4n-gx-can-RS232-RS485-commands-v4.7 - eng

4n-gx-can-RS232-RS485-commands-v4.7 - eng 4n-gx-can-RS232-RS485-commands-v4.7 - eng


BefehlIIxxx(CR)orIxxxxxxxx(CR)FunktionIdentifier in Hex (000...7FF)11 Bit Standard FormatorIdentifier in Hex (00000000...1FFFFFFF) 29 Bit Extended FormatL Lx(CR) Listen Mode Only (0...1)This setting determines whether only 11-bit or 11-bit and 29-bit areaccepted by CAN-Acceptance-Code and CAN-Acceptance-Mask.Response: “List of parameters: (CR)OK(CR)” or “ERROR(CR)“0 – CAN Normal Mode (read and write)1 – CAN Listen Only Mode (listening only, read)Response: “List of parameters: (CR)OK(CR)” or “ERROR(CR)“A Axxxxxxxx(CR) CAN-Acceptance-Code x = (0...000007FF) 11 Bit Standard FormatCAN-Acceptance-Code x = (0...1FFFFFFF) 29 Bit Extended Formatx = 0 receives all CAN-FramesResponse: “List of parameters: (CR)OK(CR)” or “ERROR(CR)“M Mxxxxxxxx(CR) CAN-Acceptance-Mask x = (0..000007FF) 11 Bit Standard FormatCAN-Acceptance-Mask x = (0..1FFFFFFF) 29 Bit Extended FormatRVNR0(CR)R1(CR)R2(CR)R3(CR)R4(CR)R5(CR)R6(CR)R7(CR)R8(CR)R9(CR)RA(CR)RB(CR)RC(CR)RD(CR)RE(CR)RF(CR)x = F receives all CAN-FramesResponse: “List of parameters: (CR)OK(CR)” or “ERROR(CR)“600 bps RS232/RS485 Baudrate (all 8 N 1)1200 bps2400 bps4800 bps9600 bps19200 bps38400 bps57600 bps115200 bps230000 bps500000 bps600000 bps750000 bps1000000 bps1500000 bps3000000 bps Other baud rates available on requestResponse: “ (CR)OK(CR)” or “ERROR(CR)”Software Version NumberResponse: „Software Version: x.x(CR)“Converter Nummerx = 0..FResponse: „Converter-ID: xxxx xxxx(CR)“ x= 0..F

Befehl?orH?orHFunktionHelpThis table is output to the COM portE E ExitExits the Setup Mode and saves the configuration in flash memory of theconverter, followed by a Reset = Power On(Restart)Response: e.g.C CAN-Bitrate : 5L CAN-Data Length : 8I CAN-Identifier : 1F0000000A CAN-Acceptance-Code : 00000100M CAN-Acceptance-Mask : 00000000R USB-Baudrate : 3Identifier Length : 29Acc. Code Length : 32Acc. Mask Length : 32SAVE to EEpromOKRESETQ Q QuitExits the setup mode WITHOUT saving changes in the in flash memory ofthe converter, followed by a Reset = Power On(Restart)Response:OKRESETOther parameters, functions are available on request.

Befehl?orH?orHFunktionHelpThis table is output to the COM portE E ExitExits the Setup Mode and saves the configuration in flash memory of theconverter, followed by a Reset = Power On(Restart)Response: e.g.C CAN-Bitrate : 5L CAN-Data L<strong>eng</strong>th : 8I CAN-Identifier : 1F0000000A CAN-Acceptance-Code : 00000100M CAN-Acceptance-Mask : 00000000R USB-Baudrate : 3Identifier L<strong>eng</strong>th : 29Acc. Code L<strong>eng</strong>th : 32Acc. Mask L<strong>eng</strong>th : 32SAVE to EEpromOKRESETQ Q QuitExits the setup mode WITHOUT saving changes in the in flash memory ofthe converter, followed by a Reset = Power On(Restart)Response:OKRESETOther parameters, functions are available on request.

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