to be aborted to another chamber.• Matter stream transmission. The actual point ofdeparture from the ship is one of seventeen emitter pad arraysthat transmit the matter stream within an annular confinementbeam to the transport destination.SYSTEM COMPONENTSMajor components for the transporter system include:• Transport chamber. This is the protected volumewithin which the actual materialize/dematerialize cycle occurs.The chamber platform is elevated above the floor toreduce the possibility of dangerous static discharge, whichsometimes occurs during the transport process.• Operator's console. This control station permits theTransporter Chief to monitor and control all transporter functions.It also permits manual override of autosequencerfunctions and other emergency abort options.• Transporter controller. This dedicated computer subprocessoris located to one side of the chamber itself. Itmanages the operation of transporter systems, includingautosequence control.

• Primary energizing coils. Located at the top of thetransport chamber, these coils create the powerful AnnularConfinement Beam (ACB), which creates a spatial matrixwithin which the materialize/dematerialize process occurs. Asecondary field holds the transport subject within the ACB;this is a safety feature, as disruption of the ACB field during theearly stages of dematerialization can result in- a massiveenergy discharge.• Phase transition coils. Located in the transportchamber platform. These wideband quark manipulation fielddevices accomplish the actual dematerialization/materializationprocess by partially decoupling the binding energy betweensubatomic particles. All personnel transporters aredesigned to operate at quantum resolution (necessary forsuccessful transport of lifeforms). Cargo transporters aregenerally optimized at the more energy-efficient molecularresolution, but can also be set at quantum resolution ifnecessary.• Molecular imaging scanners. Each upper padincorporates four redundant sets of 0.0012|i molecular imagingscanners at 90° intervals around the primary pad axis.Error-checking routines permit any one scanner to be ignoredif it disagrees with the other three. Failure of two or morescanners necessitates an automatic abort in the transportprocess. Each scanner is offset 3.5 arc seconds from the ACBaxis, permitting realtime derivation of analog quantum statedata using a series of dedicated Heisenberg compensators.Quantum state data are not used when transporters areoperating in cargo (molecular resolution) mode.• Pattern buffer. This superconducting tokamak devicedelays transmission of the matter stream so that Dopplercompensators can correct for relative motion between theemitter array and the target. A single pattern buffer is sharedbetween each pair of transporter chambers. Operating rulesrequire at least one additional pattern buffer to be available inthe system for possible emergency shunting. In emergencysituations, the pattern buffer is capable of holding the entirematter stream in suspension for periods approaching 420seconds before degradation in pattern image occurs.• Biofilter. Normally used only in transport to the ship,this image processing device scans the incoming matterstream and looks for patterns corresponding to known dangerousbacteriological and viral forms. Upon detection ofsuch patterns, the biofilter excises these particles from theincoming matter stream.• Emitter pad array. Mounted on the exterior of thespacecraft, these assemblies transmit the components of thetransporter ACB and matter stream to or from the destinationcoordinates. The emitter pad includes a phase transitionmatrix and primary energizing coils. Also incorporated intothese arrays are three redundant clusters of long-rangeMatter stream9.2.2 Pattern buffer tank

virtual-focus molecular imaging scanners used during thebeam-up process. Using phase inversion techniques, theseemitters can also be used to transport subjects to and fromcoordinates within the habitable volume of the ship itself.• Targeting scanners. A set of fifteen partially redundantsensor clusters located in the lateral, upper, and lowersensor arrays, these devices determine transporter coordinates,including bearing, range, and relative velocity to remotetransport destinations. The targeting scanners alsoprovide environmental information on the target site. Transportcoordinates can also be determined using navigational,tactical, and communications scanners. For site-to-site intrashipbeaming, coordinates can be derived from interiorsensors. Ship's personnel can be located for transport usingcommunicators.TRANSPORTER OPERATION TIMELINETransport operations require a large number of highlyintricate procedures to be performed within milliseconds ofone another, with extremely small margins for error. For thisreason, much of the actual transport process is highly automated,although operating protocols generally require thesupervision of a Transporter Chief. The operator will generallyverify the coordinate lock and system readiness. Theactual transport sequence is conducted by the autosequenceprograms of the transporter controller, under supervision ofthe operator.Transporter autosequence major events for beamdownprogram (times are typical and vary with range and payloadmass):Time(seconds)DeviceEventTime(seconds)DeviceEvent00.00000.00100.007Op consoleTransportercontrollerTransportercontrollerAutosequence initiation.Automatic diagnosticsequence begins.Transport system queryfor verification ofsignal routing andpattern buffer availability.Also verify assignment oibackup pattern buffer.00.118 Op console00.12100.138TransportercontrollerTransportercontrollerVerification of emitterarray assignment.Diagnostic verification ofemitter array andwaveguide conduits.Diagnostic verification ofmolecular imagingscanners and Heisenbergcompensators.00.046TransportercontrollerDiagnostic verification ofcontroller logic states.00.140TargetingscannersTarget scan verificationof beamdown coordinates.00.05700.063TransportercontrollerTransportercontrollerDiagnostic verification oftargeting scanners andDoppler compensation.Diagnostic verification ofpattern buffer.00.14200.145Op consolePrimaryenergizingcoilsPanel indicates systemreadiness.Begin emission of annularconfinement beam inchamber.00.07200.085TransportercontrollerPatternbufferDiagnostic verification ofbackup pattern buffer.Pattern buffer initialize.Also initialize backupbuffer.00.15100.236PhasetransitioncoilsPatternbufferEnergize to 1.7 MeV.Initial frequency set at10.2 GHz.Superconducting tokamakto operating capacity.00.097TransportercontrollerDiagnostic verification ofphase transition coils.00.259EmitterarrayEnergize ACB elements to1.7 MeV.00.102PhasetransitioncoilsReference signal activated.00.32700.332PatternbufferMolecularscannersSynchronize with phasetransition coils.Reset scanners to null.

Time(seconds)DeviceEventTime(seconds)DeviceEvent00.337MolecularimagingscannersQuark resolutionenhancement enabled.00.432MolecularimagingscannerBegin transmission ofanalog image data topattern buffer.00.33800.34100.35900.363PrimaryenergizingcoilsOp consoleMolecularimagingscannersPrimaryenergizingcoilsACBto12.5MeV(initial operating level).Panel indicates beginningof energizing sequence.This process can becontrolled manually atoperator's discretion.Begin scan sequence.Reference beamfrequency lock.ACB modulation lock.00.46400.52300.59600.60100.998TransportercontrollerPatternbufferPhasetransitioncoilsTransportercontrollerPatternbufferVerification of image dataintegrity.Frequency syncwith phase transitioncoils.Frequency locked at162.9 GHz. Begindematerialization cycle.Transport ID trace storedto provide record oftransporter activity.Begin acceptance ofmatter stream.00.417PhasetransitioncoilsBegin ramp-up to 162.9GHz, energize to 32 MeV.01.027TransportercontrollerVerification of matterstream integrity.Emergency override selectMolecular imaging scanner controlsSequence initiatorsManual sequence controlsTargeting coordinate controlsJoystick pad allows manual targetingPattern buffer and phase transitioncoils status display9.2.3 Transporter control console

Time(seconds)DeviceEventTime(seconds)DeviceEvent01.10501.13201.19001.20401.21601.221PhasetransitioncoilsEmitterarrayTargetingscannersTransportercontrollerTargetingscannersEmitterarrayIncrease input power to37 MeV.ACBto1.9MeV.Reference beam phaselock.Reverify targetcoordinates, range, andrelative velocity.Reverify integrity ofpattern buffer operation.Option to switch to backupbuffer or abort sequence.Target lock. Begincontinuous scan oftarget coordinates.Begin transmission ofannular confinementbeam to targetcoordinates.02.41902.74803.06904.07704.18504.823TransportercontrollerPhasetransitioncoilsPatternbufferPrimaryenergizingcoilsPhasetransitioncoilsEmitterarrayVerify materializationsequence underway.Option to abort toalternate transporter pad.Begin ramp down to 25.1GHz. (Typical. Actualramp-down <strong>star</strong>t varieswith payload mass.)50% benchmark in matterstream reached. Abortto alternate pad optioncanceled.Dematerialization cyclecomplete. Hold ACBpower level.Hold at 25.1 GHz.Materialization cyclecomplete.01.22701.22901.23001.23701.24001.241EmitterarrayTransportercontrollerEmitterarrayPatternbufferEmitterarrayEmitterarrayFirst detected return ofACB reflection. Dopplercompensation sync withpattern buffer.Ground level correctiondetermination fortarget coordinates.ACB to full power.Begin transmission ofmatter stream to emitterarray.Begin transmission ofimage data through ACB.Begin transmission ofmatter stream throughACB. Beginmaterialization cycle.04.82404.94704.94904.95104.97305.000TransportercontrollerPhasetransitioncoilsPrimaryenergizingcoilsPatternbufferEmitterarrayOp consoleVerify pattern integrity.Power down to standby.Release ACB lock.Tokamak power downto standby.Release ACB lock.Signal successfultransport.The transporter console has three touch-sensitive light bars, which control the transport process. This was intended as anhomage to the transporter in the original Star Trek series, which had three sliders that Scotty always used.

9.3 OTHER TRANSPORTER FUNCTIONS• Beam up. This process is very much as describedabove except that the emitter array serves as the primaryenergizing coil and that the signal is usually processedthrough the transporter biofilter.• Site-to-site transport. This refers to a doublebeamingprocedure in which a subject is dematerialized at aremote site and routed to a transporter chamber. Instead ofbeing materialized in the normal beam-up process, however,the matter stream is then shunted to a second pattern bufferand then to a second emitter array, which directs the subjectto the final destination. Such direct transport consumesnearly twice the energy of normal transport and is not generallyemployed except during emergency situations. Site-tositetransport is not employed during emergency situationsthat require the transport of large numbers of individuals becausethis procedure effectively halves the total systemcapacity due to minimum duty cycle requirements (See: 9.4).• Hold in pattern buffer. A transport subject that has notyet begun the materialization cycle can be held in the patternbuffer without image degradation for up to 420 seconds,depending on payload mass. Although it is normal procedureto direct the matter stream immediately to the emitter arrayonce Doppler compensation has been synchronized, this"hold" option can be exercised in the event that any problemsare detected with the emitter array or waveguide conduits.This option is also available at operator discretion for securitysituations when it is desired to detain a transport subject for abrief time until security officers are available.dispersal is usually accomplished by transporting the subjectinto space.• Near-warp transport. Transporting through a lowlevelsubspace field (less than 1,000 millicochranes) requiresa series of adjustments to the transport sequence including a57 MHz upshifting of the ACB frequency to compensate forsubspace distortion.• Transport at warp. Transporting through a warp fieldrequires a similar 57 MHz ACB frequency upshift; it alsorequires the ship and the remote site to be contained withinwarp fields of the same integral value. Failure to maintainwarp field equivalence will result in severe loss of ACB andpattern integrity. Such loss of pattern integrity is fatal to livingtransport subjects.• Biofilter scan. Incoming transporter signals are automaticallyscanned for patterns corresponding to a wide varietyof known hazardous bacteriological and viral forms. Whensuch patterns are detected, limited quantum matrix manipulationis employed to render the offending forms inert.• Molecular resolution transport. Living objects arealways transported at quantum resolution. In the interests ofpower conservation, many cargo objects are transported atthe lesser molecular resolution. Although personnel transportersare optimized for the higher quantum resolution level,they can be set to operate for cargo transport if desired.• Dispersal. Disengaging the annular confinementbeam will cause the materializing matter stream to have noreference matrix against which to form. In such a case, thetransport subject will form in a random fashion, usually takingthe form of randomly dissociated gases and microscopicparticulates. Operator override of the transport autosequencecan cause the ACB to be deactivated in order to allowthe harmless dispersal of a highly dangerous transport subjectsuch as an explosive device. Two safety interlocksprevent this option from being accidentally activated. SuchWe suggested the idea of transporters being unable to function in warp back in the second-season episode "The Schizoid Man."We realized, however, that laying down such an absolute rule would get some future writers into trouble, so we took theprecaution of suggesting a loophole, namely that you could indeed beam at warp, just as long as both the ship and the targetwere at the same warp factor. Sure enough, that very situation came up in "The Best of Both Worlds," and Transporter ChiefO'Brien has a line in which he confirms that we have indeed "matched warp velocity for transport." (There probably areoccasions where we have indeed broken this rule, but we do try to get things right.)

9.4 LIMITATIONS OF USE 9.5 TRANSPORTER EVACUATIONThe personnel and cargo transport systems areenormously useful for <strong>star</strong>ship operations, but are neverthelesssubject to significant limitations. Some key limitations ofoperation include:• Range. Normal operating range is approximately40,000 km, depending on payload mass and relative velocity.Emergency evacuation transporters have more limited capabilitiesand are limited to approximately 15,000 km, againdepending on available power.• Interference from deflector shields. When deflectorshields are raised to defensive configuration, it is impossibleforthe ACB to propagate normally across the required EM andsubspace bandwidth. In addition, spatial distortion from theshields can seriously disrupt pattern integrity. For this reason,transport is not possible when shields are in place.• Duty cycle. Although the transport autosequence lastsapproximately five seconds, pattern buffer cooldown andreset takes an average of eighty-seven seconds, yielding anaverage duty cycle of just over ninety-two seconds. Since thetransport beam conduits permit the matter stream to be routedto any pattern buffer, any given chamber can be reused immediatelywithout waiting for cooldown by switching to anotherpattern buffer. Since there are only three pattern buffersnormally used for personnel transport, this process can berepeated twice before waiting for pattern buffer reset. Thistranslates into an average of about 1.9 six-person transportsper minute, resulting in a total system capacity of about sevenhundred persons per hour.• Transport while at warp. Warp fields produce severespatial distortion in transporter beams, making it impossible totransport when the ship is traveling at warp speeds. The onlyexception is when both the ship and the target site aretraveling at the same integral warp velocity.• Replication limits. Personnel transport is accomplishedat quantum-level resolution using analog image data.By contrast, food and hardware replication (which employstransporter technology) employs digital image data at themuch more limited molecular-level resolution. Because ofthis crucial limitation, replication of living beings is not possible.The transporter systems are enormously useful duringmissions that require bringing large numbers of individuals toor from the ship in short timeframes. The use of transportersystems imposes specific requirements on evacuation missionprofiles.EVACTOSHIPIn case of emergency evacuation to the ship, all sixpersonnel transporters would be brought into use. Maximumbeam-up rate is limited by the minimum duty cycle of thetransporter systems (See: 9.4). Utilizing all six personneltransporters results in a maximum beam-up rate of approximatelyseven hundred persons per hour.In such scenarios, however, the personnel transporterswould be supplemented with the eight cargo transporters.Although the cargo transporters are normally optimized foroperation at molecular (nonlifeform) resolution, they can bereset for quantum (lifeform-safe) transport at a significantreduction in payload mass, yielding an additional beam-upcapacity of three hundred persons per hour for a total systemcapacity of one thousand persons per hour.EVAC FROM SHIPEmergency evacuation from the Enterprise can be accomplishedat a significantly greater rate than transport to theship due to the availability of six emergency evacuationtransporters capable of transporting twenty-two persons at atime off the ship. These units, which are incapable of transportto the ship, share the personnel transporters' pattern buffers,but employ high-volume scan-only phase transition coils,yielding a 370% increase in payload mass over the standardunits, although their range is limited to 15,000 km (comparedto 40,000 km for the standard units). As a result, when emergencytransporters are used to supplement the personnel andcargo transporters, the rate is nearly doubled to some 1,850persons an hour.The emergency transporters have another significantoperating advantage, that of lesser power requirements. Thiscan be of great importance during crisis situations whenavailable power is limited. In such cases, transport can berestricted to emergency transporters only, yielding an evacuationrate of about one thousand persons per hour, owing tothe longer degauss time for the lower-power phase transitioncoils.The transporter is one of the most brilliant dramatic concepts in Star Trek. It allows our characters to move quickly and cleanlyinto the midst of a story. In Star Trek: The Next Generation, transporter technology is further postulated to have been advancedto the point where it can be used to replicate objects. This is a nifty idea, but we must be careful to limit the ability of the replicator,lest it become able to re-create any rare or valuable object, and perhaps even to bring dead people back to life. Such abilitieswould be quite detrimental to dramatic storytelling. The idea of replicated objects being stored at "molecular resolution "insteadof the "quantum resolution" necessary to re-create living beings is a result of this concern. (Actually, there have been a coupleof occasions where the transporter has been improperly used to save the day, but our writers have become more careful aboutsuch things.)

10.0 SCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING SYSTEMS10.1 SENSOR SYSTEMSThe Galaxy Class Enterprise features one of the mostsophisticated and flexible sensor packages ever developedfor a Federation <strong>star</strong>ship. These sensors make the Enterpriseone of the most capable scientific research vessels ever built.There are three primary sensor systems aboard theEnterprise. The first is the long-range sensor array located atthe front of the Engineering Hull. This package of high-powerdevices is designed to sweep far ahead of the ship's flight pathto gather navigational and scientific information.The second major sensor group is the lateral arrays.These include the forward, port, and <strong>star</strong>board arrays on therim of the Primary Hull, as well as the port, <strong>star</strong>board, and aftarrays on the Secondary Hull. Additionally, there are smallerupper and lower sensor arrays located near Decks 2 and 16on the Primary Hull, providing coverage in the lateral arrays'blind spots.The final major group is the navigational sensors. Thesededicated sensors are tied directly into the ship's Flight Controlsystems and are used to determine the ship's location andvelocity. They are located on the forward, upper port, upper<strong>star</strong>board, aft, and upper and lower arrays.Primary Hull lateral sensors• Aft lateral sensorsEngineering Hull lateral sensorsLong range sensorsLower sensor platform10.1.1 Principal sensor locations on USS Enterprise

In addition, there are several packages of special-purposeand engineering sensors such as the subspace flowsensors located at various points on the ship's skin.The sensor systems provide the Enterprise and its crewwith extensive capabilities in areas including:• Astronomical observation. This includes optical andwideband EM scanning capabilities for the study of stellarobjects and other phenomena across light year range. Capabilitiesinclude wide-angle scan ability for automated <strong>star</strong>mappingfunctions and a wide range of individually controllableinstruments for mission-specific studies.• Planetary surface analysis. A broad range of shortrangesensors provide extensive mapping and survey capabilitiesfrom planetary orbit. Besides high-resolution opticaland EM scanning, virtual neutrino spectrometers and shortrangequark resonance scanners provide detailed geologicstructure analysis.• Remote lifeform analysis. A sophisticated array ofcharged cluster quark resonance scanners provide detailedbiological data across orbital distances. When used in conjunctionwith optical and chemical analysis sensors, thelifeform analysis software is typically able to extrapolate abioform's gross structure and deduce the basic chemicalcomposition.10.2 LONG-RANGE SENSORSThe most powerful scientific instruments aboard the USSEnterprise axe probably those located in the long-rangesensor array. This cluster of high-power active and passivesubspace frequency sensors is located in the EngineeringHull directly behind the main deflector dish.The majority of instruments in the long-range array areactive scan subspace devices, which permit information gatheringat speeds greatly exceeding that of light. Maximumeffective range of this array is approximately five light years inhigh-resolution mode. Operation in medium-to-low resolutionmode yields a usable range of approximately 17 light years(depending on instrument type). At this range, a sensor scanpulse transmitted at Warp 9.9997 would take approximatelyforty-five minutes to reach its destination and another fortyfiveminutes to return to the Enterprise. Standard scan protocolspermit comprehensive study of approximately one adjacentsector per day at this rate. Within the confines of a solarsystem, the long-range sensor array is capable of providingnearly instantaneous information.Primary instruments in the long-range array include:• Wide-angle active EM scanner• Narrow-angle active EM scanner2.0 meter qamma ray tehNarrow-angle active EM scannerWide-angle active EM scannerMain deflector dish10.2.1 Long-range sensor array

LONG RANGE SENSORS10.2.2 Long-range sensor preprocessors"Z.\ \TTT• 2.0 meter diameter gamma ray telescope• Variable frequency EM flux sensor• Lifeform analysis instrument cluster• Parametric subspace field stress sensor• Gravimetric distortion scanner• Passive neutrino imaging scanner• Thermal imaging arrayThese devices are located in a series of eight instrumentbays directly behind the main deflector on Decks 32-38.Direct power taps from primary electro plasma system (EPS)conduits are available for high-power instruments such as thepassive neutrino imaging scanner. The main deflector emitterscreen includes perforated zones designed to be transparentfor sensor use, although the subspace field stress and gravimetricdistortion sensors cannot yield usable data when thedeflector is operating at more than 55% of maximum ratedpower. Within these instrument bays, fifteen mount points arenominally unassigned and are available for mission-specificinvestigations or future upgrades. All instrument bays sharethe use of the navigational deflector's three subspace fieldgenerators located on Deck 34, providing the subspace fluxpotential allowing transmission of sensor impulses at warpspeeds (See: 7.4).automated control. When small particulates or other minorhazards are detected, the main deflector is automaticallyinstructed to sweep the objects from the vehicle's flight path.The scan range and degree of deflection vary with the ship'svelocity. In the event that larger objects are detected, automaticminor changes in flight path can avoid potentiallydangerous collisions. In such cases, the computer will notifythe Flight Control Officer of the situation and offer the opportunityfor manual intervention if possible.The long-range sensor array is designed to scan in thedirection of flight, and it is routinely used to search for possibleflight hazards such as micrometeoroids or other debris. Thisoperation is managed by the Flight Control Officer under

10.3 NAVIGATIONAL SENSORS10.3 NAVIGATIONAL SENSORSA terrestrial bird, a living organism, is aware of itssurroundings and uses its senses to find its way from one pointto another, frequently guided by <strong>star</strong>s in the night sky. Thecomparison of the USS Enterprise to the bird here is an aptone. In much the same way, the Enterprise system constantlyprocesses incoming sensor data and routinely performs billionsof calculations each second, in an effort to mimic thebiological solution to the problem of navigation. While anequivalent number of Enterprise sensors and simulatedneurons (and their interconnections) within the main computersare still many orders of magnitude less efficiently designedthan the avian brain, nonetheless the Enterprise system ismore than adequate to the task of traversing the galaxy.Sensors provide the input; the navigational processorswithin the main computers reduce the incessant stream ofimpulses into usable position and velocity data. The specificnavigational sensors being polled at any instant will dependon the current flight situation. If the <strong>star</strong>ship is in orbit abouta known celestial object, such as a planet in a charted <strong>star</strong>system, many long-range sensors will be inhibited, and shortrangedevices will be favored. If the ship is cruising ininterstellar space, the long-range sensors are selected and amajority of the short-range sensors are powered down. Aswith an organic system, the computers are not overwhelmedby a barrage of sensory information.The 350 navigational sensor assemblies are, by design,isolated from extraneous cross-links with other general sensorarrays. This isolation provides more direct impulsepathways to the computers for rapid processing, especiallyduring high warp factors, where minute directional errors, inhundredths of an arc-second per light year, could result inimpact with a <strong>star</strong>, planet, or asteroid. In certain situations,selected cross-links may be created in order to filter outsystem discrepancies flagged by the main computer.Each standard suite of navigational sensors includes:• Quasar Telescope• Wide-Angle IR Source Tracker• Narrow-Angle IR-UV-Gamma Ray Imager• Passive Subspace Multibeacon Receiver• Stellar Graviton Detectors• High-Energy Charged Particle Detectors• Galactic Plasma Wave Cartographic Processor• Federation Timebase Beacon Receiver• Stellar Pair Coordinate ImagerThe navigational system within the main computersaccepts sensor input at adaptive data rates, mainly tied to theship's true velocity within the galaxy. The subspace fieldswithin the computers, which maintain faster-than-light (FTL)processing, attempt to provide at least 30% higher proportionalenergies than those required to drive the spacecraft, inorderto maintain a safe collision-avoidance margin. If the FTLprocessing power drops below 20% over propulsion, generalmission rules dictate a commensurate drop in warp motivepower to bring the safety level back up. Specific situations andresulting courses of action within the computer will determinethe actual procedures, and special navigation operating rulesare followed during emergency and combat conditions.Sensor input processing algorithms take two distinctforms, baseline code and rewritable code. The baseline codeconsists of the latest version of 3D and 4D position and flightmotion software, as installed during <strong>star</strong>base overhauls. Thiscode resides within the protected archival computer coresegments and allows the <strong>star</strong>ship to perform all general flighttasks. The Enterprise has undergone three complete reinstallationsof its baseline code since its first dock departure. Therewritable code can take the form of multiple revisions andtranslations of the baseline code into symbolic language to fitnew scenarios and allow the main computers to create theirown procedure solutions, or add to an existing database ofproven solutions.These solutions are considered to be learned behaviorsand experiences, and are easily shared with other Starfleetships as part of an overall spacecraft species maturingprocess. They normally include a large number of predictiveroutines for high warp flight, which the computers use tocompare predicted interstellar positions against realtime observations,and from which they can derive new mathematicalformulae. A maximum of 1,024 complete switchable rewriteversions can reside in main memory at one time, or a maximumof 12,665 switchable code segments. Rewritable navigationcode is routinely downloaded during major <strong>star</strong>baselayovers and transmitted or physically transferred to Starfleetfor analysis.Sensor pallets dedicated to navigation, as with certaintactical and propulsion systems, undergo preventative maintenance(PM) and swapout on a more frequent schedule thanother science-related equipment, owing to the critical natureof their operation. Healthy components are normally removedafter 65-70% of their established lifetimes. This allowsadditional time for component refurbishment, and a largerperformance margin if swapout is delayed by mission conditionsor periodic spares unavailability. Rare detector materials,or those hardware components requiring long manufacturinglead times, are found in the quasar telescope (shiftedfrequency aperture window and beam combiner focus array),wide angle IR source tracker (cryogenic thin-film fluid recirculator),and galactic plasma wave cartographic processor (fastFourier transform subnet). A 6% spares supply exists forthese devices, deemed acceptable for the foreseeable future,compared to a 15% spares supply for other sensors.

