1909-1910 - Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System

1909-1910 - Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System

1909-1910 - Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System


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JAMES HKfcNDERliAST LIBRARY3 1880 0242103 2DATE DUEJames Prendergast <strong>Library</strong> Association509 Cherry StreetJamestown, New York 14701Member Of<strong>Chautauqua</strong>-<strong>Cattaraugus</strong> <strong>Library</strong> <strong>System</strong>

THEJOURNAL'S DIRECTORYOFJ A M E S T O W NFALCONER, CELORON, LAKEWOOD and theRURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTESFROM JAMESTOWNigog-igiop-CONTAININGA Comprehensive Street Directory, an Alphabetical ResidenceDirectory, a Classified Business Directory and a Directoryof County and City Officials, City Institutions, Societies,Corporations, etc., and a Map of the CityP R I C E $3.00COMPILED, PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BYJournal Printing CompanyJOURNAL BUILDING, 12 WEST SECOND STREETJAMESTOWN, NEW YORK

INDEX T O C O N T E N T SPAGEAlphabetical Directory of Residents of Jamestown 1-299Athletic and Sporting ClubsxxBusiness and Professional AssociationsxxCeloron Directory 300-305CemeteriesxxiChurches and Church Societiesxix-xxCity Election Districtsx-xiiCity Governmentviii-ixCity Polling PlacesxiiClassified Business Directory 337-355Clubs, Literary Circles and Social OrganizationsxxiCounty GovernmentIv-vFalconer Directory 306-323Fire Alarm Boxes and Code of Callsix-xFire Department OfficersixIncorporated Companiesxii-xviiInstitutions, Societies and Clubs (not secret)xx-xxiiJamestown, Historical Sketchvi-viiiJustices of the Peace 346Labor OrganizationsxxviLakewood Directory 324-331Libraries and Educational InstitutionsxxiMap of Jamestown insertOpposite Title PageMiscellaneous OrganizationsxxiiNotaries Public 348-9Patriotic and Political SocietiesxxiPostofficexviiiPublic Schoolsxviii-xixPublicationsxviiiRural Free Delivery Route 75 '. 332Rural Free Delivery Route 76 332Rural Free Delivery Route 77 333Rural Free Delivery Route 78 333Rural Free Delivery Route 79 334Rural Free Delivery Route 80 334Rural Free Delivery Route 81 335Rural Free Delivery Route 82 336Rural Free Delivery Route 83 336Secret Societiesxxii-xxvStreet, Avenue and Alley DirectoryPreceding AlphabeticalWard Boundariesx

*%>*U N I O N T R U S T C O M P A N YOF JAMESTOWN, NEW YORKCapital and Surplus $340,000.00 \Transacts a General Banking BusinessOFFICERS fFRANK MERZ, President FREDERICK P. HALL, Treasurer |CYRUS E. JONES, Vice-Pres. HARRY L. BRIGGS, Cashier IGEO. V. BLACKSTONE, Vice-Pres. GEORGE R. BUTTS, Ass't Cashier IDIRECTORS!GEO. V. BLACKSTONE, Pres. Blackstone Mfg. Co. FREDERICK P. HALL, Pres. Journal Printing Co.ARTHUR K. BRIGGS, Treas. James. Worsted Mills CYRUS E. JONES CapitalistHARRY L. BRIGGS Cashier HARRY R. LEWIS Attorney at Law ?FRANK B. BUSH Capitalist FRANK MERZ - President oH. J. CRISSEY, Pres. Citizen's Trust Co.. Fredonia CHARLES SAMUELS CapitalistA. H. GREENLUND, Vice Pres. James. Lounge Co. R. C. SHELDON, Mgr. American Aristotype Co.WM. M. TAIT Oil Producer, Findlay, O.Money to Loan, Mortgages Bought, Notes Discounted, Deposits received, Certificates ofDeposit issued. Interest Books issued bearing 3 per cent. Interest compounded July 1stand January 1st. Safety Deposit Boxes for rent.•ea w>a *> w> m>*IF I R S T N A T I O N A L B A N KOF JAMESTOWN, N. Y.ICapital - - $153,300 |Surplus and Profit $300,000 |F. E. GIFFORD - - President *WM. BROADHEAD - Vice President IE.MORGAN - - Cashier |F. E. FELT - - Asst. Cashier *DIRECTORSF. E. Gifford Wm. Broadhead A. M. Kent J. T. Wilson?

M I S C E L L A N E O U S<strong>1909</strong>-10D I R E C T O R YCOUNTY AND DISTRICT POLI­TICAL DIRECTORY.Congress District. — The ThirtyseventhNew York Congressional Districtis composed of the counties of<strong>Chautauqua</strong>, <strong>Cattaraugus</strong> and Allegany.Edward B. Vreeland of Salamanca,representative.State Senate District.—The FiftiethNew York State Senate District iscomposed of the counties of <strong>Chautauqua</strong>and <strong>Cattaraugus</strong>. Charles M.Hamilton of Ripley, representative.State Assembly Districts.—<strong>Chautauqua</strong>County contains two State AssemblyDistricts. The First district iscomposed of Arkwright, Busti, Carroll,Charlotte, Cherry Creek, Ellery,Ellicott, Ellington, Gerry, Harmony,Kiantone, Poland, Stockton, Yillenovaand the City of Jamestown. AugustusF. Allen, of Jamestown, assemblyman.The Second District is composed of<strong>Chautauqua</strong>, Clymer, Dunkirk, FrenchCreek, Hanover, Mina, Pomfret, Portland,Ripley, Sheridan, Sherman,Westfield and the City of Dunkirk.John Leo Sullivan, of Dunkirk, representative.COUNTY OFFICERS.County Judge.—Arthur B. Ottaway,Westfield.Special County Judge—Frank S.Wheeler, Jamestown.County Clerk—E. J. McConnell,Mayville. Term expires Jan 1, <strong>1910</strong>;L. S. Lakin, Jr., nominated for successor.Deputy County Clerk—Henry D.Shepard, Mayville.Sheriff—Leon E. Button. Mayville.Term expires Jan. 1, <strong>1910</strong>; John P.Hall nominated for successor.Under Sheriff.—Willis E. Babcock,Jamestown.Surrogate.—Harley N. Crosby,Jamestown.Surrogate's Clerk.—Will D. Parker,Mayville.Special Surrogate.—Albert E. Nugent,J. Swift, son, County District Assistant Green, Jr., Mayville. Dunkirk. Jamestown.Attorney.—John Treasurer.—Emmons District Attorney.—Edw. K. Patter­J.Supt. of Poor.—Charle E. Dodge,Frewsburg.Coroners.—Bergen F. Illston, Jamestown;Charles Blood, Dunkirk; E. B.Osgood, Brocton.School Commissioners.—First district,Charles W. Hurlburt, WattsFlats; Second district. Charles W.Whitney, Brocton; Third district, JudsonS. Wright, Falconer.MEMBERS OF CITY COMMITTEE,REPUBLICAN.First ward, Frank J. McCormick;Second ward, John J. Maharon; Thirdward, Fred Illingworth; Fourth ward,J. Harold Swanson; Fifth ward, FrankW. Swanson; Sixth ward, Robert G.Swanson.MEMBERS OF CITY COMMITTEE,DEMOCRATIC.Same as county committee.MEMBERS OF COUNTY COMMIT­TEE.REPUBLICAN.Frank J. McCormick.MEMBERS OF COUNTY COMMIT­TEE.DEMOCRATIC.First ward, Arthur W. Hjorth;Thomas J. Kennedy; Second ward, F.Charles Herby; Walter W. White;Third ward, Daniel G. Ogilvie, WilliamH. Buchanan; Fourth ward, Royal C.Swanson, George Hope; Fifth ward,E. E. Herrick; Sixth ward, George C.Van Dusen, Horace A. Davidson.BOARD OF SUPERVISORS.Arkwright.—Edgar A. Tarbox; postofficeaddress, Cassaaaga, R. F. D. 31Busti.—J. William Sanbury; postofficeaddress, Jamestown. R. F. D. 79.Carroll.—H. R. Bennett; postofficeaddress, Frewsburg.Charlotte.—John G. Rose; postoffice^address, Sinclairville.<strong>Chautauqua</strong>.—M. W. Scofieid; postofficeaddress, Hartfield.Cherry Creek.—Edgar W. Curtpostoffice address, Cherry Creek.Clymer.—L. P. McCray; postoaddress, Clymer.

MISCELLANEOUSDIRECTORYDunkirk.—Thomas J. Cummings;postoffice address, Dunkirk.Dunkirk.—Rollin W. Snow; postofficeaddress, Dunkirk.Ellery.—A. Morelle Cheney; postofficeaddress, Bemus Point.Ellicott.—Conrad Anderson; postofficeaddress, Falconer.Ellington.—Charles J. Main; postofficeaddress, Ellington.French Creek.—E. A. Austin; postofficeaddress, Clymer, R. F. D. 58.Gerry.—Obed E. ostrander; postofficeaddress, Gerry.Hanover.—Frank A. Rider; postofficeaddress, Forestville.Harmony.—E. W. Connelly; postofficeaddress, Ashville.Jamestown.—Luther S. Lakin, Jr.;postoffice address, Jamestown.Jamestown.—Frank O. Anderson;postoffice address, Jamestown.Jamestown.—Leon L. Fancher; postofficeaddress, Jamestown.Kiantone.—Parker E. Miller; postofficeaddress, Frewsburg, R. F. D. 86.Mina.—W. Laverne Nuttall; postofficeaddress, Findley Lake.Poland.—John H. Anderson; postofficeJ address, o u rKennedy.n a l p r i n t i n gPomfret.—William S. Stearns; postofficeaddress, Fredonia.Portland.—B. S. Swetland; postofficeaddress, Brocton.Ripley.—J. A. McGinnies; postofficeaddress, Ripley.Sheridan.—William J. Doty; postofficeaddress, Sheridan.Sherman.—Albert B. Sheldon; postoffice,Sherman.Stockton.—L. C. Warren; postofficeaddress, Stockton.Villenova.—E. J. Bronson; postofficeaddress, Hamlet.Westfield.—W. H. Thompson; postoffice,Westfield.Chairman—William S. Stearns, postofficeaddress, Fredonia.Clerk—J. A. McGinnies; postofficeaddress, Ripley.Assistant Clerk—Louis McKinstry;postoffice address, Fredonia.Journal Clerk — James A. Clary,postoffice address, Jamestown.Janitor—Edmund Dearing; postofficeaddress, Mayvine.Page—John H. Johnson; postofficeaddress, Mayville.printers, JJublialjerH anillEngrattera( H o m p a m jComplete equipment for theproduction of the better classof B o o k and Catalog workJournal UntieingJamestown, Jfaut fork

VIMISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORYC I T Y O F J A M E S T O W NE A C H issue of the Jamestown DirectoryRailway. This road taps a rich re­shows a steady increase gion in western Pennsylvania and Newin the population of Jamestown— York, extending from Titusville tono phenomenal boom, it is true, but a Dunkirk.gradual growth1 that year by year There are three trolley companiestakes the city one step nearer the in the city, the Jamestown Streetproud position of city of the secondclass.Jamestown has long since been theRailway Company, which has threebelt lines, and a main line extendingfrom Jamestown to Falconer on themetropolis of <strong>Chautauqua</strong> county, and east and from Jamestown to Lakewoodpays more than a quarter of the entireon the west, the <strong>Chautauqua</strong>taxes of the county. If the presentTraction Company which extendsadvancement continues, in a few from Jamestown to Mayville andyears more than half the property onthe tax roll of the county will be locatedinside the city limits.Since the last directory was issuedthe boundaries have been extended totake in the new Jones Memorial Park.Westfield, and the Warren & JamestownStreet Railway Company whichextends from Jamestown to Warren,Pa.Jamestown is advantageously situatedon the <strong>Chautauqua</strong> lake outlet,This park which is located on the or Chadakoin River, only a short distanceshores of <strong>Chautauqua</strong> lake in closefrom <strong>Chautauqua</strong> lake. Sixproximity to Celoron, will undoubtedlyhandsome excursion steamers makein the years to come become a val­uable piece of property.Jamestown was located in 1806 byconstant trips over the lake duringthe summer months, and afford residentsof the city an opportunity forJames Prendergast in whose honor agreeable and healthful outings. Thethe city was named. It was incorporatedCeloron Amusement Company main­as a village in 1827. and as a tains a beautiful park at the entrancec'ty in 1886. The city is in the center to the outlet, and this also is liberallyof one of the most prosperous and progressivepatronized by Jamestown residentsdairying regions in the during the summer.United States. It is the market town One of the desirable features ofof southern <strong>Chautauqua</strong> and a portion Jamestown is the fact that the manufacturingof <strong>Cattaraugus</strong>, N. Y., and Warrenindustries are so diversifiedcounty, Pa.that there are no "dull times." WhenJamestown has good transportationfacilities. It is located on the mainline of the Erie between Chicago andone industry is running short handedand on short time, others are the busiest.New York. It is the southern terminusJamestown is the headquarters ofof the Buffalo and Southwest­ern branch of the Erie. It is connectedwith the Lake Shore & MichiganSouthern Railroad, the New York,Chicago & St. Louis Railroad (Nicklethe metal furniture industry of theUnited States. It also ranks secondor third in the manufacture of woodenfurniture. It is also the headquartersfor the manufacture of votingPlate), the Pennsylvania Railroadmachines. The worsted mills areand the Buffalo & Lake Erie Traction extensive and well managed. The annualCompany, by means of the Jamestownoutput of all these factories is<strong>Chautauqua</strong> & Lake Erie Railroad, over $10,000,000.which extends from Jamestown to Jamestown has been aptly termed aWestfield on the east side of <strong>Chautauqua</strong>city of homes. Probably a larger prolake, and by the line of the<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction Company whichextends from Jamestown to Barcelonalake. tion with <strong>Chautauqua</strong> has Erie, which Pittsburg by The means on Company quick this The passing Dunkirk, the region. connected Railroad Buffalo of and grape west extends the directly Alleghenyeasy side belt. & Jamestowntouches with Lake from of communicationThus through <strong>Chautauqua</strong>JamestownErie Buffalo Valley Falconer, the Street Trac­city the&portion of the residents of Jamestownowns their own homes than is thecase of any city of similar size in thestate crime are the nities. membership churches One modious States. Jamestown inhabitants more denomination of and All New The and the of churches told of York.is costly various criminal any than remarkably Jamestown city ,in and has edifices in element. denominations.proportion ip most add the free are much has commu­largest United There! from com­25to I

the appearance of the city.One of the model hospitals of thecountry is maintained in Jamestownby the ladies of the Women's ChristianAssociation. The taxpayers havevoted an appropriation of $50,000 forthe construction of a municipal hospitalon a site valued at $20,000 whichwas given to the city by the late OrsinoE. Jones.Jamestown has a number of handsomepublic buildings, viz: Federalbuilding, $50,000; City Hall, $65,000;James Prendergast <strong>Library</strong> and ArtGallery, $125,000; State Armory, $50,-000; eight fire houses. To this maybe added the $50,000 hospital heretoforemenMoned, which will be builtin the near future.The Young Men's Christian Associationowns a building and plant valuedat $100,000, and the Young Women'sChristian Association has just completeda handsome building, whichwith lot cost $65,000.The Agnes Association owns a largebrick residence and grounds which isconducted as a boarding home forworking girls.The school system of Jamestown isone of the best in the state. There isthe large high school building, themagnificent Sherman Street GrammarSchool, which is a model of its kind,and 11 branch or district schools.The city has an ample supply ofthe purest water, drawn from inexhaustibleartesian wells located in theCassadaga valley at Levant which isabout a mile east of Falconer. Therates are low and under the capablemanagement of a commission composedof the leading business men,the plant is paying for itself at therate of $15,000 per year.There is a municipal light plant, alsomanaged by a commission of capablebusiness men, which furnishesstreet lights and light and power forcommercial purposes. A privateplant, excellently managed also furnisheslight and power at low rates.There are two telephone systems,which provide unusually good telephoneservice at low rates.| One of the factors which has contributedmaterially to the development-and is of port all ous note never town. banking ducted one the doing prosperity business. of and been trust And the along enterprises comment, a consequently banking the conservative company It of legitimate reason enterprises tne institutions. failure a that have and city, fact for the but four this there lines been worthy of prosper­James­growth is banks, There sup­that con­and has ofMISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY VIIwithout any incursions in the fieldsofhign finance or indulgence in the recklessspeculation that has wrecked somany institutions in this country.Probably there is not another city ofequal size in the state of New Yorkwhich has a record equal to this.A comprehensive park system hasbeen planned and a park commissioncomposed of the leading citizens whohave given and are giving much valuabletime gratituitiously to the work,developing these parks into beautyspots that will be a credit to the city.One of the largest of tnese parks isthe Allen Park located on the southside, and when the plans of the commissionare worked out it will be oneof the most picturesque and beautifulspots in the city.There are two parks on the northside, one between West Fourth andWest Fifth streets, knows as BakerPark and the other between WestSixth and West Seventh streetsknown as Dow Park.The Jones Memorial Park of whichmention has been made is on theshores of <strong>Chautauqua</strong> lake outlet. Itis still in a rough state but in timewill be made into a modern park. Aconsiderable sum is also to be spentby the school authorities in providingpublic playgrounds.Jamestown has an exceedinglyhealthful location. The hills provide anatural drainage for surface water,and a comprehensive sewer systemprovides for the sanitary needs of thecity. The death rate of the city isone of the lowest in the state.The area of the city is 6136 acresor approximately nine and one-halfmiles square. There are thirteen andone-half miles of paving. The pavingis chiefly shale brick, although someof the residence thoroughfares arepaved with bitulithic and more are tobe paved with this material.The assessed valuation of the cityin 1906 was $12,231,970. In 1907 itwas $13,303,485, in 1908, $13,347,891,and in <strong>1909</strong>, $13,498,331, divided asfollows:Real estate $12,318,036Personal property 568,225Franchises 612,070There figures growth tion added the average some as This a state of place is that population now in of serve the rate $146,339 census the a no about of advantages of few city.residence. to increase, was 30,000. words exempt. show 1905 the 26,039. of according summarizesthe state JamestownIt These may popula­At steady is the be as

VIIIMISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORYfree from ring rule and corrupt politicsas is Jamestown. In its historyboth as a village and city there hasnever been a suggestion of scandal inconnection with the management ofmunicipal affairs. The leading businessand professional men have alwaysgiven freely of their time andtheir talent to maintain this highCITY OFFICERS.Mayor.—Samuel A. Carlson.City Clerk.—Clement B. Jones.City Treasurer.—Oscar F. Price.>^ity Auditor.—W. Arthur Stow.Corporation Counsel.—J. DelevanCurtiss.Police Justice.—John Maharon.Supervisors.—Leon L. Fancher, L.S. Lakin, Jr., Frank O. Anderson.standard. There are no party bossesin Jamestown. The people alwayshave full and free expression of theirviews in tue choice of public officialsand the affairs of the city have alwaysbeen capably and economically administered.In this absolute freedomfrom the control of political bosses,Jamestown is in a class by itself.POOR DEPARTMENT.Overseer of the Poor.—Oscar Palm.Physician to the Poor.—Dr. RobertB. Blanchard.Associated Charities and Free EmplaymentBureau.—Miss Mae Weller,,secretary.WATER DEPARTMENT.Commissioners.—Mayor Samuel A.Carlson, ex-officio; C. B. Jones, GeorgeV. Blackstone, Fred W. Hyde, CharlesA. Aanderson, Mason M. Skiff.The Mayor, ex-officio, president.Secretary Water Commission.—C. B.Jones.Superintendent of Water Plant.—David W. Immel.Assistant Superintendent of WaterPlant.—John F. Jones.Chief Engineer.—William Hancock.Bookkeeper.—Frank A. Jones.MUNICIPAL LIGHTING PLANT.Commissioners.—Mayor S. A. Carlson,ex-officio.; C. B. Jones, L. C. Jagger,Fred Briggs, Warner F. Liedblad,Milton J. Fletcher.The Mayor, ex-officio, president.Secretary, C. B. Jones.Superintendent.—C. G. Sundquist.DEPARTMENT OF CITY PARKS.Commissioners.—Mayor S. A. Carlson,ex-officio; C. B. Jones, Charles M.Dow, Edgar P. Putnam, Julius Lincoln,Alfred E. Hall, Robert K. Beach,Frederick P. Hall.The Mayor, ex-officio, president.Secretary.—C. B. Jones.Superintendent. —Edgar P. Putnam.Foreman.—Andrew Broberg.Clerk and Bookkeeper.—Miss IsabelBurns.MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL.Commissioners.—Julius Lincoln, Dr.Jason Parker, John W. Doubleday,John M. Winnberg. Otto W. Wiquist.President Hospital Commission.—Julius Lincoln.Secretary Hospital Commission —President of Common Council.—James L. Sprague.Alderman.—First ward, Harmon F.Rumple, Elias C. Bargar; Secondward, Frank D. Hatch, James H.Jones; Third ward, James L. Sprague,Hans Jorgenson; Fourth ward, LarsA. Larson, A. Fred Helgran; Fifthward, Harvey C. Sturdevant, Lucian A.Davis; Sixth ward, John P. Jones, WellingtonN. Lydle.Board of Estimate and Review.—Superintendentof Public Works, WalterI Blystone, president; Superintendentof Streets, John A. Lee; City Engineer,Clyde G. Jones.Board of Assessors.—Axel G. Lofgren,chairman; James M. Weller andJohn B. Shaw.Justices of the Peace.—L. L. Hanchett,Ray F. Pickard, Cheston A.Price and D. D. Woodford.Sealer of Weights and Measures.—Edward Kiley.Constables.—Wilbur B. Wood, SamuelL. Willard, James B. Douglass,Albert C. Jones.Janitor City Hall—Allen Thayer.Civil Service Commissioners.—Arthur W. Kettle, president; ClementB. Jones, secretary; W. H. Harrison,Jr., and Charles A. Swanson.HEALTH DEPARTMENT.President Board of Health.—Dr.Jason Parker.Secretary Board of Health.—C. HermanErickson.Registrar of Vital Statistics.—ClementCharles William Sanitary Plumbing Health Members B. Jones. Ross, Ipson, Officer.—Dr. Inspector.—John Inspector—John of J. R. Board Ernest Jay J. Barrows, of J. Johnson. Mahoney. A. Health.— F. Brown. Smith. Jr., POLICE Dr. Chief Police Sergeant.—Gust Jason DEPARTMENT.of Captain.—Thomas Parker. Police.—Frank Anderson. A. E. Johnson. Reeder.

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORYRegular Policemen. — James M.Young, Simon Peterson, Eliakim Garfield,William H. Davey, George C.Harrison, James Quinlan, Gust J.Stohl, Oscar Nelson, William Gage,Clyde Peterson, James Hayes, AlbertH. Harrison, Leon Carlson, Edward J.Kelley.Special Policemen.—William Munson,Harry Sharpies, Eric Hartquist.Special Policeman for City Hall.—Allen Thayer.JAMESTOWN FIRE DEPARTMENT.Chief.—Fred H. Wilson; Asst. Chief,James Varley; 2nd Asst., James Winters;sec'y., Luther S. Lakin Jr.; treas.,Andrew W. Griffith; fire alarm operator,Leroy Dschuden.Deluge Engine Co., No. 1, 112-114 E.Fourth St.—Foreman, Allen Morley;pres.-sec'y., August Bergreen.Ellicott Hook & Ladder Co., No. 1,212 Spring St.—Foreman, Paul Blystone;sec'y.treas., Clyde Wheeler.Rescue Engine So., No. 2, 25-27 WinsorSt.—Foreman, Arthur Poole; sec,Hubert Williams.Prendergast Hose Co., No. 1, over22 E. Second and 216 Spring Sts —Foreman, George Craig; sec'y., SamuelLundquist.Eagle Hose Co., No. 2, 28 Fentonplace.—Foreman, Thomas McMahon;sec'y., Samuel J. Willets.Jeffords Hose Co., No. 3, 914 E.Second St.—Foreman, Fred Bottomley;sec'y., Claude Russell.Jamestown Fire Police, 26 Fentonplace.—Captain, John Hanson; sec'y.,Frank Cease.Martyn Hose Co., No. 6, 504 W. 5thSt.—Foreman, E. J. Marsh; sec'y.,Gerald Ward.LOCATION OF FIRE ALARM BOXESFIRST WARD.No. of Box.12—Second and Winsor Sts.13—Lakeview Ave. and Newton St.14—Eighth and Lincoln Sts.15—Nortn Main and Buffalo Sts....16—North Main and Eighth Sts.17—Prendergast Ave. and E. Fourth.18—Fifth and Church Sts. ..*19—Second St. and Prendergast Ave121—Third and Spring Sts., City Hall122—Main and Third (1st Nat. Bank)*123—Sixth St. and Prendergast Ave.*124—Eighth *125—Sixth *128—Junction *126—Lakeview *22—West *21—Third 127—Spring 24—Tenth 23—North SECOND Third St. and Main St. Fulton and Ave. Washington.bet. and Lakeview WARD.8th and Fairmount Fourteenth. & Strong Price Sts. Cr'ssm'n-. Ave.St. Ave. Sts.IX25—Fairmount Ave. and W. Eighth.26—Fifth and Jefferson Sts.27—Second and Lafayette Sts.*29—Washington and Fluvanna Ave.212—Main and First Sts.*213—Warner Block, S. Main St.*214—North Main and Fifth Sts.*215—Fourth and Lafayette Sts.*216—North Main and Eleventh.*217—Seventh and Washington Sts.THIRD WARD.*31—Fairmount Ave. and Seymour.32—Baker and <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave|33—Steele and Sprague Sts.34—Charles and McKinley Ave.35—Forest and Newland Ave.36—Prospect and McKinley Ave..37—S. Main and Newland Ave.38—Junction S Main and Broadhead39—Brooklyn Square.312—Junction Steele and Barrett Sts.*313—Foote & Allen St. (Op. Hosp'l)314—Palmer St. and Hall Ave.315—American Aristo Co.316—Empire Furniture Co.317—Taylor.318—Barker and Prospect Sts.FOURTH WARD.41—Foote Ave. and Barker St.42—Foote Ave. and Arnold St.43—Allen and Maple Sts.44—Barrows and English Sts.45—Winsor and Harrison Sts.46—Barrows and Willard Sts.47—Allen and Scioto Sts.48—Vega and Willard Sts.*412—Allen and King Sts.FIFTH WARD.53—Foote Ave. and Harrison St.54—Junction E. Second and College.55—Falconer and Stowe Sts.56—East Second and Buffalo Sts.57—Bowen and Price Sts.*58—Second and Jeffords Sts.59—Cor. Stowo and Buffalo Sts.*512—Main and Second Sts.*513—Chandler and Winsor Sts.*514—Chandler and Cross Sts.*515—Foote Ave. and Crane St.*516—East Second and Thayer Sts.517—Blackstone Manufacturing Co.518—Atlas Furniture Co.61—Jones & Gifford Ave. Outlet St.62—Hallock and Fairmount Ave.PRIVATE BOXES.72—Broadhead Worsted Mills, EastFirst St.74—Lister 73—Shearman 76—Empire 75—Art pot. pany, ard Iron Metal Mills, Works; & Jones Worsted Co., Bros., ConstructionEast & opposite and Gifford Wilcox, Mills, Jamestown...Water. Erie Ave. Burch­Com. de­

MISCELLANEOUSDIRECTORY77—Hall & Co., Worsted Mills, HarrisonSt.78—Jamestown Metal Furniture Co.,Taylor.The following are the signals thatare to be followed strictly by the department.2 Blows—Fire out.3 Blows—Calls D luge Engine Co.No.l.4 Blows—Calls Rescue Engine Co.No.25 Blows—Calls Eagle Hose No. 2.6 Blows—Calls Prendergast HoseNo.l.7 Blows—Calls Jeffords Hose Co. No. 38 Blows—Calls Martyn Hose No. 4.Three sixes (6, 6, 6,) will call outthe whole department.The boxes with this mark (*) beforenumbers are imaginary boxes.They may be sounded by callingeither fire Headquarters, 190 bothphones, or police headquarters, 207both phones.WARD BOUNDARIES.First Ward.First District.Beginning at the junction of thecenter line of Main and Eighth streetsand running thence easterly along thecenter line of Eighth street to thecenter line of Prendergast avenue;thence southerly along the center lineof Prendergast avenue to the centerof East Sixth street; thence easterlyalong the center of East Sixth streetto the center of Winsor street; thencesoutherly along the center of Winsorstreet to the center of East Secondstreet; thence westerly along the centerof East Second street to the centerof Main street; thence northerlyalong the center of Main street to thecenter of Eighth street and place ofbeginning.First Ward.Second District.Beginning at the junction of thecenter line of Main street with thecenter line of Eighth street; thencenortherly along the center of Mainstreet to the City Line; thence easterlyalong the City Line to the center ofLakeview avenue; thence southerlyalong the center of Lakeview avenueto the center of Winsor street; thencesoutherly along the center of Winsorstreet to the center of East Sixthstreet; thence westerly along thenortherly center gast Eighth beginning. center avenue of street; along Prendergast East of of Main to East thence Sixthstreet center Eighth center avenue: westerly street and of street Prender­of place to thence along Eastto ofSecond Ward.First District.Beginning at the point of intersectionof the center line of the maintrack of the Erie Railroad Co., andthe center line of Main street; thencenortherly along the center of Mainstreet to the center of West Seventhstreet; thence westerly alongthe center line of West Seventh streetto the center of Murray avenue;thence northerly along the center lineof Murray avenue and Murray avenueextended, to the center of <strong>Chautauqua</strong>Lake outlet; thence southerly andeasterly along the center of said outletto a point where the center line ofsaid outlet intersects the centerlineofthe Erie Railroad Co.'s land; thenceEasterly along the center line of theErie Railroad Co.'s tracks to theplace of beginning.Second Ward.Second District.Beginning at the intersection of thecenter line of Main Street with thecenter line of West Seventh street;and running thence northerly alongthe center line of Main street to theCity Line; thence westerly along thenortherly bounds of the city to thenorthwesterly corner of the city;thence southerly along the westerlybounds of the city to the center of theoutlet of <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Lake; thenceeasterly and southerly along thecenter of said outlet to the center ofMurray avenue extended; thencesoutherly along the center line ofMurray evenue extended and alongthe center line of Murray avenue tothe center of West Seventh street;thence easterly along the center ofWest Seventh street to the center ofMain street and place of beginning.Third Ward.First District.Beginning at the intersection of thecenter -line of Main street with thecenter line of right of way of the N.Y. Pa. & Ohio R. R.. running thencesoutherly along the center line ofmain street to Brooklyn square;thence southerly in a straight lineacross Brooklyn square to the centerline of Forest avenue: thence southerlyalong the center of Forest avenuebounds thence of street; along to Broadhead northerly of center thence south easterly city avenue line bounds northerly along avenue along to of Broadhead extended of South the center along extended; south city;' Mair lineand th< Av.

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY XIcenter line of South Main street to thecenter of Harrison street; thenceeasterly along the center of Harrisonstreet to the center of Institute street;thence north along the center of Institutestreet to the center line ofright of way of the N. Y., Pa. & OhioR. R., thence westerly along the centerof said R. R. to the center of Mainstreet and place of beginning.Third Ward.Second District.Beginning at the intersection of thecenter line of the N. Y., Pa. & Ohio R.R. and the center line of Institutestreet and running thence southerlyalong the center line of Institutestreet to the center line of Harrisonstreet; thence westerly along the centerline of Harrison street to the centerline of South Main street; thencesoutherly along the center line ofSouth Main street to the center ofBroadhead avenue; thence southerlyalong the center line of Broadheadavenue and the center line of Broadheadavenue extended to the southbounds of the city; thence easterlyalong the south bounds of the city tothe center of Foote avenue; thencenortherly along the center line ofFoote avenue to the center line of theN. Y., Pa. & Ohio R. R.; thence westerlyalong the center line of said N.Y., Pa. & Ohio R. R. to the center ofInstitute street and place of beginning.Fourth Ward.First District.Beginning at the intersection of thecenter line of N. Y., Pa. & Ohio R. R.Co.'s right of way and the center lineof Foote avenue and running thencesoutherly along the center line ofFoote avenue to the south bounds ofthe city thence; thence easterly alongthe south bounds of the city to thecenter line of English street if extended;thence northwesterly alongthe center line of English street extendedand along the center line ofEnglish street to the center of Winsorstreet; thence northerly along thecenter of Winsor street to the centerline of the N. Y., Pa. & Ohio R. R.Co's right of way; thence northerlythe of center Coalong& Beginning beginning.'s Ohio line center righttheof of R.centerWinsor the of Second Fourth R. at way Foote N. the Co.'slineY., street and District. intersection Ward. avenueofPa. right runningsaidwith & Ohio of andN.the way thenceY.,of place R. cen­Pa.R. tosoutherly along the center of Winsorstreet to its intersection with the centerline of English street; thencesoutherly and easterly along the centerof English street and Englishstreet extended to the south boundsof the city; thence easterly and northerlyalong the bounds of the city tothe center line of the N. Y., Pa. &Ohio R. R. Co.'s right of way; thencesouthwesterly along the center lineof the N. Y., Pa. & Ohio R. R. Co.'sright of way to the center of Winsorstreet and place of beginning.Fifth Ward.First District.Beginning at the intersection of thecenter line of Main street with thecenter line of right of way of the N.Y., Pa. & Ohio R. R. Co.; thencenortherly along the center line ofMain street to the center line of Secondstreet; thence easterly along thecenter line of East Second street tothe center of Thayer street; thencesoutheasterly along the center ofThayer street and along the centerline of Thayer street if extended tothe center of the right of way of theN. Y., Pa. & Ohio R. R. Co.'s lands;thence southwesterly along the centerof the right of way of the N. Y., Pa. &Ohio R. R. Co.'s lands to the center ofMain street and place of beginning.Fifth Ward.Second District.Beginning at the intersection of thecenter line of East Second street withthe center line of Winsor street andrunning thence northwesterly alongthe center line of Winsor strbet tothe center of Lakeview avenue;thence northerly along the center lineof Lakeview avenue to the northbounds of the city; thence easterlyalong the north bounds of the city tothe northeast corner of the city;thence southearly along the eastbounds of the city to the center ofthe right of way of the N. Y., Pa. &Ohio R. R. Co.'s lands; thence southwesterlyalong the center of the saidright of way of the N. Y., Pa. & OhioR. R. Co.'s lands to the center line ofThayer street extended; thence northwesterlyalong the center line ofThayer street extended and along theWinsor southwesterly center East Beginning Second of line street East First of at Sixth street and Thayer Steele along the Second District. place Ward. intersection to the street; the of beginning.center with to thence of of

XII MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORYcenter line of Forest avenue and runningthence southwesterly along thecenter line of Forest avenue to thesouth bounds of the city; thence westerlyalong the south bounds of thecity to the southwest corner thereof;thence northerly along the westbounds of the city to a point whichwould' be the center of Palmer streetextended; thence easterly along thecenter line of Palmer street extendedto the center line of Palmer streetand along the center of Palmer streetto the center of Sprague street;thence southerly along the center ofSprague street to the center of Bakerstreet; thence easterly along the centerof Baker street to the center ofBarrett street; thence northerly alongthe center of Barrett street to thecenter of Steele street; thence northeasterlyalong the center of Steelestreet to the center of Forest avenueand place of beginning.Sixth Ward.Second District.Beginning at the point of the intersectionof the main track of the ErieRailroad Co. and the center line olMain street; running thence southerlyalong the center line of Main streetthree (1,403) feet to a stake; thencenorth one (1) degree and ten (10)minutes east, to the center of the Outletof <strong>Chautauqua</strong> lake; thence alongthe center of said outlet to its intersectionwith the main track of saidErie Railroad Co., and thence eastalong the center of said railroad trackto the place of beginning.DESCRIPTION OF POLLINGPLACES.First Ward.First District.—At Deluge Enginecompany's building on East Fourthstreet.Second District.—At the residenceof Anna M. Sellvin, No. 21 East 8thstreet.Second Ward.First District.—At Martyn Hosecompany's rooms, West Fifth street.Second District.—At the store roomof James H. Marsh, at No. 204 on thenorth side of West Eighth street.Third Ward.First District.—At Eagle Hose company'struck rooms, Fenton place.Second District.-—At the store room,No. 53 South Main street.Fourth Ward.First District.—At the new hoseto the center line of Steele street; house occupied by Rescue company onthence southerly along the center line the west side of Winsor street.of Steele street to its intersection Second District.—At the store, No.with Barrett street; thence southerlyalong the southerly line of Barrettaver/ue, to its intersection with Baker32 on the south side of Willard street.Fifth Ward.First District.—At the building formerlystreet; thence along the center lineoccupied by Rescue Engineof Baker street to its intersectionwith the center line of Sprague street;thence northerly along the center lineof Sprague street to its i ntersectionwith the center line of Palmer street;thence westerly along the center linecompany, on the south side of Chandlerstreet, corner of Center street.Second District.—At Jeffords Hosecompany's rooms, south side of EastSecond street.Sixth Ward.of Palmer street, and Palmer street First District.—At the building, 12extended, I Nto Cthe O westerly R P O Rbounds A TofE D Forest Cavenue.O M P A N I E Sthe city; thence northerly along the Second District.—At the building atsaid Abrahamson-Bigelow west hounds of the Co., city (The), to 114-118 the junction West Third—R. of Steele W. and Bigelow, Barrett mgr.— streets.north dry bounds goods. of lands of the ErieRailroad Agnes Association, Co.; thence 6 westerly Broadhead along Ave.—Mrs. Eleanor J. Dow, pres.; Almathe north Rees, bounds matron of The said Agnes railroad Boarding company'sHome.Ahlstrom land Piano fourteen Co., 112-114 hundred East and Second—Charles A. Ahlstrom,pres.—mfrs.Allen Square Co.—F. E. Gifford, pres.; C. H. Gifford, sec'y .-treas.—101-121North Main.Alliance Furniture Co., 609-615 Allen.—Gustaf A. Lund, pres.; A. E. Eckberg,sec'y .-treas.—mfrs. dining room furniture.

XIVMISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORYCrescent Tool Co., 200-222 Harrison—Karl Peterson, pres.-mgr.—C. F. Falldine,sec'y.-treas.Crown Metal Construction Co., 120 Steele—David Lincoln, pres.; David A,Hillstrom, sec'y.-treas.Curtis Bros., Hardwood Lumber Co., 55 Fenton Bldg.—Don Allen Curtis,mgr.Curtis, E. W. Lumber Co., 301 Chandler—E. W. Curtis, pres.; D. F. Rundellsec'y.-treas.—wholesale hardwood lumber.Curtis, F. M. Co. (The), 34 Scott—F. M. Curtis, pres.; S. O.'Merriam, sec'ytreas.— dining and bedroom furniture.Dahlstrom Metallic Door Co., Blackstone Ave.—Elof Rosencrantz, pres.; JohnA. Westman, sec'y.-treas.Diamond Furniture Co., 46-70 Taylor—A. P. Olsen, pres.; H. F. Love, sec'y.-treas.—mfrs. tables.Eagle Furniture Co., 126 Steele—John Hallstrom, pres.; C. Herman Erickson,sec'y.-treas.—pedestals and tabourettes.Eastman Kodak Co., (American Aristotype Division), 56 Prospect—Ralph C.Sheldon, mgr.—mfrs. aristo paper.Elite Furniture Co., 516 West Fourth—Charles Anderson, pres.; Gust Larson,sec'y.-treas.—tables.Elks Club of Jamestown, over 300 North Main—Dr. H. W. Smith, exaltedruler; John C. Mason, sec'y.Empire Voting Machine Co., 153-163 Jones & Gifford Ave.—W. J. Lausterer,local mgr.Empire Worsted Co., 35-43 Water—J. W. Doubleday, pres.; L. M. Butman,sec'y.-treas.E. & M. Cough Drop Co., 4 Arcade Bldg., over 28 North Main.—Mrs. A. D.Work, pres.—mfrs.Farmers & Mechanics Bank, 215- North Main—O. N. Rushworth, pres.; C. A.Okerlind, cashier.Field & Wright Furniture Co., 100-108 Main—J. S. Wright, pres.; L. J. Field,treas.; John Beustrom, mgr.First National Bank, 2-6 East Third—F. E. Gifford, pres.; Wm. Broadhead,vice pres.; Edward Morgan, cashier.Forest Park Land Co., 9-11 Gokey Bldg., over 22 West Third—J. R. Flagg,pres.; S. C. Hall, sec'y.-treas.—real estate.Furniture Commercial Agency Co., 513 Chadakoin Bldg.—Frank B. Field,local mgr.Furniture Index Co., over 112 East Third—P. K. Shankland, mgr.—magazinepublishers.Furniture Sales and Advertising Co., 12 Gokey Bldg., over 22 West Third—F. M. Curtis, E. M. Scowden and H. G. Rask.Gage Furniture Co. (The), 13-15 East Third—Otto Bloomquist, pres.; WallaceL. Snow, sec'y.-treas.Globe Cabinet Co., 27 Taylor—Thure E. Linderholm, gen. mgr.—veneereddesk and counter tops.Gokey, George F. Shoe Co., 318 Cherry—L. C. Gokey, pres.; George F. Gokey,sec'y.-treas.—mfrs.Gokey, William N. Shoe Co., 318 Cherry—William N. Gokey, pres.Golden Furniture Co., 151 Jones & Gifford Ave.—Charles Castner, pres.; H.C. Lindros, sec'y.-treas.—bedroom furniture.Gurney Ball Bearing Co., 316 Cherry—Benj. Nichols, pres.; F. W. Gurney,mgr.Home Telephone Co., 210 Pine.—A. C. Wade, pres.; J. H. Wright, gen. mgr.Huntington-Barker Machine Co., Celoron Road—J. Delevan Curtiss, pres.;Mrs. Lewis Barker, sec'y.-treas.—machines and repairing.Hurlbert-Sherman Hotel Co.—George F. Hurlbert, pres.; P. J. Moynihan,Ingerson Huron N. sec'y.-treas., Oil W. Grocery Ingerson—retail Co., under props. Co., 201 Sherman North East grocers. Third Main—Howard House, and 36 West Falconer—George Dow. Third. H., and Mrs.

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORYJamestown Awning Works, 112-114 East Third—M. C. Holmes.Jamestown Bar Association—Frank W. Stevens, pres.; Charles H. Wiborg,sec'y.-treas.Jamestown Bottling Co., 612-620 West Eighth—Henry H. Cooper, pres.; F.Dunn, sec'y.Jamestown Brewing Co., 612-620 West Eighth.—P. F. Simon, pres.-treas.;Francis Dunn, sec'y.Jamestown Business College Association, 25 Gokey Bldg. — H. E. V.Porter, pres.; Elliot C. Hall, vice pres.; A. J. Porter, sec'y.Jamestown <strong>Chautauqua</strong> & Lake Erie R. R.—H. A. Macbeth, local mgr.Jamestown Chair Co. (The), 20 Winsor—C. W. Swanson, pres.; L. M. Goulding,sec'y.-treas.Jamestown Chamber of Commerce, 301-303 Gokey Bldg., over 20 West Third.—H. E. V. Porter, pres.; Ernest Cawcroft, sec'y.Jamestown Electric Mills, 6 Steele—W. W. Campbell, pres.—feed and flour.Jamestown Garage Co., Barrett Bldg., 205 Cherry—M. Rosenbloom, pres.; B.L. Arnson, sec'y.-treas.Jamestown Hollow Cement Stone Co., 325-335 West Second—Sherman B.Vandervoort, pres.; C. R. Vandervoort, sec'y.-treas.Jamestown Hosiery Co., 43-45 Wellman Bldg., over 103 West Third—F. R.Campbell, mgr.Jamestown Ice Cream Co., 28 South Main—B. R. Walker, pres.; C. FredDanielson, treas.—mfrs. and shippers.Jamestown Lighting & Power Co., rm. 6 Ellicott Bldg., 106 East Third—H. P.Sheldon, pres.; Albert S. Price, sec'y.-treas.Jamestown Lounge Co., 38-46 Winsor—T. D. Hanchett, pres.; L. F. Cornell,sec'y.-treas.Jamestown Lumber Co., 5 Ellicott Bldg.—J. W. Collopy, pres.Jamestown Mantel Co., Falconer, N. Y.—George M. Turner, pres.-treas.; FredJ. Maurer, sec'y.—interior trim and veneered doors.Jamestown Pad & Wrapper Co., 203 South Main and 201 East Second—James G. Smith and F. O. Crossgrove.Jamestown Panel & Veneer Co., 50 Steele—George Noble, pres.; F. D. Hatch,treas.Jamestown Publishing Co., over 28 North Main—Charles J. C. Scholpp, pres.;E. C. Hall, vice pres.Jamestown Realty Co., 5-6 Gifford Block—Rev. Julius Lincoln, pres.; CharlesE. Anderson, sec'y.Jamestown Security Land Co., 9-11 Gokey Bldg., over 22 West Third—A.Mintzer, pres.; R. H. Cole, sec'y.-treas.—real estate.Jamestown Shale Paving Brick Co., 40 Quarry Road—Jerome B. Fisher,pres.; John P. Mahoney, sec'y.-treas.Jamestown Shoe Machinery Co., over 9West Third—Arthur H. Hitchcock,pres.-treas.; WilliamM. Rohn, sec'y.Jamestown Spring Bed Co., 59-61 Harrison—C. W., L. C. D. and W. R. Eckman—mfrs.spring beds and cots.Jamestown Street Railway Co., West Third—A. N, Broadhead, pres.; S. B.Broadhead, sec'y.-treas.; George E. Maltby, gen. mgr.Jamestown Table Co., 145-153 Fairmount Ave.—L. C. Jagger, pres.; ThomasE. Perkins, sec'y.Jamestown Theatrical Mechanical Association, Allen Square Motel—FrankStafford, pres.; Charles J. Preston, sec'y.Jamestown Worsted Mills, 335 Harrison—E. C. Hall, pres.; A. K. Briggs,treas.-gen mgr.Johnson Ice & Coal Co., 602-610 West Eighth—W. E. Stevenson, sec'y.-treas.Johnson, P. M. Co. (The), 205 North Main—P. M. Johnson, pres.; J. B. Flisfter,sec'y.-treas.—dry goods.Jones, Journal Hall, and Scharf Luther Printing treas. & L. Lincoln, Co., Lincoln—clothing 12 210 West North Second—Frederick Main—John and gent's furnishings.A. Jones, P. Hall, William pres.; Henri H. Scharf M.XV

XVIMISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORYKetchum, E. H. Co., 24 North Main—E. H. Ketchum, pres.-sec'y.—wholesaleand retail stationery, etc.Koehl, William Co., 17-19 Steele—William Koehl, pres.-treas.; E. Earle Carpenter,sec'y.—mfrs. paper boxes and job printers.Lakeview Rose Gardens, Fairmount Ave. and 304 North Main—A. N. Broadhead,pres. ,Lenna, O. A., 22-24 East Second—Oscar A. Lenna—wholesale liquors.Level Furniture Co., Allen—John M. Anderson, pres.;J. Alexander Bloomquist,sec'y.-treas.—parlor and library tables.Liberty Furniture Co., Blackstone Ave.—Charles M. Johnson, pres.; F. P.Johnson, sec'y.Liberty Printing Co., over 14-16 West Second—C. A. Johnson, pres.; ConradThurstone, sec'y.—printers.Lucas Machine Co., 771 East Second—Louis Lucas, pres.; Oscar Pang, sec'y.-treas.Lynndon Worsted Co.(The), Falconer, N.Y.—R. D. Stoeltzing, pres.; JohnAhlstrom, sec'y.-treas.Mack-Hall Co., 13-15 West Second—J. M. Mcintosh, mgr.—groceries.Maddox Table Co., 125 Harrison—W. J.Maddox, C. W.Herrick and M. H.Clark.Marvel Furniture Co., Allen Ext.—Alfred A. Anderson, pres.-mgr.; Warner P.Liedblad, sec'y.-treas.—chiffoniers and dressers.Melhuish, C. D. & Co., over 303 North Main—C. A. Slone, pres.; C. D. Melhuish,sec'y.—insurance.National Biscuit Co., 217 Spring—W. C. Ayers, sales agent.National <strong>Chautauqua</strong> County Bank, 201 North Main—Charles M. Dow, pres.;Fred W. Hyde, cashier.National Furniture Co., Blackstone Ave.—Carl S. Johnson, pres.; John Nord,sec'y.New Production Oil Co., 522-624 Chadakoin Bldg.—B. W. Seymour, pres.; 0O. Gates, sec'y.-treas.New York and Pennsylvania Telephone and Telegraph Co. (Bell), 113 EastThird—U. N. Bethell, pres.; J. W. Stearns, dist. supt.; E. H. Wheeler,mgr.New York and Western Oil Co., 12-13 Barrett Bldg.—C. M. Purdy, pres.; W.G. Purdy, sec'y.Norquist, A. C. Co., (The), 415-421 Chandler.—A. C. Norquist, pres.; F. 0.Norquist, sec'y.-treas.—bedroom furniture.Novelty Folding Table Co., 203 South Main—Henry Jacobson, pres.; F. 0.Crossgrove, sec'y.—mfrs.Ohlquist & Johnson, 219 North Main—John Ohlquist, pres.; Oscar F. Johnson,sec'y.-treas.Oriental Mining Co., Kent Block, 29 Forest Ave.—A. F. Kent, pres.; W. A.Kent, treas.; W. A. Keeler, sec—mines, western office in Poland, Ariz.Pearl City Realty Co., 46 Fenton Bldg.,—F. P. Hall, pres.; Wilson Price, seo.Pearl City Veneer Co., 40-48 Steele—T. D. Hanchett, pres.; N. M. Willson,sec'y.-treas.Pennsylvania Gas Co., 110 East Third—C. N. Payne, pres.; W. H. Filler,sec'y.-treas.; Jamestown mgr., E. M. Schlaudecker.Persell, D. F. & Co., 103 West Third—Mrs. Charlotte Persell, mgr.—jewelry.Peterson, A. J. & Son., 208 North Main—A. John and James C. Petersonclothingand gent's furnishings.Phillips Barrel & Machine Co., 11-13 Harrison—T. Henry Smith, pres.; W.D. Broadhead, sec'y.—barrels and barrel making machines.Philo-Burt Mfg. Co., 409 North Main— R. J. Barrows, Jr., sec'y.-treas.—mfrs.spinal appliances.PostProudfit P. businessPublishingOsmer, Clothing mgr. treas.Co.,Co.,17-19206Steele—RalphNorth Main—WilliamC. Sheldon,H. Proudfit,pres.; Robertpres.;K.WilliamBeach,

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORYXVIIPurdy Bros. & Smiley, 12-13 Barrett Bldg.—C. M. Purdy, W. G. Purdy andFrank Smiley—grain jobbers.Renova Oil Co., over 219 North Main—Arthur W. Kettle, pres.-treas.; MarkT. Seymour, sec'y.—producers.Robertson, H. P. Co. (The), 30 Steele—H. P. Robertson, pres.; J. H. Ipson,sec'y.—bedroom furniture.Ross Lumber Co., Isabella Ave. and Monroe—Warren Ross—hardwood lumber.Salisbury Wheel & Mfg. Co., Blackstone Ave.—C. A. Pickard, pres.; E. D.Shearman, treas.Saxe Brothers Co., 12 West Third—Samuel Saxe, mgr.—ladies' ready-to-weargarments.Scholin Furniture Co., 203-205 East Second—Charles E. Scholin—furniture,carpets and rugs.Seaburg Mfg. Co., 124-126 Steele—Evald Seaburg, pres.; Ernest J. Seaburg,sec'y. —tables and cedar chests.Sharpe, A. D. Co., (The), 203 North Main,—George W. Sharpe, pres.; F. J.Snowball, sec'y.-treas.—dry goods.Shearman Brps. Co., 25 Shearman place—Frank E. Shearman, pres.-treas.—mfrs. couches, sofa beds.Sportsmen's Club of <strong>Chautauqua</strong>, 304 Pine—Allen E. Billings, pres.; FloydH. Sharp, sec'y.Squier Land & Improvement Co., under 201 North Main—Ziba Squier.Star Furniture Co., 25-37 Briggs—Jay Crissey, pres.-treas.—mfrs. bedroomfurniture.Straight Dry Plate Co., Tyril—J. Straight, pres.; F. S. Marsh, sec'y.; J. W.Davis, treas.Superior Furniture Co., 167 Jones & Gifford Ave.—Frank O. Norquist, pres.;Austin E. Anderson, sec'y.-treas.—tables.Swanson, C. A., Drug Co. (The), 200 Main—C. A. Swanson, pres.; A. J. Johnson, sec'y.Swedish Singing Society Lyran (The), 11 Warner block, over 5 North Main—C. G. Hammerstrom, pres.; E. Eckman, sec'y.Sweet-Clarke Co., 104 East Second—J. M. Sweet, pres.; T. James Clarke,sec'y.-treas.—mfrs. hardwood specialties.Swift Beef Co., 33 Institute—William L. Booth, mgr.Textile Machine Co., 55 Fenton Bldg.—Gust A. Hultquist, pres.; Clarence A.Anderson, mgr.Towne Furniture Co., 13-23 Holmes—Morris E. Towne—jobbers.Union Lumber Co., 41 Shearman place—Daniel Griswold, pres.; W. T. Griswold,sec'y.-treas.Union Trust Co., 211 North Main—Frank Merz, pres.; Harry L. Briggs,cashier.Vart Land Co., over 14-16 West Second—S. A. Carlson, sec'y.-treas.-mgr —newspaper publishers.Warren & Jamestown Street Railway Co.—David H. Siggins, pres., Warren,Pa.; J. M. Siegfried, treas., Warren, Pa.; Sam Q. Smith, sec'y.Watson Mfg. Co., 63 Taylor—H. W. Watson, pres.; W. W. Watson, sec'y.-treas.Woman's Christian Association, 207 Foote Ave.—Mrs. Frank Edward Gifford,pres.; Mrs. C. C. Wilson, sec'y.; Miss S. Flora Broadhead, treas.Young Men's Christian Association, corner East Second and PrendergastAve.—Elliot C. Hall, pres.; E. A.Stoll, sec'y.Young Women's Christian Association, 401 North Main—Miss Anna Crissey,pres.; Fern E. Wheeler, gen. sec'y.

XVIIIMISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORYJ A M E S T O W NPOSTOFFICEJames T. Larmonth, postmaster; G.T. Johnson, asst. postmaster; clerks,George H. Anderson, Samuel A.Brown, Jewett C. Bloomquist, Ira F.Beal, John E. Carlson, Margaret T.Calahane, Laura L. Davis, Walter H.Davis, Fred W. Foote, Clarence H.Lake, Telia E. Martin, Lewis A. Putnam,Bert F. Saxton, Henry W.Stumpf, Willis W. Sprague, Marcus J.Soderberg; special delivery messenger,Lineas A. Ljungberg.Carriers—J. Charles Alton, Henry G.Arnold, Elmer C. Atwood, Charles A.Berg, John J. Brattberg, Charles L.Bell, Ernest H. Cook, Marshall C. Davis,Frank C. Derby, W. R. Fuller,Harry E. Gardner, Clinton I. Horth,Dewitt C. Howard, William R. Jones,Charles L. Jackson, Albert P. Kelsey,Sture A. J Ajujungberg, M E S Guy T OL. WPulver,NHarry E. Reeder, Horatio B. Sprague,Lynn K. Spencer, Otto C. Soderberg,Lewis D. Tyrrell, Bernard Trainor,George A. Young.(For Rural Carriers, see ruralroutes.)Office Hours.General delivery and stamp windowsopen from 7 a. m. to 8 p. m.Money order and registry windowsopen from 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Carriers'window open from 7 to 8 p. m. Lastcollection in business section at 8 p.m.Sunday.—Carriers window, stampwindow and general delivery windowopen from 11:45 a. m. to 12:45 p. m.One collection of mail throughout thecity Sunday morning, and another inthe business portion at 5:30 p. m.PUBLICATIONSThe Evening Journal.—Published The Saturday Herald.—Publisheddaily except Sunday at 12 West Secondevery Saturday by the Herald Print­by The Journal Printing Co., ing Co., 310 Pine.Frederick P. Hall, pres.-gen. mgr.; F. The Weekly Herald.—Published everyMonday by the Herald W. Hyde, sec'y.; Henri M. Hall, treas.PrintingThe Jamestown Journal.—Thrice-a-Week, published at 12 West Second,by The Journal Printing Co. Establishedin 1826.Co., 310 Pine.The Union Advocate.—Published everyThursday by the Herald PrintingCo., 310 Pine.The Morning Post.—Published daily The Country World.—Publishedexcept Sunday at 19 Steele, by thePost Publishing Co., Ralph C. Sheldon,once a month at 6 Gokey block, over12 West Third, by the Country Worldpres.; Edward L. "Allen, editor-treas.; Publishing Co., A. Brooks Fletcher,Robert K. Beach, business manager. publisher.Established 1901.The Vart Land (Swedish)—PublishedFurniture Index—Published once amonth at 112 East Third by Palmer K.over 14-16 West Second, every ThursdayShankland. Devoted to furnitureby the Vart Land Co. Samuel A. trade.Carlson, J A sec'y.-treas.-gen. M E S T O mgr. W N PUBLIC S C H O O L SBoard of Education.—William T.Falconer, pres.; Edward J. Green,clerk; Gustaf Anderson, William S.Bailey, William J. Maddox, Mrs. LillianCook Bowman, Miss S. FloraBroadhead; Harry L. Briggs, treas.;Rovillus R. Rogers, supt.; Clinton B.Winsor, supt of bldgs.; Milton J.Fletcher, principal high school; MaryR. Willard, preceptress academic department;George A. Persell, principalpreparatory department; William A.Torrance, principal Second StreetGrammar School; Nettie J. Armstrong,principal Sherman StreetGrammar School.SPECIAL DEPARTMENTS.Blanche H. Woodford, sup'r of dravfring; Mary E. Fletcher, domestic arts;Frederic E. Bottsford, supervisor ofmusic; Leila A. Bell, reading and expression;D. Earl Stilson, manualtraining; Frederick P. Martin, manual

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORYtraining N. S. G. S.; Edith M. Farman,manual training, S. S. G. S.;Harry J. Sargent, physical director;Elsie M. Kinghorn, gymnastics; S.Gertrude Harrington, gymnastics; EllaW. Green, librarian; Grace M. Lewis,principal training school; Carrie L.Young, supervisor of writing; EvaJames, sewing; Amanda Nelson, substitute.DISTRICT SCHOOLS.Central District.—Louise E. Geer,principal.School No. 1.—Fannie M. Cooper,principal.School No. 2.—Claire E. Rohde, principal.C H U R C HAfrican M. E. Zion.610 Spring. Rev. J. C. Walters, pastor.Services every Sunday at 10:45and 7:45; Sunday school 12:30; prayermeeting, Wednesday evenings,7:45.Allen Street Chapel.Allen St., between King and EnglishSts. Rev. Thomas Berry, pastor.Brooklyn Heights M. E.Corner Sprague and Palmer. Rev.A. A. Horton, pastor; services Sunday11 a. m., 7:30 p. m.; Epworth League,6.30 p. m.; Sunday school, 12 m.;prayer meeting Wednesday evening,7:30.Buffalo Street M. E.Corner Buffalo and Falconer. Rev.Emerson H. Jones, pastor; servicesevery Sunday 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school 12 m.; EpworthLeague 6:30 p. m.; prayer meeting,Wednesday evening, 7:30.Calvary Baptist.Corner Fairmount and Livingston avenues.Rev. C. D. Reed, pastor; servicesevery Sunday 10:45 a. m. and7:30 p. m.; Sunday school 12 m.;prayer meeting Wednesday evening,7:30.Danish Congregational.XIXSchool No. 3--Martha E. Jacobson,principal.School No. 4.- -Carlotta M. Ward,principal.—Rebecca Langford,School No. 5.principal. -Martha Laidler, prin-School No, 6.-cipal.-Ella M. Schildmach-School No. 7-er, principal. -Nellie C. Dyer, prin-School No. 8-cipal.—Mertie M. Dickson,School No. 9.-—Lillian G. Dickson,principal.School No. 10.principal.DIRECTORYer; services every Sunday 10:45 a. m.and Wednesday evening 8; Sundayschool, 10:45 a. m.First Congregational.East Third near Prendergast Ave.Pastorate vacant; services every Sunday10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sundayschool 12 m.; Christian Endeavor,6:30. XN -i-< •-• . i '- - •

XXHoly Trinity English Lutheran.West Fourth. Rev. G. W. Critchlow,pastor; services every Sunday at10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sundayschool, 12:15 p. m.Lutheran Immanuel (Swedish)Pastorate vacant; services everysunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.in summer, and 7 p. m. in winter;Sunday school 12:15 p. m.; prayermeeting Wednesday evening at 8.Olivet Chapel.Annexed to First Presbyterianchurch, corner West Third and Lakin.Sunday school 3:30 p. m.; prayermeeting Thursday evening.Pilgrim Memorial Congregational.Corner Forest and McKinley Aves.Rev. Dr. James McAllister, pastor;services every Sunday 10:45 a. m. and7:o0 p. m.; Bible school 3:30 p. m.St. Luke's Episcopal..^'Corner Main and East Fourth. Rec-, torship vacant; services Sunday 10:30a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school12:15 p. m.; prayer service Wednesdayevening, 7:30.SS. Peter and Paul's Roman Catholic.Cherry, between West Fifth andWest Sixth, Rev. Father Richard,Coyle, priest; Rev. Fathers Degnanand Howley, assistants; services everymorning at 7; Sunday services 8and 10:30 a. m., and 4 p. m.MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORYSeventh Day Adventist.Cherry, between West Seventh andWest Eighth. H. W. Carr, pastor;services every Saturday at 1 p. m.;Bible study Friday evening at 7.Swedish Baptist.Chandler St. Rev. C. A. Aldeen,pastor; services every Sunday at10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sundayschool, 12 m.; prayer meeting Wednesdayevening at 8.Swedish Evangelical Mission.108 Chandler. A. T. Frykman, pastor;services every Sunday at 10:30a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school12:15 p. m.; midweek services Wednesdayevening.Swedish Methodist Episcopal.Corner Foote Ave. and Chandler.Rev. Carl A. Seaberg, pastor; servicesevery Sunday 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school 12 m.; EpworthLeague 6:30 p. m.; prayer meetingWednesday evening.Swedish Zion.College. Rev. J. M. Westlund, pastor;services every Sunday at 10:30a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school12:15 p. m.; prayer meeting, Wednesdayat 8.Unitarian.Junction East Second and Chandler.Rev. Walter A. Taylor, pastor; servicesevery Sunday 10:45 a. m.; Sun­INSTITUTIONS, SOCIETIES ANDday school, 12 m.(NOT SECRET)ATHLETIC AND SPORTING.Camp Fire Club. .Meets at call of committees appointed.E. E. Woodbury, pres.; W.A. Bradshaw, sec'y.Chadakoin Club, (The).(Boat.)Club house at Lakewood-on-<strong>Chautauqua</strong>.Commodore, William S. Bailey;sec'y., Paul W. Blystone.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Canoe Club, (The).Organized, 1908. Meetings held inHall Block every second Monday inthe month; club house located at AshvilleBay-on-<strong>Chautauqua</strong>. Commodore,T. N. Nelson; sec'y.-treas., William E.Towle.Sportsmen's Association of <strong>Chautauqua</strong>Lake.Meeting subject to call of president.CLUBSAlien E. Billings, pres.; Floyd Sharp,sec'y., 304 Pine.BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL,Jamestown Bar Association.Frank W. Stevens, pres.; Charles H.Wiborg, sec'y.Manufacturers' Association.Meets the first Tuesday of eaclimonth over 213 North Main. Wm.J.Maddox, pres.; R. J. Bootey, sec'y.-treas.Jamestown Dairy Board of Trade.Headquarters: L. B. Parker's, 114West Second. C. N. Taylor, pres.; V.A. Hatch, sec'y.-treas.Jamestown Medical Society.Meets second Thursday in eachmonth at offices of physicians. Dr.J. J. Mahoney, pres.; Dr. W. D. We|'-man, sec'y.

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY<strong>Chautauqua</strong> County Medical Society.Meets three times a year at placedecided at previous meeting. Dr. M.N. Bemus, Jamestown, pres.; Dr. H.A. Eastman, Jamestown, sec'y.CEMETERIES.Lake View Cemetery.North of Buffalo, between NorthMain and Lakeview Ave. L. L. Mason,pres.; Perry W. Goodwin, sec'y.and supt.SS. Peter and Paul's Roman CatholicCemetery.On North Main, north of LakeviewCemetery. lather Degnan, supt.;William C. Griffin, sexton.CLUBS, LITERARY CIRCLES ANDSOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS.Avon Clubs.Regular meetings at 10 a. m. everythird Saturday from September toJune at high school. Mary R. Willard,director.Senior Club.—Mrs. George F. Gokey,pres.; Mrs. Fred Wilson, sec'y.Junior Club.—B. Katherine Barrows,pres.; Carrie A. Davey, sec'y.Browning Society.Meets every other Monday eveningat 7:30 during the winter months atthe homes of members. Mrs. GeorgeE. Maltby, pres.; Mrs. A. C. Wade,sec'y.The Fortnightly.Meets alternate Monday afternoonsfrom November to April in MozartClub rooms. Mrs. Alexis Crane,pres.; Mrs. Elbridge G. Pierce, rec.sec'y.Jamestown Club.Monthly meeting second Tuesdayevening of each month, club house,North Main and West Fifth. SheldenB. Broadhead, pres.; R. J. Bootey,sec'y.Mozart Club.Meets every third Saturday morningin its rooms in New Gifford block.Mrs. F. E. Gifford, pres.; Mrs. GlennK. Brown, rec. sec'y.New Century Art Club.Meets every other Monday afternoonat 3 o'clock at the homes ofmembers. Mrs. C. M. Dow, pres.;Miss Elizabeth Shedd, sec'y.The Travelers Club.Meets every other Monday afternoonthe P'arsons, homes at 2:30 pres. of from members. October Mrs. to April D. at G.XXILIBRARIES AND EDUCATIONALINSTITUTIONS.Jamestown Business College.Gokey Bldg., at corner West Thirdand Cherry. Organized in 1886. H.E. V. Porter, pres. and prin.Jamestown High School <strong>Library</strong>.Located in High School building.Miss Ella W. Green, librarian. Hours8:30 to 11; 12:30 to 4 during schoolyear. The library is open to the publicas well as students of the school.James Prendergast Free <strong>Library</strong>.West Fifth, between Cherry andWashington. Rev. Elliot C. Hall, pres.;Miss Lucia T. Henderson, librarian.Hours: 10 a. m. to 8:30 p .m. everyweek day (to 9 p. m. Saturdays).Hill's Piano School.Occupies entire sixth floor of theChadakoin Bldg. Earl H. Hill, prop.and director; Mrs. Earl H. Hill andMiss Bessie Reed, assts.Miss Week's Private School.(Graded.)109 Lakeview Ave. Miss Bertha E.Weeks.MILITARY ORGANIZATIONS.Co. E, 65th Regiment, N. G. N. Y.Armory, corner South Main andFenton Place. Fred H. Wilson, capt.;Frank A. Johnson, first lieut.; WilliamH. Harrison, Jr., second lieut.;F. A. Thomas, financialsec'y.PATRIOTIC AND POLITICAL.Socialist Club.Meets Thursday evenings in itsheadquarters, rm. 36 Hayward block,119 West Third. Willard S. Bennett,sec'y.; organizer, E. J. Squier.Daughters of the American RevolutionJamestown Chapter organized 1900.Meetings held at homes of membersonce a month. Miss S. Flora Broadhead,regent; Miss Bertha E. Weeks,cor. sec'y.; Miss Eva Batcheller, treas.Jamestown Prohibition Club.Meets the first and third Mondayevenings at 8 o'clock in Y, M. C. A.Bldg. Dr. C. A. Hanvey, pres.; LeroyL. Strickland, sec'y.Political Equality Club.Meets at the call of the president athomes of members. Mrs. O. O. Gates,pres.; Mrs. Walter Gifford, sec'y.Sons of the Revolution.Meets at call of officers. Winfieldsec'y. S. Cameron, regent; Frank H. Mott,

XXII MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORYMISCELLAENOUS.Sunshine Societies.Branch No. 1 organized October,1900, (inactive).North Side Club. Meets first andthird Tuesday evenings at the homeof members. Sybil R. Doubleday,pres.; Susan D. Berry, sec'y.Woman's Christian Association.Incorporated in 1887. Controls theWomen's Christian Association Hospitaland the Young Women's ChristianAssociation which are managedby boards appointed by the association.Women's Christian AssociationHospital.corner Foote avenue and Allen.Miss Christina Hall, supt.; Mrs.Frank E. Gifford, pres.Young Men's Christian Association.Y. M. C. A. building corner EastSecond and Prendergast Ave. Elliot C.Hall, pres.; Ernest A. Stoll, gen. sec'y.Associated Charities.The Associated Charities was organizedOctober 16, 1903. Officeand Free Employment Bureau, rm. 19,City Hall. Pres., Elliot C. Hall; sec'y,Miss Mae L. Weller; rec. sec'y, Dr.William M. Sill; treas, Edward A.Peterson. Consultation committeemeets every Tuesday at 2 p. m. at office;executive council meets firsTTuesday of every month from Oi t toJuly at 4 p. m. in Commop Councilchamber, City Bldg.Gustavus Adolphus Orphans' Home.East Second. John S. Swensson,supt.; Mrs. Swensson, matron.King's Daughters.Golden Rule Circle—Mrs. WrothwellButterfield, pres.Harmony Circle—Mrs. W. J. Fairbank,leader.Opportunity Circle—Mrs. EnochGreenwood, leader.Thoughtful Circle—Mrs. N. M. Willson,leader.Ministerial Alliance.Meets the second and fourth Mondaysin the month at 10:30 o'clock inthe committee room of the Y. M. C.A. Rev. James McAllister, pres.;Rev. Charles D. Reed, sec'y.Retail Clothiers Association.James C. Peterson, pres.; W. P. Osmer,sec'y.Retail Butchers Association.Will Fairbank, pres.; C. O. Wood,sec'y., 11 Hall Ave.Retail Shoe Dealers AssociationAxel Anderson, pres.; CharlesSwanson, sec'y., 223 McKinley Ave.Retail Grocers Association.George Ingerson, pres.; GeorgeDoolittle, sec'y, 49 Grant.Woman's Christian TemperanceUnion.Meets the second and fourth Fridaysin the month at 2:30 o'clock in theArmy Veteran Organizations.Encampment 95, U. V. L.—Meetsthe first and third Mondays of themonth in G. A. R. hall. Joseph Colensoe,Col.; A. H. Stafford, sec'y., 500East Fifth.Auxiliary 24, Ladies of the U. V. L.—Meets alternate Thursday afternoonsin G. A. R. hall and at homesof members. Mrs. Lewis Shearman,pres.; Mrs. A. H. Stafford, sec'y., 500East Fifth.Post James M. Brown No. 285, G.A. R. Meets in G. A. R. hall everyrooms of the Y. W. C. A. Mrs. MarthaS. Mead, pres.; Mrs. W. A. Knowlton,sec'y.The Sketch Club.Meetings held weekly from Octoberto April. Miss Helen Winsor, pres.;Miss Lucy S. Norton, sec'y.Young Women's Christian Association.Y. W. C. A. Building corner NorthMain and West Fourth. Miss- AnnaCrissey, pres.; Miss Fern Wheeler,Jamestown SECRET Union—Mrs. SOCIETYW. J. Fairbank,pres.; Miss Eva Allis, sec'y.gen. sec'y. D I R E C T O R YThursday evening. J. Green, commander;A. H. Stafford, sec'y; 500 B.Fifth.Woman's Relief Corps No. 73.Auxiliary to James M. Brown PostG. A. R. Meets in G. A. R. hall everyTuesday evening. Mrs. Elizabeth R.Wilson, pres.; Mrs. Effie B. Harkness,sec'y.Camp Samuel M. Porter No. 45,Spanish War Veterans. Meets in G.A. R. hall the second Friday in themonth. Perl A. Butts, commander]Donald S. Brown, sec'y., 116 E. Fourth.

United Commercial Travelers.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Council—Meets thethird Saturday in the month in OddFellows hall. John B. Turner, seniorcouncilor; Andrew W. White, sec'y.,145 Prospect.Woodmen of the World.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Camp.—Meets everyWednesday in Woodmen's hall, over20 East Third. John Bailey, councilcommander; W. S. Simpson, banker.Woman's Temperance Society.Meets once a month at the homesof members. Nettie M. Gay, pres.;Sarah A. Conner, sec'y.Benevolent and Protective Order ofElks.Jamestown Lodge No. 263—Meetsthe first and third Fridays in themonth. Dr. H. A. Smith, exalted ruler;John C. Mason, sec'y., 12 Fulton.Catholic Mutual Benevolent Association.SS. Peter & Paul's Branch 77. Meetsthe first and third Thursdays of themonth. Frank Geser, pres.; D. J. Corkery,sec'y., 112 Fairview Ave.Branch 39, Ladies Catholic BenevolentAssociation. Meets the first andthird Tuesdays in the month. Mrs.Tyrell, pres.; Mrs. A. Poole, sec'y.;Prospect and Newland Ave.Danish Brotherhood of America.Good Hope Lodge. Meets everyfour weeks in Maccabee hall. PeterPihl, pres.; Herman Sode, sec'y.Danish Sisterhood.Framad Lodge. Meets every fourweeks on Monday in Maccabee hall.Mrs. Sophia Jensen, pres.; Mrs. H.Pihl, sec'y.Daughters of Liberty.Deborah Council No. 11. Meets alternateThursdays in Maccabee hall.Mrs. Lottie Whitney, councilor; Mrs.Mary Taylor, asst. rec. sec'y.Lincoln Council. Meets alternateWednesdays in Maccabee hall. Mrs.Lillian Leet, councilor; Mrs. BlancheGossett, sec'y.Epsilon Pi Fraternity.Meets every Thursday evening inthe Y. M. C. A. building. Austin A.Anderson, pres.; Henry Burgeson,sec'y.First Swedish Hundred MembersSociety.Bldg., car 9 Meets Cheney. Palm, alternate in pres.; Lief Monday Erickson F. G. Anderson, evenings. hall, Arcade sec'y, Os­MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY XXIIIFraternal Mystic Circle.Jamestown Ruling No. 956. Meetsthe last Wednesday in the month inCarlson's hall, Steele St. Charles J. L.Sundberg, pres.; John Swanson, sec'y.,68 Barrett.Fraternal Order of Eagles.Jamestown Aerie No. 816. Meetsevery two weeks on Thursday inEagles rooms in Arcade Bldg. Dr. A.L. D. Campbell, pres.; John G. Moynihan,sec'y.Improved Order of Red Men.Chadakoin Tribe. Meets in Engineershall, Warner block alternateMondays. Charles Bergquist, pres.;Carl J. Ostman, sec'y., 21 Peterson.Independent Order Good Templars.Scandia Louge No. 22. Meets inMaccabee hall alternate Wednesdays.E. L. Vestlund, pres.; Miss Thyra Anderson,sec'y.Morning Star Lodge. Meets thesecond and fourth Monday in themonth in G. A. R. hall. Gust Olson,chief templar; Renold Nyberg, sec'y.Lantern Lodge. Meets every Satuidayin Lief Erickson hall.Independent Order of Odd Fellows.Ellicott Lodge No. 221. Meets inOdd Fellows hall every Monday evening.Frank Evans, noble grand; C.W. Strong, sec'y., Euclid Ave.Jamestown Lodge No. 637. Meetsin New Odd Fellows hall every Friday.J. D. Proctor, noble grand; M.J. Price, sec'y., Hallock.Mt. Tabor Lodge No. 780. Meets inNew Odd Fellows hall Tuesday evenings.Fred V. Anderson, noble grand;G. Segerstrom, sec'y., P. O. Box 392.Canton Abraham No. 53. Meets inOdd Fellows hall the second andfourth Wednesdays in the month. FredConroe, capt.; Harry Wahlgren, sec'y.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Encampment No. 54,Meets in Mt. Tabor hall the 'first andthird Inursdays in the month. FrankW. Montague, chief patriarch; J. C.Derby, scribe, Cross and East 2nd.Pearl City Lodge No. 33, Daughtersof Rebekah. Meets the second andfourth Thursdays evening in themonth in Ellicott hall, Gokey block.Lillian Sturdevant, noble grand; Mrs.Belle Fuller, sec'y.Princess Lodge No. 252, DaughtersWashington.grand; of the Circle month. Pearl Rebekah. first No. Mrs. Miss City and 33. Myrtie Meets third Rebekah Meets Code Curtis, in Fridays first Kepler, Mt. AdvancementTabor sec'y., and in noble third hall the 915

XXIV MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORYWednesdays in the month in Ellicotthail. Mrs. Beda Johnson, pres.; Mrs.Mame Mueller, sec'y., 183 FairmountAve.Princess Rebekah Goodwill Society.Meets alternate Wednesdays in Mt.Tabor hall and at homes of members.Mrs. Charles Bly, pres.; Mrs. GeorgeFox, sec'y., 46 Eleventh.Jamestown Fraternal Battalion.Consists of Uniform Ranks of theMaccabees, Odd Fellows, Knights ofPythias and Sons of St. George.Meets in K. of P. hall. Gust Hultquist,major; John W. Unsworth, sargeant.Knights of Columbus.Jamestown Council No. 926. Meetsin SS. Peter & Paul's Parochial schoolthe second and fourth Tuesdays in themonth. Andrew M. Davis, rec. sec'y.Knights of the Maccabees.Jamestown Tent No. 9. Meets inMaccabee hall alternate Friday evenings.Andrew J. Johnson, commander;Frank R. Sweet, recordkeeper, 101East Third.Jamestown Hive No. 101, Ladies ofthe Maccabees. Meets alternateThursday afternoons at 2:30 in Maccabeehall. Mrs. Louise Goodwin, 47Hamilton, rec. sec'y.Queen Hive No. 10, Ladies of theMaccabees. Meets the first and thirdFridays in G. A. R. hall. Mrs. LillianStewart, lady commander; Mrs. MariaH. Lewin, recordkeeper.Knights of Pythias.Jamestown Lodge No. 248. Meetsin Castle hall every Tuesday at 8 p.m. Dr. A. L. D. Campbell, chancellorcommander; G. E. Peterson, keeper ofrecords and seal.Crescent Lodge No. 308. Meets everyThursday evening in Castle hall.T. E. Hopkins, pres.; Frank H. Kibling,sec'y., 214 Fulton.Jamestown Company No. 36, U. R.K. P. Meets in K. of K. hall everyThursday evening. Carl Ahlstrom,pres.-capt; A. G. Norman, recorder.Loyal Order of Moose.Jamestown Lodge. Meets the firstand third Thursdays in the month inOdd Fellows hall. Hugh E. Miller,pres.; Clayton M. Jones, sec'y.Masonic Orders.W. month Accepted first Western Mt. M.; Moriah and in H. Masonic Masons. Sun LeF. third Lodge Chapter Brown, hall. Tuesdays Harry No. No. sec'y. 145, L. 67, Free in Briggs, Meets Royal and theArch Masons. Meets second andfourth Thursdays in the month in Masonichall. Archie E. Davis, H. P.; M.E. Wright, sec'y.Jamestown Council No. 32, RoyalSelect Masons. Meets the thirdThursday in the month in Masonichall. Nathan Stern, T. I. M.; H. E.Sellvin, recorder.Jamestown Commandery No. 61,Knights Templar. Meets second andfourth Mondays in the month in Masonichall. R. J. Barrows, Jr., E. C;W. P. Osmer, recorder.Jamestown Lodge of Perfection 14°Meets first Monday in each month inMasonic hall. S. B. Broadhead, T. P.M.; W. P. Osmer, sec'y.Jamestown Council Princes of Jerusalem16°. Meets third Mondayin each month in Masonic hall. J. B.Shaw, S. P.; W. P. Osmer, sec'y.Mt. Sinai Chapter No. 132, Order ofthe Eastern Star. Meets the firstandthird Fridays in the month in Masonichall. Grace E. Taylor, W. M.; FrankVought, sec'y.Mecca Chapter No. 353, Order of theEastern Star. Meets the second andfourth Fridays in the month in Masonichall. L. Maude Purdy, W. M.;Lona D. Brown, sec'y.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Court, Royal and ExaltedDegree of the Amaranth, Order ofthe Eastern Star. Meets the secondWednesday evening in the month inMasonic hall. Alma E. Bealer, R. M.;Anna M. Halsall, sec'y.Modern Woodmen of America.Jamestown Camp No. 8429. Meetsfirst and third Thursday evenings inthe month in Ellicott hall, Gokey Big.William E. Waite, clerk, 11 West 2nd.National Protective Legion.Jamestown Legion No. 15. Meetsthe first and thiru Fridays in themonth in Odd Fellows hall. W. F.Bushey, pres.; H. E. V. Porter, sec'y.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Legion No. 179. Meetsthe second and fourth Fridays in themonth in Odd Fellows hall. Roy W.Strickland, pres.; George W. White,sec'y.Chadakoin Legion No. 349. Meetsthe second and fourth Thursdays inthe month in Mt. Tabor hall. HarryL. Lammers, pres.; Kate S. Peterson,day Barrett, Davis, sec'y. in National Court Parochial in sec'y. the grand St. Order month. Gertrude School Isabella. regent; of Mrs. the the No. Miss Daughters Elizabeth fourth 92. Gertrudf Meets Mon­M. of

MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORYOrder of the Golden Seal.Jamestown Camp No. 61. Meetsthe first and third Tuesdays in themonth in New Odd Fellows hall. B.L. Lewis, commander; A. M. Wellman,rec. sec'y.Pearl City Camp No. 480. Meets thesecond and fourth Friday evenings inthe month in Engineer's hall, Warnerblock. George D. Cobb, commander;Lilliam O. Wells, sec'y.Patrons of Husbandry.Union Grange. Meets first andthird Monday afternoons in themonth in New Odd Fellows hall. EnnestWoodward, worthy master.Order of Vasa.Thule Lodge. Meets alternateThursdays in Lief Erickson hall.Robert Larson, pres.; Conrad Peterson,sec'y., 23 Weeks.Flora Lodge. Meets alternateThursdays in Bartenders hall, ArcadeBldg. Mrs. Hattie Brodine, pres.;Miss Sophia Johnson, sec'y.Protected Home Circle.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Circle No. 208. Meetsthe second and fourth Tuesdays in themonth in New Odd Fellows hall. Mrs.E. Pearl Nelson, pres.; S. C. Beal,sec'y., 212 Bowen.Lakeside Circle No. 290. Meets thefirst and third Fridays in the monthin Castle hall, Pine. John Cozadd,pres.; Mrs. Ella Lakin, sec'y., FairmountAve.Royal Arcanum.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Council No. 73. Meetsthe second and fourth Tuesdays in themonth in Castle hall, Pine St. GeorgeH. Cooke, regent; W. H. Delaney,sec'y., 89 Fairmount Ave.Scandinavian Brotherhood.Lief Erickson Lodge No. 26. Meetsin Lief Erickson hall, Arcade Bldg.every Friday. Frank L. Pearson,pres.; Gust Larson, rec. sec'y.Unity Lodge No. 29. Meets everyTuesday in Lief Erickson hall. Mrs.Fred Larson, pres.; Mrs. Selma Berglund,rec. sec'y.Scandinavian Temperance and BenevolentSociety.Meets alternate Thursdays in Maccabeehall. A. G. Lofgren, pres.;Adolph Renberg, sec'y.Society Dannebrog.in son, Meets Engineers pres.; every Louis hall. four Jensen, weeks Charles sec'y.-treas.on F. Tuesday John­XXVSociety Denmark.Meets every four weeks on Mondayin Maccabee hall. H. Sode, foreman;Emil Kofod, sec'y.Sons of St. George.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Lodge No. 107. Meetssecond and fourth Fridays of eachmonth in Mt. Tabor hall. EdwardMayfield, pres.; John W. Unsworth,sec'y., 1 Shaw Ave.Jamestown Commandery No. 5, UniformSir Knights. Meets second andfourth Friday of each month in Mt.Tabor hall. Arthur J. Poole, capt.;John W. Unsworth, clerk.Columbus Lodge No. 379. Meetsevery other Tuesday evening in Engineershall, Warner block. ThomasKing, W. P. P.; J. W. King Jr., sec'y.,6% Center.Royal Oak Lodge No. 74, Daughtersof St. George. Meets alternate Tuesdaysin Maccabee hall. Mrs. GraceWaite, pres.; Miss Mary E. Mellor,rec. sec'y.Swedish Brotherhood.Meets alternate Thursdays in itshall, Barrett Bldg. George Ipson,pres; Seth Anderson, sec'y., Barrows.Royal Degree. Meets in SwedishBrotherhood hall, Barrett Bldg. alternateThursday evenings. GeorgeJacobson, great master; Seth Anderson,rec. sec'y., Barrows.Swedish Methodist Sick Benefit Association.Meets every other Thursday inSwedish M. E. Church. Axel Peterson,pres.; Andrew Lawson, rec. sec'y.,East Second.Swedish Sisterhood.Meets alternate Wednesdays in G.A. R. hall. Mrs. Andrew Lawson,pres.; Mrs. Sophia Olson, rec. sec.Templars of Temperance.Rekah Temple. Meets alternateThursdays in Engineers hall. ConradAxelson, chief templar; C. Bloomberg,rec. sec'y.Sveaborg Temple. Meets alternateSaturdays in Engineers hall. MalcolmLarson, chief; Gerald Carlson,sec'y.Tribe of Ben Hur.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Court No. 45. Meetsevery four weeks on Monday in MaccabeeE. L. Johnson,hall. Oscarsec'y.,Wingstrom,137 Barrows.pres.;

XXVIMISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORYL A B O RO R G A N I Z A T I O N SCENTRAL LABOR COUNCIL—A representativebody composed of fourdelegates from each local union inthe city. Meets every other Wednesdayevening in its hall, 18 EastThird. Pres. Louis E. Ruden; rec.and cor. sec'y. E. George Lindstrom,P. O. Box 462.ALLIED PRINTING TRADES COUN­CIL.—Meets firstSaturday in monthin Central Labor hall; John B.Leach, sec'y., 18 East Fourth.BRICKLAYERS, No. 24.—Meets everyWednesday in Opera House block;John Fox, sec'y., 676 Buffalo.BUILDING TRADES COUNCIL —Meets second and fourth Mondaysin month in Carpenter's hall, 18 E.Third.BREWERY WORKERS, No. 238-Meets every other Thursday eveningin Carlson's hall, Steele; R. E.Stilson, sec'y., 20 Forest Ave.BARTENDERS, No. 199—Meets everyother Sunday in Bartenders's hall,Arcade Bldg.; George F. Jeffreys,sec'y., over 215 North Main.BARBERS, No. 178—Meets the firstand third Thursday evening in CentralLabor hall, 18 E. Third.; J. C.Markle, sec'y., 220 North Main.CIGARMAKERS, No. 370—Meets thefirst Tuesday in month in CentralLabor hall; T. C. Fox, sec'y., 8 So.Main.CARPENTERS & JOINERS, No. 66.—Meets every Friday evening in theirhall, over 18 E. 3d.; Clarence Griffith,sec'y., 356% East Fourth.ELECTRICAL WORKERS, No. 106.—Meets every other Monday eveningin Central Labor hall; F. J. Kruger,sec'y., care Jamestown Electric Co.LABEL LEAGUE, No. 5.—Meets thelast Tuesday in month in Carpenter'shall, 18 E. Third; Mrs. Elmer E.Sprague, sec'y., 18 Fluvanna Ave.METAL POLISHERS, BUFFERS,PLATERS, METAL WORKERS,No. 38 — Meets first Friday inmonth in Central Labor hall; A.Emmett, sec'y., 14 Stowe.MUSICIANS, No. 134.—Meets firstSunday in month in Central Laborhall; Alex. Johnson, sec'y., 310 W.Seventh.PLUMBERS AND STEAM FITTERS,No. 232.—Meets the second Mondayin month in Plumbers hall, 18 EiistThird; Charles N. Benson, sec'y., 8Cook Ave.PRINTING PRESSMEN'S, No. 164.—Meets the second Saturday eveningin month in Central Labor hall;Winfred Breed, sec'y., care Journal.PAINTERS, DECORATORS ANDPAPERHANGERS, No. 498.—Meetsevery Tuesday evening in Painters'hall, 18 E. Third; M. M. Gifford,sec'y., 34 West Eighth.SHEET METAL WORKERS, No. 170.—Meets second and fourth Tuesdaysin month in Central Laborhall; Arthur Johnson, sec'y.,16Crescent.TYPOGRAPHICAL, No. 205.—Meetfirst Saturday in month in CentralLabor hall; Louis E. Ruden, sec'y.,29 McKinley Ave.TAILORS, No. 80.—Meets the firstMonday in month in Allen Sq. Big.;D. B. Carlson, sec'y., 255 So. Main.UPHOLSTERERS, No. 38.—Meetsevery other Monday evening in CentralLabor hall; Harry Hartman,sec'y., 213 Fulton.STATIONARY ENGINEERS.—Meetseach month in Engineers' ball, Warnerblock; Axel Olson, sec'y., 120Hall Ave.STATIONARY ENGINEERS' AUXIL­IARY, No. 5.—Meets every Wednesdayafternoon in Engineers' hall;Lena M. Huntington, secy.LETTER CARRIERS ASSOCIATION.No. 165.—Meets last Saturday ofeach month in Postoffice Bldg.;Harry E. Gardner, sec'y., 118 Lincoln.LETTER CARRIERS ASS'N , AUXIL­IARY, No. 46.—Meets at homesofdifferent members first and thirdSaturdays; Mrs. Flora Young, sec'y,70 Tenth.

T H E J O U R N A L ' SJ a m e s t o w n Street a n d BlockDirectory<strong>1909</strong>-10

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYADAMS STREET.301 Charles L. LiedbladFrom 305 Sprague west.—Sixth Ward. 307 Mrs. Amanda PorterLeft and South Side.311 Ben. A. Broadbent15 John F. Berggren.311 G. Oscar JohnsonADAMS STREET.311 P. Alfred CarlsonRight and North Side.317 Oscar A. Johnson8 Harry King.317 Elof HansenAHRENS AVENUE.317 Mrs. Anna LindbladFrom 117 Maple east to Oak.—4th 319 ward. Andrew O. NelsonLeft and North Side.7 Carl A. Eckbad7 Mrs. Hilma JohnsonAHRENS AVENUE.Right and South Side.No houses.ALLEN STREET.From 135 South Main east to Buffalo.—Third and Fourth wards.Left and North Side.7 Ray T. Hazeltine7 Abner Hazeltine21 Elof Rosencrantz23 B. T. Harkness23 Cornelius Hunt25 E. N. Shirer27 Frank W. StevensINSTITUTE ST. INTERSECTS67 John F^ Gustafson69 Axel F. S. Gustafson71 F. H. Oakes71 Benanati Bartolo79 L. H. ThompsonSI Carl E. LarsenSI Earl R. Vincent83 Mrs. Christine LindgrenS3 H. J. Paquin GroceryFOOTE AVENUE INTERSECTS103 Charles J. Jones105 Mrs. Carrie E. Merchant107 George W. Shattuck109 Nathaniel E. Thomas111 Alexander Salander115 Mrs. Mary E. Skellie117 Mrs. Altheda Wiltsie117 Albert E. Anderson123 C. E. Larsen127 Charles W. Whitmore127 David L. Anderson131 August A. Carlson135 A. Howard Fidler135 George HopeSPINNERS ALLEY INTERSECTS143 Theo. D. Hanchett145 Arvid J. Scott145 S. T. Christensen145% Benjamin Dawson145% August Andrews149 157 161% 16iy2 167 205 169 175 207 209 211 217 223 225 219 Gust Earl L. William Samuel Fay Axel Carl C. Mrs. J. Emil Albert Hutley Loren Marie John Robert James Frederick Ernest Julius J. E. Maude Mattie Minnie Kate Fannie LagerquistEckerberg Smith A. KlingstedtWalburg JohnsonP. Lawson N. Newsome Nutter Bros, Lewis E. Carlson Smith WinterburnJohnston SundellSkinner Johnson Olman W. Hutley Dracup Vasbinder French Peterson Gornall and Dschuden Newsome319 Albert Jones319 Conti-San Tony321 Christian Greenlund321 John C. Hick325 "Vacant house333 Fred H. Wilson343-345 Jones Bros.347 John A. Booman347 Mrs. Emma VicklandWINSOR ST. INTERSECTS.411 E. F. Lammers411 Charles A. Hallberg411 Thomas Gill423 Frederick A. Johnson423 Alfred Anderson429 Jonas Engman429 Mrs. Christine Erickson429 Mrs. Ida Swanson433 Victor G. Lindstrom435 Joe Russ435 Charles Giambrona435 Serlupia SebastianoWILLARD ST. INTERSECTS.447 New house511 Tony Loprie511 Joe Frank511 Adolph Torpin513 John H. Martindale513 August Johnson521 John Lernould525 John F. Carlson525 Mrs. Sophia Martin529 Mrs. Johanna Johnson529 S. Fred Carlson529 Alfred Neilson531 James Jensen535 Mrs. Eliza- J. Martin535 Nils A. PalmquistCHANDLER ST. INTERSECTS.541 Axel C. Freeburg541 Anton Peterson541 Andrew Lindstrom545 Robert Burg545 John R. Johnson545 Andrew Reed545 Charles W. Eckman549 Lawrence H. Allen549 John Victor AllenALLEN Right 565 569 571 581 5S1 611-615 553 557 561 575 607 34 44 IS 20 26 36 42 The Victor Marvel Emil Andrew Warner Daniel August Claus Mrs. George Merlin Iver E. Atlas Salisbury John Charles Carl Samuel Swan Level Alliance STREET. and H. Ames-Burns Rider Mark J. Anderson Eda Anna Harriet Thomas W. Olson V. Furniture WoodworthLawsonA. South T. Larsen F. Johnson Weller Gustafson Swanson Wheel Carlson ArmstrongN. Liedblad S. Bliss Furniture R. Ahlstrom G. BloomquistSide X- CrumArmstrong Co.Mfg. Co. Co.

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYSCHOOL ALLEY INTERSECTS.50 Mrs. Belle Grandin54 Vacant58 Vacant62 William J. Maddox72 Charles M. DowFOOTE AVE. INTERSECTS.W. C. A. HospitalW. C. A. Nurses' home12S John L. Broadhead132 Halbert A. Barrows134 Mrs. Nettie E. WilliamsonSHERMAN ST. INTERSECTS.140 Erastus Crosby142 Mrs. Melinda Myers144 Harold W. Bates144 M. J. Paquin152 Fred L. Farlee152% Charles J. Nelson152% Arvid Helgren156 Hulett Apgar156 Louis S. Apgar164 Frank O. Anderson168 Andrew Johnson172 Hadyn Crossley172 Ellis JowettMAPLE ST. INTERSECTS.No housesPULLMAN ST. INTERSECTS200 Mrs. Gertrude Johnson204 Adolph Johnson204 John Horford208 Clinton I. Horth212 George Myers212 Ernest G. Williams220 Albert Peterson220 Charles Benson226 H. H. HallKING ST. INTERSECTS302 George O. Meredith310 Primitive M. E. Church312 Mrs. Eliza S. Hunt312 Donald O. Brainard314 William Shaver314 Mrs. Mary Newsome320 Fred Mellor328 Charles J. Olson32S Theodore F. Van Dusen330 John A. Swanson336 Willard R. Weber336 C. K. BunnellENGLISH ST. INTERSECTS.400 Charles E. Rolf400 John Hunt410 George E. Robinson410 Thomas Noon'440 566 426 436 52S 548 558 55S 562412412 422 430 432 444 448 524 530 536 542 546 ."-IS 50* 516 55

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYAXTEL STREET.23 Henry O. LindquistRight and South Side.23 Alfred Lund8 Carl W. HermansonLINWOOD AVE. INTERSECTS.10 John HermannNo houses12 Jonas A. JohnsonFOOTS AVE. INTERSECTS.14 N. Albert Nelson75 Arthur E. Heliwell16 Clarence A. Griffith79 Smith MiddletonFrom 16 Mrs. 48 Barrett Victoria west Austin to limits.-6th ward SI William E. MortimerBAKER Left STREET. and South Side.S5 Harry P. Duquette19 Louis O. Juel85 Asa Ackroyd47 Dexter D. Dorn91 Harold Sagerdahl47 Charles H. Harr91 James J. Rogers47% Charles Boyd93 Belinda A. Holley51 Charles C JohnsonHAZZARD ST. INTERSECTS51 John A. PetersonNo houses121 Eskel CarlsonSOUTH MAIN ST. INTERSECTS131 Barger SundbergNo houses135 Edward B. JohnsonBROADHEAD AVE. INTERSECTS139 Oscar NelsonNo houses143 Paul CusinanoBARKER STREET.143 Frank Foti(Right and North Side.)149 Otto W. Wiquist16 Mrs. Mary C. BloomCOLFAX ST. INTERSECTS20 Charles Anderson161 Carl A. Johnson22 Vacant171 Jonas P. AndersonLINWOOD AVE. INTERSECTS171 Anton E. LindellNo houses.173 Henry C. CarlsonFOOTE AVE. INTERSECTS173 Eric A. Anderson INTERSECTS. 76 Albert W. KnappJONES ST. INTERSECTSS8 Swan J. Anderson185 Andrew A. JonesSS Herman Nelson193 Vacant storeHAZZARD ST. INTERSECTS195 Oscar W. PetersonNo houses195 Alfred PetersonSOUTH MAIN ST. INTERSECTS199 Gust LindstromNo houses199 Fred J. GunnillBROADHEAD AVE. INTERSECTSDELAWARE AVE. INTERSECTS. 178 William D. Beck235 Ernest AndersonBARNARD AVENUE.235 Charles AndersonFrom 114 Sampson 'west.—Sixth war245 Peter PetersonLeft and South Side.245 Andrew Ipson5 Gust CarlsonNEWLAND AVE.7 John Burns329 Oscar E. WengstromBARNARD 57 AVENUE.359 Albert Underwood(Right 63 and North Side.)409 James Gray67 No houses437 Smith HomerBARRETT STREET.BAKER STREET.SIFrom 25 Steele south to Forest AvRight and North Side.S1Sixth ward.148 Arthur W. Billings9399 15 N. Mrs. M. Annie Willson Prince148 Otto W. Holmes107 17 J. Harry P. Mack L. Anderson150 C. Albert GunnarsonH)7 21 Henry George Anderson Smith154 Sandberg, Johnson & Co.111 23 E. Emil B. A. Bootey Swanson154 Fred C. Lawson115 27 Mrs. Charles Clara A. DahlquistMacMasters INTERSECTS154 Elmer Anderson115 31 Cassins Mrs. Louise Davis D. Vanblow158 W. L. Kent33 McKINLEY Jonas Jaderstrom AVE.158 Edwin S. Hill125 45 T. Atla B. Jenner McGraw162 John G. Johnson135 47 Peerless James H. Laundry Mills162 John Syren151 Adolph W. O. Isaacson E. PetersonBARKER From 196 200 206 166 170 202 210 216 228 252 282 296 406 and pect.—Third Vacant Herman Mrs. Edward SPRAGUE MAPLEWOOD Hilmer William James John Peter Charles Virginia East STREET. Margaret (Left Jennie Anna Carlina E. B. L. G. Levan Larson P. A.

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYMrs. Polly J. WightE. D. MorleyGustaf A. Johnson:Mrs. Sarah PerryJohn MorganOlson & JohnsonAlbin GustafsonAlfred GustafsonNEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTSAlfred BlomstrandE. ClausonCharles HagerMrs. Johanna SwansonAugust LofgrenEmil OlsonCarl SunvolfMrs. Louise OlsonCarl O. HultgrenJohn LindbergG. C. BloomBrightmin SmithMrs. Annetta BarnettCharles W.LarsonJohn JohnsonJohn P. HallLewis C. ReynoldsJames SweetinWayne MessengerBARRETT STREET.Right and West Side.City voting buildingNo housesBAKER ST. INTERSECTSJohn HansonFrank ButlerJohn C. SwansonHerman H. StoltzCharles E. FiskDaniel P. WescottMrs. Emily RaistrickWillie AppleyardMrs. Anna C. LjungbergMcKINDEY AVE. INTERSECTSA. J. Lane• David A. HillstromDavid M. RogersonErnest P. Hindlei VacantD. M. RogersonT. Allen HawkinsSTEARNS AVE. INTERSECTSMrs. Linda F. HolmquistL. H. SlosbergErnest C. WilliamsCharles A. SandgrenNels HagstromCOWDEN Lucius Vacant NEWLAND Mrs. Emil Andrew Alfred H. Frank DEARBORN John Victor Sven David Clarence CROWN Gust Lewis N. Fred Oscar Ernest Carl C. P. H. Carlson Anna Kate Milton Milner LynnOberg FagerstromP. Swanson O. J. Fernstrom E. Peterson Holman Nelson W. Fridell LynnLiljenblad Jones Hoadley Johnson ST. Lawson Cowles PLACE Magnuson Lammers AVE. ST. INTERSECTS236 Emil E. Peterson23S Alfred Nelson266 Francis SmithBARROWS STREET.From 9 King north to Allen. Fourth wardLeft and West Side.1 Mrs. Mary Kennedy1 Daniel C. Moynihan7 Swan Christensen7 William C. Christensen9 Andrew Baxell11 Baxell Bros.11 Gust Benson15 Mrs. Christine Carlson23- I. Whitehead35 Mrs. Marie Hartley35 J. Theodore Lawson35 Charles J. HultquistENGLISH ST. INTERSECTS111 Samuel Williamson115 J. Peter Ogren119 Mrs. Ellen Swallow119 Edward Kiley119 Mrs. Mary Johnson127 Kendall Horsfield131 J. William Westrom137 Edward L. Johnson145 Alfred Larson145 Mrs. Matilda Carlson145 Mrs. Sarah K. Hutty155 Miss Hannah Clough157 Mrs. Elizabeth Berglund157 Edward Morley163 Henry Johnson179 John Kulberg179 John Lindquist181 Josephine Scott183 Mrs. Charlotte Anderson183 Anna B. Johnson1S3 Herman Johnson1S5 Oscar Pang'1S5 Arthur Kofod187 John KofodWILLARD ST. INTERSECTS207 J. Oscar Swanson211 Igvald Seastrom211 Charles A. J. Lind213 Arvid Ahlstrom215 Thure E. Lindholm215 Benj. W. Peterson219 Gustaf SundellCHANDLER ST. INTERSECTS225 Oscar Holmquist225 Lars Bergman225 Seth Anderson227 Andrew AndersonBARROWS Right 227 231 235 245 257 251 100 102 14 12 26 30 32 38 40 422 S Jonas Vacant Richard August Reuben N. John Axel Lars Nels Fred Abram Mrs. ENGLISH Peter Sarah William Jennie Charles Gust Ben and J. Spence Maria A. STREET. Sarah Catherine P. B. Fletcher Minnie Flora Christine R. Nelson F. Brown W. Widdop P. Mitchell East G. A. Sellstrom Anderson Shaver Carlson Kling LarsonJulinRiceNelson Peterson ST. McCutcheonE. Johnson Wassman B. Side. Prosser S. INTERSECTSDavis Thompson Abrahamson

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY104 Thomas Riley Briggs110 Axel F. Carlson114 John Sampson116 Mrs. Hannah Ljungren124 W. A. Johnston132 Mrs. Ellen Y. Johnson132 Ernest L. York132 Irene BakerLIND ALLEY INTERSECTS140 Carl A. Nelson140 John Leman140 John Kowalski140% Walter Ludwiczak146 Charles J. Hendrickson150 Peter E. Carlson154 Mrs. Anna Frederickson154 Ludwig Ho'fgren154 Carl A. Swanson158 Martin Sampson158 Samuel Magnuson160 John Lindholm160 John Gustafson174 John Johnson174% John E. CarlsonWILLARD ST. INTERSECTS214 Axel Ostrom216 Peter A. Peterson216 Charles E. Wibeck216% Vacant220 Axel O. Swanson220 J. Axel H. Swanson222 John P. Carlson226 Frederick Westling230 Andrew G. Norman234 August Johnson238 Charles J. Sundquist244 Swan G. Hultquist246 Gust Berg248 C. F. Lundberg248 Henry Benson252 C. F. Gustafson296 Alfred Stubbs296 Arthur J. Hammerstrom300 Alfred L. Youngson300 Gust BernhardtSCIOTA ST. INTERSECTS608 Charles W. Freeman608 John A. Peterson628 Richard Johnson62S Mrs. Anna OsbergBENEDICT ST. INTERSECTS700 Axel Lind700 John Osberg650 Siddeth W. Johnston652 "William Pawn652 John Colander654 Gustaf EMBASSETT Right BEALER BECKERINK BEECH From 656 11 13 15 21 16 18 First ward. Mrs. Harry Vacant Alfred John No Frederick Severin Clyde Hallock Shaw 1130 Orphanage ward. and STREET. housesAVENUE. Emma W. FredericksonLeft Catlin J. L. Peters South AVENUE. avenue Prendergast Eckstrom Furlow E. Shoultz and west—Sixth Eller Bottsford east North Side. to Ahrens.—Fourthto Side. Ave. City ward. east—FirstLine—FifthBEMUS PLACE.From 262 Newton avenue south to Blanchard—Fifthward.No houses.BEMUS STREET.From 52 Kinney south to English—Fourthward.Left and East Side.75 Mrs. Ida ThierfeldtBEMUS STREET.Right and West Side.52 Anna B. Benson52 John Fredlund58 John A. Anderson64 Adolph C. HansonBENEDICT STREET.From 700 Barrows east—Fourth ward.Left and North Side.15 Anton A. EricksonWESCOTT ST. INTERSECTS23 Peter E. Carlson31 Carl F. Anderson35 Carl A. EdinHEDGES AV. INTERSECTS43 Andrew Hagglad47 C. Oscar Liedblad47 Gust A. Liedblad51 Arvid Hendrickson51 Victor Lofman5o John G. Johnson55 Charles AndersonJOHNSON ST. INTERSECTSNo housesCHAPIN ST. INTERSECTS85 Mrs. Clara HallbergPETERSON ST. INTERSECTS111 Mrs. Christina Nyholm111 Ludwig J. MarkerEAGLE ST. INTERSECTSNo housesVEGA ST. INTERSECTSBENEDICT STREET.Right and South Side.No housesWESCOTT ST. INTERSECTSNo housesHEDGES AV. INTERSECTS54 Herman Swanson54 Albin C. EdinJOHNSON ST. INTERSECTS64 Oscar F. Nelson64 Peter Anderson70 Mrs. Clara Anderson70 Gottfrid PetersonCHAPIN ST. INTERSECTSNo housesPETERSON ST. INTERSECTSBENNETT From 65 67 BENSON Right 32 35 69 73 110 120 36 8 Arthur John Charles J. EAGLE VEGA Mrs. Andrew William August Albert No Leonard Sampson 4S2 Anton and housesSTREET. Bretta S. Johanna Swanson LANE. Left ST. WheelhouseWillard L. Olson J. Berg Jones AndersonWest C. Jones Burke INTERSECTSand west—Sixth Benson SwansonErickson Side. East south—Fourth Side. ward. ward

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY36 Charles A. Nelson36 David Carlson50 Charles A. Nelson70 Matthew Seekins72 J. Albert BensonBEULAH PLACE.Changed to Sixteenth St.BIGELOW AVENUE.From Hopkins avenue north to the Outlet—Fifthward.Right and East Side.159 Alfred Dragstedt ,Willard F. LeroyBIGELOW AVENUE.Left and West Side.No housesBISHOP STREET.From 836 East Second south to Crescent-Fifth ward.Left and East Side.9 Carl W. Lindstrom11 Roseoe C. Blood11 Frank L. Eggleston17 VacantBISHOP STREET.Right and West Side.12 Mrs. Barbara Cooper14 August Nelson14 John HegstedtBLACKSTONE AVENUE.From 513 Buffalo at junction with E. R.R. east—Fifth ward.Left and North Side.Dahlstrom Metallic Door Co.11-15 Liberty Furniture Co.BLACKSTONE AVENUE.Right and South Side.56-68 Blackstone Manufacturing Co.BLANCHARD STREET.From 602 Winsor east to Sturges—Fifthward.Left and North Side.45 Albert A. BugbeeBLANCHARD STREET.Right and South Side.50 F. B. Patterson52 Emil Erickson54 Eugene H. Wheeler56 Axel NordstrandBOWEN AVENUE.(Changed to York St.)BOWEN STREET.From 757 East Second north to Buffalo-Fifth ward.Left and West Side.7 Gust Johnson215 119 121 127 217 11% 109 111 125 13 FALCONER BUSH PEACH Swan Segfrid August Claus Arvid Martin Aldvick Louie Charles C. Gilbert Wesley Mrs. W. Christina EricksonBarhight Norberg ST. Eckstedt Johnson F. HammerstromYoungbergBooman Stromdahl J. ST. Anderson Widmark SturdevantHavens BerquistST. Olson INTERSECTS217 Carl I. Johnson223 Charles Lundman225 Albin Carlson225 Mrs. Dina Johnson231 Paul Johnson231 William Ja Ostrom245 Theodore Faley245 John E. Carlson249 Axel LawsonPRICE ST. INTERSECTS319 Mrs. Emma C. PetersonNEWTON ST. INTERSECTS415 Eric Leander LlndwallBOWEN STREET.Right and East Side.8 Albert Bergstrom8 Simon P. Burt16 Charles E. Jones16 Charles G. Peterson18 Mrs. Julia A. Nord20 A. C. NorquistBUSH ST. INTERSECTS112 Andrew G. Lawson112 Mrs. Annie Bjorstrom114 Mrs. Alice Breed118 Mrs. Annie Breed120 John E. Soderberg122 Louis Dschuden122 Jacob Fisler124 Frank Montague126 A. S. AmesFALCONER ST. INTERSECTS212 John Norling212 Jennie Eastberg214 Charles Carlson216 Walter E. Thelander216 Alfred J. Peterson220 Charles Carlson224 John Gustafson224 Leonard OlsonVAN BUREN ST. INTERSECTS.238 Andrew G. Oberg240 Harvey C. Sturdevant244 Axel Nygren246 John Alfred Peterson250 John A. Holmberg314 Frank E. Nelson316 Andrew Griffith320 Lars Larson320 Axel Anderson322 Erland Johnson328 Frank PalmYORK ST. INTERSECTS342 Carl E. Bloomberg346 J. Henry Hultgren346 John P. Johnson350 Gustave A. LindstromBREED BRIGGS Left 19-23 BROADHEAD From 25-37 20 11 1 57 3 nue—Third ston 6 Vacant Mrs. David F. Anna Napoleon Walter Star and 81 110 Jones J. avenue—Sixth ward. STREET. Right (Incorrectly Ann Left Hannah Martha Laura Ida Underwood South Furniture Schlne BRIGGS RifenberickFoote AVENUE. ward. I. Anderson & E. and NeustromBlystone Gifford W. Main F. Scott Ann Side. avenue East Hart STREET. North Co. Frewnumbered) ward. Suttle south & Side. avenue west Son to to Cole to Institut Living­ave­

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY27 Mrs. Anna L. Lindblad27 Winfred E. Lindblad33 Waite R. Underwood37 G. Richard Thoren41 Mrs. Mary E. Yale41 Joseph Durano49 Mrs. M. P. Gammons55 James S. Horton59 Mrs. Leonora WinchesterKIDDER ST. INTERSECTS101 Mrs. Mary Sprague103 Lewis H. Baker107 Carl T. Folcker113 J. Edward Lynn111 Levi L. Amidon113 William J. Stewart115 Vacant137 Samuel A. Samuelson141 Edward C. LindbeckNEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTS211 John Downs211 Mrs. Mary L. Hoard213 George S. Frank219 John P. Carlson225 Addison G. Stevens225 John G. Lindahl235 Peter Zeliff241 Gust Nelson243 Carl A. Frederickson245 Sam J. ZuckermanBARKER ST. INTERSECTS261 William A. Merrill265 Frans Vackstrom267 Edward A. CarlsonBROADHEAD AVENUE.Right and West Side.6 The Agnes Association Home16 Edward F. Jones24 Thomas E. Perkins28 Elmer A. Donelson32 Eleazer Green38 A. A. Amidon44 Mrs. Anna E. Gates44 William J. Dunihue48 George Putnam50 Frank W. Bullock56 Charles M. Beck00 Mrs. Eliza Hubbard60 Mrs. Ella M. Wade64 Mrs. Betsey T. KliestKIDDER ST. INTERSECTS102 George A. Erickson106 Godfrey R. Abersold108 Ephraim D. Allen110 Frank S. Moses110 Ralph W. Taylor112 Hull M. Hooker202 208 226 228 230 246 248 258 264 268 116 120 142 144 212 216 220 224 242 244 262 114 US Mrs. NEWLAND J. Fred Frank John Gust L. Oscar Harry Jerome Jonas Gottlieb Daniel Ragnar David C. BARKER Erick Charles William Ray Axel Albert O. C. P. Emma Sundell Hilda Moon Caroline A. August Anderson W. F. H. Carlstrom G. E. WimmermarkW. A. O. F. Larson Rimph Lawson Peterson P. R. F. Dickson SaundersCarlson DschudenSampson Anderson JonesJohnson Keefe ST. Schenck Roselle Jackson C. Eastman Lundgren AVE. Johnson Anderson Peterson INTERSECTS270 Albert C. Fisher270 Erhardt Thurnquist2S0 John R. LundbergBROOKLYN SQUARE.i 1 John AhlstrandLars J. Erickson2 Donelson's Cash Grocery3 Manbert & Lager4 Albert PetersonBRYAN AVENUE.From 55 Kinney east—Fourth ward.No housesBUFFALO STREET.From 1002 North Main southeast—Firstand Fifth wards. (Formerly Buffalo,East Buffalo and Buffalo Ext.)Left and North Side.Lake View CemeteryLAKEVIEW AVE. INTERSECTS97 Francis L. Strickland143 George B. Dorothy183 William H. HancocK201 Abraham Beckrink237 Clarence B. HubbardSTOWE ST. INTERSECTSNo housesHOTCHKISS ST. INTERSECTSOld M. E. churchFALCONER ST. INTERSECTSNo housesEAST SECOND ST. INTERSECTSBLACKSTONE AVE. INTERSECTSERIE TRACKS INTERSECT545 Charles Burke559 Frederick Nowak559 Frank J. Moore581 Mrs. Celia Carlson581 Eugene Pratt705 Andrew VenmanCAROLINA ST. INTERSECTS731 Andrus P. Lawson745 Nels Hansen771 John Fosburg771 Andrew A. JohnsonBUFFALO STREET.Right and South Side.8 Frank C. Crofoot34 Clara AndersonPRENDERGAST AV. INTERSECTS52 D. Russell ClarkLAKEVIEW AVE. INTERSECTS104 R. Vernon Goodwin112 New house194 John AndersonSTURGES ST. INTERSECTS214 Mrs. Hannah M. Carlson214 John E. Pihlblad.460 248 304 366 440 442 444 452 464 474 234 246 260 36S 372% 24S FALCONER Edwin Henry Gustaf Richard WEEKS Municipal No EAST Max Wal'fred J. George Vacant C. Mrs. THAYER STOWE Bernard Albert New BOWEN John H. L. Charles houses MeyerCaroline F. E. Ayers Case A. SECOND Lindquist S. Flink Hegstedt Prewer Leroy Carlson Nash Olson PetersonHolmburg ST. Faulkner Water Neville ST. C. ST. Co. LuceINTERSECTSpumping station

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYERIE TRACKS INTERSECT650 Mrs. Richard Patt676 William R. Fox6S4 Mrs. Mary Motley690 John H. Venman704 Wilbur Fisk720 Mrs. K. Lynch738 Thomas Mahoney, Sr.738 Thomas Mahoney, Jr.750 James McAvoy764 Thomas ShanahanBURTCH STREET.From Foote avenue to Martin Road-Fourth ward.No housesBUSH STREET.From 414 Winsor east to Thayer—Fifth135 Andrew P. SwansonHEBNER ST. INTERSECTS505 August A. Holm515 A. William Holm517 Amel SkansENGLISH ST. INTERSECTS705 Vacant721 Frank L. SkoglundCAMP STREET.Right and South Side.10 Mrs. Densie Harper10 Christopher McNallie14 A. B. Chadwick14 Glen F. Hunt14 Ernest Frankson600 D. C. Coe610 H. M. Thompsonward.636 Fred H. FullerRight and South Side.12 Fayette Leet16 Charles S. Leet20 Carl Anderson20 Gust Forsberg20 Aleck Pearson22 Eric Setterwall22% John Olman22 Oscar Widigren22 Alfred A. Rask26 Axel Berg26 William M. Bowen32 Carl A. ShellbergAlbin Nyberg36 Erick A. Olson40 Edwin Thompson40 Emil Nelson44 James G. Flower44 E. E. Stevens650 August Cnattingius660 Andrew G. Johnson724 Eric CarlsonSO0 O. Elmer SwansonCAREY PLACE.From Newton avenue south to Blanchard—Fifth ward.No housesCAROLINA STREET.From Buffalo, north.Right and East Side.Nils M. DahlOscar OlsonCAROLINA STREET.Deft and West Side.No housesCARROLL STREET.From opposite 612 Murray avenue westto Fairmount avenue—Second ward.BOWEN ST. INTERSECTSLeft and South Side.114 Mrs. Hilma Anderson116 John A. Nord116 August F. Nord118 Elmer W. Carlson118 Mrs. Louisa Nord120 Charles O. NelsonBUSH STREET.Left and North Side.11 Elmer Van Gilder11 Gust Young15 Andrew P. Nelson17 Oscar Carlson17 Mrs. Josephine Erickson21 John V. Colander29 Arthur G. Eggleston33 Carl J. Wallen41 Emil Johnson45 Harry HedstromO. O. AdamsCARROLL STREET.Right and North Side.12 James M. McVeigh12 James J. CurranCATLIN AVENUE.From 313 Fairmount avenue south towest Third—Sixth ward.Right and West Side.22 Daniel Reagan22 Howard B. Cowing26 Marion AndersonWEST SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS104 Henry L. Ellis110 Bert L. Matson118 John O. Berg124 Fred. O. SeeleyCATLIN AVENUE.CAMP From 105 115 117 133 113 121 129 103 111 45 Fourth August MAPLE Mrs. Axel Albert W. John Archie BOWEN WALNUT H. Edward Olof Emil Carl Charles Walfred STREET. 405 F. D. Nording Pihlblad Anna Christine ward. Carlson E. A. L. T. D. Left Foote P. Stowe Haskell AndersonA. J. C. Vidane Engstrom Nelson Sampson Whitford ST. A. Walstead Carlson Clint and ST. Lundquist Swanson Anderson Nord Berg INTERSECTSavenue HendricksonNorth Side. east to limits- Left From CEDAR Right 135 117 15 19 23 37 31 16 20 14 WEST Ernest Gust P. Leon A. Frank Carl Arvid Arthur John Edward Mrs. and 31 AVENUE. and J. Fred Selander Emma Wallberg Amanda Kinney Johnson Page B. Boyd Left Fast Kraft A. SIXTH V. M. South Bergquist Lawson Nelson Davis TolsonFritz Side. east—Fourth ST. Side. North INTERSECTSSide. ward.

CEDAR STREET.(Changed to Chestnut.)CENTER STREET.JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYFrom 116 Chandler south to Harrison—Fifth ward.Left and East Side.13 Vacant17 Gustaf Anderson23 John Lonngren29 C. A. OkerlindFRANKLIN ST. INTERSECTS.35 George Wheelhouse37 Joseph Holmes39 Joseph AppleyardAPPLEYARD PL. INTERSECTS61 John Cosimano63 Henry J. Kosthorst63 Frank Cosimano65 Fred Allison67 Ellen Bull67 Clifton M. Geer67 Mrs. Sarah Smith67 Mrs. Augusta SandburgCENTER STREET.Right and West Side.6 Mrs. Corabelle Horton6 Samuel Vacanti6% J. W. King, Jr.6% John Anderson8 Charles J. Wellington8 Leon N. Himebaugh24 Clayton L. Hall26 Mrs. Lucia A. Thrall28 Frank Muff28 E. S. Sperry32 Juliette Holley32 John T. Lees36 Frank W. Crossfield36 Harvey O. WilliamsCRANE ST. INTERSECTS46 Miss Nora CalahaneERIE R. R. INTERSECTS58 Jamestown Cotton MillCHAMBER STREET.From 614 Forest avenue west to Sampson—Sixthward.Left and South Side.21 Car! Gustafson21 Axel AhlstromCHAMBER STREET.Right and North Side.22 David W. Kellogg40 Ozias BeldnerCHAMPLIN STREET.(Changed to Phillips.)CHANDLER STREET.From junction of East Third and East105 109 113 117 127 123 135 139%Matthew 143 145%Oscar 141 153 Second Carl Frederick Vacant Albin Swedish A. Alfred Walter Rev. David Edwin George Mrs. Gilson Frank Luke Charles J. J. southeast Carl Marcella Mary Martin May Left M. Davidson F. SampsonL. Barker Lehmann Carlson E. W. J. Define Baptist Lynch Eckwall M. A. Jackson R. Noyes Wheeler Griswold Anderson and A. Brill Aldeen Peterson Bishop Alsko J. to North Church. Shooke Allen—Fifth Side. ward.153 Henry Bradigan157 Miss Emily Yates163 Elmer E. Howard167 Harry S. Minich167 A. J. PetersonCROSS ST. INTERSECTS205 John H. Illingworth207 Joseph C. Haug207 William H. Anderson219 Edward C. Greene219 John Otander219 Byron S. LewisWINSOR ST. INTERSECTS301 E. W. Curtis Lumber Co.305 E. Winfield Ross Lumber Co.325 Erie R. R. Freight office415-421 A. C. Norquist Co441 Weber Manufacturing Co.MORSE AVE. INTERSECTS507 Mrs. Amanda LundquistCHANDLER STREET.Right and South Side.4 Mrs. Emma Y. Bootey10 R. N. Blanchard12 George N. Gage12 Mrs. Margaret S Ciittenden12 Mrs. Emma HortonSwedish Methodist churchFOOTE AVE. INTERSECTS102 Rev. A. T. FryckmanSwedish Mission church108 Willis Swanson112 Dr. B. F. Illston112% Henry G. Anderson116 Rev. Julius LincolnCENTER ST. INTERSECTSFirst Lutheran church142 D. B. WatsonELK ST. INTERSECTS144 Conrad Thurstone144 J. Oscar Holmes144 Bailey Bratt150 Charles E. Morse152 Ernest W. Greendahl152 John L. Swanson152 Hugh Boylen152 Fred H. Freeman154 F. A. Pennock & Co.FRANKLIN ST. INTERSECTS164 Johanna Peterson164 James H. Knowles164 Mrs. Martha Bairstow168 Albert Brown168 Frank Carlson168 Edmund Brown168 Albert H. Grace21216S168% 172 174 200 206%Arvid 208 210 214 222 440 444 44S 452 From 19 Fourth William HarvevGeorge Frederick Albert George Emil CROSS WINSOR No LeRoy Clarence Axel A. Gust Mrs. J. Carl Charles John James Martin 285 P. houses Augusta Helgren Stark Johanna Ella ward. Anna Nelson W. C. L. Chindgren Anderson CHAPIN Left Shanahan C. Willard L. Wright S.RobesonD. ST. Wibeck Cooper MorseBurchard Lundberg H. BeckstrandJohnson V. Jull Anderson Dschuden ST. HarrisLawsonBurnell Nelson Carlin Allison INTERSECTSWest north STREET. Side. to Benedict-

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY37 Anton Sellstrom41 Charles E. Johnson41 C. M. Alfred Peterson41 Carl J. Erickson45 Elmer P. Jones45 Carl O. Johnson47 Oscar W. Swanson57 Carl J. Peterson59 Louis A. Peterson63 F. Oscar Peterson67 John A. Hallin121 Mrs. Dorothy W. HermansonCHAPIN STREET.Right and East Side.S Karl Sandquist14 James P. AndersonIS C. J. Peterson22 John A. Peterson26 Charles P. Lager30 Carl J. Gustafson40 Emil Froding42 Lawrence E. Johnson42 Adolph Elender54 John M. Anderson56 Claus V. Holmquist60 Axel G. Lofgren66 Charles Johnson66 Charles G. Erickson68 VacantCHAPMAN STREET.From 1 Front south to Baker—Sixthward.Left and East Side.No housesMT. VERNON PL. INTERSECTS.21 Francis D. Steele21 Frank Eral33 Peter Hansen35 Charles D. Carlson39 Axel Johnson39 A. P. Nylander43 Peter Olson43 Nels EckmanPALMER ST. INTERSECTSNo housesCHAPMAN STREET.Right and West Side.No housesMT. VERNON PL. INTERSECTS30 Martin Samuelson34 Charles E. Lundquist42 Albert BergrenPALMER ST. INTERSECTSNo housesCHARLES STREET.From before 175 McKinley avenue (formerlyForest street) south to Hazeltine105 CHARLES Right 55 43 47 51 39 11 13 25 33 35 15 29 2 avenue—Sixth NEWLANDMrs. New Algert Oscar C. Peter Victor Albert Frank COWDEN Burdette Signe Alfred John Andrew Gust STEARNS Charles James William and Josephine Amanda STREET. house Barbara A. Carlson Erickson Kofod Left Werner AndersonH. J. Josephson MalmstromBostrom West Linden G. Nelson Lincoln Johnson Mason Root PL. Carlsonand vacant ward. AVE. Side. Anderson Schopp LjungbergEast INTERSECTSSide. ,6 Charles G. Carlson10 Albert L. Sweet16 Clarence Johnson20 John A. Anderson22 Carl E. Nelson22 Charles Nelson22 Gerhard Carlson24-32 Branch School No. 5.38 Olof Johnson42 Ernest W. Johnson42 Edwin Skoglund46 Alex Swanson46 Marion D. Swanson48 Andrew Westerbohm50 Charles H. Wood52 Brightman B. Smith52 Frank MeliNEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTS100 Erick Sanquist100 Conrad Glantz104 Albertus Spaulding104 Theodore Sundell106 William Glantz10S Anton Peterson110 Fred H. CarlsonCROWN ST. INTERSECTS206 G. Gust JarlNo housesDEARBORN ST. INTERSECTSCHARLOTTE AVENUE.From 1291 East Second north—FifthLeft and West Side.14 J. H. BarlowCHARLOTTE AVENUE.Right and East Side.Vacant houseCHAUTAUQUA AVENUE.Right and West Side.10 Mrs. Louisa Peterson10% John Carlson12 Charles A. Carlson16 August P. Anderson20 Peter Swanson24' Emil Morgan24 Amil C. Jones28 Peter E. Larson32 John P. Oberg36 Charles A. Anderson36 Oscar Johnson40 Alein Olson40 Gust Wigren44 Mrs. Vera Sandberg50 Gust A. Larson50 John A. Jones72 Charles Liden72 Walter HolmesCHAUTAUQUA CHENEY From 156 109 124 76 69 84 SO 9 street Fifth HAZELTINE William No NEWLAND Carl MORTON GRANDIN LAKE Mrs. Herbert Erick Knut Bengt Otto Emil Frank 734 177 housesward. STREET. and J. Allen F. Amanda Anderson HegrenLeft East Sandberg G. ST. Carlson Nelson C. Lund Baker Dorn AndersonObergAVENUE. ST. Second AVE. Gustafsonavenue.)—Sixth INTERSECTS.East south Side. (Formerly to ward. Scott- Jo

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY9 Nicholas Anderson9% Julian KistlutCRESCENT ST. INTERSECTS107 George A. Shafer111-119 F. M. Curtis Co.CHENEY STREET.Right and West Side.8 Mrs. Cecelia Dempsey8 Mrs. Agnes HorrocksS% Frank West10 Ora E. RoddaCRESCENT ST. INTERSECTS110 August H. Anderson112 John A. Peterson114 Louis BatemanCHERRY STREET.From 22 West First north to Ninth-Second ward.Left and West Side.101 Mrs. Charles T. HowardWEST SECOND ST. INTERSECTS.201-209 Barrett Building201 Garage Restaurant (Swanson & Peterson.)203 Tinkham Bros.205 Jamestown Garage207 Singer Sewing Machine Co.209 The Brunswick.209 John M. Teall201-209 Swedish Brotherhood Hall205 Howard & Jones209 Dr.J. Raymond Sackrider207 Dr. R. J. Granger207 Dr. M. J. Johnson211 H. R. Mecusker217 Haekmens' Headquarters219 Star Tailoring Co.221 Hall Bros. Barber ShopWEST THIRD ST. INTERSECTSFirst Presbyterian churchWEST FOURTH ST. INTERSECTSSwanson Bros.405 Thomas H. Meredith405 Mrs. Blanche S. VanSyckle407 James Benson407 Bridget Culley407 Mrs. Mary F. Johnson409 Mrs. Helen Wing409 Frank Hunt411 Eber K. Prince411 Charles W. Giering411 Jane Selfridge413 Mrs. Kathryn WaiteWEST FIFTH ST. INTERSECTSPrendergast <strong>Library</strong>WEST SIXTH ST. INTERSECTSDow ParkCHERRY Right 811 711 719 S01 713 SOS 809 813 815 302 817 819 S21 823 110 204 Elbert Thomas W. WEST Foreman Joe George Elmer James Fred Mrs. Joseph Axel John Albert Glen Allen E. Lovina Edwin Draymen's G. and SEVENTH Meli STREET. M. F. W. K. C. Dschuden Square Partridge Anderson Sweetland Hatch E. Hasson V. D. THIRD W. Topper EIGHTH J. SECOND Coe E. East EdmondSpear Johnson A. King Myers SmithHetfleld RisleyHeadquartersAnderson Building Side. ST. ST. INTERSECTS304 Charles M. Imus304 Frank A. Imus Jr.314 Dewey-Davis Printing Co.316 Gurney Ball Bearing Co.316 Ashworth-Odell Worsted Mills316 American Metal Door Co.316 Chadakoin Worsted Co.318 William N. Gokey Shoe Co.318 George F. Gokey Shoe Co.WEST FOURTH ST. INTERSECTSNo housesWEST FIFTH ST. INTERSECTS508 Rev. Richard Coyle50S Rev. C. M. Degnan514-518 SS. Peter and Paul's R. C. churcliWEST SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS606 Mrs. Harriet Love610 William Gage610 John S. Swanson610 Edgar E. Chase612 William B. King614 Roy C. Schone614 Ivan W. Carter614 Michael Schone616 Fred R. HemphillW. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTSFirst Adventist church718 James DunderdaleWEST EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS810 A. C. Bratt810 Fred Sagerdahl818 George R. Craig820 Merritt Austin822 Leonard Drescher824 Mrs. Ellen R. MoffettS26 Edmund R. Emmott82S Charles A. Moffett82S%Mrs. Emma Melquist830 Mrs. Lucy HeitmuellerCHESTNUT STREET., From 634 Lakeview avenue east toOrmes. (Formerly Cedar St.)—Fifthward.Right and South Side.12 H. Albertus WestIS Andrew A. Lawson22 John P. Moynihan26 Fred M. Rich30 Fred J. Short32 Mrs. A. F. Allen Brown34 Alvin D. Stitt36 Irving N. Griffith40 Carl Olofson42 C. Amil SwansonCHESTNUT STREET.Left and North Side.15 W. B. ConroyCHICAGO Left From CHURCH Right 101 117 12 16 26 19 15 23 ward. Fifth.—First Glenn James WOODWORTH F. Harrv First Lee Benjamin Clauds EAST Rev. No Miner and 421 831 L. and housesE. STREET.AVENUE. William Right Seeley Baptist East Left Fairmount A. W. H. S. FOURTH Balcom C. East Carpenter Garfield Chase Crissey ward. Bohall Myers and Side. Second church J. Side. West AVE. Ford ST. avenue north Side.INTERSECTS south—Sixthto East

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYEAST FOURTH ST. INTERSECTS110 Elmer B. Swanson112 Elbridge G. Pierce118 C. Reed Sessions118 Carl GillbladCLARKE AVENUE.75 Irwin W. LuceFrom about 300 Hall avenue west—Sixth SI Ralph C. Davisward.Left and South Side.5 Oliver L. Scott5 Forrest ScottCLARKE AVENUE.Right and North Side.No housesCLEVELAND PLACE.1S9 William ShuresFrom 20 West Seventh north to WestEighth—Second ward.Left and West Side.9 Egbert Sage9 Leroy H. Barton11 Earl L. Carpenter11 Mrs. Christina MaddoxCLEVELAND PLACE.Right and East Side.10 George KnorrCLINTON STREET.From West First north to Isabella avenue—Secondward.Left and West Side.213 Mrs. Marv Belle JohnsonWEST THIRD ST. INTERSECTS313 P. E. Hennigan315 P. Fred Simon317 H. J. GoodwillWEST FOURTH ST. INTERSECTS101 Frank WoodWEST FIFTH ST. INTERSECTS501 Levant R. Nichols501 Watson D. Nichols503 Paul Gentilini505 Joseph H. Isbell509 Edward A. L. Rohl509 Mrs. Hannah SheltersCLINTON STREET.Right and East Side.214 Dewitt Nobles214 Victor Chipman214 S. Albert Johnson214 Edwin WilliamsWEST THIRD ST. INTERSECTS302 Mrs. Phoebe A. Burlin304 J. Samuel Fowler306 Francis E. Rogerson308 Dewitt C. Smith310 Elton E. EddyWEST FOURTH ST. INTERSECTSCLYDE Right COLE From 123 S40 209 510 28 26 18 ward. HOTCHKISS William J. No Andrew Herbert Fred George WEST Orswold Mrs. 376 AVENUE. 624 Emil and housesCaroline J. Left Stowe Foote (Incorrect FIFTH South H. EIGHTH Johnson Anderson HartensteinN. R. Shearman and Norton Weidner Wiley east avenue ST. Swanson Side. North ST. numbers) ST. INTERSECTSto west Side. Curtis—Fifthto Baker(not opened between Forest avenue andSampson street)—THird and Sixthwards. (Formerly Park Place and EastPark Place.)Left and South Side.85 VacantIVY ST. INTERSECTSNo housesHAZZARD ST. INTERSECTS147 Thomas HallSOUTH MAIN ST. INTERSECTS1S9 Edward Ahlstrom195 Mrs. Rhoda Hills203 James B. Cole207 Albin J. Beeman215 Gustaf A. NeilsonCOLE AVENUE.Right and North Side.186 Charles Neiderlander• COLFAX STREET.From 149 Baker south—Sixth ward.Left and East Side.23 J. Otto Olson27 Charles G. ForsbergMORTON ST. INTERSECTS101 Hans Anker101 Frank Buck103 Albert Nordin107 Edward C. Carlson109 Clarence Breckenridge109 Peter Frantzen109 Alfred BernhardGRANDIN ST. INTERSECTSNo housesLAKE ST. INTERSECTSNo housesNEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTS251 Carl A. JohnsonHAZELTINE AVE. INTERSECTSCOLFAX STREET.Right and West Side.8 Mrs. Emma StormerMcKINLEY AVE. INTERSECTS14 John A. Anderson14 Edward J. DonelsonIS Andrew J. Swanson20 Gustaf Sandberg20 Mrs. Mary E. Erickson30 Orliza Crowther30 Willis A. NeffMORTON ST. INTERSECTS126 Nels O. ObergGRANDIN ST. INTERSECTS210 262 268 From 17 29 41 43 11 25 33 37 ward. Chandler Third HAZELTINE High Willis John No NEWLAND August Adolph Nels Mrs. Albert Timothv Otto Elem George Miss Oscar Samuel 244 ward. houses junction COLUMBIA Wallin COLLEGE W. R. Lucv Carlson Right School Forest Holmberg Left Bernhard H. E. O. Johnson Anderson south Lund Goranson M. Sunderland Cobb Sampson Baker FullerFoley Campus.avenue of AVE. to North East West STREET.AVENUE.Erie east INTERSECTS Side.R. Second to R.—Fifth Myrtle— and ,

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY11 Reynold Soderstrom24 George T. Murray15 Charles Jharl24 Godfrid Johnson15 Carl Ahnstrom24 Robert W. Young17 August Beckman24 Oscar C. Nelson17 James H. FoxFALCONER ST. INTERSECTS19 W. H. Scharf106 Frank Anderson19 Peter E. PetersonCOWING STREET.25 Harry C. WahlgrenLeft and West Side.25 Emil Carlson5 Stephen A. Joslyn29 Carl A. BergmanFALCONER ST. INTERSECTS29 Oscar Selman109 Charles M. ImusCOLUMBIA AVENUE.CRANE STREETRight and South Side.From 31 Foote avenue east to Center-10 James WeissFifth ward.12 Mrs. Gustava LawsonRight and South Side.16 Fred W. Grinker6 E. E. Herrick16 Carl J. LindbeckS Martin Merz Jr.18 Ara V. Stone10 James Ryan22 Andrew Simpson10 Ida Lindstrom22 Peter Pihl10% James Calahan26 Algot FosbergCRANE STREET26 Samuel JohnsonLeft and North Side.CONNECTICUT AVENUE.5 Francis J. AppleyardFrom Baker west to Hallock—Sixth 9 John Hartleyward.11 Martin Merz Sr.Charles F. HobbsCRESCENT STREETWilliam E. StandishFrom 17 Cross east and north to East101 Melvin WiltsieSecond at junction with Buffalo—FifthCOOK AVENUE.ward.From 417 Fairmount avenue south toLeft and North Side.West Third—Sixth ward.9 Frank H. GeorgeLeft and East Side.9 Frank A. Day1 Algert T. Nelson11 Arthur Lazier9 Charles H. Rhodes19 William Chamberlain11 Frederick J. Bealer21 Daniel Marsh13 John F. EllisWINSOR ST. INTERSECTS15 David C. Lundberg107 VacantWEST SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS. 109 Andrew P. Bloomquist101 Emerson W. White109 Clarence Anderson103 Harold D. Herpst113 Mrs Sophie Hult105 De Forest F. Parish115 Mrs. Esther Hilton147 Charles A. Hunt129 Laverne J. JohnstonCOOK AVENUE.131 James HowesRight and West Side.133 Theodore Carlson2 Sherman S. Keyes133 George M. Nelson4 Fred W. Mansfield133 Elden O. CooperS Charles N. BensonCHENEY ST. INTERSECTS10 William Pearson203 John O. Rosendahl12 Dewitt C. Howard203 Mrs. Amelia Anderson14 Bert E. Pease211 John A. Anderson16 J. B. Husband211 Milton M. JohnsonWEST SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS 215 Nicholas U. Hiller100 George C. Jenner217 Mrs. Rosina Morse104 Albert Ellis225 F. Curtis Farrington108 Merle Shearman231 Samuel J. Bailey112 Walter H. Haynes231 Joseph H. HowardCOWDEN Right COWING From 124 17 11 15 21 22 10 5 ward. love 68 Frank Vacant. Mrs. Edwin Adolph Charles Ernest John James Kazer Earl Theron 1037 Place—Fifth 155 and PLACE. STREET. Left Mary B. Right & Boyes M. Metcalfe Eckman North East O. F. J. Oberg P. L. Barrett Newberrj Larson Culver and Roehl Johnson Leroy Eckburg Jenkins Carlson Sugden and Second South Side. ward. East west Side. north to to Charles—SixthYoung-237 241 243 245 247 251 253 295 249 293 297 299 301 305 303 329 475 501 539 541 Oscar Mary Andrew Anna Ed. Louis August Emil Bernard THAYER Holdsworth Swan John Axel James Emery George Carl Frank Hans Earl Mrs. BISHOP Carmine Henning D. G. Elizabeth Bertha Seaberg Anna Sarah Clinton Reynolds Hendrickson V. L. McCulloughP. F. BluckhornE. O. G. Carlson York DahlgrenLofgren A. O. MartinelliBeyersSwanson ST. Taylor Anderson NoonStromberg Johnson Gafvert J. Clough Nickerson Jones INTERSECTSStonerBirmingham

24 John Nelson30 Aaron G. Anderson34 John WennburgCHARLES ST. INTERSECTS114 Fred HultquistUS John AndersonCROWN STREET.Left and South Side.'11 Gust CarlsonCULVER STREET.From 115 Steele south—Sixth ward.Left and East Side.5 August P. HallCULVER STREET.Right and West Side.6 Lafayette M. BurdickCURTICE STREET.From Fairmount avenue north—Sixthward.No housesCURTIS STREET.JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYFrom 1083 East Second northwest—Fifthward.Left and West Side.No housesFALCONER ST. INTERSECTS109 William W. ConicFRINK AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesCLYDE AVE. INTERSECTSCharles E. WeeksRobert ConroeJohn A. WestmanVacantAugust SwanCURTIS STREET.Right and East Side.112 Hiram V. HerrickDAVIS STREET.(Changed to Thayer.)DEARBORN STREET.From Barrett west to Charles—Sixthward.No housesDEARING AVENUE.From Falconer northwest to Youngloveplace—Fifth ward.No housesDELAWARE AVENUE.DERBY STREET.Right and South Side.IS Van W. Hall20 Elmer A. Wherle20 Mrs. Eliza M. Black22 Mrs. Emerson A. Gilbert24 John Findley24 William Beauchamp26 Stephen L. Rice28 Eric A. Forsbeck30 Mrs. Augustus S. Harrington30 Louis A. Fenton32 Elmer H. Wyman34 Mrs. James Holmes34 C. Emil Gustafson ,36 Mrs. Huldah Gustafson36 Everett L. WaiteDEXTER STREET.From 1017 East Second north to Falconer—Fifthward.Letft and West Side.New houseDEXTER STREET.Right and East Side.12 Willis E. Sales24 Charles W. PeaveyDICKERSON STREET.From opposite 1015 Nor&h Main east toPrendergast avenue—'Formerly EastDickerson—First ward.Deft and North Side.9 Charles Greene11 Mrs. Maria Cooper11 William H. Mullen15 Walter BeatyDICKERSON STREET.Right and South Side.10 G. Emil Peterson16 Charles T. RushDORN AVENUE.(Changed to <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.)DOUGLAS PLACE.From opposite 624 Foote avenue east tVirginia, boulevard—Sixth ward.Right and South Side.No housesLINWOOD AVE. INTERSECTSFrom 407 Baker south to Newland avenue DOUGLAS PLACE.—Sixth ward.Left and North Side.Deft and East Side.9 Charles A. Peterson11 John CarlsonDOVER STREET.23 Albin AndersonFrom Bowen east to Thayer—Fifth w23 John DanielsonNo housesDELAWARE AVENUE.DRIVING PARK ROAD.Right and West Side.(Changed to Hopkins Ave.)No housesDURANT AVENUE.DERBY From 15 17 19 21 23 27 31 25 35 41 Third Jacob William Frank Omer LaVerne Edward Gustaf Lewis Dr. Fred 123 ward. R. STREET. Burgeson Left O. Lipo St. South Wolf Erickson Bender Davis Johnson G. Peterson Link Card Germain and Broadhead Main North east Side. to outlet-FromFrom Right 23 27 47 57 77 S9 10 Fourth 911 No John Swan Clarence Charles Axel S. Mrs. Fred Carl 317Curtisand houses A. ward. Bergeson BloomquistA. Augusta L. O. Boberg Left Willard EAGLE Swanson G. East Bergdahl Traff Benson W. Bergman and Grantwest—FifthSide BensonWest STREET. north Side. to Benedictward.

10 Gust Hult16 S. E. Bergquist22 Matilda Peterson32 Emil Anderson42 John A. Rahm48 William J. Haynes56 Nels G. Nelson76 Leonard Johnson76 Mrs. Jennie Johnson80 Albert Johnson86 Otto F. BloomquistEARL STREET.JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYFrom Hallock west to City line—Sixthward.Left and South Side.5 Fred L. GoldthwaitEARL STREET.Right and North Side.No housesEAST STREET.From 423 East Fourth north to EastFifth—First wardLeft and West Side.5 Milton J. Fletcher7 J. B. BarkerEAST .STREET.Right and East Side.2 Mrs. Ida Giles Bucklin2 Joseph LaVier4 Leland W. PalmerEAST BARKER STREET.(Changed to Barke)rEAST BUFFALO STREET.(Changed to Buffalo.)EAST COWDEN PLACE.From 143 Barrett east—Sixth ward.Left and North Side.55 Charles H. Western57 John Martin59 George E. Matteson61 George E. Reagle63 Lynn K. SpencerEAST COWDEN PLACE.Right and South Side.56 Edgar A. Smith58 Charles Anderson60 Siscone HultmanEAST DICKERSON STREET.(Changed to Dickerson St.)EAST EIGHTH STREET.From 800 North Main east to Grant-First ward.Left and North Side.5 P. F. Lewis & Sons7 P. F. Lewis7 Charles F. Lewis11 Herbert Skinner217 301 105 107 113 221 225 111 15 George John Herbert PRENDERGAST FULTON No LIBERTY James Henry Merritt Eugene Fred C. Ernest SPRING Mrs. SUMNER LAKEVIEW Benj. L. houses Caroline Anna A. D. W. EckmanC. H. W. BatchelderCadwell Jones L. WrightPeterson Hayward PriceCook PLACE ST. Sellvin Jude Swezey AVE. BranneyINTERSECTSAV. INTERSECTS513 C. Ray Lovejoy515 William A. KnowltonLINCOLN ST. INTERSECTS609 Benj. S. Dean611 Perl A. Butts .613 R. D. Stoeltzing613 Dr. M. J. BealGRANT ST. INTERSECTSEAST EIGHTH STREET.Right and South Side.Union school lotSPRING ST. INTERSECTS100 Mrs. Emma C. Evens100 Albert D. Clark106 W. L.,Grant10S Clarence A. SlonePRENDERGAST AV. INTERSECTS208 Frank W. Cheney212 William R. Jones216 VacantFULTON ST. INTERSECTS300 Scott BakerLAKEVIEW AVE. INTERSECTS508 Mrs. Clara KocherspergLIBERTY ST. INTERSECTS514 A. E. Hills514 Mrs. Mary Ann Hills516 Mrs. Jane E. DearingLINCOLN ST. INTERSECTS612 C. O. Peterson614 Frank PopeEAST ELLICOTT STREET.(Changed to Ellicott.)EAST FIFTH STREET.From 416 North Main east to East SecondFirst ward.Left and North Side.15 George H. AhrensPINE ST. INTERSECTS111 Dr. Jane L. Greeley117 Mrs. H. Rosalia GiffordSPRING ST. INTERSECTS205 Alfred N. BriggsPRENDERGAST AV. INTERSECTS307 Christian Gossett311 Adolph G. Schurter315 John A. Thompson317 Lazelle H. Tower317 Mrs. Louise E. BassettFULTON ST. INTERSECTS321 F. W. Kohmann323 Samuel Curtis333 Louise Carlson333% John Stonehouse333%Ephriam L. Wright337 William F. Simpson341 Daniel EisenbergRight 351 405 411 417 427 533 503 513 521 525 529 537 539 545 100 104 210 14 16 Frank John LIBERTY Harry A. Alonzo Dana Fred Alfred LINCOLN George C. Emery Luther C PINE PRENDERGAST SPRING Mrs. Harvey Eugene and Frank EAST Janet Mariette Mary Emma Margaret Edwin Galloway A. Briggs Sarah Sylvia Young Ackroyd ST. E. R. M. DevoeSouth Peterson ST. Jenks Lewis Davis Maltby Moore Kilburn Bentley ButmanMcLaughlinE. FIFTH M. A. Bemus E. F. INTERSECTSBrown Side. KingBradshaw Page Kase Jeffords AV. STREET. INTERSECTS

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY316 Charles C. Wilson318 Mrs. Sarah J. Hall334 Fred W. Hyde342 Edward A. Peterson352 Frank E. Sessions356 Dr. Louis H. SnowCHURCH ST. INTERSECTS404 William C. Briggs408 C. Herman Erickson410 Arthur W. Hjorth412 Ahart S. Rowe418 Thomas H. Smith418 Mrs. Carrie J. Rohde426 Edward W. Gifford426 Frank R. MoodyEAST ST. INTERSECTS500 Austin H. Stafford500 Mrs. Adda H. Hatch504 Mrs. Mary A. Knapp504 George Brindley508 Mrs. Adelle S. Hill508 Mrs. May A. Porter514 Mrs. Florence R. Carpenter516 John E. Bell516 Seward M. CrisseyEAST FIRST STREET.From 3S North Main east to Institute.CHURCH ST. INTERSECTS401 John A. Osmer405 Vacant409 Dr. R. E. Thomson415 Mrs. Louisa V. Shaver423 Walter I. BlystoneEAST ST. INTERSECTS433 Dana Fenton433 Oliver F. Chase433 Mrs. Hannah Spencer433 Guy ThompsonEAST FOURTH STREET.Right and South Side.2 Dr. J. E. Almy2 Miss Gifford's Art Rooms2 Dr. Laban Hazeltine2 Miss M. McVeighS Mrs. Sophia A. Murphy8 Charles F. Shults10 Edward Morgan12 Frank A. Lockwood12 B. J. Cheney Rooming House14 Sebastian Friedman16 Mrs. J. E. Leach16 John B. Leach18 VacantPINE ST. INTERSECTSLeft and NOrth Side.110 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Schlol of Nursing1 James E. Toscan114 Deluge Engine House No. 13-5 A. A. Walker114 James J. Lynch7 Davey Plumbing Co.116 Mrs. Myra Davis9 VacantSPRING ST. INTERSECTS11-13 Moore Bros.Central Branch school17 Vacant210 Mrs. Mary S. Crossman19 Home Telephone storage210 James M. Mcintosh21 B. J. OdellFirst Church of Christ, Scientist21 Mrs. Ida EvansPRENDERGAST AV. INTERSECTS23 Carl O. Rose306 Dr. William E. Goucher201 Nicholas Binz310 Frank R. Ridell201 Mrs. Maryetta Taylor316 Rev. William H. Hickman201 Samuel Pollard322 William A. Marsh201 Demareo Sebastiano328 Mrs. Marv J. Jackson201 Sam Davis3.32 Rev. Charles T. Shaw215 Joe George344 John W. Doubledav219 D. A. Farm344% William O. Hawkes'223 Mrs. Marie Lindberg352 Robert Bryan223 Mrs. Ida C. Lawson3.J- John H. PratherEAST FIRST STREET.?56%T-1 nrry C. KelseyRight and South Side.356% John Rodv16 Frans A. Olson356%Mrs. Effie Histed28-30 Grandin's Feed Mill358 Mrs. Eudora K. Pardee102-126 Broadhead Worsted Mills35S Mrs. Louisa M. Mecusker216 Mrs. Emma Hedlund362 Frank H. Sharp216 Marshall I. Williams362 Daniel R. Parker220 Tony BattagliaCHURCH ST. INTERSECTS220 Lowns Benny4^2 Charles LambrosEAST From 305 329 333 339 347 351 353 220 222 101 123 2(i3 2n3 213 315 l.i ond—First Mrs. PRENDERGAST Arthur Edgar William Joseph Alfred PINE Alba Milton M. R. Frank Rosi Charles Ralph St. SPRING Shelden FOURTH 322 Bertha P.. Luke's Tusco Anna Mary Wilhelmina M. Baptist Left Kent ST. North P. Preston Frisa L. H Conticula Dimarco C. ward. Angelo B. E. O. H. Kent ST. Jenks Putnam STREET. Clark Preston Wade Episcopal and IT. L. Ainge BroadheadCook Proudtit church Main Fairbanks INTERSECTSTuckermanNorth Swanson AV. east church Side. INTERSECTSto East Sec­From Right EAST (Changed 404, 410 ma 402 and 11 3 57 4 ward. 8 S Henry John William Oscar Andrew J. Zenas Mrs. Gust Eric D. Romain Carl Strong HAMILTON 425 NINTH D. and C. NEWLAND L. E. Jennie Johnson Thurber A. Left Coe G. E. Foote to N. South street Vestlund V. Topper L. Bjornes Jensen Peterson STREET. G. Anderson Rohlin Morgan Hamilton.)Carlson Fal and AVENUE. Booth Akin Thomas Blakeslev STREET. avenue west Side. toner North AVENUE. of Side east—FourthLakeview.) of Lakeview

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYEAST PARK PLACE.335 Edward(Changed to Cole Ave.)337EAST SECOND STREET.From 200 North Main northeast to limits—Firstand Fifth wards.417411Left and North Side.4211-9 Burtch Block4211 Almond F. Morgan5035-7-9 Louis H. Slosberg5039% John Vishnia50711 The Anderson507James P. Sewell51113 Harris Bros.517Richard H. Johnson,52515 The Diamond Restaurant54317 The New Winsor54319 The Club54719 Earl O. Dye55121 Peterson & Youngquist55121 Martin Dolan55721 Mrs. Myrtle Boyd559Mrs.PINE ST. INTERSECTS.559101-111 Vandergrift Bldg.561George H. Ahrens563Henry A. Odell563101 Walter Heathcote567101 William T. Marsh617Axel Johnson6<strong>1910</strong>3 Vernelle A. Hatch6<strong>1910</strong>3 Chasles J. Anderson633105 A. Frank Nelson701Mrs.105 Arthur S. Terry707105 Dr. L. H. Snow711107 Andrew J. Johnson713 702107 David Lincoln713 763107 Lee Howard Thompson713% 763W. R. Johnston715 763109 Albert E. Johnson715 771109-111 Nord Furniture Co.779 715Ill R. B. O'Donnell719 7S1809' C. H. Peterson783 (23C. B. Jones723 811Samuel Lundquist731 821113-121 Jones Block737 S29113 Hermon Johnson741 S37Andrew P. Jones837 Mrs.Mrs. Laora Decker841115 Stoner & Berry845 Vacant117 A. M. Jones853119 Charles A. JohnsonS55Henry Sayers855 895121-123 Hotel GrandS69 895SPRING ST. INTERSECTSPIS201-207 Amidon Block919201 Grandin Shoe Co.921203 Scholin Furniture Co.929203 Fred F. Wortman205-207 213-223 215-217 335 325 333 327 329 331 209 211 219 303 309 315 317 323 Dr. PRENDERGAST Mrs. Aquilla Horatio Harry James Frances Fred Corisande Alex F. Joseph Hiram Eric Guy S. D. Boys' Dennis Bradburn John Y. W. R. A. Henry C. Margaret Nettie Amaricia JohnsonMillie Lizzie Ida Amanda M. E. Hoon Department Kitch Lamson P. G. R. A. C. Burklund Bennett Cawcroft B. Hatch Peterson C. V. Gray Smith Neville E. Cole Hawley Washburn Sprague F. Strunk LillibridgeA. & C. Stillman Fenton Johnson Whitley S. Moon Chaffee' Block Meredith Finucane AV. Walkerman& Y. Co. M. INTERSECTSC. A.SlackGeorge NelsonE. THIRD ST. INTERSECTSFirst M. E. churchGeorge V. BlackstoneEdwin J. AshwellA. S. DunhamJohn T. WilsonCHURCH ST. INTERSECTSMrs. Mary W. BakerC. B. WinsorCarl E. CarlsonCharles A. FlemingParker E. PierceJames W. CollopyDr. J W. NelsonE. FOURTH ST. INTERSECTSHenry WatsonHarry LeBoeufAlbert J. JohnsonJoseephine RexrordLucius E. MerriamHorace HitchcockMrs. Sarah IckeringillJames D. ArirdA. Jesse LandonJohn W. DavisMrs. Sofie DonelsonJames P. SandersE. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTSGeorge W. PeirceCharles E. CravenMilton CravenE. D. ForerWINSOR ST. INTERSECTSDr. Clark RawsonC. F. MunsonF. B. SweetAdaline H. JonesElizabeth CaskeySamuel HalladayMrs. Alice HinmanHenry SebastianOscar C. BergdahlGeorge P. ChaseMary J. WilliamsonFrank W. SwansonFrank J. CarverEmerson M. TraverGottfried G. JohnsonCharles BensonBOWEN ST. INTERSECTSSarah B. CoatesOscar J. NelsonAugust JohnsonMrs. Martha I. PrestonJamestown Thomas John THAYER Mathew Gilbert STOWE Mrs.Fred Ernest Charles WEEKS J. Axel JEFFORDS Frank Alfred PHILLIPS Carl Elias David Elmer Andrew KIPP N. Lucian F. Kartie P. W. A. A. Collins Berggren Lind E. Westfield Hahne Johnson O. ST. GunnarsonGurney P. E. ChiltonB. Wample J. M. A. VanDervoortBrandt Sanctuary Brandin Lawson NashNorquist ST. Porter Johnson Hiller Cooper AndersonDavis BrecheisenST. Cabinet INTERSECTSCo.

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY937 Alfred Anderson937 Mrs. Delia Taft937 Mrs. Lucy Eighmey939 Bernard Rider941 Charles Owens941 Sarah McCluskey947 The Moon953 Asa Hinds953 East Jamestown HouseBUFFALO ST. INTERSECTS1001 Stockwell & Co.1001 Ivan A. Stockwell1001 Daniel S. Stockwell1001 Luther A. Warn1017 Vacant'DEXTER ST. INTERSECTS1027 Charles Raon1029 Maurice D. Hotchkiss1035 Herman L. Kelsey1037 Alonzo C. PickardCOWING ST. INTERSECTS1057 Marshall W. Peterson1061 Bert L. Bingham1065 Leonard Jones10S1 Peris B. Waite1083 VacantCURTIS ST. INTERSECTS1091 Mary Frick1091 Edward Bergstrom1091 Mrs. Mary PetersonPublic School No. 71111 Clarence J. Service1111 Mrs. Louise Hotchkiss1175 William E. ClarkWOODLAWN AVE. INTERSECTS1275 Frank G. VanDewark1275 Isaac CooperLINDSEY AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesCHARLOTTE AVE. INTERSECTS1301 Margaret Tooth1333 Eugene SnyderDAKOTA AVE. INTERSECTS1343 John Hewey1381 Gustavus Adolphus Orphans Home13S1 John S. SwenssonORPHANAGE ST. INTERSECTSEAST SECOND STREET.Right and South Side.2-6 New Fenton buildingJones & AudetteDavid E. Burch (Room 5)D. D. Dorn (40-41)J. Stonehouse (40-41)Oscar Chindgren (39)Warner S. Rexford (47)Clayton M. Jones (47)18-24 20 10 12 l1 16 22 8 Huntsvilie Jamestown-Bill M. Harry F. Mott W. POTTERS Gust Anderson Sagerdahl Patrick Ernest Appleby Wilson Robert R. J. Prendergast Mrs. Henry Opera Andrew Samuels S. George Delevan Axel W. E. R. Newland L. S. Alta & Swanson Anderson Cameron Stella Peterson Fenton House Stevens W. Johnson B. Cawcroft S. C. Lascaris E. Leberg Armstrong F. Opera Bros.& Stafford Fenton Bright Price Lumber Barrett ALLEY Curtiss Westrom Pharmacy Fray Reception Doane Blanchard Block (59) (46) House (37) (53)Posting (48) Co. (300-301) •(59)(51-52) Co. (32-33) INTERSECTS(49) Rooms (57) Co.22-24 The CasinoPINE ST. INTERSECTS100-102 The Boston Department Store100 John Heintz104 Milwaukee Bottling Co.106-110 The Fredrick106 Rupert W. Martin106 M. A. Lockwood & Son10S Burland & Nelson108 Kate L. HendersonMrs. Edith G. MarkhamNord & FranksonWalter H. HeathcoteL. A. ClarkeHerman O. JohnsonJ. W. Peterson110 The Lindholm Variety HallFred G. Bush112-114 Ahlstrom Piano Co.116 J. G. Jones118 The Mint1118 Mrs. Lizzie Lenhart120-122 City HotelGuenther block124 The Avon124 Mrs. Betty Olson126 Henry Guenther126 E. T. Lindbloom126 William J. Gilberds126 William H. Neill128 Johnson &. Swanson128 Samuel B. Wilson12S George J. Moon204-210 Fenton block204-206 Bernhard Hardware Co.204 Charles H. Stafford206 John A. Hedstrom206 Lewis Anderson20S John D. Johnson208 Fred Pollard210 McGinitv, Johnson & Co.210 Campbell & Griffen210 Mrs. Lizzie StaffordSTILLERS ALLEY INTERSECTS212 Charles S. Pratt212 Carl A. F. Holmquist212 Gust Larson214 John Murkett216 Olson & Sutcliffe216 O. F. Larson216 Mrs. Lucy D. Davis21S Mrs. Ed. Jones218 D. F. Larson220 Jamestown Sheet Metal Co.222 Nels Jorgenson222 John Helstrom224-226 William McLean234 304 516 228 230 232 233 29S 298 300 308 310 504 SOS 540 302 306 512 528 532 536 522 Ernest ALLEY Charles Walter E. R. John Daniel Henrv Jamestown Bon INSTITUTE COLLEGE CHANDLER Unitarian Mrs. Joe Samuel Dr. George Frank Otto William Leon Carl Abraham High Immanuel Calvin B. D. A. F. Liacano L. Ton D. A. Ferrott school Mary Hall Parrott Lloyd Ipson FrankinaM. A. S. D. F. H. ShawE. RloomquistYoung W. Conner INTERSECTSMillinery Ashworth Rhodes Waters church Wilcox Lutheran Johnson Gokey Parks Sharpe Bowman ST. Furniture Clark WatsonST. INTERSECTSStore church Co.

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY540 August Dahlquist (rear)550 Peter O. Peterson554 Maurice P. Dahlquist554% Mrs. August Eckbeck554% Arvid R. Johnson554% Hannah Carlson562556 Vacant56255S Mary & Hattie Swanson564562 Willis W. Fisher564Peter Turner600 610 Herbert S. Whiteman.610 James Holmes614 Oscar N. Noren614 Victor Johnson614 George Fink618 Leslie Healey628 Marshall Cobb630 Enoch Shaw630 Gust Eckman632 Mrs. Mary L. Edson632 John S. Anderson634 Elijah Vine634 Carl A. Swanson634 Ralph C. G. Holm700 Edward J. Mahoney700 Turner & Son700 Ralph C. G. Holm702 Oscar H. Hjertquist702 William Kinsel704 Edward J. Mahonev706-718 WINSOR Munson ST. & Johnson INTERSECTS706 Fred F. Oscar Digiovanni Peterson & Co.706 John Daniel S. L. Anderson Collins734 Erick Clinton A. F. Olsonn Kimberly734 Alice Charles Robinson Nelson734 Arthur Frank Kelsey EstesCarlson, CHENEY Anderson ST. INTERSECTS& Swan744 Dr. C. A. Rugg748 Arthur Husband748 Axel Ulander748 August Lawson748 Conrad A. Johnson750 Amelia Stockwell752 Frank M. Stearns756 Thorp Williams756 Gustaf Carlson756 Herman Anderson760 Charles Lindell760 August Nelson760 James W. Raistrick764 Gustus Johnson768 Edward W. Samuelson768 Andrew Johnson768 Joseph Bergwall774* John E. Lawson, grocery774 Carlson & Brandt780 S00 788 S12 812 814 816 776 784 786 790 792 796 802 Wesley John Elam THAYER Gust* Edward Axel Albert Mrs. Orlando Fred Bergeson Carl Emil Arthur George William Charles A. Anna M. Antonnette Johanna Shellberpf Clint Olson Charles Calkins G. Nelson Erickson LeRoy D. Leberg Butler Tress TerwilligerE. Ringquist Diamond J. Johnson VanDeWarkC. Glenchore O'Brien Dubois & ST. Scholin Garber SturdevantMaddox Carlson H. HawkinsonINTERSECTSTrusler Wilson Putnam820 Benj. F. Risley820 Casper P. JonesS20 William SwansonNo housesBISHOP ST. INTERSECTS836 Andrew G. Carlson836 Richard A. Berggren836 Walter C. Lawson840 Gust A. JohnsonS40 James Frey842 William H. Greenwood842 Samuel Thomas844 Charles Lindstrom868 Charles O. Anderson868 George S. JonesQUARRY ROAD INTERSECTS872 William E. Andrews872 Robert Lundquist884 James Doyle896% Nels FrickS9S Magnus Hagstedt898 Edward W. Mahoney900 Hugh C. McDonald900 Morris Turner900 James E. Carson904 John Haagstrom912 Mary L. Swanson912 John P. Gronberg914 Jeffords Hose house926 Vacant930 B. F. Florida932 Conrad Lungren946 E. Reiter946 P. M. Dunn952 Eugene Cornwell952 Axel CarlsonBUFFALO ST. INTERSECTSCRESCENT ST. INTERSECTS1054 Harry Yesopowitz1058 Felomine TrompatI1062 Peter H. Viet1070 Oscar W. Wall1076 William N. Rutherford107S August JohnsonSTAFFORD AVE. INTERSECTS1086 Fred S. Marsh1086 Mrs. Mary A. Kolb108S Joseph Colenso1090 Lawrence A. Holman1090 Vacant1102 Mrs. Bessie LeRoy1102 John Lundin1106 Frank E. Turnbloom1108 VacantHOPKINS AVE. INTERSECTS1200 Driving Park HotelEAST From 1200 1276 1208 1210 1370 13S8 1390- 1398 511 609 509 515 603 605 613 1 First 3 (Not GRANT Hugh Rev. L. Mrs. Free E. Thomas Alonzo John Dominique Isaac Elias Oscar Christopher Earl Benjamin Albert Emory Willis Reuben TIFFANY LINCOLN SEVENTH 612 open C. B. ward. houses Eleanor Fred Methodist Reed Helen Hayes Left D. Grover M. North B. Hardwlck England C. R. Beck L. W. between J. Burch ST. Stilson Rogers Cady M. Lowing A. Brown STREET. Pierce Fenton Neeteus AVE. ST. Cady Stapleton Main INTERSECTSF. Stilson Campbell North church Pine BerryINTERSECTSeast Side. and to Liberty.)— Winsor.

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYEAST SEVENTH STREET.Right and South Side.508 Joseph J. Lowman510 Mrs. Clara A. Muzzy510 Merritt Jones510 Glen Gunton512 George W. HosieLINCOLN ST. INTERSECTS610 George H. Lowe612 J. M. Weller616 Augustus F. Moses616 Lewis C. ThomasGRANT ST. INTERSECTS218 Ernest G. Toothill718 Raymond Smith722 August F. Nelson726 Mrs. Mary Eggleston.726 Allyn Eggleston730 A. D. RiceEAST SIXTH STREET.From* 518 North Main east to Winsor.—First ward.Left and North Side.1 Alvin B. Haver1 Daniel McAvoy1 T. E. Hopkins3 D. M. Jackson11 Mrs. K. M. Fairchild15 Charles Mace17 T. E. HopkinsPINE ST. INTERSECTS103 Mrs. Katherine J. White107 Charles H. Elliot107 Corisande J. Keeler111 Mrs. Anna C. Botsford117 Mrs. A. W. StephensSPRING ST. INTERSECTS201 James M. Grant209 Francis E. Pennock213 Charles A. Ahlstrom217 Robert T. Logan217 Mrs. Sara C. LymanPRENDERGAST AV. INTERSECTS307 W. S. Hazzard311 Frank G. Nordstrom311 H. Mae Harnden311% Vacant315 VacantFULTON ST. INTERSECTS401 James T. LarmonthLAKEVIEWNo housesLIBERTY ST. INTERSECTS501 M. P. Jacobson513 Mrs. Rose A. MtCormick519 C. C. PedersenAVE. INTERSECTSEAST Right 400 408 412 110 300 306 310 312 314 663 627 639 641 645 649 653 621 Frederick W. M. C. Mrs. No PRENDERGAST FULTON John S. Alonzo Oscar Charles PINE Thomas Mary GRANT SPRING Axel Rovillus Conrad LINCOLN Carl SIXTH and S. L. houses A. G. Mary Corris Sarah Anna Taylor Nettie Edith W. Lundquist R. F. Ford ST. Keeler South R. Anderson W. STREET. B. PriceWillard CarlsonP. ST. Graham Y. ST. Johnson Smith Rogers Glezen M. Hutchinson A. Stewart ToddSide. JohnstonFarnham INTERSECTSGrant WheelerAV. INTERSECTS418 Walter H. Widrig424 Claude Taggert424 Mrs. Ezra Smith42S Mrs. Mary E. Strong432 A. C. AndersonLIBERTY ST. INTERSECTS500 Thomas H. Smith506 Palmer K. Shankland512 Charles F. HalikerJamestown Hosiery Co.LINCOLN ST. INTERSECTS606 Millard C. Holt614 John A. Johnson014 James J. Hannon616 Luben C. FosterCIS Carl A. Anderson020 Richard E. Toothill022 John Stevenson628 James H. Price628 John Herman632 Charles Pond632 Mrs. Mary Lawson632 Mrs. Elizabeth Howard636 Tom Priestly636 J. Clifford Henning640 Charles O. Anderson640 Frank Chelstrom644 John A. Peterson644 William S. Peterson648 Gust H. Sagerstrom650 George A. Gross654 Robert G. BaileyEAST THIRD STREET.From 222 North Main east to junctionwith East Second—First ward.Left and North Side.3 Frank Marcello7 * Eric DahlgrenG. A. R. HallB. P. O. E. Hall9 William Bealeer & Son9 A. C. Howard11 The People's Credit Clothing Co.Dr. E. M. Scofieid13-15 Jones BlockJ. H. Masterson13 Gage Furniture Co.15 Joseph GraffI. O. O. F. HallA. Hazeltine17 Fabian Sellstrom19 Fulton Market Co.21 Gray & WaiteMrs. Carrie Scoville23 Churchill Grocerv Co.PINE ST. INTERSECTS345 EAST 2-8 121 201 211 213 215 217 331 107 109 111 113 103 105 101-103 Rev. William PRENDERGAST Gifford N. Frank Mrs. Fred First Jamestown Lyric M. Kemp SPRING Charles Salvation City Johnson K. A. D. Cawcroft J. Orsel Chadakoin THIRD New B. Y. D. H. O. Right Harness Julia Horace E. Heald M. National Moon Congregational C. Theater Prather& Bozyan T. Falconer L. Block Dowry H. J. K. STREET. Pa. Bros. E. M. Pri'ce ST. Undertaking Army Harrington H. Hatter McElroy and Press Electric Evans H. Pew church Tel. G. Hall Store Yates INTERSECTSBlock bank Watson South Citadel Ogden AV. & Co. Tel. ' church. Co. INTERSECTSSide Co.

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYAbrams & Wiltsie (Rooms 1-2)A. H. Stafford (3)J. M. Weller & Son (3)Swetland & Anderson (5-6)R. F. 'Pickard (7)Harry R. Lewis (S)L. L. Hanchett (9-10)Charles W. Amsdell (11)Craven's Studio (15)Mrs. Mary L. Davis (16)6 Homer S. Klock8 R. K. Mason (old Brooks stand)10 Fred E. Hatch10 Mrs. Lura I. Hyde10 Dr. M. J. Beal10 Mrs. Rose Frey10 Dr. E. D. West10 Clark D. WestT. Henry Black12 Louis Heineman14 Hennigan & Co.14 A. J. Hawkins14 John W. RobinsonThe Tiffany Printing Co.Painters & Decorators Union HallE. E. Eddy & Co.16 Frank R. Moody16 J. E. Morrison16 Plumbers Union Labor Hall16 Carpenters Union Labor HallIS The Fair18 Central Labor Council Hall18 Bricklayers Union Labor Hall20 Ingerson Co.Goudy's bath parlorsWoodmen of the World22 Black Bear Cafe24 Hayward & Son24 F. S. EddyDick Wickfield (basement)PINE ST. INTERSECTS100-110 Ellicott building100 Ethie P. Thatcher102 Carrie J. Donelson104 C. H. Kilburn104 Sprague & Zeliff104 M. C. Haywood106 New York Tea & Coffee Co.C. A. Pickard (Rooms 1-4)Benejamin S. Dean (1-4)Jamestown Lumber Co. (5)Jamestown Lighting & Power Co OGeorge H. Lowe (12)Arthur Sturton (8)Smith & Kinne (12)108-110 Fenton block108 Hull M. Hooker118 202-212 108 110 112-114 114 116 120 122 Harriet Electric Alton Pennsylvania Woodhead, Cecil J. Belle Henry SPRING Mayor Police Board City Kittie Parker Jamestown Mrs. Furniture Council Committee Chief Department Horton Holmes S. W. City Clerk Engineer Martha Horton Mary Treasurer Hulda G. NewellM. Kilmer Klumpp(3) of Court C. Pierce Bros. Chamber Hall E. Light Rowley Police ST. Public Assessors Silsby Eddy Index Awning (Room E. room Woodford Olson Roofing Roweof & Building Hartley (6) Gas Co. INTERSECTSBurgett (15-16-17) Commissioners Health (5) (7) Son Water Co. Works (4) (2) & 1) Co. works (9) Co. Riley (11-14) (10) (15-16-17) (18)Street Commissioner (office under)Overseer of the Poor (office under)Park Commission (14)Associated Charity & Free EmploymentBureau (19)216 Carl E. BergPRENDERGAST AV. INTERSECTS304 Edward W. Curtis3uS Ella Crane310 Frederick M. Curtis312 J. S. B. Marshall312 E. J. B. Marshall314 Mrs. Mattie E. Carter320 Dr. A. Austin Becker322 Studio324 Lawrence A. Fenton326 August Nelson330 Mrs. Elvira L. White332 William V. Malone332 Mrs. Jeanette Martin338 George N. Dorn338 Mrs. Laura M. Doolittle338 Mary Stewart's Home Bakery340 Netttie L. Lillibridge342 C. G. Haglund344 Odell & DoolittleEIGHTEENTH STREET.From 1037 North Main west to Washington—(FormerlyReinold Ave.)—Secondward.Left and South Side.9 Alonzo J. Tiffany9 U. Ernest Tiffany37 John P. Axen39 John GuinnanEIGHTEENTH STREET.Right and North Side.6 Fred WilcoxELAM STREET.From Cole avenue to Martin Road—Fourth ward.No housesELEVENTH STREET.From 869 North Main west to J. C. & L.E. tracks.( 'Formerly Rathbone St.)—Second ward.Left and South Side.11 Sarah J. Griffith19 Alexander L. Stewart21 Charles E. Blanchard23 Herbert E. Norton2. Mrs. Katherine Folland29 Roy M. Shepard29% Henry S. Earl33 Bloomfield Baker33% Vacant35 Frank AkstromELEVENTH 105 107 20% 45 49 39 41 53 57 61 65 69 12 18 26 22 S WASHINGTON James John Daniel LAFAYETTE JEFFERSON Mrs. William Guy Barton Morris Samuel No Charles Devillo Bert Vacant Louis Tony Stephen Frank housesBraley Mary Rhoda L. Right A. Deangelis C. H. SullivanE. o. S. MacleaseA. Blackmon D. Farm C. Cady Erwin STREET.Hedlund, Sheldon Howe J. Brown Backus Hatch Roberts and Averill B. ST. DavisDecker North ST. INTERSECTSSide.

30 Vacant34 Fred A. Krone34 Lee L. Trimm38 Richard N. Wickerfield Sr.42 Charles Miller46 Vacant48 James McVay50 Mary Conner50 Martin H. Furlow54 Robert L. Dunham54 Mrs. Laura Wade62 John A. AndersonJAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYINTERSECTS66 Mrs. Rachel M. Bissell68 Edward Kenyon68 Lewis F. Caswell72 Mrs. Hattie King74 Benjamin P. King74 Ebenezer A. HorrWASHINGTON ST.106 George H. Edwards108 George T. Chambers110 Ion A. StaffordLAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTSJamestown Driving ParkELK STREET.From 142 Chandler south to Franklin.(Formerly Elk St. and Elk Ext.)—Fifthward.Left and East Side.11 Mrs. Huldah E. Starr13 Mrs. E. M. Stroecker15 Herbert A. NilesELK STREET.Right and West Side.6 James Lee10 Horsfall Crowe12 Ben Proctor14 Vacant18 P. Alfred Peterson22 Nels M. Jacobson26 James W. HutleyELLICOTT STREET.From betweeen English and King southto Shaw avenue. (Formerly Ellicottand East Ellicott.)—Fourth ward.Left and East Side.21 Solomon Spencer33 Eric PetersonKING ST. INTERSECTS49 Carl O. Peterson61 Axel R. Johnson65 Gust Halberg71 Mrs. G. W. Bird77 Mrs. Caroline Halberg83 Magnus Olson85 Alfred Peterson91 Walter MorseTOWER ST. INTERSECTS404 Carl J. ShurmanKING ST. INTERSECTS614 Jesse Parker614 Ralph E. Parker662 Rufus BrogdehENSIGN STREET.From 346 Willard south—Fourth ward.Left and East Side.No housesPEARL AVE. INTERSECTS101 Frank Jacobson103 Andrew AndersonENSIGN STREET.Right and West Side.ELLIOT Right ELM From 103 7S 95 66 68 78 11 21 31 35 39 22 32 Colfax—Sixth Jacob Mrs. William Herman No Leonard Claus Otto Eric KING- T. Nathaniel Alfred STREET. before Shaw A. and houses AVENUE. ELLICOTT P. Zetterman Freda Margaret Left ELLIOT Anderson LaudenslagerP. Carling ST. West North avenue S. Johnson H. A. 510 Dracup and Green ward. INTERSECTSTurnquist Olds JonesForest Side. HarringtonSouth AVENUE.south STREET. Side. avenue Ahrens west av­toFrom 135 EUCLID Right 117 123 127 131 133 137 139 141 143 110 120 125 122 19 Ormes—First Alfred Walter Vacant C. No LAKEVIEWJohn Thomas Emanuel Edward Otto Joseph William Rev. Charles David Elsie 1154 Elmer and housesAVENUE. James A O. Braff E. Left L. WickstrandHitchcock Smith A. S. Prendergast South W. Ennis i'oungsteadMorley C. Leet L. Braley Carlson Kortos Young HedgesFliege . Strong Dorman G. AV. Side. Townsend, North Fifth INTERSECTSwards. Side. avenue D. D. east toenue—Fourth ward.No housesENGLISH STREET.From 346 Allen east to Camp—Fourthward.Left and North Side.9 John Dawes9 Harvey Simpson11 Charles A. Anderson13 Charlees J. JohnsonBARROWS ST. INTERSECTS117 Thomas H. Bailey117 Mrs. Pashley119 Erick Johnson119 Charles SandbergTOWER ST. INTERSECTS249 Charles F. Johnson249 Emil PetersonBEMUS ST. INTERSECTSNo housesWILLIS ST. INTERSECTSNo housesHOLMAN ST. INTERSECTS401 Mrs. Emma G. Anderson403 John E. Carlson407 Andrew Hegg407 Charles Washburn605 Victor Holmberg605 Nelson H. Martin609 Bernhard Fredlund609 Iver Gunnel623 Eugene H. Benson627 Theodore W. Johnson673 Charles D. Colburn751 Alfred NelsonENGLISH STREET.Right and South Side.No housesBARROWS ST. INTERSECTS120 Nels Ljungholm120 Frits Johnson

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY124 Reuben G. Owens128 Oscar Swanson130 Henry R. Briggs132 Gust A. West134 E. George Lindstrom136 Mrs. Viola E. Shaw138 Charles E. Benson140 Vacant142 Vacant144 VacantEVERETT PLACE.From Jones & Gifford avenue to Erie R.R.—Sixth ward.No housesFAIRFIELD AVENUE.From 401 Forest avenue east—Thirdward.Left and North Side.No housesFAIRFIELD AVENUE.Right and South Side.8 Gottfried Bergren12 Mrs. Louisa Johnson12 Vacant16 Carl H. Carlson16 William Benchley24 Erie Svedene24 Anton Peterson28 Herbert Chiverton32 G. O. GustafsonFAIRMOUNT AVENUE.From 533 West Third northwest to limits.(Formerly Ashville avenue from145)—Sixth ward.Left and West Side.7, Charles A. Breed13 J. M. Himebaugh19 W. S. Cameron23 Walter B. Horton27 W. M. Davis31 Charles N. Allen31 Eugene R. Allen35 John Herby35 Edward WarrenHAMILTON ST. INTERSECTS43 Herbert L. Hunt43 Garnett Nobbs43 Mrs. Frances Briggs47 T. M. Roberts47 George H. Coburn51 Mrs. Janette Metcalt.51 Mrs. Agnes Young57 Jonas Stainthorpe57 Enoch Greenwood61 P. M. Johnson61 George King183 •81 107 145-153 181 95% 103 117 185 119-123 93 65 89 69 73 91 ERIE George Harry Walter Edward Mrs. J. W. H. Hiram Glen John Clark Leon O. Duncan Rainey B. A. Charles Otto Elmer Wilton Stewart Jamestown C. D. J. Riverside Mueller O. EIGHTH Margaret F. Helen L. M. & Herman Butts Abrams Keeler Chadwick R. E. Adams W. B. DorseyPeterson H. Soule L. M. C. ChristensonW. Bogardus Smith R. Johnson Gilbert Delaney E. Barker Pound Hall Day Rice Philo Jones Hotel INTERSECTS Tabls ST. R. Curry R. Co. INTERSECTS •FAIRVIEW AVE. INTERSECTS199 Elliot Warner199 Levi J. LovejoyHALL AVE. INTERSECTS215 Albert Griffith215 Louis Lucas215 Charles Backus223 Harry J. Sharpies227 John A. BrownCATLIN AVE. INTERSECTS237 William Ross245 Archie F. Russell245 Harold Casselman247 Bertram A. Wheeler251 Henry Van TuylCOOK AVE. INTERSECTS259 G. A. Benson263 O. C. Carlson263 Charles Risch267 Mrs. Sarah Ann JonesLAKIN AVE. INTERSECTS283 Luther S. Lakin283 Mrs. Elizabeth LakinHALLOCK321 Irving H. Broadhead329 Charles W. Harper333 J. W. Hine339 Samuel C. Entwistle343 Mrs. Margaret LombardST. INTERSECTSFULLERTON AVE INTERSECTS387 Vacant391 William D. Hodges391 John Erickson403 Mrs. W. J. FullertonMcDANNELL AVE. • INTERSECTSFAIRMOUNT AVENUE.Right and East Side.12 Vacant22 L. W. Wiltsie22 Everett' N. Gould28 John Thompson WilsonHAMILTON ST. INTERSECTS36 Charles E. Stratton40 J. B. Collins44 Erik A. Ekedahl50 Harrison R. Couch50 William WalshW. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTS64 H. E. Butler70 Enoch Ohnstrand80 Mrs. Mary MurrayW. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS90 J. W. Butterfieled100 Ferdinand Bauer100 Fairmount Meat Market102 Hugh Flannigan176 180 186 190 174 178 184 194 196 198 238 106 108 220 224 J. James W. METALLIC LIVINGSTON Alfred Albert Fuller George Fairmount Henry Alva Leon E.rie John J. New Floyd Frank GENEVA Devillo Burr's Mary L. & Charles C. H. EIGHTH G. & Alfred house T. Hackett Burns C. R. NuttingWoodwardJones Bros M. B. Second Wilcox Hurlburt L. C. Kleinsang KohlbacherJ. HatchAVE. Hall Hitchcock R. Darrow Hibbard Derby Beach Kenison Wheeler FoxST. McLean Grocery SwansonR. ST. Hand, AVE. INTERSECTSR. depot Store INTERSECTS

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY252 Earl R. Anderson256 William J. LordGENESEE ST. INTERSECTS274 John RohnMEADOW LANE INTERSECTSNo housesHALLOCK ST. INTERSECTS334 Mrs. Mary Wright344 VacantHAMMOND ST. INTERSECTS360 Wilkinson HallLOVELL AVE. INTERSECTS406 John H. Anderson420 Harry Lee Dye420 Adoniran J. DyeFAIRMOUNT AVENUE.Beyond limitsLeft and South Side.Lovirtue C. HartMrs. Minnie H. BurrJ. W. LydonLawrence CotterGeorge W. KoehlVacantCyrus E. JonesMrs. J. W. ButtonDr. Ernesto LoffredoLakeview Rose GardensAndrew EllisonHOWARD AVE. INTERSECTSJamestown General Rep. & Mfg. Co.Vacant factoryJohn W. WindsorRichard B, MetcalrMichael P. McCueJohn F. JollyEarl M. StrunkElla ShearmanMrs. Harriet L, FinleyLeon C. MooreWELLMAN AV. INTERSECTSAndrew J. McMillanA. L. WordenA. W. WicksFred E. BrownL. E. HockettW. W. WilsonElmer C. GiffordM. M. MartinMrs. Clementine J. GiffordFAIRMOUNT AVENUE.Beyond City LimitsNorth and Right Side.Horatio N. SpragueHarry P. GiffordMrs. Anna B. GiffordOscar JohnsonFAIRVIEW From 111 lll%Henry 131 103 105 117 121 125 129 133 south No Matthew Mrs. Isaac David W. Patrick O. Gust John Lester Levi M. Howard Alton Conrad Titus Fred Ransom Sidney, Frank C. opposite R. D. A. houses SIXTH Loomis May Mary A. Carlson G. Hayes Olsen Wilcox Clarke Left Kent AVENUE. Ekholm West H. E. C. Fitzgerald W. J. FairbanksSmith Kinnaird Appleby Shearman ButlerBush Warren King Larson Barkman and Brattburg ST. Ailing 174 Third—Sixth East INTERSECTSFairmount Side. ward. avenue137 William J. Corkery139 Timothy Corkery143 Israel CarpenterFAIRVIEW AVENUE.Right and West Side.8 Charles Greenwood10 Walter Irwin10 Anna Debell10 F. C. Gifford12 Reginald Y. Eden20 William F. Lepp26 Edward L. Lombard26 J. F. Seymour26% Ralph L. Pierce28 Mrs. Hettie Thorn28 Charles A. Anderson30 William S. KelsoWEST SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS108 Roswell Rowley108 Charles A. Jenner110 John Curran112 D. J. Corkery130 Charles E. Peterson130 Matthew M. Davis132 Thomas Hannon150 John MurrayFALCONER STREET.From 134 Lakeview avenue east. (FormerlyEast Ninth to Winsor—Firstward—east of Winsor Fifth wardLeft and North Side.23 Herbert Barker31 Vacant35 Fred A. Price39 William A. Torrance39% John N. Stone43 John Beurstrom47 Francis N. Hogle51 Thomas Mahoney59 J. Edwin Swanson59 Abel E. Peterson63 Frank J. Canby63 John E. NelsonWINSOR ST. INTERSECTS105 August Wallen109 Smith Ackroyd109 John BrownSTURGES ST. INTERSECTSBranch School No. 10131 A. W. Nelson market131 Elof Alden, grocery '131 James Brighton131 J. Albert CarlsonBOWEN ST. INTERSECTS143 John T. Carlson143 Mrs. Mary Carlstrom147 F. W. Elf341 373 393 339 363 171 201 257 261 265 277 299 305 315 343 349 359 365 379 151 165 BUFFALO Charles Frank W. STOWE COWING Thomas Edward Emil Andrew THAYER WEEKS Will Mrs. Theodore Gust Carlos John Victor C. V. Nelson Ida Louise Fairbank A. Peterson Gernberg G. Engdahl Stanley A. Gronberg E. A. Lawson M. E. Hokenson Anderson Palmquist Sampson BottomleyB. C. Imus Johnson Blanchard Cease ST. Goranson BergReeder Silsby Geer Stohl FoxINTERSECTS

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYDEARING AVE. INTERSECTS its—Second wa~d.401 Clyde G. Jones5 Ernest J. Triscuit413 E. H. JohnsonFENTON PLACE.1115 Adolph O. HagwallFrom 46 South Main west to Forest avenue—Thirdward.1115 Henry BeckmanFALCONER STREET.Left and South Side.Right and South Side.1 Albert GilbertNo houses13 Carson B. BradyLIBERTY ST. INTERSECTS19 Frank Dugan30 John A. Burch21 Charles D. Parker36 Ingerson Grocery Co.23 John C. MarkleLINCOLN ST. INTERSECTS23 Lyman Cole wagon shop58 Herman C. Hoadlev31 Mrs. Martha LockwoodGRANT ST. INTERSECTS31 Mrs. Louise A. Derby68 Rev. W. A. Sellew33 Lyman ColeWINSOR ST. INTERSECTS33 William C. HarmonSO James S. McCallumFENTON PLACE.SO James ScottRight and North Side.84 J. H. Short6 A. Bloomstrand92 Josiah Walker24 John Golden92 Lottie Ellickson26 John Findley92 Mrs. Viola Hill28 Eagle Hose100 Edward P. Wilcox28 Fire Police10S Nels PetersonFENTON STREET.108 Mrs. Nettie Matthews(Changed to Front St.)112 Carl J. AdamsFIFTEENTH STREET.120 Carl J. OlsonFrom 1015 North Main west to Washington.(Formerly West Dickerson St.—124 August RaskBOWEN ST. INTERSECTSSecond ward.13S Perry HolmlundLeft and South Side.142 W. H. Karr7 Charles R. Lovejoy146 Charles Gustafson9 Zachariah Norton146 Robert G. Larson13 August F. FolckerTHAYER ST. INTERSECTS15 Willard G. Martindale16S Edwin Lerow1516S Mrs. Jennie Coulcher14Frank Manchester17STOWE ST. INTERSECTS16William Smith211SS George W. White24 Walter Gust D. J. Fagerstrom1SS Albert Wassberg2421 Mrs. Elmer Lydia E Bennett25192 Gust Anderson26 James Mrs. Nettie M. Hill A. Smith33192 C. P. Danielson32 Frank R. Edward R. Carr Shaffer196 John E. Green4033 Grant Edward A. Griswold King35196 George W. Cable50 Vacant C. Leonard Hutt196 Jules Carette6439 Walter Orsell C. Trumbull Lee68 39202 Clyde Randall66 Edson Clayton O. E. Marsh LoucksFILLMORE 65 Peter U. STREET. Lindberg202 Mrs Hedwig Melquist(Changed 65 Charles to R. Taylor DuBois St.)202 Fred Turner•67 FLAGG George AVENUE. W. ParkerWEEKS ST. INTERSECTSFIFTEENTH From opposite STREET. 22 Stafford avenue east to214 Gust V. JohnsonRight Hopkins and avenue—Fifth North Side. ward.214 Gust SwanS Samuel Right Morton and East Side.218 Bert Ryan4 Byron Lewis D. Vincent Bartlett218 Mrs. Kate Ryan10 Leslie Simeon M. Vincent Woods222 John Carlson12 Frank Fred Waff B. Smith226 New house16 William McAvoy Holt228 Lewis Prosser16 Lewis Waite Smith238 W. E. Hibbard18 Roy McCulloughFEDERAL From 260 350 354 254 278 292 340 356 370 394 400 420 396 DEXTER Jerry Dr. JEFFORDS Mrs. Julius Vacant Hugh Lawrence A. KIPP CHAMPLIN No BUFFALO Buffalo COWING CURTTS John Charles Rev..Emerson Carl E. Fluvanna L. Thayer houses Levant Pihlblad Alice STREET. Chappell Samuelson A. Rexford Pascaline C. ST. St. Oberg Carpenter M. Wilson Lyman ST. WhynpennyRiderHazzard R. M. ST. Johnson avenue ST. ST. INTERSECTSH. DrakeE. GorgusJoneschurch north to city lim­40 32 34 38 Walter Emil Charles Leslie Jacob Erie Rhodes Waff H. O. Wiltsie J. Jones Butler Johnson

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY48 Fred Leroy48 Herbert H. LeroyFLAGG AVENUE.Left and West Side.7 Vacant13 Jonas A. Nordendahl15 William J. Bentley17 New house31 Carl P. Regnor35 William Larcombe37 Sidney Danforth39 Alvin L. Bullock39 Louis Crispym41 Eugene M. StonerFLETCHER AVENUE.From 124 Hamilton north along StreetRailway lines—Second ward.Left and West Side.Street car barnsFLETCHER AVENUE.Left and South Side.Right and East Side.Clarence J. Sprague22 Claude J. HowiesKarl Ralph22 Clarence A. DavisArthur M. TolsonFLUVANNA AVENUE.James WaiteFrom 1113 North Main northwest to cityFLUVANNA AVENUE.limits—Second ward.Right and North Side.John HuntingtonFromElmerbeforeE.104SpragueChandler south to citylimits—Fifth,Fred W. DeweyThird and Fourth wards.9FOOTELeftAVENUE.and East Side.13 J. Fred Jones19 Frank W. Palmeter25 H. Ernest Curtis •25 William F. Stitt29 William S. Newton31 Albert E. Appleyard39 Edward Appleyard41 CRANE ST. INTERSECTS43 57 John A. Findley59 George Murphy59 Peter Olson43% 59 Uri Tidswell47 63 Mrs. Mary A. Stapleton47 63 Mrs. Helen O. Riley105 67 ERIE R. R. INTERSECTS109 67 John B. Bogenschutz113 Michael Sopkowiak113 Mrs. B. Romanick115 John Fleischer .James Cusimanus131131133W. MarkielPaul Blazejeurz135 Felog Lovener9-71 George W. Rolland147151 HARRISON ST. INTERSECTS219 207 John E. WATERMAN James Rushworth Cadwell Edward Andrew William Patrick ALLEN Mrs. W. J. C. Sylvia Catherine Ashwell Leonora N. WelmingtonA. E. Nelson Cabinet J. H. Findlay ST. Hospital Lind Barrett & Densmore Southwick INTERSECTS& Son E. ST. MunroeCo. Sheldon223225303303305307311325Henry L. ChamberlainJohn MahoneyMECHANIC ST. INTERSECTSMrs. Lucy A. FentonSylvenus H. NorthTheo. E. SwansonMrs. John C. CurryAndrew B. Carter325,325327327327331331335335341343345345347347347347% Alexander Johnson349 Charles Oscar L. Swanson Carlson351 C. Emil P. Londahl MollerARNOLD ST. INTERSECTSG. Edward CarlsonFred O. LarsonOscar A. AndersonEarl E. CarpenterMrs. Lucy A. ShermanEdwin K. CarpenterMrs. Nancy A. EdwardsOtto LoveJohn A. FrayArchibold W. ThorpeJacob H. DavisGeorge W. ThomasFrank A. ThomasMrs. Lucinda DyeAndrew Sampson367 Richard J. Lindsey ,367 John A. Exley367% Roy H. Curtis369 Charles Weidholm369 Josephine Larson371 George A. Eckloff375 Fred Eggleston375 Ernest A. Lindquist379 George C. Fowler379 Laverne Wright383 Wilbur S. Durham3S3 Benjamin Crowe405 David W. PalmerCAMP ST. INTERSECTS415 Ralph E. Waite415 Mrs. Ethel Pennell423 Allen Park Meat Market425 Charles A. AndersonNEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTS617 George P. Kofod619 Fred C. AndersonCOLE AVE INTERSECTSNo housesMARTIN ROAD INTERSECTS705 Ernest H. Hultquist715 Gustaf Cullen745 Frank Anderson745 Carl AndersonBREED ST. INTERSECTSFOOTE Right . 751 108 50% 106 38% 34 28 16 20 30 42 44 46 48 66 68 70 William Charles Rev. Fritz Enoch Jacob R. Alfred Brooke Thomas Richard Albert Sarah ERIE Clyde S. John Vacant Tony HARRISON P. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> J. Correl Edward August Curtis AVENUE. and Carl E. Turner Nocera Russ WheelhouseLindstrom N. Pickles L. Riley R. Shaw Tolson HuntingtonP. Parson Heald C. G. West Wiborg Norquist Ferry A. Barth R. Norgren Firth Carlson Cobbe Cooper Refrigerating ST. Seaberg TRACKS Side. INTERSECTS INTERSECT Co.

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY110 Oscar D. BraggBRIGGS ST. INTERSECTS118-124 Empire Furniture Co.132 Burt M. Potter132 Jamestown Cigar Co.132 Swedish Snuff Mfg. Co.134 Hial W. Atkins134 Christian Lindgren134% Gustaf R. Gustafson136 William H. Spencer136 Arthur Smith140 Mrs. Mary Bristol140 Addison Bronson142 Walter ShawVICTORIA AVE. INTERSECTS148 Hjert & Scott148 Johnson's Home Bakery148 Francis Carne14S Frank E. Hjert148 Charles C. Wright148 John Driscoll148% Jay W. Storey148% Charles M. Cook150 Mrs. Emily Knight152 Arthur SmithALLEN ST. INTERSECTS226 Frederick M. Harrison226 Mrs. Charlotte HarrisonMECHANIC ST. INTERSECTS300 Elmer L. Johnson300 Oscar S. Olson302 Berglund & Lundquist302 Waldemar Berglund304 Andrew Broberg310 Wilson C. Stevens314 Charles LindbeckCIRCUS ALLEY INTERSECTS322 Mrs. Elizabeth Mosher322% Andrew O. Anderson322% Victor Anderson324 Mrs. Roxana Barlow324 Jay W. Prine328 Vacant334 Mrs. Nancy Root336 James L. Sprague340 Frederick L. Britain342 Alvin F. Akin346 Norman O. Waterman346 C. Laverne Wheeler348 James Ingham350 Frederick Smith352 Albert E. Sherman356 James E.' Hanson360 Peter G. Bloomquist362 Carl O. Youngquist366 H. O. Berry510 600 518 520 406 410 416 420 504 508 514 516 366% 372 378 37S% 3S0 382 384 402 370 374 • James PARTRIDGE BARKER IVY John Elmer Casper Charles Peter Wilmer Carlos Calvin William Archer Albert Millard Amil Fabian Allen Adolphe Frank NEWLAND Mrs. Warren Harley Louis Robert ST. W. A. F. R. Ella J. M. G. Anderson C. B. Bratt Bush H. Nelson F. Tunberg Sigular C. E. ObergJohnson Ramlow M. Smith Frank Carmen Rawlings Manbert Harding Morrison Ostrom INTERSECTSGeorge Leopard Danforth Guenther ST. Jones Willard Clark D. Bushey Davis Whitford LaForce AVE. Oger ST. Bushey INTERSECTS612 Edward H. Wise624 James Rawnsley624 William HainsworthCOLE AVE. INTERSECTS702 Olof Anderson706 G. D. Andruss710 Gust Holmberg760 James Quinlan770 Mrs. Elizabeth LandriganFOREST AVENUE.From 5 Brooklyn square south to cit"limits—Third and Sixth wards.Left and East Side.(Incorrect numbers)19 S. Christofferson21 Harry Rose23-31 Kent block23 Fred B. Smith25 P. Elmer Beardsley27 Mrs. F. A. Tompkins27B—A. Flynn Kent27A—Jay W. Hubbard27C—Mrs. Lulu Conklin27D—Julia Prather27F—Mrs. Francis Eggleston27E—Mrs. Etta Wilcox27G—Louis P. Chechary27G—James Stapleton29 H. A. Donelson31 Fred L. French11-13 E. B. Bootey13 William S. Griffin15 Charles VanDusenFENTON PLACE INTERSECTS103 E. Ross Brown109 Mrs. Olive Phillips127 Elliot C. Hall139 Alfred E. Hall155 B. Milton BaileyPRATHER AVE. INTERSECTS165 Frank M. Tinkham171 Oscar Stranburg175 William HjorthNew houseWHITLEY PLACE INTERSECTS189 William G. Weatherup195 W. W. HotchkissMcKINLEY AVE. INTERSECTS201 Axel F. Sellstrom201 Samuel Sweet201 Charles M. Nichols209 Harvey F. Reynolds211 Charles D. VanDusen219 August OlsonLINDEN AVE. INTERSECTS225 Richard PeartFOREST Right 116 110 112 257 401 225 229 235 239 241 263 20-22 114 12 18 New Clayton Vacant Valentine NEWLAND FAIRFIELD Maurice J. Reed John Frank. Will Mrs. COLUMBIA No H. David Leonard Charles Ralph Oscar Rev. Fenton Carlson Tdeal G. and A. houses AVENUE. HillA. Charles James Williams& Lincoln Swan Davidson Laundry E. O. Martin & D. W. Alice J. West KroenleinH. Stilson Kauth Andruss Johnson HammerstromPratt Persons McLean McAllisterDecatur AVE. Smart Side.INTERSECTS

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYFOREST PARK INTERSECTS124 Wright D. Broadhead124 Mrs. Maila Perrin128 Ann Eliza Hall128 Irene A. Hall138 John Ohlin142 Dr. J. William Morris142 Mrs. Anna G. Smith144 John F. Myers148 Jonas E. JohnsonPRATHER AVE. INTERSECTS154 Charles I. Moore156 Dr. Charles E. Anderson160 Albert Peterson186 Aaron Hall194 Theodore Z. Root196 Mrs. Mary Curtis202 Edward L. HallMcKINLEY AVE. INTERSECTS208 Mrs. Carolina S. Sellstrom212 Julia Benander212 Thurston Melquist214 Frank L. EricksonHulda Johnson216 Roy E. Drake216 E. J. Donelson216 Albert Weburg218 Jacob F. Jacobson21S Hennig Lundin224 Morris J. Connell224 Axel Frantzen224 John Lawson224 Otis Garfield228 Charles M. Anderson228 Peter Olson230 Mrs. Josephine Peterson23S Eric M. Neilson244 Emma Berquist244 Charles Mohl244 Jacob Lynn Hoyt244 Eric A. Fosberg2-18 Morris Brogren254 Gustaf A. Johnson254 John A. Hagglund262 Victor Danburg262 Mrs. Christine Ribbms262 Olof Fosner262 Mrs. Hulda E. NelsonNEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTS304 Charles A. Sellstrom310 Alfred Carlson310 Oscar Nelson314 Fred Anderson314 Gust Johnson316 Willis E. Babcock318 Charles W. AndersonFrom FOREST Right 322 320 324 326 332 338 340 510 520 702 810 824 330 906 ward.35 79 4 ELLIOT Quist Vacant Thomas Alfred Peter Gust Martin Albert Charles August Frank William Mrs. Lewis Adelbert Dora John 124 and PARK. Hannah AndersonMary Louisa Left Nelson M. Swanson Forest H. Peterson T. F. E. C. Danielson North Moe Pearson J. A. Russell Hoard P. AVE. Aspden Undberg Wilkes Tousley Garfield Simmons Devereaux Lawson and Anderson.1. Brainard Olson avenue Side. Laughlin South INTERSECTS Side. west—Sixth6 Eric Dahlgren8 Nathan J. Buck10 Mark BerryFOREST STREET.(Changed to McKinley Ave.)FOUNTAIN AVENUE.(Changed to 17th St.)FOURTEENTH STREET.From 931 North Main west to Washington.(Formerly Rubinkam Ave)—Secondward.Left and South Side.3 Oliver E. Williams5 Christian Hanson5 J, Harvev Skipper7 Edward B. BlinnFOURTEENTH STREET.Right and North Side.10 John T. Marsh12 Louis B. Brown16 Edward J. PetersonFRANCIS STREET.From 1 Front south to Palmer—Sixthward.Left and East Side.1U5 George L. Shutt11if. Frank A. Sundquist105 Werne Anderson109 Axel W. Gusta'fsonFRANCIS STREET.Right and West Side.106 Edgar Manges108 Mrs. Margaret Burns108% Mrs. Louise Atwood108% Elmer Atwood110A—John Nelson112 Martin L. LawsonFRANKLIN STREET.From 29 Center east and north to Chandler.(Formerly Alpaca, Short Eagleand Franklin Sts.)—Fifth ward.Left and North Side.7 Andrew Carlson11 Albert Ingleson11% August Stenander15 William Inman29 Mrs. Emma L. Carlson33 Mrs. M. Dahlman33 Frank Dill45 Samuel .lanpo•il George Widdop55 Jonathan Petyt.)5 Joseph Kilev59 Fdwin N. Turnell59 Charles E. Sundell61 Mrs. Christina NelsonFRANKLIN Right 10 IS 1! 20 30 32 31 3.6 It 38 5o 58 52 54 02 II A'ictor John Joseph ATictor R. Sidney Victor Albert Italian Andrew August Mrs. George Herbert Jamestown and D. Elizabeth Frances Clara Augusta Martha Landrigan STREET. RemingtonSwanson A. Johnson E. FirldhousesettlementRobinson Ellis South Stanander T. P. U. Geser Gay Anderson Cook Lawson Art Sundholm Haggas "Walsh Booth Luna Side. Rushworth Glass Works

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYFRINK AVENUE.144 James Hawley GreenFrom 109 Cowing east to Curtis—Fifth EAST EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTSward.206 Cyrus KinneLeft and North Side.212 Monroe Skellie43 John V. W. Beebe214 Frank Kibling45 Frank Robbins214 Henry B. WilhelmDEARING ST. INTERSECTS216 Daniel ShearmanCalvin S. Blanchard216 J. Adelbert ShearmanFRINK AVENUE.216 Erwin D. ShearmanRight and South Side.220 Mrs. Priscilla EllenerNo houses220 Mrs. Margaret StuartFRONT STREET.224 George A. DawsonFrom 12 Williams west to Hall avenue. 226 Gust C. Magnuson(Formerly Fenton street.)—Sixth ward.Left and South Side.CHAPMAN ST. INTERSECTSNo houses1 Francis D. Steele1 Martin PetersonFRANCIS ST. INTERSECTSNo housesSPRAGUE ST. INTERSECTS13 Mrs. John U. Eckman13 Fred StrongTEW ST. INTERSECTS205 Andrew W. JohnstonHIGHLAND AVE. INTERSECTSNo houses ,FRONT STREET.Right and North Side.No housesHALL AVE. INTERSECTS612 George C. Van DusenFULTON PLACE.(Changed to Sumner Place.)FULTON STREET.From 317 East Fifth north to Strong-First ward.Left and "West Side.5 Lazell H. Toweri Mrs. Bertha Whitney7 James G. Ellis13 Harry G. Lyons17 Frederick L. NortonEAST SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS109 Elisha S. Johnson111 Vacant115 Charles Felt115 C. Q. Cratty119 J. Charles Alton121 Alfred Harris123 Willam Watts125 Mrs. Josephine Ware125 Bert J. Grout129 Albert R. Weaver129 William A. JohnstonFULTON Right 229 120 122 126 130 213 217 221 231 233 235 251 134 138 215 241 245 Grant EAST Frank John William Jonas J. Mrs. E. Guy Axel Harry Albert Levi Charles Henry Bert Clarence Frank and EIGHTH STREET. L. M. Jennie O. H. G. Anderson Cora C. SIXTH Woodhead C. A. Rappole Tweedale McNeal East Pulver H. Tiffany Parkhurst Stone E. Edwards Mason Hunt Sundman Kingman Rice Lucas Hartman Lindstrom Lown Stevenson Gifford ST. Side. ST. INTERSECTS234 Leonard S. Pennell236 Orrin B. Hayward236 Walter C. Gifford240 Mrs. Robert E. Falconer246 Henry W. Throop252 Lucian J. WarrenGARFIELD STREET.From 17 Sherman to Maple—Fourth ward.Left and North Side.5 George H. Anderson7 H. J. Ebermani% Vacant9 John P. Erickson11 August Jones15 Henry J. JonesGARFIELD STREET.Right and South Side.South Side Grammar SchoolGENESEE STREET.From 256 Fairmount avenue north toLivingston avenue—Sixth ward.Left and West Side.3 Mrs. Ella J. Curtis9 Robert P. Stewart11 Harry W. Boyd19 Mrs. Annie Smith21 Clyde L. Emery27 Clifford B. Turney31 George D. Cobb35 William C WardGENESEE STREET.Right and East Side.10 John Lundin14 (Unrevealed identity)IS John Smedberg22 Adolph Gante26 James A. Hosford30 Willard M. Potter34 Henry D. BemusGENEVA STREET.From opposite 259 Fairmount avenuenorth to Livingston avenue—Sixthward.GENEVA From GLASGOW Right 11 73 75 77 59 6 7 to Sixth Mrs. John No Charles Leonard New Clovis Rufus Clayton Williams. junction and ward. houses and Emily Bessie STREET.Left E. M. L. North AVENUE. A. L. JaderstromE. East Siawson Sharpand Bergquist (Formerly C. Steele Sample Garnett Lawson Side. Bliss West South Side. and Side. Jones Barrett Ave.— west

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYGLENDALE AVENUE.From 906 Forest avenue west to Sampson—Sixth ward.Carl CarlstromGORDON STREET.From Ross street west—Sixth ward.No housesGRANDIN STREET.From 30 Sampson west to Colfax—Sixthward.Left and South Side.1 Mrs. P. Magnuson3 Charles Siguier3 August Johnson5 Earl W. Kelley7 Willis W. Sprague7 Charles F. Lundberg9 Glenn M. Burt9 Harry E. Manchester11 John Carlson11 Fred CarlsonGRANDIN STREET.Right and North Side.4 Frederick C. Hagman6 Oscar PalmGRANT STREET.From 627 East Sixth north to Falconer-First ward.Left and West Side.No housesE. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTS35 Joseph A. TrainorE. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS53 Mrs. Louise Johnson53 Harold LeF. Brown57 Royal S. Blodget61 George S. DoolittleNew house69 Charles E. Wade73 Walter C. SunderlandGRANT STREET.Right and East Side.16 Howard S. RodgersE. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTS36 New houseDexter MallorvJohn G. TuxfordJohn J. TrainorBiram S. LazellCharles R. DewittElof S. JohnsonCharles LindstromFrans O. WennerbergGREAT JONES STREET.(Changed to Mt. Vernon Place.)HALL AVENUE.From 203 Fairmount avenue south to145 107 131 115 117 147 127 129 17 25 35 7 Palmer—Sixth WEST Carl Georsre Elisha Peter Vacant C. W. Cornelius John Frank Patrick James Charles George Mrs. Kingsley J. THIRD Left Jennie Sarah Catherine O. T. Lake M. Morrissev H. Einch SIXTH M Ledger K. Peterson J. P. Wood Cronin Levine Lindgren Galivan Heath and Bush Olsen Woods Jensen VanVleck ward. Spencer ST. East ST. Crowe INTERSECTSSide.No housesFRONT ST. INTERSECTSHALL AVENUE.Right and West Side.S Thomas L. Stockton10 Charles Otto Jarl10 Charles W. Jackson10 Clarence M. Atwater12i: Harlev L. Scott16 Rev. Charles D. Reed22 Mrs. Christine PalmerSS Ashbel R. CatlinW. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS108 Dallas E. Davis112 Joseph R. Peck114 Nels P. Hanson116 Sanford G. Smiley120 Axel W. Olson120 Mrs. Jean Allison122 August M. Peterson154 W. X. LvdleW. THIRD ST. INTERSECTSNo houses238 Claus Nelson23S Gilbert PetersonFRONT ST. INTERSECTS300 Andrew J. JohnsonBranch School No. 8CLARKE AVE. INTERSECTSHALLOCK STREET.From New-land avenue north to J. & G.Ave. (Formerly Outlet, Hallock andNorth Hallock)—Sixth ward.Left and West Side.53 Conrad Carlson57 M. F. Dealing63 George Mohl75 Tony BrunnerRIDGEWAY AVE. INTERSECTS91 Cassius H. Fox95 William M. Chamberlain109 William Cowing113 Marion J. Price133 Stephen A. Baker149 Clavton W. Baker2«3 Frank Walden203 Mrs. Alice Adams261 G. S. CardHUNT ROAD INTERSECTSWOODWORTH AVE. INTERSECTS287 John Rick291 Vacant295 Peter SchenckFAIRMOUNT AVE. INTERSECTS329 Aldtn S Wellman333 Charles WidrigLIVINGSTON AVE. INTERSECTSHALLOCK Riaht 511 ITS 212 234 505 521 200 246 254 270 304 488 n02 510 250 39.8 SO W. Jacob Thaddeus Claude PALMER FAIRMOUNTERIE Joseph John D. Jay Valentine George William LIVINGSTONJames Henrv A. Himebaugh Harrv Isaac Calvin R. and THIRD B. Thomas Lee STREET. P. CalkinsR. C. A. Gilligan Hollister Smith Kaadtman J. Montague V. East H. Ernewein Phillips KeslerHunt Matson R. Smith DavisStearns ST. Bros. StoneINTERSECTSSide.AVE. INTERSECT*INTKRSECTF

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYHAMILTON STREET.From 409 Murray avenue west to carbarns. (Formerly Hamilton and EastHamilton.—Second ward.Left and South Side.7 Roy HamiltonFAIRMOUNT AVE. INTERSECTS37 Frank H. Rummer37 N. G. Parker39 Charles E. Wood45 Mett M. Crosby47 Herman B. Goodwin51 William G. Johnson51 Carlton KappleHAMILTON STREET.Right and North Side.8 Boliver Couchman12 Fred E. ArmitageFAIRMOUNT AVE. INTERSECTS34 Ellis P. Jackson36 Daniel Benson40 Roy S. Brown40 W. Carver BallLANGFORD ST. INTERSECTS48 Irving A. Brown48 Charles H. Hale52 Lawrence R. McGarvie52 Frank H. JennerHAMMOND STREET.From 714 Fairmount avenue north. (Incorrectlynumbered.—Slxtn ward.Left and West Side.19 Archie D. Dye15 Samuel Dawson9 Nelson J. SaffordHAMMOND STREET.Right and East Side.No housesHANFORD AVENUE.From Fairmount avenue south—Sixthward.Rieht and West Side.12 John HeyHANFORD AVENUE.Left and East Side.No housesHANLEY STREET.From 229 Steele south to Front—Sixthward.Left and East Side.5 Carl Oscar Lynn7 Axel Lawson9 August HultHANLEY STREET.Right and West Side.6 Mrs. Mary Samuelson6 Mrs. Carl Anderson11-13 From 43 37 39 45 15 29 33 8 Third Vacant Soter Frank Mrs. George Leavin John Jessop Grameno Alva James Brooklyn Herbert Phillips Lindblad 29 and HARRISON Sadie J. B. Mael Left A. South Albright C. & M. E. Carman Burns F. Fourth Collins Carlson Barrel Belorta Anderson Hoard House Bottling Lewis and Bros. Cowan CookeMain North wards. & STREET. Machine east Works (Branch) Co. Side. to Co. Winsor—TAYLOR ST. INTERSECTS49 Jessup & Anderson49 Joe Jessup49 Warren Danforth53 Tom Pearson55 Adolph Clement59 Mrs. John Hollings59 Jamestown Spring Bed Co.59 C. W. Eckman & Son59 C. J. Lindbeck & Son59 Globe Furniture Co.61 Francesca Crusso61% Hakie Eglam61% Negem HallenINSTITUTE ST. INTERSECTS101-125 Maddox Table Co.131 Stanislaus Murowski131 Charles Mitchell133 Beoli Giurmiefie141 Mrs. Elizabeth Crowe143 Wheelhouse Bros.143 George P. Wheelhouse143 John W. WheelhouseFOOTE AVE. INTERSECTS201 George W. RollandCENTER ST. INTERSECTS307 Clifton M. Geer335 Jamestown Worsted MillsHARRISON STREET.Right and South Side.10 Blacksmith shop12 George Zouvilas16 Dr. William M. Sill16 Sarah M. Miller16 Mrs. Cornelia Sill16% Fred W. Millspaw20 Dr. Elmer A. Jones24 Swedish Salvation Army24 Emanuel Roos28 Mrs. Emma Dorn34 Petti Greco36 Joseph Graziano36% Thomas Ferro38 John Love44 Rossario Abbate48 Cane Vicario52 Vacant56 James Watmuff56 Mary McElroy60 South Side Creamery60 William E. Bracey60 Edwin P. Stearns62 James CanneINSTITUTE ST. INTERSECTS100 Mrs. Cornelia S. Washburn100 Reginald Phelps100 George L. Wilkes104 106 lip 116 114 US 128 130 132 250 2*86 110 122 124 24S 252 254 2S6 286 200-222 Joseph»SaeliMargretta Arthur Miceli Dominic Burnie Louis Thomas Jametor Vincenzo Rosario Julian John Joe Christ Dennis Harry Michael Gionono Robert Giuseppa Bellomo George Baxter Antonia FOOTE Tony Charles Chichi Crescent Kamerat W. Lamarca Garrison Crasano A. Cota I. Charles BreckenridgeS. T. Nicholson H. Cambury Ferelo Bonfiglio Glace Sotir Lapriore Gelia AVE. Bastiano Stefana Scarsone Sani Farinella Smith Frachina Woodhead Themelis Mabee Saxton Kilbow Dawson Tool INTERSECTSCo.

