Volume 30 – Malicious Obsessions - The Woody Back to School Unit

Volume 30 – Malicious Obsessions - The Woody Back to School Unit Volume 30 – Malicious Obsessions - The Woody Back to School Unit

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Volume 30Malicious ObsessionsR HumphriesWoodettes Publications

<strong>Volume</strong> <strong>30</strong><strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>R HumphriesWoodettes Publications

Published 2010byWoodettes PublicationsHous<strong>to</strong>n, Texas, USA© Woodettes Publications 2010R Humphries has asserted his right <strong>to</strong> be identified asthe author of this work with all rights reservedincluding the right of reproduction in whole or in partin any form.<strong>The</strong> Library of Congress has catalogued this edition asfollows Humphries, R [date]<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong> : a novel by R Humphries1st Ed.ISBN [Application Pending]www.woodettes.wordpress.com

Author’s NoteThis is a work of fiction. Names, characters,places and incidents are either the product of theauthor's imagination or are used fictitiously. Anyresemblance <strong>to</strong> actual events or locales or persons,living or dead, is entirely coincidental.<strong>The</strong> s<strong>to</strong>ries based at the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong><strong>Unit</strong> are works of adult fiction based upon the real-lifefantasy games played by the author, R. Humphriesand his wife, the inimitable Jojo.It is the author’s intent <strong>to</strong> create the <strong>Woody</strong><strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>Unit</strong> as an imaginative world peopledwith a believable cast and set in familiar surroundingswithin which the readers will become comfortable.<strong>The</strong> vernacular used in the s<strong>to</strong>ries is acombination of the phraseology derived from writingsuch as the British penny comics from the nineteenthirties, current language, slang and idioms, and theinvented parlance known as <strong>Woody</strong> Jargon.As such references <strong>to</strong> ‘beating’, ‘thrashing’, and‘flogging’ have no context <strong>to</strong> the use or avocation ofphysical violence, with the exception of controlledcorporal punishment, against the characters of thes<strong>to</strong>ries.

Dedicated<strong>to</strong>My Beloved Jojo

ContentsA Pink Derringer .................................. 1Cool Cat .............................................. 5Miss Melons ......................................... 9Armanisuit has a Headache ................. 13Shlor<strong>to</strong>n Shlashed Me! ........................ 17Red Card for the Wart ........................ 21“Please Ma’am, Not Too Hard!” ........... 25Too Much Like Hard Work ................... 29Liars, Cheats and Thieves ................... 33Katie Faces a Dilemma ....................... 37Cassie on a Roll ................................. 41Taking Care of Cassie Business ........... 45Taking Care of Debs ........................... 49Six on the Silks for Deborah ............... 53Inner Spankettes ............................... 57Armanisuit Cough’s Up ....................... 62Ms Angela Sills .................................. 66A Dusting Opportunity ........................ 70A Highly Personal Affair ..................... 74<strong>The</strong> Imposter Comes Out <strong>to</strong> Play ......... 78Music Room Misadventures ................. 82<strong>The</strong> KGB <strong>School</strong> for Spankers .............. 86Felicity Reconsiders ........................... 91Radical Propositions .......................... 96Toast ............................................... 100Thrashed in<strong>to</strong> the Elite ..................... 104<strong>The</strong> Weasel ...................................... 108Stand-off ......................................... 112Decommissioning ............................. 116Bend Over Your Desk ........................ 120

1A Pink DerringerCathryn Cassidy reached in<strong>to</strong> her closet andextracted a gymslip, white blouse and striped tie. Inthe apartment next door her best chum, MelanieWhite, was performing the same routine.Cat and Melons were enrolled in the Old Galprogram at the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit. <strong>The</strong>y hadcompleted their sentences and their probationary yearbut had elected <strong>to</strong> remain at the campus <strong>to</strong> continuestudying for their degrees on-line.For the most part they studied privately.Several days a week Cat travelled up <strong>to</strong> the Smokewhere she interned at her father’s record company.Being an Old Gal at the facility was a relativelycomfortable existence.<strong>The</strong> Old Gals lived in sumptuous apartmentsthat had been renovated on the campus grounds,wore civvies, and were free <strong>to</strong> come and go as theypleased, with only very limited restrictions imposed <strong>to</strong>keep them safe from the Confederacy of Yoofs.