10.5 INSTRUMENTED PROBES10.4.2 Individual sensor pallet (typical)o rrsor pallets. These 144 pallets are distributed on the PrimaryHull and Secondary Hull lateral arrays. The instrumentationis located to maximize redundant coverage. A total of 284pallet positions are available on both hulls.The upper and lower sensor platforms provide coveragein very high and very low vertical elevation zones. Thesearrays employ a more limited subset of the standard Starfleetinstrument package.In addition to standard Starfleet instruments, missionspecificinvestigations frequently require nonstandard instrumentsthat can be installed into one or more of the 140nondedicated sensor pallets. When such devices are relativelysmall, such installation can be accomplished fromservice access ports inside the spacecraft.Installation of larger devices must be accomplished byextravehicular activity. A number of personnel airlocks arelocated in the sensor strip bays for this purpose. If a deviceis sufficiently large, or if installation entails replacement of oneor more entire sensor pallets, a shuttlepod can be used forextravehicular equipment handling.10.5 INSTRUMENTED PROBESThe detailed examination of many objects and phenomenain the Milky Way galaxy can be handled routinely by theship's onboard sensor arrays, up to the resolution limits of theindividual instruments and to the limits of available dataextraction algorithms used in extrapolating values fromcombinations of instrument readings. Greater proportions ofhigh-resolution data of selected sites can be gathered usingclose approaches by instrumented probe spacecraft. Theseprobes are generally sized to fit the fore and aft photontorpedo launchers, providing rapid times-to-target. Threelarger classes of autonomous probes are based upon existingshuttlecraft spaceframes that have been stripped of all personnelsupport systems and then densely packed with sensorand telemetry hardware.GENERAL USE PROBESThe small probes are divided into nine classes, arrangedaccording to sensor types, power, and performance ratings.The features common to all nine are spacecraft frames ofgamma molded duranium-tritanium and pressure-bondedlufium boronate, with certain sensor windows of triple layeredtransparent aluminum. Sensors not utilizing the windows areaffixed through various methods, from surface blending withthe hull material to imbedding the active detectors within thehull itself. All nine classes are equipped with a standard suiteof instruments to detect and analyze all normal EM andsubspace bands, organicandinorganicchemical compounds,atmospheric constituents, and mechanical force properties.While all are capable of at least surviving a powered atmosphericentry, three are designed to function for extendedperiods of aerial maneuvering and soft landing.Many probes include varying degrees of teleroboticoperation capabilities to permit realtime control and piloting ofthe probe. This permits an investigator to remain on board theEnterprise while exploring what might otherwise be a dangerouslyhostile or otherwise inaccessible environment.The following section lists the specifications of eachclass. The higher class numbers are not intended to implygreater capabilities, but rather different options available tothe command crew when ordering a probe launch. Generaluse probes readied for immediate launching are stored adjacentto the photon torpedo reactant loading area on Deck 25.Other standby probes are stored on Deck 26 on standardtorpedo transfer pallets. All probes are accessible to Engineeringcrews for periodic status checks and modifications forunique applications.

10.4 LATERAL SENSOR ARRAYS10.4 LATERAL SENSOR ARRAYSThe Enterprise is equipped with the most extensive arrayof sensor equipment available. The spacecraft exterior incorporatesa number of large sensor arrays providing ampleinstrument positions and optimal three-axis coverage.Each sensor array is composed of a continuous rack inwhich are mounted a series of individual sensor instrumentpallets. These sensor pallets are modules designed for easyreplacement and updating of instrumentation. Approximatelytwo-thirds of all pallet positions are occupied by standardStarfleet science sensor packages, but the remaining positionsare available for mission-specific instrumentation. Sensorarray pallets provide microwave power feed, optical data netlinks, cryogenic coolant feeds, and mechanical mountingpoints. Also provided are four sets of instrumentation steeringservo clusters and two data subprocessor computers.The standard Starfleet science sensor complementconsists of a series of six pallets, which include the followingdevices:Pallet #1Wide-angle EM radiation imaging scannerQuark population analysis counterZ-range particulate spectrometry sensorPallet #2High-energy proton spectrometry clusterGravimetric distortion mapping scannerPallet #3Steerable lifeform analysis instrument clusterPallet #4Active magnetic interferometry scannerLow-frequency EM flux sensorLocalized subspace field stress sensorParametric subspace field stress sensorHydrogen-filter subspace flux scannerLinear calibration subspace flux sensorPallet #5Variable band optical imaging clusterVirtual aperture graviton flux spectrometerHigh-resolution graviton flux spectrometerVery low energy graviton spin polarimeterPallet #6Passive imaging gamma interferometry sensorLow-level thermal imaging sensorFixed angle gamma frequency counterVirtual particle mapping cameraThe standard Starfleet sensor complement comprisestwenty-four semi-redundant suites of these six standard sen-Primary Hull lateral sensorsAft lateral sensorsEngineering Hull lateral sensorsLong range sensorsLower sensor platform10.4.1 Lateral sensor arrays

10.5 INSTRUMENTED PROBES10.5.1 Class I Sensor Probe Range: 2 x 10 5 km Delta-v limit:0.5c Powerplant: Vectoreddeuteriummicrofusionpropulsion.Sensors: Full EM/Subspace and interstellar chemistry palletforin-space applications. Telemetry: 12,500 channels at 12megawatts.10.5.2 Class II Sensor Probe Modified Class I. Range: 4 x10 s km Delta-v limit: 0.65c Powerplant: Vectored deuteriummicrofusion propulsion; extended deuterium fuel supply.Sensors: Same instrumentation as Class I with addition ofenhanced long-range particle and field detectors and imagingsystem. Telemetry: 15,650 channels at 20 megawatts.10.5.3 Class III Planetary Probe Range: 1.2x 1&km Deltavlimit: .65c Powerplant: Vectored deuterium microfusionpropulsion. Sensors: Terrestrial and gas giant sensor palletwith material sample and return capability; on-board chemicalanalysis submodule. Telemetry: 13,250 channels at = 15megawatts. Additional data: Limited SIF hull reinforcment.Full range of terrestrial soft landing to subsurface penetratormissions; gas giant atmosphere missions survivable to 450bar pressure. Limited terrestrial loiter time.10.5.4 Class IVStellar Encounter Probe Modified Class III.Range: 3.5 x 10 6 km Delta-v limit: 0.60c Powerplant:Vectored deuterium microfusion propulsion supplementedwith continuum driver coil; extended maneuvering deuteriumsupply. Sensors: Triply redundant stellar fields and particlesdetectors, stellar atmosphere analysis suite. Telemetry:9,780 channels at 65 megawatts. Additional data: Six ejectable/survivable radiation flux subprobes. Deploy able fornonstellarenergy phenomena.

1U.5 INSTRUMENTED PROBES10.5.5 Class V Medium-Range Reconnaissance ProbeRange: 4.3x1O 10 km Delta-v limit: Warp 2. Powerplant: Dualmodematter/antimatter engine; extended duration sublightplus limited duration at warp. Sensors: Extended passivedata-gathering and recording systems; full autonomousmission execution and return system. Telemetry: 6,320channels at 2.5 megawatts. Additional data: Planetaryatmosphere entry and soft landing capability. Low observabilitycoatings and hull materials. Can be modified for tacticalapplications with addition of custom sensor countermeasurepackage.10.5.6 Class VI Comm Relay/Emergency Beacon ModifiedClass III. Range: 4.3x1O w km Delta-v limit: 0.8c Powerplant:Microfusion engine with high-output MHDpower tap. Sensors:Standard pallet. Telemetry/comm: 9,270 channel RF andsubspace transceiver operating at 350 megawatts peakradiated power. 360° omni antenna coverage, O.OOO1 arcsecondhigh-gain antenna pointing resolution. Additionaldata: Extended deuterium supply for transceiver powergeneration and planetary orbit plane changes.10.5.7 Class VII Remote Culture Study Probe ModifiedClass V. Range: 4.5 x 10 s km Delta-v limit: Warp 1.5.Powerplant: Dual-mode matter/antimatter engine. Sensors:Passive data gathering system plus subspace transceiver.Telemetry: 1,050 channels at 0.5 megawatts. Additional data:Applicable to civilizations up to technology level III. Lowobservability coatings and hull materials. Maximum loitertime: 3.5 months. Low-impact molecular destruct packagetied to antitamper detectors.10.5.8 Class VIII Medium-Range Multimission WarpProbe Modified photon torpedo casing. Range: 1.2x1 CFI.y.Delta-v limit: Warp 9. Powerplant: Matter/antimatter warpfield sustainer engine; duration 6.5 hours at Warp 9; MHDpower supply tap for sensors and subspace transceiver.Sensors: Standard pallet plus mission-specific modules.Telemetry: 4,550 channels at 300 megawatts. Additionaldata: Applications vary from galactic particles and fieldsresearch to early-warning reconnaissance missions.

10.5 INSTRUMENTED PROBES10.5.9 Class IX Long-Range Multimission Warp ProbeModified photon torpedo casing. Range: 7.6 x 10 s l.y. Deltavlimit: Warp 9. Powerplant: Matter/antimatter warp fieldsustainer engine; duration twelve hours at Warp 9; extendedfuel supply for Warp 8 maximum flight duration of fourteendays. Sensors: Standard pallet plus mission-specific modules.Telemetry: 6,500 channels at 230 megawatts. Additionaldata: Limited payload capacity; isolinear memory storage3,400 kiloquads; fifty-channel transponder echo. Typicalapplication is emergency log/message capsule on homingtrajectory to nearest <strong>star</strong>base or known Starfleet vesselposition.10.5.10 Forward probe/torpedo launcherElevator from storage areasUpper reactant injector and loaderGas pressure chamberLower reactant injectorElevator from reactant injectorElectromagnetic accelerator

10.6 TRICORDER10.6 TRICORDERThe standard tricorder is a portable sensing, computing,and data communications device developed by StarfleetR&D and issued to <strong>star</strong>ship crew members. It incorporatesminiaturized versions of those scientific instruments found tobe most useful for both shipboard and away missions, and itscapabilities may be augmented with mission-specific peripherals.Its many functions may be accessed by touch-sensitivecontrols or, if necessary, voice command.MAIN FEATURESThe standard tricorder measures 8.5 x 12 x 3 cm andmasses 353 grams. The case is constructed of micromilledduranium foam, and is divided into two hinged sections forcompact storage. The control surfaces consist of ruggedizedpositive-feedback buttons and a 2.4 x 3.6 cm displayscreen. While a full personal access display device-typemultilayer control screen would have afforded the user with awider range of preferences in organizing commands andvisual information, the simplified button arrangement waschosen for greater ease of use in the field. The internalelectronics, on the other hand, were designed to provide thegreatest number of possible options in managing sensordata, visual images, and multichannel communications, in allincoming, outgoing, or recorded modes.The major electronic components include the primarypower loop, sensor assemblies, parallel processing block,control and display interface, subspace communication unit,and multiple memory storage units.Power is provided to the total system through a rechargeablesarium crystal rated for eighteen hours of full instrumentactivity. True power usage rate and maximum useful time is,of course, dependent on which subsystems are active, and iscontinuously computed for call-up on the display. Typicalpower usage is 15.48 watts.The sensor assemblies incorporate a total of 235 mechanical,electromagnetic, and subspace devices mountedabout the internal frame as well as imbedded in the casingmaterial as conformal instruments. One hundred and fifteenof these are clustered in the forward end for directionalreadings, with a field-of-view (FOV) lower limit of 1/4 degree.The other 120 are omnidirectional devices, taking measurementsof the surrounding space. The deployable handsensor incorporates seventeen high-resolution devices fordetailed readings down to an FOV of one minute of arc.Within these FOV limits, both active and passive scans canprovide readings approaching the theoretical limits of the EMradiation of physical process under study. By combiningreadings from different sensors, the tricorder computer processorscan synthesize images and numerical readouts to beacted upon by the crew member.10.6.1 Standard tricorder (deployed)

10.6 TRICORDER10.6.2 Tricorder user interface•ALPHAenBETATRACKING MODE-_ < •s * -\ ,'V^•DELTAenGAMMALIBRARYDEVICE INPUTGEOBIO•ACCEPTPOOLNSMISSION 1INTERSHIPTRICORDERFMRGDr IMAGE RECORD 1FORWARDINPUTREVERSEERASEi— LIBRARY B —i130The computer capabilities of the standard tricorder aredistributed throughout the device as preprocessors attachedto the various sensors and twenty-seven polled main computingsegments (PMCS). Each PMCS contains subsectionsdedicated to rapid management of the sensor assemblies,prioritizing of processing tasks, routing of processed data,and management of control and power systems. The PMCSchips supplied with the TR-580 and TR-595H(P) standardtricorders are rated at 150 GFP calculations per second.The control and display interface (CDI) routes commandsfrom both the panel buttons and display screen to thePMCS for execution of tricorder functions. Multiple functionscan be run simultaneously, limited only by PMCS speed. Inpractice, crew members usually carry out no more than sixseparate scanning tasks.Communications functions are carried out by tricorderthrough the subspace transceiver assembly (STA). Voiceand data are uplink/downlinked along standard communicatorfrequencies. Transmission data rates are variable, with amaximum speed in Emergency Dump Mode of 825 TFP.Communication range is limited to 40,000 km intership, similarto the standard communicator badge.The data storage sections of the standard tricorderinclude fourteen wafers of nickel carbonitrium crystal for 0.73kiloquads of interim processor data storage, and three builtinisolinear optical chips, each with a capacity of 2.06 kiloquads,for a total of 6.91 kiloquads. The swappable librarycrystal chips are each formatted to hold 4.5 kiloquads. InEmergency Dump Mode, all memory devices are read insequence and transmitted, including any library chips inplace. In practice, the total timetodumpa standard tricorder'smemory to a <strong>star</strong>ship can be as long as 0.875 seconds.GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS AND INDICATORSWhen stowed, the only visible control is the powerswitch. It shows a red power-on light and a green power levelindicator (See: 10.6.2). When deployed, all of the availablecontrols are visible.• PWR STBY — Power standby light. If the tricorder isnot used for more than ten minutes, this indicator will illuminate,and the tricorder goes into low-power mode. Any newtouch of any control will bring the device back up to full power.When the tricorder is stowed but performing ongoing tasks,low-power mode does not occur.Actor Gates McFadden (who plays Dr. Beverly Crusher) has always been a stickler forgetting medical procedure as accurateas possible. Rick developed this tricorder guide partially because of her request for a set of consistent operating guidelinesfor our props.

10.6 TRICORDER10.6.3 Handheld sensor• F1/F2 — Control function select switch. Most buttonson the tricorder have more than one function. This is a convenienttoggle for often-repeated function changes and maybe preprogrammed by the individual crew member. The F1/F2 switch is active during data operations only.• I and E — These two controls manage the source ofsensory information, either the tricorder itself (Internal), orremote device (External), or both sources simultaneously.The remote device can be any sensor platform that uses thesame data collection machine language. The term "platform"denotes a vehicle operating on or above another planetarybody, including the USS Enterprise or other spacecraft.• DISPLAY SCREEN — This screen is capable of showingany realtime, stored, or computed image. The displayarea is similar in construction and function to Starfleet controlpanels and display screens, although the layering techniqueis simplified and the default image size is naturally smaller.Selected areas of an image may be enlarged by touch; manyother screen functions may be customized using the standardtricorder's stored setup programs.through the STA. ACCEPT toggles the tricorder to acceptone-way transmissions from a designated remote source.POOL allows for networking of the tricorder and one or moredesignated remote sources. INTERSHIP sets up a specialtricorder-to-ship data link employing multiple high-capacitychannels. TRICORDER sets up a similar high-capacity link,but to other tricorders. While all four modes can be activesimultaneously, the system will slow down significantly. Inpractice, no more than two modes are usually necessary atonetime.• EMRG — This is the emergency "dump everything tothe ship" button. It provides for non-error-checking burstmode data transmission in critical situations. In practice, thisfunction can be used no more than two times before thestandard tricorder's primary power is exhausted. All sensingtasks are suspended and power is maximized to the STA.• IMAGE RECORD — This section manages single orsequential image files recorded by the standard tricorder.The control has four divisions: FORWARD, REVERSE,INPUT, and ERASE. When used in concert with othertricorder functions, relatively complete documentation of anaway mission can be achieved. At standard imaging resolution,at a normal recording speed of 120 Area View Changes(AVC)/sec, the tricorder can store a total of 4.5 hours ofsequential images. Higher speeds yield a proportionatelylower total recording time.• LIBRARY B — Library B is the primary storage area forsequential images, though the memory configuration may bechanged to include other storage areas, depending on theapplication. I and E control the image source.• ID — This touchpad may be used to personalize atricorder for default power-up settings, or as a security devicefor single-crew member operation.• LIBRARY A/B — The standard tricorder contains aread/write drive to record information onto small crystalmemory chips for later retrieval, or to load previously recordedinformation into the tricorder's main memory. Eachchip has a maximum capacity of 4.5 kiloquads.• ALPHA BETA DELTA GAMMA — These indicatorsdenote which data recording or retrieval activity is takingplace in the tricorder library section. A more detailed readoutof data operations can be called up on the display screen.• DEVICE INPUT — Each of these three keys can beassigned to manage up to nine remote devices, for a total oftwenty-seven different information sources. For a routineaway mission, the default settings on power-up are GEO,MET, and BIO, covering geological, meteorological, andbiological functions.• COMM TRANSMISSION — This section controls thetransmission of data and images to and from the tricorder

10.7 SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OPS10.7 SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OPSThe Enterprise is equipped to support a number of researchteams whose assignments are designed to takeadvantage of the fact that the ship is a mobile researchplatform whose assignments will take it through a very largevolume of space. Such secondary research missions typicallyinclude stellar mapping and observation projects, planetarysurveys, interstellar medium studies, cultural and lifeformstudies.These secondary mission teams must necessarily focustheir work on <strong>star</strong>s and planets near primary mission sites, butthe broad operating range of the Enterprise makes this an extraordinaryopportunity to study a large number of celestialobjects. As with other investigation teams, secondary researchprojects are generally developed by Starfleet researchersor affiliated university and industrial scientists, andassigned to the Enterprise for either short-term or ongoinginvestigations.The Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>ship in extended mission configurationincludes facilities to support approximately twentyspecialized mission teams, depending on team sizes andtypes of investigations being conducted. These facilitiesinclude living accommodations for up to 225 people, as wellas nonspecialized laboratory and work spaces that can beconfigured for specific investigator requirements. Additionally,some forty sensor pallet assignments on the lateralarrays are reserved for mission-specific instrumentation, whichcan be installed and modified as needed. Similarly, somefifteen instrument mounting positions within the long-rangearray cluster are available for mission-specific investigations.Each individual department or investigation team is responsiblefor the operation of its own observations andexperiments. Because secondary mission investigations areby definition subordinate to primary mission requirements,these teams must remain flexible in their operations. Nonetheless,each department or team is responsible for providinga regular update of operational preferences to the OperationsManager so that daily mission profiles can be designed tosatisfy as many departmental needs as possible.Our property masters, Joe Longo and Alan Sims, and theirassistant Charlie Russo, have come up with a fairly amazingarray of scientific hand tools. Many of these have beendesigned by Rick, but one that was not was the "spectralanalyzer" used in the geology laboratory in "Pen Pals." Fansof the movie Buckaroo Banzai may have recognized it as theoscillation overthruster, still eluding the clutches of the evil redLectroids. Another Buckaroo reference in Star Trek was thebridge dedication plaque on the <strong>star</strong>ship Excelsior in StarTrek VI, which bore the motto, "No matter where you go, thereyou are."Department headPrincipalinvestiqatorrmcipalwestiq a torStafftechnicianStafftechnicianStafftechnicianMissionspecialistMissionspecialistStafftechnicianStafftechnicianMissiontechnicianUSS Enterprise crew personnel \ Attached personnel (short-term assignments)10.7.1 Organization of a typical science department

