Gaining Power to Make DecisionsIntroductionExamplesThis section describes ways to overcome indecision and increase decisionmakingpower. Some decisions are risky, fearful, and trigger anxiety. Toescape this unpleasantness and seek comfort, some people resort to negativecoping behavior.Examples of negative behavior:BehaviorDescriptionStalling x Refusing to face the issue.x Obsessive gathering of endless facts.Overreacting x Shooting from the hip with mindlessdecisions.x Using excessive resources to makerash decisions work.Vacillating x Unable to pick the best course of action.x Reversing decisions.Taking half measures x Muddling through.x Making the safest decision to avoidcontroversy.OvercomingbarriersDelegation ofauthorityThe same psychological barriers that cause time wasting and a do-it-yourselfmentality also cause indecision. To recognize and overcome these barriers,review these sections:x Chapter 2, Perspective, pages 2-11 and 2-12.x Chapter 3, Step 4: Overcome Barriers, pages 3-11 through 3-13.Also use techniques described below to increase power to make decisions.Ensure the tasking authority delegates sufficient authority to accomplish thetask. You have a right to--x Task others for information.x Be provided resources.x Schedule meetings.x Set suspense dates.x Visit people to gather information or coordinate.Tip: Review Delegation of Authority, Chapter 1, pages 1-17 through 1-19NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 5-12

Gaining Power to Make Decisions, ContinuedManagementby exceptionExamplesAdvantagesIntentManagement by exception is a technique for sharing decision-makingauthority. Your boss authorizes you to make certain decisions independently.Decisions outside this range of authority are exceptions and must be referredupward.Examples of exceptions referred to a boss for a decision:x When key players won't cooperate.x If higher ups interfere.x If a deadline is going to slip.Advantages of managing by exception:x Increases flexibility.x Relieves boss from making decisions you can make.x Saves time.x Able to act as boss of your own job.Your intent: State your intent with an approved plan. Tell them whatyou're going to do. A plan--x Empowers you to act.x Makes decisions easier to defend.x Establishes a claim for resources.Boss's intent: Knowing your boss's intent promotes initiative and enables youto make decisions without always asking for guidance or permission.NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 5-13

Gaining Power to Make DecisionsIntroductionExamplesThis section describes ways to overcome indecision and increase decisionmakingpower. Some decisions are risky, fearful, and trigger anxiety. Toescape this unpleasantness and seek comfort, some people resort to negativecoping behavior.Examples of negative behavior:BehaviorDescriptionStalling x Refusing to face the issue.x Obsessive gathering of endless facts.Overreacting x Shooting from the hip with mindlessdecisions.x Using excessive resources to makerash decisions work.Vacillating x Unable to pick the best course of action.x Reversing decisions.Taking half measures x Muddling through.x Making the safest decision to avoidcontroversy.OvercomingbarriersDelegation ofauthorityThe same psychological barriers that cause time wasting and a do-it-yourselfmentality also cause indecision. To recognize and overcome these barriers,review these sections:x Chapter 2, Perspective, pages 2-11 and 2-12.x Chapter 3, Step 4: Overcome Barriers, pages 3-11 through 3-13.Also use techniques described below to increase power to make decisions.Ensure the tasking authority delegates sufficient authority to accomplish thetask. You have a right to--x Task others for information.x Be provided resources.x Schedule meetings.x Set suspense dates.x Visit people to gather information or coordinate.Tip: Review Delegation of Authority, Chapter 1, pages 1-17 through 1-19<strong>NRDC</strong> GRC – Staff Handbook 5-12

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