Chapter Summary, ContinuedTopic Summary PagePriorities Managing priorities is key to effectiveness and part of leadership. If 3-14you can't set and manage priorities, someone else will do it for you.The ParetoPrinciple(80/20 rule)We avoid tough choices, focus on routine, and want to get littlethings out of the way first. This always takes more time thanexpected or what it's worth as it claims time needed for importantjobs.Things exist and events occur in a pattern wherein one can sortthem into two piles: the trivial many and the vital few, roughly in aratio of 80/20. Focusing on 20 percent of jobs and people involvedwill account for 80 percent of effectiveness.Rule of Seven We can keep track of about seven things. Break large numbers intosmaller groups; makes workload less intimidating.Doing things Most of us can only do one thing at a time. Trying to do severalone at a time things at once dilutes effort, leads to errors, and achieves little.Advantages Saves time. Investing several hours or days in a single-mindedeffort builds concentration and momentum. This helps break thecode to get to the heart of the problem.Make apriority list1. Make a list of tasks.2. Put them in these three groups: must do, should do, nice to do.3. Within each group list tasks in priority order.4. Start with task number one in must do category.5. After completing this task, start the second and continue on.3-163-173-173-183-18NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 3-20

Chapter 4Meetings and InterviewsOverviewIntroductionPurposeObjectivesSkill in conducting meetings and interviews is part of the staff officer's craft.This chapter explains how to manage a meeting or interview, from start to finish.After completing this section you should be able to--x Manage a meeting in all its phases. x Promote dialogue.x Prepare an agenda.x Hold an interactive meeting.x Choose a leadership style.x Conduct an interview.x Create ideas.In this chapter This chapter contains the following sections:SectionSee PagePlanning a Meeting Title4-2Preparing an Agenda 4-3Opening a Meeting 4-5Guiding Discussion 4-7Getting People to Contribute 4-8Concluding a Meeting 4-9Interactive Meetings 4-11Interactive Roles 4-12Planning and Opening an Interview 4-14Conducting an Interview 4-15Controlling an Interview 4-17Chapter Summary 4-18Note: For ease of presentation we treat meetings and interviews separately.However, teaching points on either subject generally apply to both.AdditionalrequirementThis Chapter has a supplement: Appendix E, Creating Ideas. To get themost from this section, be sure to read this appendix.NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 4-1

Chapter Summary, ContinuedTopic Summary PagePriorities Managing priorities is key to effectiveness and part of leadership. If 3-14you can't set and manage priorities, someone else will do it for you.The ParetoPrinciple(80/20 rule)We avoid tough choices, focus on routine, and want to get littlethings out of the way first. This always takes more time thanexpected or what it's worth as it claims time needed for importantjobs.Things exist and events occur in a pattern wherein one can sortthem into two piles: the trivial many and the vital few, roughly in aratio of 80/20. Focusing on 20 percent of jobs and people involvedwill account for 80 percent of effectiveness.Rule of Seven We can keep track of about seven things. Break large numbers intosmaller groups; makes workload less intimidating.Doing things Most of us can only do one thing at a time. Trying to do severalone at a time things at once dilutes effort, leads to errors, and achieves little.Advantages Saves time. Investing several hours or days in a single-mindedeffort builds concentration and momentum. This helps break thecode to get to the heart of the problem.Make apriority list1. Make a list of tasks.2. Put them in these three groups: must do, should do, nice to do.3. Within each group list tasks in priority order.4. Start with task number one in must do category.5. After completing this task, start the second and continue on.3-163-173-173-183-18<strong>NRDC</strong> GRC – Staff Handbook 3-20

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