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong><strong>The</strong> only minor inconveniences related <strong>to</strong> theterms of the charter thrashed out at the Old GalWhops and Clobber summit.Pauline Gascoigne was a <strong>to</strong>lerant soul. She wasa doyen of the minx-friendly element of the Brassknown as the Liberal Left. Nonetheless, her level of<strong>to</strong>lerance did not extend <strong>to</strong> members of the Old Galcontingent engaging in a water pis<strong>to</strong>l duel in themiddle of the lecture room.Pauline had lowered the lights so she couldshow a slideshow presentation with regard <strong>to</strong> thegrowing influence of China and India on traditionalleading international economies.Cathryn was listening intently. Her degree wasin International Business which she hoped <strong>to</strong> use <strong>to</strong>good effect as she helped expand her father’ssuccessful record label in<strong>to</strong> new markets. She wasextremely miffed when her concentration wasdistracted when a stream of ice cold water hit her inthe lug-hole.Cathryn squinted through the darkness. <strong>The</strong>rewere only three other gals attending the lecture andthere was no question that the culprit was Melaniewho was leaning back in her chair with a grin on herface.It was common practice amongst the inmatesof the facility <strong>to</strong> attend lectures loaded for bear.Attacks with water pis<strong>to</strong>ls, pea-shooters and catapultswere commonplace.Melons grinned <strong>to</strong> herself. Her aim had beenperfect. Cat was wearing her hair tied back in a

3scrunchy so the thin jet of cold water had made directcontact with her exposed ear. It was just the type ofsurprise that could make even a gal as cool as Cat atad tetchy. Cathryn reached in<strong>to</strong> her satchel anddabbed her ear with a Kleenex. She glaredthreateningly at her chum.Melons second salvo was even more annoyingthan the first. It hit Cat on the side of her neck, justabove the collar of her open necked black silk blouse.Melanie had fired off a longer stream and beforeCathryn knew what was happening water wasdripping down the inside of the blouse. Cat was livid.Cat did her best <strong>to</strong> look attentive and notfidget as the water slipped down her spine. Shereached in<strong>to</strong> her satchel again for some moreKleenex. <strong>The</strong>re wasn’t much she could do <strong>to</strong> dryherself but she ran the tissue across her neck. She<strong>to</strong>ok the opportunity <strong>to</strong> turn quickly and glarethreateningly at her best chum.Melons winked at her, then made a gun out ofher fingers and pointed at Cat, before raising herfingers and blowing. Cat scowled before turning back<strong>to</strong> face the front of the room.It <strong>to</strong>ok perfect timing. Cat watched MsGascoigne’s rhythm as she paused between slides <strong>to</strong>turn <strong>to</strong> the room and take questions. If there werenone forthcoming she would click on her mouse andthen turn back <strong>to</strong> the projec<strong>to</strong>r, mind-mapping thenext phase of her seminar before speaking.

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>Cat surreptitiously reached own in<strong>to</strong> hercowboy boot and extracted an original hot-pink plasticPisrool derringer from her ankle holster. Although i<strong>to</strong>nly held three-quarters of a pint of water and lackedthe range or power of the Star Trek Phaser Specialthat Melons was armed with it was ideally suited forthe clandestine strike she was planning. She palmedthe loaded pis<strong>to</strong>l and crossed her arms so her weaponwas hidden beneath her armpits. She waited until MsGascoigne had turned her back, cast a quick look overher shoulder and squeezed the trigger as hard as shecould, emptying the reservoir. With only three feetseparating them Melons had no time <strong>to</strong> react and thespray hit her full in the face and hair.Ms Gascoigne turned around. “Oh good grief,”she muttered.“Alright everybody,” she snapped. “Rise <strong>to</strong>your feet and place your hands on your heads.”

2Cool CatMelons s<strong>to</strong>od up. Her hair was dripping wet.<strong>The</strong> Star Trek Phaser Special slid out of her lap andclattered on<strong>to</strong> the floor.Ms Gascoigne approached Melons desk andleaned down <strong>to</strong> retrieve the pis<strong>to</strong>l. “A smoking gun Ibelieve Miss White,” she said wryly. “But I don’tbelieve that anybody would be silly enough <strong>to</strong> shootthemselves in the face, unless of course they were anAmerican vice president.”Cat thought fast. She had no intention ofgiving up the valuable pink derringer. While Paulinewas distracted by Melons she reached down andrummaged in her satchel. She extracted a cheapback-up pis<strong>to</strong>l that had little emotional value and<strong>to</strong>ssed it on the desk with an audible thud. MsGascoigne rolled her eyes.“Alright you two pis<strong>to</strong>l-packing yahoos go andget changed in<strong>to</strong> clobber, I intend <strong>to</strong> absolutely creamyou,” she <strong>to</strong>ld the two Old Gals.

