Bad NewsIntroduction Building a good relationship with your boss means building trust. One way todo that is to deliver news with candor and tact. This is easy when the news isgood but difficult when it's bad.Delivering bad news is hazardous if it involves a boss who doesn't like badnews. This boss reacts to bad news by killing the messenger, guilty or not:Anna,I’ve got bad news!B a d N e w s Sc o re b o a rdAction Taken— Manny Fired— M o eQuit— Jack Demoted— J illTransferredS nook .....................Anna Maasatee,Branch ChiefTell me about it, SnookSnook Errd,New AOFigure 6-3. A good news only bossManagingbad newsWorking for a boss who doesn't like surprises doesn't entitle you to hold back.Always keep the boss informed, especially when it concerns bad news.However, don't make matters worse by mishandling the situation.When dealing with a good news only boss, take these precautions:x Make the bad news impersonal and matter-of-fact. It may lessen the chanceof a boss taking it out on you.x Consider sending bad news through management information channels,especially if it's recurring.x If not responsible for the bad news but risk reprisal for bearing it, engagesomeone to deliver it who's immune from reprisal. However, if you'reresponsible, deliver the news personally.NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 6-22

Bad News, ContinuedPreparationTo prepare bad news for delivery, take these steps:StepAction1 Verify:x Who.x What.x Where.x When.x How.x Why.2 Alert those involved.3 Activate damage-control measures.4 Review alternatives.5 Develop a recommendation.6 Pick the right time to tell the news but don't stall.Note: This planning process requires judgment. If the news is grave and there'slittle time to react, skip these steps. Inform the boss immediately, using whatdetails you have. Remember, your boss has a boss too; it's better to give partialdetails than to leave your boss exposed to hostile fire from above.DeliveryTo deliver bad news, take these steps:StepAction1 Disclose news without fanfare--tell it as it is.2 Describe damage-control measures taken.3 Present alternatives.4 Offer a recommendation.5 When discussion ends, depart promptly.PrecautionsWhen delivering bad news, don't--x Ever say: "I've got bad news!"x Exaggerate.x Downplay impact.x Shift blame.xxxxVolunteer excuses.Offer postmortems.Bring up unrelated issues.Linger.NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 6-23

Bad NewsIntroduction Building a good relationship with your boss means building trust. One way todo that is to deliver news with candor and tact. This is easy when the news isgood but difficult when it's bad.Delivering bad news is hazardous if it involves a boss who doesn't like badnews. This boss reacts to bad news by killing the messenger, guilty or not:Anna,I’ve got bad news!B a d N e w s Sc o re b o a rdAction Taken— Manny Fired— M o eQuit— Jack Demoted— J illTransferredS nook .....................Anna Maasatee,Branch ChiefTell me about it, SnookSnook Errd,New AOFigure 6-3. A good news only bossManagingbad newsWorking for a boss who doesn't like surprises doesn't entitle you to hold back.Always keep the boss informed, especially when it concerns bad news.However, don't make matters worse by mishandling the situation.When dealing with a good news only boss, take these precautions:x Make the bad news impersonal and matter-of-fact. It may lessen the chanceof a boss taking it out on you.x Consider sending bad news through management information channels,especially if it's recurring.x If not responsible for the bad news but risk reprisal for bearing it, engagesomeone to deliver it who's immune from reprisal. However, if you'reresponsible, deliver the news personally.<strong>NRDC</strong> GRC – Staff Handbook 6-22

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