Step 2: Analyze ResultsIntroduction Second step is analyzing log entries and identify time wasters. If youdidn't accomplish much, was it due to work habits, interactions withpeople, or priorities?Work habitsPoor work habits cause time wasting:ActivityTime-wasting behaviorManagingx Didn't gather enough--couldn't start the task.information x Gathered too much--became overwhelmed.Meetingx Accepted an unrealistic deadline--doomed from the start.deadlinesx Had none. Jobs don't get done (or take longer) withoutdeadlines.Estimatingtime requiredx Underestimated time needed. Remember Murphy's Law--everything takes longer than expected.Maintaining x Worked on low payoff jobs.focusx Kept busy by tidying up files, making long phone calls, orsearching for misplaced items.x Didn't tackle a tough job--couldn't get started.x Jumped from job to job and didn't finish any.Meetingx Failed to meet standards, so you had to do it over.standardsx Exceeded standards, but squandered time turningsomething good into something perfect.Interactionswith peoplePoor interactions with people waste time:PeopleTime-wasting behaviorBossVisited your boss several times--x To get instructions.x Have work checked.x Ask for permission to act.Other people x Repeatedly talked to the same people to get informationyou should have gotten the first time.x Spent time with people who couldn't help you.x Wasted people's time by being unprepared or allowinginterruptions—wasted their time and wasted yours.x Made too many commitments.x Took on other people's work.NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 3-8

Step 2: Analyze Results, ContinuedPrioritiesPerhaps you wasted time doing things right but doing the wrong things:T hat time man ag emen tc ourse was great - - I’mreally gaining time. Butthe w ork load w on’t quit!Foc us on prioritie s!D on’t u se newly g ainedtime on work you shouldn’t be doingin the fir s t place.I. B e n H a d d , A OB o s s H o g gFigure 3-4. Use time to do the right thingsImmediatecausesPoor work habits, the wrong people, and misplaced priorities contribute to poortime management as do these other conditions:x Overloaded with work.x Clogged communications lines.x Not enough resources.x Lack of perspective.x Inexperience.x No guidance.x Poor working conditions.x Exhaustion.Resources, training, and experience can eliminate these time robbers. Alsorealize these conditions may not be the real causes of chronic time wasting.They may merely be symptoms of something more serious.UnderlyingcausesChronic time wasting stems from underlying causes--psychological barriers thattrigger negative behavior. People may waste time to satisfy certain needs oravoid anxiety stemming from inhibitions. We'll discuss this in more detail inStep 4: Overcome Barriers.NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 3-9

Step 2: Analyze ResultsIntroduction Second step is analyzing log entries and identify time wasters. If youdidn't accomplish much, was it due to work habits, interactions withpeople, or priorities?Work habitsPoor work habits cause time wasting:ActivityTime-wasting behaviorManagingx Didn't gather enough--couldn't start the task.information x Gathered too much--became overwhelmed.Meetingx Accepted an unrealistic deadline--doomed from the start.deadlinesx Had none. Jobs don't get done (or take longer) withoutdeadlines.Estimatingtime requiredx Underestimated time needed. Remember Murphy's Law--everything takes longer than expected.Maintaining x Worked on low payoff jobs.focusx Kept busy by tidying up files, making long phone calls, orsearching for misplaced items.x Didn't tackle a tough job--couldn't get started.x Jumped from job to job and didn't finish any.Meetingx Failed to meet standards, so you had to do it over.standardsx Exceeded standards, but squandered time turningsomething good into something perfect.Interactionswith peoplePoor interactions with people waste time:PeopleTime-wasting behaviorBossVisited your boss several times--x To get instructions.x Have work checked.x Ask for permission to act.Other people x Repeatedly talked to the same people to get informationyou should have gotten the first time.x Spent time with people who couldn't help you.x Wasted people's time by being unprepared or allowinginterruptions—wasted their time and wasted yours.x Made too many commitments.x Took on other people's work.<strong>NRDC</strong> GRC – Staff Handbook 3-8

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