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY286 Mrs. Carrie Comerestus292 Frederick L. Judson292 William Cullen296 Mrs. Ellen Peterson306 Boiler Repair Shop306 .Carl Sundquist318 A. H. Tobias320 Jamestown Commercial GalleryHAZELTINE AVENUE.From Park west to Baker—Sixth ward.Left and South Side.39 Mrs. Jennie AndersonBARRETT ST. INTERSECTS405 Maurice Cole409 James Hollings421 Mrs. Celia Anderberg427 Nels C. Anderson,HAZELTINE AVENUE.Right and North Side.34 Frank EllinsonBARRETT ST. INTERSECTS312 Charles J. Sundstrom400 Mrs. Celia Anderberg402 Peter Nelson404 Fritz Josephson412 Christina Anderson512 Jacob Olson512 Mrs. Harriett Bratt520 Mrs. Maria Morey520% William MoreyHAZZARD STREET.From 36 Mechanic south to city limits—Third ward.Left and East Side.7 Mrs. Hannah O'Neil •13 Mrs. Catherine A. Potter13 Charles E. Fawbert15 Charles J. Stevenson17 Theodore C. Frank21 Alexander A. Castle27 Mrs. Caroline J. Johnson31 Vacant31% Vacant33 Ernest Morton35 Samuel F. Mitchell37 Alva F. Akin43 Charles Stansfield45 Jerome W. Post47 Vacant49 John A. Peterson55 Mrs. Phoebe Way57 James B. Gilberds63 Frank O. Nelson65 John A. Anderson65 F. Oscar Felt69 Peter A. Moberg71 Clvde M. Garfield103 105 106 107 111 117 79 S7 SI 81 S3 S5 89 87 91 93 Preston William Fred James Robert John Joseph Tom Vacant Eugene Willis Thomas George Charles Tonv Mrs. Nicole Frank Axel Sam Benjamin Skiffon Josephine Emma Anna Ferresco Matilda F. J. A. Lazar Stravato C. DefrancescoH. Patti Dominieo D. FuscoReid E. Lounsbery C. Genio Morton O. G. Nelson Oger Raistrick Leonardo Cheney Pap Becker Freeman M. Putnam Gray Lawson A. Bland Anderson Brown Templeton , •117 Harry CrossleyNEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTS203 J. August Hultquist207 John Saunders207 William Ahlberg211 Charles M. Hjertquist215 Charles J. Carlson215 Matilda Sandstrom219 J. August Carlson219 Frank C. Maloney225 Ida L. Holmes227 Florin Nelson233 Frank I. Kling233 C. Albert PetersonPARTRIDGE ST. INTERSECTS239 Axel Carlson239 Duane Frank249 Mrs. Arthur C. Weinberg249 Swan A. TulenBARKER ST. INTERSECTS319 George Cox321 John Chindstrom323 Ernest Thorpe323 John H. Walters325 Erastus Aiken333 VacantHAZZARD STREET.Right and West Side.Branch School No. 4.16 Cecil V. Stewart20 William H. Buchanan22 George H. Mitchell2S Helena E. Washburn34 Albert Nelson36 H. Warren Stumpr42 Fred J. Wren46 Mrs Maude E. Wilkinson50 Charles F. McElhose52 William A. Warren60 C. Oscar Jones66 Mrs. Jane D. Clark74 James W. Houser74 Orin G. Houser7.8 Charles A. Hanvey78 Fred A. Lakins80 Mrs. Lena C. Swanson90 Alice J. Peterson90 Mrs. Elizabeth Benson94 Sam FerratiAXTEL ST. INTERSECTS100 Carl J. Lagerdahl100 Nels Jorgenson106 Carl A. Carlson10S Carl Crantz112 Fred P. Brown112 AValter S. ClevelandFrom HEBNER Right 122 112% 116 118 212 214 216 246 204 226 240 24S 220. 516 100 ward.1 Emil August NEWLAND L. Alfred Willard John David Charles BARKER COLE Louis Lewis Ernest George No Nels Gustaf Frank Carl Nels 220 and August housesP. J. F. Olson Left A. King STREET.C. Carlson A. AVE. West Stenander F. Johnson YatesH. Wihlborg Anderson Pillsbury CedarholmSkans King Smith ST. RohlinKidder south AVE. Side. INTERSECTSEast to Side. Camp—Fourth

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYHEDGES AVENUE.21 Peter E. SundbergFrom 247 Willard north to Benedict- 29 Robert CoxFourth ward.PALMER ST. INTERSECTSDeft and West Side.No houses5 August J. JohnsonHIGHLAND AVENUE.7 Charles J. HultmanRight and West Side.7 Fred Ahlstedt12 Joseph G. Williams17 Carl A. Noren12 John Williams21 August C. Danielson40 Carl O. A. Johnson21 Gust JohnsonPALMER ST. INTERSECTS39 Emil JohnsonSO Axel Jaderstrom39 Andrew VimmerstedtSO Charles Jaderstrom47 Charles EricksonADAMS ST. INTERSECTS47 Carl A. Bergsten81 Magnus Anderson51 Verner HolmstromS4 Fred Strong51 Alfred JohnsonS8 John E. Johnson63 Mrs. Anna MolineS8 Carl Windahl63 J. Edward Johnson96 Ollie Lawson65 Oliver Christianson96- Charles J. Anderson69 C. M. AndersonHOLMAN STREET.69 Leonard E. AndersonFrom junction English and Willis east-79 Gust A. JohnsonFourth ward.85 Albert JohnsonLeft and North Side.SCIOTA ST. INTERSECTS3 Frank A. Crantz101 John A. Danielson3 Carl Zetterman101 Adolf Nelson9 Eric Lofgren105 Carl O. CarlsonMALTBY ST. INTERSECTS105 John Germanson31 Andrew J. Johnson105 Charles C. Johnson31 John L. Kazer113 B. A. Bergeson33 August Berggren115 Charles J. Erickson37 Oscar N. CarlsonHEDGES AVENUE.43 Charles E. JohnsonRight and East Side.HOLMAN STREET.6 Charles PersonRight and South Side.6 Hjalmer C. Carlson40 Mrs. Hannah C. Johnson10 Leonard J. AhlstromHOLMES STREET.10 J. Emil JonesFrom opposite 130 Institute east—Third12 Mrs. Matilda A. Carlsonward.14 Andrew Granath12-16 Anchor Furniture Co.14 Gust GranathHOLMES STREET.44 John A. PetersonLeft and North Side.44 Mrs. Hannah Flrickson13-23 M. E. Towne Furniture Co.48 Mrs. Christine OsterstromHOPKINS AVENUE.52 John BjorkFrom 1200 East Second south to Blackstoneavenue and east to limits. For­52 C. John Erickson52 Axel Petersonmerly Driving Park Road and Hopkins72 Charles G. Johnsonavenue.—Fifth ward.72 Carl HaggstromLeft and East Side.76 Erick J. Hagherg11 Vacant82 Nels Rybloom13 Frank E. Arnold82 Oscar Sunden19 Mrs. Jane L. Burroughs106 Charles Ostrom23 Charles F. Englund106 Charles Stone29 Edwin C. Vincent108 -Andrew M. Swanson31 John Sagorny130 Gust W. Soderquist35 Warner Ross134 Leonard Peterson39 George VincentHESS HICKORY Right HIGHLAND From 134 138 IS 18 17 49 53 to mit—Sixth Hans Arthur Hjalmer No William Frederick Mrs. Charles Carl Ahrens STREET. opposite Shaw 405 'housesand Berg Ida HICKORY Teela Deft Left Davidson STREET. E. West HESSavenue—Fourth Stead ward. AVENUE. Front Cedarquist West Jones S. Olson and Johnson 520 Shaw Side.(end East Side. Palmer south—Sixth STREET.Side. Ellicott) ward.to south ward. Sum­Right From 159 229 241 216 220 222 226 214 244 210 388 ward. north. Isham Paul Charles Swan Harry Gales Miles William DeForest FLAGG Fred Theodore Emil Carl Glenn James Buffalo and HOTCHKISS HOPKINS A. W. Left Mason E. Nord (Incorrect C. F. Erickson More Stemple C. E. West Lindgren R. Johnson J. AVE. Lyon Kupresh North Learn Blood Nelson Wemple Smith and opposite Mertens Leroy Side. West INTERSECTSAVENUE. STREET. numbers.)— Side. pump station Fifth

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY5 Adelbert C. Wells45 Charles E. Sage57 Freeman P. Hayward71 Truax D. LovejoyCLYDE AVE. INTERSECTS203 Erick Bjorklund65 Max Kiesshower219 Frederick J. Colburn400 Charles G. CarlsonJohn A. PetersonHOTCHKISS STREET.Right and East Side.58 Charles W. Hayward54 Gustaf JohnsonHOWARD AVENUE.From city limits south to Fairmount avenue—Sixthward.Left and East Side.1 S. D. Wilcox3 Edward C. Thorne5 John K. PhesayHOWARD AVENUE.Right and West Side.No housesHOWARD STREET.From Barker south to city limits—Thirdward.Left and East Side.9 P. William LunbergWOODWORTH AVE. INTERSECTSHOWARD STREET.Right and West Side.No houses100 Ralph RosdahlHUNTER STREET.Hebner west to Oak—Fourth ward.No housesHUNT ROAD.From end West Sixth to junction Hallockto limits west—Sixth ward.Left and South Side.7 Raymond EntwistleBurt-Hall Towel Co.HUNT ROAD.Right and North Side.8 Theodore Glantz60 Robert P. Manser60 Algert Johnson65 George A. S. KentHUTTON STREET.From Baker south to Orr—Sixth ward.No housesINSTITUTE STREET.From 310 East Second south to Allen-Third and Fifth wards.Left and East Side.131 141 INSTITUTE Right 12 33 10 99 68 4 Victor John Mrs. HOLMES Eclipse Abner Jamestown ERIE HARRISON BRIGGS Maddox Lumber Swift Collins Theodore and Emma Lena J. Stephen & J. R. Linnander Ice Photo Co. STREET. West Chambers yard Table HawkinsStewart R. ST. Carlson Cream High Einch C. ST. TRACKS Potter Paper Side. INTERSECTSCo, Matson SchoolCo. Works INTERSECT12 George Hall16 Hartley Akin16 Emery O. Anderson18 August Danielson18 Mrs. Fred P. Kordenbrock20 Mrs. Axel Berquist20 Charles E. Anderson22 Walter Sundquist22 Mrs. Ida M. Cooper26 Harry LyonsERIE R. R. TRACKS INTERSECT2S Mrs. Walter Rainey30 Patrick Lanning30 Mrs. Mary Carmen30 Patrick Reech30 John P. Freed30% John Berquist32 Joseph Lans32 Frank B. Simmons34 Jamestown Oil Co.3S John BergHARRISON ST. INTERSECTS100 Pennsylvania Gas Co. shop118 Henry J. StandishUS Lyle C. Schermerhorn120 Danish Congregational church122 Eberman & Bailey Brass Works126 Joseph Cusimano130 James Prince134 Samuel J. WaiteVICTORIA AVE. INTERSECTS138 Mrs. Julia A. Vincent13S James A. Yerdon138 Joseph StellISABELLA AVENUE.From 811 Washington west to outlet-Second ward.Left and South Side.No housesLAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTSLally's BarnVacantJEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTSNo housesCLINTON ST. INTERSECTSNo housesMONROE ST. INTERSECTSNo housesJ. C. & L. E. TRACKS INTERSECTJ. C. & L. E. Ry. ShopsISABELLA AVENUE.North and Right Side.2 Harry E. Parker2 Joseph A. Catlin4 Louis G. Willard4 William E. WaiteIVY Left JAMES (Changed JASPER From South 10 14 16 22 Third JEFFERSON MONROE LAFAYETTE L. J. Ernest Joseph George Ross Lumber Johnson No Cyril and Hunt 600 C. Walnut.—Third F. STREET.housesextension—Sixth AVENUE. & Right Lumber B. Shedd East to Foote Barrett Varley L. H. road yards ice Walker Van ST. E. Jowett and coal houses Side. TRACKS Co. ST. southwest avenue INTERSECTSBuren.) West yards ward.officeward. Side. south. INTERSECT to West (Formerly

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYJEFFERSON STREET.JOHNSON STREET.From 314 West Second north to Eleventh Right and East Side.—Second ward.Right and East Side.208 Frank J. BartonW. THIRD ST. INTERSECTS310 Albert H. Moon310 Wilbur W. Grove314 John HaughW. FOURTH ST. INTERSECTS414 Eva B. Batcheller416 Levant B. BatchellerW. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTS512 George H. Cooke512 Mrs. Grace Lay514 William P. Osmer516 Dr. Albert Weible516 Harry ChamberlainW. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS610 Henry A. Lucas618 Guy C. Pillsbury618% George W. Denslow618% C. .John Sundholm620 William B. PhiloW SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTS704 A. H. Hooper710 Mrs. Ellen CantyW. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS808 Michael E. Hurley810 Fritz T. Melquist812 August Soderstrom814 Robert H. Nobbs818 Thomas F. McGeeISABELLA AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesS40 Willis W. Norton840 Hans J. KluppenborgJEFFERSON STREET.Left and West Side.205 George E. Hoard207 Mrs. Helen Tiffany207 A. Clarence TiffanyW. THIRD ST. INTERSECTS309 John B. Shaw309 Reuben W. Bigelow315 Edward A. Dutcher319 GeorgeCohen319 Mrs. Nellie Antler319 Blanche WoodfordW. FOURTH ST. INTERSECTSBaker ParkW. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTSNo housesW. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS611 Fabian SellstromW. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTS14 Gust Larson16 John A. Johnson36 Albert CastnerNo housesSCIOTA ST. INTERSECTSJONES AVENUE.(Changed to Glasgow Ave.)JONES STREET.(Changed to <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.)JONES & GIFFORD AVENUE.From boatlanding bridge northwest tocity limts—Sixth ward.Left and West Side.49- 59 Acme Worsted Mills95-105 Art Metal Construction Co.115 Eagle Foundry & Machine Co.129-135 Breed-Johnson Furniture Co.Williams Mineral Water Co.141 Patrick G. Garrigan149 Amos T. Robertson151 Golden Furniture Co.153-163 Empire Voting Machine Co.167 Superior Furniture Co.175 George M. CarveyOUTLET ST. INTERSECTS235 George H. FisherJONES & GIFFORD AVENUE.Right and East Side.110 John T. Scholes146 Harvey D. Logan148 Elmer Marsh148 Ellis O. Marsh150 Matthew Zenns152 Earl Swanson152% Joseph Cannar154 Mrs. Matilda Whitman156 John Stormer168 Frank J. Rich182 Edward A. Kaadtmann202 Joseph Kestler208 Henry StormerAlbert D. HinsdaleJULIET STREET.•From Camp north to Hunter—Fourthward.No housesKENT STREET.(Changed to Van Buren.)KIDDER STREET.From 212 South Main west to Prospect-Third ward.Left and South Side.11 Lee D. BloodJEFFORDS Left (Changed JOHNSON From 809 705 811 813 S15 817 14 22 Fifth Adelbert James W. George Frederick John Henry Frank ISABELLA No Ralph Claus opposite and 269 ward.houses EIGHTH AVENUE. STREET. BloomgrenP. Left Right Malmquist M. P. West to Willard Piehlblad C B. N. A. Rice Anderson Murray Melquist Washburn Torrens Robinson Curtis Lovell Bennett and AVE. 884 Side. ST. West north—Fourth East avenue.) INTERSECTSSide.Second north- ward. . Right KING From 113 109 117 111 115 129 133 15 ward. 915 BROADHEAD Mrs. Magnus No BARROWS TOWER Oscar Julius Alfred August Peter Frank Louise John Charles STREET. 226 and houses A. Jane W. KIDDER J. Allen C. O. F. M. North Johnson C. Ekberg L. Anderson ST. Hanson Carlson Hutley Lee Shoesmith Frank S. Wiborg Swanson ST. Randall east INTERSECTSSide.AVE. STREET.to INTERSECTSEnglish—Fourth

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYKIPP STREET.Right and East Side.No housesLAFAYETTE STREET.From 215 West Second north to Marvinpark—Second ward.Left and West Side.205 Bertrand L. Lewis205 The LafayetteW. FOURTH ST. INTERSECTS401 Dr. John J. Mahoney.407 William C. Myers407 William J. Bender411 Mrs. Sarah C. Haviland411 Eris Andrews417 Mrs. Sarah R. WescottW. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTS513 Nathan D. Lewis517 Mrs. Tena M. GarfieldW. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS601 Robert K. Beach603 Willis E. Seymour607 John F. Jones611 Willis E. Seymour Sr.615 John G. Moynihan619 Mrs. Flora ShawELLICOTT ST. INTERSECTS203 Samuel Blom203 Alice VauxOAK ST. INTERSECTS227 Aaron A. BrownKING STREET.Right and South Side.10 C. T. Hutley10 Sam Hopkinson18 George Kohlbacher108 William L. Hand114 August H. Ahlgren114 Charles J. Johnson116 Anton PedersonWEBSTER ST. INTERSECTS118 Oscar O. CarlsonUS Frank O. Swanson120 August Anderson134 Peter A. JohnsonELLICOTT ST. INTERSECTSNo housesOAK ST. INTERSECTS220 Nels J. PetersonHEBNER ST. INTERSECTS300 Johanna S. RoseburgKINGSBURY AVENUE.From 1036 North Main east to Prender­619 Antony A. Waltersgast avenue—First ward.W. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTSLeft and North Side.703 Charles E. JohnsonNo houses705 Patrick Moynihan SrKINGSBURY AVENUE.711 James J. CorkeryRight and South Side.W. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS8 William S. RathbunS03 George S. May12 Dallas M. GleasonS09 George W. Barnes20 Mrs. Joseph Wehrle811 Harry E. Reeder22 Sam Lewis Crook819 Edward J. Marsh28 George W. DeweyS21 Robert J. Straughen30 John T. DormanLAFAYETTE STREET.34 Clyde W. PhelpsRight and East Side.KINNEY STREET.204 Mrs. Helen L. HatchFrom 246 Willard south to English- 208 Dr. Henry A. EastmanFourth ward.W. THIRD ST INTERSECTSLeft and East Side.312 Mrs. Elizabeth O'Hagan5 Charles A. EkstromW. FOURTH ST. INTERSECTSNo houses400 John D. SanfordPEARL AVE. INTERSECTS404 Edward M. Kiplinger23 John Swanson404 Chicago Store25 John Neustrom408 New house25 Gust W. Peterson410 Charles S. Caldwell27 Victor Peterson410 Milton Hess29 Carl LorensonW. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTS29 Arvid Salander516 Joseph W. Graff31 Mrs. Lottie SampsonW. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS31 Oscar A. Nelson602 Vernon E. PeckhamCEDAR AVE. INTERSECTS604 Henry A. Simpson47 Gust F. Bergquist604 William Rchardson51 Alfred O. JohnsonKINNEY Right KIPP From 105 15 55 12 32 41) 44 17 19 53 28 36 coner—Fifth Olof Alfred Arvid E. Axel Walter Karl John Levi Martin Rudolph Charles Mrs. Carl STREET. opposite SECOND and T. Nelson B. J. Lawrence Peterson H. A. P. E. Left O. E. A. H. Hagstrom West HemingwayO. Leroy Kling Carlson Danielson Palmer H. Anderson Dahlberg ward. Nord and Castner Johnson Nelson 510 ST. Side. West E. INTERSECTSCrescent Ericson Side. north to Fal­612 816 SIS 820 S20 S3S 842 846 902 990 610 710 714% 716 S22 S34 S44 900 TENTH Albert Henry John Elliot W. ELEVENTH Leonard Melvin Clyde Marshall ISABELLA Mrs. Rolland Erick George Stephen Vacant Samuel Claude Louis Ellen EIGHTH SEVENTH Annis Minnie Greglistine'Powers T. M. A. Anderson Kleinsang F. H. C. Wise Olmstead V. L. S. E. Weatherly ST. Curtis C. Loucks Kennedy Newton Harrison Seaborn Leroy WillardBolton Caskey AVE. Davis PetersonST. ST. Sr.INTERSECTS.'

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYLAKE STREET.FALCONER ST. INTERSECTSFrom 32 Sampson west to Colfax—Sixth 204 Elial A. Jonesward.206 Perry D. MartinDeft and South Side.3 Louis Kofod3 Nels Munson15 Gust Bloomdahl23 Victor Olson27 Fred Bloomdahl27 Alfred JohnsonLAKE STREET.Right and North Side.8 Henry Nordine10 Charles J. Swanson10 John Nygren28 Gust A. KlingLAKEVIEW AVENUE.20S Mrs. Mary L. Crissey212 John CadwellCROSSMAN ST. INTERSECTS310 Charles H. PriceVAN BUREN ST. INTERSECTS402 Vacant406 Edward W. Spring410 Horace W. Walker410 Arvid N. Lundquist416 Frank W. CadwellPRICE ST. INTERSECTS502 L. F. Cornell518 Jay Crissey524 Henry B. FreemanFrom 412 East Sixth north to city limits 52S Vacant—First ward.Left and West Side.3 William C. Patterson17 Charles L. Audette27 William A. Bradshaw35 VacantE. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS101 John G. Wicks109 Bertha E. Weeks113 Edgar A. Fenton121 Charles G. Lindsey123 Samuel W. Thompson133 Mrs.' Susan H. Thomas133 W. W. Fisher135 VacantSTRONG ST. INTERSECTS201 William J. Lausterer205 Ransom J. Barrows205 Floyd P. Alnry211 Frederick P. HallCROSSMAN ST. INTERSECTS301 Mrs. Lora T. Gathercole309 Willard W. Hunt317 Ernest W. Whitaker317 Charles C. MitchellVAN BUREN ST. INTERSECTS403 Fred B. Tinkham409 Wallace L. Snow415 Cyrus UnderwoodPRICE ST. INTERSECTS501 Brewer D. Phillips509 L. Ward Thompson511 Nathan SternBASSETT ST. INTERSECTS519 Mrs. S. C. Graham519 H. F. Davis527 George F. Opdyke543 Seneca B. BurchardLAKEVIEW Right 551 653 547 609 617 621 637 134 110 114 120 130 14 44 38 52 Vacant EUCLID WILSON E. Lakeview Rev. William F. S. Anna BUFFALO Fred Mrs. George J. Clarence James Edwin O. Charles Louis Ralph Dr. Delevan W. Nelson H. EIGHTH and Morris Alfred Adelle Carrie Anna Christian L. MarshallThompson C. AVENUE.A. B. East T. Sykes N. Jagger Crissey D. AVE. Sheldon PLACE .RushworthWeeks Cemetery Brooks Pitts Falconer Curtiss N. Anderson H. ST. Gokey WarnerDickson Rose ST. Side. Merrill Bemus BrennanINTERSECTS532 S. J. Sample540 Howard W. Potter542 Reuben E. Williams544 Glenn K. BrownWINSOR ST. INTERSECTSNo housesNEWTON AVE. INTERSECTS610 Warren RossEUCLID AVE. INTERSECTS630 Henry T. Krieger •634 Edward J. GilroyCHESTNUT ST. INTERSECTS700 L. W. Stein704 Don Allen CurtisBUFFALO ST. INTERSECTSLAKIN AVENUE.From 507 Fairmount ave south to WestThird—Sixth ward.Left and East Side.5 William E. 'Smedley5 Mrs. Mary Erickson7 Sanford C. Hawkinson7 Thomas Newberry9 S E. SiawsonW. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTSLAKIN AVENUE.Right and West Side.100 Willis P. Prosser102 Paul G. Turner120 Andrew Olson122 Paul G. Turner124 Vacant124 James Galivan150 William E. Smiley150 Edward S. Morrison154 A. E. DavisLAKIN EXTENSION.(Changed to Ohio Ave.)LANGFORD LEE Right LIBERTY From 20 21 41 11 Second —Sixth (Formerly Sixth)—First Willis No Charles Mrs. James E. AVENUE. 351 48 S10 houses SIXTH and ward. Hamilton Cynthia Left East B. E. Forest STREET. W. Johnson Benedict Crosby North Rickerson Wilson ward.and ST. Fifth Side. Huntley avenue South West INTERSECTSstreet north Side.to west from to West Falconer. to East End- Sampson

49 A. F. Fidler49 H. P. Lorentzen53 Charles W. DavisE. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTS57 Frank O. Strandburg61 Percy B. Warner61 Mrs. Adelle M. Towle65 Frank E. Shearman73 Claude E. White77 Malcolm SwansonE. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS99 Charles C. Anderson101 George W. Bailey105 David Smith107 George F. Lods107 Mrs. Sophia A. Markham113 Horace A. PutnamLIBERTY STREET.Right and East Side.No housesE„ SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS36 Walter Metcalfe36 Henry NevilleGeorge I. IngersonMrs. Mary QuigleyJAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYCharles p. Green90 Mott D. 'Lawrence90 Clyde W. Jackson90 Nelson G. Archer94 Oscar Woodin100 E. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTS106 Mrs. Christina Jenkins106 John LINCOLN J. Cozadd AVENUE.From 110 Thomas 1042 North J. Kennedy Main east—Fifth ward.112 Frederica Left L. and Johnson North Side.Frank No houses L. JohnsonLINCOLN Henri AVENUE. LeF. BrownRight Vacant and South Side.4 E. Eugene EIGHTH Becker ST. INTERSECTS8 Mrs. Hjalmar Emma J. M. Hanson LundquistLINCOLN Mrs. Ardella STREET. O. Gould324 Edward R. BrittonFrom Fred 427 T. East Grabner Fifth north to Falconer-First Oscar ward. LarsonWilliam Left L. and Smith West Side.9 Henry Vacant D. Spring9 William Herbert A. H. Bates Rich15 Frank John Tweedale C. Murphy15 Carl Isaac S. Tweedale Purdy17 Mrs. Frank Charlotte W. Sternborg Smith19 Mrs. J. Edwin Roanna Pitts Osborne19 Matthew NashE. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS107 Fred C. Olson109 Edwin Carl Plummer109 Vacant115 Louis K. Jones117 Everett F. Jones301 117 213 215 211 E. Mrs. John Free D. Frank Merritt Charles EIGHTH C. SEVENTH Eunice F. Jones Methodist Maybee L. J. T. Dearing Jones Downer Tuxford ST. O. ST. Morgan church INTERSECTS311 W. J. Burch311 Warren P. Day315 Mrs. Anna M. Ross319 George W. Stilson319 Stanley Woodard323 W. E. Shepardson327 Eugene L. Blanchard327 John Austin329 James W. Turner329 Mrs. Emily YoungLINCOLN STREET.Right and East Side.12 Mrs. Mary Haman14 A. P. White16 John C. Powell18 Reuben W. DavisE. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS106 Mrs. Mattie E. Newton106 Mrs. Cornelia Ingerson108 William E. BlacklocK108 Ray H. Dennison112 Vacant118 Harry E. Gardner120 Cecil A. Blanchard120 George C. HimebaughE. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTS200 Raymond G. Leroy208 Charles E. Johnson210 Frank R. Reed214 Ernest A. Stoll214 Benjamin Stearns214 Mrs. Stella IngersonE. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS300 M. E. Towne304 Mrs. Corrie A. Newton30S James A. Clary312 James L. West314 Bert F. Saxton316 Austin Stitt324 R. A. P. Nash330 John HallstromLINDEN AVENUE.From 319 Forest avenue east to Park-Third ward.Left and North Side.17 C. F. Wahlgren25 Oscar C. Lindbloom '29 Fred C. Swanson29 Andrew F. Keller31 John G. Townsend31% Townsend's Carpet Cleaning works33 George Vanham33% Ulric Sprinchorn35 Charles Dickson35 Albin Frankson37 Charles J. LindquistLINDEN From LINDSEY Right 28 2S 32 34 16 18 20 26 ward. MYRTLE William Mrs. Lafayette John Axel Frank August Nils Amel Charles Oscar David 1275 and P. Betty Ellison Anderson YoungAVENUE. Left Swanson A. J. Weekman Eckman L. E. Johnson South East Shwartz Quist Bowen Stoddard ST. Carlson and Gronberg Second Side. INTERSECTSWest Side. north—Fifth

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYLINWOOD AVENUE.174 Joseph ThorntonFrom 8 East Newland avenue south 308 to C. M. WaiteMartin road—Sixth ward.Right and West Side.6 Swan Sampson6 David Sundell8 Ernest R. Strong8 John O. Benson12 Bert A. Moe12 Gunnar Hallin18 Carl G. FeltJones &18 Julius A. Anderson34 Andrew Carlson36 Carl O. StrandBARKER ST. INTERSECTS56 Charles Johnson102 David Anderson102 Herman Larson126 John A. LindbergDOUGLAS PLACE INTERSECTS206 Charles Linderholm ,210 Harry T. Sweeney214 James HartleyCOLE AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesMARTIN ROAD INTERSECTSLINWOOD AVENUE.Deft and East Side.9 Otto Nelson15 Joseph Anderson21 Charles J. Julin43 Andrew M. WarnBARKER ST. INTERSECTSNo housesDOUGDAS PLACE INTERSECTSNo housesCOLE AVE. INTERSECTS127 John B. ReedLISTER STREET.From Jones & Gifford avenue south-Sixth ward.Left and East Side.ERIE R. R. INTERSECTS93 Emil G. Lawson101 Albert EckmanLISTER STREET.Right and West Side.ERIE R. R. INTERSECTS94 John Huntington102 Gust L. Dahlbeck102 Charles F. Dahlbeck106 Theodore Johnson108 Mrs. Carolina ReedLIVINGSTON AVENUE.From 301 Fairmount avenue west to limits—Sixthward.LIVINGSTON Right 173 175 293 421 301 16 13 25 27 2 8 , UTICA ROSS James No HALLOCK Mrs. Arthur Thomas Charles GENEVA Calvary SEYMOUR Alex. J. Nels Henry W. William Archie GENESEE W. and housesH. Hansen George Left ProvanchaST. P. Dunn D. Haynes U. C. North Davis Galivan Baptist M. H. Sandberg AVENUE. Buckley DopusCarter CorkeINTERSECTSST. AVE. FoleySide. South church WeaverINTERSECTSSide.406 K. George SelanderLISTER ST. INTERSECTSLORETTA AVENUE.From Camp north to Hunter—Fourthward.No housesLOVELL AVENUE.From 728 Fairmount avenue north tGifford avenue. (FormerlyJohnson avenue.)—Sixth ward.Left and West Side.15 David A. JohnsonERIE R. R. INTERSECTSLOVELL AVENUE.Right and East Sde.No housesERIE R. R. INTERSECTSJohn D. DaphyElmer E. WaiteMALTBY STREET.From opposite 9 Holman north—Fourward.Left and West Side.5 Mrs. Louise M. Abrahamson11 Vernie F. C. AndersonMALTBY STREET.Right and East Side.16 Frank O. Johnson26 Mrs. Elizabeth Noon30 Gunnard NelsonMAPLE STREET.From 172 Allen south to Camp—Fourward.Left and East Side.3 Frank T. Peterson3 John A. Swanson5 Emanuel Edwardson7 William Kirkpatrick7 George L. Sanford25 Everett D. Johnson25 D. B. Everett27 Anton E. OlsonSHAVER ST. INTERSECTS33 Mrs. Sarah J. Hand35 Dr. Jason Parker37 Samuel A. Carlson41 Albert B. Walther41 William Holdsworth45 C. Fred DanielsonSHAW AVE. INTERSECTS101 Austin Decker101 Axel E. Helgren107 Charles W. Jones107 Roy D. AndersonMAPLE Right 109 115 117 432 434 20 14 16 24 26 Abraham AHRENS Harry ARNODD GARFIELD Oscar William Gustaf Mary A. Henry No Thomas South Frank L. John Sandfrid Charles STREET.J. W. houses Erickson Heald L. Unsworth Strand Side L. Jensen Crossley Johnson A. CarlsonWest M. R. Nutter W. Howard O. Briggs RushworthAVE. Taylor ST. Johnson Anderson Grammar Peterson Smith ST. Side. INTERSECTSschool

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY438 Nels E. Lindahl440 Elmer E. Erickson440 I. Thomas MillerMAPLEWOOD AVENUE.From 500 Baker north—Sixth ward.Right and East Side.6 Axel AndersonS Peter Munson8 Nels JohnsonMAPLEWOOD AVENUE.Left and West Side.5 VacantMARION STREET.From Foote avenue to Martin Road-Fourth ward.No housesMARTIN ROAD.From 710 Foote avenue southeast to citylimits—Fourth ward.Left and North Side.No housesVIRGINIA AVE. INTERSECTS95 Andrew J. PaulsonMARTIN ROAD.Right and South Side.10 Truman C. Ferry20 Emeline I. PennellJoseph EvanjokSebastian Dybowski162 Mrs. Catherine DerryMARVIN STREET.(Changed to Washington.)MASON STREET.From Livingston avenue to Erie R. R.—49 Edward Lewandoski49 John Burklund53 John E. Johnson53 Ralph M. Phillips59 Alfred C. Carlson61 Fred Carlson61 Charles G. Haglund65 John H. Wright105 George W. Sellstrom105 Stuart Husband131 E. E. Myers137 John V. Johnson141 Charles L. Carlson145 Roland K. Mason149 Rev. A. A. Horton149 Charles O. MasonBranch School No. 5 (old building)CHARLES ST. INTERSECTS175 Jonas P. Carlson179 Archie J. MartinORCHARD AVE. INTERSECTS203 Nettie Elizabeth SampsonSAMPSON215 Gottfried Weber219 Alfred J. Johnson219 Augusta Carlson219 Oscar F. Ribbing219 Vacant223 Charles W. Swanson227 Frank D. Parson227 Mrs. Irene M. Wells231 George B. Peterson237 Claude SundbergST. INTERSECTS237 Irvin ButtonSixth ward.239 John P. JuelNo housesCOLFAX ST. INTERSECTSMAY STREET.McKINLEY AVENUE.From Camp to Hunter—Fourth ward. Right and North Side.No houses16 Mrs. Augusta EricksonMAYOTTA AVENUE.16 Elbert W. FordFrom Falconer north—Fifth ward. 16 Frank W. StearnsNo houses20 Otto M. AmidonMcDANNELL AVENUE.26 Daniel G. OgilvieFrom 815 Fairmount avenue south to 30 Eric EricksonHunt road—Sixth ward.52 VacantRight and West Side.54 Emil Carlson(Incorrect Numbers.)54 Mrs. Corinne E. Jones4 Eugene A. Post58 Emmett A. Phillips4 Ivan Covey62 J. W. Stearns6 Robert H. Coffield66 Axel F. Sellstrom14 John C. Jones66 Frank M. Blodgett12 Thomas C. WelshPilgrim Memorial church12 Benjamin C. Jones100 Oscar Nelson206 George Messenger100 Dars Deafstone208 John M. Peregrine102 Gust A. Lofgren208 Moses Lowe106 John F. NyburgMcDANNELLLeft McKINLEY From 11 17 29 47 13 35 21 37 merly Third John Louie No PARK William Lewis Levant Clinton Mrs. Fred 102 and houses and Prospect Mary A. D. Left H. E. East AVENUE. ST. E. B.AVENUE.Sixth Jones A. Moore Wilson Ruden Ricker and Falconer J. Morgan INTERSECTSSide. avenue Wilson wards. Jr. South west and Side. to Forest Colfax. St.) (For­198 230 242 From MEADOW Left 202 206 222 140 238 110 152110114 Livingston COLFAX No William Emil John Fred Mrs. Harry Wilson Robert Laverne Frank Albert BARRETT Vacant Charles Hulda HoraceGustCHARLES Benander 334 housesLANE. Mary ElnaCarlsonC. Nelson Lang M. Right Fairmount West Nickerson Van GrundstromNorman G. store B. Waite Stanford Bowman T. W. avenue—Sixth ST. Ellison Gardner Swanson WilliamsonAnderson Wright ST. and Dusen Brainard Side. INTERSECTSEast avenue Side. ward. north to

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYMECHANIC STREET.From South Main east to Minnow Brook—Third and Fourth wards.Left and North Side.15 Frank F. Williams17 Adam Weber19 Henry J. McElhose25 Elbridge G. Partridge29 Harrison Pike33 John Ahlstrom35 Albert G. Johnson37 Fred T. Powell39 John M. WinnbergFOOTE AVE. INTERSECTS109 Guy Trantum111 John Swanson113 Frank FurlowMECHANIC STREET.Right and South Side.20 James I. FowlerBranch School No. 4HAZZARD ST. INTERSECTS36 Merritt B. Rowley36 John E. Briggs40 Henry Foster42 Christopher JohnsonFOOTE AVE. INTERSECTS108 Fred H. Broadbead110 Charles F. Carlson110 Gustaf N. Mohl112 Matilda Pearson114 Linus Cedarburg114 Oscar A. EkholmMETALLIC AVENUE.From 174 Fairmount avenue north to Seymouravenue. (Incorrect numbers). —Sixth ward.Left and West Side.10 Minnie Teudesmann9 Abbie L. Catlin9 Mrs. Lettie D. Carter8 William Howell7 Earl C. "Delain6 Richard G. Holmes5 Andrew C. Akins5 Mrs. Pearl Robinson4 Mrs. Freda Boser3 J, Martin Spellacy2 Charles Boehler1 Gust C. CrantzMETALLIC AVENUE.Right and East Side.No housesMONROE STREET.From 512 West Third north to Isabellaavenue—Second ward.MONROE Right 510% 514 516 412 508 512 310 403 613 611 311 Frank Albert W. John Patrick William Clyde Vacant Samuel Leonard HAMILTON No Rudolph Edward Theodore Clarence Lyle Henry Charles FOURTH FIFTH houses SIXTH and B. Woods STREET. Left W. Hayes P. D. B. Gilligan Himebaugh A. L. S. F. C. Johnson Stilwell East Lowell Hatch Shields and Meeker Monroe Olmstead Brown ST. Barth HaleS West T. INTERSECTSSide.Side.W. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS610 Orville J. Felt612 John GeransW. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTS712 Jamestown Boiler Works716 Joseph F. WandaMORGAN STREET.From Hallock east—Sixth ward.No houses.MORSE AVENUE.From opposite 449 Chandler north-Fourth ward.Right and East Side.2 Charles E. Anderson4 Gottfrid Holmbeck4 John Lindstrom6 John Ruckman6 Olof Windahl8 Alfred Kalen8 Albin Lindros10 Mrs. Matilda C. Smith12 Fritz Nyberg12 Carl G. Bloomberg14 Charles F. Peterson14 John F. PetersonMORSE AVENUE.Left and West Side.Weber Mfg. Co.MORTON STREET.From 10 Sampson west to Colfax—Siward.Left and South Side.11 Gust A. Swanson35 Gustaf Rosenquist35 Edward Carlson37 John E. Leif37 George A. CarlsonMORTON STREET.Right and North Side.8 Frank Swanson12 Hans Sonne12 Axel Nelson16 Mrs. Minnie Larry20 John C. CarlsonMT. VERNON PLACE.From Chapman west to Sprague. (FormerlyGreat Jones St.)—Sixth ward.Left and South Side.1 Axel E. Bloomquist3 Hans Neilson3 William E. Sayer5 Charles Greenquist5 Gustaf Anderson7 Charles A. Wicklund7 Carl MorganFRANCIS ST. INTERSECTSMT. From 101 715 MURRAY Right 417 416 11 13 19 —Second HAMILTON CARROLL W. Sebastiana John Oscar No J. Daniel Benjamin Isaac Mrs. Louis Andrew VERNON Albert and West houses FIFTH SIXTH Katherine MaharonCoates Left Lindquist ward. AVENUE. Smith C. North East HeimbergerPLACE. Peterson Garvey Fourth R. Trigcixa and ST. ST. Holmes Side.West SweeneyINTERSECTSnorth Side. to West Ei

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY608 Hugh H. Griffin612 Leon L. FancherMYRTLE STREET.From 31 Linden avenue south to Hazeltineavenue—Third ward.Left and East Side.15 D. M. Thompson15 Seth E. Fagerstrom21 Louis Jensen25 John V. Peterson25 Clark'Brooks29 Axel A. Johnson33 Mrs. Hilda J. Johnson35 Rodney M. Stuart35 Eugene W. McNall39 John P. Benson39 Otto AndersonNEWLAND AVE., INTERSECTSNo housesFAIRFIELD AVE. .INTERSECTSNo housesUNION AVE., INTERSECTS20J Peter A. Carlson213 Carl LundborgMYRTLE STREET.Right and West Side.12 Lars Lindquist12 Andrew PetersonCOLUMBIA AVE., INTERSECTS34 Magnus Peterson34 Andrew Swanson36 Mrs. Anna LunnNEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesFAIRFIELD AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesUNION AVE., INTERSECTS1009 Axel F. T. Lawson1009 C. Herman Right and Johnson North Side.1009 Charles Oscar A. M. Lawson Kinnear1013 Albert Gust Anderson L. Chindgren1013 Swan Axel E. Jacob Lindstrom Swanson1015 110 Frank Oscar Johnson Swanson112 1017 Axel Oscar W. A. Peterson Chindgren114 1021 HAZZARD Anton A. Peterson ST., INTERSECTS116 1027 Frank August Anderson N. Morgan116 John COLFAX P. Lindstrom ST., INTERSECTS1109 218 Elmer Frank Hanson L. Anderson1109 220 Victor Emanuel L. Peterson Berg1117 228 Oscar Adolph Aim V. Berg1117 324 John S. MAIN Aim ST., INTERSECTSNEWLAND AVENUE. INTERSECTS NEWLAND 502 Mrs. May AVENUE. E. Kaufeld506From 420 Foote Ave., west to city limits. Vacant506—Third and Sixth wards.James W. King, Sr.508Left and South Side.'BROADHEAD AVE., INTERSECTS50S11 James S. WintersCarlson Bros.51015 Forest B. WaitePROSPECT ST., INTERSECTS51215 William BoultsBranch school No. 9512HAZZARD ST., INTERSECTSPARK ST., INTERSECTS514109 Harold CaspersonGeorge Jacobson514111 John A. WimmermarkOscar F. Gilbert516115 August E. CarlstromMrs. Oscar F. Gilbert51S125 Claus GustafsonCharles Gilbert602S. MAIN ST., INTERSECTSCharles T. Pearson604211 Walfrid CarlsonIver Hanson606211 Arthur C. PetersonCharles Eckberg610215 Frank W. FullerFrank Mickleson614217 Ivan SwansonFred V. Johnson614217 Axel Sundeen816 Alvin I. Andrews618219 Charles A. CarlsonS16 Mrs. Hilda Davis61S219 Victor A. GustafsonSwede Seven Day Adventist Hall309 313 321 323 409 415 419 423 509 511 503 601 623 625 PROSPECT Alfred BROADHEAD M. Fred Elmer William Oscar Carl Edward John Mrs. Reynold Herman F. Charles PARK MYRTLE Axel Andrew J. Edmund Ernest DeWitt Laverne O. Hannah A. Weideman J. E. F. NelsonST., VickstromJ. Gustafson A. AndersonBjork F. JohnsonHazeltine Lundquist Elmere B. Farm Gilbert Aldrich ST., Stoneberg Lawson Carlson Broadhead FreyMyers SmithB. AVE.. INTERSECTSLundmarkFOREST , AVE., INTERSECTSNo housesBARRETT ST., INTERSECTS815 Gust C. Vimmerstedt815 Frank Hendrickson819 Gust Engstrom823 Louis Hansen825 Arvid Danielson825 John S. Halstrom829 Charles Johnson829 Andrew Anderson833 Ludwig H. Hassing837 Elin A. Hagelin837 Charles A. HagelinCHARLES ST., INTERSECTS909 Fred L. Johnson913 Antone F. Lindstrom917 John A. Johnson917 Edward Johnson931 Whitman P. Hunt943 Albert A. Swanson943 Perry HedlundSAMPSON ST., INTERSECTS71S716MYRTLE Albin Frank Andrew Gust John Frederick Verne FOREST No Andy Stewart Albert BARRETT Eric Charles houses A. F. Olson Berglund W. C. Johnson J. R. W. Sundberg Carlson A. Jones Stoddard Liungren AVE., L. OlsonJohnson ST., Treadway Gourley Nelson FrenchINTERSECTS

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY818 New vacant house820 Andrew Hagstrom824 Charles A. Johnson828 Carl Vimmerstedt830 John N. FrankCHARLES ST., INTERSECTS912 Andrew Jensen918 John M. Sweet920 Algert Peterson920 William E. GarfieldORCHARD AVE., INTERSECTS926 Gaylord W. Price926" Frank E. Miller934 John A. Soderberg934 Gust P. LawsonSAMPSON ST., INTERSECTS1014 John A. Johnson1014 John H. Johnson1018 Mrs. Sophia C. Jones1024 Frank A. Jones1024 John A. Johnson1026 John M. Kling1026 Henry T. KlingCOLFAX ST., INTERSECTSNo housesJONES ST., INTERSECTSNEWTON AVENUE.From 1172 Prendergast Ave., east—Fifthward. (Incorrect numbers.)Left and North Side.LAKE VIEW AVE., INTERSECTS23 J. O. Nordine25 Frank J. Pemberton29 Edward L. Buchanan33 Vacant35 Vacant59 Erastus Tefft61 Carl J. W. Eckwall63 Robert L. Golden65 John Haglund67 Elbert Peasley67 Mrs. Annie OlesSTURGES ST., INTERSECTSNo housesBOWEN ST.. INTERSECTS209 Charles A. Nelson209 Martin NelsonINTERSECTSTHAYER ST., INTERSECTSNo housesSTOWE ST., INTERSECTS303 C. W. Lawson311 Fred EcklundWEEKS ST. INTERSECTS403 Carl O. Erickson405 Mrs. Annie BoothNEWTON AVENUE.Right NINTH From 102 100 29 33 21. 26 11 19 25 15 16 62 17 ton.—Second • VALLEY Fred James Wilbur William No Emil John Harry Henry Mrs. Edward STURGES BOWEN Fritzof Fay Hans Rolland G. Charles Carl Michael LAKE 821 STREET.Melvin housesBerry Albert M. Anna A. B. Left North K. M. D. A. VIEW South Newman ShellstromM. J. S. StoneShortman Smith Woods KohlbacherST., Peterson ST.. Lepar Young ward. Lund and EkbeckJones Burr Wilcox Fee Wills Turnwall Taylor C. Main South Side.INTERSECTSAVE Wood west Side. to Washing­35 Mrs. Pauline Siguier35 Thomas J. Walsh39 Thomas A. Connolly41 Mrs. Robert Brady43 Frank A. WinchesterCHERRY55 Darwin A. BlissNINTH STREET.Right and North Side.Matilda WoodwardJohn A. AndersonWilliam R. PennockRiley A. GriffithMrs. Jane FennerElizabeth B. GoldenMrs. Edgar H. SillPeter A. SchowMrs. Emma A. AndersonMrs. Levina L. StoneJohn A. Olson2S Floyd H. Smith36 John A. Heintz36 Christ Hansen36 Frank G. Johnson40 Mrs. Lucia M. Lilly42 James Peterson46 Charles MunsonST., INTERACTS48 Peter Illig50 Mrs. John Freed52 Christian Lund54 Valdemar JensenNORTH HALLOCK STREET.(Changed to Hallock.)NORTH LIBERTY STREET.(Changed to Federal.)NORTH MAIN STREET.From junction with South Main atBrooklyn Square north to city limits.—First and Second wards.Left and West Side.1-7 New Warner Block1 Danielson Music House1 John A. Eckman piano ware rooms3 E. S. Johnson5-7 The FamousLouis Bottini (Room 1)Lundy & Soderstrom (2)Mrs. Anna Barker (3)Leon Morgan (4)Mrs. Anna Porter (7)John B. Meas (8)John Engstrom (9)Ernest Gilberds (11) /Lyrian Singing Society (12)Mrs. Hannah Underwood (13)Robert Howard (15)11-21 13-15J. 19-21Asher 29-31 25 27 9 Arthur Joseph Flora Mrs. Frank Carl John David Engineer's Andrew James Swante ERIE S. George The A. Otto L. Baker Warner A. B. G. L. W. Brown Ogren Alice MrGarvy Wilcox W. Cooper Jacobson Lewin McCrorey Trantum Green Shine R. Cook Friedman A. Stein Willets BirisPeters Block Porter Anderson Lawson Wiquist Hall R. Baxter Association Abbott (Room Printery (21) (10) (7) (19) (2)INTERSECTS(3) roller (9) (16) (4) &(13)(17-18), (24) 1) (20) Co. skating (11) rink

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYCassius H. FoxWilliam Lund & Co.31 Trainor Bros.31 John E. Jaderstrom31 Axel F. JohnsonW. FIRST ST. INTERSECTS101-121 Allen Square Building101 P. E. Hennigan103 American Express Co.105 B. L. Arnson107 M. BarrettFrank H. White (Rooms 67-68)Swantie Lindgren (70)Chauncey Moon (71)Louis Jensen (72)Frans Vackstrom (65-66)Socialist Labor Hall (73)Andrew Carlson (S2-83-S4)Mrs. Maude Hayward (81)Mrs. Anna Thore (92)Romeo Pasarelli (90)109-111 Clark Hardware Co.P. O. Carlson (Rooms 74-75)SO Blanche PritchardMrs. Louisa Peterson (85-86-87)Albanian Society (89)Goodman Wholesale Millinery Co.Michael Hines (93-94-95)George F. Myers (96-97-98)Mrs. E. L. Porter113 City Drug Store115 Wells-Fargo Express Co.117 Grand Union Tea Co.119 F. D. ScudderWilson Stevens (Room 5)Jule F. Meas (7-8)Office Supt. Allen Square Bldg. (15)Mrs. Bessie Mitchell (10)Charles Anderson (11-12)Mrs. George Greenwood (32-33)Mrs. Minnie Hayward (36-37)C. E. Dodge (40-41)Catherine Smiley (34-35)Mrs. F. M. Adams (55)Frances Hardigan (73)Catherine Weible (25)Mrs. Mamie Johnson (24)E. A. Kelly (23)Cad Dazelle (22)Maude Cohn (20-21)John Larson (14)Cora Niles (26)Dr. J. A. McClellan (4)Charles V. Olson (27)August Westflog (28)John Nelson (28)201 207-209 215 203 205 211 213 217 219 221AnnaGeorge W. Waldo Oscar Gilberds A. Jay John Farmers National Union P. I. Abraham Mailon Manufacturers Willis Pardon M. Ohlquist E. Dr. F. Arthur L. Frank S. Charles W. J. Arthur M. D. N. S. G. Jaysane'Merchant L. SECOND F. A. G. Tweedale WheelerEbloomMason Johnson NordstromO. Sharpe E. UnderwoodTrust Camp Marcello Buck A. Howard Jeffries W. N. H. Bard G. McCrorey & <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Olson Babcock Goldstein Baldwin Knapp Cole Lindsey Waggoner Son Kettle Johnson Mechanics Brown Co.ST.(29)(31) Co. (30) Association(38-39) (1-2) Gilberds D. & INTERSECTSCo. D. TailorBank S. (1-2) BankE. Crosby223 Anderson Shoe StoreConsolidated Dental ParlorsSons of St. George HallOrder of Golden SealW. THIRD ST. INTERSECTS301 Western Union Tel. & Cable Co.301 N. Y. Central R. R. Ticket Office303 Eleazer GreenE. E. WoodburyEdward J. GreenMasonic Hall303 New York Refracting Optician303 C. D. Melhuish & Co.305 C. M. BeckL. B. Gilbert307 Samuel W. Thompson309 Globe Photo Co.309 May's TheaterMrs. Jennie Masterson313 Clara R. Durfee321 Mrs. E. A. Bennett-Sprague321 Catherine LandfriedWEST FOURTH ST. INTERSECTS401-3-5 Y. W. C. A. Building409 Philo Burt Manufacturing Co.409 Offices Commissioner of Navigation413 Jamestown Club.WEST FIFTH ST. INTERSECTS509 G. A. Alden511 Isaac S. Benton517 Dr. William M. BemusWEST SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS601 James A. Hughes605 William C. Piper611 Flora M. Shearman613 Richard Martin613 Mrs. Edna B. Howard613 H. D. Swezey615 C. D. Carpenter615 Mrs. Anna Dahlstrom619 G. FreyW. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTS701 O. T. Jacobson701 Timothy C. Atkins703 Axel E. Lindbloom703 Louis O. Willard703 August Weisflog705 Peterson & Gay705 Katie Rowley707 Hill & Aylesworth709 J. D. Giegrich713 Thomas Snowden715 William E. DavisW. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTSS01 Clayton E. Price805 805 Sll 821 831 S33 .839 S39 S41% .849 853 S53 S17 835 843 851 855 S57% 859 861. S61 865 901 869 903 907 TENTHMrs.F. I. RICHMOND NINTH Richard Berne Walter Albertena John Jacob Mrs. William A. Henry Albion Fred M. L. Mary Clark Louis Lewis Clyde George Edward F. Skellie Langdon B. C. HermanMargaretAlta Jennie Julia Sarah Rose F. L. Lowin°- W. Lyons Lord B. Oser Adams A. Rich G. Lee Coppie H. Christ Cracknell R. Kennedy Vollmer ST. Bissell Salisbury Barnes D. M. Stumpf Brownell Gould Sampson Fordyce Lennox Gokey Hill Peterson AbrahamsonPLACE Bush Harris INTERSECTSHanleyINTERSECTS

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY909 George E. GriffithTWELFTH ST. INTERSECTS915 Nels Peterson917 Walter J. Fairbank919 Edward L. Allen921 VacantTHIRTEENTH ST. INTERSECTS925 Charles J. Anderson929 George F. Clarke933 Grace United Brethren ch\irchFOURTEENTH ST. INTERSECTS1003 Timothy Sexton1005 John M. Felton1007 George Kofod1009 Julia A. Mason1009 Robert Little1009 Thomas W. Little1015 Charles C. RamseyFIFTEENTH ST. INTERSECTS1021 Luther C. Congleton1021 Mrs. Sarah DickersonSIXTEENTH ST. INTERSECTS1027 Herman F. Smith1027% Thomas R. BirchSEVENTEENTH ST. INTERSECTS1031 Mrs. Mariett Rhodes1031 John A. Nyberg1035 N. J. Foland1037 Noah AndersonEIGHTEENTH ST. INTERSECTS1041 John L. Wilcox1051 Charles F. Johnson1055 Nels Hegstrom1101 Peter Haas1103 Mrs. Margaret KellyFLUVANNA AVE. INTERSECTSBranch School No. 61231 Mrs. Anna C. Nelson1235 Elihu S. Briggs1239 George H. Gowan1255 Alfred H. Hill1259 Herbert Walker1269 Mrs. Mary Lindell1279 Peter Cedarquist12S1 Mary H. LaidlerW. OAK HILL AVE. INTERSECTSNORTH MAIN STREET.Right and East Side.2 Brooklyn Fish & Meat Market2% The Jones4 C. W. Swanson & Co.6 Swanson & LindquistS Roland K. Mason10 Swan P. Carlson12 Louis Bottini12 Andrew Lunn24-32 30-32 34 36 38 16 20 26 2S 28 IS 14 E. William Mrs. Dr. Northrun Andrew John Ed. J. The Jamestown Bartenders' Fraternal Larson Sam Mulderick Narrow H. ERIE C. A. Leif Royal Wright Boss Lundquist Delaney Arcade H. I. M. FIRST H. Grandin O. & F. R. Hanson P. George Ericson Fowler, Anna Robine Lott Grocery Peterson Berry M. Ketchum C. Theater R. &• Bootey Lally & Wl Gauge H. & Building Hart Paint Cough Order R. Son & CarlsonST. Scofieid Throop Camera Sprague Murray Union Electric Irish Knorr law Lodge TRACKS Co. Gustafson Restaurantlaw & INTERSECTSCo.Drop office Paper Glass Hall Eagles club (3d Co. (1) INTERSECTfloor) (2) Co. (3d (Room Corporation(4th (Room floor) 6-7-8) 1) 4)100-108 Broadhead Block100 Edburg Co.100 Eckstrom-Gunnarson Co.102 Erie R. R. OfficeButterfield & Sessions104-106 Field-Wright Co.108 Anderson & Sandberg110 R. A. Parrott112 McCormick News Co.114-116 August F. NelsonE. SECOND ST. INTERSECTS200 C. A. Swanson Drug Co.202 Lines Bros.Dr. W. J. RockeyMartin Merz & SonJamestown School of Music204 S. H. Knox & Co., 5 & 10c storeAndrew DavisMrs. Jennie HendersonMartin & Johnson206 Proudfit Clothing Co.208 A. J. Peterson & Son.210 Jones, Scharf & Lincoln212-214 A. C. & C. A. Anderson216 Bank of Jamestown218 John Cushman218 Swanson's Music Store220 A. N. Lundquist222 Knorr's Shaving Parlors222 First National BankE. THIRD ST. INTERSECTS300 Frank M. Clark300 B. P. O. E. Club Rooms302 Aldrich Art and China Co.Bergwall Printing Co.304 Lake View Rose Garden StoreDr. A. Jerome RobbinsElanson C. Davis306 Bly & WadeSmith & JohnsonJames R. Fenner316 Mrs. R. A. Parrott318 Dr. C. F. Ormes318 Dr. F. D. Ormes320 F. M. Stearns & Co.322 E. Kortos322 Dr. Daban HazeltineE. FOURTH ST. INTERSECTSSt. Luke's church410 St. Luke's Rectory412 Dr. F. H. Nichols416 VacantE. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTS508 A. N. Broadhead518 Jerome B. FisherE. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS816 70S 800 SOO S02 804 8.08 812 S20 824 602 612 706 710-12 714 810 60S 610 Emmett Morris J. E. Guy Mrs. Walter William John P. Marion N. Hannah Henry PINE F. Wilson Rogers Clifford Robert Matilda James L. Charles Johnson Boyd A. G. F. S. EIGHTH E. J. L. SEVENTH M. Anna Carrie Fosha G. Eddy Neal Fenner Lewis Person Eidens Schwein ST. Arnold Hansen E. Brothers Turner Heath Alexander Chadwick A. M. D. Finney& H. Moynihan Albrecht W. McCormick& INTERSECTSSon Case Horton Wilson Ransom Swanson Tibbets Marsh Overend Doty & ST. Wood Sons ST. INTERSECTS

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY824 William Miller826 James G. Congleton832 Joseph Meli832 H. Clement Winsor834 Glenn P. WaiteS38 Mrs. Leonora P. Carnahan838 Leonore Willard842 Joe L. Melquist848 Mrs. Alice Bullock848 Edwin G. Lovejoy848 James Knapp850 James Kofod856 L. Skellie860 James Malier860 Thomas G. Keet862 The Malmberg Sanitarium862 Charles J. Malmberg866 John S. Pratt872 Benj. K. Solliday880 Arthur G. Gage880 Henry O. AndersonCROSSMAN ST. INTERSECTS900 Charles B. Moore904 Myron Van Scoter910 Aaron V. Mott912 Mrs. Minnie Walkup916 Julius G. M. EbelVAN BUREN ST. INTERSECTS920 Clarence L. Turner922 Arthur H.' Reed926 Peter J. Lindberg930 Frank H. HoardPRICE ST. INTERSECTSNo housesDICKERSON ST. INTERSECTS1018 Milton E. Klock1022 Peter H. Mullen1024 Frank R. Campbell1026 Thomas McCallumREGENT ST. INTERSECTS1032 Frederick W. Fairbanks1034 Fred R. Wright1036 Michael FitzpatrickKINGSBURY AVE. INTERSECTS1038 Arthur Hall1042 Johanna RyanLINCOLN PLACE INTERSECTS1044 Charles C. Haas1048 Charles W. Lawson1052 William O. Arter1052 George Lyon1054 Nelson J. Neill1054 Spencer R. VailWILSON PLACE INTERSECTS1058 John A. Swanson1062 VacantLeft10642000 From East 64 70 12 35 39 ward.8 Fourth 1 kins Andrew BUFFALO John Catholic Gust Lakeview Charles No Fred Mrs. WillardWilliamArchie of 245 and King avenue—Fifth houses OAKLAWN 1276 Johnson ward. A. Olivia StrongNORTON Right Bohlen Left Baker East McDonnell J. Carlson Pearson Leroy south Cemetery EastHaasQuistST. and Hanson Side. west STREET.Second South to North INTERSECTSWest ward. AVENUE. Ahrens to Side. south Summit—Sixth avenue- to Hop­OHIO AVENUE.From Palmer south to Summit avenue.(Formerly Lakin Extension.j — Sixthward.No housesORCHARD AVENUE.From 179 McKinley avenue south toHazeltine avenue—Sixth ward.Left and East Side.11 Edward Johnson13 Charles A. Sandberg13 Charles L. Anderson17 Mrs. Emily Anderson19 J. Frank Carlson23 A. Luther Eckstrom25 Victor A. Billstone35 S. D. BradnerORCHARD AVENUE.Right and West Side.No housesORCHARD STREET.From 430 Winsor east—First ward.Left and North Side.3 Frank Hufstedt5 J. Ernest Maybee5 Charles Englewood7 Gustaf Pihlblad7 William Pihlblad9 Alton Page13 Mrs. Eliza Bahr13 Ernest Pihlblad15 George L. JohnsonORCHARD STREET.Right and South Side.4 Oscar Cedarquist4 John P. Jones6 Gustaf Bloomgren6 Frank L. Sampson14 Charles Olson14 John Adamson16 Emanuel PetersonORMES ST.From Buffalo south to Newton avenue-Fifth ward.No housesOSBORN STREET.From opposite 314 Hazeltine avenue sou—Sixth ward.Left and East Side.9 Earl F. Coe11 New houseOSBORN STREET.Right" and West Side.12 Jens HansenOUTLET AVENUE.From West Eighth north to Isabella avenue—Secondward.OUTLET (Changed OXFORD PALMER From 25 29 27 wood ward. Sixth John SPRAGUE Brooklyn Oral No Otto Louis Baker rear cast ward. housesSTREET. A. E. Left Sandberg to 346 to Johnson Hultberg between Heights Hallock.)<strong>Chautauqua</strong> ST. Baker South INTERSECTSM. Norton west E. Side. avenue—Sixthchurch to and Hallock- Maple­

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY117 John Hedman121 Aaron Carlberg129 Hilmer C. CarlsonHIGHLAND AVE. INTERSECTS205 John P. Anderson207 John A. King207 Clifford Smith309 Eugene A. Westcott309 Mrs. Catherine Hinds317 Vacant321 C. Alvin Carlson401 Lynn E. Brown405 Milton Carpenter409 Andrew Turnquist409 Walter S. PriceSUMMIT ST. INTERSECTS505 Gust Johnson507 Charles H. ThomasHESS ST. INTERSECTS601 Amos B. Davidson615 A. P. Kelsey615 Charies F. Kelsey623 James I. Squier637 William R. Bucklin637 Delos K. BucklinPALMER STREET.Right and North Side.4 Waite & Sons4 John W. Harwood14 Albert Frederickson14 Frank P. Hansen16 Eric Johnson16 Magnus Jaysane26 Oscar L. FreeburgSPRAGUE ST. INTERSECTS108 Emil L. Holmes110 John Carlson •110 Frank Crapo112 George Tibbets112 Louis Holmes114 Axel Westergren118 Bert P. Benson118 Paul WiquistTEW ST. INTERSECTS208 Mrs. Matilda B. Hillier21S D. W. LevierHIGHLAND AVE. INTERSECTS332 Mrs. Anna Larson336 Claus F. AndersonHALL AVE. INTERSECTS506 John McDaniel514 Charles W. Parkhurst516 H. F. Paul520 Malcolm Johnson604 Clarence W. King618 James G. PorterPARDEE Right (Changed PARK From622628 630 624 626 632 21 11 15 19 34 13 17 avenue—Third J. Victor John Carl CharlesFrank Axel George S. STREET. 19 PLACE. 488 M. and James AVENUE. B. McKinley Danielson F. A. L. Swanson Left Edward to C.L.H. Willard Nelson A. Olson W. Sundquist West BergstromLofgren ColeDavis"Johnson See Stuart Nord and LawsonMiller ward. Landberg Side. Ave.) avenue East south—Fourth Side.to Cole ward.25 John A. Lindbloom25% Mrs. Gustava Lindbloom25% John Ahlstrand41 Charles E. T. OlsonNEWLAND105 Mrs. Anna M. Lindtner107 Andrew Erickson109 Lambert L. Bush111 August Johnson112 Conrad Axelson113 John A. Mohl115 Emil Strand115 Edward Dubois125 Gust Carlson127 Anton Lawson129 Swan A. Peterson139 William Carlson139 John Engburg139 James Smith141 Otto Sandberg141 William JacobsonAVE. INTERSECTSPARK 42 Eric LawsonSTREET.44 William J. TorreyRight and West Side.NEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTS10 James Lansing114 J. Martin Nelson14 Charles G. Johnson116 David Olson14 John Scott116 Axel Gustafson18 Frank E. Reed118 Oscar T. Carlson22 John A. Solomonson118 Henry Carlson22 ' Leonard Benson120 Charles G. Anderson24 Mrs. Ellen Erickson122 Henry Hansen24 Alfred Magnuson124 August Hartquist42 John A. Anderson126 Arnold Almquist128 J. Darrell ProctorFAIRFIELD AVE. INTERSECTS136 Charles Setterlund136 Arvid Setterlund138 John B. Engburg138 Peter J. Peterson7140 7 John Peterson150 11 Arvid Ryden152 11 James Klim152% 13 Emil PARTRIDGEEastman STREET.PARTRIDGE 13 Right STREET. and South Side.From 6 Richard 233 Hazzard Connell east to Foote avenue-12 Third Albert ward. RehnbergIS 12 John E. Left Johnson and North Side.18 5 Albin Charles Gustafson PEACH Brodin STREET.From C. Edward 448 Robert Winsor Anderson Carlson east to Bowen—Fifthward Gust BeaulowClaus Left Ostrom and North Side.5 Carl John Fransine J. Brattberg9 Mrs. Bernard Anna Trainor B. Swanson11 Dixon Charles S. A. Vernon Johnson11 Charles F. Johnson23 Samuel Haycook33 C. William Jones35 37 Thomas John G. Nystrom Shoesmith

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYPEACH STREET.114 John MattsonRight and South Side.8 August E. Hultberg12 Albin Peterson20 Herbert Broadbent20 Ernest A. Peterson24 Carl A. Carlson28 August W. Norene28 Frank Wiler30 Adolph Johnson30 Mrs. Amanda Gates36 Andrew G. Lindquist36 Alexander Benson38 Edward Peebles40 Moses B. Shirley42 Eugene E. RussellPEARL AVENUE.From before 23 Kinney east—Fourthward.Left and North Side.5 Fred L. Jones19 Elof Kohlburg19 Frida Johnson19 Charles Carlson35 August Johnson47 Charles Mort47 Berger LawsonPEARL AVENUE.Right and South Side.16 A. G. Palmer16 Hilmar W. Palmer20 L. L. Sahlstrom22 Oscar Rehn22 Charles O. Johnson28 Nels E. Bergstrom32 James W. Mattson36 John A. Hult36 John Rehn36 Clarence C. Brown40 William E. Munson40 Axel J. Mattson48 Henry H. Lerow48 Theodore Wenstram52 E. P. Lindquist52 Peter JohnsonENSIGN ST. INTERSECTS100 Oscar E. Erickson104 Albert Johnson10S John A. Erickson108 John A. GlansPENNSYLVANIA AVENUE.116 Sture F. NelsonPHILLIPS STREET.From 929 East Second north to Falconer.(Formerly Champlin street.—Fifth ward.Right and East Side.20 C. G. Campbell22 Mrs. Susan C. Griffin22 Mrs. Nancy A. Mills24 W. G. Smith24 Harry WiltsiePHILLIPS STREET.Left and West Side.19 Fred W. GurneyPINE STREET.From 21 East First north to Main—Firstward.Left and West Side.Opera House blockE. SECOND ST. INTERSECTS209 Jamestown House Barn211 Straight & ThomasE. THIRD ST. INTERSECTS311 William H. Hunt311 Silas Blanchard & SonE. FOURTH ST. INTERSECTS409 Josiah R. Rankin411 Thomas C. PetersonE. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTS515 Eri H. Goodenough517 H. Louis OdellE. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS607 D. Wilson Immel609 Egbert R. Clark611 William G. Eckman615 John W. Robertson617 Luther A. ForbushE. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTSPINE STREET.Right and East Side.No housesE. SECOND ST. INTERSECTS208 Treat & Ogilvie20S Crescent Lodge, K. of P. No. 208.210 Home Telephone Co.212 Mrs. Lvdia M. CadvE. THIRD ST. INTERSECTS304 Chatfield & Armitage300 Fred E. Armitage30S Mrs. S. E. RockwellSOS Hazeltine & ArmstrongFrom Baker west to Hallock—Sixth ward. 310 Herald Printing Co.Left and South Side.123 Vacant310 Scott H. Penfield310 Fred H. Rawson127 George Parson '310 Anna GrimesPENNSYLVANIA AVENUE.Right and North Side.From PETERSON Right 50 11 15 21 25 49 24 38 31 35 41 10 22 2-t 28 46 Mrs. Jonas Oscar John No Gust Swan August Peter Andrew Ebbert C. Charles 303 and Theodore houses Christine Peterson Marie Louise Charlotte Clara Johnson H. A. Left P. Willard STREET. F. East Lund S. J. E. G. A. ScottSwanson TroppPetersonand Eastman CarlsonJohnson Anderson Nelson Side.AbrahamsonWest north—Fourth Side. ward.310 Mrs. Marion Brown310 Mrs. Ida M. WrightPLEASANT POTTER From 611 310 312 500 51S 016 616% 618 020 ward. to No F. Herman John Elton William L. Charles E. Gilbert Wilson J. Ensign opposite FIFTH D. FOURTH L. SIXTH houses AVENUE. Archie W. Powers Left Johnson C. G. "J. place—First W. F. HirschauerHunt Burkctt east HallDodge ST. and Morris Endress Herrick 2S ST. and West INTERSECTSKingsbury west.—Fourthward. Side. avenue north

JAMESTOWN STFJEET DIRECTORYPOTTER AVENUE.851 John H. MaddoxRight and East Side.17 Frank M. FiskPRATHER AVENUE.851 Christian Olson857 Mrs. Mary Ford859 VacantFrom 40 Prospect west to Baker—Third 863 Abraham S. Pratherand Sixth wards.Left and South Side.93 New housePRATHER AVENUE.Right and North Side.18 Herbert L. RicaltonIS Frank Campbell18% John McKaig40 Glenn P. Phillips40 Legrande A. PhillipsFOREST AVE. INTERSECTSS6 George A. Georgi90 Henry Love92 Charles Feather94 Charles Parkinson96 N. Oscar Johnson100 John A. NelsonPRENDERGAST AVENUE.From 221 East Second north to Buffalo—First ward.Left and West Side.201-207 Y. M. C. A. Building209 David A. Bri-^s209 A. M. Lawson211 George A. Harris211 Mrs. Anna LundquistE. THIRD ST. INTERSECTS311 Christian Science Institute311 Belle Howard311 Freeman Seymour311 Belle Sweet311 Winnifred E. Miller313 Mrs. E. G. DavisFirst Church of Christ, ScientistE. FOURTH ST. INTERSECTS401 Dr. John M. Brooks409 Dr. Ross M. Bradley413 Thomas R. Rowley417 Emma E. WindsorE. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTS509 Martin D. Fenton517 Dr. Laban HazeltineF. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS609 Mrs. Rose F. Pickard611 Clare A. Pickard615 Elias C. Bargar617 Joseph H. Illig617 Claude A. Edwards617 Mrs. Mary Schell621 William B. Woodruff621 Sidney P. Parkhurst621 627 629 625 639 641 649 801 S07 811 S15 819 821 823 825 837% 839 847 ('-?'. 815 8r.1 843 851 t>35 A. Crawford John George James Frank Ernest Mrs. VacantOra H. Edward F. Otto Andrew Chilton Albert Charles Robert Clarence Sardius Daniel William Dr. Herbert W. ETGHTH T. O. Emma Etta C. Elva Helena Elizabeth Marion P. Murray S. TrampleasureH. A. J. B. Gates F. S. HammerquistA. C. M. Svendsen Ferrin A. Hayward N. Rundell Peterson Anderson FrettsJones Morrow L. Lewis Schultz Cobb Baker Holmes Swanson Riley L. Hultquist J. Lozier Barbour ST. Bargar, Everwine M. Jordan Leroy INTERSECTSStewart groceryCROSSMAN ST. INTERSECTS901 E. E. Conover905 Charles A. Boyle, Grocery907 Cheston A. Price913 Mulford A. Nobbs915 Claude E. StrongVAN BUREN ST. INTERSECTS1001 Charles S. Pratt1005 Frank B. Rogers1015 Samuel T. ScottPRICE ST. INTERSECTS1101 E. T. Hall, grocery1109 William M. Moynihan1113 John W. Scofieid1135 Albin B. Anderson1141 Emil JohnsonREGENT ST. INTERSECTS1155 Fred Keil1159 Charles Kostlevy1169 Edgar J. ColeKINGSBURY AVE. INTERSECTS1201 Leon A. Conner1211 J. G. WilliamsPRENDERGAST AVENUE.Right and East Side210 Dr. Morris N. BemusE. THIRD ST. INTERSECTS304 Wales M. Jones312 Dr. John M. Brooks312 Dr. Frank P. Goodwin318 B. J. CheneyE. FOURTH ST. INTERSECTSNo housesE. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTS506 Henry Ipson512 Henry P. Robertson514 H. M. HansenE. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS600 Mrs. Mary B. Bentley608 Ida Lundberg608 Milo Harris608 S. Arthur Baldwin610 Frank A. Pennock612 Mrs. Mary A. Wiltsie612 J. B. Flisher616 Francis O. Trainor616 Charles Brickner622 Clement D. Colburn622 Edward L. Gossett626 Samuel B. Lewin628 William C. Bauer628 632 636 638 800 640 SOO 804 818 820 S46 850 SOS 814 S24 826 842 854 858 830 S36 862 864 900 POO 902 904 906 Emma J. Benj. Carl E. Archie Henry David George Paul Jacob STRONG PROSSMAN Lynn John Robert Samuel Mrs. Charles Daniel Manley VacantFranklin W. EIGHTH J. Mary Teresa P. Keefe Martha M. Elizabeth C. E. F. H. B. Schwob J. SturdevantT. C. Swanson G. SchildmacherA. Stumpf E. W. H. Gelm M. Gossett Morrison Dean Law Stoner Brooks ST. FraserCrist Parsons Prescott A. Brownell Johnson Dickinson Davis Scott Martin M. ST. A. MilesHegeman Crawford MillerINTERSECTS•

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYVAN BUREN ST. INTERSECTS1002 Frank B. Stevens1004 Mrs. Hannah C. Weaver1012 S. S. Hoover1014 Lee B. Walker1014 Arthur E. WashburnPRICE ST. INTERSECTS1106 John Lind1110 Richard MullardBASSETT ST. INTERSECTS1130'Bernard Moeller1132 Mary G. Mullen1132 Edward Hanson1136 Alexander B. Corcilius1154 John C. Davis1160 Gust F. Cedarholm1164 Charles J. Buckley1168 George H. Knorr1172 William H. HarrisonKINGSBURY AVE. INTERSECTS1202 Frank L. DicksonEUCLID AVE. INTERSECTS1236 Milton Staples1236 Charles C. Graham1264 Anton E. JohnsonPRICE STREET.From 930 North Main east to Bowen.—Main to Winsor, First ward; Winsor toBowen, Fifth ward.Deft and North Side.9 Frank G. Ball11 Alpine A. Stewart15 Fred T. Corke21 Cornelius J. Moynihan23 Patrick J. Moynihan25 Daniel C. Moynihan27 J. J. Waters29 Christopher V. Johnson33 John F. Meli37 John BradleyPRENDERGAST AV. INTERSECTS111 G. W. Sisson129 Jay A. BardLAKEVIEW AVE. INTERSECTS211 Gust Burland219 Daniel Elander129 Joseph A. Sandburg221 John P. JohnsonWINSOR ST. INTERSECTS307 Carl F. Quist309 Joseph E. Flickinger323 Henning Gustafson325 J. Hjalmer Sandberg327 M. L. Clapp329 Mrs. Julia Lepar335 John A. OlsonPRICE Right 339 347 110 112 114 220 '22 116 212 214 222 224 230 26 10 20 16 28 4 8 Walter Jerry PRENDERGAST A. Mrs. Eugene LAKEVIEW William Axel Morris Elbert Nathaniel Johnson Ralph P. Joseph Frank Edward Thompson Arthur Anna Charles Judd STREET. and G. J. Persis E. Lillian Norberg Henry Stone A. Ostrom G. M. L. O. H. A. South P. M. B. WimmermarkFlickinger Sanderson Enstrom Peterson A. Bauer Boyd H. Young JamesEberman Rhinehart Howard Lyke Appleby Speirs Collier & Lind Lee Davey MorningstarMalmquistAVE. Side. AV. INTERSECTS230 Hiram SorterWINSOR ST. INTERSECTS310 Fred Linder310 Fred A. Lawson314 John Emil Carlson318 Andrew Lundquist318 John A. Lindman322 A. W. Eckberg326 Victor John Larson330 Alfred C. Nelson334 Edward J. Johnson334 Knute Carlson336 John M. Carlson342 Vacant340 Phillip Larson352 August Swanson356 Alfred NelsonPROSPECT AVENUE.(Changed to McKinley Ave.)PROSPECT STREET.From 135 South Main south to Cole avenue—Thirdward.Left and East Side.9 Frank E. Gifford15 John M. Brookmire39 George W. Fairbanks43 Melvin D. Saxton45 Clyde Peterson47 Vacant49 Patrick J. McFarland53 James I. Stafford53 Mrs. Maria Hunt59 Charles H. Brown63 Nelson T. Osbourn63 J. Randolph Bentley67 Dr. Abraham H. Bowers75 Andrew Forcey85 Francis J. Underwood91 Charles J. Jenner91 Mrs. Rose J. Griffin105 Horace C. Moore115 John D. JohnsonKIDDER ST. INTERSECTS123 August W. Carlson129 Edward Suckow133 John FT Johnson133 Carl G. Johnson137 Olof A. Olson141 John A. Haag145 Benjamin Rushworth145 Andrew W. White147 John A. Lee151 Elof Carlson151 Emil Peterson153 "Walter Palmer153 Jonathan H. Slocum211 219 157 215 223 227 225 231 233 253 ?29 251 255 257 261 263 277 273 275 ?o." Arthur Archie August NEWLAND Alfred Frank Oscar Axel Oust John Nelson BARKER Bert Charles Hans Richard James Lena Andrew Mrs. Louise Miller Adla Anderson Hilmer Amelia A. Olson J. L. Sarah Soderling Love Jorgenson S. H. C. Carlson L. Lindbeck J. BrosF. NelsonNordwell Larson Johnson H. Stohlberg White Poole French Wright Strand ST. Winroth Carlson AVE. Anderson C. INTERSECTSJohnson

Jamestown street directoryPROSPECT STREET.QUARRY ROAD.Right and West Side.10 Daniel Griswold32 Archibald D. Falconer36 Henry S. Penfield40 Robert H. Phelps40 Mrs. Allie JohnstonPRATHER AVE. INTERSECTS48 Amel Lawson48 Mrs. Jane Lindsey52 Carl P. E. Holmes56 American Aristo Co.70 Mrs. Mary Sheldon70 Harry P. Sheldon82 Frank E. Partridge88 Jerome B. Fisher Jr.88 Clair M. DunnMcKINLEY AVE. INTERSECTS102 Alex Hager102 Vacant110 Swante Carlson120 Alfred Magnuson120 John Lindburg124 August Peterson132 Ellenore Peterson132 John W. Anderson138 Swan E. Anderson142 Winfred W. Breed142 Leander Johnson146 James Davey146 Earl A. GrahamBranch School No. 9NEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTS200 Charles A. Johnson204 Martin O. Johnson204 Axel Sundell208 John Carlson208 August L. Anderson212 Axel Lagerquist214 Otto Nelson220 Emil C. Lindquist222 Carl O. Rose222 Albin Rose224 Charles A. Johnson224 Charles Strand228 John P. Engstrom232 George Haecker232 Andrew Burley236 John S. Roselle252 Nicholas Fornell254 Charles H. Rogerson254 Newton Kendall260 Fred J. Swanson262 Mrs. Minnie Anderson272 Vacant274 Grant C. BallouFrom East Second east to Erie R. R.—Fifth ward.Jamestown Shale Paving Brick Co.RACE STREET.From 6 Steele north—Sixth ward.Left and West Side.3 Shearman's Livery3 Mead Gray5 Anderson Bros.7-9 Jamestown Lighting & Power Co.RACE STREET.Right and East Side.No housesRATHBONE STREET.(Changed to Eleventh.)REGENT STREET.From 1025 North Main east to Prendergastavenue—First ward.Right and South Side.20 Frank Bond2S George E. Salisbury28 John H. Salisbury32 Andrew L. Wilcox32 C. Adelbert Green36 Sigfred L. Paulson36 Andrew J. Johnson40 Ralph Emsley42 William H. RhodesREGENT STREET.Left and North Side.No housesREINOLD AVENUE.(Changed to Eighteenth.)REYNOLDS PLACE.From 148 Jones & Gifford avenue northeastto outlet—Sixth ward.Left and West Side.1 Tilda Tanner2 James Lowe3 William C. TannerREYNOLDS PLACE.Right and East Side.No housesRICH STREET.From Hotchkiss west to Thayer—Fifthward.No housesRICHMOND PLACE.From 811 North Main west to Vallev.(Formerly Rush street.)—Second ward.Left and South Side.13-19 G. F. Clarke bakery23 Joseph Brawn25 William M. Comfort25 Comfort Ice Cream worksPROUDFIT PULLMAN From PYRE Right274276 11 72 1 93 to Sixth No Max Mrs. Elmer AlbertFabianA. James Edward Silas Ellicott—Fourth STREET. Newland Livingston junction houses Albert ward. Werner Matilda CurtisSTREET.Left E. EricksonEckroydAndersonSouth West S. Casler Mooreand Blakesley avenue of Berggren Side. North East avenue ward. Allen south—Sixth Side.to and Erie Maple R. ward. east R.— RICHMOND From RIDGWAY Right 22 26 52 24 14 16 18 20 John 39 Albert Vacant Emil Henry Kent Mrs. 462 Vacantand Delia Donnelly W. C. AVENUE. Left PLACE. Hallock Nelson C. CoxenNorth Berg Spencer Leet and Martin South Side. west—Sixth Side. ward. i

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYRIVER STREET.10 Herman JohnsonFrom opposite 326 Chandler northeast — 12 August D. JohnsonFourth ward.Right and South Side.6 Mrs. Emma Jacobson6 Roy L. Schemerhorn8 Rusko A. Benson10 David A. Harrison10 Charles Didblod12-16 Charles Swanson12-16 Charles Lindbeck12-16 Jamestown Window Screen Co.12-16 Jamestown Builders Supply Co.Century Furniture Co.RIVER STREET.Left and North Side.Erie R. R. freight sheds17-19 Jamestown Builders Supply Co.ROSS STREET.104 Oscar JohnsonFrom 16 Livingston avenue north to Erie 104 August JohnsonR. R.—Sixth ward.Left and West) Side.9 James M. White13 M. M. HubbardGORDON ST. INTERSECTS17 Mrs. Mary J. BennettROSS STREET.Right and East Side.No housesROWLEY PLACE.From 705 North Main west—Second ward.(Incorrect numbers.)2 Wayne W. Walker3 Leopold Lesserd4 Leon Stevens5 Edward W. Hotchkiss5 Harry J. SalesROYAL AVENUE.From 102 Hallock west to limits—Sixthward.Left and South Side.9 Z. M. Corell43 Fred C. HuntFULLERTON AVE. INTERSECTS117 J. C. BallROYAL AVENUE.Right and North Side.12 John F. Moynihan14 Julius D. F. RickRUBINKAM AVENUE.(Changed to Fourteenth.)RUSH STREET.(Changed to Richmond Place.)RUSSELL STREET.From Hallock west to city line—Sixthward.No houses12 Oscar Dahl16 Mrs. Mertie James20 Nils MunsonGRANDIN ST. INTERSECTS22 Mrs. Lena Lagergren26 Gustaf Swan30 John F. Writman32 Charles SliterLAKE ST. INTERSECTS36 Ernest R. Ellison3S John V. Anderson40 Alfred Birchman42 Swan P. CarlsonNEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTS102 John Lawson102 Mrs. Christina Johnson106 Andrew Peterson110 Charles Bernhard114 William Bernhard116 Charles A. Johnson120 Carl F. Holmquist120 Warren M. Shearman126 Ranius Carlson132 Carl P. Carlson136 Charles J. Sundquist148 Axel Olson14S John Peterson148 Anders Anderson150 Ludwig Olson152 Carl G. Lofgren156 Elmer EdlundHAZELTINE AVE. INTERSECTS200 Carl Lindstrom200 Mrs. Anna Lindstrom204 Chauncey LoveSANDBERG PLACE.From Bowen east to Thayer—Fifth ward.No housesSCHUYLER STREET.From near end of Hallock and Newlandavenue south. (Formerly South Hallockstreet.)—Sixth ward.Left and East Side.No housesSCHUYLER STREET.Right and West Side.2 Mrs. Joseph Rosseau8 Roy W. KentPENNSYLVANIA AV INTERSECTS12 William L. KentSCIOTO STREET.From opposite 607 Allen east to Johnson—Fourth ward.From SAMPSON Right 125 127 133 109 37 6 limits—Sixth William DEARBORNJohn NEWLAND Charles Hagen G. SUPERIORHerman Mrs. 237 and Herbert Left Matilda STREET. Mary G. McKinley West Martens Larson Hedlund A. Burg Strong and ward. E. Johnson Shosenburg ST. C. AVE. Side. East Fengar Gustafson avenue INTERSECTSSide.south to city(Changed From SCOTT Right 13 15 31 23 33 14 12 22 24 26 Fifth James Horace No Joseph W. Hiram Rhoda Mrs. Samuel William August Phillipo Louis 222 ALLEY.STREET. and ward. W. houses Albarnis Matilda Carolina Left to Winsor B. R. Sisson Willsie Mason Rhinehart South Marcia A. P. Valenti M. Berquist Chandler.)MarvelOlds Anderson Howson Lindquist Miller east Side. North to Side. Erie R. R-

28 Mrs. Elizabeth Swanson32 Celardo Vinzengo34 F. M. Curtis Co.SENECA STREET.From Adams south to Norton avenue—Sixth ward.Right and West Side.4 Walter H. DavisSENECA STREET.Left and East Side.No housesSEVENTEENTH STREET.JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYFrom 1027 North Main west. (FormerlyFountain street.)—Second ward.Left and South Side.13 George N. Waggoner13 Walter Mead31 Charles A. MaddoxSEVENTEENTH STREET.Right and North Side.8 Charles Summers10 Joseph HeintzSEYMOUR AVENUE.From 2 Livingston avenue north to ErieSHERMAN STREET.From 134 Allen south to Garfield.—Fourtward.Left and Bast Side.9 Alfred E. Hale9% T. I. Shafer13 F. Henry Hinman17 Henry J. RearickGARFIELD ST. INTERSECTSSouth Side Grammar schoolSHERMAN STREET.Right and West Side.IS Axel EckbergSHORT EAGLE STREET.(Changed to Franklin.)SILSBY AVENUE.From Jones & Gifford avenue southto Erie R. R— Sixth ward.No housesSIXTEENTH STREET.From 1021 North Main west. (FormerlyBeulah place.)—Second ward.Left and South Side.7 Anna E. C. BeemanR. R—Sixth ward.SIXTEENTH STREET.Left and West Side.Right and North Side.5 Vacant10 Frank L. Blake7 Vacant12 Guy C. Stewart9 Mrs. Margaret Reagan14 Mrs. Losina H. Gibson17 Clifford Moses14 Frank C. Hammond21 Charles O. NeilSOUTH HALLOCK STREET.25 Martin Looney(Changed to Schuyler St.)SEYMOUR AVENUE.SOUTH MAIN STREET.Right and East Side.From junction of North Main (Brooklyn6 Carl A. Johnsonjquare), south to limits. (Formerly Warrenabove Allen street.)—Third ward.8 Edward H. Geisler10 Richard PeateLeft and East Side.10 Hjalmer Lundberg1 J. A. JacobsonSHAVER STREET.3 Strauss & MillsFrom 27 Maple east—Fourth ward. 5 European HotelLeft and North Side.7 Sugar Bowl9 Oscar Nelson9 Frank W. Palmeter13 Frederick BottomleyJohn Gulino15 Gust P. OlsonTAYLOR ST. INTERSECTS19 Wilfred Ingham15-23 Humphrey House21 Carl Carlson31 A. J. ScottSHAVER STREET.33 The LimitRight and South Side.Leonard Nelson12 Carl AhlstromHARRISON ST. INTERSECTS18 Gustaf Swanson39 C. A. Laudenslager Co.18 Manley Frank39 A. A. StewartSHAW AVENUE.41 Johnson & HammerstromFrom 45 Maple east to Oak.—Fourth Knights of Pythiasward.43 Emil F. PetersonLeft and North Side.Anna Magnuson1 John W. Unsworth45 A. RenelloSHAW From SHEARMAN Right 17 25 41 10 11 18 20 9 No Davis, Union Wilcox John Jamestown Thompson Shearman Harry Carl Swan 21 housesAVENUE. and G. W. North Left Litsen Lumber WildBackus Burchard South Bloomgren PLACE. Greenwood North Bros. Candy Iron Main Co. & Side. South WorksCo.& Side. west—Second Coward. 101 117 129 139 153 47 49 63 71 77 57 81 • Eliakim Oscar Mrs. ALDEN Fred Vacant Benjamin William Frank Clifford Edward Harry C. John Charles Dr. Elliot DERBY MECHANIC Clayton VICTORIA C. Neilson A. N. S. C. A. P. Aber I. G. Wilson A. H. E. W. Garfield Hulquist Loucks D. ST. E. S. Cook ShearmanWestphal Nichols Thomas Bowers Johnson DerbyBrown Waring Bailey Eddy AVE. ST. INTERSECTS

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY163 Isidore L. Allen169 T. J. Fenton169% Amel Jacobson173% John Stafford173% Mrs. Mary Cummings173% Vacant183 Emory A. Sturdevant187 E. H. Ketchum193 Mrs. Florence Gilson199 Phillip Hangen203 F. O. Crossgrove209 James Irwin217 Tom Gagliano219 C. A. Johnson223 Peter C. Robertson227 Mrs. Melvina E. Miller231 Spiro Minelo231% Vasil Larvis235 Charles Burgett235 Burton C. Kellogg239 John Davidson239 Ernest Davidson239 Swan P. Nelson241 M. Eugene SouthlandAXTEL ST. INTERSECTS249-251 Sundell & Illingworth249 E. S. Lindquist249 Mrs. Sarah P. Fox249 Joseph J. Klaus253 Lewis M. Osborne257 James W. Smith257 Charles E. Samuelson261 Samuelson & Anderson261 John Cullen263 Danielson & Anderson263 Richard E. AndersonNEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTS269 Frank H. Strong273 W. M. Wescott275 Roy H. Cole275 Charles Richardson275 Mrs. Alice E. Cole275% Marvin F. Cobb279 Vacant279% Wallace L. Minard283 A. R. Ogden283% Dwight D. Frank287 J. W. Cole289 L. B. Matteson295 William E. Randall297 S. W. Lamson301 Thomas A. Graham303 Henry D. Frank307 Henry C. Jacobson311 William R. NelsonBARKER ST. INTERSECTS341 E. SuckowSOUTH Right 345 369 377 403 409 483 495 341 477 555 22-30 10 14 24 122 68 M. Ricard Eric COLE A. E. S. Ernest Bert John SOUTH Kidder Mrs. STEELE Robert Markland Thomas Central Warren-Jamestown Elof Daniel Charles Anderson Iroquois New MAIN and A. Dahlquist O. L. Rosencrantz L. Margaret Venstrom M. N. Drake Hastings HultgrenVendell Z. West Peck Memorial Rynalfson Hotel Brown Lindell Gifford Cafe STREET. Christ AVE. Lindahl Keller ThanasST. I. Buck & Wicander Side. GreenBuilding INTERSECTSCrossly(Room chapel & St. Co. 6) Ry.Dr. Jason Parker (5)N. E. Johnson (1-2)Anna D. Hill (39)Mozart Club (14)John J. Nesmith (28-29-36)<strong>Chautauqua</strong> School of NursingDr. H. F. Hunt (7-9)G. O. Gustafson (3)Olof A. Olson (11)Mrs. Clara M. JaQuay (80)Sheridan McClelland (82)Fred Clark (30)26 Stone & Andersons28 Jamestown Ice Cream Co.34-36 A. G. Johnson40-46 13th Separate Co. ArmoryFENTON PLACE INTERSECTSWalnut grovePROSPECT ST. INTERSECTS130 William BroadheadBROADHEAD AVE. INTERSECTS174 Mrs. P. J. Berquist178 John M. Cushman186 Mrs. Eleanor P. Kidder192 Chris Marker196 J. W. Maddox200 George F. Morgan212 John DavidsonKIDDER ST. INTERSECTS222 Frank O. Stafford226 Charles J. Preston226 Glenn A. Frank234 Bennie Benson234 Miss Sarah D. Lyon242 Stephen A. Culver242 Elwood E. Culver248 M. Reiter252 Alfred Samuelson260 D. R. Cole264 Charles A. LaudenslagerNEWLAND AVE., INTERSECTS272 Michael Wright272 Thomas Munson2S0 Wm. A. Holmes280 Charles Forsgren282 P. A. Soderquist284 Raymond A. Foy284 C. W. Carlson290 Maynard H. Stoddard294 W. S. Crossgrove298 Frank Lonnen302 J. S. Conner322 Mrs. Gertrude Rosenberg322 Ellis BushBARKER ST. INTERSECTS330 Bert D. Baldwin334 Fred IllingworthSOUTH Changed From -111 SPRAGUE Right 35S 380 352 376 38S 3SS 4S6 109 113 241 305 90 west MT. Orris A. COLE C. Vacant Nils Eva Carl Joseph PALMER Lucinda Gust Elof Verner No <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Mrs. Charles STEELE Steele and W. to D. VERNON houses WALNUT STREET. Cole A. Swanson Anderson Fried Maria J. Baker.—Sixth Staples Left Tewey West AVE., Brooks to A. Johnson G. Shutt S. Woodward street ST., Nelson and Krantz Ivy. Gardiner Sweet Towel Side. PLACE STREET.INTERSECTSEast bridge, mills ward. Side. INTERSECTS south and

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYFENTON ST. INTERSECTS202 Samuel H. Hamerly220 James Mallen220 Gilbert E. Lindergren224 Gust A. Anderson224 Charles H. Baker228 Peter Sundberg228 Charles Hjert232 Charles P. Anderson234 William C. Williams234 1-2 Andrew Johnson23S John LofgrenPALMER ST., INTERSECTS310 A. William CarlsonSPRING STREET.From 121 East 2nd north to Crossman.-First ward.Left and West Side.213-15 Jamestown Commission Co.217-219 Gron Block217 National Biscuit Co.217 Mrs. F. A. Gron217 John Wilson217 Mrs. Carolina Eckwall217 Mrs. Delia Underwood217 John T. Howson219 Louise Anderson219 Mrs. Mary Gibbs219 Jessie Erickson219 Jamestown Awning WorksE. THIRD ST., INTERSECTS315 Mrs. Lucy W. SpauldingE. FOURTH ST., INTERSECTS417 Edward C. BurnsE. FIFTH ST., INTERSECTS507 Aaron D. Work513 Mrs. Kittie D. Hall519 Frederick H. AndersonE. SIXTH ST., INTERSECTS607 Mrs. Hannah A. Bonner613 William W. Hayward617 Wm. H. Dorsey623 James Gould625 Minnie J. LynchBranch school No. 1E. EIGHTH ST., INTERSECTS807 John A. .Dearborn811 Winfred J. Heath815 Vacant819 Mrs. Antoinette Fox819 Laverne G. Dewey825 Mrs. Susan D. Jones825 Christopher C. Gossett825 T. Fred Dahlbeck829 Henry Guenther829 1-2 John RobertsonSPRING Right 418 212 306 412 206 210-222 216 218 835 839 857 859 863 867 869 208 833 837 853- Emmett E. Ellicott Frank Central Mrs. Chief Prendergast VacantHenry Harry O. Elliot Hoyt Walter M. Chapin John George Peter Louis C. City A. FOURTH P. and Miller THIRD STREET.Anna Mary O. Ipsen R. Blystone of Wallace Smith Lenna L. B. J. A. TiffanyBranch Hall L. East H. Miller Ohlquist Fire UnderwoodKruger Field Bauer WilliamsonSaxton & Maclease Cotcht Tousley BemusHose Dept. ST., Side. L. schoolCo. INTERSECTSE. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTS510 Arthur K. BriggsE. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS610 First A. M. E. Zion church614 Benj. A. Munger618 George W. Potter618 Clark Crane620 E. D. Walker622 Ernest A. Gossett622 Oscar W. Swanson626 Harry Williams626 Mrs. Melissa Carter630 James M. Quinlan632 Mrs. Eliza A. WhiteE. EIGHTH ST., INTERSECTSSOS Fred W. Martin810 John W. Hale816 George A. Chatfield822 Adelbert Johnson826 Mrs. Jane Huntington830 Sam Walker838 Joseph M. Powers842 Robert N. Powell85S John A. Engquist860 Alexander J. Patterson862 Joseph Gold864 Henry Koerner866 Michael BurkeS68 John YarlingS72 Mrs. M. P. Corcilius874 Edward H. SheddSPRUCE STREET.From Lake View avenue, east to Ormes.—Fifth ward.No housesSTAFFORD AVENUE.From 1078 E. Second, south to Flaggavenue.—Fifth ward.Right and West Side.12 Dewey Johnson12 Orville R. Lloyd16 Ernest Gornall16 Manley J. Lindholm20 Herman Brown22 William A. VincentSTAFFORD AVENUE.Left and East Side.No housesSTARK AVENUE.From Schuyler near end of Connecticutavenue.—Sixth ward.Left and South Side.23 Charles A. LawsonSTARK AVENUE.Right and North Side.No housesFrom12 10 66 37 41 46 8 35 ward. Aaron Mertie Gust Magnus Charles Andrew Waldmir John Mrs. Nellie Robert Sture 117 Baker, STEARNS Olson Right Neilsen Louise STEELE Left A. Barrett Nelson Greenlund Boone H. Grimscold G. Kling Anderson Engen Markel Ljungbergnorth Clare and JohnsonMorgan South North West East AVENUE.west to Side. Summit.—Sixthto Charles—Sixth

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYSTEELE STREET.218 Salvatore LombardoFrom junction Forest avenue and Brook­21lyn square, west.—Sixth ward.Lorenz MastreanoLeft and South Side.5 Bert S. Cross7 John A. Peterson11 Mrs. Mary Welsh15 Charles L. Carlson17*19 William Koehl Co., (The)17-19 Post Publishing Co.21-23 Pearl City Laundry25 Mrs. Mary K. PhillipsBAKER ST., INTERSECTSGLASGOW AVE., INTERSECTS35 AI Banier55 Mrs. Belle Pierce59 Mrs. Nettie I. Lennox63 Walter Neilsen63 Axel Hegg67 Herman Broden77 Tony Gorden87 Albert F. Erickson93 Mrs. Augusta LindbergWILLIAMS ST., INTERSECTS103 Nellie Beaver103 Benjamin F. Firman105 Adam J. Haecker109 John O'Connell115 William GreerCULVER ST., INTERSECTS123 Evald B. Seaburg129 Albert C. MarshSPRAGUE ST., INTERSECTS217 Mrs. Ann Sullivan223 Gunnar Swanson223 Eva Blomster223 Adolph Renberg229 Bernhard Benson229. William H. PetersonHANLEY ST., INTERSECTS231 Edwin Johnson231 Mrs. Anna Jones235 Albin Anderson263 William Bubb265 Erick Erickson265 Mrs. Lois Pike265 Mrs. Lillian Loucks267 James G. Glendon267 John Benson313 Dennis ReardonSTEELE STREET.Right and North Side.6 Jamestown Electric millsRACE ST., INTERSECTS10 James Roark14 Gianni Gulino16 Charles A. Wilcox70-80 40-48 70-SO 84-92 22-28 46-48 60 S4 108 114 120 132-136 30-38 100 118 124-126 126 138 146 206 216 210 18 Jacob E. Tony Chadakoin Nazzaro George Mrs. SPRAGUE Eagle J. Mark Columbia Lewis Joe <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Harland City VacantJamestown J. Electric Nelson Warner Pearl John Banner H. W. Felix Municipal Seaburg C. Marrele P. Ellen tool Mazurco Hollister J. L. Furniture Bennar & W. B. Costayg City Robertson Gaettano & L. Eugene Beaver Mohr Slayton Mills Lumber buildingJackson Rolland Furniture ST., Co. Donelon Mfg. E. Towel Panel Veneer Art electric freifht storehouseINTERSECTSCo.Adams, Carving Co. Mills & light Co. office Veneer grocery plant Works Co.224 Harland E. Adams226 J. August Lindstrom226 Gust Lindstrom230 Victor E. Carlson236 Frank A. Nelson304 Gotfried Johnson304 Mrs. Mary Eklof306 Charles A. Peterson308 Mrs. Helen Slayton308 Vacant318 William H. Gray322 Charles Salisbury322 Louis Fox322 1-2 Charles A. Kentuck324 1-2 Almon Fox324 Lorenzo Maseta328 George L. Smith332 Albert Bush336 Harold E. Casselman336 Charles Card338 Charles H. Bowman340 Julius G. M. Ebel340 John Starkweather342 Vacant342 1-2 Gideon Lundquist344 VacantSTEWART AVENUE.From 1309 West Sixth south to WestThird.—Sixth ward.Left and East Side.103 H. Edgar Messenger105 Timothy R. Lucey113 Martin N. ArendSTEWART AVENUE.Right and West Side.104 J. Peter Dreyer110 John Jenkins112 Fred S. Crocker120 J. B. Sullivan122 Edward Davis122 Frank Dawson146 Milton E. Phillips146 1-2 Earl J. CardSTOWE STREET.From S15 East Second north to limits.-Fifth ward.Deft and West Side.11 August C. Johnson15 John Pheblad• 15 A. N. Lundberg21 C. Emil Anderson21 Henry C. Fosberg23 Mrs. Emily Sandberg23 Frans Bergren107 115 103 109 111 123 125 131 143 357 121 153 219 307 321 353 365 369 27 39 Hjalmer FALCONER Victor Albert Anna Erick NEWTON Peter Barth Aaron John August Benjamin Thomas Theron Charles BUFFALO Bernard George Andrew Lee N. Carl August W. P. Dahlin Ahlgren Anderson Stevenson A. Nelson Palmgren CordingleyE. Lindquist C. BoardmanD. Winsell Fredsall Wallen CarlsonSwart BerryR. Morgan Norman Jones Forsberg AndersonAVE. JohnsonDanielson Wahlin ST., INTERSECTS

377 Gustaf V. Johnson401 Mrs. Jennie Beal405 Lynn E. Howe409 Edward S. Wilcox501 August LundSTOWE STREET.Right and East Side.10 Jacob Van Stee12 John K. Ahlquist12 Mrs. Amelia E. Olson14 Gust SwansonIS John W. Cooney18 Christine CedarholmIS Herman Carlson26 John Everett26 George Leburg30 C. Frederick Falldin30 Emil J. GustafsonFALCONER ST., INTERSECTS106 Thure Ekedahl110 Max M. McGee110 Mrs. Mary Norquist114 Oscar S. Swanson114 F. A. Johnson128 Manley K. Hawthorne128 Mrs. Ambrosia Brown144 E. O. Holmberg146 Aaron Emmett150 Charles Holt150 John A. PetersonNEWTON AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesBUFFALO ST. INTERSECTS308 Adolph Markar308 Frits R. Lawson310 John A. Hibbard314 Paul J. Haglund314 P. August Hedman316 New house318 Peter A. Turner328 J. Emil Eckholm358 Myron A. Keefe376 Hilmer AndersonCLYDE AVE. INTERSECTS400 Max Dahlgren402 Abe C. Card410 Olof Gunnell414 Gunnar GunnellSTRONG STREET.JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY207 O. Fred Jones209 George E. TrainorSTURGES STREET.Right and East Side.20 Oscar T. Anderson24 Charles G. AdamsonPRICE ST. INTERSECTS206 Gust Stohl210 C. Siegfred Jones210 Joseph H. JonesNEWTON AVE. INTERSECTS524 Mrs. Josephine NelsonSUMMIT STREET.From 417 Palmer southwest to city limits—Sixthward.Left and East Side.185 John B. Barlow193 John E. Ribbing203 Fred J. Case207 Mrs. Eva C. MoonSUMMIT STREET.Right and West Side.10 Theodore Morgan14 Charles J. Lindstrom130 Nels Okesson140 E. J. SquierSUMNER PLACE.From 217 East Eighth north. (FormerlyFulton place)—First ward.Left and West Side.No housesSUMNER PLACE.Right and East Side.8 Alva A. Smith10 Benjamin H. Gardner12 Lawrence A. Whitford14 Michael J. Looney16 Clarence H. StantonSUPERIOR STREET.From 238 Forest avenue west to Sampson—Sixth ward.Left and South Side.No housesBARRETT ST. INTERSECTSNo housesCHARLES ST. INTERSECTS137 August Lawson141 John Hjalmarson141 Carl Erickson145 Carl O. OlsonFrom 854 Prendergast avenue east toLakeview avenue. (Formerly East 9th. SUPERIOR STREET.—First ward.Right and North Side.Left and North Side.No houses3 E. D. DloydBARRETT ST. INTERSECTS5 Mrs. Mary ShannonNo houses9 D. W. ProsserCHARLES ST. INTERSECTSSTRONG Right STURGES From 205 21 29 43 25 33 37 11 13 15 19 18 5 Fifth William Frank P. PRICE Otto Albert Oscar Carl Francis FULTON F. Charles O. No Mrs. Gunnar 109 Alfred and J. N. G. houses ward.G. DschudenEsther Augusta STREET. Left O'Brien Larson Broadhead H. Falconer Freberg Gardner W. Webeck ST. Jones South Swanson D. Geser Gustafson B. Sundell Shelgren ST. Bdberg and Melhuish Jones Carlson INTERSECTSF. Marsh Side.West Blanchard north Side. to Buffalo-SWAN Right TAYLOR From 46 24 28 32 (Formerly 13 5 ward. G. John Julius Eskel T. Jamestown Christ 450 9 and W. H. STREET. South A. Brostrom Left Sotir J. Willard Lindholm Anartas Papas West Fillmore Anderson Bergeson and Main Cold Side. North East south—Fourth Storage east and Side. Taylor)—Thirdto Co. Harrison. ward.

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY5 Frank E. Wells9-25 Jamestown Metal Furniture Co.27 Globe Cabinet Co.Warren & Jamestown St. Ry office.35 Central Commercial Gallery63 Watson Mfg. Co.03 John M. Anderson65 Mrs. Loraine R. Lepar67 Mrs. Janett Holroyd71 M. CordonTAYLOR STREET.Right and South Side.20 Patrick Maher22 Daniel H. Atwood26 George Scyford26 Julius C. Swanson26 Mrs. Anna C. Phillips28 William Hjorth & Co.34 American Carving WorKS40 Adolphus Drake40 R. Elmer Beardsley44 James Nutter44 Talbot Huntington46-72 Diamond Furniture Co.TENTH STREET.From 841 North Main west to Dafayette.(Formerly West Tenth.)—Second ward.Deft and South Side.9 Mrs. Harriett A. Peters9 John A. Emley11 Frank L. Sack15 William H. Scofieid17 Henry L. Laquay19 Albert G. Hitchcock19 Ralph A. Hodges23 John G. Lundquist27 Mrs. Harriett E. Franklin29 Gotlieb Frey33 James B. Douglas37 Victor Nelson37 Axel Ohlquist37% Emil Dund43 William W. Campbell47 George L. Lockwood49 Fred W. Foote51 Pardon H. Cole53 Joseph W. Klumpp61 John E. Lott65 Gilbert T. Bouck67 Wallace LoucksWASHINGTON ST. INTERSECTSNo housesTENTH STREET.Right and North Side.10 Mrs. Parker Strickland12 Thomas H. Marks16 Fred A. Dorman120 124 68 70 IS 28 32 36 42 46 56 58 66 38 60 52 WASHINGTON Deura Mrs. Peter J. Robert Nathan George Andrew John Douis Sam Charles Willard Seth Garrett Sidney Gust William Lars D. Kent G. N. P. Rose Margaret M. Freeburg G. D. Giegerich P. R. A. LenoxW. P. C. J. Lindberg XT. H. Anderson Gibson Cowan Roberts Pennock Duce Young Shearman Peterson GardnerBly Newton Arend Lammers Wood Wright Morton WimmermarkST. Jr. Sr. INTERSECTSTERRACE PLACE.From 171 Forest avenue east—Thirdward.Left and North Side.1 Benjamin Lavin3 Harry W. Alden5 Fred G. Horton7 Leon R. Dodd9 B. G. Brookins15 Louis T. Harkness15 Byron W. Shearman17 Arthur K. Swanson19 Clarence L. Nelson19 Mrs. Dora Hunt21 Andrew J. HultquistTERRACE PLACE.Right and South Side.4 Mrs. Margaret Wood4 Ernest D. Anderson10 August Rehnberg10 John W. Hayes20 Arthur J. Cowan22 Alfred Welham24 Ralph A. Johnson26 Floyd C. HartTEW STREET.From Front south to Palmer—Sixthward.Left and East Side.9 Tim Biffumi11 Ernest Peterson13 Carl O. Lundgren17 Amelia Lundwall17 Lewis Putnam19 Alfred AndersonTEW STREET.Right and West Side.16 Axel Anderson16 Charles Carlson24 Andrew JohnsonTHAYER STREET.From 253 Crescent, north to Buffalo.'(Formerly Davis, Thayer Ext. andThayer St.)—Fifth ward.Deft and West Side.11 John H. SutcliffeE. SECOND ST. INTERSECTS35 Mrs. Mattie Carter41 F. L. Diffenderfer43 Elliot W. Worden45 Worden's GreenhouseBUSH ST. INTERSECTSNo housesFALCONER ST. INTERSECTS123 Mrs. Christina Nystrom127 Emil Hammer131 Andrew R. Gustafson143 147 181 203 THAYER Right 1S1 4S 5S 40 48 64 OS 10 36 58 68 52 8 FALCONER John Bert William Paul F. Mrs. E. August Robert Oscar Fred Henning Andrew Carl Gustaf Charles Richard SECOND and A. STREET. Anna Hilda Carrie C. Thora A. E. W. Segerdahl Olson D. E. Ellison East Barkman J. Lundquist Soderquist Fosberg F. Weekman Lundberg Karlsten Stevenson Carlson AndersonOlson Sandberg G. Johnson K. ST. Side. Bosin PetersonINTERSECTS

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY130 George Morgan65 Fred A. Carlson130 Charles G. Hedin69 John Lawson69 Frederick Benson132 Alfred Carlson73 Axel K. Johnson136 Thomas Neild73 Otto W. Peterson77 Gust N. Brodene140 Samuel ShelgrenSI Ramus LarsonS5 Gust A. Carlson144 John N. Engwall89 Brewer Rossing148 August Benson93 John C. Palm99 William C. Johnson152 VacantTOWER STREET.152 William W. WilsonRight and West Side.160 Andrew J. LarsonBranch School No. 3164 J. Algot Lindell44 Gust Schreck164 Joy Newton14 Mrs. Mary SellstromNo houses56 Conrad Beckstrand206 Peter Hammergren56 Alfred Johnson210 Clyde M. Baker56 Mrs. Johanna Turnbloom214 John Johnson60 Joe Baglio214 Herman Bratt60 Christenzo Palermo218 Matilda Anderson64 Giovani Montagna220 Charles A. Hultberg64 Tony Palermo220 Gunnar Danielson68 Consio SpanioTHIRTEENTH STREET.68 Tony BonviFrom 921 North Main west to Washington—Secondward.80 William Keefe80 Charles E. LundgrenDeft and South Side.80 Carl J. Lundgren5 Adelbert Klock100 Gilbert P. Johnson7 William F. Nisson100 Mrs. Sofle Bergwall23 Geo. S. Bright108 John Ecklund33 John A. Anderson108 Herman A. Anderson37 George N. Phelps108 Luther Anderson41 Mrs. Louise Bissontz108 Joe Lee49 Charles G. Anderson110 Austin Tobias53 John Anderson110 John Shackleton53 Charles T. DeBad112 Vacant69 Horace J. Burr118 Charles A. Peterson73 Ariel H. WellmanTOWNER AVENUE.THIRTEENTH STREET.From Curtis west to Thayer—FifthRight and North Side.No houses10 Charles A. CedarquistTWELFTH STREET.4 Fred C. TruslerFrom 909 North Main west to Washington.(Formerly Tilden avenue.)—Sec­i0 William B. Pitts24 Roy W. Stricklandond ward.24 Mrs. Kate O'Donnell26 Horace T. PickardIS Dr. George Left and B. Jones South Side.23 20 Mrs. Charles H. J. W. Peterson Robinson30 Jacob F. Stahley24 N. Edgar Engel2554 Samuel J. Woodward26 Willis George Norton M. Thompson29 28 WillisVacant70 Peter J. Minton30 Edward L. J. Strickland Spencer35 32 Mahlon William Barrows Whitcomb74 William T. Wright3736 Joseph CasciaTIFFANY AVENUE.40 Albert Antonio Hapgood Mancino39 44 Savertio Grant WatermanFrom city line south to Erie R. R.— 44 Arvilla Bottom Roseli39 AndrewFourth and Fifth wards.TYRILWennerbergSTREET.Charles A. CarlsonFrom41 HansTiffanyRasmussenavenue west—Fourth ward.61 DavidTILDEN AVENUE.LeftW. Greenand South Side.65 Orissa(Changed to Twelfth.)StraightSpencerDry Plate Co.TWELFTHTODD AVENUE.TYRIL STREET.STREET.RightFrom 60 Hunt road west to McDannell RightandandNorthNorthSide.Side.6avenue—Sixth ward.NoGusthousesGafvert14-16 Salisbury & SonTODD TOWER • 51% From 13 17 59 21 31 35 43 7 lish—Fourth 47 LIND Charles Alexander Andrew John Nels Mrs. No Sophie Albert Frank New opposite AVENUE. houses STREET. Right Johanna H. Lottie Mary Matilda Lawson Left ALLEY J. S. Tappan Wicklund J. E. Nelson G. Wilcox Johnson ward.M. 217 Lawson and A. Huggins Hedin C. M. Willard Sundman Leiblad South INTERSECTSEast North Wersen Peterson Side.south to Eng­

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYUNION AVENUE.From 338 Forest avenue east to Park-Third ward.Deft and North Side.13 Mrs. Anna Hultgren37 Fritz JohnsonUNION AVENUE.Right and South Side.16 John O. Samuelson16 Albert Albertson20 Carl Andersonto Axel O. Anderson8 Albert Thornblad28 Albert F. Kelly32 Thomas Fletcher36 Gust Ahlgren36 Mrs. Anna A. Dahlgren40 Carl S. Almgren40 Rudolph JohnsonUPHAM STREET.From 673 English north—Fourth ward.No housesUTICA STREET.From opposite 283 Fairmount avenuenorth to Livingston avenue—Sixthward.Left and West Side.2 3 Jay Wiltsie25 Joseph A. CarterUTICA STREET.Right and East Side.No housesVALLEY STREET.From 28 West Eighth north to Ninth-Second ward.Left and West Side.7 August Ellstrom7 Christ Hansen9 Charles W. Johnson15 Fritz Klarquist17 William Anderson17 A. John Anderson19 Mrs. Bertha B. Edwards .19 James E. McTigue21 Fred B. Kinne23 Albert L. WattersVALLEY STREET.Right and East Side. INTERSECTS8 George W. Wright14 William D. Mitchell14 Mrs. Ida Morton16 Vacant18 Swan BarnhardtVAN BUREN STREET.From 920 North Main east. (FormerlyKent & James).—First ward.109 111 113 119 125 129 203 121 201 17 37 41 9 PRENDERGASTWrothwell Alva Edward Martin Bert John Axel William Mrs. Daniel George Charles LAKEVIEWJ. Marvin Carl M. Sophie Warren Lawrence J. V. Jennie Pruda Winsel E. A. Deft Norquist D. L. Kinney A. S. Frantzen H. M. J. Tompkins Stamm Hart Eckman Butler Skipper Speer and Persell ButterfieldMiller Crossley Whitney Smith Shaw P. Hills AVE. North Thayer AV. INTERSECTSSide.205 Harvey W. Tew221 Billy B. Spring221 Oren HoweWINSOR ST. INTERSECTSNo housesVAN BUREN STREET.Right and South SMe.10 E. E. Woodbury10 Ellis N. Scofieid18 Mrs. Nora Durnin24 Michael McGinity28 John McGinity32 Mrs. Laura Klock32 Stuart Langs32% Harry S. Jamison36 Henry Oser36 Jacob Oser40 William QuirkPRENDERGAST AV112 M. Barrett114 John Fay116 D. Ward Brier124 Claude K. Ahlstrom128 Charles M. Brown130 Ralph W. RandallINTERSECTSDAKEVIEW AVE. INTERSECTS224 Eugene A. SheltersWINSOR ST. INTERSECTS312 Oral A. Davis312 Charles E. Treat320 James A. Seymour322 Paul E. AppletonVEGA STREET.From 329 Willard north—Fourth ward.Left and West Side.3 Oscar E. Lindbloom15 Fred Haglund •25 Mrs. Matilda Lindros25 Mrs. Sana Johnson35 Adolph Ostrom43 Mrs. Matilda Lindros45 J. Gust Anderson47 Sanford Olson59 Frank Danielson79 Charles F. Danielson79 Elof G. Almeer 'Mrs. Adeline MalmBENEDICT ST. INTERSECTSVEGA STREET.Right and East Side.14 Gust Anderson16 Gust Johnson20 Gust Johnson26 Andrew Swanson30 John Munson3S Oscar W. EricksonVICTORIA From 110 114 44 56 3S 6S 70 SS 96 52 13 19 15 nue—Third Hannah Gunnard Morris BENEDICT Elof Henry Gilbert Fred Arvid Herman Abraham John Mrs. Charles Carl Olga Erick 77 South Johnson Benson Clara Anna Carlson Ella L. A. Christina Moeler AVENUE. Left H. L. C. S. D. J. Lawson Anderson ward. Selquist Oberg Carlson Jones L. EricksonDanielson Shoultz AhlstrandMagnuson Bloom Main ST. Johnson North Lundquist INTERSECTSeast Side. to Foote ave­

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY21 August A. Dahlquist -23 Fred Bjork23 John W. Carlson25 James S. McNeight25 Claude F. BrattINSTITUTE ST. INTERSECTSVICTORIA AVENUE.Right and South Side.12 Herman Ingalls16 John E. Hjunberg24 Frank McFarland26 Otto T. Johnson26 Charles G. Kleist28 Mrs. Mary A. Howard28 Richard Smith34 Mrs. Jane B. Homer34 Norman S. Edmonds34 Mrs. Rose Carr34 Charles E. Campbell40 Mrs. Frances L. DavisINSTITUTE ST. INTERSECTS86 Everett W. Potter86 Elmer W. DavisVIOLET AVENUE.From Marion south—Fourth-ward.No housesVIRGINIA BOULEVARD.From 14 Camp south—Sixth ward.Right and West Side.No housesE. NEWLAND AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesBARKER ST. INTERSECTSNo housesDOUGLAS PLACE INTERSECTS40 Douglas R. ParkVIRGINIA BOULEVARD.Left and East Side.No housesWALNUT GROVE.From opposite 77 South Main east—Thirdward.Carl LindbladPreston MortonCharles E. LawsonWALNUT STREET.From 101 Camp north to Arnold—Fourthward.Left afd West Side.5 Michael Amblordo5 Leborid Junda9 Ajjgust Fosburg13 Simon Peterson17 John H. Hitchener19 Clement Showier21 Fred T. WilliamsWALNUT Right From WARNER Left 20 27 12 16 25 8 ward. No Erlin Emanuel Herbert Edward Andrew Mrs. C. Leonard Charles 128 housesand Right Eva Albertina Mary G. AVENUE. Forest STREET.East Coe HoldsworthF. Jones South BloomquistLettn Harrisonand Anderson Scott Side. avenue Johnson North Side. west—SixthSide.WARREN STREET.(Changed to South Main.)WASHINGTON STREET.From West First north to Fluvannaenue. (Formerly Marvin above Eighthstreet.)—Second ward.Left and West Side.211-215 St. Ry. car barns217 Glantz & Johnson219 Pullman Cafe.221-223 Lillibridge flats221 William H. GordonW. THIRD ST. INTERSECTSFederal BuildingW. FOURTH ST. INTERSECTS409 Pearson's Livery409 Ernest M. OlmsteadW. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTS507 E. B. Thomas509 William P. Stevens515 Edw. E. Duffee519 H. W. OdellW. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS601 William Bealer607 Dr. E. M. Scofieid611 Ralph W. Thayer617 Joseph L. FrickW. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTS703 Dr. W. D. Wellman707 Elmer E. Wellman711 Arthur M. Wellman713 Charles W. Wilson715 Albert J. HarrisW. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS801 J. H. Marsh809 Patrick McVeigh811 Thomas Marsh815 J. M. VanNess817 John P. HarrisonISABELLA AVE. INTERSECTS823 Charles JohnsonS23 John EckertS27 Code E. KeplerS29 Fred SwansonS31 Alfred C. BendallS33 Levi Wellington833 Rupert L. Hoyt835 Mrs. Catherine McGee8*37 Edward J. McGee837 Mrs. Mary PetersonS39 John W. Johnson843 William W. DeLisle847 Fred Northrup849 George R. Pease849 Roy ShearmanTENTH ST. INTERSECTS1013 1057 1059 Right 110 202 208-210 8S5 905 911 975 9S7 997 1001 1047 1051 881 909 915 923 9S5 991 995 871 W. Ernest Louis Frank Sturdevant L. Newton James Alden ELEVENTHNicholas Daniel Muliard Joseph Robert Leonard Clyde Ross E. Mrs. Vacant John Fred Bender's WASHINGTONand Archie L. SECOND Ella Florence Elizabeth W. A. Hettie P. L. Whitney Barnett Roberts M. Gowan East E. Brown Storehouse & Johnson Blackmer Zepp Rhodes Swanson Paul Curtis Pennock M. Son Fuller Norton Lenox Perry Blacksmith Monumental Williams Side. HotchkissST. Bradley GowanINTERSECTSSTREET. shop Works

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY212 C. J. Arnold214 Hunt & Shepard232 Empire RestaurantJoseph CorkeW. THIRD ST. INTERSECTS304 F. F. Green & Son320 Dewey-Davis Printing Co.W. FOURTH ST. INTERSECTS406 Allen E. Billings408 Charles W. Bates410 Vacant410% Mrs. Ada Rhodes412 Frances Douceteaux414 Laura B. SmithW. FIFTH ST. INTERSECTSJames Prendergast <strong>Library</strong>W. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTSDow ParkW. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTS708 Percy E. Spencer70S John A. Knorr710 Seneca Hoag714 George L. Heelas724 Charles G. GustafsonW. EIGHTH ST. INTERSECTS804 Austin J. Orr806 Ralph A. Noble810 Charles E. FreemanS14 August J. PetersonS18 Mrs. Charlotte Martin820 William H. BrownS22 Burton M. Gay824 Gust NeilsonS26 Carl A. JohnstonS30 Walter W. WhiteS32 John M. Eckman836 M. Alice Brand836 John H. PettisNINTH ST. INTERSECTSS42 Fred B. Smith844 Earl U. Henning846 Holland S. CoeS54 Henry Anderson860 Mrs. Rosalind HowardTENTH ST. INTERSECTSS66 Michael WoodsS6S George GreenwoodS70 Edward S. FranklinS74 Frank N. BarnesS7S Vacant880 Samuel MalmbergSS4 Warner S. Griffi thS86 Deforest E. RappoleSS6 Albert V. DeBoakesELEVENTH ST. INTERSECTS910 Harry S. VernonWATER 948 966 950 956% 958 962 964 972 1060 954 From 31-43 21 25 29 45 55 7 to FOURTEENTH FIFTEENTH TWELFTHNo THIRTEENTHEddylie Elijah John Charles Daniel Leonard Joseph August Anna James Alfred Mrs. Alice Arthur Enos Winsor—Fourth Empire 135 STREET. houses Mary Louise Sarah Elizabeth Schwartz Leroy Joseph Left Parkinson Clark Foote A. W. Alsdorf M. D. Milone PickardAndersonMcDonald D. C. Worsted Warren Stromdahl Meyers Ford and Stafford Horsefleld Parker E. HendricksonEllis ST. avenue Masson ST. Kendall North FennerST. ward.Mills INTERSECTSeast Side. and north57 August P. Johnson59 F. W. Moorby61 Christian Gossett & Sons79 Enoch Lindstrom81 Louis J. Mohr81% Albin Johnson83 William F. Baker83 Charles R. Davis103 Axel Segren103 Nathan Ingham105 E. MorleyWATER STREET.Right and South Side.8 Mrs. Maria F. C. Johnson10 John Hank10 Adolph J. Johnson12 Mrs. Elizabeth YoungIS Mrs. Hattie M. Capeell22 Algot J. Bloomquist26 John A. Woodard26 Mrs. Edna Stanton28 Mrs. Flora B. Day30 John Darwin30 R. Gotthard Northlund30 Ross Morton32 William G. Stapleton32 Charles Johnson42 John L, Turner44 Lathrop L. Hanchett46 Hans Lindberg48 O. N. Martin48 Mrs. Charlotte Ahlgren50 Samuel A. Johnson50 Edward H. Johnson52-54 John Lawson56 James R. Johnson58 Albert J. Torrey60 Frank M. Randall60 G. M. Washburn62 James T. Pettit64 W. H. Whitehead74 Charles A. Lindholm74 George Suter76 Mrs. M. Lucinda French78 Thomas A. Morley80 C. Otto JohnsonKING ST. INTERSECTS92 Charles Malmgren96 Thomas Gill96 C. Cutler Chase9S Alfred J. Showier102 Olof B. Schobeck106 William Beaumont106 Erick Erickson110 Allan B. Kimball114 Charles Greenhault136 From WATERMAN Right 116 120 130 114 US 128 IS 18 16 57 Worsted 3 4 Frank Henry Vacant A'incent Richard Arthur John William C. George Edward Albert Charles Oscar Olof Mrs. 131 Oscar and (Incorrectly Dora Nystrom Margaret Rose Jennie Benson SamuelsonDeft Foote Nelson E. Mills—Fourth Carmichael C Sturdy Rushton J. Bennett STREET. Feather Smith Carr S. YoungSouth Johnson Griffinand Saunders S. Smith Peterson avenue Obrien A. North numbered.)numbered) O'Neil Side. ward. east to Empire

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYWEBSTER STREET.33 Charles A. PetersonFrom 110 King south to Shaw avenue-Fourth ward.Deft and East Side.5 Fred Nyholm9 Martin J. Peterson9 David L. Quist11 Nelson Bourdo11 Edwin Bromley13 Olof DahlgrenWEBSTER STREET.Right and West Side.4 Vacant6 William Lindgren6 Gustaf Lindgren33 Mrs. Axelina Johnson33 Mrs. Augusta Eckdahl37 Alfred T. Lawson37 Charles A. Lawson39 Mrs. Eva C. Nelson41 Lars O. Berglund41 August Johnson43 John Vanstrom47 August C. Johnson47 Mrs. Nettie A. Youngren53 Gust Skold67 Mrs. Anna Eckstrom69 Carl G. Carlson71 Anton C. Bergren V8 Swan JohnsonSCIOTA ST. INTERSECTS '10 August AndersonWEEKS STREET.101 P. M. W'istrom103 Gust SamuelsonFrom 841 East Second north to limits- 103 Joseph EgglestonFifth ward.Left and West Side.13 Andrew E. Anderson17 Joseph Hartley17 Herbert Drake21 Edward Anderson21 Benjamin Greaves23 Conrad Peterson23 Christopher Hanson27 Otto Engwall31 Charles C. SwansonFALCONER ST. INTERSECTS103 Mrs. Hannah S. Brugge103 Thomas Scott103 John Ellis109 Patrick Trainor113 Schofleld Tordoff115 Otto Weekman121 John O. Johnson121 Olof Greenlund105 Frank O. Anderson107 Charles W. Edmunds107 Gust A. Anderson109 Charles A. Anderson111 Frank O. Swanson115 Charles Anderson119 John G. AndersonWESCOTT STREET.Right and East Side.42 Frank G. Anderson44 William N. Beaustrom46 Alfred Beckstrom46 Albin F. Widmark68 Mrs. Caroline BergrenSCIOTA ST. INTERSECTS100 Edward C. Peterson114 Adolph Gustafson114 Joel C. BloomquistBENEDICT ST. INTERSECTS124 Oscar F. Bloomquist123 Thomas HambletonWEST DICKERSON STREET.125 Andrew Sellman(Changed to Fifteenth.)139 Nels ChristiansonWEST EIGHTH STREET.145 Joseph M. StapletonFrom 715 North Main west to JamestownNEWTON AVE. INTERSECTS Street Railway power house—Second221 Theodore Rosenquistward.221 Edward AndersonWEEKS STREET.Right and East Side.10 Axel Swan10 Mrs. Mary E. Barry14 William R. Cady18 James O. NewberryFALCONER ST. INTERSECTS104 James Trainor104% Otto L. Askerberg106 August J. JohnsonLeft and South Side.11 Albert A. Walker15 Flora Aylesworth17 William Koehl19 Walter H. Rodney19 Albert C. Rodney21 Alfred N. Harrington29 Mrs. Emma C. Lindergren29 Charles SwansonCHERRY ST. INTERSECTS109 John J. OliverLeft From 218 110 136 27 29 25 south—Sixth Mrs. Rober Arvid Albert John William Vacant Bernard Lloyd Frederick Charles NEWTON Edward C. Swan and 233 Fairmount Otto WELLMANWESCOTT Anna Bailey Matilda Lottie P. Olivia Right Left M. G. J. East Willard HouseCarlson Eckholm H. S. Nelson Palmquist LarsonBabcock R. ward. AVE. Johnson VanderwarkerNelson Brooks Bloomquist Side. Tillow S. avenue, West north—Fourth HolgrenINTERSECTSSTREET.AVENUE. Side.beyond ward. limits, 111 115 207 209 301 413 701 203 503 003-609 635 703 303 315 415 615 621 023 "A" Tori 705 WASHINGTON Peter LAFAYETTE JEFFERSON Lewis MURRAY John Dr. Emil Carl Lake CLINTON James Martha Fred Charles Mrs. Vacant MONROE "William George Van Louis Milwaukee Franklin J. Flora M. Ida Julia Emma Jennie Barger Margaret A. Wilhelm House E. Ingerson D. CedarquistAsper H. A. CarlsonM. Austin Markle McGilliger King Hennigan Tyrrell ST. AVE. Bailey Medbury Gardner A. Knapp Debell Callahan Ballard Parks Shepard Bottling Putnam ST. RosierINTERSECTSCo. .

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY705 John J. Girard705 George W. Keyes705 Mrs. Clara Day707-709 Chadakoin Cafe707 Fred E. Dickerson709 Harry F. Simmons709 Daniel Griswold711 Oscar F. JohnsonWEST EIGHTH STREET.Right and North Side.10 Mrs. Estella Russell10 Mrs. Adella Marks16 Otto Nelson18 Mrs. Ophelia A. Riker18 Mrs. Emma Nelson22 Charles M. Ohnstrand22 John M. Westlund24 John F. Harrington26 John A. RappVALLEY ST. INTERSECTS34 Samuel N. Gifford34 Merle M. Gifford38 Vacant40 Frank E. Berger40 Fowler L. SmithCHERRY ST. INTERSECTS106 Oscar T. Jacobson108 Mrs. Christine Hansen108 Elbert L. Seamans112 Vacant114 Mrs. Lillian M. Foster116 H. Herman DashWASHINGTON ST. INTERSECTS208 Mrs. Romina Rappole208 Glenn L. Safford214 Mrs. Mary HarrisonLAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTS300 Charles D. Carpenter304 Dr. Darling C. Perkins306 Frank J. Smiley308 Emerson H. Hotchkiss308 Walter C. Smith310 Mrs. Katherine McGowan314 Edward A. McConnellJEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTSNo housesCLINTON ST. INTERSECTSNo housesMONROE ST. INTERSECTS002-010 Johnson Coal & Ice Co.612-620 Jamestown Brewing Co.FAIRMOUNT AVE. INTERSECTS804 Hans DavidsonS06 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction Co. CarpenterShopS10 Bastian Conto 'WEST Right From 105 109 101 201 205 211 14 16 15 avenue—Second ford—Second R. Gust Jamestown CHERRY John Herbert Francis Mrs. Edna <strong>Chautauqua</strong> WASHINGTON Clare Charles Mis. reinvent Sidney SS. Arthur Fletcher 59 413 WEST and Clarence END. Peter Luana Fairmount Swanson Alice L. Left O. C. North B. M. XI. O. Hoard of Durning Wilson Goodwill W'EST & ST. FIFTH Hoyt and ward. Pratt I. Johnson Carlson Cowing St. Mercy Gifford Club Griggs P. Traction Paul's ward. Main HarringtonSide. Ry. INTERSECTSBrown South ST. avenue END. STREET. west power school INTERSECTSSide. Co. west to power house Fairmount to h'se Lang­211 Joseph Mason211 Mrs. Lettie T. SeymourLAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTS309 Fenton L. Scudder313 Albert N. Camp315 George Garrity315 Lamont B. FowlerJEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTS315 Baker ParkCLINTON ST. INTERSECTS501-503 VacantMONROE ST. INTERSECTSNo housesMURRAY AVE. INTERSECTS801 Dr. A. D. D. Campbell803 Mrs. Susan Chambers803 R. Elmer ScottS05 Charles F. ArmitageWEST FIFTH STREET.Right and North Side.2 Mrs. Elizabeth W. Marvin16 William H. SpragueCHERRY ST. INTERSECTS102 James Prendergast libraryWASHINGTON ST. INTERSECTS200 Leonard H. Johnson204 Willis Tew210 Joseph Norton210 Phillip NewLAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTS302 William E. Klumbacn308 William R. Reynolds312 Mrs. M. D. Stone314 Mrs. Marv E. SullivanJEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTS400 Mrs. Emily Crane404 George T. Fenton408 Arthur Greenlund410 Lincoln M. StearnsCLINTON ST. INTERSECTS500 Mrs. Alice Tousley506 Martyn Hose house510 Bert M. Thayer510 Louis Miller520 Dr. J. Ebenezer AlmyMONROE ST. INTERSECTSNo housesMURRAY AVE. INTERSECTS022 Thomas F. Maher626 Henry H. Cooper626 Dr. R. J. Granger028 Patrick MaherWEST FIRST STREET.From 31 North Main west to Cherry-Second ward.Left and South Side.9 J. C. BaileyWEST 103 From 101 105 16-22 14 17 12 11. ,8 9 street—Second Union WASHINGTON Ceorge Oliver No Clark John Vacant Clyde Wells-Fargo CHERRY New Albert Lake Charles Mrs. Frank Richard Krie l,mi Ida The WEST FIRST 321 houses B. Day Right Passenger Margaret Matilda Everett P.. City Oberg North Hardware News C. Farlin E. Van Left N. L. E. Cross J. Vipan STREET. FOURTHWallace Laundry Lee ST. Smith Commercial Stumpf Stratton Steenburg ward.Express stand Main Hotel M. INTERSECTSWasser Depot North ST. South Patch Co., west STREET. INTERSECTSCo. storageSide. HotelMonroe

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYLAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTSClarence H. Lake303 Mrs. Mattie M. JonesCHERRY ST. INTERSECTS311 Mrs. Catherine W. Harrington105 Marvin House315 Cassius D. CoatesMrs. Viola D. EverettJEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTS 111 Vacant407 Charles O. NyburgWASHINGTON ST. INTERSECTS411 Edward W. Reynolds203 Charles D. Barker411 Louis J. Isbell211-217 Whitney flats411 Mrs. Jane Thompson211 George V. Carlson411 Mrs. Anna Van Dusen211 John J. Whitney411 Mrs. Flora E. Lerch213 Mrs. Mary L. Monroe411 Charles J. Seelman215 Kathryn M. Goggin415 Ernest P. Barker217 Cams Kennedy415 Elmer S. AndersonLAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTS415 Clarence C. Eidens303 Mason M. Skiff415 Bert S. Cross307 Frank H. AikenCLINTON ST. INTERSECTS309 William B. Graves507 Frank A. Ochs309 H. B. Fenton509 Mrs. Jennie C. Billings309 Clem A. Waterman511 Mrs. Rosalia Stumpf311 Mrs. M. J. ColeWEST FOURTH STREET.315 Mrs. Augusta S. BergmannRight and North Side.325 Erie R. R. Yard office8-12 Y. W. C. A.325 Jamestown Hollow Cement Stone Co.,16 English Lutheran churchInc.20 Rev. G. W. CritchlowERIE TRACKS INTERSECTCHERRY ST. INTERSECTS443 Salvatore Agato102-10 Swanson Bros.449 Frank Daniels116 H. O. Cowing451 Smith Pollard118 Runi Rebat453 Edith PollardWASHINGTON ST. INTERSECTS WEST SECOND STREET.202 Marsh Plumbing Co.Right and North Side.202 Marsh Bros.National <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Co. Bank202 George H. Monroe2 Ziba L. Squier208 Simon S. Little12 Journal Printing Co.210 J. Victor Johnson14 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Electric Co.210 Lillian M. SmithFarlin & Swanson RestaurantLAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTSSamuel A. Carlson Co.306 Frank VoughtVart Land Co.310 New houseA. E. Sherman, Bindery316 J. Lloyd HalsallIS Ames Transfer Co.316 George HalsallCHERRY ST. INTERSECTSJEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTS 102 Jamestown Institute of HydrotherapyCLINTON ST. INTERSECTS114 Clarence J. Hancock514 Joseph Hockenberry114 L. B. Parker & Co.516 Martyn Bros116-120 Emery A. Sturdevant516 Ideal Furniture Co.WASHINGTON ST. INTERSECTS516 M. W. Ward202-210 Jamestown St. Ry. car barns516 Marius G. Martyn212 Dr. A. V. Grafstrom516 Elite Furniture Co.LAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTS518 Michael W. Ward308 Edward E. HolmesWEST NINTH STREET.310 Arthur W. Swan(Changed to Ninth.)310 E. J. O'NeilWEST OAK HILL AVENUE.314 Grant I. PerryFrom North Main northwest to city limits.404 Walter E. StraightJEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTSRight and North Side.406 Theodore PenfieldNo housesWEST 19-21 13-15 11-21 1-9 From 17 7 Second L. James Miss J. Edward P. Charles W. Taylor Mrs. O. Granger William Johnson Oak Mack-Hall Elbridge Allen SECOND I. A. 121 H. S. OAK G. Cafe Gilberds Bertha ward. Charlotte H. Farlin Taylor Left Strobel North Purdy Shaw & Square M. E. P. Neill C. & HILL Jones G. STREET.and Freeman Griffin Purdy Walsh Byford Co. Butler building Partridge Main flats J. South AVENUE. Persell west Side.to outlet- WEST From 601 507. 605 405 511 205 313 401 209 430 458 406 17 19 enue—Second Henri Mrs. JEFFERSON Charles Michael MONROE Martin WASHINGTON LAFAYETTE CLINTON William Albert Harry Hubert CHERRY Ira Joseph ERIE Dow Anna John A. Arthur Vincenzo SEVENTH 619 S. Williams Nettie Helen Bridget ParkA. Sanders Left J. Bjornson Ames A. TRACKS J. Frick E. Ipson O'Connell Adams H. North Burnett Beck Dertro Macbeth Murray Harrison ST. ward. V. and Wells M. KnappSlattery store Porter STREET. ST. Curtice INTERSECTSSouth ST. Gay Main houseINTERSECTSSide. west to Murray

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY605 Carl Haupin607 Charles A. Johnson611 Gust F. Stone015 Mrs. Sarah Ferrin615 Mrs. Mary Houser619 Douis J. JohnsonWEST SEVENTH STREET.Right and North Side.S James Emerson8 Mrs. Ellen Carter8 Hawley G. Staples12 Richard N. Wickfield14 Olof J. LindbladIS Wesley P. Treadway20 Charles W. Cleveland20 Leon L. Bristol20 Oliver C. Treadwa/20 Mark P. Potter20 Edward BurnsCLEVELAND PL. INTERSECTS22 Mrs. Eva D. Miller22 James E. Renner24 Robert P. Robertson24 Clark H. YoungCHERRY ST. INTERSECTS102 Mrs. Mary A. Tinker102 Calista A. Dreager108 Hans P. Hanson112 M. A. Lee114 Daniel W. Peck114 John J. MeehanWASHINGTON ST. INTERSECTS210 Harry K. Shelters214 John E. Crick214 Claude H. Crick216 Fred F. GreenLAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTS310 Alexander Johnson314 Matthew T. Smith316 Sherman L. WatsonJEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTS400 Edward J. Fahey402 Warren D. Dook404 Clyde M. Bradt410 Carl J. Miller416 Mrs. Susan CulliganCLINTON ST. INTERSECTS500 Van C. Eggleston500 John P. Beckstrom504 Rudolph Levander504 Mrs. Charles A. Johnson50S Ella O'Connell512 William H. TylerMONROE ST. INTERSECTS606 L. Walter Emory610 J. Herby & Sons618 Schuyler R. SmithWEST 309 413 419 From 211 405 409 509% 609 61S 620 624 401 Second WASHINGTON JEFFERSON Vacant Elof Francis J. CHERRY Prendergast LAFAYETTE CLINTON MURRAY FAIRMOUNT James Arthur Frank SS. MONROE Sidney John Mrs. Walter William No Edwin Swan Charles Allen SIXTH 517 Wright houses Peter Wicander Jennie P. Left North Stranburg Toscan A. S. Varmee M. J. Nelson H. C. Dunn Sixth STREET. Wheeler Thayer White PennockBenson AVE. ColeST. Weln.a' Wadsworth R. <strong>Library</strong> Main ST. AVE. Paul's wards.BeattySouth ST. west square INTERSECTSSide. R. to C. Hallock- churchS07 O. D. Wilcox807 Marcus WilcoxFAIRVIEW AVE. INTERSECTS203 Peter McKee905 Daniel J. Moynihan911 Lake J. McDonaldHALL AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesCATLIN AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesCOOK AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesLAKIN AVE. INTERSECTS1309 George MeyersSTEWART AVE. INTERSECTS1407 Horace NewgrenWEST SIXTH STREET.Right and North Side.6 Frank Merz10 Lewis F. Shedd10 Claude H. Schone10 Mrs. Alice Turner12 Mrs. Mary B. Gifford12 Melbourne C. Burns20 Mrs. Ed. C. Brown20 Helen SwiftCHERRY ST. INTERSECTSDow parkWASHINGTON ST. INTERSECTS204 Byron J. Rhodes210 Andrew F. WestromLAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTS308 Emerson H. Hotchkiss310 Vacant314 Michael MaharonJEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTS406 E. Bruno Bergholtz412 Patrick O'ConnellCLINTON ST. INTERSECTS502 Thomas O'ConnellMONROE ST. INTERSECTS608 John Solomanson608 Mrs. Harriet Adams610 William N. Hawkins612 Anthony T. CorriganFAIRMOUNT AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesHALL AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesCATLIN AVE. INTERSECTSNo housesCOOK AVE. INTERSECTS1208 Jacob S. Hollenbeck1210 Walter Woodin1210 Austin HarveyLAKIN AVE. INTERSECTSWEST TENTH STREET.WEST From 1-9 101-103 21-23 17 19 13 155 Second Jamestown John J. George W. Vacant Hall Dr. A. Geo. Arthur Chaut. H. Postal Wellman Theodore Sherman CHERRY C. E. Constas-Sanrord-Lambros New THIRD 223 J. E. B. R. L. M. D. W. block Frank ward. W. G. Left Weeks Furlow Smith North Wiley UnderwoodChanged Sherman Wellman Traction Hansen Telegraph E. F. H. Wicks White Bros.STREET. House N. ST. Goucher Hulbert and Hitchcock (5) St. building (6) Nelson (Room Main smoke (6) INTERSECTSRy. (5) South to & House (2-3) bar Barber & Union west Tenth.) waiting (Rooms 1) house Cable Side.shop TicketofficeHallock— Co. 1-3) room

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORYA. W. Weible (4-5)Albert E. Myers (6-7-8-9)International Correspondence School,(10-11-12)Smith Premier Typewriter Co.Wade & Stevenson (13-14-15)J. Samuel Fowler (16-17-18)Butts & Miller (19-20-21)Herbert L. Hunt (25-26)Vernon E. Peckham (30-32)Fisher & Fisher (40-42)Charles K. Haynes (31-32-33)A. L. D. Campbell (34-35-30)A. Frank Jenks (37-3S-39)103 D. F. Persell & Co.103 Dr. C. A. Hanvey103% Moll & Lindstrom105 Jones News Room107 Charles E. Maclease109 Jacob J. Stahley111 Thayers111 Nettie M. Thayer113 Japanese Art Store115 Peterson's Cafe115 Lee R. Morris117 August Peterson119 W. A. Knowlton119 Anna Kearney119 Ella O. Johnson119 Laurin B. Clark119-1211. O. O. F. Hall121 Georgs F. LodsAlpha Zeta Fraternity (Room 49)N. J. Safford201-203 Lillibridge block201 George J. WelshoferGeorge Lillibridge203 John T. Matson205 Puritan Lunch Rooms207 Vacant209 Mrs. S. E. Melin211 Mrs. J. V. Johnson213 Frank B. Turner Cleaning Co.215 Will FairbankROSE ALLEY INTERSECTS217 VacantMrs. Jeanette Lowers219 William S. Newton & Co.Mrs. J. A. Burnett219 James N. HunsickerL. G. Cowing223 The Woodburn223 Charles J. Arnold223 Fred B. Cobham225 Emmett J. FrankLAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTS303 William M. Hoffer519 503 513 413-417The 419 305 411 307-315 309 311 315 405 409 313 Frank Thomas J. William John Henry CLINTON Mrs. JEFFERSON Asher Charles Lynn Gertrude DeOrsay F. Burt Chester Peter W. D. Hoyt Haupin M. A. May Charles Mary Christine Carrie Kinny Ferris H. J. M. Osmer Clark Friedman S. J. H. N. Smith E. G. A. Block M. Owen Griffith Pickard Crennell flats Hoyt GouldingWoods A. Smith ST. Bricker HutchinsonGraves Willing Brown Lowry WestermanMace A. Goodwin W. Marsh ST. Ungren Burr INTERSECTSMorgan525 Mrs. Robert F. Smith525 Mrs. E. C. Divingston529 Harland Kelley529 John Constas533 William L. Botsford539 Henry A. Doering545 Mrs. Clark R. Lockwood549 Gotleib Jehle551 William T. Denslow551 Louie A. DenslowWEST THIRD STREET.Right and North Side.2-6 Prendergast block2 Wm. M. Stamm4 Hans P. Hansen6 Oscar Stranburg's music house8-10 Union blockS The Hub8 John J. MaharonS Hub Billiard ParlorS Hub Bowling Alley10 Bijou Cream10 Chaut. Steamboat Co. Tocket Office10 J. D. Turner & Co.10 Farlin's BakeryRosamond MacVeigh12-20 Gokey building12-14 Saxe Bros. & Co.Chas. W. Jones, rm. 5N. T. Osbourne, rm. 4Denis Cornen rm. 4A. B. Fletcher, rm. 6B. H. Whatford, rm. 53-54D. D. Woodford, rm. 508I. O. O. F. Hall16-18 Edward E. DuffeeDr. B. W. Seymour, rm. 16Wm. A. Bradshaw, rm. 12Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. rms. 13-14R. M. Lee, rm. 15.A. C Pickard, rms, 19-20Allen E. Billings, rms. 21-22E. W. Clement, rms. 21-22W. H. Rich, rms. 21-22Dr. A. T. Livingston, rms. 39-42.20-22 Wright's Specialty shopPrudential Ins. Co., rms. 3-7Roy A. Cole, rms. 9-11S. C. Hall, rms. 9-11B. A. Munger, rms. 9-11Clark H. Young rm. 301Fred P. Todd, rm. 303John B. Shaw rm. 303W. H. Widrig, rm. 303George A. Jude, rm. 301Edward W. Scowden, rm. 12T. M. Loucks, rms. 222-223114-116-118 C. Peterson W. C. Howard Dr. Fred The Hills L. Jamestown CHERRY First Independence Shaver Curry Starr's New Chamber S. Caflisch Co., (entire F. E. C. S. J. C E. Wm. D. R. Amos Mercantile Furniture Production Johnson, Piano M. Smith Jamison Bentley (Red Presbyterian The Chadakoin & Sunderland, Waite, R. T. G. Art C. & Bros., W. 6th Spencer, Rich, & J. of Johnston, Drake, Hall, Roberts, F. ST., Perkins, Abrahamson-Bigelow Book) Shop, Business Frick store Pennock, Ailing, Typewriter floor) Commerce, A. Oil Blanchard, rms. Osteopath, rm. Law INTERSECTSCommercial Oil Keeler building & rms. and rm. 60 56church515 Gas rms. 306-308 Co., College, 510-512 rm. 406-408 music 500-502 503-504 513 505-507 506-50S Co., Co, 222-223 rms. 300-30Z rm. 300-302306-308 307rm. school 301-303 Agency 1-2522-524 303-304 Co.304 514 25

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY120 Benjamin Merz120 John W. Weeks122 M. J. Murray122 Ernest SwanWASHINGTON ST. INTERSECTS20S U. S. Post Office212 August Johnson214 Bert BentleyLAFAYETTE ST. INTERSECTS304 Mrs. Ella J. Stocker304 The <strong>Chautauqua</strong>316 Dr. F. A. KnappJEFFERSON ST. INTERSECTS412 Allen Sisson416 Mrs. Ellen H. RawsonCLINTON ST. INTERSECTS ,504 Mrs. Jennie F. Shedd512 Charles SamuelsMONROE ST. INTERSECTSBranch School No. 2FAIRMOUNT AVE. INTERSECTS552 A. Brooks Fletcher556 Charles JohnsonJamestown St. Ry. car barns andofficeWHITLEY AVENUE.From opposite 174 Fairmount avenuesouth—Sixth ward.Left and East Side.15 Eris Gron21 Glenn Ostrander23 Mechanics Laundry23 John Harris Co.25 Charles M. Johnson27 Charles Hudson27 G. W. Furlow27 Mrs. Ida Thompson29 Mrs. Frances CrockerWHITLEY AVENUE.Right and West Side.8 J. J. Sullivan12 Charles W. Peterson12 Vacant14 Charles F. Thorman14 William A. Paulson18 Theodore Lawson18 John J. Johnson22 Frederick M. Meyer24 Perry C. Maynard30 Frank H. Root Jr.32 F. RichterWHITLEY PLACE.From 171 Forest avenue east—Third ward.Left and North Side.No housesWHITLEY PLACE.Right and South Side.233 107 119 203 237 243 113 213 217 219 225 10% 103 121 From 14 Fourth BARROWS WESCOTT August John Abraham Oscar Bailey-Jones ALLEN Mrs. Victor Rosengren No Charles Joseph C. Lapienza Axel 62 A. houses WILLARDEmma Esther ward. Winsor Johanna Louise T. Sundgren Johnson Lundberg Left Carlson Peterson Hanson D. Galato N. GustafsonA. M. ST. Guiseppe Johnson Erickson Swanson and & ST. Sundberg Rosengren Beaustrom StrandbergDanielson Co. Johnson east Anderson North INTERSECTSlumber STREET. Jr. to Side. city shed. limits-243 Charles Jones245 John A. Crantz247 Peter J. Johnson247 Albert NelsonHEDGES AVE. INTERSECTS251 Charles Dawson269 John E. ParsonsJOHNSON ST. INTERSECTS275 Andrew Norlander277 Gust W. Dindholm281 Alfred Swanson2S5 August W. BergmanCHAPIN ST. INTERSECTS291 Swan August Swanson295 Charles G. Sundquist-301 Mrs. Ida H. Johnson303 Carl E. AndersonPETERSON ST. INTERSECTS309 Charles G. Frederickson313 Turn H. Crantz313 A. Fred Helgren315 J. W. Helgren317 Jacobson & Swanson317 G. Edward OlsonEAGLE ST. INTERSECTS323 Adolph A. Bonnevier323 August Anderson327 Albin Erickson327 Charles A. Peterson329 Andrew Olson329 Alexander SundbergVEGA ST. INTERSECTS335 Runo Gronquist337 John A. Dahlberg435 Andrew Benson453 Elias Anderson455 P. J. Johnson463 Joseph Hotchkinson469 Gustava C. Peterson469 Vacant475 A. J. Peterson493 Jacob L. Anderson493% Elmer C Anderson497 Samuel Dahlberg505 A. J. Anderson511 John Danielson547 Frank E. Carlson575 Mrs. Sophia D. Dindqulst .577 Charles A. Hendrickson581 Charles Weborg5S7 Albert WeborgCharles E. DanielsonMrs. Johanna EricksonWILLARD STREET.Right and South Side.4 W. W. Nowak4 Swanson & Chelstrom114 100 106 116 120 246 118 8-10 48 38 50 16 18 32 34 3S 14 TOWER KINNEY James August BARROWS Vacant J. A. ALLEN Theodore Anderson Branch C. Benson John G. Stanley Christensen Charles Leonard William Nelson Freda Mrs. Frank Andrew Sam Emil Farlin August A. Bardo J. Matilda Wagner A. Kofod & Dindblad GeorgeDay & E. L. Beck School A. Bardo Fredlund Lindstrom W. D. Berg Eckstrom AhlstromE. Kofod & ST. Nelson Bergren Engman Kayner Gardner Bros. ST. G. Lund Anderson ParsonsINTERSECTSNo. 3

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY264 Adolph Hultberg254 Charles E. Matson256 Nelson Anderson256 Edwin Lindstrom280 Fred C. Holmes288 Carl A. Jones256 Edwin Lindstrom280 Fred C. Holmes288 Carl A. Jones292 Mrs. Ida G. Quiding296 Mrs. Hedwig Johnson296 Alex Seastrom300 C. O. Wangstrom300 Ida Johnson302 Mrs. Adeline S. Bergman302 Robert Bergman304 Charles Anderson304 Charles Tordoff324 Mrs. Delia Lindquist324 Charles Peterson340 Jonas Peter JohnsonENSIGN ST. INTERSECTS524 John Almquist346 Mrs. Helen Erickson356 Henry Hulquist358-360 Hulquist & Benson362 John Lawson368 George H. Perle368 Peter N. Rasmusson372 Frank Gustafson378 John Olson378 Oscar Vallin378% John Anderson382 Mrs. Anna C. Nelson3S6 Arvid A. Peterson386 George Schwob3S8 Edward BensonPARDEE AVE. INTERSECTS40S Mrs. Lena Anderson418 Andrew A. Sundquist428 Fred Anderson434 Mrs. Anna L. Erickson43S A. Erickson & SonANDERSON ST. INTERSECTS412 Albert Lindquist448 Emil Peterson450 Carl StamSWAN ST. INTERSECTS462 Mrs. Sophie Peterson474 Charles E. Beckstrand476 Edwin EricksonBENSON ST. INTERSECTS482 John A. Daniejson48S John E. Helgren488% Charles F. Carlson496 Andrew O. Hedin504 518 521 574 •i24 105 113 117 119 From 111 115 121 ward.Frank Albert George VacantFred Hjalmar GLASGOWKuno C. A. Charles Edward Helge Gust Carl John Mrs. Andrew Hubert 93 L. William WILLIAMSCaesar Anna Johnson Fredrika O. Steele Wiborg Peterson Li-" Right C. BloodLeft Samuelson Almquist E. Shaver Forrest B. Anderson Ellison Grandin J. C. Lepp^ Swanson Olander Nelson C F. Gustafson Johnson Billquist •CarlsonAVE. south Peterson Engman Johnson East West STREET. INTERSECTS, to Side.- Baker—Sixth6 Fred F. Magill8 John B. Benson12 August Jones14 John Hey14 William H. Miller16 Peter A. BergMT. VERNON PL. INTERSECTS102 C. Emil Hultman104 Gust Peterson10S Joseph R. Johnson108 Andrew Simmergreii110 J. Albert Nohlberg112 Arthur Waite112 Charles W. Carlson114 John Carlson114 Enoch C. O. Lund116 Swan Sandberg116 Gunnar Carlson116%Thomas E. GreenwoodUS Ellen Hallengren120 Sven A. Turnberg120 Frederick TurnbergWILLIS STREET.From junction of English and Holmannorth to Kinney—Fourth ward.Right and East Side.4 Herman W. Londahl6 Hjalmar Engwall20 Charles A. AndersonWILLIS STREET.Left and West Side.No housesWILSON PLACE.From 1054 North Main east—First ward.Left and North Side.13 John P. Swanson15 Alfred Nelson15 Harry M. Smith25 C. Edward JohnsonPRENDERGAST AV. INTERSECTS115 Vacant117 Samuel J. Willets119 Vacant121 H. Meade Day127 Fred Jones131 John E. Swanson133 Elizabeth J. Hodgson133 Mrs. J. H. Wiggins137 Carl H. SwansonWILSON PLACE.Right and South Side.21 Vacant23 VacantPRENDERGAST AV. INTERSECTS114 Louis H. GreenlundUS Bert D. Amsdell122 126 136 3% From 14 16 30 17 34 IS 15 —Sixth avenue—Fifth, 57 O. Hans H. Arthur Frank Gustaf August Robert Charles John Mrs. Elmer 510 347 H. C. Left Right H. ward. A. Emma Harris Nelson Corina Dilly Hilda WINSOR Booman Forest WILTON Landis Allen A. Baxell Sutcliffe Anderson S. Crossley F. YoungH. C. Harmon CarlsonReedLandis Carey Starstrom Fourth Wicklund northwest M. avenue West South North Carlson STREET.AVENUE. Side. and west .Side.to First to Lakeview Colfax wards,

JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY19 Walter L. Carlson23 Henry H. Keller25 Rescue Engine Co.WATER ST. INTERSECTS33 Mrs. O. Rudolph33 Mrs. Anna Swanson37 Samuel Keefe49 Gustaf F. Johnson53 Carmen Juetzie53 Carlson & Helgran57 The People's Bottling Co.59 Bjork & Ekstrom61 Herbert H. HallHARRISON ST. INTERSECTS105 The Bailey-Jones Co.131 John T. WilsonCHANDLER ST. INTERSECTS201 Niccoli Rizzo201 Samuel Patti203 Frank Lombardo223 Ernest A. Stromdahl225 Henry A. Wilber227 John Varley227 Aleck W. LennaCRESCENT ST.. INTERSECTS301 Anderson & Johnson305 Samuel J. Zuckerman305 F. Van Namee305 Anderson-Johnson Cement Block Co.305 A. Frank Anderson307 Leonard C. Warren307 William G. Anderson307%Albin Rosenblad309 George A. RaceRANSOM ALLEY INTERSECTS311 William C. Heridon311 John Spence313 Thomas McMahon315 Christopher Duffy317 Carl M. PetersonE. SECOND ST. INTERSECTS405 Anson D. Herrick405 Mrs. Helen M. DeweyE. SIXTH ST. INTERSECTS. No housesE. SEVENTH ST. INTERSECTS435 Joseph Walkerman439 David E. Burch441 Joe V. Brooks441 Frank Holmes443 Fred C. Kofod489 Frank O. Carlson491 Samuel HatchFALCONER ST. INTERSECTS505 Albert L. Tambling507 Swan M. CrantzWINSOR Right 615 617 633 38-40 12-1 533 110-114 124 216 126 214 218 222 10 20 56 60 62 Victor CROSSMAN Walter Axel Charles PRICE NEWTON WILLARD CHANDLER Bruce Henry Lenna John SCOTT Doremus Silas Shaver Mrs. Lester Dr. Phillip E. Jamestown Morse and A. John STREET. Eva Anna E. Zilpha Maria Wess Jennie Blanchard A. F. CedarquistH. & C. Brundell E. East ST. A. Lindbloom Anderson W. J. SturdevantGrocery Malm Geer S. Hall Lerow AVE. Sundstrom B. Chair Smith Steers C. ST. INTERSECTSJeffords Benson Young Anderson Scott Lounge Side. ST. Geer& Co.INTERSECTSBro. Co. y226 Mrs. Fanny Hazeltine228 Aubrey D. Hiles300 Mrs. Emily Fairbank300 Mrs. Mary J. Johnson304 Forest Gornall304 Fred W. Johnson304 Richard M. Bottomley300 Erick A. Olson306 Erick BergE. SECOND ST. INTERSECTS408 N. J. Link408 Erwin M. Carman408 Mrs. Adelaide Kellogg410 Leslie Gilson410 Arthur L. Trantum410 Miss Helece Randall412 Frank B. BushBUSH ST. INTERSECTS414 Mrs. J. Stilson420 L. Edwin Branch42'. William H. Fletcher42S Mrs. Matilda Rundquist430 Theodore ShellbergORCHARD ST. INTERSECTS434 Swan A. Erickson438 Emil Nelson440 Leon CarlsonPEACH ST. INTERSECTS448 John A. Anderson448 Axel C. JohnsonFALCONER ST. INTERSECTS500 Richard Mahoney508 John MahoneyVAN BUREN ST. INTERSECTS520 E. Winfield Ross520 Lawrence H. Gibson526 William S. Stone530 Robert A. Peterson530 Roy Lindquist532 Oscar S. Peterson534 I. Alfred PetersonPRICE ST. INTERSECTS602 J. G. Elof Alden602 Charles Bloom612 Carl ThorenBLANCHARD ST. INTERSECTSNo housesEdward C. KnuppNEWTON AVE. INTERSECTSWOODLAWN AVENUE.From 1275 East Second north—Fifth ward.Right and East Side.Glenn C. ConroeJ. C. CaswellG. Burton WaiteWOODLAWN AVENUE.WOODWORTH YORK Right YOUNGLOVE From 23 2S 21 west 2 erly Fifth No Guy Don Edwin John Theabold A'ictor Alfred 342 Bowen junction STREET.houses Dearing ward.and Swart Right D. Left W. city Bowen Johnson V. D. Crocker LebergAVENUE. South PLACE. Barth avenue.)—Fifth Rulifson and Breed Cooklimits—Sixth .Hallock southwest east South North West Siae. to and Side.Thayer. to Hunt ward. Buffalo- road, (Form­

THE JOURNAL'S GENERAL<strong>1909</strong>-10DIRECTORYE. ROSENCRANTZ & COMPANYBuilders' HardwareAbbate, Rosario. (Lucia), lahorer, r. 44 Harrison.Abbott, Alice, widow William, cook, rm. 20 New Warner block, over 7North Main.Abbott, Glenn, towerman, r. over 120 Bast Third.Abbott, Pauline, widow Charles S., h. 123 East Fourtli.Abbott, Vesta O., stenographer, F. M. Curtis Co., bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.Abell, James E., r. over 103 East Second.Aber, Charles C, (Emma J.), insurance, 112 North Main, h. 77 South Main.Abersold, Godfrey R., (Emma R.), Cijy harness store, h. 106 Broadhead Ave.Abrahamson, A. Herman, (Ellen), lumberman, r. over 841% North Main.Abrahamson, Bernhard H. L., machine hand, r. 5 Maltby.Abrahamson-Bigelow Co. (The),R. W. Bigelow, Mgr.. dry goods, 114-118 W. 3d.Abrahamson, Charles H. L., office clerk, r. 5 Maltby.Abrahamson, Charlotte, widow Joseph, h. 50 Peterson.Abrahamson, Christine S., widow Charles F., h. 42 Barrows.Abrahamson, Freda, weaver, r. 50 Peterson.Abrahamson, Frits, painter, r. 50 Peterson.Abrahamson, Louise M., widow Alfred, h. 5 Maltby.Abrahamson, Oscar, polisher, r. 5 Maltby.Abrahamson, Norman O., metal worker, r. 5 Maltby.Abrams, James D., (Arietta),—Abrams & Wiltsie—h. 73 Fairmount Ave.Abrams, Mary E., student, r. 73 Fairmount Ave.Abrams & Wiltsie—J. D. Abrams and L. W. Wiltsie, insurance—rms. 1-2 Giffordbuilding, over 2 East Third.Abrosi, Francesca, laborer, bds. 539 Crescent.Abrosi, Paolo, laborer, bds. 539 Crescent.Ackroyd, Arthur, textile worker, bds. 417 East Fifth.Ackroyd, Asa, (Violet), cut stone contractor, h. over 85 Barker.Ackroyd, Frank, (Ruth), wool sorter, h. 417 East Fifth.Ackroyd, Harry S., r. 85 Barker.Ackroyd, Smith, (Emma), stone cutter, h. over 109 Falconer.Acme Worsted Mills—George B. Pitts, Pres.; P. B. Rosencrantz, Vice Pres.;C. N. Bargar, Sec'y-Treas.; J. W. Doubleday and L. M. Butman, BusinessMgrs.—textile goods, 49-59 Jones & Gifford Ave.Adair, James W., salesman Huntsville Lumber Co., bds. Humphrey house.Adams, Alice, widow Rinaldo, r. over 203 Hallock.Adams, Arthur, (Lennie), motorman J. S. Ry., h. 402 West Second.Adams, Carl J., (Hilda E.), cabinetmaker, h. 112 Falconer.Adams, Charles P., retired, h. 351 East Fifth.FORAdams, Charlotte W., widow Harry, r. 209 East Fifth.THE Best Red Cedar Shingles see LyonsAdams, F. M., Mrs., cook, r. 55 Allen Sq. Building.Adams, Harland E., (Emma), groceries, 216 Steele, h. 224 do.Adams, Adamson, Harriett, Lewis, Margaret, Orlando Aaron, (Luella O., widow machinist, student, (Nellie), C), William, r. lumber bds. barber, 2098 h. East Fairfield inspector, 608 123 Fifth. West Fairmount Ave.Sixth. 861 Ave., North h. Main. Carroll.

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Builders' HardwareJAMESTOWN DIRECTORYSAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.The very fashionable in ladies' and misses' Cloaks, Suits, Waists,Underskirtsand Furs at very attractive prices.Adamson, Ada, towel weaver, bds. 21 Highland Ave.Adamson, Charles G., (Louise), metalworker, h. 24 Sturges.Adamson, John, (Manghild), ironworker, h. under 14 Orchard.Adsit, Mary, laundress, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.Afterme, Thomas, tailor, rms. 231 South Main.Agatha, Sister M„ teacher, h. 205 West Fifth.Agato, Salvatore, (Mary), machine hand, h. 443 West Second.Agnes Association Home—Alma E. Rees, matron—6 Broadhead Ave.Agnew, Alice, chamber maid, r. 121 East Second.Agrilious, Delia, stenographer, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.Ahlberg, William, (Sophie), metalworker, h. over 207 Hazzard.Ahlberg, see Allberg.Ahlgren, Adolph, carpenter, bds. over 36 Union Ave.Ahlgren, Anna, h. 27 Stowe.Ahlgren, August H., (Augusta), woodworker, h. 114 King.Ahlgren, Charlotte, widow Andrew L., h. 48 Water.Ahlgren, Gust, (Olga), carpenter, h. over 36 Union Ave.Ahlgren, John, cabinetmaker, r. 48 Water.Ahlgren, Oscar, cabinetmaker, r. 48 Water.Ahlquist, John K., (Emma), baker, h. 12 Stowe.Ahlstedt, Fred, (Ellen), carpenter, h. over 7 Hedges Ave.Ahlstrand, Charles J., (Margaret), h. 88 Vega.Ahlstrand, Hulda A., r. 88 Vega.Ahlstrand, John, (Anna C), meat market, 1 Brooklyn Sq., h. 25% Park.Ahlstrand, Minnie H., r. 88 Vega.Ahlstrom, Arvid, (Lydia), piano regulator, h. 213 Barrows.Ahlstrom, Axel, (Ellen), metalworker, h. over 21 Chamber.Ahlstrom, Carl, (Julia), piano finisher, h. 12 Shaver.Ahlstrom, Charles A., (Ada E.), Ahlstrom Piano Co., h. 213 East Sixth.Ahlstrom, Claude K., (Frances A.), Ahlstrom Piano Co., h. 124 Van Buren.Ahlstrom, Edward M., (Metta F.), furniture packer, h. 189 Cole Ave.Ahlstrom, Elizabeth L., widow Marcus N., h. 34 Allen.Ahlstrom, Gust, engineer, bds. 36 Sampson.Ahlstrom, John, (Emma D.), Sec'y-Treas. Lyndon Worsted Mills, Falconer.h.33 Mechanic.Ahlstrom, John A., (Amanda D.), tailor, h. over 32 Willard.Ahlstrom, John W., metalworker, bds. 12 Shaver.Ahlstrom, Leonard J., (Anna L.), pianomaker, h. 10 Hedges Ave.Ahlstrom, M. Gladys, r. 34 Allen.Ahlstrom Piano Co.—mfrs. pianos, 112-114 East Second.Ahlstrom, Regna E. K., student, r. 213 East Sixth.Ahlstrom, Carl, (Mary), furniture rubber, h. 15 Columbia Ave.Ahrens, Abbie M., r. 15 East Fifth.Ahrens, George H., (Phoebe M.), oil producer, over 101 E. 2d h. 15 E. Fifth.Aiken, Carrie E., teacher, rms. Ill East Fifth.Aiken, Corrie J., teacher, rms. Ill East Fifth.Aiken, Elton, contracting carpenter, rms. The Osmer, 413 West Third.Aiken, Erastus, (Mary A.), farmer, h. 325 Hazzard.Aiken, Lillian, practical nurse, r. 327 East Second.Aiken, see Akin.Gage Ainge, Ainge, Harold Jessie Maude, Edith Gilbert PercyClifford Furniture M., T., L., D., bookkeeper,D., bds. commercial draughtsman, collector, 15 Co. East bds.J.traveler, HousefurnishersFourth.C.bds. 15&EastL.15 bds.E.East Fourth.Ry.,15 15, Fourth. Eastbds. 15Fourth.E. Fourth.

The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. The A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 3tf/LL$ffANjf)rO/(£ENTIRE 6th FLOORCHADAKOIN BUILDINGAinge, William E., (Susan) public accountant and auditor, h. 15 East Fourth.Ainge, Winnifred E., stenographer, bds. 15 East Fourth.Akeley, Mary A., widow James F., r. 872 East Second.Akin, Alva F., (Lottie B.), groceries, 342 Foote Ave., h. 37 Hazzard.Akin, Frank H., (Mollie J.), oil well driller, h. 307 West Second.Akin, Hartley, (Mary B.), bookkeeper, Ross Lumber Co., h. 16 Institute.Akin, Romain V., (May), oil producer, h. 404 East Fourth.Akin, Ross B., clerk, bds. 37 Hazzard.Akin, see Aiken.Akins, Andrew C, (Adelle), h. over 5 Metallic Ave.Akstrom, Axel J., toolmaker, bds. 35 Eleventh.Akstrom, Edward C, draughtsman, bds. 35 Eleventh.Akstrom, Eva L., textileworker, bds. 35 Eleventh.Akstrom, Frank S., (Caroline), mechanic, h. 35 Eleventh.Akstrom, George, textileworker, bds. 35 Eleventh.Akstrom, Gust M., toolmaker, bds. 35 Eleventh.Akstrom, Hilda M., dressmaker, bds. 35 Eleventh.Alai, George, weaver, bds. 15 Harrison.Albanian Society, rm. 91 Allen Sq. Building.Albarnis, Sam., (Josephine), textileworker, h. over 33 Scott.Albertson, Albert, (Freda), metalworker, h. over 16 Union Ave.Albrecht, John G., (Adelaide N.), confectionery and ice cream, 708 NorthMain, h. do.Albright, Frank, (Anna), engineer Erie R. R., h. over 37 Harrison.AIdeen,,Carl A., (Anna), pastor Swedish Baptist Church, h. 123 Chandler.Alden, Adelaide J., r. 40 Cross.Alden, Elof, (Manda), grocery, 131 Falconer, h. 602 Winsor.Alden, Gertrude, domestic, 36 Fairmount Ave.Alden, Glenn A.,. (Altie J.), commercial traveler, h. 509 North Main.Alden, Harriett J., widow Washington, r. 40 Gross.Alden, Harry W., (Eva L.), commercial traveler, h. 3 Terrace PI.Alden, Maurice B., clerk, r. 3 Terrace PI.Aldrich Art Co.—J. DeWitt Aldrich, art and china goods—302 North Main.Aldrich, J. DeWitt, (Helen S.), Aldrich Art Co., h. 623 Newland Ave.Alexander, Blanche L., Mrs., rms. 205 Lafayette.Alexander, Florence, stenographer, r. 210 Lincoln.Alexander, Mary, waitress, r. 7 Harrison.Alexander, Robert, (Clara), junk dealer, h. rear 610 North Main.Alexis, Anna, domestic, Fairmount, hey. limits.Alexis, Sister M., r. 205 West Fifth.Allberg, Carl, errand boy, bds. 26 Newton Ave.Allberg, see Ahlberg.Allen, Augustus F., Member Assembly First <strong>Chautauqua</strong> District, rms. over14 East Third.Allen, Charles N., (Mary E.), retired, h. 31 Fairmount Ave.Allen, Clinton S., (Emma), bds. 21 Eleventh.Allen, D. Clark, college student, h. 31 Fairmount Ave.Allen, Edward L., (Martha VanDevyer), editor Morning Post, h. 919 N. Main.Allen, Ephriam D., (Ella E.), agent Union Pacific Tea Co., h. 108 BroadheadAve.Allen, Eugene R., (Lida), Gen. Agt. Erie R. R., 102 N. Main, h. 31 Fairmount.For Allen, Ave. PAINTS George John Lawrence Harland, Herbert Isidore Hulda, Victor, and textile L., C, D., associate OILS PL, porter, caterer, student, (Anna), (Ellen), worker, see New editor h. Northrop bds. woodflnisher, 163 bds. furniture Commercial 108 Morning S. under Broadhead Main. Paint packer, 549 Post, h. Hotel, & Allen. under Glass Ave. h. rms. 549 r. Company over Allen. do.22 Forest Ave.

Clark Hardware Co., Hardware & Mill SuppliesJAMESTOWN DIRECTORYThe Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. F. S. TREADWAY,OF NEWARK, N.J. ORGANIZED 1845 DiSt. Agt.,B()th PhoneSAllen, Otto, (Emma), machine hand, h. 80 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Allen Park Meat Market—Oscar Lindblom, Prop.—423 Foote Ave.Allen, Sarah E., widow Charles, r. 169 South Main.Allen Square Building, Nos. 101-121 North Main.Allen Square Company—F. E. Gifford, Pres.—101-121 North Main.Allen Square Hotel—H. R. and E. P. Mattern, Prop.—14-22 West First.Allen, T. Ernest, (Charlotte), bds. 116 East Fourth.Alliance Furniture Co.—Gustaf A. Lund, Pres.; August Sandberg, Vice Pres.;A. E. Eckberg, Sec'y .-Treas.; Edward Bergquist, Supt.—dining room furniture,609-615 Allen.Ailing, Howard W., (Clara L.), Mgr. Caflish Bros., h. Fairmount Ave. bey.limits.Allis, Eva, stenographer, rms. 9 Sherman.Allison, Allida, dressmaker, r. 200 Chandler.Allison, Anna, clerk, r. 200 Chandler.Allison, Annie, weaver, bds. over 121 Hall Ave.Allison, Ernest F., varnisher, r. 200 Chandler.Allison, Fred, (Ella), loomfixer, h. 65 Center.Allison, Hulda, domestic, 14 Lakeview Ave.Allison, Jean, widow Fred, h. over 120 Hall Ave.Allison, Johanna, widow Lars, h. 200 Chandler.Allison, Justina, r. 65 Center.Allison, Nancy, textile worker, r. 200 Chandler.Allison, Raymond, textile worker, bds. over 120 Hall Ave.Allison, Signa, laundry worker, r. 200 Chandler.Aim, John, (Hilma), plasterer, h. over 1117 Newland Ave.Aim, Oscar, (Hilda M.), carpenter, h. 1117 Newland Ave.Almeer, Elof G. (Anna C), metal worker, h. 79 Vega.Almendinger, Charles, teamster, bds. 219 Stowe.Almgren, Carl S., (Anna S.), cabinetmaker, h. 40 Union Ave.Almquist, Arnold, (Helen), furniture cutter, h. 126 Park.Almquist, John, (Johanna), farmer, h. 524 Willard.Almquist, John A., finisher, r. 524 Willard.Almy, Floyd P., (Elma B.), commercial traveler, h. 205 Lakeview Ave.Almy, J. Ebenezer, (Martha R.), dentist, 2 East Fourth, h. 520 West Fifth.Alpha Zeta Fraternity, rms. 49 Hayward block, over 121 West Third.Alsdorf, Daniel, (Mary A.), h. 954 Washington.Alsko, Mary A., widow John, h. 141 Chandler.Altice, Leah M., widow Samuel H., r. City Hotel, 120 East Second.Altice, William W„ (Ethel M.), prop. City Hotel, h. 116 Prospect.Alton, J. Charles, (Mary A.), postman, h. 119 Fulton.Alton, MaBelle F„ student, r. 119 Fulton.Alvord, Sarah M., widow Frederick, bds. S5 Fairmount Ave.American Aristotype Division, Eastman Kodak Co., 56 Prospect.American Carving Works—Adolf C. Schulze, Jacob Van Stee and RudolphSchulze—wood carvers, :',4 Taylor.American Express Co.—B. R. Hiller. Agent—103 North Main.American Metal Door Co., Inc.—C. A. Swanson, Pres.; Claus Anderson, VicePres.; Scott Baker, Sec'y-Treas.—hollow metal doors and windows, 316Cherry.American Society lor the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals—A Frank Jenks,Money BRADSHAW'S American, Ames, Ames-Burns Attorney—Hall Allen. Third. Kestler, talks.—We Abraham The—Saxe Co. Sec'y.; The,—M. S., have PIONEER block, (Eliza), G. Bros paid W. West C. Co.—ladies over Hosie, Ames INSURANCE Burns, Third. $500,000.00 Transfer Treas.—jobbers Pres.; suits, Co., H. coats AGENCYlosses R. h. and Wilbur, 126 of Bowen. grain furnishings, Vice and Pres.; mill 12 West feed, D. C.

Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. The A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 5PIANOS AND ORGANStflLL^AA/firOfiQSHEET MUSICAmes Transfer Co.—A. S. Ames and John Cozadd—draying, piano movingand storage—18 West Second.A S. AMES JOHN COZADDAMES TRANSFER COMPANYGENERAL DRAYING AND STORAGEPiano Moving and Hoisting, Pack- ) 0 . ... Office at^Household Goods for Shipment \ Specialties DRAYMEN^HEADQUARTERSAmes, Henry H., Vice Pres. Fenner Grape Juice Co. r. Westfield, N. Y.Amey, Nellie, domestic, 280 Steele.Amidon, Arthur A., (Hannah G.), lumberman, h. 38 Broadhead Ave.Amidon, Levi L., (Eva L.), lumber buyer, h. Ill Broadhead Ave.Amidon, Otto M., (Lucy B.), lumberman, h. 20 McKinley Ave.Amidon, Pearl M., bds. 38 Broadhead Ave.Amsdell, Bert D., (Ollie M.), photographer, over 309 N. Main, h. 118 Wilson PIAmsdell, Charles W., (Walda I.), chef, rm. 11 Gifford Bldg., over 4 East 3d.Anartas, Christ, filler,h. over 5 Taylor.Anchor Furniture Co.—Jonas E. Johnson and N. Oscar Johnson—pedestalsand tabourettes, 12-16 Holmes.Anderburg, Celia, widow Carl, h. 400 Hazeltine Ave.Anderburg, Celia, widow Andrew, h. 421 Hazeltine Ave.Anderburg, Evar, metal worker, r. 421 Hazeltine Ave.Anderburg, Gilbert L., wood worker, r. 400 Hazeltine Ave.Anderburg, Hjalmer H., metal worker, r. 400 Hazeltine Ave.Anderburg, Oscar, metal worker, r. 421 Hazeltine Ave.Anderburg, Rudolph, wood worker, r. 421 Hazeltine Ave.Anderson, Aaron G., (Augusta), foreman Art Metal, h. 30 Crown. 'Anderson, A. C. & C. A.—dry goods—212-214 North Main.Anderson, Adolph, finisher,bds. 251 Willard.Anderson, Adolph, retired, h. 25 College.Anderson, Adolph M., machinist and violinist, r. Fairmount Ave. bey. limits.Anderson, A. Elmer, grocery clerk, r. 22 Columbia Ave.Anderson, A. Frank, (Sophie),—Anderson-Johnson Cement Block Co.—h. 305Winsor.Anderson, Agnes M., mill hand, r. 330 Forest Ave.Anderson, A. John, (Christine), metal worker, h. over 17 Valley.Anderson, Albert, metal worker, bds. 215 McKinley Ave.Anderson, Albert, commercial traveler, r. 34 Buffalo.Anderson, Albert, screen door maker, bds. 36 Sampson.Anderson, Albert, (Hattie), hand sander, h. 548 Willard.Anderson, Albert A., barber, r. 35 Thayer.Anderson, Albert E., carpenter, r. 9 Cheney.Anderson, Albert E., (Winifred), h. 117 Allen.Anderson, Albin, (Annie), wood worker, h. 35 Delaware Ave.Anderson, Albin, (Josephine), night watchman, h. 235 Steele.WHY policy Anderson, ' Ave. ' insure holders, ' Alfred, Albin the Company more in B., A., wood machinist, (Bertha), machine grocery, (Gertrude the than (Alice), worker, paid New 22 hand, 937 wood million r. Pres. M.), East in York 702 bds. r. worker, death commercial & 435 Second, Foote 227 dollars. 516 109 Mgr. Life? Willard. losses Hazzard. Kidder. Foote h. Ave. Marvel h. 423 Because: traveler, 19 on Ave. Allen. Tew. Furn. the lives During h. Co., 1141 of h. Prendergast.the nearly 829 E. year 2nd. 8,0001908

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Roofing and Building Papers6 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYflmA.^mm-t-^mmArmm.m^ D«#xV.r IT'S GOOD FOR YOU ANDHiautauqua c r e w irs good for your family.Anderson, Alfred, metal worker, bds. 128 Water.Anderson, Algert, bottler, bds. 20 Willis.Anderson, Alice, drawer, bds. 1009 Newland Ave.Anderson, Alida J., r. 35 Anderson.Anderson, Alma, textile worker, r. 133 Camp.Anderson, Alma, weaver, r. over 323 Newland Ave.Anderson, Alma, weaver, r. 301 Willard.Anderson, Alma M.,—Jessop & Anderson—r. 868 East Second.Anderson, Alvin M., clerk h. 54 Chapin.Anderson, Amanda, dressmaker, rms. 216 East Third.Anderson, Amanda, widow- Charles G., novelty worker, h. over 33 Charles.Anderson, Amanda, textile worker, rms. 9 Sherman.Anderson, Amanda, domestic, 1 Fenton Place.Anderson, Amelia, Mrs., h. 203 Crescent.Anderson, Amelia L., weaver, r. over 103 East Second.Anderson, Anna, weaver, r. 14 Vega.Anderson, Anna, widow Otto, h. 200 Baker.Anderson, Anna, cloth mender, r. 38 Sampson.Anderson, Anna, domestic, r. 28 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Anderson, Anna, chamber maid, New Everett Hotel.Anderson, Anna, domestic, 120 Park.Anderson, Anna B., dressmaker, r. 35 Anderson.Anderson, Anna B., r. 119 Willard.Anderson, Anna C, r. 120 Park.Anderson, Anna C, widow Charles A., r. over 2 Winsor.Anderson, Anna J. E., clerk, r. 58 Bemus.Anderson, Anna L., h. over 245 Crescent.Anderson, Anna L., domestic, 303 West Third.Anderson, Anna M., domestic, 213 East Fourth.Anderson, Anna M., widow Swan, h. over 105 Hazzard.Anderson, Anna N., textile worker, r. 115 Linwood Ave.Anderson, Anna S., widow John, h. 35 Anderson.Anderson, Annie, textile worker, r. 203 Crescent.Anderson, Anders, (Freda), laborer, h. over 148 Sampson.Anderson, Anders, (Ida M.), stone mason, h. 415 Newland Ave.Andesson & Anderson—Andrew F. & K. Anderson—dry goods and groceries,120 Willard.Anderson, Andrew, (Christina), contractor and builder, h. 829 Newland Ave.Anderson, Andrew, (Olga), painter, h. 103 Ensign.Anderson, Andrew, metal worker, r. 133 Sampson.Anderson, Andrew, laborer, rms. 25 Steele.Anderson, Andrew, (Ellen), fireman,h. 35 Benson.Anderson, Andrew, (Elizabeth M.), retired, h. 11 Arnold.Anderson, Andrew, (Jennie), finisher,h. 227 Barrows.Anderson, Andrew, E., (Minnie), laborer, h. 13 Weeks.Anderson, Andrew F. —Anderson & Anderson—h. 530 Allen.Anderson, Andrew J., h. 505 Willard.Anderson, Andrew J., (Ida), wood worker, h. 203 Thayer.Anderson, Andrew O., (Anna), h. 322% Periodical Foote Audits, Ave. Financial Investigations, SafeguardW. Anderson, Ely Andrew Ainge P., Audit (Johanna Co. K.), <strong>System</strong>s, I textile Voucher worker, <strong>System</strong>s, h. over Factory 452 Chandler.Cost <strong>System</strong>s.Anderson, Andrew P., (Emma G.), machine "amestown, hand, N. Y., h. Bell 16467. Walnut. Youngstown, O. Bell 521-Anderson, Anderson, AndrewArlene, Annie, Amelia Anton, T., mill M., wood r. textile A.,T.,242 painter wood hand, stenographer,(Josephine McKinley worker, finisher, bds. and bds. 34 paperhanger, r.A.),Ave. Wilton r. 12 bds. over 126carpenter,Arnold. 26 44 Winsor. Ave. Ninth. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> rms.h.7462AllenFranklin.Ave. Sq. Bldg.

Always buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE LARGEST STOCK^//LL^AA^TO/^BETWEENPITTSBURG AND BUFFALOAnderson Arthur, bookkeeper, r. 138 Prospect.Anderson Arthur A., veneer worker, r. 401 English.Anderson Arthur W., bookkeeper and stenographer, r. 142 Broadhead Ave.Anderson Arvid, (Augusta), boat repairer, h. 504 Crescent.Anderson A. Sofia, r. 235 Barrows.Anderson August, (Emma), drayman, h. 120 King.Anderson August A., (Helen), finisher,h. 323 Willard.Anderson August, painter, bds. 12 Peach. »Anderson August, waiter, rms. 61 Franklin.Anderson August, (Caroline), finisher,h. 948 Washington.Anderson August, (Anna), metal worker, h. 10 Webster.Anderson, August, laborer, bds. 110 Barrows.Anderson August, (Josephine), metal worker, h. 45 Bush.Anderson, August A., (Ida A.), water rubber, h. 24 Scott.Anderson August C, (Anna), —A. C. & C. A. Anderson—h. 432 East Sixth.Anderson August H., (Anna), machinist, h. 110 Cheney.Anderson August L., (Christine), shoe clerk, h. 208 Prospect.Anderson August P., (Johanna L.), janitor, h. 16 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Anderson Augusta V., textile worker, r. 105 Hazzard.Anderson Augusta, housekeeper, r. 20 Linden Ave.Anderson Augusta, domestic, 30 Lakeview Ave.Anderson, Axel, (Hannah E.), metal worker, h. over 320 Bowen.Anderson, Axel, roven carrier, r. 31 Benedict.Anderson Axel, (Mattie), metal worker, h. over 32 Linden Ave.Anderson Axel, finisher,bds. 206 McKinley Ave.Anderson,Anderson Axel, E., tool (Edith maker, M.),—Anderson bds. 1 Briggs. & Sandburg—h. 221 Fulton.AndersonAnderson, Axel, H., (Lizzie), (Augusta), brick draughtsman,h. mason, h. 6 Maplewood 19 Kipp. Ave.Anderson,Anderson, Axel, O., (Selma),—Swanson (Eleine), metal worker, & Anderson—h. over 20 16 Union Tew. Ave.Anderson,Anderson, Axel Beda, A., weaver, metal r. worker, 118 Crown. bds. 30 Sampson.AndersonAnderson, Axel Bennie, C. machine wood worker, hand, h. r. under 63 Falconer. 33 Wescott.Anderson, Bennie, driver, r. Willard, hey. limits.Anderson, Benjamin, (Esther), grainer, h. over 109 Stowe.Anderson, Berger, finisher,bds. 853 East Second.Anderson, Berger, metal worker, bds. 649 East Sixth.Anderson, Berger, metal worker, bds. over 212 East Second.Anderson, Bertha, twister, r. 110 Newland Ave.Anderson, Bertha E., student, bds. 39 Falconer.Anderson, Bessie L., spooler, r. 428 Willard.Anderson, Betty, widow M. Peter, r. 318 Forest Ave.Anderson, B. Lorena, weaver, r. 16 Walnut.Anderson Bros.—Ed. S. Anderson and Harry L. Anderson—meat market, 16East Second.Anderson Bros.—Charles J. Anderson, Prop.—iron works and machine shop,5 Race.Anderson, C. Albert, (Bessie A.), machinist, h. 20 Walnut.Anderson, Carl, metal worker, bds. 37% Cross.Anderson, Carl, laborer, r. over 217 Ne"wland Ave.Anderson, Carl, veneer worker, bds. 251 Willard.Anderson, Carl, (Mary), wood worker, h. over 745 Foote Ave.Anderson, Carl, farmer, r. 58 East Cowden PI.Anderson, Carl, (Emma), stationary fireman, h. 607 Allen.Artistic Anderson, Carl, Picture metal worker, 107 Framing EAST bds. THIRD 6 at Hanley. Cawcroft STREET Company's

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and ToolsJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY<strong>Chautauqua</strong>B r e wWITHOUT A PEERIN THE WORLD OF BEERSAnderson, Carl, (Jennie W.), janitor, National Chaut. Co. Bank, H. 20 Union.Ave.Anderson, Carl A., (Carrie M.), Mgr. J. McCrorey Co., 207-209 North Main,h. 618 East Sixth.Anderson, Carl A., (Jennie M.),—Carlson, Anderson & Swan—h. 811 E. 2nd.Anderson, Carl D., steel case maker, r. over 103 East Second.Anderson, Carl E., machine hand, bds. over 45 South Main.Anderson, Carl E. (Hulda C), machine foreman, h. 303 Willard.Anderson, Carl P., A., carpenter, bds. 116 Cross.Anderson, Carl P-, (Christine L.),laborer, h. 1 Hebner.Carl G.,(Christina), machine hand, h. 31 Benedict.(Anna), machine hand, h. 649 East Sixth.AndersonAndersonAndersonAndersonAnderson,AndersonBroadhead Ave.AndersonAnderson Carrie, weaver, r. over 93 Steele.Carl Oscar, laborer, rms. over 263 South Main.Carl W., (Hulda,), bench sawyer, h. 20 Bush.Carl W., metal worker, bds. over 170 Baker.Caroline M., widow John E.—Samuelson & Anderson—h. 142AndersonCatherine, widow Swan P., r. over 610 Cherry.AndersonCecelia, mill hand, bds. 63 Steele.AndersonCecelia H., clerk, r. 138 Prospect.AndersonCelia, mill hand, r. 13 Wilton Ave.AndersonC. Emil, (Anna), wood finisher,h. over 21 Stowe.Anderson(Albertina), cement worker, h. 30 Wilton Ave.Anderson, Charles,Agnes C), machine hand, h. 304 Willard.Anderson Charles,(Augusta), laborer, h. 115 Wescott.Anderson Charles,(Hannah), machine hand, h. 217 Bowen.Anderson Charles,Charles, sander, r. over 920 Newland Ave.AndersonCharles, furniture trimmer, bds. over 300 Willard.Anderson(Anna), farmer, h. Willard, bey. limits..Anderson,(Anna), furniture trimmer, h. over 55 Benedict.Anderson Charles(Emma Y.), wood worker, h. over 235 Baker.Anderson Charles(Alma), teamster, h. 58 East Cowden Place.Anderson CharlesCharles, student, r. 12 Arnold.Anderson, CharlesCharles, (Jennie L.), carpenter, h. 20 Barker.Anderson CharlesCharles, metal worker, r. over 18 Colfax.Anderson English CharlesCharles, metal worker, r. 30 Wilton Ave.AndersonAnderson(Matilda S.), finisher,h. 20 Willis.AndersonA.—Anderson Bros.—rms. 50 Allen Sq. Bldg.AndersonCharles (Josephine), machine hand, h. 6 Peterson.Anderson, A., (Matilda), wood finisher,h. 20 Willis.AndersonCharles (Anna C.)—A. C. & C. A. Anderson—h. 38 Lakeview.A., (Phebe), engineer, h. over 28 Fairview Ave.AndersonAve. Charles (Hilda), finishing boss, h. 109 Wescott.Anderson Charles A.,metal (Hulda), worker, sheet r. metal 119 Wescott. worker, h. 330 Forest.Anderson, Charles C, A., (Signhild), (Augusta), coachman, groceries, 425 h. 99 Foote Liberty. Ave., h. over do.Anderson Charles A., E., (Alma), (Lena), stone metal mason, worker, h. h. 36 over <strong>Chautauqua</strong> 20 Institute. Ave.Anderson Charles A., E., machine (Minnie hand, A.), foreman h. 2 Morse metal Ave. screen makers, h. 11Anderson Charles E., (Henrietta C.)—Swetland & Anderson—h. 156 Forest.Anderson Charles G., (Hannah C), metal worker, h. 49 Thirteenth.Ave.Anderson,Life InsuranceConnecticut General Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn.,W. J. Bentley, Gen. Agt., 515 Chadakoin Bldg.

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods. The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYJ f / L L ^ ? A M f ) r O A £Anderson, Charles G., (Charlotte C), tailor, h. 120 Park.Anderson, Charles J., (Ida C), wood worker, h. 96 Highland Ave.Anderson, Charles J., (Lena), dyer, h. 133 Camp.Anderson, Charles J., (Louise), shoes. 103 East 2nd & 223 N. Main, h. 139Chandler.Anderson, Charles J., (Anna E.),—Anderson Bros.—h. 925 North Main.Anderson, Charles L., (Hannah C), casemaker, h. 13 Orchard Ave.Anderson, Charles M., (Johanna M.), tinner, h. 228 Forest Ave.Anderson, Charles M., sander, h. 69 Hedges Ave.Anderson, Charles O., (Josephine), clerk, h. 640 East Sixth.Anderson, Charles O., (Anna M.), boat builder, h. 868 East Second.Anderson, Charles O., (Celia), bartender, rm. 55 New Gifford Bldg.Anderson, Charles P. (Augusta)—Anderson & Wicander—h. 232 Sprague.Anderson, Charles R., (Ellen), electrician, h. 24 Maple.Anderson, Charles W., Milk peddler, h. 318 Forest Ave.Anderson, Charlotta, widow Elias, h. over 183 Barrows.Anderson, Charlotte C, h. over 245 Crescent.Anderson, Christian, (Marie C), cabinet maker, H. 412 Hazeltine Ave.Anderson, Christina, domestic, r. over 554% East Second.Anderson, Christine, widow Andrew, r. 11 English.Anderson, Christine, widow Carl, r. 55 Kinney.Anderson, Clara, clerk, r. 34 Buffalo.Anderson, Clara, widow John, domestic, h. over 70 Benedict.Anderson, Clarence, machine hand, r. over 70 Benedict.Anderson, Clarence A. (Grace), Business Mgr. Textile Machine Co., andsalesman factory supplies, rm. 55 Fenton Bldg., h. 109 Crescent.Anderson, Clarence E., meat cutter, r. Ill Sprague.Anderson, Claus, metal worker, r. 14 Vega.Anderson, Claus, (Inza L.), h. 68 Ellicott.Anderson, Claus A., (Hilda C), machine hand, h. 215 Bowen.Anderson, Claus F., (Tilda), cement work, h. 336 Palmer.Anderson, Clyde M., metal worker, bds. over 17 Valley.Anderson, Clyde N., metal worker, r. 336 Palmer.Anderson, Conrad, metal worker, r. 17 Orchard Ave.Anderson, Conrad, cement worker, r. 30 Wilton Ave.Anderson, Conrad R., motorman J. St. Ry., bds. 77 South Main.Anderson, C. Segfrid, teamster, r. 1 Hebner.Anderson, Daniel, machinist, bds. 163 Barrows.Anderson, David, carver, bds. over 100 Willard.Anderson, David, (Josephine), wood worker, h. 102 Linwood Ave.Anderson, David C, (Augusta), woodfinisher, h. 226 Hazzard.Anderson, David L., (Margaret R.), bookkeeper Jamestown Worsted Mills, h.EVERY I Anaerson, Anderson, HAVE Winsor. 127 Allen. DEALER THE Edward—E. Edward, Edwall, Edmund, Edith Edla, E. Earl A. R., STRICTLY domestic, & E., C., metal HAS C, (Florence Bro.—Emil (Vendala), (Elizabeth), laborer, stenographer, twister, (Selma A. THE worker, Anderson 309 r. E.), PURE C), furniture "BEST" A. East 37 119 metal conductor r. and Steele. furniture r. Wescott. & 114 Second. over Edward Bro.—h. T/\lll worker, painter, Bush. O 9 J. A trimmer, Cheney. St. Anderson—general HVFT" over h. Ry., 1 over 18 2 h. Winsor. Partridge. h. Talk 21 221 HARRY 252 Weeks. Fairmount il LYONS store, over Ave. 2 with

Clark Hardware Co. Farming Implements and Fencing10 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYThe very newest in Neckwear, Hosiery, Belts, Gloves, Underwear, Etc,, atprices that you cannot complain of.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Anderson Edward C), comber, bds. 382 Willard.Anderson Edward S.—Anderson Bros.—h. 17 Barrett.Edwin, office boy, r. 28 Swan.AndersonEdwin, clerk, r. 19 Tew.Anderson Ejner, laborer, bds. 206 McKinley Ave.Anderson, Elias, (Johanna M.), h. 453 Willard.Anderson, Elizabeth V., r. 35 Thayer.Anderson Ellen, r. 115 Wescott.Anderson Ellen, domestic, 207 Foote Ave.Anderson Ellen, domestic, 303 West Second.Anderson, Ellen C, twister, r. 304 Willard.Anderson, Elmeda J., stenographer, r. 11 Arnold.Anderson Elmer, (Bessie), veneer mill hand, h. 520 Foote Ave.Anderson Elmer, tool maker, r. 110 Cheney.Anderson, Elmer, (Minnie), carpenter, h. over 154 Baker.Anderson Elmer, (Jennie), shipping clerk, h. 711 Cherry.Anderson, Elmer C, warp dresser, r. 493 Willard.Anderson Elmer C, (Ida J.), warp dresser, h. 493% Willard.Anderson Elmer Sanford, (Mae), finisher,h. over 415 West Fourth.Anderson, Elof, (Hilma), laborer, h. Ill Sprague.Anderson Elof G— G. A. & E. G. Anderson—h. Willard, bey. limits.Anderson Emanuel, cabinet maker, bds. 16 Eagle.Anderson Emil, wood finisher,bds. 216 Crescent.Anderson Emil, (Ellen), milk dealer, h. 124 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Anderson Emil, laborer, h. over 581 Allen.Anderson Emil, (Selma), carpenter, h. 32 Eagle.Anderson Emil A.—E. A. Anderson & Bro.—h. over 2 Winsor.Anderson Emily, widow Andrew, h. 17 Orchard Ave.Anderson Emily, domestic, 518 Pine.Anderson Emily O., domestic, 503 East Second.Anderson Emma, weaver, bds. 5 Maple.Anderson Emma, r. 64 Benedict.Anderson, Emma A., widow August P., h. 26 Ninth.Anderson, Emma C, textile worker, r. 133 Camp.Anderson Emma C, Mrs., picker, h. over 214 Falconer.Anderson Emma G., widow Gust, h. 401 English.Anderson, Emery O., (Mary), teamster, h. over 16 Institute.Anderson Erick, (Elizabeth), machinist, h. 846 Lafayette.Anderson Eric A., (Anna), laborer, h. over 173 Baker.Anderson Eric H., clerk Granger & Co., r. 120 Park.Anderson Ernest, wood worker, bds.- 530 Allen.Anderson Ernest, wood worker, bds. 63 Steele.Anderson Ernest A., (Anna C.)—Stone & Anderson—r. 235 Baker.Anderson Ernest D., woodworker, r. 129 King.Anderson Ernest J., textile worker, r. 133 Camp.Anderson Ernest L., (Mabel E.), dye sinker, h. over 4 Terrace Place.Anderson Eskel, (Ida M.), veneer worker, h. 28 Swan.Anderson Esther, domestic, 110 Lakeview Ave.Anderson SANITAIREEsther, r. 277 Prospect.B E D S A T GAGE'SAnderson Esther, weaver, rms. 217 West Second.AndersonAnderson,Esther Ethel Eva, C, r. M., L., Ei, V., M., over r. cash 9 spooler, weaver, operator twister, Cheney. 14 girl, East Home r. 115 Third. 35 868 Ill Anderson.Wescott. East Tel. Stowe. Co., Second., r. 19 Tew.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.^ff/LL^AA^TO^JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 11ABSOLUTELY"ONE PRICE" SYSTEMAnderson, Eva E., widow John, r. 362 Foote Ave.Anderson, Eva S., widow Frederick A., h. 10 Winsor.Anderson, Fabian, (Annie), weaver, h. 274 Prospect.Anderson, Florence, domestic, over 421 East Second.Anderson, Florence, clerk, r. 114 Broadhead Ave.Anderson, Florence C, spinner, r. 119 Wescott.Anderson, Florence D., r. 114 Broadhead Ave.Anderson, Florence E. W., stock room clerk, r. 493 Willard.Anderson, Foreman A., (Josephine), machine hand, h. 811 Cherry.Anderson, Frank, (Marie), laborer, h. 110 Newland Ave.Anderson, Frank, (Ella), night watchman, h. 106 Cowing.Anderson, Frank, furniture rubber, bds. 858 Spring.Anderson, Frank, r. 120 Park.Anderson, Frank, (Augusta), tool sharpener, h. 745 Foote Ave.Anderson, Frank E., finisher,r. 401 English.Anderson, Frank G., (Ida S.), machine hand, h. over 9 Cheney.Anderson, Frank G., (Anna L.), cabinet maker, h. 42 Wescott.Anderson, Frank L., (Ida O.), contracting painter and finisher,under 39 So.Main, h. 114 Newland Ave.Anderson, Frank O., clerk, bds. 24 Tenth.Anderson, Frank O., (Emily), cabinet maker, h. 253 Crescent.Anderson, Frank O., (Hilda), machine hand, h. 105 Wescott.Anderson, Frank O., (Amelia S.), Pres. Empire Furniture Co., h. 164 Allen.Anderson, Fred, painter and decorator, rms. Y. M. C. A.Anderson, Fred, warp dresser, h. 428 Willard.Anderson, Fred, wood worker, bds. 36 Sampson.Anderson, Fred, (Augusta), aristo worker, h. 314 Forest Ave.Anderson, Fred, foreman Empire Worsted Mills, bds. 64 Water.Anderson, Fred C, (Elizabeth), wood worker, h. 619 Foote Ave.Anderson, Fred V., clerk, Bank of Jamestown, bds. 62 Eleventh.Anderson, Frederick, wood worker, r. 203 Crescent.Anderson, Frederick D., office clerk, r. 428 Willard.Anderson, Frederick H., h. 519 Spring.Anderson, Fritz, wood finisher, r. 194 Buffalo.Anderson, G. A. & E. G., grocers, 34 Willard.Anderson, Genevieve E. M., stenographer, r. 601 Newland Ave.Anderson, Genevieve, G. A., clerk, r. 428 Willard.Anderson, George, metal worker, bds. 30 Crown.Anderson, George A., stationary engineer, bds. 262 Broadhead Ave.Anderson, George H., (Sadie M.), clerk, Postoffice, h. 5 Garfield.Anderson, George S., (Bessie I.), foreman Chaut. Refrig. Co., h. 172 ChandlerAnderson, Gilbert, machine hand, r. 21 Weeks.Anderson, Grace, teacher, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.Anderson, Grace M., student, r. 221 Fulton.Anderson, Gunnar, job pressman, Journal, r. 30 Crown.Anderson, Gunnard, metal worker, "bds. over 205 Barrett.Anderson, Gunnard, carpenter, rms. 413 Cherry.Anderson, Gunnard, wood worker, bds. 80 Water.For Anderson, WINDOWS Gust, (Minnie), and DOORS cabinet maker, see Northrop h. over 192 Paint Falconer. & Glass Co.Anderson, Gust, wood worker, bds. 80 Water.Anderson, Gust, (Emma), farmer, h. 906 Forest Ave.Anderson, lumbia Gust, Ave. screen metal carpenter, (Alma), (Kejsa), (Anna), worker, door wood Prop. laborer, bds. maker, worker, bds. Stoney 102 h. 828% bds. Broadhead 14 h. Brook Vega. 36 over Cherry. Sampson. 332 Lodge Ave. Forest Belleview, Ave. r. 25 Co­

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Builders1 Hardware12 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYThe Mutual Benefit Life of Newark, N. J. . F. S. TREADWAY,PURELY MUTUAL. NO STOCKHOLDERS. DiSt. Agt., Both PllOIieS.Anderson, Gust, (Selma), butcher, h. 1013 Newland Ave.Anderson Gust, lumber handler, bds. 22 Jeffords.Anderson Gust A., (Myra), police seargent, h. 349 Falconer.Anderson Gust A., (Sophia E.), metal worker, h. 224 Sprague.Anderson Gust A., machine hand, bds. 640 East Sixth.Anderson Gust A., (Clara), sander, h. under 107 Wescott.Anderson Gust H., lunch counter clerk, rms. 61 Franklin.Anderson, Gust H., cabinetmaker, bds. 24 Tenth.Anderson Gust W., (Amanda), aristo worker, h. 114 Broadhead Ave.Anderson Gustaf, wood worker, bds. 122 Cross.Anderson Gustaf, (Hilda), wood worker, h. 34 Wilton Ave.Anderson, Gustaf, (Hade), laborer, h. over 5 Mt. Vernon Place.Anderson, Gustaf, (Mary), commercial traveler, h. 17 Center.Anderson Gustaf, waiter, bds. 406 Washington.Anderson Gustaf A., (Ida J.), wood worker, h. under 16 Maple.Anderson Gustaf A., (Vivian R.),—G. A. & E. G. Anderson—h. Willard bey.limits Hannah, h. 38 Peterson.Anderson Harriett A., stenographer, r. 62 Franklin.Anderson Harry L., (Mattie R.),—Anderson Bros.—h. 17 Barrett.Anderson, Harry V., wood worker, r. 205 Palmer.Anderson Henning, rms. Y. M. C. A.Anderson Henning L., mill hand, r. 13 Wilton Ave.Anderson Henry, finisher,r. 119 Wescott.Anderson Henry, (Hilma C), painter, h. 107 Barrett.Anderson Henry C, wood worker, r. 115 Wescott.Anderson Henry G., (Antonia), barber h. 112% Chandler.Anderson Henry O., meat market, 880 North Main, h. 854 Washington.Anderson Herbert, (Minnie), metal worker, h. over 635 Prendergast Ave.Anderson Herbert, metal worker, bds. 277 Prospect.Anderson Herman, (Tecla A.), machine hand, h. over 756 East Second.Anderson, Herman, weaver, r. 304 Willard.Anderson, Herman, (Anna S.), tailor, h. 11 Victoria Ave.Anderson Herman A., (Minnie H.), laborer, h. under 108 Tower.Anderson Herman G., (Rosa M.), wood worker, h. 18 Arnold.Anderson Hildora M., stenographer, r. over 9 Cheney.Anderson Hilma, Mrs., textile worker, h. 114 Bush.Anderson Hilma, textile worker, bds. 218 Thayer.Anderson Hilma, textile worker, r. 12 Arnold.Anderson Hilmar C, (Freeda), machine hand, h. 376 Stowe.Anderson Hjalmar, comber, r. 35 Anderson.Anderson Howard O., packer, bds. 382 Willard.Anderson Hulda, widow Gust, dressmaker, r. 103 Wescott.Anderson Hulda, mill hand, r. over 5 Mt. Vernon PI.Anderson Hulda C, r. 164 Allen.Anderson Ida, widow Malcom, h. 1 Briggs.Anderson, Ida, dressmaker, rms. over 790 East Second. •Anderson Fire, Life, J. Accident, A., machine Liability, hand, Boiler, bds. 47 Glass, Hedges Occupancy, Ave. Marine and everyAnderson Jacob L., other (Emma kind S.), of shoemaker, insurance furnished h. 493 Willard. byAnderson BRADSHAW'S James, bds. 52 Vega. PIONEER INSURANCE AGENCYAnderson James P., laborer, h. 14 Chapin.Anderson J. Anton, (Lillian), overlooker, h. 35 Benson.AndersonJ. Jennie, Christina, Emil, weaver, milliner, (Hilda), widow r. wood r. 17 Andrew, 13 Orchard finisher,h. Weeks. r. Ave. 238209 Crescent. Clyde Ave.

GLOVES, HOSIERY.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 13fl/LL^AM^TORg)* H© A. U. dllcirpC \_/0.WE HANDLE20 DIFFERENT MAKESAnderson, Jennie, domestic, 203 East Fourth.Anderson, Jennie, widow Gust, h. 39 Hazeltine Ave.Anderson, Jennie J., textile worker, r. 129 King.Anderson, Jessie, bookkeeper, r. 234 South Main.Anderson, Jessie, seamstress, r. 13 Weeks.Anderson, J. Gust, (Esther), warp dresser, h. 45 Vega.Anderson, Johanna, widow John, h. 854 Washington.Anderson, Johanna, widow August, h. 103 Willard.Anderson, John, furniture packer, bds. 22 Jeffords.Anderson, John, finisher,bds. 1106 East Second.Anderson, John, rms. Y. M. C. A.Anderson, John, finisher,bds. 251 Willard.Anderson, John, cloth finisher,h. 378% Willard.Anderson, John, (Matilda), metal worker, h. Ill Stowe.Anderson, John, laborer, bds. 6 South Main.Anderson, John, (Emma), textile worker, h. 6% Center.Anderson, John, laborer, h. 194 Buffalo.Anderson, John, (Mary), yard man, Bailey-Jones Co., h. 118 Crown.Anderson, John, carpenter, bds. over 187 Barrett.Anderson, John, (Freda C), mattress maker, h. over 230 Broadhead Ave.Anderson, John, laborer, bds. 131 Hall Ave.Anderson, John, (Augusta), wood worker, h. 53 Thirteenth.Anderson, John, laborer, bds. 163 Barrows.Anderson, John A., (Anna K.),—Stone & Anderson—h. 14 Colfax.Anderson, John A., (Hulga), foreman Himebaugh Bros., h. 33 Thirteenth.Anderson, John A., (Anna), wood worker, h. 13 Wilton Ave.Anderson, John A., (Ada C), machinist, h. 65 Hazzard.Anderson, John A., (Jennie), machine hand, h. 8 East Newland Ave.Anderson, John A., wool sorter, r. 35 Anderson.Anderson, John A., laborer, r. 194 Buffalo.Anderson, John A., (Amanda), carpenter, h. 58 Bemus.Anderson, John A., (Amanda A.), upholsterer, h. 20 Charles.Anderson, John A., (Emma), metal worker, h. over 14 Ninth.Anderson, John A., (Emma C), clerk, Abrahamson-Bigelow Co., h. 62 11th.Anderson, John A., (Amanda), metal worker, h. 42 Park.Anderson, John A., (Amanda A.), upholsterer, h. 20 Charles.Anderson, John A., (Johanna G.), wood worker, h. 126 Winsor.Anderson, John A., (Minnie,), painter, h. 448 Winsor.Anderson, John A., (Christine), h. 32 Swan.Anderson, John A., (Emma), cotton mill worker, h. 211 Crescent.Anderson, John B., (Mary E.), wood worker, h. 12 Arnold.Anderson, John E., (Ida B.), stationary engineer, h. 415 Newland Ave.Anderson, John G., (Charlotte), plasterer, h. 119 Wescott.Anderson, John G., casemaker, bds. over 170 Baker.Anderson, John H., (Amelia), caretaker, h. 406 Fairmount Ave.Anderson, John L., (Lena), metal worker, h. over 170 Baker.Anderson,W H Y insureJohn M.,in the(LizzieNewL.),YorktransientLife?andBecause:boardingDuringstables,the63yearTaylor,1908" "h.I65 do.the Company paid to its living policyholders, in maturing policiesand Anderson, other cash John benefits, M., (Ida over M.), $27,000,000.Level Furniture Co., h. 54 Chapin.Anderson, John N., combing boss, r. 32 Swan.Anderson,Anderson, Anderson-Johnson son—mfrs. John cement V., P., S.,O.,Cementbricklayer,(Emma), (Ulla), (Ellen (Sophia), blocks, Block S.), cabinetmaker, wholesale carpenter, woodbds.305 Co.—A.22worker, Winsor.Eagle.lumber, h. Frank h. 38 over h. Sampson. 205 Anderson 708 22 Palmer. E. Jeffords. 2d., and h. over August 614 John­do.