11.0 TACTICAL SYSTEMS11.1 PHASERS11.1 PHASERSEven before the development of true interstellar spacecraftby various cultures, it was clear that directed-energydevices would be necessary to assist in clearing gas, dust,and micrometeoroid material from vehicle flight paths.Emerging space-faring races are continuing to employ thismethod as an excellent maximizer of shipboard energy budgets,because a relatively small energy expenditure producesa large result. Material in space can be vaporized, ionized,and eliminated as a hazard to spaceflight. It did not take anenormous leap of imagination, of course, to realize thatdirected energy could also prove to be an effective weaponsystem.The lead defensive system maintained by StarfleetCommand for sublight use for the last century is the phaser,the common term for a complicated energy release processdeveloped to replace pure EM devices such as the laser, andparticle beam accelerators. Phaser is something of a holdoveracronym, PHASed Energy Rectification, referring to theoriginal process by which stored or supplied energy enteringthe phaser system was converted to another form for releasetoward a target, without the need for an intermediate energytransformation. This remains essentially true in the currentphaser effect.Phaser energy is released through the application of the• Battle Section aft array (P/S)• Nacelle pylon array (P/S)rapid nadion effect (RNE). Rapid nadions are short-livedsubatomic particles possessing special properties related tohigh-speed interactions within atomic nuclei. Among theseproperties is the ability to liberate and transfer strong nuclearforces within a particular class of superconducting crystalsknown as fushigi-no-umi. The crystals were so named whenit appeared to researchers at Starfleet's Tokyo R&D facilitythat the materials being developed represented a virtual "seaof wonder" before them.SHIPBOARD PHASERSAs installed in the Galaxy class, the main ship's phasersare rated as Type X, the largest emitters available for <strong>star</strong>shipuse. Individual emitter segments are capable of directing 5.1megawatts. By comparison, the small personal phasersissued to Starfleet crew members are Type I and II, the latterbeing limited to 0.01 MW. Certain large dedicated planetarydefense emitters are designated as Type X+, as their exactenergy output remains classified. The Galaxy class supportstwelve phaser arrays in two sizes, located on both dorsal andventral surfaces, as well as two arrays for lateral coverage.A typical large phaser array aboard the USS Enterprise,such as the upper dorsal array on the Saucer Module,consists of two hundred emitter segments in adense linear arrangementfor optimal control of firing order, thermal effects,field halos, and target impact. Groups of emitters are suppliedby redundant sets of energy feeds from the primary trunks ofSaucer Module dorsal array •Saucer Module ventral array 11.1.1 Phaser bank emplacements (<strong>star</strong>board elevation)

11.1 PHASERS11.1.2 Phaser bank emplacements (dorsal view)Dorsal phaser arrayBattle Section upper array (P/S)G• Battle Section aft array (P/S)the electro plasma system (EPS), and are similarly interconnectedby fire control, thermal management, and sensor lines.The visible hull surface configuration of the phaser is a longshallow raised strip, the bulk of the hardware submergedwithin the vehicle frame.In cross section, the phaser array takes on a thickened Yshape, capped with a trapezoidal mass of the actual emittercrystal and phaser-transparent hull antierosion coatings. Thebase of an array segment sits within a structural honeycombchannel of duranium 235 and supplied with supersonic regenerativeLN 2 cooling. The complete channel is thermallyisolated by eight hundred link struts to the tritanium vehicleframe.gross adjustments in plasma distribution; magnetic gate responseis 0.0003 seconds and is employed for rapid finetuningof plasma routing within small sections of an array.Normal control of all irises and gates is affected through theautonomic side of the phaser function command processor,coordinated with the Threat assessment/tracking/targetingsystem (TA/T/TS). The regulator is manufactured from combined-crystalsonodanite, solenogyn, and rabium tritonide,and lined with a 1.2 cm layer of paranygen animide to providestructural surface protection.Energy is conveyed from each flow regulator to the PDM,a secondary computer-controlled valving device at the headThe first stage of the array segment is the EPS submasterflow regulator, the principal mechanism controlling phaserpower levels for firing. The flow regulator leads into theplasma distribution manifold (PDM), which branches into twohundred supply conduits to an equal number of prefire chambers.The final stage of the system is the phaser emittercrystal.ACTIVATION SEQUENCEUpon receiving the command to fire, the EPS submasterflow regulator manages the energetic plasma powering thephaser array through a series of physical irises and magneticswitching gates. Iris response is 0.01 seconds and is used for11.1.3 Typical phaser bank element

11.1 PHASERS11.1.4 Phaser bank emplacements (ventral view)Nacelle pylon array (P/S)Saucer Module ventral arrayBattle Sectionaft array (P/S)Battle Section forward arrayend of each prefire chamber. The manifold is a single crystalboronite solid, and is machined by phaser cutters. The prefirechamber is a sphere of LiCu 518 reinforced with woundhafnium tritonide, which is gamma-welded. It is within theprefire chamber that energy from the plasma undergoes thehandoff and initial EM spectrum shift associated with the rapidnadion effect (RNE). The energy is confined for between 0.05and 1.3 nanoseconds by a collapsible charge barrier beforepassing to the LiCu 518 emitter for discharge. The action ofraising and collapsing the charge barrier forms the requiredpulse for the RNE. The power level commanded by thesystem or voluntarily set by the responsible officer determinesthe relative proportion of protonic charge that will be createdand pulse frequency in the final emitter stage.Energy from all discharged segments passes directionallyover neighboring segments due to force coupling, convergingon the release point, where the beam will emerge andtravel at cto the target. Narrow beams are created by rapidsegment order firing; wider fan or cone beams result fromslower firing rates. Wide beams are, of course, prone tomarked power loss per unit area covered.BEAM EMISSIONThe trifaceted crystal that constitutes the final dischargestage is formed from LiCu 518 and measures 3.25 x 2.45 x1.25 meters for a single segment. The crystal lattice formulaused in the forced-matrix process is LixCu»:Si::Fe>:>:0.The collimated energy beam exits one or more of the facets,depending on which prefire chambers are being pumped withplasma. The segment firing order, as controlled by the phaserfunction command processor, together with facet dischargedirection, determines the final beam vector.

11.2 PHASER OPERATIONS11.2 PHASER OPERATIONSIn their primary defensive application, the ship's phaserarrays land single or multiple beams upon a target in anattempt to damage the target structure, sometimes to completedestruction. As with other Starfleet-developed hardware,the Type X phaser is highly adaptable to a variety ofsituations, from active low-energy scans to high-velocity shipto-shipcombat operations.The exact performance of most phaser firings is determinedby an extensive set of practical and theoretical scenariosstored within the main computers. Artificial intelligenceroutines shape the power levels and discharge behaviors ofthe phaser arrays automatically, once specific commands aregiven by responsible officers to act against designated targets.Low-energy operations provide a valuable direct methodof transferring ship's energy for a variety of controlled applications,such as active sensor scanning. In high-energy weaponfirings, several interrelated computer systems work to placethe beam on the target, all within a few milliseconds. Longandshort-range sensor scans provide target information tothe Threat assessment/tracking/targeting system (TA/T/TS),which drives the phaser arrays with the best target coverage.Multiple targets are prioritized and acted upon in order. Themaximum effective tactical range of ship's phasers is 300,000kilometers.Targets protected by defensive EM shields and surfaceabsorptive-ablative coatings may still be dealt with, but with acommensurate increase in power to defeat the shields.Phasers may be fired one-way through the ship's own shieldsdue to EM polarization, with a small acceptable drag forcepenalty at the inner shield interface.Threat vessels will be encountered with a wide variety ofshields that act upon phaser emissions to reduce their effectiveness;the type most often confronted spreads the beamcross section, redirecting the energy around the shields andback into space. Higher power levels will usually overburdenthe shields and allow the phaser to hit the target directly,although more sophisticated adversaries possess highlyresistant shield generators. It has been the experience ofsome <strong>star</strong>ship tactical officers that rapid-firing volleys at differentparts of a shield bubble can weaken it. The phaser arrayson a Galaxy class ship are located to achieve maximum beamdwell time on a target.continue changing attitude so as to deny the beams any siteson which to inflict concentrated energies.In Cruise Mode, all phaser arrays receive their primarypower from the warp reaction chamber, with supplementaryfusion power from the impulse engine systems. Rechargetimes are kept to

11.2 PHASER OPERATIONSSPACECRAFT TACTICAL MANEUVERS INVOLVING PHASERSThe following three cleared excerpts from the overallStarfleet SCM database describe general Galaxy class shipmaneuver variations utilizing Type X phaser banks only.Photon torpedo firings in combination with phasers are treatedas specialized SCMs.CATNO.SCMDB GAL/ENT/PHA/LS 142-01 -40274/TTMVAR/ROM/TD'D/1Two vessel scenario, low sublight,

11.3 PHOTON TORPEDOES11.3 PHOTON TORPEDOESThe tactical value of phaser energy at warp velocities,and indeed high relativistic velocities, is close to none. Asgreater numbers of sentient races were encountered in thelocal stellar neighborhood, some of which were classified asdefinite Threats, the need for a warp-capable defensiveweapons delivery method was recognized as an eventualnecessity. Rudimentary nuclear projectiles were the first to bedeveloped in the mid-2000s, partly as an outgrowth of debrisclearingdevices, independent sensor probes, and defensivecountermeasures technology.Fusion explosives continued to be deployed throughoutthe latter half of the twenty-second century, as work progressedon lighter and faster ordnance. Late in the developmentof the first true photon torpedoes, a reliable technique fordetonating variable amounts of matter and antimatter hadcontinued to elude Starfleet engineers, while the casing andpropulsion system were virtually complete. On the surface,the problem seemed simple enough to solve, especially sincesome early matter/antimatter reaction engines suffered regularcatastrophic detonations. The exact nature of the problemlay in the rapid total annihilation of the torpedo's warhead.While most warp engine destructions due to failure of antimattercontainment appeared relatively violent, visually, the actualrate of particle annihilation was quite low.Two torpedo types were being developed simultaneously,beginning in 2215. The first was a simple 1:1 matter/antimatter collision device consisting of six slugs of frozendeuterium which were backed up by carbon-carbon disks anddriven by microfusion initiators into six corresponding magneticcavities, each holding antideuterium in suspension. Asthe slugs drove into the cavities, the annihilation energieswere trapped briefly by the magnetic fields, and then suddenlyreleased. The annihilation rate was deemed adequate toserve as a defensive weapon and was deployed to all deepinterstellar Starfleet vessels. While a torpedo could coastindefinitely after firing, the maximum effective tactical rangewas 750,000 kilometers because of stability limits inherent tothe containment field design.The device Starfleet was waiting for was the second type,made operational in 2271. The basic configuration is still inuse and deployed on the Galaxy class with a maximumeffective tactical range of 3,500,000 kilometers for midrangedetonation yield. Variable amounts of matter and antimatterare broken into many thousand minute packets, effectively increasingthe annihilation surface area by three orders ofmagnitude. The two components are both held in suspensionby powerful magnetic field sustainers within the casing at thetime of torpedo warhead loading. They are held in twoseparate regions of the casing, however, until just aftertorpedo launch, as a safety measure. The suspended componentpackets are mixed, though they still do not come intoForward launcherSaucer Module launcher11.3.1 Photon torpedo launchers

11.3 PHOTON TORPEDOES11.3.2 Photon torpedo (typical)direct contact with one another because of the fields surroundingeach packet. At a signal from the onboard detonationcircuitry, the fields collapse and drive the materialstogether, resulting in the characteristic release of energy.While the maximum payload of antimatter in a standardphoton torpedo is only about 1.5 kilograms, the releasedenergy per unit time is actually greater than that calculated fora Galaxy class antimatter pod rupture.TORPEDO CONFIGURATIONThe standard photon torpedo carried by the Galaxy classis an elongated elliptical tube constructed of molded gammaexpandedduranium and a plasma-bonded terminium outerskin. The completed casing measures 2.1 x 0.76 x 0.45meters and masses 247.5 kilograms dry weight. The finishedcasing is split equatorially by phaser cutters, which alsoprovide penetrations for warhead reactant loading, hardlineoptical data network connections, and propulsion systemexhaust grills. Within the casing are installed deuterium andantideuterium holding tanks, central combiner tank, and theirrespective magnetic suspension components; target acquisition,guidance, and detonation assemblies; and warp sustainerengine. The holding and combiner tank shells aregamma-welded hafnium titanide. The tank liners, as well asthe warp sustainer engine coils, are all constructed fromdirectionally cast silicon-copper carbide to maximize field efficiency.The multimode sustainer engine is not a true warp enginedue to its small physical size, one-twelfth the minimum matter/antimatter (M/A) reaction chamber size. Rather, it is a miniatureM/A fuel cell, which powers the sustainer coils to graband hold a hand-off field from the launcher tube, to continueat warp if launched during warp flight by the <strong>star</strong>ship. The cell,a cylinder 20 cm in diameter and 50 cm in length, is limited toa narrow warp field frequency range and cannot add morethan a slight amount of power to the original hand-off field.The maximum cruising velocity will follow the formula v max = v f+ 0.75V/C, where v, is the launch velocity. Other flight modesare triggered according to initial launch conditions. If launchedduring low-impulse flight, the coils will drive the torpedo up toa 75% higher sublight velocity. If launched at high sublight,the sustainer will not cross the threshold into warp, but willcontinue to drive the torpedo at high relativistic velocities. Ifrequired, the maximum effective range can be extended, butwith a loss of detonation yield, as the sustainer engine drawsreactants from the M/A tanks.Once given direct prelaunch trajectory instructions by theoptical data network, and optionally updated in flight bysubspace radio link, the torpedo's targeting and guidancesystems communicate with the sustainer to produce theoptimum travel time to the target. This allows the armingcircuitry a minimum of 1.02 seconds to combine the warheadfuels. Trajectory changes are made by differentially constrictingthe sustainer exhaust grills.

The actual firing operation occurs in the two launchertubes, one forward within the connecting dorsal on Deck 25,and one aft above the support pylon wing on Deck 35. Thelauncher is downstream from four loader stages, where the M/A fuels are injected into four torpedoes at one time. Eachloader can place a torpedo into the launcher for volley firing.In each position, the launcher tube, 30 meters in length, isconstructed from machined tritanium and sarium farnide. It isstrung with sequential field induction coils and launch assistgas generators to provide initial power to the sustainer andpropel the casing away from the <strong>star</strong>ship. Once fired, thelauncher tube is purged of surface residues by flash sterilizers,the coil charges are neutralized, and the firing sequenceris reset to await a new load of torpedoes. In the event a setof casings is loaded, and the ship then stands down from RedAlert, the warhead fuels are off-loaded and returned to storage,and the launcher system is powered down.Both launchers can be loaded with as many as tentorpedoes at one time for simultaneous launch. In suchcases, all torpedo devices are ejected from the tube in a singleimpulse and remain together for approximately 150 meters.At this point, individual control programs assume flight andtargeting control for each torpedo. This is an effective meansfor simultaneous delivery of torpedoes to multiple targets.The same technologies that produced high-velocity defensiveweapons have also produced advanced warp-capableremote sensor probes. One quarter of the 275 basiccasings normally stored aboard the ship can be packed withsensor arrays, signal processors, and telemetry systems forlaunch toward nearby targets. Applications will typicallyinclude stellar and planetary studies, as well as strategicreconnaissance.11.4 PHOTON TORPEDO OPERATIONSThe uses of photon torpedoes against natural and constructedtargets are as varied as those devised for the Galaxyclass shipboard phaser arrays. A complete examination ofdefensive and productive applications would require additionalvolumes dealing with specific celestial objects andSpacecraft Combat Maneuvers (SCMs), though the fundamentalsare included here.Photon torpedoes are directed against Threat force targetsat distances from 15 to nearly 3,500,000 kilometers fromthe <strong>star</strong>ship. In docked flight, targeting data is gathered fromthe ship's various sensor systems and processed at FTLspeeds in the main computers, then relayed through theTactical bridge station to the forward and aft torpedo launchers.The automated reactant handling and torpedo loadinginto the launcher are managed by the tactical situation controller(TSC), in concert with the TA/T/TS. This dedicated sectionof the computer maintains regularly updated files of actual andsimulated Threattracking algorithms, firings, and battle damagereports, plus adaptive algorithms for new Threat targets.Tactical inputs determine the desired results from a list ofbasic menu choices, including nonstandard instructions, suchas the option of computer-assisted manual torpedo flightcontrol.WEAPONS CONTROLIn Separated Flight Mode, the main computer in theBattle Section accepts a total handoff of control from theSaucer Module main computers, switching the duplicatesituation controller to full active status. This allows uninterruptedcontrol of the two launcher tubes. With the BattleSection no longer occupying the docking cavity, the single aftfiringtorpedo launcher in the Saucer Module is open to space.The main computer tactical situation controller manages thefiring of this launcher, designed to defend the Saucer Modulein the event of attack away from the Battle Section.Since photon torpedoes are classified as semi-autonomousweapons, initial firing direction is not a major concern.Most firings involve direct fore or aft vectors, within tendegrees of the vehicle centerline. When required, rapidtrajectory changes may be executed following launch toachieve target acquisition, cruise tracking, and terminal guidance.This is utilized with numerous preprogrammed <strong>star</strong>shipmaneuvers, momentarily disabling Conn bridge station attitudeand translational panel inputs. Targets within twenty-fivekilometers involve launch followed immediately by a fastbreakaway to guarantee that the <strong>star</strong>ship will remain outsidethe explosion hazard radius, which is variable with yield.Sensor blinding of pursuing Threat vessels can be attemptedby aft volley firings of four or more weapons. Combinations ofmany factors, including warp or impulse velocity changes,volley firing spread angles, and warhead yield are sorted andmatched to Threat vehicles.

Targeting is directed by the Tactical Officer followingcommand authorization. Target detection and prioritizationare orchestrated by the Tactical Off icer with interactive promptsand responses from the computers. Torpedo sensors andguidance circuits are configured by the tactical situationcontroller to sense specific EM and subspace energies, andwill perform homing maneuvers most suitable to the scenario.While Threat defenses exist against photon torpedoes, includinghigh-energy deflector shields and active torpedocountermeasures, improvements in tactical algorithm creationroutines are constantly being applied. Phaser "dimpling"of a Threat shield can sometimes allow torpedo penetrationfor detonation within the outer shield layers, constraining theexplosion and causing almost total vaporization of the Threatrather than vessel fragmentation.OTHER APPLICATIONSPhoton torpedoes, being general energy release devices,have found their way into many other specializedapplications. Reinforced torpedo casings are able to penetrategeologic formations for deep explosive modifications interraforming and planetary engineering projects. Torpedoesare detonated as long-range sensor calibrators at both warpand sublight speeds. They are often used to divert ordissociate asteroidal materials designated as hazards tospacecraft and planets.11.5 BATTLE BRIDGEDue to the unique nature of vehicle configurations designedinto the USS Enterprise, a separate command andcontrol center is necessary for the Stardrive, or Battle Section,from which operations may be conducted when in SeparatedFlight Mode. The Battle Bridge, while duplicating most of thefunctions of the Main Bridge, concentrates on dedicatedpiloting, support, and defense systems stations. Early longrange<strong>star</strong>ships lacking separation systems relied upon anauxiliary bridge, usually located deep within the Primary Hullstructure, in the event the Main Bridge was disabled.DESIGN VARIATIONSTwo main variants of the Galaxy class Battle Bridge havebeen installed on the USS Enterprise since the <strong>star</strong>ship wasconstructed. Each has been designed as a replaceablemodule; swapout is accomplished through a series of electrohydraulicjackscrews in the Battle Section head and structurallocking clamps around the base and periphery of themodule. Periodic upgrades will be tested out during the entireoperational cycle in an effort to maintain adequate defensivecapabilities; each Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>ship will always exhibitsome minor differences when compared with its dockmates.Similar design philosophies drove the internal arrangementof the Main Bridge and Battle Bridge. The latter main-isr0J Ln* / •r1. °V00011.5.1 Battle Bridge

11.5.2 Battle Bridge control stationsTacticalanalysisDeflectorshieldsPhaserbanksFwd photontorp launcheiAft photontorp launcherDefensivesystemsTacticalanalysisDeflectorshieldsTechnologyassessmentDamagecontrol1InternalsecurityFlightControllerTacticalanalysisWarp drivesystemsImpulse drivesystemsNavigationalsystemsOperationsManagerDamagecontrolDeflectorshieldsPowergenerationCommsystems1Links toSaucer ModuleSensorarraystains an aft equipment bay housing computer optical subprocessors,as well as power, environmental, and optical datanetwork trunk connects. Additional computer subprocessorsare located in smaller port and <strong>star</strong>board equipment bays, aswell as in the armored forward bay enclosing the main viewer.BATTLE BRIDGE STATIONSCommon to both current types are the stations for theship captain, Flight Controller, Operations Manager, andTactical Officer. The other dedicated Battle Bridge stations,which will be configured and occupied according to scenariorequirements, include Defense Communications, TechnologyAssessment, Defense Systems Engineering, EngagementDamage Intelligence, and Computer Systems. Starshipcrew members assigned to these additional posts are normallyassigned to other related disciplines. Depending on theAlert status and specific flight situation, they would movetoward the Battle Bridge area for possible duty, should saucerseparation be commanded. The common positions would beoccupied by personnel from the Main Bridge, or in combinationwith Battle Section crew.In benign flight situations, the Battle Section may conductseparate operations with a relatively low proportion of defense-orientedcrew members, though the actual options listis limited due to the risks and vehicle stress associated withrepeated undockings and redockings.

11.6 TACTICAL POLICIES11.6 TACTICAL POLICIESStarfleet draws proudly upon the traditions of the naviesof many worlds, most notably those of Earth. We honor ourdistinguished forebears in many ceremonial aspects of ourservice, yet there is a fundamental difference between Starfleetand those ancient military organizations. Those sailorsof old saw themselves as warriors. It is undeniably true thatpreparedness for battle is an important part of our mission, butwe of Starfleet see ourselves foremost as explorers anddiplomats. This may seem a tenuous distinction, yet it has adramatic influence on the way we deal with potential conflicts.When the soldiers of old pursued peace, the very nature oftheir organizations emphasized the option of using forcewhen conflicts became difficult. That option had an inexorableway of becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.Today, peace is no easier than it was in ages past.Conflicts are real, and tensions can escalate at a moment'snotice between adversaries who command awesome destructiveforces. Yet we have finally learned a bitter lessonfrom our past: When we regard force as a primary option, thatoption will be exercised. Starfleet's charter, framed some twocenturies ago after the brutal Romulan Wars, is based on asolemn commitment that force is not to be regarded as anoption in interstellar relations unless all other options havebeen exhausted.RULES OF ENGAGEMENTAlthough <strong>star</strong>ships are fully equipped with sophisticatedweaponry and defenses, Starfleet teaches its people to useevery means at their disposal to anticipate and defuse potentialconflict before the need for force arises. This, accordingto Federation mandate, is Starfleet's primary mode of conflictresolution. Starfleet's rules of engagement are firmly basedon these principles. Due to the extended range of Starfleet'stheater of operations, it is not uncommon for <strong>star</strong>ships to bebeyond realtime communications range of Starfleet Command.This means a <strong>star</strong>ship captain often has broaddiscretionary powers in interpreting applicable Federationand Starfleet policies. The details of these rules are classifiedbut the basics are as follows.A <strong>star</strong>ship is regarded as an instrument of policy for theUnited Federation of Planets and its member nations. Assuch, its officers and crew are expected to exhaust everyoption before resorting to the use of force in conflict resolution.More important, Federation policy requires constant vigilanceto anticipate potential conflicts and to take steps to avert themlong before they escalate into armed combat.Perhaps the most dangerous conflict scenario is that ofthe unknown, <strong>technical</strong>ly sophisticated Threat force. Thisrefers to a confrontation with a spacecraft or weapons systemfrom an unknown culture whose spacefaring and/or weaponscapability is estimated to be similar or superior to our own. Insuch cases, the lack of knowledge about the Threat force is asevere handicap in effective conflict resolution and in tacticalplanning. Complicating matters further, such conflicts areoften First Contact scenarios, meaning cultural and sociologicanalysis data are likely to be inadequate, yet further increasingthe import of the contact in terms of future relationshipswith the Federation. For these reasons, Starfleet requirescultural and technologic assessment during all First Contactscenarios, even those that occur during combat situations indeep space. Rules of engagement further require that adequateprecaution be taken to avoid exposure of the ship andits crew or Federation interests to unnecessary risk, evenwhen a potential Threat force has not specifically demonstrateda hostile intent. There are, however, specific diplomaticconditions under which the <strong>star</strong>ship will be consideredexpendable.More common than the unknown adversary is conflictwith a known, <strong>technical</strong>ly sophisticated Threat force. Thisrefers to confrontation with a spacecraft or weapons systemfrom a culture with which contact has already been made, andwhose spacefaring and/or weapons capability is similar orsuperiortoourown, even if the specific spacecraft or weaponssystem is of an unknown type. In such cases, tactical planninghas the advantage of at least some cultural and technologicbackground of the Threat force, and the ship's captain willhave detailed briefings of Federation policies toward theThreat force. In general, <strong>star</strong>ships are not permitted to fire firstagainst any Threat force, and any response to provocationmust be measured and in proportion to such provocation.Here again, Starfleet requires adequate precaution be takento avoid excessive risk to the ship or other Federation interests.Much more limiting are conflicts with spacebome Threatforces estimated to be substantially inferior in terms of weaponssystems and spaceflight potential. Here again, the use ofcultural and technologic assessment is of crucial importance.Prime Directive considerations may severely restrict tacticaloptions to measured responses designed to reduce a Threatforce's ability to endanger the <strong>star</strong>ship or third parties. Typically,this means limited strikes to disable weapons or propulsionsystems only. Rules of engagement prohibit thedestruction of such spacecraft except in extreme cases whereFederation interests, third parties, or the <strong>star</strong>ship itself are inimmediate jeopardy.Even more difficult are conflicts in which a Starfleetvessel or the Federation itself is considered to be a third party.Such scenarios include civil and intrasystem conflicts orterrorist situations. In evaluating such cases, due care mustbetaken to avoid interference in purely local affairs. Still, thereare occasionally situations where strategic or humanitarianconsiderations will require intervention. Starfleet personnelare expected to closely observe Prime Directive considerationsin such cases.