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>Cathryn sighed as she threaded her red andblack striped tie around her neck. She did not feel theleast bit acrimonious <strong>to</strong>wards Melanie. She had beenannoyed <strong>to</strong> have her concentration so rudelyinterrupted but she also unders<strong>to</strong>od that Melonsmight have been mildly bored by the subject matterof the lecture. Melanie was studying medicine andeconomics was just a minor supplementary courseshe had elected <strong>to</strong> take. In Cathryn’s opinion relievingboredom by dousing a chum with a lug-full of waterwas a legitimate course of action.Not that she particularly cared for being thevictim of an unprovoked dousing but she accepted itas a consequence of the lifestyle of mega-minxdomthat she had helped <strong>to</strong> create.She shrugged on her blazer and went nextdoor.“You ready <strong>to</strong> be creamed?” she askedcheerily.“Sorry about this, sis,” said Melanie ruefully.Cat just winked and slipped her arm throughher best chum’s.Cathryn Cassidy slid her upper <strong>to</strong>rso across thelid of the desk. She was not a particularly tall gal,standing five feet six in her s<strong>to</strong>ckinged feet, but shehad exceptionally long legs. She pushed herself upon<strong>to</strong> the balls of her feet and reached over the deskand gripped the legs on the far side as low as shecould reach. She felt the hem of her skirt beingturned back exposing her compact behind. She sighedand waited <strong>to</strong> be absolutely creamed.

7Pauline Gascoigne flexed the cane between herhands. She was inordinately fond of Cat and had theutmost respect and admiration for the Old Gal. Foryears she had watched Cathryn rally the spirits of theinmates, many of whose freedom had been snatchedfrom them under the most spurious of circumstances.Cat’s own sentence had been covertly commissionedby the government <strong>to</strong> distract the Great Unwashedfrom recent acts of fiscal buffoonery and had asparked a nationwide ‘Free Cat’ campaign.Cathryn had refused <strong>to</strong> be fazed or intimidatedby her un<strong>to</strong>ward circumstances and had respondedby encouraging the inmates <strong>to</strong> embrace a lifestyle ofmega-minxdom. She had led by example and rankedamongst the highest echelons of the All-Time BigBUTT.Nonetheless Pauline was duty bound <strong>to</strong> set herfeelings <strong>to</strong> one side. She tapped the cane down andthen raised her arm in the air.Melons watched with expert eyes. Pauline waslanding each stroke with perfect precision andaccuracy, the sound of the cane rebounding fromCathryn’s bumbags echoed around the room, but Catdidn’t move a muscle.Melanie was not surprised. Her relationshipwith Cat dated back <strong>to</strong> their days <strong>to</strong>gether atDarting<strong>to</strong>n Manor where they had schooled <strong>to</strong>gether.Cathryn was already displaying her subversive nature;although she did not so much disobey the rules assimply ignore them as if they did not exist.Patty Hodge had secured a position at theinstitution as the Mistress of Discipline and Cathryn

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>was her most frequent client. Melons, who was noslacker in the subversion department, often joined Ca<strong>to</strong>n her excursions <strong>to</strong> the office of the cruel martinet.Cathryn’s languid disdain in her dealings with Patriciahad earned Melanie’s lifelong admiration and inspiredher <strong>to</strong> take even the <strong>to</strong>ughest of lickings with theminimum of fuss.Cat pushed herself up from the desk. Sheseemed completely unperturbed by the fact that shehad just been beaten bandy as she stepped <strong>to</strong> oneside <strong>to</strong> allow Melons <strong>to</strong> take her place. She retrievedher blazer and shrugged it on. Cat reached in<strong>to</strong> herpocket and retrieved a cigarette and lighter.Pauline Gascoigne didn’t say a word as Catcalmly held the flame <strong>to</strong> the tip.

3Miss MelonsMelanie White <strong>to</strong>ok her time getting herselfin<strong>to</strong> the required position. She was relatively short instature, standing barely five-feet tall in s<strong>to</strong>ckingedfeet. She had <strong>to</strong> rise up on<strong>to</strong> tip-<strong>to</strong>es <strong>to</strong> spreadherself across the desk. Pauline meticulously foldedback her skirt and rearranged the tail of her blouse.In contrast <strong>to</strong> the mythical proportions of hermammary glands Melanie had a pert, but<strong>to</strong>n-likebehind. Ms Gascoigne tapped the cane down andthen unleashed a scorcher.Melons had developed a pragmatic approach <strong>to</strong>the cane. Long before her association with Cat shehad already established a respectable reputation as avery, very naughty gal. At prepara<strong>to</strong>ry school she haddivided her time between standing in the corner andlying face down, arse up across the Headmistress’sknee having her bot<strong>to</strong>m smacked.Like many of the <strong>Woody</strong> inmates she camefrom quality bloods<strong>to</strong>ck. Her father was aninternationally renowned heart surgeon and her