Clark Hardware Co., Hardware & Mill Supplies14 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew — always pure and deliciousAnderson, John W., moulder, bds. 208 Palmer.Anderson, John W., metal worker, r. 530 Allen.Anderson, John W., (Sophia), machinist, h. 132 Prospect.Anderson, John W., metal worker, bds. 121 Baker.Anderson, Jonas P., (Eliza R.), h. 171 Baker.Anderson, Jonas W., (Christine), h. 235 Barrows.Anderson, Joseph, (Mary), laborer, h. 15 Linwood Ave.Anderson, Josephine, laundress, bds. 310 East Sixth.Anderson, Josephine, domestic, 203 East Fourth.Anderson, Judith E., weaver, r. 6 Peterson.Anderson, Julia M., r. 88 Barker.Anderson, Julia W., dressmaker, r. 829 Newland Ave.Anderson, Julius A., (Corinthe), warp dresser, h. over 18 Linwood Ave.Anderson, Kuno, (Florence)—Anderson & Anderson—h. 524 Willard.Anderson, Lars, retired, r. 107 Lincoln.Anderson, Lars P., (Louisa F.), machine hand, h. 24 Tenth.Anderson, Lawrence, clerk, bds. 105 Park.Anderson, Lawrence A., clerk, r. 16 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Anderson, L. August, (Josephine), textile worker, h. 122 Hazzard.Anderson, Lena, widow Andrew, h. 408 Willard.Anderson, Lena, r. 15 Linwood Ave.Anderson, Leonard, machinist, r. 235 Barrows.Anderson, Leonard E., (Anna), painter, r. 69 Hedges Ave.Anderson, Lewis, (Emily), cement contractor, h. over 206 East Second.Anderson, Lillian, r. 408 Willard.Anderson, Lillian V., bookkeeper, r. 58 Bemus.Anderson, Linas, finisher,bds. 547 East Second.Anderson, Lorinda C, domestic, bds. 24 Tenth.Anderson, Louis, bartender, rms. Ill Mechanic.Anderson, Louis A., laborer, r. Ill Sprague.Anderson, Louise, clerk, r. over 2 Winsor.Anderson, Louise, dressmaker, over 219 Spring, h. do.Anderson, Louise, widow Gustaf, h. 38 Peterson.Anderson, Louise, widow Andrew, r. r. 25 College.Anderson, Louise, textile worker, r. 34 Buffalo.Anderson, Luther, (Hannah), steel presser, h. under 108 Tower.Anderson, Mabel, r. 139 Chandler.Anderson, Magnus, (Sophia), metal worker, h. 37 Steele.Anderson, Magnus, (Anna C.) wood worker, h. 84 Highland Ave.Anderson, Malcolm, teamster, r. 1 Hebner.Anderson, Marcus T., student, r. 13 Weeks.Anderson, Margaret, clerk, r. Willard, bey. limits.Anderson, Marie, textile worker, bds. 640 East Sixth.Anderson, Marie, spinner, r. 110 Newland Ave.Anderson, Marie L., widow'Hannis, r. 133 Sampson.Anderson, Marie S., domestic, bds. 24 Tenth.Anderson, Marion, (Edna), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 26 Catlin Ave.Anderson, WUlu A Martina, 1T1 fid illllit domestic, Cl\ 15 Jamcstown. Mechanic. N. Y., Bell phone 467s Youngstown, 0., BellAnderson, • Eilj AlllgB Martin AUUll C, metal l/Ui worker, phone 522. r. 109 Send Wescott. for our booklet "<strong>System</strong> in BusinessMeans Success"Anderson, Martin S., bottler, bds. 20 Willis.Anderson, Anderson, Mary,Mary, Matilda, nurse,widowMrs., widow h. textile r. 218 925 textile rms.Gust,North Thayer. Carl, worker, 252h.worker, h. Fulton.242Main. 6 r. Hanley.McKinley12 h. Arnold. over 20Ave.Walnut.

The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 15ONE OF THE FINESTfl/Li&ftAMFyro/^IN THIS COUNTRYAnderson, Matilda J., r. 11 Arnold.Anderson, Melvin C, upholsterer, r. 35 Anderson.Anderson, Mertie, maid Sherman House, r. do.Anderson, Mertie O., chambermaid, r. 119 Wescott.Anderson, Mina, r. 25 College.Anderson, Minnie, widow Charles J., h. 262 Prospect.Anderson, Minnie, laundress, rms. 810 Jefferson.Anderson, Minnie E., textile worker, r. 253 Crescent.Anderson, M. Minnie, paper box maker, r. 28 Swan.Anderson, Morris S., (Signa), sheet metal worker, h. 52 Vega.Anderson, Myrtie M., student, bds. 144 Broadhead Ave.Anderson, N. Alfred, (Selma A.), The Anderson, h. 108 Cross.Anderson, Nathaniel, conductor J. St. Ry., r. 314 Forest Ave.Anderson, Nels, (Anna), aristoworker, h. 275 Prospect.Anderson, Nels C, (Anna), wood worker, h. 427 Hazeltine Ave.Anderson, Nels P., (Carrie L.), retired, h. 42 Barrows. •Anderson, Nelson, (Ellen T.), farmer, h. 256 Willard.Anderson, Nicholas A., carpenter, h. 9 Cheney.Anderson, Nils, (Minnie), metal worker, h. over 18 Crown.Anderson, Noah, (Amanda), mill hand, h. 1037 North Main.Anderson, Olga, mill hand, r. 37 Steele.Anderson, Oliver C, barber, r. 6 Peterson.Anderson, Ollie G., iron worker, r. 15 Linwood Ave.Anderson, Olof, (Ingrie), teamster, h. 702 Foote Ave.Anderson, Oscar, driver, r. 203 Crescent..Anderson, Oscar, (Minnie L.), machine hand, h. over 103 East Second.Anderson, Oscar, blacksmith, bds. 15 Barrows.Anderson, Oscar, metal worker, r. 200 Baker.Anderson, Oscar, metal worker, bds. 117 Catlin Ave.Anderson, Oscar, night watchman, bds. 319 Allen.Anderson, Oscar, carpenter, bds. 25 College.Anderson, Oscar A., (Antonia), commercial traveler, h. 325 Foote Ave. ,Anderson, Oscar A., miller, bds. over 48 Steele.Anderson, Oscar B., (Manda), casemaker, h. 105 Crossman.Anderson, Oscar C, (Emma C), teamster, h. Ill King.Anderson, Oscar E., (Clara P.), wood worker, h. 268 Broadhead Ave.Anderson, Oscar E., wheel assembler, r. 110 Cheney.Anderson, Oscar E., Superior Furniture Co., r. 2 Morse Ave.Anderson, Oscar T. (Amanda), metal worker, h. 20 Sturges.Anderson, Otto, metal worker, r. 200 Baker.Anderson, Otto, (Clara), wood turner, h. 39 Myrtle.Anderson, Otto, metal worker, bds. 649 East Sixth.Anderson, Otto, r. 203 Hazzard.Anderson, Paul, r. over 323 Newland Ave.Anderson, Pearl M., picker, r. 1037 North Main. ,Anderson, Peter, laborer, r. 64 Benedict.Anderson, Peter, machine hand, h. 223 Steele.nU«n|A» Anderson, Peter C J„ IUn/,Lnnn (Anna), stationary DECORATOR, engineer, 107 h. W. 129 Third King. Street, Jart Jamestown, N. Y.Anderson, thanes Raymond b. Maclease. C, conductor, J. St. Ry., Beii^b bds. 26 Catlin Home Ave. 91kAnderson, Reno L., clerk Erie R. R., r. 2 Morse Ave.Anderson, Main.Robert Richard, L., E., H., wood L., laborer, (Clara (Mary), fireman, worker, r. L.),—Danielson finisher,h. 194 r. 126 203 Buffalo. Winsor. Crescent. 263 & Prospect. Anderson—h. over 263 So.

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools16 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY<strong>Chautauqua</strong>Brewpossesses all the attributes of purity and flavorthat are necessary for a perfect beer.Anderson, Roy D., (Judith A.), foreman Dahlstrom Metal Door Co., h. over107 Maple.Anderson, Rudolph C, stationary engineer, r. 129 King.Anderson, Rupert, farmer, r. 58 East Cowden Place.Anderson, Ruth E., domestic, 401 East Sixth.Anderson, Ruth L., r. 428 Willard.Anderson & Sandburg—Axel E. Anderson and Charles A. Sandburg—shoes,108 North Main.Anderson, Sarah E. W., r. 126 Winsor.Anderson, Sebert L., clerk, r. Ill King.Anderson, Segfrid, woodworker, bds. 227 Hazzard.Anderson, Segfrid J., metal worker, bds. 99 Tower.Anderson, Selma, domestic, r. over 37 Sampson.Anderson, Selma, spinner, bds. 149 Jones & Gifford Ave.Anderson, Seraphia, weaver, r. over 37 Sampson.Anderson, Seth, (Ida), weaver, h. over 225 Barrows.Anderson, Signa E., weaver, r. 868 East Second.Anderson, Signa J., mill hand, r. 110 Cheney.Anderson, Sexton, stenographer, rms. 413 Cherry.Anderson, Sven E., wood finisher, r. 15 Linwood Ave.Anderson, Swan E., (Ida C), jewelry, 10 E. 2nd., h. 138 Prospect.Anderson, Swan J., (Minnie), tailor, h. 88 Barker.Anderson, Swante, (Hannah C), janitor Warner Block, h. 24 do.Anderson, The—N. Alfred Anderson, Prop.—saloon, 11 East Second.Anderson, Thea J., r. 829 Newland Ave.Anderson, Tilda C, r. 7 Ahrens Ave.Anderson, Vernie F. C, (Minnie E.), foreman Jamestown Panel & VeneerCo., h. 11 Maltby.Anderson, Victor, (Hannah), clerk, h. over 322% Foote Ave.Anderson, Victor, (Anna), band sawyer, h. over 13 Charles.Anderson, Victor E., painter, r. 15 Linwood Ave.Anderson, Victor M., plater, r. 118 Crown.Anderson, Victor S., wood worker, r. 17 Orchard^ Ave.Anderson, Virginia, textile worker, r. 504 Crescent.Anderson,Anderson,Walter,WilliamsheetGmetal worker, r. 330 Forest Ave.Anderson,Anderson,Walter,William H.,mill hand, r. 30 Wilton Ave.Anderson,Anderson,Werne,William(SignaJ.,M.), wood worker, h. under 105 Francis.AndersonValley.& Wicander—Charles P. Anderson and Elof Wicander—Mfrs andAnderson,dealersWinnie,in cigars,weaver,tobaccor.and203 Crescent.pool rooms, 8 South Main.Anderson,Andrean, CarlWilliam—NewG., machineProductionhand, bds.Oil784Co.—bds.-East Second.over 83 Allen.Anderson,Andrews, AlvinWilliamI., (EstherE., coalM.),miner,carpenter,bds. 8 Water.h. over 514 Newland Ave.Anderson,Andrews, August,William(Anna),E., bookkeeper,tailor, h.r.over614145%East Second.Allen.Andrews, Eris, (Maude),(Edith)cattleconductordealer, h. 411J. St.Lafayette.Ry., h. 307 Winsor.Andrews, Mabel, stenographer,(Anna H.),bds.J. Furniture208 Allen.Co., h. 207 Chandler.Andruss, Ebba D., school(Anna),teacher,foremanbds. 211EmpireBroadheadVotingAve.Machine Co., h. 17Andruss, George D., (Corrie A.)—Fenton & Andruss—h. 706 Foote AveAndruss, William E., (Myrtle), clerk, h. 872 East Second.Angelo, Charles, (Sarah), metal worker, h. under 222 East First.Anglo-American I ;|» I _,„.,». Brass «,»„/» Band, Connecticut quarters General for practice, Life Ins. 280 Co., Harrison. Hartford, Conn.,Angostino, LUC inSUranCe Antonio, (Maria W. R.), J. Bentley, laborer, Gen. h. over Agt., 298515 East Chadakoin Second. Bldg.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 17efl/LL^AAftf)rORQAngstenberger, Mary, widow Frederick, nurse, r. 1141 Prendergast Ave.Anker, Hans, (Petra), metal worker, h. 101 Colfax.Annblordo, Michael, (Iitana M.), laborer, h. over 5 Walnut.Annis, Hosi, packer, rms. 217 West Second.Aimis, Nellie, steamstress, bds. 845- Prendergast Ave.Antler, Nellie, Mrs.; dressmaker, h. 319 Jefferson.Apgar, Hullett S., (Jennie), farm produce, h. 156 Allen.Apgar, Louis S., (Elizabeth), Jamestown Iron Works Co., h. 156 Allen.Appleby, Alton H., (Lillian), telephone manager, h. Fairmount, bey. limits.Appleby, Frank H., (Caroline), lumber salesman, h. 214 Price.Appleby, George W., (Louana), Appleby Lumber Co., h. Watts Flats, N. Y.Appleby Lumber Co.,—George W. Appleby, Prop.; J. F. Davis, Mgr.—wholesalehardwood lumber, rm. 49 Fenton Bldg.Appleton, Alfred A., cashier J. C. & L. E. Ry., r. 322 Van Buren.Appleton, Leonora K., Mrs., nurse h. 322 Van Buren.Appleton, Paul E., (Lulu D.), bookkeeper Union Furn. Co., h. 322 Van BurenAppleton, Rhea I., bds. 322 Van Buren.Appleyard, Albert E., (Elizabeth S.), Asst. Cashier Farmers & MechanicsBank, h. 29 Foote Ave.Appleyard, Edward, (Louise), Supt. Broadhead Worsted Mills, h. 31 FooteAve.Appleyard, Ethel L., r. 31 Foote Ave.Appleyard, Francis J., (Bessie), Supt. Meadowbrook Mills, h. 5 Crane.Appleyard, Joseph, Supt. Broadhead Worsted Mills, h. 39 Center.Appleyard, Sarah, h. 39 Center.Appleyard, William E., student, r. 31 Foote Ave.Appleyard, Willie, (Mary H.), metal worker, h. pver 90 Barrett.Archer, Nelson G., (Lavinia), carpenter, h. 52 Liberty.Arend, Josephine, widow Nicholas, h. 46 Tenth.Arend, Martin N., (Grace), conductor, J. C. & L. E. Ry., h. 113 Stewart Ave.Argenziano, Giovanni, laborer, bds. 218 Steele.Arird, Erma B., stenographer, r. 559 East Second.Arird, James D., (Cora B.), wood worker, h. 559 East Second.Armitage, Charles F., (Bertha S.),—Chatfield & Armitage—h. 805 W. 5th.Armitage, Fred E., (Anna), jeweler, 306 Pine, h. 12 Hamilton.Armstrong, Clara,—Hazeltine & Armstrong—rms. 614 Spring.Armstrong, George T., (Elizabeth B.), attorney, rms 32-33 Fenton Bldg., h.36 Allen.Armstrong, Grace P., school teacher, r. 36 Allen.Armstrong, Nettie J., Prin. South Side Grammar School, r. 36 Allen.Armstrong, Ruth H., widow Thomas G. h. 36 Allen.Arnold, Charles J., (Mira O.), carriage repository, 212 Washington, h. 223West Third. •Arnold, Effie, widow Lewis r. 616% Pine.Arnold, Frank E., (Jennie), wheel assembler, h. 13 Hopkins Ave.Arnold, George A., (Bessie B.), clerk, r. 223 West Third.Arnold, Harry, machine hand, r. 13 Hopkins Ave.Arnold, Henry G., (Jennie L.), postman, h. 810 North Main.MODERN Arter, Arnold, Arnson, h. William 81 Leon Pearl, Sarah Louis, Benjamin Are Barrett. HARDWOOD not C, A., textile machine O., so bookkeeper, expensive clerk, L., (Anna), worker, (Annie hand, r. FLOORS as side 210 you A.), r. r. East walk 223 may 13 jeweler Hopkins Acfc Fourth. think West contractor, and Third. LvonsAve. pawnbroker, h. 1052 North 105 Main. North J Main, *•* **

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Roofing and Building Papers18 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP. "Women's and Misses's Suits in all the up-to-date styles and leading shades,$10 to $35.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Art Metal Construction Co.—A. C. Wade, Pres.; George C. Bonard, VicePres.; Albert Gilbert, Sec'y .-Treas.; Lincoln M. Stearns, Gen. Mgr. andAsst. Sec'y—metal furniture and office fixtures,95-105 Jones & Gifford.Ave.Arzner, Clarence, textile worker, bds. 394 Falconer.Ashwell, Edwin J., (Kate),—E. J. Ashwell & Co.—h. 417 East Second.Ashwell, E. J., & Co.—Edwin J. Ashwell, Prop.—processing cotton yarn—113Foote Ave.Ashworth, Abraham, (Alice), Chadakoin Worsted Co., h. 540 East Second.Ashworth, Alfred—Ashworth & Sons—r. 540 East Second.Ashworth, Asa—Ashworth & Odell Worsted Co.—h. 540 East Second.Ashworth, Harry,—Ashworth & Sons—r. 540 East Second.Ashworth, Louise, r. 540 East Second.Ashworth & Odell Worsted Co.—Asa Ashworth and H. Louis Odell—worstedspinning, 316 Cherry.Ashworth & Sons—Abraham, Harry and Alfred Ashworth—worsted spinning,316 Cherry.Askerberg, Otto L., (Ellen), tool maker, h. 104% Weeks.Askergren, Ejnar G., machine hand, bds. over 223 East First.Aspden, Dora M., h. 9 Forest Park.Asper, Albert, printer, h. 623 West Eighth.Asper, Eliza, widow Louis B., r. 108 Eleventh.Asper, George, (Blanche), conductor J. C. & L. E. Ry., h. 623 West Eighth.Asplin, Canute, metal worker, bds. 216 Crescent.Assarson, Carl A., (Helene), commercial traveler, h. 108 Mechanic.Associated Charity and Free Employment Bureau, rm. 19 City Hall, MaeLouise Weller, secretary.Assunta, Sister M., teacher, Parochial school, h. 205 West Fifth.Atkins, Hial W., (Esther), sawmill setter, h. over 134 Foote Ave.Atkins, Timothy C, (Addie), carpenter, h. over 701 North Main.Atkinson, L. C, steward, Sherman House, r. do.Atlas Furniture Co.—Frank O. Strandburg, Pres.; Charles Johnson, VicePres.; John Haag, Sec.—chiffioniers, dressers and bedroom suites, Allen.Atwater, Clarence M., (Josephine), laborer h. under 10 Hall Ave.Atwater, Fred H., insurance, rms. 10 West Sixth.Atwell, Volley, teamster, r. 283% South Main.Atwood, Daniel H., (Alice), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 22 Taylor.Atwood, Elmer C, (Ruth A.), postman, h. 108% Francis.Atwood, Louise M., widow Homer S. r. 108% Francis.• Audette, Charles L., (Caroline)—Jones & Audette—h. 17 Lakeview Ave.Audette, Louis G., college student, bds. 17 Lakeview Ave.Audette, Marion L., bds. 17 Lakeview Ave.Austin, Collier, rms. Y. M. C. A.Austin, Edward C, veneer worker, r. 16 Axtel.Austin, John, (Grace), prop. Jamestown Barns, h. ov^r 327 Lincoln.Austin, John A., (Lina), barn boss Johnson Ice & Coal Co., h. 503 W. 8th.Austin, Merritt, (Alice L.), metal worker, h. 820 Cherry-Austin, Victoria, widow George W. nurse, h. 16 Axtel.Averill, Harrison J., bds. 20% Eleventh.Averill, Stephen C, (Mary J.), carriage maker, h. 20% Eleventh.Fine Avon, Ayers, Axelson, Axen, John line (The),—Aaron James Ullman Conrad, Selma, P., H., of S., (Alice), dressmaker, domestic, (Tekla), (Grace (Pearl), Linoleums Vickstrom, section J.), painter, 310 driver janitor rms. East hand Prop.— J. over h. at Fire Third. post J. over 219 St. saloon, GAGE'S Dept., office, 111 Forest. Ry., Park.h. 124 37 Ave. 522 464 East Eighteenth.Crescent. Buffalo. Second. ,

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 19tf/LlkftAAfff)/^"ONE PRICE"SYSTEM ONLYAyers, William C, sales agent Nat. Biscuit Co., rms. 328 East Fourth.Aylesworth, Flora, widow Frank—Hill & Aylesworth—h. 15 West Eighth.Aylesworth, Ina N., stenographer, r. 15 West Eighth.BFine CutleryE. ROSENCRANTZ & COMPANYBabcock, Glen W., r. 316 Forest Ave.Babcock House, see Grand Hotel—121 East Second.Babcock, Lloyd J., (Ethel), R. F. D. mail carrier, h. Wellman Ave.Babcock, Willis E., (Melissa F.), under sheriff Chaut. Co., h. 316 Forest Ave.Backlund, Florence, domestic, 609 Lakeview Ave.Backus, Charles D., (Amelia D.), finisher,h. 49 Eleventh.Backus, Charles E., (Edith A.)—Davis-Backus & Co.—h. 215 Fairmount Ave.Backus, Clara C, widow Daniel r. 524 Crescent.Backus, Fred S., textile worker, h. 524 Crescent.Backus, Gertrude M., teacher, bds. 49 Eleventh.Backus, Pauline, reception clerk Camp's studio, r. 524 Crescent.Bacon, Stella, Mrs., office clerk, r. over 101 West Third.Badger, Edward, machine hand, bds. over 1 North Main.Badger, John, laborer, rms. 25 Steele.Badger, William H., motorman J. St. Ry., bds. over 1 North Main.Badhorn, Martin L., office clerk, Empire Voting Mch. Co., rms. 405 W. 3rd.Baglio, Joseph, (Mary), laborer, h. under 121 Cross.Baglio, Joe, (Sarah), metal worker, h. over 60 Tower.Bahr, Amelia T., r. 13 Orchard.Bahr, Eliza, widow William h. 13 Orchard.Bahr, Ida A., teacher, r. 13 Orchard.Bailey, Bernice, teacher, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.Bailey, Blanche M., r. 40 Victoria Ave.Bailey, B. Milton, (May), Vice Pres. & Treas. The Bailey-Jones Co., h. 155Forest Ave.Bailey, Clayton E., (Elizabeth H.), Pres. Bailey-Jones Co., h. 153 South Main.Bailey, Dorothy B., stenographer Art Metal, bds. 654 East Sixth.Bailey, Edward P., (Nancy)—Wright-Bailey Co., Falconer, N. Y— h. 339Crossman.Bailey, Elizabeth, widow Edward C. h. 401 East Fourth.Bailey, Fannie O., widow Milton r. 155 Forest Ave.Bailey, Frances, student, r. 155 Forest Ave.Bailey, George H., (Ellen), teamster, h. 705 West Eighth.Bailey, George W., (Minerva), Supt. Jamestown Panel & Veneer Co., h. 101Liberty.Bailey, Harold, student, r. Wellman Ave.The Bailey, Bailey-Jones L. Best Liedblad, John Percy, Paint-DEVOE'S-at ,Co., C, twister, (Margaret), Treas.; (The)—C. r. A. 117 Gilbert, E. barber, Northrop English. Bailey, Sec'y—tables, 9 Pres.; West Paint First, B. & Glass M. 105 h. Bailey, Wellman Winsor. Co. Vice Ave. Pres.; Chas.

Clark Hardware Co.Farm Implements and Fencing20 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N. J.,Noted for always having furnished a dollar's worth of insurance for everydollar received.Bailey, R. Clyde, clerk, Erie R. R., bds. 654 East Sixth.Bailey, Robert G., (Sarah E.), clerk, Erie freight depot, h. 654 East Sixth.Bailey, Ruth S., stenographer Jamestown Lounge Co., bds. 654 East Sixth.Bailey, Samuel J., (Alice L.), postal clerk, h. 231 Crescent.Bailey, Thomas Henry, (Eleanor L.), twisting boss, h. 117 English.Bailey, William S., (Sagrid), Sec. & Treas. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> School of Nursing, h.135 South Main.Bain, Floy N., hair dresser and manicurist, bds. 308 Pine.Baird, Charles, clerk European Hotel, r. do.Bairstow, Martha, widow Timothy, h. over 164 Chandler.Bairstow, Mary Ann, widow John, r. 440 Allen.Baker, Albert E., (Ada E.), advertising collector, h. 17 College.Baker, Block, 29-31 North Main.Baker, Bloomfield, (Grace), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 33 Eleventh.Baker, Charles H., (Emma), stationary engineer J. St. Ry., h. over 224Sprague.Baker, Chilton F., (Anna), sales mgr. Hill's Piano Store, h. 823 Prend. Ave.Baker, Clayton W., (Ella J.), h. 149 Hallock.Baker, Clyde M., (Clara R.), cabinetmaker, h. 210 Thayer.Baker, Edith M., aristo worker, r. 133 Hallock.Baker, Edward, laborer, rms. 25 Steele.Baker, Frank, conductor, J. St. Ry., rms. 308 West Second.Baker, Fred H., driver, r. 83 Water.Baker, George, dye sinker, GEO. r. 149 E. Jones & B Gifford A K EAve.RBak^er, George E., (Lillia)—gent's furnishings, 207 West Third—h. 301 Jeffer-MEN'S FURNISHINGS AND HATS207 West Third StreetBaker, Harold Y., r. 149 Hallock.Baker, Irene, cloth picker, h. over 132 Barrows.Baker, Lewis H., (Ada H.), aristo worker, h. 103 Broadhead Ave.Baker, Lucy F., school teacher, r. 331 East Third.Baker, Mary W., widow Richard, h. 503 East Second.Baker, Scott, (Blanche E.), Sec'y-Treas. American Metal Door Co., h. 300East Eighth.Baker, Stephen A., (Emma J.), carpenter, h. 133 Hallock.Baker, Stephen A. Jr., wood worker, r. 133 Hallock.Baker, Vernie A., r. 133 Hallock.Baker, William, coachman, 421 East Second, h. do.Baker, William F., (Anna), flagman, h. 83 Water.Balcom, Fred H., Pres. & Gen. Mgr. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Electric Co., rms. over 211North Main.Balcom, Lee E., (Sadie), metal worker, h. 26 Chicago Ave.Baldwin, Burt D., (Gertrude A.), draughtsman, h. 330 South Main.Baldwin, S. Arthur, (Lizzie T.), patent attorney, over 219 North Main, h. 608Prendergast Ave.Ball, Agnes E., emp. J. L. Turner & Co., bds. 9 Price.Ball, August A., machine hand, bds. over 937 East Second.Ball, Blanche D., student, bds. 117 Royal Ave.The oldest agency. The best of companies. The largest experience.BRADSHAW'S PIONEER Established INSURANCE 1867. AGENCY

Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 21ENTIRE 6th FLOORfl/LL^AMfjTO/^CHADAKOIN BUILDINGBall, Francis P., aristo worker, bds. 9 Price.Ball, Frank G., (Margaret), stationary engineer, h. 9 Price.Ball, Jasper C, (Nellie R.), manager Securities Home Telephone Co., Missoula,Mont., r. 117 Royal Ave.Ball, Rose, widow Floyd, r. 11 Price.Ball, Wallace A., student, bds. 9 Price.Ball, W. Carver, (Lilla), engineer, h. 40 Hamilton.Ballard, Emma, widow Phidello, bds. 701 West Eighth.Ballou, Grant C, (Rebecca), night watchmap, h. over 274 Prospect.Ballou, Julia, widow Charles, r. 113 Mechanic.Balmer, Gertrude, milliner, h. over 34 South Main.Banier, AI., laborer, h. 35 Steele.Bank of Jamestown—Brewer D. Phillips, Pres.; W. D. Broadhead, cashier;Wm. R. Botsford, Asst. cashier—216 North Main.Banner Furniture Co.—P. B. Rosencrantz, Pres. & Gen. Mgr.; Gustaf Olson,Vice Pres. & Supt.; W. S. Bailey, Sec'y. & Treas.—chamber and diningroom furniture, 84-92 Steele.Barbour, Marion, widow James, h. 625 Prendergast Ave.Bard, Jay A., (Altha M.), barber under 211 North Main, h. 129 Price.Bard, Oscar R.—Grandin Shoe Co.—bds. 432 East Sixth.Bardo, Charles, (Clara), h. 16 Willard.Bardo, Sam, grocery and fruits, 16 Willard, r. do.Bargain Store—S. W. Thompson, Prop.—ladies' furnishing goods and notions,307 North Main.Bargar, Crawford N., grocery, 627 Prendergast Ave., r. 615 do.Bargar, Elias C, (Elnora C), retired, h. 615 Prendergast Ave.Bargar, Mary, r. 615 Prendergast Ave.Barger, Fred G., (Bessie), motorman, J. St. Ry., h. 701 West Eighth.Barger, Jessie, weaver, bds. 9 Fifteenth.Barhight, Louie, (Anna), machine hand, h. 11% Bowen.Barile, Rosina, drawer, r. over 122 Harrison.Barile, Tony, cabinetmaker, r. 122 Harrison.Barker, Anna, widow Henry, rm. 3 New Warner block, over 5 North Main.Barker, Bertha, dressmaking, 135 Chandler, r. do.Barker, Charles L., (Rachael N.), retired, h. 203 West Second.Barker, Edwin W., retired, h. 135 Chandler.Barker, Ernest P., (Agnes), metal worker, h. over 415 West Fourth.Barker, Harry W., (Edna), clerk J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. 181 Fairmount Ave.Barker, Herbert (Mary J.), machinist, h. 23 Falconer.Barker, James B., (Blanche), wood worker, h. 7 East St.Barker, Mary, clerk, bds. 181 Fairmount Ave.Barker, Wilford C, r. 203 West Second.Barkman, August, (Jennie C), grocery clerk, h. 48 Thayer.Barkman, Ethel M., spinner, r. 40 Thayer.Barkman, Jennie M., textile worker, r. 40 Thayer.Barkman, John A., (Lena), wood worker, h. 40 Thayer.Barkman, Nellie E., spinner, r. 40 Thayer.Barkman, Ransom J., (Eva), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 125 Fairview Ave.Barlow, Edith, piano teacher, r. 324 Foote Ave.Barlow, John B., (Eliza), h. 185 Summit Ave.Barlow, John H., (Carrie), R. F. D. mail carrier, h. 14 Charlotte Ave.li/HY the terest, Barnes, Barnett, Barlow, "'I' sole insure without Louis Warren Frank George Roxana security Alden the W., in N., Company A., fee C, J., of the (Grace (Theresa), (Martha or widow (Margaret), clerk, their other New has O.), policies, r. Byron York O.), charge. loaned 817 millwright, teamster, painter driver, Life? North A., upwards direct china Because: and h. Main. h. 991 874 finisher,h. decorator, 817 of 104,000 Washington.$28,000,000, North During of h. Main. 809 its the 324 policyholders, Lafayette. at Foote year 5 per 1908 Ave. cent, on in­

Clark Hardware Co.Builders' Hardware22 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYfW^A^mm-t-ArmmmArwm^^ 13«lA-..r IT'S GOOD FOR YOU ANDLnautauqua D r e w its good for your family.Barnett, Annetta, widow James H., h. over 217 Barrett.Barnhardt, Swan, (Selma), metal worker, h. 18 Valley.Barrett Building, 201-209 Cherry.Barrett, Edward W., ticket broker, 107 North Main, bds. Hotel Everett.Barrett, Ernest, (Annie), warp dresser, h. 14 Ivy.Barrett, Hannah, nurse, r. 3 Appleyard Place.Barrett, M., (Elizabeth M.), city broker, 107 North Main, h. 112 Van Buren.Barrett, Patrick E., (Bertha I.), The Club and Opera House Cafe, h. 151Foote Ave.Barrett Realty Company—A. Harrison Reynolds, Treas. & Gen. Mgr.—realestate, Barrett Bldg., West Second and Cherry.Barrett, Thomas, (Hannah C), textile worker, h. 3 Appleyard Place.Barrett, William H., (Lydia), captain Salvation army, 123 E. 3d., h. overdo.Barriclpff, James, warp dresser, bds. 21 Water.Barrows, Bertha, dressmaker, r. 623 Palmer.Barrows, B. Katherine, r. 132 Allen.Barrows, Fern, student, r. 623 Palmer.Barrows, Grace A., r. 132 Allen.Barrowfe, Halbert A., (Mary J.), real estate, h. 132 Allen.Barrows, Mahlon, (Alice), teamster, h. 35 Twelfth.Barrows, Ransom J. Sr., Supt. Philo Burt Mfg. Co., h. 205 Lakeview Ave.Barrows, R. Jay, Jr., Mgr. Philo Burt Mfg. Co., h. 205 Lakeview Ave.Barry, Mary E., widow Michael, tailoress, h. 10 Weeks.Barry, Susan, widow Patrick, r. over 76 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Barth, Leonard F., (Maude), musician, h. 310 Monroe.Barth, R. Curtis, (Lucile S.), vocal instructor and chorister First M. E.Church, h. 20 Foote Ave.Barth, Theabold, (Emma), retired, h. 1 Woodworth Ave.Bartlett, Byron D., (Hannah), retired, h. 14 Fifteenth.Bartlett, John C, advertising agent, bds. 120-122 East Second.Bartman, Bertha, Mrs., bds. 7 Harrison.Bartolo, Benenati,, (Mary), wood worker, h. under 71 Allen.Barton, Flavia, r. 208 Jefferson.Barton, Frank J., (Addie), laborer, h. 208 Jefferson.Barton, LeRoy H., (Nellie), machine hand, h. over 9 Cleveland Place.Barton, Merle L., bookkeeper National Chaut. Co. Bank, bds. 208 Jefferson.Barton, Roy G., student, r. 208 Jefferson.Baskin, Lillian E., head nurse, W. C. A. hospital, r. do.Bassett, Ethel M., student, bds. 317 East Fifth.Bassett, Eugene F., (Violette B.), watchmaker and jeweler, 305 North Main,h. 193 South Main.Bassett, Louise E., Mrs., dressmaker, h. 317 East Fifth.Bassett, Nellie P., Enterprise Millinery Co., bds. over 302 East Second.Batchelder, Merritt, (Mildred), boat builder, Race, h. 15 East Eighth.Batcheller, Eva B., h. 414 Jefferson.Batcheller, Levant B., (Alice), city drug store, 113 North Main, h. 416 Jefferson.Bateman, Jennie G., bds. 216 Baker.Bateman, Louis, (Carrie,) steam fitter,h. 114 Cheney.Bates, Charles, finisher,r. 713 Cherry.Bates, Charles W., (Mary L.), insurance, h. 408 Washington.Wfllu Bates, , over lilj AlTlriO Harold Jay Nellie, Clarence Herbert 9 fUUgC H., Lincoln. Mrs., W., metal ftndlt A., E., MUll (Georgia), (Lucia (Sadie r. painter, 8 fn Geneva. OU. REFERENCES: G.), S.), chief r. JAMESTOWN, conductor, steamboat Fairmount clerk The Erie J. N captain Leading Y., Ave., St. R.R. YOUNGSTOWN, Ry., bey. freight and h. Bankers limits. 8 sub Geneva. depot, mail 0., in h. WARREN carrier, 144 Allen. PA. h.

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods. The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 23ORGANS and OLD PIANOStff/LL^tAJwf)/^TAKEN IN EXCHANGEBates, Royal M., college student, r. 408 Washington.Batson, Harry, harnessmaker, bds. 120-122 East Second.Batson, John, laborer, bds. 703 Washington.Battaglia, Gatetna,—wholesale fruits—rms. 49 South Main..Battaglia, Tony., (Libbie), laborer, h. under 220 East First.Bauer, Carl, cement worker, bds. 216 Crescent.Bauer, Edward W., (Margaret), supervisor Art Metal, h. 8 Price.Bauer, Erick, metal worker, bds. 216 Crescent.Bauer, Ferdinand, (Mary), Fairmount Meat M'k't, h. over 100 Fairmount Ave.Bauer, Frank, butcher, r. over 100 Fairmount Ave.Bauer, Fred, (Anna), Black Bear Cafe, 22 East Third, h. over do.Bauer, Henry A., (Hannah L.), wine clerk, h. 837 Spring.Bauer, Louisa B., r. 628 Prendergast Ave.Bauer, Lucy B., stenographer Appleby Lumber Co., r. 628 Prendergast Ave.Bauer, Mary Ann, clerk, r. over 100 Fairmount Ave.Bauer, William C, metal worker, r. 628 Prendergast Ave.Baukson, John, r. 547 East Second.Baumber, Charles, florist, bds. 17 Weeks.Baxell, Andrew, (Charlotte), grocery clerk, h. 9 Barrows.Baxell Bros.—Leonard & Elmer Baxell—grocers, 11 Barrows.Baxell, Elmer, (Ora)—Baxell Bros, and wood finisher—h.over 7 Winsor.Baxell, Leonard,—Baxell Bros.—h. 11 Barrows.Baxter, James A., (Rebecca), cabinetmaker, rms. 17-18 Warner block, over19 North Main.Baxter, Nathan H., retired, bds. 962 Washington.Beach, Henry L., (Ruana), h. 180 Fairmount Ave.Beach, Robert K., (Clara F.), Mgr. Post Pub. Co., h. 601 Lafayette.Beal, Henry H., finisher, r. 401 Stowe.Beal, Ira F., hardware clerk, r. 401 Stowe.Beal, Jennie A., widow William, h. 401 Stowe.Beal, M. Catherine, bookkeeper, r. 401 Stowe.Beal, Morley J., (Amelia S.), dentist, over 12 East 3rd., h. 613 East Eighth.Beal, S. Clarence, iron worker, r. 401 Stowe.Beal, Vera J., student, r. 401 Stowe.Bealer, Aimee E., teacher, r. 601 Washington.Bealer, Elizabeth R., r. 601 Washington.Bealer, J. Frederick, (Maude),—William Bealer & Son—h. 11 Cook Ave.Bealer, William, (Alma E.)—William Bealer & Son—h. 601 Washington.Bealer, William & Son—William and J. Frederick Bealer—boots and shoes,9 East Third.Beardsley, Earl H., mill worker, r. 18 Water.Beardsley, Flossie A., textile worker, r. 18 Water.Beardsley, P. Elmer, (Ardella), cigars and tobacco and pool room, 25 ForestAve., h. over 40 Taylor.Beardsley, Tillie I., stenographer, rms. 315 Spring.Beatty, Bernard B., shipping clerk, Art Metal, bds. 401 West Sixth.Beatty, Clifton J., r. 401 West Sixth.Beatty, Jennie R., widow Austin F., h. 401 West Sixth.Beaty, Walter, (Mary), Mgr. Witkop-Holmes Co., h. 15 Dickerson.Beauchamp, William, (Mabel), weaver, h. over 24 Derby.Beaulow, Gust, (Ida), carpenter, h. 7 Partridge.For Beaustrom, Beaumont, Stationery William, Alma Ralph Irene Louise, Ruby Bernhard, go E., B., W., to widow (Mary), spinner, dressmaker, r. carver, cloth the 107 Nels CAWCROFT filler,r. Willard. carpenter, r. J., 107 44 r. Wescott. h. Willard. 107 44 CO, 107 h. Wescott.106 107 Willard. Water. E. THIRD ST.

Clark Hardware Co.Hardware and Mill Supplies24 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew in SS^^Sii^Beaustrom, William N., (Anna L.), finisher, h. 44 Wescott.Beaver, Alice R., student, r. 138 Steele.Beaver, Charles F., laundryman, r. 138 Steele.Beaver, Elizabeth, forelady stock room Chaut. Towel Mills, r. 138 Steele.Beaver, J. Felix, (Kate), metal worker, h. 138 Steele.Beaver, Michael D., warp dresser, h. 138 Steele.Beaver, Nellie, dressmaker, h. over 103 Steele.Bebb, Annie M., stenographer, bds. 118 Crescent.Bebee, John V. W., (Matilda), carpenter, h. 43 Frink Ave.Beck, Albert, (Mary), sander, h. 1208 East Second.Beck, Anna J., h. over 17 West Seventh.Beck, Charles M., (Clara M.), wall paper, 305 N. Main, h. 56 Broadhead Ave.Beck, Ellis, student, r. 56 Broadhead Ave.Beck, Lemont A., moulder, bds. 276 Prospect.Beck, Stanley, (Frances), laborer, h. over 20 Willard.Beck, William L., (Laura L.), driver, h. 178 Barker.Becker, Alfred A., (Maude J.), physician, 320 East Third, h. do.Becker, Christian T., carpenter, bds. 5 Metallic Ave.Becker, Eugene, (Rosetta), real estate, h. 4 Lincoln Ave.Becker, Frank D., (Emma J.), textile worker, h. under 105 Hazzard.Becker, Grace, rm. 417 Prendergast Ave.Becker, May G., bds. Ill East Sixth.Beckman, August, (Ida), wood worker, h. 17 Columbia Ave.Beckman, Charles, cement worker, rms. over 48 Steele.Beckman, Edith, aristo worker, r. 17 Columbia Ave.Beckman, Gustaf, finisher,bds. 948 Washington.Beckman, Henry, paper box maker, r. 17 Columbia Ave.Beckman, Henry, (Florence), laborer, h. over 1115 Falconer.Beckrink, Abraham, (S. Wilhelmina), gardener, h. 201 Buffalo.Beckrink, Marvin E., student, r. 201 Buffalo.Beckstrand, Albert C, (Margaret), stationary engineer, h. over 210 Chandler.Beckstrand, Charles E., (Anna C), cloth finisher,h. 474 Willard.Beckstrand, Conrad, (Carrie), sander, h. over 56 Tower.Beckstrand, Ernest J., meat cutter, r. 474 Willard.Beckstrand, Lily V., dressmaker, r. 474 Willard.Beckstrand, See Beckstrom.Beckstrom, Alfred, (Lena), sheet metal worker, h. 46 Wescott.Beckstrom, August, office clerk, r. 46 Wescott.Beckstrom, Esther A. E., seamstress, r. 46 Wescott.Beckstrom, John P., (Wilhelmina), metal grainer, h. 500 West Seventh.Beckstrom, See Beckstrand.Bedell, Isaac T., (Elizabeth F.), h. over 11 East Third.Beeman, Albin J., (May J.), upholsterer, h. 207 Cole Ave.Beeman, Anna E. C, widow William, canvasser, h. 7 Sixteenth.Beeman, Christine, widow John, r. 207 Cole Ave.Beldner, Ozias, (Annie), upholsterer, h. 40 Chamber.Belford, James, bartender, rms: over 18 North Main.Belido, Paul, (Frances), night watchman, h. over 44 Franklin.Bell, Charles L., (Mearle), postman, h. 120 Crescent.Bell, John E., (Emma), foreman Jamestown Cotton Mill, h. 516 East Fifth.Bell, Mrs. John E., dressmaker, h. 516 East Fifth.Bell, Lelia, elocution teacher High School, bds. 424 Winsor.f Bellitee, Bello, Bellomo, L if- U C Telephone ¥i,oii»irt*i/itt George, Gust, Nikoga, lllSUrailCC Joe, Bastiano, Sam, finisher,r. machine freight metal Co.—E. (Ida), worker, hand, H. r. 116 W. Connecticut laborer, 116 Wheeler, J. Harrison.r. C. bds. Bentley, under & h. L. 15 Mgr.—113 over E. 435 Harrison.General Gen. Ry., 118 Allen. Agt., r. Harrison. East Life under 515 Third. Ins. Chadakoin 435 Allen. Co., Hartford, Bldg. Conn.,

carp^sApceur?etsaisn^6es.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 25The A. D. Sharpe Co.^f/LL^AA^TO/^Belorta, Selman—Grameno and Belorta—h. 15 Harrison.Bemus, Emmett H., (Gertrude), h. 418 Spring.Bemus, Henry D., (Inez), polisher, h. 34 Genesee.Bemus, Iva F., clerk Saxe Bros., bds. 22 West Seventh.Bemus, Morris N., (Lucy F.), physician and surgeon, 210 Prendergast, h. 4Lakeview Ave. >Bemus, Sarah P., widow William P., h. 100 East Fifth.Bemus, Selden B., correspondent Philo Burt Mfg. Co., r. 517 North Main.Bemus, William M., (Minnie B.), physician, 517 North Main, h. do.Benander, Julia, weaver, h. under 212 Forest Ave.Benbridge, Susan B., widow James, dressmaker, bds. 16 Hall Ave.Benchley, William, (Bertha), wood worker, h. over 16 Fairfield Ave.Bendall, Alfred C, (Jennie), teamster, h. 831 Washington.Bender, Hazel E., student, bds. 407 Lafayette.Bender, Robert, (Parmelia), veterinary surgeon, 31 Derby, h. do.Bender, Ruth B., dressmaker, bds. 407 Lafayette.Bender, William J., (Grace E.), blacksmith, 208 Washington, h. 407 Lafayette.Bender, William R., blacksmith, bds. 407 Lafayette.Benedict, Alfred B.—Benedict &. Swanson—h. Falconer, N. Y.Benedict & Swanson—A. B. Benedict and Fred Swanson, George Phetteplace,Mgr.—pool room, cigars and tobacco—49 South Main.Benedict, Ward, painter, bds. 21 Valley.Benedict, Willis B., (Emma), dispatcher, Chaut. Traction Co., h. 20 Langford.Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks—Dr. Howard A. Smith, ExaltedRuler; John C. Mason, Sec; Floyd H. Sharp, Treas.—over 300 NorthMain.Bennar, Lewis, (Mary), trackman, h. 100 Steele.Bennett, George A., (Eutitie), laborer, h. 811 Jefferson.Bennett, Guy C, (Tillie A.), motorman J. St. Ry., h. over 205 East Second.Bennett, Mrs. G. C, piano music teacher, over 205 East Second.Bennett, Lucille, Asst. librarian James Prendergast <strong>Library</strong>, bds. 17 Ross.Bennett, Lydia, widow James, nurse, h. over 21 Fifteenth.Bennett, May, Mrs., music teacher, r. 231 McKinley Ave.Bennett, Mary J., widow Henry, h. 17 Ross.Bennett, Roy, printer's apprentice, bds. 811 Jefferson.Bennett, Royal, metal worker, bds. Lake House.Bennett, Vincent, (Ada E.), carpenter, h. over 20 Waterman.Bennett, Willard S., metal worker, bds. 17 Ross.Benny, Lowns, (Mattey), laborer, h. 220 East First.Benson, Adolph, wood worker, bds. 61 Franklin.Benson, Alexander J., (Irene), metal worker, h. over 36 Peach.Benson, Alfred, laborer, bds. 148 Thayer.Benson, Andrew, (Christine), machine hand, h. 435 Willard.Benson, Anna B., h. over 52 Bemus.Benson, August, (Christine), metal painter, h. 148 Thayer.Benson, Ready Augusta, Roofing Mrs., h. & 9 Eagle. Building Paper ,^^£222*.Benson, August N., machine hand, bds. 310 Price.Benson, Bennie H., (Alice), cabinetmaker, h. over 234 South Main.Benson, Bretta, Bernhard, Bert Carl, Charles, J., P., (Alfie), (Matina), widow cainetmaker, (Emma machinist, (Anna machine Andrew, laborer, J.), C), r. bottler, solicitor, bds. 9 hand, h. h, Eagle. 36 123 757 h. Benson. Steele. East 70 h. 118 oyer Vega. Palmer. Second. 229 Steele.

Clark Hardware Co.Roofing and Bnilding Papers26 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYJAMESTOWN'S FINEST CLOAK STORE.The largest line of ready-to-wear garments for ladies, misses and childrenin the city.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Benson, Charles, (Manila), textile worker, h. 220 Allen.Benson, Charles E., (Mary), casemaker, h. 138 Euclid Ave.Benson, Charles N., (Alice), plumber, h. 8 Cook Ave.Benson, Christine, weaver, r. over 254 Willard.Benson, Clara N., domestic, 504 East Second.Benson, Clifford, metal worker, r. 8 William.Benson, Daniel, (Ella), retired, h. 36 Hamilton.Benson, Doremus J., (Jennie E.), h. 124 Winsor.Benson, E. Belle, textile worker, r. 124 Winsor.Benson, Edward, (Christine)—Hultquist & Benson—h. 388 Willard.Benson, Elizabeth, widow George, h. over 90 Hazzard.Benson, Eugene H., (Charlotte), novelty mfr., h. 623 English.Benson, Eva, clerk, r. 388 Willard.Benson, Florence O., bookkeeper Met. Life Ins. Co., r. 335 Foote Ave.Benson, Frederick, (Jennie) finisher,h. over 69 Tower.Benson, Fred L., (Julia), assembler, h. over 9 Eagle.Benson, George A., (Minnie C), plumber, h. 259 Fairmount Ave.Benson, Godfried L., wood worker, r. 12 Waterman.Benson, Gust, (Louise), laborer, h. over 11 Barrows.Benson, Gust, band sawyer, bds. 23 Kinney.Benson, Harry W., driver, r. 12 Waterman.Benson, Henry, (Emily), machine boss, r. over 248 Barrows.Benson, J. Albert, (Signa M.), machine hand, h. 72 Benson.Benson, James, (Anna), porter, h. 407 Cherry.Benson, John, (Amelia), metal worker, h. 267 Steele.Benson, John, (Augusta), laborer, h. 12 Waterman.Benson, John B., (Matilda), switchman Erie R. R., h. 8 William.Benson, John O., (Caroline), laborer, h. over 8 Linwood Ave.Benson, John P., (Minnie), metal worker, h. over 39 Myrtle.Benson, J. Wright, (Jessie D.), machinist, h. 419 West Sixth.Benson, Leonard, (Esther), warp dresser, h. over 22 Park.Benson, Marion C, student, r. 623 English.Benson, Mary A., widow John W., h. 413 West Sixth.Benson, Mina, dressmaker, r. over 90 Hazzard.Benson & Nelson—Emily Benson and Zena Nelson—millinery, 50 Willard.Benson, Oscar E., clerk, bds. 264 Broadhead Ave.Benson, Otto, (Hulda), bookkeeper, h. over 12 Arnold.Benson, Rae, student, r. 259 Fairmount Ave.Benson, Rusko A., (Mary M., Agent D. A. V. & P. R. R., Falconer, N. Y., h.8 River.Benson, Sarah G., stenographer, r. 407 Cherry.Benson, Silas W., farmer, rms. 217 West Second.Benson, William H., (Mertie E.), stationary fireman,h. 206 Baker.Bentley, Alexander B., (Nellie O.), Lake City Laundry, h. 63 Prospect.Bentley, Anna, Mrs., clerk, Bentley's News Room, h. 214 West Third.Bentley, Bert, (Bessie),—News Room, cigars and tobacco,—214 West Third,-rms. 223 do.Bentley,Cordelia, (Hiram), r. Woodlawn Ave.Bentley, C. Eugene, (Elizabeth T.) surveyor and engineer, 422-424 ChadakoinBldg., h. 513 East Fifth.Buy Bentley, Washington. your J. Lynn, John Grace, James Jane Randolph, A., B., Lace finisher,bds. laundress, D., r. laundry freight 600 (Agnes), Curtains Prendergast man, r. agent, 287 63 machinist, r. Prospect. South <strong>Chautauqua</strong> 63 at Ave. Prospect. Main. 13 h. 63 East Traction Prospect. 3rd Co., St. rm. over 202

Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery.The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 27^f/lLL^AA^TO/^EASYINSTALLMENT PAYMENTSBentley, Marion E., college student, r. 600 Prendergast Ave.Bentley, Mary B., widow Fred A., h. 600 Prendergast Ave.Bentley's News Room—Bert Bentley, Prop—news, cigars and tobacco, 214West Third.Bentley, Satie, domestic, 47 Fairmount Ave.Bentley, William J., (Margaret), life insurance, rm. 515 Chadakoin Bldg.,h. 15 Flagg Ave.Bentley, William J. Jr., clerk, r. 15 Flagg Ave.Benton, Erie R.—I. S. Benton & Son—r. 511 North Main.Benton, Isaac S.—I. S. Benton & Son—h. 511 North Main.Benton, I. S. & Son—I. S. and Erie R. Benton—monument dealers, 511 NorthMain.Bentz, Edward, textile worker, r. over 25 Winsor.Berends, William, metal worker, bds. 104 Catlin Ave.Berg, Adolph, drayman, r. 16 William.Berg, Adolph V., (Eva C), cabinetmaker, h. 116 Newland Ave.Berg, Amanda M., boarding house, 530 Allen, h. do.Berg, Amanda, widow Charles, h. 20 Cedar Ave.Berg, Andrew, laborer, bds. 163 Barrows.Berg, Axel E., foreman machine room, Maddox Table Co., h. 26 Bush.Berg, Carl, (Clara M.), teamster, h. 49 Hickory.Berg, Carl E., (Signa V.), gas meter inspector, h. 216 East Third.Berg, Charles A., (Hulda), postman, h. 373 Falconer.Berg, Charles A., metal worker, r. 116 Newland Ave.Berg, Edmond Carl, gardener, bds. 373 Falconer.Berg, Elien, domestic, 152 Allen.Berg, Emil C, (Edla), metal worker, h. 18 Richmond Place.Berg, Erick, (Lena), plumber, h. over 306 Winsor.Berg, Fred, metal worker, bds. 828% Cherry.Berg, Genevieve, stenographer, r. 20 Cedar Ave.Berg, George, clerk, r. 116 Newland Ave.Berg, Gust, (Josephine), stationary engineer, h. 246 Barrows.Berg, Isabelle, dressmaker, bds. 373 Falconer.Berg, John, shoemaker, bds. 12 Kinney.Berg, John O., (Anna), blacksmith, 38 Institute, h. 118 Catlin Ave.Berg, Josephine, domestic, 514 Lafayette, r. 373 Falconer.Berg, Lena, Mrs., h. 644 East Sixth.Berg, Peter A., laborer, bds. 5 Waterman.Berg, Peter A., (Nettie), wood worker, h. 16 William.Berg, Victor L., (Selma E.), deliveryman, r. 116 Newland Ave.Berg, Walfred A., (Freeda E.), wood worker, h. 7 Camp.Berg, William, (Ida), racket store, h. 69 Benson.Berg, see Burg.Bergdahl, John A., (Hannah), fireman,h. 77 Eagle.Bergdahl, Lillian, domestic, 3 Lakeview Ave.Bergdahl, Lilly V., domestic, r. 77 Eagle.Bergdahl, Oscar C, (Ada M.), machine hand, h. 529 Allen.Berger, Frank E., (Louisa), moulder, h. 40 West Eighth.Northrop Berger, Katherine, Paint textile & Glass worker^ Company rms. 141 for Chandler. all kinds of BRUSHESBerger, Milton H., clerk, bds. 40 West Eighth.Bergeson, Arthur A., carpenter, bds. 52 Thayer.Bergeson, 796 East & John, Julius Berdina, Genevieve, see Carlson—Herman Second. Burgeson. (Johanna), J., r. machine section 24 Swan. painter, hand, beaming, Bergeson h. h. 24 r. over (estate) Swan. 24 10 Swan. Eagle. and C. A. Carlson—grocers,

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools28 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N. J.,Premium receipts to Jan. I, <strong>1909</strong>, $329,137,864.85; returned to policyholdersand funds on hand for future payment to policyholders, $384,556,735.84.Berggren, August, (Amelia), wood worker, h. 33 Holman.Berggren, August E., wood worker, r. 33 Holman.Berggren, Axel F., (Esther S.), finisher,h. 853 East Second.Berggren, Axel W., printer's apprentice, r. 15 Adams.Berggren, John F., (Matilda), tinner and pipe fitter,h. 15 Adams.Berggren, Matilda, widow Olof W., h. 11 Pullman.Berggren, Richard, (Bertha)—Samuel A. Carlson Co.—h. over 836 East 2nd.Berggren, see Bergren.Bergholtz, E. Bruno, (Mary), architect and draughtsman, h. 406 West Sixth.Bergholtz, Edgar, college student, bds. 406 West Sixth.Berglund, Andy, (Hilda C), lumber handler, h. 816 Newland Ave.Berglund, Elizabeth, widow Charles, h. 157 Barrows.Berglund, Lars O., (Anna), cabinetmaker, h. 41 Wescott.Berglund & Lundquist—Waldemar Berglund and Axel Lundquist—meatmarket, 302 Foote Ave.Berglund, Waldemar, (Selma)—Berglund & Lundquist—h. over 302 FooteAve.Bergman, Adeline H., widow John, weaver, h. 302 Willard.Bergman, Angla A., widow Fred P., h. 315 West Second.Bergman, Arvid A., painter, r. 285 Willard.Bergman, August W., (Anna), farmer, h. 285 Willard.Bergman, Carl A., (Mary E.), carpenter, h. 29 Columbia Ave.Bergman, Charles G., (Hilda), band sawyer, h. 47 Eagle.Bergman, Hattie F., weaver, r. 315 West Second.Bergman, Herman C., painter, r. 285 Willard.Bergman, Julia A., r. 302 Willard.Bergman, Julia A., winder, r. 302 Willard.Bergman, Julius M., clerk, r. 47 Eagle.Bergman, Lars, carpenter, h. under 225 Barrows.Bergman, Leonard A., student, r. 285 Willard.Bergman, Luther, machine hand, r. 47 Eagle.Bergman, Robert, (Vera), moulder, h. over 302 Willard.Bergman, Selma, domestic, 310 Clinton.Bergquist, Ada E., stenographer, r. 47 Kinney.Bergquist, Charles A., (Anna L.), finishing,decorating and painting, h. 73Glasgow Ave.Bergquist, Clarence H., clerk, Jamestown Lounge Co., r. 73 Glasgow Ave.Bergquist, Edward, (Eva E.), Supt. Alliance Furniture Co., h. 14 Cedar Ave.Bergquist, Florence S., r. 16 Eagle.Bergquist, Gust F., (Anna), piano maker, h. 47 Kinney.Bergquist, Linnia, spinner, r. 16 Eagle.Bergquist, Mabel S., r. 73 Glasgow Ave.Bergquist, Samuel E., (Ida M.), carpenter, h. 16 Eagle.Bergquist, see Berquist.Bergren, Albert, (Alfreda), wood worker, h. 42 Chapman.Bergren, Anton C, (Mary), spinning boss, h. 71 Wescott.Bergren, August, (Amelia), finisher,h. 33 Holman.Bergren, August E., finisher,r. 33 Holman.Bergren, August L., (Bertha M.), shoes, 116 Willard, h. over do.Bergren, Caroline, widow Charles, h. 68 Wescott.Bergren, We BRADSHAW'S Bergren, Bergstein, Bergsten, represent see Gottfried, Eleanor, Frans, Carl Martin, Berggren. forty A., (Jennie), PIONEER r. (Hilma), baker, (Anna), 68 companies Wescott. bds. finisher,h. wood 409 INSURANCE with worker, Cherry. assets. $170,000,00047 h. Hedges over 8 Fairfield AGENCY 23 Ave. Stowe. Ave.

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods.The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 29LARGEST and MOST^//LlkffAJ^TO/^CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCKBergstrom, Albert, (Charlotte), moulder, h. 8 Bowen.Bergstrom, Axel F., (Anna C), wood turner, h. 13 Pardee Ave.Bergstrom, Carl, clerk, r. 13 Pardee Ave.Bergstrom, Edward A., (Minnie), metal worker, h. over 1091 East Second.Bergstrom, Hjalmar, metal worker, bds. over 44 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Bergstrom, Lillian E., clerk, r. 22 Bush.Bergstrom, Nels E., (Hilma), lumber handler, h. 28 Pearl Ave.Bergstrom, Oscar, metal worker, bds. 16 Stafford Ave.Bergstrom, Otis, metal worker, bds. 12 Cowing.Bergwall, Joseph, (Selma V.), Bergwall's printery, h. 768 East Second.Bergwall, Lillian, weaver, r. 100 Tower.Bergwall's Printery—Joseph A. Bergwall, Prop.—job printing, over 302 NorthMain.Bergwall1, Sofie, widow Oscar, picker, h. 100 Tower.Bernard, Sister M., teacher, h. 205 West Fifth.Bernhagen, Leopold, moulder, bds. 285 Willard.Bernhard, Alfred, (Hilda), wood worker, h. over 109 Colfax.Bernhard, Charles, (Hilda), plumber, h. 110 Sampson.Bernhard, Florence O., clerk, r. 110 Sampson.Bernhard Hardware Co., Inc.,—Andrew J. Lawson, Pres.; John Carlson, VicePres.; C. Emil Fagerstrom, Sec'y .-Treas".—204-206 East Second.Bernhard, Oscar, (Ida), wood worker, h. 210 Colfax.Bernhard, William, (Hilda), wood worker, h. 114 Sampson.Bernhardt, Gust, (Hilma), machine hand, h. over 300 Barrows.Berquist, Bernerdina, widow Peter J.—Lindblad Bros. & Co.— h. 174 SouthMain.Berquist, Carrie S., weaver, bds. 530 Allen.Berquist, Carl W., spring setter, r. 528 Allen.Berquist, Charles J., (Louise), metal worker, h. 125 Bowen.Berquist, Christine A., widow Axel, h. 20 Institute.Berquist, Ella L., school teacher, r. 174 South Main.Berquist, Emma, weaver, h. 244 Forest Ave.Berquist, Genevieve, clerk, r. 528 Allen.Berquist, George E., printer's apprentice, r. 528 Allen.Berquist, George W., (Lillian F.), bookkeeper Acme Worsted Mills, h. 21Allen.Berquist, G. Hjalmer, bricklayer, r. 254 Crescent.Berquist, Gustaf R., (Emma), stonemason, h. 254 Crescent.Berquist, Hilda, textile worker, r. 254 Crescent.Berquist, Hilda V., domestic, 417 East Second.Berquist, Hilma, textile worker, r. 254 Crescent.Berquist, John, carpenter, h. under 30% Institute.Berquist, John E., laborer, bds. 254 Crescent.Berquist, John M., (Sophie C), wood worker, h. 528 Allen.Berquist, Leonard G., laborer, h. 528 Allen.Berquist, Louis B., (Olga), metal worker, h. over 14 Scott.Berquist, Martha M., weaver, r. 528 Allen.Berquist, see Bergquist.Berry, Carl A., (Minnie J.), plumber, h. 102 Newton Ave.Berry, Eleanor F., widow James D., h. 509 East Seventh.WHY $6,000,000.Berry, "III insure Mark, Thomas, Emma, H. Martha Susan the Orton, 'n D., (Katherine)—Stoner Company textile A., tne (Martha (Mary student, nurse, New worker, York has A.), r. bds. 366 saloon, paid textile Life? r. 509 Foote 143 to & East 18 Because:" worker, its Stowe. Berry—h. Ave. North policyholders Seventh.Main, 143 During 10 Forest h. Stowe. 366 the in Park. Foote year dividends Ave. 1908 over

Clark Hardware Co.Farm Implements and Fencing30 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew — always pure and deliciousBeustrom, John J., (Ida), Field & Wright Co., h. 43 Falconer.Beyers, John V., (Hilda), h. over 501 Crescent.Biffumi, Tim., (Sarah), laborer, h. 9 Tew.Bigelow, Elsie M., student, bds. 309 Jefferson.Bigelow, Ethel M., student, bds. 309 Jefferson.Bigelow, Reuben W., (Ida L.), The Abrahamson-Bigelow Co., h. 309 Jefferson.Bigge, James E., metal worker, r. 857 Spring.Bijou Dream, Peterson & Woods—Marshall W. Peterson and M. L. Woods—10 West Third.Bill, Katherine, nurse, 207 Foote Ave., r. do.Billings, Allen E., (Minnie), attorney, rm. 21 Gokey Bldg, h. 406 Washington.Billings, Arthur W., wood cutter, h. 148 Baker.Billings, Jennie C, widow Wayne, h. 509 West Fourth. (Billings, Petronella, widow Paul S., r. 148 Baker.Billman, Katheryn, clerk, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.Billstone, Victor A., (Ida), machinist, h. 25 Orchard Ave.Bilquist, Edward C, (Martina), weaver, h. Willard, bey. limits.Bilton, Sarah A., widow William, h. 637 Lakeview Ave.Bingham, Bert L., (Edith P.), machine hand, h. over 1061 East Second.Binz, Edward, warp dresser, r. over 201 East First.Binz, Nicholas, (Mary), cabinetmaker, h. over 201 East First.Biopione, Joseph, fireman, bds. 539 Crescent.Biournsen, Nicholi, wood worker, bds. 127 Linwood Ave.Birch, Thomas R., (Josephine), piano mover, h. 1027% North Main.Birch, see Burch.Birchman, Alfred, (Anna), metal worker, h. 40 Sampson.Birchman, Charles, cabinetmaker, r. 40 Sampson.Birchman, Signe, r. 40 Sampson.Bird, Jane, widow G. Washington, h. 71 Ellicott.Birger, Daughn, metal worker, rms. Y. M. C. A.Biris, George, shoe shining stand, 27 North Main, h. 29 do.Biris, James, (Olga), shoe shine, bds. 29 North Main.Birmingham, Anna, clerk, r. 297 Crescent.Birmingham, Elizabeth, widow James, textile worker, h. 297 Crescent.Birmingham, Michael, driver, r. 297 Crescent.Bishop, Edwin B., wood worker, bds. 217 Lovell Ave.Bishop, J. Harry, (Addie O.), wood finisher, h. 139% Chandler.Bishop, Matthew M., (Elizabeth), machine hand, h. 139% Chandler.Bissell, Berne B., (Carrie L.), R. F. D. mail carrier, h. 831 North Main.Bissell, Rachel M., widow Milton L., h. 66 Eleventh.Bissontz, Anna E., stenographer, r. 41 Thirteenth.Bissontz, Louisa W., bds. 41 Thirteenth.Bissontz, Louise, widow John, h. 41 Thirteenth.Bitely, Henry, laborer, bds. 32 Twelfth.Bixby, Fred, painter and paper hanger, bds. 6 Center.Bjork, Carl, finisher, rms. over 796 East Second.Bjork & Ekstrom—William L. Bjork and Charles A. Ekstrom—saloon, 59Winsor.W. Ely Ainge Audit Co.Bjork, Engner, laborer, bds. 110 Barrows.Bjork, Fred, (Bertha), metal polisher, h. 23 Victoria Ave.Periodical Bjork, Bjorklund, Ave. John, See William Hannah, Audits, Burke. Ellen, Erick, (Carrie), L., widow bookkeeper, (Sophia), Financial (Anna rubber, Lawson, L.)—The metal Investigations, r. h. r. 203 52 worker, 483 Hedges <strong>System</strong>s, Jamestown, People's Hotchkiss.South h. Voucher Ave. 203 SafeguardMain. N. Bottling Y,, Hotchkiss. <strong>System</strong>s, Bell Co.—h. 467. Factory Youngstown, 409 Cost Newland <strong>System</strong>s. O. Bell 522.

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods.The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 31COMPLETE TUNING andtf/LLsffAMFjrORQREPAIR DEPARTMENTBjorkquist, Carl A., boilermaker, bds. 116 Cross.Bjornes, John E., (Mary), wood finisher,h. over 3 East Newland Ave.Bjornsen, Henri N., (May), Mgr. Sampling Dept., Art Metal, h. 601 W. 7th.Bjornsen, Nicolai, wood finisher,bds. 8 Thayer.Bjorstrom, Amanda, noveltymaker, res. 112 Bowen.Bjorstrom, Annie, widow Jacob, h. over 112 Bowen.Black Bear Restaurant—Fred Bauer, Prop.—22 East Third.PROMPT AND EXCELLENT SERVICECAN BE RELIED ON AT ALL TIMESBLACK BEAR CAFEFRED BAUER, Proprietor22 East Third Street Jamestown, N. Y.Black, Blanche, textile worker, bds. 69 Eleventh.Black, Daniel, (Mary A.), retired, h. 69 Eleventh.Black, Eliza M., widow Thomas, h. over 20 Derby.Black, Howard R., sales manager Warren Ross Lumber Co., h. 291 Hallock.Black, John C, (Ethel A.), h. 291 Hallock.Black, T. Henry, photographer, over 12 East Third, r. 20 Derby.Blacklock, William E., (Addie), Rep. National Cash Register Co., h. 108 Lincoln.Blackmar, A. William, harnessmaker, bds. 14 South Main.Blackmer, Blanche, textile worker, r. 331 Foote Ave.Blackmer, Margaret E., widow Alonzo, textile worker, r. 331 Foote Ave.Blackmer, Mark D., wood worker, h. 207 Summit.Blackmer, Ross A., (Lora), meat cutter, h. 995 Washington.Blackmon, Bert L., (Minnie), machinist, h. 26 Eleventh.Blackmon, Bennie, metal worker, bds. 26 Eleventh.Blackstone, George V., (Katharine)—Blackstone Mfg. Co.—h. 411 East 2nd.Blackstone Mfg. Co.—George V. Blackstone, Pres.; Andrew J. Lind, Treas.;John P. Moynihan, Sec'y.—washing machines, 56-68 Blackstone Ave.Blackstone, William M., college student, r. 411 East Second.Blake, Frank L., (Lillian), painter, h. 10 Sixteenth.Blakely, Albert, Mrs., housekeeper, 124 Prospect.Blakesley, Edward S., (Anna C), wool sorter, h. 1 Pullman.Blakesley, Jennie, widow Emery J., h. 410 East Fourth.Blanchard, Amos F., (Eliza L.), physician, 1-2 Gokey Big., h. Lakewood, N.Y.Blanchard, Bessie H., bds. 359 Falconer.Blanchard, Calvin S., (Ida), wood finisher,h. Frink Ave.Blanchard, Carlos E„ (Georgia S.), carpenter, h. 359 Falconer.Blanchard, Cecil A., (Jessie), clerk, h. 120 Lincoln.Blanchard, Charles E., (Hattie M.), shipping clerk Pearl City Veneer Co., h.21 Eleventh.Blanchard, Earl—Blanchard & Son—h. 615 Winsor.Blanchard, Esther F., widow Flint, h. 18 Strong.Blanchard, Eugene L., (Ella J.), timber buyer, h. 327 Lincoln.Blanchard, Marjorie, bds. 359 Falconer.pi Blanchard, I R. r Newland, M„„|_»,„- (Belle B.), physician, DECORATOR, over 107 8 East W. Third Second, Street h. 10OnarleS Chandler. t. IViaC leaSe, Jamestown, N.Y. Bell 124b. Home 91k,-Blanchard, Robert B., physician, over 8 East Second, r. 10 Chandler.Blanchard, paperhangers, & Silas, Roy Son—Silas W., (Marie)—Blanchard 311 wool Pine. and sorter, Earl bds. Blanchard—contracting 359 & Son—h. Falconer. 615 Winsor. painters and

Clark Hardware Co.Builders' Hardware32 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYCli Q111 Oil mi Q Rt

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods.The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 33(f/lLL^AM^rO^Bloomquist, Axel E., (Helga G.), wood worker, h. 1 Mt. Vernon Place.Bloomquist, Clara, domestic/ 34 Lakeview Ave.Bloomquist, Clarence, packer, r. 89 Eagle.Bloomquist, Edith L., picker, r. 124 Wescott.Bloomquist, George R., machine hand, r. 89 Eagle.Bloomquist, Hulda, domestic, 120 Lakeview Ave.Bloomquist, Hulda J., weaver, r. 22 Water.Bloomquist, Joel C, (Rowena), janitor No. 3 school, h. 114 Wescott.Bloomquist, John, (Emily), machine hand, h. 57 Eagle.Bloomquist, Joseph, wood worker, r. over 80 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Bloomquist, Julia C, clerk stock room, r. 89 Eagle.Bloomquist, Maude H., spooler, r. 86 Eagle.Bloomquist, Olivia, widow Frank, laundress, h. Wellman Ave.Bloomquist, Oscar F., (Hannah M.), teamster, h. 124 Wescott.Bloomquist, Otto F., (Emily), stationary engineer, h. 86 Eagle.Bloomquist, Otto L., (Jennie)—Carlson, Bloomquist & Snow, Falconer, N.Y.—Pres. Gage Furniture Co., h. 532 East Second.Bloomquist, Peter G., (Anna L.), stone mason, h. 360 Foote Ave.Bloomquist, Reuben, machinist's apprentice, r. 57 Eagle.Bloomquist, Signa L., r. 360 Foote Ave.Bloomquist, Walter, packer, r. 57 Eagle.Bloomquist, see Blomquist,Bloomstrand, Audrin, tailor, h. 22 Jeffords.Bloomstrand, Hilmer, metal worker, h. 183 Barrett.Bloomstrand, see Blomstrand.Bluckhorn, Louis H., (Allie), wood worker h. 237 Crescent.Bly, Charles A., (Lettie), commercial traveler, h. 38 Tenth.Bly, E. Verne, (May)—Bly & Wade—h. 340 Crossman.Bly, Nettie, widow Charles M., bds. 340 Crossman.Bly & Wade—E. Verne Bly and Elmer J. Wade—shoes, 306 North Main.Blystone, Elliot, (Euphemia), piano salesman, h. under 857 Spring.Blystone, Florence, r. 423 East Fourth.Blystone, Margaret A., widow John H., bds. 204 Lafayette.Blystone, Mary L., r. 423 East Fourth.Blystone, Paul W — W. I. Blystone & Son—r. 423 East Fourth.Blystone, Walter I., (Sarah)—W. I. Blystone & Son—h. 423 East Fourth.Blystone, W. I. & Son—Walter I. Blystone and Paul W. Blystone—mattress,pillows, cushions, etc., 19-23 Briggs.Blyth, Margaret, textile worker, bds. 78 Water.Blyth, Thomas, dyer, bds. 78 Water.Boam, Fred, conductor J. St. Ry., rms. 215 West Second.Boardman, Frank, (Ruth W.), electrician, bds. 217 East Third.Boardman, George A., (Lillis), teamster, h. 219 Stowe.Boardman, Leonora, nurse, bds. -105 West Fifth.Boardman, Rhea Kay, teacher, bds. 301 East Eighth.Boberg, John O., (Alma A.), machinist, h. 239 South Main.Boberg, Swan, (Anna), h. 27 Eagle.Boberg, see Broberg.COLQNIAL Boehler, Boentgen, Bogardus, Bogenschutz, That Prendergast will Charles not Glen Harry Henry John Henry crack PORCH M., Ave. L. (Laura), Childs, or B., (Belle P., G., open (Rose (Philomena), warper, COLUMNS up—also (Laura), J.), r. A.), over engineer, r. Porch stationary 57 9 Jamestown ha*ry East brewery Foote Balusters h. Third. over Ave. engineer, worker, and lyons Metal 185 Rail Fairmount h. Furniture h. 57 Institute 2 Metallic Foote Ave. Co., St. Ave. Ave. & r. Erie 318 Ry.

Clark Hardware Co.Hardware and Mill Supplies34 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP.Suits for ladies in all the new styles andcolors.SAXE BROS. CO., 12-14 W. Third St.Bohall, James W., (Beatrice), engineer, h. 16 Chicago Ave.Bohlen, Hilda M., textile worker, r. 35 Oak.Bohlen, Hulda C, textile worker, r. 35 Oak.Bohlen, John G., (Caroline), metal worker, h. 35 Oak.Bohlin, Leander, carpenter, bds. 434 Winsor.Bohlin, Leonard, wood worker, bds. 61 Franklin.Boland, Margaret, waitress, rms. 217 West Second.Bolton, Annis, widow Henry C, h. 710 Lafayette.Bomvi, Tony, (Mary), carpenter, h. 68 Tower.Bond, Charles, motorman, J. St. Ry., bds. 52 Hamilton.Bond, Frank, (Jane), night watchman, h. 20 Regent.Bond, William E., conductor J. St. Ry., bds. 20 Regent.Bonette, Claude, rms. 223 West Third.Bonfiglio, Giacomo, sander, r. over 110 Harrison.Bonfiglio, Rosario, (Selma), filler,h. over 110 Harrison.Bonfiglio, Sevatiano, wool carder, r. over 110 Harrison.Bonner, Hannah A., widow James, h. 607 Spring.Bonnevier, Adolph A., (Clara), polisher, h. 323 Willard.Bonnevier, Charles J., metal polisher, bds. 653 East Sixth.Bon Ton Millinery—Mrs. H. P. Lorentzen—230 East Second.Boogren, Minnie, cook, 2 West Fifth.Booman, John A., (Eva L.), meat market, 1 Winsor, h. over 347 Allen.Booman, Martin, (Berymin), metal worker, h. 127 Bowen.Booman, see Bowman.Boone, Mertie, dressmaker, h. 12 Stearns Ave.Bootey, Anna S., Mrs., r. 219 Foote Ave.Bootey, Edward B., (Flora), harnessmaker and dealer, 11-13 Forest Ave., h.Ill Barrett.dBootey, Edward R., attorney, rm. 1 Arcade Bldg., r. 4 Chandler.Bootey, Emma Y., widow Edward R., h. 4 Chandler.Bootey, Lizzie A., teacher, h. 93 Barrett.Bootey, Roswell J., Sec'y-Treas. Manufacturers Ass'n., 213 North Main, bds.64 Barrett.Booth, Annie, Mrs., laundress, h. 405 Newton Ave.Booth, Jamie, bds. 405 Newton Ave.Booth, Martha, Mrs., textile worker, h. over 52 Franklin.Booth, William L., (Maude), Mgr. Swift & Co., h. 410 East Fourth.Borden, Albert S., (Mary O.), machinist, h. 15 Crossman.Bordwell, Katherine, widow Victor, r. 103 Weeks.Borgerding, Delia, domestic, 82 Barrett.Borgia, Sister M„ teacher, h. 205 West Fifth.Boser, Freda, widow Robert, boarding housekeeper, h. 4 Metallic Ave.Bosin, Dorothy J., r. 10 Thayer.Bosin, Lewis G. A., wood finisher,r. 10 Thayer.Bosin, Richard F. G., cabinetmaker, h. 10 Thayer.Boss Grocery—John A. Nelson, Prop.—14 North Main.Boston Department Store—Manley E. Johnson, C. M. Alfred and John Peterson—100-102East Second.Bostrom, Erland, metal worker, bds. over 44 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Bostrom, Frank, (Thilda M.), shoemaker, h. 25 Charles.GAGE'S Bostrom, Botsford, 533 West Ruth Signe Anna William see Excel Brostrom.Bottsford.Third. M., C, E., R., widow milliner, nurse, in (Lucia Dining Myron r. r. 25 C), 25 Charles. H., assistant Room h. Ill East Furniturecashier Sixth. Bank of Jamestown, h.

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods.The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 35WE POSITIVELY PAY NOcff/LL^AAffirO/^COMMISSIONSBottini, Anthony, photographer, rm. 1 New Warner block.Bottini, Louis, (Emiglie), fruits, 12 No. Main.Bottom, Arvilla, widow William, bds. 44 Twelfth.Bottomley, Frederick, (Martha), warp dresser, h. 13 Shaver.Bottomley, Richard, (Mary), textile worker, h. under 304 Winsor.Bottomley, Thomas, (Blanche M.), warp dresser, h. 315 Falconer.Bottsford, Frederick E., Supt. music J. public schools, h. 16 Bassett.Bottsford, Ruth, Mrs., h. 16 Bassett.Bottsford, see Botsford.Bouck, Alvin, jeweler's apprentice, bds. 65 Tenth.Bouck, Gilbert T., (Ardetta), boat builder, h. 65 Tenth.Boults, William, (Elizabeth A.), laborer, h. over 15 Newland Ave.Bourdo, Nelson, (Hannah), wood worker, h. 11 Webster.Bowen, Altana L., laundress, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.Bowen, David J., (Lizzie), aristo worker, h. 16 Linden Ave.Bowen, H. William, student, r. 26 Bush.Bowen, James, mechanic, r. 153 Prospect.Bowen, William M., real estate, r. 26 Bush, bds. Brooklyn House.Bower, Elizabeth, widow Michael, r. 18 Arnold.Bowers, Abraham H., (Ida), physician, over 53 South Main, h. 67 Prospect.Bowers, Henry A., (Clora), optometrist 53 South Main, r. 67 Prospect.Bowers, Samuel T., student, r. 67 Prospect.Bowes, Co., The L. M.—R. W. Randall, Mgr.—belting and mill supplies, 298East Second.THE L. M. BOWES COMPANYBELTING, TRANSMISSION AND MILL SUPPLIESManager R. W. RANDALLHome Phone 266 298 East Second Street JAMESTOWN, N. Y. Bell Phone 253-BBowman, Charles, carpenter, bds. Lake House.Bowman, Charles, (Alice) wood worker, h. under 238 McKinley Ave.Bowman, Ernest, metal worker, bds. 216 Crescent.Bowman, Lester D., (Lillian C), physician, 522 East Second, h. do.Bowman, see Booman.Boyce, Louise, Mrs., r. 744 East Second.Boyd, Charles A., (Mary E.), cigarmaker, h. 47% Baker.Boyd, Eulalia P., duffer, r. over 21 East Second.Boyd, Harry W., (Florence S.), undertaker, h. 11 Genesee.Boyd, Johnson, (Sarah M.), North Side Grocery, h. 28 Price.Boyd, Mary A., widow Thomas L., h. 57 Barrett.Boyd, Mayme G., spinner, r. over 21 East Second.Boyd, Myrtle, Mrs., mender, h. over 21 East Second.Boyd, Purl J., (Minnie), North Side Grocery, h. 19 Catlin Ave.Boyle, Charles A., (Lizzie B.), grocery, 905 Prendergast Ave., h. do.Boyle, Ellen spinner, bds. over 125 Fairview Ave.Boyle, Rollin E., grocery clerk, r. 905 Prendergast Ave.Boyle, William C, (Mabel P.) conductor, J. St. Ry., h. 8 Seymour Ave.Boylen, Hugh, (Margaret), Mgr. cigar store, Sherman House, h. over 152Chandler.Boys, Edwin, (Annie), loom fixer,h. over 17 Cowden Place.Bozyan, Mardiros H., Oriental rugs, 103 East Third.Nothing ,—: Bracey, William Anna, but Mrs., E., the nurse, (Britomarto), best bds. materials 208 foreman Jones & sanders, Gifford at Northrop h. Ave. 62 Harrison. Paint » & Glass

Clark Hardware Co.Roofing and Building Papers36 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N. J.,"There is little suggested by an examination of this company which callsfor any criticism or reformatory legislation."—Report of Investigating Committee,N. J. Senate.Bracey, Mrs. W. E., Prop. South Side Creamery, h. 62 Harrison.Bradburn, Clinton L., (Ella V.),—Bradburn & Moon—r. Sheldon Hall.Bradburn, Minnie, textile worker, bds. over 217 Spring.Bradburn & Moon—C. L. Bradburn and George J. Moon—wallpaper and pictures,207 East Second.Bradigan, Henry G., (Alice), market gardener, h. 153 Chandler.Bradley, Charlotte, widow Samuel, r. 114 Bowen.Bradley, Eldeen J., widow Thomas H., r. 509 Prendergast Ave.Bradley, Florence, widow William H., h. 871 Washington.Bradley, John J., meat market, 37 Price, h. 871 Washington.Bradley, Ross M., (Rita M.), physician, 409 Prendergast Ave., h. do.Bradner, S. Denton, (Belle), miller, h. 35 Orchard Ave.Bradshaw, Mabel, widow Edwin A., h. 210 East Fifth.Bradshaw's Pioneer Insurance Agency—William A. Bradshow, Prop.—rms.11-12 Gokey Bldg., over 16-18 West Third.Bradshaw, William A., (Mary C.)—Bradshaw's Pioneer Insurance Agency—h. 27 Lakeview Ave.Bradt, Clyde M., (Lyda), cashier Wells Fargo Exp. Co., 115 North Main, h.404 West Seventh.Bradt, see Bratt.Brady, Alelia A., widow Robert, h. 41 Ninth.Brady, Carson B., (Pearl), coachman, h. 13 Fenton Place.Brady, Elmer, hostler, rms. over 115 West Third.Braff, John, (Margaret), supervisor Erie R. R. h. 127 Euclid Ave.Bragg, Oscar D., (Harriet), laborer, h. 110 Foote Ave.Brainard, Donald O., (Alma T.), carpenter, h. 312 Allen.Brainard, Laverne W., bookkeeper, h. 198 McKinley Ave.Brainard, Louisa, Mrs., h. 2 Forest Park.Brainard, Marjorie E., stenographer, r. 198 McKinley Ave.Brainard, Nina M., r. 198 McKinley Ave.Braley, David F., (Rachel L.), salesman Hill's piano store, h. 123 Euclid Ave.Braley, Earl H., metal worker, bds. 123 Euclid Ave.Braley, Guy, (Lizzie), clerk F. F. Green & Son, h. 53 Eleventh.Braley, Jesse W., retired, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Braley, Rena L., clerk, bds. 123 Euclid Ave.Branch, L. Edwin, (Mary), saloonkeeper, h. 420 Winsor.Brand, M. Alice, seamstress, h. 836 Washington.Brandin, Bertha A., stenographer, r. over 821 East Second.Brandin, Emma, widow Gustaf, grocery, 821 East Second, h. over do.Brandin, Lily A. M., student, r. over 821 East Second.Brandt, Emma V., stenographer, r. 787 East Second.Brandt, Fred, machine hand, bds. 220 Bowen.Brandt, John A., (Albertina)—Carlson & Brandt—h. 787 East Second.Branney, Caroline, widow Eric, tailoress, bds. 217 East Eighth.Bratt, A. C, (Ressie M.)—Bratt's orchestra—h. 810 Cherry.Bratt, Bailey P., (Mercy A.), painter, h. 144 Chandler.Bratt, Beulah E., bookkeeper, r. 144 Chandler.Bratt, Caspar, (Matilda), metal worker, h. over 600 Foote Ave.Bratt, Claude F., (Harriett), foreman metal department Watson Mfg. Co., h.The BRADSHAW'S Bratt, Brattberg, best 25 Harriett, Herman, see Victoria of Bradt. Ella John insurance Ave. S., Mrs., (Gerda), J., PIONEER bookkeeper, (Augusta h. is 512 veneer not Hazeltine M.), INSURANCE We too r. worker, postman, 5 furnish good. Peach. Ave.it. h. over 5 AGENCY Peach. 214 Thayer.

CLOAKS, .KS, SHAWLS, "pi 1 rx Ql />GLOVES, HOSIERY. 1 He r\. U. DtlcirpG V/O.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 37ABSOLUTELYiff/LL^AN^W/^"ONE PRICE" SYSTEMBrattburg, Mary, widow Charles, nurse, h. over 111 Fairview Ave.Brawn, Joseph, (Annie E.), expert sewing machine mechanic, h. 23 RichmondPlace.Brawn, see Brown.Bray, Harriet, nurse, rms. 142 Foote Ave.Brecheisen, Gilbert M., (Emily), metal worker, h. 783 East Second.Breckenridge, Clarence, (Selma), commercial traveler, h. 109 Colfax.Breckenridge,. Robert, twister, h. 250 Harrison.Breed, Alfred V., (Laura), toolmaker, h. 1 York.Breed, Alice, widow- Charles H., h. 114 Bowen.Breed, Annie, widow Emmett, h. 118 Bowen.Breed, Charles A., (Celestia), Union Lumber Co., h. 7 Fairmount Ave.Breed, Clarence E., printer, r. 118 Bowen.Breed, Emily, widow Henry G., r. 533 West Third.Breed, Franklin E., (Olga), bell boy, h. 118 Bowen.Breed-Johnson Furniture Co.—J. A. Eckman, Pres.; J. A. Peterson, VicePres. and Supt. ;C. L. Eckman, Sec'y .-Treas. and Mgr.—mfrs. desks andbook cases, 129-135 Jones & Gifford Ave.Breed, Louis C, insurance, 32 Fenton Bldg., r. 7 Fairmount Ave.Breed, Winfred W., (Amelia B.), job pressman Journal, h. over 142 Prospect.Brennan, Carrie T., widow Henry J., h. 547 Lakeview Ave.Brennan, Mildred E., student, r. 547 Lakeview Ave.Brezee, Edward E., (Ettie M.), wool sorter, h. Briggs block, Allen.Bricker, E. Lulu, clerk, r. 419 West Third.Bricker, Laurence J., bookkeeper and stenographer, r. 419 West Third.Bricker, Mary, widow Josiah, h. over 419 West Third.Brickett, Welthy A., widow Charles, h. 9 Crossman.Bricklayers Union No. 24 ,Hall over 18 East Third.Brickner, Charles, (Agnes E.), coachman, h. 616 Prendergast Ave.Bridget* Sister M., teacher Parochial school, h. 205 West Fifth.Brier, D. Ward, (Mary J.), dyer, h. 116 Van Buren.Briggs, Alfred N., (Helen), wool buyer J. Worsted Mills, h. 205 East Fifth.Briggs, Arlene D., student, r. 521 East Fifth.Briggs, Arthur K., (Elizabeth Jagger), Treas. & Gen. Mgr. JamestownWorsted Mill, h. 516 Spring.Briggs, Cornelia, r. 39 Fairmount Ave.Briggs, David A., (Amelia J.), driver J. firedept., bds. 209 Prendergast Ave.Briggs, E. Bertram, city editor Journal, bds. 521 East Fifth.Briggs, Elihu S., (Jennie), real estate, h 1235 North Main.Briggs, Fred, (Sarah A.), master mechanic Jamestown Worsted Mills, h. 521East Fifth.Briggs, Frances, widow Sherwood h. 39 Fairmount Ave.Briggs, Harry L., (Edith R.), cashier Union Trust Co., h. 115 Maple.Briggs, Henry R., (Freda), commercial traveler, h. 130 Euclid Ave.Briggs, Herman A., grocery clerk, bds. 52 Thayer.Briggs, John E., (Margaret), tinner, h. 36 Mechanic.Briggs, M. Mae, teacher, bds. 351 East Fourth.Briggs, Martha A., bds. 205 East Fifth.insure in the New York Life? Because: It has an honorableWHY Briggs, Morris O., (Lydia), conductor Erie R. R., h. 330 Crossman.record of sixty-four years.Briggs, Thomas Riley, (Matilda), overlooker warp dressers, h. 104 Barrows.Briggs, William C, (Minnie C), Mgr. Chaut. Towel Mills, h. 404 East Fifth.Brindley, Bristol, Brighton, Brill, Bright, George Geo. Lewis, Leon George, Howard James, S„ W., L., driver, (Belle (Lilly), (Bernice), (Lillian), (Martha), G., grocery rms. G.), textile insurance, commercial over laborer, metal clerk, 14 worker, East bds. h. rms. 504 traveler, h. 504 Third. 300-301 h. over East over 131 Fifth. Fenton 20 143 Falconer. West Chandler. Bldg., Seventh.23 13th.

Clark Hardware Co.38 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYFine Cutlery and Tools<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew w i^S^ffSUBristol, Mary, widow Solomon L., h. 140 Foote Ave.Britain, Frederick L., (Wanda), commercial traveler, h. 340 Foote Ave.Britain, Raymond S., metal worker, r. 340 Foote Ave.Britta, Anna, r. over 140 Barrows.Britton, Anna F., r. 324 Lincoln.Britton, Edward R., retired, h. 324 Lincoln.Britton, George E., bookkeeper First National Bank, r. 324 Lincoln.Britz, Catherine, waitress, New Commercial Hotel, r. do.Broadbent, Benjamin A., textile worker, h. over 311 Allen.Broadbent, Herbert, (Esther), machine carver, h. 20 Peach.Broadbent, Mary, widow James H., r. over 311 Allen.Broadhead, Almet N., (Margaret A.), Pres. J. St. Ry., Broadhead WorstedMills, and Prop. Lakeview Rose Gardens, h. 508 North Main.Broadhead, Ernest J., (Cecilia A.), shipping clerk, h. 625 Newland Ave.Broadhead, Franklin G., (Bertha P.), wool buyer, h. 13 Strong.Broadhead, Frederick H., (Maude A.)—Proudfit Clothing Co.—h. 108Mechanic.Broadhead. Irving H., (Ida S.), designer and Supt. Acme Worsted Mills, h.321 Fairmount Ave.Broadhead, James A., (May H.), foreman Jamestown Worsted Mills, r. 110Broadhead Ave.Broadhead, John L., (Nora W.), bookkeeper, h. 128 Allen.Broadhead, Margaret E., r. 128 Allen.Broadhead, Mertie E., drug clerk, r. 128 Allen.Broadhead, Mertie M., r. 130 South Main.Broadhead, S. Flora, r. 130 South Main.Broadhead, Shelden B.. Gen. Supt. Broadhead Worsted Mills, h. 101 East 4th.Broadhead. William—William Broadhead & Sons—h. 130 South Main.Broadhead, William A., student Yale university, r. 508 North Main.Broadhead, William G., (Katherine H.), physical director, Y. M. C. A., h. 17Derby.Broadhead Worsted Mills—William, Shelden B. and Almet N. Broadhead,Props.—Mfrs. worsted dress goods and suitings, 102-126 East First.Broadhead. Wright D., (Katherine), cashier Bank of Jamestown, h. 124Forest Ave.Broberg, Andrew, (Augusta C), Asst. Supt. city park commission, h. 304Foote Ave.Broberg, Dorothy A., clerk, r. 304 Foote Ave.Broberg, see Boberg.Broburg, Christine, chamber maid, 13 South Main.Brockway, Nettie, bds. 104 Washington.Broden, Greta, widow Gust, h. 67 Steele.Broden, Gust N., (Anna M.), upholsterer, h. 77 Tower.Broden, Herman, machine hand, r. 67 Steele.Broderick, Martin, rose trimmer, bds. 314 West Second.Broderick, Patrick, boss sheet metal worker, bds. 314 West Second.Brodine, Axel, (Hattie J.), wood worker, h. 568 Allen.Brodine, Charles, (Augusta), laborer, h. 5 Partridge.Brodine, Mabel A., textile worker, r. 568 Allen.Brogden, Rufirs, (Martha E.), cloth finisher,h. 662 English.Brogren, Morris, (Matilda), tailor, h. 248 Forest Ave.Bromley, Edwin, (Emma), laborer, h. over 11 Webster.WPlrr Broms, Bronson, Brookins, Brooklyn . Llj A Frank, in Addison Bottling Drug Fish rUllgC Jamestown, Bridgman fin J. and Store—Frank AnrliT Gen. A D., Works—Cowan 11(111 Meat G., N. (Mahala), Rep. Y., Pl\ (Minnie), "jU, Market—M. Bell & Public W. Mfg. Phone textile Palmeter, driver Bros.—under Co., Accountants, 467. B. worker, r. J. Rowley, Youngstown, 317 Financial Fire Prop.—9 Palmer. Dept., h. 7 Prop.—2 Audits Harrison. 140 InvestigatorsSouth O., h. Foote Bell 9 and North Terrace Main. Phone Ave. <strong>System</strong>s, Main. 522. Place.

Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. The A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 39WE HANDLEtff/LLsftAA/tf)/^20 DIFFERENT MAKESBrooklyn House—Cowan Bros.—7 Harrison.Brookmire, Betsy J., widow Ezekiel, h. 146 Stewart Ave.Brookmire, John, engraver, r. 15 Prospect.Brookmire, John M., (Margaret), coachman, h. 15 Prospect.Brooks, Clara M., twister, r. 554 Allen.Brooks, Clark, (Lucreta E.), teamster, h. over 25 Myrtle.Brooks, D. Sherman, city draughtsman, r. 120 Lakeview Ave.Brooks, Edwin A., (Lottie), retired, h. 120 Lakeview Ave.Brooks, Eliza, r. 48 Prospect.Brooks, Helen, widow Edwin C, r. 606 Cherry.Brooks, Henry J., (Nina M.), wood finisher,h. 814 Prendergast Ave.Brooks, James, florist, bds. Fairmount Ave. bey. limits.Brooks, Joe V., (Cora), cook, h. 441 Winsor.Brooks, John M., (Rosabel), physician and surgeon, 312 Prendergast Ave., h.401 do.Brooks, Joseph, (Nancy), laborer, h. 109 Sprague.Brooks, Lillian B., twister, r. Willard, bey. limits.Brooks, Nelson L., sander, r. Willard, bey. limits.Brooks, William PL, (Anna), metal worker, h. 25 Wescott.Brostrom, Albin, machine hand, r. 5 Swan.Brostrom, John, (Augusta), stone mason, h. 5 Swan.Brostrom, see Bostrom.Brown, Aaron A., (Elnora), carpenter, h. 227 King.Brown, A. D.—Brown Printery, over 29 North Main—h. 128 Van Buren.Brown, Albert, (Effa), machinist, h. 168 Chandler.Brown, Albert L., (Ida B.), contractor and builder, h. 1398 East Second.Brown, Alice M., milliner, r. 1398 East Second.Brown, Ambrosia, widow Filmore, textile worker, h. over 128 Stowe.Brown, Anna, clerk, r. 104 East Fifth.Brown, Aten Wick, machinist, bds. 104 East Fifth.Brown, Bernice O., teacher, bds. 820 Washington.Brown, Bert L., (Jennie), teamster, h. 495 South Main.Brown, Bessie M., textile worker, r. 107 Hazzard.Brown, Caroline C, widow Safford Z., r. 71 Hotchkiss.Brown, Charles E., (Myrtie L.), signalman, h. 57 South Main.Brown, Charles H., bookkeeper Eastman Kodak Co., h. 59 Prospect.Brown, Charles M., (Adele D.), Mgr. Brown Printery, h. 128 Van Buren.Brown, Charles N., (Alice Ross), h. 305 West Third.Brown, Clarence C, (Julia), machinist, h. ov*r 36 Pearl Ave.Brown, Clarence H., hotel clerk, bds. 112 Liberty.Brown, Coletta O., student, r. 544 Lakeview Ave.Brown, Donald S., bookkeeper, over 101 East Second, r. 116 East Fourth.Brown, Edmund, (Addie), wool sorter, h. over 168 Chandler.Brown, Emma A., widow Herman, h. 107 Hazzard.Brown, Ernest, (Elizabeth), coachman, h. 110 Washington.Brown, E. Ross, (Elizabeth), draughtsman, h. 103 Forest Ave.Brown, Fanny G., widow Edward C, h. 20 West Sixth.Brown, Fred E., (Grace E.), conductor, J. St. Ry., h. Fairmount Ave., hey.limits.Brown, Fred P., (Delia), stationary fireman, h. 112 Hazzard.Brown, George W., bds. 37 Eighteenth.HAND Brown, DECORATED PAINTED Helen George Glenn Gustaf Harold Guy, drayman, S., K., S., H., LeF., W., wood (Anna widow CHINA wood and emp. (Alice bds. D.), worker, Erie r/j//i/»r/lf/ Henry 62 R.), at commercial bds. the Liberty. chief E., h. R., 20 i^UU/CrUJL 140 r. bds. yard Stafford 59 Summit. traveler, 607 Prospect. clerk Washington. Cf\ Ave. Erie h. r. 544 R. l°l« L/C/.. R., Lakeview h. 53 E. Grant. Ave. 3rd St.

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Builders' Hardware40 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYPllOllf ail/IllQ Rr01A7 P°"e»ses allthe attributes of purity and flavoVll

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods. The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 41tf/LL^AM^TORQBucklin, Percy, carpenter and paperhanger, rms. 213 West Second.Bucklin, William R., (Anna), aristo paper cutter, h. 637 Palmer.Bugbee, Agnes B., stenographer, r. 45 Blanchard.Bugbee, Albert A., (Mary E.), gardener, h. 45 Blanchard.Bugbee, Earl H., r. 45 Blanchard.Bull, Ellen, h. 67 Center.Bull, Mary, h. 67 Center.Bullock, Alice, Mrs.,' dressmaker, h. over 848 North Main.Bullock, Alvin L., (Mary D.), contracting painter and paperhanger, h. 39Flagg Ave.Bullock, Frank W., (Cassandra), Supt. Jamestown Lighting & Power Co.,h. 50 Broadhead Ave.Bunnell, Cornelius K., (Amanda), nursery stock, h. 336 Allen.Buntafaro, Giuseppa, laborer, bds. over 298 East Second.BuntafarO, Gaetano, laborer, bds. over 298 East Second.Burch, Conrad A., clerk, Sprague Hardware Co., h. 30 Falconer.Burch, David E., (Hilda J.), ladies and gents tailoring, rm. 5 Fenton Bldg.,h. 140 Forest Ave.Burch, John A., (Augusta), mechanic, h. 30 Falconer.Burch, Lawrence A., machinist, r. 30 Falconer.Burch, Reuben, (Josie B.), machine hand, h. over 1398 East Second.Burch, W. Judson, (Emma), telegraph operator Erie R. R., h. 311 Lincoln.Burch, see Birch.Burchard, Fred W., (Sarah), wood finisher,h. 222 Chandler.Burchard, Seneca B., (Jennie C.)—Wilcox, Burchard & Co.—h. 543 LakeviewAve.Burdick, Lafayette M., (Laura J.), gardener, h. 6 Culver.Burg, John, wood worker, bds. over 83 Allen.Burg, John G., (Sophia), shoemaker, h. 133 Sampson.Burg, Robert, (Caroline), wood worker, h. 545 Allen.Burg, see Berg.Burgeson, Berger A., (Hilda C), hand turner, h. 113 Hedges Ave.Burggeson, Eva J. E., nurse, r. 113 Hedges Ave.Burgeson, Fred, (Clara M.), motorman, J. St. Ry., h. 35 Derby.Burgeson, Frederick, (Amelia), shipping clerk, h. over 7 Cross.Burgeson, Henry M., clerk, r. 35 Derby.Burgeson, Herbert F., gardener, r. 35 Derby.Burgeson, Lillian H. B., winder, r. 113 Hedges Ave.Burgeson, Roy S. A., grainer, r. 113 Hedges Ave.Burgeson, see Bergeson.Burgett, Ada B., milliner, r. over 108 East Third.Burgett, Charles A., (Harriett A.), barber, h. 235 South Main.Burgett, Mary E., widow Peter, dressmaker, h. over 108 East Third.Burke, Albert C, pipe fitter, r. 67 Benson.Burke, Amelia, weaver, r. 241 Broadhead Ave.Burke, Catherine, clerk, r. 866 Spring.Burke, Charles, flagman Erie R. R., h. 545 Buffalo.Burke, Charles J., (Anna L.), pipe fitter,h. 67 Benson.BAND Burke, Delia Elizabeth, Lillian Johanna Michael, Esther SAWED E. J., C, textile R., (Elizabeth), H., HEMLOCK drawer, clerk, textile r. worker, 545 r. worker, Buffalo. 866 oil 67 LUMBER r. well Benson. Spring. 545 r. driller, Buffalo. 545 Instituted Buffalo. h. 866 Spring. li^Ry.

Clark Hardware Co., Hardware & Mill Supplies42 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP. ]Coats for ladies, misses and children. Largest stock.Lowest prices.SAXE BROS. CO., 12-14 W. Third St.Burke, Minnie E., stenographer, r. 866 Spring.Burke, Nellie, clerk, r. 866 Spring.Burke, Theodore C, telegraph operator, r. 545 Buffalo.Burke, Thomas, gardener, bds. 314 West Second.Burke, William, plumber, bds. 121 East Second.Burke, William T., plumber, r. 866 Spring.Burke, see Bjork.Burkett, Elizabeth, r. 312 Pine.Burkett, Florence, r. 312 Pine.Burkett, John W., (Mattie D.), lumber inspector Pearl City Veneer Co., h.312 Pine.Burklund, John, (Augusta S.)—John Burklund & Co.—h. 49 McKinley Ave.Burklund, John & Co.—John Burklund and C. A. Lundquist—dry goods, 215-217 East Second.Burklund, Margaret V., clerk, r. 49 McKinley Ave.Burkman, Nannie L., student, r. 1831 East Second.Burland, Almet R., h. 211 Price.Burland, Ella M., stenographer, Home Telephone Co., r. 211 Price.Burland, Matilda, widow Gust, h. 211 Price.Burland & Nelson—Gust Burland Est. and Axel C. Nelson—shoes, 108 E. 2nd.Burley, Andrew, (Phebe), laborer, h. over 232 Prospect.Burlin, Jessie M., teacher, bds. over 302 Clinton.Burlin, Louisa, h. 426 East Fifth.Burlin, Phebe A., widow Allen W., h. over 302 Clinton.Burnell, Clarence H., (Evelyn), cement contractor, h. 214 Chandler.Burnett, John A., (Margaret D.), surrogate's clerk, Mayville, N.Y., h. 19 W7th. ,Burnett, J. A., Mrs., dressmaker, over 219 West Third, h. 19 West Seventh..'Burns, Alva, (Clara), conductor J. St. Ry., h. over 198 Fairmount Ave.Burns, Edward, (Elizabeth), engineer J. C. & L. E. Ry., h. over 20 West 7th.Burns, Edward, C, (Mary G.), civil engineer, h. 417 Spring.Burns, Isabella S., librarian, r. 417 Spring.Burns, John, metal worker, h. 7 Barnard Ave.Burns, John J., (Electa M.), retired, h. 33 Harrison.Burns, Margaret, widow James W., h. 108 Francis.Burns, Melbourne C, (Lotta)—Ames-Burns Co.—h. 12 West Sixth.Burns, Minnie B., dressmaker, r. 33 Harrison.Burr, Bertha J., bookkeeper Lakeview Rose Gardens, r. 419 West Third.Burr, Carrie A., widow Frank, h. over 419 West Third.Burr, Edward H., clerk, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Burr, Elmer T., stationary engineer, bds. 62 Newton Ave.Burr, G. Melvin, (Frankie), machinist, h. 62 Newton Ave.Burr, Horace J., (Hattie H.), second hand goods, 106 Fairmount Ave., h. 69Thirteenth.Burr, Kenneth H., collector, Home Tel. Co., r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Burr, Leo W., clerk, bds. 62 Newton Ave.Burr, Millie M., printer, r. 62 Newton Ave.Burr, Minnie H., widow Edward H., h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Burroughs, Fred, machine packer, bds. 19 Hopkins Ave.Burroughs, Jane L., widow Julius L., h. 19 Hopkins Ave.Burt, Alfred W.—Burt-Hall Towel Co.—rms. The Osmer, 413 West Third.Office Burt-Hall Burt, Burtch, Annie, Glenn Simon Harold Eleanor, Mildred, Towel Desks M., P., stenographer, H., (Marion), Co.—J. (Maude), r. student, r. Lakewood. are T. r. furniture pressman, Hall r. Right Lakewood.over and 8 packer, A. Bowen. at h. W. 9 Gage Grandin. Burt—towels, h. over Furniture 8 Bowen. Hunt Road. Co.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 43THE LARGEST STOCKtff/LL^AMf)/^BETWEENPITTSBURG AND BUFFALOBurtch, Yale W., (Alice), office Mgr. Am. Mfg. Concern, Falconer, h. Lakewood,N. Y.Burtis, Emma E., h. over 602 Lafayette.Bush, Albert, (Catherine), florist,h. 332 Steele.Bush, Alfred, electrician, r. Ill Fairview Ave.Bush, Alta L., widow Austin D., h. 859 North Main.Bush, Calvin, (Rhoda M.), real estate, h. 372 Foote Ave.Bush, Delia, widow Richard, r. 19 Strong.Bush, Ellis, (Julia), metal worker, h. 322 South Main.Bush, Ethel M., student, r. 109 Park.Bush, Frank B., (Amy A.), retired, h. 412 Winsor.Bush, Fred G., (Katheryn B.), retired, h. over 110 East Second.Bush, Fred L., (Nora E.), local Rep. Fleischman Yeast Co., r. 241 Fulton.Bush, George M., (Emma), wood worker, h. over 107 Hall Ave.Bush, Henry H., (Chloe), carpenter, h. 111% Fairview Ave.Bush, Hoyt A., clerk, r. 109 Park.Bush, John E., (Bertha), teamster, h. 202 Baker.Bush, Joseph, laborer, r. 280 Steele.Bush, Lambert L., (Emma A.), gardener, h. 109 Park.Bush, Leon F., clerk, r. 109 Park.Bush, Mary, widow Charles, h. 22 Hazzard.Bush, May, widow Aaron, h. Ill Fairview Ave.Bush, Theodore, butcher, h. 280 Steele.Bushee, Loyal S., (Helen), watchman Art Metal, h. 707 Washington.Bushey, Floyd G., student, r. 384 Foote Ave.Bushey, W. Frank, (Emma), commercial traveler, h. 384 Foote Ave.Bushey, William, (Ruth V.), clerk, r. 382 Foote Ave.Busk, May L., stenographer, r. 30 Price.Busk, Nellie, paper boxmaker, r. 2 Stearns Ave.Butler, Arthur, (Rebecca), machinist, h. over 784 East Second.Butler, Bertha, china and water color painting, over 19 W. 2nd, r. Lakewood,N. Y.Butler, Frank A., (Christie), tinsmith, h. 64 Barrett.Butler, Frank H., (Inez R.), farmer, h. Fairmount Ave. bey. limits.Butler, Hazel M., clerk, r. 38 West Eighth.Butler, Herbert G., decorator, r. 38 West Eighth.Butler, Hiram E., (Mary J.), insurance, h. 64 Fairmount Ave.Butler, Louise E., r. 64 Fairmount Ave.Butler, Lyle W., r. 38 West Eighth.Butler, M. Eva, bookkeeper Delaney & Throop, r. 76 Barrett.Butler, Olive B., stenographer, r. Lakewood, N. Y.Butler, Sophie D., h. 201 Van Buren.Butler, Walter O., (Bertha), insurance solicitor, h. 34 Flagg Ave.Butman, Luther M., (Hattie), Empire and Acme Worsted Mills, h. 529 E. 5th.Butterfield, Ethel, student, r. 90 Fairmount Ave.Butterfield, James W., (Isabella), insurance, over 102 North Main, h. 90Fairmount Ave.Butterfield, Maude H., student, r. 90 Fairmount Ave.Butterfield & Sessions—Wrothwell Butterfield .and Frank E. Sessions—insurance,over 102 North Main.Butterfield, Sidney, student, r. 90 Fairmount Ave.Butterfield, Wrothwell, (Jennie)—Butterfield & Sessions—h. 25 Van Buren.W. BUTTERFIELD INSURANCE, 102 The Main best Street PAINTS F- REAL & E- SESSIONSJAMESTOWN, and ESTATE OILS at AND N. Northrop LOANS Y. Home Paint Phone & 480 Glass Co.

Clark Hardware Co.44 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYFine Cutlery and ToolsTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N. J.,Economical, Just and Equitable since organization; a matter of principleand habit; now, and always, in advance of the statute laws.Button, Irvin, (Mary), moulder, h. 237 McKinley Ave.Button, Jane, widow Dr. J. W., h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Butts, Andrew J., (M. Delia)—Butts & Miller—h. 85 Fairmount Ave.Butts, George R., (Helen), Asst. cashier Union Trust Co., h. 214 Crossman.Butts, Glenn A., motorman J. St. Ry., bds. 701 West Eighth.Butts, Horace S., student, r. 85 Fairmount Ave.Butts, Inez A., student, r. 85 Fairmount Ave.Butts, Laura E., student, bds. 214 Crossman.Butts & Miller—Andrew J. Butts and W. H. Miller—real estate, rm. 20 WellmanBldg., over 101 West Third.Butts, Perl A., (Anna), clerk, A. J. Peterson & Son, h. 611 East Eighth.Byers, Herman J., (Agnes), sawyer, rms. over 116 East Third.Byford, Frederick—Johnson & Byford—bds. 537 East Fifth.Byles, Emeline, bds. 104 East Fifth.Bylund, Erick, furniture finisher,bds. 105 Kipp.Bylund, Erick A., rubber, r. 757 East Second.ELOF ROSENCRANTZ &Builders' HardwareCOMPANYCable, George W., (Mary), teamster, h. rear 196 Falconer.Caci, Ali, filler, r. over 5 Taylor.Cadwell Cabinet Co.—John Cadwell and Eugene B. Cadwell—telephonewood work, 115 Foote Ave.Cadwell, Eugene B., (Jeanette H.)—Cadwell Cabinet Co.—h. 113 East Eighth.Cadwell, Frank W., (Jennie W.)—Cadwell Cabinet Co.—h. 416 Lakeview Ave.Cadwell, John, (Carrie S.)—Cadwell Cabinet Co.—h. 212 Lakeview Ave.Cady, Helen, widow Peter, h. 1370 East Second.Cady, Louis C, (Margaret A.), shoemaker, h. 22 Eleventh.Cady, Lydia M., widow John, h. 212 Pine.Cady, Morna M., r. 14 Weeks.Cady, William R., (Josie), bricklayer, h. 14 Weeks.Cady, Willis C, farmer, r. 1370 East Second.Caesar, Carl, (Anna), shoemaker and repairer, h. 117 William.Caflisch Bros.—H. W. Ailing, Mgr.—lumber Mfrs. rms. 306-308 Chadakoin Big.Cairo Oil Co.—George H. Ahrens and Henry Odell—oil producers, over 101East Second.Cala, Antonia, (Parmela B.), laborer, h. over 298 East Second.Calahane, James P., (Elizabeth), sewer contractor, h. 10y2 Crane.Calahane, Margaret, clerk, post office, r. 46 Center.Calahane, Nellie, hairdresser, r. 46 Center.Calahane, Nora, h. 46 Center.Calahane, Susanna, teacher, r. 46 Center.Calahane, see Callahane.Calamuce, Joseph, finisher, bds. over 298 East Second.Caldwell, Charles S., (Edith), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 410 Lafayette.Calkins, Alfred R., h. 250 Hallock.Calkins, Fred H., (Sadie E.), machinist, h. 776 East Second.Calkins, Hazel N., r. 776 East Second.Callahane,Fidelity, BRADSHAW'S LeoJudicial,J., PIONEER plumber,Contract,bds.Bonds INSURANCE Excise708issuedWashington.and by all AGENCY other forms of

Always buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 45ONE OF.THE FINESTtft/LL^AM^TO/^IN THIS COUNTRYCallahane, William M., (Anna), h. 207 West Eighth.Callahane, see Calahane.Callander, Hilma, domestic, 15 West Fifth.Cameron, Daniel, laborer, rms. Y. M. C. A.Cameron, Winfield S., (Imogene P.), attorney, rm. 37 Fenton Bldg, h. 19Fairmount Ave.Camp, Albert N., (Alice B.), photographer, over 207 No. Main, h. 313 W. 5th.Camp, Mary, domestic, 16 West Fifth.Camp, Paul B., student, r. 313 West Fifth.Campbell, Albert L. D., (Alia M.), specialist eye, ear, nose and throat, rms.34-37 Wellman Bldg, h. 801 West Fifth.Campbell, Charles E., (Mattie G.), laborer, h. 34 Victoria Ave.Campbell, Cassius G., (Ella)—Mechanics Laundry, Whitley Ave.—h. 20Phillips.Campbell, Claude E — Electric Mills—bds. 43 Tenth.Campbell, Frank, (Maud), telegraph opr. Morning Post, h. 18 Prather Ave.Campbell, Frank, clerk, City Hotel, r. do.Campbell, Frank R., (Zoe M.), office Mgr. J. Hosiery Co., h. 1024 No. Main.Campbell, Fred M., (Cora), pastor Free Methodist Church, h. 511 East 7th.Campbell, Grace M., widow George K., r. 715 East Second.Campbell & Griffin—Kate Campbell and Susie Griffin—rooming house, over210 East Second.Campbell, Kate, Mrs.—Campbell & Griffin—h. over 210 East Second.Campbell, William, (Fredericka N.), wood worker-, r. 230 Steele.Campbell, William W., (Jennie E.)—Electric Mills—h. 43 Tenth.Canby, Frank J., (Anna), upholsterer, h. over 63 Falconer.Cannar, Joseph, (Marion), wood worker, h. 152% Jones & Gifford Ave.Canne, James, (Carrie R.), laborer, h. 62 Harrison.Canty, Daniel, upholsterer, rm. 506 West Fifth.Canty, Daniel, upholsterer, bds. 710 Jefferson.Canty, Ellen, widow Timothy, h. 710 Jefferson.Canty, John, upholsterer, bds. 710 Jefferson.Canty, Michael,-laborer, bds. 710 Jefferson.Canty, Patrick, finisher,bds. 710 Jefferson.Canty, Timothy, upholsterer, bds. 710 Jefferson.Canuteson.Arvid, cabinetmaker, bds. 220 Bowen.Canuteson, Simon, hand sander, bds. 220 Bowen.Capeell, Hattie M., Mrs., h. 18 Water.Carbati, Baptiano, laborer, bds. 539 Crescent.Carbaugh, William, electrician, bds. 5 South Main.Carcano, Miceli, (Bonofere G.), grocer, 110 Harrison,, h. do.Card, Abe C, (Grace), gluer, h. 402 Stowe.Card, Charles, laborer, h. over 336 Steele.Card, Earl J., (Ruth), draughtsman, h. 146y2 Stewart Ave.Card, George S., (Lillian A.), sand contractor, h. 261 Hallock.Card, Laverne B., (Pearl C), commercial traveler, h. 23 Derby.Card, Renzie, housekeeper, 75 Hallock.Carette, Gabrielle, insure in weaver, the New r. York 196 Falconer. Life? Because: Its policies protectCarette, WHY Jules, nearly (Victorine), one million weaver, families. h. 196 Falconer.Carey, Alice M., student, r. 3 Winsor.Carey, Carlberg, Carlin, see Charles Augusta, Herbert see Aaron, Harry, Cary. Colberg.. H., S., widow metal (Hilda (Lily), (Elsie messenger, worker, Edward, M.), fireman,h. A.), metal driver, r. 212 121 212 worker, h. Chandler. 3 Palmer.Winsor. 3 Winsor. h. 121 Palmer.

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools46 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY<strong>Chautauqua</strong>B r e wIT'S GOOD FOR YOU ANDIT'S GOOD FOR YOUR FAMILY.Carlin, Sallie, textile worker, r. 212 Chandler.Carling, Alfred, (Christina), retired, h. 39 Elliot Ave.Carling, Joseph, wood carver, r. 39 Elliot Ave.Carling, Phillip, upholsterer, r. 39 Elliot Ave.Carling, Sigurd, student, r. 39 Elliot Ave.Carlquist, Hilda C, widow John, housekeeper, 552 West Third.Carlson, Agnes A., mender, r. 265 Prospect.Carlson, Albert F., metal worker, r. 49 Anderson.Carlson, Albin, (Hannah), machinist, h. 225 Bowen.Carlson, Albin R., metal worker, r. 265 Prospect.Carlson, Alfred, (Josephine), cabinetmaker, h. 240 Hazzard.Carlson, Alfred, (Esther), teamster, h. over 225 Prospect.Carlson, Alfred, (Carrie), shipping clerk, h. 310 Forest Ave.Carlson, Alfred C, (Carrie), cloth finisher,h. 59 McKinley Ave.Carlson, Alfred C, (Alma), stationary engineer, h. 132 Thayer.Carlson, Alice, duffer, r. 25 Wescott.Carlson, Alice C, Mrs., textile worker, r. 23 Hopkins Ave.Carlson, Alice J., picker, r. 547 Willard.CarlsonCarlson, Alma B., domestic, 312 West Fifth.CarlsonCarlson, Alwood, student, h. over 131 Falconer.Carlson-AndersonCarlson& Swan—Gustaf D. Carlson, Carl A. Anderson and Axel L.CarlsonSwan—meat market, 704 East Second.Carlson.Carlson, Andrew, (Matilda), dyer, h. 34 Linwood Ave.CarlsonAndrew, (Olga), carpenter, h. 7 Franklin.CarlsonAndrew, (Emma), engineer, h. 49 Anderson.CarlsonAndrew, (Carolina); carpenter, h. 82-83-84 Allen Sq. Bldg.CarlsonAndrew G., (A. Louisa), machine hand, h. 836 East Second.CarlsonAndrew G., (Annie), stone mason, h. 29 Charles.CarlsonAnna, weaver, r. 12 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.CarlsonAnna, clerk, bds. 827 Washington.CarlsonAnna, domestic, 544 Lakeview Ave.CarlsqnAnna L., widow Carl, r. 49 Anderson.CarlsonAnton Carl, cabinetmaker, bds. 314 Price.CarlsonAnton E., mill hand, r. 265 Prospect.CarlsonArthur, machine carver, bds. 69 Benson.CarlsonArvid, carpenter, bds. 486 South Main.CarlsonArvid, laborer, bds. 16 Barker.CarlsonAugust, carpenter, r. 2 Charles.CarlsonAugusta, Axel, teamster, h. over bds. 219127 McKinley Linwood Ave. Ave.CarlsonAugusta Axel, (Ethel S., domestic, A.), drayman, 317 Clinton. h. over 239 Hazzard.CarlsonAugusta Axel, (Minnie), S., twister, wood r. worker, 41 Peterson. h. over 133 Camp.CarlsonAugust Axel, (Ada)—Carlson A., (Anna O.), & wood Johnson—h. finisher,h. 309131 West Allen. Seventh.liamAugust Axel, finisher,bds. J., wood turner, 5 Kinney. h. over 55 Water.CarlsonAugust Axel, veneer J., steel worker, casemaker, bds. 105 r. Wescott. over 44 Vega.CarlsonAugust Axel, (Hildur), S., (Josephine), wood carver, tailor, h. h. over 19 Winsor. 952 East Second.CarlsonAugust Axel F., W„ (Anna (Augusta), E.), stone foreman mason, J. h. Lounge 110 Barrows. Co., h. 123 Prospect.Carlson Bernhardt A. William, G., (Anna band B.),—groceries sawyer, r. 12 Hedges & meat, Ave. 310 Sprague— h. 12 Wil-Carlson Bertha E.. r. 547 Willard.Carlson Betty, weaver, r. over Accountants 37 Sampson. and Cost <strong>System</strong>s. Jamestown, N Y , BellW. Ely Ainge Audit Co. phone 467; Youngstown, 0., Bell phone 522.CarlsonCarlsonCarlson

The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. The A. D. SHARPE CO.fllL£kPAMd)rO/!§JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 47ABSOLUTELY'ONE PRICE" SYSTEMCarlson & Brandt—John W. Carlson and John A. Brandt—meats, 774 E. 2nd.Carlson Bros—Henry and Oscar Carlson—meats, 324 Newland Ave.Carlson, C. Alvin, (Pearl L.), electrician, h. 321 Palmer.Carlson, Carl, (Sophie), metal worker, h. 136 Weeks.Carlson, Carl, wood worker h. over 198 Barrett.Carlson, Carl, draughtsman, r. 59 McKinley Ave.Carlson, Carl, bds. 163 Barrows.Carlson, Carl, wood worker, bds. 530 Allen.Carlson, Carl, A., wood worker, bds. over 83 Allen.• Carlson. CarlA., (Ida), machine sander, h. 307 Stowe.Carlson, Carl A., (Ida M.), carpenter, h. 24 Peach.Carlson, Carl (Anna O.), carpenter, h. 103 Camp.A.,Carlson, Carl E., (Hulda), tailor, h. 106 Hazzard.Carlson, Carl G., (Anna), stone mason, h. under 205 Allen.Carlson, Carl H., (Hattie E.), upholsterer, h. 507 East Second.Carlson, Carl H., (Augusta), carpenter, h. 69 Wescott.Carlson, Carl J., (Julia E.), draughtsman, h. 16 Fairfield Ave.Carlson, Carl J. metal worker, r. 307 Stowe.Carlson, Carl O., (Charlotte), metal worker, h. 109 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Carlson, Carl W., (Augusta), tailor, h. 113 Chandler.Carlson, Charles, (Matilda), painter, h. 105 Hedges Ave.Carlson, Charles, college student, h. 110 Vega.Carlson, Charles,Carlson, Celia, widow Olof, textile worker, h. 581 Buffalo.Carlson, Charles,Carlson, C. Elmer, (Anna), foreman Erie R. R., h. 137 Euclid Ave.Carlson, Charles,Carlson, Charles, wood worker, bds. 216 Crescent.Carlson, Charles,Carlson, Charles A.,(Sophie), veneer worker, h. 220 Bowen.Carlson, Charles A.,(Ethel), carpenter, h. over 19 Pearl Ave.Carlson, Charles A.,(Ellen), emp. J. Ice & Coal Co., h. over 415 West Eighth.metal worker, bds. 120 Euclid Ave.Carlson, Charleslaborer, r. 319 Allen.Carlson, CharlesCarlson, Charles (Mary), cement worker, h. 16 Tew.Carlson, Charles (Sophie), driver, h. 214 Bowen.Carlson, Charles ECarlson, Charles F(Anette), laborer, h. 110 Vega.(Josephine), finisher,h. Tiffany Ave.(Clara), bartender, h. 504 Allen.(Sophia), bushelman, h. 12 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.(Matilda M.)—Bergeson & Carlson—h. 219 Willard.(Jennie C), machine hand, h. over 219 Newland Ave.Carlson, Charles G.,Carlson, Charles J.,Carlson, Charles J.,Carlson, Charles L., (Hilma O.), bookkeeper, h. 423 Newland Ave.Carlson, Charles L., (Clara), machine hand, h. over 16 West End.Plant, h. 35 Chapman. (Hattie), motorman, J. St. Ry., h. 32 Linden Ave.Carlson, Charles L., (Christine)—Carlson (Elvira), metal worker, & Helgran—h. 22 Cowden 488% Place. Willard.Carlson^ Carlson, Charles O., F.^ electrician, (Charlotte), r. commercial 29 Franklin. traveler, h. 110 Mechanic.Carlson, Charles G., P., (Emma), C), machine wood worker, hand, h. h. 400 16 Foote Hotchkiss. Ave.Carlson, Charles P., (Mary), (Christine), carpenter carpenter, and contractor, h. 6 Charles. h. 132 Sampson.Carlson, Charles W., (Christine), (Anna), tailor, wood finisher,h. h. 112 William. over 215 Hazzard.Carlson, Christina W., (Anna widow A.), Charles wood J., worker, h. 35 Cross. h. 117 Camp.Carlson, Christine, Mrs., (Anna h. M.), 15 Barrows. saloon, DECORATOR, 15 Steele, 107 W h. Third 141 Street, McKinley Jamestown, Ave. N.Y.Carlson, Charles Christine, E. Maclease, domestic, (Anna M.), 408 chief West engineer, Fifth. Bell 124-b Municipal Home Electric Ql-k Light

Clark Hardware Co. Farming Implements and Fencing48 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew —always pure and deliciousCarlson Clara, widow Gust, h. 41 Peterson.Carlson Claus, cabinetmaker, bds. 12 Kinney.Carlson Conrad, (Alma), wood worker, h. 53 Hallock.Carlson Constan W., (Ellen), machinist, h. 284 South Main.Carlson Cora E., r. 35 Chapman.Carlson Corina M., widow John, h. 5 Winsor.Carlson C. Robert, (Hilda M.), metal worker, h. 7 Partridge.Carlson C. William, (Celia S.), stationary fireman, h. 47 Charles.Carlson Daniel A., (Christine), laborer, h. 575 Allen.Carlson, David, (Selma O.), moulder, h. over 168 Barrett.Carlson David, (Julia), h. 36 Benson.Carlson David, toolmaker, bds. 223 Bowen.Carlson, David A., cabinetmaker, r. 41 Peterson.Carlson, David H., packer, r. 110 Vega.Carlson Eba., picker, r. 23 Benedict.Carlson Ed. D., (Mary), machine carver, h. 241 Crescent.Carlson, Edla, laundress, bds. 126 Sampson.Carlson, Edith, laundress, bds. 110 Foote Ave.Carlson Edith R., milliner, r. 110 Weeks.Carlson Edward, (Helga), wood worker, h. over 35 Morton.Carlson Edward, (Ellen), laborer, r. 216 Baker.Carlson Edward, mattressmaker, bds. 102 Broadhead Ave.Carlson Edward, r. 12 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Carlson Edward, metal worker, rms. over 33 Harrison.Carlson Edward A., (Elizabeth), metal worker, h. 267 Broadhead Ave.Carlson Edward C, (Matilda), metal worker, h. 107 Colfax.Carlson Edwin, packer, r. 49 Anderson.Carlson Edwin L., r. 35 Cross.Carlson Elizabeth, weaver, r. over 198 Barrett.Carlson Ella E„ clerk, r. 175 McKinley Ave.Carlson Ella L., r. 265 Prospect.Carlson Ellen, clerk, bds. 20 Maple.Carlson Ellen, domestic 101 South Main.Carlson Ellen, laundry worker, rms. 153 Chandler.Carlson Ellen M., widow Charles, 1. 127 Chandler.Carlson Ellen V., domestic, 412 North Main.Carlson Ellen V., clerk, r. 112 William.Carlson Elmer, laborer, r. 25 Wescott.Carlson Elmer W., (Jeanie), watchmaker and engraver, h. 118 Bush.Carlson Elof, (Charlotte), metal worker, h. over 151 Prospect.Carlson Elsa H., domestic, 1381 East Second.Carlson Elva M., clerk, r. 347 Foote Ave.Carlson Elvie I., r. 16 Foote Ave.Carlson Emil, (Amanda), bartender, h. 205 Allen.Carlson Emil, (Lulu), deliveryman, h. over 54 McKinley Ave.Carlson Emil, machine hand, bds. 36 Benson.Carlson Emil A., machine hand, bds. 20 Institute.Carlson Emma A., mender, r. over 131 Falconer.¥ Carlson «J? * Emma J., r. 55 Connecticut Water. General Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn.,LCarlsonU C lUSUranCe Emma L., widow W. John J. Bentley, W., h. 29 general Franklin. agent, 515 Chadakoin Bldg.Carlson Erfried, metal worker, bds. 6 Maplewood Ave.CarlsonErie, Erick, Ernest, (Bertha), A., L., bookkeeper, machine (Hannah), office metal (Eda (Ellen), clerk, worker, S.), farmer, hand, metal car r. brick r. repairer, rms. 23 r. 107 h. worker, Benedict. 6 layer, 724 Charles. 215 Colfax. Camp. Erie West h. 84 716 R. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Second. Newland R., h. 15 Ave. Victoria Ave.

The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 49cf/lLI^ffAA^TO^Carlson, Ernest, machine hand, r. 240 Hazzard.Carlson, Ernest, upholsterer, r. 207 Myrtle.Carlson, Ernest, rubber, bds. 178 Fairmount Ave.Carlson, Eskel M., (Amanda G.), metal worker, h. 121 Baker.Carlson, Essie, textile worker, bds. 239 Hazzard.Carlson, Esther, domestic, 27 Lakeview Ave.Carlson, Esther, A., nurse, r. 175 McKinley Ave.Carlson, Esther E., domestic, r. 489 Winsor.Carlson, Esther Lillian R., textile worker, r. 117 Camp.Carlson, Esther N., nurse, 207 Foote Ave., r. do.Carlson, Ethel, clerk, r. 59 McKinley Ave.Carlson, Etta, laundry sorter, r. 150 Barrows.Carlson, Frank, (Nellie), wood finisher,h. 168 Chandler.Carlson, Frank, metal worker, bds. 12 William.Carlson, Frank A., (Helen), cabinetmaker, h. 228 Broadhead Ave.Carlson, Frank A., emp. Erie R. R., bds. l609 Newland Ave.Carlson, Frank E., metal worker, r. 29 Franklin.Carlson, Frank E., (Jennie), carpenter, h. 547 Willard.Carlson, Frank O., (Hannah), cooper, h. 489 Winsor.Carlson, Frank O., (Jennie), dyer, h. 133 King.Carlson, Frank O., metal worker, bds. 50 Franklin.Carlson, Fred, (Hannah), wood worker, h. over 11 Grandin.Carlson, Fred, (Hilma), tailor, h. over 61 McKinley Ave.Carlson, Fred, A., (Lena F.), machine hand, h. 65 Tower.Carlson, Fred F., tailor, bds. 23 Barker.Carlson, Fred H., (Hulda), h. 110 Charles.Carlson, Fred J., (Ida), meat cutter, h. 313 Newland Ave.Carlson, G. Edward, (Matilda), wood worker, h. under 325 Foote Ave.Carlson, Genevieve C, weaver, r. 5 Winsor.Carlson, George, packer, r. 488% Willard.Carlson, George A., (Elizabeth), casemaker, h. over 37 Morton.Carlson, George C, machine hand, r. 257 Barrows.Carlson, George J., metal finisher,bds. 238 Bowen.Carlson, George V., (Florence E.), stationary engineer, h. 211 West Second.Carlson, Gerald, cabinetmaker, bds. 123 Prospect.Carlson, Ge'rda, housekeeper, r. 26 Bdsh.Carlson, Gerhard, (Ella), toolmaker, h. over 22 Charles.Carlson, Gertrude V., r. over 44 Vega.Carlson, Gertrude V., weaver, r. 5 Winsor.Carlson, Gilbert C, farmer, bds. 800 Camp.Carlson, Gunnar, (Adina), metal worker, h. over 116 William.Carlson, Gust, (Ina), metal worker, h. 11 Crown.Carlson, Gust, (Selma), motorman, J. St. Ry., h. 5 Barnard Ave.Carlson, Gust, wood worker, h. 2 Charles.Carlson, Gust, (Hulda), metal worker, h. 125 Park.Carlson, OAK and Gust, wood worker, h. 108 William.Carlson, PINE Gust,F r onightn twatchman,D o o r sh.stock110 McKinleyL y oAve.n s insututReRsr.&YErieSRy.Carlson, Gust A., (Amanda S.), carpenter, h. 85 Tower.Carlson, Gustaf, A., K., metal D., (Carolina), (Christine), G., sander, saddlemaker, (Elvira)—Carlson, college worker, bds. student, sheet metal 222 bds. *. steel Barrows. worker, 221 r. over Anderson Weeks. 110 worker, 764 h. Vega. 20 East h. & Maple. under Swan—h. Second. 556 East 36 Thayer. Second.

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Roofing and Building Papers50 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP.Suits for misses and the small lady can only be found here in the rightstyles at the correct prices.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Carlson, Gust E., packer, r. 41 Peterson.Carlson, Hannah, widow Carl, bds. 137 Euclid Ave.Carlson, Hannah, domestic, r. 517 Prendergast Ave.Carlson, Hannah, dressmaker, h. over 44 Vega.Carlson, Hannah, picker, h. over 554% East Second.Carlson, Hannah E., weaver, r. 41 Peterson.Carlson, Hannah M., widow Adolph, h. 214 Buffalo.Carlson, Harold, barber, rms. 215 West Second.Carlson, Harold, metal worker, r. 59 McKinley Ave.Carlson, Harold C, driver, r. 110 Weeks.Carlson, Harold E., barber, rms. 9 West First.Carlson, Harry, wood worker, r. 224 Broadhead Ave.Carlson, Harry G., finisher, r. 85 Tower.Carlson, Helga, weaver, r. over 219 McKinley Ave.Carlson & Helgran—Charles F. Carlson and A. Fred Helgran—wallpaperand painting contractors, 53 Winsor.Carlson, Helmer C, (Mary M.), contractor and builder, h. 129 Palmer.Carlson, Henry, tailor, r. 12 Chaufauqua Ave.Carlson, Henry, (Hilma), machinist, r. 150 Sampson.Carlson, Henry, (Evelyn)—Carlson Bros.—h. 118 Park.Carlson, Henry C, (Grace M.), meat cutter, h. 173 Baker.Carlson, Henry N., (Ida), bricklayer, h. 11 East Newland Ave.Carlson, Herbert, wood worker, bds. 224 Broadhead Ave.Carlson, Herbert, metal worker, bds. 238 Bowen.Carlson, Herman, carpenter, bds. 109 Kidder.Carlson, Herman, (Ellen), metal painter, h. over 18 Stowe.Carlson, Hilda, weaver, r. 207 Myrtle.Carlson, Hilma, clerk, r. 42 Sampson.Carlson, Hilma O., jewelry engraver, r. 42 Sampson.Carlson, Hjalmar C, (Emma), blacksmith, h. 6 Hedges Ave.Carlson, Hulda, boxmaker, r. 12 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Carlson, Hulda, weaver, r. 51% Tower.Carlson, Huldah, textile worker, h. 41% Allen Sq. Bldg.Carlson, Ida, domestic, 509 Lakeview Ave.Carlson, Iver J., (Alma), plasterer, h. over 557 Allen.Carlson, J. Albert, metal worker, h. over 131 Falconer.Carlson, J. August, (Matilda), cloth inspector, h. 219 Hazzard.Carlson, Jennie M., clerk, r. 42 Sampson.Carlson, Johanna, widow Charles, r. 23 Barker.Carlson, John, furniture rubber, bds. 43 Sturges.Carlson, John, plasterer, bds. 216 Crescent.Carlson, John, metal worker, r. 49 Anderson.Carlson, John, (Jennie), metal worker, h. over 117 Fairview Ave.Carlson, John, (Tilda), carpenter, h. 222 Falconer.Carlson, John, (Sophia), metal worker, h. 110 Palmer.Carlson, John, painter, bds. 284 South Main.Carlson, John, (Anna O.)—The Limit—h. 208 Prospect.Carlson, John, (Christine)—Bernhard Hardware Co.—h. 114 William.Carlson, John, (Clara), wood worker, h. 11 Delaware Ave.Carlson, John, (Nannie), wood worker, h. 15'Victoria Ave.Let Carlson, Gage's John, A., wood bartender, carpenter, milk (Lottie), (Anna), show (Caroline), peddler, worker, bronzer, wood you bds. h. under bds. worker, stationary 105 the h. over 300 Hazzard. 4311 "Kindel" College. King. 83 h. Grandin. Allen. engineer, 10% <strong>Chautauqua</strong> h. Parlor 8 Hanley. Ave. Bed

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods.The A. D. Sharpe Co.I , JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 51PIANOS AND ORGANScff/LL^AJwFjTO/^SHEET MUSICCarlson, John A., (Clara), florist, h. 12 Norton Ave.Carlson, John A., (Matilda C), boat builder, h. 44 Kinney.Carlson, John C, (Anna), metal worker, h. 20 Morton.Carlson, John E., (Sophie), wood worker, h. over 245 Bowen.Carlson, John E., (Hilma J.), cabinetmaker, h. 248 Broadhead Ave.Carlson, John E., (Ada G.), clerk, postoffice, h. 174% Barrows.Carlson, John E., (Eva C), cabinetmaker, h. 403 English.Carlson, John E., (Matilda), laborer, h. 260 Buffalo.Carlson, John Emil, (Hulda), finisher,h. 314 Price.Carlson, John F., bookkeeper, r. 219 Hazzard.Carlson, John F., (Annie), quarryman, h. 257 Barrows.Carlson, John F., bookkeeper, r. 219 Hazzard.Carlson, John F., (Louise), carpenter, h. 525 Allen.Carlson, John G., steel casemaker, r. 265 Prospect.Carlson, John G., (Anna), finisher,h. 170 Baker.Carlson, John P., laborer, h. 219 Broadhead Ave.Carlson, John P., carpenter, h. 25 Wescott.Carlson, John P., laborer, r. 219 Broadhead Ave.Carlson, John P., (Matilda), metal worker, h. 222 Barrows.Carlson & Johnson—Axel Carlson and August Johnson—meat market, 2Forest Ave.Carlson.John T., (Sophelia), foreman, Banner Furn. Co., h. 143 Falconer.Carlson, John W., (Anna B.)—Carlson & Brandt—h. 653 East Sixth.Carlson, John W., (Katherine M.), loom fixer,h. 23 Victoria Ave.Carlson, Jonas A., (Matilda), foreman, Maddox Table Co., r. 224 BroadheadAve.Carlson, Jonas P., contracting carpenter, h. 175 McKinley Ave.Carlson, Joseph, painter, bds. 200 Sampson.Carlson, Joseph, wood worker, bds. 221 Weeks.Carlson, Josephine, textile worker, r. over 494 Crescent.Carlson, Josephine, chamber maid, The Osmer.Carlson, Judith D., spinner, r. 44 Kinney.Carlson, Julia S., domestic, 1381 East Second.Carlson, J. Victor, laborer, r. 260 Buffalo.Carlson, Knute, (Beda), wood turner, h. over 334 Price.Carlson, Laura V., weaver, r. 85 Tower.Carlson, Lena, domestic, over 8 South Main.Carlson, Lena, Mrs., r. 511 Willard.Carlson, Lena, Mrs., janitress, h. rear 12 Institute.Carlson, Leon A., (Anna), policeman, h. 440 Winsor.Carlson, Leonard, varnisher, r. 112 Willianj.Carlson, Leonard C, metal worker, bds. 11 Partridge.Carlson, Leonard H., wood worker, r. 400 Hotchkiss.Carlson, Leonard J., laborer, r. 440 Winsor.Carlson, Lillian A., textile worker, r. 106 Hazzard.Carlson, Lillian C, student, r. 110 Weeks.Carlson, Louise, rooming house, 333 East Fifth, h. do.Carlson, Luther, metal worker, r. 107 Colfax.Soft Carlson, Oil Lydia, Soap textile (for housecleaning) worker, bds. 10 Webster. at Northrop Paint & Class Co.Carlson, Lydia, mender, r. over 131 Falconer.Carlson, Manley, butcher, bds. 118 Park.Carlson, Marion Marie, Martin, Mary, L., domestic, weaver, widow A., wood furniture r. bds. 175 worker, Charles, r. McKinley 827 r. 63 over polisher, 517 South Washington.bds. 219 r. North over Main. Ave. McKinley 14 bds. Main. Bishop. 106 43 Hedges Sturges. Ave. Ave.

Clark Hardware Co., Hardware & Mill Supplies52 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N.J.,"It appears to stand in the very first rank with respect to conservatism,stability and good results to policyholders."—N. J. Investigating Committee.Carlson, Matilda, widow Gust, h. under 145 Barrows.Carlson, Matilda A., widow Andrew G., h. 12 Hedges Ave.Carlson, Matilda O., textile worker, r. 260 Buffalo.Carlson, Mauritz, clerk, r. 139 Park.Carlson, Mildred- L., bookkeeper, r. 347 Foote Ave.Carlson, Minnie Belle, widow J. Frank, h. 19 Orchard Ave.Carlson, Nannie, r. 123 Prospect.Carlson, Nellie, domestic, r. 1,12 William.Carlson, Olga, weaver, bds. 135 Euclid Ave.Carlson, Olga, textile worker, h. over 19 Victoria Ave.Carlson, Oscar, framemaker, bds. 253 Prospect.Carlson, Oscar, paperhanger and painter, bds. 69 Benson.Carlson, Oscar, wood worker, bds. 148% Chandler.Carlson, Oscar, (Lena), metal worker, h. 17 Bush.Carlson, Oscar C, (Laura S.), metal worker, h. 263 Fairmount Ave.Carlson, Oscar L., (Augusta), shipping clerk, h. 347 Foote Ave.Carlson, Oscar N., (Nannie), cabinetmaker, h. 37 Holman.Carlson, Oscar O., (Celia), wood worker, h. over 118 King.Carlson, Oscar T., (Grace)—Carlson Bros.—h. 118 Park.Carlson, Otto Alfred, (Selma), mechanic, h. 21 Sturges.Carlson, P. Alfred, (Ida A.), bricklayer, h. under 311 Allen.Carlson, Palmer, r. 488 y2 Willard.Carlson, Peter, barber, r. 25 Wescott.Carlson, Peter A., (Anna C), wood worker, h. 207 Myrtle.Carlson, Peter E., (Mary), night watchman, h. 23 Benedict.Carlson, Peter E., (Christine C), foreman, h. 150 Barrows.Carlson, Phillip N., metal worker, bds. 37% Cross.Carlson, Phoebe C, stenographer, r. 43 Tower.Carlson, Ragnar, lumber handler, bds. 170 Baker.Carlson, Ranius, (Idele), carpenter, h. 126 Sampson.Carlson, Reuben J., errand boy, r. 19 Winsor.Carlson, Richard, machine hand, bds. 126 Sampson.Carlson, Rosa, r. 11 Delaware Ave.Carlson, Rose J. M., clerk, r. 219 Hazzard.Carlson, Roy, baker, rms. 215 West Second, bds. 25 Richmond Place.Carlson, Ruby E., r. 525 Allen.Carlson, Rudolph, driver, r. 112 William.Carlson, Rudolph A., clerk, r. 110 Prospect.Carlson, Ruth, clerk, r. 6 Charles.Carlson, Ruth E., student, r. 653 East Sixth.Carlson, Sagrid, spinner, r. 51 Hedges Ave.Carlson, Samuel, (Sarah), bartender, h. over 565 Allen.Carlson, Samuel A., (Freda), mayor city of Jamestown and Mgr. Vart LandPub. Co., 14 West Second, h. 37 Maple.Carlson, Samuel A. Co.—Samuel A. Carlson and Richard Berggren—generalinsurance, over 14-16 West Second.Carlson, Sarah, Mrs., h. 265 Prospect.Carlson, Selma A., weaver, bds. 231 Steele.Carlson, Selma O., r. 42 Sampson.Carlson, S. Fred, (Ellen), laborer, h. 529 Allen.Call BRADSHAW'S Carlson, Bell Swante, Telia Signe, Simon 'phone C, M., P., PIONEER S., (Sophie), 763, weaver, (Marie (Hilda), printer, Home r. J.), r. 11 INSURANCE aristo contractor Journal Established 12 265 jewelry, Delaware Hedges when worker, Composing 10 and you Ave.North AGENCY h. builder, need 1867. 110 room, Main, Prospect.insurance h. 110 r. h. 41 42 Weeks. or Peterson. Sampson. indemnity.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 53ENTIRE 6th FLOORtf/lLL^AA^TO/^CHADAKOIN BUILDINGCarlson, Theodore, (Ida), wood finisher,h. 133 Crescent.Carlson, Tilda, domestic, 525 East Second.Carlson, Tillie, weaver, r. 207 Myrtle.Carlson, Vangie, domestic, 116 East Fourth.Carlson, Vernie, weaver, r. 110 Palmer.Carlson, Victor, wood worker, r. 240 Hazzard.Carlson, Victor, laborer, bds. 8 Seventeenth.Carlson, Victor, wood worker, bds. 516 Foote Ave.Carlson, Victor E., (Clara), wood worker, h. 230 Steele.Carlson, Victoria E., textile worker, r. 260 Buffalo.Carlson, Viking A., textile worker, r. 34 Linwood Ave.Carlson, Vivian L., stenographer, r. 127 Chandler.Carlson, Walfred, carpenter, bds. 126 Sampson.Carlson, Walfred, (Almeda)—Larson & Carlson—h. 211 Newland Ave.Carlson, Wallace M., carpenter, r. 110 Weeks.Carlson, Walter, wood worker, r. over 494 Crescent.Carlson, Walter L., (Ruth E.), druggist, h. over 19 Winsor.Carlson, Warner B., (Emma), switchman, h. 27 Anderson.Carlson, William, (Ida), metal worker, h. 139 Park.Carlson, William, textile worker, r. 494 Crescent.Carlson, William A., wood turner, r. 55 Water.Carlson, Yuno, carpenter, bds. 126 Sampson.Carlstedt, Martha, domestic, r. over 33 Wescott.Carlstrom, Agnes, domestic, bds. over 143 Falconer.Carlstrom, Anna, mill hand, r. Glendale Ave.Carlstrom, August E., (Alma), machine hand, h. 115 Newland Ave.Carlstrom, Carl, (Victoria), wood worker, h. Glendale Ave.Carlstrom, C. O., (Hulda), cabinetmaker, h. 248 Broadhead Ave.Carlstrom, Ellen, r. 14 Colfax.Carlstrom, Mary, Mrs., weaver, h. over 143 Falconer.Carman, Erwin M., (Georgiana), veneer worker, h. over 408 Winsor.Carman, Lea vine, (Josephine), weaver, h. over 45 Harrison.Carman, Minnie, r. 408 Winsor.Carmela, Sister M., teacher, r. 205 West Fifth.Carmen, Adolphe, (Minnie), weaver, h. 504 Foote Ave.Carmen, George, property man Lyric theater, r. 30 Institute.Carmen, Mary, spinner, r. 30 Institute.Carmen, Mary, widow George H.), h. 30 Institute.Carmen, William F., machine hand, r. 30 Institute.Carmichael, Henry, (Maria), textile worker, h. over 114 Water.Carnahan, Leonora P., Mrs., canvasser, h. 838 North Main.Carnahan, Leonora, teacher, r. 417 Lafayette.Carnahan, Velma M., practical nurse, r. 406 West Third.Carne, Francis, (Anna), freight handler, h. over 148 Foote Ave. ,Carpenter, Allene S., stenographer, r. 278 Falconer.Carpenter, Charles D., (Daisy), wallpaper and painting, 615 North Main, h.300 West Eighth.Carpenter, insure Charles in J., the (Jennie New York H.), Life? mechanic, Because: h. 278 Falconer. It has over 557 millionWHY Carpenter, dollars C. Raymond, in assets. (Olive), Am. Express messenger, J. C. & L. E. Ry.,r. 58 McKinley Ave.Carpenter, Clara F., teacner, bds. 514 East Fifth.Carpenter, h. 327 Foote Earl Edwin Ethel Florence S., L., E., Ave. H., K., (Margaret), r. (Ara R., music (Electa 405 widow A.), Palmer. teacher, The J.)solicitor Elial electrician, Wm. bds. F., Koehl h. 514 and 514 h. East collector, Co., East 11 Cleveland Fifth. 327 The Foote Place. Wm. Ave. Koehl Co.,

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Builders' Hardware54 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew—always pure and deliciousCarpenter, Fred, (Lillie L.), teamster, bds. 608 East Second.Carpenter, Glenn A., electro polisher and plater, h. 12 Chicago Ave.Carpenter, Israel E., (Mary E.), gardener, h. 143 Fairview Ave.Carpenter, Leora B., teacher, bds. 143 Fairview Ave.Carpenter, Maria, widow Kingsley, r. 837 East Second.Carpenter, Mary E., bookkeeper, Abrahamson-Bigelow Co., r. Lakewood, N.Y.Carpenter,. Milton D., (Minnie), carpenter, h. 405 Palmer.Carpenter, Nettie, stenographer, r. 12 Scott.Carpenter, Sybbel M., widow William, h. 913 East Second.Carpenters' Union No. 66, Hall over 16 East Third.Carr, Edward, (Anna), loom fixer,h. 16 Waterman.Carr, Ernest, r. 34 Victoria Ave.Carr, Frank R., (Ethel), machinist, h. 40 Fifteenth.Carr, Grace H., textile worker, r. 16 Waterman.Carr, James, (Caroline), machine hand, r. 30 Institute.Carr, Nellie, textile worker, r. 34 Victoria Ave.Carr, Rose, widow Harry, weaver, h. 34 Victoria Ave.Carr, see Karr.Carrier, Anna, operator, Bell Telephone Co., r. 217 Fulton.Carrier, Clara, nurse, h. 217 Fulton.Carroll, Theodore, temster, r. 121 Fairview Ave.Carson, James E., (Katherine), framemaker, h. under 900 East Second.Carter, Andrew B., (Mary B.), butter buyer, h. 311 Foote Ave.Carter, Archie U., (Annie L.), h. 7 Livingston Ave.Carter, Ellen, widow Grant, laundress, bds. under 8 West Seventh.Carter, Ivan W., (Maude), Agt. Singer Sewing Mch. Co., h. 614 Cherry.Carter, Joseph A., (Georgia M.), wood worker, h. 25 Utica.Carter, Lettie D., widow Archie, h. 9 Metallic Ave.Carter, Mattie, widow William—hair dressing and massage, 314 East Third—h. 35 Thayer.Carter, Melissa, widow Robert, h. 626 Spring.Carter, William H., (Elvira A.), contractor and builder, h. 8 Livingston Ave.Carter, Wilbur M., painter, bds. 9 Metallic Ave.Carver, Fanny, student, r., 737 East Second.Carver, Frank D., (Mary A.), grocery clerk, h. 737 East Second.Carver, Lillian J., student, r. 737 East Second.Carvey, George M., (Martha), junk dealer, h. 175 Jones & Gifford Ave.Carvey, Jennie M., bds. 175 Jones & Gifford Ave.Cary, Mary E., nurse, 207 Foote Ave., r. do.Cary, see Carey.Cascia, Joseph, (Rosie), musician, h. 36 Twelfth.Case, Alfred B., teacher, r. 444 Buffalo.Case, Anna, Mrs., sewing machine operator, h. over 804 North Main.Case, Arthur A., (Nellie V.), watchmaker and jeweler, bds. 119-121 East 2nd.Case, Charles L., (Mariette), h. 444 Buffalo.Case, Fred J., (Anna C), stock inspector, h. 203 Summit.Case, Marion, r. 152 Jones & Gifford Ave.Case, Martha M., china decorator, r. 444 Buffalo.Case, see Kase.Casino, The—Oscar A. Lenna, Prop—saloon, 22-24 East Second.Caskey, Elizabeth, h. 713 East Second.WFItt Casselman, Caskey, Casler, Casparson, Casten, . Ely Ainrfn A. William Roland Albert HlllgC Andrew Hawley, Harold, AiiJUTa E., E., Jr., E., (Mary), P., (Bessie trainman, metal iiUQll (Belle (Elizabeth), (Bessie), Our metal worker, Associates T.), M.), millman, bds. I/O. metal steel woodworker, over r. foundryman, 5 h. r. casemaker, worker, are Camp. 8716 336 Jamestown, South all Lafayette.Steele.h. h. Main. qualified over h. 109 N. 336 9245 Y. Newland Pullman. Steele. Fairmount Accountants.Youngstown, Ave. Ave. 0.

CARPETS, CURTAINSdraperies, shades. The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 55ENTIRE 6th FLOORtf/lLL^AA^TOR^CHADAKOIN BUILDINGCastle, Alexander A., (Maria), furniture trimmer, h. 21 Hazzard.Castle, Don W., student, r. 21 Hazzard.Castner, Albert, (Lydia), carpenter, h. 36 Johnson.Castner, Charles O., (Rose), Pres. Golden Furn. Co., h. over 36 Kinney.Castner, Hedwig, widow Carl J., r. 36 Johnson.Castner, Robert, r. over 36 Kinney.Caswell, Jay C, (May A.), wood worker, h. Woodlawn Ave.Caswell, Lewis F., (Glendora), wood worker, h. under 68 Eleventh.Catlin, A. C, filer,bds. 121 East Second.Catlin, Abbie L., weaver, bds. over 9 Metallic Ave.Catlin, Ashbel R., seeds, 38 Hall Ave., h. do.Catlin, Clyde V., (Anna C), paperhanger, h. 13 Bassett.Catlin, Elial C, (Marion), cashier Am. Exp. Co., h. Lindsey Park.Catlin, Joseph A., (Sarilla), canvasser, h. over 2 Isabella Ave.Cawcroft, Aquilla, (Allie E.), Mgr. Cawcroft & Co., 107 E. 3d, h. 333 East 2nd.Cawcroft, Mrs. A. E., magnetic healer, 333 East Second, h. do.Cawcroft, Ernest, attorney, rm. 48 Fenton Bldg., r. 333 East Second.Cawcroft & Co.—A. E. Cawcroft, Mgr.—picture framing and art goods, 107East Third.Cease, Burdena E., student, r. 365 Falconer.Cease, Frank A., (Emma), electrical engineer, h. 365 Falconer.Cease, Fred F., (Blanche M.), night watchman, h. Briggs block, Allen.Cecelia, Sister M., teacher, h. 205 West Fifth.Cedar, Edward, (Grace), h. 173% South Main.Cedarberg, Linus, (Sophia), metal worker, h. 114 Mechanic.Cedarholm, Christine, charwoman, h. under 18 Stowe.Cedarholm, Gustaf F., (Anna), cabinetmaker, h. 1160 Prendergast Ave.Cedarholm, Lewis C, (Mary C.), cabinetmaker, h. 214 Hazzard.Cedarquist, Amanda H., clerk, r. 49 Thirteenth.Cedarquist, Carl J., (Hannah), emp. Johnson Ice & Coal Co., n. 415 West 8th.Cedarquist, Charles, (Marie), carpenter, h. 138 Hedges Ave.Cedarquist, Charles A., (Anna L.), retired, h. 10 Thirteenth.Cedarquist, Emil, teamster, bds. 811 Cherry.Cedarquist, Hjalmar, (Anna), carpenter, h. over 138 Hedges Ave.Cedarquist, Oscar, (Olga), wood worker, h. over 4 Orchard.Cedarquist, Peter, (Louise S.), h. 1279 North Main.Cedarquist, Victor, (Allene), wood worker, h. 617 Winsor.Celardo Vingenzo, (Congetta), laborer, h. 32 Scott.Celoron Amusement Co., Inc.—Wm. & A. N. Broadhead and W. R. Reynolds,directors—West Third.Central Commercial Gallery—F. C. Stanford, Prop.—photographs, 35 Taylor.Central Hotel—Cole & Swart, Props.; P. H. Cole and Guy Swart—14 S. Main.Central Labor Council—E. George Lindstrom, sec'y.—hall over 18 W. 3rd.Century Furniture Co., Inc.—Charles J. Norquist, Pres.; Marcus J. Norquist,Sec'y.-Treas.—River.Ceylia, Frank, laborer, bds. 130 Harrison.Chadakoin Building, 114-118 West Third.Chadakoin Cafe—Harry F. Simmons & Son—707-709 West Eighth.Chadakoin Furniture Co.—Frank D. Hatch, Pres.; W. Butterfield, VicePres.; E. S. Smith, Sec'y.-Treas.—parlor and library tables, 100 Steele.Chadakoin Press—Fred W. Dewey, Prop.—job printing, over 101 East Third.Fine Chadwick, Chadakoin Cherry. h. Line 65 Fairmount Alanson Roy Henry Barker Worsted Framed L., C, D., (Mary Pictures B., Co.—Abraham Ave. commercial (Caroline), (Emma E.), at express S.), the traveler, metal bookkeeper, Ashworth, Cawcroft driver, worker, r. 65 h. Prop.—worsted Co,., Art 618 Fairmount h. Spring. 14 Metal 107 Camp. E, Ave. Construction 3rd spinning, St. 316 Co.,

Clark Hardware Co.Farm Implements and Fencing56 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYr'tlQll'i'QIllfllQ Rt

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 57tff/LL^AAffflo/^<strong>Chautauqua</strong> 'Steamboat Co.—H. A. Macbeth, local Mgr., Fairmount Ave. andWest Eighth—city ticket office, 10 West Third.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Supply Co.—Alan H. White, Prop.—face creams, lotions, etc.,over 107 North Main.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Teachers' Agency—William H. Fletcher, Mgr.—424 Winsor.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Towel Mills—A. C. Wade, Pres.;W. C. Briggs, Sec'y.-Treas.—Mfrs. union and Turkish towels, 206 Steele.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction & Union Ticket Office, W. J. Lawson, ticket agent, 13West Third.Chechary, Louis P., (Maude), clerk, Sugar Bowl, h. Aprt. G., 27 Forest Ave.Chelstrom, Frank L., (Augusta)—Swanson & Chelstrom—h. 640 East Sixth.Cheney, Agnes T., stenographer, bds. 803 Lafayette.Cheney, Benjamin J., (Ella L.), h. 318 Prendergast Ave.Cheney, Frank W., (Delia A.), retired, h. 208 East Eighth.Cheney, Gale L., student, r. 318 Prendergast Ave.Cheney, Harriett, widow Miles, stenographer, rms. 374 Foote Ave.Cheney, Morris S., student, r. 318 Prendergast Ave.Cheney, Willis H., (Sybil A.), stationary engineer, h. under 117 Hazzard.Cherrie, Ivyl L., bookkeeper, Comfort Ice Cream Co., bds. 25 Richmond Place.Chicago Store—Mrs. Clara Dunfee and Mrs. E. M. Kiplinger—millinery, 404Lafayette.Chichi, Charles, (Rosa), laborer, h. 286 Harrison.Chilton, Alfred, machinist, h. 921 East Second.Chindgren, Albert L., (Lizzie A.), machine hand, h. 16 Newland Ave.Chindgren, Charles A., (Pauline S.), foreman Art Metal, h. 1017 Newland Av.Chindgren, Emil, (Clara), upholsterer, h. over 440 Chandler.Chindgren, Leonard A., clerk, r. 16 Newland Ave.Chindgren, Oscar R., (Hilma E.), cornicemaker, rm. 39 Fenton Bldg.Chindstrom, Anna, boxmaker, r. 321 Hazzard.Chindstrom, John F., (Hulda C), laborer, h. 321 Hazzard.Chinese Laundry—John Long, Prop.—under 14 East Second.Chipman, Victor, (Grace), glass worker, h. 214 Clinton.Chiverton, Emily A., mill hand, r. 28 Fairfield Ave.Chiverton, Herbert, (Ellen), carpenter, h. 28 Fairfield Ave.Chiverton, Lucy, paper boxmaker, r. 28 Fairfield Ave.Chiverton, Walter H., stenographer, r. 28 Fairfield Ave.Christ, Clarence, driver, bds. 314 West Second.Christ, Costa, deliveryman, rms. Opera House block.Christ, Michael, vegetable washer, Sherman House, r. do.Christ, Thomas—shoe shining stand, 12 South Main—h. 224 Washington.Christ, William, (Nellie), driver, h. 60 Harrison.Christensen Bros.—Peter A. and S. T. Christensen—newsroom, cigars andtobacco and barber shop, 48 Willard.Christenson, Otto F., (Emma), laborer, h. 93 Fairmount Ave.Christensen, Peter A.—Christensen Bros.—r. 7 Barrows.Christensen, Swan T., (Eva M.)—Christensen Bros.—h. 145 Allen.Christensen, Swan T., (Christina), laborer, h. 7 Barrows.Christensen, William C„ (Florence), sander, h. 7 Barrows.Christian, Fred, (Jennie H.), tailor, h. 38 Lakeview Ave.Window, Christian, Christianson, Christofferson, Julius Plate, Nels, Bertha, Mabel, Oliver, Ernest Oscar H„ (Elenora), textile (Beulah)—Proudfit (Emma), A., Art, carpenter, cabinetmaker, worker, laborer, painter, GLASS bds. r. h. 139 137 \^V^riZ^.Clothing bds. 65 139 Wilson Hedges 504 Weeks. West Co.—h. Place. Ave. Seventh. 334 Crossman.

Clark Hardware Co.Builders' Hardware58 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP.We sell the Kayser guaranteed Silk Gloves. The best for25 years.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Chubb, Annie, domestic, 111 Crossman.Church, Anna M. E., housekeeper, 820 Newland Ave.Churchill, Casmer D., conductor, J. St. Ry., rms. 32 Derby.Churchill, DeWard S., (Lelia M.), r. over 23 East Third.Churchill, Harry H., r. over 23 East Third.Citizens' Fish and Game Protective Ass'n.—Dr. R. Bender, Pres.—31 Derby.City Drug Store—John M. Winnberg and Levant B. Batcheller—113 N. Main.City Hall, 202-212 East Third.City Harness Store—G. R. Abersold, Prop.—harness, trunks and bags, 105East Third.City Hotel—William Altice, Prop.—120-122 East Second.Clairstrim,Andrew, painter, bds. 912 East Second.Clapp, Marvin LaVerne, (Mary), attorney, Wellman Bldg., h. 327 Price.Clare, Robert H., (Maliala), blacksmith, h. 5 Stearns Ave.Clarion, Verner, metal worker, bds. 1 Metallic Ave.Clark, Alburtus, (Anna), linotype operator, h. over 100 East Eighth.Clark, Anna, weaver, h. over 21 Water.Clark, Annis J., Mrs. h. 133 Lakeview Ave.Clark, Arthur R., clerk, r. 329 East Fourth.Clark, David, Prin. Celoron School, rms. over 115 West Third.Clark, Denalda M., mender, r. over 49 Peterson.Clark, D. Russell, (Minnie A.), Asst. Supt. Lakeview Cemetery, h. 52 Buffalo.Clark, Egbert R., (C. Anna), right of way agent Bell Tel. Co., h. 609 Pine.Clark, Emma E., (Karey), temperance worker, bds. 13 Seventeenth.Clark, Fitzgerald H., r. 513 West Third.Clark, Floyd H., clerk, bds. 242 South Main.Clark, Frank M., (Mabel H.)—drugs and stationery, 302 North Main—h. 513West Third.Clark, Fred, (Lizzie), machinist, rm. 30 New Gifford Bldg.Clark Hardware Co.—M. H. Clark, pres.; George B. Pitts, Vice Pres.-Treas.;M. S. Van Scoter, Sec—109-111 North Main.Clark, Hazel C, student, r. 242 South Main.Clark, Irvine, teamster, bds. 816 North Main.Clark, Jane D., widow Hiram C, h. 66 Hazzard.Clark, Jay B., rms. over 507 East Second.Clark, J. Clifford, freight clerk, rms. 413 Cherry.Clark, Jessie T., r. 509 N. Main.Clark, John, flagman, bds. 13 Tower.Clark, John M., metal worker, bds. 9 Pullman.Clark, Laurin B., (Jennie), machine hand, h. over 119 West Third.Clark, Leon A., (Clara C.)—Prop. Diamond Restaurant—h. 106 East Second.Clark, Mary, Mrs., drawer, h. over 308 East Second.Clark, Maud B., Mrs., h. 503 West Third.Clark, Millard F., (Mary E.), contractor and builder, h. 374 Foote Ave.Clark, Milton H., (Jane H.)—Clark Hardware Co.—h. 329 East Fourth.Clark, M. Stanley, mining engineer, r. 329 East Fourth.Clark, Ramah J., r. 503 West Third.Clark, Regina H., milliner, r. 374 Foote Ave.Clark, T. James—Sweet-Clark Co.—rms. over 111 East Second.Clark, William E., machine hand, h. 1175 East Second."Alaska" Clary, Clauson, Clark, Clarke, James W. Fay George Titus, Axel, C, Joseph, A., rms. A., Refrigerators stenographer, wood F., (Catherine (Elizabeth), Y. commercial (Madge)—bakery, M. worker, C. A. M.), r. bds. managing traveler, 308 laborer, 25 Lincoln. 13-19 at College. r. Editor h. GAGE'SRichmond 609 133 Pine. Fairview The Journal, Place—h. Ave.929 308 No. Lincoln. Main.

Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. THE A. D. SHARPE C 0JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 59LARGEST and MOSTcff/LL^fAA^TO/^CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCKClauson, Erland A., (Helga), lather, h. over 187 Barrett.Clawson, Agnes O., domestic, 401 West Seventh.Clemens, William L., piano salesman, r. Celoron.Clement, Adolph, (Annie), ice creammaker and seller, h. 55 Harrison.Clement, Ernest W.—real estate and lumber, rm. 21 Gokey Bldg.—bds. EverettHotel.Clement, Gertrude E., r. 418 Spring.Cleveland, Charles W., (Rhoda), retired, h. 20 West Seventh.Cleveland, Walter S., (Ada A.), commercial traveler, h. 112 Hazzard.Cliff, Lida J., Mrs., cloth mender, rm. 51 Allen Sq. Bldg.Clint, Anna, widow Edward, h. over 115 Camp.Clint, Gust, (Ida), gardener, h. 812 East Second.Clough, Ernest, machinist, r. 295 Crescent.Clough, Holdsworth, (Isabella), spinning boss J. Worsted Mills, h. 295 Crescent.Clough, Hannah, h. 155 Barrows.Clough, Mary Ann, textile worker, r. 155 Barrows.Club, (The)—Patrick E. Barrett, Prop.—saloon, 118 East Second.Cluney, Hannah P., widow Thomas, r. over 110 East Third.Cnattingius, August, (Emma), wood worker, h. 650 Camp.Coan, Maude, waitress, rms. 21 Allen Sq. Bldg.Coates, Cassius D., (Mary A.), shipping clerk, Tinkham Bros, h. 315 W. 4th.Coates, Ethel S., bds. 315 West Fourth.Coates, Isaac, (Elizabeth), weaver, h. 13 Mt. Vernon Place.Coates, Joshua, wood worker, r. 13 Mt. Vernon Place.Coates, Sarah B., widow Laurel, h. over 763 East Second.Cobb, Clara-Brooks, Mrs., music teacher, rms. 12 East Fourth.Cobb, Clare E., wood worker, bds. 275% South Main.Cobb, George D., (Vesta A.), machinist, h. 31 Genessee.Cobb, George F., (Clara), driver, h. under 629 Prendergast Ave.Cobb, Glenna A., milliner, r. 610 East 2nd.Cobb, Marshall, (Eva M.), carpenter, h. 610 East Second.Cobb, Marvin F., (Amanda), wood worker, h. 275% South Main.Cobb.Minutia A., r. 130 South Main.Cobb, Robert W., messenger, Erie R. R., bds. 31 Genessee.Cobb, Ray S., wood worker, bds. 275% South Main.Cobb, Raymond V., r. 610 East Second.Cobb, Shelden B., electrician, r. 33 College.Cobb, Shelden, Mrs., r. 20 Price.Cobb, Thetis, student, r. 31 Genesee.Cobb, Willis H., (Ella M.), electrician, h. 33 College.Cobbe, Archie M., bookkeeper, r. 38 Foote Ave.Cobbe, Mary A., r. 38 Foote Ave.Cobbe, Richard C, (Mary A.), Mgr. J. Shale Brick Co., h. 38 Foote Ave.Cobbe, Richard C. Jr., student, r. 38 Foote Ave.Cobbe, Robert E., bookkeeper, r. 38 Foote Ave.Cobbe, Sara B., stenographer, r. 38 Foote Ave.Cobham, Fred B., (Rose), h. 223 West Third.NORTHROP PAINTGold, Coburn, George Aluminum H., (Sadie and A.), h. other 47 Fairmount Bronzes Ave.Coe, Clifford H., teamster, r. 600 Camp.& GLASS CO.Coe, Desabigne C, (Matilda U.), laborer, h. 600 Camp.Coe, 846 Holland Edward, Herbert, Erie Disa Earl Glen Washington—h. W., F., C, S., (Mary (Jessie), (Bessie), (Ethel)—Hind (Louise (Edith), (Martha), L.), L.), machine tinner, mechanic, chief do. aristo stationary & clerk h. Coe, hand, worker, 9 h. Osborn. J. East 546 engineer h. C. over h. & Jamestown Crescent. L. 128 and E. East Walnut. R. post R., Newland House—h. cards 821 and Ave. Cherry. do. stationery,

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools60 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N. J.,"Ably and conservatively managed, and its business conducted in the interestsof its policyholders."—Massachusetts Insurance Commissioner.Coe, John, machine hand, r. 8 East Newland Ave.Coffield, Charles S., machine hand, bds. 6 McDannell Ave.Coffield, Robert H., (Tillie L.), foreman and captain Chaut. Steamboat Co.,h. McDannell Ave.Cohen, George, (Mollie), Mgr. Royal Theater, h. 319 Jefferson.Colander, Agnes E., weaver, r. 21 Bush.Colander, Clarence E., grocery clerk, r. 21 Bush.Colander, Edith M. E., weaver, r. 21 Bush.Colander, Ernest V., shoe clerk, r. 21 Bush.Colander, Henry, metal worker, r. over 29 Columbia Ave.Colander, John F., (Hilma), laborer, h. 652 Barrows.Colander, John V., (Hulda), wood worker, h. 21 Bush.Colander, Oscar T., steel cabinetmaker, r. 652 Barrows.Colberg, Effie E., subscription clerk, The Journal, h. 714 North Main.Colberg, Ina E., twister, r. 714 North Main.Colberg, see Carlberg.Colburn, Charles D., (Elizabeth), farmer, h. 673 English.Colburn, Clement D., (Louise)—Martin & Colburn—h. over 622 Prendergast.Ave.Colburn, Frederick J., (Marcia), fireman,h. 219 Hotchkiss.Cole, Alice E., widow William, r. over 275 South Main.Cole, Clarence S., machine hand, r. 203 Cole Ave.Cole, Darius R., retired, h. 260 South Main.Cole, Edgar J., (DeEtte)—fruit grower, Forestville, N. Y.—h. 1169 PrendergastAve.Cole, Eva M., h. over 388 South Main.Cole, Experience, widow Joseph, r. over 201 East Second.Cole, James B., (Minnie A.), paper hanger, h. 203 Cole Ave.Cole, Jane, widow Sidney, bds. 51 Tenth.Cole, Jay W., (Blanche), electrician, h. 287 South Main.Cole, John, teamster, r. 283% South Main.Cole, Joseph, (Emma J.), warp dresser, h. over 201 East Second.Cole, LaVerne H., student, r. 56 Tenth.Cole, LeRoy F., shipping clerk, h. 51 Tenth.Cole, Lyman, (Sarah A.)—wagon repair shop, 31 Fenton Place—h. 33 do.Cole, Lynn, foreman twister, r. over 201 East Second.Cole, Marjorie J., Mrs., boarding house, h. 311 West Second.Cole, Maribelle, r. 260 South Main.Cole, Mary F., r. 203 Cole Ave.Cole, Maurice, (Olive), wood worker, h. 405 Hazeltine Ave.Cole, Pardon H., (Fanny A.)—saloon, under 217 North Main—h. 55 Tenth.Cole, Roy H., (Zade E.)—contractor and real estate investment, rms. 9-11Gokey Bldg—h. 275 South Main.Cole, Sidney M., (Orilla), laborer, h. 624 West Seventh.Coleman, James, machinist, r. over 417 West Third.Colenso, Joseph L., (Ellen), retired, h. 1088 East Second.Collier, Arthur M., (Isabelle)—Mgr. Ingerson Grocery Co. Branch—h. over230 Price.Collier, Glenn, night watchman, bds. 58 Falconer.Collins, Alva B., (Bertha V.)—Collins Ice Cream Co.—h. 29 Harrison.Collins, Ann, r. 109 Weeks.Collins, Experience BRADSHAW'S Anna, Daniel Ethel, Francis Fred, Harry means (Eva widow T., Mrs., L., John, PIONEER stockkeeper machinist, much A.), domestic, Thomas, bill conductor writing clerk h. Art INSURANCE picker, r. Am. over them 808 J. Metal, Exp. insurance St. 700 North for h. Ry., Co., 11 East r. 2040 Cleveland Main. years. h. r. Second. Fairmount AGENCYcontracts. 837 40 Fairmount East Place. Second. Ave. We Ave. have been

CARPETS, CURTAINS,draperies, shades.The A. D. Sharpe Co*JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 61WE HANDLEtf/jLL^AA^TO/^20 DIFFERENT MAKESCollins Ice Cream Co.—Alva B. Collips and E. J., Rhodes—Mfrs. ice cream,99 Institute.Collins, Jane, weaver, bds. 12 Bishop.Collins, John B., (Mary T.), commercial traveler, h. 40 Fairmount Ave.Collins, Louis W., student, r. 40 Fairmount Ave.Collins, Mai E., organist St. Peter & Paul's Church, r. 40 Fairmount Ave.Collins, Mary, h. 109 Weeks.Collins, Richard E., student, r. 40 Fairmount Ave.Collopy, Ethel J., r. 517 East Second.Collopy, James W., (Josephine C), oil producer and Pres. J. Lumber Co., h.517 East Second.Collopy, M. Katherine, r. 517 East Second.Colson, William, sander, bds. over 715 East Second.Colta, Christ, boarding house, 114 Harrison, h. do.Comerestus, Carrie, Mrs., h. over 286 Harrison.Comfort, William M., (Helen S.)—Mfr. ice cream, 25 Richmond Place—h. do.Commercial Hotel, (New)—H. R. and E. P. Mattern, Props.—16-22 West 1st.Comstock, Minnie, r. 29 Mechanic.Condin, Alma, chamber maid, 13 South Main.Congleton, George, laborer, bds. Jones & Gifford Ave., bey. limits.Congleton, James M., (Julia A.), lumber inspector, h. 826 North Main.Congleton, John, laborer, r. 1021 North Main.Congleton, Luther C, (Jennie), lumberman, h. 1021 North Main.Conic, Sarah A., widow David P., r. 304 Lincoln.Conic, William W., (Jennie), musician, h. 109 Curtis.Conklin, Clyde F., clerk, r. Aprt. C. 27 Forest Ave.Conklin, Lulu, Mrs., furnished rooms, Apt. C, 27 Forest Ave.Connell, Bertha C, r. 6 Partridge.Connell, Hazel, student, r. 224 Forest Ave.Connell, Louis R., student, r. 6 Partridge.Connell, Morris J., (Carrie), finisher,h. 224 Forest Ave.Connell, Richard, (Hilda P.), upholsterer, h. 6 Partridge.Connelly, Herbert L., bookkeeper Union Trust Co., h. Ashville, N. Y.Connelly, see Connolly.Conner, James S., (Sarah A.), patternmaker, h. 302 South Main.Conner, Keith L., Agt. Empire Provision Co., bds. 1201 Prendergast Ave.Conner, Leon A., (Georgiana)—fish and meat market, 302 East Second—h.1201 Prendergast Ave.Conner, Mary, bds. 50 Eleventh.Connolly, Herbert G., metal worker, bds. 39 Ninth.Connolly, Thomas A., (Pauline), iron worker, h. 39 Ninth.Connolly, see Connelly.Conover, Elliott E., (Delia), bakery, 901 Prendergast Ave., h. do.Conover, Floyd E., clerk, r. 901 Prendergast Ave.Conover, Harley E.,—Asst. ticket agent <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction and Unionticket office, 13 West Third—r. 901 Prendergast Ave.Conover, Leander, retired, bds. 13 Seventeenth.Conover, Ralph E., plumber, r. 901 Prendergast Ave.Conroe, Glenn C, (Clara), lumber handler, h. Woodlawn Ave.Conroe, Robert A., (Emily), truck gardener, h. Curtis.Conroy-Buchanan Lumber Co.—W. B. Conroy and E. L. Buchanan—wholesaldentists,>ns"re Insurance Spanio, William Kittie lumber, dollars ln rms. Dental H., tne h. Dpartment.58 B., in bookkeeper, 3-4 over New Fenton (Anna Parlors—Dr. Policy Hall 68 York Tower. block, L.)—Conroy-Buchanan Bldg. Reserve Life? rms. Wm. over 833 Because: Fund E. 223 North Goucher North as calculated Main. It Main. has Lumber and over Dr. by R. Co.—h. 459 the E. million Thomson-New 15 Chest­WHY State Conroy, Consio, Consolidated "'•I nut.York

Clark Hardware Co.Hardware and Mill Supplies62 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew in ^et^0ourIda0pfeebreers.Consolidated Development Co., Inc.—Ben. A. Munger, Pres.; R. H. Cole, VicePres.; S. C. Hall, Sec'y.-Treas.—real estate, money loaned, businessbrokers and industrial promotion, rms. 9-11 Gokey Bldg., over 22 W. 3rd.Constas, John, (Pota)—Constas-Sanford-Lambros Co.—h. 529 West Third.Constas-Sanford-Lambros Co.—John Constas, John Sanford, Charles Lambros—fruits and confectionery, 121 North Main and 9 West Third.Conticula, Joseph, (Grace), laborer, bds. over 222 East First.Conti-San, Antony, (Santes), laborer, h. under 319 Allen.Conti-San, Jim., laborer, bds. under 319 Allen.Conti-Russ, Sebastiano, laborer, r. 435 Allen.Conto, Bastian, (Josephine), fireman,h. 810 West Eighth.Convent of Mercy, 205 West Fifth.Cook, Charles M., (Margaret), teamster, h. over 150 Foote Ave.Cook, Clara, widow Charles, textile worker, h. over 14 Franklin.Cook, Dessie, laundress, 207 Foote Ave., r. do.Cook, Earl, glazier, r. over 14 Franklin.Cook, Edwin D., (Addie J.)—Supt. wood working Dept. Salisbury Wheel Co.—r. 23 Woodworth Ave.Cook, Ernest H., (Evelyn M.), postman, h. 221 East Eighth.Cook, Frank M., (Hattie), deliveryman, rm. 21 New Warner block.Cook, Fred P., (Jennie L.), conductor, J. St. Ry., h. 77 South Main.Cook, Hiram, r. 109 Steele.Cook, Percival E., draughtsman, bds. 221 East Eighth.Cook, William O., h. 315 East Fourth.Cooke, David L., student, r. 512 Jefferson.Cooke, George H., (Cora S.), clerk carpet dept. Jones & Audette, h. 512 Jefferson.Cooke, Sadie Lewis, Mrs., cook, h. 37 Harrison.Cooley, Harry, finisher,bds. 224 Forest Ave.Cooley, Maude, student, bds. 319 Jefferson.Cooney, John W., (Cecile), printer, h. 18 Stowe.Cooper, Barbara, widow Wilson, h. 12 Bishop.Cooper, Elden O., (Elma M.), varnisher, h. 133 Crescent.Cooper, Ellen M., widow John H., r. 510 Foote Ave.Cooper, Ernest J., (Ethel), boss spinner, h. over 837 East Second.Cooper, Fannie M., teacher, bds. 11 Dickerson.Cooper, Fred C, (Sarah), warp dresser, h. 210 Chandler.Cooper, Fred C. Jr., cigarmaker, r. 210 Chandler.Cooper, Grace, city visiting nurse, rms. 16 Foote Ave.Cooper, Henry H., (Mollie), Vice. Pres. J. Brewing Co., h. 626 West Fifth.Cooper, Ida M., Mrs., h. 22 Institute.Cooper, Isaac, (Alice), boss spinner, r. 1275 East Second.Cooper, Jennie, weaver, r. 12 Bishop.Cooper, Mabel, weaver, r. 12 Bishop.Cooper, Mary Ann., weaver, r. 12 Bishop.Cooper, Maria, widow James, h. 11 Dickerson.Cooper, Titus, cloth inspector, r. 210 Chandler.Cooper, William G., (Anna S.), teamster, h. 751 Foote Ave.Cooper, William H., musician, r. 210 Chandler.Coppie, Edward, (Ada)—horse shoeing, Fa'ctory alley—h. 805 North Main.Corbett, Celia A., dressmaker, rms. over 122 West Third.WRlu Corbett, Corcilius, . AillfJfl Dlj Frank, Leo, Marie Patrick, rUllgG Alexander Rose Mellucina, oiler, Audit E., M machinist, flUUll machine — milliner, bds. Tiffany widow B., ffl 1301 (Eleanor), UUi Jamestown, hand, bds. Printing rms. Max East phone 107 bds. P., over Second. draftsman, 522. Cheney. h. Co.—r. 1301 N. 122 872 Y., Send West East Spring. 872 Bell for Means h. Second. Spring. Third. our 1136 phone Success booklet Prendergast 467; ""<strong>System</strong>Youngstown, Ave. in Business 0., Be

Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery.The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 63tf/LLSffAA/^TORQORGANS and OLD PIANOSTAKEN IN EXCHANGECordingley, Barth, (Sarah A.), machinist, h. 131 Stowe.Cordon, Michael, (Mary F.), night watchman, h. 71 Taylor.Corke, Arthur C, (Lizzie M.), plumber, h. 173 Livingston Ave.Corke, Fred T., (Anna), tinner, h. 15 Price.Corke, Joseph, shoemaker, r. 309 West Third.Corkery, Daniel J., (Catherine), wood worker, h. 112 Fairview Ave.Corkery, Francis B., student, r. 112 Fairview Ave.Corkery, James J., (Nora), metal worker, h. 711 Lafayette.Corkery, Timothy, (Bertha), wood worker, h. 139 Fairview Ave.Corkery, William J., (Hannah), -machine hand, h. 137 Fairview Ave.Cornell, Kenneth, bookkeeper J. Lounge Co., r. 502 Lakeview Ave.Cornell, Lynn F., (Anna)—Sec'y.-Treas. J. Lounge Co.—h. 502 Lakeview Ave.Cornell, Mamie, solicitor, r. 556 East Second.Cornell, Robert, student, r. 502 Lakeview Ave.Cornell, Thaddeus C, r. 313 West Third.Cornwell, Eugene—carriagemaker and repairer, 946 East 2nd—r. 1029 do.Corell, Rose, bds. 9 Royal Ave.Corell, Zenus M., (Augusta), truant officer J. Schools, h. 9 Royal Ave.Cornen, Denis, (Georgia)—real estate, rm. 4 Gokey Bldg.—r. Warren, Pa.Corrigan, Anthony T., (Josephine), general contractor, h. 612 West Sixth.Cosimano, Frank, (Rosa), laborer, h. over 63 Center.Cosimano, John, (Agnes), wood worker, h. over 61 Center.Cosimano, John Jr., (Rose), wood worker, h. over 61 Center.Cosimano, Peter, (Annie), wood worker, h. 61 Center.Cosimano, see Cusimano and Cusimanus.Costayg, Tony, (Mary), gardener, h. 84 Steele.Cotcht, Anna, widow Frederick, h. under 833 Spring.Cotter, Charles, finisher,bds. Riverside Hotel.Cotter, Lawrence, (Johanna), Supt. Lakeview Rose Gardens, h. FairmountAve., bey. limits.Cotter, William, florist, rms. 213 West Second.Couch, Ella M., widow Frank W., h. 50 Fairmount Ave.Couch, Harrison R., (Clara A.), linotype operator Morning Post, h. 50 FairmountAve.Couch, Sadie S., operator Bell Tel. Co., r. 50 Fairmount Ave.Couch, Stanley, machine hand, bds. over 140% Barrows.Couch, Warren, clerk, rms. Allen Sq. Bldg.Couchman, Bolivar C, (Emma), sales manager Art Met, h. 8 Hamilton.Couchman, James W., student, r. 8 Hamilton.Coulcher, Jennie, Mrs., dressmaker, h. over 168 Falconer.Coulson, M., Mrs., maid Sherman House, r. do.Country World—A. Brooks Fletcher, editor—farming interests, rm. 6 GokeyBldg., over 12 West Third.Covell, Raymond M., painter and decorator, r. 26 Taylor.Covey, Albert M., (Effie J.), drayman, h. 221 Crossman.Covey, Ethel E., bds. 221 Crossman.Covey, Florence B., bds. 221 Crossman.Covey, Ivan, (Helen), conductor J. St. Ry., h. under 4 McDannell Ave.AICowan,IArthur_ rJ.,M««l««o«(Edith), clerk, BrooklynDECORATOR,House, h.10720 TerraceW. ThirdPlace.StreetunariesCowan Bros.—Jamest. iviaciease,M. and Herbertjame.town,N.F. Cowan, Props.—Brooklyny. Ben 124-b. HomeHouse91k.andBrooklyn Bottling Works, 7 Harrison.Cowan, Cowden, Cowing, Fourth, John James Catherine, Edward, Herbert Albert h. M„ 109 M.—Cowan F., F— (Mary teamster, O., West widow (Jennie (Florine C), Fifth. Fordyce, Bros.—r. R.), r. machinist, Bros.—rms. W.),—livery 109 tinner, Hallock. r. Brooklyn h. 109 h. 20 124 87 West Terrace and Tenth. Barrett. House. Fifth. boarding Place. stables, 116 West

Clark Hardware Co.Farm Implements and Fencing64 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYrkmifnimiin DMAIlr IT'S GOOD FOR YOU ANDLnautauqua B r e w its good for your family.Cowing, Howard B., (Marion), steam fitter, h. over 22 Catlin Ave.Cowing, John T., conductor J. St. Ry., r. 109 Hallock.Cowing, Leonard G., (Minnie), bookkeeper, h. over 217 West Third.Cowing, William H., teamster, r. 109 Hallock.Cowing, William M., (Carrie E.), painter, h. 109 Hallock.Cowles, Kate, widow John, h. 150 Barrett.Cox, George, (Ina), drayman, h. 319 Hazzard.Cox, George H., steel casemaker, r. 29 Highland Ave.Cox, John W., clerk, r. 29 Highland Ave.Cox, Robert, (Hilda), drayman, h. 29 Highland Ave.Coxen, Albert, (Mary), laborer, h. 52 Ridgway Ave.Coxen, Orin D., mill hand,-T: 52 Ridgway Ave.Coxen, Charles W., teamster, r. 52 Ridgway Ave.Coxen, Corinthan M., stenographer, r. 52 Ridgway Ave.Coyle, Nellie M., bds. 115 West Eighth.Coyle, Richard, priest SS. Peter & Paul's Roman Catholic Church, h. 508Cherry.Coyle, Robert, glove cutter, rms. The Osmer.Coyle, Roger T., lunch counter clerk, rms. Prendergast Hose Rooms.Cozadd, John J., (Nannie)—Ames Transfer Co.—h. 62 Liberty.Cracknell, John W., (Minnie F.), metal plater, h. 849 North Main.Craggs, Lovina B., widow Richard, bds. 19 West Eighth.Craig, George R., baggagemaster Erie R. R., h. 818 Cherry.Craig, Jane, widow Robert, r. 818 Cherry.Craim, Ojazim, weaver, bds. 114 Harrison.Craker, George, teamster, rms. Apt. C, 27 Forest Ave.Crane, Clark, (Nettie), milk peddler, h. over 618 Spring.Crane, Ella, stenographer, h. 308 East Third.Crane, Emily, widow Alexis, h. 400 West Fifth.Crane, Imogen, r. 400 West Fifth.Crane, Mary G., widow J. L., r. 60 Broadhead Ave.Cranston, Lissa S., r. 318 Prendergast Ave.Crantz, Anna, bookkeeper, r. 3 Holman.Crantz, Carl, (Anna), tailor, h. 108 Hazzard.Crantz, Frank, (Minnie), bottler, h. 3 Holman.Crantz, Frank A., (Minnie L.), bottler, h. 3 Holman.Crantz, Gust C, (Margaret), machinist, h. 1 Metallic Ave.Crantz, Hilda, textile worker, bds. 18 Shaver.Crantz, Inez E., clerk, r. 3 Holman.Crantz, J. Edward, veneer worker, r. 3 Holman.Crantz, John A., (Matilda), foreman cabinetmaker, h. 245 Willard.Crantz, Swan M., (Esther), coachman, h. 507 Winsor.Crantz, Turn H., (Minnie C.), machine hand, h. over 313 Willard.Crantz, see Krantz.Crapo, Frank, (Clara), laborer, h. over 110 Palmer.Cratty, Cassius Q., (Louise P.), cashier Penn. Gas Co., h. over 115 Fulton.Cratty, James, plumber Penn. Gas Co., bds. 313 Prendergast Ave.Craven, Charles E., (Lillian)—photographer, over 2-6 East Third—h. 621 E.Second.Craven, Milton, (Mary H.), h. 621 East Second.Crawford, Theresa M., widow Henry G., h. 800 Prendergast Ave.¥ LIlC Crennell, Crescent Crick, *f_ ings— Sec'y.-Treas.—Mfrs. Inonnan/in Ida, John Claude lllSUrailCc Lodge, Tool John 200-222 widow E., H., Co. (Minerva), K. (Fannie), Harrison. Clyde (Emily Connecticut Inc.—Karl of P., hardware w. E., M.), h. No. painter J. canvasser, 214 Peterson, draughtsman, 208, Bentley, General West specialties lodge and Seventh. paperhanger, r. Gen. Pres. rooms, Life 214 Agt., and West & Ins. 405 over Gen. machinery 515 West Seventh. Co., 208 Mgr.; Chadakoin 214 Pine. Third. Hartford, West C. and F. drop Siventh. Bldg. Falldine, Conn., forg-

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods. The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 65tff/LL^AAffflo/^Criscione, Joseph, laborer, bds. 10% Whitley Place.Criscione, Tony, laborer, bds. 10% Whitley Place.Crispym, Louis, (Lena), weaver, h. over 39 Flagg Ave.Crissey, Anna L., h. 52 Lakeview Ave.Crissey, Harold E.—Vice Pres. Farmers & Mechanics' Bank—r. 208 LakeviewAve.Crissey, Jay, (Alice)—Star Furniture Co.—h. 518 Lakeview Ave.Crissey, Mary L., widow Elverton B., h. 208 Lakeview Ave.Crissey, Mary R., h. 52 Lakeview Ave.Crissey, Miner S., (Grace C.)—Wilcox, Burchard & Co.—h. 5 Church.Crissey, Newton, (Lucy)—retired, h. 17 Cross.Crissey, Seward M., (Lucy), emp. Wilcox, Burchard & Co., h. 516 East Fifth.Crist, Frank T., (Lena)—E. W. Curtis Lumber Co.—h. 904 Prendergast Ave.Crist, Nellie B., student, r. 904 Prendergast Ave.Critchlow, George W., (Felicia N.), pastor English Lutheran Church of theHoly Trinity, h.^O West Fourth.Critchlow, Helen N., teacher, bds. 20 West Fourth.Critchlow, John N., student, r. 20 West Fourth.Crittenden, Helena, teacher, r. 12 Chandler.Crittenden, Margaret S., widow H. O., h. 12 Chandler.Crocker, Don D., (Jennie), wood worker, h. 28 Woodworth Ave.Crocker, Frances, Mrs., laundress, h. 29 Whitley Ave.Crocker, Fred S., (Hulda), florist, h. 112 Stewart Ave.Crocker, John W., canvasser, bds. 28 Woodworth Ave.Crocker, Mable, clerk, bds. 113 Mechanic.Crofoot, Frank C, (Luella M.), laborer, h. 8 Buffalo.Cronin, John T., (Mary), tallyman, Erie R. R., h. 117 Hall Ave.Cronin, Nellie, domestic 211 Lakeview Ave.Crook Sam Lewis, (Emily), machinist, h. 22 Kingsbury Ave.Crosby, Erastus, (Mary A.)—attorney, rm. 2 Hall block, over 221 North Main—h. 140 Allen.Crosby, Mett M., (Kate C), conductor, J. St. Ry., h. 45 Hamilton.Cross, Bert S., (Adelyn M.), barber, h. 415 West Fourth.Cross, Bert S., barber, 5 Steele, r. do.Cross, Jessie B., domestic, 217 East Third.Cross, John B., (Sarah), wood worker, h. 17 West Fourth.Cross, Ralph L., (Josephine), division wire chief Bell Tel. Co., h. 218 Crossman.Crossfield, Frank W., (Minnie F.), collector Morning Post, h. 36 Center.Crossfield, Lu Belle, office clerk, r. 36 Center.Crossgrove, Arlene M., student, r. 294 South Main.Crossgrove, Emma E., widow Samuel, r. 203 South Main.Crossgrove, Frederick O., (Jessie M.)—J. Pad & Wrapper Co.—h. 203 SouthMain.Crossgrove, Grace L., r. 294 South Main.Crossgrove, Walter S., (Emily L.), wood finisher,h. 294 South Main.Crossgrove, William E., machinist, r. 294 South Main.Crossley, Alice A., weaver, r. over 8 South Main.My Crossley; Crossley, price Anna, J. Haydn, Fred, Harry, Henry, Margaret, Warren, mark finisher,i. textile (Ethel), (Hager), (Lilla widow (Mary is worker, F,),. textile "live William, over K.), wool r. commercial 8 worker, 15 sorter, South h. and Winsor. over h. Main.h. 117 let 832 traveler, 172 South Hazzard. Maple. Allen. live" Main. h. 203 ^ITW Van Buren. S«,

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Roofing and Building Papers66 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP. "Furs for ladies, misses and children; none but reliable furssold here.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Crossley, Robert, (Edith), warp dresser, h. 15 Winsor.Crossley, Robinson F., cabinetmaker, r. over 8 South Main.Crossman, Mary S., widow Alfred F., h. 210 East Fourth.Crossman, Phinius, h. 612 East Seventh.Crouse, Sadie, domestic, 506 East Sixth.Crowe, Benjamin, (Anna), laborer, h. 383 Foote Ave.Crowe, Catherine, widow John, h. 3 Hall Ave.Crowe, Ella, r. 3 Hall Ave.Crowe, Elizabeth, widow Benjamin,—grocery, confectionery and cigars, 141Harrison, h. do.Crowe, Elizabeth, operator Home Tel. Co., r. 10 Elk.Crowe, George, (Kittie), tinner, rms. over 11 East Third.Crowe, Horsfall, (Elizabeth), machinist, h. 10 Elk.Crowe, John, lineman, r. 3 Hall Ave.Crowe, Thomas W., lineman, bds. 3 Hall Ave.Crown, Axel, carpenter, bds. 105 Hazzard.Crown Metal Construction Co., Inc.—David Lincoln, Pres.; John Winnberg,Vice Pres.; David A. Hillstrom, Sec'y.-Treas.; Edward Johnson, Gen.Supt.—120 Steele.Crowther, Orliza, widow Charles, h. 30 Colfax.Crull, Bertha, Mrs., bds. 7 Harrison.Crum, Harriett R., widow Alzenis W., h. 26 Allen.Crum, Jane L., r. 26 Allen.Crum, W. Egbert, commercial traveler, r. 26 Allen.Crumb, Grace, stenographer, bds. 9 Lincoln.Cryer, Frank, shipping clerk, bds. over 17 Weeks.Culbertson, Claude L., commercial traveler, bds. over 26 Ninth.Culleen, Amanda L., weaver, r. 715 Foote Ave.Culleen, Florence A., weaver, r. 715 Foote Ave.Culleen, Gustaf T., (Christine A.), butcher, h. 715 Foote Ave.Culleen, Henning C., wood worker, r. 715 Foote Ave.Cullen, Elizabeth, mender, r. over 261 South Main.Cullen, John, (Ellen A.), finisher,h. 30 Anderson.Cullen, John, porter, h. over 261 South Main.Cullen, Katie, milliner, r. over 261 South Mam.Cullen, William, (Virna), mill hand, h. 292 Harrison.Culley, Bridget, widow Thomas, domestic, h. over 407 Cherry.Culligan, Jule, weaver, bds. 416 West Seventh.Culligan, Susan, widow Patrick, h. 416 West Seventh.Culver, Elwood E., (Dora B.)—Kaiser & Culver—h. 242 South Main.Culver, Myra A., widow Hezekiah, bds. 22 West Seventh.Culver, Stephen A., (M. Lunetta),—Kaiser & Culver—h. 242 South Main.Cummings, Helen L., jewelry agent, r. over 173% South Main.Cummings, Mary, widow Thomas, h. over 173;^ South Main.Curran, James J., (Anna), metal worker, h. 12 Carroll.Curran, John, (Julia), gardener, h. 110 Fairview Ave.Curran, Julia, r. 110 Fairview Ave.Curran, Thomas, printer, r. 110 Fairview Ave.Curry, Beatrice M., r. 307 Foote Ave.Curry, John C, (Hollie), h. 307 Foote Ave.We Curry, Curtice, 504 sell & Mary—Curry John Margaret, Chadakoin Mabel Nettie Spencer—Mary good C. I., Jr., M., music widow Bldg. tailor's Bedding. & Spencer—r. John, teacher, Curry Roswell apprentice, boarding and bds. B., 103 Gage Frances h. 205 Fairmount r. house, 205 307 West Furniture West E. Foote 103 Spencer—millinery, Ave. Fairmount Seventh. Ave. Co. Ave. rm. 503

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 67"ONE PRICE"tf/lLL^AAffflo/^SYSTEM ONLYCurtis Bros. Hardwood Lumber Co.—Don Allen Curtis, ..lgr.—rm. 55 FentonBldg.Curtis, Clara W., dressmaker, r. 19 Foote Ave.Curtis, Clarence, metal worker, bds. 815 Washington.Curtis, Clyde L., (Myrtie), drayman, h. 915 Washington.Curtis, C. P., motorman J. St. Ry., rms. Allen Sq. Bldg.Curtis, Clyde T., vEva), bricklayer, h. 818 Lafayette.Curtis, Don Allen, (Sue B.),—Mgr. Curtis Bros.—h. 704 Lakeview Ave.Curtis, Edward W., (Ethel W.),—E. W. Curtis Lumber Co.—h. 304 East 3rd.Curtis, E. W. Lumber Co.—Edward W. Curtis, Pres. & Gen. Mgr.; FrankCrist, Vice Pres.; Dwight F. Rundell, Sec'y.-Treas.—wholesale hardwoodlumber, 301 Chandler.Curtis, Ella J., widow Alonzo, h. 3 Genesee.Curtis, Evelyn A., bookkeeper and stenographer, r. 276 Prospect.Curtis, Frank G., (Harriet A.), attorney, rms. 54-55 Fenton Bldg, h. Celoron.Curtis, Frank N., (Ella M.), stationary engineer, h. 817 Jefferson.Curtis, Frederick M., (Clara Price),—The F. M. Curtis Co.—h. 310 East 3rd.Curtis, F. M., Co. (The)—F. M. Curtis, Pres.; S. O. Merriam, Sec'y.-Treas.;F. A. Rosenquist—dining and bedroom furniture, 34 Scott.Curtis, Geral'd R., conductor, J. St. Ry., r. 3 Genesee.Curtis, H. Ernest, shipping clerk, h. 19 Foote Ave.Curtis, Laura A., dressmaker, r. 19 Foote Ave.Curtis, Marianne A., student, r. 3 Genesee.Curtis, Mary, widow Dudley W., h. 196 Forest Ave.Curtis, Mathias B., driver Pearl City Laundry, rms. 26 Fenton Place.Curtis, Nellie A., laundress, r. 276 Prospect.Curtis, Roy H., (Beida A.), teamster, h. 3671^ Foote Ave.Curtis, Samuel H., (Gertrude), wool buyer, h. 323 East Fifth.Curtis, Silas, (Nettie A.), wood worker, h. 276 Prospect.Curtis, Wallace B., photographer, r. 196 Forest Ave.Curtiss, J. Delevan, (R. Louise),—attorney, rms. 51-52 Fenton Bldg.—h. 54Lakeview Ave.Curtiss, Margaret, r. 54 Lakeview Ave.Cushman, Harriette E., student, r. 178 South Main.Cushman, John M., (M. Emma), jewelry, 218 North Main, h. 178 South Main.Cusimano, Paul, (Frances), laborer, h. 143 Baker.Cusimano, Joseph, (Mary), laborer, h. 126 Institute.Cusimano, John, laborer, bds. 34 Harrison.Cusimanus, James, (Jennie), wood worker, h. over 63 Foote Ave.Cusimanus, E. John, ROSENCRANTZ wood worker, r. 63 Foote & Ave. COMPANYBuilders' Casimanus, Russ, Hardwaremill hand, r. 63 Foote Ave.Cusimanus, see Cusimano, and Cosimano.Dahl, Cutten, Ida E. B., M., patent twister, rights, r. bds. Carolina. 7 Harrison.Dahl, Nils M., (Louisa), wood worker, h. Carolina.Dahl, Oscar, (Louise), laborer, h. 12 Sampson.Dahlbeck, Adolph, office boy, r. 102 Lister.Dahlbeck, Charles F., (Clara), metal worker, h. 102 Lister.Dahlbeck, Gust L., (Ellen), bookkeeper, h. 102 Lister.Neal's and Devoe's Carriage Paints at northrocpo^annty& glass

Clark Hardware Co.Roofing and Building Papers68 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYF. S. TREADWAY, Dist. Agt. The Mutual Benefit Lifeboth phones of Newark, N. J.^Dahlbeck, Martin A., yardman Johnson Ice & Coal Co., r. 102 Lister.Dahlbeck, T. Fred, (Edna), teamster, h. 825 Spring.Dahlbeck, Vennar, metal worker, r. 102 Lister.Dahlberg, Alma, drawer, r. over 108 Pearl Ave.Dahlberg, Anna V., drawer, r. 497 Willard.Dahlberg, Arvid E., (Ranghild), machine hand, h. 105 Kipp.Dahlberg, Carl A., metal pressman, r. 337 Willard.Dahlberg, George L., oiler, r. 497 Willard.Dahlberg, John A., (Anna), plumber, h. 337 Willard.Dahlberg, Nina L., drawer, r. 497 Willard.Dahlberg, Pauline C, spinner, r. 497 Willard.Dahlberg, Samuel, (Olive), laborer, h. 497 Willard.Dahlgren, Alexander N.,—tailor, rms. 7-8 Allen Sq. Bldg.—bds. 20 Institute.Dahlgren, Anna A., widow August, h. 36 Union Ave.Dahlgren, August, (Sophia), wood worker, h. 249 Crescent.Dahlgren, Delia, millhand, r. 36 Union Ave.Dahlgren, Elmer E., (Mabel A.), clerk, h. 458% Allen.Dohlgren, Eric, (Emmy), jewelery, 7 East Third, h. 6 Forest Park.Dahlgren, Max C, (Wilma), wood finisher,h. 400 Stowe.Dahlgren, Mary, Mrs., r. 13 Webster.Dahlgren, Olof, (Christina), carpenter, h. 13 Webster.Dahlin, John E., (Beda), metal worker, h. 321 Stowe.Dahlman, Mary Ann, Mrs. midwife, h. 33 Franklin.Dahlquist, August, (Wilhelmina), h. 554 East Second.Dahlquist, August S., barber, under 8 South Main, h. 21 Victoria Ave.Dahlquist, Carl L., laborer, r." 224 Broadhead Ave.Dahlquist, Charles A., (Hulda G.), wood worker, h. 27 Barrett.Dahlquist, Maurice P., (Maria), stock hand, h. over 554 East Second.Dahlstrand, Hannah, domestic, 518 Pine.Dahlstrom, Andrew, band sawyer, bds. over 22 Pearl Ave.Dahlstrom, Anna, widow Charles, h. 849 East Second.Dahlstrom, Anna, widow Axel, cloth mender, h. over 615 North Main.Dahlstrom Metallic Door Co.—Elof Rosencrantz, Pres.; John A. Westruan,Sec'y.-Treas.—metallic doors and trim partitions and mouldings, BlackstoneAve and Buffalo.Dalrymple, Ethel M., nurse, r. 1051 North Main, bds. 202 Broadhead Ave.Damiani Giuanctitto, laborer, bds. 539 Crescent.Dana, Stewart, metal worker, bds. 9 Hammond.Danburg, Victor, blacksmith, h. over 262 Forest Ave.Danforth, Franklin, canvasser, r. 37 Flagg Ave.Danforth, Louis B., (Fernie B.), weaver, h. 361% Foote Ave.Danforth, Sidney, (Clarabell), cooper, h. 37"Flagg Ave.Danforth, Warren, (Lily), loomfixer, h. over 49 Harrison.Daniels, Frank, (Rebecca), railroad contractor, h. 449 West Second.Danielson, Abraham, (Agnes), metal worker, h. over 96 Vega.Danielson, Amel W., cement contractor, r. 324 Forest Ave.Danielson & Anderson—Ernest L. Danielson and Richard E. Anderson—groceries, 263 South Main.Danielson, Arthur J., weaver, r. 101 Hedges Ave.Danielson, Arvid, (Amanda), wood worker, h. over 825 Newland Ave.Money BRADSHAW'S Danielson, talks.—We August, Axel, C. Carl A., G., have PIONEER mill (Emma), C, D., (Caroline packer, worker, paid (Anna (Sarah), veneer over r. M.), C), INSURANCE rms. 59 wood $500,000.00 Vega. retired, machine our worker, Y. field. M. C. h. hand, h. over A. 17 h. AGENCYlosses 103 Pardee h. 1821 Stowe. Institute. Hedges in Ave. Ave.

Go to The A. D. Sharpe Co. forJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 69EASY^f/LI^f?AA^TO/^CarpetsINSTALLMENT PAYMENTSDanielson, C. Fred, (Etta E.),—Danielson Music House and Treas. J. IceCream Co.—h. 45 Maple.Danielson, Charles A., (Amanda S.),—grocer, 113 Willard—h. over do.Danielson, Charles E., (Alma), mason, h. Willard, bey. limits.Danielson, Charles F., (Caroline), carpenter, h. 79 Vega.Danielson, Charles P., (Emma), machinist, h. 192 Falconer.Danielson, Corinne C, bookkeeper, r. over 113 Willard.Danielson, Edwin G., farmer, r. 482 Willard.Danielson, Edith A., spooler, r. 101 Hedges Ave.Danielson, Ernest L., (Dora E.),—Danielson & Anderson—h. 11 Axtell.Danielson, Esther F., widow John, h. 217 Willard.Danielson, Frank, (Matilda), carpenter, h. 59 Vega.Danielson, George, sheet metal worker, bds. 1106 East Second.Danielson, Gilbert L., metal worker, r. 482 Willard.Danielson, Gunnar, (Hannah), metal worker, h. over 220 Thayer.Danielson, Gunnard, shipping clerk, r. 79 Vega.Danielson, Gust D., (Augusta),—Elite Furniture Co.—h. 103 Stowe.Danielson, Jennie L., clerk Danielson's music house, r. 324 Forest Ave.Danielson, John, h. 511 Willard.Danielson, John, h. over 23 Delaware Ave.Danielson, John A., (Clara), weaver, h. 101 Hedges Ave.Danielson, John A., (Hilda), painter, h. 482 Willard.Danielson, John P., (Selma S.),—Mfr. hardware specialties—h. 53 Kinney.Danielson, John P., retired, r. 22 Mechanic^Danielson, Joseph L., veneer worker, r. 17 Pardee Ave.Danielson, Lillian M., student, r. 53 Kinney.Danielson, Martin, (Mabel), teamster, h. 332 Forest Ave.Danielson's Music House—C. Fred Danielson, Prop.—sheet music and musicalinstruments, 1 North Main.Danielson, Pauline, r. over 113 Willard.fianielson, Ruth R., nurse girl, r. 101 Hedges Ave.Danielson, Victor G. H., carpenter, r. 79 Vega.Danielson, Zinnia R., clerk, r. Willard, bey. limits.Danielson, see Donelson.Danish Congregational Church, 120 Institute.Danner, Albert, rms. over 15 West Second.Danner, Gust, rms. over 15 West Second.Darling, Charles E., (Ada H.), machinist, h. 44 Foote Ave.Darling, Charles H., real estate, bds. 304 West Third.Darrell, Lawrence, musician, bds. 5 South Main.Darrow, Floyd L., (Ethel C), teacher, h. over 108 Fairmount Ave.Darwin, John, (Emma), fireman,h. over 30 Water.Dash, Clarence, finisher, rms. The Osmer.Dash, Clifford E., clerk, r. 116 West Eighth.Dash, H. Herman, (Mary), teamster, h. 116 West Eighth.Dash, Horace, (Jennie A.), emp. J. Brewing Co., h. 116 West Eighth.Dasher, John, rms. Y. M. C. A.Davey, Carrie insure A., in teacher, the New r. York 212 Price. Life? Because: It will pay in dividendsWHY Davey, Florence in <strong>1909</strong> M., over office 7I/2 clerk million Art dollars. Metal, h. 146 Prospect.Davey, James, (Ellen),—Davey Plumbing Co.—h. 146 Prospect.Davey, Jessamine, teacher, r. 212 Price.Davey, Davidsen, Davidson, plumbing, William Plumbing Amos Albin, Hans, Ernest, gas H., B., (Hansine), (Louisa), (Hilda), Co.,—James and (Carrie (Lizzie), steam D.), laborer, cobbler, fitting, carpenter, policeman, Davey h. 804 7 h. 239 East h. and West rear South 601 h. First. 212 123 William Eighth, Palmer. Price. Main. Chandler. h. Jenkinson—sanitary17 Highland Ave.

