Step 3: Eliminate Time WastersIntroductionHomeworkThird step is to get rid of time wasters. After analyzing your log, you'll spotthem. Some you can get rid of now; others will take more effort.To save time and build credibility, do your homework before meeting withpeople. You won't waste their time and they won't waste yours.Boss'sprioritiesKnow your boss's priorities.Don’t waste time--x Doing the wrong work.x Explaining why.x Doing it over.InvolvingpeoplePassing timeMake two listsWork overloadInvolve the minimum number of people in an action. Or you'll waste time--x Clarifying their responsibilities.x Coordinating their actions.x Settling disputes over resources and turf.Train yourself to be subconsciously aware of passing time. Then you won'tbecome so absorbed in a task that time passes you by. Practice keeping timewithout a watch--you'll soon be able to tell the actual time within ten minutes.Make a list of the seven most important things you must do, and then do themone at a time. Also make a list of things not to do:x Low payoff jobs--unless you've done high payoff jobs first.x Mindless requests for your time and effort.x Jobs that others should do themselves.x Dumb things because of what they might think or say about you.Don't waste time trying to do the impossible--you'll have little to show for it.If overloaded with several short fuse actions, ask your boss these questions:x Is this a real priority?x If you want this done now, what other high priority jobs can I put aside?x Is the suspense date realistic?x Would an interim reply be OK for now?x Can we shift resources (overtime, people, equipment)?x Which actions could we risk completing late or perhaps not at all?After talking things over, perhaps all you'll need to get over the hump is afew phone calls and some borrowed manpower.NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 3-10

Step 3: Eliminate Time WastersIntroductionHomeworkThird step is to get rid of time wasters. After analyzing your log, you'll spotthem. Some you can get rid of now; others will take more effort.To save time and build credibility, do your homework before meeting withpeople. You won't waste their time and they won't waste yours.Boss'sprioritiesKnow your boss's priorities.Don’t waste time--x Doing the wrong work.x Explaining why.x Doing it over.InvolvingpeoplePassing timeMake two listsWork overloadInvolve the minimum number of people in an action. Or you'll waste time--x Clarifying their responsibilities.x Coordinating their actions.x Settling disputes over resources and turf.Train yourself to be subconsciously aware of passing time. Then you won'tbecome so absorbed in a task that time passes you by. Practice keeping timewithout a watch--you'll soon be able to tell the actual time within ten minutes.Make a list of the seven most important things you must do, and then do themone at a time. Also make a list of things not to do:x Low payoff jobs--unless you've done high payoff jobs first.x Mindless requests for your time and effort.x Jobs that others should do themselves.x Dumb things because of what they might think or say about you.Don't waste time trying to do the impossible--you'll have little to show for it.If overloaded with several short fuse actions, ask your boss these questions:x Is this a real priority?x If you want this done now, what other high priority jobs can I put aside?x Is the suspense date realistic?x Would an interim reply be OK for now?x Can we shift resources (overtime, people, equipment)?x Which actions could we risk completing late or perhaps not at all?After talking things over, perhaps all you'll need to get over the hump is afew phone calls and some borrowed manpower.<strong>NRDC</strong> GRC – Staff Handbook 3-10

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