Closing Prayer All– powerful and compassionate Father ... - DLSU-D

Closing Prayer All– powerful and compassionate Father ... - DLSU-D

Closing Prayer All– powerful and compassionate Father ... - DLSU-D


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CONCLUSIONIn silence, let us lift up to God all ourprayers <strong>and</strong> concerns… Gathering all our concerns <strong>and</strong> intentionsinto one, we call on God, “Our<strong>Father</strong>”:“Our <strong>Father</strong> in heaven…”De La Salle University—DasmariñasCampus Ministry OfficeFamily Bonding <strong>Prayer</strong> Guide VOL.2 No.20October 22-28, 2012CALL TO PRAYERLeader: (as the c<strong>and</strong>le is being lit...)<strong>Closing</strong> <strong>Prayer</strong><strong>All–</strong> <strong>powerful</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>compassionate</strong> <strong>Father</strong>,God of mercy, look kindly on us in our suffering.Ease our burden <strong>and</strong> make our faith strongthat we may always have confidence<strong>and</strong> trust in your fatherly care.Help us to face the difficulties of the futurewith courage <strong>and</strong> to give greater encouragementto our brothers <strong>and</strong> sisters in their present need.We ask this in the name of Jesus,our Lord <strong>and</strong> Savior . Amen.All:Jesus said, "I am the light of the world...Whoever follows me will have the light of lifeAnd will never walk in darkness." (John 8:12)Lord Jesus, you said that where two or threecome together in your name,You are there with them.The light of this c<strong>and</strong>le symbolizes yourpresence among us.And so, we all remember...That we are in the holy presence of God.Opening <strong>Prayer</strong>I will continue O my God …...to do all my actionsfor the love of you.St. John Baptist De La Salle, pray for us.Live Jesus in our hearts, forever.+ In the name of the <strong>Father</strong> <strong>and</strong> of theSon <strong>and</strong> of the Holy Spirit. AmenSources:Meditations by John Baptist de La Salle. Translated by Richard Arn<strong>and</strong>ez, FSC <strong>and</strong> Agustin Loes,FSC <strong>and</strong> edited by Augustine Loes FSC, <strong>and</strong> Francis Huether, FSC. (1994, reprinted 2007)O Jesus, our teacher <strong>and</strong>master, we thank you forgathering us once more as acommunity of faith striving tointegrate Gospel perspectives<strong>and</strong> values in the conduct ofour daily lives so that we maybecome authentic witnesses ofyour love. Help us to be able torespond with love to your call.AmenPage 4Page 1

A Reading from the holy gospelaccording to MaRK(10:35-45)“ As Jesus was leaving Jericho with his disciples<strong>and</strong> a large crowd, a blind beggar, Bartimaeus, the sonof Timaeus, was sitting by the roadside. On hearingthat it was Jesus of Nazareth passing by, he began tocall out, “Son of David, Jesus, have mercy on me!”Many people scolded him <strong>and</strong> told him to keep quietbut he shouted all the louder, “Son of David, havemercy on me!” Jesus stopped <strong>and</strong> said, “Call him.” Sothey called the blind man saying, “Take heart. Get up,he is calling you.” He immediately throw aside hiscloak, jumped up <strong>and</strong> went to Jesus. Then Jesusasked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” Theblind man said, “Master, let me see again!” And Jesussaid to him, “Go your way, your faith has made youwell.” And immediately he could see, <strong>and</strong> he followedJesus along the road.The Gospel of the Lord.Reader 1:The spirit of this community is, first, aspirit of faith, which should induce thosewho compose it not to look upon anythingbut with the eyes of faith, not to do anythingbut in view of God, <strong>and</strong> to attributeall to God.(Pause for a moment of silence)Reader 2:Your faith should be for you a light whichguides you in all things, <strong>and</strong> a shininglight for those whom you instruct, to leadthem on the path to heaven.(Pause for a moment of silence)Reader 3:A reading from the meditationsby john Baptist de la SalleDo you have a faith that is such that it isable to touch the hearts of your students<strong>and</strong> inspire them with the Christianspirit? This is the greatest miracle youcould perform <strong>and</strong> the one that God asksof you, for this is the purpose of yourwork.Pause for a short moment of reflection:What would be your answer to the question of the founderregarding your faith?How is that seen in the way you deal with people youmeet everyday?All: Praise to you O Lord, Jesus Christ.Page 2Page 3

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