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>mother was a well-known hostess who hailed from along line of blue bloods.Melanie had inherited her father’s brains andher mother’s beauty. Despite her classroomdelinquency she graduated <strong>to</strong>p her year and wasenrolled at the exclusive Darting<strong>to</strong>n Manor where shewould team up with Cat.In many ways they were opposites. Cat hadbeen brought up surrounded by laid-back jazzmusicians and was already considered by the otherpupils <strong>to</strong> be the icon of ultra-cool. Melanie, bycontrast, was a wild and rambunctious hellion andwas permanently in trouble with the Dames and theprefects. Despite their personality differences the twogirls were inseparable.In the early days Melanie got the cane moreoften than Cat but that would change with the arrivalof Patty Hodge at the school.According <strong>to</strong> records held in the Ministry ofEducation Patty had already demonstrated herpenchant for creating mischief and mayhem insidethe bumbags of her wards. Each year since startingher teaching career she had featured amongst the <strong>to</strong>pfive administra<strong>to</strong>rs of corporal punishment in thenation, which was an admirable achievementconsidering that her counterparts were invariablyHeadmistresses.At Darting<strong>to</strong>n she saw a window ofopportunity. She noticed that several of the Dame’swere reticent <strong>to</strong> resort <strong>to</strong> the cane but wereconstantly complaining in the staff room about thepupil’s errant behavior. Patty offered <strong>to</strong> help themout. It wasn’t long before she was officially appointed

11as ‘Mistress of Discipline’, and the whop rate atDarting<strong>to</strong>n increased at a giddying rate.Patty disliked Cathryn, who she considered asubversive, and Melanie, who she deemed <strong>to</strong> be adelinquent. <strong>The</strong>ir bumbags were the mostendangered.Cat and Melons defiantly refused <strong>to</strong> be dauntedby Patty’s vicious regime and perfected the art oftaking their thrashings without flinching. It was a skillthat had s<strong>to</strong>od them in good stead throughout theirsentences at the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit.Melanie concentrated on keeping her breathingeven and her backside steady. She had considerablerespect for Pauline Gascoigne’s skill with the cane butshe knew that a world class whopping was apartnership. Melons knew that in order for the beating<strong>to</strong> go off without any painful mishaps such as lowriders or wraparounds she needed <strong>to</strong> stay teed upperfectly so the Dame had easy access <strong>to</strong> the sweetspot.Pauline Gascoigne had tremendous respect forMelanie White’s ability <strong>to</strong> absorb a world classwhopping without any fuss. Certainly her but<strong>to</strong>ckstwitched as the effects of the cane worked their wayunder the flesh in<strong>to</strong> the nerve endings of her gluteusmaximus but she put it up and kept it upunwaveringly. Pauline sliced the cane through the air.Melanie pushed herself up from the desk andsmoothed down her skirt. She pulled on her blazer

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>and reached in<strong>to</strong> her breast pocket <strong>to</strong> extract herpunishment record book.None of the three women spoke while Paulinepost-processed the beatings. <strong>The</strong>y each unders<strong>to</strong>odthat the punishment’s had been necessary and thatthe matter was now closed.Melanie and Cat sipped wine in a <strong>Woody</strong>friendly bar in <strong>to</strong>wn.“Well she certainly laid that on thick,” saidMelons.Cat smiled. “She does good work. I think I’llcall Mark, he’ll want <strong>to</strong> see the stripes.”Melanie giggled. “I take it you won’t be comingback <strong>to</strong> the facility <strong>to</strong>night.”Cat winked and pulled out her cell-phone.“He wants <strong>to</strong> meet us in the VIP bar over atMonets for oysters and champagne,” she <strong>to</strong>ld herchum. “We’ll drop you off at the facility later. Let’s cutalong, the seats are more comfortable over thereanyway.”Melons swallowed down her drink. “Bot<strong>to</strong>ms up<strong>to</strong> that, sis,” and slipped her arm in Cats.

4Armanisuit has a HeadacheMelissa Forsham-Smythe scowled at thetelevision. Her daughter, Sarah, was giving evidenceat the trial of Mrs Hayden-White; the disgracedformed Grand Dame of the Ripley <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit.Sarah was explaining how her mother hadinitially used her influence with the System <strong>to</strong> haveher daughter and her chums charges of grand larcenyreduced <strong>to</strong> Extreme Ladetting and then had paidconsiderable sums <strong>to</strong> keep them out of the dreadedBig House.According <strong>to</strong> Sarah life at Ripley was a cozyaffair. Attendance of lectures and tu<strong>to</strong>rials was rarelyenforced; the inmates passed their days in a haze ofwine and marijuana. Discipline was lax and the Brasslevied a schedule of tariffs <strong>to</strong> allow the inmates <strong>to</strong> buytheir way out of trouble.Sarah explained that for a fee she was allowed<strong>to</strong> leave the compound and use her mother’s privatejet <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>ur the continent where she indulged herpassion for klep<strong>to</strong>mania. Sarah explained that shewould steal haute couture <strong>to</strong> order for Mrs Hayden-

