Chapter SummaryKey points This table summarizes key points of chapter sections or information blocks:Topic Summary PageObjectives x Describe the informal organization and grapevine.x Use listening and responding techniques.x Read body language.x Employ persuasion and negotiating strategies.x Deliver bad news tactfully.Informal An organization is a blend of formal and informal relationships: 6-2organization x Formal organization--official relationships (organization chart). andandx Informal organization--unofficial and personal relationships. 6-3grapevine The grapevine is an unofficial information network. When using it,filter its information and be discreet, for it keeps no secrets.Listening x Environment.6-4barriers we x Speaker's image.meetx Speaker's words.Listening x Thought speed.6-5barriers we x Bias.createx Bad habits.x EmotionsOvercominglisteningbarriersSteps to overcome barriers:1. Bite your tongue: count to ten, listen with an open mind.2. Listen for the main point: take only a few notes.3. Resist distractions: sit upright and look at the speaker.6-6Listen withyour eyesActivelistening4. Use thought speed: read between lines, watch body language.x Look at the speaker's whole face.x Watch the speaker's lips.x Focus on one eye, then the other.x Occasionally shift eyes.ResponseParaphraseLeadingstatementsQuestionsSummarizeInterpretInformDescriptionUse your words to restate speaker's words.Draw out the respondent.Fill voids or gather information.Control course of discussion.Look at things in new ways.Provide information and fuel discussion.6-66-7and6-8NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 6-24

Chapter Summary, ContinuedKey points (continued)Topic Summary PageBodylanguageGives clues to inner feelings.Adds to impact of speech.6-9thruBody language isn't foolproof--it's easy to misinterpret signals.Persuading x Forces logical thinking. x Overcomes hostility.x Clarifies intent. x Promotes cooperation.x Helps gain new knowledge. x Builds commitment.Selling steps 1. Know product. 4. Ask for action.2. Know customer. 5. Handle opposition.3. Involve customer.OvercomingobjectionsNegotiatingstrategiesNegotiatingguidelinesBad NewsTo overcome objections take these steps:1. Relax. 4. Move on.2. Listen. 5. Qualify objection--answer3. Accept. briefly.Negotiate to make both sides winners. Negotiate when--x There's room to negotiate.x An agreeable solution is not in sight.x You need other party's support.Strategies: x Bargain.x Hold firm. x Concede.x Debate. x Compromise.x Withdraw. x Collaborate.Collaboration: Best way to negotiate. Parties drop adversarialroles and become partners to make both sides winners. Collaborateby listening, accepting, exploring, and seeking common interests.Guidelines:x Know your walk-away point. x Resolve easy issues first.x Know your options. x Hold high expectations.x Keep track of proceedings. x Remember who you work for.x Make deals conditional. x Know when to hold or fold.Skillful communication of both good and bad news builds trustwith your boss. Take precautions when preparing and deliveringbad news to a good news only boss.x Tell it as it is without fanfare.x Offer alternatives and recommendation.x Never say, "I've got bad news."6-116-126-13and6-146-15thru6-176-186-196-206-216-22and6-23NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 6-25

Chapter SummaryKey points This table summarizes key points of chapter sections or information blocks:Topic Summary PageObjectives x Describe the informal organization and grapevine.x Use listening and responding techniques.x Read body language.x Employ persuasion and negotiating strategies.x Deliver bad news tactfully.Informal An organization is a blend of formal and informal relationships: 6-2organization x Formal organization--official relationships (organization chart). andandx Informal organization--unofficial and personal relationships. 6-3grapevine The grapevine is an unofficial information network. When using it,filter its information and be discreet, for it keeps no secrets.Listening x Environment.6-4barriers we x Speaker's image.meetx Speaker's words.Listening x Thought speed.6-5barriers we x Bias.createx Bad habits.x EmotionsOvercominglisteningbarriersSteps to overcome barriers:1. Bite your tongue: count to ten, listen with an open mind.2. Listen for the main point: take only a few notes.3. Resist distractions: sit upright and look at the speaker.6-6Listen withyour eyesActivelistening4. Use thought speed: read between lines, watch body language.x Look at the speaker's whole face.x Watch the speaker's lips.x Focus on one eye, then the other.x Occasionally shift eyes.ResponseParaphraseLeadingstatementsQuestionsSummarizeInterpretInformDescriptionUse your words to restate speaker's words.Draw out the respondent.Fill voids or gather information.Control course of discussion.Look at things in new ways.Provide information and fuel discussion.6-66-7and6-8<strong>NRDC</strong> GRC – Staff Handbook 6-<strong>24</strong>

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