Chapter Summary, ContinuedKey points (continued)Topic Summary PageBefore Direct further research to--5-6completing x Review remaining alternatives.andresearchx Replace assumptions.5-7(continued) x Evaluate potential disagreements.Before completing research and choosing an alternative, seek outpotential disagreement and try to resolve it informally.Step 4 Use Saaty's analytical hierarchy matrix to weigh alternatives. 5-8Step 5 After analyzing alternatives, pick the best one; coordinate it, and 5-9then submit it to decision maker for approval. Don't waste time tryingto pick the perfect solution.Step 6 Follow up aggressively or decision will fail for lack of resolve or timid 5-9execution. Prepare an MFR and implementing documents.Adaptive Use when you have little time and don't need exhaustive analysis. 5-10decisionAdaptive TechniqueDescriptionandmaking Intuition.Truth based on gut feelings.5-11Calculated delay. Intentional procrastination.Flexible decision. Decisions with options.Hedging.Decisions with built-in safeguards.Rules of thumb. Pragmatic rules that usually work.Exploration.Modified trial and error.Decision staggering. Incremental decisions.Mixed scanning. Cautious steps, close assessment.Gainingpower tomakedecisionsSome people use negative coping behavior to avoid decisions: 5-12BehaviorStallingOverreactingVacillatingTaking half-measuresDescriptionObsessive gathering of facts.Shooting from the hip.Reversing decisions.Muddling through.Delegation Ensure the tasking authority delegates sufficient authority for task. 5-12Management Boss authorizes you to make certain decisions and refer exceptions 5-13by exception upward. Increases flexibility and saves time.Intent State your intent with a plan. Gives you authority to act.5-13Know boss's intent: Can make decisions without extensive guidance.Problems,decisions,managersIn solving today's problems, mediocre managers simply restore thestatus quo. Effective managers delegate problems. This frees themto discover opportunities, develop options, and make quality decisions.5-14NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 5-16

Chapter 6CommunicatingOverviewIntroductionBy definition, a staff officer is a communicator. Virtually all staff workrequires some form of communication. That's why almost every section in thiscourse focuses on some aspect of the subject.PurposeThis chapter describes ways to communicate more effectively, especially wheninteracting with another person, one-on-one.ObjectivesAfter completing this chapter you should be able to--x Describe the informal organization and grapevine.x Use listening and responding techniques.x Read body language.x Employ persuasion and negotiating strategies to achieve objectives.x Deliver bad news tactfully.This chapter contains the following sections:SectionSee PageInformal Organization and Grapevine Title6-2Listening Barriers We Meet 6-4Listening Barriers We Create 6-5Overcoming Listening Barriers 6-6Active Listening 6-7Body Language 6-9Persuading 6-12Overcoming Objections 6-15Negotiating Strategies 6-18Negotiating Guidelines 6-21Bad News 6-22Chapter Summary 6-24NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 6-1

Chapter Summary, ContinuedKey points (continued)Topic Summary PageBefore Direct further research to--5-6completing x Review remaining alternatives.andresearchx Replace assumptions.5-7(continued) x Evaluate potential disagreements.Before completing research and choosing an alternative, seek outpotential disagreement and try to resolve it informally.Step 4 Use Saaty's analytical hierarchy matrix to weigh alternatives. 5-8Step 5 After analyzing alternatives, pick the best one; coordinate it, and 5-9then submit it to decision maker for approval. Don't waste time tryingto pick the perfect solution.Step 6 Follow up aggressively or decision will fail for lack of resolve or timid 5-9execution. Prepare an MFR and implementing documents.Adaptive Use when you have little time and don't need exhaustive analysis. 5-10decisionAdaptive TechniqueDescriptionandmaking Intuition.Truth based on gut feelings.5-11Calculated delay. Intentional procrastination.Flexible decision. Decisions with options.Hedging.Decisions with built-in safeguards.Rules of thumb. Pragmatic rules that usually work.Exploration.Modified trial and error.Decision staggering. Incremental decisions.Mixed scanning. Cautious steps, close assessment.Gainingpower tomakedecisionsSome people use negative coping behavior to avoid decisions: 5-12BehaviorStallingOverreactingVacillatingTaking half-measuresDescriptionObsessive gathering of facts.Shooting from the hip.Reversing decisions.Muddling through.Delegation Ensure the tasking authority delegates sufficient authority for task. 5-12Management Boss authorizes you to make certain decisions and refer exceptions 5-13by exception upward. Increases flexibility and saves time.Intent State your intent with a plan. Gives you authority to act.5-13Know boss's intent: Can make decisions without extensive guidance.Problems,decisions,managersIn solving today's problems, mediocre managers simply restore thestatus quo. Effective managers delegate problems. This frees themto discover opportunities, develop options, and make quality decisions.5-14<strong>NRDC</strong> GRC – Staff Handbook 5-16

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