Clark Hardware Co.Builders'. Hardware70 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew — always pure and deliciousDavidson, Horace A.—hides and furs, 18 Forest Ave.—rm. 3 Forest Park.Davidson, John, (Christina), stone cutter, h. 239 South Main.Davidson, John, (Sadie), retired, h. 212 South Main.Davidson, John R., (Louisa), r. 601 Palmer.Davidson, see Davison.Davis, Andrew—Salisbury Wheel Co.—rms. over 204 North Main.Davis, Andrew M., stenographer, r. 1154 Prendergast Ave.Davis, Anna, widow George, laundress, r. 180 Fairmount Ave.Davis, Anna T., widow John, bds. 332 East Fourth.Davis, Archie E., (Lucy F.), commercial traveler, h. 154 Lakin Ave.Davis, Backus & Co.—Herbert F. Davis and Charles E. Backus—wholesoleconfectioners, 20 Shearman Place.Davis, Barney P., driver, r. 18 Lincoln.Davis, Bret C, (May), r. 313 Prendergast Ave.Davis, Cassius, r. over 115 Barrett.Davis, Catherine M., widow Ora M., h. 38 Barrows.Davis, Charles, (Gertrude C), switchman Erie R. R., h. 25 Livingston Ave.Davis, Charles, teamster, rms. Apt. C, 27 Forest Ave.Davis, Charles H., driver, r. 18 Lincoln.Davis, Charles M., real estate, bds. 61 Eleventh.Davis, Charles R., (Emma), stationary fireman,h. oxer 83 Water.Davis, Charles W., (Genevieve M.)—Dewey-Davis Printing Co.—h. 53 Liberty.Davis, Clarence A., (Agnes F.), motorman J. St. Ry., h. over 22 Fletcher Ave.Davis, Dallas E., (Alice), contractor, h. 108 Hall Ave.Davis, Dewey, textile worker, bds. 110 Foote Ave.Davis, Earl S., (Hilda), wood worker, bds. 622 Palmer.Davis, Edward, (Catherine), metal worker, h. 122 Stewart Ave.Davis, Elanson C, (Lilly), coffee roaster Wilcox, Burchard & Co., h. over304 North Main.Davis, Eliza G., widow George, boarding house, 313 Prendergast Ave., h. do.Davis, Elmer W., (Julia), carpenter, h. 86 Victoria Ave.Davis, Emery R., (Lois C),—Mgr. The George Irish Paper Co.—h. 14 E. 5th.Davis, Emma M., Mrs., r. 504 Foote Ave.Davis, Ernest V., (Nora), tinner, h. 135 Catlin Ave.Davis, Frances L., widow Peter N., h. 40 Victoria Ave.Davis, Frank L., (Nettie B.), boat builder, h. 622 Palmer.Davis, George J., (M. Nellie), machine hand, h. 521 Hallock.Davis, Gertrude L., stenographer, r. 1154 Prendergast Ave.Davis, Harold G., messenger, r. 40 Victoria Ave.Davis, Harvey E., student, r. 341 Foote Ave.Davis, Hazel, textile worker, r. 18 Lincoln.Davis, Herbert F., (Laura L.),—Davis, Backus & Co.—h. over 519 LakeviewAve.Davis, Hilda, Mrs., domestic, h. over 516 Newland Ave.Davis, J. Franklin, (Anna B.),—Mgr. Appleby Lumber Co.—h. 628 PrendergastAve.Davis, Jacob H., (Lizzie B.), clerk, Moore Bros., h. 341 Foote Ave.Davis, James W., (Kate E.),—Treas. Straight Dry Plate Co.—h. Falconer,N. Y.Davis, John C, (Maria), clerk A. W. Murray, h. 1154 Prendergast Ave.Davis, John W., (Maude), wire chief W. U. Tel. Co., h. 563 East Second.Davis, Joseph, metal worker, bds. 116 East Fourth.WCI., Davis, .' L7IV A *—V Lucy Laverne, Leila Lucian Mary Marshall Lee I _ B., AinfiC * w D., H., J., ""O^ ~ A., screen widow r. K machine C, (Carrie ..A'.L 341 (Lillian AUOIl packer, ' Foote William, m,V F.), hand, C B.), ~ Ave. real r. V>0. Periodical J., r. postman, 18 h. ^ estate, h. 83 * Lincoln. over <strong>System</strong>s, Water. Jamestown, 216 61 h. Audits, Voucher 919 East 838 Eleventh.N. East Lafayette.Y., Second. <strong>System</strong>s, Financial Bell Second. 467. Factory Youngstowu, Investigations, Cost <strong>System</strong>s- O. Bell 5X2, Sa

Always buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE Ctt.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 71COMPLETE TUNING andiff/LL^AA^TO/^REPAIR DEPARTMENTDavis, Mary L., Mrs.,—dressmaker, rm. 16 New Gifford Bldg., over 2 EastThird—h. do.Davis, Matthew M., (Alice), painter, h. over 130 Fairview Ave.Davis, Mayme, Mrs., h. over 111 East Third.Davis, Minerva M., widow Royal, r. 86 Victoria Ave.Davis, Myra, widow H. A., boarding house, 116 East Fourth, h. do.Davis, Oral A., (Emma M.), director Boys' Dept. Y. M. C. A., h. 312 VanBuren.Davis, Ralph C, (Flora E.), carpenter, h. 81 Cole Ave.Davis, Reuben W., (Ella), cement worker, h. 18 Lincoln.Davis, Sam, (Paulina), junk dealer, h. 201 East First.Davis, Thomas E., (May), bartender, h. 122 Crescent.Davis, Walter H., (Addie C), clerk P. O., h. 4 Seneca.Davis, Warren, clerk, bds. 121 East Second.Davis, William, (Katherine)—agt. Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co.—h. 15 Derby.Davis, William E., (Martha), printer, h. 405 Foote Ave.Davis, William E., (Fannie S.), musician, h. 715 North Main.Davis, William M., (Harriet B.),—Proudfit Clothing Co.—h. 27 Fairmount Av.Davis, Wilmer C, (Martha), metal worker, h. 504 Foote Ave.Davison, E. E., nurse, r. 416 Jefferson.jison, see Davidson.ves, John, (Maggie), machine tiand, h. over 9 English.BSwson, Anna, domestic, 345 East Third.5awson, Benjamin, (Florence E.),—foreman Acme Worsted Mills,—h.145% Allen.Dawson, Carl, (Anna E.), sheet metal worker, h. 396 Falconer.Dawson, Estelle M., Mrs., musician, bds. 9 West Fourth.Dawson. Fred L. W., clerk, r. 15 Hammond.Dawson, George A., (Ella), real estate, h. 224 Fulton.Dawson, George H., (Martha), wool sorter, h. 248 Harrison.Dawson, George S., driver Wells Fargo Exp., r. 15 Hammond.Dawson, Joseph, emp. Erie R. R., r. 15 Hammond.Dawson, Samuel, (Martha,) piano dealer, h. 15 Hammond.Day, Andy N., laborer, bds. over 705 West Eighth.Day, Clara, widow Noah E., laundress, h. over 705 West Eighth.Day, Flora B., Mrs., dressmaker, h. 28 Water.Day, Frank A., (Ella G.), candymaker, h. 9 Crescent.Day, George H., (Carrie S.), metal worker, h. over 185 Fairmount Ave.Day, Henry C, (Adelia E.), clerk, h. 246 Hallock.Day, H. Meade—bookkeeper and cashier, National Biscuit Co.—h. 121 WilsonPlace.Day, Justina, r. 225 Forest Ave.Day, Lincoln A., (Ella), bartender, bds. over 12 Willard.Day, Lou, widow Edgar, h. 17 West Fourth.Day, Morgan H., (Addie C), watchman, r. 246 Hallock.Day, Nelson, (Linda),—saloon and pool room, 18-20 Willard—h. over 12 do.Day, Warren P., (Bertha), insurance, h. over 311 Lincoln.Dealing, Monroe F., (Anna R.), h. 57 Hallock.Dean, Arthur P., mattressmaker, bds. 9 Grandin.Dean, Benjamin S., (Emyle C), attorney, Fenton Bldg.Dean, Bonnie B., teacher, r. 609 East Eighth.Dearborn, Dearing, f0\SG Deardourff, Dean, Angelis, Gust, Paul Jane o,Fdrs John Marion Edith, M., Harry Tony, polisher, E., (Ella A., r. widow A., B., (Mary), (Laura sec 261 B.), boards student, (Louisa), Hallock. John, the printer, A.), bookbinder, 9 r. Grandin. h. bookkeeper Cawcrof Mgr. 807 516 h. Lyric 846 East Spring. h. Prendergast 22 Eighth. Theater, Penn. t Eleventh. Co., Gas 107 Ave. Co., 358 h. East E. 897 Fourth. 3rd Spring. St.

Clark Hardware Co. Farming Implements and Fencing72 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYPliaii+QiifTiia Rnour IT'S GOOD FOR YOU and1/lldUldUlJUcl D I C W IT'S GOOD FOR YOUR FAMILY.Dearing, John F., (Bertha E.), clerk Abrahamson-Bigelow Co., h. 215 LincolDearing, M. Lillian, stenographer, r. 516 East Eighth.De Bad, Charles T., (Mary), retired, h. over 53 Thirteenth.Debell, Charles H., (Ella), trainman J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. 703 West Eighth.Debell, Emma, Mrs., cotton spinner, r. 63 Center.De Boakes, Albert V., (Mattie), messenger, Wells Fargo Exp. Co., h. over886 Washington.Decatur, Harry K., clerk, Art Metal, r. 257 Forest Ave.Decatur, John C, (Minnie), roundsman J. Fire Dept., h. 257 Forest Ave.Decker, Austin, (Emma), wood worker, h. over 101 Maple.Decker, Laora, Mrs., h. over 113 East Second.Decker, Rhoda B., widow Peter L., h. 107 Eleventh.De Feuster, Constance, weaver, bds. 196 Falconer.Defrancesco, Tony, (Manna), laborer, h. 103 Hazzard.DeFrense, Earl, dealer in dress goods, bds. 100 Harrison.Degnan, C. M., Asst. priest SS. Peter & Paul's Roman Catholic Church, h.508 Cherry.DeGoed, Abe, machine carver, bds. 12 Bush.Delain, Earl C, (Clara), painter and decorator, h. 7 Metallic Ave.Delain, Harold. E., casemaker, bds. 7 Metallic Ave.Delain, Nellie, widow Charles, picker, h. 7 Metallic Ave.Delain, Ray O., casemaker, bds. 7 Metallic Ave.De Land, Chauncey E., painter and decorator, bds. 80 New Gifford Bldg.De Laney, Florence L., student, r. 89 Fairmount Ave.De Laney & Throop—W H. De Laney and H. W. Throop—dry goods, 16North Main.De Laney, Wilton H., (Harriet S.),—De Laney & Throop—h. 89 FairmountAve.De Lisle, Clarence F., laborer, r. 843 Washington.De Lisle, Isabell C, clerk, Camp's Studio, r. 843 Washington.De Lisle, Walter W., machinist, bds. 843 Washington.De Lisle, William W., (Elizabeth), carpenter, h. 843 Washington.Deluge Engine Co., 114 East Fourth.Democratic City Committee—John B. Leach, chairman.Dempsey, Cecelia, widow Edwin R., h. over 8 Cheney.Dennison, Ray H., (Lucina), clerk Erie R. R., h. over 108 Lincoln.Denovitz, Jacob—National Specialty Co.—bds. 305 Winsor.Denslow, Ella, widow Fred B., housekeeper, 308 Livingston Ave.Denslow, George W., (Gertrude), building mover, h. 618^ Jefferson.Denslow, Louis A., (Lena), building mover, h. 551 West Third.Denslow, Willard T., (Laura J.), building mover, h. 551 West Third.Densmore, Edna, widow Ray C, dressmaker, r. 131 Foote Ave.Densmore, William H., (Melissa A.), electrician, h. 131 Foote Ave.De Orsay Flats, 411 West Third.Derby, Agnes D., r. 63 South Main.Derby, Frank C, (Vena R.), postman, h. 224 Fairmount Ave.Derby, Huldah E., widow Silas S., h. 63 South Main.Derby, John C, (Eva), wood finisher,h. 4 Cross.Derby, Louisa A., widow John K., h. over 31 Fenton Place.Derby, Vena Reed, Mrs., piano teacher, 224 Fairmount Ave., r. do.Derry, Katherine, widow William, h. 162 Martin Road.Derry, Mary E., elocutionist, r. 162 Martin Road.I Detine, Dertro, Destasio, Desbarbieux, Detwiller. LillC :f?_ IfiClirQfiro lllSUrdlltC Alfio, Vincenzo, Charles, Michael, Pietro, Marion, Henri, (Anna), laborer, (Antonine), nurse, weaver, Connecticut bds. W. junk bds. 458 J. bds. 458 dealer, 32 laborer, 12 Bentley, West 521 Lakeview West Scott. General Allen.h. h. Second. 153 Gen. 458 Chandler. Ave. Life Agt., West Ins. 515 Second. Chadakoin Co., Hartford, Bldg. Conn.,

Always buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 73JJn re-Z?A irsR-mocmff/LL^AAgpTORg)\ONE OF THE FINESTIN TH1S countryDevereaux, Daniel T., (Ann), retired, r. 50 Charles.Devereaux, Evelyn, widow W. Harrison, h. 3 East Sixth.Devereaux, Frank H., (Gertrude), painter and paperhanger, h. 320 ForestAve.Devine, Grace, widow Michael, r. 334 Fairmount Ave.Devoe, Alonzo, (Alice), retired, h. 545 East Fifth.Devoe, Myra C., student, bds. 545 East Fifth.Dewey, Blanche E., bds. 28 Kingsbury Ave.Dewey-Davis Printing Co.—E. B. Dewey and Charles W. Davis—job printersand rubber stamp mfrs.—320 Washington.Dewey, Edwin B., (Lorena C.)—Dewey-Davis Printing Co.—h. 310 Crossman.Dewey, Fred W., (Kittie J.),—Chadakoin Press—h. 22 Fluvanna Ave.Dewey, George W., (Minnie L.) —wholesale fish and oysters—h. 28 KingsburyAve.Dewey, Helen M., widow Adelbert D.—proofreader and bookkeeper SpragueBros.—h. over 405 Winsor.Dewey, Laverne G., (Belle), meat cutter, h. 819 Spring.Dewey, Lorenzo, teamster, bds. 28 Kingsbury Ave.De Wire, Frank S., organist St. Luke's Episcopal Church, rms. 328 East 4th.De Witt, Charles R., (Cora), commercial traveler, h. 60 Grant.Diamond, Annie, spinner, r. under 768 East Second.Diamond, Catherine, Mrs., spinner, r. under 786 East Second.Diamond, Charles, (Annie), dyer, h. under 786 East Second.Diamond Furniture C, Inc.—A. P. Olsen, Pres.; John Love, Vice Pres.;H. F. Love, Sec'y.-Treas.—parlor and library tables, 46-70 Taylor.Diamond Restaurant—Leon A. Clark, Prop.—15 East Second.Dickerson, Fred E., (Alice), laborer, h. over 707 West Eighth.Dickerson, Sarah P., widow Benjamin, h. 1021 North Main.Dickinson, Charles H., (Nellie), clerk Ingerson Grocery, h. 842 PrendergastAve.Dickinson, Sarah, teacher, bds. 134 Lakeview Ave.Dickson, Alfred, Rev., retired, h. 617 Lakeview Ave.Dickson, Arvid, carpenter, r. 35 Linden Ave.Dickson, Carl, machine hand, bds. 110 Francis.Dickson, Charles, (Christine), carpenter, h. 35 Linden Ave.Dickson, Donald L., student, r. 1202 Prendergast Ave.Dickson, Ellen, paper boxmaker, r. 35 Linden Ave.Dickson, Elmer, metal worker, r. 35 Linden Ave.Dickson, Frank L., (Lucy Z.),—J. Roofing Co.—h. 1202 Prendergast Ave.Dickson, Gust A., (Fledeburg A.), carpenter, h. 226 Broadhead Ave.Dickson, Henry, student, r. 35 Linden Ave.Dickson, Lillian G.,—Prin. Public School No. 10—h. 617 Lakeview Ave.Dickson, Mertie M.—Prin. Public School No. 9—bds. 617 Lakeview Ave.Dickson, see Dixon.Diehl, Herman—refracting optician, 303 North Main—bds. Humphrey House.Diehl, Otto D., clerk, rms. 47 Fairmount Ave.Dieter, Mildred, Mrs., housekeeper W. C. A. Hospital, r. do.Diffenderfer, Francis L., (Mary E.), electrician, h. 41 Thayer.FORDigiovanni, Fred, (Congetti)—Fred Digiovanni & Co.—h. Falconer, N. Y.THE Best Red Cedar Shingles see LyonsDigiovanni Fred & Co.—Fred Digiovanni and John Mistrettoe—shoe repairshop, 706 East Second.Digiovanni, Dimarco, Dinka, Dionisi, District Dill, Dillon, Loreto, Frank, Lui, Marshall, Nurse Saravelas, Joseph, Remo, Michael, metal (Teresa), Association—Dr. metal stone (Ida worker, laborer, 12 A.), wood worker, cutter, Harrison. metal bds. worker, bds. bds. E. 15 worker, 218 M. Harrison. 218 950 h. Scofieid, Steele. 33 Steele. Washington.h. 222 Franklin. pres.; East A. First. L. Trantum, treas.

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Builders' Hardware74 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYSAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.The very fashionable in ladies' and misses' Cloaks, Suits, Waists, Underskirtsand Furs at very attractive prices.Ditchler, John, wood worker, bds. over 857 Washington.Dixon, Mabel, r. 66 Hazzard.Dixon, see Dickson.Doane, Stella M., Mrs., dressmaker, h. over 8 East Second.Dobson, Ellen, widow George, bds. 118 Wilson Place.Dodd, Leon R., (Grace), commercial traveler, h. 7 Terrace Place.Dodge, Charles E.—Supt. Poor <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Co.—40-41 Allen Sq. Bldg.Dodge, Charles J., phonographs, 310 Pine, bds. 819 Spring.Doering, Henry A., (Daisy H.), bookkeeper, h. 539 West Third.Dolan, Martin, (Catherine),—The New Winsor—h. over 21 East Second.Dole, Carrie, h. 713 East Second.Doll, Elmer, bartender New Commercial Hotel, r. do.Dominico, Nicoli, (Josephine A.), metal worker, h. under 103 Hazzard.Donatto, Mike, laborer, rms. over 12 North Main.Donelon, B. Delia, clerk, r. 114 Steele.Donelon, Ellen, widow Rody R., h. 114 Steele.Donelon, Nellie M., clerk, r. 114 Steele.Donelon, see Donlon.Donelson, Alma, domestic, 309 Lakeview Ave.Donelson's Cash Grocery—E. A. Donelson, Prop.—23 East Third.Donelson, Carrie J., millinery, 102 East Third, r. 563 East Second.Donelson, Edward J., (Anna), grocery, 216 Forest Ave., h. 14 Colfax.Donelson, Elmer A., (Mildred)—Donelson's Cash Grocery—h. 28 BroadheadAve.Donelson, H. Albert—teaming and trucking, 29 Forest Ave.—h. 75 Barrett.Donelson, Sofie, widow Oscar, dressmaker, h. 563 East Second.Donelson, see Danielson.Donlon, Anna E., clerk, bds. 511 West Seventh.Donlon, see Donelon.Donnelly, John, (Anna), laborer, h. 26 Richmond Place.Doolittle, Amy A., stenographer Pickard & Dean, r. 338 East Third.Doolittle, George S„ (Ida May),—Odell & Doolittle—h. 61 Grant.Doolittle, Laura M., widow Ezra, h. 338 East Third.Doran, Charles, clerk, rms. 2 Forest Park.Dorman, Elizabeth, widow William, r. 30 Kingsbury Ave.Dorman, E. Robert, florist, bds. 16 Tenth.Dorman, Ethel M., bds. 16 Tenth.Dorman, Fred A., (Mary I.), florist,16 Tenth, h. do.Dorman, John T., (Mattie), mechanic, h. 30 Kingsbury Ave.Dorman, William L., (Tina), commercial traveler, h. 125 Euclid Ave.Dorn, Dexter D., (Emma B.), attorney, 40-41 Fenton Bldg., h. 47 Baker.Dorn, Edith M., cashier, rm. over 338 East Third.Dorn, Emma N., widow George A., h. 28 Harrison.Dorn, George N., (Laura F.), carpenter, h. over 338 East Third.Dorothy, George B., (Mary R.), machinist, h. 143 Buffalo.Dorsey, Walter, (Lillian), toolmaker, h. over 95 Fairmount Ave.Dorsey, William H., (Mary F.), coachman, h. 617 Spring.Doty, Emmett W., (Minnie), real estate, h. over 804 North Main.Doty, Marcus, commercial traveler, rms. over 34 North Main.Doubleday, John W., (Nellie C.),—Empire Worsted Mills—h. 344 EastFourth.Douglas, Dow, Gage's Doubleday, Allen. Howard, Charles James Dorothy Minnie carry Sybel M., oil B., L., R., (Eleanor C, producer, teacher, (Lottie largest milliner, r. 344 J.)—Pres. E.), East r. bds. 33 72 constable, Fourth. assortment Tenth. Allen. 6 Cross. National h. 33 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Tenth. of Rugs Co. Bank—h. 72

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods. The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 75^fjJLLIS^7AAm)7V/^ »QNE PRICE» systemDowd, John G., (Mary G.),—Mgr. J. Garage Co., Barrett Bldg.—h. over 417West Third.Dowdell, Edward F., metal worker, r. 808 Prendergast Ave.Downer, Charles J., (Frankie B.), bartender, h. 6 Fulton.Downs, Harold, (Anna), machinist, h. 168^4 Chandler.Downs, John, (Kittie H.), clerk Humphrey House, h. 211 Broadhead Ave.Doyle, Bridget, r. 884 East Second.Doyle, James, rendering works, h. 884 East Second.Doyle, Katherine, Mrs., caretaker silver Sherman House, r. do.Drachlin, Ray, (Josephine), driver, r. over 224 East Second.Dracup, James W., wool sorter, r. 78 Ellicott.Dracup, Nathaniel, (Nancy B.), wool sorter, h. 78 Ellicott.Dracup, Nathaniel H., student, r. 78 Ellicott.Dracup, Robert E., (Annie V.), machinist, h. 223 Allen.Dracup, Ruby E., weaver, r. 78 Ellicott.Dragstedt, Alfred, (Josephine), cement worker, h. 159 Bigelow Ave.Drake, Adolphus, (Margaret), teamster, h. 40 Taylor.Drake, Frank, (Mary E.), r. 222 South Main.Drake, Herbert, (Lily), cloth inspector, h. 17 Weeks.Drake, Levant R., (Inez M.),—dentist, 500-502 Chadakoin Bldg.—h. 354 Falconer.Drake, Roy E., (Laura), teamster, h. over 216 Forest Ave.Drake, S. A., h. 377 South Main.Draymen's Headquarters, 204 Cherry.Drayton, Allen, lumber handler, rms. over 118 East Second.Dreager, Calista A., teacher, r. 102 West Seventh.Dreager, Ella M., music teacher, h. 102 West Seventh.Drenovri, Spiro D., sander, r. over 5 Taylor.Drescher, George M., deliveryman, r. 822 Cherry.Drescher, John T., laborer, r. 822 Cherry.Drescher, Leonard, (Adelaide), tailor, h. 822 Cherry.Drescher, Leonard J., metal worker, r. 822 Cherry.Dreutlien, S. E., Mrs., bds. 227 Crossman.Dreyer, Abiah D., stenographer, r. 104 Stewart Ave.Dreyer, J. Peter, (Anna M.), wood worker, h. 104 Stewart Ave.Dryer, see Dyer.Drezen, Albin, furniture packer, bds. 411 Allen.Driscoll, John, (Mary), painter, h. 148 Foote Ave.Driscoll, Sadie, textile worker, r. 148 Foote Ave.Driving Park Hotel—Isaac Hardwick, Prop.—1200 East Second.Drotts, Florence, r. 252 Barrows.Drotts, Matilda, widow Peter, r. 252 Barrows.Drotts, Rupert, machine hand, r. 435 Willard.Drotz, Anna L., weaver, r. 303 Willard.Drotz, Carl, (Josephine), wood worker, h. over 558 Allen.Drotz, Ida C, weaver, bds. 303 Willard.Drury, Mary A., widow Charles K., r. 20 Allen.Dschuden, Elizabeth, widow Charles, r. 865 North Main.Dschuden, Frederick W., (Lillian), wood worker, NORTHROP h. 161^ Allen. PAINT & GLASSChicago and Wheeler's Paste Filler atDschuden, John, (Frederika), machine hand, h. 819 Cherry. COMPANYDschuden, John H., (Dora H.), wood worker, h. 246 Broadhead Ave.Dschuden,Dschuden, Duane, Dubois, Chandler. Carrie Ed., Charles Ralph LouisLeRoyOtto driver, L., A., R., R.,L.,h. piano rms. (Anna (Margaret), over cabinetmaker,(Josephine),60 mover, 20 M.), Allen East wood h. band Sq.fireSecond. 615 r. worker, Bldg. 819 sawyer,alarmNorth Cherry.operatorMain. h. over 122 Bowen. 29CitySturges.Hall, h. 206

Clark Hardware Co.76 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYFine Cutlery and ToolsF. S. TREADWAY, Dist. Agt. The Mutual Benefit Lifeboth phones of Newark, N. J.Dubois, Edwin R., (Julia F.), finisher, h. over 115 Park.Dubois, Elam D., (Emma), wood worker, h. under 812 East Second.Dubois, Merton, polisher, rms. 25 Steele.Dubois, Walter E., barber, r. under 812 East Second.Duffee, Deige D., r. 515 Washington.Duffee, Edward E., (Ella E.),—dry goods, cloaks, suits and carpets, 16 WestThird—h. 515 Washington.Duffee, Fleda F., r. 515 Washington.Duffee, Floss G., r. 515 Washington.Duffee, see Durfee and Duffy.Duffell, Grace, domestic, 207 Foote Ave.Duffy, Christopher, (Margaret), shoemaker, 315 Winsor, h. 520 Crescent.Duffy, Katherine M., stenographer, r. 520 Crescent.Duffy, Margaret, r. 520 Crescent.Duffy, see Durfee and Duffee.Dufton, Letitia M., nurse, rm. 16 Foote Ave.Dugan, Frank J., (Marie C), yard clerk Erie R. R., h. 19 Fenton Place.Dumont, L. D., Mrs., solicitor, rms. 205 Lafayette.Dunderdale, Annie, stenographer, r. 718 Cherry.Dunderdale, Etta, weaver, r. 718 Cherry.Dunderdale, Herbert, draughtsman, r. 718 Cherry.Dunderdale, James, (Mary), machinist, h. 718 Cherry.Dunfee, Clara, Mrs.,—Chicago Store—r. 404 Lafayette.Dunham, Alfred S., (Anna Wilson), h. over 421 East Second.Dunham, Archie, r. over 20 East Second.Dunham, Burdette, elevator man, r. 54 Eleventh.Dunham, Cora Belle, clerk, Independent Messenger Service Co., bds. 54 11th.Dunham, Ethel, operator Home Hel. Co., bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.Dunham, Florence F., clerk, r. 318 Prendergast Ave.Dunham, Florence, clerk, bds. 26 Stowe.Dunham, Orlo J., machinist, bds. 54 Eleventh.Dunham, Pearl, clerk, bds. 54 Eleventh.Dunham, Richard E., deliveryman, r. 54 Eleventh.Dunham, Robert L., (Ruth B.), carpenter, h. 54 Eleventh.Dunihue, William J., (Clara A.), aristo worker, h. 44 Broadhead Ave.Dunn, Clair M., (Erma), printer, h. over 88 Prospect.Dunn, Francis, (Maude B.)—Sec'y. Milwaukee Bottling Co.—h. 413 W. Sixth.Dunn, Henry, (Mary), laborer, h. 421 Livingston Ave.Dunn, Jacob, collector, bds. 305 Winsor.Dunn, John W., (Ella), metal worker, h. 293 Livingston Ave.Dunn, Mary, bookkeeper and stenographer, r. 293 Livingston Ave.Dunn, Pike M.—ice cream and confectionery, 952 East Second—h. do.Duquette, Harry P., (Florence M.), commercial traveler, h. 85 Barker.Durano, Alene, r. over 41 Broadhead Ave.Durano, Joseph, (Helen), cook, h. over 41 Broadhead Ave.Durfee, Chessie, stenographer, r. 313 North Main.Durfee, Clara Carter, widow George,—millinery, 313 North Main—h. do.Durfee, see Duffee and Dutty.Durham, Wilbur S., (Sarah M.), carpenter, h. 383 Foote Ave.Durke, Jacob, baker, bds. 25 Richmond Place.Durnin, Charles J., bookkeeper, bds. 18 Van Buren.Dutcher, Fire, BRADSHAW'S Durnin, Dybowski, Durning, Life, Elizabeth John, Nora, Edward Clare Sebastian, Accident, bookbinder, widow O., PIONEER A., M., (Erma), other (Phoebe), John, (Olymphia), bds. Liability, kind r. 18 h. motorman 18 Van of 18 INSURANCE retired, insurance Van wood Buren. Boiler, J. Buren. h. worker, St. 315 furnished Ry., Glass, AGENCY Jefferson. h. 10 Martin Occupancy, by West Road. End. Marine and every

CLOAKS, SHAWLS,gloves, hosiery. The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 77

Clark Hardware Co.Roofing and Building Papers78 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYfliailtail/Tll'l RrAU7 P°"e»*e» all the attributes of purity and\/lldUIdUIJ ltd UlCW lhat are neces»ary for a perfect beer.Eckberg, see Ekberg.Eckbert, John, (Cora J.), baker, h. 823 Washington.Eckburg, Adolph F., (Annie), shoemaker, h. 15 Cowden Place.Eckdahl, Augusta, widow Andrew, h. under 33 Wescott.Eckdahl, Hugo, metalworker, rms. 217 West Second.Eckdahl, see Ekedahl.Ecker, Laura, dressmaker, rms. 833 North Main.Ecker, Lewis, bds. 23 Van Buren.Eckerberg, Axel, (Freda), wood worker, h. over 205 Allen.Eckholm, C. Otto, (Josephine), metal worker, h. over 136 Weeks.Eckholm, Grace, spinner, bds. 149 Jones & Gifford Ave.Eckholm, Gunnar, mechanic, r. 328 Stowe.Eckholm, J. Emil, (Anna), metal dipper, h. 328 Stowe.Eckholm, see Ekholm.Eckloff, George A., (Alice), wood worker, h. 371 Boote Ave.Eckloff, Julius N., teamster, r. 371 Foote Ave.Eckloff, see Eklof.Ecklund, Andrew J., mill worker, rms. Y. M. C. A.Ecklund, Carl, (Anna), weaver, bds. 9% Cheney.Ecklund, Edwin—foreman finishingDept. A. C. Norquist—bds. 311 NewtonAve.Ecklund, Fred, (Caroline), metal worker, h. 311 Newton Ave.Ecklund, Gust, wood worker, rms. over 20 Forest Ave.Ecklund, Jennie E., dressmaker, r. 311 Newton Ave.Ecklund, John, (Elizabeth), carpenter, h. 108 Tower.Ecklund, Oscar, machine hand, bds. 251 Willard.Ecklund, see Eklund.Eckman, Albert, (Sigrid), metal painter, h. 101 Lister.Eckman, Celia, weaver, r. 43 Chapman.Eckman, Charles L., (Agnes),—mgr. Breed-Johnson Furn. Co.—h. 217 E. 8th.Eckman, Charles W., (Christine)—J. Spring Bed Co.—h. under 545 Allen.Eckman, Christine, widow John U, dressmaker, h. over 13 Front.Eckman, Ernest, (Mary), clerk, h. over 15 Cowden Place.Eckman, Ernest, carpenter, rms. 24 Center.Eckman, George I., spring setter, r. under 545 Allen.Eckman, Gust, (Louise), carpenter, h. under 614 East Second.Eckman, Hilda, widow David, clerk <strong>Chautauqua</strong> School of Nursing—bds. 221Price.Eckman, J. August, (Vena C.),—piano dealer, 1 North Main—h. 41 VanBuren.Eckman, John M„ (Gertrude), clerk, h. 832 Washington.Eckman, Lawrence C. D.,—J. Spring Bed Co.—r. under 545 Allen.WV\\I Eckman, Luther, /linrtfl shipping Anfllt Pn clerk, r. 20 REFERENCES* Linden Ave. The Leading Bankers in-Eckman, , lilj Nels, rUllgC (Mary), A Will carpenter, VJU. JAMESTOWN, h. 43 Chapman. N Y., YOUNGSTOWN, 0., WARREN PAEckman, Eckroyd, Eckstedt, Eckstrom, Ave. Pine. Nils William Reuben Oscar, Albert, J. Carl Ellen A. Anna, Edward, Gilbert, Luther, P., W., V., metal wool widow W., stationary G., R— textile (Carolina), wood wire (Oppo J. sorter, worker, (Annette)— Swan, Spring worker, weaver, engineer, F.),—Mgr. h. machine h. Bed 343 bds. 67 Eckstrom-GunnarsonPullman.Chapman.Co.—r. Wescott. 119 under h. 55 E. hand, 20 Bowen. Charles. E. Linden 545 under Duffee h. Allen. 119545 Ave. dry Bowen. Allen. Co.—h. goods store—h. 23 Orchard 611

THE BEST GOODS AT THEBEST GOODS AT THE XL A I"\ Cl_ C*lowest prices. i He a. u. onarpe v^o.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 79Eckstrom-Gunnarson Co.—A. L. Eckstrom, Pres.; David Gunnarson, Sec'y.-Treas.—men's clothing and furnishings, 100 North Main.Eckstrom, Iver, machine hand, bds. 27 Kinney.Eckstrom, John W., (Tilda A.), plasterer, h. 656 Barrows.Eckstrom, Leonard, (Ella), plasterer, h. 106 Willard.Eckstrom, see Ekstrom.Eckwahl, Oscar F., (Amanda), wood worker, h. 145y2 Chandler.Eckwall, Carl J. W., (Hulda), cabinetmaker, h. 61 Newton Ave.Eckwall, Carolina, widow John, h. over 217 Spring.Eclipse Photo Paper Works, 131 Institute.Economy Oil Co., —J. Fred Jones, agt.—9 Foote Ave.Edberg, Albert W., (Hulda), metal worker, h. over 25 Sturges.Edborg & Co.—John Edborg, Prop.—ladies' and gent's tailoring, over 100North Main.Edborg, John, (Hilda)—Edborg & Co.—h. R. F. D. 83, Jamestown.Edburg, Oscar, metal worker, bds. 200 Chandler.Eddy, Albert J., painter, rms. 311 Pine.Eddy, Betsey H., widow Corydon, h. 71 South Main.Eddy, Elton E., (Achsah S.), insurance, over 16 East 3rd., h. 310 Clinton.E. E. EDDYGENERAL INSURANCE AGENT16 E. Third Street, Jamestown, New YorkTelephones: Home 262-b. Bell 555.Eddy, Frank C, r. 71 South Main.Eddy, Fred S., (Harriet E.),—cigars, 24 East Third—h. 808 North Main.Eddy, Henry C., (Susan E.), commercial traveler, h. over 122 East Third.Eddy, Maria, bds. 344j^ East Fourth.Eden, Reginald Y., (Sophia), electrician, h. 12 Fairview Ave.Edin, Albin C, (Esther), furniture trimmer, h. 54 Benedict.Edin, Carl A., (Josephine), machine foreman, h. 35 Benedict.Edlund, Elmer, (Ingeborg), plasterer, h. 156 Sampson.Edmonds, John, r. 719 Cherry.Edmonds, Norman S., (Rose E.), carpenter, h. 34 Victoria Ave.Edmonds, Thomas, (Emma W.), life insurance, h. 719 Cherry.Edmunds, Charles W., (Tilda), machine hand, h. 107 Wescott.Edmunds, Kate R., widow John F., housekeeper, 539 East Fifth.Edmunds, Margaret, laundress, r. 11 Steele.Edquist, Mary E., domestic, r. over 304 East Second.Edson, Barney F., busbelman, rms. 118 East Second.Edson, Dudley, student, r. 614 East Second.Edson, Harriet L., stenographer, r. 614 East Second.Edson, Hoyt E., barber, r. 614 East Second.Edson, Mary Louise, Mrs., h. 614 East Second.Edson, Shirley B., r. 614 East Second.Edstrom, Albert, conductor J. St. Ry., bds. 52 Hamilton.Edstrom, Mary, cook, 15 West Fifth.Edwards, Belle, domestic, r. 19 West Seventh.Edwards, Bert H., (Mary E.), plasterer, h. 229 Fulton.Edwards, Bertha B., widow George A., canvasser, h. over 19 Valley.Edwards, Claude A., (Emma), motorman J. St. Ry., h. under 617 Prendergastr M„^l«^„» Ave.George, t. Maclease, H., boilermaker, DECORATOR, (Minnie), 107 bds. carpenter, W 816 Third East h. Beii^-b Street, 106 Second. Eleventh. Jamestown, Home91k Edwards, AI Unarles l N.Y.

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools80 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew — always pure and deliciousEdwards, Isabelle H., domestic, 19 West Seventh.Edwards, Nancy A., widow Avery, h. 331 Foote Ave.Edwards, Siegel C, student, bds. over 19 Valley.Edwardson, Emanuel, (Carrie), weaver, h. 5 Maple.Eggleston, Adelbert, painter, bds. 29 Bush.Eggleston, Allyn, (Nellie), foreman carder, h. over 726 East Seventh.Eggleston, Anna Lyle, clerk, bds. 130 Euclid Ave.Eggleston, Arthur G., (Sadie), metal worker, h. 29 Bush.Eggleston, Cora M., clerk, 121 North Main, rms. 319 Cherry.Eggleston, Frances, Mrs., cook, Apt. F., 27 Forest Ave.Eggleston, Frank L., (Florence), wool sorter, h. 11 Bishop.Eggleston, Fred, (Edith), carpenter, h. 375 Foote Ave.Eggleston, Joseph, (Ellen), boss comber, h. over 103 Wescott.Eggleston, Mary, widow Marshall, h. 726 East Seventh.Eggleston, Maude, pastry cook Sherman House, r. 27 Forest Ave.Eggleston, Van C, (Anna),—Fairmount Grocery Co.—h. over 500 West 7th.Eglam, Haki, dyer's helper, h. 61^ Harrison.Eidens, Clarence C, (Hattie A.), carpenter, h. 415 West Fourth.Eidens, John G., (Pattie I.), carpenter, h. over 816 North Main.Eighmey, Lucy, widow Peter A., h. over 937 East Second.Einch, Elish, (Julia), brewery worker, h. over 107 Hall Ave.Einch, Emma, Mrs., weaver, h. over 12 Institute.Einch, Thomas H., teamster, r. over 12 Institute.Eisenberg, Daniel, (Florence F.), retired, h. 341 East Fifth.Ekbeck, Wilbur A., (Margaret), meat cutter, h. 21 Ninth.Ekbeck, see Eckbeck.Ekberg, Edith E., boxmaker, r. 109 Kidder.Ekberg, Magnus, (Mary A.), veneer worker, h. 109 Kidder.Ekberg, see Eckberg.Eke, Esther C, domestic, 1407 West Sixth.Ekedahl, Erik A., (Lena E.), Supt. Art Metal, h. 44 Fairmount Ave.Ekedahl, Thure J., (Helen C), piano tuner, h. 106 Stowe.Ekedahl, see Eckdahl.Ekholm, David, (Sophia), laborer, Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Ekholm, Oscar A., (Jennie A.), metal worker, h. over 114 Mechanic.Ekholm, Rena, domestic, 630 Lakeview Ave.Ekholm, see Eckholm.Eklof, Mary, widow Charles, h. under 304 Steele.Eklof, see Eckloff.Eklund, Anna E., domestic, 621 Lakeview Ave.Eklund, Elmer, (Josie), salesman, h. 270 Broadhead Ave.Eklund, see Ecklund.Ekroth, Anna, r. 79 Hedges Ave.Ekstrom, Charles A., (Amelia M.),—The People's Bottling Co.—-h. 5 Kinney.Ekstrom, see Eckstrom.Elander, Daniel, (Gertrude), carpenter, h..over 219 Price.Elaugh, Donald, musician, bds. 5 South Main.Elender, Adolph H., (Agnes E. C), carpenter, h. 42 Chapin.Elf, Frederick W., (Johanna), metal worker, h. 147 Falconer.Elf, Gustaf, (Ida), framemaker, h. 654 Barrows.Elf, Minnie A., picker, r. 147 Falconer.¥ Elia, Elite Elkin, Ellener, Eller, Llie Jf_ John Athanas, Louis, Furniture August, Iw»f,11Mfl»i/m IjUSUrailCe Hannah, Priscilla, George Nelson finisher,r. machinist, packer, Co.—Charles W., and widow r. Gust 220 r. Connecticut Daniel, 128 w. r. James, 128 Danielson—library Fulton. J. Harrison. 15 Anderson, Bentley, textile Bassett. h. 220 General worker, general Fulton. Pres.; Life and r. agent, Gust over parlor Ins. Larson, 515 217 Co., tables, Chadakoin Spring. Hartford, Sec'y.-Treas.;.516 W. Blag. 4th. Conn.,.

Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. The A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 81tf/lLL^PAAffflo/Z^Eller, Emma, widow Rudolph, h. 15 Bassett.Eller, Lulu, operator Bell Tel. Co., r. 15 Bassett.Ellickson, Jennie, nurse, h. over 92 Falconer.Ellickson, Lottie, cook, Y. W. C. A., h. over 92 Falconer.Ellicott Hook & Ladder Co.—Lester Rhodes, driver—212 Spring.Ellinson, Frank, (Anna), mill hand, h. 34 Hazeltine Ave.Ellinson, see Ellison.Elliott, Charles H., (Emma J.), commercial traveler, bds. 107 East Sixth.Elliott, Elizabeth, widow Henry G., r. 85 Prospect.Elliott, Harley, draughtsman, r. 107 East Sixth.Ellis, Albert, (Alice), laborer, h. 104 Cook Ave.Ellis, Allen H., r. 200 Hallock.Ellis, Anthony E., (Josephine B.), mgr. Warner Lumber Co., h. 64 FairmountAve.Ellis, E. Margaret, operator Home Tel. Co., r. 54 Franklin.Ellis, George', (Helena A.), warp dresser, h. 54 Franklin.Ellis, Henry L., (Olga L.), wood carver, h. 104 Catlin Ave.Ellis, James G., (Gertrude E.), machinist, h. 7 Fulton.Ellis, John, switchman, h. over 103 Weeks.Ellis, John F., (Lizzie), wood worker, h. 13 Cook Ave.Ellis, Louise, Mrs., textile worker, h. over 55 Water.Ellis, Pearl, r. 55 Water.Ellis, Victor C, drug clerk, r. 216 West Seventh.Ellison, Andrew, (Charlotte), metal worker, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Ellison, Benander, (Emma), metal worker, h. 114 McKinley Ave.Ellison, Carl A., (Christine), metal painter, h. 143 Thayer.Ellison, Carl O., (Annie P.), laborer, h. 5 William.Ellison, Edward H., draftsman, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Ellison, Ernest R., (Hilma), mill hand, h. 36 Sampson.Ellison, Frank O., bds. 52 Vega.Ellison, John, (Tillie), metal worker, h. over 29 Linden Ave.Ellison, Joseph, (Olga), draftsman, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Ellison, Oliver F., toolmaker, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Ellison, Robert B., modeler, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Ellison, Sarah J., widow Abner, weaver, bds. 3 Appleyard Place.Ellison, see Ellinson.Ellston, John, laborer, bds. 228 Barrett.Ellstrom, August, (Anna), retired, h. 7 Valley.Ellstrom, Hilda W., h. 801 West Fifth.Ellsworth, Ida A., stenographer, r. 45 Maple.Elmeer, Algot, carpenter, bds. over 300 Willard.Elmeer, Elof, metal worker, bds. 63 Falconer.Elmere, Reynold, (Anna), painter, h. over 409 Newland Ave.Emboria, Sotir, polisher, bds. 15 Harrison.E. & M. Cough Drop Co., Inc.—Mrs. A. D. Work, Pres.—rm. 4 Arcade Bldg.,EVERY over DEALER 28 North HAS Main. THE "BEST" O A I1MX Ta,kil oyer with me-I Emerson, HAVE James, THE STRICTLY (Lillian), barber, PURE h. over I t\\\\ 8 West 1 Seventh. HARRY LYONSEmery, Clyde L., (Frances I.), shipping clerk and timekeeper J. Table Co.,Emley, Emmett, Emmott, h. 21 John Ruby, Aaron, Ellen Herbert, Edmund Genesee. A., laundress, R., (Eliza), (Olive), stockman, R., widow (Othella metal bds. baggagemaster, Herbert, r. 9 A.), polisher, 824 Tenth. weaver, Cherry. spinning h. Erie h. 146 overlooker, R. 824 Stowe. R., Cherry. h. 9 Tenth.826 Cherry.

Clark Hardware Co.Hardware and Mill Supplies82 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYThe very newest in Neckwear, Hosiery, Belts, Gloves, Underwear,prices that you cannot complain of.SAXE BROS. CO., 12-14 W. Third St.Emory, L. Walter, (Gertrude), dry cleaning, 606 West 7th, h. do.Emory, William, (Gertrude), deliveryman, rm. 53 Haywood block, over 121West Third.Empire Furniture Co.—Frank O. Anderson, Pres.—mfrs. medium and highgrade bedroom chiffoniers, odd dressers, 118-124 Foote Ave.Empire Provision Co.—Keith L. Conner, Agt.—302 East Second.Empire Restaurant—Mrs. Nellie Seeley, Prop.—under 232 Washington.Empire Voting Machine Co.—W. J. Lausterer, local Mgr.—voting machines,153-163 Jones & Gifford Ave.Empire Worsted Mill—J. W. Doubleday, Pres.; L. M. Butman, Sec'y.-Treas.mfrs. suitings and fine worsteds, 31- 43 Water.Emsley, Ralph, (Christine), twister, h. 40 Regent.Endress, William F., (Dora E.),—Pres. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Refrigerating Co.—h. 500Pine.Engberg, Gust, painter, bds. 516 Foote Ave.Engberg, John A., (Lena), laborer, h. 516 Allen.Engberg, John B., (Anna), metal worker, h. over 138 Park.Engberg, Josephine, textile worker, bds. 516 Allen.Engblom, Abel, metal worker, bds. 110 Barrows.Engdahl, John, (Wilhelmina), cement worker, h. under 165 Falconer.Engel, N. Edgar, (Mary), insurance, h. 24 Twelfth.Engen, Charles, (Alice), cabinetmaker, h. Cor. Steele and Summit.Engineers' Association, rm. 11 Warner block, 9 North Main.Englewood, Charles, (Emma), metal painter, h. 5 Orchard.Englewood, Mattie, textile worker, r. 5 Orchard.English, Lutheran Church of the .Holy Trinity, Rev. G. W. Critchlow, pastor,16 West Fourth.Englund, Charles F., (Hannah), night watchman, h. 23 Hopkins Ave.Englund, C. Harry, textile worker, r. 23 Hopkins Ave.Englund, Oscar, (Bertha), h. 1208 East Second.Englund, Paul, toolmaker, bds. 1 Briggs.Englund, see Enlund.Engman, Eugene C, metal worker, r. 574 Willard.Engman, Gertrude, r. 429 Allen.Engman, John C. J. F. (Hilma), metal worker, h. 574 Willard.Engman, Mrs. J. E.,—millinery, 38 Willard—h. 429 Allen.Engman, Florence H., milliner, r. 302 Willard.Engman, Jonas P., h. 511 Allen.Engman, Jonas, (Amanda), metal painter and finisher,h. 429 Allen.Engquist, John O., (Emma), machine hand, h. 858 Spring.Engstrom, Anna, domestic, r. 31 y2 Cross.Engstrom, Carl G., veneer worker, bds. 819 Newland Ave.Engstrom, Christine, cook, 1 Fenton Place.Engstrom, Gust A., (Louise), veneer worker, h. 819 Newland Ave.Engstrom, Ida C, student, r. rm. 14 New Warner block.Engstrom, John C.—merchant tailor, rm. 9 New Warner block—r. rm. 14 do.Engstrom, John E., (Ida O.), wood finisher, h. over 103 Camp.Engstrom, John P., (Jennie), foreman A. C. Norquist, h. 228 Prospect.Engstrom, Paul, wood worker, r. 228 Prospect.Engstrom, see Enstrom.Buy Engwall, Enlund, Ennis, a Helen Warner, Mission see Hjalmar Harold, John Otto Englund. M., R., N., R., retoucher, toolmaker, stenographer, J., (Hulda), (Anna), machine <strong>Library</strong> (Emma metal furn. r. r. C), hand, 21 6 r. worker, trimmer, Willis. Bush. Table furn. 133 r. Euclid 6 packer, Willis. h. h. at 144 27 Ave. Thayer. h. Weeks. Gage's 6 Willis.

The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. The A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 83tf/lLLsftAAffirOR^THE LARGEST STOCKBETWEENPITTSBURG AND BUFFALOEnnis, Thomas, (Elizabeth), meat cutter, h. 133 Euclid Ave.Enstrom, Charles A., (Selinda), teamster, h. 114 Price.Enstrom, see Engstrom.Enterprise Millinery Co.—Miss N. P. Bassett—306 East Second.Entwistle, Raymond, (Minnie), toolmaker, h. 7 Hunt Road.Entwistle, Samuel C, (Ella M.), commercial traveler, h. 339 Fairmount Ave.Eral, Frank, (Anna), wood worker, h. 21 Chapman.Erickson, see Ericson.Erickson, Alina V., stenographer, r. 30 McKinley Ave.Erickson, Adolph, plumber, bds. 403 Newton Ave.Erickson, Albert F., (Byrde Wells), metal worker, h. 87 Steele.Erickson, Albin, (Judith),—Erickson & Son—h. 327 Willard.Erickson, Andrew, (Ellen), mill hand, h. 107 Park.Erickson, Anna, widow John, r. 2 Pullman.Erickson, Anna, drawer, r. 47 Hedges Ave.Erickson, Anna D., student, bds. over 391 Fairmount Ave.Erickson, Anna E., dressmaker, r. 41 Derby.Erickson, Anna L., widow Andrew h. 434 Willard.Erickson, Anton A., (Ida C), machine foreman, h. 15 Benedict.Erickson, Arthur, finisher, r. under 16 Mcjvinley Ave.Erickson, August, wood worker, bds. 109 Park.Erickson, August, finisher, r. 115 Hedges Ave.Erickson, August L., clerk, r. 132 Barrett.Erickson, August N., (Caroline), machine hand, h. 233 Willard.Erickson, Augusta, Mrs., weaver, h. under 16 McKinley Ave.Erickson, Axel C, roven carrier, r. under 41 Chapin.Erickson, Carl, painter, bds. 284 South Main.Erickson, Carl J., (Emma), moulder, h. under 41 Chapin.Erickson, Carl O., (Olivia), carpenter, h. 403 Newton Ave.Erickson, Charles, (Marie), shoemaker, h. 141 Superior.Erickson, Charles, (Anna H.), gluer, h. 47 Hedges Ave.Erickson, Charles G., (Carolina), h. 66 Chapin.Erickson, Charles J., (Josephine), machine hand, h. 115 Hedges Ave.Erickson, Charles O., (Eba), carpenter, h. 100 Pearl Ave.Erickson, C. Herman, (A. Cecilia),—Supt. Eagle Furniture Co.—h. 408 EastFifth. -Erickson, Chester E., metal worker, r. 132 Barrett.Erickson, Christian, finisher, rms. over 211 West Second.Erickson, Christina, widow August, h. under 429 Allen.Erickson, C. John, (Ida C), cabinetmaker, h. under 52 Hedges Ave.Erickson, Clifton C, metal worker, bds. over 391 Fairmount Ave.Erickson, David, tailor, bds. 811 Cherry.Erickson, Edith A., domestic, 412 Spring.Erickson, Edwin, (Elvira), stationary engineer, h. 476 Willard.Erickson, Ellen, Mrs., h. over 24 Park.Erickson, Ellen, domestic, 204 West Fifth.Erickson, Elizabeth, weaver, r. over 219 Spring.Erickson, Elizabeth, h. over 20 Colfax.Erickson.Ellis, wood finisher,bds. 263 Forest Ave.Erickson, E. Elmer, (Anna E.), metal worker, h. 2 Pullman.Go Erickson,- to NORTHROP Elsa Elmer Emil, Emma, Eric, Erick, C, (Chatrina), (Sophie), (Amelia), E., retired, domestic, nurse, (Emily), PAINT r. 207 contractor laborer, wood 7637 114 foundryman, Foote Allen. & Lakeview Bush. GLASS worker, Ave., and 52 Blanchard.builder, Ave. h. r. COMPANY over 440 do. Maple. 106 h. 30 Water. for McKinley GLASS Ave.

Clark Hardware Co., Hardware & Mill Supplies84 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYThe Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. F. S. TREADWAY,OF NEWARK, N. J. ORGANIZED 1845Dist. Agt.,B()th PflOIleSErickson, Erick, veneer worker, r. 222 Hopkins Ave.Erickson, Erick, (Carrie), wood worker, h. over 265 Steele.Erickson, Erland, wood worker, r. over 265 Steele.Erickson, Florence, duffer, r. 115 Hedges Ave.Erickson, Florence J., clerk, r. over 17 Bush.Erickson, Frank L., (Etta), varnisher, h. 214 Forest Ave.Erickson, Gertrude, stenographer, r. 222 Hopkins Ave.Erickson, George A., (Albertine A.), varnisher, h. 102 Broadhead Ave,-,Erickson, Gustaf, (Anna S.), carpenter, h. 41 Derby.Erickson, Hannah, widow Gust, h. over 44 Hedges Ave.Erickson, Harry—Wilson & Erickson, Falconer—r. 222 Hopkins Ave.Erickson, Hazel, r. under 16 McKinley Ave.Erickson, Helen, widow Gust, h. 346 Willard.Erickson, Henry C, (Alma), wood turner, h. 56 Vega.Erickson, Henry F., textile worker, r. 422 Allen.Erickson, Henry J., finisher, r. under 41 Chapin.Erickson, Hjalmer, wood worker, bds. over 205 Allen.Erickson, Hulda, r. 115 Hedges Ave.Erickson, Iver, clerk, r. 102 Broadhead Ave.Erickson, Jennie A., Mrs., h. 102 Broadhead Ave.Erickson, Jessie, weaver, h. 219 Spring.Erickson, John, (Matilda), machinist, h. over 812 East Second.Erickson, John, (M. Delia), metal worker, h. over 391 Fairmount Ave.Erickson, John A., (Carrie), finisher,h. 108 Pearl Ave.Erickson, John F., (Hulda), upholsterer, h. 422 Allen.Erickson, John P., (Josephine), machine hand, h. 9 Garfield.Erickson, John P., r. 47 Hedges Ave.Erickson, Johanna, widow Charles, h. Willard, bey. limits.Erickson, Johanna, widow Andrew, h. 8 Benson.Erickson, Jonas, (Marie), laborer, h. over 502 Crescent.Erickson, Josephine, widow August, h. over 17 Bush.Erickson, Laus J., (Corrie E.), barber, under 1 Brooklyn Sq., h. over 24Maple.Erickson, Mabel E., weaver, bds. 434 Winsor.Erickson, Maria K., widow Magnus, r. 125 Weeks.Erickson, Martha E., clerk, r. 41 Derby.Erickson, Mary, widow Gustaf, h. over 5 Lakin Ave.Erickson, Mary E., widow Charles, h. over 20 Colfax.Erickson, Minnie, paper boxmaker, r. 107 Park.Erickson, Nina, domestic, 401 East Fourth.Erickson, Oscar A., (Anna S.),—cleaning, dyeing and repairing clothes, over16 East Second—r. do.Erickson, Oscar E., (Eba), cabinetmaker, h. 100 Pearl Ave.Erickson, Oscar W., (Selma), machine hand, h. 38 Vega.Erickson, Rudolph A., deliveryman, r. 132 Barrett.Erickson, Segrid H., textile worker, r. 422 Allen.Erickson, Signe, dressmaker, h. over 39 Charles.Erickson & Son—Albin Erickson, Prop.—438 Willard.Erickson, Swan, (Selma), niglitwatchman, h. 222 Hopkins Ave.Erickson, Swan, (Mary), retired, h. 11 Bowen.We BRADSHAW'S Erickson, Ericson, represent Esther, Beda, Emma, Walter, William Swan forty textile A., A., bookkeeper, Mrs., PIONEER wood R., companies engineer (Anna finisher,bds. worker, domestic, B.), r. Erie INSURANCE r. with wood 1 r. 169 Kipp. R. assets.650 $170,000,000Grant. Falconer, worker, R., Buffalo. r. ' 41 h. AGENCYCor. Derby. 434 Curtis. Winsor.

CARPETS, CURTAINS,ETS, CURTAINS, -1-1 A T\ OL /^draperies, shades. 1 he A. U. onarpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 85J*//r /c/?a A///^77)jP/Z ENTIRE 6th FLOORqj/ALISSflANUJ/a/^ CHADAKOIN BUILDINGEricson, H. Louise, widow Lawrence, h. 1 Kipp.Erie Rail Road—E. R. Allen, Gen Agt., office 102 North Main; freight depot,325 Chandler; passenger depot, West First; yard office, 325 West 2nd.Erlandson, Edith, weaver, bds. 137 Euclid Ave.Erlandson, Hilma, weaver, r. 433 Allen.Erlandson, Selma, weaver, r. 433 Allen.Ernewein, Jacob P., (Rose), brewer, h. 502 Hallock.Ernst, Arthur, metal worker, r. 4 William.Erwin, James H., (Jennie), h. 39 Eleventh.Erwin, see Irwin.Estes, Arthur, (Ora), h. over 734 East Second.European Hotel—Benj. Strauss, prop.—5 South Main.Evanjok, Joseph, (Katherine), wood worker, h. Martin Road.Evans, Eliza E., Mrs.,—boarding house, 217 East Third—h. do.Evans, Frank, wood worker, bds. 16 Sampson.Evans, Ida, Mrs., domestic, h. over 21 East First.Evans, see Evens.Eveleth, Polly, widow Henry, r. 26 Water.Evelyn, Signa, textile worker, bds. 5 Webster.Evens, Blanche, stenographer, bds. 100 East Eighth.Evens, Emma C., widow Charles E., clerk, h. 100 East Eighth.Evens, Emmet A., grocery clerk, r. 100 East Eighth.Evens, Helen, r. 100 East Eighth.Evens, see Evans.Everett, Carrie E., boxmaker, r. over 26 Stowe.Everett, David B., (Jane V.), painter, h. 25 Maple.Everett, Elizabeth D., boxmaker, r. over 26 Stowe.Everett Hotel, (New)—Oliver C. Wallace and Frank E. Wallace—7-9-11 WestFirst.Everett, John, (Jennie), metal finisher,h. over 26 Stowe.Everett, Viola D., widow Marvin N.—prop. Marvin House, 105 West Second—r. do.Everwine, Elva L., widow Augustus C, h. 815 Prendergast Ave.Everwine, Martha L., bookkeeper, r. 815 Prendergast Ave.Ewing, Earl C, porter, r. over 116 East Third.Ewing, Edward E. ROSENCRANTZ J., laborer, r. over 116 East & Third. COMPANYBuilders' Ewing, Samuel J., Hardwarelaborer, r. over 116 East Third.Exley, John A., (Anna), wool sorter, h. under 367 Foote Ave.Fagerstrom, Ezirizo, Francesco, C. Emil, laborer, (Alma)—Bernhard bds. 458 West Hardware Second. Co.—h. 198 Barrett.Fagerstrom, Gust D., (Ellen), metal worker, h. 21 Fifteenth.Fagerstrom, Joseph, metal worker, bds. 183 Barrett.Fagerstrom, Seman, metal worker, bds. 183 Barrett.Fagerstrom, Seth E., (Elsa), tool and patternmaker, Art Metal, h. over 15Myrtle.Fahey, Edward J., (Alice), metal worker, h. 400 West Seventh.Fahey, Ernest, wood worker, r. 400 West Seventh.Fahey, Mary, widow James, h. 400 West Seventh.Fair, (The)—Clarence A. Hultquist, Prop.—crockery, glassware and householdgoods, 18 East Third.WHY insure in the New York Life? Because: It believes in pubn' ' ' licity.

Clark Hardware Co.Builders' Hardware86 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYYou may judge the man by the beer he drinks<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew —particular people drink <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew.Fairbank, Anna L., widow Harvey L., h. 353 East Fourth.Fairbank, Edith L., stenographer, r. 917 North Main.Fairbanji, Ellen M., teacher, r. 917 North Main.Fairbank, Emily H., widow John A., h. 300 Winsor.Fairbank, Emily N., r. 353 East Fourth.Fairbank, Fred G., (Lizzie), polisher, h. over 125 Fairview Ave.Fairbank, Frederick W., (Maude A.), metal worker, h. 1032 N. Main.Fairbank, Henrietta, r. 353 East Fourth.Fairbank, O. William, (Hattie I.),—meats, 215 West Third—h. 265 Falconer.Fairbank, Walter J., (Elizabeth C), cattle dealer, h. 917 North Main.Fairbanks, George W., (Elizabeth), compositor, Journal, h. 39 Prospect.Fairbanks, Ray W., student, r. 39 Prospect.Fairchild, Delia M., student, r. 11 East Sixth.Fairchild, Katherine M., widow Oren J.—bakery, 627 Prendergast Ave—h. 11East Sixth.Fairchild, Leola M., music teacher, bds. 11 East Sixth.Fairchild, Lillian B., milliner, bds. 11 East Sixth.Fairfax, Lydia L., widow Sidney, r. 215 Fulton.Fairmount Grocery Co.—M. M. Walsh and V. C. Eggleston—groceries, 108Fairmount Ave.FAIRMOUNT GROCERY COMPANYSANITARY GROCERSThe best the market affords at all times at moderate prices.108 FAIRMOUNT AVE., COR. W. 8th ST. BOTH PHONESFairmount Meat Market—Ferdinand Bauer—100 Fairmount Ave.Falconer, Archibald D., (Abbie L.), attorney, over 101 East Third, h. 32Prospect.Falconer, Clinton B., (Bertha M.), metal worker, h. 37 McKinley Ave.Falconer, Etta M., caterer, r. 240 Fulton.Falconer, Levina N., widow Robert E., h. 240 Fulton.Falconer, Martha, r. 134 Lakeview Ave.Falconer, Martha J., h. 551 Lakeview Ave.Falconer, Mildred R.—Supt's clerk J. High School—r. 240 Fulton.Falconer, William T., (Kate D.),—W. T. Falconer Mfg. Co., Falconer, N. Y —h. 134 Lakeview Ave.Falconer, see Faulkner.Faley, Erland A., retired, bds. 3 Orchard.Faley, Theodore, (Teckla), metal worker, h. 245 Bowen.Falldine, C. Frederick, (Bertha),—Sec'y.-Treas. Crescent Tool Co.—h. over30 Stowe.Falldine, Marie, stenographer, r. over 30 Stowe.Fallen, Thomas, drayman, bds. 14 Stowe.Fallon, Carrie, Mrs., housekeeper, 6 South Jamestown, Main. N. Y. Youngstown, 0.Famous, (The)—Nathan Stern, prop.—clothing, hats, caps and gent's furnishings—5-7W. Fancher, Farina, Farinella, Ely Antonio, Leon Jessie Vincenzo, Lucy Maggie Mary Ainge L., R., C, laborer, NorthM., (Kate), student, (Colora), spinner,Main.Audit bds. attorney, r. r. 439 r. grocer, 124 124 Crescent. Harrison.Co.0ur over 124 12 Harrison, E. -Associatcs 2nd, h. do. 612 Murray ?re-a"qua,i,ied Ave.A

Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery.The A. D. Sharpe Co.FJ.. rU£?A Ar/R-rnDCffllbkSf7AJVUJ/UKQJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 87ENTIRE 6th FLOORCHADAKOIN BUILDINGFarlee, Edith H., piano teacher, r. 152 Allen.Farlee, Fred L., commercial traveler, h. 152 Allen.Farlee, Nellie C, vocal teacher, r. 152 Allen.Farley, Mason A., towerman Erie R. R., bds. over 29 Palmer.Farley, Myrtle D., nurse, bds. 510 Monroe.Farlin, Albert, (Augusta), bakery, under 6 W. 3rd, bds. 11 West Fourth.Farlin, Peter A., (Anna A.),—Farlin & Swanson—h. over 15 West Second.Farlin & Swanson—Mrs. Anna A. Farlin and Victor Swanson—restaurant,16 West Second.Farm, Charles, laborer, bds. 105 Park.Farm, Charles, finisher,r. 219 East First.Farm, Daniel A., (Christine)—groceries, 219 East First—h. do.Farm, Gust W., veneer cutter, r. over 409 Newland Ave.Farm, John, bds. 70 Norton Ave.Farm, John A., (Emma), clerk Mack-Hall Co., h. 41 Eleventh.Farm, Mary, r. 219 East First.Farm, Oscar F., (A. Victoria), veneer cutter, h. over 409 Newland Ave.Farman, Edith M., manual training teacher, r. 30 Cross.Farman, E. Frank, retired, h. 30 Cross.Farman, Mary C, r. 30 Cross.Farman, Nelle D., r. 30 Cross.Farmers & Mechanics Bank—O. N. Rushworth, Pres.; Harold E. Crissey,Vice Pres.; C. A. Okerlind, cashier; A. E. Appleyard, Asst. cashier—215North Main.Farnham, Anna A., widow John M., h. 110 East Sixth.Farrington, F. Curtis, (Sylvia), electrician, h. 225 Crescent.Farro, Nich., laborer, rms. over 12 North Main.Fasciana, Fillippo, (Josephine), laborer, h. under 113 Cross.Faulkner, Alta, widow M. J., bds. 2 Livingston Ave.Faulkner, Henry S., (Lydia), foundryman, h. 372 Buffalo.Faulkner, see Falconer.Faust, Anna, domestic, 27 Allen.Faust, Gustaf A., packer, bds. 257 Falconer.Faust, Oscar C, metal worker, r. 257 Falconer.Fawbert, Charles E., (Clara), warper, h. over 13 Hazzard.Fay, John, (Helen), custom cutter, h. 114 Van Buren.Fay, Marie C, student, r. 114 Van Buren.Feather, Charles E., (Ellen S.),—Dep. U. S. internal revenue collector, FederalBldg., West Third—h. 92 Prather Ave.Feather, Gladys E., r. 216 Hazzard.Feather, Harold, combing boss, bds. 55 Kinney.Feather, Richard, (Kate), cloth inspector, h. 20 Waterman.Fee, William J., (Anna), oil driller, h. 33 Ninth.Felish, Paul, (Lena), laborer, h. 44 Franklin.Felt, Anna, domestic, 21 Allen.Felt, Charles J., (Amanda), shipping clerk, h. 115 Fulton.Felt, F. Oscar, (Minnie), paving boss, h. over 65 Hazzard.Felt, Frank E.,—Asst. cashier First Nat. Bank—r. 115 Fulton. 107Spun Felt, Orville Brass J., (Florence)—yard Goods te Mgr. Cawcroft Wilson's mill—h. Co., 610 Monroe. E. 3rd Street.Felton, John M., brick layer, h. 1005 North Main.Felty, Marie, Mrs., musician, rms. 25 Steele.Fengar, Fenner, Hugh Ruah Jane, Elizabeth, Grape Mary James C. Wilson, E., widow Marie, Juice R., (Louise widow Co., Sec'y.-Treas.—rm. Silas, r. 6 Alvan Inc.—W. Samuel, Belle), Sampson. h. 16 A., Ninth. commercial laundress, W. 6 Hunt, Sampson. 4 Arcade Pres.; traveler, h. 962 Bldg., H. Washington.h. H. over Ames, 28 306 Vice No. Main. pres.;

Clark Hardware Co.Roofing and Building Papers<strong>Chautauqua</strong>JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYBrewbefore meals makes every dish welcome — afterwardsit insures digestion. Both phones 268.Fenner, Nathaniel J., (Thankful S.), h. 820 North Main.Fenton, Anna J., stenographer Wm. Broadhead & Sons, h. 433 East Fourth.Fenton & Andruss—Elliot A. Fenton and George D. Andruss—photographers,4 Forest Ave.Fenton Bldg., 2-6 East Second.Fenton, Catherine, widow Horace, bds. 60 Tenth.Fenton, Corissande E., h. 317 East Second.Fenton, Dana, sewer inspector, h. 433 East Fourth.Fenton, Edgar A., (Metta), bookkeeper, h. 113 Lakeview Ave.Fenton, Elizabeth L., teacher, r. 315 East Second.Fenton, Elliot A., (Helen E. L.),—Fenton & Andruss—h. 215 Crossman.Fenton, Emory W., (Louise), retired, h. 1392 East Second.Fenton, George T., (Lelia Y.), commercial traveler, h. 404 West Fifth.Fenton, George Yates, student, r. 404 West Fifth.Fenton, H. Blaine, (Nellie), emp. Erie R. R., h. 309 West Second.Fenton, Harry W.,—real estate, rm. 59 Fenton Bldg.—r. 509 Prendergast Av.Fenton, J. Grace, artist, r. 1392 East Second.Fenton, Lawrence A., (A. Eugenia), retired, h. over 324 East Third.Fenton, Levina, widow Henry N., h. over 115 Crossman.Fenton, Lillian, textile worker, rms. 6 Institute.Fenton, Louis A., (Mildred B.), bookkeeper, h. 30 Derby.Fenton, Lucy A., widow E. Freeman, h. 303 Foote Ave.Fenton, Lulu E., bookkeeper, r. 1392 East Second.Fenton, Mabel A., clerk, r. over 324 East Third.Fenton, Martin L., (Alice),—real estate, rm 59 Fenton Bldg.—h. 509 PrendergastAve.Fenton, Thomas J., (Evangeline D.), lumberman, h. 169 South Main.Ferelo, Charles, (Maggie), laborer, h. 286 Harrison.Fernstrom, Nels P., (Madrine), shipping clerk, h. 218 Barrett.Ferrati, Joseph, textile worker, h. 94 Hazzard.Ferrati,, Sam, (Rose), wood worker, h. 94 Hazzard.Ferrin, Ella, cook, rms. 25 Steele.Ferrin, Genevieve, domestic, 716 Lafayette.Ferrin, John P., (Mary), commercial traveler, h. 629 Prendergast Ave.Ferrin, Mary, weaver, h. over 411 West Fourth.Ferrin, Rhea, student, r. 629 Prendergast Ave.Ferrin, Sarah, widow Stephen, bds. 615 West Seventh.Ferrin, James D., (Julia), telegraph operator, h. 503 West Third.Ferro, Thomas, (Nellie), laborer, h. ZSy2 Harrison.Ferrotto, John, (Jennie), filer, h. under 302 East Second.Ferry, Florence E., stenographer, r. 10 Martin Road.Ferry, Maurice A., wood worker, r. 10 Martin Road.Ferry, S. Correl, h. 30 Foote Ave.Ferry, Truman C., (Amelia E.), night watchman, h. 10 Martin Road.Fessenden, Benjamin H., machinist, bds. 33 Fenton Place.Fette, Charles J.,—printer and Mgr. Hub bowling alley—bds. 1110 PrendergastAve.Fetterley, Mary, r. 412 East Fifth.Fidler, A. Howard, (Leonora J.), commercial traveler, h. 135 Allen.Fidler, Alfred F., (Adela), W. commercial J. Bentley, traveler, Gen. Agt., h. 49 515 Liberty. Chadakoin Bldg.Field, Elizabeth M., bds. 208 Fafayette.I Field, Fieldhouse, •!?_ h. r. son Leonard Cherry Frank & Mary 412 InonrQfiro and Wright Spring. Benjamin, M., John B., Creek, J., bookkeeper Co., (Kate J. (Florence Connecticut Beustrom—furniture, N. Inc.—L. textile P.),—Mgr. Y.L.),—Field J. worker, Field, General & The Wright, Mgr.; Furniture & 30 Life Wright 100-108 Franklin. r. J. Ins. 5 S. Strong. Commercial Co., North Wright, Co., 100-108 Main. Hartford, Pres; North Agency H. T. Main— Conn., Co.— Wil­

Go to The A. D. Sharpe Co. forJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 89Carpetstff/LL^JAAffflo/^Fieldhouse, Joseph, (Mary J.), textile worker, h. 30 Franklin.Fields, Elmer W., conductor, J. St. Ry., bds. 47 Hamilton.Fields, J., Mrs., domestic, h. 107 Hall.Finch, Earl C, draftsman, rms. 507 Spring.Findlay, John A., (Mary), blacksmith, 105 Foote Ave., h. 39 do.Findley, Grace, textile worker, r. 10 Axtel.Findley, Inez, r. 10 Axtel.Findley, John, chauffeur, h. over 10 Axtel.Findley, John, (Anice)—transient stables, 26 Fenton Place— h. 24 Derby.Fink, George, (May E.), teamster, h. over 608 East Second.Finley, Harriet L., Mrs., h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Finucane, Catherine, widow Jeremiah, h. over 211 East Second.E^ire Police, 28 Fenton Place.Firman, Alice, r. 103 Steele.Firman, Benjamin, wood turner, h. 103 Steele.First Adventist Church, 714 Cherry.First Baptist Church, East Fourth, cor, Church.First Church of Christ, Scientist, East Fourth, cor. Prendergast Ave.First Congregational Church, 319-323 East Third.First Lutheran Church, 120 Chandler.First National Bank—F. E. Gifford, Pres.; William Broadhead, Vice Pres.;E. Morgan, cashier.—222 North Main.First Presbyterian Church, 102-108 West Third.Firth, C. J., (Ruth), driver Wells Fargo Exp. Co., h. 81 Vega.Firth, J. Edward, (Mary L.),—foreman Broadhead Worsted Mills—h. 3%y2Foote Ave.Firth, S. Elizabeth, textile worker, r. 38% Foote Ave.eFiscus, John, night watchman, bds. Riverside Hotel.Fisher, Albert C, (Minnie), fireman, h. over 270 Broadhead Ave.Fisher, Fern B., bookkeeper Home Tel. Co., r. 133 Lakeview Ave.Fisher & Fisher—Jerome B. and Marion H. Fisher—attorneys, 41 WellmanBldg.Fisher, George, stationary engineer, bds. 178 Fairmount Ave.Fisher, George H., (Jennie), machine hand, h. 235 Jones & Gifford Ave.Fisher, Jerome B., (Julia),—supreme court reporter and Fisher & Fisher—h. 518 North Main.Fisher, Jerome B. Jr., (Emogene P.), bookkeeper Penn. Gas Co., h. 88 Prospect.Fisher, John, finisher, bds. 178 Fairmount Ave.Fisher, Marion H.—Fisher & Fisher—r. 518 North Main.Fisher, Mildred, waitress, r. 121 East Second.Fisher, Oscar, blacksmith,, r. over 220 Broadhead Ave.Fisher, R. Fenton, college student, r. 518 North Main.Fisher, Richard, student, bds. 842 Washington.Fisher, Selma, widow Edward, weaver, h. 7 East Newland Ave.Fisher, Vilata M., r. 341 East Fifth.Fisher, William W., (Ella), oil producer, h. 133 Lakeview Ave.Fisher, Willis W., (Mary), band sawyer, h. 562 East Second.Ready Fisler, Fisk,Fisher, Theodore Wilbur, Charles Frank Jacob,see Roofing Flisher.M., E., (Martha H., (Marriette), L., (Mary), (Minnie),—Pearl wood (Edith & E.), Building worker, contractor, M.), bricklayer, veneer printer, r. packer, 704 City h. Paper h. Buffalo. 17 h. Veneer over Potter 704 h. 704 In.^tReRsT. 122 Co.—h. Ave. Buffalo. Bowen. 82 Barrett. K2W

Clark Hardware Co. Farming Implements and Fencing90 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP. ~Women's and Misses's Suits inall the up-to-date styles and leading shades$10 to $35.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Fitch, Delia, Mrs., textile worker, bds. 9 Pullman.Fitch, Harriett, rms. 417 Prendergast Ave.Fitsmorris, Mary, pastry cook Sherman House.Fitzgerald, Patrick, (Nora), fireman, h. 131 Fairview Ave.Fitzpatrick, Michael A., (Emma), tinsmith foreman, h. 1036 North Main.Five Point Grocery—Rogers Bros.—714 North Main.Fkyllberg, Gotfried, metal worker, bds. 22 Jeffords.Flagg, James R., (Eva)—insurance and real estate, over 203 West Third—r. Frewsburg, N. Y.Flannigan, Hugh, barber, 102 Fairmount Ave, r. do.Fleischer, John, (Eva), metal worker, h. over 59 Foote Ave.Fleming, Charles A., (Laura S.), detailer, h. 507 East Second.Fleming, Henry, tinner, bds. 8 Water.Fleming, Roy, (Millie), laborer, h. 173% South Main.Fletcher, A. Brooks—Pub. Country World—r. 552 West Third.Fletcher, Eliza A., widow Elson, bds. 510 West Fifth.Fletcher, Fred, (Martha), carpenter, h. over 42 Barrows.Fletcher, Louise E., student, r. 5 East.Fletcher, Mary E., teacher, r. 552 West Third.Fletcher, Milton J., (Nettie)—Prin. J. High School—h. 5 East.Fletcher, Thomas, (Harriett), cement worker, h. 32 Union Ave.Fletcher, William H., (Mabel)—mgr. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Teachers' Agency—h. 424Winsor.Flickenger, Eugene, (Celestia), shoemaker, h. 112 Price.Flickenger, Ida N., operator Home Tel. Co., r. 112 Price.Flickenger, Joseph E., (Mentie), h. 309 Price.Flickenger, Mary M., weaver, bds. 112 Price.Fliege, Edward C, (Julia M.), bookkeeper, h. 141 Euclid Ave.Flindt, Arthur, gardener, bds. Riverside Hotel.Flink, Gustaf, (A. Matilda), wood worker, h. 452 Buffalo.Flint, Frank B., (Hulda C), wood finisher, h. Allen.Flisher, Jared B.—oil producer and sec'y.-treas. P. M. Johnson Co.—h. 612Prendergast Ave.Flisher, Leanora B., student, r. 612 Prendergast Ave.Flisher, see Fisher.Florida, B. Frank, (Margaret), stationary engineer, hi. 930 East Second.Flower, A. Pearl, bookkeeper, r. 44 Bush.Flower, James G., (Hattie), brick mason and plasterer, h. 44 Bush.Flower, Jay C, mattressmaker, r. 44 Bush.Fogle, Cora A., drawer, r. over 115 West Third.Fogle, Simon, (Mary E.), well driller, h. over 115 West Third.Foland, Nicholas J., (Mary), tinner, h. 1035 North Main.Folcker, August F., (Augusta), laborer, h. 13 Fifteenth.Folcker, Carl T., (Hulda), foreman finisher, h. 107 Broadhead Ave.Foley, James V., candymaker, bds. 43 College.Foley, Katheryn, stenographer, bds. 301 Livingston Ave.Foley, Mary A., clerk, r. 43 College.Foley, Mary B., bookkeeper, bds. 301 Livington Ave.Foley, Mayme, waitress Lake House, r. do.Foley, William J., plumber's apprentice, bds. 301 Livingston Ave.Gage's Folk, Folland, Foley, William, Charles, Winifred Annie Katherine, Conrad Save metal foundryman, J., M., J., You finisher,bds. (Delia), widow worker, 27 Money Eleventh. Peter, Patrick 30121 27 21 Livingston C, Weeks. 27 Eleventh. DINNER 43 College. Ave. SETS

Carpets, Curtains,Draperies, Shades. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 91ONE OF THE FINESTtff/LLtiffAA/firORQIN THIS COUNTRYFoote, Fred W., (Helen), clerk, P. O., h. 49 Tenth.Foote, Joseph, filler,bds. over 398 East Second.Footee, Samuel, (Mattie), wood worker, h. 15 Axtel.Forbes, Felicia R., widow Russell J., r. 611 North Main.Forbes, Flora F., stenographer, r. 611 North Main.Forbes, Mary, librarian, r. 611 North Main.Forbush, Luther A., (Martha), Asst. Overseer of Poor, City Hall, h. 617 Pine.Forcey, Andrew, (Matilda), laborer, h. 75 Prospect.Forcey, Robert A., machinist, r. 75 Prospect.Ford, Elbert W., (Hazel), clerk, Mack-Hall Co., h. 16 McKinley Ave.Ford, Elijah W., (Mary A.), tinsmith, h. 966 Washington.Ford, Elizabeth, r. 857 Prendergast Ave.Ford, Fred R., (Etta M.), cashier Erie freight depot, h. Falconer.Ford, John B. .tailor, bds. 10 Steele.Ford, Marcus L., (Marietta), retired, h. 400 East Sixth.Ford, May, widow George B., h. 857 Prendergast Ave.Ford, Odise, machine hand, bds. 15 Harrison.Ford, Robert D., metal worker, bds. 966 Washington.Ford, Spir, machine hand, bds. 15 Harrison.Ford, Vangel, finisher,bds. 114 Harrison.Ford, William J., (Harriet), pastor First Baptist Church, h. 117 Church.Fordyce, Richard H., (Anna R.), chief clerk J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. over 853North Main.Forer, Ellsworth D., (Minnie), creamery, 633 East Second, h. over do.Forest Park Land Co., Inc.—J. R. Flagg, Pres.; B. A. Munger, Vice Pres.;S. C. Hall, Sec'y.-Treas.—real estate, rms. 9-11 Gokey Bldg., over 22 WestThird.Fornell, Charles, plumber, r. 252 Prospect.Fornell, Edna, dressmaker, r. 252 Prospect.Fornell, Elizabeth, clerk, r. 252 Prospect.Fornell, George, salesman, r. 252 Prospect.Fornell, Mary, student, r. 252 Prospect.Fornell, Nicholas, (Christine), night watchman, h. 252 Prospect.Forrest, Hubert, (Emma), loomfixer, h. 7 William.Fors, Hartha A., mender, r. rm. 39 Fenton Bldg.Forsbeck, Erick A., (Katherine), metal worker, h. 28 Derby.Forsbeck, Mary H., milliner, r. 28 Derby.Forsberg, Charles, (Anna S.), grocery clerk, h. 39 Stowe.Forsberg, Charles G., (Ida), metal worker, h. 27 Colfax.Forsberg, Gust, (Minnie), h. 105 Charles.Forsberg, Jennie L., textile worker, r. 39 Stowe.Forsberg, Mary, textile worker, r. 39 Stowe.Forsberg, Victor E., (Beulah A.), metal worker, h. over 39 Stowe.Forsberg, W. August, metal worker, r. 39 Stowe.Forsberg, see Fosberg and Fosburg.Forsee, Robert, metal worker, bds. 128 Water.Forsgren, Charles, (Hilma T.), piano agent, h. over 280 South Main.Forsgren, Nels, metal worker, bds. 125 Stowe.Forslof, Anna O., domestic, 20 West Fourth.Fortini, Antonio, laborer, bds. 32 Scott.Fosberg, Algot, (Esther), metal worker, h. over 26 Columbia Ave.Sherwin-Williams Fosburg, Fosberg, John, Alma, August, Eric Fred Henry Harry, A., (Clara dressmaker, C, N., printer, (Emma), (Reeka), (Anna), Paint (Elizabeth), draughtsman's J.), r. at finisher,h. wood carpenter, 9 Northrop r. Walnut. 9 draftsman, worker, Walnut. apprentice, h. h. over Paint 9 h. Walnut. 771 h. 244 10 & 21 Buffalo. Glass Thayer.Forest Stowe. 9 Walnut. Company Ave.

Clark Hardware Co.92 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYFine Cutlery and ToolsThe Mutual Benefit Life of Newark, N. J. F. S. TREADWAY,PURELY MUTUAL. NO STOCKHOLDERS. DiSt. Agt., Both PhOUeS.Fosburg, Ruth E., milliner, r. 9 Walnut.Fosburg, see Fosberg and Forsberg.Fosha, John C, (Ellen P.), teamster, h. 816 N. Main.Fosner, Olof, wood worker, h. over 262 Forest Ave.Foster, Charles W., (Ellen C), machinist, h. 566 Allen.Foster, H. L., iceman Sherman House, r. do.Foster, Henry, (Mary),—Supt. J. Worsted Mills—h. 40 Mechanic.Foster, Lillian M., widow Homer, h. over 114 West Eighth.Foster, Luben C, (Bertha), advertising solicitor The Journal, h. 616 E. 6th.Foster, Nellie, r. 13 Victoria Ave.Foster, Sylvester, laborer, bds. 11 Webster.Foti, Frank, (Rosie), laborer, h. over 143 Baker.Fowler, George C, (Mary), shipping clerk, h. 379 Foote Ave.Fowler, James I., (Laura W.), attorney, 4 Arcade Bldg., h. 20 Mechanic.Fowler, J. Samuel, (Velma S.),—attorney, rms. 16-18 Wellman Bldg., over103 West Third—h. 304 Clinton.Fowler, Lamont B., (Lydia G.), clerk Sherman House, h. 315 West Fifth.Fox, Almon, (Hannah), teamster, h. 324^4 Steele.Fox, Antoinette F., widow Oscar, boarding house, 819 Spring, h. do.Fox, Cassius H., (Ella), commercial traveler, h. 91 Hallock.Fox, Emma W., widow William J., r. 216 Winsor.Fox, Ernest B., bricklayer, r. 676 Buffalo.Fox, Florence M., r. 216 Winsor.Fox, Frederick G., bds. 305 Falconer.Fox, George E., (Nellie S.), shipping clerk, h. 180 Fairmount Ave.Fox, Harry R., axe polisher, r. 216 Winsor.Fox, James H., (Anna L.), plumber, h. over 17 Columbia Ave.Fox, John A., bricklayer, r. 676 Buffalo.Fox, Louis, (Selma), teamster, h. under 322 Steele.Fox, Maud M., r. 216 Winsor.Fox, Sarah P., widow James H., h. over 249 South Main.Fox, Theodore C, (Lena M.), cigarmaker, h. 305 Falconer.Fox, William R., (Mary J.), construction engineer, h. 676 Buffalo.Foy, John, coachman, 101 East Fourth.Foy, Lucinda L., widow William, r. 11 Kidder.Foy, Raymond A., (Hattie A.), wood worker, h. over 282 South Main.Fraiser, George, (Christine), lunch counter clerk 14 South Main, r. do.Fraiser, Laura B., picker, r. over 14 South Main.Fraiser, see Fraser.Franberg, Nellie, duffer, bds. over 516 Newland Ave.Franchina, Giuseppa, (Antonina), cabinetmaker, h. over 122 Harrison.Franchina, Rosalio, finisher, bds. over 298 East Second.Francis, George, retired, bds. 330 Crossman.Francisca, Crusso, h. 61 Harrison.Franciscoe, Harrison, laborer, r. over 224 East Second.Frank, Alta TJ., r. 830 Newland Ave.Frank, The Bertha oldest agency. B., bookkeeper, The best r. over of companies. 103 East Second. The largest experience.Frank, Duane O., (Elizabeth), Established teamster, h. 1867. 239 Hazzard.Frank, BRADSHAW'S Dwight D., (Esther PIONEER L.), deliveryman INSURANCE and teamster, AGENCYh. 283% So. Main.Frank! Emmett A., (Cora G.), meats, 225 West Third, h. over do.Frank, Glenn A., (Ora L.), state excise commissioner, h. 226 South Main.Frank, George Henry Joe, John (Jennie), J., P., N., D., S., laborer, (Sarah retired, (Rosie (Clementine wood K.)—Loucks bds. h. M.), 830 worker, 127 clerk, B.), Newland Euclid milk h. & 303 under Frank—r. Ave.dealer, South 511 r. Main. Allen. Beechwood.213 Broadhead Ave.

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods.The A. D. Sharpe Co,JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 93fl/LL^AAfffloR^ORGANS and OLD PIANOSTAKEN IN EXCHANGEFrank, Manley C, (Susan), wool sorter, h. 18 Shaver.Frank, Sam D., wood worker, bds. 511 Allen.Frank, Theodore C, (Harriett), foreman Holmes Awning Works, h. 17 Hazzard.Frankina, Frank, (Scolara C), dyer, h. over 298 East Second.Franklin, Charles O., carpenter, bds. 27 Tenth.Franklin, Edwin S., (Katherine), driver Clarke's Bakery, h. 870 Washington.Franklin, Elvira B., basketmaker, bds. 27 Tenth.Franklin, Florence B., student, bds. 870 Washington.Franklin, Harriett E., widow Oscar B., h. 27 Tenth.Franklin, Herbert W., electrician's apprentice, bds. 870 Washington.Frankson, Albin, (Sophia), metal worker, h. over 35 Linden Ave.Frankson, Axel, (Selma)—Nord & Frankson—h. under 224 Forest Ave.Frankson, Ernest, (A. Tillie), tailor, h. over 14 Camp.Fransine, Carl A., (Ida), metal painter, h. 11 Partridge.Frantzen, Carl V., (Selma), meat cutter, h. over 125 Van Buren.Frantzen, Hugo, carpenter, bds. 102 William.Frantzen, Peter, (Lena), laborer, h. 109 Colfax.Fraser, Henry C, brick and stone mason and plasterer, h. 820 PrendergastAve.Fraser, see Fraiser.Frasri, Sotir, metal worker, bds. 15 Harrison.Fraternal Order of Eagles, 4th floor Arcade Bldg., over 28 North Main.Fray, Clarence, (Bessie), finisher,r. over 9 East Third.Fray, John A., (Louise R.),—Sagerdahl & Fray—h. 335 Foote Ave.Fray, see Frey.Frazetta, James, (Josephine), laborer, h. 121 Cross.Fredlund, Bernhard, (Esther), cement worker, h. 609 English.Fredlund, Charles B., machine hand, r. 52 Bemus.Fredlund, John, (Hannah), sidewalk builder, h. 52 Bemus.Frederickson, Albert, (Hannah), cabinetmaker, h. over 14 Palmer.Frederickson, Andrew, carpenter, bds. 102 Broadhead Ave.Frederickson, Andrew, metal worker, bds. 912 East Second.Frederickson, Anna, drawer, r. over 154 Barrows.frederickson, Anna, widow Charles, h. over 154 Barrows.Tickson, Anna S., spinner, r. over 656 Barrows.'kson, Carl A., machine hand, h. 243 Broadhead Ave.-on, Charles G., (Emma C), carpenter, h. 309 Willard.•on, Ella M., domestic, 35 Maple.j, Emil, laborer, r. over 154 Barrows.on, Eric, wood worker, bds. 7 Shaw Ave..son, Gunnard, carpenter, bds. 7 Shaw Ave.jkson, Hannah K., weaver, r. over 656 Barrows.Frederickson, Herman, metal worker, bds. 234 Barrows.Frederickson, John, (Anna), lumber handler, h. over 656 Barrows.Frederickson, Levi C, toolmaker, r. 309 Willard.Frederickson, Stanley, glazier, r. 309 Willard.Fredsall, Charles, (Nellie), varnisher, h. 121 Stcrwe.Freeberg, Frank, (Matilda), lumber handler, h. 29 Sturges.Freeberg, Fred, wood finisher,bds. 8 Thayer.Freeburg, Axel, (Hannah A.), grocery clerk, h. 541 Allen.WHY is guarantees, Freeburg, VVII second insure I to restrictions Walter Gust, Elmer George Oscar Claus in and no the other (Anna), L., E., C,—architect, K., New wood Company's (Emma), polisher, as company. York cabinetmaker, to carver, travel, Life? carpenter, r. record rms. bds. 26 residence Because: r. Palmer. 505-507 26 over for h. h. Palmer. 32 the 26 48 Chadakoin Its and Tenth. Palmer. prompt Steele. occupation, policies settlement Bldg—r. are contain free 26 of Palmer. of liberal, claims

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools94 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYl^tlOlltoiiniia RrAU7 A delicious and nourishing table beverage witVlldUldliqUd JJICVV highly medicinal qualities. Both phones 268.Freed, Bessie B., bds. 50 Ninth.Freed, Emma L., widow John, h. 50 Ninth.Freed, John P., retired, h. 30 Institute.Freed, Joseph L., tinner, r. 103 Willard.Freed, Neil E., (Edith), clerk, h. 328 Foote Ave.Freed, see Fried.Freeman, Charles E., (Luella D.),—paints, oils and glass, 17 West Second—h. 810 Washington.Freeman, Charles W., (Jennie), tinsmith, h. 608 Barrows.Freeman, Delos, lunch room clerk, rms. 26 Fenton Place.Freeman, Edgar, retired, h. 524 Lakeview Ave.Freeman, Fred H., (Lilla R.), printer Morning Post, h. over 152 Chandler.Freeman, George E., (Elizabeth), machine hand, h. 87 Hazzard.Freeman, Henry E., retired, h. 524 Lakeview Ave.Freeman, Sybil, nurse, bds. 524 Lakeview Ave.Free Methodist Church, 515 East Seventh.French, Archie L., (N. Roofe), entertainer, h. 157 Prospect.French, Eugene, musician, bds. 12 Cook Ave.French, Frederick L., (Mae E.)—second band goods, 31 Forest Ave.—h. over618 Newland Ave.French, Mattie A., widow Milton C, h. 223 Allen.French, M. Lucinda, widow Oscar F., h. 76 Water.French, Virtue, stenographer, r. 12 Cook Ave.Fretts, Daniel H., (Mary E.), commercial traveler, h. 833 Prendergast Ave.Fretts, Gaylord G., commercial traveler, r. 833 Prendergast Ave.Frew, Ann E. F., widow John H., h. 11 Broadhead Ave.Frey, Charles, machinist, bds. 953 East Second.Frey, Charles F., (Charlotte) stone mason, h. 419 Newland Ave.Frey, Gottleib, (Sophia),—shoe repair shop, 619 North Main—h. 29 Tenth.Frey, James, (Helen), machine hand, h. over 840 East Second.Frey, John G., butcher, r. 419 Newland Ave.Frey, Leonard, upholsterers' helper, r. 419 Newland Ave.Frey, Lottie S., weaver, r. 419 Newland Ave.Frey, Rose, widow John M., h. over 10 East Third.Frey, see Fray.Frick, Joseph L., (Helen),—Peterson & Frick—h. 617 Washington.Frick, Mary, dressmaker, h. 1091 East Second.Frick, Nels, (Huldah), laborer, h. 896% East Second.Fridell, Carl H., (Emma G.), carpenter, h. over 190 Barrett.Fried, Gust, (Mary), laborer, h. 241 Sprague.Fried, Joseph W., tinner, r. 103 Willard.Fried, see Freed.Friedman, Asher, (Goste),—clothing, 19-21 North Main—h. 311 West Third.Friedman, Sebastian, (Amelia), h. under 14 East Fourth.Frink, Walter P., (Addie J.), clerk, h. 929 East Second.WV\v Fruge, Frisa, Fritz, Froding, Frote, Frykman, Fuller, • lilj A Emma, Frank, Charles, Bros.—G. Carmel, Carl Edna ill Frederick Emil, Paul, Stella, rUllgC Andrew (fp J., H., B., widow (Anna), A., moulder, (Hannah),—J. laborer, (Ethel),—Fuller Audit Perry (E. clerk, MUIl A. (Julia T., Jennie), Jr., Charles, metal.worker, (Ruth), Pft r. bds. E.), r. rms. l)U. 40 215 40 Accountants Chapin. carpenter, 218 milk 62 Newland 328 Iron boarding pastor Harrison. Bros.—r. Steele. Carl East peddler, Works phone h. Sw. Fuller—groceries, Ave. Fourth.house 222 467i and R. 215 Co.—h. Mission East Youngstown, F. Cost 636 Newland keeper, D. First. Camp. 40 <strong>System</strong>s. 81. Church, Chapin. 117 Ave. O., 176 Catlin h. Bell Fairmount Jamestown, 102 phone Ave. Chandler. 522. Ave. N Y, Bell

CARPETS, CURTAINS TPl A f% Ql__ _ /"•DRAPERIES, SHADES. * "O A. U. OjTlStrpe \_/0.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 95LARGEST and MOSTCAREFULLY SELECTED STOCKFuller, G. Perry—Fuller Bros.—rms. 187 Fairmount Ave.Fuller, Jessie A., teacher, r. 41 College.Fuller, L. Archie, drayman, h. 1051 Washington.Fuller, Lizzie, widow Horace G., bds. 1051 Washington.Fuller, Lucy E., teacher, h. 41 College.Fuller, Nettie I., dressmaker, bds. 1051 Washington.Fuller, Pearl R., widow George, teacher, r. 35 Charles.Fuller, Robert H., student, r. 636 Camp.Fuller, William R. (Ida B.), postman, h. 325 Crossman.Fullerton, Elizabeth E., widow William J., h. 403 Fairmount Ave.Fullerton, Sarah E., milliner, r. 403 Fairmount Ave.Fullipp, George A., (Anna),—J. Gen. Rep. & Mfg. Co.—h. 81 Barrett.Fulton Market Co.—C. R. Lovejoy, Prop.—fish and oysters, 19 East Third.Funk, Carolina, widow Henry, r. 328 Steele.Furlow, Alfred L., (Anna H.),—attorney, rm. 6 Hall block, over 5 West 3d.—h. 18 Bassett.Furlow, Burton L., r. 18 Bassett.Furlow, Carl, brick mason, bds. 1 Metallic Ave.Furlow, Frank F., (Nellie), teamster, h. 113 Mechanic.Furlow, G. Washington, (Marion), h. 27 Whitley Ave.Furlow, Martin H., (Belle), metal worker, h. 50 Eleventh.Furniture Commercial Agency Co., (The Red Book)—Frank B. Field, mgr.—rm. 513 Chadakoin Bldg.Furniture Index Co.—P. K. Shanklund, mgr.—magazine publishers, over 112East Third.Furniture Sales & Advertising Co.—F. M. Curtis, E. M. Scowden, Harry G.Rask—12 Gokey Bldg.Furniture Salesmen's Association—Glenn K. Brown, pres.; D. M. Goldstein,vice ELOF pres.; Mott ROSENCRANTZ Lawrence, sec'y.; F. E. Shearman, & COMPANYJr., treas.Fusco, Joseph, (Rose), laborer, h. under 93 Hazzard.Stoves and RangesGaetano, Antonane, sander, bds. 61 Harrison.Gafvert, Bernard O., (Amanda), metal worker, h. 251 Crescent.Gafvert, Gust M., (Matilda), casemaker, h. 6 Twelfth.Gage, Arthur G., (Cynthia E.),—groceries, 880 North Main—h. do.Gage, Earle W., writer, r. 610 Cherry.Gage Furniture Co.—O. L. Bloomquist, Pres.; W. L. Snow, Sec'y.-Treas.;A. V. Stone, Mgr.—13-15 East Third.Gage, George N., (Lillian), commercial traveler, h. 12 Chandler.Gage, William, (Josie J.), policeman, h. 610 Cherry.Gagliano, Angelo, machine hand, r. 217 South Main.Gagliano, Frances, duffer, r. 132 Harrison.Gagliano, Sam, (Josephine), trucker, h. 217 South Main.Gagliano, Tom., (Frances), machine hand, r. 217 South Main.Galato, Joseph, (Mary F.), laborer, h. 10y2 Whitley Place.Galbraith, Eliza J., widow George, r. 146 Stowe.Galbraith, Susan M., weaver, h. 146 Stowe.Gale, Pl» Franc, I C Mrs., Monloooo bds. 308 Clinton! DECORATOR, DECUKAIUK, 107 W. w. Ihird Third StreetGalivan, bnariSS Cornelius, t. nfiaCieaSe, (Mary), retired, jamestown,N. h. 25 Hall Ave. Y. Bell 124b. Home 91kGalivan, James, (Katheryn), bartender, h. over 124 Lakin Ave.

Clark Hardware Co.96 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYFine Cutlery and Toolsfhaiitaumia Rrpw the beer demanded by alluiauiauqua jjicw judges of a perfect beerCalivan, Mary, bds. 13 Livingston Ave.Galivan, Thomas, cattle dealer, h. 13 Livingston Ave.Galivan. William, retired, r. 13 Livingston Ave.Gallagher, DeRaymond, metal worker, r. Beechwood.Gallagher, Margaret, widow Thomas, r. Beechwood.Gallagher, Myrtie I., clerk Nat. Chaut. Co. Bank, r. Beechwood.Gallagher, Ruby L., clerk, r. Beechwood.Gallanti, Tony, laborer, rms. over 12 North Main.Galloway, Fred, oil producer, r. 405 East Fifth.Galloway, John, (Sarah), retired, h. 405 East Fifth.Gammons, M. P., widow Charles H., r. 49 Broadhead Ave.Gammons, Viola P., nurse, r. 49 Broadhead Ave.Ganey, Elloy, stationary engineer, rms. Apt. A, 27 Forest Ave.Ganner, Barbara, widow Jacob, r. 830 Cherry.Gante, Adolph, (Anna J.), engineer, h. 22 Genesee.Garage Restaurant—Emil A. Swanson and Charles W. Peterson—201 Cherry.Garber, Anna, Mrs., h. under 776 East Second.Gardiner, Alice E., student, r. 305 Sprague.Gardiner, Charles L., (Emma), bartender, h. 305 Sprague.Gardner, Benjamin H., (Nancy), grocery clerk, h. 10 Sumner Place.Gardner, Cary W., prestigitator, r. over 14 Willard.Gardner, Charles D., (Rose C), fireman, h. over 14 Willard.Gardner, Emma, widow Richard L., bds. 10 Hall Ave.Gardner, Esther, textile worker, r. 60 Tenth.Gardner, Gertrude M., stenographer, r. 118 Lincoln.Gardner, George H., r. over 249 South Main.Gardner, Grace C, stenographer, r. 118 Lincoln.Gardner, Harry E., (Georgianna), postman, h. 118 Lincoln.Gardner, James A., (Lucy J.), draughtsman, h. 303 West Eighth.Gardner, Mildred, textile worker, r. 60 Tenth.Gardner, Omar N., (Ella J.), civil engineer and contractor, h. 19 Strong.Gardner, Rose, widow Thomas, h. 60 Tenth.Gardner, Wilson B., (Josephine), laborer, h. under 222 McKinley Ave.Garfield, Benjamin, (Martha A.), r. 19 Chicago Ave.Garfield, Clyde M., (Bertha M.), driver, h. 71 Hazzard.Garfield, E., painter, bds. 5 South Main.Garfield, Eliakim, (Ella F.), policeman, h. over 47 South Main.Garfield, Ella, widow Joseph, r. 75 Barrett.Garfield, Florence, r. 520 Forest Ave.Garfield, Frank, (Dora), carpenter, h. 520 Forest Ave.Garfield, Harry, cigarmaker, r. over 47 South Main.Garfield & Link—William E. Garfield and O. O. Link—groceries, 2 BrooklynSquare. *Garfield, Merle, metal worker, r. 520 Forest Ave.Garfield, Otis, (Emma G.), cook. h. over 224 Forest Ave.Garfield, Robert M„ clerk J. C. & L. E. R. R., bds. 517 Lafayette.Garfield, Tena M., widow Fred H., h. 517 Lafayette.Garfield, William E., (Nettie A.),—Garfield & Link—h. 920 Newland Ave.I Garfinkel, if a Tnciiratiro Hyman, agent Connecticut for dress goods, General bds. Life 100 Ins. Harrison. Co., Hartford, Conn.,Garnett, Ara L., operator W. Bell J. Tel. Bentley, Co., r. Gen. 800 Agt., East 515 Second. Chadakoin Bldg.Garnett, Bessie, Mrs., h. 800 East Second.Garnett, Garrigaii, Garrison, Garrity, Agnes John, Cecelia, Charles George, J. Louis, Patrick Earl, (Sadie), G., A., (Minnie), r. (Anna), musician, G., nurse, 315 plumber, (Mina), West chef bds. laborer, junk r. Allen Fifth. r. 800 night 639 315 peddler, h. East Sq. West watchman, 315 Hotel, Second. Sixth. West Fifth. 108 r. Fifth.Harrison. do. 141 Jones & Gifford Ave.

The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 97tf/LL^flAAffirOf^Garrity, Patrick Henry, (Elizabeth), Asst. Erie freight agent, h. 318 PrendergastAve.Garrity, William, bds. 315 West Fifth.Garvey, John, newspaper reporter, r. 416 Murray Ave.Garvey, Daniel C, (Mary), metal worker, h. 416 Murray Ave.Gates, Amanda, Mrs., h. over 30 Peach.Gates, Anna E., widow Oscar L., h. 44 Broadhead Ave.Gates, Isabella R., widow Joseph, bds. over 415 West Fourth.Gates, Ora O.—Sec'y.-Treas. New Production Oil Co. and teacher J. BusinessCollege—h. 807 Prendergast Ave.Gathercole, Lora Thayer, widow David W., h. 301 Lakeview Ave.Gay, Albert E., (Lizzie),—overseer finishing Dept. J. Worsted Mills—h. 58Franklin.Gay, Burton M., (Edith)—Peterson & Gay—h. 822 Washington.Gay, Clarence, foreman, bds. Riverside Hotel.Gay, Edward, (Sophia), r. 15 Franklin.Gay, Gertrude, textile worker, r. 15 Franklin.Gay, Lily, textile worker, r. 15 Franklin.Gay, Nettie M., widow William J., h. 13 West Seventh.Gayson, Margaret M., domestic, 415 West Fourth.Geer, Adelaide M., r. 19 Euclid Ave.Geer, Anna B., widow Emerson, h. 216 Winsor.Geer, Burt L., clerk, r. 307 Harrison.Geer, Clifton M., (Blanche L.), commercial traveler, h. 307 Harrison.Geer, Edna B., student, r. 218 Winsor.Geer, Ida B., Mrs. h. 299 Falconer.Geer, Lester C, (Mary), weaver, h. 218 Winsor.Geer, Louise E., teacher, r. 19 Euclid Ave.Geer, Ruth E., clerk, r. 218 Winsor.Geer, see Greer.Gega, George, weaver, bds. 15 Harrison.Geisler, Edward H., (Nellie), metal worker, h. 8 Seymour Ave.Gelia, Antonia, (Mary), boxmaker, h. 128 Harrison.Gelia, Carrie, spinner, r. 128 Harrison.Gelm, Andrew, sheet metal worker, bds. 1106 East Second.Gelm, John P., (Ellen), oil producer, h. 636 Prendergast Ave.Genio, Charles, (Jennie), wood worker, h. over 103 Hazzard.Gentilini, Claire C, bds. 503 Clinton.Gentilini, Paul J., commercial traveler, h. 503 Clinton.George, Frank, (Victoria), fruits, 12 Willard, h. over 53 Winsor.George, Frank H., bookkeeper, bds. 9 Crescent.George, James, (Louise), laborer, h. over 106 Willard.George, James J., (Henrietta), stone mason, h. 600 Foote Ave.George, Joe, metal worker, h. 215 East First.George, Josephine, drawer, r. 215 East First.George, Mary, duffer, r. 215 East First.George, Perle H., (Marie H.), veneer worker, h. 368 Willard.George, Rose, spinner, r. 215 East First.MODERN Gertrude, Georgi, Gerans, Germanson, Gernberg, Geser, Frances Anna, George John, Are Mother Gust, HARDWOOD not John, laundress, (Mary), A., J., eo (Anna), expensive Superioress (Nina), (Edith (Welthy), section rm. carpenter, FLOORS M.), gluer, as 27 you piano foreman Parochial veneer Warner h. may over regulator, h. think \s]^ worker 165 J. block, 105 School, C. Falconer. Hedges & Lvonsh. over L. 86 33 h. E. Prather 205 Ave. 13 Sturges. R. North R., West h. Ave. 612 Fifth. Main. Monroe. *7

Clark Hardware Co.Farm Implements and Fencing98 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYJAMESTOWN'S FINEST CLOAK STORE.The largest line of ready-to-wear garments for ladies, misses and childrenin the city.SAXE BROS. CO., 12-14 W. Third St.Geser, Joseph, carpenter, r. 20 Franklin.Geser, Victor A., (Mary O.), textile worker, h. 20 Franklin.Giambrono, Charles, (Josephine), laborer, h. 435 Allen.Gibbs, Ernest, student, r. 211 Crossman.Gibbs, Mary, widow Frank, h. 219 Spring.Gibbs, Ulysses S., (Jessie), collector Journal, h. 211 Crossman.Gibson, A. Leo.—asst. correspondence clerk J. Worsted Mills—bds. 42 10th.Gibson, Alzina, widow John, h. over 512 Jefferson.Gibson, Jessie P., bds. over 512 Jefferson.Gibson, Lawrence H., (Charlotte), commercial traveler, h. over 520 Winsor.Gibson, Losina H., widow Lloyd H., h. 14 Sixteenth.Gibson, Lloyd S., carpenter, h. 14 Sixteenth.Gibson, Margaret L., bds. 14 Sixteenth.Gibson, Marjorie, student, bds. 42 Tenth.Gibson, Peter G., (Rose D.), paper hanger, h. 42 Tenth.Giegrich, Joshua D., (Helen), barber 709 North Main, h. 46 Tenth.Giering, Charles W., general agent, h. 411i^ Cherry.Gifford, Anna B., widow George W., h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Gifford, Cecil F., r. 9 Prospect.Gifford, Charles H., (Grace C.),—real estate, rm. 6 New Gifford Bldg.—h. 15West Fifth.Gifford, Clementine J., widow Charles D., r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Gifford, Edward W., (Elmyra), h. 426 East Fifth.Gifford, Eliza C, widow Walter C, h. 236 Fulton.Gifford, Elmer C, (Pearl), farmer, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Gifford, Frank C, (Henrietta), decorator, h. 10 Fairview Ave.Gifford, Frank E., (Josephine Fenton)—Pres. First Nat. Bank—h. 9 Prospect.Gifford, Grace, teacher, r. 12 West Sixth.Gifford, Harry P., (Helen C), farmer, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Gifford, H. Rosalia, widow George, h. 117 East Fifth.Gifford, Jennie, widow Clarence, elocution teacher, h. 217 Fulton.Gifford, Katherine, h. 15 West Fifth.Gifford, Katharine B., art needlework 2 East Fourth, bds. 12 West Sixth.Gifford, Malinda, bds. 28 Price.Gifford, Mary B., widow William P., h. 12 West Sixth.Gifford, Maude L„ asst. chief Bell Tel. Co., r. 426 East Fifth.Gifford, Merle M., (Lizzie), paper hanger, h. over 34 West Eighth.Gilberds, Ernest, painter, rms. 11 New Warner block, over 5 North Main.Gilberds, George Howard, collector 1-2 Allen Sq. Bldg., r. 15 West Second.Gilberds, James B., (Alice F.), contracting painter, h. 57 Hazzard.Gilberds, John I., (Mary A.),—Gilberds & Son—h. 15 West Second.Gilberds & Son—John I. and William J. Gilberds—real estate, stocks andbonds, 1-2 Allen Sq. Bldg.J. I. GILBERDS W. J. GILBERDSGILBERDS & SONREAL ESTATE BROKERS1-2 Allen Block JAMESTOWN, N. Y. Home Phone 267KGilberds, William J., (Alice),—Gilberds & Son—h. over 126 East Second.Gilbert, Albert, (Jeanette Fenton),—Sec'y.-Treas. Art Metal—h. 1 Fenton PI.Gilbert, Alfred F., (Mary), stone mason, h. 409 Newland Ave.Bathroom Gilbert, Charles, Stools (Ellen), and drawing Bath room Nats boss, h. at 508 Gage'sNewland Ave.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 99EASYcff/LlkffAA^TOR^INSTALLMENT PAYMENTSGilbert, Earl Fenton, r. 1 Fenton Place.Gilbert, Hiram B., (Alice), blacksmith, h. 14 Whitley Ave.Gilbert, Lester B.—leather and shoe store supplies, over 305 North Main—h. 114 Liberty.Gilbert, Lillie Flagg, widow Emerson A., h. 22 Derby.Gilbert, Oscar F., (Gusta), carpenter, h. 506 Newland Ave.Gilbert, Oscar F., Mrs., millinery 506 Newland Ave., h. do.Gilbert, Roy, metal worker, bds. 411 Lafayette.Gilbert, Sadie G. M., milliner, h. 506 Newland Ave.Gill, Lillian, r. 5 Church.Gill, Thomas, (May), textile worker, h. 96 Water.Gill, Thomas, (Ellen), wool sorter, h. under 411 Allen.Gillblad, 'Carl, (Emma), machinist, h. over 118 Church.Gilligan, Joseph, (Julia), laborer, h. 510 Hallock.Gilligan, Mary A., textile worker, bds. 510 Monroe.Gilligan, Owen, plumber, h. 516 Monroe.Gilligan, Patrick, (Bridget), laborer, h. 516 Monroe.Gilroy, Edward J., (Mary), commercial traveler, h. 634 Lakeview Ave.Gilroy, James, student, r. 634 Lakeview Ave.Gilson, Bonnie, waitress, r. 193 South Main.Gilson, Florence, widow Arthur, clerk, h. 193 South Main.Gilson, Leslie, (Nettie), machine hand, h. under 410 Winsor.Gilson, Percy, printer, h. 193 South Main.Ginader, John G., veneer gluer, bds. 3 Winsor.Ginffredo, Guseppa, laborer, bds. 61 Harrison.Girard, John J., (Mary), retired, h. 705 West Eighth.Gisslin, Gust, baker, bds. 12 Stowe.Giurniefie, Bioli, (Paternit), laborer, h. 133 Harrison.Glace, Charles, (Frances), rubber, h. 118 Harrison.Glace, Pearl, spinner, r. 118 Harrison.Glace, Tony, machine hand, r. 118 Harrison.Glad, Frederick L., (Ellen E.), meat cutter, h. 14 Arnold.Glans, Albin, bobbin setter, r. over 108 Pearl Ave.Glans, John A., (Anna), carpenter, h. over 108 Pearl Ave.Glantz, Conrad, (Valin), painter, h. over 100 Charles.Glantz & Johnson—William Glantz, Carl G. Johnson—brass, bronze andaluminum castings, 217% Washington.Glantz, Theodore, (Anna), driver, h. 8 Hunt Road.Glantz, Walter, laborer, r. 8 Hunt Road.Glantz, William, (Josephine),—Glantz & Johnson—h. 106 Charles.Glatz, Albert W., photo engraver's apprentice, r. 600 Allen.Glatz, Amelia J., weaver, r. 600 Allen.Glatz, Harry E., window trimmer, r. 600 Allen.Glatz, Ida M., widow John G., h. 600 Allen.Glatz, Lillian C, weaver, r. 600 Allen.Glatz, Rose C, twister, r. 600 Allen.Glatz, Sadie, domestic, 110 Lakeview Ave.Gleason, Dallas M., (Josie H.), drayman, h. 12 Kingsburg Ave.Gleason, Emmett, student, r. 632 Palmer.Gleason, Mary E., r. 12 Kingsbury Ave.GASOLINE Glendon,Glenn, Glezen, Globe, counter and Cabinet Photo Furniture Rebecca Alta Corris, pedestals,Jamestops, M., Co.—B. and Co., widow E.,G.,teacher, Co.—C. 27 Inc.—T. over widow BENZINE h.Taylor. D. James267Amsdell, 59-61 J. JohnSteele.over E. and E., Harrison.Linderholm, at A., 408 h. J. over r. over NORTHROP W. East 308 309 Lindbeck 408 Lincoln. Sixth. North gen. East mgr.—veneeredPAINT Main. & Sixth. Son—shirt & GLASS waist desk CO. boxes and

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools100 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N. J.,Noted for always having furnished a dollar's worth of insurance for everydollar received.Globe, (The)—John Murkett, prop.—saloon, 214 East Second.Glor, Frank F.—mgr. New Production Oil Co.—r. Buffalo, N. Y.Godey, C. Mauritz, steel casemaker, r. 219 Willard.Gody, Nicola, weaver, bds. 114 Harrison.Goggin, Delia, widow William, r. 215 West Second.Goggin, Kathryn, rooming house 215 West Second, h. do.Goiniono, Stefano, (Antonia), laborer, h. 132 Harrison.Gokey Building, 12-20 West Third.Gokey, George F., (Louisa),—Sec'y.-Treas. George F. Gokey Shoe Co.—h. 536East Second.Gokey, George F. Shoe Co.,—L. C. Gokey, Pres.; George F. Gokey, Sec'y.-Treas.; shoe Mfrs., 318 Cherry.Gokey Hall, over 20-22 West Third.Gokey, Marvin C, student, r. 114 Lakeview Ave.Gokey, Sarah, Mrs., domestic, h. 851 North Main.Gokey, William N., (Hattie M.),—Wm. N. Gokey Shoe Co.—h. 114 LakeviewAve.Gokey, William N. Jr.—Sec'y.-Treas. Wm. N. Gokey Shoe Co.—r. 114 LakeviewAve.Gokey, William N. Shoe Co.—Wm. N. Gokey, Pres.; George F. Gokey, VicePres.; Wm. N. Gokey, Jr., Sec'y.-Treas.—shoe Mfrs., 318 Cherry.Gold, Joseph, stationary engineer, h. 862 Spring.Gold, Joseph M. Jr., warp dresser, r. 862 Spring. .Gold, Katherine D., aristo worker, r. 862 Spring.Gold, Theresa M., aristo worker, r. 862 Spring.Golden, Elizabeth B., h. over 16 Ninth.Golden Furniture Co.—Charles Castner, pres.; H. C. Lindros, sec'y.-treas —mfrs. bedroom furniture, 151 Jones & Gifford Ave.Golden, John, (Effie,) driver, h. over 24 Fenton Place.Golden, Robert L., (Emily M.), farmer, h. 63 Newton Ave.Goldstein, Abraham, oil producer, rms. over 211 North Main.Goldstein, Benjamin, (Anna), commercial traveler, h. 216 Crossman.Goldstein, David M., commercial traveler, r. 216 Crossman.Goldstein, Harry, draughtsman, r. 216 Crossman.Goldstein, Lena, r. 216 Crossman.Goldthwait, Fred L., (Stella), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 5 Earl Ave.Goldthwait, Mary, widow Gilbert, bds. 1047 Washington.Goldthwait, Montrose, textile worker, bds. 13 Hopkins Ave.Golm, Dorothy L., teacher, bds. 319 Jefferson.Goodenough, De Ett., widow Henry, r. 515 Pine.Goodenough, Eri H., (Kate), sewing machines 6 East Third, h. 515 Pine.Goodman's Wholesale Millinery—Miss M. Oburg, mgr. rm. 78 Allen Sq. Bldg.over 107 North Main.Goodrich, Anna, widow Alonzo B., bds. 143 Euclid Ave.Goodrich, Ruth, waitress 7 Harrison, r. do.Goodwill, Fletcher, (Alberta M.),—Chaut. Worsted Mills, Falconer, N. Y —h. 11 West Fifth.Goodwill, Herbert J., (Leona O.)— Chaut. Worsted Mills, Falconer, N. Y—k.317 Clinton.Goodwin, Frank P., (Inez K.), physician and surgeon, 312 Prendergast Ave.,The BRADSHAW'S Goodwin, best h. view do. of Ave. W. Gertrude Herman Perry R. insurance Vernon, Floyd, W., PIONEER B., M., student, (Jennie (Sadie (Louise), Mrs., not L.), Agt. r. L.)—supt. INSURANCE We too motorman 104 laborer, J. furnish good. Business Buffalo. Lakeview h. it. J. 104 St. College, AGENCY Buffalo. Ry., Cemetery—h. 47405 Hamilton. West 663 Third. Lake-

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 101WE HANDLEtfflLLsftAAffiTOR^20 DIFFERENT MAKESGoranson, Arthur R., piano teacher, r. 37 College.Goranson, Charles A., (Anna M.), carpenter, h. 171 Falconer.Goranson, Ebba H., r. 37 College.Goranson, Maria, r. 171 Falconer.Goranson, Nels R., (Julia), real estate, h. 37 College.Gorden, Tony, (Anna), wiper Erie R. R., h. 77 Steele.Gordland, Anna, domestic, 210 West Sixth.Gordon, William, (Hattie), oil producer, h. 333 Hazzard.Gorgus, Pascaline, widow Martin, bds. 350 Falconer.Gorman, John, bricklayer, bds. 953 East Second.Gorman, Joseph H., chef, r. 619 Lafayette.Gornall, Ernest, (Julia A.), wool buyer, h. 16 Stafford Ave.Gornall, Fannie O., widow William, h. 217 Allen.Gornall, Forest, (Theresa), textile worker, h. 304 Winsor.Gorton, Lulu, housekeeper, The Osmer.Gosden, Eleanor M., mill hand, r. 28 Fairfield Ave.Gossett, Benjamin E., (Rein L.), cooper, h. over 632 Prendergast Ave.Gossett, Christian, (Ann), cooper, h. 307 East Fifth.Gossett, Christopher C, (Nancy A.), hardware clerk, h. 825 Spring.Gossett, C. & Sons—Christian Gossett, Prop.—pail factory, 61 Water.Gossett, Edward L., (Myra A.), cooper, h. 622 Prendergast Ave.Gossett, Ernest A., (Blanche), cooper, h. 622 Spring.Gossett, Marvin C, wood worker, r. 622 Spring.Gossett, Mary B., bds. 307 East Fifth.Gossett, Phalla A., r. 622 Prendergast Ave.Goucher, William E., (Ma Belle), dentist over 223 North Main, h. 306 E. 4th.Goudy, Samuel P., (Jennie),—Turkish bath parlors, 20 East Third—h. do.Gould, Ardella O., widow Frank E., h. 86 Liberty. ,Gould, Everett N., (Florence E.), welder, b. 22 Fairmount Ave.Gould, James, (Jessie), teamster h. 623 Spring.Gould, Julia, widow William, dressmaker, h. 821 North Main.Goulding, Lynn M„ (Inez C.),—Sec'y.-Treas J. Chair Co.—h. 409 West Third.Gourley, Edward, gardener, r. 49 Broadhead Ave.Gourley, Stewart A., (Anna), clerk, h. 618 Newland Ave.Gourney, John, laborer, bds. 229 Hopkins Ave.Gowan, Elizabeth, Mrs., h. 975 Washington.Gowan, George F., laborer, r. 1239 North Main.Gowan, George H., (Loretta A.), laborer, h. 1239 North Main.Gowan, James, (Stella), night watchman, h. 985 Washington.Grace, Albert H., (Stella C), wood finisher,h. 168 Chandler.Grace United Brethren Church, 933 North Main.Graff, Gladys A., student, r. 8 Livingston Ave.Graff, Joseph W„ (Grace),—sporting goods, 15 East Third—h. 516 Lafayette.Graff, Linnie M., music teacher, r. 8 Livingston Ave.Grafstrom, Axel V., (Julia, physician, 212 West Second, h. do.Graham, Alonzo R., (Lena), coachman, h. over 14 East Sixth.Graham, Charles C, (Mary), machine hand, h. 1236 Prendergast Ave.Graham, Cora T., widow Alex., r. 125 Fulton.The New-York Life paid 658 DEATH-CLAIMS in June, <strong>1909</strong>, amounting toGraham, Earl A., (Alice), cashier J. C. & L. E. freight office, h. over 146$1,897,631.57 or about $73,000 in each working day.ProsDGctGraham, S. Catherine, widow David, h. 519 Lakeview Ave.Granath,Graham,Graham, Grameno, Harrison.ThomasWilliam Andrew, Gust, Charles, & Gust—Grameno Belorta—Gust (Christine), Herbert,A.,r. (Emma), 14(MatildaHedges & Grameno dyer, machine cabinetmaker, Belorta—h.A.),'Ave. r. 23foremanand boss, Falconer. Selman 15 h. h.finisher,h.Harrison. over 14 Belorta—boarding Hedges 14 Hedges301Ave.SouthAve.Main.house, 15

Clark Hardware Co.Farm Implements and102 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYC\t a 11 to 11 nn a Rr aw When you u*e il you please your pVila U la Ulj Ita UlCW likewise aid digestion and nourish your body.Granath, L. Richard, metal finisher, bds. 2 Pullman.Grand Hotel—M. L. Sager, prop.—121-123 East Second.Grand Union Tea Co.—J. A. Lyman, Mgr.—117 North Main.Grandin, Andrew, (Emma C),—pool and billiards, 28 North Main—h. 3 William.Grandin, Belle E., widow Theodore E., r. 50 Allen.Grandin, Daniel H.—feed mill, 28-30 East First—r. 50 Allen.Grandin, Frank G., (Emily),—Grandin Shoe Co.—r. Falconer, N. Y.Grandin Shoe Co.—Grank G. Grandin, Emil A. Peterson, Victor C. Johnsonand Oscar Bard—201 East Second.Granger & Co.—William E. Waite, Mgr.—wholesale grocers, 11 West Second.Granger, Raymond J., (Gertrude Cooper),—dentist, over 207 Cherry—h. 626West Fifth.Grant, Clarence William, (Emily), finisher,h. 27 Eagle.Grant, Havens, college student, r. 201 East Sixth.Grant, James M., (Eleanor), h. 201 East Sixth.Grant, John W., machinist, bds. 106 East Eighth.Grant, May, clerk, rms. 17 East Sixth.Grant, Nellie V., duffer, r. 27 Eagle.Grant, Sarah, widow John M., housekeeper, 412 East Sixth.Grant, William L., (Hilma C), carpenter, h. 106 East Eighth.Graves, George L., piano tuner, rms. 234 Fulton.Graves, Mary E., widow Piatt L., millinery 315 West Third, h. do.Graves, Sarah A., widow Wells, r. 315 West Third.Graves, Sarah M., milliner, r. 315 West Third.Graves, William B., (Marion D.), photographer, h. over 309 West Second.Graves, see Greaves.Gray, Charlotte E., Mrs., weaver, r. 44 Foote Ave.Gray, Harry P., (Agnes)—Gray & Waite—h. over 201 East Second.Gray, James M., (Elizabeth E.), drayman, h. 409 Baker.Gray, Johnny J., laborer, bds. 318 Steele.Gray, Lillian M., r. over 201 East Second.Gray, Mary F., milliner, r. over 201 East Second.Gray, Mead, (Augusta), teamster, h. over 3 Race.Gray, Robert J., veneer worker, bds. 89 Hazzard.Gray, Thomas G., (Alice V.), weaver, h. 89 Hazzard.Gray & Waite—Harry Gray and P. B. Waite—liquors, 21 East Third.Gray, William H., (Eva), laborer, h. 318 Steele.Graziano, Joseph, (Dominic),—grocery and shoe store, 36 Harrison—h. do.Greaves, Albert, textile worker, r. over 21 Weeks.Greaves, Benjamin, (Sophia), weaver, h. over 21 Weeks.Greaves, see Graves.Grebner, Fred T., (Clara), veneer worker, h. 90 Liberty.Greco, Petti, laborer, h. 34 Harrison.Greeley, Jane L., physician, 111 East Fifth, h. do.WUln Greeley, Green, , Lilj Ainrfn Elezer—attorney, Clarence Clifford Edward Ella Esther, David C. Charles Fred Flora, Jane fllllgC Adelbert, Jamestown, W., F., Anrlit W., widow F.,—F. James—attorney, C; librarian (Ruth R., A widow (Minnie wool (Linnora), screen N. Pa William, Joseph W.),—F. Y., Public buyer, over ID. Green J. Ezra Bell M.), doormaker, High S., 303 rm. H., Phone h. & Accountants, F. teamster, over School, 44 North Son—bds. 19 r. Green 467. 905 Liberty. New 303 12 r. Main—h. Washington.Fourteenth.r. & North Young.town, b. over Warner Financial 32 Son—h. 216 61 Regent. Audits Broadhead 7 Twelfth. Main—r. West North 32 block, Investigators216 Broadhead O., and Seventh. Main. West Bell 32 over Ave. <strong>System</strong>s, Broadhead Phone Seventh. 7 Ave. North 522. Ave. Main.

CLOAKS, SHAWLS, TL- » n OL r*gloves, hosiery. l no A. u. onarpe \*o.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 103^/// /cA Af/RmD/Z COMPLETE TUNING andtfJ/LL^AAf£)rO/^ REpAIR DEPARTMENTGreen, F. F. & Son—Fred F. and Clifford F. Green—wholesale butter andeggs, 304 Washington.Green, Georgia E., bds. 216 West Seventh.Green, Grace M., spinner, r. over 837 East Second.Green, Israel W., bookkeeper, bds. 149 Jones & Gifford Ave.Green, James Hawley, (Hattie S.), retired, h. 144 Fulton.Green, John E., (Emma), machine hand, bds. over 196 Falconer.Green Louis E., bartender City Hotel, r. do.Green, Louise, mender, r. over 210 East Second.Green, Louise C, r. 44 Liberty.Green, Lucille, teacher, r. 41 College.Green, Markland I., (Anna K.), baggageman Erie R. R., h. over 8 S. Main.Green, Minnie A., widow Orlando D., h. 17 Fifteenth.Green, Robert, glass worker, bds. 217 East Third.Green, Susan, widow John, r. 25 Steele.Green, William S., h. 31 Elliot Ave.Green, see Greene.Greendahl, Ernest W., (Hilda E.), J. Commission Co., h. 152 Chandler.Greendahl, W. Emil, clerk, r. 152 Chandler.Greene, Charles, (Eva), harnessmaker, h. 9 Dickerson.Greene, Edward C, (Mary A.), teamster, h. under 219 Chandler.Greene, Fred H., (Ethel), harnessmaker, bds. 9 Dickerson.Greene, Katherine B., milliner, r. 9 Dickerson.Greene, Mabel E., textile worker, r. 219 Chandler.Greene, Margaret R., student, r.219 Chandler.Greene, see Green.Greenhalgh, Elizabeth, textile worker, rm. 614 Spring.Greenhault, Charles, (Myrtle), wood worker, h. 114 Water.Greenlund, Alma, spinner, bds. 314 West Second.Greenlund, Andrew C, bds. 21 Van Buren.Greenlund, Arthur H„ (Jessie O.)—J. Lounge Co.—h. 408 West Fifth.Greenlund, Christian, (L. Viola), commercial traveler, h. 321 Allen.Greenlund, Daniel, wood worker, r. 909 Newland Ave.Greenlund, Esther, tailoress, r. 232 Barrett.Greenlund, Louis H., (Amelia), printer, h. 114 Wilson Place.Greenlund, Nellie, dressmaker, h. 2 Stearns Ave.Greenlund, Olof, (Hilda), cabinetmaker, h. 731 East Second.Greenquist, Charles, (Christina), watchman, h. 5 Mt. Vernon Place.Greenquist, Gottfried, metal worker, r. 5 Mt. Vernon Place.Greenquist, Selma, mill hand, r. 5 Mt. Vernon Place.Greenwood, Arthur O., machinist, bds. 57 Fairmount Ave.Greenwood, Charles, (Adeline), mill hand, h. 8 Fairview Ave.Greenwood, Enoch, (Esther), h. 57 Fairmount Ave.Greenwood, Esther, mill hand, r. II6V2 William.Greenwood, Frederick, textile worker, r. 10 Shaw Ave.Greenwood, George, (Anna), bartender Humphrey House, h. 868 Washington.Greenwood, George, florist's apprentice, r. 116% William.Greenwood, George, Mrs.—ladies' tailoring, rm. 32 Allen Sq. Bldg.—h. 868Washington.Greenwood, Georgia, music teacher, bds. 868 Washington.WATER Greenwood, Ave. COLORS^ Thomas Norman, Lillian, Percy Samuel John Henry W., H., P., millhand, H., E., filler,bds. upholsterer, ^ bookkeeper, (Annie), jeweler's (Alice), QaWCrQft r. foreman 116% laborer, 8 apprentice, bds. r. Fairview 10 William. 868 QQ^ Shaw Empire h. 116% Washington.Ave. r. Ave. 1Q7 57 Worsted William. Fairmount E. 3fd Mills, Ave. St. h. 10 Shaw

Clark Hardware Co.104 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYBuilders' Hardwarefh a 11 to 11 mi a Prour "'purity is never

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods. The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 105iff/LL^AAffflo/^Gronberg, Ada, nurse, 153 South Main.Gronberg, Bettie, widow Christian, ladies' tailoress, h. over 26 Linden Ave.Gronberg, Ellen, bookkeeper, r. over 912 East Second.Gronberg, Jennie, r. over 912 East Second.Gronberg, John P., (Emma), blacksmith, h. over 912 East Second.Gronberg, Louis S., cabinetmaker, bds. 109 Kidder.Gronberg, Victor A., (Jennie), foreman J. Metal Furn. Co., h. 151 Falconer.Gronquist, Runo G., (Anna), bricklayer, h. 335 Willard.Gross, George A., (Sallie O.), wheelmaker, h. 650 East Sixth.Gross, Jacob L., metal worker, bds. 10 Fairview Ave.Grout, Bert J., (Sadie D.),—Supt. Salisbury Wheel & Mfg. Co.—h. 125 Fulton.Grove, Maude F., bds. 310 Jefferson.Grove, Wilbur W., (Emma), oil, h. 310 Jefferson.Grove, see Groves.Grover, Charles S., (S. Glyde Hall),—attorney, Fenton Bldg.—r. 202 ForestAve.Grover, Elisha B., (Kate M.), retired, h. 605 East Seventh.Grover, Nettie R., bookkeeper and stenographer, r. 605 East Seventh.Groves, Herbert M., (Louise K.), prescription clerk Clark's Drug Store, h.Beechwood.Groves, see Grove.Grundstrom, Alma,, weaver, r. over 110 McKinley Ave.Grundstrom, Hulda, weaver, r. over 110 McKinley Ave.Gubinick, Albert, textile worker, r. Martin Road.Guciardo, Josephine, domestic, r. 792 East Second.Guenther, Carlos M., (Philomena), bookkeeper Union Trust Co., h. over 520Foote Ave.Guenther.Henry, (Emma C.),—cigar Mfr., 126 East Second—h. 829 Spring.Guinnan, Dominick, bricklayer's apprentice, r. 39 Eighteenth.Guinnan, John, (Rose), contractor, h. 39 Eighteenth.Guinnan, John J., bricklayer, r. 39 Eighteenth.Guinnan, Patrick S., student, r. 39 Eighteenth.Guinnip, William O., cement worker, bds. 25 Steele.Guiseppe, Lapienza, (Catherine), h. 10 Whitley Place.Gulino, John, (Josephine),—barber, under 9 South Main—h. 14 Steele.Gulino, Tom, barber, bds. 14 Steele.Gullberg, Nannie A. J., domestic, 1381 East Second.Gulo, Gospiro, laborer, bds. 458 West Second.Gundberg, Ernest, metal worker, r. over 15 Myrtle.Gunn, Anna J., nurse, 207 Foote Ave., r. do.Gunnar, Edward, laborer, bds. 1 Metallic Ave.Gunnarson, A. Martin, clerk, r. 855 East Second.Gunnarson, C. Albert, (Nellie), meat cutter, h. 150 Baker.Gunnarson, David, wood worker, bds. 23 Center.Gunnarson, David, (Emma J.),—Eckstrom-Gunnarson Co.—h. over 855 E. 2d.Gunnarson, Martin, clerk, r. over 855 East Second.Gunnell, Bert, wood finisher, r. 410 Stowe.Gunnell, Carl, woodfinisher, r. 410 Stowe.COLONIAL Gunnell, Gunnill, Gunton, That will Glenn Fred Gunnar, Iver, Olof, Erick, not crack J., (Helen), PORCH (Amanda), W., wood (Mabel (Anna), or (Sadie open finisher,h. COLUMNS M.), up—also brass wood 13, finisher,h. clerk, r. moulder, Porch 410 609 h. , Bahuten Stowe. English. 510 HA*RcY over East 414 410 and 199 Stowe. Seventh. Rail Baker. lyons Institute St. & Erie Ry.

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Builders' Hardware106 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP. ' ~Coats for ladies, misses and children. Largest stock.Lowest prices.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Gurney Ball Bearing Co., Inc.—Benjamin Nichols, Pres.; Fred W. GurneyMgr.—316 Cherry.Gurney, Frederick W., (Jessie Wilcox)—Gurney Ball Bearing Co.—h. 929East Second.Gustafson, Ada, r. 109 Sampson.Gustafson, Adolpf, veneer worker, r. 26 Derby.Gustafson, Adolph, (Gertrude), turn, trimmer, h. over 114 Wescott.Gustafson, Albin, (Nannie), carpenter, h. over 18 Partridge.Gustafson, Alfred, (Minnie C),—groceries, 173 Barrett—h. over do.Gustafson, Alice, cloth picker, r. 109 Sampson.Gustafson, Alma, domestic, 305 East Fourth.Gustafson, Alvin N., (Nellie E.), metal worker, h. over 171 Barrett.Gustafson, Amanda, widow Victor, laundress, h. 76 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Gustafson, Andrew R., (Clara), wood worker, h. 131 Thayer.Gustafson, Anna E., clenk, r. 724 Washington.Gustafson, Archie E., (Alma), electrician, bds. over 173 Barrett.Gustafson, Augusta, mill hand, r. 109 .Sampson.Gustafson, Axel, (Anna), foreman, h. 116 Park.Gustafson, Axel F. S., (Sigrid F.)—Jamestown Cigar Co.—h. 69 Allen.Gustafson, Axel W., (Ida W.), finisher,h. 109 Francis.Gustafson, Bertha, domestic, 127 Forest Ave.Gustafson, Bertha F., clerk, r. 724 Washington.Gustafson, Carl, (Marie), carpenter, h. 21 Chamber.Gustafson, Carl A., (Charlotte), metal worker, h. over 313 Newland Ave.Gustafson, Carl F., (Gertrude), machine hand, h. over 554 Allen.Gustafson, Carl J., (Selma), carpenter, h. 30 Chapin.Gustafson, C. Emil, (Gertrude), metal polisher, h. over 34 Derby.Gustafson, C. Frank, (Martha G.), h. 252 Barrows.Gustafson, Charles, (Anna), wood worker, h. 146 Falconer.Gustafson, Charles, (Mary), packer, h. 14 Whitley Place.Gustafson, Charles B., (Emily), bench foreman Art Metal, h. 115 William.Gustafson, Charles G., (Sagred T.), painter, h. 228 Baker.Gustafson, Charles G., (Anna), metal worker, h. 724 Washington.Gustafson, Clarence, glacier, r. 30 Chapin.Gustafson, Claus, (Mary), veneer worker, h. 125 Newland Ave.Gustafson, Claus V., (Hilma S.), laborer, h. 607 Allen.Gustafson, Edwin, toolmaker, bds. over 925 East Second.Gustafson, Edwin, band sawyer, r. 109 Sampson.Gustafson, Edwin E., commercial traveler, bds. 67 Allen.Gustafson, Emil, wood worker, r. 109 Sampson.Gustafson, Emil J., (Emma), wood finisher, h.. 30 Stowe.Gustafson, Emma, r. 30 Chapin.Gustafson, Erick, cabinetmaker, bds. 341 Crescent.Gustafson, Ernest, mason's helper, bds. 486 South Main.Gustafson, Esther, dressmaker, r. 22 Eagle.Gustafson, Esther, mill hand, r. 76 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Gustafson, Filma, mill hand, r. 109 Sampson.Gustafson, Frank, (Stella), finisher,h. 372 Willard.Fine Pedestals at Gage Furniture Co.Gustafson, Gerald, student, bds. 15 Elk.Gustafson, Gustaf, (Vendla), laborer, h. 494 Crescent.Gustafson,' h. 32 Fairfield Hulda, Ingrid, Gustaf Henning, Hjalmar, domestic, R., O., Mrs., Ave. (Augusta)—Lundquist (Anna), (Sarah), h. 36 143 contractor, Derby. mandolin C.),—insurance, Allen. h. teacher, & 323 Gustafson—h. rm. Price. K. 3134% New Foote 34 Gifford Chapman. Ave. Bldg.—

Always buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 107"ONE PRICE"^ / / L L ^ A A ^ W R ^SYSTEM ONLYGustafson, John, (Mary), machine hand, h. 224 Bowen.Gustafson, John, (Hildegard), deliveryman, h. 160 Barrows.Gustafson, John A., r. 77 Tower.Gustafson, John F., (Hilda C),—Swedish Snuff Mfg. Co., 132 Foote Ave.—h. 67 Allen.Gustafson, Julius, iron polisher, bds. 116 Barrows.Gustafson, Lillian, duffer, r. 372 Willard.Gustafson, Lydia A., laundress, r. 811 East Second.Gustafson, Manghild, textile worker, r. 607 Allen.Gustafson, Matilda C, widow Charles, h. 109 Sampson.Gustafson, Oliver F., (Florence V. B.), finisher, h. over 372 Willard.Gustafson, Oscar, carpenter, r. 30 Chapin.„Gustafson, Richard, wood worker, r. 76 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Gustafson, Russell I., student, r. over 173 Barrett.Gustafson, Ruth E., r. over 173 Barrett.Gustafson, Victor A., (Emma C), steel casemaker, h. 219 Newland Ave.Gustafson, William, wood worker, r. 109 Sampson.Gustafson, William, (Augusta), carpenter, h. 25 Sturges.Gustavus Adolphus Orphans' Home—Rev. Julius Lincoln, pres.; John S.Swensson, supt.—1381 East Second.Guy, Finney M., (Anna), commercial traveler, h. over 804 North Main.E. ROSENCRANTZ & COMPANYStoves and RangesHaag, John A., (Georgia E.), bookkeeper Atlas Furn. Co., h. 141 Prospect.Haag, Oscar, bds. over 5 Benedict.Haag, see Hegg.Haagburg, Paul, metal worker, bds. 912 East Second.Haagburg, see Hagberg.Kaagstrom, John, (Ellen), steel casemaker, h. under 904 East Second.Haagstrom, Theodore, (Anna), machine hand, h. over 15 Kipp.Haagstrom, see Hagstrom, Heggstrom and Hegstrom.Haas, Charles C, (Huldah A.),—general contractor, Barrett Bldg.—h. 1044North Main.Haas, Nellie T., r. 1101 North Main.Haas, Peter, —groceries, 1101 North Main—h. do.Haas, William, (Julia), brick mason, h. 1064 North Main.Hackett, John, (Catherine), landscape gardener, h. 196 Fairmount Ave.Hackett, Mary A., clerk, bdsk 196 Fairmount Ave.Hackmen's Headquarters, 217 Cherry.Hadden, Hattie, domestic, 50 Allen.Haecker, Adam J., (Elizabeth A.), baggageman Erie R. R., h. 105 Steele.Haecker, Arthur J., student, r. 105 Steele.Haecker, Charles W., clerk, r. 105 Steele.Haecker, Ethel N., r. 232 Prospect.Haecker, George C, (Nellie), conductor Erie R. R., h. 232 Prospect.Hafdell, Alice, r. 34 Eleventh.Hafdell, Arthur W., machinist, bds. 34 Eleventh.Hagar, Alex. (Hannah), paper hanger, h. 102 Prospect.Hagar, see Hager.'Hagberg, (Beda), weaver, r. 76 Hedges Ave.ROOFING Hagberg, Carl, PAPER weaver, at r. 76 NORTHROP Hedges Ave. PAINT & GLASS CO.

Clark Hardware Co.Roofing and Building Papers108 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N.J.,Premium receipts to Jan. I, <strong>1909</strong>, $329,137,864.85; returned to policyholdersand funds on hand for future payment to policyholders, $384,556,735.84.Hagberg, David, band sawyer, r. 76 Hedges Ave.Hagberg, Erick G., (Mary), cabinetmaker, h. 76 Hedges Ave.Hagberg, see Haagburg.Hagblad, Andrew, (Mary), h. 43 Benedict.Hagelin, Charles A., clerk, r. 837 Newland Ave.Hagelin, Elin A., r. 837 Newland Ave.Hagelin, Emma E., stenographer, r. 837 Newland Ave.Hagelin, John, bookkeeper, r. 837 Newland Ave.Hagelin, J. Rudolph, civil engineer, r. 837 Newland Ave.Hager, Amanda, boxmaker, r. 187 Barrett.Hager, Anna E., domestic, 1381 East Second.Hager, Charles, (Emma), 187 Barrett.Hager, Robert, carpenter, r. 187 Barrett.Hager, see Hagar.Haggas, G. Everett, civil engineer, r. 14 Franklin.Haggas, Grace, widow Richard, r. 15 Garfield.Haggas, Martha, widow Leach, dressmaker, h. 14 Franklin.Hagglund, John A., (Constance A.), clerk, h. 254 Forest Ave.Hagglund, see Haglund.Haggstrom, Carl, (Lottie), wood worker, h. over 72 Hedges Ave.Haglund, Albin, painter, bds. 65 Newton Ave.Haglund, Anna C, widow Andrew, r. 227 Barrows.Haglund, Charles G., (Ida)—meats, 343 East Third—h. 61 McKinley Ave.Haglund, Edwin, mechanic, bds. 52 Hamilton.Haglund, Fred, (A. Emma), steel cabinetmaker, h. 15 Vega.Haglund, Godfred, metal worker, bds. 65 Newton.Haglund, Jennie V., milliner, r. 15 Vega.Haglund, John, (Albertina), laborer, h. 65 Newton Ave.Haglund, Paul J., (Mathilda), machinist, h. 314 Stowe.Haglund, Verner, laborer, r. 65 Newton Ave.Haglund, see Hagglund.Hagman, Frederick C, (Ida), finisher,h. 4 Grandin.Hagman, Hannah, domestic, 44 Allen.Hagstedt. Magnus, (Alma S.), rubber, h. over 904 East Second.Hagstedt, see Hegstedt.Hagstrom, Andrew,—groceries, 820 Newland Ave.—h. do.Hagstrom, Anna, domestic, 318 East Fifth.Hagstrom, Anna, widow Olof, r. 820 Newland Ave.Hagstrom, Charles A., water rubber, r. 820 Newland Ave.Hagstrom, John W., finisher, r. 820 Newland Ave.Hagstrom, Nels, (Emily), shipping clerk, h. 142 Barrett.Hagstrom, Olof T., (Anna D.), wood worker, h. 15 Kipp.Hagstrom, Walter J., bookkeeper and stenographer, r. 820 Newland Ave.Hagstrom, see Haagstrom, Heggstrom and Hegstrom.Hagwall, Adolph O., (Hannah), laborer, h. 1115 Falconer.Hahne, Elias, (Magna),—florist and greenhouse, 855 East Second—h. do.Haigh, Alene, operator Bell Tel. Co., r. 9 Axtel.Haigh, Ellen C, stenographer, r. 9 Axtel.Haigh, Jessie I., stenographer, r. 9 Axtel.Haigh, Matilda, widow Lewis, h. 9 Axtel.Hainsworth, Arthur, printer's apprentice, r. 624 Foote Ave.Halberg, Fidelity, BRADSHAW'S Hainsworth, August Caroline, C. Judicial, Henry, William, Minnie, W., PIONEER widow wood textile (Hannah), (Anna), Contract, finisher, Henry), worker, Bonds loom INSURANCE laborer, Excise r. fixer,h. 77 issued r. 77 over Ellicott.and by 65 over 624 all Ellicott. AGENCY Foote 624 other Foote Ave. forms Ave. of '

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 109tf/lLL^AAfffloR^WE POSITIVELY PAY NOCOMMISSIONSHalberg, Ernest G., wood finisher,r. 77 Ellicott.Halberg, Frank C, wood worker, r. 65 Ellicott.Halberg, Hannah L., r. over 102 McKinley Ave.Halberg, see Hallberg and Hallburg.Hale, Alfred E., (Helen), custodian 13th Sep. Co. Armory, h. 9 Sherman.Hale, Clarence S., (Carrie), machinist, h. 310 Monroe.Hale, Charles H., (Grace), motorman J. St. Ry., h. over 48 Hamilton.Hale, Elton E., piano instructor, bds. 9 Strong.Hale, Helena J., stenographer, r. 810 Spring.Hale, John W., (Eliza J.),—clerk Interior Dept., Washington, D. C—h. 810Spring.Hale, Kate E., bookkeeper, h. 68 Grant.Haley, William E., rms. Y. M. C. A.Haliker, Charles F., (Lydia J.), contractor and painter, h. 512 East Sixth.Halim, Jamp, machine hand, bds. 118 West Fourth.Hall, Aaron, (Martha E.), architect, h. 186 Forest Ave.Hall, Alfred E., (Elizabeth),—Sec'y. J. Worsted Mills, h. 139 Forest Ave.Hall, Ann Eliza, h. 128 Forest Ave.Hall, Arthur, (Margaret), steel casemaker, h. 1038 North Main.Hall, August P., (Eve D.), carpenter, h. 5 Culver.Hall, B. F., (Maude), finisher, h. over 302 East Second.Hall, Bessie M., r. 618 Pine.Hall Bros—H. H. and D. M. Hall—barbers, 221 Cherry.Hall, Carroll M., student, r. 139 Forest Ave.Hall, Charles D., oil producer, rm. over 413 West Third.Hall, Clayton L., (Delia), commercial traveler, h. 24 Center.Hall, Duncan M., (Augusta)—Hall Bros.—h. 95 Fairmount Ave.Hall Earl T., (Lizzie E.),—groceries, 1101 Prendergast—h. over do.Hall, Edward L., (Charlotte P.),—Shaver & Hall—h. 202 Forest Ave.Hall Elmer, metal worker, bds. 154 Jones & Gifford Ave.Hall, Elliot C, (Tirzah S.),—Pres. J. Worsted Mills—h. 127 Forest Ave.Hall, Emma L., stenographer, r. 360 Fairmount.Hall, Ethel M., clerk, r. 24 Center.Hall, Florence, r. 233 Barrett.Hall, Frederick P., (Lucy M.),—Pres. and Gen. Mgr. The Journal—h. 211Lakeview Ave.Hall, George, (Mary E.), veneer worker, h. 12 Institute.Hall, Gilbert G.,—Mgr. New York Tea & Coffee Co.—h. 618 Pine.Hall, Herbert H., (Martha),—saloon, 61 Winsor—h. 226 Allen.Hall Herbert W., bookkeeper Ahlstrom Piano Co., h. 226 Allen.Hall, Henri M.,—Treas. The Journal—r. 211 Lakeview Ave.Hall, Howard H— $ Hall . Bros.—h. n . , AA 517 Lafayette. , jo to 4,345 living policy-holders duringHall, Irwin A., student, 2 r. >A$S 139 Forest OilA.AO Ave. the single month of June, <strong>1909</strong>, or aboutHall, Irene A., r. 128 ^^^t^fWt'^^ Forest Ave. mo(f0in each working day.Hall! Hall', Hall, East James, John Joseph, Kittie Levant Maria Thomas, Morgan Samuel, Stiles Sarah Second. T., PI, C—real L., M., J., machine M„ aristo W., wood (Nellie (Louise), (Helen), widow Mrs., r. architect, 211 worker, estate h. B.),—Burt-Hall hand, Erie Samuel William loom Lakeview 513 carpenter, L„ and bus. Spring.r. fixer, h. W., 103 C. investment, 186 581 318 over Ave. J., r. Broadhead Buffalo. Forest h. East Towel 304 233 r. 956 147139 Prendergast Fifth. Barrett. Washington.Cole Ave. rms, Co.—h. Forest Ave. 9-11 Ave. 194 Gokey Ave. Fairmount Bldg.—rms. Ave. 106

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Roofing and Building Papers110 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYPhaiitaiimia Rraur You m*y 'udse the man by the beer he drlnks~\sllaUUllNJ Ud JJLfl C W |ar people drink <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew. Both phones 268Hall, Thomas, textile worker, r. 147 Cole Ave.Hall, Tirzah H., r. 127 Forest Ave.Hall, Van W., (Laura M.), mechanic, h. 18 Derby.Hall, Wilkinson, (Martha L.),—Burt-Hall Towel Co.—h. 360 Fairmount Ave.Hall, William, (Nora), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 1038 North Main.Hall, Witton, metal worker, bds. 360 Fairmount Ave.Halladay, Jennie L., clerk, bds. 552 West Third.Halladay, Mabel L., bookkeeper Art Metal, r. 552 West Third.Halladay, Samuel, (Matilda C), h. 713^ East Second.Hallberg, Charles A., (Julia), metal worker, h. 411 Allen.Hallberg, Clara, widow Andrew, weaver, h. 85 Benedict.Hallberg, Selma, domestic, 165 Forest Ave.Hallburg, Elliot C, bobbin setter, r. 85 Benedict.Hallburg, Minnie D., clerk, r. 85 Benedict.Hallburg, Selma E., mender, r. 85 Benedict.Hallburg, see Halberg.Hallen, Negem, laborer, h. 61^4 Harrison.Hallin, Beda, stenographer, h. 127 Euclid Ave.Hallin, Gunnar, (Mary), h. over 12 Linwood Ave.Hallin, Gust, finisher,bds. 45 Chapin.Hallin, John A., (Anna), foreman finisher,h. 67 Chapin.Hallin, Sven H., machine hand, bds. 45 Chapin.Hailing, Oscar, toolmaker, r. 152 Chandler.Hallstrom, John G., (Esther)—Vice Pres. Eagle Furn. Co.—h. 330 Lincoln.Hallstrom, John S., (Emily J.), building contractor, h. 825 Newland Ave.Hallstrom, Victor, painter, bds. 40 Chestnut.Haloff, Per, carpenter, bds. 7 Shaw Ave.Halsall, George, (Anna), wool buyer, h. 316 West Fourth.Halsall, J. Lloyd, (Edith M.), prescription clerk F. E. Hatch, h. 316 West 4thHalsall, Margaret, student, r. 316 West Fourth.Haman, Mary, widow Henry, h. 12 Lincoln.Hambleton, Gerald M., clerk, bds. 54 McKinley Ave.Hambleton, Thomas, (Maude)), metal worker, h. 123 Weeks.Hamerly, Clara P., bookkeeper, r. 202 Sprague.Hamerly, Samuel H., carpenter, h. 202 Sprague.Hamilton, LeRoy, carpenter, J. St. Ry., h. over 834 Lafayette.Hamilton, Roy, (Mary), h. 7 Hamilton.Hammer, Emil, (Freda), metal worker, house 127 Thayer.Hammergren, Agnes M., r. 206 Thayer.Hammergren, Charles, furniture packer, r. 206 Thayer.Hammergren, Ellen L., domestic, 203 Hazzard.Hammergren, Ellen L., r. 206 Thayer.Hammergren, Emil N., metal worker, r. 206 Thayer.Hammergren, Ida M., r. 206 Thayer.Hammergren, Peter, (Caroline), carpenter, h. 206 Thayer.WI?ll7 Hammerquist, Hammerstrom.David, Hammerstrom, Hammond, Hampton, Hanchett, • Llj Ainfio rllilgC Donald Mary Frank Otto illflit Arthur C. Charles John, Lillian Margaret, Maude, N., fVUUll C, Gilbert, C, widow metal (Carolyn (Lizza), C. (Nettie), stenographer, J., Pft KUi A., Mrs., (Elvira), (Anna (Alice), Baltice, worker, workeer, lamestown, paper phone detective, L.), h. tailor, C), over boxmaker, warp foreman 522. bds. clerk, r. bds. h. h. 103 206 235 302 N. h. dresser, 33 Send 635 61 bds. Allen. 14 Forest Y., J. Myrtle. Baker. West Newton for Means Prendergast Lounge Sixteenth.109 Bell our 235 Fifth. Bowen. Ave. Success." 296 booklet Forest Ave. phone Co., Barrows.h. "<strong>System</strong> Ave. 467; 143 Allen. Youngstown, in Business 0.,

THE BEST GOODS AT THEBEST GOODS AT THE Tl A 1"\ Cl_ i~*lowest prices. I ne A. U. onarpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 111ENTIRE 6th FLOOR^//LlkflAA^TO/^CHADAKOIN BUILDINGHanchett, Lathrop L., (Emily),—justice of the peace, rms. 9-10 Gifford Bldg.,over 8 East Third, h. 44 Water.Hanchett, Theodore D., (Charlotte)—Pres. J. Lounge Co.—h. 143 Allen.Hancock, Clarence J., (Pearl M.), tailor, h. over 114 West Second.Hancock John, Mutual Life Insurance Co.—Fred M. Rich, district Mgr.—rms. 510-512 Chadakoin Bldg.Hancock, Mary, widow George, weaver, bds. 629 Prendergast Ave.Hancock, William H., engineer Buffalo St. water works, h. 183 Buffalo.Hand, Allene J., stenographer, r. 108 King.Hand, Lucy C, teacher, h. 33 Maple.Hand, Maude L., teacher, r. 33 Maple.Hand, Nellie R., teacher, r. 33 Maple.Hand, Sarah J., widow Levi, h. 33 Maple.Hand, William L., (Mittie E.), wood worker, h. 108 King.Handchin, Mabel L., domestic, 153 Chandler.Haner, Florence I., teacher, r. 119 Fulton.Hangen, Phillip F., (Myrtie N.), cabinetmaker, h. 199 South Main.Hank, John, (Mary), loom fixer,h. 10 Water.Hank, John W., weaver, r. 10 Water.Hanley, Margaret, Mrs., canvaser, r. 1164 Prendergast Ave.Hannama, George, cement worker, bds. 149 Jones & Gifford Ave.Hannon, Bridge N., winder, bds. 132 Fairview Ave.Hannon, James J., (Margaret), spring setter, h. 614 East Sixth.Hannon, John, carpenter, rms. 62 Allen Sq. Bldg.Hannon, Margaret C, stenographer H. P. Robertson Co., r. 132 Fairview Ave.Hannon, Michael J., upholsterer, bds. 132 Fairview Ave.Hannon, Thomas, (Elizabeth), emp. J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. 132 Fairview Ave.Hannum, Cyril S., rms. 713 y2 East Second.Hansen, Christ, (Andrea), baker, h. over 36 Ninth.Hansen, Christ M., (Minnie), cabinetmaker, h. over 7 Valley.Hansen, Christine, widow Paul, h. under 108 West Eighth.Hansen, Ellen M., school teacher, bds. 108 West Seventh.Hansen, Elof, (Gusta), veneer worker, h. over 317 Allen.Hansen, Frank P., (Grace M.), polisher, h. 14 Palmer.Hansen, Hans P., (Lena M.),—men's and boy's shoes and repairing, under 4West Third—h. 108 West Seventh.Hansen, Herman M., (Ella J.), barber 3 West Third, h. 514 Prendergast Ave.Hansen, Henry, (Edith), deliveryman, h. over 800 North Main.Hansen, Henry, (Amanda A.), drayman, h. 122 Park.Hansen, Ingeborg, bookkeeper and stenographer, rms. 87 South Main.Hansen, Jens A., (Esther), metal worker, h. 12 Osborn.Hansen, John, wood worker, bds. 11% Franklin.Hansen, Julia S., domestic, 344 East Fourth.Hansen, Julius, (Camille),—warren Cafe—h. 115 King.Hansen, Nels, (Anna L.), machine hand, h. 745 Buffalo.Hansen, Nels, (Johanna), metal worker, h. over 2 Livingston Ave.Hansen, Oscar S., (Ida), painter and metal finisher,h. 103 Willard.Hansen, Peter, (Alma), metal worker, h. 33 Chapman.Hansen, Swan, wood worker, bds. 103 Willard.Hanson, Adolph C, (Emma), laborer, h. 64 Bemus.Hanson, A. Josephine, weaver, bds. 114 Hall Ave.Hanson, Ar. thanes jA^ Christian, Albin, Anna, A. Carl, Albertine, Alfred r i|J|~~TTTT7rr Sophia, b. wood widow domestic, metal J., Maclease, wood (Christiana), finisher,bds. domestic, clerk, Ola, worker, 141 r. DECORATOR, Institute. 16 305 16 West clerk, bds. East 112 Stowe. End. 9 Whitley 107 Fourth. Cheney. 5 W Bem24-b Fourteenth.Third Place. Street, Home 91k Jamestown, N.Y.

Clark Hardware Co., Hardware & Mill Supplies112 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY<strong>Chautauqua</strong>BrewBefore meals makes every dish welcome, afterwardsitinsures digestion. Both phones 268Hanson, Christopher, (Hulda), metal worker, h. over 23 Weeks.Hanson, Edward, (Nellie F.), electrician, h. 1132 Prendergast Ave.Hanson, Edward G., teamster, r. 1109 Newland Ave.Hanson Electric Co.—James E. Hanson, contracting electricians and supplies—rms.6-7-8, over 32 North Main.Hanson, Elmer, (Carrie), teamster, h. 1109 Newland Ave.Hanson, Emil, bartender, bds. 120-122 East Second.Hanson, Esther R., picker, bds. 114 Hall Ave.Hanson, George,—restaurant, 6 North Main—rms. 6 South Main.Hanson, Hjalmar J., (Lois), carpenter, h. 8 Lincoln Ave.Hanson, Iver, (Sinno), finisher,h. 510 Newland Ave.Hanson, James E., (Anna B.),—Hanson Electric Co.—h. 356 Foote Ave.Hanson, James P., (Mary), weaver, h. 252 Baker.Hanson, Jennie, picker, r. 45 Vega.Hanson, Jennie, domestic, 153 South Main.Hanson, John, (Clara S.), city electrician, h. 60 Barrett.Hanson, John, wood finisher,bds. over 502 Crescent.Hanson, Julius C, (Camilla H.),—Warren Cafe—h. 115 King.Hanson, Laura M., clerk, r. 1109 Newland Ave.Hanson, Louis, (Stena), wood worker, h. 823 Newland Ave.Hanson, Martin, wood worker, r. 823 Newland Ave.Hanson, Nellie G., cook, 153 South Main.Hanson, Nels P., (Augusta), boat builder, h. 114 Hall Ave.Hansbn, Olivia, widow George, h. 9 Norton Ave.Hanson, Oscar, (Ida), metal worker, h. over 103 Willard.Hanson, Segfrid, wood finisher, r. over 25 Winsor.Hanson, Sophia A., clerk, r. 16 West End.Hanson, Sven, sander, r. over 103 Williard.Hanson, Waldemere, mill hand, r. 9 Norton Ave.Hanstrom, Esther A., dressmaker, bds. 708 North Main.Hanvey, Charles A., (Frances)—eye, specialist, 103 West Third—h. 78 Haz-Hapgood, Albert, (Ella), farmer, h. 37 Twelfth.Hapgood, Ethel, dressmaker, r. 37 Twelfth.Hapgood, Flora L., emp. Chaut. Towel Mills, r. 37 Twelfth.Hapgood, Maude S., dressmaker, r. 37 Twelfth.Hapgood, Minnie N., r. 37 Twelfth.Hardenberg, Bessie, student, r. 6 Broadhead.Harding, Harry, metal worker, r. 366^4 Foote Ave.Harding, Warren, (Laura O.), clerk, r. 366% Foote Ave.Hardwick, Isaac, (Emma),—Driving Park Hotel, 1200 East Second—h. do.Hardy, Jeanette, rm. 14 Warner block, over 19 North Main.Hardyman, Levenia, spinner, bds. over 632 East Sixth.Harito, Harry, tailor, r. 128 Harrison.Harkness, Brainard T., (Effie B.), blacksmith, h. 23 Allen.Harkness, Harriet M., r. 23 Allen.Harkness, Louis T., (Myrtle M.), foreman Empire Voting Machine Co., h.over, 15 Terrace Place.Harmon, Frank A., (Anna L.), wood carver, h. 136 Wilson Place.Harmon, I \fa TncilfanroMabel S., stenographer Connecticut Nat. General Chaut. Co. Life Bank, Ins. Co., rms. Hartford, 567 E. Second. C°nn-

Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. The A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 113eff/LL^AA^TOR^Harrington, Alice I., widow Edward J., dressmaker, h. 211 West Fifth.Harrington, Bridget, widow Daniel, r. 601 North Main.Harrington, Catherine W., widow A. Murray, h. 311 West Fourth.Harrington, Frank L., (Mildred), surveyor and civil engineer, 213 EastThird, h. do.Harrington, John F., (Lavina E.), bookkeeper Hanson Elec. Co., h. 24 W. 8th.Harrington, Kate Isabell, bds. 311 West Fourth.Harrington, Katherine, r. 21 West Eighth.Harrington, Lucy L., widow Augustus S., dry cleaning, 30 Derby—h. do.Harrington, M'argaret, musician, r. 21 West Eighth.Harrington, Margaret L., Mrs., h. 66 Ellicott.Harrington, Ravena I, paper boxmaker, r. 211 West Fifth.Harrington, S. Gertrude—Asst. gymnastic teacher High School—r. 311West Fourth.Harris, Albert J., (Eva), draughtsman, h. 715 Washington.Harris, Albertina, widow Henry, h. 839 North Main.Harris, Alfred T., (Pearl N.)—Harris Bros.—h. 121 Fulton.Harris Bros.—George A. Harris and Alfred T. Harris—bakery and icecream, 13 HEast A RSecond.R I S B R O T H E R SGEO. A. HARRIS ALFRED T. HARRIS Wholesale and RetailBAKERS —ICE CREAMHome Phone 504 13 E. Second St., Jamestown, N. Y. Bell Phone 55bHarris, E. Jay, (Jennie M.), detail supt. Watson Mfg. Co.—h. 12 Cross.Harris, George A., (Minnie J.)—Harris Bros.—h. 211 Prendergast Ave.Harris, Harvey D., (Bertha), wood carver, h. 214 Chandler.Harris, John, (Sarah A.),—John Harris Co.— h. 126 Wilson Place.Harris, John Co.—John Harris, mgr.—mfrs. Klenzola and cleaning products—23 Whitley Ave.Harris, Kate, domestic, 15 East Fifth.Harris, Laura, Mrs., cook, h. over 21 East Second.Harris, Lee, night ticket agent Erie R. R., rms. 413 Cherry.Harris, Milo, (Lucy E.), real estate, h. 608 Prendergast Ave.Harrison, Albert H., (Louise), policeman, h. 313 West Seventh.Harrison, Cecelia J., clerk, bds. 214 West Eighth.Harrison, Charlotte, Mrs., china decorating 226 Foote Ave., h. do.Harrison, David A., (Annie), cloth examiner, h. 10 River.Harrison, Eva, widow Samuel, h. over 25 Walnut.Harrison, Frederick M., undertaker, r. 226 Foote Ave.Harrison, George C, (Hattie), policeman, h. 816 Lafayette.Harrison, James J., conductor, bds. 214 West Eighth.Harrison, John P., (Jennie), engineer J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. 817 Washington.Harrison, Mary, widow William H., h. 214 West Eighth.Harrison, Mayme B., clerk, bds. 214 West Eighth.Harrison, William, bds. 809 East Second.Harrison, William H., (Mary), clerk A. D. Sharp Co., h. 1172 Prendergast HARRY LYONS Av.fhwx H E M L O C K L U M B E RBAND Hart, SAWED Alva E., (Marcia L.), head porter Sherman House, h. Institute 17 Van St. Buren. & Erie Ry.Hart, Floyd C, (Grace E.)—dentist, over 34 North Main—h. 26 Terrace PI.Hart, Laura W., widow J. Sydney, carpet weaving, h. 7 Breed.

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Roofing and Building Papers114 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP. ' "Suits for ladies in all the new styles andSAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Hart, Lovirtue C, (Alice R.), sheet metal worker, h. Fairmount Ave., bey.limits.Hart, Sadie, laundry worker, bds. 10 Winsor.Hartenstein, Anna, textile worker, r. 28 Clyde Ave.Hartenstein, Orswold, (Fernie), textile worker, h. 28 Clyde Ave.Hartley, Arthur O., warper, r. 35 Barrows.Hartley, Bertha May, domestic, r. 283y2 South Main.Hartley, James R., (Gladys), bookkeeper, h. 214 Linwood Ave.Hartley, John W., (Jane), clerk, h. 9 Crane.Hartley, Joseph, (Sarah), wool sorter, h. over 17 Weeks.Hartley, Joseph, twister, r. 110 East Third.Hartley, Maria, widow Joseph, h. 35 Barrows.Hartley, Martha, widow William, r. 42 Foote Ave.Hartley, Martha, widow George, h. over 110 East Third.Hartley, Sarah E., twister, r. 35 Barrows.Hartley, Susan, widow Harry, weaver, bds. 16 Institute.Hartley, William A., mill hand, r. over 110 East Third.Hartley, see Hutty and Hutley.Hartman, Harry A., (Adelle), upholsterer, h. 213 Fulton.Hartman, Sylvia, Mrs. r. 333 Hazzard.Hartquist, Arthur, r. 124 Park.Hartquist, August, (Matilda), stone mason, h. 124 Park.Hartquist, Beda, weaver r. 124 Park.Hartquist, Carl, laborer, bds. 79 Hedges Ave.Hartquist, Dora, weaver, r. 124 Park.Hartquist, Emil, wood worker, r. 124 Park.Hartquist, Erick L., policeman, r. 124 Park.Hartquist, -Ernest, mill hand, r. 124 Park.Harvard Dental Rooms—Dr. W. J. Rockey, Prop.—over 202 North Main.Harvey, Austin A., (Blanche M.), Supt. J. St. Ry., h. 1210 West Sixth.Harwood, John W., (Annie), weaver, h. 4 Palmer.Harwood, see Hayward.Haser, Emma, milliner, rms. IS Gifford Bldg., over 6 East Third.Haskell, Archie, bell boy, bds. 410;/; Washington.Haskell, Archie, (Anna), driver, h. 129 Bush.Haskell, Glenn, soldier, bds. 410% Washington.Hassing, Ludwig H., (Albertina), gluer, h. 833 Newland Ave.Hassing, Thyra A. G., stenographer, r. 833 Newland Ave.Hasson, James, finisher,h. 713 Cherry.Hastings, Emerick O., (May N.), plasterer, h. 345 South Main.Hastings, Horace E., meat cutter, bds. 1201 Prendergast Ave.Hatch, Adda H., widow DeLoss, language teacher, h. over 500 East Fifth.Hatch, Charles A., (Melissa), painter and paper hanger, h. 65 Eleventh.Hatch, Elmer, (Cora), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 711 Cherry.Hatch, Frank D., (Aura),- Treas. J. Panel & Veneer Co.—h. 508 Monroe.Hatch, Fred E., (Helena B.),—drugs and stationery, 10 East Third—h. 303East Second.FRED E. HATCH, Druggist10 EAST THIRD STREETMakesDifficulta specialtycases solicited.of TRUSSES and SUPPORTERSHatch, Leather Helen Couches L, widow David and B., Davenports art needle work, at 204 GAGE'S Lafayette, h. do.

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods. The A. D. Sharpe Co.tf/lLL^fAJwfjrORQJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 115ORGANS and OLD PIANOSTAKEN IN EXCHANGEHatch, George, (Marjorie), wood worker, h. 174 Fairmount Ave.Hatch, George, Mrs.,,—home baking, 174 Fairmount Ave.—r. do.Hatch, Samuel, (Jane), retired, h. 491 Winsor.Hatch, Vernelle A., (Myrtle R.), journalist h. over 103 East Second.Haug, Anna, textile worker, r. over 207 Chandler.Haug, Joseph C, (Martha), painter, h. over 207 Chandler.Haug, Mary A., mechanic's apprentice, r. over 207 Chandler.Haugh, John, (Jennie),'baggagemaster Erie R. R., h. 314 Jefferson.Haupin, Carl (Georgia), drayman, h. 605 West Seventh.Haupin, Homer E., (May E.), printer, h. 411 West Third.Havens, Charles T., (Gertrude), lumber inspector, h. 13 Bowen.Haver, Alvin B., (Sarah), cementer, h. over 1 East Sixth.Haviland, Sarah C, widow Jenkins, h. 411 Lafayette.Hawkes, William O., (Mary),—janitor, First Methodist Church—h. 344%East Fourth.Hawkins, Abner J., (Clara Z.)—Hawkins' Restaurant and Oyster House—h.141 Institute.Hawkins' HRestaurant a w k iand n Oyster ' s House—A. R e J. sHawkins, t a u Prop.—14 r a n t East 3rd.A L LR I G H THawkins, T. Allen, (Martha A.), teacher piano and voice, h. 124 Barrett.Hawkins, William N., (Georgia), cook, h. 610 West Sixth.Hawkinson, Johanna, Mrs., weaver, h. 814 East Second.Hawkinson, Rhina, clerk, r. 814 East Second.Hawkinson, Sanford C, (G. Allene), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 7 Lakin Ave.Hawley,. Etta, r. 230 McKinley Ave.Hawley, Horace E., retired, r. 125 Fairview Ave.Hawley, William, motorman J. St. Ry., bds. 125 Fairview Ave.Hawthorne, Manley K., (Anna), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 128 Stowe.Haycook, Samuel, (Alice L.), stationary engineer, h. 23 Peach.Hayes, Fred, bookkeeper, r. 210 Spring.Hayes, Helen L., clerk, r. 1 East Seventh.Hayes, James, policeman, bds. 1 East Seventh.Hayes, John, (Bessie), freight handler, h. 129 Fairview Ave.Hayes, John, (Johanna), operator Erie R. R., h. 510% Monroe.Hayes, John, (Katherine), laborer, h. 1 East Seventh.Hayes, John W., (Ethel), printer, h. over 10 Terrace Place.Hayes, Mary, waitress 13 South Main.Haynes, Charles K. (Georgianna B.)—optometrist eye glasses and spectacles,rms. 31-33 Wellman Bldg., over 103 West Third—h. 333 Crossman.Haynes, Laura Fenton, widow Charles A., bds. 11 Broadhead Ave.Haynes, Walter H., (Myrtie) —groceries, 2 Livingston Ave.—h. 112 Cook Ave.Haynes, William J., (Jennie M.), piano finisher,h. 48 Eagle.Hayward, Benjamin W., (Jeanette)—Hayward & Son—h. Ill East Eighth.Hayward Block—117-121 West Third.Hayward, Charles W., (Sarah), machine carver, h. 58 Hotchkiss.Hayward, Ella F., Mrs., laundress, h. over 205 East Second.Hayward, Fred J., truck gardener, r. 57 Hotchkiss.Hayward, Freeman P., (Flora), teamster, h. 57 Hotchkiss.Paris Hayward, Green Lynn James D., S, and laborer, (Mollie),—Hayward Machine r. 63 South Oil Main. & at Son—h. NORTcHusscoNT&811 Prendergast Ave.

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Builders' Hardware116 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N. J.,Economical, Just and Equitable since organization; a matter of principleand habit; now, and always, in advance of the statute laws.Hayward, Maude, Mrs., seamstress, h. 81-91 Allen Sq. Bldg.Hayward, Millard, (Emma D.),— artist and decorator, over 104 East Third—rms. do.Hayward, Minnie C, Mrs.,—dressmaking, 36-37 Allen Sq. Bldg.—h. do.Hayward, Orrin B., (Alice), clerk, Hayward & Son, h. 236 Fulton.Hayward, Ruth G., r. 613 Spring.Hayward & Son—Benjamin W. and James S. Hayward—flour, feed and seeds,24 East Third.Dont Forget the "Old and Reliable"FEED AND SEED STOREAll kinds of Field and Garden Seeds, also a full line of Poultry Supplies.Give us a call. Prices as cheap as the cheapest.Cor. 3d & Pine Sts. HAYWARD & SON Both PhonesHayward, Sylvia A., Mrs. r. 63 South Main.Hayward, William W., (Alice),—Warren Cafe—h. 613 Spring.Hayward, see Harwood.Hazeltine, Abner—attorney, over 19 East Third—h. 7 Allen.Hazeltine, Alice I., English teacher, r. 226 Winsor.Hazeltine & Armstrong—Mrs. Edith Hazeltine and Clara Armstrong—millinery,308 Pine.Hazeltine, Clara, teacher, rms. 824 Prendergast Ave.Hazeltine, Elizabeth, language teacher, r. 226 Winsor.Hazeltine, Fanny, widow Rev. Henry M., h. 226 Winsor.Hazeltine, Gertrude, h. 36 Cross.Hazeltine, Hannah J., widow Richard, r. 517 Prendergast Ave.Hazeltine, Laban, (Gertrude J.),—physician, 322 North Main, h. 517 PrendergastAve.Hazeltine, Ray T., (Mabel M.) railway postal clerk, h. 7 Allen.Hazeltine, William Herman, (Edith), wool sorter, h. 503 Newland Ave.Hazzard, Charles M., (Marion), junk dealer, h. 394 Falconer.Hazzard, Walter S., (Catherine M.),—supt. Prudential Ins. Co.—h. 307 E. 6th.Heald, Edith, milliner's apprentice, r. 26 Maple.Heald, John, (Ada),—plumbing, gas and steam fitting,211 East Third—h. 26Maple.Heald, Thomas, weaver, h. over 44 Foote Ave.Heald, Thomas Jr., plumber, r. over 44 Foote Ave.Healey, Leslie, (Grace E.), teamster, h. 608 East Second.Heath, Frank H., (Blanche D.), laborer, h. 107 Hall Ave.Heath, Mabel A., music teacher, r. 812 North Main.Heath, Wilson, (Grace E.), h. 812 North Main.Heath, Winfred J., (Gertrude),—prop. May's theater—h. 811 Spring.Heathcote, Walter H., (Anna L.),—J. Cash & Credit Store—h. over 110 E. 2d.Hebner, Charles T., wood worker,, bds. over 513 Allen.Hector, Emil, motorman J. St. Ry., rms. 413 Cherry.Hedberg, Alida, weaver, rms. 166 Baker.Hedges, Mary C. Mrs., dressmaker, bds. 131 Euclid Ave.Hedges, Walter A., (Nettie), commercial traveler, h. 131 Euclid Ave.Hedin, Andrew O., h. 496 Willard.Hedin, Charles G., metal worker, h. 47 Tower.Experience BRADSHAW'S Hedin, Christine, Charles means G., PIONEER much r. (Ulrika), 496 in Willard. writing carpenter, INSURANCE them insurance for h. 20 130 years. AGENCY contracts. Thayer. We have been

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods.The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 117^/jll^Paa^tor^ABSOLUTELY"ONE PRICE" SYSTEMHedin, Ethelyn J. I., r. 47 Tower.Hedin, Oscar J., paper hanger, r. 496 Willard.Hedin, Richard, wood worker, bds. 30 Water.Hedlund, Arline, duffer, r. 216 East First.Hedlund, Bennie G., machine hand, bds. 8 Eleventh.Hedlund, Charles, (Nellie M.), polisher, h. over 133 Sampson.Hedlund, Charles, wood worker, bds. 11% Franklin.Hedlund, Elmer C., wood worker, bds. 11 Eleventh.Hedlund, Emma, widow Erick, janitress, h. 216 East First.Hedlund, Eric, carpenter, bds. 34 Eleventh.Hedlund, Flossie E., r. 8 Eleventh.Hedlund, Frank O., (Christine), carpenter, h. 8 Eleventh.Hedlund, Helen, mender, r. 216 East First.Hedlund, Otto, wood worker, r. 8 Eleventh.Hedlund, Perry, (Clara P.), lumber handler, h. over 943 Newland Ave.Hedman, David L., paper hanger, r. 117 Palmer.Hedman, Jennie I. M., labeler, r. 117 Palmer.Hedman, John E., (Hulda), metal worker, h. 117 Palmer.Hedman, P. August, (Emma), machinist, h. 314 Stowe.Hedman, Stanley, carver, bds. Riverside Hotel.Hedstrom, Harry, (Nannie), hand carver, h. over i5 Bush.Hedstrom, John A., (Carrie), clerk, h. over 206 East Second.Heelas, Alfred W., clerk Rose Garden store, bds. 714 Washington.Heelas, George H., (Louise P.),—mgr. Lakeview Rose Garden store—h. 714Washington.Hegeman, Elbert, r. 818 Prendergast Ave.Hegeman, Elizabeth M., widow John, h. 818 Prendergast Ave.Hegg, Andrew, h. 407 English.Hegg, Axel, (Helen), teamster, h. 63 Steele.Hegg, Edith L., mill hand, r. 63 Steele.Hegg, see Haag.Heggstrom, Charles H., deliveryman, r. 1055 North Main.Heggstrom, Hildur, domestic, 31 Linden Ave.Heggstrom, Nels, (Anna K.), finisher,h. 1055 North Main.Heggstrom, see Hagstrom, Haagstrom and Hegstrom.Hegren, Knut, (Gertrude), wood worker, h. over 69 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Hegstedt, Axel, boilermaker, bds. 301 Crescent.Hegstedt, Edwin, (Mary), blacksmith, h. 440 Buffalo.Hegstedt, John, (Freda), metal worker, h. over 14 Bishop.Hegstedt, see Hagstedt.Hegstrom, Lambert, metal worker, bds. 181 Thayer.Hegstrom, see Hagstrom, Haagstrom and Heggstrom.Heimberger, Andrew, (Catherine), stationary engineer, h. 9 Mt. VernonPlace.Heineman,Louis,—liquors, 12 East Third—rms. over 308 Pine.Heintz, Carl,—ladies' tailor—bds. 601 West Seventh.Heintz, John A., (Catherine J.)—barber, under 102 East Second—h. 36 Ninth.Heintz, Joseph H., (Jennie), emp. P. F. Lewis & Sons—h. 10 Seventeenth.Heirst, Annis, weaver, bds. 58 Franklin.Heitmueller, Frederick H., student, r. 830 Cherry.Heitmueller, Lucy, widow Henry, dressmaker, h. 830 Cherry.\A7T-i\» policy.Helgran, Helgren, VV ITy Arvid Axel John Glenn Carl, Hazel A. policy insure Fred, E., (Signa), J., T., H., contains (Hilda), (Heda (Mary),—Carlson (Matilda), clerk, weaver, the metal C), r. New every bartender, r. 315 farmer, worker, teamster, York 313 Willard. good Life? & h. thing Helgran—h. 488 101 452 Because: 152% Willard. Maple. there Chandler. Allen. is The in 313 any Willard. New other York company's Life

Clark Hardware Co.Hardware and Mill Supplies118 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYfh Q11 i"Q 11 rm a RrAUr A denciou* and nourishing table beverage with\/lld.Uld.U

CARPETS, CURTAINS,ETS, CURTAINS, •fl A r\ Ql f*DRAPERIES, SHADES. *• H© A. L/. 0113.1 pe \-»0.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 119PIANOS AND ORGANScff/LL$PAA(J)TOR&SHEET MUSICHerrick, Chester H., student, r. 112 Curtis.Herrick, Elba E., retired, h. 6 Crane.Herrick, Hiram V., (Carrie M.), h. 112 Curtis.Herrick, Kenneth E., student, r. 112 Curtis.Herrick, Nina, Mrs., artist, r. 408 Winsor.Herstet, Axel, metal worker, bds. 29 West Eighth.Heskett, Margaret, student, r. 708 Washington.Hess, Iva, mill hand, r. Connecticut Ave.Hess, Milton, (Anna), wood worker, h. over 410 Lafayette.Hetfield, Elbert V.,—attorney, rm. 1 Gokey Bldg., 711 Cherry.Hetfield, Jane H., widow Wickham H., r. 711 Cherry.Hewey, John, (Carrie), laborer, h. 1343 East Second.Hey, Alberta, textile worker, bds. 253 Crescent.Hey, Bertha, twister, r. over 14 William.Hey, John, (Julia), night watchman Lakeview Rose Gardens, h .12 HanfordAve.Hibbard, Frank B., (Hattie), engineer, h. over 186 Fairmount Ave.Hibbard, Harry W., timekeeper Art Metal, bds. over 186 Fairmount Ave.Hibbard, John A., (Anna), metal worker, h. 310 Stowe.Hibbard, William E., (Ada), wood worker, h. 238 Falconer.Hibbard, see Hubbard.Hick, John C, (Annie), steward Everett Hotel, h. over 321 Allen.Hickman, William H., (Eliza H.), h. 316 East Fourth.Higgins, Charles, wood worker, r. 8 West Seventh.Higgins, Charles H., packer, bds. 8 West Seventh.Higgins, James, driver, bds. over 5 North Main.Higgins, James A., shipping clerk Eagle Furn. Co., bds. 8 West Seventh.Higgins, see Huggins.Hilding, Carl E., shipping clerk, r. 524 Allen.Hilding, Caroline, Mrs., twister, h. over 524 Allen.Hildum, Clifton N., (Ina M.), stenographic reporter, Journal, h. Lakewood.Hildum, Edward B., (M. Ellen), retired, h. 14 Crossman.Hiles, Aubrey D., (Winogene S.),—toilet preparations, Gokey Bldg.—h. 228Winsor.Hill, Adelle S., widow Daniel, h. 508 East Fifth.Hill, Anna L.—modiste and corset parlors, rm. 39 New Gifford Bldg.—h. do.Hill, Anna M., widow Nelson H. h. 329 Crossman.Hill, Annie F., stenographer, bds. 115 King.Hill & Aylesworth—Mrs. Jennie Hill and Mrs. Flora Aylesworth—homebaking, 707 North Main.Hill, Charles F., wood worker, bds. 115 King.Hill, Earl H., (Anna)—Hill's Piano School and Piano Store—rms. 405 W. 3d.Hill, Edwin S., (Eliza A.), metal worker, h. over 158 Baker.Hill, Harriet J., widow Alfred H., h. 1255 North Main.Hill, James M., (Mary), metal worker, h. 32 Fifteenth.Hill, Jennie, widow Thomas—Hill & Aylesworth—h. 835 North Main.Hill, Maude, picker, bds. 32 Fifteenth.Hill's Piano School and Store—Earl H. Hill, director—entire sixth floorSTATUARY andChadakoin Bldg., over 114-118 West Third.FANCY VASES at the Cawcroft Co., 107 E. 3rd St.Hill, Viola, widow William, nurse, h. 92 Falconer.Hill, Will, (Helga), cutter, h. over 263 Forest Ave.Hill, Hiller, Hillier, Hills, see J. Arthur Bartie Nicholas Carl Matilda Lawrence, Hills. W., Earl, R., B., U., pipe (Julia)—agent widow (Edith),—asst. (Jennie), fitter, G.), Andras r. carpenter, metal 208 Am. G., supt. Palmer. worker, Exp. h. J. h. 208 Co.—h. St. 215 Palmer.Ry., Crescent. 514 913 h. East East 9 Van Eighth. Second. Buren.

Clark Hardware Co., Hardware & Mill Supplies120 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYChaiitaiimia Rrpw the beer demanded by allvuauiauijuci u i c w judges of a perfect beerHills, Maryann, widow Henry G., h. over 514 East Eighth.Hills, Rhoda A., widow George E., h. 195 Cole Ave.Hills, see Hill.Hillstrom, David A., (Clara J.),—sec'.-treas. Crown Metal Construction Co.—h. 112% Barrett.Hillstrom, May A., student, r. 6 Forest Park.Hilton, Annie S., teacher, r. 115 Crescent.Hilton, Esther, widow David, h. 115 Crescent.Hilwig, John, oil well driller, bds. The Osmer.Himebaugh Bros.—J. M., L. B. and G. M. Himebaugh—mfrs. dining room furniture.488 Hallock.Himebaugh, George C, (Elizabeth), machine hand, h. over 120 Lincoln.Himebaugh, George M.,—Himebaugh Bros.—r. 13 Fairmount Ave.Himebaugh, Joseph M., (Anna B.),—Himebaugh Bros.—h. 13 Fairmount Ave.Himebaugh, Leon N., (Frances E.), ice creammauer, h. over 8 Center.Himebaugh, Lyle B., (Helen C.)—Himebaugh Bros.—h. 403 Monroe.Hinchey, Earl R., (Lillian), wood carver, rms. over 10 South Main.Hind, Alice, r. 953 East Second.Hind, Asa, (Rose),—Hine & Coe, East J. House—h. 953 East Second.Hindle, Ernest P., (Emily), clerk, h. 116 Barrett.Hinds, Catherine E., Mrs., carpet weaver, h. 309 Palmer.Hine, James W., (Ella R.), commercial traveler, h. 333 Fairmount Ave.Hines, Anna, waitress, 13 South Main.Hines, Michael, (Anora), porter, h. 93-94-95 Allen Sq. Bldg.Hinman, Alice, widow Millard F., h. 715 East Second.Hinman, F. Henry, (Rebecca A.), harnessmaker, h. 13 Sherman.Hinman, Oscar B., clerk European Hotel, r. do.Hinsdale, Albert D., (Grace), laborer, h. Jones & Gifford Ave., bey. limits.Hirschauer, Herman, (Adeline), retired, h. 614 Pine.Histed, Effie, widow James, cook Black Bear Rest., h. over 356% East 4th.Histed, Ives, h. over 356% East Fourth.Hitchcock, Albert G., (Agnes), driver, h. 19 Tenth.Hitchcock, Arthur H.,—attorney, over 9 West Third—r. 557 East Second.Hitchcock, Horace, (Martha R.),—real estate and loans, over 9 West Third.—h. 557 East Second.Hitchcock, Leon C, (Cora) bookkeeper Himebaugh Bros., h. 186 FairmountAve.Hitchcock, Walter, (Isabelle), fireman,h. over 117 Euclid.Hitchener, Harriett, widow John, r. 143 Harrison.Hitchener, John H., (Maude A.), electrician, h. 17 Walnut.Hjalmarson, John, (Hilma), lumber handler, h. over 141 Superior.Hjarpin, Charles, (Anna), wood carver, h. 109 Cross.Hjert, Charles, (Hulda), electrician, h. over 228 Sprague.Hjert, Frank E., (Anna), wood worker, h. 148 Foote Ave.Hjert & Scott—Mrs. Frank Hjert and Clara Scott—millinery, 148 Foote Ave.Hjertquist, Charles A., (Clara A.), bench boss, h. 238 Crescent.Hjertquist, Charles M., (Anna M.), retired, h. 211 Hazzard.Hjertquist, Julia C, weaver, r. 211 Hazzard.Hjertquist, L. Adelle, r. 211 Hazzard.Hjertquist, Laura A., weaver, r. 211 Hazzard.Hjertquist, Oscar H., (Mina), finisher,h. over 634 East Second.Hjertquist, Roy L., weaver, r. 211 Hazzard.| Lille Hjorth, Hjertquist, Hjunberg, •

Go to The A. D. Sharpe Co. forJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 121CarpetsONE OF THE FINEST^//li^Paa^wr^IN THIS COUNTRYHoadley, Herman C, (Elizabeth), night clerk Erie frt. house., h. 58 Falconer.Hoadley, Lewis J., (Lillian M.), engineer Chaut. Steamboat Co., h. 214 Barrett.Hoag, Mae, bds. 710 Washington.Hoag, Seneca, (Mary), hostler, h. 710 Washington.Hoard, Charles, clerk, rms. 217 West Second.Hoard, Claude S., blacksmith, r. 930 North Main.Hoard, Frank C, (Edith), teamster, h. 43 Harrison.Hoard, Frank H., (Eliza J.), painter, h. 930 North Main.Hoard, George E., (Winifred), painter, h. 205 Jefferson.Hoard, John L., (Mary), commercial traveler, h. 105 West Fifth.Hoard, Luna, student, r. 105 West Fifth.Hoard, Mary A., widow John L., nurse, r. 105 West Fifth.Hoard, Mary L., widow Lorenzo B., h. 211 Broadhead Ave.Hoard, Sarah C, h. 105 West Fifth.Hoard, William W., (Lydia)—blacksmith, 10 Harrison—h. 7 Forest Park.Hobart, Dwight, rm. 21 Warner block, over 13 North Main.Hobbs, Charles F., (Estella), mason and lawn grader, h. Connecticut Ave.Hockenberry, A. B., blacksmith, bds. 529 West Third.Hockenberry, Joseph—blacksmith and horse shoeing, 514 West Fourth—bds.529 West Third.Hockett, Fred M., r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Hockett, Joseph C., plumber's apprentice, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Hockett, L. Era, (Clara), commercial traveler, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Hodges, Bernice E., college student, r. 230 Crossman.Hodges, Fred E., (Flora), commercial traveler, h. 230 Crossman.Hodges, Ralph A., (Katharyn), carpenter, h. 19 Tenth.Hodges, William D., (Minnie B.), carpenter, r. 391 Fairmount Ave.Hodgkinson, Joseph, (Matilda), h. 463 Willard.Hodgkinson, Walter, r. 463 Willard.Hodgson, Edith, student, r. 133 Wilson Place.Hodgson, Elizabeth J., nurse, r. 133 Wilson PlaceHotter, William M., (Fanny Ross), h. 303 West Third.Hoffman, Agnes L., textile worker, bds. 31 Flagg Ave.Hofgren, Ludwig A., (Ltdia S. J.), carpenter, h. 154 Barrows.Hogan, Mary, domestic, 329 East Fourth.Hogan, Matthew, machinist, bds. 394 Falconer.Hogenboom, Adeline, widow Joshua, milliner, bds. 6 Cross.Hogle, Francis N., (Nellie),—J. Oil Co.—h. 47 Falconer.Hoglund, Edla, domestic, 112 Van Buren.Hoglund, John, machine hand, bds. 100 Willard.Hokenson, Edward, (Caroline), carpenter, h. over 201 Falconer.Hokenson, Henry G., textile worker, r. over 201 Falconer.Holbrook, George, metal painter, bds. 750 Buffalo.Holcomb, Robert E., electrician, r. 101 Cherry.Holdridge, Chester, retired, r. 212 Fulton.Holdridge, Sarah, widow Enoch, r. 36 Liberty.Holdridge, Thomas C, (Rhodelia), h. 5 Cowden Place.Window, Holdsworth, Beatrice, Plate, dressmaker, Art, r. GLASS 41 Maple. in.t"u^sLnrieRy.Holdsworth, Herbert, (Florence), textile worker, h. 27 Walnut.Holdsworth, William, (Margaret A.), foreman Acme Worsted Mill, h. overHolgren, Holin, 41 Esther, Maple. see David, Mertie, Hannah, Matilda, Hollengren.domestic, machine picker, widow r. 171 Nels, hand, 29212 Forest Wescott. weaver, r. Lakeview 29 Ave. Wescott. h. 29 Ave. Wescott.

Clark Hardware Co.122 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYFine Cutlery and ToolsTHE FASHION SHOP.Suits for misses and the small lady can only be found here in the rightstyles at the correct prices.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Holland, Sarah, widow Charles, r. 15 Newland Ave.Hollenbeck, Delia, widow Daniel, r. 108 Crescent.Hollenbeck, Iva B., teacher, r. 108 Crescent.Hollenbeck, Jacob S., (Nancy), h. 1208 West Sixth.Hollenbeck, Jerome, motorman J. St. Ry., r. 1208 West Sixth.Hollenbeck, Lucy J., widow George W., r. 807 Spring.Hollengren, Ellen, widow John A., h. over 118 William.Hollengren, Sarah A., stenographer under 2 W. 2nd., r. over 118 William.Hollengren, see Holgren.Holley, Belinda A., widow William, h. 93 Barker.Holley, Juliette, weaver, h. over 32 Center.Hollings, James, (Louisa), mill hand, h. 409 Hazeltine Ave.Hollings, John, (Ellen),—grocer, 59 Harrison—h. do.Hollings, John W., weaver, r. 409 Hazeltine Ave.Hollings, Lilly, mill hand, r. 409 Hazeltine Ave.Hollister, Blanche D., spooler, r. 20 Steele.Hollister, Edward W., (Mertie), finisher,h. 20 Steele.Hollister, Florence M., student, r. 304 Hallock.Hollister, Jay B., (Olive), commercial traveler, h. 304 Hallock.Hollister, Laurella, student, r. 304 Hallock.Hollister, Norman, commercial traveler, r. 304 Hallock.Holm, August A., (W. Augusta), textile worker, h. 505 Camp.Holm, A. William, (Segrid J.), textile worker, h. 515 Camp.Holm, Charles, (Hattie), veneer worker, h. 242 Crescent.Holm, Edith, domestic, 5 Church.Holm, Esther, M. C, textile worker, r. 505 Camp.Holm, Gust, metal worker, bds. 216 Crescent.Holm, Lydia J., clerk, r. 505 Camp.Holm, Ralph C. G., (Bessie M.)—news stand, 630 E. Second—h. over 632 do.Holm, Reuben E., band sawyer, r. 242 Crescent.Holm, see Holmes.Holman, Frank, (Anna), insurance, h. 220 Barrett.Holman, Henry C, carpenter, r. over 220 Barrett.Holman, Lawrence A., (Augusta), laborer, h. 1090 East Second.Holmbeck, Gottfrid, (Selma), cabinetmaker, h. over 4 Morse Ave.Holmberg, Anna, weaver, r. 20 Crown.Holmberg, Axel, nickle plater, r. 20 Crown.Holmberg, Carl, toolmaker, r. 20 Crown.Holmberg, Elim, (Marina A.),—C. W. Swanson & Co.—h. 11 Columbia Ave.Holmberg, Emil C, metal worker, r. 372% Buffalo.Holmberg, Erick O., (Hulda), wood worker, h. 144 Stowe.Holmberg, Ernest O., r. 250 Bowen.Holmberg, Ferdinand, (Anna), shoemaker, h. 20 Crown.Holmberg, Gust, (Emma), wood worker, h. 710 Foote Ave.Holmberg, John A., (Clara M.), laborer, h. 372% Buffalo.Holmberg, John A., (Selma), drayman, h. 250 Bowen.Holmberg, Mertie L. M., stenographer, r. 710 Foote Ave.Holmberg, Ruth, paper boxmaker, r. 20 Crown.Holmberg, Signa, boxmaker, r. 250 Bowen.Holmberg, Victor, (Louise), laborer, h. 605 English.New Holmes, Draperies Awning Carl Benjamin Andrew Albro Albert Arthur P. C, E., Works—Mathias W., C, (Hazel), R., rubber, (Carrie (Julia furniture and (Emily), C), shoe r. E.), Lace 280 packer, commercial cotton furniture clerk, Willard. C. Holmes, Curtains dyer, r. 34 inspector, 825 traveler, h. Derby. prop.-—awnings, Prendergast 13 Mt. at h. Vernon 52 825 GAGE'S Prospect. Ave. Prendergast Place. 112-114 E. Ave. 3rd.

Carpets, Curtains,Draperies, Shades. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.tf/LL^AA/tfjrORQJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 123LARGEST and MOSTCAREFULLY SELECTED STOCKHolmes, Catherine L., artist, r. 825 Prendergast Ave.Holmes, Earl R., agent, r. 60 Chapin.Holmes, Edward E., (Emily J.), h. 308 West Second.Holmes, Elof, wood finisher, r. 225 Hazzard.Holmes, Emil L., (Bernice G.),—Crown Metal Const'n Co.—h. 108 Palmer.Holmes, Emily W, teacher, r. 825 Prendergast Ave.Holmes, Frank, (Hulda), furniture finisher,h. over 441 Winsor.Holmes, Frank W., cloth cutter, r. 280 Willard.Holmes, Fred C, (Anna), furniture trimmer, h. 280 Willard.Holmes, Grace, weaver, r. 37 Center.Holmes, Hazel H., r. 280 South Main.Holmes, Henry S., clerk, r. Greenhurst, N. Y.Holmes, Herman O., (Louise G.), cabinetmaker, h. 210 Baker.Holmes, Hilmar A., (Carrie M.), metal worker, h. over 202 Baker.Holmes, Ida L., widow Peter A., h. 225 Hazzard.Holmes, James, (Christina), cabinetmaker, h. 564 East Second.Holmes, John, metal worker, bds. Riverside Hotel.Holmes, J. Oscar, (Sophia), laborer, h. under 144 Chandler.Holmes, Joseph, (Emma), warp dresser, h. 37 Center.Holmes, Louis, (Sadie), metal worker, h. over 112 Palmer.Holmes, Mary, Mrs., cook, h. 52-53 Allen Sq. Bldg.Holmes, Mary P., r. 825 Prendergast Ave.Holmes, Mathias C, (Maggie R.),—Holmes Awning Works—h. Greenhurston-<strong>Chautauqua</strong>.Holmes, Olive M., r. 225 Hazzard.Holmes, Otto W., (Eva M.), metal worker, h. over 148 Baker.Holmes, Richard G., (Bessie), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 6 Metallic Ave.Holmes, Rudolph, metal worker, r. 210 Baker.Holmes, Stafford C, veneer worker, bds. 34 Derby.Holmes, Susan, widow James, h. 34 Derby.Holmes, Tirzah M., widow Levi H., r. over 800 North Main.Holmes, Walter, (Selma), toolmaker, h. over 72 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Holmes, William A., (Nettie N.), supt. finishingdept., h. 280 South Main.Holmes, William, student, r. Greenhurst-on-<strong>Chautauqua</strong>.Holmes, see Holm.Holmlund, Perry, (Hannah), wood worker, h. 138 Falconer.Holmquist, Carl A. F., (Charlotte H.),—photographer, over 212-214 EastSecond—h. over 212 do.CARL HOLMQUISTPHOTOGRAPHERIf you want the best come here. Prices reasonable.Frames and Enlargements.HOME TELEPHONE 893.Holmquist, Carl F., (Augusta), machine hand, h. 120 Sampson.Holmquist, Claus V., h. 56 Chapin.Holmquist, Linda F., widow John E., h. 132 Barrett.Holmquist, Oscar L., (Alma M.), machine hand, h. 225 Barrows.Holmstrom, Edith, drawer, r. 51 Hedges Ave.Holmstrom, Svea E., drawer, r. 51 Hedges Ave.Holmstrom, Verner, (Matilda), cabinetmaker, h. 51 Hedges Ave.Holroyd, Jeanette, widow Fred W., h. 67 Taylor.ARTISTS' Holt, Holroyd, Charles Harry Edmond SUPPLIES F., J., (Mertie), William, printer's AT furniture wool apprentice, NORTHROP sorter's packer, apprentice, r. 67 PAINT h. Taylor. over & 15067 GLASS Stowe. Taylor. CO.

Clark Hardware Co.124 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYFine Cutlery and ToolsTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N.J.,"There is little suggested by an examination of this company which callsfor any criticism or reformatory legislation."—Report of Investigating Committee,N. J. Senate.Holt, George M., retired, r. 800 Prendergast Ave.Holt, Lyle W., (Flora B.), commercial traveler, h. 606 East Sixth.Holt, Millard C, (Mary), meat cutter, h. 606 East Sixth.Holt, Walter J., (Mildred), finisher,h. over 24 Fifteenth.Home Telephone Co.—John H. Wright, mgr.; A. C. Wade, pres.—local andlong distance, 210 Pine.Homer, Dora H., textile worker, r. 34 Victoria Ave.Homer, Jane B., widow Eugene L., h. over 34 Victoria Ave.Homer, Mabel, cloth picker, r. 437 Baker.Homer, Smith T., (Ida F.), farmer, h. 437 Baker.Hooker, Hull M., (Annie),—clothing, men's furnishings, pressing and repairing,108 East Third—h. 112 Broadhead Ave.Hoon, Francis R., (Mary A.)—vice. Pres. New Production Oil Co.—h. over203 East Second.Hoon, Rex Clare, (Hazel), r. 3 Terrace Place.Hooper, Albro H., (Clara D.), drug clerk, h. 704 Jefferson.Hoover, Samuel S., (Martha),—div. supt. International CorrecpondenceSchool—h. 1012 Prendergast Ave.Hope, George, (Selma), bartender Brooklyn House, h. 135 Allen.Hope, Maud G., operator Home Tel. Co., r. 135 Allen.Hopkins, Gorham D., bds. 17 East Sixth.Hopkins, Theodore E., (Lizzie),—grocery, 1 East Sixth—h. 17 do.Hopkinson, Sam, (Sarah J.), foreman Hall & Co., h. 10 King.Horford, John, (Ethel), textile worker, h. over 204 Allen.Hornell, Arthur, metal worker, bds. 547 East Second.Hornell, Hulda, domestic, 305 East Fourth.Horr, Ebenezer A., (Blanche), lather, h. 74 Eleventh.Horrocks, Agnes, widow Joseph, furrier, h. 8 Cheney.Horrocks, Clifton D., brakeman, r. 8 Cheney.Horsefield, Alice, drawer, r. 127 Barrows.Horsefield, Kendall, (Sarah), twister, h. 127 Barrows.Horsefield, Mary, widow David, h. 21 Water.Horth, Clinton I., (Edna), postman, h. 208 Allen.Horton, Almon A., (Victoria L.), pastor Brooklyn Heights M. E. Church, h.149 McKinley Ave.Horton Bros—Walter B. Horton and Charles L. Horton—insurance, 122East Third.Horton, Charles L., (Mary L.)—Horton Bros.—h. 612 North Main.Horton, Corabelle, Mrs., char woman, h. 6 Center.Horton, Donald, student, r. 12 Chandler.-Horton, Emma M., widow Derestas, h. 12 Chandler.Horton, Fred G., (Bertha),—J, S. Horton & Son—h. 5 Terrace Place.Horton, James S., (Laura)—J. S. Horton & Son—h. 55 Broadhead Ave.Horton, J. S. & Son—J. S. and Fred G. Horton—paints, glass and oils, 122East Third.Horton, Walter B., (May V.)—Horton Bros.—h. 23 Fairmount Ave.Hosford, James A., (Anna W.), teamster, h. 26 Genesee.Hosie, George W., (Mabel),—Ames, Burns & Co.—h. 512 East Seventh.Hotchkiss, Edward W., (Lora), horseman, h. 7 Rowley Place.Hotchkiss, Ella M., Mrs. h. 905 Washington.Call BRADSHAW'S Hotchkiss, Bell 'phone Louisa, Maurice Henry Emerson Mary G., PIONEER A., 763, widow D., H., bds. (Nellie),—prop. (Clara), real Home 308 Jeremiah, Established estate, 265 West INSURANCE painter, when Sixth.Lake 308 1111 you in West 1029 House—h. 1867. East need AGENCY Sixth. East Second. insurance Second. do. or indemnity.

Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery.The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 125ABSOLUTELY^ff/LL^AA^TOR^"ONE PRICE" SYSTEMHotchkiss, Walter W., (Mary)—eye, ear and throat specialist, over 14 EastSecond—h. 195 Forest Ave.Houghtaling, James, bricklayer, rms. 82 Allen Sq. Bldg.Houghtaling, Libbie E., Mrs., r. 952 East Second.Houghtaling, Roy F., bobbin setter, r. 952 East Second.House, Harry H., grocery clerk, bds. over 23 East Third.Houser, James W., (Louise L.), cabinetmaker, h. 74 Hazzard.Houser, Mary, widow Edward, h. 615 West Seventh.Houser, Orin G., (Margaret), wood finisher,h. 74 Hazzard.Howard, Anna B., domestic, r. over 632 East Sixth.Howard, Arthur C, (May V.), painter, h. over 9 East Third.Howard, Belle—Howard & Jones—r. 311 Prendergast Ave.Howard, Bertha F., spinner, bds. over 632 East Sixth.Howard, Benjamin L., veneer worker, r. 28 Victoria Ave.Howard, C. T., Mrs., millinery, 101 Cherry.Howard, Dewitt C, (Cora B.), postman, h. 12 Cook Ave.Howard, Edna B., Mrs., h. over 613 North Main.Howard, Elizabeth, (James), drawer, h. over 632 East Sixth.Howard, Elizabeth C, r. 101 Cherry.Howard, Elmer E., (Hulda), loom fixer,h. 163 Chandler.Howard, Hattie, r. 109 Forest Ave.Howard, Jennie I., stenographer, r. 231 Crescent.Howard, John L., (Elizabeth S.), freight clerk Erie R. R., h. over 16 Maple.Howard & Jones—Belle Howard and Dama C. Jones—millinery, rms, 1-2-3Barrett Bldg., over 205 Cherry.Howard, Joseph H., retired, h. 231 Crescent.Howard, Lucia A., widow Charles T.,—millinery, 101 Cherry—h. do.Howard, Lucina M., widow Mason, h. 311 Prendergast Ave.Howard, Mary A., widow George D., h. 28 Victoria Ave.Howard, Mary E., r. 231 Crescent.Howard, Matilda, widow George, r. 163 Chandler.Howard, Matthew W., clerk Erie freight depot, r. 28 Victoria Ave.Howard, Ray, wood worker, bds. 39 Broadhead Ave.Howard, Robert J., (Grace), roven carrier, rms. 15 New Warner block, over3 North Main.Howard, Rosalind, widow George H.,—mgr. Sheldon Hall—h. 860 Washington.Howard, Sadie, Mrs., clerk Rose Garden Store, rms. 205 Lafayette.Howard, Walter P., (Alice M.), bookkeeper Maddox Table Co., h. 339 Pricce.Howard, William H., (J. M.), commercial traveler, rms. 205 Lafayette.Howard, William J., textile worker, bds. 632 East Sixth.Howe, Barton S., (Alice), mason, h. 61 Eleventh.Howe, Lynn E., (Bertha), plumber, h. 405 Stowe. 'Howe, Oren, (Roa), mechanic, h. 221 Van Buren.Howe, Ray C, shipping clerk Blackstone Mfg. Co., bds. 221 Van Buren.Howell, William H., (Emma), painter, h. 8 Metallic Ave.Howes, James E., (Mary), wood finisher,h. 131 Crescent.Howes, Raymond E., cigarmaker.s apprentice, r. 131 Crescent.Howey, John insure D., salesman in the New Hill's York Piano Life? Store, Because: bds. 107 This East company Sixth. is payingin J., <strong>1909</strong> (Anna), larger machinist, dividends h. than 22 any Fletcher other Ave. company.Why Howies, ClaudeHowley, Dennis C, (Norah), machinist, h. over 207 East Second.•Howson, Howley, Hoyt, Forest Jacob Father, William Gladys John Glade George Ave. L., T., R., I., asst. (Elsie)—mgr. E., M., lumber glass textile (Rosa), priest handler, worker, SS. painter 5 Peter r. and h. r. and over 10c 22 217 paper store, Scott.217 Paul's Spring. hanger, 13-15 Church, North h. r. 22508 Main—h. Scott. Cherry. 244

Clark Hardware Co.Roofing and Building Papers126 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYWhen you use it you please your palate, but you likewise<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew aid digestion and nourish your body. Both phones 268.Hoyt, Margaret, student, r. 508 West Seventh.Hoyt, Peter H., (Jennie E.), retired, h. 307 West Third.Hoyt, Rupert L., (Vesta)), teamster, h. over 833 Washington.Hoyt, Sidney B., (Agnes M.), commercial traveler, h. 101 West Fifth.Hub, (The)—O. A. Lenna and Henry H. Cooper—saloon, 8 West Third.Hub Billiard Parlor—Frank O. Morningstar, prop.—over 8 West Third.Hub Bowling Alley—Charles Fette, mgr.—over 8 West Third.Hubbard, Arthur E,. benchman, r. 60 Broadhead Ave.Hubbard, Clarence B., (Bertha E.), veneer worker, h. 237 Buffalo.Hubbard, Eliza, widow Egbert J.), h. 60 Broadhead Ave.Hubbard, Eugene, iron worker, bds. 149 J. & G. Ave.Hubbard, Gertrude E., student, r. 60 Broadhead Ave.Hubbard, Jay W., (Mayme E.), motorman J. St. Ry., aprt. A, 27 Forest Ave.Hubbard, Marshall M., (Mary L.), carpenter and engineer, h. 13 Ross.Hubbard, see Hibbard.Hudson, Charles, (Bertha M.), warper, h. over 27 Whitley Ave.Hufstedt, Frank A., (Hilda), metal polisher, h. 3 Orchard.Huggins, Lottie, widow William, h. 13 Tower.Huggins, see Higgins.Hughes, James A., (Mary D.), hotel keeper, h. 601 North Main.Hulquist, Grace, r. 117 South Main.Hulquist, John A., (Jennie),—pres. Liberty Furn. Co.—h. 117 South Main. 'Hulquist, Mertie, r. 117 South Main.Hulquist, Raymond G., office clerk, r. 117 South Main.Hulquist, see Hultquist.Hult, Albert, carpenter, bds. 4 Willis.Hult, Arvid C, (Anna V.), shipping clerk, h. 9 Hanley.Hult, August, (Anna C), watchman, h. 9 Hanley.Hult, Augusta L., textile worker, r. 9 Hanley.Hult, Christine, r. 488 Willard.Hult, Fred A., machine hand, r. 9 Hanley.Hult, Gust, (Mary), laborer, h. 10 Eagle.Hult, John A., (Ellen), painter, h. 36 Pearl Ave.Hult, John A., machine hand, r. 9 Hanley.Hult, Marie, caterer, r. 113 Crescent.Hult, Miner C, mill hand, r. 9 Hanley.Hult, Oscar, metal worker, bds. 507 Chandler.Hult, Sophie, widow Anders, h. 113 Crescent.Hult, Warner, metal worker, bds. 541 Allen.Hultberg, Adolph, metal worker, h. 254 Willard.Hultberg, August E., (Minnie A.), lumber handler, h. 8 Peach.Hultberg, Charles A., (Matilda), painter and paper hanger, h. 220 Thayer.Hultberg, Effie M., cloth picker, r. 25 Palmer.Hultberg, John A., (Matilda C.),—supt. J. Table Co.—b. 25 Palmer.Hultberg, Mabel J., textile worker, r. S. Peach.Hultberg, Melva V., textile worker, r. 8 Peach.Hultberg, Rose M., bookkeeper, r. 254 Willard.Hultgren, Agatha E., r. 13 Union Ave.Hultgren, Anna, widow Rev. Carl O., Periodical h. 13 Union Audits, Ave. Financial Investigations, SafeguardW. Hultgren, Ely Carl Ainge O., draughtsman, Audit Co. r. 13 <strong>System</strong>s, Union Voucher Ave. <strong>System</strong>s, Factory Cost <strong>System</strong>s.Hultgren, Carl O., (Hulda J.), metal Jamestown, worker, h. N. Y,, 205 Bell Barrett. 467. . Youngstown, O. Bell 521.Hultgren, Hultin, Hultman, Carl, Fred, C. Charles J. Carlotta Flavia, Martin Henry, Emil, carpenter, painter, r. L., J., C, (Emma), (Matilda), 13 (Albertina), (Hulda rms. clerk, Union rms. 15 r. carpenter, Ave. over M.), Warner wood 369 finisher,h. 11 South East block, h. Main. 102 Second. over 7369 William. 346 Hedges South 19 Bowen. North Ave. Main. Main.

