Persuading, ContinuedSelling steps(continued)StepAction3 Involve your customer:x Ask questions--answers give clues to needs.x Listen closely--helps you read between the lines.x Treat your customer as a partner--leads to mutually beneficialsolutions.4 Ask for action:After a short greeting, get down to business without delay. Thiscreates an immediate impression of credibility and confidence.x State your purpose and key points up front.x Briefly explain reasons behind the proposal.x Close the sale--ask the customer to sign up.Assumptions: To create an impression of confidence, assume--x What you're seeking is reasonable.x You have a right to ask for it.x You have a right to get it.To land the sale, assume you'll land it--or else you won't. Creatingthis aura of confidence is essential when selling a tough proposal to atough customer.5 Handle opposition:Rarely will a proposal sell itself. Customers are likely to opposesomething about it. Here are two ways to handle opposition:Anticipation: War-game the situation. Anticipate the customer'slikely objections and prepare responses:x Draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper.x List customer's objections on the left side.x List responses to each objection on the right side.Initiative: Seize the initiative; raise likely objections and answerthem in your presentation. This disarms the opposition, who mightbe lying in wait ready to spring on you.Tip: Knowing and involving the customer helps uncover points ofopposition. For more tips on handling objections, see the nextsection.NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 6-14

Overcoming ObjectionsIntroductionSuccessful sales reps use this five-step formula to overcome objections:How to ove rcome objections:1. Relax2. Listen3. Accept4. Move On5. Qualify objection and answer brieflyProcedureTo overcome objections, follow these steps:StepAction1 Relax:x Builds confidence.x Reinforces self-control.x Makes listening easier when challenged.x Disarms opposition.2 Listen:x Make your points, then keep quiet.x Most powerful tool is silence.x Can never hear too much.x Can't put your foot in your mouth if you're not talking.x Let the customer talk--the more he talks, the more you'll learn:Don'tDoGive a knee-jerk response to Keep quiet and listen (OK tothe customer's objections. ask clarifying questions).Refute the customer's points.Focus on defending position.Launch a counterattack.Let the customer talk; it may--x Uncover hidden agendas.x Reveal new information.x Lead to new options.x Defuse anger.Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice.Hamlet--ShakespeareNRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 6-15

Persuading, ContinuedSelling steps(continued)StepAction3 Involve your customer:x Ask questions--answers give clues to needs.x Listen closely--helps you read between the lines.x Treat your customer as a partner--leads to mutually beneficialsolutions.4 Ask for action:After a short greeting, get down to business without delay. Thiscreates an immediate impression of credibility and confidence.x State your purpose and key points up front.x Briefly explain reasons behind the proposal.x Close the sale--ask the customer to sign up.Assumptions: To create an impression of confidence, assume--x What you're seeking is reasonable.x You have a right to ask for it.x You have a right to get it.To land the sale, assume you'll land it--or else you won't. Creatingthis aura of confidence is essential when selling a tough proposal to atough customer.5 Handle opposition:Rarely will a proposal sell itself. Customers are likely to opposesomething about it. Here are two ways to handle opposition:Anticipation: War-game the situation. Anticipate the customer'slikely objections and prepare responses:x Draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper.x List customer's objections on the left side.x List responses to each objection on the right side.Initiative: Seize the initiative; raise likely objections and answerthem in your presentation. This disarms the opposition, who mightbe lying in wait ready to spring on you.Tip: Knowing and involving the customer helps uncover points ofopposition. For more tips on handling objections, see the nextsection.<strong>NRDC</strong> GRC – Staff Handbook 6-14

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