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>White and her chums and pointed out that the wellcutsuit that the former Grand Dame was wearing incourt had been purloined during one of Sarah’scontinental forays.Armanisuit watched his employer nervously. Hehad been summoned <strong>to</strong> the Caribbean hideaway for acouncil of war. Melissa was clearly not pleased by herprivate affairs being made public. She had refused <strong>to</strong>return <strong>to</strong> the Smoke <strong>to</strong> give evidence at the trial andwarrants for her arrest were useless as her privateisland was outside jurisdictional boundaries.Melissa was muttering darkly about Sarah’sapparent lack of gratitude for her efforts at keepingher out of the Big House.“Millions,” she muttered, “I spent millions onkeeping her arse out of chokey and this is how sherepays me.”Sarah Forsham-Smythe was not having a goodtime of it. Hayden-White’s counsel was relentless.Over and over Sarah was forced <strong>to</strong> admit that shehad been responsible for shop-lifting, credit-cardfraud and the supply of designer drugs <strong>to</strong> theinmates. <strong>The</strong> lawyer constantly insisted that thewrong woman was in the dock and that Sarah shouldbe charged with racketeering.“I don’t think that went very well,” Sarah <strong>to</strong>ldEllen Millar and Bernadette Summers, morosely.Bernadette patted her chum’s hand. “You didfine,” she said reassuringly.

15Ellen nodded. “You did what was required, you<strong>to</strong>ld the truth.”Lord Rufus Lewis watched Melissa pacing upand down, she was clearly aggravated. Despite thecounsels aggressive cross-examination Sarah hadmaintained her s<strong>to</strong>ry. She freely admitted that shehad been party <strong>to</strong> a wide variety of nefariousactivities but insisted that the financial beneficiarywas Mrs Hayden-White. “I could have just bought thestuff for her but I liked stealing,” she confessed. “Ijust expected my mother <strong>to</strong> take care of things if Igot caught. She had all the right connections amongstthe Dark Agents of the System and she just payswhatever it takes <strong>to</strong> get it done. Mrs Hayden-Whitesaw my mother as a cash cow and exploited it.”“Fool,” muttered Melissa. “Twenty-two hours inlabor and I gave birth <strong>to</strong> a fool.”Rufus assumed that at some juncture Melissawould inform him of the purpose of his visit. In themeantime he was perfectly happy <strong>to</strong> laze on thebalcony overlooking the brilliant aqua marine sea,dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and Bermuda shorts whilea tail-coated butler and liveried footmen tended <strong>to</strong> hisevery need. He leaned back comfortably in hishammock and sipped a margarita.Armanisuit looked less relaxed. He had workedwith Melissa for many years and he knew that pacingmeant plotting. Melissa’s plotting was not alwaysgood for Armanisuit; particularly of late.In the early days of his employment with thebillionairess his duties had been limited <strong>to</strong> simpletasks such as tax evasion, money-laundering andacquiring businesses through strong-arm financial

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>tactics. It had been satisfying work. Later he hadtaken over management of Melissa’s celebrity goonsquadand had enjoyed a lucrative fifteen per-cent ofthe bounty for every celebrity Extreme Ladette hedelivered <strong>to</strong> the Dark Agents. However, sinceMelissa’s humiliating defeat at the Snobs and Rotterstribunal life had taken a disagreeable turn for theworse.Melissa’s malicious obsession with having the<strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit closed had caused him <strong>to</strong>come in contact with some unsavory coves. <strong>The</strong> tripacross <strong>to</strong> the Caribbean with Rufus, aboard<strong>Malicious</strong>’s jet, had been an unsociable affair.Armanisuit suspected that Rufus was responsible fordispatching one of his more competent Yoof’s <strong>to</strong> hispenthouse suite making unreasonable demands formoney. Armanisuit was still trying <strong>to</strong> pluck up thecourage <strong>to</strong> bill Melissa for the medical charges andthe damage <strong>to</strong> Ming vases and valuable crystal thathad resulted from the visit.He had also been forced <strong>to</strong> receive Mickey thePurveyor, Bernadette Summers boyfriend and astrong-arm enforcer from the Stacks Monroeorganization. Stacks did not take kindly <strong>to</strong> hisgoddaughter’s security being threatened and had sentMickey <strong>to</strong> convey the message. Mickey had dangledArmanisuit out of the penthouse office window by hisankles while he was explaining Stacks point of view.It was all most disagreeable. Melissa’s pacing andRufus’s presence was giving Armanisuit a headache.