CARPETS, CURTAINS '"TV \ r\ Ot f>DRAPERIES, SHADES. * "© A. U. tjUclXpe VsO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 127tf/lLL^tAAffiTORQENTIRE 6th FLOORCHADAKOIN BUILDINGHultman, Emanuel, metal worker, bds. over 205 Barrett.Hultman, Fannie, bds. 812 Jefferson.Hultman, Siscone, (Ellen), mill hand, h. 60 East Cowden Place.Hultquist, Amel, mill hand, r. 114 Crown.Hultquist, Andrew J., (Louise C), machine hand, h. 21 Terrace Place.Hultquist, Anna, domestic, 20 Bowen.Hultquist, Anna, winder, r. 114 Crown.Hultquist & Benson—Henry Hultquist & Edward Benson—grocers, 358-360Willard.Hultquist, Carl O., student, r. 839 Prendergast Ave.Hultquist, Charles J., (Teolinda), shipping clerk, h. over 35 Barrows.Hultquist, Clara, spinner, r. 244 Barrows.Hultquist, Clarence A., metal worker, r. 21 Terrace Place.Hultquist, Clarence A., (Charlotte M.),—The Fair—h. 839 Prendergast Ave.Hultquist, Corinne, spinner, h. 244 Barrows.Hultquist, Earl, student, r. 839 Prendergast Ave.Hultquist, Edith, spinner, r. 244 Barrows.Hultquist, Eliza, widow Gust, r. 356 Willard.Hultquist, Emil, painter, bds. 15 Lake.Hultquist, Ernest H., (Jennie M.), R. F. D. mail carrier, h. 705 Foote Ave.Hultquist, Fred, (Mary), mill hand, h. 114 Crown.Hultquist, Gust A., (Hilda C.)—pres. Textile Machine Co.—h. 203 Hazzard.Hultquist, Henry, (Jennie)—Hultquist & Benson—h. 356 Willard.Hultquist, J. August, (Hilda C), foreman Hall & Co., h. 203 Hazzard.Hultquist, Johanna, widow Carl J., r. 332 Palmer.Hultquist, Oliver A., dyer, r. 203 Hazzard.Hultquist, Swan G., (Ida C), laborer, h. 244 Barrows.Hultquist, see Hulquist.Humphrey House—J. W. Humphrey, prop.—13-23 South Main.Humphrey, J. William, (Mary),—prop. Humphrey House—h. do.Hunsicker, James N., (Marie D.), locomotive engineer, h. over 217 W. 3rd.Hunt, Charles A., (Adelaide), foreman Art Metal, h. 147 Cook Ave.Hunt, Cornelius, (Clarinda A.), painter and paper hanger, h. 23 Allen.Hunt, D. Calvin, (Matilda), painter, h. 212 Hallock.(Hunt, Dora, widow Elvin, h. 19 Terrace Place.Hunt, Eliza S., widow Freeman J., h. 312 Allen.Hunt, Elton C, (Edith), commercial traveler, h. 620 Pine.Hunt, Emily C, correspondence clerk, r. 300 Winsor.Hunt, Evelyn, widow Reuben, bds. 43 Royal Ave.Hunt, Frank, (Charlotte)—Hunt & Shepard—h. 409 Cherry.Hunt, Fred C, (Flora B.), wood worker, r. 43 Royal Ave.Hunt, Glen F., (Jane C), laborer, h. 14 Camp.Hunt, Grant A., (Lena), freight handler, h. under 213 Fulton.Hunt, Herbert L., (Anneta)—attorney, 25-27 Wellman Bldg.—h. 43 FairmountAve.Hunt, H. Francis, (Effie L.),—physician, rms. 7-9 New Gifford Bldg—h. 79New Gifford Bldg.,Hunt, Pi. James I C C, lunch Minloiea counter clerk, rm. DECORATOR, 25 Warner block, 107 W. over Third 19 Street No. Mam.Hunt, tnaries J. Elvin, t. student, iviaciease, r. 19 Terrace Jan,eatown,n.y. Place. Ben 124b. Home91 k.Hunt, John, wood finisher,h. 400 Allen.Hunt, Mamie, Mrs., rm. 25 Warner block, over 19 North Main.Hunt, Ave. Washington. & William Whitman Willard Maria, Shepard—Frank widow W., H., P., (Carrie),—pres. (Alice), driver, William Hunt coachman, h. M., 931 and h. Newland Fenner over F. h. G. 53 311 Shepard—veterinary Grape Ave. Prospect. Pine. Juice Co.—h. 309 surgeons, Laveview 214

Clark Hardware Co.128 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYBuilders' Hardwarefillfllltfllinil!) RrPW Its Purityis never questioned—its flavorhas been the de-UliaUlUUl|Ua DIGIT iight of those who know good beer Both phones 268.Hunter, Ernest, clerk New Commercial Hotel, r. do.Puntington, Brooke, (Eliza), warp dresser, h. 44 Foote Ave.Huntington, Jane, widow Henry, h. 826 Spring.Huntington, John, (Harriett), warp dresser, h. 94 Lister.Huntington, John, (Agnes), teamster, h. 14 Fluvanna Ave.Huntington, John, Jr., machinist, bds. 94 Lister.Huntington, John W., nickel plater, r. 826 Spring.Huntington, Robert E., plumber's apprentice, r. 826 Spring.Huntington, Susie C, weaver, r. 826 Spring.Huntington, Talbot, (Lydia G.), machinist, h. over 44 Taylor.Huntington, William, machinist, bds. 94 Lister.Huntley, Cynthia M., widow Charles, h. 11 Liberty.Huntsville Lumber Co., Inc.—J. Delevan Curtiss, pres.; J. W. Adair, salesman—57Fenton Bldg.Huntting, Nancy A.—extension sec'y. Y. W. C. A.—bds. 109 West Fifth.Hurlbert, George F., (A. Louise),—pres. Hurlbert-Sherman Hotel Co., 13-23West Third—h. do.Hurlbert-Sherman Hotel Co., Inc.—Geo. F. Hurlbert, pres., props New ShermanHouse,—12-23 West Third.Hurlburt, Frank, (Anna J.), paper hanger, h. 198 Fairmount Ave.Hurley, Andrew J., office clerk, bds. 808 Jefferson.Hurley, Michael, (Margaret), wood worker, h. 808 Jefferson.Husband, Arthur, (Myrtle), deliveryman, h. over 748 East Second.Husband, John B., (Octavene), bookkeeper, h. 16 Cook Ave.Husband, J. Stuart, (Ellen A.), photographic printer, h. over 104 McKinleyAve.Huson, Zenick, finisher, r. 713 Cherry.Husted, Clarence, painter and paper hanger, r. 53 Harrison.Hutchinson, Charles W., (Minnie), estimater Art Metal, h. 312 East Sixth.Hutchinson, William G., (Sarah G.), motorman J. St. Ry., h. over 315 W. 3d.Hutley, Arthur, wool sorter, r. 26 Elk.Hutley Bros. & Newsome—J. W. & C. T. Hutley and James Newsome—grocery and bakery, 209 Allen.Hutley, Charles T., (Hannah), textile worker, h. over 10 King.Hutley, Clarence W., grocery clerk, r. 9 King.Hutley, James W., (Jane), loom fixer,h. 26 Elk.Hutley, John W., (Annie),—Hutley Bros. & Newsome—h. 9 King.Hutley, John Wallace, textile worker, r. 9 King.Hutley, Kate, widow John, h. 207 Allen.Hutley, Nellie, r. 26 Elk.Hutley, see Hartley and Hutty.Hutt, C. Leonard, (Blanche), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 35 Fifteenth.Hutty, Sarah K., Mrs., weaver, h. over 145 Barrows.Hyde, Eiliene R., stenographer, r. 6 Broadhead Ave.Hyde, Fred. W., (Carrie)—cashier National <strong>Chautauqua</strong> County Bank—h. 334East Fifth.Hyde, Loverne, metal worker, bds. over 113 East Second.Hyde, Lura I., Mrs., domestic, h. over 10 East Third.IELOF ROSENCRANTZ & COMPANYStoves and RangesT LillC Ickeringill, lfo Tnciiranro UlalirdlllC Harold, Ada, Connecticut bookkeeper, (Otena w. A.), J. Bentley, General dyer, r. 559 h. Gen. East Life 11 Arnold. Agt., Second. Ins. Co., 515 Chadakoin Hartford, Bldg. Conn.,

The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. The A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 129tff/LL^JAA/ffirOR^Ickeringill, Sarah, widow John, h. 559 East Second.Ideal Furnitme Co.—Otto F. Lindholm, John Pearson, Sture F. Nelson andC. W. Nordh, supt.—mfrs. pedestals and tabourettes, 516 West Fourth.Ideal Laundry—Carl G. Johnson, prop.—20-22 Forest Ave.Ijoholm, Charles, (Ida), wood worker, h. 296 Baker.Illig, Joseph H., (Christine), commercial traveler, h. 617 Prendergast Ave.Illig, Peter, (Lena), foreman Milwaukee Bottling Co., h. 48 Ninth.Illingworth, Fred, (Emma F.),—Sundell & Illingworth—h. 334 South Main.Illingworth, John H., (Anna), milk peddler, h. 205 Chandler.Illingworth, Nellie, textile worker, r. 205 Chandler.Illston, Bergen F., (Grace)—physician, over 304 North Main, and coronerChaut. Co.—h. 112 Chandler.Illy, Almond, expert machinist, rms. The Osmer, 413 West Third.Illy, John, draughtsman, rms. The Osmer, 413 West Third.Immel, D. Wilson, (Mary K.),—supt. J. Water dept.—h. 607 Pine.Imus, Charles M., (Georgia M.),—insurance, 304 Cherry—h. 109 Cowing.Imus, Frank A, Jr.,—bushelman and dry cleaning, 304 Cherry—r. 379 Falconer.Imus, Frank A. Sr. (Ellen A.), stationary engineer, h. 379 Falconer.Independence Oil & Gas Co., Inc.—J. D. Russell, pres. & mgr.; J. A. Russell,sec'y.-treas., producers—514 Chadakoin Bldg.Independent Messenger Service—Homer Klock—8 East Third.Ingalls, Herman, (Caroline N.), teamster, h. 12 Victoria Ave.Ingerson, George H., (Kate)—Ingerson Grocery Co.—h. 38 Liberty.Ingerson Grocery,Co.—Geo. H., Mrs. G. H. and Mrs. N. W. Ingerson—retailgrocers, 20 East Third and 36 Falconer.Ingerson, Louis, (Lena), carpenter, h. over 705 West Eighth.Ingerson, Stella M., widow Norman W.,—Ingerson Grocery Co.—h. rear 214Lincoln.Ingham, Emma, widow John, r. 16 Winsor.Ingham, George W., machinist, bds. 16 Winsor.Ingham, James, (M. Gertrude)—supt. Chaut. Worsted Mills—h. 348 FooteAve.Ingham, Nathan, metal worker, r. over 103 Water.Ingham, Wilfred, (Clara), foreman spinner, h. 19 Shaver.Ingleson, Albert, (Mary), spinning boss, h. 11 Franklin.Ingleson, Harry, textile worker, r. 11 Franklin.Inman, William, (Elizabeth M.) dyer, h. 15 Franklin.International Correspondence School—George A. Johnston, local representative;S. S. Hoover, div. supt.—rms. 10-11-12 Wellman Bldg., over 103West Third.Ipsen, Peter J., (Hansine), utility man H. P. Robertson C, h. under 869Spring.Ipson, Andrew, (Anna), wood worker, h. 245 Baker.Ipson, Charles, (Sophia)—supt. H. P. Robertson Co.—h. 601 West Seventh.Ipson, Dagmar, weaver, bds. over 3 Lake.Ipson, Henry C, (Julia)—cigars and tobacco, news and stationery, 228 EastSecond—h. 506 Prendergast Ave.0AP^End Irish, Ipson, Iroquois Irwin, tail Paper Nicholas, James, John Harry, paper, Hotel—Thos. Front H., Corporation, foreman h. under (Gunella cabinetmaker, 209 South 24-26-28 Doors Owens spinning, G.),—asst. The Main. and North George—E. r. s&k r. 506 John 209 supt. Main. Prendergast Lyons South H. H. R. Tousley, P. Davis, Main. Robertson J^S^S*,.Ave. props.—6 mgr.—wholesale Co.—h. South 601 Main. W. and 7th. re­

Clark Hardware Co. Farming Implements and Fencing130 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP. ~We sell the Kayser guaranteed Silk Gloves. The best for25 years.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Irwin, James E., r. 209 South Main.Irwin, Walter, metal worker, h. 10 Fairview Ave.Irwin, see Erwin.Isaacson, Alma, domestic, 334 East Fifth.Isaacson, Carrie, (Emil F.), operator Home Tel. Co., r. 36 Cross.Isaacson, Harold F., office boy, r. 36 Cross.Isaacson, John E., laborer, bds. 127 Linwood Ave.Isaacson, Marie C, widow John, r. 51 Tower.Isaacson, William O., (Hulda), machinist, h. 151 Barrett.Isbell, Joseph H., (Margaret R.), mechanic J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. 505 Clinton.Isbell, Louis J., (Genevieve), draughtsman, bds. 411 West Fourth.Isbell, Mary H,, clerk, r. 505 Clinton.Iverson, James, Jr.—Proudfit Clothing Co.—rms. 516 East Second.E. ROSENCRANTZ & COMPANYStoves and RangesJackman, Byron, (Sarah), commercial traveler, h. over 14 Arnold.Jackon, Albert T., laborer, bds. 110 Barrows.Jackson, Axel, laundryman, bds. over 48 Steele.Jackson, ChaVles, hotel clerk, bds. 204 Lafayette.Jackson, Charles, (Amelia), milk peddler, h. 106 Linwood Ave.Jackson, Charles A., laborer, bds. 1060 Washington.Jackson, Charles G., (Amanda)—laundry, 108 Crossman—h. do.Jackson, Charles R., (L. Agnes),—sec'y. J. Ice Cream Co.—h. 116 BroadheadAve.Jackson, Charles W., (Edith P.) postman, h. 10 Hall Ave.Jackson, Chauncey, (Melinda), laborer, h. 124 Crescent.Jackson, Clyde W., (Mary), solderer, h. over 48 Liberty.Jackson, Dow M., (Cora) commercial traveler, h. 3 East Sixth.Jackson, Ellis P., (Martha), fireman Erie R. R., h. 34 Hamilton.Jackson, Gilson L., (Elizabeth C), insurance, h. 141 Chandler. 'Jackson, Hattie, domestic, 518 North Main.Jackson, John E., (Anna C),—flour and feed, 46-48 Steele—h. over do.Jackson, Mary J., widow Henry J., h. 328 East Fourth.Jackson, Olive, dressmaker, rms. 567 East Second.Jackson, Oscar G., clerk, bds. 164 Barrett.Jackson, Stonewall, laborer, bds. Riverside Hotel.Jackson, Walter, lumber handler, bds. 216 Hopkins Ave.Jacobson, Amel C, (Carrie K.), junk dealer, h. 169y2 South Main.Jacobson, Anna, dressmaker, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.Jacobson, August, (Ida), laborer, h. over 3 Grandin.Jacobson, Brownell, r. 502 Newland Ave.Jacobson, Charles, grocery clerk, r. 106 West Eighth.Jacobson, Ella, clerk, r. 106 West Eighth.Jacobson, Elmer J., draughtsman, r. 106 West Eighth.Jacobson, Emma C, textile worker, r. 22 Elk.Jacobson, Emma C, widow John, h. 6 River.Jacobson, Floyd E., reporter Morning Post, bds. 106 West Eighth.Typewriter Jacobson, Frank, Chairs lumber (Jennie)—Jacobson handler, r. Desks 6 & River. Swanson—h. at GAGE'S 101 Ensign.

SQks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 131THE LARGEST STOCKc///LL^?AA^rOR^BETWEENPITTSBURG AND BUFFALOJacobson, G. Burnell, harnessmaker, r. 502 Newland Ave.Jacobson, George, (Selma), foreman cabinetmaker, h. 502 Newland Ave.Jacobson, Henry C, (Gertrude A.), cabinetmaker, h. 307 South Main.Jacobson, Jacob, metal worker, bds. Ill East Sixth.Jacobson, Jacob F., (Augusta), machine hand, h. 218 Forest Ave.Jacobson, J. Alvin, (Anna)—cigars, 1 South Main—rm. 4 Warner block, over19 North Main.Jacobson, Judith E., student, r. 6 River.Jacobson, Julia, r. 22 Elk.Jacobson, Juliette, r. 218 Forest Ave.Jacobson, Louis R., lineman, r. 22 Elk.Jacobson, Mabel B., r. 218 Forest Ave.Jacobson, Marcus F., blacksmith, bds. 501 East Sixth.Jacobson, Marcus P., (Sophia),—blacksmith, American alley—h. 501 E. 6th.Jacobson, Martha E., teacher, r. 501 East Sixth.Jacobson, Nels M., (Josephine), retired, h. 22 Elk.Jacobson, Oscar T., (Carrie)—groceries, 701 North Main—h. 106 W. Eighth.Jacobson, Ruby C, packer, r. 502 Newland Ave.Jacobson & Swanson—Frank Jacobson and Richard J. Swanson—grocers,317 Willard.Jacobson, Will,' (Ida), metal worker, h. 141 Park.Jacobson, William, machine hand, bds. 12 Stowe.Jaderstrom, Axel G., toolmakker, r. over 80 Highland Ave.Jaderstrom, Charles, (Adele)—toolmaker, h. over 80 Highland Ave.Jaderstrom, John E.,—merchant tailor, over 31 North Main—h. over 75 GlasgowAve.Jaderstrom, Jonas, (Louise),—shoemaker and repairer, 33 Barrett—h. 80Highland Ave.Jager, Ernest, rms. 308 West Second.Jager, Paul, conductor J. St. Ry., rms. 308 West Second.Jagger, Louis C, (Mary)—pres. J. Table Co.—h. 30 Lakeview Ave.Jagger, Mildred, r. 30 Lakeview Ave.Jambliter, Charles, (Annie), laborer, h. 113 Cross.James, Anna M., dressmaker, r. over 116 Price.James, Clara, paper boxmaker, r. over 116 Price.James, Grace T., Mrs., housekeeper, r. 68 Barrett.James, Henry, stone mason, bds. 212 Pine.J^^ies, Laura, cook, rms. over 204 North Main..lames, Mertie, Mrs., h. 16 Sampson.Jamestown Art Carving Works—Albert Nelson—wood carving and furnituremfrs., 40-48 Steele.Jamestown Art Glass Works—Herbert U. Sundholm, prop.—leaded andcopper lights, art glass and plate glass fronts, 58 Franklin.Jamestown Bill Posting Co.—J. J. Waters, mgr.—Opera House block, 22East Second.Jamestown roiler Works—J. G. O'Brien—boilers and tanks, 712 Monroe.Jamestown Browing Co.—P. F. Simon, pres. & treas.; H. H. Cooper, vicepres.; Francis Dunn, sec'y.—612-620 West Eighth.Jamestown For WINDOWS Builders' and Supply DOORS Co.—Charles see Northrop Swanson, prop.; Paint F. & C. Olson, Glass mgr. Co.—12-16-17-19 River.Jamertown Business College Association, Ltd.—H. E. V. Porter, pres. andJamestown treas—771 Goulding, supt.; ladies' A. ready-made Cabinet Camera Cash Chair J. sec'y.-treas.—mfrs. East Porter, Co. Club—rm. Co., Second. Credit (The)—C. garments, sec'y.-treas.—rm. Inc.—Frank Store—Walter 9 Arcade chair W. 101 G. Swanson, East and Bldg., Curtis, 25 Second. rockers, H. Gokey over Heathcote, pres.; Bldg., 28 20 Oscar North Winsor, S. over P. prop.—dealer Carlson, Main. Pang, 22 W. Third. sec'y.- L. M. in

Clark Hardware Co.Hardware and Mill Supplies132 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N. J.,"Ably and conservatively managed, and its business conducted in the interestsof its policyholders."—Massachusetts Insurance Commissioner.Jamestown Chamber of Commerce—H. E. V. Porter, pres.; C. A. Okerlind,treas.; Ernest Cawcroft, sec'y.—301-303 Gokey Bldg., over 20 West Third.Jamestown, <strong>Chautauqua</strong> & Lake Erie R. R.—H. A. Macbeth, gen. agt.—FairmountAve., and West Eighth; freight office, 70-80 Steele; city ticket office,10 West Third.Jamestown Cigar Co.—John F. Gustafson, prop.; Axel F. S. Gustafson, mgr.—wholesale cigars, snuff and matches, 132 Foote Ave.Jamestown, City of (see miscellaneous directory, front of book.)Jamestown Clinical Laboratory—Dr. W. J. Pennock and Dr. D. C. Perkins—rm. 307 Chadakoin Bldg.Jamestown Club—Shelden B. Broadhead, pres.; Charles H. Gifford, vicepres.; Charles C. Wilson, sec'y.; Roswell J. Bootey, treas.—413 N. Main.Jamestown Cold Storage Co.—Harry Wilson and I. L. Macpherran—5 Taylor.Jamestown Commercial Gallery—Jay and R. D. Pickard, props.—photographers,320 Harrison.Jamestown Commission Co.—Ernest .W. Greendahl—wholesale fruits andproduce, 213-215 Spring.Jamestown Cotton Mill—Thomas H. Smith and Henry K. Smith—cottonyarns, 58 Center.Jamestown Electric Co.—Wm. B. Pitts and W. H. Knapp—electric contractorsand electric and gas supplies and sporting goods—109 East Third.Jamestown Electric Mills—W. W. Campbell, pres.—feed and flour, 6 Steele.Jamestown Furniture Co., Inc.—W. H. Anderson, mgr.—furniture dealers,232 East Second.Jamestown Garage Co.—M. Rosenbloom, pres.; B. L. Arnson, sec'y.-treas.;John Dowd, gen. mgr.—Barrett Bldg., 205 Cherry.Jamestown General Repair & Mfg. Co.—Geo. A. Fullipp, Frank Broms andC. L. Carlson—gas engines and automobiles a specialty, Fairmount Ave.,bey limits.Jamestown High School, 408-412 East Second.Jamestown Hollow Cement Stone Co., Inc.—S. B. Vandervoort, pres.; C. R.Vandervoort, sec'y.-treas.—cement stone and builders' supplies, 325-335West Second.Jamestown Hosiery Co.—F. R. Campbell, mgr.—hosiery, rms. 43-45 WellmanBldg., over 103 West Third.Jamestown House Barn—Frank Sternberg, John A. Austin—livery andtransient stables, 209-11 Pine.BellPhone861. HomePhone98JAMESTOWN HOUSE BARNLIVERY, BOARDING, TRANSIENT ANDSALES STABLESF. W. STERNEBORG I »,„„,,„»„,* 209-211 PINE STREETJOHN A. AUSTIN ( P>°P«e«>rs JAMESTOWN, N. Y.Jamestown Ice Cream Co., Inc.—B. R. Walker, pres.; Charles R. Jackson,sec'y.; C. Fred Danielson, treas.—mfrs. and shippers, 28 South Main.Jamestown Institute of Hydrotherapy—H. Corrigan Smith, prop.—BattleCreek treatment, scientific baths and massage, 102 West Second.Fire, Life, Accident, Liability, Boiler, Glass, Occupancy, Marine and everyBRADSHAW'S PIONEER other kind INSURANCE of insurance furnished AGENCY by

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 133WE HANDLEtf/fLlkfiAAfffloRg)20 DIFFERENT MAKESJamestown Iron Works Co.—Charles M. Nichols, Shirley S. Taylor, Louis S.Apgar, Emil Froding, supt.; Oscar Peterson, props., machine shop andfoundry, auto garage, 11 Shearman Place.Home Phone 1087 Bell Phone 296JAMESTOWN IRON WORKS CO.FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTSGeneral Automobile Repairing Brass, Bronze, Aluminum and Iron CastingsSupplies and GarageRepairing of all kindsJamestown Letter Carriers' Association—D. C. Howard, pres.; Geo. A. Young,sec'y.-treas.Jamestown Letter Carriers' Association Auxiliary—Mrs. M. C. Davis, pres.;Mrs. Guy Pulver, sec'y.Jamestown Lighting & Power Co.—Harry P. Sheldon, pres.; A. S. Price,sec'.-treas.; F. W. Bullock, supt.—rm. 6 Ellicott Bldg., over 106 East 3rd.Jamestown Lounge Co. (The)—T. D. Hanchett, pres.; A. H. Greenlund, vicepres.; L. F. Cornell, sec'y.-treas—mfrs. lounges, chairs, and boxcouches, 38-46 Winsor.Jamestown Lumber Co.—J. W. Collopy, pres.—5 Ellicott Bldg.Jamestown Medical Society—Dr. J. J. Mahoney, pres.; Dr. W. D. Wellman,sec'y.-treas.Jamestown Metal Furniture Co., Inc.—John H. Prather, pres.; W. A.Marsh, vice pres. & gen. mgr.; E. D. Lines, sec'y.-treas.—commercialfurniture, factory and office, 9-25 Taylor.Jamestown Oil Co.—Francis M. Hogle, mgr.—wholesale petroleum products,34 Institute.Jamestown Pad & Wrapper Co.—F. 0. Crossgrove & J. G. Smith—203 SouthMain.Jamestown Panel & Veneer Co.—George Noble, pres.; A. P. Lowell, vicepres.; F. D. Hatch, treas.—furniture, panels and table tops, 50 Steele.Jamestown Pharmacy—Wellman Bros., props.; T. H. W. Meredith, mgr.—8 East Second.Jamestown Publishing Co.—Charles J. C. Scholpp, pres.; Elliot C. Hall, vicepres.—over 28 North Main.Jamestown Realty Co.—Julius Lincoln, pres.; Charles E. Anderson, sec'y.,5-6 Gifford block, North Main and East Third.Jamestown Roofing Co.—Frank L. Dickson—roofing, contracting, cigars andtobacco, 120 East Third.Jamestown Security Land Co., Inc.—A. Mintzer, pres.; C. M. Sharp, vicepres., and R. H. Cole, sec'y.-treas.—real estate, 9-11 Gokey Bldg., over22 West Third.Jamestown Shale Paving Brick Co.—J. B. Fisher, pres.; John P. Mahoney,sec'y.-treas.; R. C. Cobbe, mgr.—paving blocks, building and sidewalkbrick and quarry stone, Quarry Road.Jamestown Sheet Metal Co.—N. Jorgenson and A. W. Thorpe, Joseph LaVier—tinning, cornices, steel ceilings and eave spouting, 220 E. Second.Jamestown insure Spring in Bed the New Co.—Charles York Life? W., Lawrence Consult with C. D. Tweedale and Wm. about R. Eckman—mfrs.Utopia spring contract, beds at and 215 cots, Main 59-61 street Harrison.theWhyJamestown Street Railway & <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction Co.—A. N. Broadhead,Jamestown Thomas and man pres.; barns, board George Table E. West Perkins, of E. directors—145-153 Co.—L. Maltby, Third. sec'y.; C. gen. Jagger, Richard mgr.—waiting Fairmount pres.; Peart, Charles treas.; Ave. room, I. Cyrus 13 Moore, West E. Third; Jones, vice pres.; office chair­

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools134 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYYou may judge the man by the beer he drinks<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew —particular people drink <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew.Jamestown Window Screen Co.—Charles Lindbeck, pres.; Charles Swanson,sec'y.-treas.—12-16 River.Jamestown Worsted Mills, Inc.—Elliot C. Hall, pres. A. M. Kent, vicepres.; A. E. Hall, sec'y.; A. K. Briggs, treas. & gen. mgr.—335 Harrison.Jametor, Felicia, spinner, r. 286 Harrison.Jametor, Sam, (Carrie), laborer, h. 286 Harrison.Jamison, Charles E.—osteopath, 303-304 Chadakoin Bldg.—bds. 116 E. 4th.Jamison, Harry S., (Bessie), h. 32% Van Buren.Jamison, L. G., clerk, bds. 116 East Fourth.Jandrew, Albert, metal worker, bds. 131 Hall Ave.Jango, Samuel, (Frances L.), laborer, h. 45 Franklin.Jann, Oli, houseman Sherman House, r. do.Jannatz, John, laborer, r. Fairmount Ave., bey., limits.Ja Quay, Clara M., (George)—dressmaking, rm. 80 New Gifford Bldg—h. do.Ja Quay, Florence C, r. 80 New Gifford Bldg.Jarl, Charles Otto, (Mary), machinist, h. over 10 Hall Ave.Jarl, G. Gust, (Hannah), carpenter, h. 206 Charles.Jarl, Ida, maid Sherman House, r. do.Jarl, see Jharl.Jaysane, Magnus, (Sophia M.),—merchant tailor, over 217 North Main, h. 16Palmer.Jeffords, Jennie, widow John, h. over 214 Winsor.Jeffords, John, pool room attendant, h. over 214 Winsor.Jeffords, Mariette F., widow Charles L., h. 525 East Fifth.Jeffries, George, laborer, h. 38 Allen Sq. Bldg.Jeffries, Olive G., student, bds. Curtis.Jehle, Gottleib, (Anna), supervisor bronz. dept. art metal, h. 549 West Third.Jenkins, Christina, widow James, h. over 62 Liberty.Jenkins, Frank F., dentist, bds. 6 Cowing.Jenkins, John, (Bertha May), insurance, h. 110 Stewart Ave.Jenkins, Sarah A., housekeeper, 250 Harrison, r. do.Jenkins, Theron P., (May), driver, h. 6 Cowing.Jenkins, William C, printer Journal, r. over 62 Liberty.Jenkinson, Catherine, weaver, bds. 157 Barrows.Jenkinson, William—Davey Plumbing Co.—r. 157 Barrows.Jenks, A. Frank, (Florence S.),—attorney, rms. 37-39 Wellman Bldg.—h. 411East Fifth.Jenks, Alfred L., (Emily P.), broker, h. 203 East Fourth.Jenks, Anna S., college student, r. 411 East Fifth.Jenner, Allene M., student, r. 45 Barrett.Jenner, Amy L., r. 45 Barrett.Jenner, Atla M., (Kate), laundryman, h. 45 Barrett.Jenner, Charles A., (Mary), pressman Morning Post, h. over 108 FairviewAve.Jenner, Charles J., (Inez C), retired, h. 91 Prospect.Jenner, Elias H., r. 45 Barrett.Jenner, Frank H., (Mintie A.), conductor J. St. Ry., h. over 52 Hamilton.Jenner, George C, (May), draughtsman, h. 100 Cook Ave.WJenner, r i Marjory, A • r. »« 100 A Cook _J;j./^_ Ave. Our Associates areall qualified AccountJensen, . tly Andrew, Alllge aristo AUCllt worker, tO. h. 912 Newland Jamestown, Ave. N Y. Youngstown, 0.Jensen, Andrew, (Lena), laborer, h. under 5 East Newland Ave.Jensen, James, John Charles Frank, Hannah Hugo, Joseph Lambert S., bds. (Anna), B., (Ingrid), P., wood M., E., upholsterer, 122 carpenter, metal textile worker, Stewart wood metal worker, h. r. Ave. worker, 127 531 168 bds. r. Allen. Hall h. 531 820 over h. Ave. 531 Washington.Allen. 14 Maple. Allen.

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods. The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 135ff/LL^AAgprORQ INSTALLMENTYPAYMENTSJensen, Louis A., (Jennie C.)—sign painter, rm. 72 Allen Sq. Bldg.—h. 21Myrtle.Jensen, Sandrina, weaver, bds. 22 Genesee.Jensen, Waldemar, (Anna), painter, h. 54 Ninth.Jespersen, Catherine, widow Carl, r. 127 Hall Ave.Jessop & Anderson—Mrs. Florence Jessop and Alma Anderson—millinery,33 and 49 Harrison.Jessop, Joe, (Florence), retired, h. 49 Harrison.Jharl, Charles, (Beda), upholsterer, h. over 15 Columbia Ave.Jharl, see Jarl.Jilquist, Albert J., wood worker, bds. 8 Water.Johanson, Rikel, carpenter, bds. 215 McKinley Ave.Johnson, A., lineman Bell Tel. Co., rms. 311 Pine.Johnson, Abbie, bookkeeper, r. 824 Newland Ave.Johnson, Abraham, (Augusta), finisher,h. over 217 Willard.Johnson, Ada M., stenographer, r. 273 Prospect.Johnson, Adelbert, (Ella), carpenter, h. 822 Spring.Johnson, Adelia M., clerk, r. 8 Barrows.Johnson, Adolph, (Anna), metal worker, h. 30 Peach.Johnson, Adolph, laborer, bds. 8 Fairfield Ave.Johnson, Adolph, (Alma G.), cabinetmaker, h. 204 Allen.Johnson, Adolph, furniture polisher, bds. 43 Sturges.Johnson, Adolph F., painter, r. over 764 East Second.Johnson, Adolph J., (Betty), stationery engineer, h. over 10 Water.Johnson, A. Henry, machine hand, bds. 220 Broadhead Ave.Johnson, Albert, (Lillian), metal worker, h. over 716 Newland Ave.Johnson, Albert, (Elizabeth), upholsterer, h. 104 Pearl Ave.Johnson, Albert, (Alma), clerk, h. 80 Eagle.Johnson, Albert, toolmaker, r. 12 Fairfield Ave.Johnson, Albert, (Ida C), finisher,h. 85 Hedges Ave.Johnson, Albert, cement worker, bds. 16 Morton.Johnson, Albert, laborer, bds. 36 Sampson.Johnson, Albert C, (Serena S.), spring setter, h. 5 Waterman.Johnson, Albert E. (Anna M.), steamboat captain, h. over 109 East End.Johnson, Albert G., (May A.),—carriages, farming implements, also feedstore, 34-36 South Main—h. 35 Mechanic.Johnson, Albert J., (Amelia M.) steward, h. 547 East Second.Johnson, Albert J., collector, r. 273 Prospect.Johnson, Albert J., teamster, bds. 627 English.Johnson, Albert J., (Emma), car inspector Erie R. R., h. 13 Charles.Johnson, Albert J., carpenter, bds. 80 Water.Johnson, Albertina, Mrs., h. 6 Walnut.Johnson, Albertina, housekeeper, 19 Fairmount Ave.Johnson, Albin, metal worker, bds. 236 Barrett.Johnson, Albin, (Alida), wood worker, h. 81% Water.Johnson, Albin, carpenter, bds. 103 Camp.Johnson, Albin, cement worker, bds. 220 Bowen.Johnson, Albin, metal worker, bds. 70 Norton Ave.Johnson, Alex, (Maude M.), bartender Sherman House, h. over 205 East 2nd.Johnson, Alexander, (Selma), laborer, h. over 347 Foote Ave.Johnson, Alexander, (Augusta), music teacher, h. 310 West Seventh.Artistic Johnson, Alfred, Picture machine metal laborer, wood (Christine), (Emma), worker, 107 Framing bds. hand, wood EAST finisher,h. 125 bds. worker, THIRD Water. over 150 489 Briggs. Cawcroft h. Baker. 51 Winsor. 83 STREET over Hedges Allen. 27 Lake. Ave. Company's

Clark Hardware Co. Roofing and Building Papers136 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYflimitail/fil'l Rr

The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 137cff/LL^AA/tf)rOR§Johnson, Anna, weaver, r. under 56 Tower.Johnson, Anna, widow August, h. over 448 Chandler.Johnson, Anna B., weaver, r. under 183 Barrows.Johnson, Anna C, domestic 512 West Third.Johnson, Anna C, weaver, r. 79 Hedges Ave.Johnson, Anna E., widow Lars A., r. 12 Axtel.Johnson, Anna E., mender, r. 35 Anderson.Johnson, Anna L., weaver, r. 25 Sturges.Johnson, Anna M., r. 40 Holman.Johnson, Anna M., textile worker, bds. 9 Douglas Place.Johnson, Annie, textile worker, r. 8 Webster.Johnson, Annette H. M., milliner, r. 1051 North Main.Johnson, Anton, metal worker, r. 31 Holman.Johnson, Anton E., (Esther), laborer, h. 1264 Prendergast Ave.Johnson, Anton V., clerk, r. 31 Holman.Johnson, Archie A., (May), prescription clerk C. A. Swanson's Drug Co.—h. 800 Prendergast Ave.Johnson, Archie M., printer, r. over 53 McKinley Ave.Johnson, Arlene, weaver, r. 33 Myrtle.Johnson, Arthur, lumber handler, r. 15 Peterson.Johnson, Arthur, bartender, r. 31 Holman.Johnson, Arthur, lather, r. 210 Barrett.Johnson, Arthur F., machine hand, r. 31 Holman.'Johnson, Arthur H., clerk, r. 51 Kinney.Johnson, Arthur J., (Nellie C), metal worker, h. 16 Crescent.Johnson, Arthur W., (Jennie F.),—depot agt. W. F. Exp. Co.—h. 434 Maple.Johnson, Arthur W., machinist, r. 32 Regent.Johnson, Arvid H. L., (Mary), metal worker, h. 114 Vega.Johnson, Arvid L., machinist, r. 247 Crescent.Johnson, Arvid R., (Ellen), wood carver, h. over 554% East Second.Johnson, Arvid T., toolmaker, r. 29 Myrtle.Johnson, August, (Anna), finisher,h. 763 East Second.Johnson, August, (Charlotte), finisher,h. -35 Pearl Ave.Johnson, August, (Amanda G.), printer Vart Land, h. 246 Hazzard.Johnson, August, (Anna), laborer, h. 104 Sampson.Johnson, August, (Christine), wood worker, h. over 117 King.Johnson, August, (Sophia), wood worker, h. 557 Allen.Johnson, August, machine hand, rms. 426 Allen.Johnson, August, (Christine), machine hand, h. 513 Allen.Johnson, August, (Mary), finisher,h. 210 Colfax.Johnson, August, plasterer, bds. 128 Water.Johnson, August, (Marie), laborer, h. over 41 Wescott.Johnson, August, (Selma), lumber handler, h. 234 Barrows.Johnson, August—Anderson-Johnson Cement Block Co.—h. 222 Prospect.Johnson, August, (Elizabeth), laborer, h. Ill Park.Johnson, August, (Minnie),—Anderson & Johnson—h. 1078 East Second.Johnson, My price August mark C, (Emma), is "live carpenter, and h. let 47 Wescott. live" instilS S VJohnson, August C, (Anna), wood finisher,h. 11 Stowe.Johnson, August E., P., J., L., weaver, (Lena), (Hulda (Matilda), (Hilda), (Ida), (Anna), metal H.), laborer, r. r. retired, 40 tinner, 40 machine worker, Holman.h. h. 106 over 224 57 h. hand, Weeks. Water. 18 Crescent. 12 Linden Sampson. h. 5 Hedges. Ave.

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools138 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP. *Furs for ladies, misses and children; none but reliable furssold here.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Johnson, August P., machine hand, bds. 632 East Sixth.Johnson, August S., (Emma), carpenter, h. 31 Peterson.Johnson, August T., metal worker, bds. 161 Baker.Johnson, Augusta, weaver, r. 243 Crescent.Johnson, Augusta, domestic, 16 Newton Ave.Johnson, Augusta C, textile worker, bds. 13 Partridge.Johnson, Axel, painter, bds. 836 East Second.Johnson, Axel, rms. Y. M. C. A.Johnson, Axel, r. 200 Prospect.Johnson, Axel, teamster, bds. 430 Allen.Johnson, Axel, (Nellie), blacksmith, h. over 39 Chapman.Johnson, Axel, finisher,r. 37 Cedar Ave.Johnson, Axel, metal worker, r. 225 Barrett.Johnson, Axel, cabinetmaker, bds. 220 Bowen.Johnson, Axel A., (Carolina), casemaker, h. 29 Myrtle.Johnson, Axel C, (Ida), metal worker, h. over 448 Winsor.Johnson, Axel F., (Emma T.),—drugs, 31 North Main.—h. over 101 East 2nd.Johnson, Axel K., (Amanda C.), finisher,h. 73 Tower.Johnson, Axel R., (Hulda M.), laborer, h. 61 Ellicott.Johnson, Axel W., (Emma), teamster, h. 817 Cherry.Johnson, Axel W., (Sadie), upholsterer, h. 639 East Sixth.Johnson, Axelina, widow Andrew, domestic, h. over 33 Wescott.Johnson, Beda A., paper boxmaker, r. 85 Hedges Ave.Johnson, Bernard N., lather, r. 210 Barrett.Johnson, Bendikta, drawer, r. over 63 Hedges Ave.Johnson, Benjamin, laborer, bds. 110 Barrows.Johnson, E. Berdena, clerk, r. 64 Grant.Johnson, Bernard, teamster, bds. 8 Water.Johnson, Bertel, mill hand, r. 12 Fairfield Ave.Johnson, Bertha C. I., stenographer, r. 166 Baker.Johnson, Bertha J., r. 210 Barrett.Johnson, Bessie D.,—bakery, 148 Foote Ave.—r. 51 Kinney.Jolmson, Bettie, r. over 418 Willard.Johnson Bros.—W. R. Johnson and Ernest D. Johnson—insurance and realestate, over 101 East Third.Johnson & Byford—Leonard H. Johnson and Frederick Byford—wholesalefruits and produce, 7 West Second.Johnson, C. A. Conrad, student, r. 246 Hazzard.Johnson, C. Albert, (Augusta) carpenter, h. 144 Broadhead Ave.Johnson, Calvin M., (Blanche), h. over 234 East Second.Johnson, Carl, finisher,bds. 1 Metallic Ave.Johnson, Carl, laborer, r. over 16 Palmer.Johnson, Carl, rms. Y. M. C. A.Johnson, Carl, cabinetmaker, r. 35 Pearl Ave.Johnson, Carl, coachman, 130 South Main.Johnson, Carl, tailor, 105 Hedges Ave.Johnson, Carl, veneer worker, bds. 811 Cherry.Johnson, Carl A., (Anna), contractor and builder, h. 263 Forest Ave.See Gage Furniture Co. about shading your houseJohnson, Carl A., (Hilma), machine hand, h. 210 Hopkins Ave.Johnson, Carl A., (Josephine H.), metal worker, h. 6 Seymour Ave.Johnson, Carl A., G.,—Glantz E., F., cigarmaker, (Gertrude),—Rosengren (Louisa (Matilda), (Laura (Caroline & J.), A.), Johnson—h. carpenter toolmaker, bds. painter, tailor, 80 Water. h. and Falconer, h. 376 161 & builder, 161% Johnson—h. South Baker. Allen. N. h. Main. Y. 251 308 Colfax. Willard.

THE BEST GOODS AT THELOWEST PRICES.(ff/LL^tAAfffloRQJohnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,_ Johnson.Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,Johnson,The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 139COMPLETE TUNING andREPAIR DEPARTMENTCarl G., (Hilda), deliveryman, h. 133 Prospect.Carl I., (Augusta)—supt. Nat. Furn. Co.—h. over 217 Bowen.Carl L., textile worker, r. 50 Water.Carl O. A., (Ella M.), sheet metal worker, h. 40 Highland Ave.Carl O., (Louise), cabinetmaker, h. 45 Chapin.Carl R., student, r. 25 Whitley Ave.Carolina, widow William, housekeeper, h. over 252 Baker.Caroline J., Mrs., h. 27 Hazzard.Carrie, weaver, r. 509 Newland Ave.Carrie, widow Peter, h. 68 Thayer.C. Emelia, domestic, 174 Fairmount Ave.C. Edward, (Emma), carpenter, h. 25 Wilson Place.Charles, metal finisher, r. over 68 Thayer.Charles, (Johanna), lumber handler, h. over 829 Newland Ave.Charles, laborer, bds. 275 Willard.Charles,Charles, deliveryman, bds. 133 Prospect.Charles, cloth finisher,r. over 5 Taylor.Charles,laborer, r. 22 Peterson.Charles, (Mary A.), retired, h. 823 Washington.Charles, lumberman, bds. 38 Hopkins Ave.Charles, (Amanda C>), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 556 West Third.Charles, laborer, bds. 8 Fairfield Ave.Charles, (Christina), laborer, h. over 66 Chapin.Charles, A., tailor, bds. over 105 Hedges Ave.A., wood worker, bds. 110 Foote Ave.A., (Matilda), mill hand, h. 41 Lee Ave.A., (Ingrie C.), laborer, h. over 32 Water.CharlesCharlesCharlesCharlesCharles(Emma), plumber, h. Lindsey Ave.A., metal worker, bds. 393 Falconer.Charles A., (Hildegard M.), wood worker, h. over 224 Prospect.Charles A., (Selma), upholsterer, h. 116 Sampson.Johnson, Charles A., C, (Bessie), plasterer, h. 11 Peach.Johnson, Charles C, (Hannah), wood worker, h. 501 Crescent.Johnson, Charles D., (Christine), aristo worker, h. 200 Prospect.Johnson, Charles E., (Selma J.), teamster, h. 607 West Seventh.Johnson, Charles E., (Johanna B.),—fruits and confectionery, 119 East Second--h. Charles 824 Newland E., Ave.Johnson, Charles A., E., (Emily), carpenter, h. 11 Axtel.Johnson, Charles F., (Ella J.), tailor, h. 219 South Main.Johnson, Charles F., (Hulda U.), carpenter, h. over 51 Baker.Johnson, Charles F., (Emma), crater, h. under 105 Hedges Ave.Johnson, Charles G., machine hand, r. over 809 Cherry.Johnson, Charles G., (Mary), clerk, h. 208 Lincoln.Johnson, Charles G., (Carolina M.), carpenter, h. 703 Lafayette.Johnson, Charles J.,Charles I., (Hilma C), clerk stock room, h. 41 Chapin.Johnson, Charles J., (Helen F.), wood worker, h. 43 Holman.Johnson, Charles J., (Martina), metal worker, h. 1051 North Main.Johnson, Charles J., (Elsie), night watchman, h. over 11 Peach.For Johnson, PAINTS and (Ida OILS M.), see laborer, Northrop h. 249 English. Paint & Glass CompanyJohnson,(Ida) foreman J. Table Co., h. 14 Park.Johnson,(Jennie), cabinetmaker, h. 72 Hedges Ave.Johnson,Charles J., (Ella), (Hannah), (Louise), (Maud (Emma), (Grace (Rika), textile A.), R.)—Olson section wool carpenter, machine dyer, worker, sorter, foreman h. & hand, over h. Johnson—h. h. 1256 32 Erie 114 h. Crescent. h. Linwood Flagg 13 King. 13 R. English.R., Ave. 718 Ave. Newland 10 Stearns Ave. Ave.

Clark Hardware Co.Builders' Hardware140 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N.J.,"It appears to stand in the very firstrank with respect to conservatism,stability and good results to policyholders."—N. J. Investigating Committee.Johnson Charles J., (Mary), metal worker, h. 21 Cowden Place.Johnson Charles M.. (Minnie), iron worker, h. 25 Whitley Ave.Johnson Charles M., (Anna S.),—Liberty Furniture Co.—h. 420 Falconer.Johnson Charles M.,Charles O., (Anna L.), bricklayer, h. 14 Maple.Johnson(Helen), cabinetmaker, h. 43 Holman.Johnson Charles O., (Ellen), veneer worker, h. 22 Pearl Ave.Johnson Charles W., (Amy H.),—Johnson & Wood—h. 9 Valley.Johnson C. Herman, (Anna O.), steel casemaker, h. 1009 Newland Ave.Johnson Christina, widow John, r. 24 Sturges.Johnson Christina, Mrs., h. over 102 Sampson.Johnson Christine, widow Theodore, h. 10 Peterson.Johnson Christopher, (Jennie), mason, h. 42 Mechanic.Johnson Christopher V., (Kate A.), tinsmith, h. 29 Price.Johnson Clara, winder, r. 35 Pearl Ave.Johnson Clara, textile worker, r. 8 Webster.Johnson Clarence E., bds. 12 Whitley Ave.Johnson Clarence, (Alma), chauffeur, h. 16 Charles.Johnson Clayton M., furniture packer, r. 513 Allen.Johnson Clayton O., college student, r. 711 West Eighth.Johnson Clyde, r. 824 Newland Ave.Johnson Conrad, steel casemaker, bds. over 952 East Second.Johnson Conrad A., (Nellie E.), metal worker, h. 748 East Second.Johnson Conrad W., (Elleanor), toolmaker, h. 641 East Sixth.Johnson Constance E., stenographer, r. 12 Crescent.Johnson C. Otto, (Hilda), carpenter, h. 80 Water.Johnson Dagmar, domestic, 332 East Fourth.Johnson David, metal worker, bds. 81 Hazzard.'Johnson David A., (Freda), metal worker, h. 15 Lovell Ave.Johnson, De Forest, clerk, r. 121 East Second.Johnson Dewey, (Verna), band sawyer, h. 12 Stafford Ave.Johnson Dina, widow Oscar, h. over 225 Bowen.Johnson Dora A., bookkeeper, Johnson Ice & Coal Co. r. 619 West Seventh.Johnson Dora A., aristo worker, r. 229 Prospect.Johnson Doris F., aristo worker, r. 24 Terrace Place.Johnson Doris M., dressmaker, bds. Victoria Ave.Johnson Dorothy N., picker, r. 79 Hedges.Johnson Earl, bookkeeper, r. 115 Prospect.Johnson Earl, screen doormaker, r. 116 Sampson.Johnson Ebba M. E.—nurse, 207 Foote Ave.—r. 114 Vega.Johnson Eddie, wood worker, bds. 212 Chandler.Johnson Edelia, clerk, r. 253 Prospect.Johnson Edith, boxmaker, r. 29 Palmer.Johnson Edith K., duffer, r. 47 Wescott.Johnson Edla S., domestic, 1381 East Second.Johnson Edna, student, r. 304 Steele.Johnson Edna, Money drawer, talks.—We r. 114 have Peterson. paid over $500,000.00 losses inJohnson Edward, (Minnie), meat our cutter, field. h. 917 Newland Ave.Johnson Edward, (Hilma)—Columbia Metal Mfg. Co.—h. 11 Orchard Ave.BRADSHAW'S PIONEER INSURANCE AGENCYJohnson Edward, (Emily), mill worker, h. under 788 East Second.Johnson Edward, (Annie G.), wood finisher,h. 25 Derby.Johnson, Johnson.Edward, J., L., B., H., painter, student, (Bertha (Sophia), (Bernhardine), (Beda r. C.),—supt. A.), over 135 bookkeeper Baker. clerk, 12 carpenter, Sampson. Star h. 334 Wilson's Furn. Price. h. 135 Co.—h. mill, Baker. h. over 13750 Barrows. Water.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 141WE POSITIVELY PAY NOtf/lLL^tAAfff^TORg)COMMISSIONSJohnson, Edwin, metal worker, r. 29 Palmer.Johnson, Edwin, (Mary J.) metal worker, h. 231 Steele.Johnson, Edwin, cabinetmaker, bds. 241 Crescent.Johnson, Edwin, shoemaker, r. 425 Foote Ave.Johnson, Elisha S., (Annetta D.)—shoes, 119 North Main—h. 109 Fulton.Johnson, Ella M., milliner, r. 809 Cherry.Johnson, Ella N., r. 166 Baker.Johnson, Ella O.,—millinery, 111 West Third—r. Celoron, N. Y.Johnson, Ellen, textile worker, r. 26 Clyde Ave.Johnson, Ellen K., dressmaker, bds. 336 Allen.Johnson, Ellen Y., widow Thomas, h. 132 Barrows.Johnson, Elmer, screen doormaker, r. 251 Colfax.Johnson, Elmer, clerk, bds. 283% South Main.Johnson, Elmer C, cabinetmaker, r. 10 Peterson.Johnson, Elmer E., (Minnie S.), electro plater, h. 69 Fairmount Ave.Johnson, Elmer L.,—groceries, 300 Foote Ave.—r. 42 Mechanic.Johnson, Elof, (Sofie) laborer, h. 44 Vega.Johnson, Elof S., (Matilda), gardener, h. over 64 Grant.Johnson, Elsie, domestic, r. 253 Prospect.Johnson, Emil, cabinetmaker, bds. 123 Prospect.Johnson, Emil, (Josephine), lumber inspector, h. 1141 Prendergast Ave.Johnson, Emil, warp dresser's apprentice, r. 13 English.Johnson, Emil, (Hannah), fireman,h. 650 Buffalo.Johnson, Emil, laborer, bds. 16 Barker.Johnson, Emil, (Freda), brickmaker, h. 39 Hedges Awe.Johnson, Emil, (Ida M.), commercial traveler, h. 175 Allen.Johnson, Emil, finisher,bds. 811 Cherry.Johnson, Emil C, (Laura E.), bookkeeper and stenographer, h. 613 Winsor.Johnson, Emil C, carpenter, r. 51 Kinney.Johnson, Emil T., (Mary), wood worker, h. 41 Bush.Johnson, Emily, weaver, r. 10 Crane.Johnson, Emma, textile worker, bds. 153 Stowe.Johnson, Emma, dressmaker's apprentice, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.Johnson, Emma, r. over 1102 East Second.Johnson, Emma, domestic, 313 West Fifth.Johnson, Emma, domestic, 17 Cross.Johnson, Emma, domestic, 205 East Fifth.Johnson, Emma, widow Johannes, r. 6 Linwood Ave.Johnson, Emma L., dressmaker, bds. Ill East Sixth.Johnson, Eric, (Amanda), laborer, r. over 16 Palmer.Johnson, Eric F., band sawyer, r. 161 Barrett.Johnson, Erick, polisher, h. over 119 English.Johnson, Erland J., (Huldah M.), machine hand, h. 322 Bowen.Johnson, Ernest, wood worker, bds. 8 Thayer.Johnson, Ernest, wood worker, bds. 80 Water.Johnson, Ernest E., (Elsie A.), paper hanger, h. 376 South Main.Johnson, Ernest F., yard clerk Erie R. R., r. 53 Grant.Johnson,IITiErnestinsureF.,in thecollectorNew YorkErie R.Life?R., bds.Because:221 Price.It contains some goodJohnson,W JiyErnestpointsT.,thatdraughtsman,is not in anyr.other21 Cowdencompany'sPlace.policy. Call on TweedaleJohnson,andErnestlet himW.,prove(Olevia),it to you.h. 42 Charles.Johnson, Erwin H., (Alberta), milk dealer, h. 413 Falconer.Johnson, Esther, B., H., C, twister, domestic, r. 104 weaver, textile stenographer, Sampson. r. worker, 310 13 r. 154 English. East r. Barrows. r. 12 Fourth. 134 Crescent. King.

Clark Hardware Co.,142 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYHardware & Mill SuppliesPhSllltSilinilS) RrOUf ^ delicious and nourishing table beverage, with highUlldUldUl|Ud DIBff medicinal qualities. Both phones 268.Johnson, Ethel L., student, r. 213 Clinton.Johnson, Everett D., (May),—Johnson Bros.—h. 25 Maple.Johnson, Fletcher A., furniture packer, bds. 8 Water.Johnson, Flora L., Mrs., cook, h. 209 Prendergast Ave.Johnson, Florence A., stenographer, r. 817 Cherry.Johnson, Florence C, dressmaker, r. 154 Barrows.Johnson, Florence H., r. 79 Hedges Ave.Johnson, Florence I., clerk, r. 51 Kinney.Johnson, Florence L., stenographer, bds. 393 Falconer.Johnson, Florence M., dressmaker, r. over 66 Liberty.Johnson, Florence M. E., stenographer, r. 166 Baker.Johnson, Florence W., teacher, bds. 839 Washington.Johnson, Floyd E., student, r. 836 Prendergast Ave.Johnson, F. Oscar, moulder, r. 45 Chapin.Johnson, Frank, wood worker, bds. 25 Palmer.Johnson, Frank, Mrs., millinery, 219 East Second.Johnson, Frank, r. 351 Foote Ave.Johnson, Frank, teamster, bds. 13 Seventeenth.Johnson, Frank, warp filler,bds. 41 Wescott.Johnson, Frank A., (Nellie), carpenter, h. 341 Falconer.Johnson, Frank A., (Anna S.),—chief of police, rm. 7 City Hall—h. 393 Falconer.Johnson, Frank E., sailor, U. S. N., r. 125 Stowe.Johnson, Frank G., (Carolina), laborer, h. rear 36 Ninth.Johnson, Frank L., (Josephine),—Johnson & Swanson—h. 70 Liberty.Johnson, Frank O., (Emma), tailor, rms. 10-20 Gifford Bldg., over 8 EastThird—h. 14 West End.Johnson, Frank O., (Hilma), cabinetmaker, h. 16 Maltby.Johnson, Frank O., rubber, r. 40 Holman.Johnson, Frank O., (Tillie), metal worker, h. over 239 Forest Ave.Johnson, Frank O., wood worker, r. 40 Holman.Johnson, Frank P., (Hannah S.),—Liberty Furniture Co.—h. 893 E. Second.Johnson, Fred A., (Hulda), shipping clerk, h. 114 Stowe.Johnson, Fred J., —Munson & Johnson—bds. 839 Washington.Johnson, Fred L., (Mary E.), painting contractor, h. 909 Newland Ave.Johnson, Fred V., (Hulda M.), warp twister, h. 514 Newland Ave.Johnson, Fred W., band sawyer, bds. 152 Thayer.Johnson, Fred W., (Esther), wood finisher,h. over 304 Winsor.Johnson, Frederick A., (Anna), wood worker, h. 423 Allen.Johnson, Frederica L., dressmaker, h. over 66 Liberty.Johnson, Fredericka, widow John, carpet weaver, h. over 117 William.Johnson, Frida, h. 19 Pearl Ave.Johnson, Frits, (Beda), cabinetmaker, h. 120 English.Johnson, Fritz, (Henrietta), carpenter, h. 37 Union Ave.Johnson, George, clerk, r. Ill East Sixth.Johnson, George, carpenter, bds. 284 South Main.Johnson, George, metal worker, r. 114 Vega.Johnson, George L„ (Freeda), cement worker, h. 15 Orchard.WflllT Johnson, George AinriO W., An/lit finisher, ffl Accountants r. 174 Barrows. and Cost <strong>System</strong>s. Jamestown, N. Y , BellJohnson, • lilj Gertrude AlllgO MUll W., student, W. r. 161 phone Baker. 467l Youngstown, 0., Bell phone 522.Johnson, Gertrude Warren, widow Willis M., r. 200 Allen.Johnson, G. Harold, cabinetmaker, r. 210 Colfax.Johnson, h. 24 G. Gilbert Godfried, Glenn, Cowing. Herman, Herbert, cloth L., P., (Carolina),—gen. textile (Esther), finisher, (U. clerk, M. worker, bds. Theresa), metal r. 22020 r. Vega. Broadhead worker, utility 106 textile Weeks. man h. worker, Ave. over Dahlstrom 100 h. 10 Tower. Sampson. Met. Door Co.—

Always buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.fl/LL&flAAffiTORQJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 143ENTIRE 6th FLOORCHADAKOIN BUILDINGJohnson, G. Oscar, (Anna), wood worker, h. 311 Allen.Johnson, Gottfried, (Sophie), locomotive fireman, h. 304 Steele.Johnson, Gottfried, metal worker, bds. 14 Wilton Ave.Johnson, Gottfried G., machine hand, h. over 757 East Second.Johnson, Gunnard A., steel 'casemaker, r. 225 Barrows.Johnson, Gust, (Hannah), metal worker, h. 505 Palmer.Johnson, Gust, carpenter, bds. 225 Barrett.Johnson, Gust, (Johanna), metal worker, h. 7 Bowen.Johnson, Gust, (Emma), plumber, h. 70 Norton Ave.Johnson, Gust, (Anna), painter, bds. 12 William.Johnson, Gust, (Alma, cabinetmaker, h. 119 William.Johnson, Gust, (Olga), gas inspector, h. over 314 Forest Ave.Johnson, Gust, clerk, r. 35 Pearl Ave.Johnson, Gust, (Christine), metal worker, h. over 21 Hedges Ave.Johnson, Gust, wood worker, r. 26 Clyde Ave.Johnson, Gust, (Phena), h. 16 Vega.Johnson, Gust, (Lena), carpenter, h. 20 Vega.Johnson, Gust, weaver, bds. 3 Vega.Johnson, Gust A., (Hilda S.), wood worker, h. over 231 Prospect.Johnson, Gust A., (Julia K.), steel casemaker, h. 840 East Second.Johnson, Gust A., (Hulda), finisher,h. 79 Hedges Ave.Johnson, Gust C, carpenter, bds. 14 West Seventh.Johnson, Gust E., metal worker, bds. 171 Baker.Johnson, Gust F., shoe repairing, h. 8 Barrows.Johnson, Gust F., (Tillie I.)—shoes, 41 South Main—h. 5 E. Newland Ave.Johnson, Gust P., steel casemaker, r. 225 Barrows.Johnson, Gust V., (Ellen E.), toolmaker, h. 214 Falconer.Johnson, Gustaf, (Hilda) utility man-Blackstone Mfg. Co.—h. 54 Hotchkiss.Johnson, Gustaf, r. over 52 Pearl Ave.Johnson, Gustaf A., (Edith), metal worker, h. 572 Allen.Johnson, Gustaf A., (Ethel M.), laborer, h. 165 Barrett.Johnson, Gustaf A., (Amelia), h. 254 Forest Ave.Johnson, Gustaf F.,—watch and clock repairing, 49 Winsor—h. 8 Barrows.Johnson, Gustaf V., (Albertina C), metal dipper, h. 377 Stowe.Johnson, Gustaf F., textile worker, r. 54 Hotchkiss.Johnson, Gustus T., (Anna), asst. postmaster, h. 764 East Second.Johnson, Haddon, meat cutter, r. 11 Stowe.Johnson, Hannah, r. 172 Allen.Johnson, Hannah C, widow Peter A., h. 40 Holman.Johnson, Harvey, moulder, bds. Riverside Hotel.Johnson, Hattie O., cook, h. 214 East Third.Johnson, Hazel, drawer, r. over 3 Wescott.Johnson, Hazel C, music teacher, h. 38 Charles.Johnson, Hedwig, widow Charles, h. 296 Willard.Johnson, Helen, dressmaker, bds. Ill East Sixth.Johnson, Helen Ulrica, stenographer, r. 229 Prospect.Johnson, Helga, textile worker, r. 19 Victoria Ave.Johnson, ft. , Helmar _ .. C, metal • polisher, DECORATOR, bds. 237 Willard. 107 W. Third Street, Jamestown, N.Y.Johnson, Charles Henning, E. maclease, (Lydia), machine hand, h. Beii^.b 329 Crescent. Home9mJohnson, Henry, (Ida S.)—hardware & wallpaper, 12 East Second—h. 311Monroe.Johnson, Herman, Hermon Henry, Herbert student, (Christina), B., A., (Anna), (Betty), (Alice), student, (Emily r. finisher,h. foreman stationary 311 laborer, L.)-saloon, r. Allen. 115 Bailey-Jones Prospect. fireman, h. 183 163 113 Barrows. East h. 35 Co., Second-h. Elliot over Ave. 10 over Sampson. 110 do.

Clark Hardware Co.Farm Implements and Fencing144 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYThe beer demanded by all judges of<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew a perfect beer. Both phones 268.Johnson, Hilda, dressmaker, rms. 317 Jefferson.Johnson, Hilda, domestic, r. 138 Falconer.Johnson, Hilda, domestic, 12 Crossman.Johnson, Hilda C, dressmaker, r. 214 East Third.Johnson, Hilda J., widow Edward, h. 33 Myrtle.Johnson, Hilda M., textile worker, r. 106 Weeks.Johnson, Hildur, r. 11 Stowe.Johnson, Hilma, domestic, 54 Lakeview Ave.Johnson, Hilma, domestic, 502 Lakeview Ave.Johnson, Hilma, weaver, r. 219 Spring.Johnson, Hilma, clerk, r. 12 Fairfield Ave.Johnson, Hilma C, widow Alfred, h. 229 Prospect.Johnson, Hilma, J., Mrs., textile worker, h. over 7 Ahrens Ave.Johnson, Hilma S., student, r. 174 Barrows.Johnson, Hjalmer, (Carrie), cabinetmaker, h. over 27 Stowe.Johnson, Hugo, boss foundryman Art Metal, r. 53 Grant.Johnson, Hulda, weaver, h. under 214 Forest Ave.Johnson Ice & Coal Co.—W. R. Stevenson, gen. mgr.; W. E. Stevenson,sec'y.-treas.—ice and coal, 602-610 West Eighth.Johnson, Ida, Mrs., cook City Hotel, r. do.Johnson, Ida, widow William, textile worker, r. 11 Pullman.Johnson, Ida, h. over 300 Willard.Johnson, Ida A., weaver, r. 79 Hedges Ave.Johnson, Ida B., domestic, 163 Barrows.Johnson, Ida C, domestic, 411 East Second.Johnson, Ida H., (Henry), dressmaker, h. 301 Willard.Johnson, J. Abert, cabinetmaker, bds. 116 Cross.Johnson, Jacob P., (Leila M.), R. F. D. mail carrier, h. 11 Elliot Ave.Johnson, J. Albin, student, r. 619 West Seventh.Johnson, James A., r. 137 Barrows.Johnson, James R., (Iolean F.), shipping clerk, h. 56 Water.Johnson, Jennie, widow Charles, h. 76 Eagle.Johnson, Jennie, widow Carl, clerk, bds. 10 Thirteenth.Johnson, Jennie, widow J. Emil, h. 166 Baker.Johnson, Jennie, shoe worker, rms. 210 West Fourth.Johnson, Jennie M., bookkeeper Home Tel. Co., r. Everett St. Falconer, N. Y.Johnson, J. Edward, (Alida), metal worker, h. 63 Hedges Ave.Johnson, J. Ernest, (Emy),—Martin & Johnson—h. 225 Allen.Johnson, J. Martin, (Sophie), collector Lutheran Church, h. 448 Chandler.Johnson, Johana, widow John, r. over 32 Pearl Ave.Johnson, Johana, r. 106 Hedges Ave.Johnson, Johanna C, r. 554 Allen.Johnson, Johanna, Mrs., h. 529 Allen.Johnson, John, laborer, bds. 828% Cherry.Johnson, John, bobbin setter, bds. 3 Vega.Johnson, John, wood worker, bds. 81% Water.Johnson, John, deliveryman, bds. 234% Sprague.Johnson, John, carpenter, bds. over 83 Allen.Johnson, John, metal worker, bds. 131 Hall Ave.Johnson, John, (Hannah), W. lumber J. Bentley, handler, Gen. h. Agt., 24 Peterson. 515 Chadakoin Bldg.Johnson, John, sander, r. 22 Peterson.I Johnson, if a Incnranro John, finisher,bds. A., elevatorman, (Emma (Carolina) (Hannah), (Ida), Connecticut teamster, C), W.),—Johnson band machine farmer, metal h. 853243 General h. sawyer, East worker, 214 h. Willard. hand, 174 Second. Wrench Thayer. h. Life Barrows.h. 161 225 37 Ins. Barrett. Co.—h. Cedar Co., Ave. 229 Hartford, Forest Ave. Conn.,

CLOAKS, SHAWLS. HPl A Hk Cl_ /^gloves, hosiery l ne A. u. onarpe Uo.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 145tff/LL^AAfffloRQJohnson, John A., (Hannah), lumber handler, h. over 1024 Newland Ave.Johnson, John A., (Christine) cabinetmaker, h. 614 East Sixth.Johnson, John A., (Hedwig L.), laborer, h. 1014 Newland Ave.Johnson, John A., (Anna), laborer, h. 16 Johnson.Johnson, John A., (Anna), clerk, h. over 917 Newland Ave.Johnson, John August, (Sophia L.) stationary engineer, h. 220 Broadhead Av.Johnson, John C, bartender, rms. 79, Allen Sq. Bldg.Johnson, John D., (Bessie),—wallpaper and paints, 208 East Second—h. 115Prospect.Johnson, John E., (Christina), metal worker, h. 12 Partridge.Johnson, John E., varnisher, r. 40 Holman.Johnson, John E., (Ella), metal worker, h. 88 Highland Ave.Johnson, John E., rubber, r. 40 Holman.Johnson, John E., carriage painter, h. over 53 McKinley Ave.Johnson, John F., (Matilda), mill hand, h. 133 Prospect.Johnson, John F., (Hannah C), h. over 809 Cherry.Johnson, John G., (Selma), cement walk builder, h. 55 Benedict.Johnson, John G., retired, r. 162 Baker.Johnson, John H., (Tina), metal worker, h. over 1014 Newland Ave.Johnson, John J., (Flora M.), polisher, h. over 1034 North Main.Johnson, John L., (Genevieve), painter and paper hanger, h 626 Palmer.Johnson, John O., (Emma), stone mason, h. 121 Weeks.Johnson, John P., wood worker, bds. 574 Allen.Johnson, John P., (Alice), carpenter, h. 221 Price.Johnson, John P., (Lena), engineer J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. 18 Whitley Ave.Johnson, John P., (Eva), retired, h. over 346 Bowen.Johnson, John P., carpenter, bds. Falconer, cor. Curtis.Johnson, John R., (Agnes S.), wood finisher,h. 545 Allen.Johnson, John R., barber, r. over 15 East Second.Johnson, John V, (Hannah), contractor, h. 137 McKinley Ave.Johnson, John W., (Mary), mfr., h. 839 Washington.Johnson, Jonas A., contractor and builder, h. 12 Axtel.Johnson, Jonas E., (Tillie)—Anchor Furn. Co.—h. 148 Forest Ave.Johnson, Jonas P., (Caroline), h. 15 Peterson.Johnson, Jonas P., (Christine), sander, h. 340 Willard.Johnson, Joseph E., (Wendla C), metal worker, h. 809 Cherry.Johnson, Joseph R., (Esther), wood worker, h. over 108 William.Johnson,'J. Victor, (Montie), printer Morning Post, h. 210 West Fourth.Johnson, J. V., Mrs.,—millinery, 211 West Third—h. 210 West Fourth.Johnson, Josephine M., student, r. 53 Hickory.Johnson, Judith C, clerk, r. 31 Peterson.Johnson, Julia T., clerk, r. 42 Mechanic.Johnson, Julius, carpenter, bds. 1 Grandin.Johnson, Julius, machine hand, r. 15 Peterson.Johnson, Julius C, (Teckla), wood finisher,h. over 254 Falconer.Johnson, Knut, wood worker, bds. over 44 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Johnson, Lala C, stenographer, r. 161 Barrett.Johnson, LaVerne, teamster, bds. 13 Seventeenth.thI Johnson, Best Leander, Leonard, Lawrence, A., Red striper, pianomaker, Alberta, (Annie), Ef., H. machinist, Cedar A., (Agnes r screen carpenter, driller, 69 Shingles r. A.), h. Fairmount worker, 251 142 machinist, h. Colfax. Prospect. h. 76 over r. Eagle. Ave. 246 see h. 905 Hazzard. over Washington. Lyons 42 Chapin.

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Roofing and Building Papers146 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYSAXE BROS. CO., 12-14 W. Third St.The very fashionable in ladies' and misses' Cloaks, Suits, Waists, Underskirtsand Furs at very attractive prices.Johnson, Leonard H., (Jessie),—Johnson & Byford—h. 200 West Fifth.Johnson, Levi W., electrician, r. 504 West Seventh.Johnson, Lillian F., r. 703 Lafayette.Johnson, Louis J., (Augusta), clerk, h. 619 West Seventh.Johnson, Louisa, widow August, h. 12 Fairfield Ave.Johnson, Louise, r. 225 Barrett.Johnson, Louise, Mrs., h. 53 Grant.Johnson, Lydia R., student, r. 114 Vega.Johnson, Mabel A., textile worker, r. over 3 Maple.Johnson, Mabel E., textile worker, r. 377 Stowe.Johnson, M. Mae., Mrs., masseuse, h 24 Allen Sq. Bldg.Johnson, Malcom, (Carrie), carpenter, h. 520 Palmer.Johnson, Mannie C, twister, r. 1014 Newland Ave.Johnson, Manda, stenographer, r. 36 Regent.Johnson, Manley E., (Agnes)—Boston Dept. Store—h. 836 Prendergast Ave.Johnson, Margaret S., bds. 12 Whitley Ave.Johnson, Maria, widow William, h. 40 Barrows.Johnson, Maria F. C, widow Emil, boarding house, 8 Water, h. do.Johnson, Marie, widow Nils E., picker, h. over 24 Peterson.Johnson, Marie, widow Alfred, h. over 757 East Second.Johnson, Marie, domestic, 17 McKinley Ave.Johnson, Martin, machine hand, bds. 7 Valley.Johnson, Martin H., (Bessie), laborer, h. under 36 Kinney.Johnson, Martin O., (Esther A.),—groceries, 321 Newland Ave.—h. 204 Prospect.Johnson, Mary, bds. 296 Baker.Johnson, Mary, Mrs., h. 119 Barrows.Johnson, Mary Belle, widow Abrams B., h. 213 Clinton.Johnson, Mary F., Mrs., h. over 407 Cherry.Johnson, Mary, J., widow Samuel, h. 300 Winsor.Johnson, Martha C, spinner, r. 47 Wescott.Johnson, Martha E., textile worker, 214 Thayer.Johnson, Martha G., milliner, r. 246 Hazzard.Johnson, Matilda, laundress, h. over 608 West Sixth.Johnson, Matilda, weaver, r. over 529 Allen.Johnson, Maude L., r. 61 Fairmount Ave.Johnson, Maud M., r. 513 Allen.Johnson, M. Maude, clerk, r. over 101 East Second.Johnson, M. August, (Christine) lumber handler, h. 125 Stowe.Johnson, Maurice, metal worker, bds. 5 Maple.Johnson, Melvin, wood worker, r. 104 Sampson.Johnson, Milton, conductor J. St. Ry., bds. over 201 East Second.Johnson, Milton J.,—physician and surgeon, over 207 Cherry—r. 115 Prospect.Johnson, Milton M., (Anna), bartender, h. over 211 Crescent.Johnson, Miner C, laundryman, r. 917 Newland Ave.Johnson, Minnie A., textile worker, r. 125 Stowe.Johnson, Minnie A., clerk, r. 614 East Sixth.Johnson, Minnie F., domestic, 432 East Sixth.Johnson, Nellie, domestic, 11 Cook Ave.Hale Johnspn, Johnson, Main. over Sectional 895 Nelson Norman Nellie N. Nels, Oscar, East A., (Anna), R., E., (Amanda), Second. (Emma),—Anchor r. (Mary elevator 330 Book metal Allen. A.)—dentist, estimate worker, boy, Cases r. 11 Furn. h. clerk Axtel. 1-2 over at New Co.—h. Dahlstrom's 8 GAGE'S Maplewood Gifford 96 Prather Bldg.—h. Metal Ave. Ave. Door 139 Co.—h. South

Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery.The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 147ABSOLUTELYtf/LL^AArtfjTOR^"ONE PRICE" SYSTEMJohnson, O. Harvey, bds. 230 Broadhead Ave.Johnson, Olive E., stenographer, r. 839 Washington.Johnson, Olive M., bookkeeper, r. 35 Mechanic.Johnson, Oliver O., machine hand, r. 31 Holman.Johnson, Olivia, cook, r. 7 Harrison.Johnson, Olof, (Clara A.), h. 38 Charles.Johnson, Olof, Mrs.,—millinery, 38 Charles—r. do.Johnson, Oral E., (Elizabeth), metal worker, h. over 29 Palmer.Johnson, Oscar, metal worker, bds. 135 Baker.Johnson, Oscar, (Ida), lather, h. over 170 Barrett.Johnson, Oscar, machine hand, bds. 225 Bowen.Johnson, Oscar, (Lilly), wood worker, h. over 104 Sampson.Johnson, Oscar, (Helve) emp. E. L. Underwood, h. Fairmount Av., bey limitsJohnson, Oscar, steel worker, bds. 135 Baker.Johnson, Oscar, metal worker, bds. 1 Grandin.Johnson, Oscar, (Signe), machine hand, h. over 36 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Johnson, Oscar, wood worker, bds. 54 Water.Johnson, Oscar A., (Dema H.), metal worker, h. 1015 Newland Ave.Johnson, Oscar A., (Esther), textile worker, h. 317 Allen.Johnson, Oscar C, clerk, bds. 823 Washington.Johnson, Oscar F., (Augusta),—Ohlquist & Johnson—h. 711 West Eighth.Johnson, Oscar G., (Eva), band sawyer, h. 108 Chandler.Johnson, Oscar L., metal worker, bds. 220 Bowen.Johnson, Otto, wood finisher,r. over 68 Thayer.Johnson, Otto, wood worker, bds. 15 Orchard.Johnson, Otto, wood worker, bds. 81% Water.Johnson, Otto A., (Nettie), wood worker, h. 29 Palmer.Johnson, Otto P., (Hilma S.), painter and paper hanger, h. 21 Elliot Ave.Johnson, Otto T., (Anna M.), toolmaker, h. over 26 Victoria Ave.Johnson, Paul, finisher,bds. over 212 East Second.Johnson, Paul, (Ottilia), nickel plater, h. over 231 Bowen.Johnson, Paul G., toolmaker, r. 26 Victoria Ave.Johnson, Paul R., machine hand, r. 5 Hedges Ave.Johnson, Pauline, r. 253 Prospect.Johnson, Pauline V., clerk, r. 31 Peterson.Johnson, Pearl, widow Earl, coating dry plates, bds. 220 Hopkins Ave.Johnson, Pearl C, r. over 53 McKinley Ave.Johnson, Peter, stone mason, h. over 52 Pearl Ave.Johnson, Peter A., (Hannah), carpenter, h. 134 King.Johnson, Peter A., (Hattie), laborer, h. 22 Peterson.Joohnsn, Peter J., (Sana M.), cabinetmaker, h. 455 Willard.Johnson, Peter J., (Christine), machine hand, h. 247 Willard.Johnson, Peter M., (Albertina C.),—Pres. P. M. Johnson Co.—h. 61 FairmountAve.Johnson, P. M. Co., Tne, Inc.—P. M. Johnson, pres.; J. B. Flisher, sec'y.-treas —department store, 205 North Main.Johnson, Ralph A., (Angie T.), aristo worker, h. 24 Terrace Place.Johnson, Ray C, (Adele), bookkeeper First Nat. Bank, h. Falconer, N. Y.NorthropJohnson, Raymond,Paintsheet& GlassmetalCompanyworker, bds.for16 Morton.all kinds of BRUSHESJohnson, Raymond S., oil man, r. 168 Allen.Johnson, R. Edwin A., cabinetmaker, r. 85 Hedges Ave.Johnson, R. Robert, Richard, Ernest, cabinetmaker, A., E.,—Smith varnisher, H., metal (Anna), boxmaker, clerk (Mary), worker, and weaver, bds. & commercial r. bookkeeper, Johnson—rms. bds. 15 513 h. Orchard. 828% 1189 Allen. over Winsor. Cherry. traveler, 628 over 115 Barrows. Prospect. 111 h. over East 15 Second. East Second.

Clark Hardware Co.Farm Implements and Fencing148 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYF. S. TREADWAY, Dist. Agt. The Mutual Benefit Lifeboth phones of Newark, N. J.Johnson, Robert, band sawyer, bds. 33 Myrtle.Johnson, Robert C, cashier W. F. Exp. Co., Bradford, Pa., r. 25 Whitley Ave.Johnson, Rose, domestic, 13 South Main.Johnson, Ruby, aristo worker, r. 6 Walnut.Johnson, Rudolph, (Lina), upholsterer, h. over 40 Union Ave.Johnson, Rudolph W., switchman Erie R. R., r. 161 Baker.Johnson, Ruth, textile worker, bds. 771 Buffalo.Johnson, Ruth E. H., clerk, r. 64 Grant.Johnson, Ruth L., student, r. 1136 Prendergast Ave.Johnson, Sagrid, weaver, r. over 757 East Second.Johnson, Sagrid A., teacher, r. 246 Hazzard.Johnson, Sagrid M., clerk, r. 134 King.Johnson, S. Albert, (Flora), conductor J. St. Ry.' h. 214 Clinton.Johnson, Sallie C, r. 243 Willard.Johnson, Samuel, (Alma), cabinetmaker, h. 26 Columbia Ave.Johnson, Samuel, (Elizabeth), h. over 232 East Second.Johnson, Samuel, springmaker, bds. 614 East Sixth.Johnson, Samuel A., (Christine), machine hand, h. 50 Water. ,Johnson, Sana M., widow John P., h. over 25 Vega.Johnson, Sanders, steel casemaker, bds. 817 North Main.Johnson, Sarah A., widow William, bds. 67 Tenth.Johnson, Sarah J., dressmaker, r. over 66 Liberty.Johnson, Segfrid, (Matilda), metal worker, h. over 11 Bowen.Johnson, Selma, millhand, bds. 12 William.Johnson, Selma, laundry worker, rms. 153 Chandler.Johnson, Selma S., picker, r. 31 Tower.Johnson, Signe, r. over 132 Prospect.Johnson, Signe E , clerk, r. 166 Baker.Johnson, Sofie M., cook, 1381 East Second.Johnson, Sophia, weaver, rms. 162 Baker.Johnson, Sophia E., mill hand, r. 251 Colfax.Johnson, Sophie S., widow Oscar, h. 31 Tower.Johnson, Stein A., (Christina), wood worker, h. over 412 Allen.Johnson, Stella Victoria, teacher, r. 115 Prospect.Johnson, Sven J., retired, r. 17 Valley.Johnson, Swan, (Lena), painter and paper hanger, h. 8 Webster.Johnson, Swan F., (Matilda), machine hand, h. 247 Crescent.Johnson & Swanson—Frank L. Johnson and Elmer B. Swanson—grocers,128 East Second.Johnson, Tea, domestic, r. 20 Harrison.Johnson, Tekla M., widow Charles G., weaver, h. 53 Hickory.Johnson, Theodore, (Hannah), cement worker, h. 106 Lister.Johnson, Theodore, (Alma), casemaker, h. 611 Monroe.Johnson, Theodore, laborer, bds. 8 Water.Johnson, Theodore, milk peddler, bds. 64 Norton Ave.Johnson, Theodore W., (Ida) carpenter, h. 627 English.Johnson, Thurston, student, r. 219 South Main.Johnson, Tillie V„ r. 330 Allen.Johnson, Victor, (Martina), laborer, h. 32 Franklin.Johnson, Victor C, (Isabel S.),—mgr. Grandin Shoe Co.—h. over 600 E. 2nd.Johnson, Victor C, machinist, bds. over 21 Park.We BRADSHAW'S Johnson, represent Walford, Virginia, Victoria, Walter forty G., O. PIONEER E., domestic, painter, clerk, E., companies (Anna), student, textile r. bds. 263 20 machine worker, INSURANCE r. with Mechanic. 33 Forest over assets. Myrtle. $170,000,000hand, 101 r. Ave. 246 East h. Hazzard. AGENCY 1 Second. York.

Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. The A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 149ONE OF THE FINESTcfflLL^fAAgFyrOR^IN THIS COUNTRYJohnson, Wilhelmina, clerk, r. over 101 East Second.Johnson, William, hostler, rms. 211 Cherry.Johnson, William, metal worker, bds. 29 Price.Johnson, William, carpenter, r. 19 Park.Johnson, William C, (Leva N.), finisher,h. 99 Tower.Johnson, William G., (Anna), painter, h. 51 Hamilton.Johnson, William R., metal worker, r. over 809 Cherry.Johnson, William S., office clerk, Chaut. Worsted Mills, rms. 117 East Fifth.Johnson & Wood—C. W. Johnson and Oscar Wood—meats, 710 North Main.Johnson Wrench Co.—John A. Johnson, prop.—mfrs. wrenches, 34 Taylor.Johnson, W. Russell, (Jessie C),—Johnson Bros.—h. Falconer, N. Y.Johnston, A. Glenna, student, r. 129 Crescent.Johnston, Allie, widow Richard, dressmaker, h. 40 Prospect.Johnston, Andrew William, (Sophia), metal worker, h. 205 Front.Johnston, Anna S., weaver, r. 205 Front.Johnston, Carl A., (Ida E.), retired clergyman, h. 826 Washington.Johnston, Earl A., (Lola V.), commercial traveler, h. 157 Allen.Johnston, Edith O., winder, r. 205 Front.Johnston, Elof T.,—dentist, 300-302 Chadakoin Bldg.—826 Washington.Johnston, Florence T., music teacher, r. 306 East Sixth.Johnston, George A., (Ella),—local rep. International Correspondence School—h. 228 East Second.Johnston, Jennie D., weaver, r. 205 Front.Johnston, Katherine McKeen, r. Ill East Fifth.Johnston, Laverne J., (Cora J.), commercial traveler, h. 129 Crescent.Johnston, Mabel F., student, r. 826 Washington.Johnston, Mary L., student, r. 124 Barrows.Johnston, Mary Yates, widow Dennis, h. 306 East Sixth.Johnston, Siddeth W., (Selma A.), hand carver, h. 650 Barrows.Johnston, William A., (Anna E.), wood turner, h. 124 Barrows.Johnston, William A., (Mary A.), commercial traveler, h. 129 Fulton.Jolly, John F., (Hattie B.), farmer, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Jolly, Raymond I., farmer, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Jones, Adaline H., h. over 713 East Second.Jones, Adolph G., machine hand, r. 1018 Newland Ave.Jones, Albert, (Hannah), wood worker, h. over 319 Allen.Jones, Albert, (Myrtie J.), metal worker, r. over 76 Fairmount Ave.Jones, Albert C, (Emma B.), constable, h. 107 Stowe.Jones, Albert C, (Philomena), bartender, h. 378 Foote Ave.Jones, Albert L., (Anna M.), finisher,h. 120 Benedict.Jones, Albert M., sash and blindmaker, r. 304 Prendergast Ave.Jones, Albert M., (Jennie C.),—shoes, 117 East Second—h. over do.Jones, Albertus, solicitor, rms. The Osmer, 413 West Third.Jones, Albin E., cabinetmaker, r. 1018 Newland Ave.Jones, Amil C, (Selma), steel finisher,h. over 24 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Jones, Andrew A., h. 185 Baker.•IlTl Jones, Andrew insure J„ in (Effie the New A.), h. York under Life? 109 Cross. Because: It will pay you, andJones, VV fly Andrew you will P., (Sophie),—boat be able to sleep livery, better, Celoron—h. eat more and over live 113 longer East if Second. youhave Jones, a Anna, policy widow in the New Samuel, York h. Life. over 231 Steele.Jones, Arthur E., draughtsman, r. 54 McKinley Ave.Jones, store, Augusta Axel, August, & Audette—Edward 2-6 rubber, East (Hulda), (Amanda (Anna), E., Second. r. bds. 185 rubber, carpenter, C.) 12 Baker. F. Hedges metal Jones h. 12 worker, h. Ave. and William. 110 Charles Benedict. h. 11 Garfield. L. Audette—department

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Builders' Hardware150 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYPli a 11 ta 11 nn a RraiAr When y°u U8e il y°u Plea*« y° metal phone Colfax.r. Ave. 300 bds. 1018 h. worker, 522. Buffalo Willard. 117 303 h. solicitor Newland J. 20 Lincoln. Send N. West Water Warner St. h. v-> for Means 13 Penn. Fourth. M. Ave.Dept., Victoria Bell E. Ave. Success." booklet R. Church, phone R., h. Ave. 1024 105 "<strong>System</strong> 407j h. West Newland 340 Youngstown, in Falconer. Third-Buslnesi Ave. 0.,

G o to The A. D. Sharpe Co. forJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 151"ONE PRICE"tf/lLLsfiAAfffloR^CarpetsSYSTEM ONLYJones, Fred A., (Florence), clerk Heineman liquor store, h. 107 East Eighth.Jones, Fred H., clerk, r. 1018 Newland Ave.Jones, Fred L., (Minnie), contractor & builder, h. 5 Pearl Ave.Jones, Fred S., (Clara), route man Johnson Ice & Coal Co., h. 127 Wilson PI.Jones, Freda, stenographer, r. 178 Barrett.Jones, Freda, weaver, bds. 137 Euclid Ave.Jones, G. Emil—Jones Bros.—r. over 82 Hedges Ave.Jones, George, nightwatchman, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Jones, George, sheet metal worker, rms. over 11 East Second.Jones, George B., (Virginia),—physician, 18 Twelfth—h. do.Jones, George S., (Amelia), spring setter, h. over 868 East Second.Jones, Gilbert, (Christine), polisher, h. over 52 Vega.Jones, Gunnar, (Anna), band sawyer, h. over 3 Sturges.Jones, Harriet L., teacher, bds. 212 Crossman.Jones, Harry, cabinetmaker, bds. 314 West Second.Jones, Harry O., (Amelia A.), foreman Maddox Table Co., h. 120 BroadheadAve.Jones, Hattie B., r. 267 Fairmount Ave.Jones, Hazel Rhenard—treas. Samuel's Opera house—r. over 117 E. Second.Jones, Henry, machinist, bds. 953 East Second.Jones, Henry J., (Annie H.), construction agt. Art Metal, h. 15 Garfield.Jones, Henry R., foreman, r. 178 Barrett.Jones, Ida, widow Edward, weaver, h. 49 Hickory.Jones, Iva L., bds. 212 Crossman.Jones, Jacob H., (Selinda),—wholesale farm and dairy products, 40 FlaggAve.—h. do.Jones, James H., (Margaret),—agt. Williams Mineral Spring Water—h. 807North Main.Jones, J. Emil, (Hilda C), furniture trimmer, h. over 10 Hedges Ave.Jones, Jennie M., clerk, r. 185 Baker.Jones, Jennie M., dressmaker, r. ,1018 Newland Ave.Jones, J. Fred, (Minnie A.),—Mgr. Economy Oil Co., 9 Foote Ave.—h. do.Jones, John, finisher,bds. 319 Allen.Jones, John A., (Dora), metal worker, h. over 50 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Jones, John A., (Mary),—The Jones Saloon—h. 614 Newland Ave.Jones, John A., (Hannah C),—Jones, Scharf & Lincoln—h. 11 McKinley Ave.Jones, John C, (Jennie), metal worker, h. 14 McDannell Ave.Jones, John F., (Rose)—real estate, rm. 5 Gokey Bldg,, over 12 West Third,and asst. supt. City Water Dept.—h. 607 Lafayette.Jones, John G., (Louise),—liquor store, 116 East Second—rms. 10 Crane.Jones, John P., (Johanna), stone contractor, h. 548 Allen.Jones, John P., (Emily), wood finisher,h. 4 Orchard.Jones, John P., (Minnie A.), carpenter, h. 178 Barrett.Jones, Joseph H., brick mason, bds. 210 SturgesJones, Josie M., widow John, bds. 33 Eleventh.Jones, J. Richard, draughtsman, r. 807 North Main.Jones, Judith J., textile worker, r. 548 Allen.Jones, La Verne, machinist, rms. over 210 East Second.ForJones,StationeryLeonard A.,go(Almato theE.),CAWCROFTwood worker, h.CO,95 Ellicott.107 E, THIRD ST.Jones, Leonard F., (Anna), policeman, h. 1065 East Second.Jones, Lloyd, student, r. 412 Washington.Jones, West Lora Louis Mabel Mary Malcom Margaret Third—h. E., M., E., K., R., F., student, widow Mrs.—news F., librarian, (Cordova), college widow over E. r. 304 student, Ben, 303 Edward r., bookkeeper, room, Washington.over West r. over tobacco, W., r. 713 Fourth. 16 11 East Broadhead West over cigars 115 218 Second. Lincoln. East and Ave. Second. confectionery, 105

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Builders* Hardware152 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYIts purity is never questioned—its flavor has been the delightof those who know good beer. Both phones <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew268.Jpnes, Matilda A., widow George W., r. 464 Buffalo.Jones, Matilda B., r. 210 Sturges.Jones, Matilda M., widow Jesse, r. 52 Liberty.Jones, Mattie M., Mrs., h. 303 West Fourth.Jones, Melvin C, wood finisher,r. 548 Allen.Jones, Merritt L., collector Bell Tel. Co., h. over 117 Lincoln.Jones, Minnie M., office clerk, r. 14 McDannell Ave.Jones, Myra J., textile worker, bds. 41 Ninth.Jones News Room—L. M. Jones, prop.—news, cigar and tobacco, 105 W. 3d.Jones, O. Fred, (Anna), supt. Superior Furn. Co., h. 207 Sturges.Jones, Oscar W, grocery clerk, r. 185 Baker.Jones, Ray F., stationary engineer, r. 95 Ellicott.Jones, Robert Bruce, (Mary E.), retired, h. 801 Prendergast Ave.Jones, Rosa S., r. 14 McDannell Ave.Jones, Rose H., dressmaker, r. 347 Price.Jones, Sagrid M., clerk, r. 178 Barrett.Jones, S. Alfred—Jones Bros—bds. over 82 Hedges Ave.Jones Saloon, (The)—John A. Jones, prop.—2y2 North Main.Jones, Sarah A., widow Henry, h. 267 Fairmount Ave.Jones, Scharf & Lincoln—John A. Jones, Wm. H. Scharf, Luther L. Lincoln.—clothing and gent's furnishings, 210 North Main.Jones, Sophia C, widow Carl, h. 1018 Newland Ave.Jones, Susan D., widow Rinaldo C, h. under 825 Spring.Jones, Wales M., (Emma S.), sash and blindmaker, h. 304 Prendergast Ave.Jones, C. William, (Emma), wood worker, h. 33 Peach.Jones, William B. Jr., metal worker, bds. 11 Strong.Jones, William B. Sr., (Nellie), h. 11 Strong.Jones, William H., student, r. 9 Foote Ave.Jones, William J., (Myrtle), traveling valet, h. 100 Newton.Jones, William R„ (Augusta), postman, h. 212 East Eighth.Jones, William Sheldon—agent Am. Exp. Co., Titusville, Pa.—r. 303 W. 4th.Jordan, Emma L., Dr., widow Albert P., h. 837% Prendergast Ave.Jorgenson, Fred, cabinetmaker, bds. 54 Ninth.Jorgenson, Hans, (Caroline), plumber, h. 257 Prospect.Jorgenson, Madelaine A., clerk, r. 100 Hazzard.Jorgenson, Nels, (Nannie W.),—J. Sheet Metal Co., and pipe fitting andmeter setting, 222 East Second—h. 100 Hazzard.Josephson, Alfred, (Ida M.), merchant tailor, h. 33 Charles.Josephson, Fritz, wood worker, h. 404 Hazeltine Ave.Josephson, Gotfried, carpenter, bds. 109 Kidder.Josephson, Gust, wood worker, r. 404 Hazeltine Ave.Joslin, Eva, domestic, 10 Genesee.Joslyn, Stephen A., (Sarah), veneer worker, h. 5 Cowing.Journal Printing Company—Frederick P. Hall, pres. & gen. mgr.—publishersJamestown Journal, job printers, engravers and rubber stamps; alsopublishers city directory, 12 West Second.Jowett, Ellis F., (Edith P.), wool sorter, h. over 172 Allen.Jowett, George H., (Clara H.), wool comber, h. 22 Ivy.w Jowett, .n | Martha, widow John, Connecticut r. 22 Ivy.General Life Lite Ins. ins. Co., uo., Hartford, naniora, ^onn. Conn.,Jowett, Lite iHSIirailCe Myers, (Betsie), W. loom J. fixer,h. Bentley, general 39 Cross. agent, 515 Chadakoin BldgJudd, Charles, porter New Commercial Hotel, r. do.Juel, Jude, Judson, Juetzie, West see John Louis George Frederick Carman, Grace, Jull. Third—h. P., O., W., (Olive), textile (Mary), (Victoria),—fruits, (Pearl L., 301 (Mary)—tailor worker, teamster, East grocery B.)—attorney, Eighth. r. clerk, h. over 239 12 and h. 53 Willard—h. McKinley rms. 19 Winsor. rep. Baker. 301-303 shop, Ave. over 292 Gokey Harrison—h. 53 Winsor. Bldg., over do. 20

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods.The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 153cff/LLsftAAfffloR^Juetzie, Jennie, textile worker, r. over 53 Winsor.Juetzie, Joseph, textile worker, r. over 53 Winsor.Juetzie, Josephine, student, r. over 53 Winsor.Juetzie, Michael, machinist, r. over 53 Winsor.Juetzie, Sullivan, textile worker, r. over 53 Winsor.Julin, Axel B., (Hildur), wood carver, h. 26 Barrows.Julin, Charles J., (Anna), tinner, h. 21 Linwood Ave.Julin, Frank, metal worker, r. 21 Linwood Ave.Julin, Joseph, wood worker, r. 21 Linwood Ave.Jull, Ella J., Mrs., dressmaker, h. 222 Chandler.Jull, Lottie L., entry clerk, r. 222 Chandler.Jull, see Juel.Junda, Lehorid, (Johan M.), laborer, h. 5 Walnut.Justedt, Alfred, wood worker, bds. 128 Water.KELOF ROSENCRANTZ & COMPANYGarden ToolsKaadtmann, Agnes, widow Charles, h. 182 Jones & Gifford Ave.Kaadtmann, Claude, (May), wood worker, h. 511 Hallock.Kaadtmann, Edward A., wood worker, r. 182 Jones & Gifford Ave.Kale, Stephen, rm. 25 Steele.Kalen, Alfred, (Alma), finisher,h. 8 Morse Ave.Kambury, Dennis, finisher,h. 116 Harrison.Kamerat, Joe, (Mary), laborer, h. 286 Harrison.Kapple, Carlton, (Sarah), flagman J. St. Ry., h. over 51 Hamilton.Karameta, John, cook, bds. 15 Harrison.Karlsten, Henning, (Hilda), machine hand, h. 147 Thayer.Karr, William H., (Jennie), electric light trimmer, h. 142 Falconer.Kase, Emma E., Mrs., h. 537 East Fifth.Kase, John E., finisher,bds. over 210 East Second.Kase, Ralph S., printer, bds. 537 East Fifth.Kase, see Case.Kasimenia, Jasi, finisher,bds. 15 Harrison.Kastenhuber, George J., (Tekla), laborer, h. 524 Allen.Kaufield, Dorothy, twister, r. 218 Newland Ave.Kaufield, Earl H., finisher, r. 218 Newland Ave.Kaufield, J. Phillip, clerk, r. 218 Newland Ave.Kaufield, May E., widow Julius, h. 218 Newland Ave.Kauth, Valentine W., (Rose), cigarmaker, h. 401 Forest Ave.Kay, Albert A., (Isabel),—asst. supt. Metropolitan Life I. Co.—rms. 12 E. 4th.Kay, John C, bds. 500 East Sixth.Kayner, Charles A., (Christine L.), veneer worker and candy and ice cream,100 Willard, h. do.Kayner, Johana B., widow Carl, r. 100 Willard.Kazer & Culver—Wayland W. Kazer and Stephen A. Culver—creamery, 7Cowden Place.EVERY I Kazer, HAVE DEALER Wayland—Kazer John THE L., HAS STRICTLY (Alma THE J.), "BEST" & milk Culver—h. PURE O peddler, A IMT I 242 Talk /\Ill h. South 31 it Holman. Main. over 1 with HARRY me. LYONS

Clark Hardware Co.154 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYBuilders' HardwareTHE FASHION SHOP.Women's and Misses's Suits in all the up-to-date styles and leading shades$10 to $35. 'SAXE BROS. CO, 12-14 W. Third St.Kearney, (Anna)—dressmaking and ladies' tailoring, rm. 50 Hayward blockover 119 West Third—h. do.Kearney, Katherine—dressmaking and ladies' tailoring, rm. 50 Haywardblock—r. do.Keays, William J., (Emily), real estate, bds. 300 West Eighth.Keefe, Belle, r. 212 Broadhead Ave.Keefe, Daniel F., (Esther E.), paper hanger, h. 212 Broadhead Ave.Keefe, Gardner, painter and paper hanger, bds. City Hotel.Keefe, Harrison, cloth pattternmaker, r. 37 Winsor.Keefe, John, (Clara), warp dresser, h. over 640 Prendergast Ave.Keefe, May, weaver, r. 37 Winsor.Keefe, Myron A., (Annie), plumber, h. 358 Stowe.Keefe, Robert F., textile worker, r. 212 Broadhead Ave.Keefe, Samuel, (Rebecca), warp dresser, h. 37 Winsor.Keefe, William, (Emily), weaver, h. over 80 Tower.Keefer, Cora M.,—stenographer, Wade & Stevenson,—r. 318 Prendergast Av.Keeler, Charles S — C. S. & W. A. Keeler—h. 412 East Sixth.Keeler, Clark, (Gertrude), emp. Watson Mfg. Co.—h. over 91 Fairmount Ave.Keeler, Corisande J., h. 107 East Sixth.Keeler, C. S. & W. A.—flavoring extracts, baking powder, spices, perfumes.and toilet preparations, etc.—Gokey Bldg., over 22 West Third.Keeler, Kate B., r. 107 East Sixth.Keeler, William A.—C. S. & W. A. Keeler—h. 412 East Sixth.Keet, Harlow L., motorman J. S. Ry., r. over 860 North Main.Keet, Mertie, teacher, r. 514 Palmer.Keet, Sarah, charwoman, rms. 212 Pine.Keet, Thomas G., (Lucinda), carpenter, h. over 860 North Main.Keheler, Jerry, machine hand, bds. Lake House.Keil, Fred, (E. Jane), supt. construction Home Tel. Co., h. 1155 PrendergastAve.Keller, Andrew F., (Ethel), metal worker, h. over 29 Linden Ave.Keller, Eleanora C, spinner, r. 409 South Main.Keller, Henry H., (Eunice N.),—lace curtains, 23 Winsor—h. do.Keller, John G., steel casemaker, r. 409 South Main.Keller, John M., (Christina), steel casemaker, h. 409 South Main.Keller, Matthew, (Barbara), laborer, h. 186 Cole Ave.Kelley, Earl W., (Alma T.), spring setter, h. 5 Grandin.Kelley, Harland, (Nettie), machine hand, h. under 529 West Third.Kellogg, Adelaide T., widow Charles, h. 408 Winsor.Kellogg, Alice M., bookkeeper, r. over 227 McKinley Ave.Kellogg Burton C, (Lola M.), paper hanger and painter, h. 235 South Main.Kellogg, Daniel W., (Adelaide), carpenter, h. 22 Chamber.Kellogg, Elizabeth W., widow Henry, h. over 33 Cross.Kellogg, Jennie R., teacher, r. 33 Cross.Kellogg, Mary, widow Andrew, h. 15 Newton.Kellogg, Mary F., student, r. 22 Chamber.Kelly, Albert F., (Melissa E.), builder and contractor, h. 28 Union Ave.Kelly, Arlie, waitress, rms. 23 Allen Sq. Bldg.Kelly, Charles D., bricklayer, r. 1113 North Main.Kelly, Edward J., policeman, h. 1078 East Second.Kelly, TURKISH Katherine Margaret, Joseph John James C, S., ROCKERS P., B., H., moulder, widow machinist, A., metal plumber, seamstress, worker, Patrick, bds. AT r. h. 121 1113 GAGE'Sr. 1078 bds. h. r. East 1113 North East 77 Second. North Ellicott. Second. Main.Main.

Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. THEjA. D. SHARPEjCO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 155^/LL^fiAA^TOR^ "qneBpSrice^systemKelly, Mary A., widow Peter, h. 1078 East Second.Kelly, Patrick E., metal worker, r. 1113 North Main.Kelmer, Kittie, dressmaker, h. over 118 East Third.Kelsey, Albert P., postman, h. 615 Palmer.Kelsey, Charles F., (Lena M.), accountant, r. 615 Palmer.Kelsey, Frank, (Mildred), stone mason, h. over 702 East Second.Kelsey, Harry C, (Katherine), finisher,h. 356% East Fourth.Kelsey, Hector L., laborer, r. 1035 East Second.Kelsey, Heman I., (Helen E.), stone mason, h. 1035 East Second.• Kelsey, Hilma, Mrs., textile worker, r. 212 Bowen.Kelso, Florence E., stenographer E. W. Curtis Lumber Co. r. 30 Fairview Av.Kelso, Minnie D., widow Alfred, h. 30 Fairview Ave.Kelso, William S., r. 30 Fairview Ave.Kemp, Lawrence W — Kemp the Hatter, over 101 E. Third—bds. 121 E. 2nd.Kendall, Emily, textile worker, r. 29 Water.Kendall, George E., textile worker, r. 29 Water.Kendall, Mary, textile worker, r. 29 Water.Kendall, Newton, (Eliza), weaver, h. over 254 Prospect.Kendall, Robert, metal worker, bds. 21 Water.Kendall, Sarah E., widow Thomas, h. 29 Water.Kenison, Claude, packer, bds. 238 Fairmount Ave.Kenison, Devillo J., (Addie), carpenter, h. 238 Fairmount Ave.Kenison, Rena, music teacher, r. 232 Fairmount Ave.Kennedy, Cams,—prop. Puritan Lunch Room, 205 W. 3d—rms. 411 Lafayette.Kennedy, Duane, machinist, bds. over 901 North Main.Kennedy, Ellen M., h. 714% Lafayette.Kennedy, Evah E., nurse 207 Foote Ave., r. do.Kennedy, Fred F., (Lida), carpenter, h. over 901 North Main.Kennedy, Horace, spring setter, r. 1 Barrows.Kennedy, John, foreman painter, bds. 1172 Prendergast Ave.Kennedy, Lydia S., weaver, r. 1 Barrows.Kennedy, Mary, widow Henry, h. 1 Barrows.Kennedy, Susie M., widow Henry, —rooming house, 217 West Second—r. do.Kennedy, Thomas J., (Margaret), wool sorter, h. 66 Liberty.Kent, A. Flynn, (Emily A.),—real estate, Kent block—h. 337 East Fifth.Kent, Alba M., (Rose E.), h. 305 East Fourth.Kent, Alice A., laundress, r. 16 Schuyler.Kent, Bert J., milk peddler, r. 16 Schuyler.Kent Block, 23-31 Forest Ave.Kent, Clare E.—poultryman, 65 Hunt Road—r. do.Kent, Eliza A., r. 418 Spring.Kent, Elizabeth Ann, widow W. H., h. 360 Fairmount Ave.Kent, George A. S., (Martha), carpenter, h. 65 Hunt Road.Kent, Marvin A., (Elvina), motorman J. St. Ry., h. Fairmount Ave., bey.limits.Kent, Maud E., r. 16 Schuyler.Kent, Morgan B., (Eleanor R.), h. 333 East Fourth.Kent, Roy W., (Sadie), milk peddler, h. 8 Schuyler.TheKent,BestRuthPaint-DEVOE'SR., laundress, r. 16 Schuyler.»at Northrop Paint & Glass Co.Kent, Sam, motorman J. St. Ry., h. under 18 Tenth.Kent, William L., (Maude E.),—milk depot, 158 Baker—h. 16 Schuyler.Kepler, Kerney, Kerrin, Kenyon, Kentuck, Frank Ada Sadie, Code see James, Edward, Charles F., Kearney. E widow T., — emp. nurse, photographer, (Elizabeth A., assembler, Bell Edgar (Hattie), r. Tel. 410 A., J.), r. North Co. laborer, 410 h. 827 h 827 68 North Washington—r. Main. 214 Eleventh. Washington.Fulton. Main. 322% Steele. do.

Clark Hardware Co., Hardware & Mill Supplies156 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYF. S. TREADWAY, Dist. Agt. The Mutual Benefit Lifeboth phones of Newark, N. J.Kerrin, John T., (Ellen), rector, h. 410 North Main.Kervin, Edward, machinist, bds. 301 Crescent.Kestler, Ernest, commercial traveler, rms. 413 Cherry.Kestler, Esther, domestic, 156 Forest Ave.Kestler, George W., laborer, bds. 202 Jones & Gifford Ave.Kestler, Joseph, Sr., (Katherine), laborer, h. 202 Jones & Gifford Ave.Kestler, Joseph G., Jr., laborer, bds. 202 Jones & Gifford Ave.Kestler, Valentine, (Adeline), brewer, h. 505 Hallock.Ketchum, Everett H., (Clara)—pres. & treas. E. H. Ketchum Co.—h. 187South Main.Ketchum, E. H. Co.—E. H. Ketchum, pres. and treas.—wholesale and retailstationery, 24 North Main.E. H. KETCHUM CO.STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, LOOSE LEAF GOODS, FILING DEVICESSCORE AND TALLY CARDS, POST CARDS,DECORATIONS; ETC.24 Main Street, Jamestown, N. Y.Kettle, Arthur W.,—attorney, over 219 North main—r. 222 Winsor.Keyes, George W., (Mary), brewery worker, h. over 705 West Eighth.Keyes, Sherman S., (Edith S.), bookkeeper J. Oil Co., h. 2 Cook Ave.Keyes, see Keayes.Kibling, Frank H., (Cora W.), auditor Chaut. Traction Co., h. 214 Fulton.Kibling, Fred G., (Alice), machine hand, h. 6 Crescent.Kibling, Ruth E., r. 214 Fulton.Kidder,Eleanor P., widow Samuel h. 186 South Main.Kidder, Fannie E., bookkeeper, r. 186 South Main.Kidder, Herbert J., bank clerk, r. 212 Hazzard.Kidder Memorial Chapel—559 South Main.Kidder, Willard H., steel worker, h. 212 Hazzard.Kiesshower, Albert, weaver, r. 65 Hotchkiss.Kiesshower, Max, (Milda), weaver, h. 65 Hotchkiss.Kilbow, Margretta B., Mrs., weaver, h. 104 Harrison.Kilburn, Charles H., (Alice M.),—optometrist, 104 East Third—h. 539 E. 5th.Kiley, Edward, (Sarah A.), wool sorter; also sealer of weights and measures,h. 119 Barrows.Kiley, Isabel E., cloth finisher, r. 119 Barrows.Kiley, Joseph C, (Ethel R.), clerk L. H. Slosberg, h. 55 Franklin.Kilpatrick, Annie, textile worker, r. 138 Euclid Ave.Kilpatrick, John, (Mary), insurance, 138 Euclid Ave.Kilpatrick. John, student, r. 138 Euclid Ave.Kilpatrick, see Kirkpatrick.Kilroy, John, stationary engineer, r. 11 West First.Kimball, Allan B., (Julia), night watchman, h. 110 Water.Kimball, Millie P., dressmaker, bds. 152 Allen.Kimball, Perl L., padmaker, r. 110 Water.Kimberly, Albert C, clerk, r. 734 East Second.The oldest agency. The best of companies. The largest experience.Kimberly, Alice M., student, r. 734 East Second.Established 1867.Kimberly, Clinton, F., (Emma), crater, h. 734 East Second.Kimberly, BRADSHAW'S Mary, widow PIONEER Edwin R., INSURANCE h. 734 East Second. AGENCYKing, Albert E., (Emrilla,) contracting carpenter, h. 815 Cherry.King, Benjamin Clarence W., P., (Edna (Helen S.), A.), contractor carpenter, and h. 74 builder, Eleventh.604 Palmer.

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods. The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 157WE HANDLEtf/lLL^fAAffimRQ20 DIFFERENT MAKESKing, Ernest E., (Edith D.), shipping clerk Am. Aristo, h. 216 Hazzard.King, F. Earl, (Mary), draughtsman, r. 72 Eleventh.King, Florence, r. 222 Newland Ave.King, Floyd E., student, r. 604 Palmer.King, George, (Stella), wool sorter, h. over 61 Fairmount Ave.King, Grant A., (Jennie), contractor, h. 50 Fifteenth.King, Harold, mill hand, r. 222 Newland Ave.King, Harry, teamster, r. over 207 Palmer.King, Harry S., (Ethel N.), solicitor J. Hosiery Co., h. 8 Adams.King, Hattie M., widow Frank, h. 72 Eleventh.King, Ida, widow Robert, laundress, h. over 701 West Eighth.King, James W., Sr., (Clara), dyer, h. 222 Newland Ave.King, James W., Jr., (Zillah), loom fixer,h. 6% Center.King, John A., (Kittie), teamster, h. over 207 Palmer.King, Lottie L., student, r. 815 Cherry.King, Margaret, widow J. Wells, h. 16 East Fifth.King, Merle W., teacher, r. 604 Palmer.King, Robert, metal worker, bds. 154 Jones & Gifford Ave.King, Sidney E., (Charlotta), oil producer, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.King, Thomas, mill hand, r. 222 Newland Ave.King, William E., (Emma F.),—attorney, 43-44-45 Wellman Bldg.—h. 612Cherry.Kinghorn, Elsie, gymnastic teacher High School, bds. 311 West Fourth.Kingman, J. Frank, (Florence V.), carpenter, h. 215 Fulton.Kinnaird, Matthew, (Mary), florist,h. 117 Fairview Ave.Kinne, Cyrus, (Matie)—Smith & Kinne—h. 206 Fulton.Kinne, Fred B., (Lizzie), wood worker, h. 21 Valley.Kinne, Roy S., wood worker, bds. 21 Valley.Kinnear, Charles M., (Jennie C), shipping clerk, h. 12 Newland Ave.Kinney, Bert, (Augusta), carpenter, h. under 411 West Third.Kinney, Bridget, housekeeper, r. 508 Cherry.Kinney, Charles, retired, h. 618% Jefferson.Kinney, Martin, (Mary), bookkeeper McGinity, Johnson & Co., h. 29 VanBuren.Kinsel, Albert W., bartender 634 East Second, h. over do.Kinsel, William, bartender, r. over 634 East Second.Kiplinger, Martin E., (Lillith C), mgr. Postal Tel. Co.—h. 404 Lafayette.Kirk, Effie, seamstress, rms. 11 Cross.Kirk, Perry, (Ellen T.), finisher, rms. over 124 East Second.Kirkpatrick, William, (Lenna), foreman J. Lounge Co., h. 7 Maple.Kirkpatrick, see Kilpatrick.Kistlut, Julian, (Gertrude), loom fixer,h. 9% Cheney.Kitch, David A., (Elizabeth),—home baking, confectionery and light lunches,211 East Second—h. 217 Spring.Kitch, Twila, clerk, r. 217 Spring.Klarquist, Fritz F., (Edith), metal worker, h. 15 Valley.\iriKlaus, JosephinsureJ.,in(Katherine),the New YorkbandLife?sawyer,Because:h. over 249TheSouthNewMain.York LifeKleber,W flyEllen,Ins.domestic,Co. is a purely128 ForestmutualAve.organization managed by trustees selectedKleinsang,by theHannah,policyholders.bds. 820 Lafayette.Kleinsang, Henry, (Alta N.), tinsmith, h. over 106 Fairmount Ave.Kleinsang, Henry, Sr., (Dora), tinner, h. 820 Lafayette.Kleist, Klim, Alfred, James, Betsey Gust Fred Charles A., C, metal (Anna T., G., steam aristo widow (Annie), worker, P.), fitter,r. John, carpenter, lumber r. 64 r. 152 h. 64 Park. inspector, h. Broadhead 152 Park. Ave. h. Ave. 26 Victoria Ave.

Clark Hardware Co.158 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYFine Cutlery and Toolsfhfliitaiimia Rr*»w You may 'udge the man by the becr he drlnksV/llaULdUqUd 1J1CW |ar peop|edrink <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew. Both phones 268Kling, Andrew, (Amanda), wood worker, h. over 8 Stearns Ave.Kling, Frank I., (Hilda J.), upholsterer, h. 233 Hazzard.Kling, Gust A., (Amelia H.), upholsterer, h. 28 Lake.Kling, Henry T., (Emma), decorator, h. over 1026 Newland Ave.Kling, John E., (Hilma O.), polisher, h. 36 Kinney.Kling, John M., (Carrie), carpenter, h. 1026 Newland Ave.Kling, Joseph, wood filler,bds. 128 Water.Kling, Matilda, widow Alfred, weaver, r. 64 Benedict.Kling, Richard A., (Augusta), steel presser, h. over 12 Barrows.Kling, Tecla, domestic, 341 East Fifth.Klingel, Charles, jeweler, bds. over 15 East Second.Klinger, Eva, domestic, 226 Crossman.Klingstedt, Harry O., jeweler's apprentice, r. 149 Allen.Klingstedt, L. John, (Matilda S.),—tailor, 149 Allen—h. do.Klingstedt, Paul T., student, r. 149 Allen.Klock, Adelbert, (Catherine), carpenter, h. 5 Thirteenth.Klock, Homer S.—independent messenger service and post card emporium,6 East Third—r. 5 Thirteenth.Klock, Laura, widow Gleason F., h. 32 Van Buren.Klock, Millard, carpenter, bds. 32 Van Buren.Klock, Milton E., (May G.), contractor and builder, h. 1018 North Main.Klock, see Clark and Clarke.Klumbach, William E., (Verna), cutter A. J. Peterson & Son, h. 302 W. Fifth.Klumpp, Joseph W., (Carrie)—saloon, 116 East Third—h. 53 Tenth.Kluppenborg, Hans J., (Laura), buffer, h. 840 Jefferson.Knapenberger, Iva., domestic, 345 Foote Ave.Knapp, Albert W., (Anna), metal worker, h. 76 Barker.Knapp, Fayette A., (Fannie)—dentist, over 209 North Main—h. 316 W. 3rd.Knapp, Henry S., laborer, r. 8 Buffalo.Knapp, James, (Ellen L.), real estate, h. 848 North Main.Knapp, J. L., Mrs., rms. 112 West Seventh.Knapp, Leonard N., finisher,bds. 12 Tenth.Knapp, Louis D., drug clerk, r. 848 North Main.Knapp, Martha A., dressmaker, h. 315 West Eighth.Knapp, Mary A., widow Hiram E., h. 504 East Fifth.Knapp, William H., (Mary E.),—J. Electric Co.—h. 405 West Seventh.Knight, Emily, widow Walter,—groceries, 150 Foote Ave.—h. do.Knights of Pythias Hall, third floor, New Broadhead block.Knorr, Clara, Mrs., cook, r. 10 Cleveland Place.Knorr, George, (Lena), h. 10 Cleveland Place.Knorr, George H., (Rose M.),—Mulderick & Knorr—h. 1168 Prendergast Ave.Knorr, John A., (Margaret),—barber, 222 North Main—h. 708 Washington.Knowles, George H., (Anna), textile worker, h. 109 Cross.Knowles, James H., (Elizabeth), masseuse, h. 164 Chandler.Kochersperg, W.Knowlton, Knox, Knowlton, Knupp, Koehl, Kjiowlton, and Ely S. Emma George Daisy Edward Harry, Newton H., Ainge Jamestown,AnnaEtta Delroy William Bernice 5 Josette, Clara, J., M., W., r. and L., Ave. C., AuditA.,r. cor, B., stenographer, (Ida) A., 10c M., (Maud), N.h.widow cor student, Winsor (Rachel515Y., Store—Arthur clerk, Co. conductor BellEastFrank, Charles, advance Public r. and Phone r. I.),—groceries, J.Eighth.r. over and 408 r. St. Fairmount Erie Newton 467. h. agent over 718 East C. Ry., 408 R. AcfSSSfi.^£S<strong>System</strong>,,Secord, Newland Youngstown. R., r. 718 Eighth. Ave. Cole East over Ave., h. Newland 119 mgr.—204 Bros, Fairmount Eighth. West 718 Ave. bey. O., circus, Newland Ave. Third—h. limits. Bell North Ave., Phone h. Ave. cor. Main. bey. 515 522. Winsor E. limits. 8th.

CARPETS, CURTAINS TUz» A H Qlo»no C^DRAPERIES, SHADES. * "© A. *J. Onarpe V/O.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 159tf/lLL^AAfffloRg)ENTIRE 6th FLOORCHADAKOIN BUILDINGKoehl, Margaret, widow Fred, r. 17 West Eighth.Koehl, William, (Katherine)—The Wm. Koehl Co.—h. 17 West Eighth.Koehl William Co., (The)—Wm. Koehl, pres.-treas.; T. James Clark; EarlE. Carpenter, Sec'y.—mfrs. paper boxes and job printing, over 17-19Steele.Koerner, Donovan, machine hand, r. 114 Peterson.Koerner, Henry, (Rosalia), upholsterer, h. 864 Spring.Kofod, Anna, domestic, 417 Spring.Kofod, Arthur J., (Hulda S.), commercial traveler, h. 185 Barrows.Kofod, Bertha, dressmaker, r. 43 Charles.Kofod, Fred C, (Lena), textile worker, h. 445 Winsor.Kofod, George A., (Christine) metal plater, h. 1007 North Main.Kofod, George P., (Margaret), wood worker h. 617 Foote Ave.Kofod, Herman, machine hand, bds. 105 Park.Kofod, James L., (Petrea), machine hand, h. 850 North Main.Kofod, John, (Louise M.),—fruits and confectionery, 118 Willard—h. over187 Barrows.Kofod, Louis, (Hansine), painter, h. over 3 Lake.Kofod, May, domestic, 10 Prospect.Kofod, Peter, (Annie), machinist, h. 43 Charles.Kofod, Theodore, (Lillian), carver, h. over 100 Willard.Kohlbacher, Fred M., (Minnie B.), cigarmaker, h. 29 Ninth.Kohlbacher, George J., (Ida M.), clerk, h. 1 Lakin Ave.Kohlbacher, Glenn G., draftsman, r. 1 Lakin Ave.Kohlbacher, Henry, (Minnie), janitor Art Metal, h. 184 Fairmount Ave.Kohlburg, Elof, (Anna), carpenter, h. 19 Pearl Ave.Kohmann, Fred W., (Katherine B.), clerk Sherman House, h. 321 E. Fifth.Kolb, M. Blanche, stenographer, r. 1086 East Second.Kolb, Mary A., Mrs., h. 1086 East Second.Kordenbrock, Katherine, seamstress, r. 18 Institute.Kordenbrock, Mary, widow Fred P., h. 18 Institute.Kordenbrock, Nora, seamstress, r. 18 Institute.Kortos, Emanuel, (Cora),—ladies' tailor and cleaning, 322 North Main—h.11 Geneva.Kosthorst, Edward, fireman, r. 63 Center.Kosthorst, Henry, textile worker, bds. 18 Water.Kosthorst, Henry J., Johanna, h. 63 Center.Kostlevy, Charles A., (Lena)—F. M. Stearns & Co.—h. 1141 Prendergast Ave.Kowatski, John, (Mary), framemaker, h. over 140 Barrows.Kowatski, Cincenti, wood worker, bds. over 140 Barrows.Kraft, Arvid, (Ellen), machine hand, h. over 19 Cedar Ave.Krantz, Alfred, metal worker, bds. 178 Fairmount Ave.Krantz, Charles G., (Marion), commercial traveler, h. 241 Sprague.Krantz, Ebba W., student, r. 241 Sprague. *Krantz, see Crantz.Krieger, Henry T., (Emily), mgr. "Union Lumber Co., h. 630 Lakeview Ave.Kroenlein, Leonard, (Josephine), baker, h. over 22 Forest Ave.Krone, Fred A., (Lena), cabinetmaker, DECORATOR, h. 34 Eleventh. 107 W. Third StreetKroon, 1/liarleS Ruth, t. domestic, IVIaCieaSc, 117 East Sixth. jamestown,N. Y. BeH124-b. Home 91-kKruger, Frank J., (Rose A.), electrician, h. 869 Spring.Kulberg, John, (Christine), laborer, h. over 179 Barrows.Kupresh, Fred W., (Louisa), iron moulder, h. 229 Hopkins Ave.

Clark Hardware Co.160 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYHardware and Mill Suppliesf1 lion 4" Oil/Til Q Rmatit Before meals makes every dish welcome, afterwIsIiaUiaUljUa D r e W insures digestion. Both phones 268E. ROSENCRANTZ & COMPANYFarm ImplementsLa Due, William T., (Hortense L.), band sawyer, h. 99 Barrett.Lafayette (The)—Bertrand L. Lewis, prop.—rooming house, 205 Lafayette.La Force, William M., (Mary C), foreman Empire Voting Machine Co., h. 380Foote Ave.La Fontain, Irene, widow Selman, r. 109 Forest Ave.Lager, Arthur, (Alice), band sawyer, h. 558 Allen.Lager, Charles P., (Ida L.)—Manbert & Lager—h. 26 Chapin.Lager, Claude R. H., band sawyer, r. 26 Chapin.Lager, Julia E. B., paper boxmaker, r. 26 Chapin.Lagerdahl, Carl J., (Hulda), wood worker, h. over 100 Hazzard.Lagerdahl, Ernest, cabinetmaker, bds. 1 Briggs.Lagergren, Carrie I., r. 22 Sampson.Lagergren, Enoch, plumber, r. 22 Sampson.Lagergren, Florence, stenographer, r. 22 Sampson.Lagergren, Joseph, packer, r. 22 Sampson.Lagergren, Lena, widow Andrew, h. 22 Sampson.Lagerquist, Axel, (Amelia), contractor and builder, h. 212 Prospect.Lagerquist, Edward A., draftsman, r. 113 Crescent.Lagerquist, Ellen C, widow Charles E., weaver, r. 113 Crescent.Lagerquist, Gust, (Amanda), wood finisher,h. 157 Allen.Laidler, Martha, teacher, r. 1281 North Main.Laidler, Mary H., teacher, h. 1281 North Main.Lake, Carl J., (Anna M.), h. 131 Hall Ave.Lake City Laundry—A. B. Bentley and F. J. Swanson—12 West First.Lake, Clara M., operator Home Tel. Co., bds. 131 Hall Ave.Lake, Clarence H., (Belle E.), finance clerk P. O., h. 21 West Second.Lake <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Kennel Assn.—Dr. R. E. Thomson, pres.; Roy Cole, sec'y.Lake House—Henry A. Hotchkiss, prop.—635 West Eighth.Lakeview Rose Gardens—A. N. Broadhead, prop.—flowers, wholesale and retail;gardens Fairmount Ave., bey. limits; store, 304 North Main.Lakin, Elizabeth, widow Henry O., r. 283 Fairmount Ave.Lakin, Henry J., r. 283 Fairmount Ave.Lakin, Luther S. Sr., (Ella), lumberman, h. 283 Fairmount Ave.Lakin, Luther S. Jr.,—clerk <strong>Chautauqua</strong> County, Mayville—r. 283 FairmountAve.Lakin, Martha If., widow Edward L., r. Lakewood, N. Y.Lakins, Fred A., (Mira L.), barber, h. over 78 Hazzard.Lally, Mark F.—H. P. Lally Co.—r. Dunkirk, N. Y.Lally, H. P. & Co.—H. P. Lally and M. F. Lally—groceries, 30-32 No. Main.Lally, Henry P., (Grace),—H. P. Lally & Co.—r. Dunkirk, N. Y.La marco, Tony, (Carrie), laborer, h. 286 Harrison.Lambros, I ifo InciiranroCharles, (Julia)—Constas-Sanford-Lambros Connecticut General Life Ins. Co.—h. Co., Hartford, 402 E. Fourth. Conn.,Lammers, Edward F., (Jennie W. J. H.), Bentley, shipping Gen. clerk, Agt., h. 515 over Chadakoin 411 Allen. Bldg.Lammers, Garrett H., (Bedelia), h. 20 Tenth.Lamson, Lammers, Lancaster, ond—h. Silas Hattie, Harry, Lucius Elizabeth, 297 Wright, South driver, W„ laundress, waitress, (Eva Main. (Jennie bds. B.), r. 35 The 120-122 M.),—confectionery switchman Charles. Osmer, East r. Erie Second. do. R. R., and h. fruit, 160 Barrett. 211 East Sec­

CARPETS, CURTAINS, TU« A H Qko*»*-tA P*>DRAPERIES, SHADES. * IlC /\. aWJ. Oflaipe V/O.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 161cff/LL^AAfffloR^Landberg, Catherine, bookkeeper, r. 11 Park.Landberg, Julia, student, r. 11 Park.Landberg, J. M. Edward, (Ellen), mill hand, h. 11 Park.Landfried, Kitty,—dressmaker, over 321 North Main—h. do.Landin, Joseph, (Josephine), wood worker, bds. 21 Linwood Ave.Landin, Selma, domestic, 37 Maple.Landis, Henry C, (Cora S.), machine hand, h. over Zy2 Winsor.Landis, Henry C, Mrs.—home baking and confectionery—Zy2 Winsor.Landon, Aretus Jesse, (Julia A.)—wallpaper, 561 East Second—h. 563 do.Landrigan, Elizabeth, widow John, h. 770 Foote Ave.Landrigan, John, (Philomena), textile worker, h. 10 Franklin.Landrigan, Mary E., r. 770 Foote Ave.Lane, Andrew J., (Ellen E.), foreman Warner's mill, h. 112 Barrett.Lane, Minnie E., teacher, bds. 36 Tenth.Lane, William M., carpenter, bds. 36 Tenth.Lang, Emil, (Anna), metal worker, h. 202 McKinley Ave.Lang, William, (Mabelle), barber, r. 304 East Second.Lang, see Langs.Langdon, Anna Y., school teacher, r. 331 East Third.Langford, Alleine, r. Lakewood, N. Y.Langford, Edward R., (Mary L.),—jewelry, 6 East Third—h. Lakewood, N. Y.Langford, Mary L., r. 503 East Fifth.Langford, Rebecca, teacher, r. 503 East Fifth.Langs, Morley R., carpenter, h. 32 Van Buren.Langs, Stuart H., (Louisa), band sawyer, h. 32 Van Buren.Langs, see Lang.Lannes, Andrew J., (Aleda G.), stationery engineer, h. over 536 Allen.Lanning, Patrick, (Mary), wood worker, h. 30 Institute.Lans, Joseph, (Mary), wood worker, h. over 32 Institute.Lansing, James, (Elizabeth), stationary fireman, h. 10 Park.Laphy, John D., (Mary J.), laborer, h. Lovell Ave.Lapong, Mary, widow August, r. 715 East Second.Laporge, Marie, maid Sherman House, r. do.Lapriore, Giorggio, laborer, bds. 130 Harrison.Lapriore, Michael, (Maria), laborer, h. 130 Harrison.Laquay, Henry L., (Eva) jeweler's clerk, h. 17 Tenth.Laquay, Jerry, (Emeline), h. 17 Tenth.Larcombe, William, (Dora), wheelwright, h. 35 Flagg Ave.Lardahl, Martin, wood worker, bds. 25 Palmer.Larkin, Hannah E., domestic, 200 Hallock.Larmonth, Helen M., r. 401 East Sixth.Larmonth, James T., (Laura K.), postmaster, h. 401 East Sixth.Larrison, Louis H., TJ. S. army, r. over 855 North Main.Larry, Alice, paper boxmaker, r. 16 Morton.Larry, Minnie, Mrs., h. 16 Morton.Larsen, Carl, wood worker, bds. 319 Allen.R^ady Roofing & Building Paper ,ns^tRe si ki£2VLarsen, Carl E., (Sophia),—meats, 81 Allen—h. 123 do.Larsen, Charles, (Mary), weaver, r. 553 Allen.Larsen, Larson.Andrew Larson, Ernest Albert Albin, Mary, Alfred, Algot, widow laborer, metal G., J., W., (Augusta), pool (Anna clerk, worker, Charles, bds. clerk M.), r. cabinetmaker, 163 123 Cit r. contractor h. Barrows. 12 Allen. Hotel, 553 Columbia Allen. r. and h. do. 145 Ave. builder, Barrows. h. 160 Thayer.

Clark Hardware Co.Roofing and Building Papers162 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYThe very newest in Neckwear, Hosiery, Belts, Gloves, Underwear,prices that you cannot complain of.SAXE BROS. CO., 12-14 W. Third St.Larson, Anna, widow John, h. 332 Palmer.Larson, Anna, cook, 13 South Main.Larson, Anna M., domestic, 519 Washington.Larson, Arvid, laborer, r. 145 Barrows.Larson, Arvid G., (Hilda), cabinetmaker, h. over 29 Wescott.Larson, Carl, finisher,bds. over 952 East Second.Larson, Carl A., driver, r. 160 Thayer.Larson & Carlson—Victor J. Larson and Walfred Carlson—merchant tailors,over 36 North Main.Larson, C. Emil, furniture painter, bds. 325 Foo^e Ave.Larson, Charles, (Gertrude), picture framer, h. over 226 Crescent.Larson, Charles, metal worker, bds. 238 Bowen.Larson, Charles, (Freda), finisher,h. 127 Sampson.Larson, Charles W., (Cecilia), tailor, h. 217 Barrett.Larson, Clarence, foreman M. E. Towne Furn. Co., bds. 102 Broadhead Ave.Larson, Conrad C., (Emma), finisher,h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Larson, Elmer, laborer, r. 145 Barrows.Larson. Elmer, filer,bds. over 30 Willard.Larson, Elmer E., student, r. 28 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Larson, Elva C, r. over 218 East Second.Larson, Emma, r. 102 Linwood Ave.Larson, Emily E., college student, r. 231 Barrows.Larson, Etta, bookkeeper, r. 210 Lincoln.Larson, Eva, widow L. U., res. 764 East Second.Larson, Evan, packer, bds. over 300 Willard.Larson, Fred O., (Evelyn), furniture painter, h. over 325 Foote Ave.Larson, Gottfred, machinist, bds. 243 Willard.Larson, Gust, (Louisa), carpenter, h. 14 Johnson.Larson, Gust A.,—sec'y. Elite Furn. Co., bds. 139 Chandler.Larson, Gust A., (Ida), finisher,h. 50 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Larson, Gust T., (Teckla), yardman Erie R. R., h. over 212-214 East Second.Larson, Harry, finisher, r. 406 Baker.Larson, Herman, (Laura), mattressmaker, h. over 102 Linwood Ave.Larson, J. Axel, (Emma S.), cabinetmaker, h. 258 Broadhead Ave.Larson, Jennie, chamber maid, r. 81 Tower.Larson, John Alfred, (Margaret), wood worker, h. 45 Hickory.Larson, John E., (Lena), metal worker, h. 12 Cowing.Larson, John F., machine hand, bds. 310 East Second.Larson, John L., (Minnie), wood worker, h. 261 Prospect.Larson, John A., commercial traveler, r. 232 Palmer.Larson, Josephine, mill hand, r. over 369 Foote Ave.Larson, Julia, textile worker, bds. 189 Cole Ave.Larson, Lars, (Frederika) retired, h. 320 Bowen.Larson, Lars A., (Amanda S.)—Nelson & Co. and Alderman Fourth Ward—h. 231 Barrows.Larson, Lily, r. 226 Crescent.Larson, Oscar, (Jeanette), wood worker, h. 90 Liberty. >Larson, Oscar, (Florence), wood finisher, h. over 5 Sturges.Larson, Oscar O. E., textile worker, r. 45 Hickory.Larson, Oscar F., (Hulda A.),—pictures and framing, 218 E. 2nd—h. over do.Larson, Peter, wood finisher,h. under 246 Crescent.Gage's Larson, Falconer.Peter, Plinnie, Phillip, Rasmus, Robert Brass E., (Anna), G., (Ellen), milk (Carolina), (Sophia), Beds (Olga)—foreman peddler, laborer, loom will milk laborer, fixer,h. r. dealer, 28 406 please finishing <strong>Chautauqua</strong> h. Baker. 340 h. 81 Price. 28 Tower. dept., you <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave. Marvel Ave. Furn. Co.—h. 146

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 163LARGEST and MOSTtf/fLL^AAfffloRQCAREFULLY SELECTED STOCKLarson, Selma, domestic, 204 West Fifth.Larson, Signa, duffer, bds. over 516 Newland Ave.Larson, Swan J., (Caroline E.), sashmaker, h. 10 Arnold.Larson, Victor John, (Anna)—Larson & Carlson—h. 326 Price.Larson, Walter E., toolmaker, r. 28 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Larson, see Lawson.La Salle, Carl A., (Dena)—prof. German and French J. High School—h. 19Crossman.La Salle, Gertrude A., student, r. 19 Crossman.Laskarius, George, (Georgie),—Sugar Bowl—h. over 8 East Second.La Telle, Hazel M., rms. over 210 West Fourth.Lattin, George S., clerk J. W. Graff, rms. Fire Police.Laudenslager, Charles A., (Elizabeth)—C. A. Laudenslager Co.—h. 264 SouthMain.Laudenslager, C. A. Co.—Charles A. Laudenslager, prop.—paints, oils andglass, 39 South Main.C. A. LAUDENSLAGER CO.WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER INPAINTS, OILS, BRUSHES, GLASS,SASH AND DOORS39 S. Main St., opp. Armory Bell phone 72 Jamestown, N. Y.Laudenslager, Harry B., bookkeeper Clark Hardware Co., r. 22 Ellicott.Laudenslager, Tarence, (Anna), carpenter, h. 22 Ellicott.Laughlin, Dan, machinist, r. 824 Forest Ave.Laughlin, Elizabeth, r. 35 Grant.Laughlin, Lee, machinist, r. 824 Forest Ave.Laughlin, Mary J., Mrs., h. 824 Forest Ave.Lausterer, William J., (Julia), supt. Empire Voting Machine Co., h. 201 LakeviewAve.La Vier, Mabel O., milliner, r. over 2 East.La Vier, Maud A., teacher, r. over .2 East.La Vier, Joseph, (Emma E.)—J. Sheet Metal Co.—h. over 2 East.La Vier, see Levier.Lavin, Benjamin, (Bessie), junk dealer, h. 1 Terrace Place.Law, David B., (Rose), state meter inspector, h. 808 Prendergast Ave.Lawless, Earl, clerk, rms. The Osmer.Lawless, Harry, clerk, rms. The Osmer.Lawrence, Mott D., (Elizabeth), commercial traveler, h. 48 Liberty.Lawson, Adrian, carpenter, bds. 42 Chestnut.Lawson, Aimee, domestic, 207 Foote Ave.Lawson, Alfred T., (Matilda), machine hand, h. over 37 Wescott.Lawson, Alice F., stenographer, r. 774 East Second.Lawson, Amanda A., textile worker, r. Ill Hazzard.Lawson, A. Martin, (Jennie), laborer, h. over 209 Prendergast Ave.Lawson, Amel, clerk, h. over 48 Prospect.Lawson, Andrew, (Hilda), carpenter, h. 895 East Second.Lawson, Andrew,r". 912 Newland Ave.Lawson, Andrew E., metal worker, h. 51 Tower.Lawson, Andrew G., (Charlotte), retired, h. 112 Bowen.Lawson, Andrew J., (Hulda),—pres. Bernhard Hardware Co. and contractorThe Lawson, best and builder, Andrew Andrus Anna, PAINTS spinner, r. P., and 12 (Caroline wood Warner OILS r. 223 worker, at O.), block—h. East Northrop First. 731 5218 Buffalo. Paint Franklin. Chestnut. & Glass Co.

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Roofing and Building Papers164 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYThe Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. F. S. TREADWAY,OF NEWARK, N.J. ORGANIZED 1845 DlSt. Agt.,Both PudleSLawson, Anna C, r. 139 Chandler.Lawson, Anton, (Anna), carpenter, h. 127 Park.Lawson, ArthurJ., electrician, r. 59 Tower. •Lawson, August, (Amanda), machinist, h. 748 East Second.Lawson, Axel, (Hulda), band sawyer, h. 249 Bowen.Lawson, Axel, (Matilda), mill hand, h. 7 Hanley.Lawson, Axel F. T., (Clara M.), carver, h. over 1009 Newland Ave.Lawson, Berger, (Sophie), filer,h. over 47 Pearl Ave.Lawson, Bertha, domestic, 501 Lakeview Ave.Lawson, Carl O., coachman, rms. 10 Institute.Lawson, Carl V., (Ida), wood carver, h. 257 Falconer.Lawson, Carl W., (Anna M.), metal worker, h. 303 Newton Ave.Lawson, Charles, (Jennie E.), foreman finisher,h. 257 Willard.Lawson, Charles A., (Eva Z.), contracting carpenter, h. 309 Newland Ave.Lawson, Charles A., (Alice Briggs), commercial traveler, h. 37 Wescott.Lawson, Charles A., (Matilda), finisher,h. 23 Stark Ave.Lawson, Charles E., (Charlotta), gardener, h. Walnut Grove.Lawson, Charles F., chauffeur, r. 1009 Newland Ave.Lawson, CharlesJ., (Johanna G.), freight handler, h. 59 Tower.Lawson, CharlesJ., (Charlotte), metal worker, h. 326 Forest Ave.Lawson, Charles O., (Anna S.), laborer, h. Ill Hazzard.Lawson, Charles W., (Huldah C), teamster, h. 1048 North Main.Lawson, Clarence A., moulder, r. 59 Tower.Lawson, David, taxidermist, r. 7 Hanley.Lawson, Delia A.I., bookkeeper, r. 18 Chestnut.Lawson, DeEtta H., weaver, r. 5iy2 Tower.Lawson, Dora A. V., stenographer, r. 18 Chestnut.Lawson, Edith E., picker, r. 59 Tower.Lawson, Edward S., R. R. mail clerk, bds. 77 South Main.Lawson, Ella A., dressmaker, r. over 774 East Second.Lawson, Ellen, textile worker, r. under 219 Allen.Lawson, Elmer R., clerk 774 East Second, r. over do.Lawson, Emma, teacher, r. 54 Water.Lawson, Emil G., (Carrie), metal worker, h. 93 Lister.Lawson, Emil O., office clerk and stenographer, bds. 48 Prospect.Lawson, Eric, (Betty), metal worker, h. over 42 Park.Lawson, Ernest A., meat cutter, r. 326 Forest Ave.Lawson, Esther V., milliner, r. 748 East Second.Lawson, Frank, teamster, r. over 224 East Second.Lawson, Frank, (Hannah), metal worker, h. over 122 Stewart Ave.Lawson, Frank E., (May M.), foreman Ashwell Thread Mill, h. over 160Barrett.Lawson, Fred A., (Ella), driver, h. over 310 Price.Lawson, Fred C, (Elizabeth), meat cutter, h. over 154 Baker.Lawson, Fred L., (Jennie), packer, h. 96 Vega.Lawson, Frits R., (Signa), machine hand, h. over 308 Stowe.Lawson, George Fidelity, E., Judicial, (Lottie), finisher,h. Contract, Excise 630 Palmer. andall other forms ofLawson, Gust, (Josephine), finisher,h. Bonds issued 137 by Superior.Lawson, Gust P., (Josephine), cabinetmaker, h. 934 Newland Ave.BRADSHAW'S PIONEER INSURANCE AGENCYLawson, Gustaf A., clerk, bds. 139 Chandler.Lawson, Hannah, r. 48 Prospect.Lawson, Hilda, Harry Hilma, Ingeborg, Ida C, L., widow weaver, bds. art metal dressmaker, needle 11 Oscar, Broadhead worker, r. work, 51% weaver, r. Tower.bds. 7 Ave. Hanley. 5910 h. Tower. Institute. 223 East First.

The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. The A. D. SHARPE CO.tf/lLL^JAAfffioR^JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 165ORGANS and OLD PIANOSTAKEN IN EXCHANGELawson Jennie, cook, rms. 141 Institute.Lawson Jennie, weaver, r. 54 Water.John, (Emma M.), finisher,h. 51% Tower.LawsonJohn, (Augusta), finisher,h. 69 Tower.Lawson John, stone mason, h. over 224 Forest Ave.Lawson. John, (Clara)—groceries, 52 Water—h. 54 do.Lawson John, (Anna), h. 362 Willard.Lawson. John, wood worker, h. 102 Sampson.Lawson. John B., (Anna B.), cabinetmaker, h. 16 Cedar Ave.Lawson, John E., (Jennie),—grocer, 774 East Second—h. over do.Lawson, John F., (Minnie A.), contractor and builder, h. 702 Broadhead Ave.Lawson John S., steel casemaker, r. Walnut Grove.Lawson J. Theodore, (Amanda), finisher, h. under 35 Barrows.Lawson, Julia M., r. 51 Tower.Lawson Leonard E., (Alma), bench foreman Art Metal, h. 75 Glasgow Ave.Lawson Lillian, milliner, r. 7 Hanley.Lawson Lillian H.,—millinery, over 784 East Second—r. do.Lawson Lillian M., operator Home Tel. Co., r. 112 Francis.Lawson Louisa V., clerk, r. 7 Hanley.Lawson Lydia, spinner, r. under 35 Barrows.Lawson Mabel V., r. 326 Forest Ave.Lawson Magnus, retired, bds. 217 East Eighth.Lawson, Magnus, F., furniture packer, r. over 308 Stowe.Lawson Malcom, carpenter, bds. 42 Chestnut.Lawson 37 Wescott. Marie, textile worker, h. under 219 Allen.Lawson, Nannie, Martin L., cook, (Minnie 207 Foote C), drayman, Ave. h. 112 Francis.Lawson,Neah, Marvin domestic, J., pressmen's 11 East apprentice, Sixth. r. 112 Francis.Lawson, Nora Mary, N., widow milliner, Charles,, r. 1048 laundress, North Main. h. under 632 East Sixth.Lawson, Mary Olive J., C, mender, domestic, r. 609 224 East Sprague. Eighth.Lawson, Matilda, Ole, (Christine), Mrs.,—agt. metal perfumes, worker, extracts h. over 96 and Highland toilet articles—h. Ave. overLawson Oscar, butcher, bds. 17 Barrett.Lawson Oscar A., (Estella W.), clerk, h. 1009 Newland Ave.Lawson Oscar R., r. 69 Tower.Lawson Oscar W., grinder, r. 52 Franklin.Lawson Ray P., (Annetta B.), carpenter, r. 208 Broadhead Ave.Lawson Ruth M., winder, r. 51 Tower.Lawson Samuel G., retired steward, r. 135 Allen.Lawson Selma, domestic, 130 Lakeview Ave.Lawson Selma, dressmaker, r. 362 Willard.Lawson r. 1048 Theodore, North Main. (Magdelene), metal worker, h. over 18 Whitley Ave.Lawson, William Victor, (Gustava), T., (Elizabeth),—bakery, electrician, h. 561 174 Allen. Chandler—h. 37% Cross.Lawson, see Walter Larson. C, (Ida A.), sheet metal worker, h. under 836 East Second.Lay, Lawson Grace William Gibson, J.,—ticket widow Frank agent C, Chaut. h. over Traction 512 Jefferson. and Union ticket office—Lazar, Sam, (Rose), laborer, h. under 103 Hazzard.Lazell, Biram S., (Tillie), carpenter, h. 56 Grant.Lazier, Arthur, (Margaret), commercial traveler, h. 11 Crescent.Leach, Ida C, widow John E., h. 16 East Fourth.Leach, 1»T1 Charles insure B., in clerk the New Art Metal, York bds. Life? 16 Because: East Fourth. There is not a dollarVV fly of capital stock; there are therefore no stockholders to share theprofits of the business.

Clark Hardware Co.166 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYFine Cutlery and ToolsA delicious and nourishing table beverage with<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew highly medicinal qualities. Both phones 268.Leach, John B., (Catherine), pressman Wm. Koehl Co., h. 16 East Fourth.Leafstone, Lars, (Cora M.), finisher, h. 100 McKinley Ave.Learn, Miles C, (Vernia), machinist, h. 244 Hopkins Ave.Learned, William C, (Effie P.),—N. Y. Tea & Coffee Co.—h. 346 Crossman.Leave, Fred, metal worker, bds. 140 Barrett.Leave, Harry E., metal worker, bds. 169 Barrett.Leberg, Charles W., metal worker, r. 2 York.Leberg, Elizabeth G., textile worker, r. 2 York.Leberg, John W., (Amanda), paint mixer, h. 2 York.Leberg, Oscar W. P., bartender, r. 2 York.Leberg, J. Axel, (Albertina), teamster, h. over 12 East Second.Leburg, Albert J., (Josephine), pianomaker, h. 802 East Second.Leburg, George H., (Bessie), inspector Bell Tel. Co., h. 26 Stowe.Le Boeuf, Harry J., (Clara M.), commercial traveler, h. 543 East Second.Ledger, George, (Mary), metal worker, h. 25 Hall Ave.Lee, Albert, r. 112 West Seventh.Lee, Arthur A., (Gertrude), contractor and builder, h. Newton Ave.Lee, Clinton, (Lulu M.), metal worker, r. 610 Camp.Lee, Eunice, weaver, bds. 22 Water.Lee, Francis O.,—creamery and groceries, 10 Kidder—h. do.Lee, Fred, student, r. 436 Allen.Lee, George, loom fixer, rms. 114 East Fourth.Lee, George L., (Agnes), barber 14 West First, h. 839 North Main.Lee, Harry G., levelman, bds. 147 Prospect.Lee, H. Decker, draughtsman, bds. 112 West Seventh.Lee, Isaac, (Lena), laborer, h. 270 Hallock.Lee, James, (Clara A.), cloth designer, h. 6 Elk.Lee, Joe, (Nellie), roller covering and brushmaker, h. over 108 Tower.Lee, John A., (Mary E.), street commissioner, h. 147 Prospect.Lee, Julia M., widow George, r. 10 Kidder.Lee, Margaret, widow John, r. 18 Prather Ave.Lee, Marion A., (Elizabeth), evangelist, h. 112 West Seventh.Lee, Orsell C, (Myrtle M.), casemaker, h. 39 Fifteenth.Lee, Persis, widow Samuel J.,—electric baths, 16 Price—h. do.Lee, Rollin M., (Leia C.)—optometrist and eye specialist, rm. 15 GokeyBldg, over 22 West Third—r. Lakewood, N. Y.Lee, Uriah, (Mary), loom fixer,h. 436 Allen.Lees, John T., (Annie), textile worker, h. 32 Center.Lees, Travis H., wood worker, r. 32 Center.Leet, Charles S., (Lillian M.), collector Chaut. Ref. Co., h. 16 Bush.Leet, Elsie E., teacher, h. 19 Euclid Ave.Leet, Fayette G., (Helen E.), h. 12 Bush.Leet, Henry C, (Cordelia M.), retired, h. 16 Richmond Place.Leet, Mary E., school teacher, bds. 16 Richmond Place.Lehmann, Alfred, (Ellen), commercial traveler, h. over 113 Chandler.Leidblad, Mary A., widow Frederick, h. 43 Tower.Leif, John E., (Anna), gra'iner and finisher,h. 37 Morton.Leman, John, polisher, h. over 140 Barrows.Lemm, Thomas, (Harriet), retired, h. 118 Crescent.W U l u ulTldfl Audit Pft REFERENCES. The Leading Bankers inLenna, Aleck W., (Alma),—Lenna & Malm—h. over 227 Winsor., rjlj rllllgC MUll llU. JAMESTOWN, N Y., YOUNGSTOWN, 0„ WARREN PALenna, Clara, cook. 13 South Main.Lenna, Lennartson, Lennox, Lenox, ton—h. Second—h. Robert & Oscar Edward Nettie Phoebe Malm,—fSjleck 58 Ture A., Tenth. E., I., 835 Bootey, R., (Hulda)—The L., (Martena)—farm widow R. Spring. metal F. widow Lenna D. John polisher, mail Franklin, and R., Casino carrier, h. Carl implements bds. 59 and Malm—saloon, Steele. r. 23 h. 857% wholesale Center.and North carriages, liquors, 62 Main.Winsor. 881 22-24 Washing­East

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.tff/LLtiftAAfffloRQJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 167EASYINSTALLMENT PAYMENTSLeo, Peter, laborer, bds. 25 Water.Leonard, Harriet R., Mrs., dressmaker, r. 345 Foote Ave.Leonardo, Axel F., (Elsie S.), carpenter, h. 105 Hazzard.Leopard, Frank G., (A. Charlotte), commercial traveler, h. 370 Foote Ave.Leopard, Lillian, student, r. 370 Foote Ave.Lepar, C. Belle, teacher, bds. 329 Price.Lepar, Harry D., (Gertrude), boat builder, h. 15 Newton Ave.Lepar, Julia, widow William, h. 329 Price.Lepar, Loraine R., widow Edward G., h. 65 Taylor.Lepp, John C, (Sarah E.), conductor Erie R. R., h. 4 William.Lepp, William F., (Mary), engineer, h. 20 Fairview Ave.Lequear, Alfred, rms. 411 West Fourth.Lerch, Flora E., widow Ervine, milliner, h. 411 West Fourth.Lernould, John, (Clamos), weaver, h. 521 Allen.Lernould, Paul, weaver, bds. 521 Allen.Lerow, Benjamin, laborer, bds. 168 Falconer.Lerow, Edwin E., (Nellie), mason, h. 168 Falconer.Lerow, Henry"H., (Florence), barber 60 Winsor, h. 48 Pearl Ave.Le Roy, Archie, finisher,r. 1102 East Second.Le Roy, Bessie, h. 1102 East Second.Le Roy, Charles R., (Ima), lumber inspector, h. 216 Hopkins Ave.Le Roy, Edward, r. 1 Oaklawn Ave.Le Roy, Ernest O., (Georgia), machinist, r. 10 Cowing.Le Roy, Frank, finisher, r. 1102 East Second.Le Roy, Fred, metal worker, bds. 131 Hall Ave.Le Roy, Fred, (Ella), machine hand, h. 48 Flagg Ave.Le Roy, Helena J., widow Frank,—dressmaker, 811 Prendergast Ave.—h.over do.Le Roy, Herbert H., (Julia), laborer, h. over 48 Flagg Ave.Le Roy, John H., (Edith A.), butcher, h. 226% Crescent.Le Roy, John S., (Abbie), paper hanger, h. over 964 Washington.Le Roy, John, Sr., (Diani), h. under 790 East Second.Le Roy, Leon, metal worker, r. 226% Crescent.Le Roy, Levi B., (Mary), cement contractor, h. 15 Kipp.Le Roy, Mattie, (Oren C), laundress, h. 964 Washington.Le Roy, Oren C, candymaker, bds. 964 Washington.Le Roy, Paul, machine hand, r. 1 Oaklawn Ave.Le Roy, Raymond G., (Eva A.), toolmaker, h. 200 Lincoln.Le Roy, Richard, (Eunice L.), laborer, h. 474 Buffalo.Le Roy, Sherman, finisher,r. 1102 East Second.Le Roy, Stephen S., (Margaret) h. 990 Lafayette.Le Roy, Willard, (Emma), carpenter, h. 1 Oak Lawn Ave.Le Roy, Willard Jr., emp. J. St. Ry., r. 1 Oak Lawn Ave.1Lesanta, Charles, (Lena P.), mill worker, h. over 93 Hazzard.Leslie, Charles, machinist, bds. 1 Metallic Ave.Lessord, Leopold, (Flora), shoemaker, h. 3 Rowley Place.Lester, Mary B., bookkeeper, r. over 121 West Third.Lettn, Emanuel A., (Sarah H., textile worker, h. 25 Walnut.HAND Levan, John, PAINTED (Anna), and metal worker, CaTI h. over lltnmft 296 Baker. /"V» r> l°l rmLevander, DECORATED Anna, h. CHINA over 504 at West the Seventh. KyilLUCrUjC l/CA, E. 3rd St.Levander, Rudolph, boat builder, h. over 504 West Seventh.Levier, Level Alexander Furniture Ethel William see Daniel library La M., W., Bloomquist, tables, Vier. L., Co.—John stenographer, (Lizzie machinist, Allen M.), sec'y.-treas.; Extension. r. Anderson, carpenter r. 218 Palmer.and J. pres.; August joiner, Elmer Peterson, h. Jones, 218 Palmer. vice supt.—parlor pres.; J.

Clark Hardware Co.Hardware and Mill Supplies168 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYrhaiifonmia R-kaiai- the beer demanded by all1/HcillLclUCjllcl D r c W JUDGES OF A PERFECT BEERLevine, Kingsley A., (Clara), metal worker, h. over 7 Hall Ave.Lewandoski, Edward, (Margaret), bartender, h. over 49 McKinley Ave.Lewandoski, John, bartender, rms. 215 West Second.Lewin, Samuel B., (Maria H.)—cigar mfr., rm. 10 Warner block, over 13North Main—h. 626 Prendergast Ave.Lewis, Bertrand L., (Jessie)—commercial traveler and prop. The Lafayette—h. 205 Lafayette.Lewis, Bryce, college student, r. 351 East Fifth.Lewis, Byron S., (Emma), telegraph operator, h. 219 Chandler.Lewis, Charles A., college student, r. 351 East Fifth.Lewis, Charles F., (Maggie B.),—P. F. Lewis & Sons—h. 7 East Eighth.Lewis, Clinton M., (Inez P.),—P. F. Lewis & Sons—h. 24 Crossman.Lewis, Cornelia J., r. 351 East Fifth.Lewis, Eva, mender, r. 37 Harrison.Lewis, Fay E„ (Nellie M,. bill clerk Am. Exp. Co., h. 161 Allen.Lewis, George E., (Ethel), baker, h. over 27 Harrison.Lewis, Harry R., college student, r. 351 East Fifth.Lewis, Harry R., (Frances A.),—attorney, rm. 7 Gifford Bldg., over 8 EastThird—h. 351 East Fifth.Lewis, L. Caroline, textile worker, r. 219 Chandler.Lewis, Lucy, bookkeeper, bds. 110 Foote Ave.Lewis, Lydia A., widow James, r. 403 South Main.Lewis, Nathan D., (Emma L.), h. 513 Lafayette.Lewis, Perrin F., (Harriet A.)—P. F. Lewis & Sons—h. 7 East Eighth.Lewis, P. F. & Sons—P. F. Lewis, C. F. Lewis and C. M. Lewis—hardware,804 North Main.Lewis, Sadie, manicurist, over 20 East Second, r. do.Lewis, Sarah, Mrs., cook, h. 37 Harrison.Lewis, Sardius S., (Julia), commercial traveler, h. 821 Prendergast Ave.Liberati, Barnapo, laborer, bds. 539 Crescent.Liberty Furniture Co.—Charles M. Johnson, pres.; Glenn K. Brown, vicepres.; F. P. Johnson, sec'y.; J. A. Hultquist, treas. gen. mgr.—dressersand chiffoniers, Blackstone Ave.Licthoark, John, cabinetmaker, bds. 105 Park.Lidblod, Charles A., (Estelle R.), cabinetmaker, h. over 10 River.Liden, Charles, (Olivia), slasher, h. 72 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Liedblad, Charles L., (Augusta), supt. Bailey-Jones Co., h. 301 Allen.Liedblad, C. Oscar, (Gustava), cabinetmaker, h. over 47 Benedict.Liedblad, Gust A., (Victoria A.), finisher,h. 47 Benedict.Liedblad, Ruby O., student, r. 301 Allen.Liedblad, Warner F., (Matilda)—sec'y.-treas. Marvel Furn. Co.—h. 571 Allen.Lief, Erickson Lodge, third floor Arcade Bldg., over 28 North Main.Lilga, Augusta, weaver, bds. over 10 Lake.Liljenblad, Emil O., (Nannie C), metal worker, h. 190 Barrett.Liljequist, David, tailor, r. 12 Williams.Lilley, Grayce L., widow Fred, r. over 804 North Main.Lillibridge, George,—real estate, over 203 West Third—h. do.Lillibridge, Nettie L., Mrs.—millinery, 340 East Third—h. over 335 East 2nd.Lillie, I 'ftx Nellie, Tncuronra printer, bds. Connecticut 83 Water. General Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn.,Lilly, L U C Harry inSUranCe O., carpenter, W. r. J. 210 Bentley, Spring. Gen. Agt., 515 Chadakoin Bldg.Lilly, Lucia M., widow Leonard, h. 40 Ninth.Lilly, Limit, Lincoln, 43 Orin Charles. (The)—John Hannah, David, Julius, Burdette, Luther H., (Ida (Minnie),—undertaker, pastor L.,—Jones, r. (Mattie),—asst. P.), 116 Carlson, First Chandler. contracting Scharf Lutheran prop.—saloon, & day carpenter, Lincoln—bds. Church, 107 baggagemaster, 33 East South h. h. Second—h. 122 116 Main. Wilson Chandler. Erie 239 Place. R. Forest R.—h. Ave. over

The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 169(ff/LL^AAfffloRQLincoln, Selma, nurse, r. 116 Chandler.Lind, Andrew J., (Christine), bookkeeper, h. 135 Foote Ave.Lind, Anna, widow Carl, r. 15 Cedar Ave.Lind, Annie C, domestic, 11 Cooke Ave.Lind, Axel, (Alma), band sawyer, h. over 700 Barrows.Lind, Charles A. J., (Elvina C.), plasterer, h. 211 Barrows.Lind, Edward A., (Ida), milk dealer, h. 224 Price.Lind, Emma T., twister, r. over 715 East Second.Lind, Fannie, paper boxmaker, r. over 787 East Second.Lind, Fred, (Dagmar), piano tuner, h. over 787 East Second.Lind, John, (Lydia), tailor, h. 1106 Prendergast Ave.Lincf, John A., (Johanna), contracting plasterer, h. 20 Cross.Lind, Theodore, clerk, r. 20 Cross.Lind, see Lund.Lindahl, Andrew, (Hilma), wood worker, h. 12 Crown.Lindahl, J. Algot, (Lena), wood worker, h. 164 Thayer.Lindahl, John G., (Anna L.), wood worker, h. 225 Broadhead Ave.Lindahl, John M., (Augusta E.), laborer, h. 555 South Main.Lindahl, Nels E., (Eva C), wood worker, h. 438 Maple.Lindbeck, Andrew, painter and paper hanger, bds. over 257 Prospect.Lindbeck, August, (Anna C), foreman Shearman Bros. h. 219 Prospect.Lindbeck, Charles, (Ida)—contractor and builder, 12-16 River—h. 314 FooteAve.Lindbeck, Charles J., (Emma M.),—Globe Furn. Co.—h. 16 Columbia Ave.Lindbeck, Conrad W., painter and paper hanger, bds. 141 Broadhead Ave.Lindbeck, Doretta, aristo worker, r. 16 Columbia Ave.Lindbeck, Edward C, (Edie P.), paper hanger and painter, h. 141 BroadheadAve.Lindbeck, Emil, painter and paper hanger, bds. over 257 Prospect.Lindbeck, Esther, student, r. 219 Prospect.Lindbeck, John W., cabinetmaker, r. 16 Columbia Ave.Lindbeck, John W.—Globe Furn. Co.—r. 16 Columbia Ave.Lindbeck, M. Josephine, r. 314 Foote Ave.Lindbeck, Louise, h. 257 Prospect.Lindbeck, Ruth, student, r. 219 Prospect.Lindberg, Anna O., bookkeeper, r. 926 North Main.Lindberg, Augusta S., widow Charles, h. 93 Steele.Lindberg, Charles E., cabinetmaker, r. 926 North Main.Lindberg, Emma O., cook, 6 Broadhead Ave.Lindberg, Esther M., picker, r. over 223 East First.Lindberg, Evelyn, student, r. 120 Prospect.Lindberg, Hans, (Anna H.), tailor, h. 46 Water.Lindberg, Henry, metal worker, bds. 37% Cross.Lindberg, John, (Augusta), carpenter, h. 120 Prospect.Lindberg, John A., (Anna O.), metal painter, h. 126 Linwood Ave.Lindberg, COLONIAL John E., (Lydia PORCH M.), finisher,h. COLUMNS 12 Stearns Ave. , HA*RcY ly°nsdLindberg, That will Marie, not crack Mrs., or open h. over up-also 223 Porch East Balurter. First. and Rail Institute St. & Erie Ry.Lindberg, Oscar W., cabinetmaker, r. 926 North Main.Lindberg, Lindblad,Lindberg, Amelia, Anna,PeterTecla Peter Thure Seth G.,J.,U., E., Mrs., H., widow (Mae), weaver, (Emily),(Louise),draughtsman, washwoman, Albert, shipping bds. cabinetmaker,cabinetmaker,325 r. rms. clerk h. Walnut Foote under The Munson Ave. h. Grove.h.Osmer. 317 63926Allen. Fifteenth. &NorthJohnson,Main.h. 60 Tenth.

Clark Hardware Co.Farm Implements and Fencing170 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYJAMESTOWN'S FINEST CLOAK STORE. "The largest line of ready-to-wear garments for ladies, misses and childrenin the city.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Lindblad, Anna E., widow August J., r. 27 Broadhead Ave.Lindblad Bros & Co.—Olof J. Lindblad and Mrs. B. Berquist—mfrs. furniture,11-13 Harrison.Lindblad, Carl, clerk, h. Walnut Grove.Lindblad, Freda, widow Oscar, domestic, h. over 18 Willard.Lindblad, Olof J., (Matilda),—Lindblad Bros. & Co.—h. 14 West Seventh.Lindblad, Winfred E., (Hildur L.), bookkeeper, h. 27 Broadhead Ave.Lindbloom, Axel E., (Alida)—meats, 703 North Main, h. 533 Winsor.Lindbloom, Ellen, domestic, 351 East Fourth.Lindbloom, Eric T.,—cigars, tobacco and newsroom, 126 East Second—r. 3Vega.Lindbloom, Esther N., clerk, r. 25% Park.Lindbloom, Gustava, widow Charles, h. over 25% Park.Lindbloom, Henry, laborer, bds. over 27 Lake.Lindbloom, Hildur S., clerk, r. 25 Park.Lindbloom, Oscar, (Ida C.),—Allen Park Meat Market—h. 25 Linden Ave.Lindbloom, Oscar E., (Hilda), laborer, h. 3 Vega.Lindbloom, Otto H., r. 3 Vega.Lindeborg, Ida, domestic, 1381 East Second.Lindell, Aaron, sander, bds. 214 Hopkins Ave.Lindell, Andrew J., laborer, r. 1269 North Main.Lindell, Anton E., (Emily C), boilermaker, h. 171 Baker.Linden, Charles, (Hannah), metal worker, h. 39 Charles.Lindell, Charles, (Lydia), warp dresser, h. under 760 East Second.Lindell, Charles A., (Mary), carpenter, h. over 377 South Main.Lindell, Christine, widow Jonas P., r. 171 Baker.Lindell, Mary, widow Adolphus P., h. 1269 North Main.Lindell, Viola C, clerk, r. 377 South Main.Linder, Fred, (Hannah), painter and paper hanger, h. 310 Price.Linder, Henry, tailor, bds. 126 Sampson.Lindergren, Bertha, bds. over 29 West Eighth.Lindergren, Emma C, widow Carl L., dressmaker, h. over 29 West Eighth.Lindergren, Gilbert E., (Anna J.), bookkeeper, h. over 220 Sprague.Linderholm, Charles O., inventor, rms. 25 Steele.Linderholm, Charles, (Matilda), laborer, h. 206 Linwood Ave.Linderholm, Thure E., (Anna), gen. mgr. Globe Cabinet Co., h. 215 Barrows.Lindgren, Carl A., (Hannah), cabinetmaker, h. 159 Hopkins Ave.Lindgren, Christian, (Christine), h. 134 Foote Ave.Lindgren, Christine, boarding house, h. over 83 Allen.Lindgren, Gustaf, (Annie), laborer, h. 6 Webster.Lindgrn, Christine, boarding house, h. over 83 Allen.Lindgren, Peter M., (Hannah), blacksmith, h. 17 Hall Ave.Lindgren, Swante—wood carver, 70 Allen Sq. Bldg.—h. do.Lindgren, William, (Annie), laborer, h. over 6 Webster.Lindholm, Charles A., (Lena), wood finisher,h. 74 Water.Lindholm, Emil, steel casemaker, bds. over 952 East Second.Lindholm, Gust W., (Maria)—confectionery, cigars and tobacco, 277 Willard—h. 46 Swan.Lindholm, Harry, machine hand, r. 46 Swan.Lindholm, Herbert E., screenmaker, r. 46 Swan.New Lindholm, ideas Nina Otto Myrtle Myrtie Jennie, John, Manley F.,—Ideal in M., (Mary), L., J., twister, Shirt r. drawer, (Jennie 15 laborer, Furniture Shaver..Waist I.), over h. metal Co.—rms. over 160 160 Boxes worker, Barrows.160 Barrows. over h. at over 308 Gage's East 16 Stafford Second. Ave.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 171ONE OF THE FINESTtf/fLL^fAAffirOR^IN THIS COUNTRYLindholm, Reuben, wheel assembler, bds. 220 Hopkins Ave.Lindholm Variety Hall (The)—E. H. Lindstrom, prop.—sporting goods andtoys, 110 East Second.Lindman, John A., (Hannah), cabinetmaker, h. over 318 Price.Lindorfo, Giovanni, laborer, bds. 218 Steele.Lindquist, Aaron L., laborer, h. 357 Stowe.Lindquist, Albert, (Regina S.),—Shellburg & Lindquist—h. 442 Willard.Lindquist, Albert, (Esther), machine hand, h. over 248 Buffalo.Lindquist, Albertine, domestic, 1044 North Main.Lindquist, Amelia C, weaver, r. 575 Willard.Lindquist, Anna, domestic, 12 Lakeview Ave.Lindquist, Andrew G., (Emma), metal furniture packer, h. 36 Peach.Lindquist, Carl, wood worker, bds. 61 Franklin.Lindquist, Charles, blacksmith, bds. 301 Crescent.Lindquist, Charles J., (Sophia), night watchman, h. 37 Linden Ave.Lindquist, Claude, r. 324 Willard.Lindquist, Delia, widow Albert, dressmaker, h. 324 Willard.Lindquist, Edith, r. 179 Barrows.Lindquist, Emil C, (Minnie), engineer, h. 220 Prospect.Lindquist, E. P., (Sarah), stone mason, h. 52 Pearl Ave.Lindquist, Ernest A., (Anna L.), shipping clerk, h. 375 Foote Ave.Lindquist, Ernest S., (Esther), tailor, h. 249 South Main.Lindquist, Frank, wood worker, r. 13 Scott.Lindquist, Gust, metal worker, bds. 237 Willard.Lindquist, Henry C, asst. pressman Journal, r. 179 Barrows.Lindquist, Helga K., weaver, r. 575 Willard.Lindquist, Henry O., (Amanda), metal worker, h. 23 Barker.Lindquist, John, laborer, h. 179 Barrows.Lindquist, John—Swanson & Lindquist—rms. Ill Mechanic.Lindquist, Lars, (Anna), weaver, h. over 12 Myrtle.Lindquist, Malcolm, wood worker, bds. 118 Hazzard.Lindquist, Matilda, Mrs., h. 15 Scott.Lindquist, Oscar, (Ina), h. 101 Murray Ave.Lindquist, Oscar, cement worker, bds. 221 Weeks.Lindquist, Oscar, errand boy, r. 36 Peach.Lindquist, Roy, (Ellen), furniture rubber, h. over 530 Winsor.Lindquist, Sophia L., widow Charles, h. 575 Willard.Lindquist, Walter, electrician and musician, bds. 310 West Seventh.Lindquist, see Lundquist.Lindros, Albin, (Eleanor), screenmaker, h. over 8 Morse Ave.Lindros, Axel G., hand carver, r. 43 Vega.Lindros, Elswig C, drawer, r. 25 Vega.Lindros, Gust F., cabinetmaker, r. 25 Vega.Lindros, Hjalmar H.,—Golden Furniture Co.—r. 43 Vega.Lindros, John, painter, rms. 21 New Warner block, over 5 North Main.Lindros, Martin C, packer, r. 43 Vega.Lindros, Matilda, widow Fred, weaver, h. 25 Vega.Lindros, Matilda L„ widow Carl L„ h. 43 Vega.Nothing Lindsey, Bessie, but the teacher, best r. materials 48 Prospect. at Northrop Paint & Glass Co.Lindsey, Charles G., (Melita)—real estate, rm. 1 Hall block, over 221 NorthMain—h. 121 Lakeview Ave.Lindstrom, Lindsey, Jane, Richard Andrew, Anna, Arthur, Alma, Antone Augusta widow J., widow spinner, F., painter, A., (Carolina), (Frances Anthony (Hulda dressmaker John, bds. r. 844 M.), L.), h. over J., machine over East farmer, h. plater, and 726 48 200 Second. Prospect.East clerk, hand, h. Sampson.913 367 Seventh. r. Newland Foote 350 541 Bowen. Allen. Ave. Ave.

Clark Hardware Co. Roofing and Building Papers172 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYThe Mutual Benefit Life of Newark, N. J. F. S. TREADWAY,PURELY MUTUAL. NO STOCKHOLDERS. Dlst. Agt., Both PllOneS.Lindstrom, Axel E., (Belle M.), tailor, h. over 1013 Newland Ave.Lindstrom, Carl, (Anna), cabinetmaker, h. 200 Sampson.Lindstrom, Carl 0., cabinetmaker, bds. over 38 Willard.Lindstrom, Carl P., (Mary), h. 430 Allen.Lindstrom, Carl W., (Mary), cabinetmaker, h. 9 Bishop.Lindstrom, Charles, (Botilda), painter and paper hanger, h. 844 East Second.Lindstrom, Charles, (Matilda), carpenter, h. 64 Grant.Lindstrom, Charles J., (Amanda), metal worker, h. 14 Summit.Lindstrom, Clarence F., machinist, r. 913 Newland Ave.Lindstrom, Cora, widow Edward E., h. 231 Fulton.Lindstrom, Edwin, (Selma), machine hand, h. over 256 Willard.Lindstrom, E. George, (Marion Spears), linotype operator and sec'y. CentralLabor Council—h. 134 Euclid Ave.Lindstrom, Elmer, metal worker, r. 14 Summit.Lindstrom, Enoch H., (Ella)—prop. The Lindholm Variety Hall—h. 79 Water.Lindstrom, Frances, tailoress, r. 14 Summit.Lindstrom, Frederick, printer, asst. foreman Journal, r. 350 Bowen. •Lindstrom, Fritz, (M. Rebecca), mattressmaker, h. 42 Foote Ave.Lindstrom, Gathry E., paper boxmaker, r. 844 East Second.Lindstrom, Genevieve, student, r. 14 Summit.Lindstrom, Gilbert F., painter, r. over 51 Benedict.Lindstrom, Gust, (Emma), metal worker, h. over 226 Steele.Lindstrom, Gust, (Christine), metal worker, h. 199 Baker.Lindstrom, Gustava, widow Frank, h. under 226 Steele.Lindstrom, Gustave A., (Matilda) cement contractor, h. 350 Bowen.Lindstrom, Hazel L., milliner, r. 913 Newland.Lindstrom, Herbert, coachman, r. 34 Chapman.Lindstrom, Hulda M., textile worker, r. 9 Bishop.Lindstrom, Ida, charwoman, h. over 10 Crane.Lindstrom, J. August, (Ebba J.), bartender, h. 226 Steele.Lindstrom, J. Emil, (Jennie), cabinetmaker, h. over 38 Willard.Lindstrom, John, laborer, bds. 442 Willard.Lindstrom, John, cabinetmaker, r. 9 Bishop.Lindstrom, John, (Matilda C), stationary engineer, h. 4 Morse Ave.Lindstrom, John P., (Hilma), steel casemaker, h. 112 Newland Ave.Lindstrom, Mabel, clerk, r. over 226 Steele.Lindstrom, Mertie, boxmaker, r. 14 Summit.Lindstrom, Tillie E., clerk, r. 350 Bowen.Lindstrom, Victor G., (Edith S.), wood worker, h. 433 Allen.Lindtner, Annie M., widow Christ H., h. 105 Park.Lindtner, Hans P., office boy Morning Post, r. 105 Park.Lindtner, Margaret, paper boxmaker, r. 105 Park.Lindwall, Agnes, domestic, 600 Prendergast Ave.Lindwall, Eric Leander, (Amelia), carpenter, h. 415 Bowen.Lindwall, Ray F., metal worker, bds. 112 Francis.Lines Bros—W. H. & S. V. Lines; C. Stewart Lines, mgr.—shoes, 202 NorthMain.Lines, C. Stewart—mgr. Lines Bros.—rms. over 211 North Main.Lines, Edward D., (Belle E.),—sec'y.-treas. J. Metal Furn. Co.Ling, Ivar, wood worker, bds. 12 Kinney.Link, Clyde W., (Hilda M.), plater, r. 408 Winsor.Link, The BRADSHAW'S best Omer Louise, Norman Grover Glenn of O., J., insurance E., domestic, C., J., (Lena), (Myra),—Garfield clerk, (Catherine PIONEER (Ella), r. 187 asst. is plater, 408 South not A.), mgr. Winsor. INSURANCE We h. too printer, & Main. furnish 408 McCrorey's Link—h. good. Winsor.it. 12 over 5 AGENCY Water. and 2110c Derby. store, h. 508 E. 5th.

THE BEST GOODS AT THE Tl A F. Cl_ /^lowest prices. l ne A. U. onarpe

Clark Hardware Co.Builders' Hardware174 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYPIlAlltSlllflllS) RrPW When you use it you please your palate, but you likUlldUlaUl|lla DIGIT aid digestion and nourish your body. Both phones 268.Lofgren, Elmer F., steel casemaker, r. 9 Holman.Lofgren, Eric, (Mary L.), wood worker, h. 9 Holman.Lofgren, Evelyn, domestic, r. 243 Crescent.Lofgren, Godfrey, (Selma), tailor, h. 123 Thayer.Lofgren, Gust A., (Anna), metal worker, h. 102 McKinley Ave.Lofgren, Hilding W., driver, r. 243 Crescent.Lofgren, John, metal worker, h. 238 Sprague.Lofgren, John A., (Louise), metal worker, h. over 19 Park.Lofgren, John A., metal worker, r. 193 Barrett.Lofgren, Nina C, mill hand, r. over 205 Barrett.Lofman, Victor, (Betty), cabinetmaker, h. 51 Benedict.Logan, Harvey D., (Margaret), metal worker, h. 146 Jones & Gifford Ave.Logan, Robert T., (Margaret), h. 217 East Sixth.Lombard, Edward L., (Francis V.), wood worker, h. over 26 Fairview Ave.Lombard,' Euphemia, widow James, dressmaker, r. over 9 Lincoln.Lombard, Florence N., stenographer, r. 343 Fairmount Ave.Lombard, Mabel, teacher, r. 343 Fairmount Ave.Lombard, Margaret, widow Joseph H., h. 343 Fairmount Ave.Lombardo, Frank, (Rose)—groceries, 203 Winsor—h. do.Lombardo, Salvatore, (Salvatrice), laborer, h. over 218 Steele.Lonceteaux, Frances, laundress, h. 412 Washington.Londahl, Charles P., (Wilhemina); carpenter, h. 347% Foote Ave.Londahl, Henry W., machinist, r. 347% Foote Ave.Londahl, Herman W., (Ardel), cabinetmaker, h. 4 Willis.Londahl, Lillian V., waitress, r. 347% Foote Ave.Long, John,—Chinese laundry, under 14 East Second—h. do.Longway, Archie, weaver, bds. 93 Barker.Lonnen, Frank, (Grace), carver, h. 302 South Main.Lonngren, John W., (Kate L.), printer, h. 23 Center.Lonngren, Mary, widow John G., r. 23 Center.Lonngren, Nettie, weaver, bds. over 206 East Second.Look, Warren D., (Agnes T.), supervisor Art Metal, h. 402 West Seventh.Loomis, Levi, (Mary E.), farmer, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Looney, Martin, (Katherine), h. 25 Seymour Ave.Looney, Mary C., bds. 25 Seymour Ave.Looney, Michael J., (Margaret), machinist, h. 14 Sumner Place.Looney, Patrick F., spring setter, bds. 25 Seymour Ave.Lopressed, John, (Mary), laborer, h. 103 Hazzard.Loprie, Tony, (Mary), laborer, h. 511 Allen.Lopus, Henry D., (Phoebe), carpenter, h. over 2 Livingston Ave.Lord, Hazel, clerk, r. 833 North Main.Lord, Merritt C, (Almeda N.), carpenter, h. 833 North Main.Lord, William J., (Dora), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 256 Fairmount Ave.Lorenson, Carl, (Alma), cabinetmaker, h. over 29 Kinney.Lorentzen, Hans P., (Ellen L.), cigarmaker, h. 49 Liberty.Lorentzen, Hans P., Mrs.,—Bon-Ton Millinery Store—h. 49 Liberty.Losee, Frank, musician, bds. 310 West Seventh.Lott, Edna C,—hair dresser, 61 Tenth—r. do.Lott, John, (Harriet), barber under 34 Main, h. 61 Tenth.Loucks, Clayton E., (Alice S.), metal worker, h. 39 Fifteenth.Loucks, Clifford G., (Esther J.), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 71 South Main.WT?1 Loucks, . West *•_.,_ Ely William,-(Mary Elliot Thomas Lillian Fred Third. Alllge A D., A., .Jl4-/^_ A., M.,—Lou*cks brass E., Mrs., stenographer motorman, AUdlt h. moulder, E.),—grocery, J.), 265 Our machinist, Steele. & Associates tO. bds. Frank—rms. Hall 612 & 67 h. Co., Jamestown, Lafayette.Tenth—h. 612 are bds. 222-223 Lafayette. all 67 N qua'ilied Gokey Tenth. do. Y. Bldg., Youngstown, Accountants.over 16-18 0.

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods. The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 175COMPLETE TUNING, and(fj/LL^AAffirORgtREPAIR DEPARTMENTLoun, Charles H., (Emma), painter, h. 233 Fulton.Lounsberry, Stanley, canvasser, bds. 7 Geneva.Lounsberry, Stephen, (Addie), canvasser, bds. 7 Geneva.Lounsberry, see Lownsbery.Love, Albert C, (Elizabeth), bed springmaker, r. 204 Sampson.Love, Chauncey, (Delia), nurse, h. 204 Sampson.Love, Dagmar H., dentist's assistant, r. 331 Foote Ave.Love, Edith M., office girl, r. 331 Foote Ave.Love, Emma M., clerk, r. 606 Cherry.Love, Harold J., teamster, r. 331 Foote Ave.Love, Harriet B., widow Herbert B., asst. librarian Prendergast <strong>Library</strong>, h.606 Cherry.Love, Henry F., (Minnie M.),—sec'y.-treas. Diamond Furn. Co.—h. 90 PratherAve.Love, John, (Marina),—Diamond Furn. Co.—h. 38 Harrison.Love, Lena, domestic, h. over 255 Prospect.Love, Louise B., artist, r. 606 Cherry.Love, Otto, (Minnie K.), foreman Diamond Furn. Co., h. 331 Foote Ave.Love, Ralph H., clerk, r. 331 Foote Ave.Love, Ruth C, office girl, r. 331 Foote Ave.Lovejoy, Carl C, clerk Fulton Market, r. 7 Fifteenth.Lovejoy, Charles R., (Mary E.)—Fulton Market Co.—h. 7 Fifteenth.Lovejoy, Charles Ray, (Grace), clerk, h. 513 East Eighth.Lovejoy, Earl C, clerk Fulton Market, r. 7 Fifteenth.Lovejoy, Edwin G., (Caroline G.), h. 848 North Main.Lovejoy, Eva May, bookkeeper, r. 7 Fifteenth.Lovejoy, Levi J., (Rosetta J.), commercial traveler, h. 199 Fairmount Ave.Lovejoy! Truax D., (Winifred), clerk Fulton Market, h. 71 Hotchkiss.Lovelass, Grace L., drug clerk F. M. Clark, r. 318 Prendergast Ave.Lovell, Bert, baggageman, rooms 2 Forest Park.Lovener, Felog, (Mary), textile worker, h. 67 Foote Ave.Lowe, George H., (Margaret)—oil producer, rm. 6 Ellicott Bldg., over 106East Third—h. 610 East Seventh.Lowe, James, (Lizzie), dyer, h. 2 Reynolds Place.Lowe, Moses, (Polley), h. 208 McDannell Ave.Lowell, Albert P., (Emma)—J. Panel & Veneer Co.—h. over 508 Monroe.Lowere, Caroline A., r. over 219 West Third.Lowere, Jeanette, widow William J., h. over 219 West Third.Lowing, Alonzo R., (Anna M.)—groceries, 843 North Main, h. 3 East 7th.Lowing, Otto A., grocery clerk, r. 3 East Seventh. ,_„„„,._Lowman, Joseph J., (Bertha R.), clerk Bealer & Son, h. 508 East Seventh.Lownsbery, Fred J., (Jeanette E.), commercial traveler, h. 85 Hazzard.Lownsbery, Guy T., stenographer, r. 85 Hazzard.Lownsbery, see Lounsberry. „„„ „ ^ a. .Lozier, Etta L., widow Charles H., dressmaker, h. over 629 Prendergast Ave.Lucas, Belle L., china painting, bds. 610 Jefferson.Lucas, Frank A., (Minnie), mgr. Roller Rink, h. 122 Fulton.Lucas, m, , Grace, r- operator •• Bell • Tel. Co., DECORATOR, r. Ill East 107 Sixth W-Third Street, Jamestown, N.Y.Lucas, Charles Henry E. A., Maclease, (Alice), commercial traveler, Ben h. 124-b 610 Jefferson. Home 91kLucas, Louis, (Florence D.),—supt. J. Cabinet Co-h 215 Fairmount Ave.Lucas, Luce, Lugdol, Lucey, Ludwiczak, Deura Irwin Caroline Thomas Josephine, Timothy Olmfred, Walter, W., A., C, W., R., (Bessie), (Effie), rubber, widow domestic, (Mertie (Margaret), (Kashmira), drayman, bds. William brewery M.), 510 35 h. commercial sander, Spring. Vega. G., h. worker, 10575 h. Stewart Cole 460 h. h. 140% Buffalo. traveler, Ave. 68 Ave. Tenth. Barrows. ^ bds. 227 Crossman.

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools176 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYIts purity is never questioned—its flavor has been the delightof those who know good beer. Both phones <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew268.Lukens, Philip H., (Lurilla), sexton St. Luke's Church, r. 318 Prendergast Av.Lunberg, Jacob C, wood worker, r. 9 Howard.Lunberg, Lillian S., textile worker, r. 9 Howard.Lunberg, P. William, (Minnie), cabinetmaker, h. 9 Howard.Lunberg, see Lundberg.Lund, Alfred, (Ida), metal worker, h. over 23 Barker.Lund, Alice, mill hand, bds. 156 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Lund, Andrew W.—cigars, tobacco and confectionery—6 Willard, h. do.Lund, Arthur—William Lund & Son—r. 156 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Lund, August, (Kesstin), machine sander, h. 501 Stowe.Lund, Augusta, widow Gustaf, charwoman, h. 50 Franklin.Lund, Charles, metal worker, r. 50 Franklin.Lund, Christian, (Carrie), band sawyer, h. 52 Ninth.Lund, Dagmar, domestic, 627 East Sixth.Lund, Ebbert, (Genevieve), sheet metal worker, h. 35 Peterson.Lund, Edwin E., metal worker, r. 50 Franklin.Lund, Emil, (Camilla), band sawyer, h. 37% Tenth.Lund, Enoch C. O., (N. Alice), wood worker, h. over 114 William.Lund, Gust, (Augusta),—pres. Alliance Furn. Co.—h. over 308 Willard.Lund, Helmy, domestic 225 East Eighth.Lund, Henry M., (Gertrude E.), electrician, h. over 11 Ninth.Lund, Margaret, mill hand, r. 156 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Lund, Mary A., widow August, r. 117 King.Lund, Raymond, mill hand, r. 156 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Lund, Samuel, (Christine), carpenter, h. 262 Colfax.Lund, Thure, machine hand, r. 103 Ensign.Lund, William, (Christine)—Wm. Lund & Son—h. 156 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Lund, William & Son—contracting carpenters —under 29 North Main.Lund, see Lind.Lundahl, Herman W., (Ardeal V.), wood worker, h. 4 Willis.Lundbeck, Emma, domestic, 175 Allen.Lundberg, A. Laura, textile worker, r. 15 Stowe.Lundberg, Alice, textile worker, r. 608 Prendergast Ave.Lundberg, Andrew M., (Laura), plasterer, h. 15 Stowe.Lundberg, Anna7 domestic, 512 Prendergast Ave.Lundberg, Arvid C, (Sophie), wood work, h. 206% Chandler.Lundberg, Axel C, machine hand, bds. 530 Allen.Lundberg, Axel W., electrician, bds. 280 Broadhead Ave.Lundberg, Carl, (Sophia), finisher,h. 213 Myrtle.Lundberg, C. F., (Josephine), gluer, h. 248 Barrows.Lundberg, Charles, metal worker, bds. 208 Jefferson.Lundberg, Charles F., (Matilda), metal worker, h. over 7 Grandin.Lundberg, David C, (Jennie) metal worker, h. 15 Cook Ave.Lundberg, Henry, office clerk, r. 150 Barrows.Lundberg, Ida, dressmaker, h. 608 Prendergast Ave.Lundberg, John, (Albertina), h. 237 Willard.Lundberg, John E., (Selma), machinist, h. 48 Thayer.Lundberg, John R., (Caroline O.), finisher,h. 280 Broadhead Ave.Lundberg, T lfo TnciiranrPPauline, Mrs., Connecticut mill hand, bds. General 262 Colfax. Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn.,Lundberg, LillC 111&Ul Rose, dlltC textile worker, w. J. Bentley, r. 608 Prendergast Gen. Agt., 515 Ave. Chadakoin BldgLundberg, Victoria, bds. 15 Stowe.Lundberg, Lundborg, Lundgren, Algot, see Alfreda, Bessie, Carl Charles Conrad, Lunberg. J., O., metal r. E., (Anna), domestic, (Emma 435 (Charlotte), worker, Willard. S.), M.), cabinetmaker, 607 milk bds. sander; Washington.machine peddler, 138 h. Park. h. under hand, h. 932 13 East 80 h. Tew. Tower. 80 Second. Tower.

Always buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 177cff/LL^AAfffloR^Lundgren, Edith A., r. 80 Tower.Lundgren, Emma, widow Edward, weaver, h. 262 Broadhead Ave.Lundgren, Fredricka, widow John, r. 65 Tower.Lundgren, Gustaf, wood worker, bds. 7 Shaw Ave.Lundin, Anna, domestic, 3. Lakeview Ave.Lundin, Ernest, carpenter, bds. 525 Allen.Lundin, Hennig, (Helga), carpenter, h. under 218 Forest Ave.Lundin, Henry, iron worker, bds. 8 Axtel.Lundin, John, (Flora), teamster, h. 10 Genesee.Lundin, John, finisher, h. over 1102 East Second.Lundin, Otto, wood worker, bds. 11% Franklin.Lundman, Charles G., (Anna), gluer, h. 223 Bowen.Lundmark, Hannah B., widow Charles, h. 423 Newland Ave.Lundmark, Jennie C, clerk, r. 423 Newland Ave.Lundquist, Andrew, (Anna S.), carpenter, h. 318 Price.Lundquist, Anna, widow Olof, h. over 211 Prendergast Ave.Lundquist, Anna K., domestic, 208 Allen.Lundquist, Anna M., textile worker, r, under 115 Camp.Lundquist, Amanda C, widow Gustaf A., h. 507 Chandler.Lundquist, Amanda J., weaver, bds. over 313 Newland Ave.Lundquist, Arvid N., (Delia M.)—hats, caps, and men's furnishings, 220North Main—h. 410 Lakeview Ave.Lundquist, Axel, drayman, bds. 14 Stowe.Lundquist, Axel E., (Amanda),—Berglund & Lundquist—h. 601 Newland Ave.Lundquist, Carl A., (Ellen B.)—E. Rosencrantz & Co., and John Burklund &Co.—h. 621 East Sixth.Lundquist, Charles E., (Minnie)—Lundquist & Gustafson—h. 34 Chapman.Lundquist, Charles J., (Anna S.), canvasser, h. under 115 Camp.Lundquist, Christina, widow Charles J., dressmaker, h. over 11 Victoria Ave.Lundquist, Edwin E., metal worker, r. under 115 Camp.Lundquist, Emma M., widow August, h. over 86 Liberty.Lundquist, Esther M., r. over 86 Liberty.Lundquist, Gideon, (Edith), laborer, h. 342% Steele.Lundquist, dust, bench boss Art Metal, bds. 20 Warner Ave.Lundquist & Gustafson—Charles Lundquist and Hjalmer Gustafson—merchanttailors, rm. 2 Arcade Bldg., over 28 North Main.Lundquist, John G., (Isabella) axemaker, h. 23 Tenth.Lundquist, Paul, (Anna L.), furniture painter, h. 64 Thayer.Lundquist, Robert E., (Edna) stock receiver Dahlstrom's Met. Door Co., h.over 872 East Second.Lundquist, Ruth C, domestic, 15 East Fifth.Lundquist, Sam, (Georgia P.), bookkeeper, h. over 111 East Second.Lundquist, Sofie, widow Isaac, r. 100 Willard.Lundquist, Theodore W„ cabinetmaker, bds. 23 Tenth.Lundquist, Victor C, deliveryman, r. 11 Victoria Ave.Lundquist, MODERN Victoria HARDWOOD A., clerk, r. 11 FLOORS Victoria Ave. — Ask LyonsLundquist, Are William, not so expensive (Eustine), a» you textile may think worker, h. 64 Thayer. JLundquist, see Lindquist.Lundstedt, Lunn, South Andrew, Anna, Alvin—Lunn Ernest Cigar Main. Carl, widow Co.—Alvin B.—Lunn cigarmaker Cigar Samuel, mfr., Cigar Lunn Co.—bds. rms. dressmaker, 31 Co.—bds. and South 12 North 7 Ernest Harrison, Main, 36 h. Main. Myrtle. B. 36 bds. Lunn—cigar Myrtle. rms. 21 Terrace 2 Forest Place. mfrs., Park. over 41

Clark Hardware Co., Hardware & Mill Supplies178 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP.Coats for ladies, misses and children. Largest stock.Lowest prices.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Lundwall, Amelia, widow Solomon A., r. 17 Tew.Lundy, Carl, wood worker, bds. over 44 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Lundy, Joseph E. B.—Lundy & Soderstrom—bds. 12 Williams.Lundy & Soderstrom—Joseph E. B. Lundy and J. Warner Soderstrom—merchanttailors, rm. 2 New Warner block.Lupica, Tony, laborer, bds. 10% Whitley Place.Lusk, Seymour, blacksmith, bds. 407 Lafayette.Lydle, Helen, dressmaker, bds. 154 Hall Ave.Lydle, Wellington N., (Ada), contractor, h. 154 Hall Ave.Lydle, William, clerk Art Metal, bds. 154 Hall Ave.Lydon, James W., (Samantha), florist,h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Lyke, Nathaniel, (Anna), chef Everett Hotel, h. over 16 Price.Lyman, Jerry A., (Allie)—mgr. Grand Union Tea Co.—h. 356 Falconer.Lyman, Sara C, widow Edward C, h. 217 East Sixth.Lynch, Agnes, dressmaker, r. 720 Buffalo.Lynch, Edward J., teamster, r. 625 Spring.Lynch, James J., driver J. Fire dept.., r. 625 Spring.Lynch, Katherine, Mrs., textile worker, h. 720 Buffalo.Lynch, Luke M., (Sarah), loom fixer,h. 153 Chandler.Lynch, Minnie J.,—hairdresser, 625 Spring—r. do.Lynch, Nellie, clerk, r. 625 Spring.Lynch, Patrick, plumber, r. 625 Spring.Lynch, Theresa, forelady shoemaker, r. 625 Spring.Lynn, Andrew, (Bessie), mattressmaker, h. over 206 Barrett.Lynn, Carl Oscar, (Selma W.), mattressmaker, h. 5 Hanley.Lynn, De Forest, laborer, bds. 301 Crescent.Lynn, Gust, (Ericka), finisher,h. 206 Barrett.Lynn, J. Edward, (Mary A.),machine hand, h. 113 Broadhead Ave.Lynn, Jessie C, weaver, r. over 206 Barrett.Lynn, Julia E., asst. forelady Chaut. Towel mills, r. 206 Barrett.Lyon, Fred E., (Emma), machine hand, h. 244 Hopkins Ave.Lyon Furniture Commercial Agency—Bert G. Tiffany, mgr.—over 303 NorthMain.Lyon, Fred G., printer, r. 234 South Main.Lyon, George, (Carrie), plasterer, h. over 1052 North Main.Lyon, Rose B., clerk, bds. 384 Foote Ave.Lyon, Sarah D., h. 234 South Main.Lyons, Alice, bookkeeper, r. 907 North Main.Lyons, Anna L., r. 907 North Main.Lyons, Harry G., (Marion)—retail lumber, M sash, doors, glass, paints and varnishes,36 Institute—h. 13 Fulton.Lyons, John, ELOF laborer, ROSENCRANTZ bds. 14 Fluvanna Ave. & COMPANYLyons, John, laborer, bds. 121 East Second.Lyons, Mary, weaver, r. Factory 907 North Main. SuppliesLyons, Mabee, Mary, Burnie Mrs., S., (Rose h. 907 A.), North cabinetmaker, Main. h. over 104 Harrison.LyrianMabee,SingingJ. Ernest,Society—rm.(Frances),11upholsterer,New Warnerh. overblock,5overOrchard.5 North Main.Lyric Theater—H. A. Deardourff, mgr.—201 East Third."McDougall" Kitchen Cabinets at Gage's

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods. The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 179THE LARGEST STOCK

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools180 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N. J.,Premium receipts to Jan. I, <strong>1909</strong>, $329,137,864.85; returned to policyholdersand funds on hand for future payment to policyholders, $384,556,735.84.Magnuson, Petronilla, widow Bror M., h. 1 Grandin.Magnuson, Ruth M. E., student, r. 196 Barrett.Magnuson, Samuel, (Anna), laborer, h. 158 Barrows.Magnuson, Segrid, textile worker, r. 19 Victoria Ave.Magnuson, Signa, domestic, 513 West Third.Maharon, Agnes, student, r. 417 Murray Ave.Maharon, Anthony J., upholsterer, r. 314 West Sixth.Maharon, John, (Margaret)—police justice, rm. 6 City hall—h. 417 MurrayAve.Maharon, John J.,—cigars and tobacco, 8 West Third—r. 314 West Sixth.Maharon, Julia, r. 417 Murray Ave.Maharon, Katherine, aristo worker, r. 417 Murray Ave.Maharon, Margaret, aristo worker, r. 417 Murray Ave.Maharon, Margaret A., bds. 314 West Sixth.Maharon, Mary A., stenographer, r. 417 Murray Ave.Maharon, Michael, brick mason, h. 314 West Sixth.Maharon, Richard J., clerk, r. 314 West Sixth.Maher, Charles, moulder, r. 628 West Fifth.Maher, Gertrude, r. 628 West Fifth.Maher, Margaret, r. 628 West Fifth.Maher, Patrick—machine shop and foundry, 20 Taylor—h. 628 West Fifth.Maher, Thomas F., (Catherine), machinist, h. 622 West Fifth.Maher, William J., (Mary A.), moulder, h. 14 Arnold.Mahoney, Edward H., (Mary F.), bricklayer, r. 738 Buffalo.Mahoney, Edward J., (Marcola),—saloon, 634 East Second—h. over 630 do.Mahoney, Edward W., (Mary S.), retired, h. 898 East Second.Mahoney, Evelyn B., r. 738 Buffalo.Mahoney, John, (Ella E.), paving contractor, h. 225 Foote Ave.Mahoney, John, retired, h. 508 Winsor.Mahoney, John J., (Mary)—physician, 401 Lafayette—h. do.Mahoney, Julia, stenographer, r. 508 Winsor.Mahoney, Margaret L., teacher, r. 738 Buffalo.Mahoney, Mary, r. 508 Winsor.Mahoney, Mary A., teacher, r. 738 Buffalo.Mahoney, Matthew P., clerk J. Water dept., r. 738 Buffalo.Mahoney, Nellie, aristo worker, rms. 307 West Second.Mahoney, Richard, (Edna), upholsterer, h. 500 Winsor.Mahoney, Sadie A., r. 898 East Second.Mahoney, Thomas, (Margaretta), contractor, h. 51 Falconer.Mahoney, Thomas, Jr., (Elsie G.), bricklayer, h. 738 Buffalo.Mahony, Thomas, (Margaret), h. 738 Buffalo.Mainwaring, Ariel, r. 220 Fulton.Mainwaring, Benjamin F., (Eva A.), textile worker, h. 220 Fulton.Mainwaring, J. Harlow, engineer Erie R. R., r. 220 Fulton.Malier, Gertrude C, stenographer, r. 860 North Main.Malier, James, (Alvina C), lumberman, h. 860 North Main.Maliq, Experience Baci, wool means washer, much r. in over writing 5 Taylor. insurance contracts. We have beenMaliq, Pirce, wool washer, writing r. over them 5 Taylor. for 20 years.Mallen, BRADSHAW'S Andrew, wood PIONEER carver, r. INSURANCE 220 Sprague. AGENCYMallen, James, (Mary), carpenter, h. 220 Sprague.Malloh, Mallen, Mallory, Malm, Adeline, John, Katherine, Dexter, Cora Edith finisher, A., M., widow waste r. teacher, domestic, 42 John, Grant. r. sorter, 220 r. h. Sprague. 15 42 h. cor. East Grant. 42 Grant. Vega Fifth. and Benedict.

CLOAKS,: „5HAWLSv*\ gloves, hosiery The A. D. SharpeJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 181WE HANDLEfl&lfffeftAAlfirOR^Co.20 DIFFERENT MAKESMalm, Carl,^ —Lenna & Malm, 62 Winsor—h. do.Malm, Gust,^. metal worker, bds. 12 William.Malmberg, i Ufred, metal worker, bds. Ill Mechanic.Mahnfterg, / Lgnes, shoe worker, r. 20 Twelfth.Malmtberg, Cf lharles J., (Ida E.),—Malmberg Sanitarium—h. 862 North Main.MalmD»erg, 1 'lorence, nurse, r. 862 North Main.Malmajerg, C \. Albert, clerk, bds. 310 Jefferson.MalmlAerg, I lerbert W., (Hazel), clerk, h. 310 Barrett.Maltai'erg, Iffjalmer, tailor, bds. 489 Winsor.Malmberg, Samuel C, (Margaret), estimate clerk Art Metal, h. 880 Washington.'MalmbArg Sanitarium—Charles J. Malmberg, prop.—862 North Main.Malmgrten, Charles, (Hannah), machine hand, h. 92 Water.Malmgrlen, Hannah, Mrs., midwife, r. 92 Water.MalmquUsJJ Antone E., metal worker, r. 155 Barrett.Malmqupt, Charlotte C, widow John A., r. 155 Barrett.Malmquist, Claus J., wood worker, h. over 22 Jeffords.Malmquist, George A., carpenter, r. 155 Barrett.Malmquist, Gust E.,—'Thompson & Malmquist—h. 22 Jeffords.Malmquist, Henry C., meat cutter, r. 155 Barrett.Malmquist, Jennie, h. 155 Barrett.Malmquist, John A., driver, r. over 22 Jeffords.Malmquist, Nellie, textile worker, r. over 22 Jeffords.Malmquist, Selma, r. over 22 Jeffords.Malmstrom, Algert, (Alma), upholsterer, h. 51 Charles.Malone, William V., (Elizabeth), printer, h. over 332 East Third.Maloney, Frank C, (Ida M.), electrician, h. over 219 Hazzard.Maltby ^ Edward, student, r. 503 East Fifth.Maltby, George E., (Anna)—gen. mgr. J. St. Ry. and Chaut. Traction Co.—h.503 East Fifth.Maltby, George L., (Gladys B.), general inspector, J. St. Ry.Manbert, Allen R., (Mary)—Manbert & Lager—h. 420 Foote Ave.Manbert, Fern M., r. 420 Foote Ave.Manbert & Lager—A. R. Manbert and Charles Lager—shoes, 3 Brooklyn Sq.Manchester, Frank, (Mary), painter, h. over 15 Fifteenth.Manchester, Harry E., (Albourn), electrical engineer, h. over 9 Grandin.Mancino, Antonio, (Teressa), musician, h. 40 Twelfth.Manges, Edgar A., (Elza A.), engineer Erie R. R., h. 106 Francis.Manning, John T., (Margaret), weaver, h. over 208 East Second.Manser, Robert P., (Winnifred), florist,h. 60 Hunt Road.Mansfield, Fred W., (Vinnie D.), electrical engineer, h. 4 Cook Ave.Manson, Edwin, machine hand, h. 516 Crescent.Manson, John, (Nellie), laborer, h. 516 Crescent.Manson, see Munson and Monson.Mantill, A. F., chef Sherman House, r. do.Manufacturerers' Association—R. J. Bootey, sec'y.-treas.; W. J. Maddox,pres.—over 213 North Main.Maple, Ida, head waitress Sherman House.Marcello, Frank, (Rosina),—fruits, 3 East Third—h. over 217 North Main.Marcia, Samuel, (Mary), textile worker, h. 31 Scott.Mareri, Fraceso, laborer, bds. 539 Crescent.I Company, Markham, Markel, Markar, Marker, VV Yf\.m. Iiy Waldmir, Corydon Ludwig Adolph Chris, nearly insure and Edith G. Edith—asst. who (Marie M., J., G., 1,000,000 in (Henrietta), alone (Amanda), (Hansina), Mrs., the machine O.), New receive dressmaker, sec'y. policies, cabinetmaker, York hand, wood polisher, upholsterer, Y. the Life? W. who r. carver, profits h.,over C. 308 are A.—r. Because: Ill Stowe.of 192 308 106 41 Benedict. the 107 South Steele Stowe. East company, Insuring Company.Liberty. Second. Main. Ave. , who the holders own the of

Clark Hardware Co. Farming Implements aij Toof"**182 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew Y r ^ ^ J ^ Z ^ ^ ^?4,S56,735-~Markham, Sidney L., wood finisher,r. 107 Liberty.Markham, Sophia A., widow John, h. 107 Liberty.Markle, John C. P., (Minnie C), barber, h. 23 Fenton Place.Markle, Van M., (Alice E.), wood worker, h. over 703 West e)Markman, Caroline, Mrs., weaver, r. 440 Allen.Markowitz, Alex, clerk, bds. 5 South Main.Marks, Adella, Mrs., canvasser, h. 10 West Eighth.Marks, Thomas H., (Anna), carpenter, h. 12 Tenth. iMarkstrom, Anna D., domestic, 1381 East Second. ! 417 w,irrMarrele, Anna, mill hand, r. 210 Steele. |Marrele, Caroline, widow Frank, r. 210 Steele.',,„(. gjxrj,Marrele, Joe., laborer, Erie R. R., h. 210 Steele. 'Marrele, Peter, mill hand, r. 210 Steele.Marrele, Sam, r. 210 Steele.Marsh, Albert C, (Minnie I.), warp twister, h. 129 Steele.Marsh, A. May, widow Frank O., h. 309 West Third.Marsh, Augusta S., widow John A., h. 5 Sturges.Marsh Bros.—Edward J. and George E. Marsh—tinners, 202 West i\Marsh, Carl C, (Laura A.), wood finisher,h. over 122 Crescent.Marsh, Daniel A., (Margaret), wood worker, h. 21 Crescent.Marsh, Edson O., (Diana), teamster, h. 68 Fifteenth.Marsh, Edward J., (Annie), —Marsh Bros.—h. 819 Lafayette.Marsh, Ellis O., (Belle), motorman J. St. Ry., h. over 148 Jones & Gifford Av.Marsh, Elmer, (Mary), cratemaker, h. 148 Jones & Gifford Ave.Marsh, Forest, piano tuner, r. 148 Jones & Gifford Ave.Marsh, Fred S., (Leah)—sec'y. Straight Dry Plate Co.—h. 1086 East Second.Marsh, George E.,—Marsh Bros.—r. 811 Washington.Marsh, Harry, machinist, bds. 122 Crescent.Marsh, James H., (Mary)—groceries, 801 Washington—h. over do.Marsh, John T., (Leanora)—Marsh Plumbing Co.—h. 10 Fourteenth.Marsh, Leo G., tinner, r. 811 Washington.Marsh, L. Bertha, stenographer, r. 811 Washington.Marsh, Mulford C, r. over 101 East Second.Marsh, Ora, student, r. 148 Jones & Gifford Ave.Marsh Plumbing Co.—John T. Marsh—under 202 West Fourth.Marsh, Thomas, (Lucy), tinner, h. 811 Washington.Marsh, William Alfred, (Edith H.)—vice pres. & gen. mgr. J. Metal Furn. Co.h. 322 East Fourth.Marsh, William H., (Edith)—Jorgenson & Marsh—h. 824 North Main.Marsh, William T., (Kate C), janitor 13th Sep. Co., h. over 101 East Second.Marshall, Andrew, (Elizabeth J. B.), tailor, h. 312 East Third.Marshall, Frank H., (Sophie H.)—artist, 44 Lakeview Ave.—h. do.Marshall, J. S. B.,—osteopath, 312 East Third—h. do.Marshall, Elizabeth J. B., Mrs.,—osteopath, 312 East Third—r. do.Martel, Albert, chef, rms. 215 West Second.Martens, Hagen, (Rosa), draughtsman, h. 37 Sampson.Marthaler, Joseph A.,—mgr. Avon Saloon—rms. over 116 East Third.Martin, Abraham J., (Alice),—Martin & Johnson—h. 109 Chandler.Martin, Archie J., (Fanny A.),—Reed & Martin—h. 179 McKinley Ave.Martin, Carrie M., widow Andrew J., h. 862 Prendergast Ave.Martin, Charles O., druggist, r. 818 Washington.WCI. Martin, • A:_-rf_ Main—h. LlV ^-'J & Eliza Delia, Frank Fred Charlotte, Colburn—P. AinSe " A " W., 808 J., V.L Mrs., J., ' widow S Spring. (Mabel)—city (Louella), C r. ~. AUQIL 20 J. Periodical William Martin Richmond Adelbert pressman L..O. ^ pass. and E., H., Audits, Place. h. <strong>System</strong>s, C. J"iMtown, agt. h. 535 Journal, D. 818 Colburn—barbers, Allen. N. Financial Voucher Washington.Y. N. h. C. Y., 818 <strong>System</strong>s, & Bell Investigations, Washington.H. 467. R. Factory R. 116 Youngstown, R., North Cost 310 <strong>System</strong>s. SafeguardNorth Main. O.Bell S»*

arpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. The A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 183PIANOS AND ORGANS^//LL^fAA^TOR^SHEET MUSIC!artin, Frederick P.,—teacher manual training, J. High school—r. Cheney's-^on-<strong>Chautauqua</strong>.artin, Jeonette, widow Marcus, h. 332 East Third.,artin & Johnson—A. J. Martin and J. E. Johnson—shirt mfrs. over 204, North Main.(irtin, Mabelle A., r. 109 Chandler..irtin, Melville H., wood worker, r. over 115 Crossman.lirtin, Melvin M., (Marion G.), ticket agent Erie R. R., h. Fairmount Ave.,1 e bey. limits.'''rtin, Nelson H., (Ella V.), finisher,h. over 605 English.crtinr Olos N., (Anna), tailor, h. 48 Water.• ^rtin, Perry J., (Kittie M.)—Martin & Colburn—h. 206 Lakeview Ave.n< rtin, Richard, (Addie), plater, h. over 613 North Main.*":i.rtin, Rupert W., machinist, h. over 106 East Second.Partin, Sophia, widow Carl Johann, h. 525 Allen.Siartin, Telia E., widow George B., stamp clerk P. O., h. Cheney's-on-Chaut.Martin, Velora G., stenographer, r. over 106 East Second.Martin, see Martyn.Martindale, John H., (Orpha), inventor, h. 513 Allen.Martindale, Leslie, (Ina), weaver, h. 292 Harrison.Martindale, Merle M., barber's apprentice, r. 513 Allen.Martindale, Stephen, r. 15 Fifteenth.Martindale, Willard G., (Mabel), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 15 Fifteenth.Martinelle, Patsy, laborer, r. 581 Buffalo.Martinelli, Carmine, (Reale), fireman,h. 539 Crescent.Martinelli, Sebastino, laborer, bds. 539 Crescent.Martyn Bros.—M. George Martyn—furniture, 516 West Fourth.Martyn Hose Co., 506 West Fifth.Martyn, M. George—Martyn Bros.—h. 516 West Fourth.Martyn, see Martin.Marvel Furniture Co.—Alfred A. Anderson, pres. & mgr.;Oscar E. Anderson,vice pres.;Warner F. Liedblad, sec'y.-treas.—chiffoniers and dressers,Allen Ext.Marvel, .Herbert, wool sorter, r. 15 Scott.Marvel, James R., (Lavinia), wool sorter, h. 15 Scott.Marvin, Allen L., laborer, bds. 52 Ridgway Ave.Marvin, Elizabeth W., widow Robert N„ h. 2 West Fifth.Marvin, Henry C, (Belle B.), clerk, h. 223 Crossman.Marvin House—Mrs. Viola D. Everett, prop.—boarding house, 105 West 2nd.Marvin, Ida B., picker, r. under 310 East Second.Marvin, Selden H., r. 223 Crossman.Maseta, Domenick, laborer, bds. 324 Steele.Maseta, Lorenzo, (Rose), laborer, h. 324 Steele.Masho, Vasil, baker, rms. 131 Harrison.Mason, Charles O., (Augusta O.), finisher,h. over 149 McKinley Ave.Mason, Edward R., wood worker, bds. 241 Hopkins Ave.Mason, Elizabeth, widow John, bds. 714 Washington.Mason, Gertrude, r. over 516 Crescent.Mason, James H., (Emogene P.), printer, h. 11 Charles.Mason, John, wood worker, r. 41 Hopkins Ave.Mason, John C, (Carrie J.)—with L. L. Mason, 217 North Main—h. 12 Fulton.Fine Mason, Line Paul, Nels, Joseph, Katherine, Levant Julia Framed A., carpenter, (Rose), L.,—jewelry, wood (Clara (Annie), h. Pictures textile over worker, foundryman, A.), h. 1007 laborer, worker, over architect, 217 at North r. the 41 516 North h. r. n. Hopkins Main. 31 Cawcroft Crescent. 41 h. Main—r. Scott. 211 Hopkins West Ave. Co., 12 Ave.Fifth. Fulton. 107 E. 3rd St,

Clark Hardware Co.Farm Implements and Fencing184 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYPliantOUmi!! RfOTAJ Before meaIs makes every dish welcome' afterVlld U Id Ul| ltd Ul C W insure$ digestion. Both phones 268Mason, Roland K., (Ella C.)—news dealer, cigars and tobacco, 8 So Mainand 10 East Third—h. 145 McKinley Ave.Mason, Trosino, (Rosa), laborer, h. 62 Harrison.Mason, Victoria, textile worker, r. 41 Hopkins Ave.Mason, William C, clerk, r. 12 Fulton.Masson, Alice M., textile worker, r. 9 Water.Masson, Catherine, widow Joseph, h. 9 Water.Masson, J. Theodore, bartender, r. 9 Water.Masson, Laura E., textile worker, r. 9 Water.Masterson, A. Ellsworth, (Jennie)—shoeshine, 13 East Third—h. over 309North Main.Masterson, Jennie, Mrs.,—hair dressing and masseuse, over 309 North Main—h. do.Mastreano, Lorenz, (Nettie M.), laborer, h. 218 Steele.Matha, Caroline, dressmaker, r. 522 East Second.Matson, Agner M., wood worker, r. 4 Institute.Matson, Bert L., (Myrtle), baggage master J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. 110 CatlinAve.Matson, Carl J.,—cigars, tobacco and confectionery, 310 East Second—r. 4Institute.Matson, Emma C, widow James, h. 4 Institute.Matson, Iner, machine hand, r. 4 Institute.Matson, Florence A., student, r. 178 Hallock.Matson, Herman, wood worker, bds. over 83 Allen.Matson, John T., (Margaret), commercial traveler, h. over 203 West Third.Matson, Oscar, metal painter, bds. over 83 Allen.Matson, Thaddeus E., (Jennie E.), clerk Warner's mill, h. 178 Hallock.Mattern, Edwin P.,—prop. Allen Square Hotel—h. do.Mattern, Harry R., (Dora)—prop. Allen Square Hotel—h. do.Matteson, George E., (Myrtle), linotype operator, h. 59 East Cowden Place.Matteson, Jennie, waitress, bds. 9 West Fourth.Matteson, Luther B., (Ida B.), stationary engineer, h. 289 South Main.Mattson, Axel J., (Freda A.), machinist, h. over 40 Pearl Ave.Mattson, Charles E., (Carrie), carpenter, h. over 254 Willard.Mattson, James W., (Ida), freight handler, h. over 32 Pearl Ave.Mattson, John, (Margaret), collector, h. over 207 West Third.Mattson, John, (Mary C), carpenter, h. 114 Peterson.Matthews, Elizabeth, clerk, r. 504 East Fifth.Matthews, Nettie, (Oren H.),—school supplies, 108 Falconer—h. do.May, George S., (Myrtle), lumberman, h. 803 Lafayette.May's Theater—Winfred J. Heath, prop.—moving pictures and vaudeville,309 Main.Maybee, Frank, (Katherine), wood finisher, h. 213 Lincoln.Maybee, Mabel M., milliner, r. 213 Lincoln.Maybee, see Mabee.f McCall, McCallum, LllC McAllister, McAvoy, McBride, Maynard, Maza, Mazurco, McArdle, •!?- h. Jiose, 114 UlaUrdlltC If|«n|iQf|/,A Julia Margaret James, William, Daniel, Frank, D. Tony, Perry Forest Thomas, Archie, wood A., (Lavlena), C, wood (Caroline), (Susan), Ave. widow S., E., (Laura), (Mary), worker, (Rose piano (Evelyn), (Alice), widow worker, Connecticut w. Ansel, B.), pipe salesman, laborer, pastor bds. sawyer, J. James butcher, foreman clerk, motorman bds. Bentley, liner dressmaker, 539 Pilgrim A., Lake h. Crescent. General rms. Standard h. h. comp. 92 16 r. 1026 Gen. 750 Steele. over House, Flagg J. The Memorial Buffalo. St. r. room Main. Agt., Life 763 Oil Osmer. 12 Ave. Ry., West East Water. Journal, Co., Ins. 515 h. Congregational Eighth. h. Second. 24 Chadakoin Co., over Whitley h. 80 Hartford, 1 East Falconer. Bldg. Ave. Church, Sixth. Conn.,

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods.The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 185tf/LL^AAfffloR^McCarty, James, conductor J. C. L. E. R. R., bds. Lake House.McCleary, Guy, plumber, bds. 816 North Main.McClellan, Eliza, Mrs.—supt. maternity ward, W. C. A. hospital—r. do.McClelland, Sheridan, (Mable), commercial traveler, h. 82 New Gifford Bldg.McCluskey, Anna M., milliner, r. 941 East Second.McCluskey, John P., bartender, rms. 54 Allen Sq. Bldg.McCluskey, Sarah, widow Patrick, h. 941 East Second.McConnell, Arthur P., bds. 314 West Eighth.McConnell, Daniel F., metal worker, r. 314 West Eighth.McConnell, Edward A., (Elizabeth A.), shoemaker, h. 314 West Eighth.McConnell, William E., mason, r. 314 West Eighth.McCormick, Catherine M.,—McCormick News Co.—r. 513 East Sixth.McCormick, Frank J.—McCormick News Co.—r. 513 East Sixth.McCormick, James E., (Mary), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 610 North Main.McCormick, John, (Lizzie), rms. over 124 East Second.McCormick, Josephine, textile worker, bds. 400 West Seventh.McCormick, Katherine, aristo worker, r. 80 Fairmount Ave.McCormick, Mary B., cloak dept. Jones & Audette, r. 513 East Sixth.McCormick News Co.—Frank J. and Catherine M. McCormick—newsdealers,tobacco and cigars—112 North Main.McCormick, Rose A., widow Andrew, h. 513 East Sixth.McCormick, Rose M., clerk, r. 513 East Sixth.McCrorey, J. G.,—5 and 10c store, 13-15 and 207-209 North Main—office 621Broadway, New York City.McCue, Michael, (Rose' S.), florist,h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.McCue, see McKee.McCullough, Mary, textile worker, h. over 237 Crescent.McCullough, Roy, (Alice I.), wheel assembler, h. 18 Flagg Ave.McCutcheon, Charles A., (Emma), machinist, h. 2 Barrows.McDermid, Margaret, widow James, r. 850 Prendergast Ave.McDivitt, Rilla, domestic, 304 West Third.McDonald, Allen, engineer, bds. 5 South Main.McDonald, Arvilla, r. 63 East Cowden Place.McDonald, Arthur, (Maude), roofer, h. 956% Washington.McDonald, Carrie,widow James, nurse, r. 58 Hotchkiss.McDonald, Daniel, (Katherine), machine hand, h. over 956 Washington.McDonald, Hugh C, (Flora),—asst. supt. Prudential Ins. Co.—h. 900 East 2d.McDonald, Jessie, widow George A., r. over 703 North Main.McDonald, John, (Maude), lumber inspector Ross Lumber Co., h. 506 Palmer.McDonald, Katherine, Mrs., stitcher, bds. 83 Water.McDonald, Lake J., (Mary), lumber inspector, h. 911 West Sixth.McDonnell, Archie, (Hannah), blacksmith, h. 2000 North Main.McElhose, Charles F., (Adelaide), japanner, h. 50 Hazzard.McElhose, Henry J., (Minnie J.), foreman Art Metal, h. 19 Mechanic.McElroy, Mary, piece worker, h. over 56 Harrison.DRY McElroy, William J., (Frances A.)—supt. Grandin's Mill—h. 215 East Third.H E M L O C K L U M B E R JEEET.,END McFarland, TRIMMED Frank, (Elizabeth), ice creammaker, h. 24 Victoria Ave.BAND McFarland, SAWED Patrick J., (Margaret), freight conductor Erie R. R., h. 49 Pros­McGahen, McGarvey, McGee, McGarvie, North pect. Edward Catherine, Wallace Main. Lawrence John J., W., widow L., (Jane), R., moulder varnisher, (Alice), John, commercial and h. motorman bds. 835 engineer, 214 Washington.traveler, Forest J. rms. St. Ave. h. Ry., 3 837 Warner h. Washington.52 Hamilton. block, over 19

Clark Hardware Co.Hardware and Mill Supplies186 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP.Suits for ladies,in all the new styles andSAXE BROS. CO., 12-14 W. Third St.McGee, Mary, textile worker, r. 835 Washington.McGee, Max M., (Minnie), teamster, h. over 110 Stowe.McGee, Thomas F., (Julia), metal worker, h. 818 Jefferson.McGee, William T., bds. 835 Washington.McGiller, Margaret, Mrs., picker, r. 214 Clinton.McGilliger, William, (Dora), switchman, h. over 705 West Eighth.McGin, Margaret, waitress Everett Hotel, rms. 6 Forest Park.JMcGinity, John, (Lelia)—McGinity, Johnson & Co.—h. 28 Van Buren.McGinity, Johnson & Co.—John McGinity, T. A. Morley, Amil A. Johnson,Joseph Trainor—plumbing and heating, 210 East Second.McGinity, Michael, (Bridget), mason, h. 24 Van Buren.McGowan, James, cook, Sherman house.McGowan, James H., upholsterer, bds. 310 West Eighth.McGowan, M. John, metal plater, bds. 310 West Eighth.McGowan, Katherine, widow Michael, h. 310 West Eighth.McGowan, Thomas F., railroad man, bds. 310 West Eighth.McGraff, John H., cement worker, bds. 149 J. & G. Ave.McGraw, Fred H., cement worker, r. 125 Barrett.McGraw, G. W., commercial traveler, r. 125 Barrett.McGraw, Sam'l S., cement worker, r. 125 Barrett.McGraw, Sarah P., nurse 207 Foote Ave., r. 125 Barrett.McGraw, Thomas B., (Elizabeth V.), landscape gardener, h. 125 Barrett.McGraw, Thomas C, cement worker, r. 125 Barrett.McGraw, Walter L., student, r. 125 Barrett.McGrew, J. Clyde,—mgr. Western Union Tel. Co.—rms. 17 East Sixth.McGuire, Hattie C, r. over 206 East Second.McGuire, Mary, waitress 13 South Main.Mcintosh, Elizabeth O., teacher, r. 210 East Fourth.Mcintosh, Grace J., librarian, r. 210 East Fourth.Mcintosh, James M — mgr. Mack-Hall Co.—h. 210 East Fourth.Mclntyre, Ethel, milliner, r. 75 Prospect.Mclntyre, Fred, wool sorter, bds. 17 Bush.Mclntyre, Julia, widow Charles, dressmaker, rms. 625 Prendergast Ave.Mclntyre, Maud L., clerk, r. 75 Prospect.McKaig, John, (Sylvia), loom fixer,h. 18% Prather Ave.McKane, Harry V., wood worker, r. over 49 McKinley Ave.McKee, Guy L., emp. J. St. Ry., bds. 218 Newland Ave.McKee, Hugh, slater, bds. 40 Regent.McKee, Peter P., (Elizabeth), bleacher, h. 903 West Sixth.HcKee, see McCue.McKell, Elizabeth, domestic, 228 Winsor.McKenzie, George, telegraph editor Morning Post, rms. over 213 No. Main.McKoon, Kathryn, bookkeeper, r. 512 Jefferson.McLaughlin, Edith, stenographer, r. over 545 East Fifth.McLaughlin, Janet, widow Clark, h. over 545 East Fifth.McLean, Gertrude E., stenographer Wilson Stevens, r. over 224 East Second.McLean, J. Charles, (Georgia), machinist, h. over 108 Fairmount Ave.McLean, Royal Louis E., Morris liveryman, r. over Chairs 224 East Second. at G A G E SMcLean, Maurice H., (Mary A.), collector, h. 309 West Second.McLean, Rowland C, metal worker, bds. over 20 Forest Ave.McLean, McMahon, McMillian, McMillen, McMurray, McNall, riages, Eugene William, Anna, Thomas Andrew 224-226 Helen, W., nurse operator (Elizabeth East G., J., (Agnes 207 barber (Mary), Second—h. Foote Home H.), H.),—livery 313 r. city Ave., Tel. Winsor, Fairmount over editor Co., r. and do. r. bds. Morning 114 Ave. dealer 816 West bey. Lafayette.Post, in Eighth. limits. harness h. over 35 and Myrtle. car­

Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery.The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 187qj/LL^7AAm)T0R^ «ONE PRICE» systemMcNallie, Christopher, (Ella), machine hand, h. 10 Camp.McNaught, Harry L., clerk, bds. 12 Lakeview Ave.McNeal, Albert, (Emogene), commercial traveler, h. 235 Fulton.McNeal, Myra L., r. 235 Fulton.McNeight, James S., (Genevieve), metal worker, h. over 25 Victoria Ave.McQueen, Hattie, widow Charles, laundress, bds. 110 Foote Ave.McTigue, Elizabeth, bookkeeper L. W. Stein, r. 19 Valley.McTigue, Gertrude, student, r. 19 Valley.McTigue, James E., (Mary), contractor, h. 19 Valley.McVay, Henry, (Grace), clerk, r. 39 Eleventh.McVay, James, (Mary), retired, h. 48 Eleventh.McVeigh, George, upholsterer, bds. Riverside Hotel.McVeigh, John, bartender, rms. 506 West Fifth.McVeigh, Joseph P., tinsmith, bds. 809 Washington.McVeigh, Patrick, mason, h. 809 Washington.McVeigh, Mary,—dressmaking, over 2 East Fourth—h. 12 Carroll.McVeigh, Catherine, dressmaker, r. 12 Carroll.McVeigh, James M., (Mary D.), stone mason, h. 12 Carroll.McVeigh, Margaret T., student, r. 12 Carroll.McVeigh, see McVay and MacVeigh.Mead, Bertha, r. over 13 Seventeenth.Mead, Madge, student, bds. 110 Catlin Ave.Mead, Martha S., widow Rev. Lynn, h. 415 East Fourth.Mead, Walter, (Ellenor), carpenter, h. over 13 Seventeenth.Meahen, Allen B., clerk, Union Trust Co., bds. 807 Spring.Meas, John B., (Alice)—merchant tailor, rm. 8 New Warner block—h. Wheeler'sBend-on-<strong>Chautauqua</strong>.Meas, Jule F., (Mary), ladies' and gent's tailor, rms. 7-8 Allen Sq. Big., h. do.Mechanics Laundry—Cassius G. Campbell, prop.—23 Whitley Ave.Mecusker, L. Grace, clerk, r. 358 East Fourth.Mecusker, Louisa M., widow Matthew J., h. 358 East Fourth.Mecusker, Horace R.,—livery, 211 Cherry—r. do.Medbury, Gae, machinist, r. over 705 West Eighth.Medbury, Julia, Mrs., nurse, h. over 703 West Eighth.Medin, Henry, carpenter, bds. under 218 Forest Ave.Meehan, Etta L., dressmaker, h. 115 Crossman.Meehan, John J., (Luna), mechanic, h. over 114 West Seventh.Meeker, Charles A., (Eleanor)—asst. sales mgr. Hill's Piano store—h. 311Monroe.Meier, George F., (Minnie R.), contract plasterer, rms. 96-97-98 Allen Sq.Bldg., over 111 North Main.Meier, see Meyer and Myers.Melbye, Ingeborg, r. 338 Forest Ave.Melhuish Charles D., (Mary W.)—sec'y. C. D. Melhuish & Co.—h. 18 Strong.Melhuish! C. D. & Co., Inc.—C. A. Slone, pres.; B. G. Tiffany, vice pres.; C.D. Melhuish, sec'y.—insurance and loans, over '303 North Main.Meli, Frank, (Emma), teamster, h. over 52 Charles.Meli! John F., (Josie), barber, h. 33 Price.Soft Meli Oil Joseph, Soap (Emma (for housecleaning) G.), barber under 20 at West Northrop Third, Paint h. 920 North & Glass Mam. Co.Meli! Joseph'P., candymaker, r. 920 North Main.Melin, Augusta M., widow Swante— millinery, 209 West Third—h. 29 Center.Melin! Mellor, John, David, E. Lewis George, Mary Frederick, Roy, cabinetmaker, E., H., bookkeeper textile office (Ada clerk, worker, G.), bds. Farmers bds. r. warpdresser, r. 163 10 320 815 320 Ivy. & Barrows.Cherry. Allen. Mechanics' h. .,„,,..,.,,„,, 320 Bank, Allen. bds. 142 Broadhead „ ,

Clark Hardware Co., Hardware & Mill Supplies188 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N. J.,Noted for always having furnished a dollar's worth of insurance for every'dollar received.Mellor, Olivette G., textile worker, r. 320 Allen.Mellor, see Miller.Melquist, Emma, widow Albin, h. 828% Cherry.Melquist, Frederick, (Alvina, bench foreman, h. over 813 Jefferson.Melquist, Fritz T., (Anna C.) teamster, h. 810 Jefferson.Melquist, Hedwig, Mrs., tailoress, h. under 202 Falconer.Melquist, Joe L., (Selma) painter, h. 842 North Main.Melquist, Thurston, (Anna), teamster, h. 212 Forest Ave.Melrose, Elizabeth, r. 311 Foote Ave.Mendes, Francis P., (Helen), rms. 409 West Third.Mercantile Law Co. (The)—C. W. Wilson, mgr.—collection agency, 511 Cha-: dakoin Bldg.Merchant, Carrie E., widow Richard T., dressmaker, h. 105 Allen.Merchant, Charles C., commercial traveler, r. 105 Allen.Merchant, Helen M., stenographer, r. 105 Allen.Meredith, Geotge O., (Florence B.), commercial traveler, h. 302 Allen.Meredith, Harrison, drug clerk, 6 East Second.Meredith, Lizzie C, widow Jackson, teacher, h. 327 East Second.Meredith, Mary M., music teacher, r. 405 Cherry.Meredith, Thomas H. W.,—mgr. J. Pharmacy—h. 405 Cherry.Merrill, Anna H., widow David E., h. 130 Lakeview Ave.Merrill, David R., student, r. 130 Lakeview Ave.Merill, Ida M., dressmaker, r. 261 Broadhead Ave.Merrill, J. Clabourne, office clerk, r. 130 Lakeview Ave.Merrill, Laura A., teacher, r. 11 Liberty.Merrill, Mary M., widow Robert r. 409 West Third.Merrill, Mary S., widow Newton I., h. 101 West Fifth.Merrill, William A., (Emma A.), machinist, h. 261 Broadhead Ave.Merrill, William W., (Lillian), clerk Erie R. R., h. 60 Harrison.Merriam, Lucius E., (Agnes R.), lumberman, h. 551 East Second.Merriman, Sheldon O.—sec'y.-treas. The F. M. Curtis Co.—h. Forest Ave.Ext., Jamestown R. F. D. 80.Mertens, William J., (Eliza), photographer, h. 226 Hopkins Ave.Merz, Benjamin—furniture, pictures and picture framing, 120 West Third—bds. 63 Barrett.Merz, Frank, (Lena C.)—pres. Union Trust Co.—h. 6 West Sixth.Merz, Mae—elocution studio, over 202 North Main—r. 11 Crane.Merz, Martin, (Anna)—Martin Merz & Son—h. 11 Crane.Merz, Martin, Jr., (Viola)—M. Merz & Son—h. 8 Crane.Merz, Martin & Son—Martin Merz and Martin Merz Jr.—bookbindery, over202 North Main.Merz, Myrtle B., violin teacher, r. 11 Crane.Messenger, George, (Olga), florist,h. 206 McDannell Ave.Messenger, H. Edgar, (Jane), carpenter, h. 103 Stewart Ave.Messenger, Wayne, (Sarah), laborer, h. over 237 Barrett.Metcalf, Bessie M., student, r. 51 Fairmount Ave.Metcalf, Call Bell Janette, 'phone widow 763, Home Benson, 265 h. when 51 Fairmount you need Ave. insurance or indemnity.Metcalf, Malcolm M., student, Established r. 51 Fairmount in 1867. Ave.Metcalf, BRADSHAW'S Richard B„ farmer, PIONEER h. Fairmount INSURANCE Ave., bey. limits. AGENCYMetcalfe, James, (Margaret), solicitor, h. 10 Cowing.Metcalfe, Joseph H., rms. 610 North Main.Metcalfe, Metropolitan Metz, N. Levi, B. Woodward, Joseph Walter, cabinetmaker, Life S., Insurance (Fannie solicitor, cashier—rms. G.), rms. Co.—R. bds. shoe 31210 13-14 Pine. clerk, A. Cowing. P. Gokey h. Nash, over Bldg., supt.; 36 Liberty. over A. Kay, 16-18 West asst. supt; Third.