11.7 PERSONAL PHASERS11.7 PERSONAL PHASERSThe primary defensive arms carried by Starfleet crewmembers are two types of small phasers, Type I and Type II.Both are high-energy devices sized for personal use and canbe stowed in or attached to one's uniform. As with the largership-mounted arrays, the Type I and 11 phasers convert storedenergy into tightly controllable beams for a variety of applications.Type III phaser rifles are also available for specialsituations, although these are rarely necessary on normalStarfleet away missions and are therefore not incuded in theship's standard inventory.Phasers operate on a modified version of the rapidnadion effect, previously described in 11.1. Rapid nadionsproduce a pulsed protonic charge in the heart of the device,a stabilized LiCu 521 superconducting crystal (lattice formulaLiCu>

11.7 PERSONAL PHASERS11.7.2 Type II personal phaserBeam widthBeam intensityPower level readoutEmitter •for distant aiming functions.Energy from the power cell is controlled by all threemodules and routed by shielded conduits to a prefire chamber,a 1.5 cm diameter sphere of LiCu 521 reinforced withgulium arkenide. Here the energy is held temporarily by acollapsible charge barrier before passing to the actual LiCu521 emitter for discharge out of the phaser, creating a pulse.As with the larger phaser types, the power level set by the userdetermines the pulse frequency and relative proportion ofprotonic charge created in the final emitter stage. The TypeI contains a single prefire chamber; the Type II contains four.At triggering, the charge barrier field breaks down in 0.02picoseconds. Through the rapid nadion effect the LiCu 521segmented emitter converts the pumped energy into a tunedphaser discharge. As with the ship's main phasers, thegreater the energy pumped from the prefire chamber, thehigher will be the percentage of nuclear disruption force (NDF)created. At low to moderate settings, the nuclear disruptionthreshold will not be crossed, limiting the phaser discharge tostun and thermal impact resulting from simple electromagnetic(SEM) effects.At the higher settings, as an override precaution for theuser, the discharge will take a distance of approximately onemeter to decay and recombine to form full-lethality emissions.In the Type I, the emitter crystal is an elliptical solid measuring0.5 x 1.2 cm. In the Type II, it is a regular trapezoid 1.5 x2.85 cm.AVAILABLE POWER SETTINGS AND EFFECTSThe power levels available to both the Type I and Type IIphasers are designated 1 to 8. The Type II has an additionaleight levels, from 9 to 16, all involving high proportions ofnuclear disruption energy. The Type111 phaser rifle has powerlevels similar to the Type II personal phaser, except that itspower reserve is nearly 50% greater. The following list describesthe effects associated with each level:• Setting 1: Light Stun; discharge energy index 15.75 for0.25 seconds, SEM:NDF ratio not applicable. This setting iscalibrated for base humanoid physiology, and causes temporarycentral nervous system (CNS) impairment. Subjectsremain unconscious for up to five minutes. Higher levels ofreversible CNS damage result from repeated long exposures.The discharge energy index is related to RNE protonic chargelevels. Standard median-density composite structural materialsamples are not permanently affected, although smallvibrational warming will be detected. A standard compositesample consists of multiple layers of tritanium, duranium,cortenite, lignin, and lithium-silicon-carbon 372. A standardizeddamage index is derived for setting comparisons; eachwhole number represents the number of cm of materialpenetrated or molecularly damaged. The damage index forthis setting is zero.• Setting 2: Medium Stun; discharge energy 45.30 for

0.75 seconds, SEM:NDF ratio not applicable. Base-typehumanoids are rendered unconscious for up to fifteen minutes,resistant humanoids up to five minutes. Long exposuresproduce low levels of irreversible CNS and epithelial damage.Structural materials are not affected, though higher levels ofvibrational warming are evident. The damage index is zero.• Setting 3: Heavy Stun; discharge energy 160.65 for1.025 seconds, SEM:NDF ratio not applicable. Base humanoidsremain in a sleep state for approximately one hour,resistant bioforms for fifteen minutes. Single discharges raise1ccof liquid water by 100°C. Structural samples experiencesignificant levels of thermal radiation. The damage index is 1.• Setting 4: Thermal Effects; discharge energy 515.75for 1.5 seconds, SEM:NDF ratio not applicable. Base humanoidsexperience extensive CNS damage and epidermal EMtrauma. Structural materials exhibit visible thermal shock.Discharges of longer than five seconds produce deep heatstorage effects within metal alloys. The damage index is 3.5.• Setting 5: Thermal Effects; discharge energy 857.5 for1.5 seconds, SEM:NDF ratio 250:1. Humanoid tissue experiencessevere burn effects but, due to water content, deeplayers will not char. Simple personnel forcefields are penetratedafter five seconds. Large Away Team fields will not beaffected. The damage index is 7.• Setting 6: Disruption Effects; discharge energy 2,700for 1.75 seconds, SEM:NDF ratio 90:1. Organic tissues andstructural materials exhibit comparable penetration and moleculardamage effects as higher energies cause matter todissociate rapidly. Familiar thermal effects begin decreasingat this level. The damage index is 15.• Setting 7: Disruption Effects; discharge energy 4,900for 1.75 seconds, SEM:NDF ratio 1:1. Organic tissue damagecauses immediate cessation of life processes, since disruptioneffects become widespread. The damage index is 50.• Setting 8: Disruption Effects; discharge energy 15,000for 1.75 seconds, SEM:NDF ratio 1:3. Cascading disruptionforces cause humanoid organisms to vaporize, as 50% ofaffected matter transitions out of the continuum. The damageindex is 120; all unprotected matter is affected and penetratedaccording to depth/time.• Setting 9: Disruption Effects; discharge energy 65,000for 1.5 seconds, SEM:NDF ratio 1:7. The damage index is300; medium alloy or ceramic structural materials over 100 cmthickness begin exhibiting energy rebound prior to vaporization.• Setting 10: Disruption Effects; discharge energy 125,000for 1.3 seconds, SEM:NDF ratio 1:9. The damage index is450; heavy alloy structural materials absorb or reboundenergy, 0.55 sec delay before material vaporizes.11.7.3 Type III phaser rifle

• Setting 11: Explosive/Disruption Effects; dischargeenergy 300,000 for 0.78 seconds, SEM:NDF ratio 1:11. Thedamage index is 670; ultradense alloy structural materialsabsorb/rebound energy, 0.20 sec delayed reaction beforematerial vaporizes. Light geologic displacement;

11.8 DEFLECTOR SHIELDSThe tactical deflector system is the primary defensivesystem of the Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>ship. It is a series of powerfuldeflector shields that protect both the spacecraft and its crewfrom both natural and artificial hazards.Like most forcefield devices, the deflector system createsa localized zone of highly focused spatial distortion withinwhich an energetic graviton field is maintained. The deflectorfield itself is emitted and shaped by a series of conformaltransmission grids on the spacecraft exterior, resulting in afield that closely follows the form of the vehicle itself. This fieldis highly resistive to impact due to mechanical incursionsranging from relativistic subatomic particles to more massiveobjects at lesser relative velocities. When such an intrusionoccurs, field energy is concentrated at the point of impact,creating an intense, localized spatial distortion.To an observer aboard the <strong>star</strong>ship, it appears that theintruding object has "bounced off" the shield. A zero-dimensionalobserver on the intruding object would, however, perceivethat his/her trajectory is unaffected, but that the locationof the <strong>star</strong>ship has suddenly changed. This is somewhatanalogous to the spatial distortion created by a natural gravitywell, and is typically accompanied by a momentary dischargeof Cerenkov radiation, often perceived as a brief blue flash.The deflector is also effective against a wide range of electromagnetic,nuclear, and other radiated and field energies.FIELD GENERATORSThe deflector system utilizes one or more graviton polaritysource generators whose output is phase-synchronizedthrough a series of subspace field distortion amplifiers. Fluxenergy for the Primary Hull is generated by five field generatorslocated on Deck 10. Three additional generators arelocated on Deck 31 in the Secondary Hull. Two additional fieldgenerators are located in each of the warp nacelles, althoughthe output of the Saucer Module grid can be boosted to includethe nacelles if necessary. Each generator consists of a clusterof twelve 32 MW graviton polarity sources feeding a pair of625 millicochrane subspace field distortion amplifiers. CruiseMode operating rules require one generator in each majorsection to be operational at all times, with at least oneadditional unit available for activation should an Alert conditionbe invoked. During Alert situations, all operational deflectorgenerators are normally brought to full standby.Nominal system output (Cruise Mode) of the deflectorsystem is 1152 MW graviton load. Peak momentary load ofa single generator can approach 473,000 MW for periodsapproaching 170 milliseconds. During Alert status, up toseven generators can be operated in parallel phase-lock,providing a continuous output of 2688 MW, with a maximumprimary energy dissipation rate in excess of 7.3 x 10 5 kW.Heat dissipation on each generator is provided by a pairof liquid helium coolant loops with a continuous-duty rating of750,000 MJ. Four backup generators are located in each hull,providing up to twenty-four hours of service at 65% of nominalrated power. Normal duty cycle on primary generators istwelve hours on-line, with nominal twelve hours degauss andscheduled maintenance time. Graviton polarity sources arerated for 1,250 operating hours between routine servicing ofsuperconductive elements.SHIELD OPERATING FREQUENCIESProviding shielding against the entire spectrum of electromagneticradiation would prove far too energy-costly fornormal Cruise Mode use. Additionally, a full-spectrum shieldingsystem would prevent onboard sensors from gatheringmany types of scientific and tactical data. Instead, CruiseMode operating rules allow for deflectors to operate at therelatively low level (approximately 5% of rated output) and atthe specific frequency bands necessary to protect thespacecraft's habitable volume to SFRA-standard 347.3(a)levels for EM and nuclear radiation.During Alert situations, shields are raised to defensiveconfiguration by increasing generator power to at least 85%of rated output. Shield modulation frequencies and bandwidthsare randomly varied to prevent a Threat force fromadjusting the frequency of a directed energy weapon (such asa phaser) to penetrate shields by matching frequency andphase. Conversely, when the frequency characteristics of aSaucer Module dorsal gridSaucer Module ventral grid11.8.1 Deflector grids (<strong>star</strong>board elevation)Interhull grid (P/S)Engineering Hull dorsal gridEngineering Hull ventral grid

11.8 DEFLECTOR SHIELDS11.8.2 Deflector grids (dorsal view)Outer Saucer Module gridInner Saucer Module gridEngineering Hull grid (P/S)directed energy weapon are known, it is possible to dramaticallyincrease deflector efficiency by adjusting the shieldingfrequencies to match those of the incoming weapon. Similartechniques are used to protect the vehicle against variousnatural hazards, as when shielding is increased in the 10 10meter band to protect against X rays generated by a supernova.Raising shields to defensive configuration also triggers anumber of special operating rules. First, active sensor scansare operated according to special protocols that are intendedto minimize the interference due to the shielding effects. Forcertain types of scans, sensors are continually recalibrated totake advantage of any EM "windows" left open by rotation ofshield frequencies. In other cases, the random variation ofshield frequencies is modified slightly to allow a specific EMwindow at specific intervals necessary for data collection.Such sensor operation techniques generally result in substantiallyreduced data collection rates, so sensor usage isstrictly prioritized during Alert situations. Further, most defensivescenarios require sensors to be operated in "silentrunning" mode during which the usage of active scan sensorsis not permitted and only passive sensors may be used.serves as the transmission medium for the transporter beamrequires such a wide EM and subspace bandwidth that it isnormally impossible to transport through shields. Additionally,the shields' spatial distortion effects can be severelydisruptive of the transporter beam's pattern integrity.Shield operation also has a significant impact on warpdrive operation. Because of the spatial distortion inherent inthe shielding generation process, there is a measurable effecton the geometry of the warp fields that propel the ship. Warpdrive control software therefore includes a number of routinesdesigned to compensate for the presence of deflector shields,which would otherwise cause (at maximum rated output) a32% degradation in force coupling energy transfer. Simultaneously,shield generator output must be upshifted by approximately147 kilohertz to compensate for translational fieldinteraction.Also affected by deflector shield usage is operation of thetransporter system. The annular confinement beam thatThe idea of frequency "windows" in the shields used for sensor scans was the basis of O'Brien's trick in "The Wounded" whenhe was able to beam onto the USS Phoenix, even though that ship's shields were raised at the time.

11.9 AUTO DESTRUCT SYSTEMS11.9 AUTO DESTRUCT SYSTEMSIt is an accepted fact of life aboard Starfleet vessels thatthe ultimate sacrifice may have to be made to insure thafneitherthe intact <strong>star</strong>shipnorthe technology contained thereinwill fall into the possession of Threat forces. The totaldestruction of the docked spacecraft or either of its twoseparated components can be executed by special commandauthorization procedures, and may be accomplished with tworelated systems.DESTRUCT SCENARIOSMost situations in which vehicle destruct would occurhave been extensively modeled using computer simulations.As this is a tactic of extreme last resort, all other availableoptions must first be exhausted. The bulk of the modeling hascentered around potential loss of the ship during combatoperations with known and computer-created Threat forces,although sophisticated hijacking schemes cannot be ruledout.In the worst-case examples, all propulsion and defensivesystems are irreversibly disabled or destroyed, and thereis no possibility of assistance by other Starfleet or alliedvessels. A high probability that the ship can be boarded ortractored then exists, and the activation of the auto-destructsequence within the computer is to be the final event. To alesser degree, certain scenarios judge a disabled <strong>star</strong>ship tobe a catastrophic danger to a greater number of living beings;e.g., the population of a planet, requiring the abandonment ofthe ship and its subsequent destruction to prevent the disaster.COMMAND AUTHORIZATIONThe command to activate auto-destruct can be issuedonly by a limited number of crew members according tospecific flight rules. Conditional tests programmed into themain computers are distributed to key autonomous subprocessornodes throughout the ship to allow the autodestructsequence to be carried out, even if the main computersare disabled. These tests check for the proper sequenceactivation inputs by command personnel, beginning with thecaptain and first officer. The programmed conditions checkforthe succession of command personnel; if eitherthe captainor first officer is determined by the computer to be unavailable,the system will accept-inputs from officers only down to theposition of Operations Manager.In the case of authorization issued by the captain andexecutive officer, the captain activates the destruct sequenceprogram, and both officers provide verbal input, which permitsthe computer to recognize the identity and authority of bothofficers. The computer then requests verbal confirmation ofthe executive officer's concurrence with the destruct order.Following such confirmation, the computer will request the de-11.9.1 Location of auto-destruct ordnance packages

11.9 AUTO DESTRUCT SYSTEMSsired interval until destruct. At this point, the auto-destruct sequencewill commence, counting down until scheduled destruct.Computer voice announcements and data graphicdisplays throughout the spacecraft provide time-remaininginformation.The auto-destruct sequence can be aborted by voicecommand at any time prior to the actual activation of the ordnancepackages at T - 0 seconds. Authority for cancellationof the auto-destruct sequence is vested with the captain andexecutive officer.HARDWARE CONFIGURATION AND OPERATIONIn the preferred configuration, the <strong>star</strong>ship undergoesrapid vaporization from thermal and mechanical shock causedby a deliberate release of warp engine reactants. Remotecomputer system decryption algorithms generate one final setof cascade failure commands, and all engine safety interlocksare compromised. Matter from the primary deuterium tankageand the total supply of antimatter from the storage podson Deck42 are expelled simultaneously, producing an energyrelease on the order of 10 15 megajoules, roughly equivalent to1,000 photon torpedoes.If the command links to the engine systems are severed,the secondary destruct system is automatically selected.Ordnance packages are located at key locations around thevehicle, including the antimatter storage pods. These aredetonated in concert with intentional overloads of all fusionreaction chambers. The release yield of the secondarysystem is calculated to be 10 9 megajoules, roughly equivalentto 500 photon torpedoes. The secondary destruct systembecomes the primary system for the Saucer Module in SeparatedFlight Mode.

12.0 EniVIROfUMEIUTAL SYSTEMS12.1 LIFE SUPPORT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL 12.2 ATMOSPHERIC SYSTEMOf all major ship's systems, life support and environmentalcontrol are among the most critical. Every key systemelement is designed with multiple redundancy to provide formaximum crew safety, even in the unlikely event of multiplesystem failure. Under normal operating conditions, the meantime between failure for the environmental systems shouldexceed five hundred operating years. Even under such a totalfailure, emergency backups should insure crew survival inmost situations.Major life support equipment facilities are located in thePrimary Hull on Decks 6, 9, and 13. In the Engineering Hull,major life support equipment is located on Decks 11, 21, 24,and 34. The primary life support systems comprise twoparallel systems, each serving as a backup to the other.Synthetic gravity generators are located throughout the habitablevolume of the spacecraft.Each major life support facility includes a tie-in to thereserve utilities distribution networks. These tie-ins include alimited supply of critical consumables, including breathableair, power supply, and water. The reserve utilities distributionnetwork is designed to provide minimal life support and powerin the event of complete disruption of both primary environmentalsupport systems.Other emergency provisions include distributed reservelife support systems, emergency support shelter areas, andcontingency support modules intended to provide shipwidebreathable atmosphere for up to thirty minutes in a majorsystemwide failure.The USS Enterprise environmental system maintains aClass M compatible oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere throughoutthe habitable volume of the spacecraft. Two independentprimary atmospheric plenum systems deliver temperatureand humidity controlled environmental gases throughout thevehicle. Additionally, a separate reserve system and emergencysystems provide additional redundancy.Atmospheric processing units for the primary system arelocated throughout the spacecraft at the rate of approximatelytwo redundant primary units for every 50 m 3 of habitable ship'svolume. These devices maintain a comfortable, breathablemixture by removing CO 2 and other waste gases and particulates,then replenishing the O 2 partial pressure. This isprincipally accomplished through the use of photosyntheticbioprocessing. The atmospheric processors also maintaintemperature and humidity within prescribed limits. Once soprocessed, the breathing mixture is recirculated through theplenum network.Cruise Mode operational rules specify a ninety-six-hourduty cycle for processing modules, although normal timebetween scheduled maintenance is approximately two thousandoperating hours. At the end of each ninety-six-hour dutycycle, it is normal for the entire atmospheric processing loadto be automatically switched to the alternate primary system.It is, however, possible to individually switch specific systemelements as needed. Atmospheric plenum flow can beremotely switched at utilities junction nodes, so that breathingatmosphere can be rerouted to processors at other locations,offering an additional measure of redundancy.The reserve system is a third redundant set of atmosphericprocessors, providing up to 50% of nominal systemcapacity for periods up to twenty-four hours, depending onsystem load. These are intended for use in the event ofincapacity of major elements of the two primary atmosphericsystems. The reserve system shares the plenum network ofthe two primary systems, and operates by computerizedsystem analysis, which allows any damaged plenum sectionsor processors to be isolated and removed from service.

