Control Telephone UseIntroduction Make the telephone your servant--not your master! Use the phone only if it'sthe best means at the time to exchange information. Otherwise, use a memo,fax, e-mail, or personal visit.GuidelinesTo control time on the telephone, follow these tips:GuidelineDescriptionLog calls Track incoming and outgoing calls. About 20 percent ofcallers will call most.T el e p h o neL o gCluster callsScreen callsGet anansweringmachineAsk if--x These are the right people to be dealing with.x Misunderstanding is causing more calls.Schedule time to make and take calls:x Early morning when individuals are still in their offices.x Late afternoon when things slow down.Also tell callers the best time to call.Avoid interruptions, yet still be available. If youabsolutely can't be disturbed, ask a secretary (if one stillworks in your office) or a fellow action officer to screencalls.Give the person basic information to provide callers, soyou don't have to take the call. That may be all that'sneeded.If they still want to speak with you, your screener can takethe message and tell them you'll call back.Example: Sally is very involved in a hot project for most ofthe day. Can I help you, or can she call later?An answering machine or voice mail helps--x Screen calls.x Gain flexibility.x Save time.x Ensure important calls aren't missed.x Plan your responses.Caution: Don't abuse your answering machine or voicemail by becoming inaccessible. In your recorded message,tell callers when you'll return and refer them to anothername and number for help.NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook D-4

Control Telephone Use, ContinuedGuidelines(continued)GuidelinePlan callsTime callsGet to thepoint!Focus on callEnd callDescriptionBefore calling--x Write down talking points.x Have references ready.Reason: Avoids having to call back, because you--x Forgot a major point.x Couldn't find notes on discussion points.Develop a sense of passing time:x Place a clock near your telephone.x Use a three-minute hourglass as a reminder to limit timeof calls.x Always note the time when placing or taking calls.When the party answers--x Identify yourself.x State purpose of call.Note: A short exchange of pleasantries is fine, but don'tallow it to take up much of your time.Focus on the person at the other end:x Put everything else aside.x Be considerate--if unable to give undivided attention,call the party back.Don't:x Allow interruptions.x Put the caller on hold to attend to something else.When there's nothing more to discuss, end the conversation.Example: If running behind, have a call waiting, or mustattend a meeting--x Tell the other party why you must get off.x Courteously say good-bye and--x Hang up.NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook D-5

Control Telephone Use, ContinuedGuidelines(continued)GuidelinePlan callsTime callsGet to thepoint!Focus on callEnd callDescriptionBefore calling--x Write down talking points.x Have references ready.Reason: Avoids having to call back, because you--x Forgot a major point.x Couldn't find notes on discussion points.Develop a sense of passing time:x Place a clock near your telephone.x Use a three-minute hourglass as a reminder to limit timeof calls.x Always note the time when placing or taking calls.When the party answers--x Identify yourself.x State purpose of call.Note: A short exchange of pleasantries is fine, but don'tallow it to take up much of your time.Focus on the person at the other end:x Put everything else aside.x Be considerate--if unable to give undivided attention,call the party back.Don't:x Allow interruptions.x Put the caller on hold to attend to something else.When there's nothing more to discuss, end the conversation.Example: If running behind, have a call waiting, or mustattend a meeting--x Tell the other party why you must get off.x Courteously say good-bye and--x Hang up.<strong>NRDC</strong> GRC – Staff Handbook D-5

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