Managing Your BossIntroduction Do you--x Get along with everyone except your boss?x Feel you lack influence?x Believe your boss is a poor communicator?ManagingtherelationshipBadassumptionsaboutyourselfBadassumptionsaboutyour bossGuidelinesformanagingyour bossPerhaps it's a personality conflict, though not very likely. More likely, problemsarise because either you or your boss has failed to manage the relationship.You have less power than your boss and more to lose if the relationship fails.Because it's in your best interest, take the lead to make the relationship work.Begin by getting rid of bad assumptions.Don't delude yourself by assuming you--x Don't need the boss.x Really know the boss's priorities.x Give the boss more than enough information.x Can always take the boss's word at face value.Don't get into the doghouse by assuming the boss--x Doesn't need you.x Will give you resources without being asked.x Must be satisfied with your work if nothing's said about it.x Is more concerned about your results than your style.x Has a stake in your career development.x Is solely responsible for the relationship's success.To build a better working relationship with your boss, follow these guidelines:x If your boss is vague, fill voids with questions or assumptions.xx If possible, get answers from your boss.xx If not, get them from those close to the boss.x Find out how your boss prefers to receive information. (See page 2-15.)x Interact with your boss at social events but don't just talk about work.x Constantly clarify your boss's priorities, for they're ever changing.x Walk a mile in your boss's shoes.x Read your boss's tea leaves (what lies in store that could affect you both).x Keep your boss informed--both good news and bad.(See pages 6-22 and 6-23.)NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 1-20

Chapter SummaryKey points This table summarizes key points of chapter sections or information blocks:Topic Summary PageObjectives Objectives:x Apply systems concepts to work.x Explain five functions of the management process.x Describe manager skills and roles.x Integrate manager and leader roles.x Use delegation of authority to manage effectively.x Manage the relationship with your boss.Systems A system is a group of interrelated parts with a purpose:1-2approach to x Environment.andmanagement x Input.1-3x Conversion.x Output.x Feedback.Actions in one part affect all others.Sustainment System will sustain itself if it has--1-3x A worthy purpose.x Demand for its products.x Access to resources.x Efficient processes.x Timely feedback.x Acceptance of its products.Additional Additional management principles:1-4principlesx Synergy--whole is greater than sum of its parts.x Flexibility--more than one way to do something well, so don'twaste time seeking one best way.x Contingency--situation determines what works best.x Efficiency--doing things right.x Effectiveness--doing the right things.Subsystems An organization has six subsystems:1-5x Mission.andx People.1-6x Structures.x Technology.x Leadership.x Task environment.NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 1-21

Chapter SummaryKey points This table summarizes key points of chapter sections or information blocks:Topic Summary PageObjectives Objectives:x Apply systems concepts to work.x Explain five functions of the management process.x Describe manager skills and roles.x Integrate manager and leader roles.x Use delegation of authority to manage effectively.x Manage the relationship with your boss.Systems A system is a group of interrelated parts with a purpose:1-2approach to x Environment.andmanagement x Input.1-3x Conversion.x Output.x Feedback.Actions in one part affect all others.Sustainment System will sustain itself if it has--1-3x A worthy purpose.x Demand for its products.x Access to resources.x Efficient processes.x Timely feedback.x Acceptance of its products.Additional Additional management principles:1-4principlesx Synergy--whole is greater than sum of its parts.x Flexibility--more than one way to do something well, so don'twaste time seeking one best way.x Contingency--situation determines what works best.x Efficiency--doing things right.x Effectiveness--doing the right things.Subsystems An organization has six subsystems:1-5x Mission.andx People.1-6x Structures.x Technology.x Leadership.x Task environment.<strong>NRDC</strong> GRC – Staff Handbook 1-21

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