Fan Coil Unit Types - Tech-System

Fan Coil Unit Types - Tech-System Fan Coil Unit Types - Tech-System
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The fan coil unit controller offers three modes ofoperation - occupied (comfort), standby(temporarily unoccupied) and unoccupied (nightand weekends). These occupancy modes canbe set from an operator workstation or networkcontroller on a Metasys network, from anotherdevice on the LONWORKS network or controlledby the room occupants from a local roomcommand module.A locally connected room command moduleprovides the occupant with temperature setpoint and fan speed control, and a button torequest the occupied mode for comfortconditions. The AD-FCD controller supports aroom module with a display of roomtemperature, setpoint and fan speed overridestatus. Set point adjustment can be limitedwithin a configurable range to allow occupantsto have control over their environment, but not tocompromise energy savings.Alternatively a room command module on theLONWORKS network can be used to give theoccupant control over the room temperature, setpoint, fan speed and occupancy mode.Whatever local options are chosen, thecontroller operating mode can also beFan Coil Unit TypesThe controller may be configured to control fancoil units with a single water coil (2 pipe) or withseparate heating and cooling coils (4 pipe). Twopipe fan coil units may be controlled as heatingor cooling only, or may be configured to changecontrol from heating to cooling depending on anexternal change-over signal.Fan Control OptionsThe controller may be configured to control asingle-speed, two-speed or three-speed fan.Options are also available to keep the fanrunning continuously at low speed in occupiedmode (or in any mode) or to allow the fan tocycle on and off as the space temperaturereaches the given setpoint. The fan speedscheduled by a Metasys supervisory system orother LONWORKS compatible supervisorysystem.A “window open” sensor may be connected tothe controller to switch it to the “Energy Hold-off”mode, and an occupancy sensor can beconnected to relax the comfort conditions whenthe space is not occupied, all to avoid energywaste. The controller may also be set to “off” bythe supervisory network when the space is notin use.Where there are multiple fan coil units in a room,the controllers may be configured on theLonWorks network to operate in master/slavemode to control the temperature in the space inunison.For applications where the cooling coil or pipesare located in the ceiling, a condensation sensormay be connected to switch off cooling if wateris condensing on the pipes.Every controller has a low space temperaturedetection function as a standard feature thatswitches on the heating to the maximum value in“Emergency Heat” mode, overriding any otherautomatic or manual mode of the controllerexcept safety interlocks.When an electric heater is installed, the heatermay be configured as the heat source in a twopipe fan coil unit with a chilled water supply oras supplemental heat in a 2 pipe fan coil unitwith a hot water supply or a 4 pipe fan coil unit inheating mode. The AD-FCC and AD-FCDcontrollers may also be used to control electricheaters with and without a forced air fan.override command is only active when thespace is occupied and when there is no “EnergyHold-off” in order to save energy consumption. Ifthe fan is forced to off, the electric heater controlis de-activated and the fan continues to run atlow speed for a short time to prevent overheatingin the fan coil unit.3 Product Bulletin—AD-FCC Fan Coil Unit Controller

Hardware Inputs and Outputs for FCU ApplicationsThe hardware inputs and outputs have beenselected to cover the main requirements forcost-efficient fan coil unit control. The heatingand cooling outputs connect to thermally drivenvalve actuators for low cost modulating controland relays are provided for direct control of thefan and an electric heater if installed.Inputs are provided for temperature set point,fan speed override and shutoff from a windowcontact or condensation sensor. The spacetemperature sensor may be mounted in the fancoil unit or in the room command module.Installation InstructionsThe AD-FCC or AD-FCD controller is typicallymounted in the fan coil unit enclosure or in anelectrical cabinet in the space being controlled.The mounting location must be clean and dry,and not subject to extreme heat or cold.The TM-21x0 series or AD-IRM room module isdesigned for flush mounting over an electricaloutlet box in the wall at a location where thetemperature is typical for the controlled spaceand not subject to radiant heat from a window orair currents from a fan. Refer to Figure 8 formounting details.The installation and electrical wiring mustconform to local codes and should be carriedout by authorized personnel only. Users shouldensure that all Johnson Controls' products areused safely and without risk to health orproperty.For direct mounting, place the controller at thedesired position, and mark the location of atleast two mounting holes. Drill small guide holesin the mounting surface and fix the controller tothe surface using 3 mm diameter self-tappingscrews. Refer to Figure 7 for mounting details.For DIN rail mounting, place the controller onthe lower edge of the rail and press thecontroller firmly against the rail until the springloadedclip engages the upper edge of the rail.To remove the controller, lift the controllerupwards against the spring of the retaining clipand pull forward from the top.Before connecting or disconnecting any wires tothe controller, ensure that all power supplieshave been switched off and that all wires arepotential-free to prevent equipment damage andavoid electrical shock.Local electric codes must be respected for wiresize and external protection fuses. No overcurrentprotection is provided within the AD-FCCor AD-FCD controller for the fan control or the230 VAC triac outputs. Terminations are madeon the terminal blocks, at the top and bottom ofthe controller, which accept up to 1.5mm 2 / 16AWG wires. Follow the wiring diagrams shownin Figures 4 and 5.Use a minimum wire size of 0.8 mm / 20 AWGfor sensor and TM-21x0 room moduleconnections. For the AD-IRM module a cable isrequired as shown in Figure 6. Pre-assembledcables and RJ9 connectors are available toorder (see Specifications and Technical Detail).Size other wires according to the current load. Ifmulti-stranded wire is used for 230 VACconnections, a metal sleeve must be crimpedonto the exposed metal strands before insertingthe wire into the terminal.Keep all wires and cables as short as possibleand tie in position or lay them in cable guides. Itis recommended that sensors and actuators aremounted within 15 m of the controller. The IRMcable must not exceed 12m in length. Do notmount the controller or run any cables close totransformers or high frequency generatingequipment.Connect the earth/ground terminal (labeled )to a clean electrical ground point. Thisconnection provides a discharge path for anyhigh voltage interference that could otherwisedamage the controller or the LONWORKSnetwork. Do not connect the LonWorks networkcable shield (if installed) to the controller’searth/ground terminal.The LonWorks network wiring must be installedin accordance with the LonMark Guidelines forthe “Free Topology” physical layer of thenetwork. If shielded cable is used, install a470 kOhm, 1/4 W, ±10% metal-film resistorbetween the shield and a clean electrical groundpoint at one accessible location only (normally atthe LonWorks network tool location orsupervisory station).Complete and verify all wiring connectionsbefore setting the controller into operation.Product Bulletin—AD-FCC and AD-FCD Fan Coil Unit Controller 4