1Z.Z ATMOSPHERIC SYSTEMAdditionally, emergency atmospheric supply systemsprovide breathing mixture to designated shelter areas for upto thirty-six hours in crisis situations. These systems draw onindependent oxygen and power supplies, physically isolatedfrom the primary systems and from each other. The emergencysystems are not intended to provide shipwide atmosphericsupply. The emergency atmospheric supply systemsprovide minimal recycling capacity (CO 2 scrubbing and O 2 replenishmentonly), but oxygen supply can be significantlyextended by drawing on any available supplies from the threeprimary systems, or from any unused contingency supplymodules.In case of major failure of atmospheric supply necessitatinguse of the emergency system, contingency atmosphericsupply modules, located at most corridor junctions, will maintaina breathable environment for approximately thirty minutes,sufficient for the crew to evacuate to shelters. Environmentalsuits would be provided to all personnel required towork in areas in which a breathable atmosphere is not maintained.Except in cases of large-scale explosive decompression,even a severe atmospheric supply failure is expected topermit upward of fifty minutes for evacuation of all personnelto designated shelter areas.Nominal atmospheric values for Class M compatibleconditions (per SFRA-standard 102.19) are 26°C, 45%relative humidity, with pressure maintained at 101 kilopascais(760 mmHg). Atmospheric composition is maintained at 78%nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% trace gases. Approximately tenpercent of living accommodations can be switched to Class H,K, or L environmental conditions without major hardwareswapout. An additional 2% of living accommodations areequipped for Class N and N(2) conditions. Atmosphericprocessing modules can be replaced at major <strong>star</strong>base layoverto permit vehiclewide adaptation to Class H, K, or Lenvironmental conditions.Believability (not to mention crew safety) demands that theEnterprise environmental support systems be extremely reliablewith many redundant backups. The problem from atelevision standpoint is this makes it a little tough to createstory situations in which our crew can be threatened by lifesupport failure. In one episode, "Brothers," writer-producerRick Berman needed all bridge atmospheric support systemsto fail. He rationalized it by having Geordi express amazementthat seven independent safety interlocks had beenbypassed, thereby acknowledging that the ship is indeeddesigned to make such failures extremely improbable.Contingencysupply modulePhotosyntheticprocessingremoves C0 2 andreplenishes O 2Paniculatefiltration,temperature andhumidity controlReserveprocessorsPhotosyntheticprocessingremoves CO2 andreplenishes O 2Particulatefiltration,temperature andhumidity controlReturnnetworkFresh breathing mixtureExhaust air12.2.1 Atmospheric system

12.3 GRAVITY GENERATION12.3 GRAVITY GENERATIONSince the time of the first orbital research stations in theSol system, the difficulties as well as the benefits presentedby microgravity situations have been exhaustively documented.The crews of the first true human-built interstellar craft ofthe twenty-first century coped with acceleration and zero-gfcoasting mission segments through the use of rotating centrifuges,acceptable solutions for the day.Humanoid organ systems require gravitational and electromagneticfields to insure proper cellular growth and viability,simulating the natural conditions present on most Class Mworlds. Low-level field devices simulated the planetary electricaland magnetic energy, and the descendants of manytwenty- to thirty-year flights arrived in a healthy state.The general planform of the Ga/axyclass <strong>star</strong>ship returnsto a more natural existence in that people are free to moveabout on planar surfaces with a constant gravity holding themto the deck. Aboard the <strong>star</strong>ship, this is accomplished throughthe use of a network of small gravity generators. The networkis divided into four regions, two within the Saucer Module andtwo within the Battle Section. All four work to maintain theproper sense of "down," and are also actively tied to the inertialdamping field system to minimize motion shock during flight.The two Saucer Module gravity networks each support 400generators; those in the Battle Section each support 200.Fields overlap slightly between devices, but this is barelynoticeable.with a short lifetime, on the order of a few picoseconds. Thisdecay time necessitates the addition of the second layer ofgenerators beyond 30 meters distance. The field is gentleenough to allow natural walking without a gravity gradientfrom head to foot, long a problem in brute-force physicalcentripetal systems.The superconducting stator remains suspended from thetime of manufacture, and requires only an occasional synchronizingenergy pulse from the EPS, normally once eachsixty minutes. In the event of EPS failure, the stator willcontinue to provide an attraction field for up to 240 minutes,though some degradation to about 0.8g will be detected. Anyperceived ship motions that might disturb the stator gyroscopicallyare damped by sinesoidal ribs on the inner surfaceof the anicium titanide cylinder, effectively absorbing motionswith an amplitude of less than or equal to 6 cm/sec. All higheramplitudemotions are relieved by the ship's inertial dampingfield.Gravity generators are located throughout the habitablevolume of the spacecraft. Because of this, inertial potentialcan vary from one location within the ship to another, especiallyduring severe turning maneuvers. In order to allowtranslation of excess inertial potential from one part of the shipto another, the gravity generators are connected together bya network of small waveguide conduits that allow field bleedfor gravitational stability.The gravity field itself is created by a controlled stream ofgravitons, much like those produced by the tractor beam. Infact, the basic physics is the same. Power from the electroplasma system (EPS) is channeled into a hollow chamber ofanicium titanide 454, a sealed cylinder measuring 50 cm indiameter by 25 cm high. Suspended in the center of thecylinder, in pressurized chrylon gas, is a superconductingstator of thoronium arkenide. The stator, once set to arotational rate above 125,540 rpm, generates a graviton field12.3.1 Synthetic gravity generator (typical)Superconducting stator

12.4 EMERGENCY ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS12.4 EMERGENCY EIUVIROIUMEIUTAL SYSTEMSThe basic design philosophy of the Enterprise environmentalsupport systems is for extreme reliability coupled withmultiple redundancy. Nevertheless, Starfleet recognizes theunknown hazards to which <strong>star</strong>ships and their crews areoften exposed, and has provided yet another layer of preparednessfor potential environmental crisis situations.The purpose of these emergency environmental supportsystems is to provide suitable life support for the crew forperiods of time sufficient for the Engineering staff to restorenormal function to either primary system or to the reservesystem. The first element of this is an emergency backupsystem designed to provide shipwide lighting and atmosphericsupply for approximately thirty minutes. This is intendedto allow an orderly evacuation of all ship's personnelto emergency support shelters. These shelters are thesecond element of the emergency environmental supportsystem.through the unprotected portions of the vehicle for possiblerepair or rescue operations (See: 14.4).OTHER SCENARIOSA lesser environmental support failure may result in oneor more areas being rendered uninhabitable. In such cases,the Commanding Officer may opt to evacuate the affectedareas in order to protect crew personnel or to conserve lifesupport capacity. Another option in the event of anticipatedenvironmental systems failure is to evacuate personnel toshelter areas to minimize risk in the event that switchover toemergency backups is necessary.A more severe failure could force the evacuation of eitherthe entire Saucer Module or Stardrive Section, with the crewtaking refuge in the unaffected section. In such cases,environmental engineering personnel could remain in thedamaged section to attempt repairs.CONTINGENCY ATMOSPHERIC AND POWER SUPPLYSupplementing the two redundant primary atmosphericsupport systems and reserve backup system is the contingencyatmospheric and power supply system. This systemconsists of 425 self-contained air supply and power moduleslocated throughout the ship at many corridor junctions.The principal elements of these modules include ventilationfans, cryogenic oxygen storage, CO 2 scrubbers, emergencylights, and batteries. In the event of a total failure of allprimary and reserve systems, these units provide approximatelythirty minutes of atmosphere and lighting throughoutthe ship, allowing all personnel to take sanctuary in designatedenvironmental support shelters.EMERGENCY SHELTERSIn the event of major shipwide failure of environmentalsupport, personnel can be instructed to report to one of fiftytwoemergency shelter areas located throughout the habitablevolume of the vehicle. Each designated shelter area isdesigned to sustain up to sixty-five crew members for up tothirty-six hours, assuming a minimum level of external support.These areas receive priority life support from a seriesof dedicated, protected utilities trunks so that they can remainhabitable even in the event of major system outages elsewherein the spacecraft.These shelters are also equipped with independentemergency breathing gas, water, food, and power suppliesfor up to twenty-four hours of operation, even with no supportfrom other ship's systems. Emergency shelters are alsoequipped with at least two emergency pressure garment(EPG) environment suits, allowing crew personnel to travelIn the episode "Night Terrors," the Ten Forward lounge was established to be a designated emergency environmental supportshelter.

12.5 WASTE MANAGEMENT12.5 WASTE MANAGEMENTThe USS Enterprise, like most large deep-space vehicles,sustains a closed ecological system to maintain environmentalsupport. Unlike a planetary biosphere, however, a<strong>star</strong>ship must use technologic means to approximate thecomplex ecologic processes that sustain life. Among theseprocesses aboard the Enterprise are the waste managementsystems, which make optimal reuse of waste products. Withoutsuch recycling, the ship would be unable to carry sufficientfood and water for the extended voyages required by manyStarfleet missions.WATER AND SEWAGE RECYCLINGEach crew member aboard the Enterprise typically generatesapproximately 52 liters of wastewater and sewage perday. This wastewater is pumped to treatment and recyclingunits located in the environmental support complexes onDecks 6,13, and 24. Preliminary treatment is accomplishedby a series of mechanical filtration processes that removesolids and particulates. (The residue is conveyed to theorganic waste processing system for further treatment andrecycling.) Osmotic and electrolytic fractioning is then employedto remove dissolved and microscopic contaminants fortreatment and recycling. The resulting water is superheatedto 150°C for biological sterilization before being subjected toa final mechanical filtration stage, then it is returned to one ofseveral freshwater storage tanks for reuse.The various waste sludges recovered from the waterrecycling processes are a valuable resource. The organicwaste processing system subjects the sludge to a series ofsterilizing heat and radiation treatments. The waste is thenelectrolytically reprocessed into an organic particulate suspensionthat serves as the raw material for the food synthesizersystems. Remaining byproducts are conveyed to thesolid waste processing system for matter replication recycling.items, which constitute approximately 82% of all solid waste,include articles of clothing, packaging and other discardedcontainers, and small personal articles. These items areconveyed to a series of dedicated processors that first sterilizethe waste products, then reduce them to a recyclable form(such as the processed fiber packets from which uniforms andother garments are fabricated). Hazardous materials (suchas toxic, biohazard, and radioactive substances) are separated,and the remaining unrecoverable material is stored formatter replication recycling.MATTER REPLICATION RECYCLINGMaterial that cannot be directly recycled by mechanicalor chemical means is stored for matter synthesis recycling.This is accomplished by molecular matrix replicators thatactually dematerialize the waste materials and rematerializethem in the form of desired objects or materials stored incomputer memory. While this process provides an enormousvariety of useful items, it is very energy intensive and manyeveryday consumables (such as water and clothing) arerecycled by less energy intensive mechanical or chemicalmeans. Certain types of consumables (such as foodstuffs)are routinely recycled using matter replication because thisresults in a considerable savings of stored raw material (See:13.5).HAZARDOUS WASTE RECYCLINGApproximately 5% of all liquid and solid wastes areconsidered to be hazardous materials under toxicity, reactivity,biohazard, or radioactivity standards. Such materials areseparated from other waste materials and are immediatelydiverted to a matter replicator, which converts them to inertcarbon particles. This material is then stored for matterreplication recycling.SOLID WASTE RECYCLINGSolid waste such as trash is conveyed to processing unitson Decks 9, 13, and 34 by means of linear induction utilityconduits. Incoming solid waste is automatically scanned andclassified as to type and composition. Items that can berecycled with mechanical reprocessing are separated. SuchThe Star Trek production company has been making its own efforts toward recycling the resources of planet Earth. Bins havebeen placed in the production offices as weilas on the soundstages for the recycling of aluminum, paper, glass, and plastics,an effort spearheaded by Star Trek craft services person John Nesterowicz. (Particularly good use is made of our paperrecycling bins, as a television company goes through a lot of paper to do its work.) The use of ozone-threatening,nondegradable plastic foam coffee cups has been abolished on our shooting stages, as well. During the filming of the movieStar Trek VI, director Nick Meyer ordered recycling bins placed on those stages, as well. Star Trek and Paramount Pictureshave also embarked upon a major effort to reduce the creation of air pollutants by eliminating the use of certain types of spraylacquers for set painting and some types of special effects smoke and fog machines. Other environmentally conscious effortsoffered by the studio include programs to encourage employee carpooling and company-sponsored discount bus passes.Some of these measures are quite costly in terms of finding acceptable substitutes, but all agree that the goal of protectingour environment is worth it.

13.0 CREW SUPPORT SYSTEMS13.1 CREW SUPPORT13.1 CREW SUPPORTStarf leet recognizes that its single most important systemand most valuable resource is its people. The crew of a<strong>star</strong>ship determines, far more than any technology or hardware,the success of any given mission. Accordingly, Starfleethas a long tradition of placing its personnel at the top ofits priority list.The long, exacting, and frequently hazardous nature of<strong>star</strong>ship duty places a very considerable toll on its crew. Yetthe nature of Starfleet missions requires each crew memberto be continually operating at very near 100%. The successof a mission, the safety of the ship, or the fate of an entireplanet can at any moment hinge on the performance of anycrew member. Reconciling the demanding nature of <strong>star</strong>shipduty with the need to maintain quality over extended periodsis a difficult goal, but Starfleet's personnel policies make it areality.Starfleet personnel are well trained and highly motivated,but maintaining that motivation is an ongoing challenge.Starfleet's command structure is designed to support thisphilosophy and our officers understand the importance ofnurturing and encouraging the efforts of each crew member.This ranges from ample opportunities for personnel to advancewithin Starfleet, to a policy of actively listening to theneeds and concerns of all personnel. Each crew member isencouraged to be innovative in his/her job, and allowed toexcel in his/her chosen area. Indeed, many of our mostimportant <strong>technical</strong> and procedural advances have comefrom on-duty personnel who have suggested better ways todo their jobs.off-peak Holodeck usage time are typically reserved fortraining exercises — such simulations can often be countedas field experience toward promotions. Many <strong>star</strong>ships haveongoing lecture programs featuring visiting mission specialistswho are often at the forefront of their fields of study. Allthese permit interested individuals to advance at their ownpace within their chosen specialty, or to gain the knowledgeand experience to branch into other areas.Part of Starfleet's support for its personnel is the attentionlavished on living accommodations. All Starfleet personnelare provided with comfortable, spacious living quarters. Foodservice aboard the Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>ship is provided by asophisticated replicator system that provides a vast array ofculinary selections from a hundred planets. Recreationalfacilities range from four holographic environment simulators,two fully equipped gymnasiums and other exercise and sportsfacilities, a concert hall and theater, an arboretum, and avariety of lounges for off-duty use.Starfleet duty is extremely demanding, but the entireorganization is devoted to supporting its people and allowingthem to excel. Starfleet's extraordinary history of over twocenturies of space exploration is ample testament to thesuccess of that policy.Educational facilities range from training simulators,classrooms, and professional advancement programs toinformal gatherings of crew members. Significant blocks ofThis section grew out of a discussion in which we realized that the greatest advance seen on Star Trek is not warp drive ortransporter technology, but in management. Keeping a thousand individuals performing at top efficiency for years at a timeis something that most present-day groups can only dream about. Yet those few organizations that can demonstrate asuccessful "search for excellence" have shown the extraordinary value of treating yourpeopie with respect. We figure thatStarfleet must have learned this lesson well.

13.2 MEDICAL SYSTEMS13.2 MEDICAL SYSTEMSThe Medical department onboard the USS Enterprise ischarged with providing health care to the ship's company andall attached personnel. The extended nature of many <strong>star</strong>shipvoyages as well as the hazardous nature of Starfleet duty canmake this a considerable challenge. Additionally, the diverserange of lifeforms both in Starfleet as well as on various destinationplanets dramatically increases the scope of the task.FACILITIESThe Medical department, under the direction of the ChiefMedical Officer, is principally located in two sickbay facilitieson Deck 12. The primary facility, located on the port side ofthe ship, consists of two medical intensive-care wards, anattached laboratory, the CMO's office, and a small nursery.The second facility, located on the <strong>star</strong>board side of Deck 12,is similar to the primary sickbay but features two dedicatedsurgery suites, a physical therapy facility, a nursery, and anull-grav therapy ward. Adjacent to the second facility is adental care office and a full biohazard isolation unit.These facilities provide the medical staff with an impressivecomplement of tools with which to handle an extraordinaryrange of medical problems for both known and presentlyunknown species. Capabilities include a fully equippedmedical laboratory with advanced bio-assay and lifeformanalysis hardware. Also available are nanotherapy, geneticsequence, and virotherapeutic equipment. Medical lab capabilitiescan be bolstered by employing the lab services ofone or more shipboard science departments.In a large-scale medical emergency situation, all threeshuttlebays can be converted to medium- and intensive-carehospital facilities using quick-deploy emergency hospitalmodules. Additionally, lesser numbers of overflow patientscan be handled by conversion of guest quarters on Decks 5and 6 to medical intensive-care units (See: 16.3).STAFFNormal medical department staffing is four staff physicians(of which at least one must have training in emergencymedicine), three medical technicians, and twelve registerednurses. Normal on-duty medical complement for first andsecond shifts is one staff physician, two nurses, and onemedical technician. During the night shift, normal staffingdrops to two nurses. These staffing figures are subject toupward adjustment, depending on patient load. In emergencysituations, cross-trained personnel from other departmentscan be made available for medical duty. Approximately 40%of all crew personnel are cross-trained for various secondarymedical functions.A staff of eight to twelve additional research and laboratorypersonnel are also attached to the medical department.13.2.1 Deck 12 sickbay intensive-care wardA close examination of one of the medical displays in sickbay shows that one of the patient status indicators is labeled MedicalInsurance Remaining. (Don't bother trying to freeze-frame your VCR. It's another one of those things that are way too smallto read on television.)

MEDICAL SYSTEMS13.2.2 Biobed and surgical support frameThese individuals are typically attached to various researchprojects, but are available to assist with medical lab assignmentson a priority basis as needed.HARDWAREA key element of the medical intensive-care unit is thebiobed sensor and support unit. This orthopedically designedhospital bed incorporates a basic array of biofunction sensorsthat can be tied into a variety of remote medical instrumentsincluding the medical tricorder (See: 13.3). Also incorporatedare a number of medical gas and fluid connect points forvarious devices, including the surgical support frame.A vital tool in nearly all surgical procedures is the surgicalsupport frame (SSF), or "clamshell" as it is sometimes called.The SSF not only maintains a sterile environment for mostsurgical procedures, but also incorporates several vital diagnosticand life support tools. These include a battery of biofunctionsensors, supplementing those provided by the biobedand by the overhead medical equipment array. The SSF iscapable of automated administration of intravenous medicationas well as cardiovascular support and emergency def ibrillation.A variety of surgical support frame types are availablefor different procedures, as well as for different lifeform types.Most biobed units are designed to accept surgical supportframes.Surgical procedures and other intensive-care proceduresare accomplished at the primary biobed, located at thecenter of each sickbay ward or surgical suite. Above thisbiobed is an overhead cluster of diagnostic and biofunctionsensors. This array also incorporates a low level forcefieldgenerator that can be used to reduce the chance of potentiallyharmful microorganisms entering or leaving the biobed area.Note that this forcefield is of relatively limited utility and is notadequate to maintain a totally sterile environment sufficientfor surgical procedures or to satisfy biohazard protocols.Medical personnel on Away Team missions or other assignmentsaway from sickbay facilities are frequently issuedany of a variety of medikits. These portable equipment13.2.3 Overhead sensor cluster

13.2 MEDICAL SYSTEMSpackages typically include a medical tricorder, field hypospray,respirator, defib module, sample kit, and selection of bandagesand drugs for emergency field use.13.2.5 HypospraySubcutaneous and intravenous administration of manytypes of medication is accomplished with the hypospray. Thisdevice employs a pinpoint high-pressure low-volume microscopicaerosuspension stream, which permits low-viscositymedication to be administered through the epidermis withoutmechanical penetration. Certain types of medications can beformulated for a somewhat wider spray pattern, resulting inlesser penetration into the epidermis, but yielding a higherrate of absorption due to the greater skin area exposed to thedrug.Standard hyposprays are designed to accept a standardmedication vial, which can be changed as required. Fieldhyposprays are normally loaded with an inert saline solutionthat serves as a vehicle fluid for any of five user-selectableconcentrated emergency medication ampules.13.2.4 Main diagnostic display

13.3 MEDICAL TRICORDER13.3.1 Medical tricorder and scanner peripheral13.3 MEDICAL TRICORDERThe medical tricorder (MT) consists of a standard tricorder,to which is added a specialized medical peripheral(MP) device. This peripheral, one of a number of dedicatedauxiliary computing options available to Starfleet crews, addsmany powerful sensor and analysis functions to those used bysickbay personnel aboard the ship.The MP comprises two components, the computingsection and deployable high-resolution sensor. The MPworks with the standard tricorder user interface to access allof the normal and added functions, in both shipboard and fieldoperations. It measures 8.5 x 3.0 x 3.0 cm and masses 80 g,bringing the total tricorder length to 15 cm, and mass to 430g. As with the standard tricorder, the case is constructed of micromilledduranium foam. The major components include anauxiliary sarium krellide power cell, sensor assemblies, peripheralprocessing block, and memory storage units. Poweris not tapped from the main supply in the standard tricorderunless required, and cells in both sections can be rechargedthrough the standard tricorder induction circuit. Total operationtime is eighteen hours.The peripheral sensors encompass 86 electromagneticdevices mounted about the internal frame, upper and sidepanels of the casing, and the forward section of the handsensor receptacle. Each maintains an FOV lower limit of 1/4degree. None are omnidirectional, but specialized for focusedmedical readings. The hand sensor incorporatesfifteen high-resolution devices for readings down to thirtyseconds of arc. Active and passive scans provide detaileddiagnostic readings of total body mechanical processes,organ system function, disease organism infiltration, andbody electromagnetic conditions. Combined readings cansynthesize images and numerical readouts to aid sickbaypersonnel in identifying biological antagonists and determiningcourses of treatment.The MPcomputercapabilities are contained in the medicaldatabase comparator/analysis subsection (MDC/AS) attachedto 101 sensors. The MDC/AS manages incoming data,prioritizes processing tasks, routes processed data, andmanages control and power systems. It is rated at 1.5 x 10 10calculations per second. In the field the database sectiondraws upon an updatable file of known medical conditions formost humanoid types and 217 DNA-based nonhumanoids.When operating aboard ship, the MP can draw upon the entiremedical database of the USS Enterprise as well as the filesallocated to other disciplines.A wide selection of tomographic and micrographic scansare included in the default device settings. The functioncontrols of the standard tricorder may be used to configurecustom scan modes for the case-mounted and hand sensors,with menu choices visible on the main display screen.

13.4 CREW QUARTERS SYSTEMS13.4 CREW QUARTERS SYSTEMSStarfleet believes that providing comfortable living quartersto all crew and attached personnel to be of primaryimportance. Indeed, living accommodations are one of themost visible displays of Starf leet's commitment to caring for itssingle most important "system," its people.Each person aboard the Enterprise is assigned approximately110 square meters of personal living quarters space.These accommodations typically include a bedroom, living/work area, and a small bathroom. Families may request thattheir living quarters be combined to create a single largerdwelling. Living quarters decks are designed to be modularwith movable walls to permit reconfiguration for such requestsas crew load and structure change.Other amenities available include food synthesizer terminals,sonic showers, standard showers, null-grav sleepingchambers, personal holographic viewers, and provisions forpets.Individuals assigned to the Enterprise for periods morethan six months are permitted to reconfigure their quarterswithin hardware, mass, and volume limits. Individuals assignedfor shorter periods are generally restricted to standardquarters configurations.The Enterprise in extended mission mode includes severallarge areas on Decks 9,11,33, and 35 that are configuredand maintained as living quarters, but are normally unoccupied.These areas are held in reserve to allow the Enterpriseto absorb large numbers of mission specialists or other guestand attached personnel (in various short-term mission configurations,use of these quarters can increase the ship'scomplement to as many as 6,500 individuals). These accommodationsare in addition to normal guest and VIP accommodations.Guest quarters on Decks 5 and 6 are convertible on shortnotice for medical extensive care use. These quarters includeutility hookups for biomed telemetry and medical gases.Stored within these quarters are conversion kits providingnecessary hardware and medical supplies. Lounge areas atcorridor junctions can be converted to nursing stations.Approximately 10% of all individual living quarters areequipped for immediate conversion to Class H, K, and Lenvironmental conditions. An additional 2% of living quarterscan be adapted to Class N and N(2) environments. Vehiclewideadaptation to Class H, K, or L environmental conditionscan be made by replacement of life support system modulesduring a major <strong>star</strong>base layover.13.4.1 Typical crew living accommodationsMost of the living quarters seen on the show feature an angled ceiling into which are setseverai vertical windows, through whichone can see the <strong>star</strong>s. These windows match those seen on the upper surface of the ship's Saucer Module. Since there aremany hundreds of such windows on the Enterprise miniature, there are presumably hundreds of such living units on board theship. The same five-room set is redressed with different furniture and divided up in different ways to serve as the living quartersof most of our regular characters. We also have a "junior officers' quarters" set, which does not have the dramatic ceilingwindows. This set was originally built as Captain Kirk's quarters for the first Star Trek movie, and would seem to suggest thatStarfleet has indeed upgraded its crew accommodations in the years between Kirk and Picard.