CARPETS, CURTAINSiTS, CURTAINS T1 \ T\ Cl_ /"•draperies, shades. 1 he A. u. onarpe L,0.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 189WE POSITIVELY PAY NOtftlLL^AAffirOR^COMMISSIONSMeyer, Frederick M., (Augusta)—custom turning, 340 Steele,—h. 22 WhitleyAve.Meyer, George F., college student, r. 22 Whitley Ave.Meyer, Henrietta, bookkeeper, r. 22 Whitley Ave.Meyer, Max, (Dora), carpenter, h. 368 Buffalo.Meyers, Edgar E., (Minnie E.),—prop. Pearl City Laundry—h. 131 McKinleyAve.Meyers, George, real estate, h. 1309 West Sixth.Meyers, James M., (Jane), weaver, h. 45 Water.Meyers, W. G., motorman J. St. Ry., bds. 26 Catlin Ave.Meyers, see Meyer and Meier and Myers.Mickleson, Frank A., (Christine), painter, h. over 512 Newland Ave.Middleton, Smith, (Edith), warp dresser, h. 79 Barker.Mikkelson, James M., laborer, bds. 11 Highland Ave.Miles, Mary A., widow Stephen, h. 804 Prendergast Ave.Miles, May E., clerk, r. 804 Prendergast Ave.Miller, Alice L., music teacher, r. 338 Crossman.Miller, Bessie B., dressmaker, r. 22 West Seventh.Miller, Carl J., (Estella), cabinetmaker, h. 410 West Seventh.Miller, Burton E., (Ethel), painter and paper hanger, h. over 251 Prospect.Miller, Carrie L., stenographer W. T. Falconer Co., r. 109 Van Buren.Miller, Carolina, widow Charles, weaver, h. 26 Scott.Miller, Charles, (Emily), metal worker, h. 42 Eleventh.Miller, Charles W., (May S.), contractor and builder, h. 624 Palmer.Miller, Emily J., piano teacher, r. 900 Prendergast Ave.Miller, Eva D., widow Joseph D., h. 22 West Seventh.Miller, Emmett W — attorney, 1-4 Ellicott Bldg.—r. 338 Crossman.Miller, Frank, hostler, rms. 211 Cherry.Miller, Frank E., (Nannie), electrician, h. 926 Newland Ave.Miller, George, (Emma), chef Diamond Restaurant, r. over 15 East Second.Miller, Hoyt R., (Harriett), clerk Mack-Hall Co., h. under 857 Spring.Miller, Hugh E., clerk Erie freight depot, r. 900 Prendergast Ave.Miller, I. Thomas, (Addie A.), bartender, h. 440 Maple.Miller, James F., grocery clerk, r. 109 Van Buren.Miller, John, lineman, bds. 121 East Second.Miller, Louis, (Olive), draughtsman, h. over 510 West Fifth.Miller, Lizzie, weaver, r. over 741 East Second.Miller, Mamie E., widow John, h. over 107 East Third.Miller, M., (Nell), carpenter, h. 857 Spring.Miller, Martha A., widow Robert E., h. 900 Prendergast Ave.Miller, Melvina E., widow Albert, h. 2,27 South Main.Miller, Mollie, r. 931 Newland Ave.Miller, Myra, winder, r. 292 Harrison.Miller, Robert J., furniture packer, r. 900 Prendergast Ave.Miller, Roxa E., widow Charles,r.- over 126 East Second.Miller, Roy E., bookkeeper, bds. 142 Broadhead Ave.Miller, Sarah M.,—dressmaking, 16 Harrison—r. do.U/HV Miller, William insure H., in clerk, the New bds. York 109 Van Life? Buren. Because: During the year 1908Miller, WII I William the Company H., (Frances paid D.), to its wood living worker, policyholders, h. 14 William. in maturing policiesand Miller, other William cash benefits, H., (Ida)—Butts over $27,000,000. & Miller—h. 338 Crossman.Miller, William J., (Eva), shoe cutter, h. 109 Van Buren.Miller, Mills, James Betsey, Cynthia John see Winifred Willis Mellor. S., H., widow M., farmer, tinsmith E., (Ruby widow auditor Solomon, r. L.), and Samuel, 135 Home clerk, Barrett. plumber, h. 135 h. Tel. 529 over Barrett. r. Co., East 135 824 r. Barrett. North Fifth. 311 Prendergast Main. Ave.

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Builders' Hardware190 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYPhSillt/iimilSI RrOUf A delicious and nourishing table beverage, with highlUlldUldUlJUd DlCff medicinal qualities. Both phones 268.Mills, Leon L.—Strauss & Mills—r. 5 South Main.Mills, Nancy A., widow Moses, h. 22 Phillips.Millspaw, Fred W., (Helen L.), stationary engineer, h. 16% Harrison.Milner, Gust, (Hilda), h. over 164 Barrett.Milone, Joseph, (Miculina), laborer, h. 25 Water.Milton, Gust, (Anna), tailor, h. over 188 Barrett.Milton, Pauline, Mrs., weaver, rms. 166 Baker.Milwaukee Bottling Co.—P. F. Simon, pres.-treas.; H. H. Cooper, vice pres.;F. Dunn, sec'y.—bottlers beer and soft drinks, 603-609 West Eighth and104 East Second.Minard, Cleon W., electric helper, r. 279% South Main.Minard, Wallace S., (Sarah L.), machinist, h. 279% South Main.Minich, Harry Scott, (Genevieve)—gen. inspector J. St. Ry.—h. 167 Chandler.Miniecutch, Dominic B., (Annie Creesh), laborer, h. 581 Buffalo.Mint, (The)—John L. Swanson and Axel Anderson—saloon and pool room,118 East Second.Minton, Peter J., (Anna), metal worker, h. 70 Thirteenth.Mintzer, Anthony, (Mary)—pres. J. Security Land Co.—r. Warren, Pa.Mistretto, John—Fred Digiovanni & Co.—bds. Falconer, N. Y.Mitchell, Abram, (Anna), loom fixer,h. 32 Barrows.Mitchell, Charles, (Mary), laborer, h. over 131 Harrison.Mitchell, Charles C, (May), laborer, bds. 317 Lakeview Ave.Mitchell, Epefanio, factory truckman, r. 110 Harrison.Mitchell, George H., (Willana),.chemist, h. 22 Hazzard.Mitchell, John, textile worker, bds. 440 Allen.Mitchell, Mary, spinner, r. 110 Harrison.Mitchell, May L., Mrs., r. 13 Hazzard.Mitchell, Nina, bds. 14 Valley.Mitchell, Samuel F., (Augusta), engineer Erie R. R., h. 35 Hazzard.Mitchell, William D., (Louise), wood worker, h. 14 Valley.Mix, Fred R., piano tuner Hill's Piano school, rms. 12 East Fourth.Moberg, Anna D., bookkeeper r. 69 Hazzard.Moberg, Peter A., (Charlotte), coachman, h. 69 Hazzard.Moe, Bert A., (Emma), tailor, h. 12 Linwood Ave.Moe, Martin, (Anna), tailor, h. 338 Forest Ave.Moeler, John, (May), machinist, h. over 13 Victoria Ave.Moeller, Ella L., r. 1130 Prendergast Ave.Moeller, Bernard J. H. B., freight handler, h. 1130 Prendergast Ave.Moffett, Charles A., (Emma), painter and paper hanger, h. 828 Cherry.Moffett, Floyd W., metal worker, r. 828 Cherry.Mohl, Charles, carpenter, h; under 244 Forest Ave.Mohl, George W., (Lottie), finisher,h. 63 Hallock.Mohl, John A., (Caroline), finisher,h. 114 Park.Mohlin, Ernest, teamster, bds. 61 Franklin.Mohlin, Otto, wood worker, bds. 61 Franklin.Mohr, Annie M., mill hand, r. 18 Steele.Mohr, Frank J., mill hand, r. 18 Steele.Mohr, Jacob J., (Mary), night watchman, h. 18 Steele.Mohr, Louis J., (Beryl) advg. mgr. Morning Post, h. 81 Water.Mohr, see Moore and More.Molander, Edward, musician, bds. 104% Weeks.WUlw Molen, Moline, Moller, Monere, Mong, Monroe, . 103% A1T1 JDlj & Louisa, Lindstrom—Mrs. C. Anna, Peppe, Edward West AlllgC fid Emil, C, illflit widow Third. laborer, dressmaker, (Alma T., MUll h. student, over John, L.), Ct\ bds. H. llU. 63 bookkeeper E. Accountants r. 539 Hedges Haupin 59 213 810 Crescent. McKinley West phone Cherry. Ave. and E. 467s Second. and H. Mrs. Ave. Ketchum Youngstown, Cost J. H. <strong>System</strong>s. Lindstrom—millinery,Co., 0., h. Bell Jamestown, 351 phone Foote 522. Ave. N. Y , B

Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 191ENTIRE 6th FLOOR^flLL^AA^TOR^CHADAKOIN BUILDINGMonroe, Edward L., (Jennie A.), machine hand, h. 613 Monroe.Monroe, Mary, L., Mrs., h. 213 West Second.Monroe, Mary C, teacher, r. 213 West Second.Monroe, George H., (Anna E.),—mfr. post cards, 202 West Fourth—h. Celoron,N. Y.Monroe, see Munroe.Monson, Emil, cabinetmaker, bds. over 212 East Second.Monson, Nestor, cabinetmaker, bds. over 212 East Second.Monson, see Manson and Munson.Montagna, Giovani, (Ageline), laborer, h. 64 Tower.Montagno, Antonio, teacher, bds. over 298 East Second.Montague, Frank W., (Elizabeth), machine hand, h. 124 Bowen.Montague, George, (Molly), teamster, h. 501 Hallock.Montague, Jessie, stenographer First Nat. Bank, bds. 21 Eleventh.Montfort, William, bellboy, bds. 9 West Fourth.Montin, Edwig, domestic, 207 Foote Ave.Moody, Frank R.,—real estate, over 16 East Third—bds. 426 East Fifth.Moon, Albert H., (Emma), cigarmaker, h. under 310 Jefferson.Moon, Chauncey—sign painter, rm. 71 Allen Sq. Bldg.—bds. 208 BroadheadAve.Moon, Eva Clare, Mrs., h. 207 Summit.Moon, Fred C, (Margaret)—signs, over 111 East Third—h. 208 BroadheadAve.Moon, George J., (Nora)—Bradburn & Moon—h. over 128 East Second.Moon, (The)—Carl J. Malm, prop.—saloon, 947 East Second.Moorby, Frederick, stone cutter, r. 59 Water.Moorby, Frederick W., (Mary), stone cutter, h. 59 Water.Moore, Alfred E., (Mary S.), retired, h. 529 East Fifth.Moore, Bertha A., bookkeeper and stenographer, r. 115 Allen.Moore Bros.—F. D. Moore, prop.—saw and XX file works, 11-13 East First.Moore, Charles B., (Hattie E.), tinsmith, h. 900 North Main.Moore, Charles I., (Georgianna)—J. Table Co.—h. 154 Forest Ave.Moore, Charles P., clerk, r. 900 North Main.Moore, Floyd C, clerk Nat. Chaut. Co. Bank, r. 105 Prospect.Moore, Frank J., (May M.), metal worker, h. 559 Buffalo.Moore, Fred D., (Julia)—Moore Bros.—h. 17 McKinley Ave.Moore, Fred D. Jr., (Ethel)—Moore Bros.—h. 21 McKinley Ave.Moore, Herve C, student, r. 154 Forest Ave.Moore, Horace C, (Mary), milkman, h. 105 Prospect.Moore, Inez C, music teacher, r. 105 Prospect.Moore, James E., (Alice E.), machine hand, h. 9 Pullman.Moore, Leon C, (Bertha H.), grocery clerk, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Moore, Lillian E., clerk, r. 900 North Main.Moore, Melita G., student, r. 154 Forest Ave.Moore, Selma, widow Charles O., textile worker, r. 220 King.Moore, see Mohr and More.Moran, Cathleen, textile worker, r. 316 Crossman.Moran, James F., freight handler, r. 316 Crossman.Moran, Joseph M., bookkeeper J. Worsted Mills, r. 316 Crossman.Moran, Margaret, picker, rms. 214 Clinton.Moran, Nora, waitress, Sherman House, r. do.OUo More, Morey, uiiaries Moran, I see Glenn, C Earner, Ellery, Fred, Rose Patrick, MonlooCQ Mohr t. E., bookkeeper, (Emma), wood laborer, and (Mary), clerk, iviaciease, DECORATOR, Moore. worker, machinist, r. r. checker r. 316 520 520 r. Crossman.107 520 Hazeltine Erie jainegtown,n.y. h. W. 8 R. Hopkins Third R., Ave. h. Street Ave. 316 Crossman. Bein24b. Home9ik.

Clark Hardware Co.192 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYFine Cutlery and Toolsfhantoiimia Rria-ur The beer demanded by a11 judges of\s JUCl U Id U(J lid OI C W a perfect beer. Both phones 268.Morey, Maria, widow Albert, h. 520 Hazeltine Ave.Morey, Nellie, r. 520 Hazeltine Ave.Morey, William, (Kate), teamster, h. 520% Hazeltine Ave.Morgan, Alma O., clerk, r. 7 Mt. Vernon Place.Morgan, Almond F., (Katheryn), barber under 1 East Second.Morgan, August N., (Mary T.), sander, h. 1027 Newland Ave.Morgan, Axel, metal worker, r. 169 Barrett.Morgan, Carl, (Nettie), metal worker, h. over 7 Mt. Vernon Place.Morgan, Edward, (Corisande D.) cashier First Nat. Bank, h. 10 East Fourth.Morgan, Emil, shoemaker, h. 24 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Morgan, Emil O., metal worker, r. 169 Barrett.Morgan, Eva, weaver, r. 8 Stearns Ave.Morgan, Eva E., r. 169 Barrett.Morgan, Eva S., clerk, r. 1027 Newland Ave.Morgan, Eunice O., widow Benjamin T., h. 301 Lincoln.Morgan, Frank H., stonemason, r. 169 Barrett.Morgan, Fred, upholsterer, r. 1027 Newland Ave.Morgan, Genevieve, r. 10 East Fourth.Morgan, George, furniture packer, h. over 130 Thayer.Morgan, George F., bookkeeper, h. 200 South Main.Morgan, George W., screen doormaker, r. 1027 Newland Ave.Morgan, Georgiana, widow Peter, r. 10 Summit.Morgan, Hazel, clerk, r. 24 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Morgan, John A., (Anna), wood worker, h. 153 Stowe.Morgan, John M., (Louisa C), h. 169 Barrett.Morgan, Laura A., (Elliott F.), r. 200 South Main.Morgan, Lena, widow Peter, r. 40 Regent.Morgan, Leon A., (Lizzie R.), laborer, rm. 4 New Warner block, over 5 NorthMain.Morgan, Louise, Mrs., h. 8 Stearns Ave.Morgan, Mabel, weaver, r. 8 Stearns Ave.Morgan, Marie, r. 10 East Fourth.Morgan, Marie A., r. 313 West Third.Morgan, Signe, mill hand, r. 8 Stearns Ave.Morgan, Stella C, Mrs., h. 313 West Third.Morgan, Theodore, (Ida), drayman, h. 10 Summit.Morgan, William A., (Ida), loom fixer,h. 47 McKinley Ave.Morgan, Zenas E., (Ella), carpenter, h. rear 402 East Fourth.Morganstern, Catharine, r. 212 Hazzard.Morganstern, Charles E., broom peddler, r. 212 Hazzard.Morley, Amey, textile worker, r. over 157 Barrows.Morley, Earl A., wood worker, r. over 165 Barrett.Morley, w .p | Edward, (Fanny), Connecticut gardener, h. General 105 Water. Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn.,Morley, Lllie lnSliranCeEpret L., widow w. Hira J. D., Bentley, h. over general 165 Barrows. agent, 515 Chadakoin Bldg.Morley, Fred, (Mary), carpenter, h. under 155 Barrows.Morley, Morling, Morningstar, Morrello, Morris, Price.J. Dorothy Lee John Thomas Maud, Alice, Nick, Archie, William, R., Frank Lester Lillian Percy O., nurse, artist, (Susie (Sara A., C, (Harriet (Maud), O., student, (Hannah (Mary R., 165 L.), bds. M.), student, (Barbara)—prop. widow Forest E.), laborer, G.),—physician, painter, 6 belt r. Broadhead L.)—McGinity, cable 142 Elias, sander, Ave. r. h. Forest 30 10 h. splicer over h. Price. 616% h. 30 Hub Ave. 90 217 142 Price. Bell Pine. Johnson Sprague. Bowling South Forest Tel. Main. Co., & Ave.—h & Co.—h. pool 117 do. rooms—h. 78 Euclid Water. Ave. 10

Go to The A. D. Sharpe Co. forJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 193Carpetsiff/LL^PAA^rOR^Morrison, Edward S., (Hattie), metal worker, h. over 150 Lakin Ave.Morrison, Eugene, carpenter, bds. 6 South Main.Morrison, John F., (Florence),—tailor, pressing, cleaning and repairing, 16East Third—h. 864 Prendergast Ave.Morrison, John W., carpenter, h. 514 Foote Ave.Morrissey, James J., (Hannah), laborer, h. 147 Hall Ave.Morrow, Frank A., (Jennie), bell boy, h. 851 Prendergast Ave.Morse, Alvin W., bookkeeper, r. 150 Chandler.Morse, Andrew O., (Minnie), millwright, h. 546 Allen.Morse, Arthur O., photo engraver's apprentice, r. 546 Allen.Morse, Charles E., (Helen S.),—contractor and builder, also grocery, feedand meat market, 110-114 Winsor—h. 150 Chandler.Morse, Chester E., grocery clerk, r. 150 Chandler.Morse, Gust L., (Anna), wood worker, h. 444 Chandler.Morse, H., carpenter, rms. 311 Pine.Morse, John, (Lottie), carpenter, r. 542 Allen.Morse, Mabel, textile worker, r. 444 Chandler.Morse, Melinda A., widow Elbridge G., nurse, r. 91 Ellicott.Morse, Rosina, widow Benedict, h. 217 Crescent.Morse, Walter B., (Amanda O.), textile worker, h. 91 Ellicott.Mort, Charles, (Augusta), finisher,h. 47 Pearl Ave.Mortenson, Otto L., carpenter, bds. 104% Weeks.Mortimer, William E., (Lily), carpenter, h. 81 Barker.Morton, Edward W., brick mason, rms. over 11 East Second.Morton, Eliza M., clerk, r. Walnut Grove.Morton, Ernest, (Mary M.), bartender, h. 33 Hazzard.Morton, Charles W., plumber, h. 120 Tenth.Morton, Ida, widow William, h. 14 Valley.Morton, Mary, textile worker, r. 120 Tenth.Morton, Preston, (Bridget), drayman, h. Walnut Grove.Morton, Ross, (Hilda), teamster, h. over 30 Water.Morton, Samuel, (Nettie), laborer, h. 8 Fifteenth.Moses, Augustus F., (Eunice C), retired, h. 616 East Seventh.Moses, Clementine, teacher, bds. 108 Crescent.Moses, Clifford H., (Mina), h. 17 Seymour Ave.Moses, Frank S., (Bell S.),—patent medicines—h. 110 Broadhead Ave.Mosher, Anna May, weaver, r. 322 Foote Ave.Mosher, Elizabeth, Mrs., h. 322 Foote Ave.Mosher, Ella Maude, textile worker, r. 322 Foote Ave.Mosher, Frank L., clerk, r. 325 Foote Ave.Mosher, Harry W., driver, r. 322 Foote Ave.Mosley, Frederick, spinning boss, bds. 44 Taylor.Moss, Edward S., bookkeeper, rms. 117 East Fifth.Moss, Elizabeth S., stenographer, rms. 117 East Fifth.Mossar, Joseph, (Josephine), wood worker, h. over 44 Franklin.Motley, Ida, textile worker, r. 256 Crescent.Motley, Mary, Mrs., h. 684 Buffalo.Motley, Walter, textile worker, r. 256 Crescent.Window, Motley, Mott, Moynihan, Fenton & Aaron Frank William, Armstrong—Frank Bridget, Cornelius Plate, Bldg. V., H.,—attorney, (Flora (Grace r. J., Art, 711 Russell), (Delia A.), Lafayette.Fenton H. GLASS textile M.), Mott commercial Bldg.—r. agent worker, and institute Chaut. George traveler, 910 h. 256 North Traction T. s^«ndEr^Ry.Crescent. Armstrong—attorneys,h. Main. 910 Co., North h. 21 Main. Price.

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Roofing and Building Papers194 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP.Suits for misses and the small lady can only be found here in the rightstyles at the correct prices.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Moynihan, Daniel C, (Margaret), foreman Erie freight depot, h. 25 Price.Moynihan, Daniel C, (Minnie), metal worker, h. under 1 Barrows.Moynihan, Daniel J., (Catherine), foreman J. C. & L. E. freight depot, h. 905West Sixth.Moynihan, Hannah,—home baking, 706 North Main—h. do.Moynihan, Jerry J., checker J. C. & L. E. R. R., r. 905 West Sixth.Moynihan, John F., (Mary), wood worker, r. 12 Royal Ave.Moynihan, John G., (Alice J.), bookkeeper, h. 615 Lafayette.Moynihan, John P., (Alice),—sec'y. Blackstone Mfg. Co.—h. 22 Chestnut.Moynihan, John W., r. 705 Lafayette.Moynihan, Margaret, teacher, r. 25 Price.Moynihan, Mary E., bookkeeper Lally's grocery, r. 25 Price.Moynihan, Patrick, Jr., bartender, r. 705 Lafayette.Moynihan, Patrick, Sr., clerk New Commercial Hotel, h. 705 Lafayette.Moynihan, Patrick J., (Esther),—sec'y-treas. Hurlbert-Sherman Hotel Co.,13-23 West Third—h. 23 Price.Moynihan, William M., (Helen B.), clerk, h. 1109 Prendergast Ave.Mozart Club Rooms, 14 New Gifford Bldg.Mozzelle, Winifred, picker, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.Mueller, Herman C, (Mary S.), metal finisher,h. 183 Fairmount Ave.Muff, Frank, (Minnie M.), textile worker, h. over 28 Center.Mulderick, Fred—Mulderick & Knorr—bds. 7 Harrison.Mulderick & Knorr—Fred Mulderick and George H. Knorr—mfrs. cigars, rm.8 Arcade Bldg., over 28 North Main.Mullard, George—Mullard & Son—r. 997 Washington.Mullard, Richard, (Emma), loom fixer,h. 1110 Prendergast Ave.Mullard, Richard, (Amelia E.)—Mullard & Son—h. 997 Washington.Mullard & Son—George Mullard and Richard Mullard—mfr. Pearl CityWashing Powder, 997 Washington.Mullen, Henry J., cement worker, r. 1022 North Main.Mullen, John, upholsterer, r. 1132 Prendergast Ave.Mullen, Margaret, r. 1022 North Main.Mullen, Mary E., r. 1022 North Main.Mullen, Mary G., r. 1132 Prendergast Ave.Mullen, Peter H., (Jennie E.), contractor and builder, h. 1022 North Main.Mullen, Peter W., express driver, r. 1132 Prendergast Ave.Mullen, William H., (Mary), sand contractor, h. over 11 Dickerson.Mullen, William P., driver Am. Exp. Co., r. 1132 Prendergast Ave.Munger, Andrew, retired, r. 614 Spring.Munger, Benjamin A., (Bertha)—pres. Consolidated Development Co.—h. 614Spring.Munger, Cole & Hall—B. A. Munger, R. H. Cole and S. C. Hall—fire insurance,rms. 9-11 Gokey Bldg., over 22 West Third.Municipal Electric Light Plant—C. G. Sundquist, supt.—132-136 Steele.Munroe, Catharine, widow James, h. 147 Foote Ave.Munroe, Minnie, milliner, r. 147 Foote Ave.Munroe, see Monroe.Munson, Agnes M., student, r. 707 East Second.Munson, Carl, machine hand, r. 30 Vega.Fireless Munson, mfrs., John, Charles, & Nels, Martin, Nils, 706-718 Johnson—Charles Cookers (Emma), (Anna), (Clara), switchman F., East (Emma), (Emma Second. cabinetmaker, machine laborer, at band A.)—Munson Erie F. Gage h. hand, sawyer, R. 20 R., h. Sampson. h. Furniture r. 3 and h. 30 & Lake. 20 46 Johnson—h. Fred Vega. Sampson. Ninth. J. Johnson—wood Store 707 East Second. mantel

The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 195ENTIRE 6th FLOOR(ff/LL^AAftfjTORQCHADAKOIN BUILDINGMunson, Peter, (Otilia), teamster, h. 8 Maplewood Ave.Munson, Sophia, mill hand, bds. 12 Whitley Place.Munson, Thomas, (Ellen M.), bartender, h. 272 South Main.Munson, William E., (Jennie), policeman, h. 40 Pearl Ave.Munson, see Manson, and Monson.Murkett, Arthur C, bartender, bds. 214 East Second.Murkett, Elizabeth J., stenographer, r. 116 Cross.Murkett, Jessie M., laundress, r. 116 Cross.Murkett, John, (Ellen A.)—The Globe Saloon—h. over 214 East Second.Murkett, Matilda J., widow George W., h. 116 Cross.Murowski, Alice, spinner, r. 131 Harrison.Murowski, Stanislaus, (Clementina), cloth finisher,h. 131 Harrison.Murowski, Stephen, oiler, r. 131 Harrison.Murphy, Arthur B., commercial traveler, r. 41 Foote Ave.Murphy, Frank C, (Edna), commercial traveler, h. 15 Lincoln.Murphy, Frank J., surveyor, r. 41 Foote Ave.Murphy, George, (Anna), warp dresser, h. 41 Foote Ave.Murphy, Georgia, teacher, bds. 8 East Fourth.Murphy, Frederick, clerk, r. 41 Foote Ave.Murphy, Kate, domestic, Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Murphy, Sophia A., widow Samuel P., h. 8 East Fourth.Murray, Andrew W., (Amelia),—wholesale liquors, 34 North Main—h. 641Prendergast Ave.Murray, Bridget A., operator Home Tel. Co., r. 150 Fairview Ave.Murray, Catherine, waitress Everett Hotel, rms. 356 Foote Ave.Murray, Elizabeth, widow James, r. over 22 East Third.Murray, Frank P., (Ida), plumber, h. 705 Jefferson.Murray, George T., (Iva), carpenter, h. 24 Cowing.Murray, John, florist,h. 150 Fairview Ave.Murray, Martin J., (Mary),—M. J. Murray & Co.—h. 511 West Seventh.Murray, M. J. & Co.—M. J. Murray and E. A. Todd—plumbing, steam andgas hot water heating, 122 West Third.Murray, Mary, widow James, h. 80 Fairmount Ave.•Murray, Minnie, r. 80 Fairmount Ave.Murray, Nellie G., operator Home Tel. Co., r. 150 Fairview Ave.'Murray, William. (Catherine), steel casemaker, h. over 805 North Main, fMutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., of Newark, N. J., F. S. Treadway, dist agt.,116 East Fourth.Muzzy, Clara A., Mrs., dressmaker, h. 510 East Seventh.Muzzy, Ernest J., student, r. 510 East Seventh.Muzzy, Lester H., salesman, rms. over 14 East Third.Myers, Albert—physician, 6-7-8-9 Wellman Bldg.—r. do.Myers, A. Louise, Mrs.,—dressmaking, rms. 26-27 New Gifford Bldg.—h. do.Myers, Bessie, weaver, rms. over 40 Taylor.Myers, Claude C, .(Minnie), machine hand, h. 101 Chicago Ave.Myers, Cynthia, widow James, r. 226 Foote Ave.Myers, Edgar E., (Minnie E.)—Pearl City Laundry—h. 131 McKinley Ave.Myers, Edwin D., (Maude), spinning foreman, h. 823 Cherry.Myers, Fred A., (Emma) bookkeeper Union Trust Co., h. 211 Main.Myers, George, (Annie), loom fixer,h. 212 Allen.Myers, G. Ruth, clerk, bds. under 407 Lafayette.Neal's Myers, Mygraads, Mysita, Lafayette. William John Mary Melinda and Michael, see William, Devoe's Meier F., M., C, I., (Margaret dressmaker, laborer, and widow (Mary (Helen), Carriage Meyer. bds. E.), Sydney J.),—Pearl r. cabinetmaker, 130 elevator Paints 318 Institute. J., Prendergast h. City man at 142 Laundry—h. northTompanTy& bds. Chadakoin Allen. Ave. 1051 North Bldg., 144 Forest Main. glass h. under Ave. 407

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Builders9 Hardware196 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N. J.,Economical, Just and Equitable since organization; a matter of principleand habit; now, and always, in advance of the statute laws.NE. ROSENCRANTZ & COMPANYFactory SuppliesNacera, Frank, errand boy, r. 106 Foote Ave.Nacera, James, (Mary G.), metal worker, h. 106 Foote Ave.Nacera, John, metal worker, r. 106 Foote Ave.Nacera, Joseph, hardware clerk, r. 106 Foote Ave.Nacera, Mary, widow Antonio, r. 106 Foote Ave.Nacera, Sam, textile worker, r. 106 Foote Ave.Narrow Gauge Restaurant—Frank M. Stumpf, prop.—20 North Main.Naser, Crissey, domestic, over 21 West Second.Nash, Adelbert, laborer, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Nash, Edward, (Anna), laborer, r. 25 Steele.Nash, John F., (Belle R.), shoemaker, h. 368 Buffalo.Nash, Matthew, (Mary)—shoe repairer, 781 East Second—h. over 19 Lincoln.Nash, Maurice A., waiter, r. 19 Lincoln.Nash, Raymond A. P., (Clara I.)—supt. Metropolitan Life Ins. Co.—h. 324Lincoln.METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO.LOW RATES—NO DISAPPOINTING ESTIMATES -GUARANTEED RESULTSR. A. P. NASH, SuperintendentOffices in ) CORRY, WARREN and BRADFORD, PA.Jamestown District | JAMESTOWN, DUNKIRK and OLEAN, N. Y.Nastro, Vasil, baker, bds. 14 Harrison.National Biscuit Co.—W. C. Ayers, sales agent—crackers and fancy cakes,217 Spring.National <strong>Chautauqua</strong> County Bank—C. M. Dow, pres.; H. P. Sheldon, vicepres.; F. W. Hyde, cashier—201 North Main.National Furniture Company—Carl S. Johnson, pres.; Axel F. Peterson,treas.; John Nord, sec'y.—dining, library and parlor tables, BlackstoneAve.National Protective Legion—George W. White, sec'y.—rm. 6 Hall block, over5 West Third.National Specialty Co.—Benjamin Zuckerman—carpets, ladies' wear andhousehold articles—rm. 5 Warner block.Nazzaro, Gaettano, (Angela), laborer, h. 100 Steele.Neal, J. A., (Ethelynne), commercial traveler, h. over 824 North Main.Neal, see Neill and Neil.Neate, Sarah A., nurse, 207 Foote Ave.Nebra, Tom., laborer, bds. 435 Allen.Nectens, Albert, weaver, rm. 311 Pine.Neetens, Andrew, r. 1276 East Second.Neetens, Dominique, weaver, h. 1276 East Second.Neff, Willis A., (Winnifred), finisher,h. 30 Colfax.Neiburg, Emil, cabinetmaker, bds. 100 Charles.Fire, BRADSHAW'S Life, Accident, PIONEER other Liability, kind INSURANCE of insurance Boiler, furnished Glass, AGENCY Occupancy, by Marine and every

THE BEST GOODS AT THE TV A T\ CL f*lowest prices. l ne A. \J. onarpe l^o»JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 197*ffiu&AJief>m& ..q^c^syItemNeidrich, Edith, domestic, 116 East Fourth.Neil, Charles O., (Amelia), metal worker, h. 21 Seymour AveNeil, D. A., rms. Y. M. C. A.Neild, Clara, weaver, r. 136 Thayer.Neild, Florence, weaver, r. 136 Thayer.Neild, Nellie E., weaver, r. 136 Thayer.Neild, Thomas, (Betsy), textile worker, h. 136 Thayer.Neill, John H., (Mary A.), harnessmaker, h. over 21 West Second.Neill, Nelson J., (Jessie M.), lineman, h. 1054 North Main.Neill, William H., (Maude A.), window trimmer, h. over 126 East Second.Neill, see Neal and Neil.Neilson, Alfred, (Johanna), retired farmer, h. 529 Allen.Neilson, Christian, (Julia),—poolroom, also cigar mfr., 53 South Main—h. 322Forest Ave.Neilson, Ellen, weaver, bds. 27 Kinney.Neilson, Eric M., (Emma L.), cabinetmaker, h. 238 Forest Ave.Neilson, Ester, L., stenographer Empire Furn. Co., h. 238 Forest Ave.Neilson, Gust, (Sophia), janitor Chadakoin Bldg., h. 824 Washington.Neilson, Gustaf A., wood worker, h. 215 Cole Ave.Neilson, Hans, (Sophia), laborer, h. 3 Mt. Vernon Place.Neilson, Huldah J., bookkeeper Jones & Audette, r. 238 Forest Ave.Neilson, Jennie, clerk, r. 238 Forest Ave.Neilson, John, (Hansine), band sawyer, h. 3 Stearns Ave.Neilson, Oscar F., electrician, r. 238 Forest Ave.Neilson, Otto, painter, bds. 63 Steele.Neilson, Vernon, metal worker, bds. 912 East Second.Neilson, Walter, (Anna M.), teamster, h. 63 Steele.Neilson, see Nelson. ,Nelierock, Orken, machine hand, h. 61 y2 Harrison.Nellis, C. D., (Angeline), laborer, h. 6 Ninth.Nelson, Aaron, stone mason, h. 12 Stearns Ave.Nelson, Ada, domestic, 312 Lakeview Ave.Nelson, Ada, domestic, 416 Lakeview Ave.Nelson, Adolf, (Hannah), veneer worker, h. over 101 Hedges Ave.Nelson, A. Frank, (Ida),—furniture, 105 East Second—h. over do.Nelson, A. Fred, (Augusta), carpenter, h. 19 Cedar Ave.Nelson, A. Herbert, bookkeeper, r. 227 Prospect.Nelson, A. John, (Louise M.), machinist, h. 110 Francis.Nelson, Albert, (Emily), machine hand, h. over 247 Willard.Nelson, Albert, (Georgianna)—J. Art Carving Works—h. 34 Hazzard.Nelson, Albert, (Ada), wood worker, h. 24 Richmond Place.Nelson, Alfred, (Ida C), cement worker, h. 238 Barrett.Nelson, Alfred, (Mary), carpenter, h. 15 Wilson Place.Nelson, Alfred, (Johanna), wood worker, h. 751 English.Nelson, Alfred, (Hulda), laborer, h. 356 Price.WHY policy Nelson, " H i msure holders, Anna, Amanda, Algert Alvin Andrew, Alfred the C, r. Company seamstress, weaver, in C, T., more O., P., W., L., machine widow 2 teacher, comber, (Olga), (Mabel the Morse metal (Anna), (Sophie), than r. Peter, paid New Ave. hand, 850 metal worker, r. 22 R.), J.),—Nelson h. Willard, 1231 million 42 metal North in h. York 319 casemaker, bds. worker, Crown. death Willard, North r. Allen. worker, Main. dollars. 12 116 bey. Life? losses Kinney. Main. Bros.—h. Cross. limits. bey. 330 Because: 1 on limits. Price. 15 Cook Bush. 614 the Ave. Newland During lives of the Ave. nearly year 8,000 1908

Clark Hardware Co.Builders' Hardware198 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYWhen you useit you please your palate, but you likewiseaid digestion and nourish your body. Both phones 268.Nelson, Anna C, widow William, h. 382 Willard.Nelson, Anna C, widow Gustavus, h. 1231 North Main.Nelson, Anna L., weaver, r. 81 Hazzard.Nelson, Arthur J., student, r. 110 Francis.Nelson, Arvid, machinist, sbds. 110 Barrows.Nelson, Arvid E., bookkeeper, r. 109 Stowe.Nelson, Arvid J., furniture packer, r. 152% Allen.h. 760 East 2nd.Nelson, August, (Fannie),—photographer, 324 East Third-h. 722Nelson, August, (Amelia), wood worker, h. 14 Bishop.Nelson, August F., (Mary B.),—shoes and repairing, 114 North Main-East Seventh.Nelson, Axel, C, mill hand, bds. over 22 Columbia Ave.Nelson, Axel, J., (Emily), butcher, bds. over 12 Morton.Nelson, Axel S., C, (Matilda A.)—Burland & Nelson—h. 18 Crown.Nelson, Axel W., (Tilda), shoemaker, h. 18 Crown.Nelson, Bernard, (Anna), contractor and builder, h. 227 Prospect.Nelson, Birger S., metal polisher, worker, bds. bds. 116115 Barrows William. planing mill, sash and doors,Nelson Bros.—Axel (Emily),—meats, and Andrew W. 131 Nelson Falconer—h. 12 Morton.233-237 Prospect. (Lillian), metal worker, h.. Wellman Ave.NelsonNelson, Carl, carpenter, bds. 6 Hanley.Carl, Nelson. (Johanna), machine hand, h. 277 Falconer.Nelson Carl, deliveryman, rms. 215 West Second.Barrett—h. 22CarlNelson A., (Ella N.), painter, h. over 15 Park.Charles Carl A., F., gluer, (Anna), h. machinist, 140 Barrows. h. 69 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Nelson Carl O. E., S., (Esther clerk, W.),—groceries,r. 760 East Second. Newland andNelson Carrie M., milliner, r. 116 Cross.Nelson. Catherine, Mrs., h. over 14 Valley.Nelson Cecelia, seamstress, r. 438 Winsor.Nelson. C. Edwin, r. 227 Prospect.Nelson. Charles, carpenter, bds. 120 Euclid Ave.Nelson Charles, (Esther), clerk h. over 22 Charles.Nelson. Charles, polisher, bds. 116 Barrows.Nelson Charles, (Ellen), veneer matcher, h. over 702 East Second.Nelson. Charles A., (Christine), janitor Jones & Audette, h. 209 Newton Ave.Nelson Charles A., (Ida A.), upholsterer, h. 50 Benson.Nelson Charles E., (Hilda),—Elite Furniture Co.—h. 348 Crossman.Nelson Charles F.,—asst. mgr. Hill's Piano store—r. 69 Fairmount Ave.Nelson Charles J., (Mary L.), wood finisher,h. 152% Allen.Nelson Charles O., (Anna)—pres. Golden Furniture Co.—h. 120 Bush.Nelson Chris, laborer, bds. over 705 West Eighth.Nelson Christine, domestic, 318 East Fifth.NelsonChristine, widow August, h. 61 Franklin.Claus, (Johanna), janitor, h. 238 Hall Ave. dining tables, 40-48Nelson & Co.—L. A. Larson, GustNelson Steele.Clara M., domestic, 314 West Fifth.Nelson, Cora,Clarencer. 219E., florist,South Main.r. Wellman Ave.h. 46 Peterson.Nelson, David, ClarenceC. Theodore, driver, L., (Mabel),(Ida), bds. 15 rubber,conductor Wilson Place. J. St. Ry., h. 19 Terrace Place.Nelson C. August, warp dresser, h. 114 Willard.Public A. Nelson—mfrs.Accountants, Audits and <strong>System</strong>s,W. Ely Ainge Audit Co.Financial InvestigatorsJamestown, N. Y., Bell Phone 467. Youngrtown, O., Bell Phone 522.

CARPETS, CURTAINS,draperies, shades.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 199ONE OF THE FINEST^//LL^AA^TOR^The A. D. Sharpe Co.IN THIS COUNTRYNelson, Dellis, delivery boy, r. 15 Bush.Nelson, Edith, clerk, r. 438 Winsor.Nelson, Edna, dressmaker, r. 260 Prospect.Nelson, Edward, metal worker, bds. 103 Water.Nelson, Edward—blacksmithing and horse shoeing, 133 Foote Ave.—bds.170yz Barrett.Nelson, Edward, retired, bds. 33 Tenth.Nelson, Elizabeth, textile worker, bds. 68 Thayer.Nelson, Ellen C, textile worker, r. 81 Hazzard.Nelson, Ellen C, domestic, 81 South Main.Nelson, Ellis C, barber, r. 152% Allen.Nelson, Elmer, (Emily F.), metal worker, h. 409 Newland Ave.Nelson, Emil, (Hannah), wood worker, h. 438 Winsor.Nelson, Emil, motorman J. St. Ry., h. over 40 Bush.Nelson, Emil, (Alma), casemaker, h. over 206 McKinley Ave.Nelson, Emil A., (Anna F.), metal finisher,h. 115 Camp.Nelson, Emma, Mrs., h. over 18 West Eighth.Nelson, E. Pearl, widow Axel R., r. 514 Foote Ave.Nelson, Erick, (Helen), carpenter, h. over 111 Stowe.Nelson, Ernest, (Anna), foundryman, h. over 178 Barrett.Nelson, Ernest E., metal worker, bds. 322 Bowen.Nelson, Ernest L., bookkeeper, r. 209 Newton Ave.Nelson, Esther J., domestic 112 Church, r. 238 Hall Ave.Nelson, Era, weaver, r. 757 East Second.Nelson, Eva C, widow John P., h. 39 Wescott.Nelson, Fabian, (Augusta), machine hand. h. 410 Foote Ave.Nelson, Florin, (Georgie), wood finisher,h. 227 Hazzard.Nelson, Florence, pharmacist, r. 140 Barrows.Nelson, Florence E., dressmaker, r. Wellman Ave.Nelson, Frank A., (Minnie E.), cabinetmaker, h. 236 Steele.Nelson, Frank A., (Ida), painter, h. 23 Cedar Ave.Nelson, Frank C, florist, r. Wellman Ave.Nelson, Frank E., (Albertina), metal worker, h. 314 Bowen.Nelson, Frank O., (Anna O.), wood worker, h. 63 Hazzard.Nelson, Fred, (Ida), metal worker, h. over 212 Chandler.Nelson, Fred, metal worker, bds. 102 Broadhead Ave.Nelson, Freda, housekeeper, r. 142 Prospect.Nelson, Frederick, carpenter, rms. over 48 Steele.Nelson, Frederick V., (Helen), dyer, h. 208 Chandler.Nelson, Freeda, textile worker, r. 524 Sturges.Nelson, George, varnisher, bds. 102 Broadhead Ave.Nelson, George E., florist,r. Wellman Ave.Nelson, George M., (Grace E.), barber, h. 133 Crescent.Nelson, Gertrude M., widow Swen, bds. 69 Fairmount Ave.Nelson, Gunnard, (Edna), moulder, h. 30 Maltby.Nelson, Gust, (Amanda), machine hand, h. over 790 East Second.Nelson, Gust, (Lottie A.), shipping clerk, h. 241 Broadhead Ave.Nelson, Gust A., (Minnie S.),—Nelson & Co.—h. 245 Barrows.F0R:S? Nelson, Gust E., sSisste piano agent, the bds. Cawcroft 138 Park. Co., 107, E. 3rd St.Nelson, Hattie, domestic, 322 East Fourth.Nelson, Hans, (Anna), watchman, h. 17 Wilton Ave.Nelson, Hilding, Herman, Helen Herbert Hilda, Hilma E., domestic, C, C, candymaker, (Ellen r. widow r. machine 152% 61 Franklin.C), 13 John, Allen. Fairmount upholsterer, carver, r. h. 438 116 Winsor. Ave. 15 Cross.Bush. over 88 Barker.

CLARK HARDWARE CO.Roofing and Building Papers200 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY<strong>Chautauqua</strong> BrewNelson,Nelson,Nelson,Nelson,Nelson,Nelson,Nelson,Nelson,Nelson,Nelson,Nelson,Nelson,Nelson,Nelson,Its purity is never questioned—its flavorhas been the delightof those who know good beer. Both phones 268.Hulda, weaver, bds. 139 Baker.Hulda E., widow Emanuel, laundress, h. 262 Forest Ave.Ida C, dressmaker, r. 330 Lincoln.Ida C.,. textile worker, r. 116 Cross.Isaac, painter, r. 230 Steele.Jennie, textile worker, r. 81 Hazzard.Jennie M., bookkeeper, r. 16 West Eighth.Jennie S., textile worker, r. 14 Axtel.John, (Huldah),—Nelson & Weisflog—h. 24 Crown.John, metal worker, bds. 212 Chandler.John, metal worker, bds. 322 Bowen.John A.,John,John B.,laborer, bds. 12 Peach.JohnJohn C,A., (Andrea M.), teamster, h. 15 Charles.E.,John(Emily S.),—Boss Grocery—h. 100 Prather Ave.P.,Johnfinisher, bds. 116 Barrows.P.,John(Louise), lumberman, h. 81 Hazzard.(Ida),—treas. Elite Furn. Co.—h. 63 Falconer.Nelson,Nelson,do.Nelson,John W.,Nelson,(Minnie), tailor, h. 620 West Seventh.Nelson, J. Oscar, (Ida), (Lottie), cabinetmaker, furniture trimmer, h. 109 Stowe. h. 763 East Second.Nelson, Josephine, J.(Frances r. 378% Willard. Oakley)—physician, 525 East Second—h.Nelson, Josephine, Leonard, widow finisher, Peter, r. 70 h. Benson. 524 Sturges.Nelson, LaMott, Martin, student, (Frances), r. 212 aristo East worker, Eighth. h. 114 Park.Nelson, Laura, twister, r. 70 Benson.Nelson, Lawrence, office clerk, r. 277 Falconer.Nelson, Lawrence R., carpenter, r. 245 Barrows.Nelson, Leonard, (Nina), bartender, h. over 33 South Main.Nelson, Lottie, widow James, h. Wellman Ave.Nelson, Mabel, clerk, bds. 40 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Nelson, Martin, (Mable W.), clerk, h. over 209 Newton Ave.Nelson, Mary J., teacher, r. 114 Willard.Nelson, Matilda, Mrs., r. 114 Park.Nelson, May, domestic, 406 Lakeview Ave.Nelson, May, domestic, r. 123 Prospect.Nelson, Maude, domestic, 408 West Fifth.Nelson, Millie J., domestic, 129 Van Buren.Nelson, Myrtie M., stenographer, r. 105 McKinley Ave.Nelson, N. Albert, (Christina), woodworker, h. 14 Axtel.Nelson, Nels G., (Caroline), machine hand, h. 56 Eagle.Nelson, Nels H., (Agnes M.), wood worker, h. 51 Tower.Nelson, Nels P., wood worker, bds. 545 Buffalo.Nelson, Nels N., (May), stone mason, h. over 45 South Main.Nelson, Nils A., polisher, bds. 116 Barrows.Nelson, Nils J., (Mary), laborer, h. 30 Barrows.Nelson, Olga V. M. D., domestic, r. 17 Wilton Ave.Nelson, Olof, (Louise), h. 32 Kinney.Nelson, Olof, wood worker, bds. 512 Hazeltine Ave.Nelson, Olof, carpenter, r. over 37 Tenth.Nelson, Ora, driver, bds. 28 Victoria Ave.| Nelson, 'Da. Oscar, IfioiiMOfi/'sl (Josephine), Connecticut wood worker, General h. over Life 310 Ins. Forest Co., Hartford, Ave. Conn.,LillC Nelson, lIl&UrallCCOscar, teamster,w.h.J.underBentley,100 McKinleyGen. Agt.,Ave.515 Chadakoin Bldg.Nelson, Oscar, cabinetmaker, bds. 110 Barrows.Nelson, Oscar, laborer, h. 8 Waterman.Nelson,Oscar,(Alida), A., (Matilda), (Josephine), steel wood worker, painter, worker, h. 139 h. Baker. 31 5 Shaver. Kinney.

The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. The A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 201tf/LL^AAfffloRQNelson, Oscar C, (Elizabeth) laborer, h. over 24 Cowing.'Nelson, Oscar F., (Ida), policeman, h. over 64 Benedict.Nelson, Otto, (Carolina), metal worker, h. 9 Linwood Ave.Nelson, Otto, metal worker, h. 214 Prospect.Nelson, Otto, (Anna C), retired, h. 16 West Eighth.Nelson, Peter, (Lottie), wood worker, h. 402 Hazeltine Ave.Nelson, Peter, carpenter, bds. 110 Barrows.Nelson, Peter, painter and paper hanger, bds. 788 East Second.Nelson, Quist,, (Julia), cigarmaker, h. 322 Forest Ave.Nelson, Ray S., college student, r. 245 Barrows.Nelson, Raymond—supt. J. Art Carving Works—r. 34 Hazzard,Nelson, Reuben G., (Frances), stockkeeper, r. 245 Barrows.Nelson, Rudolph, (Alvita C), clerk, h. over 113 East Second.Nelson, Rudolph H., (Carrie), bed spring weaver, h. 32 Kinney.Nelson, Rudolph W., packer, r. 39 Wescott.Nelson, Ruth V., weaver, r. 236 Steele.Nelson, Sven M., wood worker, r. 4 East Newland Ave.Nelson, Selma A., weaver, r. 14 Axtel.Nelson, Selma S., sewing machine operator, r. 39 Wescott.Nelson, Signe, weaver, rms. 514 Foote Ave.Nelson, Signe M., spinner, r. 152% Allen.Nelson, Sophia, widow Gust, r. 235 Baker.Nelson, Sture F., (Anette)—Ideal Furniture Co.—h. 116 Peterson.Nelson, Swan, laborer, bds. 126 Sampson.Nelson, Swan P., (Matilda), laborer, h. over 239 South Main.Nelson, Theodore, (Hilda M.), wheel assembler, h. 10 Hopkins Ave.Nelson, Theodore, finisher,bds. .over 70 Benedict.Nelson, Theodore N. (Allene C.)—Nelson-the-Tailor, over 9 West Third—h.278 Falconer.Nelson, Verner A., (Helga), wood worker, h. over 305 Sprague.Nelson, Victor, (Matilda), wood worker, h. over 37 Tenth.Nelson & Weisflog—John Nelson and Gust Weisflog—merchant tailors, rm.28 Allen Sq. Bldg.Nelson, William R., (Mildred V.), broker, h.(311 South Main.Nelson, Zena—Benson & Nelson—r. 292 Willard.Nelson, see Neilson.Nenno, Leon F., (Florence E.), h. 500 East Second.Neptha, Katherine, textile worker, bds. over 20 West Seventh.Nesmith, John J., (Phoebe Alice)—terminal agt. Warren-Jamestown St. Ry.—rms. 28-29-30 New Gifford Bldg.Nestor, Ebba, operator Home Tel. Co., r. 211 Allen.Nethercott, Alba, nurse 207 Foote Ave., rms. 16 do.Neuman, Richard, carpenter, bds. over 187 Barrett.Neuman, see Newman.Neustrom, Albert, carpenter, bds. 125 Stowe.Neustrom, John, (Hilda), cabinetmaker, h. over 25 Kinney.Neustrom, Front Napoleon, (Arlene Doors S.), station stock policeman, Lyons h. inS"tute«t.&ErieRy.6 Briggs.Neustrom, Sophia, widow August, h. 6 Briggs.Neville, Bert, (Hannah), stationary engineer, h. 183 Buffalo.Neville, New, —h. Cross. Broadhead Charles J. Ruby Henry, 36 Charles, Liberty. B., E., (Josephine)—eye, block, teacher, (Maude (Rose 39-47 bds. N.), E.), South 121 stationary linotype ear Fulton. Main. and operator engineer, throat specialist, Morning h. 442 Buffalo. Post, 329 East h. rear Second 12

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools202 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP.Furs for ladies, misses and children; none but reliable furssold here.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.New Fenton Building, East Second and North Main.New Gifford Building—22-30 South Main.New, Phillip, (Elizabeth), laborer, h. 210 West Fifth.New Production Oil Co., Inc.—B. W. Seymour, pres.; F. R. Hoon, vice pres; 0.O. Gates, sec'y.-treas; Frank F. Glor, mgr.; Dr. F. A. Monroe, consultingengineer—increasing production, removing paraffine from oil wells, Monroe& Seymour patentees, rms. 522-524 Chadakoin Bldg.New Sherman House—Hurlbert-Sherman Hotel Co.—13-23 West Third.New Warner Block, 1-7 North Main.Newberry, Earl B., (Bessie), drayman, h. 8 Cowing.Newberry, Franklin, drayman, r. 18 Weeks.Newberry, James O., (Ida M.), drayman, h. 18 Weeks.Newberry, Thomas, (Pauline), flagman Erie R. R., h. over 7 Lakin Ave.Newell, Belle, seamstress over 122 East Third, h. do.Newgren, Erick, laborer, bds. under 494 Crescent.Newgren, Horace, (Mollie), clerk, h. 1407 West Sixth.Newgren, Oscar, (Ida), wood finisher,h. under 494 Crescent.Newman, Frittzof, (Margaret) shipping clerk J. Worsted Mills, h. 26 NewtonAve.Newman, Loretta, waitress New Commercial Hotel, r. do.Newman, see Neuman.Newsome, James, (Clara)—Hutley Bros. & Newsome—h. 209 Allen.Newsome, Mary H., widow James, h. 316 Allen.Newton, Albert F., (Mary L.), retired, h. 610 Lafayette.Newton, Blanche I., operator Home Tel. Co., r. 610 Lafayette.Newton, Corrie A., widow George R., h. 304 Lincoln.Newton, Edna S., dressmaker, r. 610 Lafayette.Newton, Helen—manicurist and hair dresser, 315 Spring—rms. do.Newton, Hiram, machinist, rms. 81 Allen S(J. Bldg.Newton, Joy, (Matilda), slate roofer, h. over 164 Thayer.Newton, Marjory C, correspondence clerk, h. 304 Lincoln.Newton, Mattie E., widow Harry, h. 106 Lincoln.Newton, Maude H., stenographer Salisbury Wheel Co., r. 610 Lafayette.Newton, Nathan P. Sr., (Alice), piano mover, h. 66 Tenth.Newton, Nathan P., Jr., (Minnie), piano mover, h. 18 Tenth.Newton, Nellie G., correspondence clerk, r. 304 Lincoln.Newton, William S., (Clara B.)—William S. Newton & Co.—h. 25 Foote Ave.Newton, William S. & Co.—Wm. S. Newton, prop.—groceries, 219 West 3rd.New York Central Ticket Office—F. W. Martin, city pass, agt.—301 N. Main.New York & Pennsylvania Telephone & Telegraph Co.—J. W. Stearns, div.supt.; E. H. Wheeler, mgr.—113 East Third.New York Refracting Optician—Herman Diehl—optical goods, 303 No. Main.New York Tea & Coffee Co.—G. G. Hall, mgr.—106 East Third.New York Viavi Co.—Mrs. M. A. Willing—419 West Third.New York & Western Oil Co.—C. M. Purdy, pres.; W. G. Purdy, sec'y.—12-13Barrett Bldg.Nicholas, Cook, finisher,bds. 6 South Main.Nichols, Choice Anna, Japan rm. 26 Warner and block, China over Mattings 13 North Main. at Gage'sNichols, Benjamin, (Jane M.), retired, h. 57 South Main.Nichols, Charles M., (Saidee S.),—J. Iron Works Co.—h. 201 Forest Ave.Nichols, Main—h. Frederick Levant Watson Maude Miles do. E., C.—supt. A., R., D., motorman H., r. (Kate), (Mertie), 57 (Elizabeth orders South painter, J. conductor St. J. Main. Metal Ry., M.)—physician h. bds. 501 J. Furn. Clinton. St. 6 Metallic Ry., Co.—bds. and h. 501 Ave. surgeon, 17 Clinton. Ross. 412 North

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods. The A. D. Sharpe Co.tff/LL^JAAnfjrOR^JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 203EASYINSTALLMENT PAYMENTSNicholson, Baxter, (Beda), warp twister, h. 252 Harrison.Nicholson, Martha, dressmaker, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.Nickerson, Bertha E., widow Burton, h. 301 Crescent.Nickerson, Frank, (Lottie B.), foreman Watson Mfg. Co.—h. 238 McKinleyAve.Niclas, Vasil, hand sander, r. 231 South Main.Niederlander, Charles, (Minnie), steam fitter,h. 186 Cole Ave.Niederlander, Kitty, candymaker, r. 186 Cole Ave.Niederlander, Louis C, machine hand, r. 186 Cole Ave.Niles, Cora A., cook, rm. 26 Allen Sq. Bldg.Niles, Herbert A., (Florence C), bookkeeper, h. 15 Elk.Nisson, William F., (Lucie), contractor, h. 7 Thirteenth.Nobbs, Alba, laundress, bds. 13 Forest Ave.Nobbs, Garnett, (Evelyn), commercial traveler, h. 43 Fairmount Ave.Nobbs, Hazel E., r. 913 Prendergast Ave.Nobbs, Muliord A., (Marion I.), commercial traveler, h. 913 Prendergast Ave.Nobbs, Robert H., (Lona), teamster, h. 814 Jefferson.Nobbs, Robert W., boilermaker, r. 814 Jefferson.Nobbs, William L., shipping clerk Maddox Table Co., r. 814 Jefferson.Noble, George A., machinist, r. 60 Hunt Road.Noble, Ralph A., (Florence), messenger W. F. Exp. Co. h. 806 Washington.Nobles, Dewitt, (Rebecca), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 214 Clinton.Nohl, Gustaf N., (Ellen), painter and paper hanger, h. over 110 Mechanic.Nohlberg, J. Albert, (Alma), painter and paper hanger, h. 110 William.Nohlburg, Knut, paper hanger, r. over 32 Union Ave.Noon, Elizabeth, widow Patrick, h. 26 Maltby.Noon, Elizabeth J., weaver, r. 26 Maltby.Noon, Mary A., weaver, r. 26 Maltby.Noon, James E., (Gertrude), cigarmaker, h. 475 Crescent.Noon, Thomas, (Lillian), polisher, h. 410 Allen.Norberg, Arvid, (Ebba G.), metal polisher, h. over 119 Bowen.Norberg, Chester G., printer, r. 22 Price.Norberg, Hedwig, domestic, 423 East Fourth.Norberg, Hildur, domestic, 415 East Fourth.Norberg, John, (Anna), cabinetmaker, h. 22 Price.Norberg, Leroy D., clerk, r. 22 Price.No»d, Alfred A., (Esther), hand carver, h. 17 Kipp.Nord, August F., (Anna),—Union Furniture Co.—b. 116 Bush.Nord, Carl, grocery clerk, r. 19 Park.Nord, Charles A., (Hulda A.)—Nord & Frankson—h. 19 Park.Nord, Edward C, (Rose)—supt. A. C. Norquist Co.—h. 105 Bush.Nord, Ella E., r. 18 Bowen.Nord, Emil, (Christina), metal worker, h. 38 Hopkins Ave.Nord & Frankson—Charles A. Nord and Axel Frankson—merchant tailors,over 108 East Second.Nord, Florence, operator Bell Tel. Co., r. 19 Park.Nord Furniture Co.—John A. Nord, pro'p—retail dealer, 109-111 East 2nd.Nord, Hannah, mender, r. over 37 Sampson.Nord, John A., (Clara C.),—Nord Furniture Co.—h. NORTHROP over 116 PAINT Bush. & GLASSChicago and Wheeler's Paste Filler at northrocpo^y'Nord, Julia A., widow Andrew P., h. 18 Bowen.Nord, Louisa, widow Andrew, h. over 118 Bush.Nordh, Nordin, Nord, Nordendahl, see see Carl Albert, Nordh. Nord. W., Emil, Gustaf, Jonas Edith, (Josephina), —supt. textile A., metal (Christine Ideal worker, stationary Furniture H.), r. r. 13 13 textile fireman,h. Co.—rms. Flagg worker, Ave. Y. 103 M. h. Colfax. 13 C. Flagg A. Ave.

Clark Hardware Co.Hardware and Mill Supplies204 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N. J., ""There is little suggested by an examination of this company which callsfor any criticism or reformatory legislation."—Report of Investigating Committee,N. J. Senate.Nordin, Gust, casemaker, bds. 24 Crown.Nordine, Axel, metal worker, bds. 8 Hanley.Nordine, Henry, (Augusta), boilermaker, h. 8 Lake.Nordine, John O., (Eva), cabinetmaker, h. 23 Newton Ave.Nording, Olof, laborer, h. 129 Bush.Nording, Oscar, printer, r. 129 Bush.Nording, see Norling.Nordland, Olga, domestic, Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Nordstrand, Axel, (Emma), cabinetmaker, h. 56 Blanchard.Nordstrand, Ruth E., r. 56 Blanchard.Nordstrom, Frank G. A., (May F.)—jewelry, 213 North Main—h. 311 E. 6th.Nordstrom, Ruth, domestic, 626 West Fifth.Nbrdwell, Andrew, (Tilda), sash and doormaker, h. 231 Prospect.Noren, August W., (Anna A.), metal worker, h. over 28 Peach.Noren, Betty, spinner, r. 17 Hedges Ave.Noren, Carl A., (Matilda), carpenter, h. 17 Hedges Ave.Noren, Corrinne, domestic, 411 Pine, r. 17 Hedges Ave.Noren, Esther, domestic, 522 East Second.Noren, Hilda, textile worker, r. over 33 Winsor.Noren, Lillian E., r. over 564 East Second.Noren. Oscar N., (Matilda C), sheet metal worker, h. over 564 East Second.Norene, Jennie C., clerk E. L. Underwood, r. 448 Allen.Norene, Mary A., dressmaker, r. 448 Allen.Norene, Peter A., h. 448 Allen.Norgren, Conrad, wood worker, bds. 530 Allen.Norgren, P. August, (Hulda L.), lumberman, h. 50y2 Foote Ave.Norlander, Andrew, (Carrie), cabinetmaker, h. 275 Willard.Norlander, Carl, U. S. navy, r. 275 Willard.Norlander, Isidor, r. 275 Willard.Norling, Jennie M., r. 212 Bowen.Norling, John, carpenter, h. 212 Bowen.Norling, Oscar W., carpenter, r. 212 Bowen.Norling, Peter, metal worker, bds. 167 Allen.Norling, see Nording.Norman, Albert N., (Mary E.), wood worker, h. 140 McKinley Ave.Norman, Andrew G., (Anna L.), wood turner, h. 230 Barrows.Norman, August L., metal worker, bds. 37 Holman.Norman, Carl E., teamster, bds. 547 East Second.Norman, Evan L., printer, r. 230 Barrows.Norman, Herman, band sawyer, bds. 253 Prospect.Norman, John A., (Selma), laborer, h. 369 Stowe.Norman, J. Oscar, metal worker, bds. 37 Holman.Norquist, A. C. Co., (The)—A. C. Norquist, pres; F. O. Norquist, sec'y.-treas.—bedroom furniture, 415-421 Chandler.Norquist, August C, (Augusta C.)— The A. C. Norquist Co.—h. 20 Bowen.Norquist, Charles J.—Century Furniture Co.—bds. 304 West Third.Norquist, Emma C, Mrs.—S. D. A. trained nurse and Swedish masseuse,P. O. Box 135.Norquist, Clyde L., (Ada)—asst. supt. A. C. Norquist Co.—h. over 16 FooteAve.Norquist, Norquist, Norris, Money BRADSHAW'S talks.—We Mildred, Glenn JudithFrankMarcus Mary, widow textile H.,O., have PIONEER J.,' student, (Josephine(Jane John, paid worker, Etta)—Century r. over h. INSURANCE 779 20W.)—Thebds. 110 our Bowen. $500,000.00 East Stowe. over field. Second. 409A.Furn.C.Washington. AGENCYNorquistlosses Co.—h. Co.—h.129 Van779Buren.E. 2nd.


Clark Hardware Co.Roofing and Building Papers206 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYPViaiifan/fiio Rr>oiA7 You may >udse the man by the beer heVlldUlalllJ Ud Ul C W |ar pe0p|e drink <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew. Both phones 268Nygren, John, (Emma J.), machine hand, h. over 10 Lake.Nyholm, Christina, Mrs., picker, h. over 111 Benedict.Nyholm, Fred, (Ida), furniture painter, h. 5 Webster.Nylander, Andrew P., (Amelia), finisher,h. 39 Chapman.Nyman, Gust, metal worker, bds. 37 Holman.Nyman, Oscar, metal worker, bds. 37 Holman.Nyquist, Alfred, metal worker, bds. 8 Hanley.Nyquist, Charles, metal worker, bds. 8 Hanley.Nyquist, Elias, wood worker, bds. 8 Hanley.Nyquist, Harry, wood worker, r. 9 Cleveland Place.Nyquist, Henry, veneer worker, bds. 274 Prospect.Nyquist, Isaac, metal worker, bds. 8 Hanley.Nystrom, Carl E. A., weaver, r. 123 Thayer.Nystrom, Christina, widow Emil, h. 123 Thayer.Nystrom, F. Herman R., weaver, r. 123 Thayer.Nystrom, John G., (Christine), machine hand, h. 35 Peach.Nystrom, ELOF Olof, (Hilda), ROSENCRANTZ wood worker, h. 4 Waterman. & COMPANYFactory SuppliesOak Cafe—C. W. Harper, prop.—9 West Second.Oak, Fred, piano salesman, rms. 25 Derby.Oakland, Minnie, domestic, 27 Lakeview Ave.Oakley, Hannah Carpenter, widow Francis M., r. 525 East Second.Oaks, Frank H., (Pearl N.), chief operator W. U. Tel. Co., h. 71 Allen.Oaks, B. Louis, telegraph operator, bds. 71 Allen.Oaks, Gerald C, machine hand, bds. 71 Allen.Oaks Telegraph and Typewriting School—F. H. Oaks, prop.—71 Allen.Oaks, see Ochs.Oberg, Agnes, weaver, r. 11 Cowden Place.Oberg, Andrew G., (Anna), metal worker, h. 238 BowenOberg, Charles, (Anna), metal worker, h. over Falconer, cor. Curtis.Oberg, Charles W., (Pauline), mason and bricklayer, h. 11 Cowden Place.Oberg, Clyde, (Clara), teamster, h. 103 West Fourth.Oberg, Edith, mill hand, r. 262 Prospect.Oberg, Erick, spring setter, r. 11 Cowden Place.Oberg, Freda, domestic, r. 228 Barrett.Oberg, Gottfried, clerk, r. 228 Barrett.Oberg, Gunnard, (Judith), machinist, h. over 38 Vega. •Oberg, Herbert C, toolmaker, h. over 76 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Oberg, Hilda, weaver, r. 11 Cowden Place.Oberg, Hulda, r. 32 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Oberg, Jewel,Wemetalrepresentworker,fortyr. 32companies<strong>Chautauqua</strong>withAve.$170,000,000Oberg, John, painter, r. 32 <strong>Chautauqua</strong>assets.Ave.Oberg,BRADSHAW'SJohn, (Emma), carpenter,PIONEERh. 228INSURANCEBarrett.AGENCYOberg, John P., tailor, h. 32 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Oberg, Nels Leonius, Nellie, Robert, Martin O., r. L., (Olive hand (Selma), 32 draughtsman, <strong>Chautauqua</strong> sander, N.), tailor, metal r. 27 h. r. Ave. worker, 126 Kinney.Colfax. h. 378y2 Foote Ave.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 207PIANOS AND ORGANSfl/LL^AAfffloR^SHEET MUSICOberg, Signe, mill hand, r. 262 Prospect.Oberg, Sigrid, linotype operator Vart Land, r. 228 Barrett.O'Brien, Annie M., weaver, r. 15 Strong.O'Brien, Catherine E., weaver, r. 15 Strong.O'Brien, Charles, boilermaker, rms. over 15 East Second.O'Brien, Edward J., brakeman, r. 15 Strong.)'Brien, Ellen M., seamstress, r. 15 Strong.O'Brien, James V., plumber, r. 15 Strong.O'Brien, John G., (Ada S.)—J. Boiler Works—h. 816 East Second.O'Brien, Loretta, teacher, rms. 107 East Sixth.O'Brien, Margaret M., seamstress, r. 15 Strong.O'Brien, Patrick J., (Margaret), tailor, h. 15 Strong.O'Brien, Rosana, widow Joseph, r. 1054 North Main.O'Brien, Rose S., Mrs., h. 116 Water.Oburg, Minnie—mgr. Goodman's Wholesale Millinery, 78 Allen Sq. Bldg.—r.Ashville, N. Y.Ochs, Frank A., (Lulu)— B. Strauss & Co.—h. 507 West Fourth.Ochs, see Oaks.O'Connell, Catherina, widow Michael, h. 502 West Sixth.O'Connell, Daniel, (Hilda), engineer, h. 412 West Sixth.O'Connell, Ella, h. 508 West Seventh.O'Connell, Ellen F., student, r. 109 Steele.O'Connell, John, (Hattie), brakeman Erie R. R., h. 109 Steele.O'Connell, John, clerk, r. 412 West Sixth.O'Connell, John F.,—Hennigan & Co.—r. 412 West Sixth.O'Connell, Katherine, r. 502 West Sixth.O'Connell, Mable H., teacher, r. 109 Steele.O'Connell, Margaret, r. 502 West Sixth.O'Connell, Mary, r. 502 West Sixth.O'Connell, Michael C, (Ella), upholsterer, h. 507 West Seventh.O'Connell, Michael F., clerk, r. 412 West Sixth.O'Connell, Morris, engineer J. C. & L. E. R. R., r. 412 West Sixth.O'Connell, Patrick, retired, h. 412 West Sixth.O'Connell, Patrick, boilermaker, bds. 508 West Seventh.O'Connell, Thomas, machinist, h. 502 West Sixth.Odell & Doolittle—Mary E. Odell and George S. Doolittle—grocers, 344 E. 3d.Odell, Elmer E., (Clara M.), mill hand, h. over 237 Buffalo.Odell, Burt J., (Estella),—tinning and slating, 21 East First—h. Celoron.Odell, Henry Louis, (Agnes),—Ashworth & Odell Worsted Co.—h. 517 Pine.Odell, Henry W., (Lenna),—oil producer, over 101 East Second—h. 519 Washington.Odell, Mary E., widow Josiah,—Odell & Doolittle—h. 61 Grant.O'Donnell, Kate, widow Thomas, h. over 24 Thirteenth.O'Donnell, Richard B., (Melda C), waiter, h. over 111 East Second.O'Donnell, Rose,—nurse, 211 Lakeview Ave.—r. 801 East Second.Ogden, Allen R.,—groceries, 283 South Main—h. do.Ogden, Horace G., (Gertrude), pastor First M. E. Church, h. 345 East Third.Ogden, Robert, (Mittie J.), loom fixer,h. 36 Franklin.Oger, m Ella • D., |- widow nil Hodoram, !_„„,. DECORATOR,h. 366y2 I Foote UK, 107 10/ Ave. W. Third 1rtirrj Street, Mreet, Jamestown, Jan N.Y.Charles Oger, Fred A., b. (Nellie Maclease, A.) metal worker, h. under Ben 124-b 79 Hazzard. iwoi-kOgilvie, Daniel G„ (Robina)—Treat & Ogilvie—h. 26 McKinley Ave.Ogren, Ogilvie, Ogren! Anna, D. G. Helen, Carl Howard Elizabeth William Paul', Robert, A., domestic, milliner, (Delia), r. J., H., machinist, C, 115 shipping clerk, r. Barrows. bds. 308 assembler, 26 r. West McKinley 245 rms. 26 clerk, Crescent. McKinley Fifth. over rms. r. Ave. 26 48 1 McKinley Warner Ave. Steele. block, Ave. over 11 No. Main.

Clark Hardware Co.Roofing and Building Papers208 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYbefore meals makes every dish welcome — afterwardsitinsures digestion. Both phones <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew268.Ogren, J. Peter, (Anna M.), carpenter, h. 115 Barrows.Ogren, Ludwig C, toolmaker, bds. over 245 Crescent.Ogren, Lydia, mender, r. 115 Barrows.O'Hagan, Elizabeth, widow Michael, h. 312 Lafayette.O'Hagan, Mary E., dressmaker, bds. 312 Lafayette.O'Hearn, Edward, machine hand, bds. over 1 North Main.O'Hearn, John, machine hand, bds. over 1 North Main.Ohlin, John, (Edith),—mgr. Stranburg Music House—h. 138 Forest Ave.Ohlquist, Arthur J., clerk, r. 839 Spring.Ohlquist, Axel, (Signia), clerk, h. over 37 Tenth.Ohlquist, Florence I., clerk, r. 839 Spring.Ohlquist, J. Arthur, clothing clerk, r. 839 Spring.Ohlquist, John O., (Anna L.)—Ohlquist & Johnson—h. 839 Spring.Ohlquist & Johnson, Inc.—John Ohlquist, pres.; Oscar Johnson, sec'y.-treas.—men's furnishings, 219 North Main.Ohlquist, Sigfrid, metal worker, bds. over 37 Tenth.Ohnstrand, Aberth E., student, r. 70 Fairmount Ave.Ohnstrand, Allene M., student, r. 70 Fairmount Ave.Ohnstrand, Charles M., (Matilda), shipping clerk Art Metal, h. 22 West 8th.Ohnstrand, Enoch P., (Hannah J.), metal expert Art Metal, h. 70 FairmountAve.Ohnstrand, Lillian M., emp. Chaut. Towel Mills, r. 22 West Eighth.Ohnstrand, Mabel G., clerk, r. 22 West Eighth.Ohnstrand, Martha H., student, r. 70 Fairmount Ave.Okerlind, Charles A., (Elvena A.)—cashier Farmers & Mechanics' Bank—h.29 Center.Okesson, Nels, (Johanna), metal worker, h. 130 Summit.Olafson, Carl, bds. over 36 Union Ave.Olander, Emil W., wood worker, r. Ill William.Olander, Frank E., (Nellie), tailor, h. Ill William.Olds, Horace P., (Mary), machine hand, h. over 23 Scott.Olds, William H., (Dessie B.), machinist, h. 32 Ellicott.Oles, Annie, widow George, music teacher, h. 67 Newton Ave.Oles, Ernest G., metal worker, bds. over 125 Fairview Ave.Oles, Gertrude, waitress, rms. 413 Cherry.Oles, Lulu, waitress, bds. over 125 Fairview Ave.Oles, Mary A., widow Jasper, bds. over 125 Fairview Ave.Oliby, Clara, domestic, 167 Chandler.Oliver, John J., (Katherine), steward, h. 109 West Eighth.Oliver, Margaret, housekeeper New Sherman House, r. do.Oliver, Nettie G., teacher, r. 412 Winsor.Olman, Albert N., (Amanda), foreman Art Metal, h. 169 Allen.Olman, John, (Anna), carpenter, h. 22y2 Bush.Olmstead, Ernest M., (Lucy), hostler, h. over 409 Washington.Olmstead, George, (Bessie), metal worker, h. 900 Lafayette.Olmstead, George L., student, r. Greenhurst-on-<strong>Chautauqua</strong>.Olmstead, Louis S., (Jean) purchasing agt. J. Lounge Co., h. Greenhurst-on-<strong>Chautauqua</strong>.Olmstead, I lfo TncuranraStanley N., r. Greenhurst-on-<strong>Chautauqua</strong>.Connecticut General Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn.,Olmstead, William S., (Delia), W. J. motorman, Bentley, Gen. h. 412 Agt., Monroe. 515 Chadakoin Bldg.Olofson, Carl, (Mary), toolmaker, h. 802 Lakeview Ave.Olsen, August Andrew Evelyn Axel, Ellen Charlie George Louis (Hulda), J., A., K., I., P.,—pres. R., W., elocution commercial (Caroline),—Woodhead, (Sarah), r. (Severina), 63 laborer, Barrett. Diamond teacher, tinsmith, traveler, h. foreman 148 r. Furn. 63 Sampson. h. r. H.P. Fairmount Barrett. 63 Co.—h. Olsen Robertson Barrett. & 63 Ave., Riley—h. Barrett. Co., bey. h. 129 limits. 120 Hall Lakin Ave. Ave.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 209cff/LL^tAAfffloR^Olsen, Nellie, (Eugene), dressmaker, bds. 30 Genesee.Olson, Albert O., bed springmaker, r. 32 Benson.Olson, Albin K., wood worker, bds. 120 Falconer.Olson, Alein, (Ellen), wood worker, h. over 40 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Olson, Amelia E., widow John, h. under 12 Stowe.Olson, Andrew, deliveryman, r. 43 Chapman.Olson, Andrew, retired, r. 829 Washington.Olson, Andrew, cabinetmaker, bds. 89 Tower.Olson, Andrew, (Johanna), builder and contractor, h. 329 Willard.Olson, Anna, stitcher, r. 43 Chapman.Olson, Anna L., widow Andrew, h. 493 Willard.Olson, Anton, tinner, bds. 12 Partridge.Olson, Anton E., (Nettie C), contracting plasterer, h. 27 Maple.Olson, Arthur E., (Margaret), painter and paper hanger, h. over 134 HedgesAve.Olson, August, (Mary), driver Eagle Hose Co. h. 219 Forest Ave.Olson, August, metal worker, r. 267 Steele.Olson, Axel, textile worker, r. 561 Allen.Olson, Axel, (Annie), glass worker, h. over 814 East Second.Olson, Axel M., laborer, r. 561 Allen.Olson, Axel W., (Edith S.), stationary engineer, h. 120 Hall Ave.Olson, Beatrice C, textile worker, r. under 12 Stowe.Olson, Bertha D., clerk, r. 36 Bush.Olson, Betty, teacher, r. 211 Prospect.Olson, Betty, widow John, h. over 124 East Second.Olson, Carl, metal worker, bds. 912 East Second.Olson, Carl A., metal worker, bds. 11 Morton.Olson, Carl E., (Emma), aristo worker, h. 21 Park.Olson, Carl J., (Augusta), finisher,h. 120 Falconer.Olson, Carl L., (Inez), weaver, h. over 5 Appleyard Place.Olson, Carl O., (Hannah), laborer, h. 145 Superior.Olson, Charles, driver, bds. 314 West Second.Olson, Charles, (Adla), driver, h. 14 Orchard.Olson, Charles, packer, rms. 27 Allen Sq. Bldg.Olson, Charles A., laborer, bds. 120 Hall Ave.Olson, Charles A., (Cena N.), metal worker, h. 562 Allen.Olson, Charles E. T., (Annie), cooper, h. 41 Park.Olson, Charles J., (Hilma L.), wood worker, h. 328 Allen.Olson, Charles W., finisher, r. 201 Barrett.Olson, Christian, (Ida), tinner, h. under 851 Prendergast Ave.Olson, Christina, widow Gustaf, r. 912 East Second.Olson, Christina, widow Peter A., h. 109 Bowen.Olson, David, (Anna), finisher,h. over 116 Park.Olson, David, painter, r. 119 William.Olson, Dora, drawer, bds. 1009 Newland Ave.Olson, Edith, textile worker, bds. 35 Eleventh.Olson, Ellen M., r. 88 Vega.Olson, Ellen V., spinner, h. under 12 Stowe.My Olson, price confectionery, Emil, Englborg, Erick Esther, Ernest, Eva, mark widow (Emma), A., E., is mill (Ruth), metal (Alma)—groceries, r. "live 306 Olof, hand, 32 metal Winsor—h. clerk, Benson. worker, and r. r. 817 worker, 338 let Cherry. 235 h. Forest live" 36 145 Crossman.h. Bush. 700 199 Superior. Ave. imutute East Barrett. Second, st. & Erie and ice ry. cream and

Clark Hardware Co.Builders' Hardware210 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP.We sell the Kayser guaranteed Silk Gloves. The best for25 years.SAXE BROS. CO., 12-14 W. Third St.Olson, Frank O., (Agnes), mattressmaker, h. 604 Newland Ave.Olson, Frans A., (Emma)—painting, paper hanger and decorator, 16 EastFirst—h. 101 Bush.Olson, Fred C—mgr. J. Builders' Supply Co.—r. 47 Newton Ave.Olson, Florence, r. 150 Sampson.Olson, Florence A., textile worker, r. 83 Ellicott.Olson, G. Edward, (Emily M.), machine hand, h. over 317 Willard.Olson, George, driver, bds. 314 West Second.Olson, George, clerk, r. 199 Barrett.Olson, George W.,—Level/ Furniture Co.—r. 54 Chapin.Olson, Gerda, textile worker, r. 52 Thayer.Olson, Gertrude, r. 43 Chapman.Olson, Gilbert. C, rodman, r. 43 Foote Ave.Olson, Gust, (Anna), machine hand, h. 610 Newland Ave.Olson, Gust P., (Ida),—Olson & Sutcliffe—h. 15 Shaver.Olson, Gustaf, (Louise), veneer worker, h. over 147 Thayer.Olson, Gustaf, (Ida),—supt. Banner Furn. Co.—h. 66 Steele Ave.Olson, Gustaf, mill hand, bds. 145 Superior.Olson, Gustaf, wood worker, bds. 214 Buffalo.Olson, Hannah, Mrs., mill hand, h. over 338 Forest Ave.Olson, Henning, draughtsman, r. 43 Chapman.Olson, Henry J., wood carver, bds. 120 Falconer.Olson, Henry O., plumber, r. 23 Colfax.Olson, Hilda, widow Charles, h. 52 Thayer.Olson, Hilma, domestic, 211 Lakeview Ave.Olson, Hilma, domestic, 205 East Fifth.Olson, Hilmar A., metal worker, bds. 52 Thayer.Olson, Jacob, (Marie), polisher, h. 512 Hazeltine Ave.Olson, Jennie, clerk, r. 338 Forest Ave.Olson, Jennie, domestic, r. 8 Norton Ave.Olson, Jenny K., dressmaker, r. 109 Bowen.Olson, Jennie S., Mrs., h. 47 Newton Ave.Olson, John, (Agnes A.), wood carver, h. 211 Prospect.Olson, John, blacksmith, r. 301 Crescent.Olson, John, wood worker, bds. 448 Winsor.Olson, John, (Hannah), carpenter, h. 378 Willard.Olson, John A., laborer, r. 335 Price.Olson, John A., (Bettie), janitor City Fire Dept., h. 28 Ninth.Olson, John S., (Johanna), veneer worker, h. 32 Benson.Olson, Johanna, widow Gust, r. 16 Charles.Olson & Johnson—Victor Olson and Charles Johnson—meats, 171 Barrett.Olson, Josephine, h. 267 Steele.Olson, J. Otto, (Mary), metal worker, h. 23 Colfax.Olson, Leonard, carpenter, r. 378 Willard.Olson, Leonard, (Hjerda), machinist, h. over 224 Bowen.Olson, Liga, mill hand, r. 145 Superior.Olson, Lillian T., clerk Union Trust Co., bds. 109 Maple.Olson, Louise, domestic, 406 West Sixth.Olson, Louise, widow Andrew, h. 201 Barrett.Olson, Ludwig, (Emma), laborer, h. 150 Sampson.See Olson, Gage Matilda, Nellie, Nels, Magnus, Mary, Merribel, Myrtle cement Furniture textile mill E., Mrs., (Sophia clerk, milliner, hand, worker, h. r. L.), 335 r. 36 r. 145 Co. Bush. Price. carpenter, r. 15 Superior. 201 112% Shaver. for Barrett. Hazzard. h. Pictures 83 Ellicott. and Mirrors

Cloaks, Shawls, GlOYes, Hosiery.The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 211ABSOLUTELYcff/LL^AA^TOR^"ONE PRICE" SYSTEMOlson, Nels, clerk, r. 43 Chapman.Olson, Olof A., (Anna)—attorney, rm. 11 New Gifford Bldg.,—h. 137 ProspectOlson, Oscar, (Minnie), painter, h. Carolina.Olson, Oscar O.—real estate and stocks, rm. 30 Allen Sq. Bldg.—h. do.Olson, Oscar S., (Anna J.), bookkeeper Am. Metal Door Co., h. over 300 FooteAve.Olson, Otilia, dressmaker, r. 43 Chapman.Olson, Peter, (Ida), wood finisher,h. 43 Foote Ave.Olson, Peter, (Mary), wood worker, h. under 228 Forest Ave.Olson, Peter, (Anna), laborer, h. 43 Chapman.Olson, Rangmar, furniture packer, -bds. 105 Kipp.Olson, Raymond C, clerk, r. 47 Newton Ave.Olson, Rudolph, wood worker, bds. Ziy2 Cross.Olson, Rudolph, student, r. 43 Chapman.Olson, Ruth A., bds. 120 Falconer.Olson, Sanford, (Anna), wood worker, h. 47 Vega.Olson, Selma, domestic, 130 South Main.Olson, Selma M., dressmaker, r. 109 Bowen.Olson, Stella M., clerk, bds. 120 Hall.Olson & Sutcliffe—Gust P. Olson and Herbert Sutcliffe—grocers, 216 E. 2nd.Olson, Sven, (Ellen), laborer, h. 561 Allen.Olson, Victor, (Freda),—Olson & Johnson—h. 23 Lake.Olson, Victoria, wood worker, bds. 448 Winsor.Olson, Walfred, (Ellen P.), wood worker, h. 366 Buffalo.Olson, Walter, textile worker, r. 561 Allen.Olson, William, metal worker, bds. 208 Lincoln.Olson, William L., grocery clerk, r. 15 Shaver.O'Neil, Bernard G., machinist, r. 120 Water.O'Neil, Cornelius, wood worker, r. 120 Water.O'Neil, Edward J., (Ethel A.), barber, h. over 310 West Second.O'Neil, Hannah, widow John, h. 7 Hazzard.O'Neil, Jerry M., telegraph operator Erie R. R., h. 7 Hazzard.O'Neil, John H., (Selma A.), machinist, r. 27 Palmer.O'Neil, Mamie, textile worker, r. 120 Water.O'Neil, Margaret A., Widow Barney, h. 120 Water.O'Neil, Margaret G., textile worker, r. 120 Water.O'Neil, Ulric, mill hand, bds. 113 Sprague.Opdyke, Dorothea V., r. 527 Lakeview Ave.Opdyke, George F., (Ida R.), retired, h. 527 Lakeview Ave.Opera House Cafe—P. E. Barrett, prop.—18 East Second.Oriental Mining Co.—A. F. Kent, pres.; W. A. Keeler, sec'y.—29 Forest Ave.Orlando, Frank, twister, r. 217 South Main.Orlomska, Anna, domestic, Sherman House.Ormes, Cornelius F.,—physician, 318 North Main—r. 408 West Fifth.Ormes, Frank D — physician, 318 North Main—h. 408 West Fifth.Ormondroyd, Josephine, widow Smith, r. 252 Barrows.Orphanage, Gustavus Adolphus, John Swensson, supt. 1381 East Second.Orr, Austin J., (Elizabeth N.), agt. Standard Oil Co., h. 804 Washington.Osberg, Andrew, (Mary), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 412 Allen.Sherwin-Williams Osberg, Anna, widow August, Paint h. at 628 Northrop Barrows. Paint & Glass CompanyOsberg, Hilma, drawer, r. 628 Barrows.Oser! Osborne, Oser, Osberg, Osbourn, Buren. pect. Jacob, Henry John, Lewis Ralph, Roanna, Nelson H., (Frances),—shoe (Matilda), M., (Annie furniture T., widow (Ella (Josephine),—real W.), loom George, S.), packer, clerk fixer,h. machine repairing, Clark 19 19700 hand, Lincoln. estate, Hardware under Barrows. h. rm. 253 853 4 Co., South Gokey North h. Main. over Bldg.—h. Main—h. 36 Ban 636 Buren. Pros­Van

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools212 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N. J.,"Ably and conservatively managed, and its business conducted in the interestsof its policyholders."—Massachusetts Insurance Commissioner.O'Shea, Josephine C, bookkeeper and stenographer, r. over 325 East Second.Osmer, The—Henry S. Woods, prop.—rooming house, 413-417 West Third.Osmer, John A., (Frances)—sec'y. Proudfit Clothing Co.—h. 401 East Fourth.Osmer, Margaret E., widow Richard A., r. 27 Fairmount Ave.Osmer, William P., (Berdena)—treas. Proudfit Clothing Co.—h. 514 Jefferson.Osterstrom, Alfreda, weaver, r. 48 Hedges Ave.Osterstrom, Christine, widow Axel, domestic, h. 48 Hedges Ave.Osterstrom, Julia I. M., weaver, r. 48 Hedges Ave.Ostrander, Glenn, (Elizabeth), stationary engineer, h. 21 Whitley Ave.Ostrom, Adolph, (Matilda), stationary engineer, h. 35 Vega.Ostrom, Adolph, machine boss, r. 35 Vega.Ostrom, Agnes, domestic, 512 Prendergast Ave.Ostrom, Albin, cabinetmaker, r. 35 Vega.Ostrom, A. Martha, textile worker, r. 516 Foote Ave.Ostrom, Axel, (Signe C), wool sorter, h. 214 Barrows.Ostrom, Carl R., textile worker, r. 516 Foote Ave.Ostrom, Charles, tailor, h. 106 Hedges Ave.Ostrom, Claus G., (Matilda), cabinetmaker, h. 11 Partridge.Ostrom, Emma E., h. 110 Price.Ostrom, Fred, metal worker, bds. 319 Bowen.Ostrom, Gertrude, r. 11 Partridge.Ostrom, Hulda, dressmaker, rms. 507 Winsor.Ostrom, Lee, textile worker, r. 516 Foote Ave.Ostrom, Minnie L., domestic, 303 West Third.Ostrom, Peter F., (Christine), wood worker, h. 516 Foote Ave.Ostrom, Peter G., h. 110 Price.Ostrom, Selma, domestic, 105 East Eighth.Ostrom, Victor, furniture packer, r. 319 Bowen.Ostrom, William J., (Emma), metal worker, h. 231 Bowen.Otander, Carl Elmer, furniture packer, r. 430 Allen.Otander, Carl E., teamster, r. 430 Allen.Otander, Carl Emil, (Mary S.), lumber handler, h. 430 Allen.Otander, John A., (Carrie)—teaming and heavy trucking, 219 Chandler—h.do.Otis, Norman E., chef, bds. 204 Lafayette.Otterbein, Martha, widow Henry, nurse, r. 864 Spring.Ottoson, Andrew, metal furniture packer, bds. 1264 Prendergast Ave.Ottoson, Charles A., (Ellen), wood worker, h. 11 Cross.Ottoson, Thorville, steel worker, bds. 1264 Prendergast Ave.Overburgh, August, metal worker, bds. 7 Valley.Overend, Carrie, widow Joseph, h. over 800 North Main.Overend, Joseph, finisher,r. over 800 North Main.Overend, Susie, r. over 800 North Main.Oviatt, Fern, operator Bell Tel Co., bds. 15 West Eighth.Owen, Lola E., widow George, clerk, r. 283 South Main.Owens, The oldest Charles, agency. (Hattie), The machinist, best of companies. h. 941 East The Second. largest experience.Owens, Reuben G., (May L.), pressman, Established h. 1867. 124 Euclid Ave.Owens, BRADSHAW'S Thomas, (Helena)—prop. PIONEER Iroquois INSURANCE Hotel—h. AGENCY 519 West Third.

Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. The A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 213ENTIRE 6th FLOORcff/Llkf^AA^rOR^CHADAKOIN BUILDINGE. ROSENCRANTZ & COMPANYGasoline StovesPage, Alton E., (Maude R.)—bookkeeper Warner Lumber Co.—h. 9 Orchard.Page, Frank T., student, r. 9 Orchard.Page, Leon, (Hattie), conductor J. St. Ry., h. over 19 Catlin Ave.Page, Linder, wood worker, rms. Y. M. C. A.Page, Sylvia M., widow Thomas% h. 427 East Fifth.Palermo, Annie, spinner, r. 60 Tower.Palermo, Christenzo, (Petria), laborer, h. 60 Tower.Palermo, Cosimio, metal worker, r. 60 Tow ar.Palermo, Laura, spinner, r. 60 Tower.Palermo, Mary, spinner, r. 60 Tower.Palermo, Sarah, spinner, r. over 64 Tower.Palermo, Tony, (Josephine), laborer, h. over 64 Tower.Paley, Joe, spinning boss, bds. 21 Water.Palm, Carl, wood worker, bds. 63 Steele.Palm, Erie, clerk, r. 6 Grandin.Palm, Frank, (Freeda G.), wood worker, h. 328 Bowen.Palm, Hildur, mill hand, r. 6 Grandin.Palm, John C, (Anna A.), finisher,h. 93 Tower.Palm, Lucy, paper boxmaker, r. 6 Grandin.Palm, Oscar, (Anna C), overseer poor, City hall, h. 6 Grandin.Palmer, Andrew T., fishpeddler, h. 16 Pearl Ave.Palmer, Christine, widow Charles, dressmaking, h. 22 Hall Ave.Palmer, Clarence L., bricklayer, r. over 153 Prospect.Palmer, David W., (Nancy M.), laborer, h. 405 Foote Ave.Palfner, D. Delevan, mechanic, r. over 153 Prospect.Palmer, Frank, (Ada), rms. 715 East Second.Palmer, Hilmar W., (Elsie O.), toolmaker, h. 16 Pearl Ave.Palmer, John O., (Augusta C), sander, h. 12 Kinney.Palmer, Leland W.,—Salisbury Wheel & Mfg. Co.—h. 4 East.Palmer, Walter, (Eliza A.), laborer, h. 153 Prospect.Palmeter, Frank W., (Anna E.),—Brooklyn Drug Store—h. 13 Foote Ave.Palmeter, John G., r. 13 Foote Ave.Palmgren, Peter A., (Emma), cabinetmaker, h. 115 Stowe.Palmquist, Albert J., (Christina), carpenter, h. 27 Wescott.Palmquist, Elsie, weaver, r. 27 Wescott.Palmquist, Freda, r. 27 Wescott.Palmquist, John G., (Gertrude), toolmaker, h. over 165 Falconer.Palmquist, Melker, clerk, r. 27 Wescott.Palmquist, Nels A., (Ethel P.), toolmaker, h. over 535 Allen.Pandela, Gust, finisher,r. 231 South Main.li/HV Pandela, John, insure finisher,r. the New over York 5 Taylor. Life? Because: During the year 1908Pandela, W ll T K. the Milio, Company sander, has r. paid over 5 to Taylor. its policyholders in dividends over$6,000,000.Pang, Arthur, picture framer, rms. 24 Center.Pang, Oscar R., (Gertrude)—sec'y.-treas. J. Cabinet Co.—h. over 185 Barrows.Papello, Pappadofoolos, Pappadopoolos, Paquin, Pap, Benjamin, Charles Tony, rm. Mary, Peter, (Rose), J., over clerk, r. wood 12 r. North 11 Harrison. worker, Arnold. Main. h. 103 Hazzard.

Clark Hardware Co. Farm Implements and Fencing214 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYfll Ollta 11 ATI a RrOIA7 A. delicious and nourishing table beverage wiIslldUldlKJUd DrCVV highly medicinal qualities. Both phones 268.Paquin, Elizabeth, widow Joseph, h. 11 Arnold.Paquin, Helen, student, r. 11 Arnold.Paquin, Herman J.—groceries, 83 Allen—r. 11 Arnold.Paquin, Kathelene, student, r. 11 Arnold.Paquin, Martin J., (Catherine C), jeweler, h. over 144 Allen.Paquin, Mary G., clerk, r. 11 Arnold.Paquin, Teresa M., nurse, r. 11 Arnold.Paracerato, Antony, textile worker, bds. 106 Foote Ave.Pardee, Eudora K., widow Myron W, vocal teacher, h. 358 East Fourth.Parish, De Forest F., (Blanche), supt. J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. 105 Cook Ave.Parish, Horace, r. 105 Cook Ave.Parish, Mary R., widow Samuel, r..237 Crescent.Park, Douglas R., (Cornelia), lumber inspector, h. 40 Virginia Boulevard.Park, see Parks.Parker, Albert, roofer, r. 309 Price.Parker, Charles D., (Sylvia), retired, h. 950 Washington.Parker, Charles D., (Jane), retired, h. 21 Fenton Place.Parker, Daniel R., (Mary), commercial traveler, h. 362 East Fourth.Parker, George W., (Hilma), piano mover, h. 67 Fifteenth.Parker, Harry E., (Carrie), grocery clerk, h. 2 Isabella Ave.Parker, Jason, (Florence W.),—physician, rm. 5 New Gifford Bldg.—h. 35Maple.Parker, Jennie, domestic, 308 Lincoln.Parker, Jesse B., (Anna W.), machine hand, h. 614 English.Parker, Lettie E., r. 362 East Fourth.Parker, Lucius B.,—L. B. Parker & Co.—r. Falconer, N. Y.Parker, Lucius B. & Co.—L. B. Parker, mgr.—wholesale dealer in butter,eggs and cheese—114 West Second.Parker, Norman G., (Ernestine), commercial traveler, h. over 37 Hamilton.Parker, Ralph E., (Daisy M.), masseur and chiropractor, h. 614 English.Parkhurst, Bert O., (Georgia), carpenter, h. 213 Fulton.Parkhurst, Charles W., (Maud M.), grocery clerk, h. 514 Palmer.Parkhurst, Sidney P., (Emma), commercial traveler, h. 621 Prendergast Ave.Parkinson, Alice, h. 7 Water.Parkinson, Charles, (Lillian), wool sorter, h. 94 Prather Ave.Parkinson, Florence M., stenographer, r. 7 Water.Parks, Charles E., clerk, h. 516 East Second.Parks, Ella A., r. 516 East Second.Parks, Jennie, Mrs., domestic, h. over 701 West Eighth.Parks, Mabel C, Mrs.,—dressmaker, 217 Spring—r. do.Parks, see Park.Parrott, Rufus A., (Minnie)—hats, men's furnishings, 110 North Main—h.504 East Second.Parrott, R. A., Mrs.,—millinery, 316 North Main—r. 504 East Second.Parson, Carl G., spring setter, r. 41 Anderson.Parson, Edith G., piece finisher, r. over 32 Willard.Parson, Frank L., (Hulda), metal worker, h. 227 McKinley Ave.Parson, George, (May), metal worker, h. 127 Pennsylvania Ave.Parson, Gust, (Johana), dyer, h. 41 Anderson.Parson, Hilmar J., upholsterer, r. 41 Anderson.Parson, John, wood worker, r. cor. Newland & Schuyler.Wfllu Parsons, Parson, • C/lj AlTlffO Julia John Minnie Oscar Selma Charles rUllgC A., E., T., M., lilirlit J., rlUUIl (Anna M.,—portrait r. comber, spinner, textile 41 Anderson.B.), llU. fn worker, r. carpenter, Jamestown, phone 41 studio, 41 Anderson.r. 522. 34 over h. Foote N. Send 3412 Y., Foote for Means Ave. East Bell our Ave. Success Third—rms. booklet phone " "<strong>System</strong> 467; do. Youngstown, in Businesi 0.,

CARPETS, CURTAINS "X-l K T\ CUfswm C^DRAPERIES, SHADES. * "© A. JLA OIlaFpe \_X>.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 215THE LARGEST STOCKtff/LL^tAAffirORg)BETWEENPITTSBURG AND BUFFALOParsons, Daniel G., (Jennie H.)—compressed air cleaning, 830 PrendergastAve.—h. do.Parsons, Lee, clerk, r. 40 Barrows.Parsons, Matilda, widow Charles H.—dressmaker, over 32 Willard—h. do.Parsons, see Parson and Pearson.Partou, Jovann, mill hand, bds. 25 Water.Partridge, Elbridge G., (Florence C.)—undertaking, 19-21 West Second—h.25 Mechanic.E. G. PARTRIDGEFURNISHING UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMERNight Clerk—Private Ambulance and LiveryArtistic Picture Framing a SpecialtyBOTH PHONES 11019-21 W. SECOND STREETPartridge, Frank E., (Anna), h. 82 Prospect.Partridge, Genevieve S., r. 25 Mechanic.Partridge, Irene, r. 82 Prospect.Partridge, Louis M., undertaker, r. 25 Mechanic.Pasarelli, Romeo, (Mary), stone cutter, rm. 90 Allen Sq. Bldg.Pashley, Mrs., h. over 117 English.Passamante, Antonio, machine hand, bds. 61 Harrison.Passero, Mike, crossing flagman, h. over 12 North Main.Pataniti, Joe., textile worker, bds. 106 Foote Ave.Pataniti, Sam., textile worker, bds. 106 Foote Ave.Patch, Matilda M., widow Samuel O.,—home baking, 3 West Fourth—h. do.Patchett, Harrison, assembler, bds. 842 East Second.Patric, Mary, stenographer, r. 215 Crescent.Patric, Norman L., textile worker, r. 215 Crescent.Patt, Mary, aristo worker, r. 650 Buffalo.Patt, Mary, widow Richard, h. 650 Buffalo.Patt, Thomas J., brick layer, r. 650 Buffalo.Patterson, Albert H., painter, r. 860 Spring.Patterson, Alexander J., (Ellenore), painter, h. 860 Spring.Patterson, Frank B., (Catherine)—typewriters and supplies, rms. 10-11-12Wellman Bldg.—h. 50 Blanchard.Patterson, Frederick N., hotel clerk, rms. over 415 West Third.Patterson, Margaret M., r. 3 Lakeview Ave.Patterson, William C, (Jane M.), retired, h. 3 Lakeview Ave.Patti, Antony, laborer, res. 93 Hazzard.Patti, George, (Angela N.), h. 93 Hazzard.Patti, James, (Frances), laborer, h. 93 Hazzard.Patti, Samuel, (Lena), wood worker, h. over 201 Winsor.Patti, Tony, laborer, bds. 62 Harrison.Patton, Gerhardt P., (Nina), veneer worker, h. 6 Crescent.Paul, Catherine, picker, bds. 987 Washington.Paul, Clara M., chief operator Bell Tel. Co., r. 516 Palmer.Paul, Elizabeth, picker, r. 987 Washington.Paul, Ella M„ stenographer, r. 516 Palmer.Paul, Frederick T., axemaker, r. 37 Mechanic.Paul, Holland F., (Rose T.),—hackman, under 101 West Third—h. 516 Pal-Paul Spun Paul,' Paulson,' Lily Nicholas, Brass Andrew .Godfried, A asst. (Martha), Goods J., metal Salvation (Hilda teamster, worker, the C), Army farmer, Cawcroft bds. h. hall, 987 348 h. Washington.95 Crossman.r. Martin over Co., 123 Road. E.JiiLet.East Third.

Clark Hardware Co.Hardware and Mill Supplies216 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE BEER DEMANDED BY ALL<strong>Chautauqua</strong> B r e wJUDGES OF A PERFECT BEERPaulson, Paul S., toolmaker, bds. 507 Chandler.Paulson, Sigfrid L., (Anna), blacksmith, h. 36 Regent.Paulson, William A., (Edith), bookkeeper L. F. Shedd, h. 14 Whitley Ave.Pawn, William, (Hannah), laborer, h. over 652 Barrows.Payne, Carrie, Mrs., dining room girl, r. Allen Sq. Bldg.Pearl City Laundry—Edgar E. Myers, prop.—21-23 Steele.Pearl City Realty Co.—F. P. Hall, pres.; Wilson C. Price, sec'y.-treas.—46Fenton Bldg.Pearl City Veneer Co.—T. D. Hanchett, pres.; C. E. Fisk, vice pres.; N. M.Willson, sec'y.-treas.—veneer and panels, 40-48 Steele.Pearson, Aleck, (Eva),—supt. Wilcox, Burchard & Co.—h. over 20 Bush.Pearson, Andrew, (Anna), metal worker, h. 64 Norton Ave.Pearson, Anna, tailoress, bds. 40 Bush.Pearson, August, (Dora), metal worker, h. 5 Forest Park.Pearson, Bertha L., paper boxmaker, r. 53 Harrison.Pearson, Carl A., laborer, bds. 64 Norton Ave.Pearson, Charles T., (Bertha M.), clerk, h. over 508 Newland Ave.Pearson, Ellis, machine hand, bds. 8 Water.Pearson, Emil, metal worker, bds. 12 Cowing.Pearson, Jennie,- textile worker, rms. 12 Victoria Ave.Pearson, John—Ideal Furniture Co.—bds. 239 Forest Ave.Pearson's Livery—William Pearson, prop.—409 Washington.Pearson, Matilda, widow Robert, h. 112 Mechanic.Pearson, Nils, wood worker, bds. 20 Warner Ave.Pearson, Pete, metal worker, bds. 36 Sampson.Pearson, Swan, polisher, rms. 25 Steele.Pearson, Thomas, (Anna M.), loom fixer,h. 53 Harrison.Pearson, William, (Esther H.)—liveryman, 409 Washington—h. 10 Cook Ave.Pearsons, John E., (Crena) combing overlooker, h. 269 Willard.Pearsons, see Parsons and Persons.Peart, Richard, (Carrie)—Jamestown Table Co.—h. 225 Forest Ave.Pease, Bert E., (Julia S.), clerk, h. 14 Cook Ave.Pease, George R., (Lyda A.), cement contractor, h. 849 Washington.Peasley, Elbert, (Margaret), foreman, h. 67 Newton Ave.Peate, Richard, (Laura), metal worker, h. over 100 Seymour Ave.Peavey, Charles W., (Emily), machine hand, h. 24 Dexter.Peavey, Ethel M., textile worker, r. 24 Dexter.Peck, Daniel W., (Martha)—butter buyer and dealer, 24 South Main—h. 114West Seventh.Peck, Henry L., r. over 224 East Second.Peck, Herbert J., grocery clerk, r. 112 Hall Ave.Peck, Joseph R., (Ella J.), contractor, h. 112 Hall Ave.Peckham, Almira J., widow William G., h. 24 Cross.Peckham, Mary Cogswell, r. 602 Lafayette.Peckham, Mary Jane, widow Lauriston, h. 101 Murray Ave.Peckham, Vernon E., (HelenC.),—attorney, rms. 28-30 Wellman Bldg.—h. 602Lafayette.Pecor, Harriet M., teacher, bds. 108 Broadhead Ave.Pedersen, Carl C, (Ida C), Connecticut architect General and furniture Life Ins. designer, Co., Hartford, h. 519 East Conn., 6th.Life Pedersen. Insurance Florence C, stenographer W. J. Bentley, Bailey-Jones general agent, Co., 515 r. 519 Chadakoin East Sixth. Bldg.Pedersen, Ernest A., (Carrie), architect, h. over 20 Peach.Peebles, Peerless Pemberton, Penfield, Pederson, Peirce, M. see Laundry—Alexander Edward, Augusta see Anton, Frances, Frank Pierce. Pedersen (Christina (Marie), A., J., widow r. (Ada), 36 and machine Prospect. George S.) Peterson. commercial Salander machine W., carver, & h. hand, traveler, Co.—47 617 h. 38 East h. Peach. Barrett. 116 Second. 25 King. Newton Ave.

Always buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 217tff/LLSjPAAfffloRQPenfield, Eunice M., proofreader The Journal, r. 36 Prospect.Penfield, Henry S., commercial traveler, h. 36 Prospect.Penfield, L. Mason, student, r. 36 Prospect.Penfield, Scott H., (Elizabeth),—mgr. Salisbury Wheel & Mfg. Co.—h. 310Pine.Penfield, Theodora C, artist, r. 36 Prospect.Penfield, Theodore, (Lillian), engineer, h. 406 West Second.Pennell, Emeline I., widow Ezra, h. 20 Martin Road.Pennell, Ethel, widow Eugene, milliner, h. over 415 Foote Ave.Pennell, Leonard S., (Ida M.), stationary engineer, h. 234 Fulton.Pennock, Arthur J., (Mary), wood carver, h. 409 West Sixth.Pennock, Clara D., widow John P., h. 209 East Sixth.Pennock, Effie M., dressmaker, r. 209 East Sixth.Pennock, Flora L., dressmaker, r. 209 East Sixth.Pennock, Francis E., (Dolly A.), retired, h. 209 East Sixth.Pennock, Frank A., (May),—F. A. Pennock & Co.—h. 610 Prendergast Ave.Pennock, F. A. & Co.—F. A. Pennock and C. Fred Price—groceries andmeats, 154 Chandler.Pennock, Louis P., (Nellie), janitor Home Tel. Co., h. 104 Washington.Pennock, Marjorie, r. 610 Prendergast Ave.Pennock, William J.,—physician, rm. 307 Chadakoin Bldg.—r. 610 Prenderproof_A.V6Pennock, William R., (Dell), emp. J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. rear 14 NinthPennsylvania Gas Co.—Eugene M. Schlaudecker, mgr.—110 East Third.People's Bottling Co., (The)—William L. Bjork and Charles A. Ekstrom—general bottlers, 57 Winsor.People's Credit Co., (The)—Isaac R. Samuel, mgr.—11 East Third.Peregrine, John M., (Vina M.), commercial traveler, h. 208 McDannell Ave.Perkins, Darwin C, (Margaret)—physician, rms. 300-302 Chadakoin Bldg—h. 304 West Eighth.Perkins, Thomas E., (Minnie B.),—sec'y. J. Table Co.—h. 24 Broadhead Ave.Perrin, Mailia, widow Dwight, h. over 124 Forest Ave.Perry, Clara S., spinner, r. 314 West Second.Perry, Frank M., (Nellie G.), game protector, h. 1059 Washington.Perry, Frant I., (Gertrude C), plumber, h. 314 West Second.Perry, Sarah J., widow H. Valentine, h. 165y2 Barrett.Perry, Susan C, widow Ebenezer, h. 16 Crossman.Persell, Charles W., driver, bds. 222 Winsor.Persell, Charlotte J., widow Daniel F— Persell & Co.—h. over 11 West 2nd.Persell & Co.—Mrs. D. F. Persell, mgr.—jewelry, 103 West Third.Persell, George A., (Mary D.), principal J. High School, h. 113 Van Buren.Person, Anton, rms. Y. M. C. A.Person, Charles, (Lena), weaver, h. over 6 Hedges Ave.Person, E. E., (Maude), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 824 North Main.Person,' Sofie, picker, rms. 181 Barrows.Persons, Charles W., (Caroline), h. 225 Forest Ave.th! Best Red Cedar Shingles see LyonsPersons, see Pearsons and Parsons.Peters Alfred, foreman Empire Furn. Co., bds. 152% Allen.Peters! Peters, Peterson, JVtary Joseph, Lena, George, Harriet Severen, A. Bartholdi, A., bds. machine A., (Olive),—fruits, widow (Caroline), 13 widow Bassett. law William hand, Lafayette, student, mason, bds. 25 B., 152% North h. r. h. 379 13 342 over Allen. Bassett. Falconer. Main—h. East 9 Tenth. Fifth. 15 Harrison.

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools218 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYThe very fashionable in ladies' and misses' Cloaks, Suits, Waists,Underskirtand Furs at very attractive prices.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Peterson, Abel E., (Mary W.), h. over 59 Falconer.Peterson, Adolph, packer, r. over 219 Willard.Peterson, Adolph E., (Mary), wood worker, h. 51 Barrett.Peterson, Albert, wood worker, bds. 508 Hazeltine Ave.Peterson, Albert, (Ida)—grocer, 4 Brooklyn Square.—h. 160 Forest Ave.Peterson, Albert, (Amelia), upholsterer, h. 220 Allen.Peterson, Albert A., (Florence), carpenter, h. 843 Prendergast Ave.Peterson, Albert G., grocery clerk, bds. 541 Allen.Peterson, Albin, machinist, bds. 6 Maplewood Ave.Peterson, Albin A., (Amelia), furniture rubber, h. 12 Peach.Peterson, Albin A., wood worker, r. 51 Barrett.Peterson, Alfred, (Amanda), emp. J. St. Ry., h. over 195 Baker.Peterson, Alfred, textile worker, h. 85 Ellicott.Peterson, Alfred, (Hilda), wood worker, h. 324 Forest Ave.Peterson, Alfred A., bds. over 192 Falconer.Peterson, Alfred J.,(Ada), machinist, h. over 216 Bowen.Peterson, Algert, (Tina), machine foreman, h. over 920 Newland Ave.Peterson, Algot, wood turner, r. 14 Morse Ave.Peterson, Alice J., h. 90 Hazzard.Peterson, Alida J., weaver, r. over 14 Morse Ave.Peterson, A. J. & Son—A. J. and J. C. Peterson—clothing and gent's furnishings,208 North Main.Peterson, A. John, (Sophie),—A. J. Peterson & Son—h. 167 Chandler.Peterson, Alma A., textile worker, r. 6 Waterman.Peterson, A. Louis, (Emily F.), clerk, h. 59 Chapin.Peterson, Amandus, laborer, bds. 135 Camp.Peterson, Amanda, domestic, 23 Center.Peterson, Amanda M., (Augusta A.), weaver, r. 269 South Main.Peterson, Amanda S., domestic, 315 East Fourth.Peterson, Andrew, (Amy), metal worker, h. 12 Myrtle.Peterson, Andrew, (Emma), stone mason, h. 106 Sampson,Peterson, Andrew, upholsterer, r. 915 North Main.Peterson, Andrew, J., (Teresa), upholsterer, h. 28 Tenth.Peterson, Andrew J., wood worker, r. 42 Ninth.Peterson, Anna, weaver, r. 2 Charles.Peterson, Anna, r. 243 Willard.Peterson, Anna, domestic, 412 East Sixth.Peterson, Anna C, widow Charles A., h. 504 Willard.Peterson, Anna E., milliner, r. 220 King.Peterson, Anna K., milliner, r. 915 North Main.Peterson, Anton, (Tillie), carpenter, h. 108 Charles.Peterson, Anton, (Florence), bench boss, h. over 24 Fairfield Ave.Peterson, Anton, (Jennie A.), carpenter, h. 591 Allen.Peterson, Antone A., (Hulda M.), cabinetmaker, h. 1021 Newland Ave.Peterson, Arthur, metal worker, r. 134 Hedges Ave.Peterson, Arthur A., clerk, r. 1021 Newland Ave.Peterson, Arvid A., (Louise), painter, h. 386 Willard.Peterson, Arvilla, widow Frank, r. 210 East Fourth.GAGE'S Peterson, August—wholesale Sell and Fine retail liquors, P A Rcigars L Oand R tobacco, SUITS117" WestThird—h. 124 Prospect.Peterson, Augusta, August, P., J., M., laborer, machinist, widow r. (Hilda (Ida (Anna (Christine), 541 C), Otto, r. Allen. M.), L.),—Peterson 306 bds. cabinetmaker, h. carpenter, Steele. engineer, 301 122 Cross. Crescent. & h. Gay—h. 122 475 Barrows. Hall Willard. 813 Ave. Washington.

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods.The A. D. Sharpe Co.^//LL^AA^TOR^JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 219"ONE PRICE"SYSTEM ONLYPeterson, Axel, wood worker, h. over 52 Hedges Ave.Peterson, Axel, machinist, h. over 132 Prospect.Peterson, Axel, tailor, r. 649 East Sixth.Peterson, Axel T., (Hilda), wood polisher, h. 12 Whitley Place.Peterson, Axel W., (Josephine), tinner, h. 22 Newland Ave.Peterson, Benjamin W., (Emma C), cabinetmaker, h. over 215 Barrows.Peterson, Bernard, (Celia), wood finisher,h. 248 Buffalo.Peterson, Bertha M., sewing machine operator, r. 22 Peterson.Peterson, Bessie, stenographer, r. 90 Hazzard.Peterson Bros. & Johnson—C. M. Alfred, John A. Peterson and Manley E.Johnson, props. Boston Dept. Store—100-102 East Second.Peterson's Cafe—August Peterson, prop.—115 West Third.Peterson, C. Albert, (Hilma), wood finisher,h. 233 Hazzard.Peterson, Carl, carpenter, bds. 27 Kinney.Peterson, Carl G., slater, r. 51 Barrett.Peterson, Carl J., (Louise A.), laborer, h. 57 Chapin.Peterson, Carl O., (Orla K.), paper hanger, h. 49 Ellicott.Peterson, C. Arthur, (Mabel J.), upholsterer, h. over 211 Newland Ave.Peterson, Charles, (Emma), machine hand, h. 324 Willard.Peterson, Charles, (Hilma), steel casemaker, h. over 219 Willard.Peterson, Charles, (Hilda), metal worker, h. over 8 Price.Peterson, Charles, A., furniture packer, r. 16 Orchard.Peterson, Charles, A., laborer, bds. 36 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Peterson, Charles, A., (Anna), h. over 11 Hall ave.Peterson, Charles A.,(Hulda E.), foundryman, h. 9 Douglas Place.Peterson, Charles C, (Alma), carpenter, h. over 327 Willard.Peterson, Charles E., (Nellie L.), sawyer, h. 306 Steele.Peterson, Charles E., (Anna), painter, h. 118 Tower.Charles E., (Amanda), printer Morning Post, h. 33 Wescott.Charles F., teamster, bds. 503 West Eighth.Charles G., freight hand, bds. 541 Allen.Charles G., (Sarah M.), dyer, h. 11 Peterson.Peterson, Charles E., (Augusta), wood worker, h. 130 Fairview Ave.Peterson, Charles F., (Signa), machine hand, h. over 14 Morse Ave.Peterson, Charles G., (Henrietta), metal worker, h. 16 Bowen.Peterson, Charles G., h. 35 Peterson.Peterson, Charles H., bartender, r. 18 Chapin.Peterson, Charles H., (Lena), bartender, h. over 109 East Second.Peterson, Charles J., (Sophia), carriage finisher,h. 20 Twelfth.Peterson, Charles J., (Christine), lumberman, h. 18 Chapin.Peterson, Charles M., (Emma)—restaurant, 317 Willard—h. over 28 N. Main.Peterson] Charles O., varnisher, rooms 25 Steele.Peterson, Charles W., (Christina), butcher, h. 12 WhitleyAve.Peterson, Charles W., bartender, bds. 12 Peach. *.=•"• *"""t-Peterson, Charles W., (Lorinda A.),—Garage Restaurant—h. 475 Willard.Peterson, Christine, widow John A., r. 48 Eagle.Peterson, Clabourne, printer, r. 644 East Sixth.Peterson,. Clara, clerk, rms. 141 Chandler.Co Peterson, to NORTHROP Clara, domestic, PAINT 543 Lakeview & GLASS Ave. COMPANY for GLASSPeterson, Clarence G., textile worker, r. 130 Water.Peterson, C. M. Alfred, (Amelia)—Boston Store—h. over 41 Chapin.Peterson," Peterson,' Dorothy Earl, Clyde, David, Dora, Conrad, Claus textile widow O., machinist, (Bertha), bartender, N., (Amelia), (Ida), textile worker, William wood policeman, bds. wood rms. worker, r. O., 13 620 worker, h. Walnut. Maplewood New r. 130 h. h. over 45 Water. Gilford 612 h. Prospect. 710 23 East Ave. Weeks. Lafayette.block. Eighth.

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools220 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N.J.,"It appears to stand in the very firstrank with respect to conservatism,stability and good results to policyholders."—N. J. Investigating Committee.Peterson Edward, slater, r. 51 Barrett.Peterson, Edward, steward, rms. 413 North Main.Peterson Eddy J. H., packer, r. 11 Mt. Vernon Place.Peterson Edith, domestic, r. 246 Bowen.Peterson Edith, spooler, r. 129 Park.Peterson Edith A., r. 108 William.Peterson Edward A., (Kate S.), clerk A. J. Peterson & Son—h. 342 E. 5th.Peterson Edward C, (Mary), machine hand, h. 100 Wescott.Peterson Edward G., machinist, bds. 20 Twelfth.Peterson Edward I., finisher,bds. over 212 East Second.Peterson Edward J., (Ellen M.), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 16 Fourteenth.Peterson Edward O., textile worker, r. 130 Water.Peterson Edwin, steward, r. 216 Barrows.Peterson Effie J., r. 342 East Fifth.Peterson Ella, domestic, 511 East Second.Peterson Eleanor, drawer, r. 17 Tower.Peterson Ellen, widow Otto, h. 296 Harrison.Peterson Ellen C, weaver, r. 296 Harrison.Peterson Ellenore, widow Peter A., h. over 132 Prospect.Peterson Elmer, billing clerk, r. 100 Wescott.Peterson Elmer J., printer, bds. 309 Willard.Peterson. Emanuel, (Agot), veneer worker, h. over 1109 Newland Ave.Peterson Emanuel, (Marie), laborer, h. 16 Orchard.Peterson Emil, (Matilda),—grocer, 448 Willard—h. 450 do.Peterson Emil, (Eva), bartender, h. 294 English.Peterson Emil, (Ellen), wood worker, h. 201 Falconer.Peterson Emil, contractor and builder, bds. 23 Center.Peterson Emil, (Eva M.), bartender, h. over 249 English.Peterson Emil A., (Anna)—Grandin Shoe Co.—r. Falconer, N. Y.Peterson. Emil E., (Aleda J.), tailor, h. 236 Barrett.Peterson Emil F., (Augusta E.),—groceries, 43 South Main—h. 151 Prospect.Peterson. Emil W., machine hand, r. 18 Chapin.Peterson Emily, domestic, 316 East Fifth.Peterson Emma, widow Ernest, h. 11 Tew.Peterson Emma C, widow Charles O., h. 319 Bowen.Peterson Emma J., twister, r. 550 East Second.Peterson Eric, (Alma J.), wood worker, h. 33 Ellicott.Peterson Eric G., painter, bds. 530 Allen.Peterson, Eric M., (Pearl E.), finisher,h. over 205 East Second.Peterson Ernest, wood worker, bds. 149 Jones & Gifford Ave.Peterson. Ernest, metal painter, bds. 126 Linwood Ave.Peterson. Esther, r. 219 Willard.Peterson. F. Langdon, (Carrie R.)—Falconer Veneer Mfg. Co.—h. 811 NorthPeterson Florence, laundress, r. 310 East Sixth.Peterson Florence, dressmaker, bds. 115 Barrows.Peterson Fidelity, Florence, Judicial, weaver, Contract, r. 106 Sampson. Excise and all other orms ofPeterson Florence D., r. 18 Elk. Bonds issued byPeterson Florence E., spinner, r. 22 Chapin.BRADSHAW'S PIONEER INSURANCE AGENCYPeterson Florence L., r. 11 Peterson.Peterson F. Oscar, (Mary L.),—drugs, 700 E. 2nd.—h. 63 Chapin.PetersonFrank, P., T., F— metal wood steward, sawyer, (Esther Peterson worker, rms. bds. M.), & bds. 413 Frick—r. 516 sales North 135 126 Allen. mgr. Euclid Sampson. Main. 617 J. Ave. Washington.Metal Furn Co., h. 3 Maple.

gloves, hosierycff/LL^AA/firORgi1 he A. U. Sharpe l^o.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 221ORGANS and OLD PIANOSTAKEN IN EXCHANGEPeterson & Frick—F. F. Peterson and J. L. Frick—monuments, marble andgranite, rms. 505-507 Chadakoin Bldg.Peterson, Frederick R., (Edith)—attorney, Fenton Bldg.—h. 105 Chandler.Peterson, Fritz, (Hilda), wood worker, h. 516 Allen.Peterson & Gay—August J. Peterson and Burton Gay, props.—Troy HandLaundry, 705 North Main.Peterson, G. Emil, (Belle), draughtsman, h. 10 Dickerson.Peterson, Genevieve E., clerk, r. 475 Willard.Peterson, George, conductor J. St. Ry., bds. 52 Hamilton.Peterson, George B., (Millie A.),—mgr. Falconer Veneer Co.—h. 231 McKinleyAve.Peterson, George F., (Gertrude), plumber, h. 77 Liberty.Peterson, Gilbert, wood worker, r. 138 Park.Peterson, Gilbert, (Dena), electrical worker, h. over 238 Hall Ave.Peterson, Gottfrid, (Selma), machine hand, h. 70 Benedict.Peterson, Grace T., teacher, r. 90 Hazzard.Peterson, Gunnar, wood worker, bds. 11% Franklin.Peterson, Gust, (Minnie), wood worker, h. 104 William.Peterson, Gust, (Hildora),—supt. Level Furniture Co.—h. 25 Peterson.Peterson, Gust, wood worker, bds. 12 Whitley Place.Peterson, Gust W., (Hilma E.), crater, h. 25 Kinney.Peterson, Gustaf, furniture packer, r. 16 Orchard.Peterson, Gustaf, teamster, bds. 110 Foote Ave.Peterson, Gustava C, widow Andrew, h. over 463 Willard.Peterson, Hannah, domestic, r. 17 Pardee Ave.Peterson, Hans, metal worker, bds. 109 Kidder.Peterson, Hans K., (Caroline), retired, h. 25 Ninth.Peterson, Harold, spinner, r. 85 Allen Sq. Bldg.Peterson, Harold R., machine hand, r. 811 North Main.Peterson, Hazel, textile worker, r. 85 Ellicott.Peterson, Herbert R., finisher, r. 106 Sampson.Peterson, Henry, metal worker, bds. 11 Hall Ave.Peterson, Herman, deliveryman, r. 51 Barrett.Peterson, Hilda, textile worker, r. 16 Orchard.Peterson, Hilda, r. over 52 Hedges Ave.Peterson, Hilda C, Mrs., h. 246 Broadhead Ave.Peterson, Hilding J., machine hand, r. 18 Chapin.Peterson, Hilma, domestic, 20 Allen.Peterson, Hilma C, r. 18 Chapin.Peterson, I. Alfred, (Hannah), cattle buyer, h. 534 Winsor.Peterson, Ida, laundress, r. over 18 West Eighth.Peterson, Iva, finisher,bds. over 212 East Second.Peterson, J. Albert, (Caroline), stationary engineer, h. 11 Mt. Vernon Place.Peterson, James, (Frederica), engineer, h. 42 Ninth.Peterson, James C, (Nettie A.),—A. J. Peterson & Son—h. 105 East Eighth.Peterson, Jennie, clerk, r. 210 Hopkins Ave.Peterson, Jennie, widow Andrew, h. 6 Waterman.Peterson, Johanna, seamstress, h. over 164 Chandler.Peterson, Johanainsure inM.,thewidowNewCharlesYorkG.,Life?h. 17Because:Tower.It has an honorablePeterson, WHY John,recordpolisher,of sixty-fourr. 16years.Fairfield Ave.Peterson, John, plumber, h. 148 Sampson.Peterson, Peterson! John, A., wood (Alma (Rebecca), h. (Ida), (Lillian (Hulda), (Anna 644 worker, B.), East machine B.), steel carpenter, M.),—Boston laborer, bds. clerk, Sixth. polisher, hand, 223 h. h. Bowen. over 150 140 h. Dep't. Hotchkiss.over Stowe. 608 Park. Store—h. Barrows. 111 William. 533 East Fifth.

Clark Hardware Co.Farm Implements and Fencing222 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYrfiaiitaiimia Rrour When you use il you please your pa,aleVllO U Id Ul| Ud UlCW likewise aid digestion and nourish your body.Peterson, John A., (Hilda), fireman, h. 44 Hedges Ave.Peterson, John A., (Sarah A.), upholsterer, h. 22 Chapin.Peterson, John A., (Hildegard T.), carpenter, h. 51 Baker.Peterson, John A., (Matilda)—shoemaker & repairer, 7 Steele, h. 112 Cheney.Peterson, John A., (Lyda), foreman Breed-Johnson Furn Co., h. 10 East NewlandAve.Peterson, John A., (Hilda V.), wood finisher,h. 49 Hazzard.Peterson, John Alfred, (Hilda A.), machine hand, h. 246 Bowen.Peterson, John F., (Mary), laborer, h. 14 Morse Ave.Peterson, John F., wood turner, r. 208 Forest Ave.Peterson, John T., clerk, r. 167 Chandler.Peterson, John V., (Hulda), cabinetmaker, h. 25 Myrtle.Peterson, John W., (Matilda A.), bartender, h. over 106 East Second.Peterson, Joseph T., (May H.), photographer, h. rear 12 Arnold.Peterson, Josephine, widow Charles, h. 230 Forest Ave.Peterson, Josephine, Mrs., r.,43 Wescott.Peterson, Julius, woodworker, r. 33 Ellicott.Peterson, Karl, (Hannah S.)—pres. & gen. mgr. Crescent Tool Co.—h. 40Kinney.Peterson, Lawrence W., designer, r. 229 Steele.Peterson, Leonard, (Matilda), tailor, h. 134 Hedges Ave.Peterson, Leonard, teamster, r. 110 Foote Ave.Peterson, Leonard A. A., metal worker, r. 319 Bowen.Peterson, Linda M., domestic, 421 East Second.-Peterson, Lorena M., student, r. 236 Barrett.Peterson, Louis, sailor, r. 126 Sampson.Peterson, Louis A., (Emily Lindstrom), clerk, 59 Chapin.Peterson, Louis L., wood worker, r. 130 Water.Peterson, Louisa, widow Peter J., h. 85 Allen Sq., Bldg.Peterson, Louisa, widow Samuel, h. 10 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Peterson, Louise, widow Charles, r. over 4 William.Peterson, Mabelle C, r. 814 Washington.Peterson, Mabel Rush, stenographer, r. 811 North Main.Peterson, Magnus, (Lottie), machinist, h. 34 Myrtle.Peterson, Mamie, spooler, r. 129 Park.Peterson, Marguerite, student, r. 105 Chandler.Peterson, Marie, drawer, r. over 219 Willard.Peterson, Marshall W., (Clara E.),—mgr. Bijou Dream—h. 1057 East Second.Peterson, Martha, clerk, r. 150 Stowe.Peterson, Martin, (Minnie), emp. Chaut. Steamboat Co., h. 1 Front.Peterson, Martin J. A., (Clara C), machinist, h. 9 Webster.Peterson, Martin L., packer, r. 17 Tower.Peterson, Martin, weaver, r. 164 Chandler.Peterson, Mary, widow Charlie, h. over 837 Washington.Peterson, Mary N., clerk, r. 1021 Newland Ave.Wl-ii Peterson.Nels, Peterson, . a Ely • Matilda, Nellie, Maude, May Melvin Minnie, . Ainge a J.j. (Ruth), L., J., finisher,bds. night (Dorothea), textile stenographer, A., laundress, widow h. r. (Christine), f\ paper over AUdlt 22 watchman, h. Our worker, Eagle. Rudolph, Gust, 108 4 hanger, Associates stone r. William. Falconer. over tO. 310 h. bds. 20 211 mason, 220 picker, 112 212 East 157 Twelfth. 644 Allen. 219 King. Cherry. East are Sixth. Jamestown, East Prospect. all 915 Second. over Sixth. qualified North 710 N Y. Lafayette. Main. Accountants.Youngstown, 0.

Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.tf/LL^AA/firORg)JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 223LARGEST and MOSTCAREFULLY SELECTED STOCKPeterson Olof W., laborer, r. 14 Morse Ave.Peterson. Oscar, metal helper, bds. over 29 Kinney.Peterson. Oscar, (Josephine), gardener, h. over 51 Barrett.Peterson. Oscar, (Hilma)—J. Iron Works Co.—h. 432 Allen.Peterson. Oscar, (Augusta), carpenter, h. over 243 Willard.Peterson Oscar, (Hilma), blacksmith, h. 432 Allen.Peterson Oscar F., shipping clerk, r. 11 Mt. Vernon Place.Peterson Oscar L., (Lena),^Peterson & Youngquist—h. 837 Newland Ave.Peterson Oscar S., (Millie), cabinetmaker, h. 532 Winsor.Peterson Oscar W., (Anna M„), stationary engineer, h. 195 Baker.Peterson Oshian, furniture packer, bds. 23 Center.Peterson Otto, waiter, bds. 5 South Main.Peterson. Otto, finisher,bds. 319 Allen.Peterson Otto M., finisher,r. 17 Tower.Peterson Baker.Otto W., (Christine K.), gardener, h. 73 Tower.Peterson, Peterson. Peter P. Alfred, A., (Lottie), (Henrietta), carpenter, metal worker, h. 216 Barrows. h. 18 Elk.Peterson Pauline, Peter E., student, (Jennie), r. foreman 814 Washington. Art Metal, h. over 19 Columbia Ave.Peterson Peter, J., (Signe), (Mary yard E.), laborer, foreman h. Breed-Johnson 138 Park. Furn. Co., h. 245Peterson Peter O., (Anna), finisher,h. 550 East Second.Peterson Phyllis Porter R., J., meat textile cutter, worker, r. 10 r. 33 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ellicott. Ave.Peterson Ragnar, (Sigrid), metal worker, h. 262 Broadhead Ave.Peterson Rainey, (Mabel C), prop. Riverside Hotel, h. do.Peterson R. Alfred, tool maker, r. 18 Elk.Peterson. Robert A., (Anna), wood finisher,h. 530 Winsor.Peterson. Rosa, clerk, r. 10 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Peterson Rudolph, metal worker, bds. 1 Grandin.Peterson. Sagrid J. T., domestic, 853 East Second.Peterson Sandfrid O., (Anna C), machine hand, h. 432 Maple.Peterson. Seth R., bartender, bds. 230 Forest Ave.Peterson Signa, winder,_r. 134 Hedges Ave.Peterson Simon C, (Ma'tilda S.), policeman, h. 13 Walnut.Peterson. Sophia A., widow Miles P., h. 16 Bowen.Peterson Sophie, widow August, h. 462 Willard.Peterson Stella, dressmaker, r. 210 East Fourth.Peterson Swan A., (Jennie), cement worker, h, 129 Park.Peterson, Terese, housekeeper, 16 Broadhead Ave.Peterson Teresa, domestic, 208 Lafayette.Peterson Theodore, laborer, bds. 6 South Main.Peterson Thomas C, (Belle), commercial traveler, h. 411 Pine.Peterson. Thora K., widow Martin, h. 8 Thayer.Peterson, Vandel, metal worker, r. 106 Sampson.Peterson Victor, (Eva), wood worker, h. over 232 Barrett.Peterson Victor, (Caroline), cabinetmaker, r. 27 Kinney.Peterson, Volentine, carpenter, bds. 51 Kinney.Peterson Walter, cabinetmaker, r. 386 Willard.Peterson William, (Celia), carpenter, h. over 27 Derby.Peterson William F., deliveryman, r. 57 Chapin.Peterson William H., (Anna L.), machinist, h. 229 Steele.DECORATOR, 107 W. Third StreetPeterson Charles William E. Maclease,S., (Martha), tinner, h. over 644 East Sixth.Peterson. & Youngquist—Oscar L.Jamestown,Peterson andN. Y.CarlBellO. Youngquist—shoes,124b. Home 91-k.Peterson 21 East Second.Peterson, Petro, Pettis Dimetri, John see H Pederson. laborer, (Hulda),—general r. over-5 Taylor. store, 836 Washington—h. over do.

Clark Hardware Co., Hardware & Mill Supplies224 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYPh 011 to 11 fTlla PraiA7 "' Puri'y is never questioned—its flavorVrlldUldlUJUd DrcVV ijght 0f all those who know good beer. Both phones 268Pettit, James T., (Daisy), wood finisher, h. 62 Water.Petyt, Jonathan J., (Helen)—associated with Weller & Son—h. 55 Franklin.Pew, Charles H.,—gen. light repairing, 111 East Third—r. over 110 do.C. H. Pew's Bicycle & General Light Repair WorksAll kinds of Light Repairing, Safe Work, Combination Locks Cleanedand Changed, Locksmithing and Keys made for all kinds of Locks,Umbrellas and Parasols Repaired and Recovered in all Grades andColors—workmanship guaranteed.Ill EAST THIRD STREET OPP. PA. GAS OFFICEPfeifer, Margaret, widow Henry, r. 141 Euclid Ave.Pfound, Caroline, widow Charles, r. 20 Langford.Pheblad, John, (Maud), driver, h. over 15 Stowe.Pheblad, see Pihlblad and Piehlblad.Phelps, Clyde W., (Nettie M.), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 34 Kingsbury Ave.Phelps, Dyer, broker, rms. over 21 West Second.Phelps, George N., (Arvilla M.), meter reader Penn. Gas Co., h. 37 13th.Phelps, Norman S., (Beulah), machinist, h. 244 Hopkins Ave.Phelps, Phyletus S., machinist's apprentice, r. 244 Hopkins Ave.Phelps, Reginald R., (Belle), machinist, h. over 100 Harrison.Phelps, Robert H., (Anna), collector and salesman, h. over 40 Prospect.Phesay, John K., (Josie), florist,h. 5 Howard Ave.Phibbs, William, finisher,bds. Riverside Hotel.Phillips, Anna C, widow Jay, cook, h. over 26 Taylor.Phillips Barrel & Machine Co., Inc.—T. H. Smith, pres.; Ralph M. Phillips,vice president; J. H. Walters, treas.; W. D. Broadhead, sec'y.—slackbarrels and barrel-making machines, 11-13 Harrison, office, 56 Center.Phillips, Blanche E., stenographer, r. 22 Phillips.Phillips, Brewer D., (Ida M.),—pres. Bank of Jamestown—h. 501 LakeviewAve.Phillips, D. G., conductor J. St. Ry., rms. 105 Allen.Phillips, Elton R., metal worker, r. over 26 Taylor.Phillips, Emmett A., (Estelle), engineer Chaut Lake Steamboat Co., h. 58McKinley Ave.Phillips, Fred W.,—Phillips & Siawson—bds. 756 East SecondPhillips, George A., (Annie), machinist, h. over 81 Barrett.Phillips, Glenn P., (Birdie), prescription clerk Wellman Bros., h. 40 PratherAve.Phillips, Harry P., (Etta A.), machinist, h. over 250 Hallock.Phillips, H. Leander, widow Niram, r. 63 South Main.Phillips, Jane, widow George, r. 42 Regent.Phillips, Jessie W., r. 501 Lakeview Ave.Phillips, Julia, Mrs., h. over 115 East Second.Phillips, Legrand A., (Jennie), deliveryman, h. 40 Prather Ave.Phillips, Lephe F., widow Dr. Corydon J., r. 40 Prather Ave.I Phillips, Llie lfo ley shop, Tncnronro Ave. inSUranCC Mary Olive, Milton Ralph Moss Raymond & rear Siawson—Fred W., K., 211 M., B., widow E., Connecticut widow L., lunch student, East (Clara (Florence bell Alvin, w. Second. counter Cassius B.),—Phillips boy, W. r. J. h. H.), 501 General Bentley, Phillips, r. 109 clerk, M., 25 Lakeview draughtsman, Forest Steele. rooming Life Barrel Gen. rms. prop.—general Ave.Agt., Ins. Kent house, & Machine h. Co., block, 515 146 25 Chadakoin repair Hartford, Stewart Steele. Forest Co.—h. and Ave. 53 Bldg. Conn., machine McKin­

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods. The A. D. Sharpe Co.. iJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 225Philo Burt Mfg. Co.—R. J. Barrows, Jr., sec'y.-treas.—mfrs. spinal appliances409 North Main.Philo, Stewart W„ (Clara P.), rate agt. J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. 81 FairmountAve.Philo, William B., (Blanche E.),—office supt. Empire Furn. Co.—h. 620 Jefferson.Pickard, A. Jay, photographer, r. 11 Crossman.Pickard, Allen, (Myra E.), h. 15 Crossman.Pickard, Alonzo C, (Rose F.)—attorney, rms. 19-20 Gokey block—h. 1037East Second.Pickard, Clare A., (Rachael Giles)—attorney, over 102 East Third—h. 611Prendergast Ave.Pickard, Horace T., (Delia), saloonkeeper, h. 26 Thirteenth.Pickard, Jay, (Pearl D.),—J. Commercial gallery—h. 12 Crossman.Pickard, John J., (Berdena), bartender, h. under 419 West Third.Pickard, Joseph, (Mary), foreman picker, h. over 45 Water.Pickard, May D., aristo worker, r. 26 Thirteenth.Pickard, Ray F., (Blanche L.),—attorney, rm. 7 Gifford Bldg., over 6 E. 3rd—h. 312 Crossman.Pickard, Richard D., (Mary)—J. Commercial gallery—h. 11 Crossman.Pickard, Richard L., grocery clerk, r. 11 Crossman.Pickard, Rose F., Mrs., h. 609 Prendergast Ave.Pickard, William H., trace clerk J. C. & L. E. R. R., r. 26 Thirteenth.Pickett, Alta, L., Mrs., domestic, 113 Hallock.Pickett, Bert S., wood worker, bds. 12 Bush.Pickett, Fayette H., butter dealer, Fairmount Ave., bey. limits, h. do.Pickles, Mary, h. 108 Foote Ave.Pickles, Sarah A.,—home baking, 108 Foote Ave.—h. do.Piedro, Mary, domestic Sherman House.Piehlblad, Henry, (Addina), metal worker, h. 22 Jeffords.Piehlblad, see Pihlblad and Pheblad.Pier, Clara, bookkeeper Chaut. Worsted Mills, rms. 16 East Fourth.Pierce, Belle M., widow Ernest, h. 55 Steele.Pierce, Celia L., student, r. 603 East Seventh.Pierce, Edwin F., commercial traveler, rms. over 213 North Main.Pierce, Elbridge G., (Florence S.), office mgr. Hall'& Co., h. 112 Church.Pierce, Harry A., piano teacher, r. 55 Steele.Pierce, Maria L., widow Nelson, r. over 224 East Second.Pierce, Parker E., (Estelle B.), broker over 114 E. 3rd., h. 511 East Second.Pierce, Raiph L., (Belle), engineer, h. 26% Fairview Ave.Pierce, Thomas J., (Caroline), loom fixer,h. 603 East Seventh.Pierce, see Peirce.Pihl, Peter, (Eline), blacksmith, h. over 22 Columbia Ave.Pihlblad, Carl, (Anna), metal worker, h. over 394 Falconer.Pihlblad, Carl, (Selma), clerk, h. over 129 Bush.Pihlblad, Ernest, (Adelaide), shipping clerk, h. over 13 Orchard. me.Pihlblad, Gustaf, wood finisher,h. 7 Orchard.Pihlblad, John E (Edith J.), laborer, h. over 214 Buffalo.Pihlblad, William C, (Anna M.), wood worker, h. 7 Orchard.EVERY I Pihlblad, Pike, Pilgrim Pillo, HAVE Harrison, Lois, Alvois, Harry, Memorial DEALER see THE widow (Feecha), Piehlblad (Lucy), retired, STRICTLY Church, Adin, HAS weaver, h. and THE r. 29 McKinley 265 Pheblad. Mechanic. PURE "BEST" h. Steele. h. 39 Ave. Flagg 1 O /\lll Ave. A INIT 1 Ta,k HARRY il over LYONS with «

Clark Hardware Co., Hardware & Mill Supplies226 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SrpP.Women's and Misses's Suits in all the up-to-date styles and leading shades,$10 to $35.SAXE BROS. CO., 12-14 W. Third St.Pillsburg, Delia, domestic, Riverside H(/tel.Pillsbury, Florence R., r. 618 Jefferson. •'Pillsbury, Guy C, (Lona), brick mason, h. 618 Jefferson.Pillsbury, Inez, domestic Riverside Hotel.Pillsbury, Louis A., (Annette), barb r, h. 116 Hazzard.Pillsbury, Mary, domestic Riverside Hotel.Pillsbury, Otis V., wood worker, r. 116 Hazzard.Pillsbury, Walter L., driver Wells Fargo Exp. Co., r. 116 Hazzard.Piper, William C, (Virginia W.), commercial traveler, h. 605 North Main.Pitt, Frank S., r. 622 Palmer.Pitts, George B., (Lucy S.),—Clark Hardware Co.—h. 14 Lakeview Ave.Pitts, J. Edwin, (Agnes), tariff clerk J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. 112 Liberty.Pitts, John W., express clerk, r. 112 Liberty.Pitts, Lucy E., r. 14 Lakeview Ave.Pitts, Mattie B., r. 112 Liberty.Pitts, Sarah A., r. 112 Liberty.Pitts, William B., (Minnie V.)—J. Electric Co.—h. 20 Thirteenth.Pixley, Katherine, widow Alfred, r. 346 Crossman.Plaisted, Lizzie M., Mrs., spinal bracemaker, h. 901 Prendergast Ave.Ploss, Lena M., r. 629 Prendergast Ave.Plumbers' Union No. 232, hall over 16 East Third.Plummer, Edwin Carl, (Mabel), financialdept. J. Metal Furn. Co., h. 109 Lincoln.Pollard, Edith, weaver, h. 453 West Second.Pollard, Fred, (Susanna), dyer, h. 208 East Second.Pollard, Rhodes H., cabinetmaker, r. 104 Harrison.Pollard, Samuel, (Ada), weaver, h. 201 East First.Pollard, Smith, (Eliza), engine wiper, h. 451 West Second.Pond, Charles A., (Matilda), painter, h. 632 East Sixth.Pond, Gust A., tinner, r. 632 East Sixth.Poole, Arthur J., (Mary A.), warp dresser, h. over 157 Prospect.Pope, Frank L., (Tillie), metal worker, h. 614 East Eighth.Poppleton, Alice, nurse, bds. over 321 Allen.Porter, Amanda, widow William, h. 307 Allen.Porter, Anna L., widow William, rm. 7 New Warner block, over 1 No. Main.Porter, Arthur, (May), finisher, rm. 16 New Warner block, over 1 No. Main.Porter, E. L., Mrs., cloth picker, rms. 76 Allen Sq. Bldg.Porter, Elmer E., (Myra), night watchman, h. 869 East Second.Porter, Ethel E., student, r. 209 West Seventh.Porter, Glenn F., hospital attendant, r. 869 East Second.Porter, Hubert E. V., (Grace E.)—pres. & supt. J. Business College, h. 209West Seventh.Porter, James G., (Myrtle), teamster, h. 618 Palmer.Porter, Mary E., milliner, r. 869 East Second.Porter, William J., cloth finisher, r. over 1 North Main.Ports, Adam, contractor, h. Ill Crossman.Ports, Stella M., teacher, r. Ill Crossman.Post, Earl G., laborer, r. 45 Hazzard.Post, Eugene A., (Sarah A.), carpenter, h. 4 McDannell Ave.Post, Jerome W., (Lyda L.), lumberman, h. 45 Hazzard.Post Publishing Co.—R. C. Sheldon, pres.; A. C. Wade, vice pres.; EdwardRugs Potrestra, Postal Potter, L. Allen, Telegraph Made Blaine, Burt Erwin, M., sec; student, To Mrs.,—candy (Mary), Co.—M. sander, R. Order K. r. Beach, barber, bds. E. 618 Kiplinger, and at 15 Spring. treas.-mgr.—pub. h. Harrison. tobacco—132 GAGE'Smgr.—19 Foote Ave. Foote West Morning Ave., Third. Post, r. do. 17-19 Steele.

Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. The A. D. SHARPE CO.cfflLL^AJwFjrORQJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 227WE HANDLE20 DIFFERENT MAKESPotter, Caroline E., widow Stephen, rooming house, h. 6 Institute.Potter, Catherine A., widow Roderick, h. 13 Hazzard.Potter, Clayton J., bookkeeper F. & M. Bank, r. Busti, N. Y.Potter, Everett W., (Eunice H.), night watchman, h. over 86 Victoria Ave.Potter, George T., (Anna), laborer, h. 10 Fairview Ave.Potter, George W., (Bertha B.), h. 618 Spring.Potter, Howard W., (Margaret A.) commercial traveler, h. 540 Lakeview Ave.Potter, Mark P., (Anna), painter, h. over 20 West Seventh.Potter, Rodney L., wood finisher,r. 13 Hazzard.Potter, Willard M., (Lida), contractor, h. 30 Genesee.Pound, Charles C, (Ella N.), plumber, h. 91 Fairmount Ave.Powell, Arthur R., metal worker, r. 16 Lincoln.Powell, D., (Belittee), laborer, h. under 435 Allen.Powell, Ethel L., stenographer, r. 16 Lincoln.Powell, John C, (Emma), boss carder, h. 16 Lincoln.Powell, Robert N„ (Cal.), h. 842 Spring.Powell, Sarah A., r. 16 Lincoln.Powell, William, machinist, r. 16 Lincoln.Powers, Daniel, retired, r. 844 Lafayette.Powers, Francis, r. 51 Falconer.Powers, Ivan A., sawyer, bds. 265 Steele.Powers, Joseph M., (Anna), blacksmith, h. 838 Spring.Powers, L. Delos, (Mary J.),—undertaker and insurance, 616 Pine—h. do.Powers, Louis, (Almeda), driver, h. 844 Lafayette.Prather, Abraham S., (Martha F.), real estate, h. 863 Prendergast Ave.Prather, John H., (Margaret)—pres. J. Metal Furn. Co. and real estate, over101 East Third—h. 354 East Fourth.Prather, Julia, Mrs., pastry cook 13 South Main, r. Kent blk, over 29 ForestAve.Prather, Leo, r. Aprt. D, 27 Forest Ave.Pratt, Arthur E., (Edith), commercial traveler, rms. 417 Prendergast Ave.Pratt, Arthur M., (Jessie), freight handler, h. 10 West End.Pratt, Bert, r. 116 Forest Ave.Pratt,. Charles S., (Lizzie)—second hand goods, 212 East Second—h. 1001Prendergast Ave.C. S. PRATTNEW AND SECOND HAND GOODS212 E. SECOND ST. JAMESTOWN, N. Y. HOME PHONE 16Pratt, Clayton D., (Lottie E.), clerk, h. 116 Forest Ave.Pratt, Dudley D., lunch room clerk, r. 10 West End.Pratt, Eugene, (Ettie), laborer, h. 581 Buffalo.Pratt, John S., (Dora L.),—supt. weaving Broadhead Worsted Mills, h. 866North Main.Preaugh, George, mechanic, bds. 220 Hopkins Ave.Preist, Uster, metal worker, bds. 8 Hanley.Prendergast Block, 301-309 North Main.Prendergast Free <strong>Library</strong>—Lucia T. Henderson, librarian—102 West Fifth.Prendergast Hose Co.—Walter Saxton, driver—216 Spring.Prescott, Robert A., (Mae I.), commercial traveler, h. 824 Prendergast Ave.Preston, C. E., carpenter, rms. 311 Pine.Preston, Charles J., (Beryl B.), machinist, h. over 226 South Main.GASOLINE Preston, Mary, and domestic, BENZINE 314 West at NORTHROP Second. PAINT & GLASS CO.

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Builders' Hardware228 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYF. S. TREADWAY, Dist. Agt. The Mutual Benefit Lifeboth phones of Newark, N. J.Preston, Martha I., widow George, h. 763 East Second.Preston, Obadiah W, stone cutter, bds. 296 Barrows.Preston, Ralph, h. 123 East Fourth.Preston, R. Bertha, h. 203 East Fourth.Prewer, George, junk dealer, h. under 474 Buffalo.Price, Albert S.,—sec'y.-treas J. Lighting & Power Co.—r. 310 Lakeview Ave.Price, Amy E., widow Wilson A., h. 310 Lakeview Ave.Price, Annie M., weaver, r. 628 East Sixth.Price, Carrie R., r. 801 North Main.Price, C. Fred—F. A. Pennock & Co.—rms. 144 Chandler.Price, Charles H., (Mary B.), retired, h. 310 Lakeview Ave.Price, Charlotte A., r. 225 East Eighth.Price, Cheston A., (Aleda)—attorney, rms. 55-56 Fenton Bldg.—h. 907 PrenddergastAve.Price, Clayton E., (Mary R.), commercial traveler, h. 801 North Main.Price, Fred A., (Emily), carpenter, h. 35 Falconer.Price, Gaylord W., (Florence), emp. J. St. Ry. barns, h. over 926 Newland Av.Price, Hattie E., widow A. M., dressmaker, r. 907 Prendergast Ave.Price, Henry C, (Florence), h. 225 East Eighth.Price, James H., (Lillian A.), real estate, h. 628 East Sixth.Price, J. Irving, clerk, r. 628 East Sixth.Price, Louise O., music teacher, r. 300 East Sixth.Price, Marion J., (Bertha B.), aristo cutter, h. 113 Hallock.Price, Olive L., weaver, r. 628 East Sixth.Price, Orsell C.,—attorney, over 101 East Third—r. 225 East Eighth.Price, Oscar F., (Elizabeth Osborn)—city treasurer, rm. 5 City Hall—h. 300East Sixth.Price, Wallace C, clerk, r. 628 East Sixth.Price, Walter S. (Bertha), janitor, h. over 409 Palmer.Price, Wilson C,—attorney, rm. 46 Fenton Bldg.—r. 310 Lakeview Ave.Priestly, Thomas, (Ann F.), comber, h. over 636 East Sixth.Prince, Annie, widow John, h. 15 Barrett.Prince, Antonio, textile worker, r. 130 Institute.Prince, Eber K., (Velma), stable boss, h. 411 Cherry.Prince, George F., meat cutter, r. 15 Barrett.Prince, James, (Anna), laborer, h. 130 Institute.Prince, Joseph, wood finisher,r. 130 Institute.Prine, Jay W., (Eva S.), wood worker, h. 324 Foote Ave.Pritchard, Blanche, Mrs., spinner, rms. 80 Allen Sq. Bldg.Pritchard, William H.,—attorney, rm. 38 Fenton Bldg.—rms. 12 East Fourth.Probst, Ernest C, draughtsman, rms. Y. M. C. A.Proctor, Arthur, wood finisher, r. 12 Elk.Proctor, Ben, (Elizabeth), dyer, h. 12 Elk.Proctor, Clark E., textile worker, r. 12 Elk.Proctor, J. Darrell, (Ora), carpenter, h. 128 Park.Proctor, Lillie, weaver, r. 12 Elk.Proctor, Pauline, weaver, r. 12 Elk.Prosser, Arthur W., h. 228 Falconer.Prosser, David W., (Laura L.), commercial traveler, h. 9 Strong.Prosser, Lewis, (Alice), carver, h. 228 Falconer.The BRADSHAWS Prosser,Prosser, Proudfit, Prout, best pres.; Albert WillisSarahClothing of William John insurance P.,E., PIONEER P., A. paving H., Co.,Mrs.,(Sadie), Osmer, (Ellen Inc.—Wm. is inspector,h.not sec'y.;102carpenter, INSURANCE H.)—pres. too WeBarrows.Wm. rms. furnish good. Proudfit, h. P. Y. 100 Osmer, it. M. AGENCYLakin C. pres.; Clothing A. treas.—206 Ave. R. P. Co.—h. Robertson, North 213 Main. E. vice 4th.

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 229ORGANS and OLD PIANOScff/LL^AA^TOR^TAKEN IN EXCHANGEProvancha, Alex. (May), machinist, h. 175 Livingston Ave.Provancha, Mary, widow William, picker, r. 175 Livingston Ave.Provone, Mabel T., stenographer Nat'l Furn. Co., r. 29 Price.Prudential Insurance Co.—W. S. Hazzard, supt.—rms. 3-7 Gokey Bldg., over22 West Third.Pullman Cafe—J. B. Shortman, prop.—219 Washington.Pulver, Anna K., student, r. 215 Crossman.Pulver, Effa J., student, r. 134 Fulton.Pulver, Guy L., (Myra B.), postman, h. 134 Fulton.Purdy Bros.—W. G. and C. M. Purdy—grain, flourand feed, rms. 12-13 BarrettBldg., over 205 Cherry.Purdy Bros. & Smiley—C. M., W. G. Purdy and Frank Smiley—feed jobbers,12-13 Barrett Bldg.Purdy, Carl S., (Flora M.), commercial traveler, h. over 15 Lincoln.Purdy, Charles M., (Ella)—Purdy Bros.—h. 107 Lincoln.Purdy, R. Roy, student, r. over 11 West Second.Purdy, William G., (L. Maude)—Purdy Bros.—h. 11 West Second.Puritan Lunch Room—C. Kennedy, prop.—205 West Third.Putnam, Edgar P., (M. Eppie)—park commissioner—h. 347 East Fourth.Putnam, Eugean C, (Etta), laborer, h. over 107 Hazzard.Putnam, Flora A., widow David O., h. Ill West Eighth.Putnam, George F., (Estelle S.), stationary engineer, h. 48 Broadhead Ave.Putnam, George H., stationary engineer, r. 113 Liberty.Putnam, Georgia M., textile worker, r. 107 Hazzard.Putnam, Glenchore, widow Frank, seamstress, h. under 780 East Second.Putnam, Horace A., (Laura P.), hackman,Qh. 113 Liberty.Putnam, Leo D., office clerk, r. 48 Broadhead Ave.Putnam, Lewis, (Hilma), clerk, h. 17 Tew.Putnam, W. E. Crandall, ROSENCRANTZ operator Western Union & Tel. COMPANYCo., bds. Ill West 8th.Oil StovesQuaint, Lynn, teamster, bds. 110 Foote Ave.Quiding, Ida G., widow Herman, medicines, h. 292 Willard.Quigley, Mary, widow Andrew, h. 42 Liberty,Quinlan, Elizabeth, widow Dennis, h. 760 Foote Ave.Quinlan, James M., (Myra), policeman, h. 630 Spring.Quirk, Katherine, clerk, r. 40 Van Buren.Quirk, William, (Mary), mason, h. 40 Van Buren.Quist, A. Emery, textile worker, r. 39 Oak.Quist, Adolph, finisher,bds. 547 East Second.Quist, Carl F., (Selma), wool sorter, h. 307 Price.Quist, Carl J., (Augusta), laborer, h. 39 Oak.Quist, David L., (Petrea), teamster, h. over 9 Webster.Quist, Oscar A., (Tillie), casemaker, h. 28 Linden Ave.Qurizi, V. Trenis, filler,r. over 5 Taylor.U/HV insure in the New York Life? Because: Its policies protect"III nearlv one million families.

Clark Hardware Co. Farming Implements and Fencing230 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYYou may judge the man by the beer he drinks<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew —particular people drink <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew.E. ROSENCRANTZ & COMPANYRoofingsRabinowytz, Eize, h. 561 Allen.Race, Ellen, Mrs., r. 95 Fairmount Ave.Racket Store—Wm. Berg, prop.—furnishings, notions, wall paper and paints—32 Willard.Radley, James, (Florence E.), commercial traveler, h. 41 Cross.Rahm, John A., (Mary), engineer J. Electric Light Plant, h. 42 Eagle.Rainey, Bridget, widow Walter, h. 28 Institute.Rainey, Julia, cook, r. 28 Institute.Rainey, Margaret, r. 28 Institute.Rainey, William, upholsterer, r. 28 Institute.Raistrick, Albert L., (Lillian W.), bookkeeper, h. over 12 Cross.Raistrick, Arthur, twister, r. 90 Barrett.Raistrick, Emily, widow John, h. 90 Barrett.Raistrick, Hannah M., nurse 207 Foote Ave., r. do.Raistrick, James William, (Bertha), warp twister, h. over 760 East Second.Raistrick, John, warp twister, bds. over 760 East Second.Raistrick, William, (Alice E.), wool sorter, h. 83 Hazzard.Ralph, James, stenographer and bookkeeper, bds. 302 South Main.Ralph, Joseph, teamster, h. 1043 Washington.Ralph, Karl R., (Elizabeth), machinist, h. 31 Fluvanna Ave.Ramlow, Charles, cigarmaker, h. 508 Foote Ave.Ramsdell, George E., (Florence), clerk J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. 105 Charles.Ramsey, Charles C, (Margaret), bill distributor, h. 1015 North Main.Randall, Clifford G„ (Edith F.), varnisher, h. 10 Arnold.Randall, Clyde L., (Mary), stockkeeper J. Lounge Co., h. over 202 Falconer.Randall, Earl E., r. 295 South Main.Randall, Frank M., janitor Prendergast Free <strong>Library</strong>, h. 60 Water.Randall, H^lece R., stenographer Journal Ptg. Co., h. over 410 Winsor.Randall, Jane S., widow Edward, h. over 15 Kidder.Randall, Mary A., r. 60 Water.Randall, Ralph W., (Jessie J.)—mgr. L. M. Bowes Co.—h. 130 Van Buren.Randall, William E., (Nellie M.), stationary engineer, h. 295 South Main.Rang, Anna, dressmaker, r. 214 Clinton.Rankin, Josiah R., (Martha), district supt. M. E. Church, h. 409 Pine.Rankin, N. Alwilda, stenographer, r. 409 Pine.Rankin, Sally Louise, stenographer, r. 409 Pine.Ransom, Marion A., h, over 800 North Main.Ranz, Matthew, machine carver, bds. 12 Bush.Raon, Charles, (Mary), finisher,h. 1027 East Second.Rapp, J. Harold, student, r. 26 West Eighth.Rapp, John A., (Pauline C), clerk A. J. Peterson & Son, h. 26 West Eighth.Rapp, Oscar, carpenter, bds. 12 William.Rappole, Deforest E., (Dora), engineer, h. 886 Washington.Rappole, Henry F., (Salina), retired, h. 241 Fulton.117 Rappole, Rarey, Rasey, Rask, ]J(, coner. V\v JMj August Alfred Harry Ralph, iinfjp Romina, HlllgC A., R., W.,' bookkeeper, Allflit (Mary), MUll (Rhoda), widow (Johanna),—supt. l/U. brickmaker, Pfl Frank, teamster, r. 11 REFERENCES: JAMESTOWN, East r. 208 J. Sixth.' West 292 Shale under N The Harrison. Y., Eighth. Paving 22 YOUNGSTOWN, Leading Bush. Brick Bankers Co.—h. 0., WARF'EN in 124 Fal­PA. ,

G o to The A. D. Sharpe Co. forCarpetsJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 231Rask, Axel W., (Allene), foreman J. Shale Paving Brick Co.—h. 124 Falconer.Rask, Henry G.—sec'y. J. Furniture Co., rm. 12 Gokey Bldg.—r. Frewsburg,N. Y. 'Rasmussen, Hans, (Carrie), laborer, h. 41 Twelfth.Rasmussen, John J., assembler, r. 368 Willard.Rasmussen, Nelson, cement worker, r. 41 Twelfth.Rasmussen, Peter N., (Hilda), veneer worker, h. 368 Willard.Rathbun, William S., (Jessie S.), clerk city treasurer's office, h. 8 KingsburyAve.Rauber, Minnie, Mrs., r. 516 Crescent.Rawlings, John F., (Susanna), meter repairer, h. 518 Foote Ave.Rawnsley, Ada, weaver, r. 624 Foote Ave.Rawnsley, James, (Clara), textile worker, h. 624 Foote Ave.Rawnsley, Joseph, printer Journal, r. 624 Foote Ave.Rawson, Clark H., (Minnie B.),—dentist, Barrett Bldg., h. 701 East Second.Rawson, Ellen H., widow John B., h. 416 West Third.Rawson, Fred H., (Klahr L.), machinist, h. over 310 Pine.Read, Frank F., painter, bds. 15 West End.Read, see Reed and Reid.Reader, George W., barber, bds. 7 Harrison.Reader, see Reeder.Reagan, Daniel, (Mayme), metal worker, h. 22 Catlin Ave.Reagan, John, upholsterer, r. 9 Seymour Ave.Reagan, Margaret, widow John, h. 9 Seymour Ave.Reagle, George E., (Lillian), paper hanger and painter, h. 61 E. Cowden PI.Reardon, Dennis, (Ellen), laborer, h. 313 Steele.Reardon, Edmund, tinner, r. 313 Steele.Reardon, Mary A., mill hand, r. 313 Steele.Rearick, Bessie E., stenographer, r. 17 Sherman.Rearick, Grace E., clerk, r. 17 Sherman.Rearick, Henry J., (Adella E.), carpenter, h. 17 Sherman.Rebat, Runi, machine hand, h. 118 West Fourth.Red Book (The)—Frank B. Field, mgr.—513 Chadakoin Bldg.Reech, Patrick, (Bannie), wood worker, h. under 30 Institute.Reed, Andrew, (Emma S.), textile worker, h. 545 Allen.Reed, Arthur H., (Cora B.), driver, h. 922 North Main.Reed, Axel, laborer, r. 108 Lister.Reed, Bessie B., piano teacher Hill's Piano school, r. 609 East Seventh.Reed, Caroline, widow Magnus, h. 108 Lister Ave.Reed, Charles D., (Mabel B.), pastor Calvary Baptist Church, h. 16 Hall Ave.Reed. Charles F., (Christina), cement worker, h. 16 Wilton Ave.Reed, Elizabeth, widow Richard, r. 1001 Prendergast Ave.Reed, Frank E., (Lillian A.),—Reed & Martin—h. 18 Park.Reed, Frank R., (De Ette F.), wood finisher,h. 210 Lincoln.Reed, Hulda, r. 127 Linwood Ave.Reed, John B„ (Christine), veneer worker, h. 127 Linwood Ave.Reed John W., (Helen M.), architect and builder, h. 7 Cross.Reed, Lemuel C, (Celestia), undertaker, h. 609 East Seventh.Reed, Malcom, carpenter, r. 108 Lister.Reed & Martin—Frank E. Reed and Archie J. Martin—plumbing and heating,water Reese, Reeder,' Reederi Reed, Robert, se Alma Harry John Thomas see Charles12Read coLORs^na^ ForestReader. E., T., machine and E., H., matron E., upholsterer,Ave.(Clara), Reid. machine police hand, Agnes captain, postman, Qawcroft bds. hand, r. Home, 343 8 h. Water. Falconer. h. 343 6811 Broadhead Co., Falconer.Lafayette. 107 Ave. E, 3rd St.

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Builders' Hardware232 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYPtlQHTQllfYll'l RpaiA? before meals makes every dish welcome — after-Vrlldlildlll| ltd DrCW wards it insures digestion. Both phones 268.Reeves, Warren L., retired, r. 838 Lafayette.Regas, Harry K.—The Sugar Bowl—rms. Kent block, over 29 Forest Ave.Regner, Carl P., (Margaret), painter, h. 31 Flagg Ave.Rehn, John, r. 36 Pearl Ave.Rehn, Oscar, (Mary), weaver, h. over 22 Pearl Ave.Rehnberg, Albert, (Sophia), aristo worker, h. over 12 Partridge.Rehnberg, August, (Mary), commercial traveler, h. 10 Terrace Place.Rehnberg, see Renberg.Reichel, Amanda, J., Mrs., domestic, r. 1269 North Main.Reid, Ivo, bartender, rms. over 122 East Third.Reid, John, landscape gardener, bds. 26 McKinley Ave.Reid, Robert, (Millie), shipping clerk, h. 79 Hazzard.Reid, see Reed and Read.Reiter, Morris, (Freda), junk dealer, h.248 South Main.Reiter, E., (Sarah),—junk dealer, 946 East Second—h. over do.Reiter, see Rider.Relyea, Bert B., (Elsie L.), insurance, h. 108 Crossman.Remalyea, Cora, weaver, rms. over 40 Taylor.Remington, Grace O., textile worker, r. 36 Franklin.Remington, Rinardo D., (Cora B.), farmer, h. 36 Franklin.Remington, Robert F., textile worker, r. 36 Franklin.Renaldor, Charles J., carpenter, bds. under 105 Francis. sRenberg, Adolph, (Emma C), commercial traveler, h. 223 Steele.Renberg, Walter, clerk, r. 223 Steele.Renberg, see Rehnberg.Renello, Augustino, (Mayme),—fruits, wholesale and retail, 45 South Main—h. do.Rener, Jennie, domestic, 303 East Second.Renner, James E., (Maude), metal polisher, h. 22 West Seventh.Renova Oil Co., Inc.—Arthur W. Kettle, pres-treas.; Alton W. Ball, vicepres.; Mark T. Seymour, sec'y.—oil producers, over 219 North Main.Rescue Chemical—Bruce F. Sturdevant, driver—25 Winsor.Rescue Hose Co.—Frank A. Anderson, driver—25 Winsor.Retail Clothiers' Association—James C. Peterson, pres.; W. P. Osmer, sec'y.Retail Shoe Dealers Association—A. E. Anderson, pres.; C. W. Swanson,sec'y.-treas.Revels, Edith C, stenographer, r. 218 Crescent.Revels, Jennie E., widow William, h. 218 Crescent.Rew, Charles, teamster, bds. 43 Harrison.Rewello, Sam, fruit peddler, rms. 36 Harrison.Rexford, E. Lee, (Maude), metal worker, h. 254 Falconer.Rexford, Josephine, widow Aaron, r. 551 East Second.Rexford, Warner S., (May E.)—attorney, rm. 47 Fenton Bldg.—r. Greenhurst-on-<strong>Chautauqua</strong>.Reynolds, A. Harrison—mgr. Barrett Realty Co., 205 Cherry—r. 130 So. Main.Reynolds, Axel, (Catherine), foreman machine room Himebaugh Bros., h. 303Crescent.Reynolds, Clinton I., (Bertha M.), laundryman, h. over 75 Barrett.Reynolds, Edward W., (Agnes), finisher,h. over^ 411 West Fourth.Reynolds, Harvey F., (Ellen C), retired, h. 209 Forest Ave.Reynolds, Lewis C, (Mabel C), clerk, h. over 233 Barrett.I Rhinehart, L Reynolds, Uff?_ and C I inSUrailCe sec'y. non Margaret William Lizzie, Isma Elbert nan J. B., St. A., pa widow R., W., C, paper Ry. Connecticut (Carrie), Jr., (Helen (Cynthia), W. and Phillip, 308 boxmaker, student, J. Chaut. West B.),—business Bentley, erector rooming r. laborer, General Fifth. Traction r. 308 Art 116 Gen. West house h. Price. Metal, Life mgr. Agt., Co.—h. 14 Fifth. over Scott. Broadhead Ins. 515 308 116 118 Chadakoin Co., West East Price. Hartford, Worsted Fifth. Second, Bldg. Mills, h. Conn., do.

The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. The A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 233eff/LL^ftAA/ffirORQRhode, Mariett L., widow Daniel, h. 1031 North Main.Rhode, see Rohde.Rhodes, Ada, Mrs., dressmaker, h. 410% Washington.Rhodes, Byron J., (Edith),—Collins Ice Cream Co.—h. 204 West Sixth.Rhodes, Charles H., (Hattie H.)—insurance, 9 Cook Ave.—h. do.Rhodes, Erie, (Hazel), wheel worker, h. over 40 Flagg Ave.Rhodes, Ernest S., (Bessie), brick mason, h. over 304 East Second.Rhodes, Fred L., (Minnie), contractor, h. 1047 Washington.Rhodes, Leslie, (Alice), wheelmaker, h. 38 Flagg Ave.Rhodes, Lester, fireman J. C. & L. E. R. R., r. 1047 Washington.Rhodes, William H., (Annie P.), aristo worker, h. 42 Regent.Rhubottom, Jennie, clerk 836 Washington, r. do.Ribbing, Christine, Mrs., laundress, h. 262 Forest Ave.Ribbing, John E., (Genora), painter, h. 193 Summit.Ribbing, Oscar F., (Gertrude V.), screen doormaker, h. over 219 McKinleyAve.Ricalton, Herbert L., (Elizabeth)—mgr. cloak and suit dept. A. D. Sharpe—h. 18 Prather Ave.Rice, Adelbert, (Ella), emp. J. Water Dept., h. 809 Jefferson.Rice, AI. Downs, (Mynette), operator Camp's studio, h. 730 East Seventh.Rice, Alice M., decorator, r. 26 Derby.Rice, Bertha E., seamstress, r. 26 Derby.Rice, Frank C, (Jeanette), milk peddler, h. 126 Fulton.Rice, Helen M., widow Dr. A. B., h. 81 Fairmount Ave.Rice, Jay D., grocery clerk, r. 809 Jefferson.Rice, Jennie P., tailoress, h. 102 Barrows.Rice, Louisa E., r. 102 Barrows.Rice, Stephen L., (Alice E.), mechanic, h. 26 Derby.Rice, Zella H., teacher, r. 26 Derby.Rich, Bert F., penman, r. 100 Liberty.Rich, Frank J., (Lizza), commercial traveler, h. 168 Jones & Gifford Ave.Rich, Fred M., (Ella),—insurance, 510-512 Chadakoin Bldg.—h. 26 Chestnut.Rich, Marion J., electrician, rms. over 211 North Main.Rich, Walter, (Grace), bookkeeper, h. 811 North Main.Rich, William H., (Ellen)—real estate, rm. 21 Gokey Bldg.—h. 100 Liberty.Richards, Claude J., R. R. mail clerk, rms. 358 East Fourth.Richards, Clayton, conductor J. St. Ry., rms. 215 West Second.• Richardson, Charles, (Lucy), machinist, h. over 275 South Main.Richardson, William, (Jennie E.), blacksmith, h. over 604 Lafayette.Richter, Frank A., (Phoebe), foreman Art Metal, h. 32 Whitley Ave.Rick, Antoinette D., teacher, r. 287 Hallock.Rick, Bertha E., teacher, r. 287 Hallock.Rick, John, (Elizabeth), h. 287 Hallock.Rick, Julius DeF., (Mildred M.),—sec'y.-treas. Chaut. Refrigerating Co.—h.14 Royal Ave.Rickenbrode, Harold, student, r. 312 Allen.Ready Roofing & Building Paper ,JKXiY£2sRF.Ricker, Levant E., (Ina), real estate, h. 13 McKinley Ave.Rickerson, James E., (Luella), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 21 Langford.Ridell, Rideen, Ridell' Rider,' Alice, Amy Edwin Frank Abigail, John, see Ryden. W., widow R., A., carpenter, r. (Susan commercial 310 Orion, Samuel, East bds. W.), r. Fourth. 223 traveler, sales under r. Bowen. over manager Falconer, r. 1111 310 East Art cor. Metal, Second. Fourth. Curtis.310 East Fourth.

Clark Hardware Co. Roofing and Building Papers234 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYThe very newest in Neckwear, Hosiery, Belts, Gloves, Underwear,prices that you cannot complain of.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Rider, Bernard, (Jennie),—gen. store, 939 East Second—h. over doRider, Carl, (Lotten), machine hand, h. 569 Allen.Rider, Edwin H., furniture finisher, r. 569 Allen.Rider, Harry E., metal worker, h. under Falconer cor, Curtis.Rider, see Reiter.Ridgway, Guy E.,—physician, New Everett Hotel—r. do.Rifenberick, Anna, weaver, h. over 5 Briggs.Riker, John C, laborer, r. 18 West Eighth.Riker, Ophelia A., widow Charles, h. 18 West Eighth.Riley, Alfred, (Sarah A.), warp dresser, h. 42 Foote Ave.Riley, Caroline, widow Louis, r. 625 Prendergast Ave.Riley, Edward M., (Lucy E.), electrician Home Tel. Co., h. 625 Prendergast.Ave.Riley, Helen O., widow John O., h. 47 Foote Ave.Riley, Henry—Woodhead, Olsen & Riley—r. 42 Foote Ave.Riley, Katherine A., r. 47 Foote Ave.Riley, Linna M., teacher, r. 625 Prendergast Ave.Riley, Louisa, bookkeeper, r. 42 Foote Ave.Riley, Walter, textile worker, r. 42 Foote Ave.Rimph, Jerome, (Anna), h. 216 Broadhead Ave.Ringquist, Carl E., (Anna C), polisher, h. over 796 East Second.Risch, Charles, (Josephine), florist,h. over 263 Fairmount Ave.Risley, Benjamin F., (Mary J.), machinist, h. over 820 East Second.Risley, Forest, tailor, bds. 510 West Fifth.Risley, George W., (Hope M.), musician, h. 801 Cherry.Risley, Horton V., student, r. 801 Cherry.Riverside Hotel—Rainey and John A. Peterson, props.—117-123 FairmountAve.Rizzo, Festenardo— Rizzo S. & Son—r. 201 Winsor.Rizzo, Niccoli, (Sarah), driver, h. 201 Winsor.Rizzo, Sarah & Son—Sarah and Festenardo Rizzo—retail fruit dealers—201Winsor.Rizzo, Tony, (Carmilla), wood worker, h. over 121 Cross.Roach, Ella M., operator Home Tel. Co., bds. 17 East Sixth.Roach, Emily, bookkeeper, bds. 17 East Sixth.Roach, see Roche.Roark, James, (Mary),—hotel & boarding house, 10 Steele—h. do.Robbins, A. Jerome, (Ida H.)— physician, over 304 North Main—h. do.Robbins, ArvillaI., bookkeeper, r. 45 Frink Ave.Robbins, Fay A., r. 45 Frink Ave.Robbins, Frank, (Mary), veneer worker, h. 45 Frink Ave.Robbins, Frank, veneer worker, r. 45 Frink Ave.Robbins, Maria, widow Finley, domestic, h. 29 Newton Ave.Robbins, Sam B.,—pawn broker, over 38 North Main—rms. 2 Forest Park.Roberts, Daniel W., (Martha J.), carpet layer, h. 885 Washington.Roberts, Ella, Mrs. dressmaker, h. over 419 West Sixth.Roberts, Gertrude P., musician, r. 885 Washington.Roberts, Imogene O., student, r. 116 Prospect.The Roberts, latest John E., in (Ella W oA.)—master o d Grain mechanic Filling J. C. & L. E. at R. R. Gages and Chaut.Steamboat Co.—h. 116 Prospect.Roberts, Louis L., (Dora C), emp. Jones & Audette, h. 56 Tenth.Roberts, Robertson, Ave. William Mellisa Roy Theodore Amos G.,—dentist, B., D., T., M., widow Mrs., (Hattie), (Julia (Mary boarding rms. Albert, A.), B.), finisher,h. 500-502 conductor bookeeper r. house, Chadakoin over 105 J. 149 Art 11 St. Eleventh. Jones Bishop. Metal, Ry., Bldg.—rms. & h. 149 Gifford 47 Jones Fairmount 12 Ave. East & Gifford 4th. Ave.

THE lowest prices. THEThe A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 235THE LARGEST STOCKtf/LL^AAfffioRg)BETWEENPITTSBURG AND BUFFALORobertson, De Forest, baker, r. 223 South Main.Robertson,' Earl M., student, r. 223 South Main.Robertson, Henry P., (Lucy C.)—pres. H. P. Robertson Co.—h. 512 PrendergastAve.Robertson, H. P. Co.—H. P. Robertson, pres.-treas.; Charles Ipson, vicepres.; John Ipson, sec'y.—mfrs. parlor and library tables and foldingbeds., 30-38 Steele.Robertson, John, (Hannah), wood worker, h. 829% Spring.Robertson, John W., (Jennie), barbers, h. 615 Pine.Robertson, Lucinda S., widow Albert C, rm. 205 Lafayette.Robertson, Peter C, (Lena), carpenter, h. 223 South Main.Robertson, Robert P., (Mary)—vice pres. Proudfit Clothing Co.—h. over 24West Seventh.Robertson, R. Smith, rms. 205 Lafayette.Robeson, George, (Cora), teamster, h. 168 Chandler.Robinson, Alice, weaver, h. 734 East Second.Robinson, Biantha, widow Wellman, r. 14 Jeffords.Robinson, George E., (Violet), matressmaker, h. 410 Allen.Robinson, Hattie, widow Harvey W., h. 23 Twelfth.Robinson, John W., (Jennie),—barber, under 14 East Third—h. 615 Pine.Robinson, Mary, weaver, r. 734 East Second.Robinson, Pearl, widow Frank W., laundress, h. 5 Metallic Ave.Robinson, Ralph M., (Mabel), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 14 Jeffords.Robinson, Sidney, (Martha), textile worker, h. over 30 Franklin.Roche, Katie, children's nurse, r. 407 Cherry.Roche, see Roach.Rockey, W. J., (Helena E.),—dentist, over 202 North Main—bds. 6 Fulton.Rockwell, Susie E., widow Fred—hair dresser and manicurist, 308 Pine—h.do.Rodda, Ora E., (Florence), warehouse man, h. 10 Cheney.Rodgers, Howard S., (Nellie I.), stationary engineer, h. 16 Grant.Rodgers, see Rogers.Rodney, Albert C, (Edith), reporter Morning Post, h. 19 West Eighth.Rodney, Jay P., metal polisher, r. 19 West Eighth.Rodney, Walter H., (Cora), nickel plater, h. 19 West Eighth.Rody, John, (Bridget), laborer, h. 356% East Fourth.Roe, Robert, clerk, rms. over 22 Forest Ave.Roe, see Rowe.Roehl, Edward A. L., (Eva), machinist, h. 509 Clinton.Roehl, Frank M., (Rosie H.), experimenter Empire Voting Machine Co., h.124 Cook Ave.Rogers, Bertha I., nurse 207 Foote Ave, r. do.Rogers Bros.—Joseph R. and Frank B. Rogers—Five Point Grocery, 714 No.Main.Rogers, Daniel R., student, r. 613 East Seventh.Rogers, Edith M., teacher, r. 627 East Sixth.Rogers, Frank B., (Margaret B.),—Rogers Bros.—h. 1005 Prendergast Ave.Rogers! Henry, clerk, rms. 213 West Second.ROOFING Rogers, Hugh M., PAPER (Mary), dyer, at h. NORTHROP 613 East Seventh. PAINT & GLASS CO.Rogers James J., (Selma E.), foreman J. Metal Furn. Co.—h. over 91 Barker-Rogers' J. G., Mrs., dressmaker, h. 1055 North Main.Rogerson', Rogerson, Rogers' Rogers! Rogers, Joseph Rovillus see David Charles Francis Loren Russell Rodgers. R., R., M., A., J., E., H., (Gertrude r. (Celeste (Alberta student, (Floy (Mabel 114 Barrett. F.), N.),—Rogers E.), M.), A.), r. contractor, supt. 114 master Barrett. of public mechanic, Bros.—h. and 306 schools, . Clinton. builder, over h. 254 869 h. h. 627 Prospect. North 114 East Barrett. Main. Sixth.

Clark Hardware Co.Hardware and Mill Supplies236 . JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYF. S. TREADWAY, Dist. Agt. The Mutual Benefit Lifeboth phones of Newark, N. J.Roggenborf, Martha, domestic, 101 East Fourth.Rohde, Alice I., clerk Art Metal, r. 418 East Fifth.Rohde, Carrie J., widow Emil O., h. 418 East Fifth.Rohde, Claire E., teacher, r. 418 East Fifth.Rohde, Martinette H., librarian, r. 418 East Fifth.Rohde, Mary A., weaver, r. over 10 East Third.Rohde, see Rhode.Rohe, Martin F., agent, bds. 516 East Second.Rohlin, Charles E., (Hilda L.), driver, h. 248 Hazzard.Rohlin, Oscar G., (Emily C), tailor, h. 3 East Newland Ave.Rohn, John, (Gustava), wood worker, h. 274 Fairmount Ave.Rohri, Pauline, dressmaker, r. 274 Fairmount Ave.Rohn, William M., (Lena), collector Home Tel. Co., r. Frewsburg, N. Y.Rolf, Charles E., (Hannah), carpenter, h. 400 Allen.Rolf, John E., textile worker, r. 400 Allen.Rolland, George A., (Ella F.), bookkeeper, h. 108 Steele.Rolland, George W., (Dora J.),—junk and hides, 201 Harrison—h. 108 Steele.Rolland, John W., student, r. 108 Steele.Romanick, Bronislrwr, Mrs., textile operator, h. 59 Foote Ave.Roos, Emanuel, (Nathalie)—capt. Swedish Salvation Army—h. 24 Harrison.Root, Clyde F., student, r. 334 Foote Ave.Root, E. Elizabeth, rms. 159 Hopkins Ave.Root, Frank H. Jr., (Vivian M.), laborer, h. 30 Whitley Ave.Root, Frank H., (Josephine A.), driver, h. 35 Charles.Root, Marion A. B., r. 194 Forest Ave.Root, Nancy, widow William, h. 334 Foote Ave.Root, Ralph R., student, r. 35 Charles.Root, Theodore S., student, r. 194 Forest Ave.Root, Theodore Z.—emp. Public Service Commission, Albany—h. 194 ForestAve.Rosdahl, Ralph, (Selma), weaver, h. 100 Howard Ave.Rosdahl, see Rosendahl.Rose, Albin, (Mary), painter, h. over 222 Prospect.Rose, Carl O., (Jennie)—contracting painter and paper hanger, 23 East First—h. 222 Prospect.Rose, Clarence D., (Ella), organist First Baptist Church, h. 637 Lakeview Av.Rose, Frank E., r. 841 North Main.Rose, Harry, barber, h. under 21 Forest Ave.Rose, Isaac F., (Mary N.), h. 841 North Main.Rose, Libbie, domestic, r. 13 Seventh.Rose, Minnie E., Mrs., r. 559 Buffalo.Roseburg, Johanna S., widow John O., h 300 King.Roseli, Savertio, (Katherine), musician, h. 39 Twelfth.Roselle, Charles P., (Mollie A.), cabinetmaker, h. 230 Broadhead Ave.Roselle, John S., (Flora), grainef and bronzer, h. 236 Prospect.Roselle, Rosa, domestic, 520 Winsor.Rosenberg, Experience Gertrude, means much widow in Lyman, writing h insurance over 322 South contracts. Main. We have beenRosenberg, Gertrude J., teacher, writing r. them over for 3220 South years. Main.Rosenberg, BRADSHAW'S Leonard, printer, PIONEER r. over 322 INSURANCE South Main. AGENCYRosenblad, Albin, (Ellen), cement worker, h. 307% Winsor.Rosenburg, Harry, (Lottie), weaver, bds. Riverside Hotel.Rosencrantz, Rosendahl, 2 South Edwin, Main. Elof, E. Paul & B., Co.—Elof (Minnie machine gen. mgr. C),—E. hand, Rosencrantz Banner r. Rosencrantz 203 Furn. and Crescent. Carl Co., & A. r. Co.—h. Lundquist—hardware,21 Allen. 21 Allen.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.tf/LL^AAn^TORQJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 237ABSOLUTELY"ONE PRICE" SYSTEMRosendahl, John O., (Hilma), foreman wood finisher,h. 203 Crescent.Rosendahl, Roland, r. 203 Crescent.Rosendahl, see Rosdahl.Rosengren, Ejnar A. C,—Rosengren & Johnson—r. 119 Willard.Rosengren, Emma J., widow August E., h. 119 Willard.Rosengren & Johnson—Ejnar A. C. Rosengren and Carl F. Johnson—meats,121 Willard.Rosengren, Rachel A., weaver, r. 119 Willard.Rosenquist, Anna, r. 221 Weeks.Rosenquist, Arthur, metal worker, r. 221 Weeks.Rosenquist, Elin, domestic, 339 East Fourth.Rosenquist, F. August, (Mary),—supt. F. M. Curtis Co.—h. over 246 Crescent.Rosenquist, John C, metal worker, r. 221 Weeks.Rosenquist, Oscar A., upholsterer, r. 221 Weeks.Rosenquist, Signa, domestic, 400 West Fifth.Rosenquist, Theodore S., (Nellie), metal worker, h. 221 Weeks.Rosequist, Gustaf, (Laura), laborer, h. 35 Morton.Rosier, Margaret, widow Robert, h. 203 West Eighth.Ross, Anna M., widow Emery A., h. 315 Lincoln.Ross, Anton, cabinetmaker, bds. 128 Water.Ross, Bruce A., cloth finisher,bds. 382 Willard.Ross, Clara C, teacher, r. 315 Lincoln.Ross, Claus R., lather, r. 35 Hopkins Ave.Ross, Emmett H., law student, r. 237 Fairmount Ave.Ross, E. Winfield, (Fern L.),—wholesale hardwood lumber, 305 Chandler, h.520 Winsor.Ross, Florence, dressmaker, t. 35 Hopkins Ave.Ross, Gideon, toolmaker, bds. 1 Briggs.Ross, Harriet, dressmaker, r. 35 Hopkins Ave.Ross Lumber Co.—Warren Ross—hardwood lumber, Isabella Ave. & MonroeRoss, Ralph, packer, bds. 382 Willard.Ross, Warner, (Hilda), stationary engineer, h. 35 Hopkins Ave.Ross, Warren, (Margaret)—Ross Lumber Co.—h. 610 Lakeview Ave.Ross, William, (Jane N.), master mechanic, h. 237 Fairmount Ave.Ross, see Russ.Rosseau, Sarah, widow Joseph, h. 2 Schuyler.Rossing, Brewer, (Hannah), cabinetmaker, h. 89 Tower.Roth, Earl, toolmaker, rms. 507 Spring.Rouse, Dora E., widow Manning, matron Erie R. R. station, h. 10 East 2nd.Rowe, Ahart S„ (Susie F.), polisher, h. 412 East Fifth.Rowe, Huldah, widow Herbert,—dressmaking, over 120 East Third—h. do.Rowe, Robert N., clerk, rms. 20 Forest Ave.Rowe, see Roe.Rowley, Cecil G., (Mary E.)— laundryman, over 110 East Third—h. do.Rowley, C. G., Mrs.,—chiropodist, over 110 East Third—h. do.Rowley, C. Lynn, teller National Chaut. Co. Bank, bds. 313 Prendergast Ave.Rowley, Jay, lunch counter clerk, rms. over 118 East Second.Rowley, Katie,insurewidowin theDemmonNew York,h.Life?over 703Because:North Main.It has over 557 millionWHY Rowley, MerrittdollarsB.,in(Emmaassets.A.)—B'klyn Fish&Meat Market—h. 36 Mechanic.Rowley,' M. Estella, student, r. 329 Hallock.Rowley, Roswell, (Bertha), h. 108 Fairview Ave..Rowley, Ruden, Ruchai, Rudd, Royal Ruckman, —h. Theater—George Charles Shake, 413 Thomas John Prendergast H., finisher,r. O., M., F., dyer, metal (Hattie (Agnes Cohen, bds. Ave. worker, 713 P.),—hats S.), 8 Fairview Cherry. mgr.—26 sander, 29 and McKinley Ave. h. North men's 6 Morse Main. Ave. furnishings, Ave. 16 East Third

Clark Hardware Co.Farm Implements and Fencing238 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYA delicious and nourishing table beverage, with highly<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brewmedicinal qualities. Both phones 268.Ruden, Louis E., (Lizzie C), printer Wm. Koehl & Co., h. 29 McKinley Ave.Rudolph, John, finisher,bds. 1 Metallic Ave.Rudolph, Olivia, Mrs., textile worker, h. over 33 Winsor.Rugg, C. Arthur, commercial traveler, r. 801 East Second.Rugg, Catherine, widow Clayton A., h. 801 East Second.Rugg, Clayton A., clerk Erie freight depot, r. 801 East Second.Rugg, Corydon A., (Jennie M.), mfr. medicines, h. 744 East Second.Rugg, Fidelia, widow Dr. Corydon C, r. over 510 Clinton.Rugg, Harold C, (Victoria), laborer, r. 744 East Second.Rugg, James, driver Wells Fargo Exp. Co., r. 801 East Second.Rulifson, John W., (Mabel), architect, h. Woodworth Ave.Rummer, Earl K., student, r. 37 Hamilton.Rummer, Frank H., (Bertha), hackman, h. 37 Hamilton.Rumple, Harmon F., (Ella D.), h. over 714 North Main.Rundell, Dwight F.,—E. W. Curtis Lumber Co.—bds. 857 Prendergast Ave.Rundell, Ernest J., (Ethel M.), electrician, h. 837 Prendergast Ave.Rundell, F. E., lineman, bds. 121 East Second.Rundell, Lilly, weaver, r. 33 Linden Ave.Rundquist, Gunhild, textile worker, bds. 9 Webster.Rundquist, Matilda, widow Andrew, h. 428 Winsor.Rundquist, Ruby R., French teacher, r. 428 Winsor.Rush, Charles T., (Carlie B.), machinist, h. 16 Dickerson.Rushton, Arthur, (Mary), wool sorter, h. over 18 Waterman.Rushworth, Abraham, (Josephine), warp dresser, h. 109 Maple.Rushworth, Anne M. B.,—bookkeeper, Wm. Koehl & Co.—r. 18 Franklin.Rushworth, Benjamin, (Alice), warp dresser, h. over 145 Prospect.Rushworth, Elizabeth, widow Isaac, h. 18 Franklin.Rushworth, Frank E.,—Rushworth & Son—r. 18 Franklin.Rushworth, Harry, (Bessie M.), art carver, bds. 212 Pine.Rushworth, Lydia H., Mrs., r. 9 King.Rushworth, O. Nelson, (Isabelle D.)—pres. Farmers & Mechanics Bank—h.12 Lakeview Ave.Rushworth, Raymond, jeweler's apprentice, r. 18 Franklin.Rushworth & Son—Frank E. Rushworth, mgr.—general machinery repairing,rear 113 Foote Ave.Russ, Frank, laborer, bds. 106 Foote Ave.Russ, Frank, (Carrie), wood worker, h. 435 Allen.Russ, Joe, (Josephine), laborer, h. under 435 Allen.Russ, Tom, laborer, bds. under 435 Allen.Russ, Tony, (Mary Corlett), laborer, h. 106 Foote Ave.Russ, see Ross.Russell, Archie F., (Olive), oil well cleaner, h. 245 Fairmount Ave.Russell, Estella F., Mrs., h. over 10 West Eighth.Russell, Eugene E., (Edith), hand carver, h. 42 Peach.Russell, James A., (Margaret)—sec'y .-treas. Independence Oil & Gas Co.—h. Lakewood, N. Y.Russell, James D., (Alice S.),—pres.-mgr. Independence Oil & Gas Co.—h.Lakewood, N. Y.Russell, W U l w John AlTlrffl Claude, Allflit (Mary), Oft Accountants teamster, h. and 544 Cost Crescent. <strong>System</strong>s. Jamestown, N. Y , BellRussell, • Fjlj Thomas, filllgO MUll (Inez L.),—florist, LU. phone 810 Forest 467, Youngstown, Ave.—h. 0., do. Bell phone 522.Russell, Wallace G., office clerk Wilcox, Burchard & Co., r. over 10 W. 8th.Russo, Gaetano, shoemaker, bds. 61 Harrison.Russo, Rutherford, Ryan, Bert, James Francis Johanna, Sebastiano, William (Jennie), W., M., widow (Elizabeth), laborer, cloth N., driver Jeremiah, (May), trimmer, bds. J. textile Fire barber, 218 h. bds. 1042 dept., Falconer. worker, over h. North 1076 h. 201 218 h. Main. East 10 Falconer. Crane. First. Second.

The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 239LARGEST and MOSTcff/LL^AAfffloRg)CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCKRyan, Josephine, clerk, r. 1042 North Main.Ryan, Kate, widow John, h. 218 Falconer.Ryblom, Borgie, domestic, 121 Lakeview Ave.Rybloom, Carl, laborer, bds. 524 Sturges.Rybloom, Nels, (Lotta), lumber handler, h. 82 Hedges Ave.Ryden, Arvid, (Caroline), painter, h. 150 Park.Ryden, Ellen, weaver, r. 150 Park.Ryden, see Rideen.Ryden, Helga, domestic, 62 Allen.RoofingsELOF ROSENCRANTZ &COMPANYSabastiano, Valelio, (Sarah), h. 44 Harrison.Sacelaridis, Luis, tailor, r. 116 Harrison.Sack, Frank L., (Delia), musician, h. 11 Tenth.Sackrider, John R., (Margaret S.)—eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, BarrettBldg.—r. 27 Allen.Sackris, Leon, painter, bds. 33 Myrtle.Saeli, George, bobbin setter, r. 122 Harrison.Saeli, Joseph, (Louisa), laborer, h. 122 Harrison.Saeli, Samuel, roven carrier, r. 122 Harrison.Saeli, Sarah, spinner, r. 122 Harrison.Safford, Glenn L., (Golda),—barber, 215 North Main—h. 208 West Eighth.Safford, Nelson J., (Grace)—light repairs, cutler, under 121 West Third—h.9 Hammond.Safford, see Stafford.Sage, Charles E., (Anna), veneer worker, h. 45 Hotchkiss.Sage, Earl E., r. 45 Hotchkiss.Sage, Egbert, (Ada), wood worker, h. 9 Cleveland Place.Sage, Jessie M., operator Home Tel Co., r. 45 Hotchkiss.Sage, Ralph G., (Mabelle), veneer worker, h. 14 Weeks.Sager, M. L., (Alice W.),—prop. Hotel Grand, 121-123 East Second—h. do.Sagerdahl, Edna C, clerk, r. over 810 Cherry.Sagerdahl, Frank A., (Louise)—Sagerdahl & Fray—h. 181 Thayer.Sagerdahl & Fray—F. A. Sagerdahl and John A. Fray—real estate stockbrokers and ocean tickets—over 12 East Second.Sagerdahl, Fred, (Sophie), finisher,h. over 810 Cherry.Sagerdahl, Harold, (Lula W.), metal finisher,h. 91 Barker.Sagorny, John, wood worker, h. 31 Hopkins Ave.Sagurney, William F., (Flora), wood finisher,h. over 112 Cross.Sahlstrom, Leonard L., (Anna S.), carver, h. 20 Pearl Ave.Sahlstrom, Mamie H., stenographer, r. 20 Pearl Ave.StGermain, Lewis, (Edith), chauffeur, h. over 23 Derby.St. Luke's Church—402-408 North Main.SS. Peter & Paul's Roman Catholic Church—514-518 Cherry.Salander, PL I Alexander, C M nlooca (Grace),—Peerless "t" DECORATOR, Laundry—h. 107 Ill W. Allen. Third StreetSalander, thanes Arvid, t. (Minnie), iviaciease, steel casemaker, Jame,towI1,n.y. h. 29 Kinney. Beui24b. Homes 91-k.Salander, Augusta, widow August, nurse, r. 112y2 Hazzard.Sales, Harry J., (May), paper hanger, h. over 5 Rowley Place.Sales, Salin,' Emily, Willis David, E., mill sander, (Myrtle), hand, r. r. 35 commercial 35 Elliot Elliot Ave. Ave. traveler, h. 12 Dexter.

