Maintaining ControlIntroduction This section suggests ways to control an action when working it through thesystem.SOP andchecklistUse the SOP 10.00.02 and checklist to keep track of details. Using these toolsavoids having to relearn procedures for recurring tasks. However, don't relytotally on SOPs or checklists. They can limit flexibility and imagination, bylocking you into a single course of action.TimingTo avoid major revisions at the last minute, give agencies time to respond. Thenthey can review the action thoroughly and provide quality responses. A fairmargin of time also allows you to review their responses thoroughly.If not given enough time, agencies will simply give lip-service to the action andconcur only to meet the requirement. A superficial review of somethingimportant may lead to a bad decision.TipsTo maintain control of the action, follow these tips:TipDescriptionHand-carry actions Try to visit offices to get concurrence.Go to the right Be sure to get the right signature. Otherwise, somepeopleunauthorized individual may sign off, and you'll have togo back to get the right signature.Give a heads up When sending out an action, alert the recipients. Alwaysknow where your action is.Follow up Follow up with a visit or phone call.Don't assume Don't assume people will automatically respond to anKeep the originalcopy cleanaction on or before the suspense date.When staffing a final draft, don't--x Circulate the original copy.x Allow people to write on the original copy.NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 8-12

Backup CopiesIntroductionHas this ever happened to you?I can’t f ind the record copy.Is it in there?N o! D on’t knowwhere it is, a nd I don’t hav ea bac kup c opy.Figure 8-2. Keep a copy of your actionsWhy backupcopies arenecessaryObviously we should keep complete records, but you probably know of timeswhen someone--x Lost the record copy.x Changed the record copy without telling you.x Asked you to revise the original document, but you couldn't find it.x Told you to write another paper similar to the original. But you forgot whatyou wrote and didn't have a backup copy or disk to remind you.Tip: BackupfileKeep backup copies of actions and notes to protect yourself when workingcontentious actions or nonstarters. When things go wrong because they didn'tlisten to you, your backup files may protect you.NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 8-13

Maintaining ControlIntroduction This section suggests ways to control an action when working it through thesystem.SOP andchecklistUse the SOP 10.00.02 and checklist to keep track of details. Using these toolsavoids having to relearn procedures for recurring tasks. However, don't relytotally on SOPs or checklists. They can limit flexibility and imagination, bylocking you into a single course of action.TimingTo avoid major revisions at the last minute, give agencies time to respond. Thenthey can review the action thoroughly and provide quality responses. A fairmargin of time also allows you to review their responses thoroughly.If not given enough time, agencies will simply give lip-service to the action andconcur only to meet the requirement. A superficial review of somethingimportant may lead to a bad decision.TipsTo maintain control of the action, follow these tips:TipDescriptionHand-carry actions Try to visit offices to get concurrence.Go to the right Be sure to get the right signature. Otherwise, somepeopleunauthorized individual may sign off, and you'll have togo back to get the right signature.Give a heads up When sending out an action, alert the recipients. Alwaysknow where your action is.Follow up Follow up with a visit or phone call.Don't assume Don't assume people will automatically respond to anKeep the originalcopy cleanaction on or before the suspense date.When staffing a final draft, don't--x Circulate the original copy.x Allow people to write on the original copy.<strong>NRDC</strong> GRC – Staff Handbook 8-12

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