5Shlor<strong>to</strong>n Shlashed Me!Being forced <strong>to</strong> endure the humiliation ofacting as Rosemary Booker’s grubby had caused theWart <strong>to</strong> develop a permanent headache. WhenRosemary didn’t have any duties she personallyneeded performing she would loan the Wart out <strong>to</strong>other members of the Elite or assign her <strong>to</strong> the workdetails such as cleaning the latrines.<strong>The</strong> Wart trudged about the campus dressed infull clobber with a sour look on her puss. Everywhereshe went she could sense the mocking, scornful lookson the faces of the inmates.Despite her many flaws, under normalcircumstances, the Wart was an able educa<strong>to</strong>r.However, she seemed <strong>to</strong> have lost the enthusiasm fordelivering her lectures and set the inmates readingassignments while she sat at the front of the roomwith her head in her hands.Occasionally Robin Whar<strong>to</strong>n would bepersuaded <strong>to</strong> join Patty Hodge and Katie Beck in thesaloon bar of the Bunch of Grapes.

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>Despite the fact that <strong>Woody</strong> clobber wasfavored by the world’s glitterati the Wart did not feelthe least bit fashionable. Years of hard-drinking,smoking and glut<strong>to</strong>nous eating had taken its <strong>to</strong>ll onthe Wart and her gymslip hung over her bloated formlike a sack. She would sit on her s<strong>to</strong>ol lookingdepressed while she scoffed down tequila slammerswhile Patty and Katie ribbed her mercilessly. By theend of the evening her head would be throbbing evenmore painfully.Katie Beck drummed her fingernails on the <strong>to</strong>pof her desk and contemplated the Wart situation.Recently Katie had pulled a palace coup and emergedas the Commandant of the Radical Right and theSecret Sorority of Serial Spankers. However, hertroops were in disarray.Robin Whar<strong>to</strong>n’s devious and sadistic natureand her addiction <strong>to</strong> whops had always made her areliable member of the Radical Right. However, sinceher ill-conceived decision <strong>to</strong> take a Mulligan while shewas whopping Rosemary Booker she appeared <strong>to</strong> bea spent force.Katie was aware that her elevation <strong>to</strong> the roleof Commandant was precarious. Patty had beenforced <strong>to</strong> accept the status quo for fear of her hitlists,dating back <strong>to</strong> the year of Operation ScorchedArse, falling in<strong>to</strong> the hands of the Grand Master.Nonetheless, Katie was aware that Patty’s apparentacquiescence was nothing more than a sham. PattyHodge was a scheming woman and would be lookingfor any opportunity <strong>to</strong> usurp Katie’s authority.

19Katie needed the full support of the Wart. Shehad <strong>to</strong> shake the Dame out of her blue funk. Shedrummed her fingers on the desk and contemplatedways that she could res<strong>to</strong>re her foot-soldiersconfidence.Patty slid on<strong>to</strong> a bars<strong>to</strong>ol next <strong>to</strong> Katie. Shesummoned a bartender and ordered drinks. RecentlyPatty had taken <strong>to</strong> actually paying for her roundsinstead of imperiously charging them <strong>to</strong> Katie or theWart’s tab. She smiled warmly at Katie andenthusiastically regaled her with a tale of thrashingthe Bond Twins with her wye-tipped cane.Katie nodded her approval. In truth there wasnothing Katie liked <strong>to</strong> hear more than tales of themisfortunes of others. Patty was a colorful s<strong>to</strong>rytellerand Katie was certain that Ronnie and Reggie Bondwould still be suffering from considerable residualdiscomfort as a result of Patty’s exertions.Patty ordered more drinks and once again shetendered coin of the realm from her own purse.“I’m worried about the Wart,” said Patty. “I’mnot telling you how <strong>to</strong> do your job but one of theroles of Commandant is <strong>to</strong> maintain the morale of thetroops.”Katie looked at Patty suspiciously. “And how doyou suggest I do that? She’s been in a blue funk eversince she was flogged. She’s about as much use <strong>to</strong>me as tits on a fish.”Patty patted Katie’s hand. “Katie you arewonderfully devious, I’ve always admired that in you,I’m sure that you’ll think of something. And speakingof the Warty-one here she is.”

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>Katie and Patty stared at Robin Whar<strong>to</strong>n as sheapproached. Even by the Wart’s miserable standardsshe was a complete mess. Her collar and tie wereunfastened and the blade of the tie hung out over thebib of her ill-fitting gymslip. Her socks had riddendown around her ankles and her hair looked like ithadn’t seen a brush in days. Her eyes were redrimmedand it was clear <strong>to</strong> even the least observanteye that she had recently been blubbing.“Good grief Wart,” said Patty Hodge. “What’swrong with you? You look like an unmade bed.”“Shlor<strong>to</strong>n shlashed me,” replied the Wart andshe burst in<strong>to</strong> floods of tears.