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools240 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYrilQllfoiimia Drai„ THE BEER DEMANDED BY ALLl/Ild.U.La.U.(|U.d. D r e w judges of a perfect beerSalin, George, metal worker, r. 35 Elliot Ave.Salisbury, A. Laura, milliner, r. 28 Regent.Salisbury, Charles, (Mary), metal worker, h. 322 Steele.Salisbury, Clark W., (Almira L.),—Salisbury & Son—h. 901 North Main.Salisbury, Claud C.—Salisbury & Son—r. 901 North Main.Salisbury, Elma G., r. 901 North Main.Salisbury, George E., (Mary C), mechanic, h. 28 Regent.Salisbury, John H., (Margaret), farmer, h. 28 Regent.Salisbury, Laura A., milliner, r. 28 Regent.Salisbury & Son—C. W. and C. C. Salisbury—gas engines and repairing, 14-16 Twelfth.Salisbury Wheel & Mfg. Co.—C. A. Pickard, pres.; Fletcher Goodwill, vicepres.; Erwin D. Shearman, treas.; Andrew Davis, sec'y.; Edwin D. Cook,Supt. and Scott H. Penfield automobile wheels and axels, Allen Ext.Saltenstall, Joseph, machinist, bds. 953 East Second.Salvation Army Hall—123 East Third.Sample, Chester M., r. 532 Lakeview Ave.Sample, Clayton L., (Anna), draughtsman, h. 9 Geneva.Sample, Samuel J., (Mariam), retired, h. 532 Lakeview Ave.Sampson, Albin W., (Clara), wood carver, h. 865 North Main.Sampson, Andrew, (Christine), wood worker, h. under 347 Foote Ave.Sampson, Andrew A., (Linda), laborer, h. 261 Falconer.Sampson, Bertha M., operator Home Tel Co., r. 57 Water.Sampson, David, wood finisher,bds. 223 Bowen.Sampson, David, (Mary A.), retired, h. 127 Chandler.Sampson, Eric G., (Ellen C), sheet metal worker, h. over 114 Broadhead Ave.Sampson, Esther, clerk, r. over 31 Kinney.Sampson, Frank L., (Mabel), furniture packer, h. over 6 Orchard.Sampson, George L., metal worker, r. 57 Water.Sampson, George O., (Lizzie), aristo boss, h. 21 College.Sampson, Henry F., (Clara), cabinetmaker, h. 113 Bush.Sampson, John, (Emma), laborer, h. 114 Barrows.Sampson, John, fishpeddler, bds. 158 Barrows.Sampson, John, metal worker, bds. 223 Bowen.Sampson, John T., (Matilda), stationary engineer, h. 117 Bush.Sampson, Laura E., operator Bell Tel. Co., r. 57 Water.Sampson, Lilliam, r. over 31 Kinney.Sampson, Lloyd, laborer, r. 114 Barrows.Sampson, Lottie, widow Fred, picker, h. over 31 Kinney.Sampson, Martha, clerk, r. over 31 Kinney.Sampson, Martin, (Florence), packer, h. 158 Barrows.Sampson, Nettie Elizabeth, h. 203 McKinley Ave.Sampson, Swan J., (Freda A.), metal worker, h. 6 Linwood Ave.Sampson, Theodore R., student, r. 117 Bush.Samuel Isaac R— mgr. People's Credit Clothing Co.—rms. over 213 No. Main.Samuels, Charles, (Clara), retired, h. 512 West Third.Samuels, Lillian, r. 512 West Third.Samuels Opera House—Charles Samuels, prop.; Reis Circuit Co., lessees;J. J. Waters, mgr.—22 East Second.Samuelson, Alfred G., (Louise G.)—Samuelson & Anderson—h. 252 So. Main.Samuelson, Alice L., stenographer and bookkeeper, r. 252 South Main.Samuelson & Anderson—Alfred G. Samuelson and Mrs. Caroline Andersonmeats,Tncimanra InSUrailCc 261 Axel, Claus, Edward Frank Charles South B., Connecticut carpenter, E., (Anna), E„ W., crater, Main. (Josephine), (Selma w. (Emily cabinetmaker, J. bds. General Bentley, A. S.), 382 8 C), Fairfield wood shipping Willard. meat Life Gen. finisher,h. h. 254 cutter, Ave. Agt., clerk, Ins. Willard. 515 Co., h. 548 257 Chadakoin under Hartford, Allen. South 764 Main. E. Bldg. Conn., I Samuelson, LUC ifa Second.

DRAPERIES, SHADES. 1 "C A. IJ. Oll*\\X\!iQ \*0.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 241iff/LL^JAAfffloRQSamuelson, Frederick, metal worker, bds. 6 Hanley.Samuelson, Gust, carpenter, h. 103 Wescott.Samuelson, Gustaf S., carver, r. 137 Broadhead Ave.Samuelson, Helge G., (Anna E.), wood carver, h. Willard, bey. limits.Samuelson, Henry, metal worker, bds. 6 Hanley.Samuelson, John, (Matilda), laborer, h. 128 Water.Samuelson, John, (Augusta), finisher,h. Falconer, cor. Curtis.Samuelson, John O., laborer, h. 16 Union Ave.Samuelson, Martin, (Selma), blacksmith and horse shoer, h. 30 Chapman.Samuelson, Mary, widow Andrew, h. 6 Hanley.Samuelson, Samuel A., (Clara C), carpenter, h. 137 Broadhead Ave.Samuelson, Thurston S., clerk, r. 137 Broadhead Ave.Sanborn, Allen R., laborer, bds. 6 South Main.Sanborn, see Sandborn.Sanctuary, Thomas, (Susanna), wool sorter, h. 809 East Second.Sanctuary, Vernon, designer, r. 809 East Second.Sandberg, Alma E., clerk, r. 23 Stowe.Sandberg, Anna, domestic, 31 Foote Ave., r. 131 Baker.Sandberg, Arthur, steel casemaker, bds. 817 North Main.Sandberg, August A., hand carver, r. 23 Stowe.Sandberg, Augusta, Mrs., weaver, h. 67 Center.Sandberg, Bengt, (Hilma), metal worker, h. over 80 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Sandberg, Charles, (Selma), contractor and builder, h. 119 English.Sandberg, Corrine M., milliner, r. 23 Stowe.Sandberg, Emily, widow Alfred, h. 23 Stowe.Sandberg, Gustaf, (Minnie A.),—Sandberg, Johnson & Co.—h. 20 Colfax.Sandberg, Hulda M., stenographer, r. 23 Stowe.Sandberg, J. Hjalmer, (Frida), metal worker, h. 325 Price.Sandberg, Johnson & Co.—Gust Sandberg, prop.—groceries and meats, 154Baker.Sandberg, Louis, (Nellie), stone mason, h. 27 Palmer.Sandberg, Mabel E., r. 23 Stowe.Sandberg, Oscar F., toolmaker, bds. 47 Charles.Sandberg, Otto, (Amanda), metal worker, h. 141 Park.Sandberg, Peter,—groceries, 226 Crescent—h. do.Sandberg, Robert E., (Lydia), metal worker, h. 40 Thayer.Sandberg, Swan, (Ida C), real estate, h. 116 William.Sandberg, Veva, widow Albert C, h. over 44 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Sandberg, William, (Annie W.), foreman Dahlstrom Metal Door Co., h. 27Livingston Ave.Sandberg, see Sundberg, and Sandburg.Sandburg, Charles A., (Ella M.)— Anderson & Sandburg—h. 13 Orchard Ave.Sandburg, Harry, steel casemaker, bds. 817 North Main.Sandburg, Joseph A., (Alma), wood worker, h. 219 Price.Sandburg, Lillian, domestic, 24 Broadhead Ave.Sandbloom, COLONIAL Gust, metal PORCH worker, bds. COLUMNSover 29 West Eighth. harry lyonsSandborn, That will not Sadie, crack widow or open Morris, up—also housekeeper, Porch Balusters 21 and Victoria Rail Institute Ave. St. & Erie Ry.Sandborn, see Sanborn.Sanders, James P., (Clara I.), tailor, h. 567 East Second.Sanders, Sanderson, Sandgren John, see Charles Alice, Anna, Axel Saunders. (Dorthea), E., milliner, domestic, A., (Anna), retired, rms. 410 wood M.), Lakeview The metal worker, h. Osmer. 17 worker, West Ave. h. 220 Seventh.Price. 140 Barrett.

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Roofing and Building Papers242 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYJAMESTOWN'S FINEST CLOAK STORE.The largest line of ready-to-wear garments for ladies, misses and childrenin the city.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Sandgren, Gustaf, wood worker, bds. 126 Winsor.Sandgren, Helmar, metal worker, bds. 140 Barrett.Sandquist, Bertha, duffer, r. 8 Chapin.Sandquist, Charles, (Hilma), cabinetmaker, h. 112 Cross.Sandquist, Gunnard, wood worker, bds. 530 Allen.Sandquist, Karl, (Anna), wood turner, h. 8 Chapin.Sandquist, Oscar, cabinetmaker, bds. 5 Kinney.Sandquist, see Sanquist.Sandstrom, Charles, teamster, bds. 817 Cherry.Sandstrom, Gabriel, carpenter, bds. 1 Grandin.Sandstrom, Matilda, widow Alfred F., h. 215 Hazzard.Sandstrom, Nellie M., aristo worker, r. 215 Hazzard.Sandstrom, William, wood finisher, r. 215 Hazzard.Sanford, George L., (Mary R.), retired wagonmaker, h. 7 Maple.Sanford, John D., (Anna),—Constas-Sanford-Lambros Co.— h. 400 Lafayette.Sanquist, Eric, (Amelia), cabinetmaker, h. 100 Charles.Sanquist, see Sandquist.Sargent, Harry G., physical director J. High school, rms. 321 East Fifth.Sarro, Constantine, rubber, h. over 5 Taylor.Sarro, Pilon N., polisher, r. over 5 Taylor.Sarro, Vasil N., filler, r. over 5 Taylor.Sarwarski.Vincenti, cabinetmaker, bds. 140% Barrows.Sastner, Augusta, domestic, 52 Lakeview Ave.Saunders, Charles H., mill worker, r. 3 Waterman.Saunders, Charles J., (Carrie), stationary engineer, h. 3 Waterman.Saunders, Glennie, textile worker, r. 3 Waterman.Saunders, John, (Minnie L.), wool sorter, h. 207 Hazzard.Saunders, Mary, (Benjamin F.), bds. 244 Broadhead Ave.Saunders, Maud, textile worker, r. 3 Waterman.Saunders, William, (Bertha H.), metal polisher, h. 244 Broadhead Ave.Saunders, see Sanders.Saxe Bros. Co., Inc.—Samuel Saxe, mgr.—suits, cloaks and ladies' furnishings,12 West Third.Saxe, Samuel—mgr. Saxe Bros Co.—bds. Everett Hotel.Saxton, Arthur T., (Ellen), metal worker, h. 106 Harrison.Saxton, Bert F., (Evangeline), clerk P. O., h. 314 Lincoln.Saxton, Florence A., student, r. over 208 Spring.Saxton, Melvin D., (Jennie R.), real estate, h. 43 Prospect.Saxton, Walter L., (Emma N.), driver Prendergast Hose Co., h. 208 Spring.Saxton, see Sexton.Sayer, William Edgar, (Susan E.), polisher, h. over 3 Mt. Vernon Place.Sayers, Adelbert, bartender, r. over 119 East Second.Sayers, Henry, (Gertrude),—barber, over 119 East Second—h. over do.Scarsone, Dominic, (Rose), laborer, h. over 110 Harrison.Scharf, William H., (Jennie W.),—Jones, Scharf & Lincoln—h. 19 ColumbiaAve.Scheid, Belle, widow John, h. 958 Washington.Schell, Azoff, paper hanger, painter and decorator, h. under 338 Steele.Schell, Charles W., plumber, r. 617 Prendergast Ave.Schell, Harry V., painter, r. under 338 Steele.Steel Schell, Schenck, Schemerhorn, head Lulu Mary, Folding Ave. David Florence, Peter, M., widow Lyle W., (Julia), mill C, asst. (Mabel Alfred, Couches hand, (Allene), h. auditor 295 r. h. G.), 617 617 Hallock. meter traffic Art at Prendergast Metal, Gage inspector, mgr. r. Bailey-Jones Furniture 295 Ave. h. Hallock. 118 Institute. Co., h. Co. 118 Broad­

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods. The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 243ONE OF THE FINEST^f/LL^?AA^7VR^IN THIS COUNTRYSchemerhorn, Roy L., (Edith M.), weaver, h. over 6 River.Schemerhorn, Willard, weaver, r. 118 Institute.Schildmacher, Ella, teacher, r. 632 Prendergast Ave.Schildmacher, Emma, h. 632 Prendergast Ave.Schine, David, (Annie)—merchant tailor, rm. 6 Warner block—h. 23 BroadheadAve.Schine, Louis W., clerk, r. 23 Broadhead Ave.Schine, Myer, clerk, r. 23 Broadhead Ave.Schlaudecker, Eugene M., (Elizabeth M.),—mgr. Penn. Gas Co.—h. 226 Crossman.Schlaudecker, Eugene T., student, r. 226 Crossman.Schloss, August, (Eugenia), spindle carver, bds. 6 Institute.Schobeck, Amelia M., stenographer, r. 102 Water.Schobeck, Ernest F., shipping clerk, r. 102 Water.Schobeck, Olof B„ (Hilma), carpenter, h. 102 Water.Schofield, Nellie, bds. 9 West Sixth.•Schofield, see Scofieid.Scholes, John T., (Lillian), moulder, h. 110 Jones & Gifford Ave.Scholin, Charles E., (Amelia)—Scholin Furn. Co.—h. 788 East Second.Scholin, Erick, machine hand, bds. 3 William.Scholin Furniture Co.—Charles E. Scholin, mgr.—furniture, carpets andrugs, 203 East Second.Schone, Claude H., (Amanda), machinist, h. under 10 West Sixth.Schone, May J., telephone operator, r. 614 Cherry.Schone, Michael, (Christina), h. 614 Cherry.Schone, Roy C, (Irene), bellman, r. 614 Cherry.Scholpp, Charles J. C, (Charlotte)—editor The Sentinel and pres. J. Pub.Co., over 28 North Main—r. Frewsburg, N. Y.Schopp, Anna, mill hand, r. over 29 Charles.Schopp, Barbara, Mrs., h. over 29 Charles.Schow, Martha H., stenographer, bds. 22 Ninth.Schow, Peter A, (Mary), cabinetmaker, h. 22 Ninth.Schreck, Gustave, (Alice), barber, h. 44 Tower.Schultz, Charles J., (Sabina), brakeman J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. under 621Prendergast Ave.Schulze, Adolf C, (Rena N.),—American Carving Works—h. 14 Crescent.Schulze, Rudolph L.,—American Carving Works—r. 304 West Third.Schulze, see Shults.Schurter, Adolph G., (Rose), watchmaker and jeweler Mason's, h. 311 E. 5th.Schutt, Mina S., nurse, r. over 114 West Second.Schwartz, John, (Mary), wood worker, h. 972 Washington.Schwein, Louis L., (Ida M.)— barber, 602 North Mam—h. 860 Spring.Schwob, George, (Gertrude), toolmaker, h. over 386 Willard.Schwob, Jacob, (Martha E.), h. 826 Prendergast Ave.Schwob, William H., metal worker, r. 826 Prendergast Ave.Scoaw, Lizzie, textile worker, r. 123 Allen.Scofieid, Anna, weaver, h. over 38 North Main.Scofieid, Clark D., furniture finisher,r. 1113 Prendergast Ave.ARTISTS' Scofieid, Ellis SUPPLIES N., (Grace E.), AT commercial NORTHROP traveler, PAINT h. 10 Van & Buren. GLASS CO.Scofieid, Era M., (Bessie),—physician, over 11 East Third—h. 607 Washing­Scofieid, Scorman, Scottton.—r. Agnes, do. Esther Jane William see John Alma Schofield. widow W., E. P., H., widow (Ida S., Howard,—special (Nellie), tailoress, A.), P. Ezra, metal W., motorman r. worker, 418 East Fairmount rep. East J. Oak h. Larkin St. Sixth. 1113 Hill Ry., Ave., Prendergast Ave. Soap h. bey. 15 Co., Tenth. limits. 715 Ave. East Second

Clark Hardware Co.Hardware and Mill Supplies244 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYThe Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co. F. S. TREADWAY,OF NEWARK, N.J. ORGANIZED 1845 DiSt. Agt.,Both PhoiieSScott, Andrew, (Hulda), laborer, h. 28 Peterson.Scott, Arvid J., (Louise S.),—mfr. and dealer in cigars and tobacco, 31 SouthMain—h. over 145 Allen.Scott, Charles F., (Amanda C), teamster, h. 8 Walnut.Scott, Clara—Hjert & Scott—h. 3 Briggs.Scott, Forest W., (Catherine), bottler, h. over 5 Clark Ave.Scott, Frank, (Christine L.), night watchman, h. 610 North Main.Scott, Frank W., pianist, r. 858 Prendergast Ave.Scott, Gavin W., plumber's apprentice, r. over 80 Falconer.Scott, George A., pressman Journal, r. 858 Prendergast Ave.Scott, Gust, (Christine), stationary engineer, h. 536 Allen.Scott, Hannah L., widow Oscar, h. over 3 Briggs.Scott, Harley L., (Leah), machine hand, h. 12y2 Hall Ave.Scott, James S., (Clara), weaver, h. over 80 Falconer.Scott, John, (Tilda), laborer, h. over 14 Park.Scott, John A., machine hand, r. 181 Barrows.Scott, John B., steward the Elks, bds.. 122 Euclid Ave.Scott, John W., (Lou L.),—physician and surgeon, 222 Winsor—h. do.Scott, Josephine M., h. 181 Barrows.Scott, Josie H., beamer, r. 28 Peterson.Scott, Marion, widow Lewis, r. over 700 East Second.Scott, Nelson, carpenter, bds. 154 Jones & Gifford Ave.Scott, Oliver L., (Alice), cement worker, h. 5 Clarke Ave.Scott, R. Elmer, (Luella), engineer J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. 803 West Fifth.Scott, Samuel T., (Grace M.), freight checker, h. 1015 Prendergast Ave.Scott, Samuel W., (Johanna H.), machine hand, h. 858 Prendergast Ave.Scott, Sarah E., textile worker, r. 8 Walnut.Scott, Thomas, flagman,h. 103 Weeks.Scott, William A., linotype operator Journal, r. 858 Prendergast Ave.Scoville, Carrie, Mrs., h. over 21 East Third.Scoville, Mertie M., r. over 21 East Third.Scowden, Edward W., (Jessie C),—lumber and real estate, rm. 12 GokeyBldg., over 22 West Third—r. Frewsburg, N. Y.Scretus, Patti, cabinetmaker, bds. 433 West Second.Scudder, Fenton L., (Theodore E.), h. 309 West Fifth.Scyford, George, (Clara A.), farmer, h. 26 Taylor.Seaberg, Axel, (Lena), carpenter, h. over 251 Crescent.Seaberg, Carl A., (Hildegard), pastor Sw. M. E. church, h. 10 Foote Ave.Seaberg, Edith, textile worker, r. over 251 Crescent.Seaberg, Linnea A., student, r. 10 Foote Ave.Seaborn, Melvin H., (Mary), carpenter, h. over 842 Lafayette.Seaburg, August H.—Seatjurg Mfg. Co.—r. 123 Steele.Seaburg, Ernest—sec'y.-treas. Seaburg Mfg. Co.—r. 123 Steele.Seaburg, Evald B., (Johanna)—Seaburg Mfg. Co.—h. 123 Steele.Seaburg, John, cloth finisher,bds. 3 Vega.Seaburg Mfg. Co.—Evald Seaburg, pres.; August H. Seaburg, vice pres.;Ernest J. Seaburg, sec'.-treas.—parlor and library tables and cedarchests, 124, 126 Steele.Seaburg, Oscar T., wood worker, r. 123 Steele.Seaburg, Victor B., wood worker, r. 123 Steele.Call BRADSHAW'S Seagren, Seamans, Seastedt, Seastrand, Seastrom, Bell Carl, Elmer, Walter, Elbert 'phone Alex., Ellen, casemaker, PIONEER L., (Bertha), domestic, 763, metal (Myrtle),—asst. Home worker, bds. upholsterer, 134 Established 265 INSURANCE 24 Lakeview bds. when Crown. supt. 18 you h. in Colfax. Ave. Prudential 296 need 1867. AGENCY Willard. insurance Ins. Co.—h. or indemnity.108 W. 8th.

CLOAKS, SHAWLS, Tkz* A n QltovnA C**\' GLOVES, HOSIERY * **C /\. U. OIla.rpe V/O.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 245PIANOS AND ORGANSSHEET MUSICStastrom, Igvald, (Lydia), finisher,h. over 211 Barrows.Sebastian, Panson, janitor, bds. over 298 East Second.Sebastian, Tony, laborer, bds. over 298 East Second.Sebastiano, Cienna, laborer, r. 435 Allen.Sebastiano, Demarco, (Josephine), laborer, h. over 201 East First.Sebastiano, Liuzzo, (Maria), laborer, h. 44 Harrison.Sebastiino, Serlupia, (Carmella), laborer, h. 435 Allen.SebestU-, Henry, cook Sherman House.Secord, Arthur C, (Minnie)—mgr. Knox 5 and 10c store, 204 North Main—bds. 413 West Third.See, S. J.xmes, (Emma E.), cutter, h. 632 Palmer.Seekins, riatthew, (Jennie), driver, h. 70 Benson.Seeley, Fi?d O., (Addie M.), metal worker, h. 124 Catlin Ave.Seeley, Forest L., (Cora M.) metal worker, h. 15 Chicago Ave.Seeley, Wil.'iam W., bds. 15 Chicago Ave.Seely, Lawr.mce, teamster, r. 283% South Main.Seely, Myrtit' M., winder, r. over 701 North Main.Seelman, Charles J., (Millie), machinist, h. 411 West Fourth.Segerstrom, Gust, bookkeeper E. Rosencrantz & Co., r. 648 East Sixth.Segrin, Axel, (Selma), metal worker, h. 103 Water.Selander, Carl, (Hannah), cabinetmaker, h. 11 Cedar Ave.Selander, K. George, (Irene), draughtsman, h. 406 Livingston Ave.Selberg, Lucy, weaver, rms. over 124 East Second.Selfridge, Jane, widow James, h. 411 Cherry.Selin, Gustaf, wood worker, bds. 181 Thayer.Sellberg, Enoch G., plumber, bds. 147 Cole Ave.Sellew, Walter A., (Rebecca), bishop M. E. church, h. 68 Falconer.Sellman, Andrew, (Erika), furniture packer, h. 125 Weeks.Sellman, Oscar, (Hildegard), metal worker, h. over 29 Columbia Ave.Sellstrom, Alice, stenographer, r. 304 Forest Ave.Sellstrom, Anton, (Josephine), machine hand, h. 37 Chapin.Sellstrom, Axel F., (Anna)—groceries and meat, 201 Forest Ave.—h. 66 Mc­Kinley Ave.Sellstrom, Carolina, widow John F., h. 208 Forest Ave.Sellstrom, Charles A., meat cutter, h. 304 Forest Ave.Sellstrom, Clara E., dressmaker, r. 37 Chapin.Sellstrom, Elmer W — asst. supt. Dahlstrom Metal Door Co.—r. 611 Jefferson.Sellstrom, Emma, clerk, r. 37 Chapin.Sellstrom, Eva, picker, r. 173% South Main.Sellstrom, Gertrude A., dressmaker, r. 37 Chapin.Sellstrom, Fabian, (Emily E.),—meats, 17 East Third—h. 611 Jefferson.Sellstrom, Fred A., (Jennie), cabinetmaker, h. 227 Barrows.Sellstrom, George W., (Minnie), clerk, h. 105 McKinley Ave.Sellstrom, Jennie M., r. 37 Chapin.Sellstrom, Mary, widow Magnus, h. under 44 Tower.Sellstrom, May E., music teacher, r. 611 Jefferson.lA/HVSellvin, Anna,insurewidowin thePeterNewA.,Yorkh. 21Life?WestBecause:Eighth.It has over 459 millionSellvinWllTErnestdollarsR.,inmessengerPolicy ReserveWells FargoFundExp.as calculatedCo., r. 21byEasttheEighth.New YorkStateSellvin,InsuranceFlorenceDepartment.E., bookkeeper F. & M. Bank, r. 21 East Eighth.Sellvin Hugo E., mgr. Engraving Dept. Journal, r. 21 West Eighth.Selquist, Carl A., (Ebba H.), car repairer Erie R. R., h. 19 Victoria Ave.Sessions, Sentinel, Service, Sesdett, 28 North Hulda, Clarence Alice C. (The)—Charles Reed, Main. M., domestic, J., cattle r. (Vinnie), 118 buyer, J. Church. 2 West C. machinist, h. Scholpp, Fifth. 118 Church. prop.—Prohibition h. over 1111 East Second. newspaper, over

Clark Hardware Co.Builders' Hardware246 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYWhen you use it you please your palate, but you likewis<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew aid digestion and nourish your body. Both phones 26aSessions, Edgar W., stenographer, r. 352 East Fifth.Sessions, Frank E., (Faith)—Butterfield & Sessions—h. 352 East Fifth.Setterlund, Arvid, (Myrtle), carpenter, h. over 136 Park.Setterlund, Charles, (Augusta), cabinetmaker, h. 136 Park.Setterwall, Clayton, metal worker, r. 22 Bush.Setterwall, Eric, (Mary), wood worker, h. 22 Bush.Setterwall, Melton, laborer, r. 22 Bush.Severin, Holger H., metal worker, bds. 12 Hedges Ave.Sewell, James P., (Sadie), stonemason, h. over 13 East Second.Sewell, Mary E.,—Union News stand, Erie depot—r. 13 East Second.Sexton, Daniel, telegraph operator,, r. 1003 North Main.Sexton, Michael, bricklayer, r. 1003 North Main.Sexton, Timothy, (Katherine), h. 1003 North Main.Sexton, William, plumber, r. 1003 North Main.Sexton, see Saxton.Seymour, Belle I., aristo worker, r. 611 Lafayette.Seymour, Burton W., (Clara),—physician, rm. 15 Gokey Bldg., over 22 WestThird—r. Falconer.Seymour, Freeman H., (Marie H.), watchmaker, h. over 311 Prendergast Ave.Seymour, Hazel A., aristo worker, r. 611 Lafayette.Seymour, James A., (Gustie), upholsterer, h. 320 Van Buren.Seymour, James F., (Frances E.), retired, h. 26 Fairview Ave.Seymour, Lettie T., widow George, h. 211 West Fifth.Seymour, Mercedes, stenographer, r. 211 West Fifth.Seymour, Willis E. Sr., (Carrie), clerk L. Heinemann—h. 611 Lafayette.Seymour, Willis C. Jr., (Iva), plumber, h. 603 Lafayette.Shackleton, John, cigarmaker, h. 110 Tower.Shafer, George A., (Mabel), machine hand, h. 9% Sherman.Shafer, Thomas I., (Katherine A.), finisher,h. 9% Shrman.Shaffer, Charles H., (Katherine), plumber, h. over 35 Cross.Shaffer, Myra B., student, r. 33 Fifteenth.Shaffer, R. Edward, (Manda), harnessmaker, h. 33 Fifteenth.Shanahan, John, bricklayer, h. 168% Chandler.Shanahan, Margaret A., bookkeeper, r. 764 Buffalo.Shanahan, Molly H., stenographer, r. 764 Buffalo.Shanahan, Morgan G., bricklayer, r. 764 Buffalo.Shanahan, Theresa C, student, r. 764 Buffalo.Shanahan, Thomas, (Nora), millwright, h. 764 Buffalo.Shanahan, William B., (Anna), bricklayer, h. 520 Crescent.Shane, Hilda, domestic, 316 East Fifth.Shankland, Carrie M., stenographer, r. 506 East Sixth.Shankland, Palmer K., (Mary M.)—mgr. Furniture Index Co.—h. 506 E. 6th.Shannon, Hariette, teacher, r. 5 Strong.Shannon, Mary, widow William, h. 5 Strong.Shannon, Robert, wood worker, r. 24 West Eighth.Sharp, Clovis M., (Minnie)—vice pres. J. Security Land Co., and contractorand builder—h. 5 Geneva.Sharp, Floyd H., bookkeeper Chatfield & Armitage—rms. 313 PrendergastAve.Sharp, Frank H., (Carrie), commercial traveler, h. 362 East Fourth.Sharp, John B., textile worker, r. 3 Appleyard Place.Sharp, Ray, metal worker, bds. 313 Prendergast Ave.Wri Sharpe, Sharpies, A " sec'y.-treas.—dry : lIV "—'J— George A. ^ Edna M. Cora, Harry _ A" D., Elizabeth, A i" . R., n ". W., widow Co., J., & S J r. e Ii. (Florence (Lucy) 508 AUOIt Inc. goods, r. James, /"* 508 East (The)—George -~ —pres. East 203 L.), Periodical l^O. Second. h. North 223 policeman, Second. A. <strong>System</strong>s, Jamestown, D. Fairmount Main. Audits, Sharpe W. Voucher h. Sharpe, N.Y., Financial 223 Co.,—h. Ave. <strong>System</strong>s, Bell Fairmount pres.; 467. 508 Investigations, Factory Youngstown, East F. Ave. J. Second. Cost Snowball, <strong>System</strong>s. O. Safeguard Bell $IZ.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.tf/LL$ftAA(tf)7VR£JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 247ABSOLUTELY"ONE PRICE" SYSTEMShattuck, George W., (Malissa J.), laundryman, h. 107 Allen.Shaver, George, (Delia), paper hanger, h. 105 William.Shaver & Hall—E. Shaver (estate) and Edward L. Hall—lumber, 406-408Chadakoin Bldg.Shaver, Louisa V., widow Edward, h. 415 East Fourth.Shaver, William, (Anna C),—meats, 100 Barrows—h. 314 Allen.Shaw, Archie, wood worker, r. 619 Lafayette.Shaw, Charles T., (Estelle A.), pastor First Presbyterian Church, h. 332 EastFourth.Shaw, Ella, Jeanette, r. 332 East Third.Shaw, Ellen M., student, r. 142 Foote Ave.Shaw, Enoch, (Mary A.), warp dresser, h. 610 East Second.Shaw, Flora A., Mrs., dressmaker, h. 619 Lafayette.Shaw, Frederick S., (H. Adele), teamster, h. over 18 Hess.Shaw, Henry, retired, bds. 629 Prendergast Ave.Shaw, James S., (Helen D.)—supt. Allen Sq. Bldg.—h. over 17 West Second.Shaw, John.B., (Emma), assessor City of Jamestown, h. 309 Jefferson.Shaw, John W., canvasser J. Morning Post, r. 318 Prendergast Ave.Shaw, Mary E., r. 103 Cook Ave.Shaw, Pruda, Mrs., h. Ill Van Buren.Shaw, Viola E., widow Allen J., h. 136 Euclid Ave.Shaw, Walter, (Amelia L.)—teas & Coffees, 234 East Second—h. 142 FooteAve.Shaw, Walter F., civil engineer, r. 142 Foote Ave.Shean, Elna, widow William, domestic, 540 Lakeview Ave.Shearman Bros. Co.—Frank E. Shearman—mfrs. couches, sofa beds anddavenports, 25 Shearman Place.Shearman, Byron W., (Anna)—livery, 3 Race—h. 15 Terrace Place.Shearman, Daniel, farmer, h. 216 Fulton.Shearman, Ella, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Shearman, Elliott I., (Anna)—real estate and solicitor, 49 South Main—h. do.Shearman, Erwin D., (Ellen B.), treas. Salisbury Wheel Co., h. 216 Fulton.Shearman, Flora M., clerk Chaut. School of Nursing, h. 611 North Main.Shearman, Florence M., r. 65 Liberty.Shearman, F. Louise, r. 415 East Fourth.Shearman, Frank E., (Catherine)—pres. Shearman Bros. Co.—h. 65 Liberty.Shearman, Frank E., Jr., office clerk, r. 65 Liberty.Shearman, Fred J., (Minnie M.), commercial traveler, h. over 510 Clinton.Shearman, Isaac A., (Lilla),—carpenter and overseer of poor Town of Ellicott—h.Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Shearman, J. Adelbert, (Josephine), machine hand, h. 216 Fulton.Shearman's Livery—Merle Shearman and Byron Shearman—transient, boardingand carting, 3 Race.Shearman, Lulu C, r. 65 Liberty.Shearman, Merle, (Audrie)—livery, 3 Race—h. 108 Cook Ave.Shearman, Roy, (Bessie), conductor J. St. Ry., h. over 849 Washington.Shearman, Sidney R., (Nettie), foreman city street work, h. 36 Tenth.Shearman, Warren M., (Anna L.), deliveryman, h. over 120 Sampson.Shearman, see Sherman and Shurman.Shears, George, electrician, rms. over 201 East Second.Shedd, Edward H., (Sarah), painter and paperhanger, h. 874 Spring.BSS^LSS1- Sheldon, Sheffield, Sheffle, Shedd, West Jennie Elizabeth Lewis Arline, Belle, Clark Sixth. F., Mrs., bookkeeper, A.—mgr. ^ F., widow (Julia Cawcroft seamstress, 504 William L.)—coal H. West P. r. Lally 612 rms. Third. D., Co., and Front. h. & 313 504 Co.—bds. lumber, 107 West E. Third. Isabella Allen 3rd Sq. & Hotel. St. Monroe—h. 10

CLARK HARDWARE CO.Roofing and Building Papers248 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYIts purity is never questioned—its flavor has been the delightof those who know good beer. Both phones <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew268.Sheldon, Charles A., bookkeeper Philo Burt Mfg. Co., rms. 333 East Fifth.Sheldon, Harry P., (Mary M.)—vice pres. National .<strong>Chautauqua</strong> CountyBank—h. 70 Prospect.Sheldon, Leonora E., widow Alexander, h. 219 Foote Ave.Sheldon, Mary, widow Porter, h. 70 Prospect.Sheldon, Morris E., (Francis F.), bartender, h. 107 Eleventh.Sheldon, Ralph C, (Isabella),—pres. American Aristotype, div. Eastman KodakCo.—h. 110 Lakeview Ave.Shelgren, P. Alfred, (Anna S.), furniture rubber, h. 43 Sturges.Shelgren, Samuel, (Emma), stationary engineer, h. 140 Thayer.Shellberg, Carl A., (Anna), brick mason, h. 32 Bush.Shellberg, Emil, (Alfreda C.),—Shellberg & Lindquist—h. 790 East Second.Shellberg & Lindquist—Emil Shellberg and Albert Lindquist—general contractors,706 East Second.Shellberg, Theodore G., (Louise) foreman finisher,h. 430 Winsor.Shellstrom, Charles V., (Selma), metal worker, h. 16 Newton Ave.Shellstrom, Mabel A., r. 16 Newton Ave.Shelters, Bertha W., stenographer, r. over 509 Clinton.Shelters, Eugene A., (Minerva), draughtsman, h. 224 Van Buren.Shelters, Hannah E., widow George, h. over 509 Clinton.Shelters, Harry K., (Mary A.), draughtsman, h. 210 West Seventh.Shenan, John, section boss, bds. Riverside Hotel.Shepard, Franklin G., (Louisa M.)—Hunt & Shepard—h. 301 West Eighth.Shepard, Jane A., widow Wight, r. 101 West Fourth.Shepard, Roy, (Minnie), conductor J. St. Ry„ h. 29 11th.Shepardson, Wales E., (Bettie D.), stationary engineer, h. 323 Lincoln.Sherman, Albert E., (Mertie M.),—book binding and blank bookmaking, over16 West Second—h. 352 Foote Ave.Sherman House (New)—Hurlbert-Sherman Hotel Co., George F. Hurlbert,pres.; P. J. Moynihan, sec'y.-treas.—13-23 West Third.Sherman, John B., metal worker, h. 884 Washington.Sherman, Lucy A., widow Edward P., h. 327 Foote Ave.Sherman, Nancy, widow Moses, r. over 185 Fairmount Ave.Sherman, see Shearman and Shurman.Sherred, Johnathan, r. 5 Lakin Ave.Sherwin, Eva N., Mrs., r. 409 Cherry.Shields, Samuel B., (Amelia), electrician, h. 512 Monroe.Shirer, E. N„ (Kitty E.)t h. 25 Allen.Shirer, Grace M., r. 25 Allen.Shirer, Roy W., clerk, r. 25 Allen.Shirley, Mabel E., r. 40 Peach.Shirley, Moses B., (Phebe), machinist, h. 40 Peach.Shoban, Bari, weaver, bds. 114 Harrison.Shoban, Riza, r. 114 Harrison.Shobring, Nels P., (Pearl)—supt. American Metal Door Co.—h. 5 Sturges.Shoesmith, Alfred F., (Alice A.), loom fixer,h. 117 King.Shoesmith, Thomas, (Emma), wholesale liquor clerk, h. 37 PeachvShogren, Sophia, widow Peter, r. 96 Water.Shooke, Mable E., clairvoyant, r. 135 Chandler.Shooke, Marcello J., widow W. J. James, Bentley, h. 135 Gen. Chandler. Agt., 515 Chadakoin Bldg.Shores, William, teamster, r. 283% South Main.Short, Daniel L., paper hanger, bds. 121 East Second.I Short, Shortman, Shosenburg, \fn Tncnranra John Lillian Franklin Fred Gladys John H., J., Ernest, A., Daisy, (Ada (Laura), C, B., Connecticut clerk, electrician, (Blanche),—prop. roofer, clerk, E.), r. electrician, 84 r. Falconer. 84 General 125 bds. Falconer. Sampson. 84 h. Pullman h. Falconer. 30 Life 84 Chestnut. Falconer. Ins. Cafe—h. Co., 17 Hartford, Ninth. Conn.,

Always buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 249cfflLL^AAfffloRQShosenburg, Roy, student, r. 125 Sampson.Shosenburg, William A., (Minnie), cement worker, h. 125 Sampson.Shoultz, Ella, Mrs., textile worker, h. over 21 Victoria Ave.Shoultz, Harry J., (Elizabeth), machinist, h. 11 Bassett.Shoultz, Jay, electrician, r. 21 Victoria Ave.Showier, Alfred J., (Ada), textile worker, h. 98 Water.Showier, Clement, (Martha), foreman Chaut. Worsted Mills, h. 19 Walnut.Showier, Frank, machinist, r. 98 Water.Shuler, Rose, bookkeeper, r. 105 Prospect.Shults, Carl, wood carver, bds. 304 West Third.Shults, Charles F., (Sadie E.), solicitor Bell Tel. Co., h. 8 East Fourth.Shults, see Schulze and Shoultz.Shures, William, (Laura C), teamster, h. over 189 Cole Ave.Shurman, Anna M., spinner, r. 404 English.Shurman, Carl J., (Anna L.), laborer, h. 404 English.Shurman, Hulda L., spinner, r. 404 English.Shurman, John A., bobbin setter, r. 404 English.Shutt, Ada B., clerk, r. 380 South Main.Shutt, Alice H., stenographer, r. 380 South Main.Shutt, George L., (Edna E.), plumber, h. 105 Francis.Shutt, Minor O., night clerk, r. 380 South Main.Shutt, Orris J., (Anna L.), contractor, h. 380 South Main.Schwartz, William, (Minnie), iron moulder, h. Lindsey Ave.Sicer, Lida, weaver, bds. 8 Lake.Sigular, Charles A., (Ada M.), upholsterer, h. 3 Grandin.Sigular, John F., (Waytey L.), cement contractor, h. 510 Foote Ave.Siguier, George, upholsterer, bds. 35 Ninth.Siguier, Pauline, widow Anton, h. 35 Ninth.Sill, Cora F., widow Edgar H., h. 16 Ninth.Sill, Cornelia A., widow George H., h. 16 Harrison.Sill, Georgia H., r. 16 Harrison.Sill, Katherine A., bds. 16 Ninth.Sill, William M.,—physician, 16 Harrison—r. do.Silsby, Alton M., (Luttie), carpenter, h. over 114 East Third.Silsby, Charles M., (Minnie), contractor and builder, h. 339 Falconer.Simmergren, Andrew, Alice, metal worker, h. 108 William.Simmergren, Benjamin, metal worker, r. 108 William.Simmergren, Esther A., dressmaker, r. 108 William.Simmergren, Oscar, metal worker, r. 108 William.Simmons, Adelbert P., (Flora E.), h. 3 Forest Park.Simmons, Edith, Mrs., domestic, 11 Crane.Simmons, Frank B., (Fanny M.), electrical engineer, h. 32 Institute.Simmons, Frank C, (May), motorman J. St. Ry., h. over 3 Forest Ave.Simmons, Harry F., Jr.—Chadakoin Cafe—r. over 709 West Eighth.Simmons, Harry F., (Lizzie)—prop. Chadakoin Cafe—h. over 709 West 8th.MODERN Simmons, Willis HARDWOOD M., deliveryman, rms. FLOORS 208 West _ Fourth. Ask LvonsSimon, Hedwig Are not so A., expensive r. 315 as Clinton. you may thinkJSimon, P. Fred, (Babette), president J. Brewing Co., h. 315 Clinton.Simpson.Alice M., weaver, r. 9 English.Singer Simpson, Simpson' Sewing Andrew, William Harvey, Henry Grace Machine A., F., (Martha), (Ida), spinner, (Grace), (Lulu Co., metal P.), r. emp. 207 machinist, 9 insurance, worker, English. Cherry. Rose Gardens, h. 604 h. 22337 Columbia Lafayette. h. East 9 English. Fifth. Ave.

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools250 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP.Suits for ladies in all the new styles andSAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Sisson, Allen, (J. Emma)—city ticket agent Chaut. Steamboat Co., and J. C.& L. E., R. R— h. 412 West Third.Sisson, Alton P., student, r. Ill Price.Sisson, Bertha H., r. 412 West Third.Sisson, Charles, machinist, rms. 215 West Second.Sisson, Clark R., student, r. 412 West Third.Sisson, George W., (Lillian M.),—coal and lumber, 111 Price—h. do.Sisson, Hiram G., (Susan),—optician, 23 Scott—h. do,Sisson, Jennette, Mrs., r. 311 Prendergast Ave.Sjogren, Olof, rubber, bds. over 904 East Second.Skans, Emil, (Minnie J.), miller, h. 517 Camp.Skans, Frank A., (Louise), wool sorter, h. 4 Hebner.Skans, Gordon A., commercial traveler, r. 517 Camp.Skans, Lenora M., textile worker, r. 4 Hebner.Skans, Marie, widow Adolph, r. 505 Camp.Skellie, Linas, (Isabella)—groceries, 853 North Main—h. 856 do.Skellie, Mary E., widow Walter, h. 115 Allen.Skellie, Monroe, (Etta), grocery clerk, h. 212 Fulton.Skiff, Bertha R., kindergarten teacher, r. 303 West Second.Skiff, Mason M., (Mary L.),—vice pres. Bank of Jamestown—h. 303 W. 2nd.Skiffon, Samuel, (Theressa), wood worker, h. over 103 Hazzard.Skinner, Herbert, (Letitia), contractor, h. 11 East Eighth.Skinner, Loren P., (Cena C), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 219 Allen.Skipper, Daniel L., (Annie), commercial traveler, h. 125 Van Buren.Skipper, J. Harvey, (Alta), bookkeeper Liberty Furn. Co., h. over 5 14th.Skipper, May Evelyn, bookkeeper and stenographer Liberty Furn. Co., r. 125Van Buren.Skoglund, Edwin, (Matilda), carpenter, h. over 42 Charles.Skoglund, Frank L., (Augusta), weaver, h. 721 Camp.Skold, Augusta, picker, r. 53 Wescott.Skold, Gust, (Sophie), finisher,h. 53 Wescott.Skow, Hedwig, weaver, bds. 22 Genesee.Slack, Edward, (Adelle), hotel clerk, h. 335 East Second.Slassinipoolo, Pete, clerk, bds. over 8 East Second-Slatten, Mildred, Mrs., r. over 216 East Second.Slattery, Anna, dressmaker, bds. 605 West Seventh.Slattery, Bridget, widow John, h. 605. West Seventh.Slattery, Elizabeth, clerk, bds. 605 West Seventh.Siawson, Samuel E., (Inez)—granite and marble dealer—h. do.Slayton, Helen, widow Robert D., h. 308 Steele.Slayton, Mary L., (Edna), wood worker, h. over 216 Steele.Sliter, Charles H., (H. Rose), h. 32 Sampson.Sloan, Henry, hotel clerk, rms. over 211 West Second.Slocum, Jonathan H., (Eliza I.), h. 153 Prospect.Slone, Clarence A., (Mary)—pres. C. D. Melhuish Co.—h. 108 East Eighth.Slone, William W., emp. Erie freight depot, r. 108 East Eighth.Slosberg, Lewis H., (Ida M.)—clothing and gent's furnishings, 5-9 East Second—h.136 Barrett.Smart, A. Alice, widow George W., h. over 22 Forest Ave.Smart, Arden N., clerk, r. over 22 Forest Ave.Smedberg, Smiley, Gage's Smart,Smedley,HarryAbner, Clyde Catherine, William, Effin, John, sell C,M., metal clerk,baggageman,(Marie), upholsterer, dressmaker, (Grace), Bathroom worker, bds. electrician, 110 lineman bds.r.r. rms. Footeover306 Mirrors 150 J. 34-35 h.22West Ave. St. Lakin 18ForestAllen Ry., Genessee. Eighth. Ave. in h.Ave.Sq. 5 White Lakin Bldg.—h. Ave. do.

Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 251ABSOLUTELY"ONE PRICE" SYSTEMSmiley, Frank J., (Jennie E.), painter, h. 306 West Eighth.Smiley, Grace A., textile worker, r. 116 Hall Ave.Smiley, Jeanette, widow Simon, r. 242 South Main.Smiley, Lloyd J. .engineer J. C. & L. E. R. R., r. 306 West Eighth.Smiley, Sanford G., (Clara B.), assembler, h. 116 Hall Ave.Smiley, Vernan L., painter, r. 116 Hall Ave.Smiley, William E., (Grace M.), insurance, h. 150 Lakin Ave.Smith, Allene L., dressmaker, r. 405 Cherry.Smith, Alva A., (Minnie L.), metal worker, h. 8 Sumner Place.Smith, Amy E., r. 525 West Third.Smith, Ann B., weaver, h. 19 Genesee.Smith, Anna G., widow Hiram, h. over 142 Forest Ave.Smith, Anna M., stenographer, r. over 417 West Third.Smith, Annie, Mrs., h. 19 Genesee.Smith, Annie E., clerk, r. 645 East Sixth.Smith, Arthur, furniture packer, r. 21 Barrett.Smith, Arthur, (Clara M.), barber 152 Foote Ave., h. over 136 do.Smith, Beateson R., r. 7 Waterman.Smith, Beatrice, weaver, r. 252 Harrison.Smith, Bessie G., teacher, bds. 17 Hazzard.Smith, Bessie O., r. 56 East Cowden Place.Smith, Beth D., bookkeeper, r. 213 Barrett.Smith, Blanche J., dressmaker, r. 805 Cherry.Smith, Brightman B., (Ella M.), carpenter, h. 213 Barrett.Smith, Brighton B. Jr., (Olo K.), machinist, h. 52 Charles.Smith, Cassie C, picker, 19 Genesee.Smith, Charles A., (Amanda), wood turner, h. over 533 Winsor.Smith, Charlotte, widow Henry A., h. 17 Lincoln.Smith, Chester J., (Edna B.), commercial traveler, h. 411 West Third.Smith, Claud L., metal worker, h. 25 Fifteenth.Smith, Clifford, (Jennie E.), drayman, h. 207 Palmer.Smith, Clyde D., machine hand, r. 805 Cherry.Smith, Clyde G., rug weaver, r. 1 Hotchkiss.Smith, David, (Rose V.), real estate, h. 105 Liberty.Smith, Dewitt C, (Lucia), hackman, h. 308 Clinton.Smith, Edgar, furniture packer, r. 21 Barrett.Smith, Edgar A., (Lelia P.), lather, h. 56 East Cowden Place.Smith, Edmund B.,—real estate, rm. 6 Hall block, over 5 West Third—r. 623Newland Ave.Smith, Edmund S.,—sec'y.-treas. Chadakoin Furn. Co.—r. 424 East Sixth,Smith', Edward M., (Nellie E.), agent Wells Fargo Exp. Co., h. 11 Van Buren.Smith, Edna, hairdresser, r. 210 West Fourth.Smith, Elizabeth, bds. 127 Allen.Smith, Elmer E., (Grace), foreman J. Table Co., h. 26 Fifteenth.Smith! Ewart E., student, r. 33 Euclid Ave.Smith, Fay M., (Elma), machine hand, h. 19 Ninth.Smith, Florence, weaver, r. 21 Barrett.Smith, Floyd H., (Emily M.)—Smith & Kinne—h. over 28 Ninth.Smith' Francis, (Margaret), carpenter, h. 266 Barrett.Smith, Frank B., (Abbie), carpenter, h. 24 Fifteenth.Smith, Fred, finisher, r. 252 Harrison.Paris Smith! Smith', George, Frederick, Fred, Fowler Green B, wood (Ruth), L conductor (Harriet (Izora)—saloon, Jr., (Lucy, (Elizabeth), and worker, waiter, clerk, A.), stockkeeper Machine J. h. St. r. warp h. over 350 loom Ry., 207 23 dresser, Foote Forest 32 fixer,h. bds. Allen. Art Oil Van 52 Metal, Ave.—h. Buren. Hamilton. at 850 21 Barrett.Foote NOR°sPs over 842 Ave. Washington.40 West NT Ninth. *

Clark Hardware Co.Builders' Hardware252 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYThe Mutual Benefit Life of Newark, N. J. F. S. TREADWAY,PURELY MUTUAL. NO STOCKHOLDERS. Dist. Agt., Both PhoiieS.Smith, George C, (Lorette), h. 89 Fairmount Ave.Smith, George F., (Anna K.), electric light trimmer, h. 400 Hazzard.Smith, George J., upholsterer, r. 328 Steele.Smith, George L., (Margaret), upholsterer, h. 328 Steele.Smith, George N.,—rooming house, 17 West Fourth—h. do.Smith, Gertrude, milliner, r. 105 Fairview Ave.Smith, Gust A., (Elizabeth), metal worker, h. 105 Fairview Ave.Smith, Harold, (Grace), window screenmaker, h. 60 Harrison.Smith, Harry M., (Jennie), operator, h. 15 Wilson Place.Smith, Hazel J., lather, r. 56 East Cowden Place.Smith, H. Corrigan—J. Institute of Hydrotherapy, under 102 West Second—r. do.Smith, Henry, (Amelia), finisher,h. 80 Hallock.Smith, Henry C, (Carrie), emp. Erie R. R. Co., h. over 41 College.Smith, Henry K.—J. Cotton Mill—r. 500 East Sixth.Smith, H. F., (Mary H.), clerk, h. 1027 North Main.Smith, Hiram, porter, rms. 37 Harrison.Smith, Howard A.—Smith & Johnson—rms. over 111 East Second.Smith, Ida E., widow Leroy, nurse, r. 17 Hazzard.Smith, James, U. S. Navy, r. 21 Barrett.Smith, James, (Annie) shipping clerk, h. over 139 Park.Smith, James A., (Susan), laborer, h. 398 Hallock.Smith, James E., (Harriet A.), rug weaving 1 Hotchkiss. h. do.Smith, James G., (Addie P.),—J. Pad & Wrapper Co., over 203 East Second—h. do.Smith, James G., (Georgia), artist, r. 16 Bush.Smith, James W., (Jennie M.), foreman finisher,h. over 257 South Main.Smith, Jarvis K., saddle worker, bds. 117 Allen.Smith, Jeanette M., widow Ezra, h. 424 East Sixth.Smith, Jessie, r. 500 East Sixth.Smith, John, finisher,bds. 80 Hallock.Smith, John F., brakeman Penn. R. R., bds. 19 Genesee.Smith, John F., (Rose), city plumbing inspector, h. 416 Foote Ave.Smith, John W., salesman, bds. 217 East Third.Smith & Johnson—Howard A. Smith and Richard E. Johnson—dentists,,over 306 North Main.Smith, Joseph, (Anna), warp dresser, bds. 33 Euclid Ave.Smith, Julia E., widow Robert F., h. over 525 West Third.Smith, Julian I., (Mary), carpenter, h. 252 Harrison.Smith & Kinne—F. H. Smith and Cyrus Kinne—book and job printers, over100-102 East Third.Smith, Laura B., laundress, h. 414 Washington.Smith, Laura, widow Harrison, bds. 65 Tenth.Smith, Lawrence, wood worker, r. 21 Barrett.Smith, L. C, Typewriter Co.—Walter Stettenbenz, mgr.—typewriters andsupplies, rm. 304 Gokey Bldg., over 22 West Third.Smith, Leo, lunch counter clerk, rms. 17 East Sixth.Fire, Life, Accident, Liability, Boiler, Glass, Occupancy, Marine and everySmith, Leon B., ticket agent Erie R. R., r. 16 Maple.other kind of insurance furnished bySmith, Lewis B., (Fanny M.), clerk, h. 75 Barrett.Smith, BRADSHAW'S Lillian M., dressmaker, PIONEER h. over 210 INSURANCE West Fourth. AGENCYSmith, Loania J., trained nurse, h. over 110 Cherry.Smith, Margaret, Matilda Lorenzo, Loretta Louis, (Florence), (Agnes), C, R., farmer, weaver, widow candymaker, warp r. Gustaf, wool bds. 266 twister, 19 sorter, Barrett. bds. h. Genesee. 1019 h. Morse h. Genesee. 1 over Murray Ave. 869 Ave. Spring.

Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery.The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 253LARGEST and MOSTcff/LL^ffAA^TOR^CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCKSmith, Matilda, r. 127 Allen.Smith, Matthew T., (Carrie E.), upholsterer, h. 314 West Seventh.Smith, Maude, dish washer, r. 121 East Second.Smith, May, waitress, Sherman House.Smith, Merrick B., metal worker, bds. 8 Sumner Place.Smith, Mildred M., bookkeeper Bank of Jamestown, r. Lakewood, N. Y.Smith, Minerva E., widow James O., h. 805 Cherry.Smith, Nettie A., widow A. D., h. 25 Fifteenth.Smith, Pearl A., clerk, r. 10 Morse Ave.Smith Premier Typewriter Co.—F. B. Patterson, mgr.—typewriters and supplies,rms. 10-11-12 Wellman Bldg., over 103 West Third.Smith, Ralph E., U. S. navy, r. 56 East Cowden Place.Smith, Raymond, (Alvia), warp twister, h. 718 East Seventh.Smith, Rena V., clerk, r. 10 Morse Ave.Smith, Richard, (Jane), loom fixer,h. over 28 Victoria Ave.Smith, Ruth Hutley, Mrs.,—millinery, 207 Allen—h. do.Smith, Sarah, widow Joseph, weaver, h. over 67 Center.Smith, Schuyler R., (Amelia), mechanic, h. 618 West Seventh.Smith, T. Henry, (Ellen)—J. Cotton Mill, and pres. Phillips Barrel & MachineCo.—h. 500 East Sixth.Smith, Thomas B., (Isabella), warp dresser, h. 645 East Sixth.Smith, Thomas H., (Minnie),—foreman carding and combing J. WorstedMills—h. 418 East Fifth.Smith, Veda E., r. 213 Barrett.Smith, Walter C, (Mary), plasterer and bricklayer, h. 308 West Eighth.Smith, Walter D., printer, r. 213 Barrett.Smith, Wesley, veterinary surgeon, rms. 215 West Second.Smith, Willard, carpenter, r. 266 Barrett.Smith, William, (Elizabeth), lunch counter clerk, h. over 519 West Third.Smith, William, (Anna), bartender, h. 18 Waterman.Smith, William, (Jane), laborer, h. under 211 Allen.Smith, William, (Anna), aristo worker, h. 17 Fifteenth.Smith, William G., (Mary B.), metal worker, h. 24 Phillips.Smith, William L., (Anna), laborer, h. over 90 Liberty.Smith, William N., lunch clerk, Sherman House.Smith, William S., (Delia), veneer worker, h. 7 Waterman.Smith, William W., (Kate E.), yardmaster Erie R. R., h. 16 Maple.Snow, Edward L., r. 254 Hallock.Snow, Louis H., (Lilabelle),—physician and surgeon, 105 East Second—h.356 East Fifth.Snow, Marion, student, r. 409 Lakeview Ave.Snow, Wallace L., (Jennie),—sec'y.-treas. Gage Furn. Co.—h. 409 LakeviewA.V6.Snowball, Frederick J., (Henrietta),—sec'y.-treas. The A. D. Sharpe Co.—h.40 Cross.Snowball, Margaret A., student, r. 40 Cross.Snowdon, Earl, Mrs., clerk, h. 313% Prendergast Ave.\A/HV Snowdon, Mary insure F., in student, the New r. York 713 North Life? Main. Because: It is purely mutual. ItSnowdon, W11 T Remsen has no capital O., driver stock. American All of Express its assets, Co., surplus rms. 210 and Spring. earnings belongSnowdon! to its Sophie policyholders. W., school teacher, r. 713 North Main.Snowdon, Thomas, (Annie), chef, h. 713 North Main.Socialist Soderberg, Soderberg' Snyder' Emily Eugene, Society C. John Otto, M., A., E., (Eliza), Headquarters, widow postman, (Sophie (Anna metal Lucius M.), C), r. worker, wood rm. 120 packer, H., 73 Bowen. finisher,h. r. Allen 26 h. h. 1333 Center. over Sq. East 934 120 Bldg. Newland Second. Bowen. Ave.

Clark Hardware Co.254 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYFine Cutlery and ToolsfVianr annuo Rrai*7 You may >udse ,he man by the beer he drlnVllaUldUlJ lift U l C W |ar peop|e dHnk <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew. Both phones 268Soderberg, Marcus J., postal clerk, r. 120 Bowen.Soderling, John, (Anna), wood worker, h. over 215 Prospect.Soderquist, Anna, widow Laurice, r. 58 Thayer.Soderquist, Charles L., (Julia), janitor, h. over 58 Thayer.Soderquist, Gust W., (Anna), carpenter, h. 130 Hedges Ave.Soderquist, John, wood worker, bds. 109 Park.Soderquist, John W., carpenter, h. 58 Thayer.Soderquist, Peter A., (Hannah), painter, h. 282 South Main.Soderstrom, August, (Elma), metal worker, h. 812 Jefferson.Soderstrom, J. Werner, tailor, bds. 217 East Third.Soderstrom, Reynold, (Anna), wood worker, h. over 11 Columbia Ave.Solliday, Benjamin K., (Cornelia A.), mining, h. 872 North Main.Soloman, Leonard, carpenter, bds. 33 Fifteenth.Solomanson, John, retired, h. over 608 West Sixth.Solomonson, John A., (Agnes),—mgr. filling room Empire Worsted Mills—h. 22 Park.Sonne, Hans, (Hilda), cabinetmaker, h. 12 Morton.Sons of St. George, hall over 223 North Main.Sopkowiak, Michael, (Tio), textile worker, h. 59 Foote Ave.Sorber, Hiram, (Elizabeth), machinist, h. 230 Price.Soter, Moel, filler,h. 45 Harrison.Soter, Nick, spinner, r. 231 South Main.Sotir, Themelis,—shoe repair shop, 3 Taylor—rms. 116.Harrison.Sotir, Thomas, finisher,h. 116 Harrison.Sotir, Vassil, machine hand, r. 45 Harrison.Sotir, Vaughel, lumber handler, r. 231% South Main.Soule, Leon L., (Mary R.), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 95 Fairmount Ave.South Side Creamery—Mrs. W. E. Bracey, prop.—milk, butter, eggs and groceries,60 Harrison.Southland, M. Eugene, (Minnie M.), finisher,h. 241 South Main.Southwick, Cassius H., stationary engineer, r. 109 Foote Ave.Southwick, Sylvia B., widow Jerome B., h. 109 Foote Ave.Spano, Joseph, shoemaker, bds. 10% Whitley Place.Spaulding, Albertus, (Miranda), wood worker, h. 104 Charles.Spaulding, Blanche, clerk, r. 104 Charles.Spaulding, Lucy W., widow Ephriam D., h. 315 Spring.Speer, Fred K., (Mary M.), rubber, h. 813 Cherry.Speer, James W., carpenter, r. 43 College.Speer, IMinnie, clerk, r. 41 Ninth.Speer, Marvin S., (Jessie), porter Everett Hotel, h. 121 Van Buren.Speirs, Joseph B., (Mary), marble cutter, h. over 220 Price.Spellacy, J. Martin, (Emma), teamster, h. 3 Metallic Ave.Wni., Spence, Ben, Ainrfn (Edythe), AnrKr/'n machinist, Public h. 4 Accountants, Barrows. Audits and <strong>System</strong>s,Spencer, . £jlj Addie, rVlIlgC bds. A UU1L 65 Twelfth. ID. Financial InvestigatorsJamestown, Spencer, Annie, N. Y., clerk, Bell r. Phone 112 Crescent. 467. Youngstown, O.. Bell Phone 522.Spencer, Spencer, AnnieArthur, Edward Frank George Georgia Hannah Jennie, Emily, Frances Harold, Henry, John, (Margaret),L.,A., weaver, F., widow (Martha Jr., wool clerk, J., B., L., E.,—Curryweaver,painter metal (Minnie), widow clerk, wool sorter, r. Sylvester, r. B.), worker, 112 sorter, 21 andr.r. retired, Henry & 3021Ellicott. loom Crescent.painter h. Spencer—r. paper Twelfth.Ellicott.112 r. fixer, r. C, 112 5 hanger, and over Hall Crescent. over rms. paper 112 311 Ave. 433 bds. 301 Crescent. Winsor. hanger, East Lincoln. 30 Twelfth. Fourth.30 Twelfth.

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods.The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 255tf/lLL^AAn^TORQWE HANDLE20 DIFFERENT MAKESSpencer, John, textile worker, r. 112 Crescent.Spencer, Kent W., (Catherine), lineman, h. 14 Richmond Place.Spencer, Lynn K., (May), postman, h. 63 East Cowden Place.Spencer, Mabel E., textile worker, r. 21 Ellicott.Spencer, Olive M., clerk, r. 224 Crescent.Spencer, Orissa, widow Egbert J., h. 65 Twelfth.Spencer, Oscar F., clerk, r. 30 Twelfth.Spencer, Percy E., (Myra), mechanic J. St. Ry., h. over 708 Washington.Spencer, Solomon, (Ann Maria), wool sorter, h. 21 Ellicott.Spencer, William H., (Annis), wool sorter, h. 136 Foote Ave.Sperry, Estie S., (Jennie), veneer foreman Bailey-Jones Co., h. 28 Center.Spiro, Dimitre, comber, r. 231 South Main.Spiro, Jimi, laborer, r. over 5 Taylor.Spiro, Minelo, filler,h. 231 South Main.Spiro, Simon, filler, r. 231% South Main.Spjut, Charles, (Augusta), cement worker, h. 110 Euclid Ave.Sprague, Belle, r. 101 Broadhead Ave.Sprague, Blanche, teacher, r. 101 Broadhead Ave.Sprague Bros.—Clarence J. and Elmer E. Sprague—newspaper, book andjob printing, 310 Pine.Sprague, Charles N., teamster, r. 101 Broadhead Ave.Sprague, Clarence J., (Minnie T.)—Sprague Bros.—h. 15 Fluvanna Ave.Sprague, E. A. Bennett, Mrs., millinery, 321 North Main.Sprague, Elmer E., (Emily),—Sprague Bros.—h. 18 Fluvanna Ave.Sprague, Horatio B., (Harriet B.), postman, h. 331 East Second.Sprague, Horatio N., (Elizabeth A.), retired, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Sprague, James L., (Margaret C),— Sprague & Zeliff—h. 336 Foote Ave.Sprague, Leo C, printer's apprentice, r. 15 Fluvanna Ave.Sprague, Lynn Tew, bds. 16 West Fifth.Sprague, Mary, -widow George W., h. 101 Broadhead Ave.Sprague, William Henry, (Ella),—hardware, 38 North Main—h. 16 West 5th.Sprague, Willis W., (Florence H.), clerk P. O., h. 7 Grandin.Sprague & Zeliff—J. L. Sprague and Fred R. Zeliff—wallpaper, 104 East 3rd.Spreter, Mary, r. 517 East Second.Springchorn, TJlric, (Hattie), plumber, h. 33% Linden Ave.Spring, Edward W., (Zelpha),—vice pres. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> School of Nursing—h.406 Lakeview Ave.Spring, Elliot B., bank clerk, r. 406 Lakeview Ave.Spring, Henry D., (Sybil), commercial traveler, h. 94 Liberty.Spring, Lilly B., music teacher, h. 221 Van Buren.Spring, Mary E., teacher, r. 94 Liberty.Squier, Edward J., (Minnie L.), h. 140 Summit.Squier, James I., (Emieline), gardener, h. 623 Palmer.Squier, Mabel M., teacher, r. 140 Summit.Squier, Ziba L., (Roxa)—real estate, under 2 West Second—h. Lateron-on-<strong>Chautauqua</strong>.Sraite, Ola, cook, rms. over 13 East Second.ni Stafford, | Albert, r bartender, U .L„„„ rms. over DECORATOR, 8 East I OK, Second. 107 107 W. W. Third third Street, Vreet, Jamestown, Jan N.Y.l/harles Stafford, Alta t. M., maclease, Mrs., seamstress, h. over 20 Ben East 124-b Second. Home 91kStafford Austin H., (Louisa M.),—real estate, notary public and pension attorney,rm. 3 Gifford Bldg., over 2 East Third—h. 500 East Fifth.Stafford! Stafford, Eddylie Ida, Ion James Bert Frank Charles A., mender, R., O., I., (Fernanda), L., H., bill (Hattie), (Emma (Carrie (Viola poster, r. over L.), A.), bookkeeper, detailer, r. 210 machine yard over painter, East conductor 210 h. Second. hand, h. 110 East 53 956 Eleventh. Prospect.Second. Erie Washington.222 R. South R., h. Main. over 204 E. 2d.

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools256 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew \{ ght ofall those who know good beer. Both phones 268Stafford, James P., attorney, r.'500 East Fifth.Stafford, John R., (Emma), bookkeeper, h. 173% South Main.Stafford, Joseph C, r. 500 East Fifth.Stafford, Lee A., metal worker, bds. 110 Eleventh.Stafford, Lizzie, Mrs., h. over 210 East Second.Stafford, Rowland, packer, r. over 204 East Second.Stafford, T. L., lineman, rms. Eagle Hose.Stahlberg, Carl, metal worker, rms. 25 Derby.Stahley, Earl R., driver Am. Exp. Co., r. 30 Thirteenth.Stahley, Francis T., meat cutter, r. 30 Thirteenth.Stahley, Jacob F., (Kate),—meats, 109 West Third—h. 30 Thirteenth.Stahley, Le Roy F., asst. steward Sherman House, r. 30 Thirteenth.Stahley, Mayme C, clerk Mack-Hall Co., r. 30 Thirteenth.Stahley, Virgil L., meat cutter, r. 30 Thirteenth.Stainbrook, Ella, clerk, rms. 11 Tenth.Stainbrook, Nettie P., clerk, bds. over 701 North Main.Stainthorpe, Jonas, (Adelia), master mechanic, h. over 57 Fairmount Ave.Stam, Carl, (Mary), packer, h. over 450 Willard.Stamco, Noun, tailor, r. 116 Harrison.Stamm, William M., (Sophia F.), barber under 2 W. Third—h. 21 Van Buren.Standard Oil Co. of New York, (The)—A. J. Orr, agt.; M. E. Young, chiefclerk—petroleum products, 258 Crescent.Standish, Henry J., (Elma A.), driver, h. 118 Institute.Standish, William E., (Francis), junk dealer, h. Connecticut Ave.Stanford, Fred C, (A. May),—Central Commercial Gallery—h. 230 McKinleyAve.Stanley, Jack, wood worker, rms. over 118 East Second.Stanley, William C, (Effie), wood worker, h. 363 Falconer.Stansfield, Charles, (Eliza), foreman spinner, h. 43 Hazzard.Stanton, Chester A., weaver, r. 26 Water.Stanton, Clarence H., (Nellie A.), shipping clerk, h. 16 Sumner Place.Stanton, Edna M., widow Edgar, seamstress, h. over 26 Water.Staples, Adelbert L., (Hattie M.), mechanical engineer, h. 352 South Main.Staples, Gerald G., stenographer, r. 352 South Main.Staples, Hawley G., (Anna), machine hand, h. over 8 West Seventh.Staples, Iona A., widow Benson, nurse, r. 14 Jeffords.Staples, Milton, teamster, h. 1236 Prendergast Ave.Stapleton, Christopher, (Mary), wool carder, h. 1210 East Second.Stapleton, Ernest A., (Blanche H.), roofer, r. 47 Foote Ave.Stapleton, Hiram, glass cutter, r. 1210 East Second.Stapleton, Ida, r. 128 Stowe.Stapleton, James, (Mary), teamster, h. Aprt. G, 27 Forest Ave.Stapleton, Joseph M., (Margaret,), local salesman Swift & Co., h. 145 Weeks.Stapleton, Lawrence B., wood carver, r. 47 Foote Ave.Stapleton, Mary A., widow Bartholomew, h. 47 Foote Ave.Stapleton, May, picker, r. 1210 East Second.Stapleton, William G., (Anna C), warp dresser, h. 32 Water.Star Furniture Co.—Jay Crissey, pres.-treas.; S. B. Burchard, vice pres.; H.P. Robertson, insure in sec'y.—mfrs. the New York dressers Life? and Because: chiffoniers, It will 25-37 pay Briggs. in dividendsStar WHY Tailoring in <strong>1909</strong> Co.—Elmer over 7I/2 A. million Werle dollars. and Clarence Hancock—merchant tailors,219 Cherry.Stark, August, wood worker, rms. 440 Chandler.Stark, Starke, Starkweather, Starling, Axel, Osborn Charles Clara Edward (Anna), John, Triphena, P., A., H., L., (Julia paper fishdealer, r. laborer, machine 340 N.)—dress widow boxmaker, Steele. h. hand, rms. Leroy, 440 goods, Chandler.over h. 50448 340 308 Willard.Steele. Pine—r. do.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 257

Clark Hardware Co., Hardware & Mill Supplies258 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP.Suits for misses and the small lady can only be found here in the rightstyles at the correct prices.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Sterns, see Stearns.Stettenbenz, Walter C.—mgr. L. C. Smith Typewriter Co., bds. 23 West 3rd.Stevens, Addison G., (Hannah), blacksmith h. 225 Broadhead Ave.Stevens, Antoinette M., r. 110 East Sixth.Stevens, Charles, machinist, rms. 213 West Second.Stevens, Duane E., (Signa), stationary engineer, h. 572 Allen.Stevens, E. E., (Anna M.), barber, h. over 44 Bush.Stevens, Fern Pickard, Mrs., vocal teacher, r. 609 Prendergast Ave.Stevens, Frank B., (Nan), wire chief Home Tel. Co., h. 1002 Prendergast Ave.Stevens, Frank W., (Mary M.),—chairman public service commission N. Y.state, and attorney 46 Fenton Bldg.—h. 27 Allen.Stevens, Leon, insurance, h. 4 Rowley Place.Stevens, Martha L., widow Jay, h. 835 North Main.Stevens, William P., (Katherine), commercial traveler, h. 509 Washington.Stevens, Wilson C, (Maud M.),—gen. insurance, 5-6 Allen Sq. Bldg.—h. 310Foote Ave.WILSON STEVENSINDEPENDENT GENERAL INSURANCEAGENCYOver 119 Main Street Jamestown, N. Y.Stevens, see Stephens.Stevenson, Charles J., (Bertha), metal worker, h. 15 Hazzard.Stevenson, Hannah, textile worker, bds. 321 Stowe.Stevenson, John, (Mary R.), textile worker, h. 622 East Sixth.Stevenson, John A., (Johanna), retired, h. 321 Stowe.Stevenson, Louisa M., widow Alonzo, h. over 710 North Main.Stevenson, Mayne R.,—Wade & Stevenson—bds. 120 Fulton.Stevenson, Oscar W., (Hilda), metal worker, h. over 181 Thayer.Stevenson, William E., (Margaret),—sec'y.-treas. Johnson Ice & Coal Co.—h. 120 Fulton.Stewart, Alexander L., (Grace), foreman Art Metal, h. 19 Eleventh.Stewart, Alpine A., (Mary E.),—plumbing, under 39 South Main—h. 11 Price.Stewart, Annie, r. under 338 East Third.Stewart, Cecil V., (Lillian), foreman comp. room. Morning Post, h. 16 Hazzard.Stewart, Elizabeth M., Mrs., h. 819 Prendergast Ave.Stewart, Guy C, (Jessie), teamster, h. 12 Sixteenth.Stewart, Laura B., r. 805 West Fifth.Stewart, Mabel E. B., r. 819 Prendergast Ave.Stewart, Mary—home baking, under 338 East Third—h. do.Stewart, Robert P., (Eva)—supt. dyeing Acme Worsted Mills—h. 9 Genesee.Stewart, Theodore, (Nancy E.), janitor J. High School, h. 8 Institute.Stewart, William J., (Bessie L.), lineman Postal Telegraph, r. over 113Broadhead Ave.Stewart, William J. J., grocery clerk, r. 819 Prendergast Ave.Stewart, see Stuart.Stiegele, Louisa, domestic, r. 4 Metallic Ave.Stillman, Ida N., widow Rhierson, h. 329 East Second.Stilson, Benjamin A., (Maude A.), clerk, h. 1390 East Second.Card Stilson, Tables D. Elias Earl, B., (Catherine), (Jennie), and Chairs carpenter, teacher, to h. h. 1390 match 1388 East East Second. at Gage's


Clark Hardware Co.Farm Implements and Fencing260 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N. J.,Premium receipts to Jan. I, <strong>1909</strong>, $329,137,864.85; returned to policyholdersand funds on hand for future payment to policyholders, $384,556,735.84.Stoneberg, John G., (Josephine), carpenter, h. 33 Anderson.Stoneburg, John, r. 402 Hazeltine Ave.Stonehouse, Helena M., student, r. 333% East Fifth.Stonehouse, John, (Harriet V.),—real estate and loans, 40-41 Fenton Bldg —h. 333% East Fifth.Stonehouse, Willard A., student, r. 333% East Fifth.Stoner & Berry—Lynn H. Stoner and Mark Berry—saloon, 17 East Second.Stoner, Eugene M., (Irene), brick contractor, h. 41 Flagg Ave.Stoner, Harold W., bricklayer, r. 41 Flagg Ave.Stoner, Lynn H., (Mattie)—Stoner & Berry—h. 850 Prendergast Ave.Stoner, Sarah J., widow Isaac, h. 305 Crescent.Stophel, Violet, stenographer and bookkeeper, r. 32 Fairfield Ave.Storey, Florence A., widow Charles, r. 101 Maple.Storey, George, stable hand and driver, bds. 209 Pine.Storey, Jay W., (Helen), textile worker, h. 101 Maple.Stormer, Charles F., moulder, bds. 156 Jones & Gifford Ave.Stormer, Emma, Mrs., dressmaker, h. 8 Colfax.Stormer, Henry, (Rose), moulder, h. 208 Jones & Gifford Ave.Stormer, John, (Louise), wood worker, h. 156 Jones & Gifford Ave.Stormer, Margaret, picker, bds. over 211 East Second.Stormer, William, moulder, bds. Lake House.Storum, Edward, laborer, bds. over 118 East Second.Stow, W. Arthur—city auditor, rm. 5 City Hall, r. 121 Bush.Stowe, Hazel B., r. 121 Bush.Stowe, William D., (Ellen L.), bookkeeper J. Lounge Co., h. 121 Bush.Straight Dry Plate Co.—J. Straight, pres.; F. S. Marsh, sec'y.; J. W. Davis,treas.—Tyril.Straight, Gene White, widow George F., r. 103 East Sixth.Straight, Robert J.,—pres. Straight Dry Plate Co.—h. Bradford, Pa.Straight & Thomas—Walter E. Straight and John M. Thomas—horseshoeingand blacksmithing, 211 Pine.Straight, Walter E., (Anna),—Straight & Thomas—h. 404 West Second.Stranahan, Florence W., widow Gilbert O., r. 10 Martin Road.Stranburg, Allen, metal worker, bds. over 618 West Seventh.Stranburg, Ella C, weaver, r. 225 Willard.Stranburg, Lottie C, weaver, r. 22*5 Willard.Stranburg, Louise C, widow Frank, h. 225 Willard.Stranburg, Mary L., r. 225 Willard.Stranburg, Oscar, (Mary)—Stranburg Music House, 6 West Third—h. 171Forest Ave.Stranburg, Swan, (Hilda), metal worker, h. 618 West Seventh.Stranburg, see Strandburg.Strand, Adla, widow Charles, h. 215 Prospect.Strand, Carl O., (Josephine F.), wood worker, h. 36 Linwood Ave.Strand, Charles O., (Anna L.), carpenter, h. 224 Prospect.Strand, Ellen A. T., dressmaker, r. 224 Prospect.Strand, Emil, (Hulda), coachman, h. 115 Park.Strand, Ernest W., machinist, r. 36 Linwood Ave.Strand, Gunnar F., machine assembler, r. 36 Linwood Ave.Strand, J. Ernest, machinist, r 224 Prospect.Strand, John, laborer, bds. 344 East Fourth.Money BRADSHAW'S Strand, Strandburg, Liberty. talks.—We Oscar, Lester Emma Frank (Augusta have PIONEER O., C, L., paid housekeeper, (Christine)—pres. messenger A.), over stone INSURANCE $500,000.00 our National mason, 32 field. Broadhead Atlas h. , <strong>Chautauqua</strong> 117 AGENCYlosses Furn. Maple. Ave. Co.—h. in County 57 Liberty. Bank, r. 57

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods. The A. D. Sharpe Co.tff/LL^AAffirORQJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 261ENTIRE 6th FLOORCHADAKOIN BUILDINGStrandburg, Paul S., metal worker, r. 57 Liberty.Strandburg, see Stranburg.Stratton, Charles E., (Rose A.), h. 36 Fairmount Ave.Stratton, Earl, deliveryman, rms. Y. M. C. A.Stratton, Mary, domestic, 601 Washington.Straughen, Robert J., (Mary), water meter reader, h. 821 Lafayette.Strauss, Benjamin, (Evangeline E.),—Benj. Strauss & Co., and prop. EuropeanHotel—h. over 10 South Main.Strauss, Benjamin & Co.—Benj. Strauss & F. A. Ochs—liquors, 3 S. Main.Strauss Hotel—Benj. Strauss and Leon L. Mills, props.—5 South Main.Stravato, John, (Bessie), laborer, h. under 91 Hazzard.Streed, G. Adolph, textile worker, bds. 133 Camp.Streed, Reanold, carpenter, bds. 16 Barker.Streeter, Medora, Mrs., domestic, r. over 114 West Eighth.Streibig, Frances, widow Joseph, r. 380 Foote Ave:Strickland, Blanche M., operator Bell Tel. Co., r. 10 Tenth.Strickland, Francis L., (Louisa E.), bookkeeper, h. 97 Buffalo.Strickland, Josephine, widow Parker, h. 10 Tenth.Strickland, Leland T., clerk, r. 97 Buffalo.Strickland, Leroy L., farmer, r. 97 Buffalo.Strickland, Maynard T., farmer, r. 97 Buffalo.Strickland, Ora B., barber, rms. 25 Steele.Strickland, Ralph W., laborer, r. 97 Buffalo.Strickland, Roy W., (Agnes), bookkeeper, J. Brewing Co., h. 24 Thirteenth.Strickland, Warren, laborer, rms. 308 West Second.Strickland, William F., r. 10 Tenth.Strickland, Willis L., (Luella), contractor, h. over 25 Twelfth.Strikenberg, Anna, r. 1057 East Second.Strikenberg, Ella, Mrs., r. 1057 East Second.Strikenberg, Inez M., stenographer, r. 1057 East Second.Strim, Gustaf, machine hand, bds. 105 Wescott.Strobel, Louis H., (Margaret), messenger W. F. Exp. Co., h. over 19 W. 2nd.Strobel, Maude I., milliner, r. 19 West Second.Stroecker, Elenore M., widow Winfield S., h. 13 Elk.Stroecker, Lillian, textile worker, r. 13 Elk.Stromberg, Anna, widow Emil, h. over 243 Crescent.Stromberg, Anna A., teacher, r. 243 Crescent.Stromberg, Ruth N., bookkeeper, r. 243 Crescent.Stromdahl, Alfred D., (Carolina S.), h. 55 Water.Stromdahl, Charles, (Anna), textile worker, h. over 125 Bowen.Stromdahl, Elmer O., metal worker, r. 55 Water.Stromdahl, Ernest A., (Maud), metal finisher,h. 223 Winsor.Stromdahl, Louis M., laborer, r. 55 Water.Stromer, Oscar, carpenter, rms. over 11 East Second.Strong, Charles W., (Sadie A.), purchasing agt. Art Metal, h. 122 Euclid Ave.Strong, Clarence, metal worker, bds. 8 Norton Ave.Strong, Claude E., (Lina H.), bookkeeper National Furn. Co., h. 915 PrendergastAve.Strong, Clyde, metal worker, bds. 8 Norton Ave.Strong, Ernest R., (Helen G.), metal worker, h. 8 Linwood Ave.Strong, Frank H., (Laura C), stock clerk Art Metal, h. 269 South Main.Strong, Fred, (Mary), h. 8 Norton Ave.li/l-IV is guarantees, Strong, Strong! Will second John, Victor Fred, Herman, Mary insure restrictions and no E., teamster, (Ethel), C, other in widow (Anna), wheelmaker, Company's company.as metal mattressmaker, rms, New Gilbert, to painter travel, York Aprt. worker, bds. record h. and Life? A, 428 residence 8 h. paper 27 Hopkins h. East for over Because: Forest 13 the hanger, Sixth. and Front. 84 Ave. prompt Highland occupation, Its h. 7 policies settlement Sampson. Ave. contain are of liberal claims free of

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools262 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYBefore meals makes every dish welcome, afterwards it<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brewinsures digestion. Both phones 268Strong, William O., clerk, r. 7 Sampson.Stroth, Samuel, student, bds. 144 Chandler.Strunk, Earl M., farmer, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Strunk, Frances B., widow Marshall P.,—Christian Science practitioner, 317East Second—h. do.Strunk, Maude E., stenographer, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Strunk, W. Burr, draftsman, r. over 629 Prendergast Ave.Stuart, Blanche N., milliner, r. over 641 East Sixth.Stuart, George H., (Rose B.), foreman Aristotype, h. 628 Palmer.Stuart, Harry J., student, r. 220 Fulton.Stuart, Margaret J., widow John,, dressmaker, h. 220 Fulton.Stuart, Myrtle A., stenographer, r. 220 Fulton.Stuart, Nettie, widow Stephen L., nurse, h. over 641 East Sixth.Stuart, Rodney M., (Carrie M.), clerk, h. 35 Myrtle.Stuart, William G., express agent, r. 220 Fulton.Stuart, see Stewart.Stubbs, Alfred, (Mary J.), stone cutter, h. 296 Barrows.Stubbs, Samuel, warp dresser, r. 296 Barrows.Stubbs, Samuel, textile worker, r. over 25 Winsor.Studd, Austin, porter, rms. 215 West Second.Stumpf, Anna M., stenographer Union Furn. Co., r. 511 West Fourth.Stumpf, Charles J., (Annie),—saloon, 2 West First—h. 638 Prendergast Ave.Stumpf, Frank M., (Lina),—prop. Narrow Gauge Restaurant—h. 511 W. 4th.Stumpf, George L., clerk, Mason's News Co., r. 511 West Fourth.Stumpf, Henry A., (Nellie),—meats, 855 North Main—h. over do.Stumpf, H. Warren, (Blanche W.), clerk P. O., h. 36 Hazzard.Stumpf, Rosalia, widow Henry, h. 511 West Fourth.Sturdevant, Bruce F., (Frances M.), driver J. Fire Dept., h. 10 Winsor.Sturdevant, Clyde D., marble cutter, r. 183 South Main.Sturdevant, Emory A., (Eva T.),—monumental works, 214 Washington—h.183 South Main.Sturdevant, Ernest W., (Louisa), clerk J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. 640 PrendergastAve.Sturdevant, Frank L., (Lydia M.), machinist, h. 784 East Second.Sturdevant, H. C, rm. 32 Warner block, over 13 North Main.Sturdevant, Harvey C, (Josephine), textile worker, h. 240 Bowen.Sturdevant, Levina, Mrs., h. 54 Blanchard.Sturdevant, Lillian B., r. 784 Eafit Second.Sturdevant, Lynn K., student, r. 183 South Main.Sturdevant, Orlando J., flagman, h. 784 East Second.Sturdevant, Wesley J., (Matilda), foreman spinner and twister, h. IllBowen.Sturdy, George, (Mary J.), weaver, h. over 20 Waterman.Sturton, Herbert J|, machinist, rms. 409 West Third.Suckow, Edmond, (Mary P.), h. 341 South Main.Suckow, Edward, (Minnie), loom fixer,h. 129 Prospect.Suckow, Minnie, widow Charles, h. 100 Lakin Ave.Sudegren, Erick, cement worker, bds. 80 Water.WSugar r i Bowl—H. „ AS_-c- K. Regas A..J!4- and Z1- George Our Laskarius—confectionery Associates areall qualified and Account fruits,. 7 tly South Alllge Main. AUdlt tO. Jamestown, N. Y. Youngstown. 0.Sugden, Laura, aristo worker, r. 17 Cowden Place.Sugden, Mary, aristo worker, r. 17 Cowden- Place.Sullivan, Sugden, Sulkie, Cecilia Pearl Mary Ann, Alice, Daniel, Dora Jane, widow E., A., F., student, (Mary), stenographer, teacher, school widow Jeremiah, r. teacher, machinist, bds. 8 William, Whitley 54 r. r. 217 Franklin.8 h. Ave. Cowden Steele. Whitley 45 17 Cowden Eleventh. Place. Ave. Place.

The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. The A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 263tflLL^AAffirORQWE POSITIVELYPAY NO COMMISSIONSSullivan, Hanorah, weaver, r. 217 Steele.Sullivan. Irene S., student, r. 314 West Fifth.Sullivan, Jerry B., Esther), engineer, h. 120 Stewart Ave.Sullivan, John J., (Ellen C), contractor, h. 8 Whitley Ave.Sullivan, John J. Jr., brick layer, r. 8 Whitley Ave.Sullivan, Mary E., widow Daniel A.; h. 314 West Fifth.Sullivan, Nellie, bookkeeper, r. 8 Whitley Ave.Sullivan, Paul R., student, r. 314 West Fifth.Sullivan, Thomas, upholsterer, h. 217 Steele.Summerdale, George, mill hand, rms. Y. M. C. A.Summers, Charles W., (Gusta M.), evangelist, h. 8 Seventeenth.Sundberg, Alexander, (Bernhardina), finisher,h. over 329 Willard.Sundberg, Alfred S., driver, r. 203 Willard.Sundberg, Barger, (Amanda), stonemason, h. 131 Baker.Sundberg, Charles J. L., (Prudence), machinist, h. 216 Baker.Sundberg, Charles M., laborer, h. 203 Willard.Sundberg, C. Gustaf, (Amelia), assembler, h. 606 Newland Ave.Sundberg, Claude, (Margaret), shoemaker,, h. over 237 McKinley Ave.Sundberg, Elmer, wool sorter, r. 203 Willard.Sundberg, Frances J., boxmaker, r. 21 Highland Ave.Sundberg, G. Florence, clerk, r. 228 Sprague.Sundberg, Oscar, cabinetmaker, bds. 15 Orchard.Sundberg, Peter, (Ida J.), wood carver, h. 228 Sprague.Sundberg, Peter E., (Anna),, wood worker, h. 21 Highland Ave.Sundberg, Selma E., r. 203 Willard.Sundberg, William F., butcher, r. 203 Willard.Sundberg, see Sandberg.Sundell, Aleck, grocery clerk, r. 210 Spring.Sundell, Anne, r. over 204 Prospect.Sundell, Axel, h. over 204 Prospect.Sundell, Charles E., (Mary C), metal worker, h. 59 Franklin.Sundell, C. Julius, (Katherine L.), boat builder, h. 161 Allen.Sundell, David A., (Minnie), hand carver, h. over 6 Linwood Ave.Sundell, Gust, (Augusta),—Sundell & Illingworth—h. 264 Broadhead Ave.Sundell, Gustaf, (Augusta), custom turning, h. 219 Barrows.Sundell & Illingworth—Gust Sundell & Fred Illingworth—groceries andmeats, 249-251 South Main.Sundell, John R., shipping clerk, r. 219 Barrows.Sundell, Oscar H., (Josephine), machine turner, h. 205 Sturges.Sundell, Peter, lumber handler, bds. Riverside Hotel.Sundell, Theodore, (Segrid), metal worker, h. over 104 Charles.Sunden, Axel C, (Amelia C), finisher,h. 217 Newland Ave.Sunden, Oscar, (Anna), machine hand, h. over 82 Hedges Ave.Sunderland, Ada, r. 29 College.Sundeland, August, night watchman, h. Wilson.Sunderland, Emily, r. 29 College.Sunderland, Florence A., stenographer, r. 73 Grant.Sunderland, Helen, r. Wilson.Artistic Sunderland, John Picture W., commercial Framing traveler, at Cawcroft r. 29 College. Company'sSunderland, Maurice B., 107 reporter, EAST THIRD The Journal, STREET r. 73 Grant.Sunderland, Timothy, textile worker, h. 29 College.Sunderland, Walter C, (Martha),—dist. mgr. State Mutual Life AssuranceSundine, Sundgren, Sundholm, Co.—h. Alice, John, Albert Herbert C. 73 John, Grant. domestic, (Sofie), G., TJ., (Hannah), (Emma), (Fanny cabinetmaker, 123 Lakeview clerk, S.),—J. driver, h. h. Art Ave.33 over 213 Cross. Glass Willard. 618% Works—h. Jefferson. 58 Franklin.

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Builders1 Hardware264 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY•'"'VlrtiiT-rt 11/flirt ¥)tiATi7 A delicious and nourishing table beverageUnaUiaUljUa D r e W highly medicinal qualities. Both phones 268.Sundman, Alexander M., (Augusta B.), teamster, h. 35 Tower.Sundman, Clarence, (May), painter, h. under 215 Fulton.Sundman, Loyal J., painter, r. 35 Tower.Sundquist, Andrew A., (Augusta), blacksmith, h. 418 Willard.Sundquist, Arthur, (Marie), blacksmith, h. over 566 Allen.Sundquist, Carl B., (Amanda), finisher,h. 15 Park.Sundquist, Charles G., (Elin)—supt. Municipal Electric Light Plant—h. 295Willard.Sundquist, Charles J., (Anna),—blacksmith, 306 Harrison—h. 238 Barrows.Sundquist, Charles J., (Hulda), finisher,h. 136 Sampson.Sundquist, Clara, weaver, bds. 62 Franklin.Sundquist, Douglas C, tinner, r. 295 Willard.Sundquist, Ernest, blacksmith's apprentice, r. 238 Barrows.Sundquist, Florence E., winder, r. 238 Barrows.Sundquist, Frank A., (Ida C), wood worker, h. over 105 Francis.Sundquist, Roy S., bobbin setter, r. 295 Willard.Sundquist, Walter, (Ruby), metal worker, h. over 22 Institute.Sundquist, Walter A., (Ruby), sheet metal worker, h. 238 Barrows.Sundstrom, Anna, textile worker, bds. 110 Foote Ave.Sundstrom, Charles J., (Caroline), laborer, h. 312 Hazeltine Ave.Sundstrom, Phillip E., (Anna), metal worker, h. over 218 Winsor.Sundvall, Edith, domestic, 403 Lakeview Ave.Sunvolf, Carl, (Mary), metal worker, h. over 199 Barrett.Superior Furniture Co.—Frank O. Norquist, pres.; Fred O. Jones, vice pres.;Austin E. Anderson, sec'y.-treas.— extension tables, 167 Jones & GiffordAve.Sutcliffe, Alice, weaver, r. 11 Thayer.Sutcliffe, Arthur, (Sarah), combing boss, h. 3% Winsor.Sutcliffe, Craven, warp dresser, r. 13 Shaver.Sutcliffe, Earl, plumber, bds. 13 Shaver.Sutcliffe, Herbert—Olson & Sutcliffe—bds. 13 Shaver.Sutcliffe, John H.. (Sarah), warp dresser, h. 11 Thayer.Sutcliffe, Louis H., weaver, r. 11 Thayer.Sutcliffe, Martha, bds. 13 Shaver.Sutcliffe, Rhoda, dressmaker, r. 11 Thayer.Sutcliffe, Ruth, dressmaker, r. 11 Thayer.Suter, Anna R., r. over 74 Water.Suter, George, (Rose F.), cigarmaker, h. over 74 Water.Sutherland, Christina M., nurse, bds. 77 South Main.Suthill, Nettie, waitress Sherman House.Suttle, Aber, weaver, r. 5 Briggs.Suttle, Alice, r. 5 Briggs.Suttle, Eliza, textile worker, r. 5 Briggs.Suttle, Martha Ann., widow George, h. 5 Briggs.Suttle, Ruth, weaver, r. 5 Briggs.Sutton, Fred J., (Mildred), electrician, bds. S2S Cherry.Svedene, Eric, (Edla), wood worker, h. 24 Fairfield.Svendsen, Inge, Mrs., manicuring and shampooing, 813 Prendergast Ave.Svendsen, William, (Inge), furniture finisher,h. 815 Prendergast Ave.Swallow, Ellen, Mrs., weaver, h. over 119 Barrows.Swan, Anna C. picker, bds. over 214 Falconer.Swan, Arthur W., (Sadie Loucks), discount clerk National Chaut. Co. Bank,¥ Swan, L «C U h. C f« August, Edward Axel Birger, Carl 310 inSUrailCe on West no L., n/in (Anna), C, metal (Jennie), (Alida)—Carlson, Second. machine Connecticut worker, laborer, W. machine hand, j. r. r. Bentley, over h. 216 Anderson General r. hand, 216 29 Crescent. 948 Gen. West h. Washington.Life & Agt., Curtis. Eighth. Swan—h. Ins. 515 Co., Chadakoin 10 Hartford, Weeks. Bldg. Conn.,

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 265^ f f / L L ^ f ? A A ^ T O R ^Swan, Ernest, (Pearl), deliveryman, h. over 122 West Third.Swan, George, metal worker, r. 948 Washington.Swan, Gust, (Anna Marie), laborer, h. over 214 Falconer.Swan, Gustaf, (Alva), metal worker, h. 26 Sampson.Swan, Harry, metal worker, r. 948 Washington.Swan, Hilda, domestic, 44 Lakeview Ave.Swan, Oscar, (Susie), wood worker, h. under 239 Forest Ave.Swanlon, Swanson Gust—cigars and tobacco, 20 East Second—rms. Y. M. C. A.Swanson, Adolph, machine hand, bds. 23 Kinney.Swanson Agnes B. D., spinner, r. 26 Vega.Swanson Albert, rms. over 48 Steele.Swanson Albert, bookkeeper, r. 1058 North Mam.Swanson. Albert, laborer, bds. 212 Chandler.Swanson, Albert A.—groceries, 943 Newland Ave.—bds. 100 McKinley Ave.Swanson Alberta C, domestic, 111 Allen.Swanson. Albin H., veneer worker, r. 108 Hedges Ave.Swanson Aleda, spinner, r. 26 Vega.Swanson Alex, (Mary), machine hand, h. 46 Charles.Swanson. Alfred, h. 281 Willard.Swanson Allene, r. 14 Stowe.Swanson Alma, domestic, 508 North Main.Swanson Alma A., weaver, r. over 80 Tower.Swanson Amanda C, r. 207 Barrows.Swanson. Amel, teamster, h. 26 Linden Ave.Swanson Andrew, (Mary), machine hand, h. 26 Vega.Swanson. Andrew, aristo worker, h. over 34 Myrtle.Swanson. Andrew J., (Hattie), mill hand, h. 18 Colfax.Swanson. Andrew M., cabinetmaker, h. 108 HedgesAve.Swanson. Andrew, P., (Martina), woodworker, h. 135 Camp.Swanson. Anna, mender, r. 20 Newland Ave.Swanson Anna, domestic, 558 East Second.Swanson, Anna, h. over 494 Crescent.Swanson. Anna, bobbin setter, r. Ill Wescott.Swanson, Anna, widow Albin, h. 33 Winsor.Swanson, Anna, textile worker, r. 77 Liberty.Swanson Anna B., widow John E., h. 13 Partridge.Swanson. Anna E., textile worker, r. Ill Camp.Swanson Anna K., spinner, r. 23 Eagle.Swanson Arleigh K., stenographer, r. 68 Barrett.Swanson Arthur A., clerk, r. 18 Clyde Ave.Swanson Arthur K., (Selma), contractor and teaming, h. 17 Terrace Place.Swanson Arthur N., machinist's apprentice, r. 33 Winsor.Swanson. August, warp filler, r. over 54 Benedict.Swanson. August, (Olive), cabinetmaker, h. 352 Price.Swanson. Augusta, domestic, 213 East Fourth.Swanson Augusta, domestic, 558 East Second. HARRY LYONSWinrAINTSAxel O.,and(Amanda),OILSfinisher,h.stf, GLASSSwanson,220 Barrows. Institute St. and Erie Ry.Swanson Bertha, spinner, r. 73 Benson.Swanson, s*c~a, 110 W Br^ Bertha, j°jjjj' John! ' ' rms. 7U„, teamstei A., aristo (H domestic, picker, Y. and worker, M. Inc-—c- John r. 245220 Swanson—livery r. Fulton. A- Barrows. 46 Swanson, Charles. pres.-treas.; and wagon A. repairing, J. Johnson, 102-

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools266 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP.Coats for ladies, misses and children. Largest stock.Lowest prices.SAXE BROS. CO., 12-14 W. Third St.Swanson, C. Albert, teamster, r. 33 Winsor.Swanson, C. Amil, (Ellen), carpenter, h. 42 Chestnut.Swanson, Carl, metal worker, bds. 7 Partridge.Swanson, Carl, furniture trimmer, r. 34 Pardee Ave.Swanson, Carl, wood worker, bds. 18 Shaver.Swanson, Carl A., (Josephine)—shoe store and repairing, 628 East Second—h. 154 Barrows.Swanson, Carl G., (Hilda A.), contractor and builder,, h. 37 Sturges.Swanson, Carl G., (Amanda), casemaker, h. 245 Crescent.Swanson, Carl G.,—prop. Ideal Laundry—r. 91 Barrett.Swanson, Carl H., (Bertha), metal worker, h. 137 Wilson Place.Swanson, Carl J., (Hilda L. E.), rubber, h. 28 Kinney.Swanson, Carl L., student, r. 29 West Eighth.•Swanson, Caroline, widow August, h. 18 Clyde Ave.Swanson, Charles, (Christine), wood worker, h. 29 West Eighth.Swanson, Charles, (Anna L.)—contractor and builder, 12-16 River—h. 349Foote Ave.Swanson, Charles A., (Hulda A.),—pres.-treas. C. A. Swanson Drug Co.—h.639 Prendergast Ave.Swanson, Charles A., (Amanda), stone mason, h. Ill Camp.Swanson, Charles C, (Anna B.), carpenter, h. 31 Weeks.Swanson, Charles G., bartender, r. 23 English.Swanson, Charles G., clerk, r. 291 Willard.Swanson, Charles J., toolmaker, r. 108 Hedges Ave.Swanson, Charles J., (Annie), machine worker, h. 10 Lake.Swanson, Charles L., (Effie E.), wood worker, h. 15 Kidder.Swanson, Charles W., (Hilma)—C. W. Swanson & Co.—h. 223 McKinley Ave.Swanson & Chelstrom—Oscar Swanson & Frank Chelstrom—saloon, 4 Willard.Swanson, Curth A., clerk, r. 349 Foote Ave.Swanson, C. W. & Co.—C. W. Swanson, E. Holmberg and G. Holmberg—shoes, 4 North Main.Swanson, David, bds. 10 Morse Ave.Swanson, Doretta, aristo worker, r. 46 Charles.Swanson, Eda, widow Charles A., textile worker, h. 5S1 Allen.Swanson, Earl, (Myrtle), polisher, h. 152 Jones & Gifford Ave.Swanson, Edith, domestic, 508 East Second.Swanson, Edith, textile worker, r. 77 Liberty.Swanson, Edith B., spinner, r. 13 Pardee Ave.Swanson, Edith S., r. 29 Linden Ave.Swanson, Edward C, barber, r. 28 Scott.Swanson, Edwin F., textile worker, r. 33 Winsor.Swanson, Edwin, clerk, bds. 10 Morse Ave.Swanson, Elester A., commercial traveler, r. 639 Prendergast Ave.Swanson, Elizabeth B., widow Gustaf A., h. 28 Scott.Swanson, Elizabeth M., stenographer, r. 135 Camp.Swanson, Ellen, dressmaker, rms. 12 Victoria Ave.Swanson, Elmer, r. 29 Linden Ave.Swanson, Elmer B., (Hulda S.)—Johnson & Swanson—h. 110 Church.Swanson, Elnora G., h. 128 Euclid Ave.Ladies9 Swanson, 23 Barrett. Enoch, Emil Emma Erick Ernest, Desks A., G., R., K., cutter, rubber, (A. (Lena wood domestic, in Armeda), r. worker, bds. C.)—Swanson all 18 Colfax. 23 102 clerk, Vgt^^chadakoin'mdg^e'sKinney. bds. Chandler. 50 h. & Water. 34 Peterson, Anderson. ,n. Garage Restaurant—h.

The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 267THE LARGEST STOCK^ff/LL^?AA^TOR^BETWEENPITTSBURG AND BUFFALOSwanson, Esther, duffer, r. 912 East Second.Swanson, Frank, (Ethel M.), clerk, h. 912 Prendergast Ave.Swanson, Frank (Ella), contracting painter, h. 8 Morton.Swanson, Frank, (Alma T.), wool sorter, h. 20 Newland Ave.Swanson, Frank, laborer, bds. 319 Allen.Swanson, Frank O., (Emma), laborer, h. Ill Wescott.Swanson, Frank O., (Matilda), wood worker, h. 118 King.Swanson, Frank W., (May Grove), wood carver, h. 723 East Second.Swanson, Fred, (Helen), cement worker, h. 232 Barrett.Swanson, Fred, contractor, r. 1058 North Main.Swanson, Fred, (Josephine),—Swanson Bros.—h. 829 Washington.Swanson, Fred A.,—Benedict & Swanson—r. 1058 North Main.Swanson, Fred C, (Jennie S.), contractor and trucking—h. 29 Linden Ave.Swanson, Fred J., (Freda W.)—Lake City Laundry—h. 260 Prospect.Swanson, Frederick William, (Delia Morse), h. 566 Allen.Swanson, George C, machinist, r. 46 Charles.Swanson, George T., student, r. 222 McKinley Ave.Swanson, Gertrude, mill hand, r. 510 Forest Ave.Swanson, Gunnar, (Johanna), seamstress, h. 223 Steele.Swanson, Gust, drayman, h. 14 Stowe.Swanson, Gust, screen door worker, r. 510 Forest Ave.Swanson, Gust, cement contractor, r. 1058 North Main.Swanson, Gust, wood worker, bds. 42 Park.Swanson, Gust, (Hannah)—Swanson's Music Store, 218 North Main—h. 16West End.Swanson, Gust A., (Josephine), metal worker, h. 11 Morton.Swanson, Gustaf, (Signa), laborer Erie R. R., h. 18 Shaver.Swanson, Hans P., (Ebba), driver, h. 299 Crescent.Swanson, Harry G., piano teacher, r. 13 Partridge.Swanson, Helen, r. 18 Colfax.Swanson, Henry, finisher,bds. 63 Chapin.Swanson, Henry E., bed springmaker, r. 291 Willard.Swanson, Henry S., (Mabel P.), sand and gravel dealer, r. 68 Barrett.Swanson, Herman, (Augusta), machine hand, h. over 54 Benedict.Swanson, Hilda E., spinner, r. 13 Pardee Ave.Swanson, Hilder E., spinner, r. 28 Kinney.Swanson, Hildreth K., domestic, 12 West Sixth.Swanson, Hjalmar, (Anna), h. Willard, bey. limits.Swanson, Hjalmar, metal worker, rms. Y. M. C. A.Swanson, Hjalmar T., cabinetmaker, r. 23 Eagle.Swanson, Hjalmer R., metal worker, r. 13 Partridge.Swanson, Ida, widow John H., h. over 429 Allen.Swanson, Ida, r. 191 Barrett.Swanson, Ivan, (Hilma), metal worker, h. over 217 Newland Ave.Swanson, J. Axel H., (Alice M.), shipping clerk, h. over 220 Barrows.Swanson, J. Edwin, (F. Anna), sheet metal worker, h. 59 Falconer.Swanson, Jennie, mill hand, r. 510 Forest Ave.Swason, Jennie, paper boxmaker, r. 20 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.For Swanson, PAINTS Jennie and E., r. OILS 222 McKinley see Northrop Ave. Paint & Glass CompanySwanson, Jessie, domestic, r. 60 Harrison.Swanson, Johanna, widow Nelson, h. 191 Barrett.Swanson, John, Johanna, rms. motorman metal bricklayer's (Sophie), (Hulda), teamster, widow Y. worker, M. band J. h. Charles, C. apprentice, 34 St. 73 A. bds. sawyer, Pardee Ry., Benson. r. 828% bds. 175 Ave. h. r. 23 Allen. Cherry. over 299 Kmney. Crescent. 223 East First.

Clark Hardware Co.Hardware and Mill Supplies268 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N. J.,Noted for always having furnished a dollar's worth of insurance for everydollar received.Swanson, John, (Charlotte A.),—Swanson & Lindquist—h. Ill Mechanic.Swanson, John, student, r. 1 Grandin.Swanson, John A., (Nettie A.), clerk, h. over 3 Maple.Swanson, John A., (Anna S.), h. 1058 North Main.Swanson, John A., (Clara V.), foreman Wilson's mill, h. 330 Allen.Swanson, John A., metal worker, h. 137 Wilson Place.Swanson, John Alfred, (Elizabeth), rubber, r. 178 Fairmount Ave.Swanson, John C, general contractor, h. 68 Barrett.Swanson, John E., (Mary), foreman cabinet dept. Maddox Table Co., h. 131Wilson Place.Swanson, John F., laborer, bds. 135 Camp.Swanson, John Harold, reporter Morning Post, r. 330 Allen.Swanson, John L., (Hannah)—Swanson & Anderson, The Mint—h. over 152Chandler.Swanson, John M., (Christine E.), cement worker, h. 222 McKinley Ave.Swanson, John O., wood worker, bds. 5 Winsor.Swanson, John P., (Elizabeth), contractor, h. 1001 Washington.Swanson, John P., (Jennie S.)—real estate—h. 13 Wilson Place.Swanson, John S., (Christine)—Swanson Bros.—h. over 610 Cherry.Swanson, John W., (Olive M.), local salesman Wilcox-Burchard & Co., h. 18Allen.Swanson, J. Oscar, (Mary), stone mason, h. 207 Barrows.Swanson, Julius C, (Hilda), laborer, h. over 26 Taylor.Swanson, Lyle J., laborer, r. 68 Barrett.Swanson, Lynn J., pin setter, r. 13 Pardee Ave.Swanson, Leo A. V., bobbin setter, r. 26 Vega.Swanson, Leonard, r. 29 Linden Ave.Swanson, Leonard C, (Edith), h. over 110 Benedict.Swanson, Leonard S., machine hand, r. 224% Crescent.Swanson, Lena, clerk, r. 281 Willard.Swanson, Lena C, Mrs., h. 80 Hazzard.Swanson, Leroy F., textile worker, r. 18 Clyde Ave.Swanson, Lillian, paper boxmaker, r. 11 Morton.Swanson, Lilmer, toolmaker, r. 11 Morton.Swanson & Lindquist—John Swanson and John Lindquist—saloon, 6 NorthMain.Swanson, Louisa, Mrs., r. 9 Linwood Ave.Swanson, Malcolm, (Charlotte), h. 77 Liberty.Swanson, Marion D., (Fredella), motorman J. St. Ry., h. over 46 Charles.Swanson, Martin, metal worker, bds. 311 Newton Ave.Swanson, Mary, domestic, r. 558 East Second.Swanson, Mary J., widow Marcus, dressmaker, h. over 14 Crescent.Swanson, Mary L., widow Charles W., h. 912 East Second.Swanson, Matilda, laundress, r. 191 Barrett.Swanson, Matilda J., r. 291 Willard.Swanson, Matilda M., dressmaker, h. 610 North Main.Swanson, Melker, metal worker, bds. 126 Sampson.Swanson, Melvin, sheet metal worker, r. 291 Willard.Swanson, Minnie J., r. 128 Euclid Ave.Swanson, Mollie B., stenographer, r. 558 East Second.Swanson, Nannie C, stenographer and bookkeeper, r. 191 Barrett.Swanson, We BRADSHAW'S represent Nils, O. Nellie, Herman, Elmer, forty J., (Olivia), PIONEER widow r. (Bertha), 100 companies clerk, farmer, August, McKinley r. farmer, INSURANCE 29 with h. West assets. Ave. 486 224% $170,000,000h. South Eighth. 800 Crescent. Camp. Main. AGENCY

Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. The A. D. SHARPE CO.tf/lLL^AA/firOR^JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 269PIANOS AND ORGANSSHEET MUSICSwanson, Olga, domestic, cor. Winsor and Newton.Swanson, Oscar—Swanson & Chelstrom—h. 873 East Second.Swanson, Oscar, agt. Grand Union Tea Co., h. over 783 East Second.Swanson, Oscar, metal worker, r. 20 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Swanson, Oscar E., (Edla), cabinetmaker, h. 241 Crescent.Swanson, Oscar H., (Charlotte), clerk, h. 128 Euclid Ave.Swanson, Oscar S., (Vernie), metal worker, h. over 114 Stowe.Swanson, Oscar S., furniture packer, r. 224% Crescent.Swanson, Oscar W., (Ellen), boss finisher,h. 47 Chapin.Swanson, Oscar W., veneer worker, r. 23 Eagle.Swanson, Oscar W., (Anna), metal worker, h.' over 622 Spring.Swanson, Otto, metal worker, bds. 20 Warner Ave.Swanson, Otto A., baker, r. 108 East Third.Swanson, Pearl C, widow William S., h. 503 West Third.Swanson, Peter, metal worker, r. 20 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Swanson, Peter, (Mary), cement worker, h. 510 Forest Ave.Swanson, Richard, veneer worker, bds. 36 Sampson.Swanson, Richard J.,—Jacobson & Swanson—r. 34 Pardee Ave.Swanson, Robert G., (Olga), cement worker, h. over 222 McKinley Ave.Swanson, Royal C, nickel plater, r. 330 Allen.Swanson, Rudolph H., hand carver, r. 80 Hazzard.Swanson, Selma, chamber maid, New Everett Hotel.Swanson, Selma, r. 73 Benson.Swanson, Selma E., clerk, r. 77 Liberty.Swanson, Selma, milliner, r. 506 Newland Ave.Swanson, Signa M., duffer, r. 13 Pardee Ave.Swanson, Svea, photograph printer, r. 299 Crescent.Swanson, Sven, (Torie), meat cutter, h. 164 Barrett.Swanson, Swan A., (Christine), bds. h. 291 Willard.Swanson, Swan A., (Jennie), sander, h. 23 Eagle.Swanson, Swan H., (Maude), loom fixer,h. over 49 Peterson.Swanson, Swan J., (Stella), r. 20 Newland Ave.Swanson, Theodore A., wood worker, bds. 4 Institute.Swanson, Theodore E., (Mary F.), commercial traveler, h. 305 Foote Ave.Swanson, Victor, (Lydia)—Farlin & Swanson—h. 52 Franklin.Swanson, Victor, cement worker, bds. 17 Highland Ave.Swanson, Victor, student, r. 46 Charles.Swanson, Victor, laborer, r. 11 Highland Ave.Swanson, Victoria N., r. 639 Prendergast Ave.Swanson, Victor D., Jr., (Lottie), clerk Humphrey House, h. over 14 WhitleyPlace.Swanson, Wilhelmina, widow Andrew, h. over 220 East First.Swanson, William, rms. Y. M. C. A.licity,Swanson, William, (Anna C), machinist, h. under 820 East Second.WHY Swartzwelder, Swedish'seven Swanson, Swansted, Swart, Clisrry man insure Raymond, Fay, Lee Theron Guy, Lyrian Brotherhood, sec'y.—11 William, Willis, see Lulu, W., textile (Luella Swensson.Ed. C, Day (Bertha),—sand Singing Mrs., (Judith), laborer, (Dora), E., toolmaker, worker, Warner the Adventist, G.),—prop. solicitor, lunch hall Society, New laborer, r. carpenter, entire r. block, counter 365 r. hall rms. York Central dealer, 11 (Inc.)—C. Stowe. third over h. 518 Morton. 308 clerk, h. over Life? Buffalo Newland over floor Hotel— 5 West North 365 bds. G. 108 Barrett Hammerstrom, Stowe. Second. and h. Because: 6 Main. Ave. Chandler. 24 South Weeks—h. Woodworth Bldg., Main. Xt pres.; 365 over Ave. believes Stowe. E. 201-209 Eck­in Pub­

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Builders' Hardware270 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYThe beer demanded by all judges of<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brewa perfect beer. Both phones 268.Swedish Salvation Army, hall 24 Harrison.Swedish Snuff Mfg. Co.—John F. Gustafson, prop.—132 Foote Ave.Sweeney, Harry T., (Luella), wood worker, h. 210 Linwood Ave.Sweeney, Katherine, widow Michael, h. 1 Murray Ave.Sweet, Albert L., (Augusta), h. 10 Charles.Sweet, Annette, widow Stephen, nurse, h. under 183 South Main.Sweet, Belle, Mrs., chief operator Home Tel. Co., r. 311 Prendergast Ave.Sweet, Clarence, teamster, r. 90 Sprague.Sweet-Clarke Co.—J. M. Sweet, pres.; Wm. Koehl, vice pres.; T. JamesClarke, sec'y.-treas.—mfrs. hardwood specialties, 104 East Second.Sweet, Earl, stationary engineer, r. 90 Sprague.Sweet, Finly B., (Angeline), h. 711 East Second.Sweet, Florence B., music teacher, r. 10 Charles.Sweet, Frank, (Mary B.),—recordkeeper J. Tent, No. 9, K. O. T. M., over 101East Third—h. R. F. D. 76.Sweet, Homer C, machinist, r. 918 Newland Ave.Sweet, James, machinist, r. 90 Sprague.Sweet, Jennie, domestic, r. 90 Sprague.Sweet, John M., (Julia A.)—Sweet Clarke Co.—h. 918 Newland Ave.Sweet, Maria, widow Jerry J., h. 90 Sprague.Sweet, Samuel, (Regina), h. 201 Forest Ave.Sweetin, James, (Tillie), painter, h. 237 Barrett Ave.Sweetland, James, (Gayle E.), pianist and piano tuner, h. over 719 Cherry.Sweetland, see Swetland.Sweetman, Thomas, delivery clerk Erie freight depot, bds. 58 Water..Swensson, John S., (Maria E. C.)—supt. Gustavus Adolphus Orphan's Home,1381 East Second—h. do.Swennson, Signe A. I., student, r. 1381 East Second.Swensson, see Swanson.Swetland & Anderson—E. J. Swetland and Charles E. Anderson—dentists,over 2 East Third.DR. E. J. SWETLAND DR. C. E. ANDERONSWETLAND & ANDERSONDENTISTSOver First National BankJamestown,Cor. Main and 3d Sts. N. Y.Swetland, Evander J., (Sarah E.),—Swetland & Anderson—h. Clement Park.Swetland, see Sweetland.Swezey, Herbert L., (Altha E.)—second hand goods, 613 North Main—h. over21 East Eighth.Swift, Helen, h. 20 West Sixth.Swift & Co.—William L. Booth, local mgr.—wholesale meat, 33 Institute.Sword, Erick, wood finisher,bds. 8 Axtel.Sykes, Maria, r. 653 Lakeview Ave.Sykes, William, (Martha)—Eagle Foundry—h. 653 Lakeview Ave.Sylvester, Mike, mill hand, bds. 210 Steele.Syren, Harold J., toolmaker, l. over 162 Baker.Jamestown, N. Y., Bell phone 407; Youngstown, 0., BellSyren, W. Ely John Ainge A., (Minnie), Audit Co. musician, h. over 162 Baker.phone 522. Send for our booklet "<strong>System</strong> in BusinesiMeans Success "

THE BL5T BEST GOODS AT THE Tl ^ \ T\ CL r>lowest prices. I ne A. U. onarpe L,o.tf/LL^AJW^rORgsJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 271ONE OF THE FINESTIN THIS COUNTRYChandeliersE. ROSENCRANTZ & COMPANYTaft, Agnes, student, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.Taft, Delia, Mrs., domestic, h. over 937 East Second.Taft, see Tefft.Taggert, Claude L., (Katherine), h. 424 East Sixth.Tait, Jessie, bds. 343 Falconer.Talian, Ceidar, metal worker, h. over 5 Taylor.Tambling, Albert L., (Kate), ticket agent J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. 505 Winsor.Tanner, Sophie, widow Fred, r. over 111 East Second.Tanner, Tilda, laundress, h. Reynolds Place.Tanner, William C, (Martha), lumberman, h. 3 Reynolds Place.Tappan, Albert, (Jennie), finisher,h. 7 Todd Ave.Tarbell, Fowler, painter, bds. Riverside Hotel.Taylor, Emery G., (Addie), freight conductor Erie R. R., h. 293 Crescent.Taylor, Ernest S., plumber's apprentice, r. 293 Crescent.Taylor, G. S., painter, rms. The Osmer.Taylor, Geraldine E., operator Bell Tel. Co., r. 293 Crescent.Taylor, Henry A., (Mary C), sawyer, h. 434 Maple.Taylor, Janette L., widow Samuel, h. 349 Falconer.Taylor, J. Ernest, loom fixer,r. over 131 Falconer.Taylor, John, laborer, rms. over 33 Harrison.Taylor, John B., (Hilda C), drayman, h. 282 Baker.Taylor & Jones—Mrs. O. S. Taylor and Mrs. M. L. Jones—dressmaking,over 13 West Second.Taylor, Maryetta, widow George, laundress, h. over 201 East First.Taylor, Maud S., office clerk, r. 434 Maple.Taylor, Mervin J., r. 409 Baker.Taylor, Mildred, domestic, 327 Price.Taylor, Orton S., (Grace E.), headingmaker, h. over 13 West Second.Taylor, Ralph W., (Lena M.), commercial traveler, h. 110 Broadhead Ave.Taylor, Roland M., (Isabella H.)—Wm. Hjorth & Co.—h. 2 Terrace Place.Taylor, Shirley S., (Anna)—J. Iron Works Co.—h. 314 East Sixth.Taylor, Walter A., pastor Unitarian Church, rms. 4 Chandler.Teal, John M.,—The Brunswick, 209 Cherry—h. 205 Fafayette.Teft, Agnes A., domestic, 413 West Sixth.Tefft, Erastus, (Mary), lumberman, h. 59 Newton Ave.Tefft, Frank J., student, r. 59 Newton Ave.Tefft, Russell F., furniture finisher,bds. 23 Allen.Tefft, Ruth A., stenographer Art Metal, r. 59 Newton Ave.Tefft, Theodore A., metal worker, rms. Y. M. C. A.Tefft, William E., emp. Blystone Mfg. Co., r. 59 Newton Ave.A, Tefft, see , Taft. •- Hfl I ~~ DECORATOR, 107 W. Third Street, Jamestown, N.Y.Charles Tell, Axel, blacksmith, t. Maclease, bds. 118 Catlin Ave. Ben 124-b Home 91kTelt, Carlos, (Amelia), commercial traveler, h. 18 Linwood Ave.Terresco, Terry, Terry' Templeton, Tennant, Terhune, Arthur Agnes, Helen, Leo Tom, Josephine bookkeeper C, S., (Sarah), widow clerk (Hilda M., Erie Oren laborer, B.), widow W. R. L., T. shipping R., Falconer Philip nurse, h. rms. over clerk, A., 210 bds. 93 Mfg. h. Spring, Hazzard. 832 h. over Co., 105 Washington. 87 rms. bds. East Hazzard. 313 333 Second. Prendergast East Fifth. Ave.

Clark Hardware Co.Roofing and Building272 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYi<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew When you use it you please your palate, but youlikewise aid digestion and nourish your body.Terry, Belle I., stenographer, r. over 105 East Second.Terry, Emily, widow Samuel, r. 405 West Sixth.Terry, Florence E., stenographer, r. 405 West Sixth.Terry, Grace E., clerk, r. over 105 East Second.Terry, Lloyd, bottler, rms. 20 Terrace Place.Terry, Roy, clerk, r. over 105 East Second.Terwilliger, Minnie M., r. over 800 East Second.Terwilliger, Wesley, (Anna M.), cabinetmaker, h. over 800 East Second.Teudesman, Minnie, h. 10 Metallic Ave.Teudesman, Henry C, metal worker, r. 10 Metallic Ave.Tew, Dorothy, r. 70 Prospect.Tew, Cora Sheldon, Mrs., r. 70 Prospect.Tew, George W., retired, bds. Humphrey House.Tew, Harvey W., (Susan G.), retired, h. 205 Van Buren.Tew, Willis, retired, h. 204 West Fifth.Tewey, Anna S., h. 358 South Main.Tewey, Charles W., deliveryman, r. 358 South Main.Tewey, George, bookkeeper, r. 358 South Main.Tewey, Mary C, r. 358 South Main.Textile Machine Co.—Gust A. Hultquist, pres.; Clarence A. Anderson, businessmgr., dealers—rm. 55 Fenton Bldg.Thanas, Thomas, houseman Sherman House.Thanas, Thomas—bakery, under 14 South Main—rms. 59 Allen Sq. Bldg.Thatcher, Ethie P.,—millinery, 100 East Third—r. 6 Cross.Thatcher, Mary E., widow Orestes J., h. 6 Cross.Thayer, Alanson, (Lucy), painter, h. 370 Falconer..Thayer, Allen A., (Emma), janitor City Bldg., h. 509% West Sixth.Thayer, Bertram M., (Bernice), driver Martyn Hose Co., h. 510 West Fifth.Thayer, Catherine, widow Martin, r. 344 East Fourth.Thayer, Edna J., r. over 29 Van Buren.Thayer, Jennie P., widow Austin J., nurse, r. over 29 Van Buren.Thayer, Manley, retired, r. 213 West Second.Thayer, Melissa, widow James, r. over 25 Twelfth.Thayer, Nettie M — china and china decorator, 111 West 3d—r. 301 Jefferson.Thayer, Ralph W., (Gladys A.),—jewelry. 111 W. Third—h. 611 Washington.Thelander, Peter M., bds. 110 McKinley Ave.Thelander, Walter E., (Mary), wood worker, h. 216 Bowen.Themelis, Andrew A., finisher, r. 128 Harrison.Themelis, George A., finisher, r. 128 Harrison.Themelis, Harry A., rubber, h. 128 Harrison.Thierfeldt, Ida, widow Louis, h. 75 Bemus.Thirteenth Separate Co. Armory—A. E. Hale, custodian—40-46 South Main.Thom, Hettie, Mrs.—millinery, 28 Fairview Ave.—h. do.Thomas, Charles H., (Anna L.), gardener, h. 507 Palmer.Thomas, Edward B., (Emma C), route agt. W. F. Exp. Co., h. 507 Washington.Thomas, Frank A., (Kate L.)—engineer 13th Separate Co. Armory, andcleaning and dyeing, 47 South Main—h. 345 Foote Ave.Thomas, George W., (Ella J.), retired, h. 343 Foote Ave.Thomas, Harriett E., r. 858 Prendergast Ave.Thomas, Herbert L., plumber, r. over 842 East Second.Pharlpc Thomas, l/lldl IC& F Nathaniel, John, Josephine Lewis Lura, Mildred, Ralph MarlpqQP t. M.,—Straight r. (Abigail), C, H., Illdl/ICddC, 343 picker, (Josephine), student, S., (Lizzie decorator, Foote r. r. h. 109 M.), r. & over 234 Ave. Allen. over Thomas—bds. milk boxmaker Jamestown, Hallock. 107 705 S42 dealer, West w. East Third and Eighth. h. 121 Second. N. aristo 616 Y. street East East Bell printer, Second. Seventh. 124b. 109 Home Allen. 91-k.

G o to The A. D. Sharpe Co. forCarpetsJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 273c f / l L L ^ A A f f f l o R ^Thomas, Safhuel, (Eliza), stone cutter, h. over 842 East Second.Thomas, Susan H., widow James H., music teacher, h. 133 Lakeview Ave.Thomas, Susan T., weaver, r. 133 Lakeview Ave.Thomas, William G., (Emma), commercial traveler, h. over 404 East Fourth.Thompson Candy Co.—L. H. Thompson, prop.—wholesale mfrs., 18 ShearmanPlace.Thompson, Charles H., motorman J. St. Ry., h. under 27 Whitley Ave.Thompson, David M., (Sarah), chief engineer J. Elec. Light Plant, h. 15Myrtle.Thompson, Edwin G., (Maud), hand carver, h. under 40 Bush.Thompson, Eva C, Mrs., housekeeper 615 Winsor.Thompson, Fred A., hostler, bds. 315 East Fifth.Thompson, George M., (Harriet J.)—Thompson & Malmquist—h. 26 12th.Thompson, Guy, (Elizabeth), electrician, h. over 433 East Fourth.Thompson, Horace M., (Julia), milk peddler, h. 610 Camp.Thompson, Ida, widow Herbert, h. 27 Whitley Ave.Thompson, Ida S., domestic, 72 Allen.Thompson, Jane, widow Fred R., r. 411 West Fourth.Thompson, John, wood worker, rms. over 22 Forest Ave.Thompson, John A., (Ida), coachman, h. 315 East Fifth.Thompson, Joseph P., general freight inspector, rms. over 103 East Second.Thompson, Lee Howard, (Delia M.), bookkeeper A. D. Sharpe, h. over 107East Second.Thompson, Levant H., (Maggie E.),—Thompson Candy Co.—h. 79 Allen.Thompson, L. Ward, (Emily C), h. 509 Lakeview Ave.Thompson, M. E., Mrs.,—millinery, 79 Allen—h. do.Thompson & Malmquist—George Thompson and Gust E. Malmquist—groceries,222 Price.Thompson, Margaret, r. 14 Chestnut.Thompson, Marjorie, clerk, r. 26 Twelfth.Thompson, May, widow'joseph C, h. over 45 South Main.Thompson, May, milliner, r. 14 Chestnut.Thompson, Minnie B., Mrs., seamstress, h. over 4 Barrows.Thompson, Nina M., stenographer Star Furn. Co., bds. 26 Twelfth.Thompson, Raymond, elevator man, r. over 115 East Second.Thompson, Roy E., stenographer Erie R. R., rms. Y. M. C. A.Thompson, Samuel W., (Emily H.)—Bargain Store, 307 North Main—h. 123Lakeview Ave.Thompson, Seth W., (Emma), retired, h. 609 Lakeview Ave.Thompson, W. Harry, rms. 25 Steele.Thompson, William L., porter New Everett Hotel, rms. 626 Spring.Thomson, Raymond E — dentist, 3-4 Hall block—h. 409 East Fourth.Thore, Anna, Mrs., domestic, rms. 92 Allen Sq. Bldg.Thoren, Carl, (Emma), wood finisher,h. 612 Winsor.Thoren, R. Richard, metal worker, h. 137 Broadhead Ave.Thoren, Herman, wood worker, bds. 612 Winsor.Thoren, John A., wood worker, bds. 8 William.Thorman, Charles F., (Mina), wood worker, h. over 14 Whitley Ave.

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools274 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP. 'Furs for ladies, misses and children; none but reliable furs* sold here.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Thorpe, Bertha, second girl, r. 6 Broadhead Ave.Thorpe, Elmer, plumber, bds. 157 Barrows.Thorpe, Ernest, (Emma M.), spinning boss, h. 323 Hazzard.Thorpe, Frank, textile worker, r. 323 Hazzard.Thorpe, Herbert, weaver, r. 323 Hazzard.Thorr, Charles, retired, r. 149 Jones & Gifford Ave.Thorstenberg, Samuel, (Gertrude), organist First Lutheran church, h. 405East Fourth.Thrall, Cyril O., clerk, r. 26 Center.Thrall, Lucia A., Mrs., clerk E. H. Ketchum Co., h. 26 Center.Throop, Henry W., (Maude E.)—Delaney & Throop—h. 246 Fulton.Thum, Alberta L., seamstress, r. 94 Liberty.Thunberg, Carl, machine hand, bds. 320 Bowen.Thunberg, see Tunburg.Thurber, Jedediah D., (Mattie), clerk H. P. Robertson Co., h. over 402 E. 4th.Thurnquist, Erhardt, (Emma), machine hand, h. 270 Broadhead Ave.Thurnquist, see Turnquist.Thurstone, Adelle S., student, r. 144 Chandler.Thurstone, Conrad, (Sophia),—Vart Land Pub. Co.—h. 144 Chandler.Thurstone, Leon L., college student, r. 144 Chandler.Tibbets, Clifford M., (Italia), bookkeeper, h. 608 North Main.Tibbets, Evelyn M., student, r. 112 Palmer.Tibbets, George W., (Ida C), metal worker, h. 112 Palmer.Tidstrom, Gustaf, wood worker, bds. 14 Bishop.Tidswell, Uri, (Mary E.), drawing boss, h. 43% Foote Ave.Tiffany, A. Clarence, (Lona B.), window trimmer Jones & Audette, h. 207Jefferson. .Tiffany, Alonzo J., (Azora), plasterer, h. 9 Eighteenth.Tiffany, Bert G., (Josephine P.)—mgr. Lyon Furn. Agency—h. 245 Fulton.Tiffany, Chapin, (Mary), brick mason, h. 206 Spring.Tiffany, Ella Stearns, widow Horton, r. over 16 Maple.Tiffany, Helen, widow George, h. 207 Jefferson.Tiffany, Lucina M., r. 206 Spring.Tiffany Printing Co.—Rose M. Corcilius, prop.—job printing, over 16 E. 3rd.Tiffany, W. Ernest, (Bertha), draughtsman, h. over 9 18th.Tillow, Frederick R., (Florence), sashmaker, h. 218 Weeks.Tilly, Emma, domestic, 42 Allen.Timblin, Anna, milliner, r. 822 North Main.Timblin, Sarah J., widow William, h. 822 North Main.Tinker, Joseph, dyer, bds. 45 Water.Tinker, Frederick, dyer, bds. 45 Water.Tinker, Mary A., widow M. C, h. 102 West Seventh.Tinkham Bros—Frank M. Tinkham and Fred B. Tinkham—wholesale cigarsand notions, 203 Cherry.Tinkham, Frank M., (Belle S.)—Tinkham Bros.—h. 165 Forest Ave.Tinkham, Fred B., (Florence B.)—Tinkham Bros.—h. 403 Lakeview Ave.Tjamo, Christ, weaver, r. 116 Harrison.Tobias, Austin H., (Gertrude),—barber shop and pool room, 318 Harrison—h. 110 Tower.Todd, Evlyn A., (Helen R.)—M. J. Murray & Co.—h. 333 Crossman.Jardiniers Todd, Tolson, over Fred Mary, Albert, Arthur Herbert, Jesse, 22 West P., nurse, finisher, M., (Sarah (Mary)—broker and weaver, Third—h. rms. (Grace), J.), Stands r. 217 r. 50 h. 408 50 weaver, Fulton. Foote 50 East and Foote at Ave. Sixth. loan Ave. Gage 31 agent, Cedar Furniture rms. Ave. 301-303 Gokey Co. Bldg.,

Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery.The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 275^f/LL^AA^TOR^WE HANDLE20 DIFFERENT MAKESTolson, Norris, milk peddler, r. 50 Foote Ave.Tompkins, Bert A., (Florence A.), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 37 Van Buren.Tompkins, Frances, widow Frank—dressmaker, 27 Forest Ave.—Aprt. B do.Tonge, Edgar G., ice creammaker. bds. over 10 Seymour Ave.Tontillo, Francesco, machine hand, r. 132 Harrison.Tontillo, Jake, machine hand, r. 132 Harrison.Toombs, Floyd, teamster, bds. 63 Steele.Tooth, Margaret A., widow Samuel, h. 1301 East Second.Toothill, Ernest G., (Pearl B.)—foreman spinning dept. Broadhead WorstedMills—h. over 718 East Seventh.Toothill, Richard E., (Anna M.), designer Broadhead Worsted Mills, h. 620East Sixth.Topper, Carl E., (Hilda), wood worker, h. 4 East Newland Ave.Topper, Joseph, (Elizabeth), laborer, h. 823 Cherry-Tordoff, Charles, (Ethel), wool sorter, h. over 304 Willard.Tordoff, Edith, r. 113 Weeks.Tordoff, Samuel, plumber, r. 113 Weeks.Tordoff, Schofield, (Polly), textile worker, h. 113 Weeks.Torpin, Adolph, (Hilma), weaver, h. under 513 Allen.Torpin, Adolph, Sr., weaver, h. under 513 Allen.Torrance, William A., (Jennie C),—prin. Second St. grammar school—h. 39Falconer.Torrens, James B., (Katherine E.), commercial traveler, h. 813 Jefferson.Torrens, Martha, widow James, r. 813 Jefferson.Torrey, Albert J., (Maud F.), fireman,h. 58 Water.Torrey, Florence K., paper boxmaker, r. 44 Park.Torrey, William James, (Ella), stationary engineer, h. 44 Park.Torsell, Arvid, gluer, bds. 223 Bowen.Torshell, Charles, metal painter, r. 502 Crescent.Torshell, Hannah, widow Charles, charwoman, h. 502 Crescent.Torshell, Ida, textile worker, r. 502 Crescent.Toscan, James E., (Emma)—rapid shoe repair shop, 1 E. 1st—h. 609 W. 6th.Tousley, Alice, widow Edgar, h. 500 West Fifth.Tousley, Arthur, machine hand, r. 500 West Fifth.Tousley, John H., (Mayme)—prop. Iroquois Hotel—h. 4 Forest Park.Tousley, Mary, widow John H., h. 306 Spring.Tousley, Ruth C, teacher, r. 306 Spring.Tower, Claris D., clerk, r. 317 East Fifth.Tower, Lazelle H., (Maude M.), commercial traveler, h. 317 East Fifth.Tower, Lora M., clerk, r. 317 East Fifth.Towle, Adelle M„ widow Dr. Joshua J., h. 61 Liberty.Towle, Townsend's Mary A., teacher, r. Carpet 61 Liberty. Cleaning WorksTowle, William Carpets and E., photo Rugs engraver of all kinds Journal, cleaned r. 61 by Liberty. the most improvedTowne, method. Alta M., bookkeeper, Carpets scoured r. 300 if desired Lincoln. and steamed for disinfecting.Charlotte Feathers A., widow renovated. Rufus, All r. 37 work McKinley guaranteed Ave. satisfactory.Towne,Towne,Both PhonesMorris E., (Effie)—M. E. Towne Furn.31Co.—h.1-2 Linden300 Lincoln.AvenueTowne, M. E. Furniture Co.—Morris E. Towne, prop.—jobbers, 13-23 Holmes.Townsend. John G., (Christine)—carpet cleaning works, 31% Linden Ave —METAL h. 31 WASHSTANDS do. at GAGE'S

Clark Hardware Co., Hardware & Mill Supplies276 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N. J.,Economical, Just and Equitable since organization; a matter of principleand habit; now, and always, in advance of the statute laws.Townsend, James G., retired minister, h. 31 Euclid Ave.Townsend, Madeline T., r. 31 Euclid Ave.Tozer, Anna, weaver, r. over 108 Tower.Tracey, Ellen, widow Charles A., rms. 318 Prendergast Ave.Traff, Carl O., (Matilda), pattern marker, h. 11 Eagle.Traff, C. John, cabinetmaker, r. 11 Eagle.Traff, Dora M., weaver, r. 11 Eagle.Traff, Rudolph L., steel pressman, r. 11 Eagle.Traff, Theodore G. W., wood worker, r. 11 Eagle.Traff, Thyra E., r. 11 Eagle.Trainor, Andrew J., driver, r. 9 Peach.Trainor, Bernard J., (Catherine), postman, h. 9 Peach.Trainor, Charles F., metal worker, r. 104 Weeks.Trainor, Francis O., (Mary G.),—mfr. cigars, over 31 North Main—h. 616Prendergast Ave.Trainor, Gennard, r. 104 Weeks.Trainor, Gertrude B., milliner, r. 9 Peach.Trainor, George E., (Jennie), warp dresser, h. 209 Sturges.Trainor, James, (Bridget), retired, h. 104 Weeks.Trainor, John J., (Mary), warpdresser, h. 52 Grant.Trainor, John J., textile worker, r. 9 Peach.Trainor, Joseph A., (Johanna),—McGinity, Johnson & Co.—h. 35 Grant.Trainor, Patrick, (Katherine), loom fixer,h. 109 Weeks.Trainor, Thomas, textile worker, r. 104 Weeks.Trampleasure, Calvin R., draftsman, r. 649 Prendergast Ave.Trampleasure, Henry T., (Mary E.), wool sorter, h. 649 Prendergast Ave.Trampleasure, Lillian G., piano teacher, r. 649 Prendergast Ave.Trantum, Arthur L., (Jane C.)—second hand goods and broker, 29 NorthMain—h. 410 Winsor.Trantum, C. Revelle, driver, r. 105 Cross.Trantum, Fred W., (Augusta P.), h. 617 East Second.Trantum, Guy M., (Grace), clerk A. L. Trantum, h. 109 Mechanic.Trantum, L. Pearl, student, r. 410 Winsor.Trantum, Sarah E., widow George, r. 109 Mechanic.Trantum, William E., (Rilla), machinist, h. 105 Cross.Trask, Agnes M., domestic, r. 1037 East Second.Trask, Eugene, teamster, r. 283% South Main.Trask, Levi, teamster, bds. 409 Baker.Traver, C. Claire, cashier Y. W. C. A., r. 741 East Second.Traver, Emerson M., (Myrtle I.), plasterer, h. 741 East Second.Travis, Irvie, wood worker, bds. 241 Hopkins Ave.Treadway, Charles R., (Maude A.), teamster, h. over 816 Newland Ave.Treadway, Frank S., di-st. mgr. Mutual Benefit Ins. Co., bds. 116 E. Fourth.Treadway, Oliver C, (Orissa), wood worker, h. over 20 West Seventh.Treadway, Wesley P., (Grace), laborer, h. 18 West Seventh.Treat, Charles E„ (Lottie R.)—Treat & Ogilvie—h. 312 Van Buren.Treat, C. Vincent student, r. 312 Van Buren.Treat, H. Doris, student, r. 312 Van Buren.Treat & Ogilvie—Charles E. Treat and Daniel G. Ogilvie,—wholesale fruitand produce, 208 Pine.The BRADSHAW'S Tress, Trigcixa, Trimm, Triscuit, Trompati, Trompower, oldest George, Lee Ernest Sebastiano, Filomine, agency. S., Rachael (Sarah)—fruits (Bessie) J., PIONEER (Abbie), The (Mamie), A., (Carmela), best portrait Mrs., teamster, of Established laborer, INSURANCE r. and companies. textile artist, 235 confectionery, South h. worker, h. 1058 51867.34 Federal. Main. The East Eleventh. AGENCYlargest 792 715 Second. East Murray experience.Second—h. Ave. do.

CARPETS, CURTAINS, T L . A n QUo,«..-iA P«.DRAPERIES, SHADES. A n" **•» *-*• OliO.1 pG VX>.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 277ENTIRE 6th FLOORtf/LL^AAfffioR^CHADAKOIN BUILDINGTropp, Augusta A., r. 49 Peterson.Tropp, Oscar F., (Anna), finisher,h. 49 Peterson.Troy Hand Laundry—A. J. Peterson and B. M. Gay—705 North Main.Truesdell, Mabel, teacher, bds. 24 Cross.Trumbull, Walter, (Fannie), stationary engineer, h. 66 Fifteenth.Trusler, Antoinette, widow Joseph, h. over 786 East Second.Trusler, Fred C, (Cathelyn), commercial traveler, h. 14 Thirteenth.Trusler, Walter A., bookkeeper, r. over 786 East Second.Tucker, William S., canvasser, r. 23 Broadhead Ave.Tuckerman, Arthur, r. 339 East Fourth.Tuckerman, Mary H., widow George S., h. 339 East Fourth.Tuggle, Jesse, piano salesman, rms. The Osmer.Tulen, Swan A., (Rosalie), foreman Watson Mfg. Co., h. 249 Hazzard.Tunberg, Charles, (Bessie), machine hand, h. over 402 Foote Ave.Tunburg, Sven A., (Christina), wood worker, h. 120 Williams.Turnberg, S. G. A. Frederick, (Tina), machine hand, h. over 120 William.Turnberg, see Thunberg.Turnbloom, Frank E., (Ellen C), sheet metal worker, h. 1106 East Second.Turnbloom, Johanna, h. under 56 Tower.Turnbloom, Oscar, r. under 56 Tower.Turnell, Edwin N., (Hulda), furniture packer, h. over 59 Franklin.Turner, Alice, widow Frank P., dressmaker, h. over 10 West Sixth.Turner, Clarence L., (Katherine), h. over 920 North Main.Turner, Ernest, metal worker, bds. 20 Institute.Turner, Frank B., Cleaning Co., (The)—Frank J. Voegel, mgr.—garmentscleaned and repaired, 308 East Second and 213 West Third.Turner, Fred P., (Signa C),—Turner & Son—h. 202 Falconer.Turner, Floyd, (Mary), stone mason, h. over 109 East Third.Turner, James W., (Elizabeth), mgr. J. L. Turner & Co., h. over 327 Lincoln.Turner, John, (Elizabeth A.), wool sorter, h. 46 Foote Ave.Turner, John L., (Bertha H.)—J. L. Turner & Co.—h. 42 Water.Turner, J. L. & Co.—John L. Turner and Theodore D. Hanchett—confectionerymfrs., over 12 West Third.Turner, Joseph E., draftsman, r. 46 Foote Ave.Turner, Lillian A., r. over 562 East Second.Turner, Morris, (Maude)—creamery and ice cream, 800 North Main—h. over900 East Second.Turner, Paul G., (Milicent), draughtsman, h. 122 Lakin Ave.Turner, Peter,—Turner & Son—h. over 562 East Second.Turner, Peter A., (Hannah), wood worker, h. 318 Stowe.Turner, Sarah A., dressmaker, h. 608 West Sixth.Turner & Son—Peter Turner and Fred P. Turner—groceries, 632 E. Second.Turner, see Turney.Turnernebom, Canute, metal worker, bds. 22 Bush.Turney, Clifford B., (Margaret H.), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 27 Genesee.Turney, Elsie F., clerk, r. 40 Fifteenth.Turney, see Turner.•ftjt Turnquist, insure Andrew, in the (Tekla New A.), York painter, Life? h. Because: 409 Palmer. This company is pay-Turnquist, •* l^y ing Freda, in <strong>1909</strong> widow larger August, dividends h. 78 Ellicott. than any other company.Turnwall, Anna, widow Magnus M„ h. 21 Ninth.Tusco, Rosi, (Mary), laborer, h. over 222 East First.Tweedale! Tweedale, Tuxford, Walter Charles Lucy Isaac, Frank, John—life G., E., E., (Eliza), T., (Lottie), (Marietta), r. veneer 211 insurance, (M. Lincoln. Alice)—mfr. wood bookkeeper worker, paper worker, over hanger, 215 veneers—h. Empire 211 North Lincoln. 106 Worsted Liberty. 46 Main—h. Grant. 211 Mills, Lincoln. 106 h. Liberty. 138 Fulton.

Clark Hardware Co.Farm Implements and Fencing278 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY<strong>Chautauqua</strong> BrewIts purity is never questioned—its flavor has been the delightof those who know good beer. Both phones 268.Tweedale, Martha M., stenographer, r. 106 Liberty.Tyler, Florence E., student, r. 512 West Seventh.Tyler, Frank D., dancing teacher, r. 512 West Seventh.Tyler, Viola E., student, r. 512 West Seventh.Tyler, William H., (Ella L.)—groceries, 512 West Seventh—h. do.Tyrrell, Lewis D., (Margaret), postman, h. 209 West Eighth.Tyrrell, Robert S., upholsterer, r. 209 West Eighth.ELOF ROSENCRANTZ &ChandeliersuCOMPANYUlander, Axel O., (Victoria E.), machine hand, h. under 748 East Second.Ulander, Jennie, textile worker, r. 124 Crescent.Ulene, David, cabinetmaker, r. 6 South Main.Undberg, Albert T., (Josephine), farmer, h. 702 Forest Ave.Underwood, Adella G., music teacher, r. 415 Lakeview Ave.Underwood,Albert, (Hulda B.), h. 359 Baker.Underwood, Anna E., stenographer Union Lumber Co., r. 359 Baker.Underwood, Belle M., r. 359 Baker.Underwood, Bertha A., nurse, r. 359 Baker.Underwood, Clare S., metal worker, r. 217 Spring.Underwood, Cyrus, (Julia A.), oil producer, h. 415 Lakeview Ave.Underwood, David, (Ella), oil driller, h. over 205 West Third.Underwood, Delia, widow Miles R., dressmaker, h. 217 Spring.Underwood, Edward, student, r. 321 Crossman.Underwood, Edward L., (Phene)—crockery, 221 North Main and 7 WestThird—h. 321 Crossman.Underwood, Elliot M., (Ruby K.),—F. J. Underwood Co.—r. 85 Prospect.Underwood, F. J. & Co.—Francis J. Underwood, prop.—factory and mill supplies,20 Briggs.Underwood, Francis J., (Elizabeth E.),—F. J. Underwood Co.—h. 85 Prospect.Underwood, Fred E., plumber, r. 359 Baker.Underwood, Hannah, widow William, mender, rm. 13 New Warner block,over 5 North Main.Underwood, Harry L., (Victoria)—real estate—h. 833 Spring.Underwood, James R., commercial traveler, r. 321 Crossman.Underwood, Jane, r. 415 Lakeview Ave.Underwood, Mabel, r. 217 Spring.Underwood, Percy D., deliveryman, i. over 221 Washington.Underwood, Ralph F., metal worker, r. 217 Spring.Underwood, Stanley, student, r. 321 Crossman.Underwood, Waite R., (Mary C), oil producer, h. 33 Broadhead Ave.Ungren, Christine, widow Ludwick, h. under 411 West Third.Ungren, Esther, office clerk, r. under 411 West Third.Ungren, Esther M., dentist's assistant, r. 102 Prospect.Union Furniture Co.—F. O. Norquist, pres.; P. E. Strom, sec'y.; Edward C.Nord, treas.—dining room furniture, 234 Crescent.Union Lumber Co.—Daniel Griswold, pres.; Harry T. Griswold, vice pres.;Union WPlU , Hall, M. Elljf A1T1 News Trust T. treas.—211 fllllgC Griswold, dP Stand—Mary Co.—Frank AllfHt MUll sec'y.-treas.—41 North Tfl Merz, llU. E. Accountants Main. Sewell, pres.; phone Shearman prop.—Erie Harry and 467, Cost L. Youngstown, Place. Briggs, depot, <strong>System</strong>s. cashier; West O., Jamestown, Bell First. Frederick phone 522. N. P. Y , Bell

Always buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.tfflLL^fAAffirORQJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 279EASYINSTALLMENT PAYMENTSUnitarian Church, 500-502 East Second.Unsworth, Ellen, office clerk, r. 1 Shaw Ave.Unsworth, John W., (Sarah E.)—asst. foreman J. Worsted Mills—h. 1 ShawAve.Unsworth, Mary, widow Ralph, h. 20 Maple.Unsworth, Mary, office clerk, r. 1 Shaw Ave.Usher, Lura J., widow Allen, r. 101 East Fourth.PlumbingE. ROSENCRANTZ & COMPANYVacanti, Antony, mill hand, r. 6 Center.Vacanti, Charles, mill hand, r. 6 Center.Vacanti, Samuel, (Louisa), laborer, h. 6 Center.Vackstrom, Frans A., (Johanna C.)—merchant tailor, rms. 65-66 Allen Sq.Bldg.—h. 265 Broadhead Ave.Vail, Spencer R., (Mame R.), lineman, h. 1054 North Main.Vahlin, Axel, (Bergitta), wood worker, rms. over 48 Steele.Valenti, Phillipo, (Guida), laborer, h. 33 Scott.Vallin, Oscar, (Hilda), laborer, h. over 378 Willard.Vamvalis, Nicholas, clerk, r. 402 East Fourth.Van Amee, Martin, metal worker, bds. 17 West Fourth.Van Amee, see Van Namee.Vanblow, Frank A.,—tin shop, under 29 North Main—bds. 31 Barrett.Vanblow, Lawrence, metal worker, r. 31 Barrett.Vanblow, Louise L., widow John, h. 31 Barrett.Vanello, Vito, (Mary), laborer, r. 217 South Main.Vandenhove, Maria, Mrs., weaver, bds. 39 Flagg Ave.Vanderburg, Anna S., widow John, r. 417 East Second.Vandervoort, Charles R., (Sarah A.), commercial traveler, h. 841 East 2nd.Vandervoort, Sherman B.—J. Hollow Cement Stone Co.—r. 841 East 2nd.Van Derwark, Charles L., (Olive B.), conductor J. St. Ry„ h. 780 East 2nd.Van Derwark, Frank G., (Mary J.), machine hand, h. 1275 East Second.Van Derwark, Roy A., machine hand, r. 1275 East Second.Vanderwarker, Edward S., (Ella A.), teamster, h. Wellman Ave.Vanderwarker, Leslie H., cabinetmaker, r. Wellman Ave.Vanderwarker, Ross, printer, r. Wellman Ave.Van Dusen, Anna, Mrs., laundress, h. over 411 West Fourth.Van Dusen, Charles D., (Annabel),—horse shoer, 15 Forest Ave.—h. 211 do.Van Dusen, Ethel, music teacher, r. 211 Forest Ave.Van Dusen, Floyd, student, r. 211 Forest Ave.Van Dusen, George C, (Lucinda), metal worker, h. 612 Front.Van Dusen, Harry, (Dora), laborer, h. over 202 McKinley Ave.Van Dusen, Judd, r. over 202 McKinley Ave.Van Dusen, Milton S., student, r. 612 Front.Van Dusen, Nellie G., clerk, r. 328 Allen.For Stationery go to A. W. CAWCROFT CO, 107 E. THIRD ST.Van Dusen, Raymond, plumber's apprentice, bds. 411 West Fourth.Van Dusen, T. Erwin, clerk W. F. Exp. Co., r. 328 Allen.Van Dusen, Theodore F., (Francis A.),—undertaker, 328 Allen—h. do.Van West Every, Second. Anna, Charles, domestic, (Estella)—Van r. 62 Harrison. Every Sheet Metal Works—rms. 217

Clark Hardware Co. Farming Implements and Fencing280 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYPhaiitaiimia Rr>ou7 You may |udse lhe ma:'by the beer he driVlldULdUIJ ltd JJ1CW ]ar pe0ple drink <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew. Both phones 268Van Every, Emeline, widow James, r. 179 McKinley Ave.Van Every Sheet Metal Works—Charles Van Every, prop.—tinning, eavespouting, slate roofing and furnace work, rear 12 West Third.Van Gilder, Elmer, (Clara), veneer worker, h. 11 Bush.Vanham, George, (Sophia), comber, h. 33 Linden Ave.Vanham, Maggie, weaver, r. 33 Linden Ave.Van Namee, Bert, clerk W.-J. St. Ry., r. R. F. D. 81.Van Namee, Fred D., (Bertha A.), real estate, h. 305 Winsor.Van Namee, Roscoe S., (Esther G.), grocery clerk, h. 305 Winsor.Van Namee, see Van Amee.Van Ness, Jerry M., (Mary), stationary engineer, h. 815 Washington.Van Scoter, Myron S., (Jennie)—Clark Hardware Co.—h. 904 North Main.Van Stee, Jacob, (Annie L.),—American Carving Works—h. 10 Stowe.Van Steenburg, Bert W., (Myrtle A.), electrician, h. over 207 East Second.Van Steenburg, Ida B., h. 9 West Fourth.Van Steenburg, John, brickmason, bds. 9 West Fourth.Van Steenburg, Pearl H., r. 9 West Fourth.Vanstrom, John, (Adeline),—Golden Furniture Co.—h. 43 Wescott.Van Syckle, Blanche S., Mrs., cloth mender, h. over 405 Cherry.Van Syckle, Leo, r. over 405 Cherry.Van Syckle, Lynn, check clerk, r. over 405 Cherry.Van Tuyl, Henry G., (Garphelia), clerk Rosencrantz & Co.—h. 251 FairmountAve.Van Vleck, Frances M., house keeper, r. 105 West Second.Van Vleck, Jessie H., cashier Clark Hardware Co., r. 7 Hall Ave.Van Vleck, Sarah, widow Orville, h. 7 Hall Ave.Varley, Arthur L., metal worker, r. 10 Ivy.Varley, Bertram W., plumber, r. 10 Ivy.Varley, James, (Emma), wool worker, h. 440 Allen.Varley, John, (Amanda), textile worker, h. 227 Winsor.Varley, Joseph, (Anna), loom fixer,h. 10 Ivy.Varley, May, r. 227 Winsor.Varmee, Edwin, (Florence), metal worker, h. 620 West Seventh.Vart Land Co., (The)—Samuel A. Carlson, mgr.—Pubs. Vart Land, over 14-16West Second.Vasbinder, Maud M., Mrs., h. 205 Allen.Vasil, Larvis, finisher,h. 231%. South Main.Vassil, Thomas, rubber, r. 45 Harrison.Vaux, Alice, textile worker, h. over 203 King.Vaux, Charlotte, textile worker, r. over 203 King.Vegrand, Gust, tailor, bds. 228 Barrett.Veit, Peter H., (Margurite), loom fixer,h. 1062 East Second.Vendell, Ricard, (Minnie), painter, h. 483 South Main.Venman, Andrew, (Mary), shipping clerk, h. 705 Buffalo.Venman, Bessie J., domestic, Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Venman, John H., (Louisa), wood worker, h. 690 Buffalo.Vennerberg, Andrew L., machine hand, bds. 152% Allen.Vensel, Emanuel, (Nellie), clerk, h. over 707 North Main.Venstrom, Albert, machine hand, r. 477 South Main.Venstrom, Erick, (Anna M.), machine hand, h. 477 South Main.Verity, Anne, Mrs., housekeeper, r. 406 West Second.¥ Vernon, Vestine, Vestlund, Vibeck, Veto, Vicario, LUC «i» Tony, fnonranr'a lnSliranCc Palin, Dixon Frank Harry Cane, Nickanor, Eric laborer, (Sarah), domestic, S., L., (Emma (Virginia), (Nellie), Connecticut (Hulda toolmaker, bds. machine W- 409 14 C), A.), toolmaker, j. South West machinist, Bentley, bds. shoemaker, General hand, Main. 8 Third. Water. h. Gen. h. over Life 910 h. h. 910 over Agt., 48 7 Ins. Washington.East Harrison. 13 515 Partridge.Co., Newland Chadakoin Hartford, Ave. Bldg. Conn.,

Vickstrom, Aaron, —prop. Avon Saloon—rms. over 8 East Second.Vickstrom, Charles K., (Amanda L.), cabinetmaker, h. over 419 Newland AvVicktor, Charles, wood worker, bds. 311 Newton Ave.Vidane, Axel L., (Ellenora), fireman, h. over 7 Camp.Vidlund, C. Henning, (Jennie A.), cement worker, h. over 568 Allen.Vimmerstedt, Andrew, (Amanda), metal worker, h. over 39 Hedges AveVimmerstedt, Carl, (Christine), h. 828 Newland Ave.Vimmerstedt, C. Gustaf, (Minnie H.), patternmaker, h. 815 Newland AveVimmerstedt, Ellen C, r. 828 Newland Ave.Vimmerstedt, Eric, toolmaker, r. 828 Newland Ave.Vinberg, Carl, painter, bds. 216 Crescent.Vincent, Catherine E., textile worker, r. 29 Hopkins Ave.Vincent, Earl R., (Minnie D.), machinist, h. over 81 Allen.Vincent, Edwin C, (Sarah E.), drayman, h. 29 Hopkins Ave.Vincent, Frank L., textile worker, r. 29 Hopkins Ave.Vincent, George, (Mabel), drayman, h. 39 Hopkins Ave.Vincent, Julia A., widow Herbert B., h. 138 Institute.Vincent, Lewis, (Lottie), drayman, h. 4 Flagg Ave.Vincent, Simeon M., (Mary), drayman, h. 10 Flagg Ave.Vincent, William A., (Minnie B.), drayman, h. 22 Stafford Ave.Vincent, William R., drayman, r. 22 Stafford Ave.Vine, Anna, r. 618 East Second.Vine, Elijah, musician, h. 618 East Second.Vine, Harry, r. 618 East Second.Vining, Raymond, wood worker, bds. Bigelow Ave.Vining, Stillman P., retired, rms. over 34 Willard.Vipan, Richard, (Cornelia C),—commercial teacher, J. Business College—h. 101 West Fourth.Vishnia, John,—shoe shine stand, 9y2 East Second—rms. 128 Harrison.Vishnia, Peter, shoe shine, rms. 128 Harrison.Voegel, Frank J., (Frances),—mgr. Frank B. Turner Cleaning Co.—h. 831North Main.Vogan, Earle N., Mrs., dressmaker, r. 612 Foote Ave.Vollmer, L. Clyde, (Nellie M.) commercial traveler, h. 869 North Main.Vougas, Theodore, clerk, rms. 121 North Main.Vought, Frank, (Adella M.), bookkeeper, h. 306 West Fourth.Vought, Sabra W., librarian, r. 306 West Fourth.Vullo, Joseph, (Maggie), laborer, h. 113 Cross.wE. ROSENCRANTZ & COMPANYPlumbingWachter, Flora A., widow Henry C, r. 30 Foote Ave.Wade, Arthur C, (M. Frances),—Wade & Stevenson—h. 351 East Fourth.Wade, Charles E., (Lillie T.), shipping clerk, h. 69 Grant.Wade, Clabert G., machinist, bds. 60 Broadhead Ave.Wade, Ella M., widow A. E., dressmaker, h. 60 Broadhead Ave.Wade, Elmer J.,—Bly & Wade—bds. 16 Cook Ave.Wade, Ethel C, bookkeeper Chaut. Towel Mills, r. 69 Grant.Wade, Laura, widow Ira L., h. over 54 Eleventh.My priice mark is "live and let live" .*JS. KWCLOAKS, SHAWLS,gloves, hosiery The A. D. SharpeCo.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 281tf/L>L^?AAftf)rOR£

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools282 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYThe very newest in Neckwear, Hosiery, Belts, Gloves, Underwear, Etc,, atprices that you cannot complain of.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Wade, Oliva G., bookkeeper E. L. Underwood, r. 69 Grant.Wade & Stevenson—Arthur C. Wade and Mayne R. Stevenson, attorneys—rms. 13-14-15 Wellman Bldg., over 101 West Third.Wade, Verdie B., textile worker, bds. 54 Eleventh.Wadsworth, Charles H., (Fannie), designer J. Worsted Mills, h. 9 W. 6th.Waff, Emil, (Ida), wood finisher, h. 34 Flagg Ave.Waff, Fred, machine hand, h. 12 Flagg Ave.Waggoner, Cecil Irene, clerk, r. over 211 North Main.Waggoner, Floyd M., wood worker, r. 13 Seventeenth.Waggoner, George N., (Florence), produce dealer, h. 13 Seventeenth.Waggoner, Mahlon N., (Blanche), janitor Union Trust Bldg., h. over do.Wagner, Stan, (Elizabeth), laborer, h. over 16 Willard.Wagnstrom, Carl O., (Emma)—merchant tailor, 300 Willard—h. do.Wahlgren, Charles F., (Minnie K.), clerk, h. 17 Linden Ave.Wahlgren, Harry C, (Hetty), draughtsman, h. 25 Columbia Ave.Wahlin, Alvin, finisher,bds. 33 Myrtle.Wahlin, Bernard R., (Osceria), metal worker, h. over 125 Stowe.Waite, Arthur, (Grace), loom fixer,h. 112 William.Waite, Charles M., bank clerk, h. 308 Livingston Ave.Waite, Claire J., (Ora), metal worker, bds. 152 McKinley Ave.Waite, Elmer E., (Laura A.), bookkeeper Johnson Bros., h. 217 Lovell Ave.Waite, Everett L., (Ellen), fireman,h. over 36 Derby.Waite, Flossie C, student, r. 1081 East Second.Waite, Fay M., cook, 508 North Main.Waite, Forest B., (Hazel I.), foreman J. Lounge Co., h. 15 Newland Ave.Waite, G. Burton, (Mary E.), checker Erie R. R. freight depot, h. WoodlawnAve.Waite, George, commercial traveler, rms. 311 Pine.Waite, Glenn P., (Emma R.), commercial traveler, h. 834 North Main.Waite, Horace, (May F.), commercial traveler, h. 152 McKinley Ave.Waite, James, (Josephine), wood carver, h. Fluvanna Ave.Waite, Kathryn, Mrs., rooming house, h. 413 Cherry.Waite, Lewis W., h. 16 Flagg Ave.Waite, Luther W., r. 100 Newton Ave.Waite, M. Thompson, weaver, h. 4 Palmer.Waite, Peris B., (Bernice M.),—Gray & Waite—h. 1081 East Second.Waite, Samuel J., driver, h. 134 Institute.Waite, Ralph E., (Myrtie), commercial traveler, h. 415 Foote Ave.Waite, Reid A., clerk, r. 152 McKinley Ave.Waite, Ruth, domestic, 626 West Fifth.Waite, Sarah A., Mrs., dressmaker, h. 100 Newton Ave.Waite, Sidney E., driver Standard Oil Co., rm. 60 Gokey Bldg.Waite & Sons—Thompson and Arthur Waite and John W. Harwood—breedersof finepoultry, 4 Palmer.Waite, William E., (Julia)—local mgr. Granger & Co.—h. 4 Isabella Ave.Waith, Eva, milliner's apprentice, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.Walburg, John, (Ida A.), grocery clerk, h. 167 Allen.Walden, Frank, (Alice), farmer, h. 203 Hallock.Walgren, Leonard, metal worker, bds. 112 Falconer.Walker, Adelbert, junk dealer, r. 175 Jones & Gifford Ave.Walker, Albert A., (Clara J.),—contracting painter, 3-5 East First—h. 11Pedestal Walker, West Anna Burr Albert Chauncey Catherine, Asa Eighth. C, R., Parlor M., A. toolmaker, (Elizabeth Jr., paper H., waitress student, painter, boxmaker, Tables r. J.),—pres. Sherman 1259 r. bds. ,11 North r. 11 at 1259 House. West J. GAME'S Main. Ice North Eighth. Cream Main. Co.-—r. • Warreh, ?a.

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods.The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 283

Clark Hardware Co.Roofing and Building Papers284 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N. J.,"There is little suggested by an examination of this company which callsfor any criticism or reformatory legislation."—Report of Investigating Committee,N. J. Senate.Wanda, Joseph F., (Sophia), brewery worker, h. 716 Monroe.Ward, Carlotta M., teacher, r. 20 Cross.Ward, Cathleen S., r. 518 West Fourth.Ward, Grace, widow Joseph), r. 27 Price.Ward, Kate E., h. 20 Cross.Ward, M. Gerald, (Anna L.), draughtsman, r. over 115 Crossman.Ward, M. Levina, widow Sylvanus, rms. 506 Prendergast Ave.Ward, Michael W., (Anna S.),—cabinet mfr., 516 West Fourth—h. 518 do.Ward, William C, (Susan), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 35 Genesee.Ware, Evelyn L., piano teacher, r. over 125 Fulton.Ware, Josephine A., widow William A., h. over 125 Fulton.Waring, Edward D., (Maria), dyer, h. under 77 South Main.Waring, John A., r. under 77 South Main.Warn, Andrew M., (Hattie), farmer, h. 43 Linwood Ave.Warn, Lawrence R., hardware clerk, bds. 1001 East Second.Warn, Luther A., (Inez),—Stockwell & Co.—h. 1001 East Second.Warn, Pearl S., clerk, r. 43 Linwood Ave.Warner, Adelle, widow William, h. 621 Lakeview Ave.Warner block, 9-21 North Main.Warner, Carl, sheet metal worker, bds. 1106 East Second.Warner, Charles, machine hand, bds. 909 Newland Ave.Warner, Elliot, (Grace), h. over 199 Fairmount Ave.Warner, Esther, weaver, r. over 26 Taylor.Warner, F. E. Gifford, commercial traveler, r. 621 Lakeview Ave.Warner, John, drayman, bds. 8 Cowing.Warner, J. Rutzen, clerk First Nat. Bank, r. 621 Lakeview Ave.Warner Lumber Co.—L. B. Warner (estate); A. E. Ellis, mgr.—22-28 Steele.Warner, Mary H., widow Lucius B., r. 2 West Fifth.Warner, Otto, rms. Y. M. C. A.Warner, Percy B., (Bessie), clerk, h. 61 Liberty.Warner, see Werner.Warnstorff, Edward, (Anna),—prop. The Warnstorff—Beechwood on <strong>Chautauqua</strong>.Warren Cafe—Julius Hanson, prop.—10 South Main.Warren, Edward, (Nellie), supt. Wm. Hjorth & Co., h. over 35 Fairmount Av.Warren, Enos A., (Ella R.), laborer, h. 1060 Washington.Warren, Hannah, widow Edward, r. 424 Winsor.Warren, Helen J., r. 200 Allen.Warren, Hiram P., r. 1060 Washington.Warren & Jamestown St. Ry.—D. H. Siggins, (Warren, Pa.), pres.; John J.Nesmith, terminal agent—22-24 South Main.Warren, J. Belle, milliner, r. 52 Hazzard.Warren, Leonard C, (Eva), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 307 Winsor.Warren, Leonard J., wood worker, h. 200 Allen.Warren, Lester E., (Jessie), teamster, h. 121 Fairview Ave.Warren, Lucien J., (Bernice), bookkeeper Bank of Jamestown, h. 252 Fulton.Warren, William A., (Josephine)—mfr. pedestals, rear 52 Hazzard—h. 52 do.Washburn, Abbie G., r. 28 Hazzard.Washburn, Arthur E., (May), hostler, h. over 1014 Prendergast Ave.Washburn, Charles, (Josephine), laborer, h. 407 English.Washburn, Fidelity, BRADSHAW'S Judicial, James Galucius Hiram Helena Cora, Cornelia r. PIONEER C, R., E., 28 S., M., (Reka), (Mary Contract, h. Hazzard. widow (Helen), 28 Hazzard.J.), Bonds metal INSURANCE John, contractor painter, Excise worker, issued seamstress, and h. by and h. 60 all AGENCY 815 Water. builder, h. Jefferson. other 100 h. Harrison. forms over 207 of E. 2nd.

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods. The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 285ENTIRE 6th FLOOR^ff/LL^?AA^7VR^CHADAKOIN BUILDINGWashburn, Rexford H., toolmaker, r. 815 Jefferson.Wassberg Aloert, (Engla), paperhanger, h. over 188 Falconer.Wass' 'lathirine, r.140 Barrows.Wr 3 Tarf;aret, widow Martin, dressmaker, h. 11 West Fourth.v . ?. i i, F'ora C, widow William J., dressmaker, r. 38 Barrows., Jerome F., bobbin setter, r. 38 Barrows.. n, Clem A., (Isabelle), contracting carpenter, h. 209 West Second.„ulei ...mi, Grant, (Grace), metal worker, h. 44 Twelfth.Waterman, Norman O., (Effie), cheesemaker, h. over 346 Foote Ave.Waters, Calvin G., (Phoebe),—wholesale lumber, 21 Gokey Bldg.—h. 1084East Second.Waters, Caroline L., supervisor of music Falconer schools, bds. 45 Hamilton.Waters, Daaiiel A., (Anna S.), lumberman, h. over 228 East Second.Wlters, James J., (Mary O.)—mgr. Samuels Opera House, Celoron ParkTheaW>a¥|d J. Bill Posting Co.—h. 27 Price.W^ews, Pe&rraVI., r. over 228 East Second.Wafc'ijt/HSfcS'&rYie B., widow Robert, r. 309 East Second.Watle^a5$ffl*Sm, teamster, rms. over 26 Taylor.Watm-«Sffc.t©B$rMes F., shipping clerk, r. 56 Harrison.WatmKifp*Ha?ry G., spinning foreman, rms. 26 Fenton Place.Watmuff, James, (Elizabeth), drawing foreman, h. 56 Harrison.Watson, Clara, Mrs., spiritualist lecturer, h. 543 East Second.Watson, D. B. & K. H., millinery, 101 East Third.Watson, Daniel B., (Kate H.),—D. B. & K. H. Watson—h. 142 Chandler.Watson, Henry W., (Clara M.),—pres. Watson mfg. Co.—h. 543 East Second.Watson, K. H., Mrs.—D. B. & K. H. Watson—r. 142 Chandler.Watson, Lowell B., student, r. 316 West Seventh.Watson Mfg. Co., Inc.—H. W. Watson, pres.; W. W. Watson, sec'y.-treas.—insect screens, windows and doors, 63 Taylor.Watson, Robina, nurse, bds. 12 Scott.Watson, Sherman L., (Minnie E.), emp. J. Water Dept., h. 316 W. Seventh.Watson, William C, (Sarah E.), commercial traveler, h. 409 East Fourth.Watson, William W., (Kittie L.)—Watson Mfg. Co.—h. 528 East Second.Watters, Albert L„ (Effie), draughtsman, h. 23 Valley.Watts, William, (Pearl), commercial traveler, h. 123 Fulton.Way, Clarence F., laborer, h. 55 Hazzard.Way, Phoebe, widow Samuel A., h. 55 Hazzard.Weatherly, Leonard B., (Ella T.), lunch counter clerk, h. 714 Lafayette.Weatherup, William G., (Mary G.), correspondent Am. Aristotype, h. 189Forest Ave.Weaver, Albert R., (Mary L.), mechanic, h. 129 Fulton.Weaver, Etta M., instructor Chaut. School of Nursing, r. 129 Fulton.Weaver, Hannah C, widow James M.. h. 1004 Prendergast Ave.Weaver, Sylvia, widow George E., h. over 16 Livingston Ave.Weaver, William, machinist, bds. 105 West Second.Webb, Harry, finisher,bds. 953 East Second.Webb, Marie, dressmaker, rms. 12 Victoria Ave.1»Tt insure in the New York Life? Because: The New York LifeWebeck, Dina, domestic 356 East Fourth.W fiy policy contains every good thing there is in any other company'sWebeck, Frank, (Selma), machine hand, h. 3 Sturges.policy.Webeck, John, teamster, bds. 632 East Sixth.Webeck, see Wibeck.Weber, Weber', Weber'Mfg Anna Adam, Gottfried, Florence, Co—Adam C, Frederick—Weber (Eliza), bookkeeper, mill (Ina hand, M.), retired, F. Weber, plasterer, bds. r. h. 17 216 Mfg. 17 prop.—cabinet Mechanic. Crescent.h. Co.—r. 215 McKinley 17 Mechanic. hardware, Ave. 441 Chandler.

Clark Hardware Co.Hardware and Mill Supplies286 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYfl* aii4-a ii/viin Rhatat Derore mea'» makes every dish welcome —l/HailiaU(]Ua DrCW ward8 it insures digestion. Both phones 268.Weber, Willard R., (Angie), wheel packer, h. 336 Allen.Weburg, Albert, (Elizabeth), warp dresser, h. under 216 Forest Ave.Weed, Clarence, wood worker, bds. 25 Steele.Weed, Gertrude, dressmaker, rms. 311 Lincoln.Weeden, Luke, (Mabel), barber, rms. 307 West Second.Weekman, Bert C, (Helen M.), machine hand, h. 68 Thayer.Weekman, Frank ,(Mary)—supt. Blackstone Mfg. Co.—h. 34 Linden Ave.Weekman, Otto C, (Minnie S.), wood worker, h. 115 Weeks.Weeks, Audrey L., Mrs., r. over 206 East Second.Weeks, Bertha E.,—private school, 109 Lakeview Ave.—h. do.Weeks, Charles E., (Janet Hills)—Weeks' Smoke House, 5 West Third—h.Clyde & Curtis.Weeks, James L., (Louise)—attorney, Fenton Bldg.—h. 34 Lakeview Ave.Weeks, John W., (Minnie),—photographer, over 120 West Third—h. do.Weeks, Mary E., widow Augustus, r. 9 Orchard.Wegren, Matilda, widow Charles, r. 214 Prospect.Wehrle, Agnes, widow Joseph, h. 20 Kingsbury Ave.Wehrle, Albert J., draughtsman's apprentice, r. 20 Kingsbury Ave.Wehrle, see Werle.Weible, Albert W., (Delia C.)—dentist, rms. 4-5-6 Wellman Bldg., over 101West Third—h. 516 Jefferson.Weible, Catherine, waitress, rm. 25 Allen Sq. Bldg.Weidemann, John, (Anna), finisher,h. over 323 Newland Ave.Weidholm, Charles, (Jennie), metal worker, h. 369 Foote Ave.Weidholm, Esther M., threadmaker, r. 369 Foote Ave.Weidholm, Reuben C, toolmaker, r. 369 Foote Ave.Weidner, Marion N., student, r. 123 Clyde Ave.Weidner, William N., (Elizabeth), stationary engineer, h. 123 Clyde Ave.Weinberg, George E., student, r. 249 Hazzard.Weinberg, Sophia, widow Arthur, weaver, h. over 249 Hazzard.Wennerberg, Florence, paper boxmaker, r. 34 Crown.Wennerberg, Frans O., (Cecilia), cornicemaker, h. 68 Grant.Wennerburg, Andrew B., (Vendela), metal worker, h. 39 Twelfth.Wennerburg, John, (Matilda), metal worker, h. 34 Crown.Weisflog, August, (Anna),—tailor, 28 Allen Sq. Bldg.—h. over 703 No. Main.Weiss, James, (S. Gertrude), glazier, h. 10 Columbia Ave.Welham, Alfred, (Gladys), metal worker, h. 22 Terrace Place.Weller, George, laborer, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Weller, James M., (Ella C),—J. M. Weller & Son and city assessor, rm. 3Gifford Bldg., over 2 East Third—h. 612 East Seventh.Weller, James M. & Son—James M. and Roy C. Weller and J. J. Petyt—realestate, rm. 3 Gifford Bldg., over 2 East Third.Weller, John W., (O. Cerelle Grandin), h. 44 Allen.Weller, Mae Louise—sec'y. Associated Charity and free employment bureau,WV\\I Weller, Wellington, Wellman, ington. ,rm.West 111) ftindfl Roy19Building, RlllgC Third. Alden Arthur Ariel Warren Bros.—W. Elmer seeCityLevi, Charles see C.—James Willman. ullflit H., Welmington.Hall—r.S., E., ftUUll M., (Ellen), D., 101 (Amanda), (Jennie J., D., (Bertha)—Wellman (Ada (Dora)—physician West M. E. frt (Permelia44llU. laborer, Weller E. O.)—WellmonAllen.E.), REFERENCES: Third. and JAMESTOWN, R. teamster, F. A. & M.) h. D. Son—r. M. 833 linotype mail Wellman—drugs Bros.—h. and Washington.The N Y., carrier, 612 329 Leading operator YOUNGSTOWN, East Hallock. 707 711 h. Seventh. 73 Washington.Bankers Bros.—h. Journal, and Thirteenth. 0., stationery, h. WARREN 7038 Center. Wash­101 PA.

Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 287tf/LLsPAAffiTOR^ ' sys?eNEmRoSlyWells, Adelbert C, (Lillian), farmer, h. 5 Hotchkiss.Wells Fargo & Co. Express—E. M. Smith, agent—115 North Main.Wells, Frank E., (Nettie C.)—wholesale crackers and cakes, 5 Taylor—r.Lakewood, N. Y.Wells, Helen, widow Adelbert, h. 405 West Seventh.Wells, Irene M., widow Eugene, h. over 227 McKinley Ave.Wells, Merrick E., commercial photographer, r. over 227 McKinley Ave.Wells, Susie, r. 87 Steele.Welmington, James, (Jessie), weaver, h. over 131 Foote Ave.Welmington, see Wellington.Welner, William C, (Ida), commercial traveler, h. over 401 West Sixth.Welsh, Mary, widow John, h. 11 Steele.Welsh, Mary, mill hand, r. 11 Steele.Welsh, Thomas C, (Ida M.), agent Grand Union Tea Co., h. 12 McDannell Av.Welsh, see Walsh.Welshofer, Arthur J., clerk J. C. & L. E. R. R., r. 342 Crossman.Welshofer, Edward R., clerk J. C. & L. E. R. R., r. 342 Crossman.Welshofer, George J., (Catherine B.),—liquors, 201 West Third—h. 342Crossman.Welshofer, Margaret R., clerk, r. 342 Crossman.Wemple, Isham C, (Frances), blacksmith, h. 241 Hopkins Ave.Wemple, Velma H., dressmaker, r. 241 Hopkins Ave.Wemple, see Wample.Wendelius, Walfred, carpenter, r. 323 Price.Wenelin, Carl, tailor, rms. Y. M. C. A. .Wengstrom, Oscar E„ (Lizzie L.), wood turner, h. 329 Baker.Wenstran, Theodore, (Selma), steel casemaker, h. over 48 Pearl Ave.Werle, Elmer A., (Clara D.),—Star Tailoring Co.—h. 20 Derby.Werle, see Wehrle.Werner, Eva M., laundress, r. 7 Pyre.Werner, John P., wood worker, r. 7 Pyre.Werner, Max, (Mary), painter and paper hanger, h. 7 Pyre.Werner, Oscar, (Anna), metal worker, h. 55 Charles.Werner, see Warner.Wersen, Charles J., carver, r. 21 Tower.Wersen, Sophia A., fringemaker, r. 21 Tower.Wersen, Matilda C, widow Charles G., h. 21 Tower.Wertz, Arthur, machine carver, bds. 12 Bush.Wescott Daniel P., (H. Isabella), linotype operator, Journal, h. 86 Barrett.Wescott', Eugene A., (Florence), fruit dealer, h. over 309 Palmer.Wescott, Leonora, student, r. 86 Barrett._Wescott W. Monroe, (Henrietta L.), clerk, h. 273 South Main.Wescott! R. Belle, weaver, r. 273 South Main.Wescott, Sarah R., widow Daniel P., h. 417 Lafayette.Wess, Axel H., (Jennie A.), teamster, h. over 124 Winsor.Wessler, William E„ r. 5 Hanley. „„„„„West, Charles, foreman Harry Lyons Lumber Co., bds. Lake HouseWest Clark D—optometrist, over 12 East Third—rms. 415 West Third.West! Edson L.,-aentist, over 12 East Third-rms. 415 West Third. ,,"^ORATEl8CHINA at the CatVCrOft CO., E. 3rd St.West Frank, (Elizabeth), wood worker, h. over rear 8% Cheney.West! Fritz E., r. 132 Euclid Ave.Ser^rAr^ur West, Westerbohm, H. Gust James Harold Mabel Albertus, A., E., L., V., Andrew t^iian^) (Amanda), r. finisher, (Alice 312 (Helen Lincoln. A., M.), finisher,h. r. C), (Christine), .^tor* 132 h. attorney, 312 Euclid Lincoln. *" 132 Ave. h. Ry., Euclid. 48 12 Charles. Chestnut. h. over 207 E. 2nd.

Clark Hardware Co.Hardware and Mill Supplies288 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYA delicious and nourishing table beverage, with highly<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brewmedicinal qualities. Both phones 268.Westerbohm, Victoria, student, r. 48 Charles.Westergren, Aimer R., laborer, r. 114 Palmer.Westergren, Axel, (Emma C), foreman J. St. Ry., h. 114 Palmer.Westerdale, Gustie, domestic, 4 Lakeview Ave.Westerling, David G., machine hand, bds. 430 Allen.Westerling, Signia, textile worker, bds. over 196 Falconer.Westerling, see Westling.Westerman, David R., laborer, r. 114 Palmer.Westerman, Charles H., (Mary)—prop. The Osmer Boarding House, 413-417West Third—h. do.Western Union Telegraph Co.—J. Clyde McGrew, mgr.—301 North Main.Western, Jessie, music teacher, r. 55 East Cowden Place.Western, Charles H., (May), metal worker, h. 55 East Cowden Place.Westfield, John P., (Anna M.)—Creamery and Groceries, 845 E. Second—h.Celoron, N. Y.Westling, Edith E. E., clerk, r. 226 Barrows.Westling, Frederick, (Matilda C), miller, h. 226 Barrows.Westling, see Westerling.Westlund, John M., pastor Swedish Zion Church, h. over 22 West Eighth.Westman, John A., (Signa),—mgr. Dahlstrom Metal Door Co.—h. Curtis.Westphal, G. Oscar, barber 49 South Main, rms. Fire Police.Westrom, Andrew F.,—liquors, 14 East Second—h. 210 West Sixth.Westrom, Clarence M., sheet metal worker, r. 131 Barrows.Westrom, John F., clerk, r. 210 West Sixth.Westrom, J. William, (Anna D.), cabinetmaker, h. 131 Barrows.Westrom, Louis William, driver Am. Exp. Co., bds. 132 Barrows.Westrom, Minnie, music teacher, r. 210 West Sixth.Whalen, Anna, stenographer, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.Whatford, Bert H., (Elizabeth), e.levatorman Gokey Bldg., h. 53-55 do.Whatley, Elizabeth, domestic, 615 Lafayette.Wheeler, Bertram A., (Vina D.), machinist, h. 247 Fairmount Ave.Wheeler, C. La Verne, (Nettie), pressman, h. 346 Foote Ave.Wheeler, Clyde A., bookkeeper Pearl City Veneer Co., 313 Prendergast Ave.Wheeler, Edith A., widow Norris, dressmaker, h. 310 East Sixth.Wheeler, Emma J., rms. 313 Prendergast Ave.Wheeler, Eugene H., (Edith),—mgr. Bell Tel. Co.—h. 54 Blanchard.Wheeler, Fern E.,—gen. sec'y. Y. W. C. A.—bds. 110 East Sixth.Wheeler, Frank S.—special county judge, over 215 No. Main—h. 405 W. 6th.Wheeler, James M., (Julia W.), motorman J. St. Ry., h. over 174 FairmountAve.Wheeler, May, Mrs., cook, h. over 153 Chandler.Wheeler, Minnie, spinner, r. 55 Kinney.Wheeler, Minnie, textile worker, rms. 153 Chandler.Wheeler, William I., (Alice F.), wood worker, rms. over 201 East Second.Wheelhouse, Arthur, (Anna J.), sawyer, h. 65 Benson.Wheelhouse Brps.—George P. and John W. Wheelhouse, saloon—143 Harrison.Wheelhouse, Claris E., student, r. 143 Harrison.Wheelhouse, I ifo TtlCliranrO George, (Rebecca), Connecticut textile General worker, Life h. Ins. 35 Center. Co., Hartford, Conn.,Wheelhouse, George P., W. (Ada)—Wheelhouse J. Bentley, Gen. Bros.—h. Agt., 515 Chadakoin 143 Harrison. Bldg.Wheelhouse, John,—cobbler, 68 Foote Ave.—h. 36 Center.Wheelhouse, Wheelock, Whitaker, Whitcomb, White, 28 North Ada, Ernest Joseph, George Belle William, widow John Main—h. B., W., G., wool John, widow (Mary), (Bridget), (Marcia do. (Cora)—Wheelhouse buyer, r. George 327 machine F.)—upholstering, r. Price. paper 124 G., hand, rm. Barrows. hanger, 8 Bros.—h. Arcade 32 rm. 317 Twelfth. Bldg., Lakeview 11 143 Arcade Harrison. over Ave. 28 Bldg., No. Main. over

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 289

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Roofing and Building Papers290 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP.We sell the Kayser guaranteed Silk Gloves. The best for25 years.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Whitney, Floyd E., fireman, bds. 871 Washington.Whitney, John J., (Agnes), retired, h. over 211 West Second.Whitney, Leo E., boxmaker, r. 7 Fulton.Whittle, Isaac, assembler, bds. 842 East Second.Whynpenny, Lawrence, (Helen), warp dresser, h. 370 Falconer.Wiard, George A., r. 115 Allen.Wibeck, Amanda J., weaver, r. 19 Chapin.Wibeck, Anna M., office clerk, r. 19 Chapin.Wibeck, Arthur, metal worker, r. 19 Chapin.Wibeck, Charles, (Albertina), h. 19 Chapin.Wibeck, Charles E., (Amanda E.), machine hand, h. 216 Barrows.Wibeck, see Webeck.Wiborg, Albert, (Mary),—Wiborg Bed Spring Co.—h. 587 Willard.Wiborg Bed Spring Co.—Albert, Charles and Fred B. Wiborg—mfr. bedsprings, 587 Willard.Wiborg, Charles, (Frederika)—Wiborg Bed Spring Co.—h. 581 Willard.Wiborg, Charles H.,—attorney, 40-42 Fenton Bldg.—r. 28 Foote Ave.Wiborg, Constance, vocalist, r. 581 Willard.Wiborg, Edwin, metal worker, r. 581 Willard.Wiborg, Flavia F., clerk, r. 581 Willard.Wiborg, Florence, teacher, r. 28 Foote Ave.Wiborg, Fred B. (Celia)—Wiborg Bed Spring Co.—h. Willard, bey. limits.Wiborg, G. Martin, textile worker, r. 133 King.Wiborg, Inez, widow Frank C, operator Home Tel. Co., r. 33 Price.Wiborg, Jacob N., (Christina), pianomaker, h. 28 Foote Ave.Wiborg, Jennie, r. 28 Foote Ave.Wiborg, Lillian, vocalist, r. 581 Willard.Wiborg, Lillian G., teacher, r. 28 Foote Ave.Wiborg, Louise M., widow Gustaf F., textile worker, h. 133 King.Wiborg, Nettie A„ r. 133 King.Wiborg, Oscar R., machine operator, r. 581 Willard.Wicander, Elof, (Alma)—Anderson & Wicander—h. 309 West Sixth.Wick, Axel B., (Augusta), wood worker, h. 444 Allen.Wickfield, Bessie A., r. 38 Eleventh.Wickfield, Richard N., (Nettie A.), barber under 24 East Third, h. 38 11th.Wickfield, Richard N., Jr., (Lena L.)—barber and musician, under 113 No.Main—h. 12 West Seventh.Wickland, Clela, clerk, bds. over 1 Winsor.Wickland, Emma, widow Carl O., dressmaker, h. over 1 Winsor.Wicklund, Charles, (Anna), painter, h. 43 Tower.Wicklund, Charles A., (Minnie H.), mill hand, h. 7 Mt. Vernon Place.Wicks, Andrew W., (Minnie E.)—real estate, (assessor Town of Ellicott)—h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Wicks, Effie E., r. 841 North Main.Wicks, John G., (Emma L.)—attorney, rm. 5 Hall block, over 3 West Third—h. 101 Lakeview Ave.Wickstrand, Alfred, (Selma), painter, h. 135 Euclid Ave.Wickstrom, Richard, wood worker, bds. 20 Warner Ave.Widdop, George, (Carrie S.), loom fixer,h. 51 Franklin.Widdop, Sarah, widow Alfred, r. 32 Barrows.Gage Widigren, Widmark, Widrig, Furniture Vera Birney Charles George Albin Aldvick, Oscar, A., G., B., F., M.,—real widow (Selma), freight machine (Elizabeth), (Ellen Co. Paul estate-r. handler, E.), metal carver, sell H., sheet cabinetmaker, worker, h. 333 bds. metal Ostermoor Hallock.over h. worker, over 187 h. 187 121 22 h. Barrows. Bush. MattressesBowen. 46 Wescott.

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 291trWl/ /c/?>3 A/sKtswclqj/Ltlj^flANOjrORQLARGEST.'and MOSTCAREFULLY SELECTED STOCKWidrig, Walter H., (Minnie)—real estate and loans, rm. 301-303 Gokey Bldg.—h. 418 East Sixth.Wiggins, Miranda H., widow Dr. John H., h. 133 Wilson Place.Wight, Polly J., widow Reuben W., h. 163 Barrett.Wight, see Wright.Wigren, Amelia, widow Gustaf, r. 400 Stowe.Wigren, Aaron J., sander, bds. 337 Willard.Wigren, Gust, (Mabel), carpenter, h. 40 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Wigren, Hilda, textile worker, bds. 400 Stowe.Wigren, Jennie, dressmaker, bds. 40 <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Wigren, Swan, weaver, bds. 400 Stowe.Wihlborg, Edith W., textile worker, r. 516 Hazzard.Wihlborg, Nels P., (Hattie G.), carpenter, h. 516 Hazzard.Wihlborg, Victoria M., textile worker, r. 516 Hazzard.Wilber, Catherine, widow Philo, r. 11 Bush.Wilber, Henry A., (Bessie A.),—Ames, Burns & Co.—h. 225 Winsor.Wilbur, Ralph E., canvasser, r. 213 Fulton.Wilcox, Abel, teamster, rms. 25 Steele.Wilcox, Abijah P., painter and paper hanger, bds. 610 East Second.Wilcox, Ada A., picker, r. over 13 North Main.Wilcox, Alfred, (Clara H.), real estate, h. over 174 Fairmount.Wilcox, Andrew L., (Edith), sand contractor, h. 32 Regent.Wilcox, Bertha, stenographer, bds. 6 Broadhead Ave.Wilcox, Bruce C, driver, r. over 13 North Main.Wilcox, Burchard & Co.—Frank A. Wilcox, Seneca B. Burchard, Miner S.,(estate of Elverton B.), Harlow J., and Mary R. Crissey—wholesalegrocers, 17 Shearman Place.Wilcox, Celestus O., collector, bds. 309 Price.Wilcox, Charles A., (Rose A.), blacksmith, h. 16 Steele.Wilcox, Clara, widow Ransom, rm. 2 Warner block, over 13 North Main.Wilcox, Edward P., (Fannie S.), retired, h. 100 Falconer.Wilcox, Edward S., (Anna), carpenter, h. 409 Stowe.Wilcox, Edward S., (Anna M.), contractor, h. 21 Newton Ave.Wilcox, Ernest C, bookkeeper, r. 1041 North Main.Wilcox, Etta, widow Harrison, r. Aprt. E, 27 Forest Ave.Wilcox, Frank, student, r. 1 Howard Ave.Wilcox, Frank A., (Belle C.)—Wilcox, Burchard & Co.—h. 512 East Second.Wilcox, Frank J., (Pearl), wood worker, h. over 7 Todd Ave.Wilcox, Fred, (Lora A.), junk dealer, h. 6 Eighteenth.Wilcox G. Warren, r., 1041 North Main.Wilcox, John L., (Katherine)—dealer in sand and gravel—h. 1041 No. Main.Wilcox, Mary, bookkeeper, r. 16 Steele.Wilcox, Marcus A., (Melissa), h. 807 West Sixth.Wilcox, Oscar D., (Gertrude),—groceries, 103 Fairview Ave.—h. 807 W. 6th.Wilcox, Sidney D., (Defile), machinist, h. 1 Howard Ave.Wild, Annie, weaver, r. 11 Shaw Ave.Wild, Henry, (Bessie), warp dressed, h. 11 Shaw Ave.Wild, Edith, weaver, r. 11 Shaw Ave.Wild, Joe H., textile worker, r. 11 Shaw Ave.Wild, Marion, weaver, r. 11 Shaw Ave.Wildman, J., mill hand, rms. Y. M. C. A.The Wilkes, Wilhelm, Wiler, Wiley, 101 Best Frank, Herbert Augusta, Carl George West Henry Emil Paint-DEVOE'S-at F., Third,—h. (Sophie), F., R., L., waiter, B., r. (Margaret), (Mary (Mina 2 (Rachel), Forest rms. cigarmaker, 510 A.), L.),—merchant Park. Northrop 2 finisher,h. Clinton. bookkeeper commercial Forest h. Park. Paint 28 tailor, J. 100 Peach. traveler, Brewing & Harrison. Glass rm. h. 1 Co., Wellman 214 h. Fulton. 413 Bldg., W. Eighth. over

Clark Hardware Co.Builders' Hardware292 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N. J.,Noted for always having furnished a dollar's worth of insurance for everydollar received.Wilkes, Lena, mill hand, r. 2 Forest Park.Wilkes, Lewis F., (Elizabeth), freight handler, h. 2 Forest Park.Wilkinson, Agnes I., clerk, r. 46 Hazzard.Wilkinson, Maude E., widow Fred, h. 46 Hazzard.Willard, Anna, waitress, rms. over 204 North Main.Willard, Archer H., (Fannie L.), wood turner, h. 402 Foote Ave.Willard, Claude V., (Matilda), commercial traveler, h. 842 Lafayette.Willard, Florence L., mattressmaker, r. 838 North Main.Willard, Leonora A., widow James,—hair dressing, 838 North Main—h. do.Willard, Louis G., (Ella D.)—wall paper, 703 North Main—h. 4 Isabelle Ave.Willard, Mary R., preceptress J. High School, h. 663 East Sixth.Willard, Samuel L., (Sylvia), constable, h. 834 Lafayette.Willard, Vesta, teacher, h. 663 East Sixth.Willets, Aletta, Mrs., r. over 119 West Third.Willets, R. Effie, paper boxmaker, r. 119 West Third.Willets, Samuel J., (Grace), compositor Journal, h. 117 Wilson Place.Williams, Addie A., student, r. 234 Sprague.Williams, Anna, Mrs., r. 12 Highland Ave.Williams, Edwin, (Calista T.), real estate, h. 214 Clinton.Williams, Emma, tailoress, r. 206 McKinley Ave.Williams, Ernest C, (Susan), carpenter, h. over 136 Barrett.Williams, Ernest G., (Mayme), postman, h. 212 Allen.Williams, Frank F., (May C), oil producer, h. 15 Mechanic.Williams, Frederick T., (Eva M.), machinist, h. 21 WalnutWilliams, Grace, r. over 519 West Third.Williams, Harriet O., h. 108 Crescent.Williams, Harriett S., widow Martin, r. 108 Crescent.Williams, Harry, (Grace), janitor, h. 626 Spring.Williams, Harry, teller, National <strong>Chautauqua</strong> County Bank, rms. 313 PrendergastAve.Williams, Harvey O., (Cecil), shipping clerk, h. 36 Center.Williams, Hettie, widow Thomas, r. 1043 Washington.Williams, Ira, (Carrie R.)—nurseryman, Jones & Gifford Ave.—h. over 19West Seventh.Williams, Jefferson G., (Rhoda J.),—jewelry, 1211 Prendergast Ave.—h. do.Williams, John, (Margaret), teamster, h. 12 Highland Ave.Williams, Joseph G., (Elizabeth),—junk dealer, 18 Forest Ave.—h. 12 HighlandAve.Williams, Ladeimer. textile worker, bds. 148 Foote Ave.Williams, Louise M., student, r. 542 Lakeview Ave.Williams, Ma Belle, bookkeeper, r. 21 Walnut.Williams, Marshall I., (Florence), lunch counter clerk, h. over 216 E. First.Williams, Mary B., widow Ernest, head nurse W. C. A. hospital, r. do.Williams, May, textile worker, bds. 418 Foote Ave.Williams Mineral Water Co.—James H. Jones, prop.—dealer in mineralwater, Home phone 1011, Jones & Gifford Ave.Williams, Minnie, textile worker, r. 148 Foote Ave.Williams, Oliver E., (Angie M.), pastor Grace United Brethren Church, h. 3Fourteenth.Williams, Reuben E., (Belle L.), commercial traveler, h. 542 Lakeview Ave.Williams, Thorp, (Densie),—popcorn, cor. Third and Main—h. 556 East 2nd.We BRADSHAW'S Williams, Williamson, represent Walter, William Andrew, Anton, Edith forty PIONEER elevator J., C, companies carpenter, laborer, r. (Lettie), 134 man Allen. INSURANCE with r. musician, Sherman 206 assets. $170,000,000McKinley House, h. 234 AGENCYAve. r. Sprague. 509% West Sixth.

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods. The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 293tf/LL^AAgf)rORQCOMPLETE TUNING andREPAIR DEPARTMENTWilliamson, Elna, widow William, h. 206 McKinley Ave.Williamson, Emma, domestic, r. 206 McKinley Ave.Williamson, George H., (Hattie), teamster, h. over 857 Spring.Williamson, Herbert S., farmer, r. Ill Barrows.Williamson, Jessie M., kindergarten teacher, r. Ill Barrows.Williamson, Mary J., widow Samuel, h. over 723 East Second.Williamson, May, dressmaker, r. over 723 East Second.Williamson, Nettie E., widow Joseph J., h. 134 Allen.Williamson, Robert J., attorney, r. 134 Allen.Williamson, Samuel, (Lucy), farmer, h. Ill Barrows.Willier, Joseph, laborer, rm. 9 Warner block, over 13 North Main.Willier, Louis, rm. 9 Warner block, over 13 North Main.Willing, Mary A., Mrs.,—N. Y. Viavi Co.—Viavi remedies—h. 419 W. Third.Willman, Minnie, musician, r. 225 Crescent.Willman, see Wellman.Willoughby, Harriet A., picker, r. 809 East Second.Willoughby, Russell R., student, r. 11 Newland Ave.Wills, Charles M., (Nellie E.), r. over 11 Ninth.Wills, Christopher, r. 128 Allen.Wills, Sophie, rms. 831 North Main.Wills.Sophia, domestic, r. 833 Washington.Willsie, Eva R., dressmaker, h. 12 Scott.Willsie, Rhoda M., nurse, h. 12 Scott.Willson, Nathan M., (Bernice L.),—treas. Pearl City Veneer Co.—h. 99 Barrett.Wilson, Abbie E., widow Henry C, r. 319 Jefferson.Wilson, Albert C, R. F. D. mail carrier, r. 225 Broadhead Ave.Wilson, Arthur E., student, r. 11 Liberty.Wilson, Charles, rms. 211 North Main.Wilson, Charles C, (Mary H.)—mgr. Wilson's Mill—h. 316 East Fifth.Wilson, Charles D., (Elizabeth), janitor Masonic rooms, h. 608 North Main.Wilson, Charles H., Mrs., r. 786 East Second.Wilson, Charles W., (Helen E.)—The Mercantile Law Co.—h. 713 Washington.Wilson, Edna C, dressmaker, h. over 211 West Fifth.Wilson, Edward, metal worker, h. 562 Allen.Wilson, Elde S., baker, rms. 115 East Second.Wilson, Estella, aristo worker, r. 35 McKinley Ave.Wilson, Etta, Mrs., h. over 115 East Second.Wilson, Floyd B., illustrator, r. Fairmount Ave. bey. limits.Wilson, Fred H., (Angie L.), chief J. Fire Dept. City hall, h. 333 Allen.Wilson! George V., telegraph operator, r. 23 Crossman.Wilson, George W., janitor Bell Tel. Co., r. 225 Broadhead Ave.Wilson, Harry, (Clara S.),—J. Cold Storage Co.—h. 101 South Main.Wilson, Harvey T.,—Field & Wright Co.—bds. 55 Grant.Wilson, Howard, R. F. D. mail carrier, bds. 857% North Main.Wilson,' Hugh C, (Marie A.)—sec'y.-treas. Fenner Grape Juice Co.—h. 350Falconer.Wilson, James, steel casemaker, bds. 304 West Third.Wilson, James W., (Rosella)—retired pastor Christian Church, h. 11 Liberty.The Wilson! Wilson, 131 New-York John, Jessie Jane, Katherine, Winsor—h. $1,897,631.57 T., Thompson, E., H., Life domestic, (Florence), M., furniture (Elizabeth),—planing poultry mender, stock paid 421328 East 658 clerk (Harriet), dealer, bartender, or packer, r. East about DEATH-CLAIMS 31 Second. Maddox Fenton Fourth. bds. $73,000 23 28 and Table 5 over Crossman. Place. Maple. Fairmount in saw in Z17 each Co., June, mill, Spring. bds. working Ave. sash <strong>1909</strong>, 25 Allen. day. doors amounting and blinds, to

CLARK HARDWARE CO.294 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYTHE BEER DEMANDED BY ALL<strong>Chautauqua</strong> B r e wRoofing and Building PapersJUDGES OF A PERFECT BEERWilson, Louis H., (Rouie H.), lumber inspector, h. over 35 McKinley Ave.Wilson, Mary, r. 333 Allen.Wilson, Mary, press feeder, rms. over 201 East Second.Wilson, Mary J., widow Horace A., h. 35 McKinley Ave.Wilson, Minnie E., stenographer, bds. 108 King.Wilson, Samuel B., (Katheryn), h. over 128 East Second.Wilson, William W., (Ida M.)—Sheet Metal Works, 7 West Fourth—h. FairmountAve., bey. limits.Wilson, William W., (Carrie M.), carpenter, h. rear 152 Thayer.Wiltsie, Addie, textile worker, bds. 21 Eleventh.Wiltsie, Altheda V., Mrs., h. 117 Allen.Wiltsie, Arthur W., r. 612 Prendergast Ave.Wiltsie, Charles, (Pency), toolmaker, h. over 40 Flagg Ave.Wiltsie, Claude L., student, r. 101 Connecticut Ave.Wiltsie, David, college student, r. 22 Fairmount Ave.Wiltsie, Harry, (Myra), laborer, h. 24 Phillips.Wiltsie, Harry F., wood finisher, r. 117 Allen.Wiltsie, Jay, (Nellie), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 23 Utica.Wiltsie, Lawrence W., (Caroline)—attorney, and Abrams & Wiltsie, rms 1-2Gifford Bldg., over 2 East Third—h. 22 Fairmount Ave.Wiltsie, Leon F., poolroom attendant, r. 612 Prendergast Ave.Wiltsie, Mary A., Mrs., h. 612 Prendergast Ave.Wiltsie, Melvin, (Eliza L.), farmer, h. 101 Connecticut Ave.Wiltsie, Reuben A., r. 101 Connecticut Ave.Wimenty, Markiel, (Helena), metal worker, h. 63 Foote Ave.Wimmermark, Jennie, twister, r. Ill Newland Ave.Wimmermark, John A., (Christiana), hand sander, h. Ill Newland Ave.Wimmermark, Lambert C, (Minnie B.) motorman J. St. Ry., h. 264 BroadheadAve.Wimmermark, Margaret, Mrs., textile worker, h. 120 Tenth.Wimmermark, Morris, (Martha), teamster, h. over 222 Price.Winchester, Frank A., (Susie), R. F. D. mail carrier, h. 43 Ninth.Winchester, Leonora, widow Charles J., h. 59 Broadhead Ave.Windahl, Carl, (Anna), metal worker, h. over 88 Highland Ave.Windahl, Charles, metal worker, bds. over 88 Highland Ave.Windahl, Olive, domestic, 611 Prendergast Ave.Windahl, Olof, (Gustava L.), cabinetmaker, h. over 6 Morse Ave.Windsor, Emma E., h. 417 Prendergast Ave.Windsor, Florence, r. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Windsor, John W., (Helen J.), farmer, h. Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Windsor, Leon A., oil producer, r. 417 Prendergast Ave.Windsor, see Winsor.Wing, Helen B., widow Pratt, h. 409 Cherry.Winnberg & Batcheller—John Winnberg and Levant Batcheller, props.—City Drug Store, 113 North Main.Winnberg, Hulda M., r. 39 Mechanic.Winnberg, Jenny G., r. 39 Mechanic.Winnberg, John M.—Winnberg & Batcheller—h. 39 Mechanic.CITY DRUG STOREWINNBERG & BATCHELLERPRESCRIPTION 113 W 171 , MAIN DlJ it Reliable STREET A rllllgtJ Jamestown, in fin AUUll Drugs FILLING AnrliTPn N. Y., and 1>U. Bell Medicines. Public A Phone SPECIALTY467. Accountants, Toilet Youngstown, Financial Articles. InvestigatorsAudits O., Perfumery. Bell and Phone <strong>System</strong>s, 522.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings.THE A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 295THE LARGEST STOCKtff/LL^tAAfffloR^BETWEENPITTSBURG AND BUFFALOWinnberg, Laura M., widow John G., r. 39 Mechanic.Winroth, Charles F., (Hilda A.), stationary engineer, h. 255 Prospect.Winroth, Ethel M., clerk, r. 255 Prospect.Winsell, Andrew, (Ellen), machine sander, h. 353 Stowe.Winsell, Axel, (Bertha), metal worker, h. over 111 Van Buren.Winslow, James W., metal worker, rms. over 209 West Third.Winslow, Josie, dish washer, Sherman House.Winsor, Clinton B., (Emma Van Sickle)—supt. of school buildings—h. 503East Second.Winsor, H. Clement, (Bertha C), bartender, h. 832 North Main.Winsor, Helen A., artist, r. 503 East Second.Winsor, Jennie, Mrs., cook, r. Aprt. C, 27 Forest Ave.Winsor, New, (The)—Martin Dolan, prop.—saloon, 17 East Second.Winsor, see Windsor.Winterburn, John A., (Ada), twister, h. 207 Allen.Winters, James S., (Ivy B.), deliveryman Pearl City Laundry, h. 11 NewlandAve.Wiquist, Cecil E., r. 149 Baker.Wiquist, David E., clerk, r. 149 Baker.Wiquist, Flavia E., operator Home Tel Co., r. 149 Baker.Wiquist, Otto W., (Alma E.)—hats, ready-made clothing, merchant tailor, 9North Main—h. 149 Baker.Wiquist, Paul B., (Freda A.), deliveryman, h. over 118 Palmer.Wise, Caroline, domestic, 543 Lakeview Ave.Wise, Edward H., (Cora E.), building mover, h. 612 Foote Ave.Wise, George A., (Cornelia), building mover, h. 902 Lafayette.Wise, Theodore O., r. 902 Lafayette.Wise, Wilbur C, building mover, r. 902 Lafayette.Wistrom, John, laborer, r. 128 Stowe.Wistrom, Peter M., (Otelia), cabinetmaker, h. 101 Wescott.Witherell, Roy, driver, rms. 14 South Main.Witkop-Holmes Co., (The)—Walter Beaty, mgr.—grocers, 117-119-121 E. 3d.Woite, Ab. P., (Selma J.), textile worker, h. over 574 Allen.Woite, Hannah, domestic, 500 East Sixth.Wolf, Earl, laborer, bds. 318 Steele.Wolf, Frank, (Ella V.), stationary engineer, h. 19 Derby.Wolf, Harry F., wood worker, r. 19 Derby.Wolfard, Daisy E.,—mgr. Jessop & Anderson—r. 49 Harrison.Women's Christian Association—Mrs. Frank E. Gifford, pres.; Mrs. C. C.Wilson, sec'y.; Miss S. Flora Broadhead, treas.Woman's Christian Association Hospital—Christina M. Hall, supt.—207Foote Ave.Wood, Carl Oscar, (Edith)—Johnson & Wood—h. 11 Hall Ave.Wood, Charles E., (Maude),—Sherman House Barber Shop—h. 39 Hamilton.Wood, Charles H., (Zella L.), conductor J. St. Ry., h. 50 Charles.Wood, Cora B., widow Albert C, h. 29 Ninth.Wood, Elmer, finisher,bds. Lake House.Wood, Euretta, widow Charles, h. 401 Clinton.Phailac F MaMpaSP DECORATOR, 107 W. Third StreetWood, Frank, metal worker, h. 401 Clinton.UllarieS t. IlldtlCdaC, Jame8towII| N. Y. Bell 124b. Home91-k.Wood, Frank, motorman J. St. Ry., r. 50 Charles.Wood, Margaret, widow John, h. 4 Terrace Place.Wood, Woodard, Willard see Wilbur Mary, Sylvia, John Elizabeth, Woods. laundress, B., proofreader C, A., constable, (Agnes), (Martha), widow r. Wm. over commercial Alexander, painter r. Koehl 194 211 Fairmount Crossman. Co., traveler, r. paper 71 r. Hazzard. Ave. hanger, 4 Terrace h. 52 Tenth.Place. 26 Water.

Clark Hardware Co.Builders' Hardware296 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYPhiMlf ailfSIiJI RrDU/ When you use it you please your palate, but you liUllllUiaUljUtl Ul Oil ay digestion and nourish your body. Both phones 268.Woodard, Stanley, (Emma), weaver, h. over 319 Lincoln.Woodard, see Woodward.Woodbury, Egburt E., (Florence),—state tax commissioner and attorney,over 301 North Main—h. 10 Van Buren.Woodbury, Roy H., student, r. 10 Van Buren.Woodford, Alice, widow Burt, weaver, r. 93 Barker.Woodford, Blanche H., supervisor of drawing J. schools, h. 319 Jefferson.Woodford, De Forest D.,—justice of the peace, 508 Gokey Bldg.—r. 507.do.Woodford, Harriett E., h. over 118 East Third.Woodhead, John W., (Ada), twister, h. over 254 Harrison.Woodhead, Jonas, (Edna C.)—Woodhead, Olsen & Riley—h. 130 Fulton.Woodhead, Olsen & Riley—Jonas Woodhead, George K. Olsen and HenryRiley—plumbing, heating and gas fitting,118 East Third.Woodin, Oscar, telephone lineman, h. 54 Liberty.Woodin, Walter E., (Florain B.), motorman J. St. Ry., h. 1210 West Sixth.Woodmen of the World, hall ov

Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. The A. D. SHARPE CO.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 297t f f / L I & f t A A f f f l o R ^Wright, Bertha J., student, r. 56 Tenth.Wright, Charles, textile worker, r. 148 Foote Ave.Wright, Charles C, mason, h. over 148 Foote Ave.Wright, Dorothy E., r. 20 Meadow Lane.Wright, Edgar, warp dresser, r. over 272 South Main.Wright, Edward, machinist, bds. over 937 East Second.Wright, Ephraim L., (Julia), laborer, h. over 333 1-3 East Fifth.Wright, Frank H., (Roena), miller, h. 223 Prospect.Wright, Fred R., (Jessie N.), miller, h. 1034 North Main.Wright, George T., emp. Chaut. School of Nursing, r. 56 Tenth.Wright, George W., (Tessa), foreman L. F. Shedd, h. 8 Valley.Wright, Grace, laundress, r. 334 Fairmount Ave.Wright, Harriet, weaver, h. 822 North Main.Wright, Ida M., widow Orin, h. over rear 310 Pine.Wright, James, (Jean), upholsterer, h. 168% Chandler.Wright, John D., (Madge L.)—Wright & Son—h. over 11 East Eighth.Wright, John H., (Eva L.)—mgr. Home Tel. Co.—h. 65 McKinley Ave.Wright, Judson S., (Effie),—pres. Field & Wright Co.—r. Falconer, N. Y.Wright, Laverne, (Anna), driver, h. over 379 Foote Ave.Wright, L. Edmund, draughtsman, r. over 800 North Main.Wright, Lottie L., weaver, r. 148 Foote Ave.Wright, Mary, widow Thomas, r. 334 Fairmount Ave.Wright, Mary A., r. 20 Meadow Lane.Wright, Matthew E., (May S.), solicitor, h. over 800 North Main.Wright, Mead D., (Mary), wool buyer, h. 37 Cross.Wright, Michael, picker, h. over 272 South Main.Wright, Mildred E., student, r. 20 Meadow Lane.Wright, Robert, metal worker, h. over 310 Pine.Wright, Rupert A., student, r. 20 Meadow Lane.Wright & Son—Wm. H., and John D. Wright—barber shop, tobacco andcigars, 28 North Main.Wright's Specialty Shop—W. T. Wright, prop.—cloaks, suits and ladies furnishings,20-22 West Third.Wright, William, machine hand, r. 1001 East Second.Wright, William H., (Maria)—Wright & Son—h. 56 Tenth.Wright, William T., (Ella B.)—Wright's Specialty Shop—h. 20 Meadow Lane.Wright, William T., (Elizabeth), conductor J. C. & L. E. R. R., h. 74 13th.Wright, William T., Jr., student, r. 20 Meadow Lane.Wright, see E. Wight. ROSENCRANTZ & COMPANYWritman, John F., (Clara J.), stockkeeper Broadhead & Sons, h. 30 Sampson.Heating Writman, Raymond Stoves L., metal worker, r. 30 Sampson.Yale,Wulf, Hjalmer,Mary E.,tinner,widowbds.Edwin,948h.Washington.141 Broadhead Ave.Yarling,Wyman,John,Elmer(Ida),H., (ElvaveneerS.),worker,waiter,h.h.86832 Derby.Spring.Yates, Anna B., college student, r. 331 East Third.EVERY DEALER HAS THE "BEST" ¥> A IMT Talk •* over with me.I HAVE THE STRICTLY PURE 1 /\11> 1 HARRY LYONS

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Builders* Hardware298 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYThe very fashionable in ladies' and misses' Cloaks, Suits, Waists,Underskirand Furs at very attractive prices.SAXE BROS. CO., 12-14 W. Third St.Yates, Ellen P., r. 331 East Third.Yates, Emily A., teacher, h. 157 Chandler.Yates, John J.—boot and shoe repairing, 204 Hazzard—h. do.Yates, Julia H., widow Henry J., h. 331 East Third.Yaw, Frank W., driver, bds. 1005 Prendergast Ave.Yekson, Oscar, clerk, bds. 164 Barrett.Yerdon, James A., (Susie E.), carpenter, h. 138 Institute.Yermali, Salico, finisher,r. 713 Cherry.Yezopowitz, Harry, (Ida), junk dealer, h. 1054 East Second.Ymer, Rusan, comber, r. over 5 Taylor.Young, Agnes, Mrs., h. over 51 Fairmount Ave.Young, Alma, r. 11 Ninth.Young, Alvin, laborer, r. 1033 North Main.Young, A. Marie, clerk, r. 329 Lincoln.Young, Anna Belle, student, r. 1033 North Main.Young, Carl—cigars, tobacco, confectionery and pool room, 300 East Second—r. 11 Bush.Young, Carrie L.,—supervisor penmanship J. public schools, r. 713 E. Second.Young, Carrie M., stenographer, bds. 30 Price.Young, Charles, laborer, rms. over 12 North Main.Young, Charles, (Amanda), metal worker, h. 14 Wilton Ave.Young, Clark H., (Lorinda A.),—real estate and loans, rms. 301-303 GokeyBldg.—h. 24 West Seventh.Young, Clinton, carpenter, bds. 12 Bush.Young, C. Oscar, (Edith M.), teamster, h. over 136 Water.Young, Dana M., (Mabel), decorator, h. 417 East Fifth.Young, Daniel J., (Charlotte), ice dealer, h. 1033 North Main.Young, Elizabeth, widow James M., h. 12 Water.Young, Emily J., widow Charles W., h. 329 Lincoln.Young, George A., (Flora), postman, h. 70 Tenth.Young, Gust A., (Emily), teamster, h. 11 Bush.Young, James M., (Mary A.), policeman, h. 11 Ninth.Young, Jennie, dressmaker, rms. 12 Chandler.Young, Jerry G., (Esther A.), steel cabinetmaker, h. 347 Price.Young, Jessie, bookkeeper Journal Ptg. Co., r. 633 Winsor.Young, John, machine hand, r. Lindsey Ave.Young, Joseph E., cigarmaker's apprentice, r. 11 Bush.Young, Lois, textile worker, r. 3 Waterman.Young, Lucy R., student, r. 1033 North Main.Young Men's Christian Association—Elliot C. Hall, pres.; Ernest A. Stoll,gen. sec'y.—Prendergast Ave. and East Second.Young, Minal E., (Emma J.)—chief clerk Standard Oil Co.—h. Celoron.Young, Nels P., r. 269 South Main.Young, Phoebe, mill hand, r. Lindsey Ave.Young, Richard, laborer, h. Lindsey Ave.Young, Robert W., (Emma), band sawyer, h. over 24 Cowing.Young, Simon, clerk, r. 11 Bush.Young, Walter S., (Bertha G.),—oculist <strong>Chautauqua</strong>, N. Y.,—h. 143 EuclidAve.Young Women's Christian Association—Miss Anna Crissey, pres.; MissYoung, Youngberg, Youngren, Guaranteed Fern Zilpha Wheeler, Anna Carl Edwin Louise, August, E., A., A., Feather J., Mrs., clerk, gen. (Ellen), spinner, packer, sec'y.—401 h. r. 633 over r. r. metal Pillows Winsor.over 47 worker, North Wescott. 47 47 Wescott. Main. at h. over Gage's 215 Bowen.

lowest prices. THE The A. D. Sharpe Co.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 299Youngren, Nettie A., widow Charles, h. over 47 Wescott.Youngquist, Carl O., (Hannah)—Peterson & Youngquist—h. 362 Foote Ave.Youngson, Alfred L., (Anna), rubber, h. 300 Barrow's.Youngstead, Elsie, r. 120 Eucad Ave.Youngstead, Otto A., (Selma), machinist, h. 120 Euclid Ave.York, Ernest L., (Lillian), machine hand, h. 132 Barrows.York, George, (Rose), toolmaker, h. 305 Crescent.E. ROSENCRANTZ & COMPANYHeating StovesZelco, Antonio, laborer, bds. 458 West Second.Zeliff, Fred R., (Nellie S.)— Sprague & Zeliff—rms. 405 West Third.Zeliff, Peter, (Mary), engineer Broadhead & Sons, h. 235 Broadhead Ave.Zena, Mary, maid, Sherman House.Zenns, Matthew, (Mary J.), wood worker, h. 150 Jones & Gifford Ave.Zeoole, Bastiano, laborer, h. 36% Harrison.Zepp, Fred W., (Lizzie), baker, h. 909 Washington.Zetterman, Carl G., (Vina), moulder, h. over 3 Holman.Zetterman, Eric, baker, bds. 530 Allen.Zetterman, Eric, (Anna), laborer, h. 103 Ellicott.Zetterman, Sven, laborer, r. 103 Ellicott.Zhina, John, finisher,bds. 114 Harrison.Zouvelas, Alex, r. 12 Harrison.Zouvelas, George, (Jennie), h. 12 Harrison.Zuckerman, Benjamin—National Specialty Co., rm. 5 Warner block—rms.245 Broadhead Ave.Zuckerman, Sam Jr., (Esther)—National Specialty Co.—h. 245 BroadheadAve.Zuzza, Sam, barber, bds. 14 Steele.Th/e best PAINTS and OILS at Northrop Paint & Glass Co.