13.5 FOOD REPLICATION SYSTEM13.5.1 Food replication systemMain computerprovides storedmolecular matrixdataOpticaldata netControl pador voice pickupWasterecyclingOpticaldata netRaw foodstock storagePhase transitionchamberdematerializesraw materialReplicatordistrib netReplicatorterminalMatter stream Molecular pattern data Computer communications path13.5 FOOD REPLICATION SYSTEMFood service on board the Enterprise is provided by amolecular replication system that can instantly recreate any ofthousands of food selections at a moment's notice. Thissystem employs transporter-based matter replication whichcan produce, with almost total fidelity, nearly 4,500 types offoods, which are stored in computer memory.The heart of the food replication system is a pair ofmolecular matrix matter replicators located on Decks 12 and34. These devices dematerialize a measured quantity of rawmaterial in a manner similar to that of a standard transporter.Unlike a standard transporter, however, no molecular imagingscanners are used to derive analog pattern data of the originalmaterial. Instead, a sophisticated quantum geometry transformationalmatrix field is used to modify the matter stream toconform to a digitally stored molecular pattern matrix.The matter stream is then routed through a network ofwaveguide conduits to any one of hundreds of replicatorterminals located throughout the spacecraft. Such terminalsare located in most living quarters as well as in variouslounges and common dining areas. The molecular patternmatrix controls the rematerialization process at the replicationterminal, so that the finished product is a virtually identicalcopy of the original dish.The raw food stock material is an organic particulatesuspension, a combination of long-chain molecules that hasbeen formulated for minimum replication power requirements.When dematerialized, using a slightly modified phase transitioncoil chamber, the resulting matter stream statisticallyrequires the least quantum transformational manipulation toreplicate most finished foodstuffs. This "transmutation" ofmatter is a modern scientific miracle, but the use of this rawmaterial keeps the energy cost within reason.Although the raw food stock is normally replaced at<strong>star</strong>base resupply, osmotic and electrolytic fractioning ofwastewater allows up to 82% of food stock to be reclaimed•13.5.2 Food replication terminal (typical)

13.6 TURBOLIFT PERSONNEL TRANSPORT SYSTEMand reused. In a shortage, raw food stock can be replicatedfrom general raw stock or waste material, but the energy costis correspondingly higher, so this practice is to be avoided.This system is relatively expensive to operate in terms ofmass of the hardware involved and the energy cost of operation,but it is a significant savings over a traditional foodstorage and preparation system. Older techniques requiredthe storage (either in refrigeration or stasis) of a large numberof raw foodstuff types. The total mass of stored foodstuffswould have to be nearly twenty times greater in order toprovide even a tenth of the menu items offered by thereplicator system. Because food is stored as a single uniformstaple, very little mass and storage penalty is incurred inproviding an extremely wide range of menu choices. Extensiverecycling of food stock permits an even more dramaticmass savings over extended voyages. Further, the laborinvolved even in automated food preparation (and the crewsupport costs thereby incurred) further increases the cost oftraditional food service.As with all transporter-based replication systems, thefood replicators operate at molecular resolution. Because ofthis, there are significant numbers of single-bit errors in theresulting replicated materials. These errors are not nutritionallysignificant (although some individuals do claim to be ableto taste differences in certain dishes), but certain types ofAltarian spices have shown a tendency to become mildly toxicwhen replicated, so their use is avoided in replicated dishes.13.6 TURBOLIFT PERSONNEL TRANSPORT SYSTEMIntraship personnel transport is provided by the turboelevatorsystem. This network of inductively powered transporttubes allows high-speed personnel movement throughout thehabitable volume of the ship.The turboshaft network consists of two parallel mainvertical arteries, which provide service to hubs in horizontalnetworks located on each deck. Redundant horizontal linkson Decks 8,10,25, and 31 connect the discontinuous verticalsegments. The network is designed to provide alternateaccess routes to all decks, permitting alternate routing duringtimes of heavy system usage. This design philosophy alsominimizes the effect of any given single malfunction on overallsystem performance. Additionally, there is a single dedicatedemergency turboshaft connecting the Main Bridge on Deck 1to the Battle Bridge on Deck 8.Each turbolift car consists of a lightweight duraniumcompositeframework supporting a cylindrical personnel cabfabricated from microfoamed duranium sheeting. Motiveforce is provided by three linear induction motors mountedlongitudinally within the cab's exterior frame. These inductionmotors derive power from electromagnetic conduits locatedalong the length of each turboshaft and are capable ofaccelerations approaching 10 m/sec 2 . For crew comfort, aninertial damping matrix at the base of the cab reduces (butdoes not eliminate) the acceleration effects of turbolift motion.An auditory pickup within the cab provides the ability forcrew personnel to vocally command the operation of theturbolift. Upon receipt of destination instructions from apassenger, the individual lift car queries the network controlcomputer and receives instructions on optimal route. Suchroute instructions take into account other turbolift cars currentlyactive in the network. The voice pickup also allowsautomatic voiceprint identification of passengers, permittinginobtrusive screening of unauthorized personnel to restrictedareas.An average of ten turbolift cars are in service at all timesAn example of the limitations of the replicator system is a linein "Sins of the Father" in which Picard claims to find replicatedcaviar inferiorto the real thing. (On the other hand, wewonderif the good captain could really tell the difference in a blindtaste test.) Another example of replicator limits is the singlebitDNA errors that led Data and Beverly to suspect Romulantrickery in the episode "Data's Day."13.6.1 Turbolift car

13.6 TURBOLIFT PERSONNEL TRANSPORT SYSTEM13.6.2 Turboshaft networkExternalconnect portEmergency turbo connectsBattle Bridge and Main BridgeEngineeringHullPrimaryHullDeck 1Main BridgeTurboshafts9- 11Turboshafts5-8Turboshafts3-4Turboshafts1 -2Deck 8horiz arteriesDeck 8horiz arteriesDeck 8horiz arteriesDeck 8horiz arteriesTurboshafts14 - 15Turboshafts12- 13Deck 10horiz arteriesDeck 10horiz arteriesDeck 10horiz arteriesDeck 10horiz arteriesDeck 25horiz arteriesDeck 25horiz arteriesDeck 31loriz arteriesDeck 31horiz arteriesDecks25-36Decks25-42Decks8-24(Turboshafts,10 & 11 only)*Decks25-31within the ship. During times of peak usage such as changeof-shift,this number can be doubled with only a 22% reductionin overall system response time. This is because the turboshaftnetwork is designed with multiple access loops, permittingflexible routing to most in-ship destinations.can be linked directly to the support facility's own turboliftsystem. This is accomplished by means of a connect pointlocated at the upper terminus of turboshaft two, adjacent tothe Main Bridge. When so linked, turbolift cars can travelfreely between the <strong>star</strong>base and the ship.During Alert status and reduced power scenarios, turboliftusage may be restricted or completely prohibited at thediscretion of the Commanding Officer. In such cases, personnelmovement among decks is still possible because of a secondarynetwork of vertical ladder passageways and JefferiesTubes.While docked at a <strong>star</strong>base, the turboelevator system

13.7 HOLOGRAPHIC ENVIRONMENT SIMULATORSSince before the first satellite launches within the Solsystem, fiction writers and engineers alike assumed that longdurationspace flights would require certain measures to keepthe travelers happy and psychologically fit for continued duty.During the first Earth orbital and lunar landing missions, crewmembers listened to cassette tapes of their favorite music,and flight controllers periodically passed up capsule versionsof the daily newspapers of the day. Documentation and videorecordings were routinely transmitted to orbital stations andplanetary outposts into the early part of the twenty-first century.The desire to experience images, sounds, and tactilestimuli not normally encountered on a space vessel hasfollowed explorers across the galaxy for the last four hundredyears. Computer-driven projection imagery has filled <strong>star</strong>shipcrews' needs for provocative spaces and, with the addition ofcertain sport and recreational gear, provided an enjoyablemodel of reality. Various holographic optical and acoustictechniques were applied through the years, finally giving wayto a series of breakthroughs in small forcefield and imagingdevices that not only did not seriously impact <strong>star</strong>ship massand volume constraints, but actually nurtured hyperrealistic,flight-critical simulations. In the last thirty years, the <strong>star</strong>shipHolodeck has come into its own.The Holodeck utilizes two main subsystems, the holographicimagery subsystem and the matter conversion subsystem.The holographic imagery subsection creates therealistic background environments. The matter conversionsubsystem creates physical "props" from the <strong>star</strong>ship's centralraw matter supplies. Under normal conditions, a participantin a Holodeck simulation should not be able to detectdifferences between a real object and a simulated one.The Holodeck also generates remarkably lifelike recreationsof humanoids or other lifeforms. Such animated charactersare composed of solid matter arranged by transporterbasedreplicators and manipulated by highly articulatedcomputer-driven tractor beams. The results are exceptionallyrealistic "puppets," which exhibit behaviors almost exactly likethose of living beings, depending on software limits. Transporter-basedmatter replication is, of course, incapable ofduplicating an actual living being.Objects created on the Holodeck that are pure holographicimages cannot be removed from the Holodeck, evenif they appear to possess physical reality because of thefocused forcebeam imagery. Objects created by replicatormatter conversion do have physical reality and can indeed beremoved from the Holodeck, even though they will no longerbe under computer control.Matter conversion subsystem creates physicalprops using replicators. Replicated props aregenerally created when an object is likely tobe touched by the participant. Some props areanimated under computer control by precisionguidedtractor beams.Holographic imagery subsystem createsthree-dimensional images of simulatedenvironments. Shaped forcebeams givephysical substance to foreground objectsso they have the illusion of being solid.Substrate forcefield creates "treadmill" effect, permitting participant to remain stationary whilethe simulated environment "scrolls" by, within the limits of the simulation program.13.7.1 Holographic environment simulator system

13.7.2 Omnidirectional holo diode cluster (typical) where the patterns intersect at the lens of the eye or othervisual receptor.',.€•• Optic sectionForcefieldsectionThe forcefield version creates a tiny steerable forcefield.Its larger cousins are the more familiar tractor beams andnavigational deflector. Under computer control, over a vastnumber of OHDs, the cumulative field effect is substantial. Ifthe Holodeck is recreating, for example, a large mass of rock,the computer would first create the three-dimensional surfaceof the rock. This is accomplished by commanding certainOHDs to intersect their fields at the required polygon coordinates.If the field strength is tuned to provide the propermineral hardnesses, the mass will feel like rock. A vast libraryof recorded real substances is available, and custom settingsmay be commanded for experimental purposes.The basic mechanism behind the Holocjeck is the omnidirectionalholo diode (OHD). The OHD comprises two typesof microminiature device that projects a variety of specialforcefields. The density of OHDs is 400 per cm 2 , only slightlyless than the active visual matrix of a multilayer display panel,and powered by standard medium-duty electro plasma taps.Entire walls are covered with OHDs, manufactured in aninexpensive wide-roll circuit printing process. A typicalHolodeck surface comprises twelve subprocessing layerstotaling 3.5 mm, diffusion bonded to a lightweight structuralcooling tile averaging 3.04 cm thick. The primary subprocessor/emittermaterials include keiyurium, silicon animide, andsuperconducting DiBeCu 732. Each single OHD measures0.01 mm. The optical data network mechanism by whichOHDs are sent impulses is similar to that for smaller displayscreens, though complete walls are broken down into manageablehigh-speed segments, each 0.61 m 2 . Dedicatedhigh-speed subsections of the <strong>star</strong>ship main computers drivethese room-sized displays.In addition to their ability to project full-color stereoscopicimages, OHDs manipulate forcefields in three dimensions toallow Holodeck visitors to "feel" objects that aren't really there.This tactile stimulation provides the proper feedback onemight expect from a rock on the ground or a tree growing in aforest. The only limiting factors to the numbers and kinds ofobjects described by the computers are memory and time torecord or calculate from scratch the originals of the desiredobjects, whether real or imagined, such as a Klein bottle.The shaped forcefields and background imagery allowthe visitor to experience volumes and distances apparentlylarger than the Holodeck room could physically accommodate.The environment can be scrolled to continue if desired,or set for bounding limits indicated by soft wall contacts andaudible reminders of wall proximity.Within the USS Enterprise, crew members can visit fourmain Holodecks on Deck 11. In addition, a set of twentysmaller personal holographic simulator rooms are situated onDecks 12 and 33.In a working environment like a Federation <strong>star</strong>ship,safety is of prime importance and is engineered into everysystem. Because the <strong>star</strong>ship living environment is so highlycontrolled, the emotional release associated with encounterswith limited real physical hazards has been shown to be of significantvalue in maintaining the psychological well-being ofmany crew members. Simulated high velocities and forcesare normally created by sensory illusions. While safeguardsagainst critical bodily harm are programmed into the computers,certain scenarios can result in unavoidable sprains andbruises, even for experienced users. Hazards posed by "dangerous"lifeforms can seem exceedingly real and will fulfillmost requirements.Other stimuli, such as sound, smell, and taste, are eithersimulated by more traditional methods, such as speakers oratomizers, or built into the created objects using replicatortechniques.The optic version of an OHD emits a complete image ofan overall environment based on its location in the installedsurface panel. The visitor, however, sees only a tiny portionof any one OHD, in much the same manner as a fly's eyeoperating in reverse. As one moves about, the visible portionsof the OHDs change, altering the view. The actual energyemissions are unlike direct visible EM projections, but ratherpolarized interference patterns. The image is reconstructed

14.0 AUXILIARY SPACECRAFT SYSTEMS14.0 AUXILIARY SPACECRAFT SYSTEMS14.1 SHUTTLECRAFT OPERATIONS 14.2 SHUTTLEBAYSThe USS Enterprise is equipped with auxiliary shuttlecraftto support mission objectives.Standard complement of shuttlecraft includes ten standardpersonnel shuttles, ten cargo shuttles, and five specialpurposecraft. Additional special-purpose shuttles can beprovided to a <strong>star</strong>ship as necessary. The Enterprise alsocarries twelve two-person shuttlepods for extravehicular andshort-range use.Operating rules require that at least eleven shuttle vehiclesbe maintained at operational status at all times. CruiseMode operating rules require one standard shuttlecraft andone shuttlepod to be at urgent standby at all times, availablefor launch at five minutes' notice. Four additional shuttlecraftare always available on immediate standby (thirty minutes tolaunch), and an additional six vehicles are maintained forlaunch with twelve hours' notice. Red Alert Mode operatingrules require two additional shuttles to be brought to urgentstandby, and all nine remaining operational vehicles to bemaintained at immediate standby.We did not have a shuttlecraft for much of our first season.The reason is that the expense of building all of the standingEnterprise sets was so high that the studio wanted to defer theexpense of the shuttle until the second season. What thestudio didn't count on is that writer Sandy Fries wanted toshow some parts of the ship that hadn't been shown yet. Upondiscovering that we had not yet seen a shuttlecraft, Sandy wasquick to write it into his first season script "Coming of Age."Ironically, this was somewhat similar to the situation thatexisted during the early days of the original Star Trek serieswhen they, too, could not yet afford a shuttlecraft mockup.(This also explains why our heroes did not send a shuttle downto the planet to rescue Sulu and company in the original series'early first season episode "The Enemy Within.")The Galaxy class USS Enterprise has three major facilitiesintended for the support of auxiliary shuttlecraft operationsfrom the ship.The Main Shuttlebay, located in the center and aft sectionsof Deck 4 in the Primary Hull, includes launch support,recovery, and maintenance facilities for shuttle operations.Two additional secondary shuttlebays are located in thecenter and aft sections (both port and <strong>star</strong>board) of Deck 13in the dorsal area of the Secondary Hull.Shuttlebay exterior space doors are triple-layered compressibleextruded duranium. Inner doors are composed oflightweight neofoam sheeting in an expanded tritanium framework.During active shuttlebay operations, atmospheric integrityis maintained by means of an annular forcefield, whichpermits both doors to remain open for vehicular ingress andegress without depressurizing the bay.Shuttlebay Two also includes a dedicated maintenancebay for servicing sensor array pallets. Two shuttlepods areprovided for extravehicular removal and replacement of thesepallets. Additionally, two adjacent maintenance bays providework facilities for preparation and servicing of mission-specificsensor instrumentation.Shuttlebay Three includes hardware for short-term conversionto Class H, K, or L environmental conditions, intendedfor use in emergency evacuation situations.Each shuttlebay has its own operations control booth,which is supervised by an on-duty Flight Deck Officer. EachFlight Deck Officer is responsible for operations within thatparticular shuttlebay, but must report to the main shuttlebayofficer for launch and landing clearance. In turn, the mainshuttlebay officer must seek clearance from the OperationsManager on the Main Bridge.Launch maneuvers and landing approach piloting ismanaged by a number of precision short-range tractor beam

14.2 SHUTTLEBAYS14.2.1 Location of shuttlebaysShuttlebay2Shuttlebay 3Main ShuttlebayEmergency egress doorsemitters located in each shuttlebay and on the ship's exterior,just outside each set of space doors. These tractor beams arecomputer controlled under the direction of the Flight DeckOfficer, permitting the safe maneuvering of shuttle vehicleswithin the bays and in the 350-meter approach zone.limited, so it is unwise to depend upon the availability ofreplicated spare parts. This is another reason that the shipmust maintain a significant stock of spare parts in inventory atall times.Maintenance facilities include replacement parts sufficientfor twelve months of normal <strong>star</strong>ship operations. Thesenormally include two complete replacement spaceframes,which can be used for refurbishment of severely damagedships.Note that replicator usage can allow fabrication of nearlyany critical missing parts, but large-scale replication is notconsidered energy-efficient except in emergency situations.However, in such situations, power usage is usually strictlyWe don't have a list of the names of all shuttlecraft and shuttlepods onboard the Enterprise. The main reason is that this isone of those things you want to leave somewhat nebulous so that writers of future episodes have some room to play aroundwith. Names established to date include: Sakharov (named after the late Soviet physicist and peace advocate), El Baz (forplanetary geologist Farouk El Baz), Onizuka (for the Challenger astronaut), Pike (for Christopher Pike, early captain of the first<strong>star</strong>ship Enterprise,), Feynman (for the Nobel laureate physicist who was Mike's hero), Hawking (for physicist StephenHawking), and Voltaire (for the eighteenth-century French writer and philosopher). We've also seen a shuttiepod CousXeau,from the <strong>star</strong>ship Aries. Most of these names were selected or approved by Rick Berman. We made a big status graphic inthe shuttlebay control booth in which an unreadable display suggests that we might have shuttles with names like Sam Freedle(our unit production manager during the second season), Indiana Jones (after the noted archaeologist), and a few others weprobably shouldn't mention. During the filming of the episode "In Theory," directed by Star Trek actor Patrick Stewart (whooccasionally works as a spokesperson for Pontiac automobiles), some wag on the production crew relabeled the shuttiepodwith the name Pontiac-1701D.

14.3 SHUTTLECRAFT14.3 SHUTTLECRAFTThe seven shuttle vehicles most often carried in the USSEnterprise inventory are represented in the views and specificationsbelow. Single major uprated variants are included.As combinations of interchangeable components, such ascargo pallets, engines, and unique mission housings, willaffect vehicle dimensions and performance figures, only basevalues are given.14.3.1 Shuttlepod Type 15PRODUCTION BASE: Starbase 134 Integration Facility,Rigel VI.TYPE: Light short-range sublight shuttle.ACCOMMODATION: Two; pilot and systems manager.POWER PLANT: Two 500 millicochrane impulse driverengines, eight DeFI 657 hot gas RCS thrusters. Threesarium krellide storage cells.DIMENSIONS: Length, 3.6 m; beam, 2.4 m; height, 1.6 m.MASS: 0.86 metric tonnes.PERFORMANCE: Maximum delta-v, 12,800 m/sec.ARMAMENT: Two Type IVphaser emitters.14.3.2 Shuttlepod Type 15APRODUCTION BASE: Starbase 134 Integration Facility,Rigel VI.TYPE: Light short-range sublight shuttle.ACCOMMODATION: Two; pilot and systems manager.POWER PLANT: Two 500 millicochrane impulse driverengines, eight DeFI 657 hot gas RCS thrusters. Threesarium krellide storage cells.DIMENSIONS: Length, 3.6 m; beam, 2.4 m; height, 1.6 m.MASS: 0.97 metric tonnes.PERFORMANCE: Maximum delta-v, 13,200 m/sec.ARMAMENT: Two Type IV phaser emitters.14.3.3 Shuttlepod Type 16PRODUCTION BASE: Starbase 134 Integration Facility,Rigel VI.TYPE: Medium short-range sublight shuttle.ACCOMMODATION: Two; pilot and systems manager.POWER PLANT: Two 750 millicochrane impulse driverengines, eight DeFI 635 hot gas RCS thrusters. Foursarium krellide storage cells.DIMENSIONS: Length, 4.8 m; beam, 2.4 m; height, 1.6 m.MASS: 1.25 metric tonnes.PERFORMANCE: Maximum delta-v, 12,250 m/sec.ARMAMENT: Two Type IV phaser emitters.

14.3.4 Personnel Shuttle Type 6PRODUCTION BASE: ASDB Integration Facility, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, Mars.TYPE: Light short-range warp shuttle.ACCOMMODATION: Two flight crew. Passenger configurations: six (STD); two (diplomatic).POWER PLANT: Two 1,250 millicochrane warp engines, twelve DeFI 3234 microfusion RCS thrusters (STD); two 2,100millicochrane warp engines (UPRTD).DIMENSIONS: Length, 6.0 m; beam, 4.4 m; height, 2.7 m.MASS: 3.38 metric tonnes.PERFORMANCE: Warp 1.2 for 48 hours (STD); Warp 2 for 36 hours (UPRTD).ARMAMENT: None (STD); Two Type IVphaser emitters (special operations).14.3.5 Personnel Shuttle Type 7PRODUCTION BASE: ASDB Integration Facility, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, Mars.TYPE: Medium short-range warp shuttle.ACCOMMODATION: Two flight crew. Passenger configurations: six (STD); two (diplomatic).POWER PLANT: Two 1,250 millicochrane warp engines, twelve DeFI 3234 microfusion RCS thrusters (STD); two 2,100millicochrane warp engines (UPRTD).DIMENSIONS: Length, 8.5 m; beam, 3.6 m; height, 2.7m.MASS: 3.96 metric tonnes.PERFORMANCE: Warp 1.75 for 48 hours (STD); Warp 2 for 36 hours (UPRTD).ARMAMENT: None (STD); two Type Vphaser emitters (special operations).

14.3.6 Cargo Shuttle Type 9APRODUCTION BASE: Starfleet Plant #24, Utopia Pianitia Fleet Yards, Mars.TYPE: Heavy long-range warp shuttle.ACCOMMODATION: Two flight crew, one cargo specialist.POWER PLANT: Two 2,150 millicochrane warp engines, twelve DeFI2142 microfusion RCS thrusters (STD); two 2,175millicochrane warp engines (UPRTD).DIMENSIONS: Length, 10.5 m; beam, 4.2 m; height, 3.6 m.MASS: 4.5 metric tonnes (empty). Maximum payload, 6.6 metric tonnes (STD); 8.9 metric tonnes (UPRTD).PERFORMANCE: Warp 2 for 36 hours (STD); Warp 2.2 for 32 hours (UPRTD). ARMAMENT: None (standard); two TypeVphaser emitters (special operations).14.3.7 Sphinx Workpod Type M1 (Base Module/Sled Attachments)PRODUCTION BASE: Starfleet Plant #2, Utopia Pianitia Fleet Yards, Mars.TYPE: Light industrial manipulator (Sphinx M1A), medium industrial manipulator (Sphinx M2A), and medium tug (SphinxMT3D).ACCOMMODATION: Pilot (M1A, M2A); pilot and cargo specialist (MT3D).POWER PLANT: Two 4,600 Newton-second I microfusion primary thrusters, sixteen DeBe 3453 hot gas RCS thrusters.Four alfinium krellide power storage cells.DIMENSIONS: Length, 6.2 m; beam, 2.6 m; height, 2.5 m.MASS: 1.2 metric tonnes.PERFORMANCE: Maximum delta-v, 2,000 m/sec. Maximum manipulator mass, 2.3 metric tonnes. Maximum sled mass,4.5 metric tonnes.ARMAMENT: None.

