Chapter SummaryKey points This table summarizes key section points or information blocks:Topic Summary PageObjectives x Manage a meeting. x Promote dialogue.x Prepare an agenda. x Hold an interactive meeting.x Choose a leadership style. x Conduct an interview.Planning a Rule of thumb: Don't hold a meeting if seeing people individually 4-2meeting will achieve the same results in less time.Purpose Define purpose: information, discussion, or decision. 4-2Limit scope, Don't jam in unrelated topics.4-2information Don't waste time announcing routine information.Select people Select people who are informed, can contribute, accept responsibility. 4-2Limit Limit to around seven. If the group is too large, you'll lose track or 4-2membership waste time refereeing disputes.Preparing an x Arrange topics. x Allot time.4-3agenda:x Make topics specific. x Coordinate.Andguidelinesx Set sequence. x Send out agenda.4-4To get a good x Check for equipment. x Confirm understanding.4-5startx Start on time. x Stick to agenda but be flexible.x State purpose.Leadership x Tell. x Consult.4-6stylex Sell. x Join.Guiding Use an agenda, clock, and prepared questions and statements to keep 4-7discussion on schedule.Gettingx Draw out the silent.4-8people tox Curb wanderers and long-winded.contribute x Interrupt when appropriate.Concluding a End discussion when-- x There's not enough information or time.meetingx Experts aren't present.x Events likely to overcome decision.Deciding by Vote to reach a decision with a split group.4-9vote Disadvantage: Creates winners and losers.By consensus Consensus makes both sides winners but difficult to achieve. 4-9Concluding x Restate contributions. x End on a high note.4-9x Sum up points of view. x Schedule next meeting.Minutes Assign recorder to publish minutes shortly after meeting ends. 4-10NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 4-18

Chapter Summary, ContinuedKey points (continued)Topic Summary PageInteractivemeetings--InteractiverolesIn an interactive meeting members play these equally important roles: 4-11RoleResponsibilitythruLeaderDemonstrates commitment to group'ssuccess but delegates proceedings.4-13FacilitatorA neutral servant and referee.RecorderKeeps track of who said what.Group memberOffer expertise and opinions.Planning Use an interview when--andx Group discussions aren't feasible.opening an x Data needed is complex or sensitive.interview x Time isn't a major constraint.x Target population is small, accessible.Conducting x Work from an outline of key points.anx Don't read from documents.interview: x Consider respondent when taking notes.guidelines x Use appropriate level of conversation.x Don't interrupt, except to avoid digression.x Encourage person to talk.x Watch out for halo effect.Questions x Ask single questions.x Avoid prompting questions.x Use both comparative and open-ended questions.Controlling x Use timely pauses.anx Summarize periodically.interview: x Keep interview balanced.guidelines x Briefly summarize, answer questions, and depart.Appendix E—Creating ideasBrainstorm x Fast-paced. x Focus on quantity of ideas, not quality.Guidelines x Freewheeling. x Judgment withheld.Mind Technique to organize random ideas created in a brainstorming session.Mapping Group uses symbols to identify relationships of ideas. Then theyModifiedDelphiTechniqueevaluate and outline the relationships to give them structure.Silent form of brainstorming. Ideas created individually--no groupinteraction. Ideas collected, sorted, and referred to decision makers forconsideration.4-144-154-164-17E-2E-3E-4NRDC GRC – Staff Handbook 4-19

Chapter SummaryKey points This table summarizes key section points or information blocks:Topic Summary PageObjectives x Manage a meeting. x Promote dialogue.x Prepare an agenda. x Hold an interactive meeting.x Choose a leadership style. x Conduct an interview.Planning a Rule of thumb: Don't hold a meeting if seeing people individually 4-2meeting will achieve the same results in less time.Purpose Define purpose: information, discussion, or decision. 4-2Limit scope, Don't jam in unrelated topics.4-2information Don't waste time announcing routine information.Select people Select people who are informed, can contribute, accept responsibility. 4-2Limit Limit to around seven. If the group is too large, you'll lose track or 4-2membership waste time refereeing disputes.Preparing an x Arrange topics. x Allot time.4-3agenda:x Make topics specific. x Coordinate.Andguidelinesx Set sequence. x Send out agenda.4-4To get a good x Check for equipment. x Confirm understanding.4-5startx Start on time. x Stick to agenda but be flexible.x State purpose.Leadership x Tell. x Consult.4-6stylex Sell. x Join.Guiding Use an agenda, clock, and prepared questions and statements to keep 4-7discussion on schedule.Gettingx Draw out the silent.4-8people tox Curb wanderers and long-winded.contribute x Interrupt when appropriate.Concluding a End discussion when-- x There's not enough information or time.meetingx Experts aren't present.x Events likely to overcome decision.Deciding by Vote to reach a decision with a split group.4-9vote Disadvantage: Creates winners and losers.By consensus Consensus makes both sides winners but difficult to achieve. 4-9Concluding x Restate contributions. x End on a high note.4-9x Sum up points of view. x Schedule next meeting.Minutes Assign recorder to publish minutes shortly after meeting ends. 4-10<strong>NRDC</strong> GRC – Staff Handbook 4-18

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