Clark Hardware Co.Roofing and Building PapersTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N. J.,Premium receipts to Jan. i, <strong>1909</strong>, $329,137,864.85; returned to policyholdersand funds on hand for future payment to policyholders, $384,556,735.84.THE JOURNAL'S CELORON<strong>1909</strong>-10DIRECTORYVILLAGE OFFICERS.President—Frank Sheldon.Clerk—F. W. Gotts.Treasurer—John A. Johnson.Collector—West Frank.Trustees—W. S. Penhollow, Norman C. Jones, George E. Chase, George B.Hinman.Board of Health—Charles O. Johnson, F. W. Gotts, Clayton Bratt.Board of Education—Alva Smith, W. W. Wilson, Elmer Gifford.Celoron Hose Co.—foreman, L. S. Frank; trustees, Hans Boss; Nathan Brock,secretary, F. W. Gotts; treasurer, Charles O. Johnson.Aikens, Andrew, (Dell), fisherman, h. Venice.Anderson, Bruno, (Hulda),—prop. Hotel Du Nord—h. Boulevard.Anderson, Fred H., (Anna), steel cabinetmaker, h. Waverly Ave.Anderson, William C, finisher,r. Venice.Arlington Hotel, Charles Frank, prop.Arnold, Clarence N., machinist, r. Burtiss.Arnold, George T., (Evelyn), emp. Everett Hotel, h. Burtiss.Arnold, Horatio N., (Emma), grocery clerk, h. Burtiss.Avenue Hotel—Frank F. Moynihan, prop.—h. Allegheny Ave.Baker, Benjamin, (Mamie), machine hand, h. Lake.Baldwin, Rosa, widow James H.,—prop. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Hotel and Restaurant—h. Boulevard.Barker, Lewis T., (Elizabeth)—Huntington Barker Machine Co.—h. boulevard.Barker, Marion E., (Minnie), policeman, h. Maple.Batcheler, Charles, (Hattie Belle), laborer, h. Waverly Ave.Beardsley, F. M., (Percie), aristo worker, h. Maple.Bennett, Joseph A., h. Scofieid.Billquist, Gust, (Hilda), painter, h. Melvin Ave.Blanchard, C. Ray, machine hand, r. Smith Ave.Blanchard, Frank D., (Etta), laborer, h. Smith Ave.Boss, Hans, (Mollie), painter and decorator, h. Conewango Ave.Boyd, Edward P., h. Venice.Bradt, Nathaniel P., (Mae), souvenirs, h. Dunham Ave.Brady, George W., (Grace), janitor, h. Scofieid.Bratt, Clayton A., (Mary), carpenter, h. Chadakoin.Bratt, Orsemus, Marie E.), janitor Vandergrift block, Jamestown, h. Chada--koin.Brattburg, Mary, housekeeper, r. Edgewater.Brazee, Theadore, bds. Melvin Ave.Brooks, Elvira C, widow Milton, h. Venice.Brown, Alice, Mrs., laundress, h. Melvin Ave.Carlson, Carl W., (Henrietta), contractor, h. Duquesne Ave.Carlson, Charles, (Maude), wood worker, h. Duquesne Ave.Carrier, The BRADSHAWS Carlson, Carnahan, best Robert, Erick, Peter of Velma, insurance A., bartender, PIONEER (May), Mrs., (Anna), metal practical is r. wood not boulevard. INSURANCE worker, We too nurse, furnish good. h. h. Edgewater.it. Waverly Duquesne AGENCY Ave.

Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery.The A. D. Sharpe Co.CELORON DIRECTORY 301Au \)\)A.Ao the single month of June, <strong>1909</strong>, or aboutHolmes, John, loom fixer,h. Ball Ave.^tJ4"»vvH-4» $90,000 in each vvqrkiw^Uv.Hotel De Celoron, John H. Penfold, prop.Hotel Du Nord—Bruno Anderson, prop.—h. Boulevard.Johnson, Hunt, Huntington-Barker Imperial Boulevard, Jay, Hotel, Arthur, August, (Gertrude), lake John laborer, (Louisa), Machine front. E. machinist, Penfold, r. Empire Co.—Lewis East prop., Ave. h. Furn. Chadakoin. T. cor. Co., Barker, Boulevard h. Allegheny prop., and Jamestown, Ave. Dunham Ave. N. Y —

Clark Hardware Co.Farm Implements and Fencing302 CELORON DIRECTORYC\\ a 11 to 11 mi a Rigour You may judge the man by the bV/lltt It Id IHJ Ud UI C W —particular people drink <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew.Johnson, Augusta, Mrs., h. Scofieid.Johnson, Bernard G., r., Allegheny Ave.Johnson, Charles O., (Matilda), chief police, h. Dunham Ave.Johnson, Charles W., (Lena), cabinetmaker, h. Allegheny Ave.Johnson, Conrad D., metal worker, r. Allegheny Ave.Johnson, Ella, r. Chadakoin.Johnson, Fred, machinist, h. East Ave.Johnson, Hilda L., clerk, r. Allegheny Ave.Johnson, Hilda M., domestic, r. Allegheny Ave.Johnson, John A., insurance, r. Allegheny Ave.Johnson, Levi F., (MaTilda A.), emp. Celoron grounds, h. Chadakoin.Johnson, Margaret, weaver, r. Scofieid.Johnson, Marie E., r. Dunham Ave.Johnson, Ruby E., r. Cradakoin.Jones, Els worth W., (Sarah B.), emp. Lakewood Ice Co., h. Jackson Ave.Jones, Norman C, (Minnie E.), electrician, h. Scofieid.Kelly, Fred E., (Cora), carpenter, h. Scofieid.Kinsel, William, bartender, r. Boulevard.Knox, George W., h. Dunham Ave.Krumeich, Joseph, foreman Voting Machine, Dds. Duquesne Ave.Lagerdahl, Clara, widow Joseph, r. Allegheny Ave.Lakeside Boat Club, Walton Ave, lake front.Lawson, Charles, laborer, bds. Duquesne Ave.Lawson, Claude, mechanic, bds. Duquesne Ave.Lawson, Guy E., (Ida), barber, h. Duquesne Ave.Lazelle, Clarence, bartender, r. Avenue Hotel.Lehman, George N., (Mabel L.),—supt. Weber Mfg. Co., Jamestown—h. MelvinAve.Leid, James, (Nina), emp. Empire Voting Machine Co., h. Scofieid Ave.Leslie, David, machinist, h. cor. Allegheny Ave. and Duquesne Ave.Lindholm, Claus F., (Augusta), grocery, h. Boulevard.Lock, Charles F., (Blanche E.), job printer, h. cor. Scofieid and AlleghenyLorenz, Alta, widow Charles, h. Conewango Ave.Lorenz, Ray, (Edith), mirror worker, h. Duquesne Ave.Lowe, Alice, weaver, r. Chadakoin.Lowe, George, weaver, r. Chadakoin.Lowe, Mary Ann, widow Thomas, h. Chadakoin.Lowe, Mary E., dressmaker, r. Chadakoin.Lowe, William R., weaver, r. Chadakoin.Luce, Robert, (Florence), motorman J. St. Ry., h. Chadakoin.Lyman, Nettie, Mrs., h. Venice.Mack, Maude, domestic, r. Boulevard.Marsh, Florence A., Mrs., milliner, r. Conewango Ave.Marsh, Arthur J., (Georgia), mechanic, h. Smith Ave.McCartney, George, (Hilma),—billiards, and cigar mfr.—h. Boulevard.Melvin, Alene I., student, r. Melvin Ave.Melvin, Amanda, r. Smith Ave.Melvin, Charles L., (Kate M.), carpenter, h. Melvin Ave.Periodical Audits, Financial Investigations, SafeguardMethodist W. Ely Episcopal Ainge Church, Audit cor. Co. Scofieid and Conewango Ave.<strong>System</strong>s, Voucher <strong>System</strong>s, Factory Cost <strong>System</strong>s.Miller, Alfred, lunch counter clerk, r. Melvin Ave.Jamestown, N.Y., Bell 467. Youngstown, O. Bell 51Z.Miller, Mae, Mrs., r. Melvin Ave.Miller, Morton L., bartender, r. Melvin Ave.Miller, Monroe, Morse, Moynihan, and Myrtle C. Fourth, George Eugene E. Frank Boat M., H., Jamestown—h. C, F.,—prop. Garage—Morse r. (Anna (Grace), Melvin E.)—wholesale Avenue Ave. draughtsman, Boulevard. Rd., Hotel—h. lake photo front. Linwood Allegheny post cards, Ave. Ave. cor. Washington

CARPETS, CURTAINSdraperies, shades. The A. D. Sharpe Co.CELORON DIRECTORY 303^ff/mLL^fAA^TOR^ORGANS and OLD PIANOSTAKEN IN EXCHANGEMyer, Robert D., (Belle), painter-and decorator, h. cor. Boulevard and MelvinAve.Nelson, Fred, (Katie), warper, h. Maple.Newton, J. M., (Anna), h. Chadakoin.Nichols, Etta, Mrs., novelty finisher,h. Boulevard.Nichols, Isaac, (Alice), metal worker, h. cor. Boulevard and Venice.Nichols, Katie, millhand, r. Edgewater.Noyels, Floyd J., (Mollie), waiter, h. Venice.Oberg, David, (Genevieve), toolmaker, h. Lake.O'Dell, Burt J., (Estella),—tinner and slater, 21 East First, Jamestown, N.Y.—h. Boulevard.Park Hotel—Winfield S. Penhollow, prop.—h. Boulevard.Pelton, John C, (Delia G.), builder, h. Scofieid.Penfold, John A., photographer, r. Imperial Hotel.Penfold, John E., (Harriet), Hotel Imperial, cor. Boulevard and Dunham Ave.Penhollow, Winfield S., (Patient E.)—Park Hotel—h. Dunham Ave.Peterson, Charles A., (Ida), metal worker, h. Chadakoin.Peterson, Gust, (Eunice), machinist, h. Burtis.Peterson, Henry, machinist, h. Chadakoin.Peterson, Mandus, bds. Maple.Phillips, Harry R., student, r. Conewango Ave.Phillips, Lee, (Jessie), real estate and oil, h. Conewango Ave.Ploss, Grant, (Georgianna, veneer worker, h. Venice.Post, Truman, carpenter, h. Edgewater.Postoffice and restaurant—West A. Frank, prop.—Boulevard.Price, Willis G., (Lizzie), policeman,*h. Conewango Ave.Richmond, (The), Celoron Dock, H. C. Rogers, prop.Richmond, Alfred B., bricklayer's apprentice, r. Allegheny Ave.Richmond, Kenneth B., (Matilda J.), bricklayer, h. Allegheny Ave.Rogers, Horace C, (Isabella), prop. Richmond Hotel.Rogers, Minnie, milliner, r. The Richmond.Rolph, Mark L., paper hanger, r. Dunham Ave.Rolph, Worthy A., (Ethel S.), decorator, h. Dunham Ave.Root, Mary, widow Abel, h. cor. Lake and Conewango Ave.Schoot, Clinton W., (Nellie), painter, h. Edgewater.Sheldon, Frank, (Elizabeth E.), foreman tool room, h. cor. Dunham Ave. andBurtis.Sheldon, Martha, widow William, h. East Ave.Shirley, Effie,—prop. Reed House—h. Boulevard.Smiley, Peter, laborer, r. Chadakoin.Smith, Alva, (Daisy), hollow cement block mfr., h. Smith Ave.Smith, Elizabeth F. K., r. East Ave.Smith, Fred W., chauffeur, r. East Ave.Smith, Henry, (Johana), carpenter, h. East Ave.Smith, Leonora H. M., milliner, r. East Ave.Smith, Mary J., widow John, h. Duquesne Ave.Smith, Susan, widow James, h. Swan.Smith, Sydney, (Anna), junk dealer, h. Maple.Fine Smith, Line William, Framed (Mary), Pictures farmer, h. at Swan. the Cawcroft Co., 107 E. 3rd St.Snyder, Peter, laborer, rms. Chadakoin.Steadman, George W., (Mary), finisher, h. Jackson Ave.Swanson, Stewart, Stocker, Strickland, Frank, Lydia, Arnold Anna Christina Charles Kelley r. H., (Bessie), L., E„ Melvin D.,—prop. A., dressmaker, student, clerk, widow Ave. h. r. Scofieid. Shooting r. Dunham Charles Burtis. r. Dunham A., Gallery—h. Ave.Ave. Dunham Boulevard. Ave.

Clark Hardware Co., Hardware & Mill Supplies304 CELORON DIRECTORYfVltii+oiiiTii'i TtujLTXT Before meals makes every dbh welcome, afterwardl/ItHUlclUqUcl O r c W insure, digestion. Both phones 268Swanson, Harry G., r. Dunham Ave.Swanson, Lawrence, (Alice), carpenter, h. Burtis.Sweeney, William M., (Agnes A.), casemaker, h. Scofieid.Terwilliger, Minnie M., stenciler, r. Allegheny Ave.Terwilliger, Wesley, (Annie), cabinetmaker, h. Allegheny Ave.Thomas, Emma M., telephone operator, r. Allegheny Ave.Thomas, Howard, (Armatta), h. Allegheny Ave.Thompson, Laura, widow Robert, h. Venice.Thurber, Cassius P., (Eva R.), cabinetmaker, h. Lake.Thurber, Genoa E., clerk, r. Lake.Thurber, Hilton S., (Mary J.), contractor and builder, h. Melvin Ave.Thurber, Hiram P., (Lucinda), retired, h. East Ave.Thurber, Maryon, carpenter, r. Melvin Ave.Thurber, Mildred L., clerk, r. Lake.Tobias, Charles, (Blanche), laborer, h. boulevard.Tracey, Walter, r. Melvin Ave.Turnquist, F. Arthur, clerk, r. cor. Boulevard and Melvin Ave.Turnquist, Frank, (Matilda), grocery, Boulevard and Melvin Ave.Vanderhoof, Niel, machinist, r. Duquesne Ave.Vanderhoof, Silas E., (Mary), iron worker, h. Duquesne Ave.Vine, W. J., (Elizabeth), musician, h. Lake and Conewango Ave.Waite, Harry C, (Etta S.), rooming house, h. Conewango Ave.Walrod, Milo, (Alice), laborer, h. Venice.Ward, Eliza, Mrs., r. Dunham Ave.Wares, Sarah M., widow Alexander, r. Boulevard.Warner, Oscar, (Delia), blacksmith, h. cor. Dunham Ave. and Chadakoin.Waterman, Elias, gardener, h. Dunham Ave.Weatherby, Frank A., (Minnie), carpenter, h. Ball Ave.Webster, Melissa, widow Moses, h. Chadakoin.Wells, Cassie, emp. Halls Mill, r. Scofieid.West, Nellie, milliner, r. Conewango Ave.West, Richard, (Hattie), laborer, h. Conewango Ave.Westerman, (The)—Mrs. C. H. Westerman, prop., boarding house, ConewangoAve.—h. do.Westerman, Charles H., (Mary),—the Westerman—h. Conewango Ave.Wheelhouse, Will, (Mabel), musician, h. Scofieid.Wheelhouse, William, (Mary Ann), loom fixer,h. Edgewater.White, Charles, (Christine), emp. Lakewood Ice Co., h. Jackson.White, Charles, painter, bds. Edgewater.Williams, Emma, widow Thomas, h. Waverly Ave.Williams, Jane, Mrs., r. Dunham Ave.Williams, Jereldian, r. Dunham Ave.Wilson, Cyrus B., (Kate), justice of the peace, h. Conewango Ave.Wilson, Frank E., carpenter, r. Conewango Ave.Wilson, John W., bartender, bds. Boulevard.Wing Hong, Chinese Restaurant, h. Boulevard.Wood, Hattie, Mrs., r. cor. Conewango and Duquesne Ave.Woods, Belle, h. East Ave.Wright, I 'fr% TnoutmnnaCourtney, h. Smith Connecticut Ave. General Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Conn.,Young, LUC Carrie IHSliranCe L., teacher W. Jamestown j. Bentley, schools, Gen. Agt., r. cor. 515 Dunham Chadakoin Ave. Bldg. & Ninth.Young, Daniel—ice house man, Baulevard—h. Jamestown, N. Y.Young, Fred, John, Thomas, Mervin, Martin Mattie, Minal, h. (Ella), (Emma), V., widow Venice. carpenter, (Tress), (Elizabeth), bricklayer, Angus, emp. painter, r. Dunham h. Standard mason, h. Conewango h. Ninth. Duquesne Ave. h. Oil Dunham Co., and Ave. h. Duquesne Lake. and Ninth. Aves.

The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. THE A. D. SHARPE CO.CELORON DIRECTORY 305EASYtf/L£kftAA/tf)7VRl&>INSTALLMENT PAYMENTSZiegenfuss, William, (Mary), mason, h. Boulevard.Zimmerman, Edward, laborer, r. Boulevard.Zimmerman, George A., (Catherine A.), h. Linwood Ave.Zimmerman, John, (Louise), h. Linwood Ave.Ready Roofing &Building Paper ,„gST. i!^.

CLARK HARDWARE CO. Builders' HardwareTHE : FASHION SHOP.Furs for ladies, misses and children; none 1 jut reliable furssold here.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W, . Third St.THE JOURNAL'S FALCONER<strong>1909</strong>-10DIRECTORYVILLAGE OFFICERS.President—J. S. Wright.Trustees—G. H. Benson, Charles Dennison, C. O. Carlson, H. L. Ames.Treasurer—Eric Sample.Collector—Albert Anderson.Clerk—F. R. Ford.Street commissioner—Samuel Ely.Police constable—George J. Griggs.Fire team driver—J. M. Harrington.Board of Health—Ernest A. Wiborg, chairman; Leon L. Rider, Frank Grandin,Wayland Patterson.Health officer—W. O. Smith, M. D.Village attorneys—Edson & Crosby.Board of Education—A. J. Tiffany, pres.; H. L. Ames, clerk; Oscar Wiborg,'Mrs. Kate Ensign, Mrs. Jessie Johnson, George Peterson; George R.Raynor, principal; E. H. Sample, treasurer.Postmaster—Emil A. Peterson.Falconer Hose Co., No. 1—Pres. O. J. Rawson; vice pres., J. A. Ruckman;sec, Glenn A. Crick; treas., S. T. Benson; trustees, Charles Johnson,John Kroon, Charles Larson; foreman, Ollie Olson; first asst., EddieLawson; second asst., John Kroon. Meets first Monday of every month.Protected Home Circle, No. 224—Meets every alternate Tuesday evening inI. O. O. F. hall. Past president, Lizzie Haywood; president, P. H.Mansfield; sec'y-, Mrs. Dora A. Griggs; acct., Kate Ensign; treas.,Frank Lawson; trustees, Lizzie Haywood, Kate Ensign, P. H. Mansfield.Ellicott Tent, 76, K. O. T. M — Commander, E. F. Jollie; lieut. com., J. E.Anderson; record keeper, H. C. Shultz; chaplain, Orsel Jacobson.Chadakoin Lodge, No. 130, I. O. O. F.—Meets every Friday in Odd Fellows'hall. Officers: Noble grand, Albert Stickles; vice grand, John Spence;rec. sec'y., George J. Griggs; fin.sec'y., C. M. Carter; treas., George H.Benson. Organized March 3, 1899.Moon Brook Rebekah Lodge, No. 293, I. O. O. F.—Meets every second andfourth Tuesday night in Odd Fellows' hall. Officers: Noble grand, LillianStone; vice grand, Gettie Burns; rec. sec'y., Jennie Wample;fin. sec'y., Elva Olson; treas., Ida Tarr. Membership 90. OrganizedFeb. 3, 1903.Falconer Business Men's Protective Association—Pres., Dr. G. F. Smith;vice pres., F. D. Merriam; sec'y., G. J. Griggs; treas., E. H. Sample; directors,F. D. Merriam, O. F. Wiborg. Meet second and fourth Monday.L. O. T. M.—Meets every alternate Wednesday afternoon in I. O. O. F. hall.Organized February, 1893. Officers: Past lady com., Blanche W.Neate; lady com., Frances Seymour; lieut. lady com., Louisa M. Chase;record keeper, Emma V. Cease; finance keeper, Julia Ferris; chaplin,Ellen F. Woodward.Swedish Brotherhood—Meets every alternate Thursday night in I. O. O. F.Gage's Charles hall. Frits September, Grandin; Officers: sell Holmes; 1899. RELIABLE chaplain, S. V. M., F. S., Gust Frank Carl BEDSPRINGSCarlson; Johnson. Grandin; V. S. P. Membership M., S., John Andrew Johnson; 50. Olson; Organized V. F. P. S.,

The i3est Goods at the Lowest Prices. The A. D. SHARPE CO.N- .FALCONER DIRECTORY 307tff/LL^AAnf^TORQWE HANDLE20 DIFFERENT MAKESSwedish Temperance Society—Lodge templar, Oscar Bard; sec'y., FrankCarlson; treas., Herman Nelson.Adams, Gust, (Anna), machine hand, h. Davis.Adams, John G., (Sarah), carpenter, h. Work.Adams, Oscar, (Beda), cabinetmaker, h. 308 Central Ave.Adams, S. Matilda, r. Central Ave.Adamson, Herman, sawyer, r. over 17 West Main.Alexis, Anders, (Hannah), carpenter, h. Harrison.Alexis, Anna, r. Harrison.Alexis, Edwin, laborer, r. Harrison.Allen, Minason, (Ann), h. 130 Main.Almquist, Peter, laborer, r. 241 Harrison.American Mfg. Concern—W. T. Falconer, and D. E. Merrill estate, Jamestown—advertisingnovelties, near Work.Ames, Hermes L., (Mia),—Falconer Milling Co.—h. East Main.Amsdell, Charles, carpenter, rms. West Mosher.Anderson, Albert, painter, bds. Harrison.Anderson, Albert L., (Anna),—grocer, 25 Main—h. 12 Merriam.Anderson, Alfred J., (Mattie), carpenter, h. Harrison.Anderson, Amil, mirror worker, r. Harrison.Anderson, Andrew, machine hand, h. Work.Anderson, Andrew, (Caroline), machine hand, h. Harrison.Anderson, Anna, r. West Ave.Anderson, A. L. & Co.—Albert L. and T. H. Anderson,—grocers, 25 Main.Anderson, Augustus, (Tilda), carpenter, h. Everett.Anderson, Axel, (Sadie), machine hand, h. 263 Harrison.Anderson, B. Oscar, (Sophia), farmer, h. 722 North Work.Anderson Bros.—Leonard and T. H. Anderson—furniture, 7 East Main.Anderson, Carl, mechanic, bds. West Main.Anderson, Carl, carpenter, bds. West Main.Anderson, Charles, (Mary), machine hand, h. Harrison.Anderson, Christinia, widow Gust, h. Carter.Anderson, Clarence, (Bernice), laborer, h. Work.Anderson, Conrad, (Blanche C),—paint dealer, 23 Main—h. over do.Anderson, Cutler, machine hand, bds. Work.Anderson, Emil, clerk, r. 15 Harrison.Anderson, Florence, twister, r. Harrison.Anderson, Frank, (Ida), Falconer Mfg. Concern, h. 35 Falconer.Anderson, Frank L., (Jennie),—pool room, tobacco and cigars, West Main—h. East Falconer.Anderson, Frank L., (Augusta), mill hand, h. Harrison.Anderson, George L., (Anna),—grocery, 17 Main—h. over 19 do.Anderson, Harry, carpenter, h. West Ave.Anderson, Heda, "Mrs., h. Harrison.Anderson, Henry C, gardener, r. Main.Anderson, James L., (Martha), wood worker, r. East Everett.Anderson, John E., (Hulda), machine hand, h. 405 Work.Anderson, John W., (Hannah), h. over 29 East Main.Nothing Anderson, Joseph but the E., best (Amanda), materials grocer, at h. Northrop Work. Paint & Glass Co.Anderson, Lena R., spinner, r. West Ave.Anderson, Leonard, (Juliet)—Anderson Bros—h. 134 East Falconer.Anderson, Anderson! Nina, Peter Theodore Oscar Walter, Sophie, S. Oscar, A., dressmaker, widow laborer, (Atlanta), (Bessie (Hannah), H.,—Anderson Anders, bds. M.), bds. carpenter, farmer, West drayman, h. East Bros.—h. Work. Main.Ross.East 317 Carter Everett. West ^.„ ->nd Ave. Harrison.

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools308 FALCONER DIRECTORYTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N. J.,"Ably and conservatively managed, and its business conducted in the interestsof its policyholders."—Massachusetts Insurance Commissioner.Arnold, Wesley, (Mary T.), engineer, h. 133 East Felcon'er.Arthur, Charles K., (Alice), farmer, h. Main.Ash, William G., (Netta), stationary engineer, h. Delaware Ave.Asker, Fred W., (Mabel), plumber, h. over 25 Main.Asker, Leonard, (Gertrude),—plumber and bicycle repairer, Main—h. James.Asto, John, (Laura), laborer, h. West Lister Ave.Atherton, Harry, novelty worker, bds. Work.Backlund, John E., (Margaret), wood turner, h. 127 East James.Backlund, Lawrence E., clerk, r. 127 East James.Baker, Fred, (Hulda), painter and paper hanger, h. Central Ave.Balder, Fritz J., (Millie), sign painter, h. East Falconer.Ball, Charles, barber, bds. Work.Bals, Henry, (Minnie), laborer, h. Covey.Bals, Henry, Jr., (Florence), section boss, h. Covey.Baptist Church, Homestead.Barber, Florence, student, r. Mason.Barber, Melvin, (Mary), farmer, h. Merriam block.Bard, Hulda, widow Charles S., h. East Falconer.Barker, Guy, (Hattie), engineer, h. Everett.Barmore, Clara, widow John, h. East Everett.Barnes, Ernest, novelty worker, h. West Mosher.Barrett, P. E., (Bertha I.),—prop. Hotel Lynndon, Junction—h. do.Barstow, Everett E., machine hand, r. Harrison.Barstow, Harvey E., (Rhoda), boss packer, h. Harrison.Becker, Anthony, (Estella), night watchman, h. East Falconer.Becker, Fred, (Nettie), laborer, h. Central Ave.Becker, Lewis, (Ella), machine hand, h. 217 West Ave.Beckman, Otto, (Jennie), novelty worker, bds. 14 Cross.Benedict, Alfred B.,—carriage and implement dealer—r. Main and Dow.Benedict, C. W., (Minnie B.), lumberman, h. Main and Dow.Benedict, M. Elizabeth, teacher, r. Main and Dow.Benedict, Mary, widow William C, r. Main & Dow.Benedict, Matilda, widow Hiram, h. Main.Benedict, Odin, traveling salesman, r. Main and Dow.Bennett, David, student, r. 15 Falconer.Benedict, W. C,—pres. Falconer Towel Co.—r. Findley, Ohio.Benedict, William H., (Florrie B.), commercial traveler, h. Main and Dow.Bennett, Herbert S., (Agnes D.),—<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Planing Mill Co.—h. 15 Falconer.Benson, Andrew, r. 306 Harrison.Benson, Cameron, student, r. East Falconer.Benson, Charles J., bartender The Tavern, r. 1 Main.Benson, Elmer E., (Georgie), machine hand, h. East Falconer.Benson, George H., (Lulu),—insurance, real estate and town clerk—h. 101East Everett.Benson, Grace A., housekeeper, h. Falconer.Benson, Experience Gust, means (Anna), it; machine i writing hand, h. insurance 107 East contracts. Everett. We have beenBenson, Herbert C, music - Ivriting student, them r. Work. for 20 years.Benson, BRADSHAW'S James H., (Alice PIONEER L.), farmer, INSURANCE h. Work. AGENCYBenson, John A., (Lucy),—gent's furnishings—h. 218 Pearl.Benson Johnson—John A. Benson and Otto B. Johnson—gent's furnish­Benson, ings, East Rose, & Sydney Main. 11 Tarr—Elmer East widow T.—surveyor Main. John, Benson r. over Falconer. and 43 G. Main—h. D. Tarr—livery 215 Harrison. and transient barn,

The large^l and best Stock of Dry Goods. The A. D. Sharpe Co.FALCONER DIRECTORY 309& A U & A j & m $ ' Benson, Thressa, teajher, h. 215 Harrison.Benson, William W., (Laura), cabinetmaker, h. 105 East Falconer.Bentley, Harry S., s ;udent, r. Work.Bently, John, bartender,, r. Hotel Lynndon.Bentley, Norman, (Lena), wood worker, h. North Work.Benton, Mary E., Mrs., h. 17 Harrison.Berghardt, Linus F., (Lucia), optician, h. over 31 West Main.Bergland, Albin, (Alma), machine hand, h. Outlet.Bingham, George R., (Josephine), wood worker, h. Allen Ext.Bitely, George, (Alice), novelty worker, h. Harrison.Bitely, Henry, laborer, bds. Harrison.Bjork, Benle, (Elizabeth), milk peddler, h. Harrison.Biackmar, Helen, widow August, music teacher, r. East Mosher.Blackmar, Lucy A., widow Seth, h. East Mosher.Blanchard, Robert H., Jr., (Myrta), clerk, h. Harrison.Bloomquist, Andrew, (Lottie), carpenter, h. Harrison.Bloomquist, Eli, (Amanda), carpenter, h. Harrison.Bloomquist, J. Edgar, (Mary), wood carver, h. 15 East James.Boba, John, (Josephine), laborer, h. West Lister Ave.Bowman, Louis, (Mary), engineer, h. 211 Main.Boyd, Hamilton S., (Myrtle), laborer, h. Central Ave.Bradley, Marvin, (Sarah), retired, h. West Lister Ave.Bradley, Olive, spinner, r. West Lister Ave.Bradley, Sadie, stenographer, r. West Lister Ave.Bradway, Millard S., (Genevieve), machinist, h. over 11 East Main.Brink, Arthur, (Jennie), emp. Falconer factory, r. East Everett.Brink, Claude, machine hand, r. Everett. \Brink, Grover C, (Pearl), machine hand, h. East Everett.Brink, Sarah, widow Charles R., h. East Everett.Brodine, Emil, machine hand, bds. Work.Brown, George A., (Ida), fireman,h. 215 West Ave.Brown, Orean S., weaver, r. 215 West Ave.Brown, Robert J., (Edna), finisher,h. East Everett.Brownell, Jerome, (Patience), h. Elm.Brownell, William J.,—supt. Falconer Towel Factory—r. Elm.Brunson, H. Eugene, (Mary A.), mechanic, h. 215 Work.Brunson, Z. E., widow Alfred P., r. Main and Dow.Bryant, Herbert C, (Ella M.),—dry goods and notions, 43 Main—h. 22 WestFalconer.Buckner, Maude, domestic, r. 101 Central Ave.Burch, Charles E., (Alice A.), teamster, h. Elm.Burdick, George W., (Etta), retired, h. Dow.Burns, John J., (Gettie), engineer, h. Everett.Burr, Clarence O., (Mary), cabinetmaker, h. Central Ave.Burr, Roclyn, (Mary), contractor and builder, h. West Mosher.Burt, George, steel presser, bds. Allen Ext.Campbell, Earl J., bds. 143 Main.\% jt insure in the New York Life? Because: It contains some goodCampbell, Lee, laborer, bds. Work.W liy points that is not in any other company's policy. Call on Tweedaleand let him prove it to you.Campbell, Leroy, wood worker, bds. 143 Main.Cannon, Charles H., (Evanette), farmer, h. Everett.Carlson, Carlett, Carley, Cardot, Cannon,William, John, Andrew, Ellen Adolph,Edward,asst. J., r. (Fannie), pad (Hattie), (Axelia),milljanitor 121 cutter,hand,East carver, high janitor teaming, Main.r.bds.Everett.school, 24 h. high h. East Dow. Merriam r. school, Main. East Pearl. h. block. East Pearl.

Clark Hardware Co., Hardware & Mill [Applies310 FALCONER DIRECTORYPhsiltsiinil!) RrOU/ A delicious and nourishing table beverage, with highlyUIIUUIUUl|UU UICn medicinal qualities. BotIi phones 268.Carlson, Alma, finisher, r. Main.Carlson, Anna, housekeeper, r. 205 East Falconer.Carlson, Antona, domestic, r. West Main.Carlson, Arthur, stone mason, bds. Lynndon Boulevard.Carlson, C. A., (Blanche C),—Falconer Towel Co;—h. Main.Carlson, Carl A., (Bettie), foreman Regal Furn. Co.—h. Harrison.Carlson, Charles A., (Blanche),—Falconer Towel Co.—h. cor. Main and Alberta.Carlson, Charles E., bartender, r. 1 West Main.Carlson, Charles J., (Jessie), lumberman, h. 21 East Main.Carlson, C. O., (Mary), laborer, h. 57 East Harrison.Carlson, Gotfried, towel factory, h. East Falconer.Carlson, Gustaf T., (Emma), wood worker, h. Almet.Carlson, Sofie, widow Charles, r. East Falconer.Carr, Clarence E., (Jennie), teamster, h. Elm.Carr, John, mill hand, bds. Elm.Carter, Cyrus M., foreman, h. 40 West Main.Case, George, laborer, bds. West Everett.Cass, Jane A., widow Willard, r. 120 East Main.Ghadburn, Horace, (Edith), brickmaker, bds. over 316 East Falconer.Chamberlin, Ellen E., widow Delos, bds. Main.Chandler, Bessie, winder, bds. West Main.Chapman, Morton W., (Maud), mill hand, h. East James.Chappel, John N., (Mia),—vice pres. Falconer Veneer Co.—h. 414 Falconer,Jamestown, N. Y,Chase, Donald S., stenographer, r. over 13 Main.Chase, Effie E., teacher, Jamestown, r. over 13 Main.Chase, Frank W., (Louisa)—dry goods and undertaker—h. over 13 Main.Chase, Guy G., stenographer, r. over 13 Main.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Planing Mill Co., Inc., mfrs. doors, sash, blinds, interior trimmings,Falconer.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Worsted Mills—Fletcher Goodwill, pres.; H. J. Goodwill, sec'y.-treas.; W. T. Falconer, vice pres.—Lister Ave.Cheney, Amanda, r. Main.City Line Hotel—C. F. Johnson, prop.—West Main.Clark, Annis, widow James P., h. 14 Falconer.Clark, David J., (Coraline), retired, h. 131 West Falconer.Clark, Isabelle, widow Francis D., r. Dow.Cleland, Clyde, (Ida), machine hand, h. 15 West Mosher.Cleland, Mandaville, mill hand, r. James.Cole, Erwin D., machinist, bds. 120 East Main.Collins, Carrie, widow Frank, h. North Work.Connely, F., ball player, bds. 1 West Main.Conroe, Fred, (May), stationary engineer, h. East Everett.Conroe, James M., (Melvina), hostler, h. East Everett.Conroe, William H., (Gertrude), finisher,h. over 138 East Falconer.Cook, Harry, (May), engineer, h. Merriam.Cook, Nicholas, porter, bds. 1 West Main.Cooper, Frank, (Emma), glass polisher, h. East Falconer.Corcoran, Paul E., (Hannah), painter, h. over 17 Main.Couter, Theodore, laborer, bds. 17 Harrison.Cowden, Crandall, WRllI Cowan, • West ftlj AlflffP Roswell Willis & Bessie Robert HlllgC Frank Main. Sprague—Willis Audit E.—Cowden L., F., A., I., ftUUll stenographer, (Lena), (Henrietta), (Sophia), fft l)U. Jamestow"> night & E. phone road Sprague—h. Cowden machine r. clerk, commissioner, 522. James. N. Send hand, Y- Allen East Fred Be" for Means our Ext. h. Main. phone Sprague—machine Success James. 102 booklet West 407> " "<strong>System</strong> Youngstown, Falconer.Businesi shop, 0., Bel

G o to The A. D. Sharpe Co. for

Clark Hardware Co.Hardware and Mill Supplies312 FALCONER DIRECTORY<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew I^Zr^;lS£Ensign, Catherine, widow William, teacher, r. 75 East Main.Erickson, Harry C.—Wilson & Erickson—r. 222 Hopkins Ave., Jamestown.Everett, Melvin, retired, r. Main.Everhart, Perham, (Grace L.), mason, h. Work.Falconer High School, Work.Falconer Hose House, cor. Work and Everett.Falconer Milling Co.—Pres., H. F. Jones; vice pres., E. Johnson; sec'y.,H. L. Ames; treas., O. B. Johnson.Falconer Mirror Co.—Pres.-treas., W. F. Stitt; vice pres., A. W. Stitt; sec'y.,A. D. Stitt.Falconer, W. T., Mfg. Co., (The)—W. T. Falconer and D. E. Merrill estate,Jamestown, N. Y.—mfrs. apiarian supplies.Falconer Towel Co.—Pres. C. W. Benedict; sec.-treas., C. A. Carlson.Falconer Veneer Co., Inc.—George B. Peterson, pres.; F. L. Peterson, sec'y.;C. D. Pratt, treas.; John N. Chappel, vice pres.—Allen Ext.Fargo, Addison A., (Lottie), laborer, r. East Everett.Fargo, Charles, (Blanche), watchman, h. Everett.Fetterman, Amanda E., r. East Main.Finch, Roy, (Vangie), engineer, h. Everett.Finnerty, Thomas, (Nellie), machine hand, h. Alberta.First National Bank—L. W. Neate, acting pres.; E. H. Sample, cashier—19Main.Fisk, Howard J., (Belle M.), Beuna Vista poultry yard, r. Work.Fisk, John, mirror works, h. Almet.Fisk, LeRoy, (Olive), wood worker, h. North Work.Fitzgerald, William, mason's helper, bds. West Everett.Flowers, Samuel, novelty worker, bds. 24 East Main.Ford, Fred R., (Etta), clerk, J. C. & L. E. R. R., Jamestown, h. 121 E. Main.Foreman, Will H., (Elma), clerk, h. Williams.Fosberg, Amil, (Josephine), art metal worker, r. James.Fosberg, Andrew, (Anna), laborer, h. 10 Williams.Fosberg, Anthony, (Hattie), lumber inspector, h. 320 Harrison.Fosberg, Arvid, machine hand, r. 10 Williams.Fosberg; Clarence, boxmaker, r. 320 Harrison.Fosberg, Edwin E., (Freeda), mirror worker, h. 10 Williams.Fosberg, Esther, spinner, r. 320 Harrison.Fosberg, Sheridan S., mirror worker, r. 10 Williams.Fosberg, Walfred, lumber handler, r. 320 Harrison.Foster, Burt, (Carrie), night watchman, h. Allen Ext.Foulk, Edward C, (Cyntha E.), laborer, h. Harrison.Freeman, Harry, laborer, bds. West Main.French, Edwin H., (Eleanor), retired, h. East Everett.Fuller, Walter L.,—job printing, 29 East Main—h. over do.Gabrielson, Lynn C, (Grace),—confectionery, 9 Main—h. do.Gilbert, Gardner, (Genevieve), machinist, h. James.Gilbert, John S., (Lizzie), laborer, h. Harrison.Grandin, Frank G., (Emily E.)—Peterson & Grandin, 4 East Main—h. 10Williams.Grandinj Frits, clerk, bds. Kane Ave.Gray, Winfield, (May), machine hand, h. West Everett.Griggs, Daisy M., teacher, r. Everett.T Grimshaw, Griswold, Gron, Grout, Gustafson, LUC Griggs, ifo Everett. Wayne, Tncnranra James, George lUSUrallCC Dennis Joseph, Eric, (Nellie), (Matilda), J., laborer, L., Connect'cut (Dora), (Nellie), (Almeda machinist, w_ r. h. justice 14 16 wool j. C), Bentley, West General Cross. sorter, carpenter, of h. Mosher. the Main. Gen. Life h. peace Carter. Agt., bds. Ins. and East 515 Co., chief Chadakoin Everett. Hartford, of police, Blo'g. Conn., h. East

Always buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.FALCONER DIRECTORY 313ENTIRE 6th FLOOR^f//LL^?AA^TOR^CHADAKOIN BUILDINGGustafson, George, novelty worker, bds. East Main.Gustafson, Hattie, Mrs., h. Work.Gustafson, Herman, (Augusta), finisher,h. Main.Guthrie, James, clerk, bds. Alberta.Haight, Albert H., wood worker, r. Work.Haight, Charles, (Alene), finisher, r. over 10 Davis.Haight, Frank G., (Frances), finisher,h. Work.Haight, George A., wood worker, r. Work.Hale, O. A., (Minnie),—paper and paints, 13 East Main—h. East Everett.Hale, Orlin A., (Vanessa), painter and decorator, h. Merriam.Hall, Achsah, widow Hiram, r. 10 Davis.Hall, Frank E., (Nora), night watchman, h. Harmon Ave.Hamilton, Almon B., (Sarah), mechanic, h. East Falconer.Hamilton, Clara L., music teacher, r. Falconer.Hapgood, L. Adelle, Mrs., h. Main.Harrington, Alexander, (Rilla), h. East Everett.Harris, Hoyt C, (Carrie J.), paper hanger, h. 114 North Work.Hartson, Fred M., (Lulu), stationary engineer, h. 219 East James.Hartwell, Fred E., (Anna), machine hand, h. East Main.Hartwell, Hattie M., h. 24 East Main.Hartwell, Louis, roofer, r. 24 East Main.Haskins, Alice, winder, r. Main.Haskins, Doyle, (Myrna), novelty worker, h. West Everett.Haskins, Henry, machine hand, r. Main.Haskins, Martha, widow Henry, h. Main.Hawley, Marcus, machine hand, bds. 15 East Everett.Hawthorne, Wilbur, machine hand, bds. Harrison.Haywood, Osmer H., (Lizzie), mechanic, h. 75 East Everett.Haywood, Raymond, student, r. Everett.Heckathorn, A. L., (Lucy), laborer, h. Mosher.Heckathorn, Edna, student, r. Mosher.Heckathorn, Joy—clothes cleaning and pressing, under 19 Main—h. EastMosher.Heiderman, Edward, moulder, r. Junction Rd.Heiderman, Harry, laborer, r. Junction Rd.Heiderman, Henry J., (Elizabeth), carpenter, h. Junction Rd.Heiderman, Joseph, tinsmith, r. Junction Rd.Heminger, Clarence, waiter, r. Lister Ave.Heminger, DeWitt, (Alice), engineer, h. West Lister.Heminger, Ellen C, Mrs., practical nurse, h. over 15 West Main.Heminger, Lois, teacher, r. over 15 West Main.Herrick, Frank A., (Florence), mirror worker, h. Harrison.Higgs, J. Bert, (Grace), mill hand, h. Elm.Hill, Harvey J., (Elizabeth), finisher,h. Taylor.Hill, Henry S., (Fanny), clerk, h. East Main.Hill, Laura, teacher, r. Taylor.Hiller & Braley—Clyde B. Hiller and G. A. Braley—grocers, South Dow.Hiller, COLONIAL Clyde B., grocer, PORCH r. South COLUMNSDow., harry lyonsHine, Agnes, r. Main.That will not crack or open up-aUo Porch Balurters and Rail Institute St. & Erie Ry.Hine, Alfred, (Violet),—carriage and implement dealer, Main—h. do.Holman, Hogland Holbrook, Hockridge, Hitchener,Hine,' Frank,Clyde, Mathew, Sanford Frank, Hattie, James Joseph,(Mary),machinist, L., (Melinda), A., spooler, (Hannah), machine student,mirror(Hittie), bds. r. hand,works,Lister. soap mill farmer, Work. Lister. mfr., hand, bds.h. Hine.h. Harrison.h. over West Harrison. 13 Lister West Ave. Main.

Clark Hardware Co.Fine Cutlery and Tools314 FALCONER DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP. ~Women's and Misses's Suits in all the up-to-date styles and leading shades,$10 to $35.SAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Holman, Will, (Jennie), Meadow Brook Mill, r. Phetteplace.Holman, William S., (Mary), retired, h. Phetteplace.Holmberg, Alfred, (Mertie), machinist, h. East Everett.Holmberg, John, (Mary), h. Kane Ave.Holmes, Anders J., (Ida), gluer, h. West Falconer.Holmes, Charles, (Josephine), shipping clerk, h. Delaware Ave.Holmes, Gust, (Ellen), telegraph operator, h. over 308 Central Ave.Holmes, Mary, twister, bds. Alberta.Holmes, Walter, r. Deleware Ave.Hotchkiss, Abner L., retired, h. Main.Hotchkiss, Willard C., (Nellie), barber, h. Main.Hotel Lynndon—P. E. Barrett, prop.—Junction Rd.Hough, Bert L., (Flossie),—Spot Kash Store, 19 Last Main—h. North Work.Hough, DeForest, (Ada), farmer, h. Mason.Hough, Harland, student, r. Mason.Houghwout, Isaac, (Rebecca), retired, h. Falconer.Houghwout, Sumner I., (Bessie), barber, Work, h. 28 Falconer.Howard, George, (Laura), farmer, h. Tiffany.Howard, James, laborer, r. Tiffany.Howe, Squire, poultry business, r. 229 Main.Howell, Everett, (Melin), machinist, h. West Everett.Howell, Eugene, machinist, r. West Everett.Huckelberry, Frank, h. Main.Hunt, G. Everett, (Elizabeth),—livery and transient barn, Work—h. Main.Hunter, William E., (Mildred), stationary engineer, h. Work.Ireland, William G., (Mertie), shipping clerk, h. Almet.Jackson, Walter A., (Hattie), lumber handler, h. Elm.Jacobson, Orsell, (Alma), wool sorter, h. 130 East Falconer.Jamestown Mantel Co., Inc.—George M. Turner, pres.; Fred J. Maurer,sec'y.-treas.—55 East Main.Jenkins, Frank F.,—dentist, over P. O., 130 East Falconer—r. 6 Cowing,Jamestown, N. Y.Jenks, Earl C, machine hand, r. Merriam block.Jensen, John, (Goldie), finisher,h. Harrison.John, Frank, (Josephine), wood turner, h. over 35 Davis.Johnson, Adolph, machine hand, bds. Harrison.Johnson, Agnes, mill hand, r. Harrison.Johnson, Albert, (Anna), steel polisher, h. Dow.Johnson, Albert, (Emma), laborer, h. 125 East Mosher.Johnson, Albert E., machine hand, r. Main.Johnson, Albert G., mirror worker, bds. Lynndon Blvd.Johnson, Amil C, carpenter, r. 110 Harrison.Johnson, Andrew, novelty worker, bds. 14 Cross.Johnson, August, (Gustava), painter, h. Work.Johnson, Axel, novelty worker, bds. 14 Cross.Johnson, Axel, cabinetmaker, bds. 127 East James.Johnson, Axel E., machinemaker, r. Lynndon Blvd.Johnson, Carl G., machinist, r. 110 Harrison.Johnson, Charles, (Johanna), laborer, h. 14 Cross.Johnson, Charles F., City Line Hotel, h. West Main.INGRAIN Johnson, and Edwin, Elmer, Charles Conrad GRANITE B., laborer, (Tuna),—Falconer G., W., J., painter, (Carolina), (Hannah), (Caroline), mirror CARPETS bds. r. worker, 14 Work. sold gluer, finisher,h. laborer, Cross. Milling cheapest h. r. h. Harrison. Lynndon Co., East at East Main. GAGE'S Blvd.Main—h. Levant.

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods.The A. D. Sharpe Co.FALCONER DIRECTORY 315tff/LI&ffAAfffioR^PIANOS AND ORGANSSHEET MUSICJohnson, Elof, (Nettie), finisher,h. 138 East Falconer. .Johnson, Emil, (Jennie), hand sander, h. East Falconer.Johnson, Emil, laborer, bds. West Main.Johnson, Erwin H., (Lottie N.), cabinetmaker, h. Harrison.Johnson, Ethelyn, office clerk, r. Work.Johnson, Freda, mill hand, r. 14 Cross.Johnson, Gust A., (Caroline), lumberman, h. 110 Harrison.Johnson, Gust S., (Lottie), machine hand, h. Merrjam block.Johnson, Hilda, waitress, r. West Main.Johnson, Hilma, drawer, r. Almet.Johnson, Ida A., domestic, r. Harrison.Johnson, Hulda C, dressmaker, r. Harrison.Johnson, Ira H., (Jennie), blacksmith, h. Work.Johnson, Jennie M., dressmaker, r. Lynndon. Blvd.Johnson, J. Gust, (Caroline), night watchman, h. Almet.Johnson, John A., (Sophia), mill hand, h. Harrison.Johnson, John A., (Hedda), cabinetmaker, h. East Main.Johnson, John W., (Ora E.), machine hand, h. 212 North Work.Johnson, Lynn A., mirror worker, r. Work.Johnson, Nels Peter, (Sophia C), laborer, h. Kane Ave.Johnson, Oscar, (Mollie), cabinet worker, h. 121 East Falconer.Johnson, Otto B., (Helen),—gent's furnishings, 11 East Main—h. West Falconer.Johnson, Peter, (Anna), laborer, h. Main.Johnson, Peter, (Sophia E.), laborer, h. Kane.Johnson, Percy G., bobbin setter, r. Harrison.Johnson, Ray C, (Adella H.), bookkeeper, 1st Nat. Bank, r. 32 Main.Johnson, Regina, cook, r. West Main.Johnson, Walfred, clerk, r. 110 Harrison.Johnson, William A., (Lillian), machine hand, h. Harrison.Johnson, William M., (Goldie), mirror worker, h. West Mosher.Johnson, W. Russell, (Jessie C.)—insurance, Jamestown—h. 132 Main.Jollie, Ed, F., (Hattie M.), billing clerk, Erie R. R., h. Main.Jones, Arthur, farmer, r. 347 Harrison.Jones, Francis A., (Pearl), bicycle repairer, h. over 347 Harrison.Jones, Harvey F., (Estelle), Falconer Milling Co., h. West Falconer.Jones, Helen, student, r. Falconer.Jones, Isaac M., (Laura), laborer, h. Hine.Jones, John P., (Zylpha), grocer, h. 347 Harrison.Jones, Phillip F., laborer, r. Hine.Jones, Ralph E., (Gertrude A.), butcher, h. James.Kane, John M., (Lottie), wood worker, h. Falconer.Kane, Patrick, (Mary), laborer, h. Kane.Karns, James Y., (Reta), harnessmaker, h. East Main.Kelley, Archie, machine hand, bds. Work.Kelsey, E. E., (Electa B.), retired, h. Main.Kennedy, Cams, chef, h. East James.Kennedy, Susan, Mrs., cook, h. East James.SoftKennel,OilSalvatore,Soap (for(Vincenti),housecleaning)mirror worker,at Northroph. Johnson.Paint & Glass Co.Kennon, Curtis, (Cordelia C), retired, h. 128 Main.King, S., gardener, h. Second Ave., Lynndon.Kroon Lackey Larson Kittell' Kocher Kingsley, Mantia, John Elsie, Carrie, Alma William Howard Neva, Josephine, W., student, C, widow teacher, R., V., (Hazel), r. 101 (Bessie), (Alice), James h. r. West r. 212 over hardwood East lumber M., West carpenter, Lister 35 h. Main. West finisher,h. Falconer. over handler, Ave. Main. 212 h. over West h. East Lynndon 13 West Falconer. Blvd. Mam.

Clark Hardware Co.316 FALCONER DIRECTORYFine Cutlery ana ToolsTHE MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE OF NEWARK, N. J.,"It appears to stand in the very firstrank with respect to conservatism,stability and good results to policyholders."—N. J. Investigating Committee.Larson, Andrew P., (Marie), machine hand, h. 101 West Lister Ave.Larson, Anna E., r. 101 West Lister Ave.Larson, Carl, (Jennie), laborer, h. Work.Larson, Charles H., wood worker, r. 101 West Lister Ave.Larson, Eleanor I., seamstress, r. 101 West Lister Ave.Larson, Hildegard T., student, r. 101 West Lister Ave.Larson, Hilma E., seamstress, r. 101 West Lister Ave.Larson, Lars, (Emma), steel casemaker, h. 315 West Ave.Lavely, Horace T., student, r. James.Lavely, John A., (Hannah), pastor M. E. Church, h. James.Lavely, Paul H., freight handler, r. James.Lawrence, Celia, twister, bds. Alberta.Lawrence, Edmund L., (Annie), h. Lister and Kane Aves.Lawrence, George, night watchman, bds. Harrison.Lawrence, Gifford C, clerk, r. Lister and Kane Aves.Lawson, Alex, (Matilda), foreman Marvel'Furn. Co., h. Harrison.Lawson, August F., (Anna), lumberman, h. East Mosher.Lawson, Augusta, h. 241 Harrison.Lawson, Charles H., laborer, bds. West Ave.Lawson, Edward, (Nettie), machine hand, h. Harrison.Lawson, Ellen, clerk, r. Harrison.Lawson, Florence W., r. Harrison.Lawson, Frank J., mechanic, r. East Everett.Lawson, Fred, mirror works, r. Harrison.Lawson, I. F., varnisher, r. East Mosher.Lawson, Martin, metal worker, rms. West Falconer.Lawson, Matilda, widow Augustus, r. Everett.Le Baron, Willard, farmer, r. Harrison.Leonard, Sidney, laborer, bds. Work.Le Roy, Levi B., (Mary)—cement block contractor, over 31 West Main—h. do.Lilly, Warren, bds. Outlet.Linkey, William C, (Margaret), emp. mirror works, h. East Mosher.Linsteadt, Ellen, housekeeper, r. 102 Harrison.Lofgren, Elmer C, (Elsie M.), finisher,h. East Everett.Long, Lawrence, (Ellen R.), emp. mirror works, h. Work.Loucks, Evaline, student, r. East Everett.Loucks, J. H., (Joanna), h. East Everett.Loucks, Thomas M., student, r. East Everett.Lundgren, Axel, mill hand, r. Davis.Lundgren, Gust, (Olga), machine hand, h. Davis.Lydell, Francis B., (Lida), farmer, r. Work.Lydell, Ivar r. Work.Lydell, Ransom B.„ student, r. Work.Lynndon Mirror Co.—Pres., Leonard Asker; treas., E. A. Peterson; sec'y.,B. H. Tefft.Lynndon Worsted Money Co.—R. talks.—We D. Stoeltzing, have paid over pres.; $500,000.00 Grant Forbes, losses vice in pres.; JohnAhlstrom, sec'.-treas.—Work.Lyon, BRADSHAW'S Bernice C, r. 142 PIONEER East Falconer. INSURANCE AGENCYLyon, Dennis E., machine hand, r. 142 East Falconer.Lyon, Edward A., (Adaline), laborer, h. East Everett.Lyon, Macey, Marsh, Mann, George Simon, Albert, Archie Walter, W., (Hattie), (Annie), D„ (Nellie), (Mary), (Lydia), wood paper wool machine glass worker, hanger, sorter, beveler, hand, h. East Alberta. h. Harrison. 142 Falconer. East Falconer.

CLOAKS, V'HAWLS. T>1 A T\ Cl_ f*gloves, hosiery 1 ne A. u. onarpe \*o.FALCONER DIRECTORS 317tf/LL^AAffirOR^ABSOLUTELY•ONE PRICE" SYSTEMMarsh, Clyde, 4^orah), mill hand, h. East Pearl.Martin, Leslie, -w.aroi), office clerk, bds. Work.Mason, Benjamin, r. West Ave.Mason, De Forest, h. West Ave.Mason, Glenn E., (Elinor)—coal and cement, East Falconer—h. over 9 EastMain.Mason, Lotta, r. West Ave.Mason, Mary, widow Chauncey C, h. Mason.Mason, Will, (Delia), machinist, h. Work.Mathews, Lulu, teacher, r. Pearl.Mathews, Marvin W., (Clara), mill hand, h. Pearl.Maurer, Fred J.—sec'y. Jamestown Mantel Co.—r. Union City, Pa.Maybee, William C, (Bertha), finisher,h. East Main.McCain, Agnes, teacher, r. Delaware Ave.McCain, Carrie, stenographer, r. Delaware Ave.McCain, Gertrude, r. Delaware and Lynndon.McCain, Harvey C., (Jennie), sander, h. Delaware Ave.McCain, Hoyt, mirror worker, r. Deleware Ave.McCain, Myrtle, r. Deleware Ave.McCain, Thorne R., wood worker, r. Delaware Ave.McCain, Violet, dressmaker, r. Delaware Ave.McCall, Fred B., (Lulu), machinist, h. over 15 Main.McClenahan, Francis T., (Mary F.), wood worker, h. 133 East Falconer.McClenehan, Frank T., wood worker, h. over 133 East Falconer.McCollister, Reuben, (Nellie), carpenter, h. North Work.McCormack, Rudolph, weaver, bds. Work.Meadow Brook Mills—Wm. Broadhead & Sons, props.; F. J. Appleyard, supt.—Dow.Melin, Claus, (Ida), packer, h. East Main.Merriam, Bert F., (May), <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Planing Mill, h. Falconer.Merriam, Forest T., (Lorinda), retired, h. 11 East Falconer.Merriam, Frank O^ (Carrie), <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Planing Mill, h. Main.Merriam, Fred D., (Belle), merchant, h. 202 Main.Merriam, Hazel, student, r. 11 East Falconer.Messenger, Philetus, (Elizabeth), engineer, h. Work.Metcalf, Agnes, housekeeper, r. Lister.Metcalf, Alfred, (Miriam), wool sorter, h. Main.Metcalf, Elizabeth, Mrs., r. West Lister Ave.Metcalf, Joseph, foreman, h. West Lister Ave.Metcalf, William, (Adaline), weaver, h. Alberta.Methodist Episcopal Church, cor. Work and James.Miller, Frank O., (Amanda), machine hand, h. 26 East Harrison.Miller, J. D., (Hattie), finisher,h. East Falconer.Miller, Walter, (Hilma), mill hand, h. Harrison.Moore, Iva H., mill hand, r. Harrison.Moore, M. J., Mrs.,—milliner, cor. Work and Everett—r. Jamestown, N. Y.Moore, Rant A., sander, r. Harrison.1« Moore, rt William insure H., in the (Mary), New engineer, York Life? h. Harrison. Consult with Tweedale about theMorgan, W fly Cora, utopia teacher, contract, r. North at 215 Work. Main streetMorgan, J. H., gardener, h. North Work.Morris, Peter, (Catherine), lumberman, h. near D., A. V. & P. track.Morse, Harry P., (Clella), barber, h. 22 West Mosher.Mosher, Archie Harry, Clyde, Evelyn, Gertrude, Henry machine E., D., student, Mrs., teacher, (Jessie), clerk, hand, r. West ,r. h. machinist, r. West agent 10 Mosher. 10 Davis. Mosher.for'The h. West Journal, Main. r. West Mosher.

Clark Hardware Co. Farming Implements and Fencing318 FALCONER DIRECTORYTli a 11 to 11 an a Rraur When you U8e il you please y0 ,rV/lld U td UIJ Ua U1CVV likewise aid digestion and noi rish your body.Mosher, Ralph, mill hand, h. Main.Mosher, Stiles B., broommaker, h. West Mosher.Mosher, Valeria G., duffer, r. Main.Mosher, W. Harrison, (Mary), night watchman, h. 1 West Main.Mosher, William H., (Mina B.), steel worker, h. Main.Munson, Charles, (Jessie), clerk, h. East Everett.Munson, Jennie, mill hand, r. East Everett.Munson, Matilda, widow John, r. East Everett.Murch, G. Addison, (Maud A.), jeweler, h. Delaware Ave.Murch, George, baggageman, h. Delaware Ave.Murch, Lulu, h. Delaware Ave.Murnan, Patrick, retired, r. Main.Murphy, William, (Mary B.), farmer, h. Harrison.Murray, John, (Mable), machine hand, h. West Falconer.Myers, John E., (Geneva), machine hand, h. Harrison.Nelson, August, (Ellen), brickmaker, h. Harrison.Nelson, Charles, r. Harmon Ave.Nelson, Charles A., Jr., (Bessie), carpenter, h. Harmon Ave.Nelson, Emil, (Clara), sander, h. East Pearl.Nelson, Herman G., (Emmy), padmaker, h. East Everett.Nelson, John, wool sorter, bds. Work.Nelson, N. J., retired, r. Price Ave.Newson, William, (Jessie), pad worker, h. Harrison.Newton, A. R., (Mary)—groceries, 9 East Main—h. do.Newton, Emma, widow Clayton, r. East Everett.Nichols, Bert, (Pearl), laborer, h. Merriam block.Nichols, Frances, sewing machine operator, r. Almet.Norman, Charles J., draughtsman, bds. Hotel Lynndon.Oddy, William, (Emma), machinist, h. East James.Ohman, Oscar P., (Sina), laundryman, h. West Main.Olivey, Clara E., waitress, r. 1 West Main.Olsen, Ollie, (Elva), machine hand, h. Harrison.Olson, Aleck, h. 271 Harrison.Olson, Amel, finisher,h. Harrison.Olson, Andrew, (Nettie M.), weaver, h. Main.Olson, Anna, widow Carl, h. Harrison.Olson, Axel, finisher, r. Cross.Olson, Ed., ball player, bds. Work.Olson, Edwin, milk peddler, bds. Carter.Olson, Frederica, r. 271 Harrison.Olson, John, section boss, h. 205 East Falconer.Olson, John, watchman, h. 271 Harrison.Olson, W f i i John a A., . (Jennie), _ • lumber J'j. /I handler, Our Associates h. East Pearl.are all qualified died Accountants.Olson, . tly L. J., Ainge (Julia), plumbing AUdlt 7 tO. Work, h. Jamestown, Central Ave. N Y. Youngstown, 0.Olson, Ollie, (Carolina), laborer, h. Cross.Olson, Osborn, Page, Parker, Parkhurst, Parsons, ond, Rosetta, Victor, Leo, Lucius Merretta William, Horace, Jamestown, John, Alma, Barge, Stanley (Edna), bobbin widow B.,—machinery cabinetmaker, novelty (Olivia), (Millie), S., (Mamie), N., h. widow setter, Moses harnessmaker, worker, Y— East sander, lumber emp. r. r. James F., Everett. r. 42 and Cross. r. West h. mirror h. inspector, Cross. 212 wholesale A., West bds. Lister h. West Falconer. works, Lister 422 h. Ave.Falconer. butter West Delaware h. Ave. East Falconer. Mosher. and Everett. Ave. eggs, 114 West Sec­

CARPETS, CURTAINS,draperies, shades.The A. D. Sharpe Co.FALCONER DIRECTORY 319tff/LL^JAAffirOR^Patterson, Charles W., (Clara B.), wood worker, h. 139 James.Patterson, Spencer G., retired, r. 139 James.Pattison, William F., (Elizabeth), teaming, h. Hine.Patton, Gerhart P., (Nina), machinist, h. 241 Harrison.Pauley, Albert, wood worker, bds. East Main.Peck, Charley L., (Cynthia), engineer, h. East Falconer.Peck, Sarah E., widow Marshall E., h. over 121 East Falconer.Perry, William, mirror worker, bds. Harrison.Peterson, A. Gust, (Amanda), foreman, h. Main.Peterson Bros., meats, Work.Peterson, Carl G., (Anna), machine hand, h. cor. Harrison and Work.Peterson, Charles J., (Anna), trimmer, h. James.Peterson, Charlotte, widow Frank A., h. West Falconer.Peterson, Clayton H., (Minnie), motorman J. St. Ry., h. Alberta.Peterson, Elmer, (Ida), butcher, h. Carter.Peterson, Emil A., (Anna)—postmaster and Peterson and Grandin—h. 31Falconer . ,Peterson, Frank G., (Emma),—supt. Am. Mfg. Co.—h. Main.Peterson, George, (Tilla), meats, h. Work.Peterson & Grandin, boots and shoes, 4 East Main.Peterson, Gust E., (Emma), machine hand, h. Harrison.Peterson, Olga, finisher,r. Main.Phelps, Bert, finisher,r. Main.Phelps, Nina, r. Main.Phetteplace, Allen, novelty worker, r. 40 West Main.Phetteplace, George, (Millie), h. over 43 Main.Phetteplace, Frank M., carpenter, r. over 43 Main.Phetteplace, John, mill hand, h. Main.Phillips, Fred G., (Edna), fireman, h. Harrison.Phillips, Jerome B., (Anna L.), finisher,h. East Everett.Phillips, Rose, widow Judson S., h. Harrison.Phillips, Sarah J., widow Jerome B., r. 132 East Falconer.Phillips, Walter W., clerk, r. 133 East Falconer.Phillips, William P., (Jennie N.), laborer, h. Delaware Ave.Piazzo, Joe, (Jennie), finisher,h. East Falconer. .Piatt, Evelyn E., r. West Mosher.Piatt, Mary A., widow Joseph, h. West Mosher.Plucker, Reuben D., (Clara), wood worker, h. Elm.Pocock, George H., (Catherine), machine hand, h. Harrison.Porter, George H., (Frances), foreman, h. 125 West Falconer.Powers, George E., (Maude), driver, h. 305 West Ave.Price, David, machine hand, bds. 127 East James.Price, Merrick, (Ann), farmer, h. Work.Pritchard, Blanche, spooler, r. Main.Pritchard, Frank, painter, r. Main.Pritchard, Harry, mill hand, r. Main.Pritchard, Stella, Mrs., h. Main.Ramsdell, William, machine hand, bds. Merriam block.Randall, Claude, painter, bds. Delaware Ave.Reed, F0RbKaYG Raynor, Ream, Randall, Rawson, David, Clement Archie, George Clayton Oscar mrTS (Cora), (Ella), J., R., M., (Myrtle), (Elizabeth (Grace), *ee finisher,h. blacksmith, mirror the D., principal works, L.)—groceries, A. CaWCFof bds. East V. h. & Delaware high Everett. Work. P. R. school, t 2 R. East Co., Ave. agent, h. Main—h. 302 1 07 Main. E. East 3rd Falconer. St.

Clark Hardware Co.320 FALCONER DIRECTORYFine Cutlery and ToolsIts purity is never questioned—its flavor has been the delightof those who know good beer. Both phones <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew268.Reed, William, harnessmaker, bds. East James.Regal Furniture Co.—Otto L. Bloomquist, W. L. Snow—mfrs. furniture, WorkRenton, George, (Mary), supt. pad factory, h. Harrison.Rhinehart, George, Jr., (Isabelle), machine hand, h. Harrison.Rhinehart, Henry, (Maude), cabinetmaker, h. Work.Rhinehart, Henry, Mrs., dressmaker, h. Work.Rhinehart, Walter, (Edith), cabinetmaker, h. Harrison.Rice, Fred, driver, r. West Main.Rider, Alton, (Eva), laborer, h. East Everett.Rider, Elbert J., (Nellie), h. 116 North Work.Rider, Emily, widow Philo, r. Harrison.Rider, Leon L., (Anna),—lunch room and billiards—h. 17 Everett.Robbins, Mason, (Lucy), night watchman, h. East Falconer.Robbins, Niles W., carpenter, r. over 15 West Main.Robins, Joe, (Olive), —barber, Main—h. East Falconer.Robinson, Frank P., (Alice), contracting carpenter, h. Main.Rodabush, David, mirror worker, bds. Work.Rogana, Simore, (Angela), machine hand, h. over 37 West Main.Roman, Armas, painter, r. Almet.Roman, Constinsia, Mrs., h. Almet.Rounds, Frank, (Ethel), wh'eelwright, h. Harrison.Rowley, Bert, (Mattie), carpenter, h. East Pearl.Ruckman, Alma M., dressmaker, r. 16 Harrison.Ruckman, Albert, (Emma), bookkeeper, h. North Work.Ruckman, A. Oscar, (Augusta), machine hand, h. West Lister Ave.Ruckman, Bertha, mill hand, r. 102 Harrison.Ruckman, Carrie,' r. 102 Harrison.Ruckman, Claus, (Charlotte), mill hand, h. Harrison.Ruckman, Ella, r. Harrison.Ruckman, Frank, machine hand, r. 102 Harrison.Ruckman, Swanty, machinist, r. 102 Harrison.Russell, Frank, (Mabel), mill hand, h. Work.Russell, Henry, (Frances), printer, h. work.Sackerson, Carl, novelty worker, h. near D. A. V. & P. R. R. tracks.Sackerson, Oscar, novelty worker, r. near D. A. V. & P. R..R. tracks.Sage, George, novelty worker, r. 130 Main.Salisbury Wheel & Mfg. Co.—C. A. Pickard, pres.; Andrew Davis, sec'y.; E.D. Shearman, treas.—Tiffany Ave.Salvatore, Piazzo, (Jennie), laborer, h. over 35 West Main.Sample, Erie H., (Emma), cashier 1st Nat. Bank of Falconer, h. Main.Sample, Ethel, bank clerk, r. East Main.Sanderson, August, (Charlotte), machine hand, h. Outlet.Sanderson, Edith, picker, r. Outlet.Sanderson, Selma, spinner, r. Outlet.Schrader, Glenn A., (Elizabeth), carpenter, h. East Everett.Schwone, Herman, (Elizabeth), machine hand, h. over 43 Main.Seaholm, Charles, (Augusta), mill hand, h. 343 Harrison.Sealy, Ashley D., milkman, bds. Carter.Selin, Arthur J„ finisher,r. Harrison.Sellstrom, Fred, (Mattie), electrician, h. East Everett.Seymour, Burton W., (Clara),—physician, Gokey block, Jamestown—h. 22West Mosher, office do.I Shauger, Shelters, Shaw, Llie ifo Tncnronra Jane, Clyde, Cap, inSUranCc George, William Jerry Martha (Flora), widow emp. L., C, emp. Connecticut H„ (Rose), J. Arnold h. widow C. (Nancy), mirror 225 w. & farmer, Main. B., L. J. Edwin, works, E. h. Bentley, General agent, Harrison. R. h. h. R., James. bds. h. West Gen. r. Life 1 Work. 225 East Falconer. Agt., Ins. Main.515 Co., Chadakoin Hartford, Bldg. Conn.,

Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. THE A. D, SHARPE CO.J / M ^ A A ^ T V A SFALCONER DIRECTORY 321-ONE mCE^SYlTEMShepardson, John, glass worker, bds. Hotel Lynndon.Shreve, Archie, cabinetmaker, r. East Everett.Shreve, Clifford, (Flora), wood worker, r. 14 West Falconer.Shreve, Clyde, mill hand, r. Harrison.Shreve, G. W., (Carrie), finisher,h. East Everett.Shultz, Clifford E., reporter, h. 4 Work.Shultz, George R., student, r. Deleware Ave.Shultz, Herman C, (Georgie), station agent Erie R. R., h. 14 Work.Shultz, Sarah, Mrs., pastor Wesleyan Methodist Church, h. Deleware Ave.Simmons, Alice N., widow Lester, h. 120 East Main.Simpson, Ivar D., (Winifred), wire chief Bell Tel. Co., h. 316 East Falconer.Simpson, James, (Emily)—supt. Lynndon Worsted Mills—h. Central Ave.Simpson, Nathan H., (Ida), farmer, h. 316 East Falconer.Smith, Chester, machine hand, bds. 1 West Main.Smith, Clara D., r. Harrison.Smith, D. Bert, student, r. Falconer and Homestead.Smith, Earl, machine hand, bds. 1 West Main.Smith, Emily E., h. Lynndon Blvd.Smith, Gerald E., (Pearl), machine hand, h. East Everett.Smith, Grace, r. Main.Smith, G. Frank, (Minnie)—physician, 21 Main—h. Falconer and Homestead.Smith, Nancy M., widow Henry, h. Work.Smith, Roger M., ball player, bds. 1 West Main.Smith, Tressa M., seamstress, r. 144 West Falconer.Smith, William O., (Almah),—physician, drug store, 8 Main—r. over do.Smith, William H., (Belinda), laborer, h. Harrison.Spalding, Kate, waitress Hotel Lynndon.Spaota, James, (Caroline), cabinetmaker, h. West Lister Ave.Spence, Edwin J., (Rose Ann), glass beveler, h. 144 West Falconer.Spence, John W., (Carrie), packer, h. Work.Spot Kash Store (The)—B. L. Hough, prop.—notions, 19 East Main.Sprague, Fred—Cowden & Sprague—bds. East Everett.Sprague, Fred, engineer, bds. 15 East Everett.Staples, Augustus, (Augusta), laborer, h. over 4 Work.Star Studio, (The),—T. Henry Black,—Main.Start, William, (Minnie), emp. mirror factory, h. Harrison.Stein, Sagrid, drawer, r. Almet.Stevenson, Perry, (Hattie), machinist, h. West Ave.Stickles, Albert, (Rena), saddler, h. East Falconer.Stoke, John H., (Nellie), metal worker, h. Merriam block.Stone, John B., (Lulu L.), laborer, h. Ill East Main.Stone, Julia A., widow Ethan A., h. Ill East Main.Storey, George, hostler, rms. Work.Stratton, John, (Amanda), mirror worker, h. West Main.Street, Robert R., (Lorena L.),—druggist, 33 Main—h. Work.Strickland, Orrin F., (Virginia), carpenter, h. Main.Summerson, Ralph, (Bertha), laborer, h. Work.Sutton, Marvin R., (Lilly), farmer, h. East Everett.MODERN Swan, Clara, widow HARDWOOD Fred, h. Taylor. FLOORS — Ask LyonsSwan, Huldah, Are not widow so expensive Frank, as you h. may over think 17 Main.«7Swan, Oscar, (Fanny), mill hand, h. Work.Swan, Richard H., emp. mirror works, h. Taylor.Swanson, Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Methodist Anna, Edward Charles widow C, Church, Lutheran (Johanna), (Blanche), Olof, Lister Harrison. h. Church, Merriam metal machine Ave. worker, cor. block. hand, Carter h. h. West East and West James. Falconer. Lister Ave.

Clark Hardware Co. Roofing and Building Papers322 FALCONER DIRECTORY" JAMESTOWN'S FINEST CLOAK STORE.The largest |i/ie of ready-to-wear garments for ladies, misses and childrenin the city.SAXE BROS. CO., 12-14 W. Third St.Sweet, Perle E., dressmaker, r. Central Ave.Sweet, Beulah M., student, r. Central Ave.Sweei, Helen M., widow Isaac, h. Main.Sweet,. Mildred L., student, r. Central Ave.Sweet, Oscar W., (Ella), carpenter, h. Central Ave.Sweet, Perry B., (Lura), mason, h. James.Swift, Herbert C., (Alice), mason, h. 13 James.Sylvester, Mary, widow Edward, r. Main.Tarr, Grant D., (Ida),—Benson & Tarr—livery, h. Main.Tavern, (The)— F. H. Walden, prop.—1 West Main.Taylor, Eugene, (Genevieve), blacksmith, h. West Falconer.Tedesco, Jennie, r. West Lister Ave.Tedesco, Thomas, (Sarah), cement worker, h. West Lister Ave.Tefft, Bartlett B.,—prop, mirror works—r. Harrison.Tefft, Byron, H. J.,—sec'y-treas. mirror works—h. Harrison.Tefft, Jennie, widow Elias, h. Harrison.Thayer, Bert, (Hattie), machine hand, h. West Main.Thelander, Axel B., (Ethel), wood turner, h. East Pearl.Thelander, Carl O., (Christine), tailor, h. Ross.Thompson, Hiram A., (Julia), weaver, h. 143 Main.Thornton, Veron S., (Delia), barber, h. 303 West Ave.Tiffany, AlbertJ., (Carolyn C), retired, h. Main.Tiffany, John Harold, student, r. Allen and Whitman Place.Tiffany, John H., (Jessie W.), real estate, r. Allen and Whitman PI.Tracy, Guy C, (Otilia), machine hand, h. North Work.Tracy, Jane, Mrs., r. Tiffany.Tracy, Minnie, widow Oscar, r. Work.Trask, Jane, domestic, r. Main.Travis, Carl, (Minnie), machinist, h. Main.Tregea, George A., (Laura), stationary engineer, h. 121 West Falconer.Tregea, W. Albert, machine hand, r. 121 West Falconer.Turnell, Joseph, freight agent, bds. Work.Turnell, Thure, (Eva), laborer, h. Main.Turner, Bertha, school teacher, r. Second Ave.Turner, Charles W., (Lillie), engineer, h. Elm.Turner, Frank, (Samantha), carpenter, h. Second Ave.Turner, George M.,—pres.-treas. J. Mantel Co.—h. 101 Central Ave.Turner, Gilbert, (Irene S.),—J. Mantel Co.—h. East Main.Turner, Gladys, spinner, r. Elm.Turner, Walter, machine hand, r. Second Ave.Valone, John, (Laonca)—barber shop, 27 Main—h. Main.VanDewark, Bernie, (Eunice), finisher,h. Main.Van Dewark, Harris, finisher, r. East Main.Vincenezzo, Vedura, (Larita), laborer, h. 37 West Main.Vining, Nathan, (Mary),—harness, 37 East Main—h. 25 Falconer.Vollentine, Sullivan W., (Lorena J.^, elevator man, h. Allen Ext.Wade, George E., (Lulu), laborer, h. rear Carter.Waite, Earl, machinist, r. Work.Waite, Myron, (Minnie), machine hand, h. Work.Waite, Pearl Myrtle, telephone operator, h. Work.Walborg, Gust, (Anna), section foreman Erie R. R., h. West Lister.Gage Walden, Walrod, Warren, Walker, Furniture Walter, EphriamI., Harriett, George Ethel, F. H., (Carrie)—prop. r. H., bds. 1 widow (Elizabeth), West (Anna), Alberta. Co. Eli, Main. Oilcloths Falconer r. The machine Work. Tavern—h. Veneer hand, and Co., do. h. Tiffany Linoleumsh. Lynndon. Ave.

Always Buy your Dry Goods of THE A. D. SHARPE CO.FALCONER DIRECTORY 323ONE OF THE FINEST^ff/LL^AA^WR^IN THIS COUNTRYWashburn, John, retired, r. 14 Falconer.Weaver, Ola, domestic, r. 1 West Main.Webb, Harry L., finisher,bds. 127 East James.Webeck, Charles, h. Harrison.Webeck, John, (Anna B.), watchman, h. Harrison.Webster, Ernest W... mason contractor, h. Harrison.Weburg, Emil, cabinetmaker, bds. Main.Weise, Augustus, machinist, bds. Harrison.Wellman, Charles, (Abbie), veneer worker, h. Main.Wellman, Delio, student, r. Main.Wells, John, Jr., (Anna), painter, h. Davis.Wesleyan Methodist Church, First and Lynndon Park.West, Alrick, (Effie), sawyer, h. Harrison.West, Fred, laborer, bds. Work.Westling, Ingeborg, widow Gustaf^ r. Harrison.Westling, William, (Emma), pastor Swedish Methodist Church, h. Harrison.Westrom, Arthur, machine hand, bds. Work.Whalen, John, carpenter, bds. Hotel Lynndon.Whelan, Elizabeth, widow William, r. Junction Rd.Whelpley, Erie E., (Ellen), teamster, h. Elm.White, Charles W., (Ida), engineer, h. East Main.White, Charlotte A., Mrs., h., Lynndon Blvd.White, Ray E., mill hand, r. East Main.Whitenhall, William H., carpenter, bds. Harrison.Whitford, Flora, twister, r. Merriam block.Whitford, William A., lumber handler, h. Merriam block.Wiborg, Ernest A., (Hulda),—grocer, William—h. 15 Harrison.Wiborg, Oscar T., (Anna)—groceries, flour and feed, cor. Work and Harrison—h.Harrison.Wijkmark, J. Fred, (Julia), polisher, h. 222 East Main.Williams, A. E., carder, r. Main.Williams, N. S., (Delia), machinist, h. East Everett.Wilson & Erickson—Wm. Wilson and Harry C. Erickson—groceries, Main.Wilson, Ray H.—Chena J.!— confectionery and news room, 25 Main—h. overdo.Wilson, William, (Amanda), real estate, h. Main.Winn, George, (Lena), machinist, h. Main.Winslow, David, (Anna S.), mill hand, h. East Everett.Wolcott, Theodore E., (Sarah), retired, h. East Falconer.Woodard, Earl C, (Lilla M.), mechanic, h. 11 Falconer.Wood, Glenn, (Delia), farmer, h. East Everett.Woodford, Maude, theatricals, r. East Everett.Woodford, Charles, (Jessie), trained animals, h. Everett.Wright-Bailey Co., (The) Inc.—J. S. Wright, pres.; E. P. Bailey, sec'y.-treas.—mfr. harness, saddles, gig-kay and express—50 East Main.Wright J. C, (Nettie), mill hand, h. 109 East James.Wright, Judson S., (Effa M.)—Wright-Bailey Co. and school commissioner—h. 30 West Main.PAINTGold, Yerdon, Florence Aluminum B., bookkeeper, and other r. Do. Bronzes no&tglra°ss co1Yerdon, Gilbert J., (Arie), machinist, h. Dow.Yerdon, Young, Young! George, Mary, Robert, John Willis L., widow L., finisher,h. machine (Edith bookkeeper, Robert, E.), hand, 65 oil h. r. East producer, 65 65 Do.East Main.Main. h. Dow.

Clark Hardware Co.Hardware and Mill Supplies324 LAKEWOOD DIRECTORYF. S. TREADWAY, Dist. Agt. The Mutual Benefit Lifeboth phones of Newark, N. J.THE JOURNAL'S LAKEWOOD DIRECTORY<strong>1909</strong>-10VILLAGE OFFICERS.President—John W. Woodburn.Clerk—John I. Veness.Treasurer—John G. Wiggers.Collector—Glenn D. Rew.Board of Trustees—F. L. Fleek, T. B. Winchester.Board of Education—A. G. Lawson, pres.; Wm. C. Miller, C. M. Marsh.Board of Health—J. A. Seymour, pres.; P. J. Nichols; Dr. A. J. Bennett,health officer.Lakewood Hook and Ladder Co. No. 1—Chief, William Gron; foreman, C. E.Brown; sec'y., Wm. L. Owen; treas., P. A. Thomas.Alden, Harry W., grocer, r. Ashville Ave.Alexander, Emmet W., (Mary), teamster, h. West Third.Alexander, Roy, laborer, h. West Third.Allen, Evelyn, piece mender, r. cor. Shady Side and Ashville Aves.Allen, Nellie A., widow William L., h. cor. Shady Side and Ashville Aves.Arkison, George, (Viola), florist,h. Lakeview Ave.Arkison, Jennie, clerk, r. Lakeview Ave.Babcock, Amanda, widow Henry h. Ashville Ave.Babcock, Harry S., electrician, r. Ashville Ave.Badgley, Francis M., (Helen),—grocery, <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.—h. do.Barker, Catherine, widow Boliver, r. Third.Barker, C. T., (Ina Buell), dealer machinery, h. Lakeview Ave.Barker, Mark, (Ruth), painter and paper hanger, r. Third.Beach, Alonzo L., (Mary E.), h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Beleal, Allen L., carpenter, bds. Lakeview Ave.Bills, Adelaide, widow Martin, r. Ashville Ave.Bills, Martin V., farmer, h. Ashville Ave.Blackmar, Glenn J., (Delia), farmer, h. Ashville Ave.Blanchard, A. F., Dr., (Eliza L.)—Jamestown, N. Y.—h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Blanchard, Maurice L., student, r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Blodgett, Watson B., (Sarah E.), oil pumper, h. Second Ave.Bly, E. P., (Helen O.), oil well driller, h. Summit Ave.Bowen, Harry W., (Julia), h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Bowen, Nathaniel H., (Jennie), h. Summit.Brown, Charles E., (Sarah), painter, h. East Third.Brown, H. Newton, (Maria), carpenter, h. Pennsylvania Ave.Bryant, Samuel M., (Georgia), agent Erie R. R., h. East Third Ave.Burdick, William H., (Lena P.), h. Southland Ave.Butler, Bertha, art studio, over 19 West Second, Jamestown, N. Y., r. AshvilleAve.Butler, Jay A., (Nina), real estate, h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Butler, Olive B., stenographer, r. Ashville Ave.Butler, Oliver B., (Alice M.), farmer, h. Ashville Ave.Call BRADSHAW'S Butterfield, Carpenter, Bell 'phone Bernard Fred Florence Lucina G., PIONEER 763, S., F., (Lucy), E., widow (Samantha), Home student, h. Established 265 INSURANCE John East r. when A., East First. carpenter, h. you in First. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> need 1867. AGENCY h. insurance East Ave. First. or indemnity.

Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. THE A. P. SHARPE CO.tff/LL^AAnFjroRgsLAKEWOOD DIRECTORY 325LARGEST and MOSTCAREFULLY SELECTED STOCKCarpenter, Mary E., bookkeeper, r. East First.Case, Pardon G., (Frances), laborer, h. West Third.Chamber of Commerce, Ohio Ave.Chandler, Abigail E., widow John, h. Altaway Ave.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> House,—W. H. Reid, prop.—cor. Chaut. and Summit Aves.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Lake Stock Farm—Henry W. Odell, prop.—Ashville Ave.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction Co.—W. H. Reid, agent—cor. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> and SummitAves.Cherry, Allie B., widow Edsall, h. Summit Ave.Cherry, Henry, (Phoebe), h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Chipps, Hortense, widow Justice E., r. Ohio Ave.Clark, Greene, (Ann), h. Lake front.Clark, Harry, carpenter, r. Lake front.Congregational Church, Summit Ave.Cornish, Noah, h. West First.Cornish, Susanna, widow William, h. West First.Country Club, Terrace and Front.Cowing, Ransom F., (Martha A.), farmer, h. Ashville Ave.Crandall, Joel A., (Jeanette), r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> and Summit Aves.Crason, Martha, domestic h. Second Ave.Crawford, E. C, Miss, Cincinnati, O., r. Lake.Daniels, John, laborer, r. Ashville Ave.Daniels, May, widow Alexander, h. Ashville Ave.Darling, C. Eldreth, (Ada), machinist, h. Ashville Ave.Darling, Mary, Mrs., waitress, r. Altaway Ave.Daugherty, E. J., (Elizabeth), painter and paper hanger, h. Lakeview Ave.Davis, Anna W., widow Galusha M., h. Shadyside.Devereaux, William, (Augusta), painter and real estate, h. Terrace.Durham, Gertrude, h. Sherman's Bay.Everdon, Celana, widow Chadwick, r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Everdon, Florence, waitress, r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Everdon, James, (Eleanor), carpenter, h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Findley, Ralph, (Ollie A.), carpenter, h. Southland Ave.Fitch, Franklin, (Julia A.),—prop. Lakewood House—h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Fitch, Myrtle B., bookkeeper, r. Lakewood House.Fleek, Fayette, (Cynthia), retired, h. Summit.Fleek, Glenn B., clerk, r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Franklin, Benjamin, h. Shady Side Ave.Freeman, Anna, dressmaker, r. Lakeview Ave.Frey, William, r. Ashville Ave.Gerron, Alice, milliner, r. Lakeview Ave.Gerron, Genevieve, stenographer, r. Lakeview Ave.Gerron, John, (Anna), flagman R. R., h. Lakeview Ave.Gerron, John F., R. R. conductor, r. Lakeview Ave.Gifford, Jerry, (Caroline), farmer.h. Gifford Ave.Grant, Frank E., (Delia), painter, h. Lakeview Ave.Green, Hattie P., Mrs., h. East Third Ave.titi insure in the New York Life? Because: The New York LifeGron, Charles, (Lotta),—livery, Altaway—h. Summit Ave.VV liy Ins. Co. is a purely mutual organization managed by trustees selectedby the policyholders.Gron, William, (Lillian), livery, h. Lakeview Ave.Gutteridge, Lewis, laborer, h. Shadyside Ave.Hall, Andrew, carpenter, bds. New Holbrook House.Harmon, Timothy, (Josephine), pastor U. B. Church, h. Pleasant View Ave.Herrick, Hewes, HildumHawkins, Lulu Clifton Ralph Christopher Clyde W., H., N., W., widow piano (Ina),—vicinity (Grace), G., John, (Alice), tuner, stenographer, h. r. Altaway retired, Ohio editor h. Ave. J. Ohio Journal—h. Lakeview Ave. Ave. Shady Side Ave.

Clark Hardware Co.Farm Implements and Fencing326 LAKEWOOD DIRECTORY^Vl'lll'f aiKTllQ ¥)hatat ^ou mi^ l^S8 'h* man by "" ',eer nX/nailiaU(]Ua D r e W |ar peop|e drink <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Brew. Both phones 268Howley, Chris, h. Ashville Ave.Howley, William, r. Ashville Ave.Hull, Aaron L., (Minerva C), carpenter, h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Hull, August A., (Flora M.)—New Holbrook House—r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Hazzard, R. T., (Mary), h. Terrace Ave.Hazzard, Sarah, r. Terrace Ave.Hodges, A., (Lucy), assessor, h. Summit Ave.Houghtaling, Sarah A., widow Horace,- h. Ohio Ave.Hoyt, Adeline, Mrs., h. West Third.Jagger, James, fisherman, h. Sherman's Bay.James, Laura, Mrs., cook, h. Shadyside Ave.Johnson, Bridget, widow Ludwig, r. Third.Johnson, Carl A., (Gerda), gardener, h. Shadyside Ave.Johnson, Corinne, millinery, r. Summit.Johnson, Frank G., (Sophie)—mgr. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Lake Stock Farm—h. AshvilleAve.Johnson, Gust, (Anna), section boss, h. Lakeview Ave.Johnson, John P., (Almeda A.), New England Cottage, Ohio Ave.Johnson, Josephine, widow Augustus, r. Summit.Johnston, Eliza, widow William, h. East Third.Kazer, F. J., (Eliza), laborer, h. Shadyside.Kent House, Terrace.Lakewood House,—Franklin Fitch, prop.—<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Lakewood Postoffice, <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave., R. H. Maxson, postmaster.Lakewood School No. 1, Highland Ave.Lanning, George, (Tule), h. Ashville Ave.Larson, Minnie, widow Lars M., r. Ashville Ave.Lee, Rolen M., Dr., (Lelia), h. Lakeview Ave.Linberg, Judas, student, bds. Lakewood House.Lockwood, Melzar A., (Mary F.),—Lockwood & Son, Jamestown, N. Y.—h.cor. Summit and Lakeview Aves.Lowe, Alfred G., farmer, r. Ashville Ave.Lowe, Elizabeth A., r. Ashville Ave.Lowe, James B., (Carrie), farmer, h. Ashville Ave.Lynch, Anna, domestic, r. Lakeview Ave.Lynch, Jane, widow Dennis, h. Lakeview Ave.Lynch, Joseph C, laborer, r. Lakeview Ave.Mallen, Timothy J., (Addie), Jamestown House, r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Marble, Susan, widow Franklin, r. Bentley Ave.Maring, Andrew J., (Selenea), pastor TJ. B. Church, h. Lakeview Ave.Maring, Myrtle R., clerk, r. Lakeview Ave.Maring, Walter A., school teacher, r. Lakeview Ave.Marsh, Claude A., marine TJ. S. navy, r. Lakeview Ave.Marsh, Clement W., (Mae),—Thomas & Marsh—groceries, h. Third.Marsh, Florence E., towel folder, r. Lakeview Ave.Wfllu New Mather, Maxson, McCleary, Megahey, Miller, Moore, Marsh, Martin, . JJlJ Holbrook HindO Veva Ray, William Merle Margaretta, Viola, Joseph Henry, Ralph Leslie HlligO Arthur, John, r. uTlflit M., W., widow E., Hotel—August W., H., (Isabelle), C, (Fannie), r. rtUUll (Floy), (Evelyn), r. (Isabelle), carpenter, <strong>Chautauqua</strong> (Grace), (Myra), widow Lakeview Cyrus, fn UU. r. REFERENCES: flagmanR. Henry, laborer, Ave. postmaster, gardener, hotel Lakeview r. cabinetmaker, h. JAMESTOWN, A. Ave. Third. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Hull, mgr. h. h. Ohio R., h. Pleasant Ave. h. The prop.—<strong>Chautauqua</strong> h. Lakeview h. Ohio N Ave.Leading h. Y., Lakeview.Ave. View YOUNGSTOWN, Ave. Bankers Ave.Ave. Ave. 0 in , WARREN PA.

Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. The A. D. SHARPE CO.LAKEWOOD DIRECTORY 327ABSOLUTELYW l U & M & T W S 'ONE ..o^cTsyIiPRICE" SYSTEMNewton, Otis, (Ida), mason, h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Nichols, Perry J., (Venora S.), laborer, h. Summit Ave.Noble, Matilda, widow Melvin, h. Southland AveNorton, Grace, stenographer, r. Third.Norton, Warren, (Clara), landscape gardener, h. East ThirdOwen, Benjamin F., (Amelia), h. East First.Owen, William L., carpenter, r. East First.Palmer, Jonathan, (Ina), laborer, h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Paul, Andrew M., r. Lakeview Ave.Paul, J. H., (Lizzie), laborer, h. Lakeview Ave.Peer, Catharine, widow Stephen, r. Ashville Ave.Perkins, Martin D., (Melinda), painter and decorator, h. Terrace Ave.Persell, Charles B., (Bernice), principal Lakewood school, h. Summit Ave.Persell, Fred S., (Carolyn), wool buyer, h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Peterson, Daniel,—coal dealer, <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.—bds. Lakewood House.Peterson, John S., (Emily), machinist, h. East Third.Phillips, Fred E., (Lina), boat livery, h. Gifford Ave.Phillips, James L., (Jennie), mason, r. Lakeview Ave.Pike, Jennie B., widow James, r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Pike, Susie, Mrs., cook, r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Pike, Wallie R., laborer, h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Preston, Ira O., (Flora), laborer, h. Lakeview Ave.Read, Austin T., h. Ashville Ave.Read, Isabelle L., r. Ashville Ave.Read, Katherine M., dressmaker, r. Ashville Ave.Reeves, E. E., Indian work, h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Reeves, Mary, r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Reid, Grayce F., telephone operator, r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Reid, W. H., (Florence A.), prop. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> House.Rew, George, (Permelia), general store, <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave., h. over do.Rew, Glenn D., (Ella), janitor school bldg., h. West Third.Risley, William F., (Velma), h. Shadyside.Russell, James A., (Margaret), bookkeeper, h. Summit Ave.Russell, James D., (Alice), promoter, h. Ohio Ave.Russell, Winifred, r. Ohio Ave.Sayers, Elizabeth, r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Sayers, George, (Mary), barber, h. Chautanqua Ave.Sayers, Henry, clerk, r. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Seymour, John A., (Hannah)—electrician, automobile garage, Summit Ave.—h. Shadyside Ave.Shanahan, Minnie, widow Edward, domestic, r. Lakeview Ave.Sherman, William, farmer, r. Ashville Ave.Skinner, Elmer, (Jessie), retired, h. Lake.Sliter, Evan F., (Mary),—The Spencer—h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Sloane, Minnie, clerk, r. Ashville Ave.Smith, Era S., variety store, r. Gifford Ave.Smith, D. Arthur, stenographer, r. Gifford Ave./*USmith,IMildred,Pbookkeeper,MaoloiICOh. <strong>Chautauqua</strong>DECORATOR,Ave.107 W. Third StreetonariesSmith, Minnie,t.widowiviaciease,Arthur E., h.jamitowlIiN.Y.Gifford Ave.Be»i24.b. Home9i-k.Smith, Mervin, (Elizabeth),—mgr. Country Club—h. do.Smith, Thomas, (Sophronia), retired, h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Storrs,' Stevens, Strong, Spencer! Southland, Spencer, Norman, Harriet, The, Theresa Melford, (The)—E. Caroline, <strong>Chautauqua</strong> widow peddler, M., (Anna), F. widow r. Sliter, Henry, Terrace r. Ave. ice Silas, East prop.—rooming business, Shadyside Ave. First. h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> n. Ave. Terrace. house, Ave. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.

Clark Hardware Co., Hardware & Mill Supplies328 LAKEWOOD DIRECTORYDiailfaiinilQ RuaTiT before meals makes every dish welcome — afterl/IiaUiaU(]UaDrcW wards it insures digestion. Both phones 268.Swanson, Victor, farmer, r. Ashville Ave.Swart C, Alfred, (Rose), machinist, h. Summit Ave.Swart, Archie C, buss line, r. East Third.Swart, Charles C, (Polly J.), teaming, h. East Third.Swart, Lafayette, h. Lakeview Ave.Sweet, Lewis M., (Blanche), school teacher, h. Highland Ave.Taber Bros., meat market, <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Taber, Guy, (May), butcher, h. Pennsylvania Ave.Taber, Harry A., (Mina), butcher, h. Lakeview Ave.Taber, Roy L., (Bessie), teamster, h. East First.Taber, Stephen L., (Ida),—meat market, <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.—h. do.Tenney, Albert E., (Mollie), caretaker Kent House, h. Terrace Ave.Thomas, Kezia N., widow Elijah G., r. New Holbrook House.Thomas & Marsh—Perry A. Thomas and Clement W. Marsh—groceries,<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.Thomas, Perry A., (Ella J.)—Thomas & Marsh—groceries, <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.,h. do.Trask, Edwin A., (Clara E.), farmer, h. Bentley Ave.Union Congregational Church, Summit Ave.United Brethren Church, Second St.Veness, John H., (Eliza), carpenter, h. Third.Veness, John I., music teacher, r. Third.Walden, Albert C, (Catharine), farmer, h. Ashville Ave.Ward, Perry, (Sadie,) plumber, h. Third.Warner, Bessie O., dressmaker, r. Bentley Ave.Warner, Frank, (Mary), plumber and engineer, r. Third.Warner, Velva, teacher, r. Third.Warner, William, (Eva), laborer, h. Bentley.Wells, Frank E., (Nettie C.)—wholesale crackers, Jamestown—h. East 3rd.Wescott, Herman A., (Catharine), upholsterer, h. Highland Ave.Westrom, Adolph F., (Helen S.), h. <strong>Chautauqua</strong> Ave.White, Agnes, domestic, h. East Third Ave.Whitford, Clyde, milk peddler, r. Ashville Ave.Whitford, Ed., (Ella), farmer, h. Lakewood Rd.Whitford, Raymond, student, h. Lakeview Ave.Wicks, Cora J., teacher, r. Ohio Ave.Wicks, Charles H., (Florence R.)—journal clerk, Albany, N. Y.—h. Ohio Ave.Wicks, Mary E., student, r. Ohio Ave.Wiggers, John G., (Anna C),—grocery and dry goods, Chautauuqa Ave.—h.ho.Wiggins, Emily, widow David, r. Lakeview Ave.Williams, Mary, widow Monroe, h. East Second.Wilson, Nelson, (Elizabeth), milk dealer, h. Third.Wiltsie, George L., (Matie), laborer, h. Gifford Ave.Winch, Harry, J., (Ella), farmer, r. Ashville Ave.Winch, Joel H., (Eliza), farmer, r. Ashville Ave.Wolf, Charles, laborer, r. Altaway Ave.Wolf, Wealthy, widow Charles, h. Altaway Ave.Wood, I if ft Ethel, Tnonranro stenographer, Connecticut r. Shadyside General Ave.Life Ins. Co., Hartford, Harttord, Conn., iWood, LUC Fred inSUranCe S., farmer, r. •w. Shadyside J. Bentley, Ave. Gen. Agt., 515 Chadakoin Bldg.Wood, James H., (Lucy V.), farmer, h. Shadyside Ave.Woodburn, Albro, Aldrich, Allen, Worden, Anderson, Frank, Laura, Charles T. Edward, John H., Busti, COTTAGE Mrs., W., G., Jamestown, Cincinnati, N. (Grace), (Polly Binghamton, Y., OWNERS, h. M.), teamster, Highland N. O., electrician, Y., r. Ala., SUMMER New h. h. Ave. lake r. East York h. Terrace front, First. Shadyside RESIDENTS.Ave. Ave. Beechwood. Ave.

The largest and best Stock of Dry Goods. The A. D. Sharpe Co.LAKEWOOD DIRECTORY 329tf/LL^AAfffloRQAnderson, Frank and Virnie, Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, Beechwood.Atwood, Elmer, Jamestown, N. Y., h. Highland Ave.Aull, William, Pittsburg, Pa., h. Terrace Ave.Aull, William F., Pittsburg, Pa., h. Pennsylvania Ave.Bauer, John F., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Sun Set Park.Beatty, David W., Warren, Pa., h. Lake.Bedell, I. T., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Sherman's Bay.Bellows, George, North Clarendon, Pa., h. Sherman's Bay.Bender, William J., Mrs., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Beechwood.Benson, Bennie, Jamestown, N. Y., h. Gerald Ave., Beechwood.Blazier, Rachael, Mrs., h. Highland Ave.Bly, Charles, Jamestown, N. Y., h. Beechwood.Brandine, Gustaf, Jamestown, N. Y., h. Clement Park.Briggs, John E., Jamestown, N. Y., lake front.Broadhead, Fred, Jamestown, N. Y., h. Lake front.Broadhead, S. B., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Lake front.Brown, Harold, Jamestown, N. Y., r. Lake front.Buckley, James, Jamestown, N. Y., Oakland Ave., Clement Park.Bullock, Frank, Jamestown, N. Y., r. Clement ParK.Burch, David E., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Lakewood Rd., Clement Park.Burch, Y. W., Jamestown, N. Y., r. Lake front.Bush, Frank B., Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, Gifford Park.Butman, Luther M., Jamestown, N. Y., r. Clement Park.Carlson, Charles, Jamestown, N. Y., h. Beechwood.Carlson, Charlie, Jamestown, N. Y., r. Lake.Carpenter, E. R., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Gerald Ave., Beechwood.Clapp, J. M., Mrs., Washington, D. C, r. Lake.Cole, E. D., Venango, Pa., h. Pleasant View Ave., Clement Park.Cowan, Herbert F., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Sherman's Bay.Danihue, William, Jamestown, N. Y., lake front, Clement Park.Darling, Frederick, Warren, Pa., h. Sherman's Bay.Dennigan, Ned, Clarendon, Pa., h. Sherman's Bay.Derby, John, Jamestown, N. Y., r. Lake.Dole, Mary, Mrs., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Southland Ave.Doubleday, J. W., Jamestown, N. Y., r. Lake front.Droullard, J. P., Mrs., (Estate), Nashville, Tenn., r. Pennsylvania Ave.Ellis, Anthony, Jamestown, N. Y., h. Terrace.Engle, Homer V., Clarendon, Pa., h. Sherman's Bay.Engwood, J., Warren, Pa., r. Highland Ave.Falconer, Archie, Jamestown, N. Y., Highland Ave.Fellows, Harry, Buffalo, N. Y., h. Sun Set Park.Fenner, James R., Jamestown, h. Lake front.Fenton, Lawrence, Jamestown, N. Y., Lake front.Fenton, Martin L., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Lake front.Frank, John J., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Olive Ave., Beechwood.PendletonJamestown, N. Y., Terrace Ave. HARRY LYONSWindow, Gardener, E., Jamestown, Plate, N. Art, Y., r. Highland GLASS Ave. Institute St. and Erie Ry.Gardner, Charles, Jamestown, N. Y., h. Olive Ave., Beechwood.Goodenough, Graff Gray' Garfield, Gilbert, Goucher D Joseph Albert, Oscar Fred S., W Columbus, E., Erie, W., H., S., Dr., Jamestown, Mrs., O., Jamestown, r. N. N. Terrace Y., Y., N. Lake N. Y., r. h. Harlem Lake Y., Ave. r. Clement front.Lake front. Ave., front. Park. Clement Park.

Clark Hardware Co.Builders' Hardware330 LAKEWOOD DIRECTORYTHE FASHION SHOP.Suits for ladles In all the new styles andSAXE BROS. CO. 12-14 W. Third St.Gray, Margaret, Stewart, Mrs., Pittsburg, Pa., h. Pennsylvania Ave.Greenlund, A. H., Jamestown, N. Y., r. Lake front.Greenwood, Enoch, Jamestown, N. Y., r. Lake front.Groesbeck, H. J., Dr., Cincinnati, O., r. Terrace Ave. .Groesbeck, Telford, Cincinnati, O., r. Pennsylvania Ave.Gunckel, L. B., Mrs., Dayton, O., r. Winchester Rd.Gustafson, Emil, Jamestown, N. Y., Boulevard Ave., Beechwood.Haagstrom, Nels, Jamestown, Boulevard Ave., Squier Park.Hall, Alfred E., Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, Clement Park.Harnden, Mae, Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, Beechwood.Haynes, Charles K., Dr., Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, Clement Park.Herrick, Charles W., Jamestown, N. Y., r. Lake front.Herrick, C. G., Jamestown, N. Y., r. Ohio Ave.Hultquist, Gust, Jamestown, N. Y., h. Gerald Ave., Beechwood.Hunt, Charles, Jamestown, N. Y., h. Sherman's Bay.Jaderstrom Bros., Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, Beechwood.Jenner, Charles, Jamestown, N. Y., Olive Ave., Beechwood.Johnson, Arthur W., Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, Beechwood.Johnson, John A., Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, Clement Park.Johnson, John, Jamestown, N. Y., r. Lake front.Jones, John, Jamestown, N. Y., r. Lake front.Jones, William R., Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, Beechwood.Kennedy, H., Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front.Kuhn, William, Pittsburg,, r. Pennsylvania Ave.Lakeview Fishing Club, lake front, Beechwood.Langford, E. R., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Beechwood.Langford, Mary, Jamestown, N. Y., h. Glenn Iris, Lake front.Lawson, Andrew J., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Harlam Ave., Clement Park.Lawson, Charlie F., Jamestown, N. Y., r. Lake front.Lawson, John, Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, Beechwood.Lawson, John E., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Highland Ave.Lawson, Minnie, Mrs., Jamestown, N. Y., lake front, Beechwood.Laycock, Mrs., h. Ohio Ave.Lazelle, Biram S., Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, Gifford Park.Leamonth, Robert, Inverness, Canada, h. lake front, Beechwood.Lehmer, J. D., Mrs., Cincinnati, O., New York Ave.Leighton, John A., Cleveland, 0., h. Pleasant view.Lemont, S. M., Louisville, Ky., r. Ohio Ave.Lindsey, Homer, Mrs., Estate, Pittsburg, Pa., h. Pennsylvania Ave.Lindstrom, Elmer, Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, Beechwood.Mace, Charles, Jamestown, N. Y., h. Sherman's Bay.Mackey cottage, Edward Morgan, Jamestown, N. Y., r. Lake front.Maltby, George E., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Glenn Iris, Lake front.Marshall, Frank H., Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, Clement Park.McAlpin, Emily, Mrs., Cincinnati, O., r. Lakeview Ave.McCord, Mrs., Elizabeth, N. J., r. Terrace Ave.McLean, William, Jamestown, N. Y., h. Sherman's Bay.Moore, George H., Mrs., Louisville, Ky., h. Ohio Ave.Gage Furniture Co. Children's Furnitur^Montgomery, James, Kane, Pa., h. Sherman's Bay.Morris, Mary E., Bradford, Pa., h. lake front, Clement Park.Norquist, Nyberg, Nelson, Nichols, Nord, Myers, F. John, Charles F., A. M., A., C, Jamestown, M., Jamestown, N. h. N. Y., N. Clement Y., r. h. N. h. h. Lake lake Y., Beechwood.Sherman's lake Park. r. front, front.Lake Beechwood.front. Bay.

Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery.The A. D. Sharpe Co.LAKEWOOD DIRECTORY 331C^//Z,/Si£?A Af/fcT/lPtZ COMPLETE TUNING andqj/^^AJWprORgs REPAIR DEPARTMErOpdyke, George, r. Terrace Ave.Osmer, John A., Jamestown, r. Lake frontOsmer, William P., Jamestown, N. Y., r. Lake frontPackard, J. V., Mrs., Warren, O., r. Lake.Packard, J. W., Greenville, Pa., r. Terrace Place.Packard, J. W., Akron, Ohio., r. Lake.Paige, E., Mrs., Cleveland, O., r. Lake.Palmer, Addie, Mrs., The Elms, Pittsburg, Pa., h. Sherman's Bay.Pendleton, Howard, h. Terrace.Perchment, P. D., Mrs., Pittsburg, Pa., Pennsylvania Ave.Peterson, A. F., Jamestown, N. Y., Boulevard, Squier Park.Peterson, Ed. S., Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, Beechwood.Peterson, I. Alfred, Jamestown, N. Y., h. Ohio Ave., Beechwood.Pettis, John H., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Gerald Ave., Beechwood.Phillips, Adele, Mrs., Dayton, O., r. Terrace Ave. ,Pierce, E. G.,—Jamestown, N. Y.,—h. Sun Set Park.Pogue, Henry, Mrs., Cincinnati, O., r. Lake.Pogue, Samuel, Cincinnati, O., r. New York Ave.Proudfit, W. H., Jamestown, N. Y., r. Lake front.Purdy, Charles M., Jamestown, h. Beechwood.Purdy, William G., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Beechwood.Putnam, Lewis A., Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front.Randall, C. L., Jamestown, N. Y., Olive Ave., Beechwood.Rawson, Clark H., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Harlem Ave., lake front.Rexford, Clarence L., Mrs.,—Oil City, Pa.—h. Sun Set Park.Ricker, Levant-Jamestown, h. Gifford Park.Rogers, , Jamestown, h. Highland Ave.Rook, C. A., Pittsburg, Pa., r. New York Ave.Rosencrantz, Elof, Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, Clement Park.Rumple, Harmon F., Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, Gifford Park.Rushworth, O. N., Jamestown, N. Y., r. Lake front.Saxe, Samuel, Jamestown, N. Y., h. Boulevard Ave., Clement Park.Scott, Bradley, Jamestown, N. Y., h. Highland Ave.Sherman's Bay Boat Livery—Wm. D. Lorenz, prop.—Sherman's Bay.Sprague, James L., Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, Beechwood.Stennett, Walter, Corry, Pa., h. Sherman's Bay.Stewart, May, Mrs., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Gerald Ave., Beechwood.Swanson, Fred A., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Harlem Ave., Clement Park.Swetland, E. J., Dr., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Clement Park.Tibbits, Clifford N., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Gerald Ave., Beechwood.Towne, Merritt, Jamestown, N. Y., h. Glenwood Ave., Clement Park.Turner, John, Jamestown, N. Y., lake front, Beechwood.Warnstorf, (The)—hotel, Ed. Warnstorf, prop.—near depot, Beechwood.Waterman, Clem A., Jamestown, N. Y., h. Beechwood.Watson, Alex, Mrs., Bradford, Pa., h. lake front, Sherman's Bay.Wilcox, William, Kane, Pa., h. Sherman's Bay.Winchester, Frank, Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, Beechwood.Winchester, Frank, Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, BeechwoodWiquist, Otto, Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, Beechwood.NORTHROP PAINT & GLASSNeal's and Devoe's Carriage Paints atWright, Matthew E., Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, Beechwood. COMPANYZeliff, Fred R., Jamestown, N. Y., h. lake front, Beechwood.

332 RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTESJAMESTOWN, N. Y.RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTESqq6ROUTE 75Out Fluvanna avenue to Town Line road; north to Towerville;through west part of Ellicott.Aiken, James L.Arnold, Joseph S.Arnold, J. Q.Austin, Murray E.Beach, F. E.Benson, Andrew W.Blackmar, F. W.Blackmar, Ross A.A. H. Wellman, Carrier.Ferrin, StephenFish, J. C.Frost, N. N.Furlow, James W.Gorden, F. W.Griffith, J. EmersonHall, Mrs. Laura M.Hanson, Peter M.Nelson, JohnPerson, JamesPhillips, Charles ..Pratt, Levi S.Preston, William B.Ralph, JosephRexford, T. J.Rhodes, Susie M.Bly, E. R.Haskins, Aaron A., Mrs. Rhodes, AmbroseBrockway, GeorgeBoak, ThomasBottomley, JohnBurnett, AldenCamp, WilsonCarlson, C. J.Cedarquist, AugustaCedarquist, Axel E.Cedarquist, Charles G.Cedarquist, Frank A.Cedarquist, William G.Chapin, Jay S.Clark, Charles WesleyClark, M. F.Clark, AlmonCoan, D. H.Cowing, Mrs. BelleHaskins, Alice A.Heath, B. E.Heath, Herbert B.Hollenbeck, C. D.Hollenbeck, GeorgeHollenbeck, SilasHoagland, Edwin C.Houghtaling, EdwinHooper, Fred M.Hull, Mrs. A. W.Johnson, Edwin L.Kidd, ThomasKola'nder, TheodoreLee, RichardLord, SamuelLord, FrankLoun, JohnSalisbury, Orson N.Satterland, Axel W.Seeley, O. R.Sherwin, Houghton W.Sinclair, H. A.Steadman, ClintonStrunk, Irank W.Strunk, HoytSoule, George E.Shaw, F. W.Smith, DennisSmith, Cyrus A.Swanson, John P.Thayer, Sanders M.Tower, Alton D.Vetter, GustaveWait, J. A.Coney, Dexter F.Mead, John E.Wahlgren, ClauseCarlson, CharleyMiller, ROUTE Levi C. 76 Warren, Hiram P.Driscoll, West Oak Roy Hill to Gerry; McNallie, return North D. H. Main street. Watson, WilliamDunton, Murray Edward Near, John R. Lenox, Carrier. Wilcox, W. D.Ferguson, EbinNear, LafayetteAnderson, Albert Clark, KateFerguson, Ulysses Near, Hercules L.Aldrich, Miss AnnaBassett, GeorgeBlanchard, Charles A.Blanchard, Erastus V.Blanchard, Fred C.Bloomquist, J. M.Briggs, EliasBrockway, John N.Brown, Frank W.Burtis, H. O.Carlson, GustCedarquist, AaronCedarquist, AlbertCedarquist, CarlCedarquist, Frank W.Cedarquist, PeterCrouch, Thomas W.Dahlgren, AntoineDavis, LynnDewey, Orlin V.Edwards, Bonnie C.Erwin, J. HenryFoster, Archie N.Gowan, GeorgeGriffin, W. C.Halladay, John N.Harrington, DavidHarrington, JohnHarrison, L,evi L.Heath, James F.Hill, Aaron J.Hilary, Frederick A.fHoard, Albert L.Jacobson, PeterJohnson, JohnLaidler, Mary H.McConnell, ArchieMcCullough, EdgarMcVay, HenryMelquist, GustMiller, William M.Moon, WallaceMoon, Charles E.Nelson, Axel E.Nelson, Mrs. AnnaPerring, FrankPratt, M. B.Risley, Floyd B.Rowley, Hiram

Sandford, DavidSeymour, Henry A.Smith, ErnestSmith, Eugene D.Spitzer, R. B.Stafford, FredStrunk, AlvinSundell, CharlesRURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTES 333Swanson, Charles E.Swanson, Benj.Swanson, GustSweet, FrankTaylor, Z. K.Thompson, W. A.Travis, Erastus A.Turner, GeorgeTurner, FrancisTurner, MyronVandewark, Lynn A.VanVleck, A. A.Wade, John L.Walker, HerbertWard, HenryWard, TheodoreROUTE 77West to Lakewood; west part of Busti, returning on Hunt Road.Lloyd J. Babcock, Carrier.Albro, C. D.Albro, FrankAlexander, John J.Allen, NellieAnderson, A. P.Anderson, Charles O.Anderson, AlfredAsker, GustBarton, F. M.Blackmer, G. J.Bowhal, J. W.Bradley, G. M.Brown, John N.Brown, CharlesButler, Frank H.Butler, O. B.Button, Jane B.Carlberg, V. E.Carlson, Alex.Carlson, HenryCarlson, WilliamChase, Henry H.Cowing, Ransom F.Davis, Fred C.England, A.Foster, Jesse A.Foster, Jacob B.Frey & Beckwith.Gifford, Andrew J.Gifford, George W.Gifford, Elmer C.Kent Gifford, farm. H. P.Gifford, M. G.Aldrich, Griffin, E. Frank C. H.Hand, WarrenHart, L. C.Haskins, A. H.Hawley, C. C.Hazeltine, A. E.Hockett, L. E.Hopkins, A. B.Jamestown Gen. Rep.& Mfg. Co.Johnson, Axel W.Johnson, E. A.Johnson, Freeman A.Johnson, Alfred W.Johnson, Frank G.Jolly, John F.Kent, M. H.Larson, C. C.Lanning, G. W.Lawson, A. G.Lawson, A. J.Lawson, ReynoldLewis, N. D.Lofredo, Dr. ErnestoLoomis, LeviMcMillan, A. J.Mead, Henry D.Mead, Whitman P.Metcalf, RichardMiller, B. M.Nelson, ROUTE Lottie, Mrs. 78Northrup, EmoryNorthrup, F. W.Jacob Nutt, P. David Johnson, L. Carrier.Nutt, Cole, Webster William M.Ohman, CarlOlson, C. R.Parkhurst, W. H.Peterson, Walfred F.Ploss, George W.Preston, J. L.Reid, L. E.Rulifson, John W.Russell, F. M.Seeley, F. L.Simmons, H. W.Simpson, FredShearman, ErieShearman, IsaacShearman, Mrs. S. B.Shearman, Miss Ella E.Shearman, Webster W.Shearman, W. J.Smith, A. J.Sprague, Horatio N.Stratton, AmosStrunk, Earle M.Strunk, HenryTibbitts, AddisonTuttle, Peter N.Vanderwark, E. S.White, George W.Wicks, Andrew W.Williams, L. G.Winch, Joel- H.Out Baker street through Root Settlement, south Winchester, to Busti, returning T. B. byWindsor, John W.Wood, J. H.Worden, Henry, Charles A. L.Anderson, Gustafson, Andrew AxelOberg, Cowing, Elon FredIrvin, ArthurAnderson, August Cree, AxelJohnson, LarsAnderson, Charles Cree, OdellJohnson, OlafAnderson, Edward Crosby, MerleKeefer, JohnAnderson, JohnDouglas, EdwinKing, A.Anderson, MikeEaton, C. L.King, R.Ayers, Herbert W. Eaton, E. L.Knight, H.Ayers, N. AlfredEcklund, OlofKofod, JohnBacklund, Andrew Ecklund, John B. Krents, JohnBpyse, EdwinFrank, John D.Larson, AlbertCarlson, Charles J. Hazeltine, EmilLindquist, CharlesHarlson, Nelse P. Hellgren, Charles Malmberg, Burt

334 RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTESMartin, Rev. DeweyMcAdam, JohnNelson, AlbertNelson, HenryNelson, NelsonNelson, OscarNygren, AndrewPatterson, GustPalmer, AmosPalmer, John S.Pearson, L. E.Pearson, AxelPeterson, Carl V.Peterson, JonasPryor, Thomas R.Rang, Charles P.Robbins, E.Root, CharlesRoot, FredRoot, HarryRoot, William M.Smith, ROUTE Albert J. 79Strong, L. M.Swan, AlbertTibbets, E.Todd, C. O.Trask, ClaudeUnderwood, F.Westerberg, CharlesWhitley, SarahWilcox, AmosWilcox, George F.South on Forest avenue to Busti; southwest part of Busti, returning byTown Line road.Ernest H. Hultquist, Carrier.Allen, CharlesAnderson, A. G.Anderson, GustAnderson, OlofAnderson, J. A.Anderson, TimothyBecker, EliasBlodget, RexBoswell, FrankBoswell, JohnBroadhead, GuyBroadhead, J. W.Brookmyre, SamBrown, BertBuck, C. P.Burton, JamesButton, Albert B.Cale, J. B.Carlson, Oscar W.Cramer, IsaacCrandell, AlbertCrandall, AlbertCrandall, John D.Crick, A. D.Crick, WilliamDonlon, JohpDurlin, GlenEcklund, AugustGarfield, Frank E.Hazeltine, JohnHazzard, Cyrus B.Hazzard, S. M.Holdridge, H. C.Hoard, J. M.Hoyt, L. R.Johnson, C. A.Kellogg, D. W.Kidder, Samuel P.Kiss, VolintineLewis, ClarenceLawson, NelsLindahl, John M-.Lindquist, FredLindstrom, GustLawson, JohnLaughlin, MaryLindquist, AugustLindquist, JohnLinberg, J. A.Longway, L.Maloy, GeorgeMerchant, GeorgeMeredith, John J.Mitchell, Orville D.Mitchell, Harlow W.Movinchick, JohnPalmer, F. S.Pangborn, B. J.Parquett, AlbertPeterson, AlbertPeterson, LudricPhillips, J. J.Pilling, H. W.Potter, W. J.Pratt, William H.Rosedale. RalphRowley, C. A.Russell, ThomasSanbury, J. WilliamShaw, Fred W.Simmons, Fred P.Smith, FrancisSoderquist, Charles E.Stone, N. A.Stevens, Walter B.Stoddard, Hiram D.Swanson, Andrew P.Swanson, W.Tuttle, EddUnderberg, AlbertVanstrom, EricWalrod, ElmerWilson, J. S.Windell, R.Fosburg, ErisNordh, ROUTE Nils 80 White, JohnFoster, F. W.North, NelsWhite, Mrs. CalistaForsburg,Out BakerEphriamstreet,S.overNorthrup,west SwedeKing.Hill to Busti,Whitingsouth&toGrahamState Line,westFosburg,to TownErisLine and returnOdell,byOmonKent farm.Wing, E. D.Fox, Mrs. M. W.AlbertOlson,C.JohnWilson, Carrier.Young, CarlyAllen, Francisco, John LauranceAnderson, Andrew J.Anderson, August B.Anderson, CarolineAndrews, E. D.Averill, J. M.Babcock, Jerome, Mrs.Babcock, Grant B.Baker, AugustBennett, Dr. A. J.Blodgett, H. H.Boswell, ElmerBoswell, LouisBradway, L. J.Breed, Ralph.Bruce, C. J.Carpenter, SophiaCarlson, C. J.Castleman, HarveyClark, Mrs. ElizaCleland, BainbridgeCleland, FrankCovey, Merritt W.Curtis, C. L.Dahl Deck, JohnDevereaux, HarrisonDeavereaux, L. G.Donelson, JohnDuBois, FredFosburg, E. A.

Out Martin road to Kiantone taking southwest part Wright, of Kiantone, Irving P. return­Wigren, WilliamWing, HenryFosberg, S. E.Frank, John D.Frank, Mrs. Lewis C.Moon, LavernGallup, Flora M.Gallup, Mary F.Garfield, Albert P.Gourley, SamuelGustafson, OscarHamilton, EarlHayes, JohnHazeltine, A. M.Harter, Frank J.Hegstrom, CharlesHobart, Edward B.Howard, M. V.Hultine, John P.Irvin, Mrs. C. S.Jackson, George W.Jackson, James K. P.Jensen, JensJohnson, Andrew F.Johnson, Henry •Johnson, J. P.Johnson, John A.Jones, A. G.Jones, Charles P.Jones, ing by Mark Foote & avenue. SonJones, W. A.RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTES 335Klomp, C. J.Klomp, JohnKrantz, EmilLarson, CharlesLevan, VictorLund, AlbertMalmb jrg, CharlesMattison, CharlesMattison, Mrs. SarahMerriman, S. O.Miller, Rev. S.Morgan, AlfredNelson, NormandusNelson, John P.Nelson, P. A.Northrup, RalphNyberg, FabianPage, Mrs. LillyParson, A. T.Parsons, N. P.Peterson, Mrs. EmmaPhillips, WilliamRhinehart, RalphRich, FredRinell, Rev. J. A.Robbins, ROUTE Ezra L. 81Robbins, W. L.Shepard, Calvin A.Berne Shepard, B. Bissell, Elias Carrier.Simmons, RaySmiley, R. E.Smith, CharlesSmith, Dan W.Smith, Ernest E.Smith, MiloSmith, Samuel O.Stanford, C. L.Stearns, H. C.Stockton, Mrs. A. C.btoddard, Merle C.Stone, John E.Stroup, BarneyStufflebeam, HiramSundholm, CharlesSwanson, AlfredSwart, CleonSwart, Mrs. EvaVanNamee, Lovett.Walrod, C. A.Walrod, J. M.Way, W. D.Whiting, Fred C.Whiting, GeraldWhiting, GuyWhiting, ElizabethKliest,Abers, BenEdwardAnderson, C. A.Anderson, CarlAnderson, F. W.Anderson, MagnusBacon, Joseph L.Bolin, A.Bolin, OscarBolin, FrankBragg, Levi D.Bratt, EdwardBratt, JohnBucklin, FrankBucklin, MelissaCarlson, AndrewCarlson, Charles G.Carlson, A. P.Castle, JohnCrandall, A. J.Coleen, GustCole, A. P. C.Coleman, LewisCoons, Geo. H.Cooper, WilliamDanielson, CharlesDerry, Mrs. WilliamDerry, William J.Duell Bros.Dybouski, Dynes, Eaton, Duell, Ezra Earl At.son L. S. G. D.Ferry, M. A.Simmons, Ferry, T. C. Fred P.Fish, Myron C.Beardsley, Geo. W.Bendall, WilliamFris, JohnFrederickson, AdolphFuller, Carl W.Fuller, George W.Gardner, BlancheHahnstrom, VictorHale, James E.Hall, James M.Hamilton, E. G.Hamilton, E. H.Hamilton, E. J.Hart, LauraHeaton, John WarrenHegberg, A.Holcomb, Watson L.Holmberg, GustHoughwot, LaVerne R.Hunt, Rev. C.Jacobson, SwanJohnson, C. L.Johnston, Mrs. FloraJohnston, RoyJones, Grace C.Kidder, George C.Learn, Ledholm, Knapp, Landrigan, Jacob Ingalls C. Mary A. S.Lindblad, JohnYoung, Lundgren, Sandy C. O.Martin, Alonzo J.Marshall, G. H.McCoy, Emmet G.Miller, William E.North, Ward H.Oger, A.Pang, Peter S.Paulson, Andrew J.Penfield, CharlesPennell, E. I.Perry, J. C.Peterson, AndrewProsser, William B.Roberts, CharlesRydeen, J. A.Seekins, ClarenceSmith, D. E.Stearns, William J.Stohlkrantz, J. W.Stone, A. V.Swanson, FrankTownsend, ElmerTownsend, FrancisVanNamee, ByronWaite, Ira P.Waite, EarlWithers, Washberg, Willson, Wolfe, H. F. John H. Andrew E. W.

336 RURAL FREE DELIVERY ROUTESROUTE 82Out Willard street through Peck Settlement to Frewsburg, to Prendergastfarm, returning through Kiantone by Spencer farm and Camp street.Frank A. Winchester, Carrier.Anderson, CharlasAnderson, NelsonAnderson, GustAnderson, ElofAiken, Ransom J.Aiken, Dewitt C.Dennison, MinerDowd, James M.Edson, J. P.Engman, John C. F.Erickson, CharlesFields, Lydia A.Peck, JudsonPeck, George A.Quaintance, ThomasSamuelson, D. L.Simmons, C. L.Skaglund, FrankBarnes, J. W.Frissell, Maria J., Mrs. Skans, EmilBergson, AugustBenson, AlfredBillquist, EdwardBootey, Oresta A.Bostrom, OscarBraley, EarlBratt, Frank L.Brailey, OrrinBrailey, Clarence E.Brown, William F.Brustrom, C. OscarBush, Hoffman L.Carter, G. W.Carlson, ErickCarlson, F. E.Carlson, JohnCarlberg, AugustCastle, John B.Frissel, William P.Fuller, Fred H.Gould, Allen A.Goulding, EmanuelGrittington, RichardHager, FrankHalladay, AlonzoHoward, Richard C.Holme, August W.Johnson, AlgartJohnson, Andrew J.Johnson, GustJohnson, Frank O.Johnson, JacobsonJohnson, SwanLarson, EdwinLee, D. C.Mack, Thomas S.Skans, FrankSpencer, R. L.Standish, AlbertStrom, S. C.Swanson, N. B.Swanson, C. A.Swanson, J. AlgotSwanson, A. A.Swanson, JohnTownsend, WilliamThompson, H. M.Van Ord, LewisWalker, E.D.Walker FarmWares, BirdWares, Asher A.Weborg, CharlesWoodward, Lewis C.Cheney, Mark E. Moon, Adelbert T. Wiltsie, SumnerCoattingis, AvyNeilson, ROUTE Hans 83 Weiss, George H.Coe, Out D. C. Curtis street, taking McCall, East Oak John Hill, Buffalo Whittaker, street through Joseph Hartson B.neighborhood Costelli, Avrora and return on Nelson, Allen Anna street E. to City Line. Wright, M. C.Cox, Henry, Mrs. Howard Nelson, M. Alfred Wilson, Carrier. Young, A. R.Danielson, Anderson, Alfred Charles E. Ogren, Fuerman, Alfred Charles J. C.Anderson, S. AlfredAnderson, NelsAnderson, O. F.AiKen, Herbert E.Aiken, Herbert W. H.Ames, Ezra W.Asker, John F.Barber, Guy C.Barker, Lansing W.Brown, WalterBrownell, JeromeBurke, CharlesBurns, Frank J.Burns, Louise M.Carlson, CharlesCarr, C. E.Conroe, Robert A.Crandall, EugeneCrandall, John M.Drummy, MichaelDahl, NelsDobins, Earl F.Dalgren, Eddborg, Forbes, Englund, Frick, Nels Grant Andrew John A P.Greenwall, Edward C.Gifford, Thomas H.Hopkins, Mrs. RosettaHanson, NelsHarris, Lydia H.Horton, Seymour D.Hunt, Artemus D.Hildrum, Archie W.Higgs, BertJacobson, GeorgeJohnson, Andrew A.'.Johnson, Erick A.Johnson, Gust T.Johnson, John A.Johnson, John A.Johnson, John M.Johnson, HansJohnson, N. P.Larson, Andrew P.Larson, GustLynch, KateLydle, LutherMatteson, McGee, Malquist, McAvoy, Isaac James August AmelMills, J. M.Newell, FredOdell, E. E.Palm, CharlesPeterson, Charles E.Pratt, RichardPratt, ThomasPhillips, Morris F.Quaint, DanaRose, HenryRussell, C.Samuelson, JohnShanahan, ThomasSmith, John A.Strickland, Charles A.Staples, Frank E.Stowe, Fred S.Swan, GustTurner, C. W.Venman, AndrewWample, Milo B.Wample, MelvinWample, JohnWoodward, Whelpley, Willett, Charles Erie Willard Fernery W. C. A.

JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 337THEJOURNAL'SCLASSIFIED BUSINESSDIRECTORYPersons whose names are printed in capitalletters are patrons of this workARGICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS.(Dealers.)CLARK HARDWARE CO., 109 NorthMain.JOHNSON, ALBERT G., 30 SouthMain.Lenox, Robert, 881 Washington.Parker, L. B., 114 West Second.ARCHITECTS.Hall, Aaron, 186 Forest Ave.Pederson, C. C, 519 East Sixth.Pederson, Ernest, over 20 Peach.ARISTO PAPER.(Manufacturers.!AMERICAN ARISTOTYPE DIVISIONEASTMAN KODAK CO., 56 Prospect.ARTISTS.Haywood, M. C, over 104 East Third.Holmes, Catherine L., 825 PrendergastAve.Marshall, Frank H., 44 Lakeview Ave.Penfield, Theodora, 36 Prospect.Winsor, Helen, 503 East Second.ART STORES.ART GLASS WORKS, Herbert U.Sundholm, 58 Franklin.Aldrich Art and China Co., 302 NorthMain.Bradburn & Moon, 207 East Second.Cawcroft & Co., 107 East Third.Larson, O. F., 218 East Second.ART STUDIOS.(China and Water Color.)BUTLER, BERTHA, over 19 West 2d.ART NEEDLEWORK.Gifford, Katherine, over 2 East 4th.Hatch, Mrs. D. B., 204 Lafayette.Starr's Art Shop, 507 Chadakoin Bldg.ARTISTS.(Portrait.)Parsons, Charles M., over 12 East 3rd.ATTORNEYS AT LAW.ARMSTRONG, GEORGE T., New FentonBldg.Bikings, Allen E., 21 Gokel Bldg.Bocqe\tey, E. R., over 28 North Main.CAJiadSERON, W. S., 37 New FentonCAW^LSWOFT, ERNEST, 48 FentonBldg iai7-CROSBY, ERASTUS, 2 Hall block.CURTIS, FRANK G., 54-55 New FentonBldg.CURTISS, J. DELEVAN, 50-52 NewFenton Bldg.DEAN, BENJ. S., top floor New FentonBldg.Dorn, D. D., 40-41 New Fenton Bldg.Falconer, A. D., over 101 East Third.Fancher, Leon L., over 12 East 2nd.FOWLER, J.I., 4 Arcade Bldg.FOWLER, J. SAMUEL, 16-18 WellmanBidg.FURLOW, ALFRED L., 6 Hall block.GREEN, EDWARD J., over 301 No.Main.GREEN, ELEAZER, over 301 NorthMain.GROVER, CHARLES S., 42-43 FentonBldg.HANCHETT, L. L. (Justice of Peace),9-10 Gifford Bldg.Hazeltine, A., over 19 East Third.H-rTjOHCOCK, ARTHUR H., over 9West Third.HUNT, HERBERT L., 25-27 WellmanBldg.JENKS, A. FRANK, 37-39 WellmanBldg.Jones, Clayton M., 47 Fenton Bldg.JUDE, GEORGE W., 30L303 GokeyBldg.KETTLE, ARTHUR W.. over 219 No.Main.King, William E., 43-45 Wellman Bldg.LEWIS, HARRY R., 8 Gifford Bldg.MOTT, FRANK H., Fenton Bldg.Olson, Olof A., 11 New Gifford Bldg.Peckham, Vernon E., 28-30 WellmanBldg.PETERSON, FREDERICK R., 53Fenton Bldg.PICKARD, A. C, 19-20 Gokey Bldg.PICKARD, C. A., 1-2 Ellicott Bldg.PICKARD, RAY F., 7 Gifford Block.Price, Cheston A., (Justice of thePeace), 55-56 Fenton Bldg.PRICE, WILSON C, 46 Fenton Bldg.PRICE, Pritchard, Rexford, STEVENS, WEEKS, WHEELER. WIBORG, Bldg. Fenton ORSELL Bldg. Warner JAMES William CHARLES FRANK F. S.. C, S., L., over H„ over W., 35 47 38 H., 215 Fenton New 101 46 42-43 Main. E. Fenton Bldg. Third New Big.

338 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYWicks, J. G., Hall block.WILTSIE, L. W., 1-2 Gifford Bldg.Woodbury, E. E., over 301 North Main.Woodford, D. D., (Justice of Peace)508 Gokey Bldg.ATTORNEYS.(Patent.) .BALDWIN, S. ARTHUR, over 219 No.Main.AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING.Huntington-Barker, Machine Co., CeloronRoad.JAMESTOWN GARAGE, 205 Cherry.JAMESTOWN IRON WORKS CO.,Shearman place.Jamestown General Repair & Mfg.Co., Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.Salisbury & Son, 14-16 Twelfth.AWNINGS, FLAGS AND TENTS.(Manufacturers.)HOLMES AWNING WORKS, 112-114East Third.BAKERIES.(Retail.)CLARKE, GEORGE F., 13-19 Richmondplace.Farlin, A., under 6 West Third.HARRIS BROS., 13 East Second.Hill & Aylesworth, 707 North Main.Johnson's Home Bakery, 148 FooteAve.Kitch, D. A., 211 East Second.Lawson, William T., 174 Chandler.Moynihan, Hannah, 706 No. Main.Patch, Mrs. M.M., 3 West Fourth.Pickles, Sarah, 108 Foote Ave.Stewart, Mary, E. Second and Third.Thanas, Thos., under 14 South Main.BAKERIES.(Wholesale.)CLARKE, GEORGE F., 13-19 Richmondplace.Jamestown Bakery, National BiscuitCo., 217 Spring.Wells, Frank E., 5 Taylor.BALL BEARINGS.(Manufacturers.)Gurney Ball Bearing Co., 316 Cherry.BANDS.Anglo-American Band, 280 Harrison.Barth's 13th Separate Co. Band.Lutheran Church Band.BANKS.BANK OF JAMESTOWN, 216 NorthMain.FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK,215 North Main.FIRST NATIONAL UNION Third. BANK, NATIONAL TRUST 201 North CHAUTAUQUA CO., Main. BANK, 211 North 2-4 Main. East CO.BARBERS.Adams, O. O., 117 Fairmount Ave.Bailey, J. C, 9 West First.Bard, J. A., under 211 North Main.Cross, Bert S., 5 Steele.Dahlquist, A.'S., under 8 South Main.Erickson, L. J., 1 Brooklyn Square.Flannigan, Hugh, 102 Fairmount /Giegerich, J. D„ 709 North Main.Gulino, John, under 9 South Main.Hall Bros., under 101 West Third.Hansen, H. M„ 3 West Third.Heintz, John, under 102 East Seco:KNORR, JOHN A., 222 North MainLee, George L., 14 West First.Lerow, H. H., 60 Winsor.Lott, John, under 34 North Main.McMahan, Thomas G., 313 Winsor.Meli, Joe, 302 Cherry.Morgan, Almond F., under 1 E. SeconRobinson, John W., under 14 E. 3rd.Rose, Harry, under 21 Forest Ave.Sayers, Henry, 119 East Second.Schwein, L. L., 602 North Main.Safford, Glen, under 215 North Main.Smith, Arthur, 152 Foote Ave.Stamm, Wm. M., under 2 West Third.Tobias, A. H., 318 Harrison.Westphal, Oscar, 49 South Main.Wickfield, Richard N., under 24 E. 3d.Wickfield, R. N.; Jr., under 113 NorthMain.Wood, C. E., under 23 West Third.Wright & Son, 28 North Maiq.BARRELS.• (Manufacturers.)Phillips Barrel & Machine Co., 11-lcHarrison.BATH PARLORS.(Tub and Shower.)Joe Meli, under 20 West Third.Goudy, S. P., over 20 East Third.Jamestown Institute of Hydrotherapy,under 201 Cherry.BATHS.(Turkish—Electric.)Goudy, Samuel P., over 20 East Third.BICYCLES.(Dealers and Repairers.)Graff, J. W., 15 East Third.BLACKSMITHS & HORSESHOERS.Bender, Wm. J., 208-210 Washington.Berg, John, 38 Institute.Findlay, John A., 105 Foote AveHoard, William J., 10 Harrison.Hockenberry, J., 115 West Fourth.Little,'Simon S., rear 208 West 4th,Nelson, VanDusen, Straight Sundquist, Merz, BLANK Martin Edward, & BOOK Charles, Thomas, & Son, 133 MANUFACTURERS.D., 306 211 Foote 202 15 Harrison. Pine. Noith Forest Ave. ' Main. Ave.

BOARDING HOUSES.Anderson, Anna M., 105 Allen.<strong>Chautauqua</strong>, The, mrs. Ella J. Stockerprop., 304 West Third.Davis, Mrs. E. G„ 313 Prendergast.Davis, Mrs. H. A., 116 East Fourth.Evans, Mrs. E. E., 217 East Third.Fox, Antoinette F., 819 Spring.Leet, F. G., 12 Bush.Marvin House, Mrs. Viola Everett, 105West Second.Robertson, Mrs. Amos T., 149 J. & G.A.VG.Osmer, The, 413-417 West Third.BOILERS.(Manufacturers and repairers.)JAMESTOWN BOILER WORKS,John G., O'Brien, prop., 712 Monroe.BOOK BINDERS.Merz, Martin, & Son, over 202 NorthMain.SHERMAN, A. E., Journal Bldg., over16 West Second.BOOKS AND STATIONERY.CLARK, FRANK M., Cor. Main andEast Third.HATCH, F E., 10 East Third.KETCHUM, E. H. CO., 24 North MainMASON NEWS CO., 8 East Third.BOOTS AND SHOES.(Dealers.)ANDERSON, CHARLESJ., Cor. Mainand Third and 103 East Second.ANDERSON & SANDBURG, 108 No.Main.BEALER & SO.., 9 East Third.BERGREN, AUGUST L., 116 Willard.Bly & Wade, 306 North Main.Burland & Nelson, 108 East Second.Graziano,J., 36 Harrison.Hansen, H. P., 4 West Third.GRANDIN SHOE CO., 201 East 2nd.Johnson, E. S., 119 North Main.JOHNSON, GUST F., 103 So. Main.Jones, A. M., 117 East Second.Lines Bros., 202 North Main.Manbert & Lager, 2 Brooklyn Square.NELSON,, AUGUST F., 116 N. Main.PETERSON & YOUNGQUIST, .21 E.Second.Swanson, C. W., & Co., 4 Main.Swanson, Carl A., 628 East Second.BOOTS AND SHOES.(Repairs.)Bloomstrand, A., 6 Fenton place.Ceasar, Carl, 117 William.Corke, Joseph, 121 West Third.Duffy, Herman, Frey, Jaderstrom,J., Nash, i Davidsen, NELSON, Main. G., Matthew, Christopher, John, 619 Hans, AUGUST North 107 781 33 804 Fairmount 315 Barrett. East Main. West F., Winsor. Second. 116 Eighth. Ave. NorthJAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 339Oser, Jacob, 853 North Main.Sotir, T. H„ 3 Taylor.Toscan, James, rapid repair shoe shop1 East First.Wheelhouse, John, 68 Foote Ave.BOOTS AND SHOES.(Manufacturers.)Gokey, George F. Co., 316 Cherry.Gokey, Wm. Shoe Co., 316 Cherry.BOTTLERS.COWAN BROS., 7 Harrison.PEOPLE'S BOTTLING CO., 57 Winsor.MILWAUKEE BOTTLING CO., 104 E.Second.BRICK MANUFACTURERS.JAMESTOWN .SHALE . PAVINGBRICK CO., Quarry Road.BROKERS.Barrett, E. W., 107 North Main.Pierce, Parker, over 114 East Third.Robbins, S. B., over 38 North Main.Todd, Fred P., 301-303 Gokey Bldg.BUILDING MATERIALS.CHAUTAUQUA REFRIGERATINGCO., 66 Foote Ave.JAMESTOWN ROOFING CO., 120 E.Third.JOHNSON ICE & COAL CO., 610 W.Eighth.LYONS, HARRY, 36 Institute.SHEDD, L. F„ Cor. Isabella and Monroe.BUILDING MOVERS.Denslow, W. T. & Son, 551 West 3rd.Lee, John A., 147 Prospect.Wise, Ed., 612 Foote Ave.BUSINESS COLLEGE.JAMESTOWN BUSINESS COLLEGE,24-30 Gokey Bldg., 20 W. Third.BUTTER & CHEESE (Wholesale).Green, Fred F. & Son, 304 WashingtonPARKER, L. B., 114 West Second.Peck, Daniel, 24 South Main.CARRIAGES.(See Wagons.)CARPET CLEANING WORKS.PARSONS, DANIEL G., 830 PrendergastAve.TOWNSEND, JOHN G., 31 1-2 LindenAve.CARPETS & DRAPERIES.ABRAHAMSON-BIGELOW CO. (The)114-116-118 West Third.BOSTON STORE, 102 East Second.DUFFEE, E. E., 16-18 West Third.FIELD & WRIGHT CO., 100-108 No.JOHNSON, GAGE JONES Main. FURNITURE & AUDETTE,2-6 P. M„ CO., CO., 205 13 East No. E. 2nd. Third. Main.

340 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYNORD FURNITURE CO., 109-111 EastSecond.SCHOLIN FURNITURE CO., 203 E.Second.SHARPE, A. D. & CO. (The), 203 No.Main.CARPET WEAVERS.Hart, Mrs. Laura, 7 Breed.Hinds, Catherine, Mrs., -309 Palmer.Johnson, Fredericka, Mrs. 117 William.CATERERS.Allen, Isidore L., 163 South Main.Falconer, Etta M., 240 Fulton.Hult, Marie, 113 Crescent.Lind, Sophie, Falconer, N. Y.Sandberg, Mrs. August, 20 Colfax.CEMENT STONE MANUFACTUR­ERS.Anderson-Johnson Cement Block Co.,305 Winsor.JAMESTOWN HOLLOW CEMENTSTONE CO., 325-335 West Second.CHINA PAINTING.BUTLER, BERTHA, over 19 West 2d.Thayer, Nettie M., Ill West Third.CHIROPODISTS.Rowley, Mrs. C. G., over 110 E. 3rd.CIGARS.(Manufacturers.)ANDERSON & WICANDER, 8 SouthMain.Guenther, Henry, 126 East Second.Jamestown Cigar Co., 132 Foote Ave.Lewin, Samuel B., 10 Warner block,over 13 North Main.Lunn, Cigar Co., over 41 South Main.Mulderick & Knorr, rm. 8 ArcadeBldg., over 28 North Main. \*>Nielson, Christian, 53 South Main.Scott, A.J., 31 South Main.Trainor, Francis O., over 31 No. Main.CIGARS AND TOBACCO.(Dealers.)ANDERSON & WICANDER, 8 SouthMain.Beardsley, P. Elmer, 25 Forest Ave.Christoferson, S., 19 Forest Ave.Crowe, Elizabeth, 141 Harrison.Eddy, Fred S., 24 East Third.HOLM, RALPH C. G., 630 East 2nd.Ipson, Henry, 228 East Second.Jacobson, J. A., 1 South Main.JAMESTOWN ROOFING CO., 120 E.Third.JONES, L. M„ 105 West Third.Lannis, Mrs. H. C, 3% Winsor.Lamson, LINDBLOOM, Lund, Maharon, Matson, MASON, East Andrew Third. Carl, S. R. JohnJ., W., K., E. 310 W., 211 8 T., North East 6 8 Willard. West 126 Second.Main East Third. Second. and 10McCormick News Co., 110 No. Mam.Scott, A.J., 31 South Main.Swanlon, Gust, 20 E. Second.Weeks, Charles E., 5 West Third.Young, Carl, 300 E. Second.CIGARS AND TOBACCO.(Wholesale.)ANDERSON & WICANDER, 8 SoumMain.Guenther, Henry, 126 East Second.TINKHAM BROS., 205 Cherry.CIVIL ENGINEERS.Bentley, C. Eugene, 422-424 ChadakoinBldg.Harrington, Frank L., 213 East Third.JONES, CLYDE G., 16 City Hall.CLOTHIERS.BAKER, GEORGE E., 207 West 3rd.Eckstrom-Gunnarson Co., 100 NorthMain.FAMOUS, THE, 5-7 North Main.FRIEDMAN, ASHER, 19-21 No. Main.HOOKER, H. M., 108 East Third.JONES, SCHARF & LINCOLN, 210North Main.Lundquist, A. N., 220 North Main.OHLQUIST & JOHNSON, 219 NorthMain.PEOPLE'S CREDIT CLOTHING CO.,11 East Third.PETERSON, A. J. & SON, 208 NorthMain.PROUDFIT CLOTHING CO., 206 No.Main.Rowley, Thos. F„ 16 East Third.Slosberg, L. H., 3-9 East Second.•WIQUIST, OTTO W., 9 North Main.COAL, COKE AND WOOD.(Dealers.)CHAUTAUQUA REFRIGERATINGCO., 66 Foote Ave.JOHNSON ICE & COAL CO., 610 W.Eighth.JOHNSON, ALBERT G., 30 So. Main.SHEDD, L. F., Cor. Isabella and Monroe.Sisson, George W., Ill Price.COFFEES AND TEAS.GRAND UNION TEA CO., 117 NorthMain.NEW YORK TEA & COFFEE CO.,106 East Third.Shaw, Walter, 234 East Second.COLD STORAGE.CHAUTAUQUA REFRIGERATINGCO., 66 Foote Ave.Jamestown Cold Storage Co., 5-7 TaylorkoinCOLLECTION Bldg. George Law Co., H., AGENCIES. 1-2 522-524 Allen Cha,da-Sq. Gilberds, Mercantile Big.

JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYCOMMERCIAL AGENCIES.LYON FURNITURE MERCANTILEAGENCY, over 211 North Main.COMMISSION MERCHANTS.Jamestown Commission Co., 213-215Spring.Johnson & Byford, 7 West Second.TREAT & OGILVIE, 208 Pine.CONFECTIONERS.(Manufacturers and Wholesalers.)Constas-Sanford-Lambros Co., 9 WestThird and 121 North Main.Davis, Backus & Co., 18 Shearman PLE. & M. COUGH DROP CO., rm. 4 ArcadeBldg.Thompson Candy Co., Shearman PI.Turner, John L. & Co., over 10 WestThird.CONFECTIONERS.(Retail.)Albrecht, John G., 708 North Main.Bottini, Louis, 12 North Main.Constas-Sanford, Lambros Co., 9 WestThird and 121 North Main.Crowe, Elizabeth, 141 Harrison.Dunn, P. M., 952 East Second.HARRIS BROS., 13 East Second.Johnson, Charles A., 117 East Second.Kayner, Charles, 100 Willard.tf.ofod, John, 118 Willard.Lamson, S. W., 209 East Second.Lannis, H. C, Zy2 Winsor.Lindholm, Gust W., 277 Willard.Sugar Bowl. 7 South Main.Turner, Morris, 800 North Main.CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS.Arter, William O., 1052 North Main.Bloomquist, Peter G., 360 Foote Ave.Card, G. S., 216 Hallock.Calahane, J. P., 10% Crane.Clark,MillardF., 374 Foote Ave.COLE, ROY H„ 9 Gokey Bldg.Fisk, Frank M., 17 Potter Ave.Gustafson, Henning, 323 Price.Haas, Charles C, Barrett Bldg.Johnson, Alfred, 210 Barrett.Johnson, Christopher, 42 Mechanic.Jones, Fred, 5 Pearl Ave.Lagerquist, Axel A., 212 Prospect.Larson, AndrewJ., 160 Thayer.Lawson, AndrewJ., Warner block.Lawson, Charles A., 309 Newland Ave.Lawson, John F., 202 Broadhead Ave.LINDBECK, CHARLES, 12-16 RiverMahoney, James, Jr., 520 Winsor.Morse, Charles E., 112 Winsor.Mullen, Peter H., 1022 North Main.Rogerson, Shellberg Stockton, Ports, Reed, Robertson, Sharp, Nisson, J. C. Adam, William W., & M., T. David Peter Lindquist, 7 L., 5111 Cross. Geneva. F., 500 C, M., Crossman. 7223 Fairmount 114 Thirteenth. 790 South Barrett. East Main. Ave. 2nd.34iSWANSON, CHARLES, 12-16 River.Swanson, Fred A., 1058 North Main.Swanson, John C, 18 Barrett.COOPER SHOPS.GOSSETT, C. & SON, 61 Water.CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> School of Nursing, 210East Fourth.INTERNATIONAL, Wellman Bldg.,101-103 West Third.CORSET MAKERS.Walkup, Hattie and Minnie, 14 13th.COTTON YARN CONVERTERS.Ashwell, E. J. & Co., 113 Foote Ave.COTTON WARP & BATTINGS.(Manufacturers.)JAMESTOWN COTTON MILLS, 58Center.CRACKERS.(Wholesale.)Jamestown Bakery, 217 Spring.Wells, F. E., 5 Taylor.CREAMERIES.Forer, E. D., 633 East Second.Kazer & Culver, 7 Cowden PI.Kent, W. L., 158 Baker.LEE, F. O., 10 Kidder.South Side Creamery, 60 Harrison.Turner, M., 800 North Main.Westfield, J. P., 845 East Second.CROCKERY.(Wholesale.)UNDERWOOD, E. L., 221 North Mainand 7 West Third.CROCKERY & HOUSEFURNISHINGSAldrich Art & China Co., 302 N. Main.HULTQUIST, C. A., (The Fair), 18East Third.UNDERWOOD, E. L„ 221 North Mainand 7 West Third.CUSTOM TURNING.JAMESTOWN ART CARVING CO.,44-48 Steele.Meyer, F. M., 340 Steele.Lindgren, Swante, 70 Allen Sq. Bldg.DENTISTS.Almy, J. E., 2 East Fourth.Beal, M.J., over 10 East Third,Drake, L. R., 500-502 Chadakoin Bldg.Earley, S. Judd, 500-502 Chadakoin BigGoucher, W. E., 3 Hall block.Granger, R.J., over 207 Cherry.Hart, F. C, over 34 North Main.Johnson, N. E., 1-2 Gifford Bldg.Johnston, E. T., 300-302 Chadakoin.KNAPP, F. A., over 209 North Main.Roberts, Rawson, Smith & C. Johnson, R. H., G., over 500-502 over 205306 Chadakoin Cherry. No. Main. Big.

34034*JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYSWETLAND & ANDERSON, overFirst National Bank.Thomson, R. E., 3 Hall block.Weible, Albert W.,4-5-6 Wellman.West, E. L„ over 12 East Third.DESIGNERS, COMMERCIAL.Hultgren, Carl 0., Chadakoin Bldg.DOCK BUILDERS.Denslow, W. T. & Son, 551 W. Third,Norton, Herbert T. E., 23 Eleventh.DRAYMEN.(Headquarters, 204 Cherry.)AMES TRANSFER CO., 18 West 2nd.Cox, Robert, 29 Highland Ave.Covey, A. M., 221 Crossman.Curtis, Clyde, 915 Washington.Frank, Dwight D., 283% South Main.Gleason, David M., 12 Kingsbury Ave.Gray, James, 409 Baker.Haupin, Carl, 605 West Seventh.Holmberg, John A., 250 Bowen.McGee, Max, 110 Stowe.Morgan, Theodore, 10 Summit.Newberry, E. B., 8 Cowing.Newberry, J. O., 18 Weeks.Newton, NathanJ., Jr., 18 Tenth.Shearman, Merle, 108 Cook Ave.Taylor, John, 280 Baker.Vincent, E. C, 29 Hopkins Ave.Vincent, George, 39 Hopkins Ave.Vincent, Lewis, 4 Flagg Ave.Vincent, S., 10 Flagg Ave.Vincent, William, 22 Stafford Ave.DRESSMAKING.Anderson, Louise, 219 Spring.Arnold, Mrs. C.J., 810 North Main.Barker, Bertha, 135 Chandler.Barrows, Bertha, 623 Palmer.Beaver, Nellie, 103 Steele.Bell, Mrs., J. E., 516 East Fifth.Berry, MinnieJ., 102 Newton Ave.Brown, Marion, Mrs., 310 Pine.Burnett, Mrs. j. A., 219 West Third.Calahane, Elizabetn, 46 Center.Clark, Mary E„ 325 Foote Ave.Davis, Mrs. M. L., 16 Gifford Bldg.Dorn, Laura F., 338 East Third.Eddy, Mrs. F. S., 808 North Main.Harrington, Alice, 211 West Fifth.Hendrickson, Christine, under 129Bush.Hill, Anna, 39 New Gifford Bldg.Johnson, Ellen, 336 Allen.Johnson, Hilda, 317 Jefferson.Jull, EllaJ., 222 Chandler.Kimball, Millie P., 152 Allen.Knapp, Martha P., 315 West Eighth.Lindquist, Lindstrom, Lundquist, Lunn, Lydle, Magnuson, McVeigh, Anna Helen, Mary, Anna MarthaJ., Delia, Augusta, Christina, S„ 15436 2 C, E., Hall 324 East Myrtle. 43 196 350 Willard. 11 Ave. 196 South Fourth.Victoria Bowen. Barrett. Main. Ave.Meehan, Era, 115 Crossman.Merrill, Ida M., 261 Broadhead Ave.Miller, Bessie, 22 West Seventh.Miller, Sarah M., 16 Harrison. •Myers, A. Louise, 26-27 New GiffordBldg.Olson, Selma, 109 Bowen.Riley, Rebecca, 42 Foote Ave.Palmer, Christine, 22 Hall Ave.Parsons, Matilda, over 32 Willard.Rohn, Pauline, 801 Fairmount Ave.Rowe, Huldah, 120 East Third.Sellstrom, Antpnia H., 37 Chapin.Sellstrom, Clara, 37 Chapin.Smith, Lillian, 210 West Fourth.Sutcliffe, Rhoda, 8 Thayer.Swanson, Mrs. T. E., 305 Foote Ave.Taylor & Jones, 13 West Second.Vickland, Emma, 1 Winsor.Whitney, Mrs. Lottie, 871 Washington.Young, Jennie, 405 Winsor.DRUGS AND STATIONERY.CLARK, FRANK M., 300 No. Main.HATCH, FRED E., 10 East Third.JAMESTOWN PHARMACY, 8 E. 2nd.Johnson, Axel F., 31 North Main.Palmeter, Frank W., 9 South Main.Peterson, F. Oscar, 700 East Second.SWANSON, C. A., DRUG CO., 200 No.Main.WELLMAN BROS., 101 West Third.WINNBERG & BATCHELLER, 113North Main.DRY GOODS.ABRAHAMSON-BIGELOW CO., THE,114-116-118 West Third.ANDERSON, A. C. & C. A., 212-214North Main.BOSTON DEPARTMENT STORE, 102East Second.Burklund, John A. & Co., 215-217 EastSecond.DELANEY & THROOP, 16 No. Main.DUFFEE, E. E., 16-18 West Third.JOHNSON, P. M. & CO., 205 N. Main.JONES & AUDETTE, Cor. Main andEast Second.SHARPE, A. D. CO., THE, 203 NorthMain.Thompson, S. W., 307 North Main.DYERS AND CLEANERS.(Clothes.)ERICKSON, O. A., over 16 E. Second.Imus, Frank, 304 Cherry.Harrington, Mrs. A. S., 30 Derby.Kortos, E., 322 North Main.Morrison, J. F., 16 East Third.TURNER, THOMAS, CHAUTAUQUA HANSON ELECTRICAL West Third Bldg. Second. and ELECTRIC FRANK 308 TRICIANS. SUPPLIES East ELECTRIC A., B. Second. CO., 47 So. & 213 7 CO., Arcade ELEC­ Main. West 14

JAMESTOWN ELECTRIC CO., 109 E.Third.ELECTRO PLATERS.WEBER MFG. CO., 441 Chandler.ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANTS.JAMESTOWN LIGHTING & POWERCO., 9-11 Race, office 6 Ellicott Bldg.Municipal Electric Light Plant, 132-136 Steele.ENGINES, GAS.(Manufacturers.)JAMESTOWN IRON WORKS CO., 17Shearman Place.EXPRESS COMPANIES.AMERICAN EXPRESS CO., 103 No..Main.WELLS FARGO & CO., 115 No. Main.EXTRACTS AND PERFUMES.(Manufacturers.)Keeler, C. S. & W. A., over 20 W. 3d.FILES.(Manufacturers.)Moore Bros., 11-13 East First.FISH AND OYSTERS.Brooklyn Fish and Meat Market, 2 No.Main.Conner, L. A., 302 East Second.FULTON MARKET CO., 19 E. 3rd.FISHING TACKLE.GRAFF, J. W., 15 East Third.LINDHOLM VARIETY HALL (The),110 East Second.FIVE AND TEN CENT STORES.Knox, S. H. & Co., 204 North Main.McCrorey, J. G. & Co., 207-209 NorthMain and 13-15 North Main.FLORISTS.DORMAN, FRED A., 16 Tenth.Hahne, Elias, 855 East Second.LAKEVIEW ROSE GARDENS, FairmountAve., office 304 North Main.Worden, Elliot W., 45 Thayer.FLOUR AND FEED.Grandin, D. H., 28-30 East First.HAYWARD & Son, 24 East Third.JAMESTOWN ELECTRIC MILLS, 6Steele.FOUNDERS.Anderson Bros., 5 Race.Eagle Foundry and Machine Co., 115Jones & Gifford Ave.JAMESTOWN IRON WORFS CO., 11Shearman Place.Maher, Patrick, 20 Taylor.FOUNDERS—BRA>,3.Eberman-Bailey Brass Works, 122 Institute.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 343FRUITS.(Wholesale.)Jamestown Commission Co., 213-215Spring.JOHNSON & BYFORD, 7 West 2nd.Renello, A., 45 South Main.TREAT & OGILVIE, 208 Pine.FRUITS.(Retail.)Bottini, Louis, 12 North Main.Constas-Sanford-Lambros Co., 9 WestThird and 121 North Main.George, F., 12 Willard.Johnson, Charles A., 119 East Second.Kofod, John, 118 Willard.Renello, A., 45 South Main.Sugar Bowl, 7 South Main.Tress, George, 792 East Second.Turner, Morris, 800 North Main.FURNITURE.(Retail.)BOSTON DEPARTMENT STORE, 102East Second.FIELD & WRIGHT CO., 100-108 NorthMain.GAGE FURNITURE CO., 13-17 EastThird.JAMESTOWN FURNITURE CO., 232East Second.Merz, Benjamin, 120 West Third.Nelson, A. Frank, lo5 East Second.NORD FURNITURE CO., 109-111 EastSecond.SCHOLIN FURNITURE CO., 203-205East Second.FURNITURE.(Manufacturers.)Alliance Furniture Co., (bedroom furniture),611-615 Allen.Anchor Furniture Co., (pedestals andtabourettes). 12-16 Holmes.ART METAL CONSTRUCTION CO.,(metal office furniture), 95-105 Jones& Gifford Ave.Atlas Furniture Co., Inc., (dressersand chiffoniers), Allen.BAILEY-JONES CO., (The), (tables),105 Winsor.Banner Furniture Co., (bedroom anddining-room furniture/, 84-92 Steele.BREED-JOHNSON FURNITURE CO.,(desks and bookcases), 129 Jones &Gifford Ave.Cadwell Cabinet Co., (telephonebooths.), 117-123 Foote Ave.Century Furniture Co., (chambersuits), River.Diamond Chadakoin CURTIS, Crown tables), mercial and Steele. bedroom Metal 46-70 F. furniture), Furniture M. Construction Taylor. furniture), CO., Co., 120 (The), Co., Steele. (tables), 34 Co., Scott. (dining (parlor (com­100

344 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYElite Furniture Co., (library and parlortables), 516 West Fourth. GENTS FURNISHINGS.Rider, B., 939 East Second.Empire Furniture Co., (bedroom furniture),118-124 Foote Ave.FAMOUS, THE, 5-7 North Main.Eckstrom-Gunnarson Co., 100 N. MainEagle Furniture Co., (The), (pedestals Friedman, Asher, 19-21 North Main.and tabourettes), 126 Steele. Hooker, H. M., 108 East Third.Golden Furniture Co., (dressers and JONES, SCHARF & LINCOLN, 21 No.chiffoniers), 151 J. & G. Ave. Main.Himebaugh Bros, (dining room furniture),Hallock.OHLQUIST & JOHNSON, 219 NorthLundquist, A. N., 220 North Main.Ideal Furniture Co. (pedestals and Main.tabourettes), 516 West Fourth. PARROTT, R. A., 110 North Main.Jamestown Chair Co., (chairs and PETERSON, A. J. & SON, -208 Northrockers), 20 Winsor.Main.JAMESTOWN LOUNGE CO., (Inc.), PROUDFIT CLOTHING CO., 206 No.(lounges and couches), 38-46 Winsor.Rowley, Thos. F., 16 East Third.Main.JAMESTOWN MANTEL CO., Falconer,N. Y.GRAIN AND SEEDS.Slosberg, L. H., 5-9 East Second.JAMESTOWN METAL FURNITURE Catlin, A. R., 38 Hall Ave.CO., (commercial furniture), 9-25 HAYWARD & SON, 24 East Third.Taylor.JAMESTOWN ELECTRIC MILLS, 6Jamestown Spring Beu Co., (beds and Steelecots), 59-61 Harrison.JOHNSON, A. G., 34-36 South Main.JAMESTOWN TABLE CO., (parlor GROCERS.and library tables,), 145-153 FairmountAve.Granger & Co., 11 West Second.(Wholesale).LEVEL FURNITURE CO., (Inc.), WILCOX, BURCHARD & CO., 17(tables), Allen.Shearman place.LIBERTY FURNITURE CO., (dressersand chiffoniers), Blackstone Av.(Retail.)GROCERS.Lindblad Bros., (general furniture), Adams, H. E„ 216 Steele.11-13 Harrison.Akin, A. F., 342 Foote Ave.MADDOX TABLE CO., (parlor tables) Alden, Elof, 131 Falconer.101-125 Harrison.Anderson, Alfred, 937 East Second.Martyn Bros., (morris chairs and Anderson, Charles A., 425 Foote Ave.couches), 516 West Fourth.ANDERSON & ANDERSON, 120 Willard.MARVEL FURNITURE CO., (Inc.),(chiffoniers and dressers), Allen. ANDERSON, G. A. & E. G., 34 WillardNATIONAL FURNITURE CO., (Inc.), Bardo, Sam., 16 Willard.parlor and library tables), BlackstoneAve.Ave.Bargar, Crawford N., 627 PrendergastNelson & Co., (extension tables), 40- BAXELL BROS., 11 Barrows.48 Steele.Bergeson & Carlson, 796 East Second.Norquist, A. C. Co., (The), (bedroom Boss Grocery, 14 North Main.furniture), 415-421 Chandler. Boyd, J. & Son, 802 North Main.ROBERTSON, H. P. CO., (tables and BOYLE, CHARLES A., 905 PrendergastAve.folding beds), 30-38 Steele.SEABURG MFG. CO., (medicine cabinets),124-126 Steele.Caracano, Miceli, 110 Harrison.Brandin, Mrs. E., 821 East Second.SHEARMAN BROS., (lounges and Carlson, A.William, 310 Sprague.couches), 25 Shearman place. Crowe, Elizabeth, 141 Harrison.Star Furniture Co., (chiffoniers and Danielson & Anderson, 163 So. Main.dressers), 25-37 Briggs.Danielson, C. A., 113 Willard.SUPERIOR FURNITURE CO., (extensiontables), 167 J. & G. Ave. Donelson's Cash Grocery, 23 E. Third.Davis, A. E. & Co., 134 Fairmount Av.TOWNE, M. E. Furniture Co., (furniture234 Crescent. Michael jobbers), Furniture John GENERAL Bros, Wm. GAS H., A., COMPANIES.W., (bedsprings), 13-23 Co., 836 (tables), GAS 516 STORES. Washington.(china Holmes. West CO., 52110 Fourth. closets), 587 Hazzard. E. Wil­3d. Gustafson, Donelson, Fuller Garfield Graziano, ERICKSON FAIRMOUNT Farm, Gage, mount Arth D. Bro' & Ave. A., J. Link, E.J., Alfred, \r ., & 36 G., 219 SON, 176 GROCERY, Harrison. 880 2 East 216 Fairmount Brooklyn 173 438 North Forest First. Barrett. Willard. Main. 108 Square.Ave. Union Warren, Wiborg Ward, PENNSYLVANIA Pettis, lard. Fair-

JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 345Haas, Peter, noi North Main.' Rockwell, Mrs. Susie E., 308 Pine.HAGSTROM, A., 820 Newland Ave. Rowley, Mrs. C. G., 110 East Third.Hall, E. T., lioi Prendergast Ave. Svendsen, Mrs. Inge, 813 PrendergastHaynes, W. H., 2 Livingston Ave. Ave.Hollings, John, 59 Harrison.Willard, Leonore, 838 North Main.Hopkins, T. E., 1 East Sixth.HARDWARE.Hultquist & Benson, 358-360 Wallard. BERNHARD HARDWARE CO., 204-Hutley Bros. & Newsome, 209 Allen. 206 East Second.INGERSON GROCERY CO., 36 Falconerand 20 East Third.111 North Main.CLARK HARDWARE CO., (Inc.), 109-Jacobson, O. T., 701 North Main. Johnson, Henry, 12 East Second.Johnson, Elmer L., 300 Foote Ave. LEWIS, P. F. & SONS, 804 N. Main.Johnson, M. O., 321 Newland Ave. ROSENCRANTZ, ELOF & CO., 2 So.Jones Bros., 343-345 Allen.Main.Jones, D. C, 117 Lincoln.SPRAGUE, W. H., 38 North Main.Knight, Emily, 150 Foote Ave. SWEET-CLARKE CO., (mfrs.), 104 E.KNOWLTON, WM. A., 119 West 3rd. Second.Lally, H. P., 30-32 North Main. HARNESS, TRUNKS AND BAGS.Lawson, John E., 774 East Second. Abersold, G. R., 105 East Third. 'Lawson, John, 52 Water.Bootey, E. B„ 11-13 Forest Ave.Lee, Frank O., 10 Kidder.LODS, GEORGE F., 121 West Third.Lombardo, Frank, 203 Winsor. LOCKWOOD, M. A., & SON, 106 EastLoucks, Wallace, 67 Tenth.Second.Lowing, A. R., 843 North Main.HIDES AND FURS.Marsh, J. H., 801 Washington. Davidson, H. A., 18 Forest Ave.MORSE GROCERY CO., 110-114 Winsor.(See Blacksmiths.)HORSESHOERS.NEWTON, WM. S., 213 West Third. HOTELS. --ODELL & DOOLITiLE, 344 E. 3rd. ALLEN SQUARE HOTEL, 14-22 WestOGDEN, ALLEN R., 283 South Main. First.Olson, Erick A., 700 East Second. BROOKLYN HOUSE, 7 Harrison.Olson & Sutcliffe, 216 East Second. Driving Park, 1200 East Second.Paquin, H. J., 83 Allen.Central Hotel, 14 South Main.PENNOCK, F. A. & CO., 152 Chandler City Hotel, 120-122 East Second.Peterson, Albert, 4 Brooklyn Square. East Jamestown House, 953 E. SecondPeterson, Emil, 448 Willard.European Hotel, 5 South Main.Peterson, Emil F., 43 South Main. Hotel Grand, 119-121 East Second.ROGERS BROS., 714 North Main. HUMPHREY HOUSE, 13-23 S. Main.SANDBERG, JOHNSON & CO., 154 Iroquois Hotel, 6 South Main.Baker.Lake House, 635 West Eighth.Sandberg, Peter, 226 Crescent. NEW EVERETT (THE), 7-9-11 WestSellstrom, Axel F., 201 Forest Ave. First.Skellie, L., 853 North Main.NEW SHERMAN, (THE), 13-23 WestStockwell & Co., 1001 East Second. Third.Sundell & Illingworth, 249-251 S. Main Reed House, Celoron Road.Swanson, Albert A., 943 Newland Ave. Riverside Hotel, 143-151 Fairmount AvThompson & Malmquist, 222 Price. Roark, James, 10 Steele.Turner & Son, 632 East Second.HOUSE FURNISHINGS.Tyler, Wm. H., 512 West Seventh. HULTQUIST, C. A., 18 East Third.Westfield, J. P., 845 East Second. UNDERWOOD, E. L., 221 North Main,Wilcox, O. D., 103 Fairview Ave. 7 West Third.HACKMEN.ICE CREAM.(Headquarters, under 101 W. Third.)(Manufacturers.)Paul, H. F., 516 Palmer.COLLINS ICE CREAM CO., 99 Institute.Putnam, H. A., 113 Liberty.Rummer, Frank, 22 Fletcher Ave. COMFORT, WM. M., 25 Richmond PI.Smith, D. C, 308 Clinton.HARRIS BROS., 13 East Second.HAIR Newton, Dorsey, Lynch, Masterson, Carter, MacVeigh, Calahane, Main. DRESSERS Minnie Mrs. Helen, Nellie, Rosamond, Mrs. Mattie, Wm. (Ladies.) J., AND 315 Jennie, 46 H., 625 Spring. HAIR 314 Center. under over East over GOODS 10 20 Third. 309 W. No. 3d. 3rd Albrecht, Dunn, JAMESTOWN , South P. Main. M.. John ICE 952 (Retail.) ICE G., CREAM. East 708 Second. North Main. CO\ 28

346 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYForer, E. D., 633 East Second.Kayner, Charles, 100 Willard.Olson, Erick A., 306 Winsor.Turner, M., 800 North Main.ICE COMPANIES.CHAUTAUQUA REFRIGERATINGCO., 66 Foote Ave/JOHNSON ICE & COAL CO., 610 W.Eighth.Young, Daniel, 1033 Main.INSURANCE AGENCIES.(Fire, Life and Accident.)ABRAMS & WILTSIE, 1-2 Gifford Big.BENTLEY, W.J., 515 Chadakoin Big.BRADSHAW, PIONEER INSURANCEAGENCY, 11-12 Gokey Bldg.Breed, Louis, 32 New Fenton Bldg.Bright, Geo. S., 300-301 New FentonBldg.Butterfield, J. W., over 102 No. Main.BUTTERFIELD & SESSIONS, over102 North Main.EDDY, E. E., over 16 East Third.Flagg, James R., over 203 West 3rd.GUSTAFSON, G. O., 3 New GiffordBldg.HORTON BROS., 122 East Third.Imus, Charies M., 304 Cherry.Johnson Bros., 101 East Third.JONES, CHAS. W., 5 Gokey Bldg.Melhuish, C. D. Co., over 303 N. Main.METROPOLITAN LIFE INS. CO., 13-14 Gokey block.PRUDENTIAL INS. CO., 3-7 Gokeyblock.STEVENS, WILSON, over 119 N MainSunderland, W. C, 222-223 Gokey Big.Treadway, F. S., 116 East Fourth.TWEEDALE, JOHN, over 215 Main.Woodward, E. H., over 100 No. Main.JEWELERS.Anderson, Swan E., 10 East Second.Armitage, Fred E., 306 Pine.Arnson, B. L., 105 North Main.Bassett, E. F., 305 North Main.Carlson, S. P., 10 North Main.Cushman, John M., 218 North Main.DAHLGREN, ERIC, 7 East Third.Johnson, Gustaf F., 49 Winsor.Langford, E. R., 6 East Third.Mason, Levant L., 217 North Main.NORDSTROM, F. G., 213 North Main.Persell, D. F. & Co., 103 West Third.THAYER, RALPH W., Ill W. Third.JOB PRINTING.Bergwalli Joseph A., over 302 NorthMain.Dewey-Davis Chadakoin Jamestown Brown HERALD ington. North 101 East Printery, Main. PRINTING Third. Press—F. Publishing Printing over W. CO., Co., 29 Co., Dewey—overNorth 320 310 Wash­Pine. Main. 28JOURNAL PRINTING CO., 12 WestSecond.Koehl, Wm. Co., over 17-19 Steele.Tiffany Printing Co., over 16 E. Third.White, Frank H., over 101 No. Main.Smith & Kinne, 11-12-13 Ellicott Bldg.,over 100 East Third.JUNK DEALERS.Rolland, George W., 201 Harrison.Rider, B., 939 East Second.JUSTICES OF THE PEACE.HANCHETT, LATHROP L., over 8 E.Third.PICKARD, RAY F., 7 Gifford Bldg.Price, Cheston A., 55-56 New FentonBldg.Woodford, D. D., 508 Gokey block.LADIES' GARMENTS.ABRAHAMSON-BIGELOW CO. (The)Wooltex garments, 114-118 W. 3rd.Duffee, E. E., 20 West Third.Heathcote, Walter, 101 East Second.JONES & AUDETTE, Cor. No. Mainand East Second.JOHNSON, P. M., CO., 205 No. Main.SAXE BROS., 12-14 West Third.SHARPE, A. D. CO., (The), 203 NorthMain.Wright Specialty Shop, 18-20 W. 3rd.LAUNDRIES.IDEAL LAUNDRY, 20-22 Forest Ave'.Lake City Laundry, 12 West First.Long, John, under 14 East Second.Mechanics Laundry, 21 Whitley Ave.PEARL CITY LAUNDRY, 21-23 SteelePEERLESS LAUNDRY,1-3 Barrett.Troy Hand Laundry, 705 North Main.LEATHER AND FINDINGS.Gilbert, Lester B., over 305 No. Main.LIVERY, FEED AND BOARDINGSTABLES.Anderson, John M., 63 Taylor.Arnold, C.J., 212 Washington.Cowing Livery Co., 100-116 W. 4th.Erwin, J. Henry, 209 Pine.Findley, John, 26 Fenton PI.McLEAN, WM., 224-226 East Second.Mecusker, H. R., 211 Cherry.PEARSON. WM., 409 Washington.SHEARMAN'S LIVERY, 3 Race.LUMBER COMPANIES.Anderson, John S., 706 East Second.Appleby Lumber Co., 49 New FentonBldg.CAFLISH BROS. LUMBER CO., 306-308 Chadakoin Bldg.Clement, Conroy-Buchanan CURTISCHAUTAUQUABldg. CO., Fenton 66 E. Foote Bldg. BROS., W., Ave. 21 Lumber 55-56REFRIGERATINGGokey New Co., Bldg. 58 Fenton New

JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 347Curtis, E. W., Lumber Co., 301 Chandler.Morse Grocery Co., 110-114 Winsor.Olson & Johnson, 171 Barrett.Huntsville Lumber Co., 57 New Fenton ROSENGREN & JOHNSON, 121 Willard.Bldg.Jamestown Lumber Co., 5 EllicottBldg.Lynndon Lumber & Supply Co., 15-17Ellicott Bldg.LYONS, HARRY G., 36 Institute.ROSS LUMBER CO., (Inc.), IsabellaAve and Monroe.Ross, E. Winfield, 305 Chandler.Scowden, Edward W., 12 Gokey Bldg.SHEDD, L. F., Cor. Isabella Ave. andMonroe.Union Lumber Co., 41 Shearman PI.Samuelson & Anderson, 261 So. Main.SANDBERG, JOHNSON & CO., 154Baker.Sellstrom, Axel F., 201 Forest Ave.SELLSTROM, FABIAN, 17 E. Third.Shaver, Wm., 100 Barrows.STAHLEY, JACOB F., 109 West 3rd.Stumpf, Henry A., 855 North Main.METALLIC SPECIALTY MANUFAC­TURERS.American Metal Door Co., 316 Cherry.ART METAL CONSTRUCTION CO.,WARNER LUMBER CO., 22-28 Steele. 49 J. & G. Ave.Waters, Calvin G., 21 Gokey Bldg. CROWN METAL CONSTRUCTIONWILSON, JOHN T., 131 Winsor. CO., 120 Steele.MACHINISTS AND SHOPS.DAHLSTROM, METALLIC DOORAnderson Bros, 5 Race.CO., Blackstone Ave.Jamestown General Repair & Mfg.Co., Fairmount Ave., bey. limits.JAMESTOWN IRON WORKS, 11Shearman PI.Maher, Patrick, 20 Taylor.Puillips Barrell & Machine Co., 11-13Harrison.Rushworth & Son, 113 Foote Ave.Salisbury & Son, 14-16 Twelfth.MASSAGE TREATMENT.Cawcroft, Mrs. A., 333 East Third.Malmberg Sanitarium, 862 No. Main.Norquist, Mrs. C.J., P. O. Box 135.MATTRESS MANUFACTURERS.Blystone, W. I. & Son, 19-23 Briggs.MEATS.(Wholesale.)Swift & Co., 33 Institute.MEAT MARKETS.Auen Park meat market, 423 Foote.Ave.Ahlstrand, John, 1 Brooklyn Square.Anderson Bros., 16 East Second.Anderson, Henry O., 880 No. Main.Berglund & Lundquist, 302 Foote Ave.Booman, John A., 1 Winsor.Bradley, John, 37 Price.BROOKLYN FISH & MEAT MAR­KET, 2 North Main.CONNOR, LEON A., 302 East Second.Carlson & Brandt, 774 East Second.Carlson Bros., 324 Newland Ave.Carlson, Anderson & Swan, 704 EastSecond.Carlson & Johnson, 2 Forest Ave.Fairbank, William, 215 West Third.Johnson Fairmount Frank, Haglund, Larsen, Lindbloom, Loucks, Emmett Carl Wallace, Ave. & Charles Wood. Axel meat E„ A., 81 E., 67 G., 710 market, Allen. 225 Tenth. 703 342 North West North East 100 Main.Third. Main. Fair-JAMESTOWN METAL FURNITURECO 9-25 TaylorWEBER MANUFACTURING CO., 441Chandler.MIDWIVES.Boberg, Mrs., Anna K., 27 Eagle.Malmgren, Mrs. Charles, 92 Water.MILLINERY.(Wholesale.)Goodman's Wholesale Millinery, over109 North Main.MILLINERS.Bon Ton Millinery, 230 East Second.Benson & Nelson, 50 Willard.Chicago Store, 404 Lafayette.Donelson, CarrieJ., 102 East Third.Durfee, Clara R., 313 North Main.Engman, Mrs. J. E., 38 Willard.Enterprise Millinery Co., 306 East 2d.Gilbert, Mrs. O. F., 506 Newland Ave.Graves, Mrs. M. E., 315 West Third.Hazeltine & Armstrong, 308 Pine.Hjert & Scott, 148 Foote Ave.HOWARD, MRS. C. T., 101 Cherry.Howard & Jones,1-3 Barrett Bldg.Jessop & Anderson, 33 and 49 Harrison.Johnson, Ella O., Ill West Seventh.Johnson, Mrs. Frank, 219 East SecondJohnson, Mrs. J. V., 211 West Third.Johnson, Mrs. Olof, 38 Charles.Lillibridge, Nettie, 340 East Third.Melin, Mrs. Augusta, 209 W. Third.Moll & Lindstrom, 103% West Third.PARROTT, MRS. R. A., 316 No. Main.Sprague, Mrs. E. A., 321 North Main.Thatcher. Thompson, Watson, White, CLARK North Mrs. Main. D. HARDWARE MILL Miss M. B. Elvira E., & SUPPLIES. K. Mrs., L., P., H., 100 330 101 79 CO., East E. Allen.109-111 Third. 3rd.

348 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYROSENCRANTZ, ELOF & CO., 2 So.Main.MONUMENTS.BENTON & SON, 507 No. Main.Peterson & Frick, 507 Chadakoin Big.Siawson, S. E., 9 Lakin Ave.Sturdevant, E. A., 202 Washington.MUSIC DEALERS.DANIELSON MUSIC HOUSE, 1 No.Main.CARLSON, S. P., 10 No. Main.HILL'S MUSIC STORE, 6th floor ChadakoinBldg.JAMESTOWN SCHOOL OF MUSIC,over 202 North Main.STRANDBURG'S MUSIC STORE, 6West Third.SWANSON'S MUSIC STORE, 218 N.Main.MUSIC TEACHERS.(See Teachers.)NEWS.Bentley, Bert, 214 West Third.HOLM, RALPH C. G., 630 E. Second.Ipson, Henry, (estate), 228 E. Second.Jacobson, J. Alvin, 1 South Main.JONES, L. M., 105 West Third.LINDBLOOM, E. T., 126 East 2nd.MASON, R. K., 8 No. Main and 10 E.Third.McCormick News Co., 112 No. Main.Turner, M., 800 North Main.Warren-Jamestown St. R. R., office 22-24 South Main.NEWSPAPERS.Country World, 6 Gokey Bldg.Furniture Index (Monthly Trade), 112East Third.JAMESTOWN EVENING JOURNAL,(THL;, 12 West Second.JAMESTOWN JOURNAL (Tri-Weekly),12 West Second.JAMESTOWN MORNING POST, 19Steele.SATURDAY HER^iJD (THE), 310Pine.Sentinel, (The), over 28 No. Main.UNION ADVOCATE, (THE), 310Pine.VART LAND, (THE), over 14-16 We.stSecond.NOTARIES PUBLIC.(Term expires March 30, <strong>1910</strong>).Armstrong, George ThomasAnderson, DanielBabcock, Willis E.Badhorn, Martin L.Breed, Burns, Campbell, Chadwick, Beardsley, Bootey, Beldner, Botsford, Lewis Isabella Edward Ozias William Frank Barker Tillie Cook S.R. I. R. D.Chase, Mary A.Clapp, Marvin L.Clary, James A.Cole, Roy H.Crosby, ErastusCurtiss, J. DelevanCurtis, Frank G.Fancher, Leon L.Felt, Frank E.Furlow, Albert L..Gifford, Charles H.Green, Edward JamesGreen, EleazerGrover, Charles S.Harris, Almon MorrellHollengreen, Sarah A.Horton, Fred GatesHyde, Frederick W.Hazzard, Walter S.Haag, John A.Jenks, Adelbert FrankJones, Francis S.Jones, Louis K.Jones, Clyde G.Jones, Clement B.Johnson, Helen V.Keefer, Cora M.Kohlbacher, George J.Lind, Andrew J.Maltby, George E.Marsh, William T.Meyer, Henrietta A. M. L.Miller, Winifred E.Morgan, EdwardMoynihan, Alice J.Okerlind, Charles AlfredPierce, Elbridge G.Pickard, Ray F.Price, Wilson ClarkPrice, Orseil C.Peterson, Charles A.Rushworth, Orlando Nelson.Shearman, Frank E.Sheldon, Harry PorterSquier, Ziba L.Stafford, Austin H.Stafford, Joseph C.Stowe, William D.Sturton, ArthurStowe, William A.Tiffany, Bert GeorgeTweedale, JohnThayer, Allen A.Waite, Elmer E.Weeks, James L.Weller, James M.Wheeler, Frank S.Wicks, Young, Benson, Beach, Bentley, Bootey, Bradshaw, Briggs, Broadhead, Appleyard, Ahlstrom Term Robert John Harry Clark Roswell Florence Calvin Frances expires William Albert Wright G. H. L. King Eugene J. O. March Edward. Lewis A. D. 30, 1911.

Burtch, Yale W.Butman, Luther MiltonButts,-George R.Brugge, Isabelle E.Carpenter, NettieConroy, Kittie HelenaCrissey, Harold E.Crossfield, Frank W.Clark, D. RussellCowden, Bessie L.Doolittle, Amy A.Dorn, Dexter D.Dunn, FrancisDewey, Helen M.Eblom, Anna L.Eddy, Elton E.Field, Frank B.Fowler, James I.Fowler, J. SamuelFrank, John J.Gilberds, William J.Gustafson, Gustaf OscarHulquist, Raymond G.Hall, Stiles C.Hanchett, Lathrop L.Harmon, Mabel S.Hazeltine, AbnerHitchcock, Arthur H.Hunt, Herbert L.Jones, Charles W.Jude, George W.Johnson, Olive E.Kettle, Arthur W.Knorr, John AdamLakin, Luther S., Jr.Lincoln, DavidLincoln, JuliusLewis, Nathan D.Merz, FrankMaharon, Mary A. C.Miller, Emmet W.Miller, William H.Nichols, Miles C.Olson, Olof A.Peart, RichardPeterson, Frederick R.Phillips, Brewer D.Pickard, Clare A.Prather, John H.Peckham, Vernon E.Reynolds, William R.Rick, Julius D. F.Skiff, Mason M.Smith, Edmund B.Stevens, WilsonSandburg, Hulda M.Shanahan, Mollie H.Wiltsie, NURSES. Aiken, Hill, Wellman, Welshofer, Wiborg, Appleton, Todd, Weller, Kelsey, Viola, Fred Lillian, Roy Mrs., Lawrence Charles Arthur Leonora George P. 92 Crossman Emma Falconer 327 Henry Martin K., W. J. East R., 322615 Second. Van Palmer Buren.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 349Lincoln, Selma, 116 ChandlerPaquin, Teresa M., 11 ArnoldTodd, Mary E., 217 LincolnNURSERIES."Williams, Ira, 19 West Seventh.Sturdevant, D. W., J. & G. Ave.OPTOMETRISTS.Campbell, A. L. D., 34-36 Wellman Big.Diehl, H., i05 North Main.Hanvey, C. A., 103 West Third.Haynes, Charles K., 31-33 WellmanBldg.Hotchkiss, W. W., over 14 East 2nd.Kilburn, C. Harvey, 104 E. Third.Lee, R. M., 15 Gokey Bldg.Mason, John C, 217 North Main.Sacrider, J. R., Barrett Bldg., over 205Cherry.West, Clark D., over 12 East Third.OIL COMPANIES.AHRENS & ODELL, over 101 E. 2nd.CAIRO OIL CO., over 101 E. 2nd.Economy Oil Co., 9 Foote Ave.Jamestown Oil Co., 34 Institute.NEW PRODUCTION OIL CO., 522-524Chadakoin Bldg.STANDARD OIL CO., 258 Crescent.OSTEOPHY.Jamison, C. E., 303-304 Chadakoin Big.Marshall, E. J. B., Mrs., 312 E. 3rd.Marshall, J. S. B., 312 East Third.OYSTERS.(Wholesale.)Brooklyn Fish and Meat Market, 2 No.Main.FULTON MARKET, 19 E. 3rd.PAINTS, OILS & GLASS.CARLSON & HELGRAN, 53 Winsor.FREEMAN, CHAS. E., 17 West 2nd.HORTON, J. S. & SON, 122 E. Third.JOHNSON, HENRY, 12 East Second.JOHNSON, J. D., 208 East Second.LAUDENSLAGER, C. A. CO., 39 So.Main.LYON, HARRY, 36 Institute.NORTHROP PAINT & GLASS CO ,36 North Main.WALKER, A. A„ 3-5 East First.PAINTERS, PAPERHANGERS ANDDECORATORS.Anderson, Andrew, 103 Ensign.Anderson, Frank L., under 39 SouthMain.Bixby, Fred, 6 Center.BLANCHARD, SILAS & SON, 311Pine.Crick, Claude H., 214 West Seventh.Hatch, Hagar, Linder, Gilberds, Haywood, Hunt, Cornelius, Alex., Charles Fred, James M. 102 310 C, A., B., 23 over Prospect. Price. 65 Allen. 57 T04 Eleventh. Hazzard. East Third.

350 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYROSE, CARL O., 23 East First.Lindbeck, Andrew, 257 Prospect.Lindbeck, Conrad, 141 Broadhead Vv.Lindbeck, Edward C, 141 BroadheadAve.Smiley, Frank J., 306 West Eighth.Smiley, Vernon, 116 Hall Ave.Stein, L. W., 9 North Main.WALKER, A. A., 3-5 East First.Willard, Louis G., 703 No. Main.PAINTERS.(Sign.)Jensen, Louis, 72 Allen Sq. Bldg.Moon, Chauncey, 71 Allen Sq. Bldg.Moon, Fred, over 111 East Third.PAPER.(Wholesale.)Irish, George, Paper Corporation,under 24-28 North Main. •Jamestown Pad & Wrapper Co., 203South Main and over 101 E. 2nd.KETCHUM, E. H. & CO., 24 No. Main.Underwood, F. J. & Co., 20 Briggs.PAPER BOXES.(Manufacturers.)Koehl, Wm. Co., (The), 17-19 Steele.PAWN BROKERS.Arnson, B. L., 105 North Main.Robins, S.J., over 38 North Main.Trantum, A. L., 29 North Main.PENSION ATTORNEYS.HANCHETT, L. L., 9 Gifford Block.STAFFORD, A. H., 3 Gifford Block.PHOTOGRAPHERS.CAMP, A. N., over 207 North Main.BLACK, T. HENRY, over 12 E. Third.Central Commercial Gallery, 35 Taylor.Craven, C. E., over 2-6 East Third.jbenton & Andruss, 4 Forest Ave.Globe Photo Co., over 309 No. Main.HOLMQUIST, CARL A., over 212 E.Second.Jamestown Commercial Gallery, 320Harrison.Kepler, Code E., 827 Washington.Nelson, August, 324 East Third.Weeks, John W., over 120 West 3rd.PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES.CLARK, FRANK M., 300 No. Main.Cushman, John M., 218 No. Main.GRAFF, J. W., 15 East Third.HATCH, FRED E., 10 East Third.PHONOGRAPHS.Dodge, CharlesJ., 310 Pine.PHYSICIANS.BECKER, A. AUSTIN, 320 E. Third.BEMUS, BLANCHARD, Ave. MORRIS WM. M., A. F., N., 5171-2 210 North Gokey Prendergast Main. Bldg.BLANCHARD, ROB'T B., over 8 E. ?dBLANCHARD, R. N., over 8 E. 2nd.Bowers, Abraham H., over 53 S. MainBOWMAN, LESTER D., 522 E. 2nd.Bradley, R. M., 409 Prendergast Ave.BROOKS, J. M., 312 Prendergast Ave.Eastman, Henry A., 208 Lafayette.Goodwin, Frank, 312 Prendergast Ave.GRAFSTROM, AXEL V., 212 W. 2nd.Greeley, Jane L., Ill East Fifth.HAZELTINE, LABAN, 322 N. Main.HUNT, FRANCIS, 7-9 New GiffordBldg.ILLSTON, BERGEN F„ over 306 No.Main.JOHNSON, M.J., over 207 Cherry.JONES, ELMER A., 20 Harrison.Jones, George B., 18 Twelfth.LIVINGSTON, ALFRED T., 39-42Gokey Bldg.MAHONEY, JOHN J., 401 Lafayette.MORRIS, J. W., 142 Forest Ave.MYERS, ALBERT,6-9 Wellman Bldg.NELSON, JOHN W., 525 East 2nd.Neville, Henry, 329 East Second.Nichols, Frederick H., 412 Main.ORMES, CORNELIUS F., 318 N. MainORMES, FRANK D., 318 No. Main.Parker, Jason, 5 New Gifford Bldg.Pennock, W.J., 307 Chadakoin Bldg.PERKINS, 'D. C, 300-302 ChadakomBldg.Ridgway, Guy E., 11 West Fifth.ROBBINS, A.J., over 304 No. Main.SCOFIELD, E. M., over 11 East 3rd.SCOTT, JAMES W., 222 Winsor.SEYMOUR, BURTON W., 16 GokeyBldg.Sill, W. M., 16 Harrison.Snow, Lewis H., over 105 E. Second.\vellman, W. D., 2-3 Vvellman Bldg.PIANOS.(Manufacturers.)AHLSTROM PIANO CO., 112-114 EastSecond.Ebel, Julius G. M., 340 Steele.PIANOS.(Dealers.)CARLSON, S. P., 10 North Main.DANIELSON'S MUSIC HOUSE, 1 No.Eckman, J. August, 1 No. Main.HILL'S PIANO STORE, 6th floorChadakoinBldg.STRANDBURG, OSCAR, 6 W. Third.SWANSON, GUST, 218 North Main.PIANO SCHOOLS.HILL'S PIANO SCHOOL, sixth floorPIANO Dawson, Ekdahl, Georgi, HILL'S Chadakoin TUNERS. George PIANO Thure, Samuel, Bldg. A., STORE, 1068615 Stowe. Prather Hammond. sixth Ave. floor

PICTURES AND FRAMING.Aldrich Art & China Co., 302 N. Main.Beck, C. M., 305 North Main.CAWCROFT, A. E. CO., 107 E. Third,Larson, O. F., 218 East Second.Merz, BenjaminJ., 120 West Third.PARTRIDGE, E. G., 19-21 W. 2nd.Scharf, Albert F., 49 Broadhead Ave.PILE DRIVERS.Denslow, W. T. & Sons, 551 W. Third.Norton, H. E., 23 11th.PLANING MILLS.NELSON BROS., 233-237 Prospect.WILSON, JOHN T., 115-133 Winsor.WARNER LUMBER CO., 22-28 Steele.PLATING.ART METAL CONSTRUCTION CO.,Jones & Gifford Ave.Weber Mfg. Co., 441 Chandler.PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM FIT­TING.BERNHARD HARDWARE CO., 204-206 East Second.CHATFIELD & ARMITAGE, 304 Pine.DAVEY PLUMBING CO., 7 West FirstHEALD, JOHN, ^11 E. Third.JORGENSON, NELS, 222 East SecondMarsh Plumbing Co., under 202 W. 4thMcGINITY, JOHNSON & CO., 210 E.Second.MURRAY, M. J. & CO., 122 W. Third.REFD & MARTIN, 12 Forest Ave.STEARNS, F. M. & CO., 320 N. Main.Stewart, A. A., under 39 South Main.WOODHEAD, OLSEN & RILEY, 118East Third.POOL AND BILLIARDS.Day, Nelson, 18-20 Willard.Grandin, A., 28 North Main.Hub, (The), over 8 West Third.Neilson, C, 53 South Main.Teall, J. M., 209 Cherry.Young, Carl, 300 East Second.POSTCARDS.(Wholesale.)Monroe, George H., over 202 West 4th.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 351LAKE ERIE R. R., (Inc.), Cor. FairmountAve. and West Eighth;freight office, 70-80 Steele.REAL ESTATE.Butts & Miller, 20 Wellman Bldg.Clement, Ernest W., 21 Gokey Bldg.CONSOLIDATED DEVELOPMENTCO., 9-11 Gokey Bldg.Cornen, Denis, 4 Gokey Bldg.Flagg, James R., over 203 West ThirdHarris, Milo, 608 Prendergast Ave.Gifford, Charles H., 6 New GiffordBldg.GILBERDS & SON, over 121 N. Main.HITCHCOCK, HORACE, over 9 WestThird.HORTON BROS., 122 East Third.hotchkiss, Emerson H., 308 West 6th.Johnson Bros., over 101 East Third.Jones, John F., 5 Gokey Bldg.Lillibridge, George, 203 W. Third.LINDSEY, CHARLES G., over 221 No.Main.LOUCKS & FRANK, 222-223 GokeyBldg.MOODY, FRANK R., over 16 E. 3rd.MUNGER, B. A„ 9 Gokey Bldg.Olson, O. O., 30 Allen Sq. Bldg.Osbourn, Nelson T., 4 Gokey Bldg.Prather, John H., over 101 East ThirdRICH, WM. H., 21 Gokey Bldg.Scowden, E. W., 12 Gokey Bldg.SMITH, EDMUND B., 6 Hall block,over 5 West Third.SQUIER, ZIBA, under 201 No. Main.STAFFORD, AUSTIN H., 3 GiffordBldg.Stonehouse, John, 40-41 Fenton Bldg.Swanson, John P., 13 Wilson PI.Todd, Fred P., 301-303 Gokey Bldg.Underwood, Harry L., 833 Spring.WELLER, JAMES & SON, 3 Giffordblock.Widrig, Walter H., 301-303 Gokey Big.Woodward, E. H., over 100 No. Main.Young, Clark H., 301-303 Gokey Bldg.Bliss, A. Marsh, over 117 East Second.REPAIRING.POSTCARDS.(General.)(Retail.)Cornwell, Eugene, 9*6 East Second.(See Druggists.)General Repair & Mfg. Co., FairmountCoe, Holland S„ 846 Washington. Ave., bey. limits.Diehl, H., 303 North Main.Pew, Charles H., Ill East Third.Klock, Homer S., 6 East Second. PHILLIPS & SLAWSON, rear 211 E.POULTRYMEN.Second.Waite & Sons, 4 Palmer.Safford, N. J., under 121 West Third.RAILROADS.Salisbury & Son, 14-16 Twelfth.D , A. V. & P: R. R-, office 301 N. Main.RESTAURANTS. >JAMESTOWN, Erie fice, senger R. 325 R-, depot, Chandler. office West CHAUTAUQUA 102 First, North freight Main, pas­& of­GRAND Narrow BLACK Diamond FARLIN HAWKINS Peterson, Y. Puritan and W. Cherry. North C. Gauge BEAR, Lunch & Restaurant, A. Carl SWANSON.16 RESTAURANT, lunch Main. Restaurant, M., Rooms, 22 317 East rooms, 15 Winsor. 205 Third. East West W. 20 W. 14 N. Second. Fourth. 2nd. E. Third.Main 3rd.

352 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYROOFERS.JAMESTOWN ROOFING CO., 120 EThird.LLOYD, E. D., 298 East Second.Wilson, W. W., 107 West Fourth.ROOMING HOUSES.Kennedy, C, 217 West Second.Rhinehart, Lizzie, Mrs., 118 E. 2nd.RUBBER STAMPS.Dewey-Davis Printing Co., 320 Washington.JOURNAL PRINTING CO., 12 WestSecond.KETCHUM, E. H. CO., 24 N. Main.RUG AND MAT WEAVERS.Smith, James E., 1 Hotchkiss.SALOONS."Anderson, (The), 11 East Second.Barrett, P. E., 18 East Second.Berry, H. O., 18 North Main.Bjork & Ekstrom, 59 Winsor.BLACK BEAR, 22 East Third.Casino Cafe, 22-24 East Second.Chadakoin Cafe, 707-709 West Eighth.Club (The), 19 East Second.Day, Nelson, 18-20 Willard.Gray & Waite, 21 East Third.Hall, Herbert H., 61 Winsor.Heineman, Louis, 12 East Third.Hennigan, Peter E., 101 North Main.Hub, (The), 8 West Third.Johnson, Herman A., 113 East 2nd.Jones, J. G.. 116 East Second.Klump, J. W., 116 East Third.Lenna & Malm, 62 Winsor.Limit, (The), 33 South Main.Mahoney, E. J., 634 East Second.Murray, A. W., 34 North Main.Oak Cafe, 9 West Second.Peterson, August, 117 West Third.Smith, F. B., 23 Forest Ave.Stoner & Berrv, 17 East Second.Stratton, Charles E.. 10 West First.Stumpf, CharlesJ., 2 West First.Swanson & Lindquist. 6 Main.Warren Cafe. 10 South Main.Welehofer, GeorgeJ., 201 West 3rd.Westrom, A. F., 14 East Second.W'heelhouse Bros., 143 Harrison.SAND DEALERS.Swanson, Henry S., 68 Barrett.Wilcox, John, 1041 North Main.,SANITARIUMS.Malmberg Sanitarium, (The), 862 No.Main.SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS.FREEMAN, CHAS. E., 17 West 2nd.SAWS. NELSON LYONS, WILSON, Moore Bros., HARRY BROS., JOHN (Manufacturers.)11-13 T., 233 G., East 115 36 Prospect. Institute. First. Winsor.SCREENS.(Manufacturers.)JAMESTOWN WINDOW SCREENCO., 12-16 River.Watson Manufacturing Co., 63 Taylor.SECOND HAND STORES.Burr, C. L., 106 Fairmount Ave.French, F. L., 31 Forest Ave.PRATT, CHARLES S., 212 East 2nd.STONE & ANDERSON'S 26 So. Main.Stone, Gust F., 304 East Second.Swezey, H. L., 613 No. Main.Trantum, A. L., 29 North Main.SEWER AND DRAIN PIPE.CHAUTAUQUA REFRIGERATINGCO., 66 Foote Ave.JOHNSON ICE & COAL CO., 610 W.Eighth.SHEDD, L. F„ Cor. Isabella Ave. andMonroe.SEWER CONTRACTORS.Johnson, John V., 137 McKinley Ave.Sigular, John, 510 Foote Ave.Mahoney, John, 225 Foote Ave.Mahoney, Thomas, 51 Falconer.SEWING MACHINES.Goodenough, E. H., 6 East Third.Singer Sewing Machine Co., 207Cherry.STRANBURG, OSCAR, 6 West 3rd.SHADE TREE FURNISHERS ANDSETTERS.Denslow, W. T. & Sons, 551 W. 3rd.Williams, Ira, 19 West Seventh.SHEET MUSIC.(See Music Dealers.)SHIRTS.(Manufacturers.)Martin & Johnson, over 204 N. Main.SIDEWALKS—CEMENT.Lindstrom, G. A., 350 Bowen.Moorby, F. W., 59 Water.Pease, George, 849 Washington.Shutt, OrrisJ., 380 South Main.Sigular, John, 510 Foote Ave.SHOES.(Manufacturers.)Gokey, Geo. F., Shoe Co., 316 Cherry.Gokey, Wm. N., Shoe Co., (Inc.), 316Cherry.SHOE SHINING STANDS.Biris, George, 27 North Main.Christ, Thomas, 12 South Main.Masterson, A. E., 13 East Third.Vishnia, John, 9% East Second.SILVERWARE.ANDERSON, S. E., 10 East Second.Arnson, CARLSON, Cushman, B. John S. L., P., 105 M„ 10 218 North North Main. Main.

DAHLGREN, ERIC, 7 East Third.HULTQUIST, CLARENCE A., 18 E.Third.Langford, E. R., 6 East Third.Mason, L. L., 217 North Main.NORDSTROM, F. G., 213 North Main.Persell & Co., 103 West Third.THAYER, RALPH W., Ill West 3rd.UNDERWOOD, E. L., 221 North Mainand 7 West Third.SNOW PLOWING.Denslow, W. Tv& Son, 551 West 3rd.SNUFF.(Manufacturers.)Swedish Snuff Mfg. Co., 132 Foote Av.SOAP.(Manufacturers.)Harris Co. (The), 21 Whitley Ave.SPECIALTIES—HARDWARE.(Manufacturers.)Hjorth, Wm. & Co., 28 Taylor.SWEET-CLARKE CO., 104 East 2nd.SPINAL APPLIANCES.Philo-Burt Mfg. Co., 409 North Main.SPORTING GOODS.GRAFF, J. W., 15 East Third.Jamestown Electric Co., 109 E. 3rd.LINDHOLM VARIETY HALL, (The),110 East Second.STAINEb GLASS.FREEMAN, CHAS. E., 17 West 2nd.JAMESTOWN ART GLASS WORKS,58 Franklin.LYONS, HARRY, 36 Institute.NORTHROP PAINT & GLASS CO.,36 North Main.STONE—CUT.Ackroyd, Asa, 19 Barker.Moorby, F. W., 59 Water.STONE QUARRIES.Jamestown Shale Paving Brick Co., 40Quarry road.Jones, John P., 548 Allen.STORAGE COMPANIES.CHAUTAUQUA REFRIGERATINGCO., 66 Foote Ave.Jamestown Cold Storage Co., 5-7 Taylor.Newton, N. P., 66 Tenth.STOVES AND RANGES.BERNHARD HARDWARE CO., 204 E.Second.CLARK HARDWARE CO., 109-111 No.Main.JORGENSON, NELS, 222 E. Second.LEWIS, P. F. & SONS, 804 No. Main.SPRAGUE, ROSENCRANTZ, Main. WM. H., ELOF 38 North & CO., Main. 2 So.JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 353SURVEYORS.Bentley, C. Eugene, 424 Chadakoin BigHarrington, Frank L., 213 East 3rd.Jones, Clyde G., City hall.TAILORS.(Ladies).Burch, David E., 5 Fenton Bldg.Davis, Mary L., 16 New Gifford Bldg.ureenlund, Esther, 232 Barrett.Greenwood, George, Mrs., 32 Allen Sq.Bldg.Gronberg, Betty, Mrs., 26 Linden Ave.Kortos, E., 322 North Main.Meas, Jule F., 7-8 Allen Sq. Bldg.Morrison,* J. F., 16 East Third.TAILORS.(Merchant.)Burch, David E., 5 Fenton Bldg.Engstrom, John C, 9 New Warner blk.HOOKER, ri.M., 108 E. Second.Jaderstrom, John E., over 31 N. Main.JAYSANE, M., over 217 North Main.Johnson, F. O., 19-20 Gifford Bldg.JONES, SCHARF & LINCOLN, 210North Main.Judson, Frederick L., 292 Harrison.Meas, John B., 8 New Warner block.Meas, Jule F., 7-8 Allen Sq. Bldg.MORRISON, J. FRED, 16 East Third.NELSON, THEODORE N., over 9 W.Third.Nord & Frankson, over 108 East 2nd.PETERSON, A. J. &SON, 208 NorthMain.PROUDFIT CLOTHING CO., 206 No.Main.Schine, David, 6 Warner block.Star Tailoring Co., under 101 W. 3rd.THOMAS, FRANK A., 47 So. Main.Vackstrom, Frans, 65-66 Allen Sq. Big.Wagnstrom, C. O., 300 Willard.Wiley, H. R., 1 Wellman Bldg.WIQUIST, OTTO W., 9 No. Main.TEACHERS.(Drawing and Painting.)BUTLER, BERTHA, over 19 West 2d.Holmes, Catherine L., 825 PrendergastWoodford, Blanche, 319 Jefferson.TEACHERS.(Music.)Bratt, A. C, (violin), 810 Cherry.Brooks, Nina, Mrs., 814 PrendergastAve.Carpenter, Ethel, 514 East Fifth.Curtice, Mabel, 205 West Seventh.Derby, Vena Reed, 224 Fairmount Av.Hawkins, Heath, Henderson, Eckman, Farlee, Harrington, lin), 21 Mabel, Nellie Edith J. T. West August, Kate, A. Allen, H., 812 C, Noah, Eighth. over 152 North 124 over Allen. (piano 108 Barrett. Main. 202 E. N. and Second. Main. vio­

354 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORYHILL'S PIANO SCHOOL, sixth floorChadakoin.Irwin, Mary, 209 South Main.Jonnson, Alexander, (wind and stringinstruments), 310 West Seventh.Johnson, Hazel, 38 Charles.Johnston, Florence, 306 East Sixth.Miller, Alice L., 338 Crossman.Nutter, Gertrude, 149 Allen.Pardee, Eudora K., (voice), 358 EastFourth.Price, Louise O., 300 East Sixth.Spring, Lillie B., over 221 VanBuren.Sweet, Florence B., (voice), 10 CharlesWestrom, Minnie C, 210 W. Sixth.TELEPHONE COMPANIES.HOME TELEPHONE CO., 210 Pine.N. Y. & PA. TELEPHONE — TELE­GRAPH CO., 113 East Third.TELEGRAPH COMPANIES.POSTAL TELEGRAPH & CABLE CO.19 West Third.WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO.301 North Main.THEATERS.(Electric.)Bijou Dream, 10 West Third.Lyric Theater, 201 East Third.May's Theater, 309 North Main.Royal Theater, 26 North Main.THREAD.(Manufacturers.)Ashwell, E. J. & Co., 113 Foote Ave.TICKET BROKERS.Barrett, E. W. ,107 North Main.TIN AND SHEET IRON SMITHS.Chatfield's Tin Shop, under 101 E. 2d.CLARK HARDWARE CO., 109-111 No.Main.JAMESTOWN SHEET METAL WKS.220 East Second.LEWIS, P. F. & SON., 804 North MainLLOYD, E. D., 298 East Second.Marsh Bros., 202 West Fourth.Odell, B.J., 21 East First.ROSENCRANTZ, ELOF & CO., 2 So.Main.Vanblow, Frank A., under 29 NorthMain.Wilson, W. W., 107 West Fourth.TOWEL MANUFACTURERS.' Burt-Hall Towel Co., Hunt road.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Towel Mills, 206 Steele.TOYS.HULTQUIST, C. A., 18 East Third.Knox, S. H., 5 and 10c Store, 204 No.Main.and LINDHOLM McCrorey's 11013*15 East North Second. 5 VARIETY and Main. 10c HALL, Store, (THE) 207-209TRACTION COMPANIES.<strong>Chautauqua</strong> Traction Co., 13 W. Third.Warren-Jamestown St. Ry., 22-24 So.Main.TRUNKS AND BAGS.LOCKWOOD, M. A. & SON, 106 E. 2d.LODS, GEO. F., 121 West Third.TYPEWRITERS.Smith, L. C, Typewriter Co., 304 GokeyBldg.Smith Premier, 10-11-12. Wellman Big.TRUCKMEN.AMES TRANSFER CO., 20 West 2nd.DONELSON, H. A.,29 Forest Ave.SWANSON, ARTHUR K., 17 TerracePI.Swanson, Gust, 14 Stowe.UNDERTAKING.LINCOLN, DAVID, 107 East Second.PARTRIDGE, E. G., 19-21 West 2nd.POWERS, L.D., 616 Pine.Reed, L.C., 609 EastSeventh.VanDusen, Theodore F., 328 Allen.UPHOLSTERERS.JAMESTOWN LOUNGE CO., 38 Winsor.Koerner, Henry, 864 Spring.Martyn Bros., 516 West Fourth.SHEARMAN BROS. CO., 25 ShearmanPI.VENEER MANUFACTURERS.JAMESTOWN PANEL AND VENEERCO., 50 Steele.PEARL CITY VENEER CO., 40-48Steele.Tuxford, Charles T., 211 Lincoln.VETERINARY SURGEONS.Bender, Robert, 31 Derby.HUNT, FRANK, 214 Washington.SHEPARD, F. G., 214 Washington.VOTING MACHINES.(Manufacturers.)Empire Voting Machine Co., 153-163J. & G. Ave.WAGONMAKERS.(Repairing.)Cole, Lyman, 31 Fenton Place.Cornwell, Eugene, 952 East Second.Cowing Livery Co., 100-116 W. 4th.Herby, John & Sons, 610 W. Seventh.WAGONS AND CARRIAGES.(Retail.)Arnold, C.J., 212 Washington.JOHNSON, ALBERT G„ 30 So. Main.Lenox, Robert E„ 881 Washington.McLEAN, WM., 224-226 East Second.WALLPAPER. BECK, Bradburn C. & M., Moon, (Dealers.) 305 207 North East Main. Second,

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