Hardware Inputs and Outputs for FCU ApplicationsThe hardware inputs and outputs have beenselected to cover the main requirements forcost-efficient fan coil unit control. The heatingand cooling outputs connect to thermally drivenvalve actuators for low cost modulating controland relays are provided for direct control of thefan and an electric heater if installed.Inputs are provided for temperature set point,fan speed override and shutoff from a windowcontact or condensation sensor. The spacetemperature sensor may be mounted in the fancoil unit or in the room command module.Installation InstructionsThe AD-FCC or AD-FCD controller is typicallymounted in the fan coil unit enclosure or in anelectrical cabinet in the space being controlled.The mounting location must be clean and dry,and not subject to extreme heat or cold.The TM-21x0 series or AD-IRM room module isdesigned for flush mounting over an electricaloutlet box in the wall at a location where thetemperature is typical for the controlled spaceand not subject to radiant heat from a window orair currents from a fan. Refer to Figure 8 formounting details.The installation and electrical wiring mustconform to local codes and should be carriedout by authorized personnel only. Users shouldensure that all Johnson Controls' products areused safely and without risk to health orproperty.For direct mounting, place the controller at thedesired position, and mark the location of atleast two mounting holes. Drill small guide holesin the mounting surface and fix the controller tothe surface using 3 mm diameter self-tappingscrews. Refer to Figure 7 for mounting details.For DIN rail mounting, place the controller onthe lower edge of the rail and press thecontroller firmly against the rail until the springloadedclip engages the upper edge of the rail.To remove the controller, lift the controllerupwards against the spring of the retaining clipand pull forward from the top.Before connecting or disconnecting any wires tothe controller, ensure that all power supplieshave been switched off and that all wires arepotential-free to prevent equipment damage andavoid electrical shock.Local electric codes must be respected for wiresize and external protection fuses. No overcurrentprotection is provided within the AD-FCCor AD-FCD controller for the fan control or the230 VAC triac outputs. Terminations are madeon the terminal blocks, at the top and bottom ofthe controller, which accept up to 1.5mm 2 / 16AWG wires. Follow the wiring diagrams shownin Figures 4 and 5.Use a minimum wire size of 0.8 mm / 20 AWGfor sensor and TM-21x0 room moduleconnections. For the AD-IRM module a cable isrequired as shown in Figure 6. Pre-assembledcables and RJ9 connectors are available toorder (see Specifications and <strong>Tech</strong>nical Detail).Size other wires according to the current load. Ifmulti-stranded wire is used for 230 VACconnections, a metal sleeve must be crimpedonto the exposed metal strands before insertingthe wire into the terminal.Keep all wires and cables as short as possibleand tie in position or lay them in cable guides. Itis recommended that sensors and actuators aremounted within 15 m of the controller. The IRMcable must not exceed 12m in length. Do notmount the controller or run any cables close totransformers or high frequency generatingequipment.Connect the earth/ground terminal (labeled )to a clean electrical ground point. Thisconnection provides a discharge path for anyhigh voltage interference that could otherwisedamage the controller or the LONWORKSnetwork. Do not connect the LonWorks networkcable shield (if installed) to the controller’searth/ground terminal.The LonWorks network wiring must be installedin accordance with the LonMark Guidelines forthe “Free Topology” physical layer of thenetwork. If shielded cable is used, install a470 kOhm, 1/4 W, ±10% metal-film resistorbetween the shield and a clean electrical groundpoint at one accessible location only (normally atthe LonWorks network tool location orsupervisory station).Complete and verify all wiring connectionsbefore setting the controller into operation.Product Bulletin—AD-FCC and AD-FCD <strong>Fan</strong> <strong>Coil</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> Controller 4

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