6Red Card for the WartDeborah stared down at the sheaf of papersthat Rosemary had handed her. <strong>The</strong>y containedperformance reports for each day that Robin Whar<strong>to</strong>nhad been required <strong>to</strong> grub for Rosemary.“She’s always late,” Rosie informed her bestchum, “and I think she always has a few snortsbefore she comes on duty. It takes her twice as long<strong>to</strong> do simple chores or run errands as would takeCaroline,” Caroline was Rosemary’s full-time grubby.“I’ve shown her yellow cards on the last two days andwarned her that I would red-card her if she didn’t pullher socks up. She turned up an hour late thisafternoon and <strong>to</strong>ld me that she had been delayeddiscussing House Business with you which I know is aright porky because I saw you leave her quarters. Shewas obviously hanging about her lair having a fewslammers. I didn’t feel that I had any choice but <strong>to</strong>show her a red.”Debs stared at the documents despondently.“Where is she now?” she asked.

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>“Standing in the corner in my study,” saidRosemary. “I wasn’t sure of the pro<strong>to</strong>cols. If it wasany other grubby they’d just be sent along <strong>to</strong> you fora dusting, but well, it’s the Wart,” she trailed off.Debs rolled her eyes. Earlier in the year shehad been faced with a similar predicament whenPatty Hodge had been forced <strong>to</strong> act as her grubby.Patty had failed <strong>to</strong> live up <strong>to</strong> Lady Derby’s exactingstandards and had ended up <strong>to</strong>uching her <strong>to</strong>es in thelibrary while Debs applied six strokes across herbumbags with a senior cane.“Send her up <strong>to</strong> wait outside the library, I’llneed <strong>to</strong> inform the Grand Master,” said Debs wearily.“You have full thrashing rights Deborah,” MrHumphries assured her. “She is acting as Rosemary’sgrubby as a punishment and if she refuses <strong>to</strong> abideby the rules she can either suffer the consequencesor she can tender her resignation. She knows heroptions.”Debs tucked her cane under her arm and se<strong>to</strong>ff <strong>to</strong>wards the library. She felt uncharacteristicallynervous. A week earlier she had been required <strong>to</strong> flogthe Wart in front of the assembled unit. <strong>The</strong> Wart hadput up a pathetic performance after Deborah hadcompleted the flogging with a perfectly deliveredbacon slicer.<strong>The</strong> following morning the Wart had pitched upfor grubbing duties looking disheveled and hung-over.Deborah had put her over her knee for a trainingspanking. It had gone no better than the floggingwith the Wart squirming over her knee like a hooked

23fish and screaming up a blue s<strong>to</strong>rm. <strong>The</strong> Wart was ahefty woman and even the athletic Red-shirt haddifficulty keeping her tucked in over her lap. It hadbeen a most ungracious affair.Ironically after the flogging and the initialspanking Deborah was enjoying a temporary respitefrom the Mistress of the Houses daily dose of vitriolic.Even though when Deborah arrived at the lair for thedaily house briefing the atmosphere would be thickwith latent hostility the meetings were at leastblessedly brief. Trussed up like a Christmas goose inher ill-fitting clobber, the Wart seemed <strong>to</strong> have lostthe s<strong>to</strong>mach for giving Debs her daily gratui<strong>to</strong>us<strong>to</strong>ngue lashing or making idle threats <strong>to</strong> cut herbumbags <strong>to</strong> tatters. She merely listened moodily <strong>to</strong>Deborah’s report and then dismissed the HouseCaptain without further ado. Nonetheless, Debsremained an inmate at the facility and she was certainthat the Wart would be plotting her revenge and withpotentially dire consequences for her own bumbags.Debs couldn’t help thinking that the current situationwas not going <strong>to</strong> improve relations. <strong>The</strong> size of thetarget on her bumbags just seemed <strong>to</strong> be gettingbigger and bigger.<strong>The</strong> Wart was facing the wall outside thelibrary with her hands on her head and her nosepressed against the wood-paneling. Rosemary wasleaning against the wall supervising operations.“She is absolutely useless,” giggled Rosie. “Shekeeps moving and her elbows keep <strong>to</strong>uching the wall.She sniveled and begged and pleaded all the way