14.4 EXTRAVEHICULAR ACTIVITY14.4 EXTRAVEHICULAR ACTIVITYSituations requiring one or more crew members to exitthe <strong>star</strong>ship in an airless or otherwise hostile environment areknown collectively as extravehicular activity (EVA). These includedetailed visual inspections, periodic maintenance,damage control, and unique hardware modifications. Theymay be done alone or in concert with teleoperator andautomated systems.Various degrees of protection are available for <strong>star</strong>shipcrews. While the actual configurations carried by Starfieetvessels will vary according to major mission segments andswapouts for improved models, typical suit types are presentedhere. The first, the low pressure environment garment(LPEG), is a close-fitting, lightweight suit, designed for benignairless operations. One use would be during an orbital<strong>star</strong>base layover, where the spacecraft is in External SupportMode, well protected against radiation and micrometeoroidhazards. The suit features simplified multilayer construction,affording atmospheric integrity, gas exchange, and thermaland humidity control without sacrificing mobility. All consumablesand circulation equipment are mounted within an integralbackpack, with controls placed for 50 percentile humanoidson the chest and forearm areas. The suit allows forexterior operations, though time outside is limited to threehours. A variant of the LPEG is the emergency pressuregarment (EPG), designed for long-term storage in <strong>star</strong>shipemergency equipment lockers. The EPG is capable ofsupporting life for two hours in most ship abandonment orisolated hull breach scenarios while crews await rescue.Starfleet's midlevel suit is the standard extravehicularwork garment (SEWG). This type is reinforced with additionalradiation and pressure layers for extended operations, and isconfigured with a sixteen-hour consumables supply, plusenhanced recycling devices. It is designed for most majorindustrial tasks and hazardous exploration assignments.Radiation and micrometeoroid protection is essentially unlimited.The suit controls are supplemented by advanced autonomiclife support controllers within the suit computer.The current high-level suit is the augmented personnelmodule (APM). This suit is a hybrid garment composed ofboth hard and flexible body segments, essentially a completesmall spacecraft. The concept, still valid after four hundredyears, allows the occupant to perform slightly longer durationmissions than the SEWG, but with much greater relativecomfort. A wide array of readily available tools and manipulatoroptions is coupled with reaction control system thrusters,resulting in high productivity EVA returns.All suit types are available in customized versions fornonhumanoid and handicapped crew members.14.4.1 Extravehicular garment types

14.6 CAPTAIN'S YACHT14.6 CAPTAIN'S YACHTOne of the specialized auxiliary spacecraft carried by theUSS Enterprise is the captain's yacht. This spacecraft ischaracterized as multipurpose, though it normally functions toconvey diplomatic personnel on special missions not normallyaccomplished by shipboard transporters.The general planform is a flattened elliptical solid, designedfor the space environment and extended atmosphericflight. It measures 10 m along the minor axis and 18 m in themajor axis, and 8 m in height. The total loaded mass is ratedat95metrictonnes. The structural framing comprises gammaweldedtritanium and duranium members measuring anaverage 18.6 x 9.2 cm in cross section. Hull skinning iscomposed of eight alternating layers of keiyurium borocarbideand cortenium molybdenite, with major tiling sections averaging6.02 cm thick.The interior habitat volume is subdivided to form the flightdeck, two modest staterooms, flight crew bunks, galley, andEngineering access. Surrounding the habitat are the imbeddedimpulse engine system, cryogenic reactant tanks, lenticularaerodyne atmosphere flight motors, and related subsystems.The spacecraft is normally piloted by a crew of two,supplemented by a service representative to assist diplomaticguests.The yacht is capable of sustained sublight velocitiesapproaching 0.65c. The impulse propulsion system (IPS)consists of six sequential beam-fusion reaction chambersfeeding a central toroidal driver coil. Each chamber measures1.3 m in diameter and is similar to its larger IPS cousins on theEnterprise. The reaction exhaust is vented through the drivercoil and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) accelerator for impulsetravel. The MHD tap provides power to the navigationaldeflector grid for removal of interstellar dust and gas from thevehicle flight path. For atmosphere flight the exhaust isredirected after it exits the MHD tunnel and sent through theaerodyne engines around the ellipse equator. The normalatmosphere cruising velocity is Mach 6; maximum safe waveridervelocity is Mach 20. Magnetic turbulence contour equalizers,variants of the navigational deflector, provide momentumconditioning at Mach transitions.The Enterprise is designed to operate safely without theyacht in place, since its structural integrity field and inertialdamping fields produce slightly modified fields in those areasto compensate for the concavity of the yacht docking structure.Yacht operational rules in the vicinity of the <strong>star</strong>ship aregenerally the same as those for other auxiliary spacecraft,with the difference being that the yacht, during emergency undockings,may be safely deployed at velocities as high asWarp Factor 7. The yacht's systems are designed to afford thecraft a smooth falloff of warp field, though the decaying fieldenergy cannot be sustained for any appreciable time.14.5.1 The captain's yachtCabin windows •Impulse engine •Landing foot (2) •Entry/egress platformVentral plan viewDorsal plan viewYacht bridgeDorsal entry hatchAerodyne system nozzlesForward elevation view (1/2 cutaway)This is one of those nifty things that we may never get to see on the show. We did briefly flirt with the idea of actually usingthe captain's yacht in "Samaritan Snare, "but it was decided to use an "executive shuttlecraft" instead. Patrick Stewart informsus that the yacht is named Calypso, after Jacques Cousteau's ship. Visual effects coordinator (and Navy veteran) Ron B.Moore points out that naval tradition would probably insist the craft be called the Captain's Gig.

15.0 USS ENTERPRISE FLIGHT OPERATIONS15.2 MISSION TYPES15.1 INTRODUCTION TO FLIGHT OPERATIONS 15.2 MISSION TYPESOperations aboard the USS Enterprise are divided intothree general categories: flight operations, primary missionoperations, and secondary mission operations.Flight operations are those that relate directly to the functionof the <strong>star</strong>ship itself. These include power generation,propulsion, environmental support, utilities, and other systemsthat are required to maintain the spaceworthiness of thevehicle.Mission operations are those tasks that have been assignedto the ship and its crew. Mission operations are dividedinto two categories, primary and secondary missions.Primary missions are those whose execution is undercurrent direct supervision of the Main Bridge. Primary missionsoften require flight control of the spacecraft, or use ofsignificant fractions of the ship's sensors or other resources.Secondary missions are those that are not under directsupervision of the Main Bridge. These operations are usuallyrun in parallel with and are designed not to impact uponprimary mission operations. Secondary missions are typicallylong-term scientific or cultural studies that are run semiautonomouslyby specialized mission teams.It is not uncommon for a dozen secondary missions to berunning concurrently. It is also not uncommon for a secondarymission to be designated as a primary mission for a specifiedperiod of time. For example, the launch of a specializedinstrument probe is a primary mission when controlled by theMain Bridge, but the subsequent data collection phase, supervisedby a specialized mission team, might be treated as asecondary mission.The multimission <strong>star</strong>ship is by definition capable ofperforming a wide range of mission scenarios, offering autonomouscapability of executing nearly any of Starfleet'sobjective. This capability is extremely valuable for vehiclesoperating near the frontier of Federation influence where additionalStarfleet support may be unavailable.Missions for the Galaxy class USS Enterprise generallyfall into one of the following categories, utilizing the followingspacecraft capabilities:• Deep-space exploration. The Enterprise is equippedfor long-range stellar survey and mapping missions, as well asa wide range of planetary exploration.• Ongoing scientific investigations. The Enterprisehas support capability for a number of ongoing scientificresearch projects. Many such projects are classified assecondary missions.• Contact with alien lifeforms. Pursuant to the StarfleetLife Contact Policy Directive, facilities to support such missionsinclude a full exobiology and cultural sociology staff, aswell as a highly sophisticated complement of universal translationsoftware.• Federation policy and diplomacy. The Enterprise isfrequently the sole Federation envoy during deep-spaceoperations.• Tactical and defense. Typical tactical and defensivemissions might include patrol of the Romulan Neutral Zone, orprotection of Federation interests in planetary or interstellarconflicts.• Emergency and rescue. Typical rescue scenariosinclude rescue of Starfleet and non-Starfleet spacecraft indistress. Planetary rescue scenarios include medium-scaleevacuation from planetary surfaces of humanoid and nonhumanoidpopulations. Large-scale evacuation of planetarypopulations is not feasible.

15.3 OPERATING MODES15.3 OPERATING MODES 15.4 CRUISE MODENormal flight and mission operations of the Galaxy class<strong>star</strong>ship are conducted in accordance with a variety of operatingrules, determined by the current operating mode of thevehicle. These operating modes are specified by the CommandingOfficer, although in certain cases the computer caninitiate Alert status upon detection of a potentially criticalsituation.In brief, the major operating modes are:• Cruise Mode. This refers to the normal operatingcondition of the spacecraft.• Yellow Alert Mode. This is a condition of increasedreadiness in which key systems are brought to greater operatingcapacity in anticipation of potential crises.• Red Alert Mode. This condition is invoked duringactual or immediately imminent emergency conditions. It isalso invoked during battle situations.• External Support Mode. This is a state of reducedsystem operations typically invoked when the ship is dockedat a <strong>star</strong>base and is at least partially dependent on externalpower or environmental support systems.• Separated Flight Mode. This is a set of operatingprotocols used when the Saucer Module has separated fromthe Stardrive Section. Note that many Red Alert operatingrules apply, since such separation is typically for combatsituations.• Reduced Power Mode. These protocols may be activatedwhen power availability or power usage is reduced toless than 26% of normal Cruise Mode load.Note that while each operating mode has a distinct set ofoperating rules and protocols, the Commanding Officer has awide latitude in responding to specific situations. This isespecially critical during Alert situations. The OperationsManager is also heavily involved in making judgments regardingpriority allocations for departments and systems at suchtimes.This refers to the normal operating condition of the USSEnterprise. During Cruise Mode, ship's primary operationalpersonnel are organized into three distinct working shifts.Each shift is assigned to duty status during one of three eighthourwork periods. Primary operations are defined as thosefunctions that must be performed or enabled at all times.These are generally to insure the spaceworthiness of thevehicle, environmental support, propulsion systems operations,and the ability to perform primary missions.Other support functions including secondary missionoperations are not necessarily required to be maintained ona twenty-four-hour-a-day basis. Many such departments willconfine themselves to one or two operational shifts to increasethe interactivity among working personnel.Cruise Mode operational rules include:• Level 4 automated diagnostic series are run on all ship'sprimary and tactical systems at the beginning of each shift.(Key systems may require-more frequent diagnostics perspecific operational and safety rules.)• At least one major power system to remain at operationalstatus at all times. At least one additional power systemto be maintained at standby. (For example, if the warpengines are currently providing propulsion and power, CruiseMode operating rules require eitherthe main impulse engines,the Saucer Module impulse engines, or an auxiliary fusiongenerator to be at standby.)• Long-range navigational sensors to be active if the shipis traveling at warp speed. Lateral and forward sensor arraysto be maintained at ready status, although these instrumentscan be made available for secondary mission use at thediscretion of Ops.• Navigational deflector to be active as needed for protectionof the spacecraft from unanticipated debris or dragfrom the interstellar medium.• At least 40% of phaser bank elements and one photontorpedo launcher to be maintained at cold standby status,available for activation at two minutes' notice.• One shuttlebay is maintained at launch readiness withat least one shuttle vehicle maintained at launch minus fiveminutes status.

Ib.S YtLLUVU MLtHl15.5 YELLOW ALERTThis designates a shipwide state of increased preparednessfor possible crisis situations. During Yellow Alert, all ondutycrew and attached personnel are informed of the potentialcrisis via panel display and are directed to prepare forpossible emergency action. Second shift crew personnel arealso alerted and those in key operational positions are directedto prepare for possible duty on five minutes' notice.Cross-trained second shift personnel are directed to preparefor possible duty in their secondary assignments. Specificsystems preparations include:• Level 5 automated diagnostics are performed to verifyreadiness of autonomous survival and recovery vehicle systems(lifeboats).Yellow Alert can be invoked by the Commanding Officer,Operations Manager, Chief Engineer, Tactical Officer, or bythe supervisor of any current primary mission operation. Additionally,the main computer can automatically invoke YellowAlert status in some cases upon detection of certain types ofunknown spacecraft, as well as upon detection of certaintypes of malfunctions or system failures.• Level 4 automated diagnostic series run on all ship'sprimary and tactical systems to determine ship's currentreadiness status.• If presently off-line, warp power core brought to fulloperating condition and maintained at 20% power output.Level 4 diagnostics provide a status report on warp capabilityincluding maximum available engine output.• Main impulse propulsion system brought to full operatingcondition. At least one backup reactor element is broughtto hot standby. In Yellow Alert status triggered by potentialhostile action, Saucer Module impulse propulsion system isbrought to partial standby.• All tactical and long-range sensor arrays are brought tofull operational status. Secondary mission use of any sensorelements can be overridden if required by bridge.• Deflector systems brought to full standby. Secondarydeflector generators brought to partial standby. All operationalbackup generators are energized to partial readiness.• Phaser banks are energized to partial standby. Powerconduits are enabled, and targeting scanners are activated.Level 4 automated diagnostics verify operational status.• Photon torpedo launchers are brought to partial standby.One torpedo device is energized to partial launch readinessand primed with a standard antimatter charge, unlessspecifically overridden by Ops or Tactical. Level 4 automateddiagnostics confirm operational status.• The Battle Bridge is brought to partial standby statusand backup bridge crews are notified for possible duty in theevent of possible Saucer sep maneuvers.• Two of the three shuttlebays are brought to launchreadiness. The number of shuttlecraft at launch readiness ismaintained at one.• Onboard sensors record the location of all personneland alert Security of any anomalous activity. Location andactivity information is recorded for postmission analysis.

15.6 RED ALERTThis condition is invoked during actual states of emergencyin which the vehicle or crew are endangered, immediatelyimpending emergencies, or combat situations.Durinn Red Alert situations, crew and attached personnelfrom all three duty shifts are informed via alarm klaxons andannunciator lights. Key second shift personnel are ordered toreport immediately to their primary duty stations, while othersecond shift personnel report to their secondary duty stations.Key third shift personnel (who are presumably on their sleepcycle) are ordered to report to their secondary duty stations (orspecial assignment stations) in fifteen minutes. Specificsystems preparations include:• Level 4 automatic diagnostic series run on all ship'sprimary and tactical systems at five-minute intervals. Bridgegiven immediate notification of any significant change inship's readiness status.• If presently off-line, warp power core to be brought to fulloperating condition and maintained at 75% power output.Level 3 diagnostics conducted on warp propulsion systems atinitiation of Red Alert status, Level 4 series repeated at fiveminuteintervals.• Main impulse propulsion system is brought to fulloperating condition. All operational backup reactor units arebrought to hot standby. In actual or potential combat situations,Saucer Module impulse propulsion system is broughtto full operating status.• Onboard sensors record the location of all personneland alert Security of any anomalous activity. Location andactivity information is recorded for postmission analysis.• Level 4 automated diagnostics are performed to verifyreadiness of autonomous survival and recovery vehicle systems(lifeboats). Readiness of ejection initiator servos isverified through a partial Level 3 semiautomated check.Security officers are assigned to insure that all passagewaysto lifeboat accesses are clear.• Isolation doors and forcefields are automatically closedbetween sections to contain the effects of possible emergencies,including fire and decompression of habitable volume.Red Alert situations, by their very nature, frequentlyinvolve unforeseeable variables and unpredictable circumstances.For this reason, Red Alert (even more than otheroperating states) requires the Commanding Officer and allpersonnel to remain flexible. All Red Alert operating rules,therefore, are subject to adaptation based on specific situations.Red Alert can be invoked by the Commanding Officer,Operations Manager, Chief Engineer, or the Tactical Officer.Additionally, the main computer can automatically invoke RedAlert status in some cases upon detection of certain types ofunknown spacecraft, as well as upon detection of certaintypes of critical malfunctions or system failures. In suchcases, the automatic declaration of Red Alert status is subjectto review by the Commanding Officer.• All tactical and long-range sensor arrays are brought tofull operational status. Secondary mission use of sensorelements is discontinued, except with approval of Ops.• Deflector systems are automatically brought to tacticalconfiguration unless specifically overridden by the TacticalOfficer. All available secondary and backup deflector generatorsare brought to hot standby.• Phaser banks are energized to full standby. Powerconduits are enabled, targeting scanners are activated. Level3 diagnostics are performed to confirm operational status.• Photon torpedo launchers are brought to full standby.One torpedo device in each launcher is energized to fulllaunch readiness and primed with a standard antimattercharge of 1.5 kg.• The Battle Bridge is brought to full standby status andbackup bridge crews are notified for possible duty in the eventof possible Saucer sep maneuvers.• All three shuttlebays are brought to launch readiness.Two shuttlecraft are brought to launch minus thirty seconds'readiness.

15.7 EXTERNAL SUPPORT MODE 15.8 SEPARATED FLIGHT MODEThis is a state of reduced activity that exists when theship is docked at a <strong>star</strong>base or other support facility. DuringExternal Support Mode, the ship will typically receive umbilicalsupport for at least a portion of operating power and/or lifesupport, thus enabling a partial or total shutdown of onboardpower generation.External Support Mode rules permit the spacecraft toconduct a cold shutdown of all primary power plants as longas sufficient umbilical support is provided for all remainingpersonnel and systems. These protocols are intended topermit maintenance of critical systems, which would otherwisebe difficult to accomplish during normal service cycles.External Support operational rules include:• Spacecraft must be hard docked to support facility withumbilical connects providing electro plasma system power,environmental support, structural integrity field (SIF) power,and thermal and gravitational control. At least one hardgangway must provide direct shirtsleeve access between thespacecraft and the service facility.• Cold shutdown of all primary power plants is permittedas long as sufficient umbilical support is provided for allonboard activity. It is preferred that at least one auxiliaryfusion generator remain on-line, if possible.• Partial shutdown of environmental support systems ispermitted, allowing atmospheric and water processing to behandled by support facility through umbilical connects. Lifesupport service must continue to be provided for all inhabitedportions of the ship's interior. Onboard ventilator fans, airconditioning,thermal control, and plumbing must be maintained,although specific areas may be shut down as neededfor maintenance work.• Gravitational power generation may be discontinued solong as field energy for synthetic gravity is provided throughumbilical connects.• Cold shutdown of both structural integrity field andinertial damping field is permitted so long as spacecraft remainshard docked to support facility. It is preferred that atleast one SIF generator remain at hot standby.• Cold shutdown of all navigational and tactical deflectorsystems is permitted so long as the spacecraft remains harddocked to the support facility. It is preferred that at least oneSIF generator remain at hot standby.Any time the two major components of the total <strong>star</strong>shipmust undock and perform different flight tasks, SeparatedFlight Mode is initiated. Benign situations involve a variationon Cruise Mode rules (See: 15.4), while emergency situationsinvolve a follow-on subset of Red Alert rules (See: 15.6).Separation under benign conditions will most often occurduring maintenance layovers and flight dynamics checkouts,when the risk to both spacecraft is negligible. Operationalrules include:• Level 4 automated diagnostic series are run on all ship'sprimary and tactical systems at the beginning of each shift.(Key systems may require more frequent diagnostics perspecific operational and safety rules.)• At least one major power system to remain at operationalstatus at all times. At least one additional power systemto be maintained at standby.• One shuttlebay is maintained at launch readiness withat least one shuttle vehicle maintained at launch minus fiveminutes' status.Emergency situations requiring separation generallyrequire greatly increased activity and energy production, andpersonnel movements within each <strong>star</strong>ship component. Onceseparation is ordered, the following special operational rulesare observed:• Warp power core to be brought to full operatingcondition and maintained at >90% power output. Level 3diagnostics conducted on warp propulsion systems at initiationof Red Alert status, Level 4 series repeated at five-minuteintervals.• Main impulse propulsion system is brought to fulloperating condition. All operational backup reactor units arebrought to hot standby. In actual or potential combat situations,Saucer Module impulse propulsion system is broughtto full operating status.• Saucer Module SIF/IDF systems are set to high outputfor all velocity regimes, including low warp or sublight velocities.During benign situations, Separated Flight Mode may beinitiated by the Commanding Officer, Operations Manager,Chief Engineer, or the Tactical Officer, depending on theexact nature of the vessel separation. In its emergencyversion, this mode may be invoked only by the CommandingOfficer immediately following a transfer of control to the BattleBridge. All automatic preparations, as initiated by the maincomputer, may be made without the actual call for separation,in order to prepare both components for rapid response times.

15.9 REDUCED POWER MODEReduced Power Mode refers to a number of operatingstates designed for maximum power conservation. Theseprotocols can be invoked in case of a major failure in spacecraftpower generation, in case of critical fuel shortage, or inthe event that a tactical situation requires severe curtailmentof onboard power generation.When Reduced Power Mode is invoked, a Level 5systems analysis is performed for the entire spacecraft, withthe results made available to the Commanding Officer, theChief Engineer, and the Operations Manager. The purposeof this analysis is to determine an overall energy budget forthe spacecraft, to help plan power allocations that will minimizeoperational compromises.• If the spacecraft is not presently traveling at warpvelocity, a cold shutdown of the entire warp propulsionsystem is to be performed. Exceptions to this rule includesituations where the warp core is the only remaining powersource for the spacecraft, or when failure of other sources arebelieved imminent, or when the Commanding Officer determinesthe necessity for warp velocity travel.• Main impulse propulsion system is to be brought to theminimum required to maintain onboard power usage. Backupfusion reactors are to be kept at standby, but should remainoff-line unless necessary, at the discretion of the Chief Engineer.• Hourly energy budget and consumption reports to bemade by the Operations Manager to the Chief Engineer andthe Commanding Officer.• Phaser banks brought to cold shutdown unlessdeemed necessary by the Commanding Officer.• Photon torpedo launchers brought to cold shutdownunless deemed necessary by the Commanding Officer.• Shuttlebay operations are suspended unless specificallyauthorized by the Commanding Officer. Any use ofshuttle vehicles is to be conducted from either secondaryshuttlebay. Ingress and egress is to be minimized, with useof forcefield doors minimized.• Crew status survey to be conducted by Securitydepartment with preparations made for contingency evacuationof part of the ship's habitable volume for environmentalsupport conservation.• Environmental systems to operate at no more than50% of normal levels. Ship's compartments not in use to besealed off for conservation of environmental resources.• Transporter usage is not allowed unless specificallyordered by the Commanding Officer or department head.• Turbolift system usage discouraged for all personnel.Activation of turbolift requires voice ID; computer may requestexplanation of need.• Energy-intensive recreational activities such asHolodeck usage not permitted.• Food replicator usage is not allowed. Preserved foodstores are made available to all personnel. In a lesser crisis,minimum replicator power can be made available for synthesisof TKL rations or similar.• Spacecraft flight operations are to be conducted in aconservative manner. If warp travel is deemed necessary,speeds greater than integral warp factors are not allowed dueto lesser efficiencies at fractional warp factors (i.e., it ispermitted to travel at Warp 2.0 or Warp 3.0, but not Warp 2.5or 3.4).• Inertial damping system and structural integrity field tobe operated at minimum levels. Only one of each generatorto be operational, unless system failure is believed imminentor unless tactical situations dictate otherwise. Accordingly,changes in velocity are to be kept to a minimum.• All use of tactical and lateral sensor arrays for secondarymissions to be discontinued, except where deemedessential by the Operations Manager.• Deflector systems brought to minimum power. Secondarydeflector generators and backups brought to coldshutdown unless deemed necessary by the CommandingOfficer, Flight Control Officer (Conn), or Tactical Officer.Navigational deflector to be operated at minimum power.

