Colgate Palmolive - Spirit of Enterprise

Colgate Palmolive - Spirit of Enterprise

Colgate Palmolive - Spirit of Enterprise


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THE POWER OF TEAMSCase SummaryThis case describes the use <strong>of</strong> teams in abusiness setting, with particular reference to the methods<strong>of</strong> team management employed by <strong>Colgate</strong> <strong>Palmolive</strong>.The student is required to consider some core team skillsabout which they may be questioned in an interview.Syllabus LinksLeaving Certificate BusinessUnit 3: ManagementUnit 4: Managing 2 - Human Resource ManagementUnit 7: International Trading/International BusinessLCVP<strong>Enterprise</strong> Education, Unit 1: TeamworkPreparation for the World <strong>of</strong> Work, Unit 2: Preparation for anInterviewThe case can also be used for related topics in JuniorCertificate Business Studies and Leaving Certificate Appliedand during relevant activities in Transition Year.Learning OutcomesHaving studied the lesson and carried out the related exercises,students should be able to:• State the reasons for using teams in a businessorganisation.• Define a team.• Identify different types <strong>of</strong> team.• Outline the <strong>Colgate</strong> approach to using teams.• Discuss the relevance <strong>of</strong> values in supporting ateam culture.• Identify some core team skills.• Describe the <strong>Colgate</strong> <strong>Palmolive</strong> global business.Building on the CaseThe following points can be used to provide additionalinformation and stimulate group discussion around thecase.Teams are necessary for complex goalsMost organisation goals are too complex to be achieved byindividuals working alone. Widely different knowledge,skills and abilities are necessary to achieve the goals. Ateam is a mechanism for co-ordinating these diversecompetencies.Team skills can be developedPeople do not necessarily possess natural team skills.Such skills are <strong>of</strong>ten learned through experience andtraining. In particular, interpersonal or social skills arecritical to effective teamwork. When teams becomedysfunctional, it is <strong>of</strong>ten for social or communicationreasons rather than lack <strong>of</strong> technical expertise.Communication is seen as a key area and listening as themost critical communication skill.Everyone is a member <strong>of</strong> some teamAlthough individual employees may not be <strong>of</strong>ficiallyassigned to a particular team, in fact, everyone is a member<strong>of</strong> the organisational team. However, in order for employeesto feel this, a strong organisational team culture isnecessary. Such a culture will not occur unless it ispropagated and supported by management. The <strong>Colgate</strong>value <strong>of</strong> global teamwork is a symbol and statement <strong>of</strong> suchsupport.A modern innovationSelf-managing or self-directing teams are teams that do notreport to a supervisor in the normal way but provide allmanagement controls from inside the team.IT supportTelecommunications and computer technologies enableteam members to work together from remote distances. Inaddition to the ability to communicate, team members canshare the same on-line resources such as reports,databanks, drawings, plans and presentations.Student ExercisesThe following student activities can be undertaken byindividuals, pairs or group assignments requiring writtenreports, discussion or presentations. Most <strong>of</strong> the exercisescan also be used to assess learning following a classsession.The Case AnalysisThe task posed at the end <strong>of</strong> the case will stimulate ananalysis <strong>of</strong> the case material and exercise the ability to usejudgment and to engage in self analysis. It can also be usedeffectively in a group or pair setting, where others recalloccasions in which the focal student used a particular skill.The role <strong>of</strong> focal student should rotate.Student ReflectionWhat have we learned from the case?This is a powerful exercise, especially when doneindividually, followed by group discussion. It aidsunderstanding, retention and recall. The teacher can usethe learning outcomes listed above when giving feedback.Possible reflection questions include:• Can I explain why business organisations use teams?• Do I understand the difference between a team and agroup?• Can I describe some different types <strong>of</strong> team?• How does the IT function enable <strong>Colgate</strong> global teammembers to communicate?• What do I realise about teams that I didn’t knowbefore?• Can I identify some team skills?• Can I state the meaning <strong>of</strong> the term ‘sustainablepr<strong>of</strong>itable growth’?• Can I describe the importance <strong>of</strong> values in supportinga team culture?Leaving Certificate Business Applied Business Questiona) Describe the benefits <strong>of</strong> using a team to complete acomplex project.b) Describe some <strong>of</strong> the problems that a team might facein reaching consensus on an issue.c) Outline some team skills and state why you feel they areessential to the performance <strong>of</strong> a team.LCVP Case Studya) Suggest the types <strong>of</strong> skills a global team member mightneed.b) What are some benefits <strong>of</strong> using teams to solve abusiness problem.c) Describe some different roles that members might haveon a football club committee.SWOT/SCOTAssume that one <strong>of</strong> the weaknesses identified in a globalbusiness is lack <strong>of</strong> team skills. What effect will this have onthe ability to:• exploit business opportunities?• protect against threats to the business?When considering this question remember that bothopportunities and threats originate in the externalenvironment.Question TimeThe following True/False and Multiple Choice questionscan be used as quizzes to engage in a review <strong>of</strong> caseinformation and terminology.True or False?• It is easier to operate a global business without teams.• Being a member <strong>of</strong> a successful team can improvemotivation and commitment.• The IT function does not enhance the performance <strong>of</strong>global teams.• A global team faces the same problems that a localteam faces.• One <strong>of</strong> <strong>Colgate</strong>’s core values is Global Teamwork.• Organisations need a strong team culture.• A project team needs to possess good conflict resolutionskills.• A group is the same as a team.Multiple ChoiceThe IT service that enables <strong>Colgate</strong> team members to sharethe screen while making a presentation is called:• email• internet• e-meeting• e-teamroomWhich one <strong>of</strong> the following is not a <strong>Colgate</strong> business line?• Oral Care• Computer Equipment• Home Care• Pet FoodPresentation SkillsPrepare a presentation to be given to <strong>Colgate</strong> managementoutlining why you recommend a company wide trainingprogramme called Team Skills.

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