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AP EFT Plus! (date: )QuestionPrerequisitesAnswer/Notes1) Is the AP Module installed and set up? Yes, No2) Have you confirmed that SK has yourEFT+ format(s) in our EFT library?To confirm, please send the bank’swritten format specification This should havebeen determined when the module wassold. If we don’t currently have theformat, it will need to be scheduled fordevelopment (it can take up to 30 days)Please note if you wish to process returnfiles (in addition to payment files)3) How many bank accounts will be usingAP EFT+?4) What bank format(s) are needed?5) Bank 1 – Name:Bank 2 – Name:Bank 3 – Name:Bank 4 – Name:Bank 5 – Name:6) How many companies in AX will beusing AP EFT+?SKG has your payment file format: Yes, NoSKG has your return file format: Yes, No, Not a requirementBanks - FormatsExample – Bank: CitibankFormat: CDFFFormat:Have the specification?: Yes, NoFormat:Have the specification?: Yes, NoFormat:Have the specification?: Yes, NoFormat:Have the specification?: Yes, NoFormat:Have the specification?: Yes, NoNACHA file details (only if using US-ACH)7) Immediate Destination ID & Name ID: Name:8) Immediate Origin ID & Name ID: Name:9) Company ID & Name ID: Name:10) Originating DFI ID & Name ID: Name:11) Does the bank require a balanced orunbalanced file (credits only)?12) Is block filling required? Yes, No13) Which entry classes do you need?(i.e. PPD, CCD, CCD+, IATB, Other?)Balanced, UnbalancedTxn Types: ACH-Preformat,Funds Transfer, Wire TransferTxn Types:Txn Types:Txn Types:Txn Types:Txn Types:Updated: March 26, 2015 Page 8

14) Will you be doing pre-notes? Yes, No15) Will you be sending email remittanceadvices? If yes, enter email addressesbelow.16) Vendor 1 – Name:(already in AX? Yes, No)Vendor 2 – Name:(already in AX? Yes, No)Vendor 3 – Name:(already in AX? Yes, No)Vendor 4 – Name:(already in AX? Yes, No)Vendor 5 – Name:(already in AX? Yes, No)17) Do you want to setup vendor accountapproval? (requires 2 users to approveany change to account information)18) Do you want to setup vendor amountapproval? (requires Workflow)19) Are your disbursing bank accountsset up with accurate transit/routing andaccount numbers?20) Do you already have an EFT Methodof Payment setup in AP – to be used withEFT+?21) Where do you want the EFT+ file(s)written to (path)?22) Does the bank require a particularfilename? If so, what is it?23) Does the file require anauthentication header record? If so, doyou have that layout?Vendors – Sample set for testingYes, NoAccount:Format:Transit/Routing:Bank Acct:Account:Format:Transit/Routing:Bank Acct:Account:Format:Transit/Routing:Bank Acct:Account:Format:Transit/Routing:Bank Acct:Account:Format:Transit/Routing:Bank Acct:Yes, NoYes, NoYes, NoYes, NoOther SetupCommunications - GeneralYes, No, Name:Yes, NoEmail:Email:Email:Email:Email:Updated: March 26, 2015 Page 9

AP EFT Plus! (date: )QuestionPrerequisitesAnswer/Notes1) Is the AP Module installed and set up? Yes, No2) Have you confirmed that SK has yourEFT+ format(s) in our EFT library?To confirm, please send the bank’swritten format specification This should havebeen determined when the module wassold. If we don’t currently have theformat, it will need to be scheduled fordevelopment (it can take up to 30 days)Please note if you wish to process returnfiles (in addition to payment files)3) How many bank accounts will be usingAP EFT+?4) What bank format(s) are needed?5) Bank 1 – Name:Bank 2 – Name:Bank 3 – Name:Bank 4 – Name:Bank 5 – Name:6) How many companies in AX will beusing AP EFT+?SKG has your payment file format: Yes, NoSKG has your return file format: Yes, No, Not a requirementBanks - FormatsExample – Bank: CitibankFormat: CDFFFormat:Have the specification?: Yes, NoFormat:Have the specification?: Yes, NoFormat:Have the specification?: Yes, NoFormat:Have the specification?: Yes, NoFormat:Have the specification?: Yes, NoNACHA file details (only if using US-ACH)7) Immediate Destination ID & Name ID: Name:8) Immediate Origin ID & Name ID: Name:9) Company ID & Name ID: Name:10) Originating DFI ID & Name ID: Name:11) Does the bank require a balanced orunbalanced file (credits only)?12) Is block filling required? Yes, No13) Which entry classes do you need?(i.e. PPD, CCD, CCD+, IATB, Other?)Balanced, UnbalancedTxn Types: ACH-Preformat,Funds Transfer, Wire TransferTxn Types:Txn Types:Txn Types:Txn Types:Txn Types:Updated: March 26, 2015 Page 8

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