Step 4: Weigh AlternativesArriving atthe bestalternativeConsider all reasonable alternatives as possible solutions. An obviously bestsolution is rare. The best possible solution is the one that has the mostflexibility and meets all or most of the criteria.To weigh each alternative and eventually choose the best, take these steps:StepAction1 List alternatives in columns and rows as depicted in matrix below.2 Starting with Alternative A, go across columns in the matrix and rateeach alternative against all the others.WhenThe alternative underconsideration has more valuethan the othersThe alternative has less valuethan the othersThenGive the more valuablealternative a score of 1.Give the less valuablealternative a score of 0.3 Tally scores for each row. Highest score is the best choice. In thematrix below, alternative C scores highest, so it's the best choice.ANALYTICAL HIERARCHY MATRIXAlternativesRo wSumRan kA B C DAlternative A00 00 0004thAlternative B11 00 1122n dAlternative C11 11 1131stAlternative D11 00 0013rdFigure 5-2. Thomas Saaty's analytical hierarchy matrixNRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 5-8

Step 5: Select the Best AlternativeIntroductionAfter weighing alternatives, one or two should stand above the rest. Pick thebest one, coordinate the action, and send it forward for approval.Consider each alternative carefully, but don't waste time trying to pick theperfect solution. Remember the Principle of Flexibility discussed in Chapter 1:Since there's usually more than one way to do something well, we need notwaste effort seeking the one best way.. . . a good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan next week.--General George S. Patton, Jr., War as I Knew It.Step 6: Obtain Approval and Implement the DecisionFollow upOutline plansKeep updatedYour job doesn't end with the recommendation winning approval. Follow upaggressively with implementing actions, or the decision will fail for lack ofresolve or timid execution. Use these means to follow up on a decision:x A complete plan ready for execution (or an outline plan if appropriate).x A memorandum for record (MFR) to record who does what.x Milestones.x Progress reports.If assured the decision maker will adopt your recommendation, then prepare acomplete plan, ready for implementation. If unsure, then prepare outline plansfor alternatives the decision maker would be most likely to choose.An outline plan is a preliminary or skeleton plan that's a basis for furtherplanning. It contains enough information to enable detailed planning to begin.An outline plan enables a planner to--x Provide information to the decision maker.x Seek allocation of resources.x Obtain recommendations from those involved or affected.x Initiate and expedite planning at lower levels.x Test a course of action before beginning detailed planning.x Save time.Keep outline plans updated, for the adopted alternative may later be abandonedand replaced with another.NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 5-9

Step 5: Select the Best AlternativeIntroductionAfter weighing alternatives, one or two should stand above the rest. Pick thebest one, coordinate the action, and send it forward for approval.Consider each alternative carefully, but don't waste time trying to pick theperfect solution. Remember the Principle of Flexibility discussed in Chapter 1:Since there's usually more than one way to do something well, we need notwaste effort seeking the one best way.. . . a good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan next week.--General George S. Patton, Jr., War as I Knew It.Step 6: Obtain Approval and Implement the DecisionFollow upOutline plansKeep updatedYour job doesn't end with the recommendation winning approval. Follow upaggressively with implementing actions, or the decision will fail for lack ofresolve or timid execution. Use these means to follow up on a decision:x A complete plan ready for execution (or an outline plan if appropriate).x A memorandum for record (MFR) to record who does what.x Milestones.x Progress reports.If assured the decision maker will adopt your recommendation, then prepare acomplete plan, ready for implementation. If unsure, then prepare outline plansfor alternatives the decision maker would be most likely to choose.An outline plan is a preliminary or skeleton plan that's a basis for furtherplanning. It contains enough information to enable detailed planning to begin.An outline plan enables a planner to--x Provide information to the decision maker.x Seek allocation of resources.x Obtain recommendations from those involved or affected.x Initiate and expedite planning at lower levels.x Test a course of action before beginning detailed planning.x Save time.Keep outline plans updated, for the adopted alternative may later be abandonedand replaced with another.<strong>NRDC</strong> GRC – Staff Handbook 5-9

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