Chapter SummaryKey points This table summarizes key points of chapter sections or information blocks:Topic Summary PageObjectives Chapter objectives:x Prepare writing that meets Army standards.x Package writing so it's easy to read.x Use editing tools to ensure correctness.Standards Standards and rules for writing : 7-3and rulesStandardsRulesx Complete.x Main point up front.x Concise.x Active voice.x Clear.x Short words, sentences.x Organized.x One-inch paragraphs.x To the point.x Jargon free.x Grammatically correct.x Error free.x Informal.x One-page letters.ActivevoicePassivevoiceEmphasizes subject as doer of the action.Example: George threw the ball.Active voice: x Shorter--uses fewer words.x Time--takes less time to read.x Specific--we know who acted.x Forceful--shows action up front.Emphasizes subject as receiver of action.Example: The ball was thrown by George.Passive voice: x Longer--20 percent more words.x Time--takes more time to read.x Vague--don't always know actor.x Weak--lessens impact of action.7-5and7-67-5and7-6Use passive voice when-- x Receiver is focus of action.x Actor is unknown.x Actor is irrelevant.x The situation calls for discretion.7-7NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 7-18

Chapter Summary, ContinuedKey points (continued)Topic Summary PageEliminating Types of wordy expressions and examples of eliminating them:wordiness Deadwood Instead of sayingTry saying 7-8At this point in time . . .Due to the fact that . . .Now . . .Because . . .Dummy Instead of sayingTry saying 7-9subjects It is requested that . . . We ask . . .There is (are) . . .(Leave out.)Doubled Instead of sayingTry saying 7-9expressions The manager's function and (Take one out.)role . . .Needless Instead of sayingTry saying 7-10repetition Dick gave the book to Jane. Dick gave the book to Jane,Jane took the book and read it. who read it.Over use of Instead of sayingTry saying 7-10the, that, or The regulations won't . . . (Leave out.)which I think that it's good. (Leave out.)Nouns as Instead of sayingTry saying 7-10modifiers Force modernization Initiatives to modernize theinitiatives.force.SmotheredverbsInstead of sayingWe are in compliance.We conducted a meeting.Try sayingWe are complying.We met.7-11Sentences Break long sentences into shorter ones. Use bullets for laundry-list items. 7-12Packaging Put main point up front and use visual devices. 7-13Readability HQ Clarity Index: Use if a readability formula isn't available on a word 7-15formulas processor. Aim for RGL between 10 and 12.Editing Procedure: x Lay copy aside, then read again. 7-16x Adopt reader's viewpoint.andx Have a critic read copy.7-17x Read copy aloud as critic follows.Be tactful when editing others' work. Follow do's and don'ts.NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 7-19

Chapter SummaryKey points This table summarizes key points of chapter sections or information blocks:Topic Summary PageObjectives Chapter objectives:x Prepare writing that meets Army standards.x Package writing so it's easy to read.x Use editing tools to ensure correctness.Standards Standards and rules for writing : 7-3and rulesStandardsRulesx Complete.x Main point up front.x Concise.x Active voice.x Clear.x Short words, sentences.x Organized.x One-inch paragraphs.x To the point.x Jargon free.x Grammatically correct.x Error free.x Informal.x One-page letters.ActivevoicePassivevoiceEmphasizes subject as doer of the action.Example: George threw the ball.Active voice: x Shorter--uses fewer words.x Time--takes less time to read.x Specific--we know who acted.x Forceful--shows action up front.Emphasizes subject as receiver of action.Example: The ball was thrown by George.Passive voice: x Longer--20 percent more words.x Time--takes more time to read.x Vague--don't always know actor.x Weak--lessens impact of action.7-5and7-67-5and7-6Use passive voice when-- x Receiver is focus of action.x Actor is unknown.x Actor is irrelevant.x The situation calls for discretion.7-7<strong>NRDC</strong> GRC – Staff Handbook 7-18

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