16.0 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS16.2 FIRE SUPPRESSION16.1 INTRODUCTION TO EMERGENCY OPERATIONS 10.2 FIRE SUPPRESSIONThe entire philosophy behind the integrated systemsdesign of the Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>ship is one of maximizing crewsafety during all mission profiles and in all emergency situations.Starileet has a long tradition of placing the safety of itspeople first. The extraordinary lengths to which Starfleet hasgone in insuring crew safety in the design and operation of itsships is a persuasive demonstration of Starfleet's commitmentto this tradition and philosophy.The principle of automatic computer monitoring of shipoperations to detect and correct system anomalies longbefore they become problems has long been a means ofoptimizing both crew safety and operational effectiveness.This process alone deals with over 87% of all potentialproblems with minimal crew intervention.The Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>ship, like its predecessors, incorporatesa sophisticated array of redundant systems and backups,intended to assure continuous service of all key systems.Critical environmental support and engineering systems willgenerally employ at least one backup, which is physicallyseparated from the primary and has power supplied by anindependent source.Supplementing these approaches are systems, protocols,trained personnel, and specialized hardware intended tocope with a wide range of potential emergency situations.The habitable volume of the Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>ship isconstructed of materials conforming to SFRA-standard528.1 (b) for inflammability in nitrogen-oxygen atmospheres.All shipboard equipment, furnishings, and personal effectsonboard must conform to SFRA 528.5(c-f). The Chief Engineeris responsible for the observance of these policies by alldepartments and personnel.Fire detection sensors are incorporated into the environmentalmonitoring sensors located throughout the habitablevolume of the spacecraft. These sensors scan for changes inair temperature or ionization, and are also programmed todetect airborne particles or gases characteristic of combustionbyproducts. Crew members can also signal the presenceof a fire by use of personal communicator or comm panel.In the event of fire, monitoring sensors would immediatelynotify Ops as well as Security. In the case of a relativelysmall fire, acontainmentforcefield would begenerated aroundthe burning area by the ship's computer. This field seals thefire off from the atmospheric oxygen supply, causing mostfires to be rapidly extinguished. In the event of such anoccurrence, crew personnel should remain at least two metersfrom the fire to avoid unnecessary exposure to either firehazards or the forcefield.Ceiling mounted detectorcluster projects firesuppression forcefieldForcefield containsflame, preventingatmospheric oxygenfrom feeding fire16.2.1 Use of forcefields for fire suppressionCarbon dioxideexhaust istrapped inside,suffocating fire

18.3 EMERGENCY MEDICAL OPERATIONSTo avoid spontaneous re-ignition of an extinguished fire,the computer will maintain containment field until the combustiblematerial has cooled to below the ignition point.Larger fires may require the activation of section isolationdoors and forcefields to limit the possible spread of the fire. Insuch cases, extinguishing fields can be supplemented withhandheld fire extinguishers and firefighting gear located instrategically placed corridor storage modules.In extreme emergencies, isolated sections of the habitablevolume can be vented to the vacuum of space. Since thisprocedure would be fatal to any crew member in thosesections, such venting cannot be performed until the areashave been evacuated. The only exceptions to this protocolare if the Commanding Officer certifies that the fire poses animminent danger to the entire spacecraft and crew.16.3 EMERGENCY MEDICAL OPERATIONSAt first glance, it might appear that the Galaxy class USSEnterprise is overequipped for medical support. While thenominal mission of the medical department is to providehealth care for the ship's crew and attached personnel, this isa relatively small task considering the standard long-termcrew complement of about a thousand individuals. However,the Medical department must also be capable of respondingto a wide range of medical and emergency situations. Thesescenarios include emergencies on other spacecraft, planetarydisasters, and bacteriologic and other exobiologicalthreats, as well as crises involving nonhumanoid patients.One of the key provisions for emergency preparednessis the requirement that at least 40% of crew and attachedpersonnel be cross-trained for various secondary assignmentsincluding emergency medical, triage, and other disasterresponse functions. (Other nonmedical support secondaryassignments include Engineering and Security duties.)Yellow and Red Alert protocols call for cross-trained personnelwith noncritical primary assignments to be available fortheir secondary assignments as necessary.Emergency medical facilities are designed to significantlyincrease the patient-load capacity of the Enterprisesickbay. Depending on the severity and patient load, differentoptions are available.Large numbers of patients can be handled by emergencyconversion of one or more shuttlebays into triage and treatmentcenters. The main shuttlebay is equipped with fiveportable emergency hospital modules, which can be set up inthe flight deck area, providing up to five triage and surgerywards. Three additional emergency patient care modules canprovide up to seventy-five intensive-care beds and 530medium-care beds. Shuttlebays 2 and 3 are each equippedwith one hospital and one emergency patient care module.These emergency care facilities are equipped for full biohazardprotocol, minimizing exposure risk to Enterprise personnel.Additionally, Shuttlebay 3 includes hardware for shorttermconversion to Class H, K, or L environmental conditions,intended for nonhumanoid populations. Note that the use ofshuttlebay facilities for medical service will necessarily impactshuttlecraft launch and recovery operations, a factor that canbe significant during evacuation scenarios. For this reason,large-scale evacuation involving shuttlecraft support willgenerally make use of sickbay and other facilities first, beforeshuttlebay conversion procedures are invoked.Fewer numbers of patients can be handled by conversionof other facilities. Guest quarters on Decks 5 and 6 areconvertible to medical intensive-care use, and utility hookupsThe idea of forcefields being used to extinguish shipboard fires was devised by writer Meiinda Snodgrass in her episode "Upthe Long Ladder." It was not only logical in terms of the ship's technology, but made for a pretty funny scene.

to those compartments include biomedical telemetry links andmedical gas connections. The ship's cargo bays, gymnasiums,and other recreational facilities can also be converted toemergency medical use. All of these compartments arestocked with medical conversion kits, which provide necessaryhardware and standard medical supplies. Additionally,during noncrisis situations, one or more Holodecks can beconverted to patient care use. While this is a very convenientprocedure, it is also very energy-intensive and is not normallyemployed for long-term care or during alert situations.Supplementing emergency medical supplies, contingencypreparedness scenarios include provisions for large-scalereplication of supplies and hardware. Nevertheless, becauseenergy availability for replication may be severely limitedduring crisis situations, emergency plans are designed todepend primarily upon the use of stored supplies.A typical emergency situation might be a case where asevere explosion has injured 150 crew members on a <strong>star</strong>ship.The Enterprise medical department response might be asfollows:Afterthe determination of the existence of the emergencysituation, the Chief Medical Officer would receive a reportfrom the Main Bridge. The CMO would consult with theCommanding Officer as well as the Security Officer to determinethat the accident site is sufficiently safe for Enterprisepersonnel to transport over. Such determination would generallybe based on sensor scans of the accident site.The CMO may opt to supplement the on-site triage team withan on-site treatment team, although treatment in a controlledon-ship environment is usually preferred.Using all personnel transporters aboard the Enterprise, amaximum of approximately one thousand individuals per hourcan be evacuated to the ship. If the number of casualties isrelatively small, site-to-site transport can be used to beam thepatients directly to the on-board treatment area. Otherwise,patients are beamed only to the transporter rooms and thenshuttled to the treatment area by gurney. This is because siteto-sitetransport effectively halves the capacity of the transportersystem.While on-site triage is underway, conversion of secondarytreatment areas would be prepared, using medical conversionkits. For major disasters, hospital and emergencypatient care modules can be deployed, providing full-scalesurgical and intensive-care facilities. If necessary, theseconversions can include complete biohazard protocols.Once patients are received onboard, treatment teamswould include all available medical staff. The medical staffwould be supplemented as needed by additional crosstrainedpersonnel from other departments.A survey and triage team would then be transported tothe accident site. The CMO would normally lead this team,evaluating the extent of casualties and on-site requirements.Simultaneously, the medical staff on the Enterprise would bepreparing sickbay and secondary treatment areas for theimminent arrival of patients.At the accident site, the triage team would separatepatients into one of three categories:1. Individuals whose injuries are not immediately lifethreateningand do not require immediate transport to theship;2. Individuals whose injuries are severe enough torequire immediate attention but can be successfully treated;and3. Individuals whose injuries are so severe that they arebeyond help.Individuals in the second category are prioritized fortransport to the ship. The triage team does not administer anyactual patient care (except for airway management) becauseto do so would slow triage processing to an unacceptable rate.

16.4 LIFEBOATS16.4 LIFEBOATSThe nature of its missions in the galaxy requires that theEnterprise carry a set of small spacecraft for dedicatedescape and rescue operations. Located throughout both thePrimary and Secondary Hulls, these ejectable lifeboats aredesigned to meet the short-term survival needs of the <strong>star</strong>shipcrew in the event of a catastrophic emergency.As set down in the original Starfleet specifications, thestandardized ASRV, or autonomous survival and recoveryvehicle, is capable of the following operations:• Rapid departure from its parent <strong>star</strong>ship with aminimum velocity of 40 m/s.Independent maneuvering with a total delta-v of 3,600m/sec.• Life support for a total of eighty-six person-days.• Recombination with other lifeboats after ejection toaugment survivability.• Subspace radio signaling for location and recovery.• Atmosphere entry and landing.The first group of ASRVs were delivered in 2337 in timeto be fitted to the last Renaissance class <strong>star</strong>ship, the USSHokkaido, and with minimal hardware and software changeswere chosen as the lifeboats for the Galaxy class. Automatedfacilities on Earth, Mars, Rigel IV, and Starbase 326 produce85% of the ASRVs, with satellite facilities on Velikan V andRangifer II acting as industry second-sources for the remaining15%.The ASRV measures 3 x 3 x 3 m and its shape is characterizedas a truncated cube. The total mass is 1.35 metrictonnes. Its internal spaceframe is a standard beam andstringer arrangement, constructed from gamma-welded tritaniumand frumium monocarbonite. The frame is skinnedwith single-crystal microfilleted tritanium, with umbilical passthroughs,conformal emitters, and sensors doped with hafniumcobarate for passive thermal control during atmosphereentry.Spacecraft propulsion is achieved through three distinctsystems: ejection initiator, main impulse engine, and reactioncontrol system. The ejection initiator is a single-pulse, bufferedmicrofusion device that propels the lifeboat through thelaunch channel. Power is tapped from the fusion reaction to<strong>star</strong>t the lifeboat's inertial damping field and spin up the gravitygenerator. Like its larger cousin aboard the Enterprise, theIDF protects the crew against acceleration forces. The mainimpulse engine, a low-power microfusion system for all pri-Environmental systemSurvival gear storageConsumables storage •Acceleration seatEntry/docking hatch (1 of 4) •External sensors •Main impulse engine16.4.1 Typical lifeboat pod

16.4 LIFEBOATSmary spacecraft maneuvering, is rated at a maximum 950 kgthrust and is fed from a 75 kg deuterium fuel supply. Thereaction control system performs all precise attitude andtranslation motions required for combined operations withother lifeboats and maneuvering during planetary landing.Life support on the ASRV is maintained by its automaticenvironmental system, providing complete atmospheric composition,pressure, humidity, and temperature control. Storedfood and water supplies as well as a waste managementsystem are included. Lightweight environment suits arestowed with portable survival packs for planetside operation.The normal lifeboat crew capacity is four, with provisions foras many as six if necessary.One important feature of the ASRV design, the in-linetwin hatches, allows it to dock with other lifeboats to formlarger clusters. This capability, nicknamed "gaggle mode" byexperienced pilots, dramatically increases in-space survivalrates by affording access to wounded crew members bymedical personnel, combining consumables supplies, andadding propulsion options. Gaggle mode must be terminatedprior to atmosphere entry, as the structural loads cannot behandled by the combined craft.Out of four hundred ejectable lifeboats installed within theGalaxy class, eighty are specialized ASRVs with two additionaldocking ports to increase the packing density andstructural integrity of the gaggle. Computer simulationsindicate that at least 25% of any total number of ejectedASRVs are likely to be the four-port version.Crucial to the successful recovery of the ASRVs are thesubspace communications systems and automatic distressbeacons.Lifeboats are yet another nifty idea that we may never actuallyget to see in an episode. Oh the other hand, model makerGreg Jein, who built some of the dead <strong>star</strong>ships for thegraveyard scene in "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II," putsome open lifeboat hatches on the destroyed ships, therebysuggesting that lifeboats were indeed used. Careful examinationof that scene shows several different <strong>star</strong>ships, includingthe Nebula class USS Melbourne, designed by Ed Miarecki.16.3.2 Lifeboat ejection hatches (dorsal view)

HMHIlffli'lllMiMliaiifflllllffi16.5 RESCUE AND EVAC OPERATIONSRescue and evacuation operations generally fall into twocategories, rescue and evacuation to the ship, and evacuationfrom the ship. The former will generally involve transportfrom another ship or a planetary surface. The latter willgenerally involve removal of the ship's company to anothership, a planetary surface, or into space.RESCUE SCENARIOSResources available for rescue and evacuation to theship include:• Ability to transport up to 1,000 persons per hour to theship via personnel transporters.• Availability of five personnel shuttlecraft on immediatestandby and up to six additional shuttles available on twelvehournotice. Additional shuttle vehicles may be available dependingon other mission requirements and maintenancestatus. Total transport capacity of these vehicles varies withrange and other factors, but averages 250 persons per hourfrom Class M planetary surfaces to standard orbit.• Capacity to support up to 15,000 evacuees withconversion of shuttlebays and cargo bays to emergency livingaccommodations.• Ability to convert secondary shuttlebays and Holodeckareas to emergency medical triage and treatment centers.Cross-training of sufficient <strong>star</strong>ship personnel to handle suchsituations.• Ability for short-term conversion of Shuttlebay 3 toClass H, K, or L environmental conditions.range and other factors, but averages 250 persons per hourfrom standard orbit to a Class M planetary surface.• Abandon-ship protocols include use of ASRV (autonomoussurvival and recovery vehicle) lifeboats, which providefree space survival accommodations for up to 1,400 individualsfor up to fourteen days. A total of four hundred ASRVs areavailable (See: 16.4).• In a lesser emergency in either the Saucer Module orthe Stardrive Section, the saucer separation maneuver is anoption, with evacuation of the ship's company to whicheversection is not affected by the crisis. Evacuation protocolsinclude options to leave behind a team of engineering personnelor other specialists who will attempt to deal with the emergencysituation.• Environmental suits are available for evacuation intothe space environment. In such scenarios, personnel mayexit through any of the exterior airlocks, through the shuttlebays,orthroughtheexteriorturbolift couplings (assuming thatthe turbolift system has been disabled). Environmental suitsare available in storage lockers at all exit ports and shuttlebays,as well as in emergency equipment lockers located incorridor storage modules located throughout the habitablevolume of the spacecraft.• Many exterior windows are also equipped with emergencyrelease mechanisms that will permit direct exterior access.These emergency release mechanisms, located nearthe base of most windows, are enabled only in the event ofatmospheric pressure loss, power loss, certain Red Alertscenarios, and only if personnel within that contiguous compartmentare protected with environmental suits.ABANDON-SHIP SCENARIOSResources available for abandon-ship scenarios include:• Ability to transport up to 1,850 persons per hour from theship via personnel transporters, including the use of emergencybeam-out-only transporters.• Availability of five personnel shuttlecraft on immediatestandby and up to six additional shuttles available on twelvehournotice. Additional shuttle vehicles may be available dependingon other mission requirements and maintenancestatus. Total transport capacity of these vehicles varies withWe were consulting with writer Lee Sheldon, who wanted to know how long it would take the Enterprise to evacuate the entirepopulation of a planet for the episode "Devil's Due." Based on maximum rates mentioned here, we estimated that thetransporters and shuttlecraft could bring approximately 1,250 persons per hour to the ship. It would therefore take about twelvehours to bring up 15,000 people, the theoretical maximum. If they were taking these people to a planet five light years awayat Warp 9, it would take about forty-eight hours for the round trip. Adding twenty-four hours for loading and off-loading, thiswould a verage out to about 200 people an hour. If the planet had four billion inhabitants, it would therefore take the Ente rpriseabout 1,900 years to evacuate everyone, assuming they lived that long. (Melinda Bell points out that things would be madeeven worse if they had children.)

17.0 CONCLUSION17.2 FUTURE DIRECTIONS: THE ROAD TO 1701-E17.1 PROJECTED UPGRADES 17.2 FUTURE DIRECTIONS: THE ROAD TO 1701-EThe Galaxy class USS Enterprise is not a static design.Rather, it is a dynamic system that is constantly being adaptedto revised mission objectives and continuing <strong>technical</strong> advances.A key element of these adaptations is an ongoingprogram of upgrades and refits expected to continue throughoutthe projected hundred-year lifetime of the spacecraft.Starfleet expects numerous significant advances in technologyduring that time.Minor system upgrades are often performed during routine<strong>star</strong>base layovers. During the ship's early years, suchupgrades are expected to take place with relatively greatfrequency — perhaps two to four times annually — as thespacecraft operating systems "mature" with flight experience.Later, upgrades and refits are expected to occur less frequently,but will often be for maintenance or mission-specificpurposes. Currently anticipated system upgrades includeannual replacement of the LCARS computer software and amajor upgrade of the warp drive's matter/antimatter reactionassembly, scheduled for early in the vessel's sixth year ofoperation.After the initial few years of shakedown, major upgradesare typically scheduled for twenty-year intervals, when theship is removed from service for approximately one year sothat work such as computer core swapout or warp coilreplacement can be accomplished.Other major system refits can be performed at the directionof Starfleet Command when it is necessary to reconfigurethe spacecraft for another mission classification. Such majormission-related reconfigurations are not expected to be frequentlyrequired for the multimission Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>ships,but the scope of Starfleet's objectives often require flexibilityin mission philosophies.Twenty years from now, the Ga/axyclass USS Enterprisewill still be in the first phase of her operational lifetime. Crewswill follow rotation cycles. New captains and senior officerswill steer her into missions of vital importance to the preservationof peace in the Milky Way and the continued explorationof the unknown. Eventually, the Ga/axyclass will be supersededwith a new space vehicle whose design will be as revolutionaryas that of the Enterprise is today. One <strong>star</strong>ship in thenew class may even be the sixth to bear the name Enterprise,theNCC-1701-E.Starfleet Command, through its Advanced Starship DesignBureau, is already considering concepts for the proposedNova class. It is difficult to predict mission and technologicrequirements for vehicles that are still in the early phases ofplanning, but even these preliminary concepts offer a fascinatingglimpse into the future.One proposed Nova concept calls for a ship with approximately10% less total internal volume than the current Galaxyclass, but which features a hybridized external shape. Theoverall curvilinear style of the 1701-D was shaped by anunderstanding of warp physics that is being refined. Researchinto materials, manufacturing processes, and theenhanced utilization of warp energies are driving toward ahybrid angular-curvilinear hull shape. Proponents of thisdesign contend that the vehicle will require less fabricationtime due to the simplified cross sections, and will also demandless major hull and frame rebuilding over its operational life.R&D facilities within the Federation assume that a new cycleof improved hardware efficiency and changing political conditionswithin the galaxy could allow for redefined missions witha down-sized vessel.Another approach assumes that warp field control techniqueswill improve to the point where even greater Z-axiswarp field compression will be possible than in the presentGa/axyclass ship. This concept would feature a primary hulldescribed as a 24° ellipse for substantially greater peaktransitional efficiency. Preliminary tests have been unable tomaintain a stable warp envelope with this degree of Z-axis

17.2 FUTURE DIRECTIONS: THE ROAD T01701Edistortion, but advanced research in high-frequency subspacefield modulation may lead to a breakthrough in thisarea.Still another advanced <strong>star</strong>ship concept would call forvariable-geometry warp nacelle pylons permitting optimizationof field stress during extended Warp 8+ flight, resulting insignificantly improved engine efficiencies. This design studyfeatures a saucer section composed of wedge-shaped modularsegments that could be easily replaced as mission demandschange and new technology becomes available. Thisconcept calls for an internal volume approximately 40% lessthan the present Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>ship, but this design isexpected to perform similar mission profiles within normalcruise ranges because of the relative ease of spacecraftsegment swapout.A fourth possible advanced <strong>star</strong>ship design would completelyabandon the traditional saucer and nacelle configurationin favorof a linear arrangement featuring forward mountedwarp nacelles. Crew and mission-specific modules would bemounted along the spine of the spaceframe. This conceptwould require significant advances in warp geometry technologies,but it would permit tremendous flexibility in shipconfiguration with little structural modification to the basicspaceframe. Proponents of this design suggest that theadditional R&D costs for this ship would be more than balancedby the savings realized through the adaptability of thisdesign to a wide range of <strong>star</strong>ship types.Whatever the direction of future <strong>star</strong>ship design, variousvehicle planforms will be tested in thousands of hours ofcomputer simulations and in the flight of testbed vessels,leading to the final design, in much the same process that ledto the Galaxy class Enterprise. Theoretical engine designswill come and go, with each new type adding to the knowledgegained from its predecessors. Alloys and composites will besubjected to unimaginable stresses. The best of these will bechosen to form new shells to preserve living environments forthose who travel among the <strong>star</strong>s.Even with the remarkable assistance of thinking machinesand industrial hardware, the task will still be accomplishedby people, imagining and guiding. The desire to moveever outward will remain strong within many evolving civilizations,as they find purpose through the creation of vessels thatcarry us into the unknown.17.2.1 Early concepts for a Nova class <strong>star</strong>ship

17.3 MISSION BACKGROUND17.3 MISSION BACKGROUNDThe role of the multimission <strong>star</strong>ship in Starfleet's vehiclemix has undergone significant changes in recent years.Dramatic expansion of Federation territory and in the numberof member cultures has led to increases in the demands onStarfleet operations within the Federation, as well as beyondthe frontier. Further, recent experiences with the Romulans,the Cardassians, and the Borg as well as disturbing reports ofunrest within the Klingon Empire illustrate the importance ofmaintaining a significant defensive capability.As required research and patrol ranges increase annually,the number of spacecraft required increases dramatically.Accordingly, Starfleet vessel construction policies areincreasingly based on the theory that it is more efficient tohave a larger number of small, mission-specific <strong>star</strong>ships,than to have a smaller number of large, multimission vehicles.This need for multimission vessels is made greater byStarfleet's continuing emphasis on deep-space exploration.Stellar survey operations beyond the Epsilon Quinonez sectoralone are expected to utilize 22% of Starfleet's exploratorycapacity over the next decade. And this estimate does notinclude follow-up planetary survey and cultural contact operations.There are those who have argued for reductions inStarfleet exploratory operations; those who have argued toredeploy our fleet resources for domestic and civil missions.Yet the fruits of Starfleet's exploration and life-contact directivesare a continuing source of vitality for the Federation itself.Domestic operations will continue to be a key part of ourmission mix, but it is clear that we must continue to pursueStarfleet's primary objective: To explore new worlds, to seekout new life, and new civilizations, and to boldly go where noone has gone before.The multimission capability of the Galaxy class <strong>star</strong>shipand its predecessors has, however, been shown to be anessential part of the vehicle mix. When operating beyondnormal Starfleet patrol range, the capacity for autonomousexecution of full-policy options is essential, though expensive.Accordingly, the Enterprise is equipped for nearly the entirespectrum of Starfleet missions.UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETSSTARFLEET COMMAND

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