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>here. I had <strong>to</strong> warn her that she would get an extrasix if she didn’t shut the fuck up!”“Lower your arms Whar<strong>to</strong>n, and proceed <strong>to</strong> thepunishment room,” Deborah said authoritatively.“Do you need moral support?” askedRosemary.Debs nodded her head, “A witness might notbe a bad idea,” she <strong>to</strong>ld her chum, “just in case she’sfool enough <strong>to</strong> file a complaint.”As she removed her black blazer andunfastened the collar and cuffs of her red shirt Debsdid her best <strong>to</strong> ignore the Wart’s conspicuousseething hatred. <strong>The</strong> Wart was standing with herhands on her head looking daggers at Deborah andvenom seemed <strong>to</strong> be seeping out of every pore of herskin. Deborah <strong>to</strong>ok her time rolling back the sleevesof her shirt and then went over <strong>to</strong> the side table andretrieved the senior cane.<strong>The</strong> cane was thirty-six inches long and theshaft had been inserted in<strong>to</strong> a Delrin sheaf. <strong>The</strong>handle had been covered with red and black stripedleather.Debs turned and faced the Wart and flexed thecane between her hands.“Whar<strong>to</strong>n I am going <strong>to</strong> need you <strong>to</strong> removeyour blazer and <strong>to</strong> bend over and <strong>to</strong>uch your <strong>to</strong>es infront of the fireplace,” she said evenly.

7“Please Ma’am, Not Too Hard!”Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>n slowly lowered her arms andcrossed them across her ample bosom.“I’ll kill you for this Mor<strong>to</strong>n,” she snarled. “Ifyou beat me I shall make your life living hell.”Debs stared in<strong>to</strong> the Wart’s beady eyes.“Whar<strong>to</strong>n, in many circumstances you are given theauthority <strong>to</strong> speak <strong>to</strong> me in that <strong>to</strong>ne but this is no<strong>to</strong>ne of them. In the past you have beaten me onnumerous occasions and I am sure before mysentence is up you will seek opportunities <strong>to</strong> beat meagain. We will deal with each incident as it arises.However, right now Whar<strong>to</strong>n I must insist that youremove your blazer and bend over in front of thefireplace so that I can thrash you.”<strong>The</strong> Wart glared back at Deborah. “Call theGrand Master. Tell him I wish <strong>to</strong> lodge an appeal.”Debs shrugged. She put down her cane andwent over <strong>to</strong> retrieve her smart-phone from herblazer. “That is your right Whar<strong>to</strong>n and I’m sure thatyou are well aware that the pro<strong>to</strong>cols dictate that ifyou are unsuccessful you will receive double the

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>number of strokes.” She reached in<strong>to</strong> her blazerpocket.“Hold on Mor<strong>to</strong>n, don’t be in such a hurry, Ican explain everything and I’m sure that we canreach an agreement,” the Wart said unctuously.Debs turned around. “Explain what? You werered-carded for failure <strong>to</strong> reach the minimumperformance standards required of a grubby. Youwere red-carded after two formal warnings and underthe pro<strong>to</strong>cols of your grubby probation that means amanda<strong>to</strong>ry caning.”“I know that Mor<strong>to</strong>n but I could be useful <strong>to</strong>you,” said the Wart earnestly. “You know that Pattyand Katie are out <strong>to</strong> get you. I could keep youinformed.”Deborah gaped at Robin Whar<strong>to</strong>n. “You’regoing <strong>to</strong> rat out Patty and Katie <strong>to</strong> escape awhopping?”<strong>The</strong> Wart glared at Debs, her display ofunctuousness evaporating in a heartbeat. “I did notsay that I would rat them out,” she snarled again.Debs shrugged. Sounded like it <strong>to</strong> me, howabout you sis?”Rosemary was leaning back in the shadows.“Hard not <strong>to</strong> misinterpret,” she giggled.“Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!” growled the Wart.“Now Whar<strong>to</strong>n, how should we proceed,”asked Debs patiently. “Should I call the Grand Masterand advise him of your appeal or are you going <strong>to</strong>remove your blazer and bend over so we do notwaste any more of our day?”

27<strong>The</strong> Wart began <strong>to</strong> sob as she leaned forward.She was not a healthy or athletic type by anymeasureable standards. It was obvious that reachingdown <strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>uch her <strong>to</strong>es and maintaining a straightleggedposition was not going <strong>to</strong> prove a practicaloption.“Alright, Whar<strong>to</strong>n, this is what we’re going <strong>to</strong>do,” sighed Deborah after the Wart had made severalunsuccessful attempts at assuming the requiredposition. “Move that armchair in front of the fire andbend over the back. At least that way I’ll have a cleanshot at you.”It was several more minutes before the Wartwas finally positioned in a manner that Deborah feltconfident that she could execute the delivery withoutany mishaps. <strong>The</strong> Dame was blubbing like a muff.Debs stepped in and <strong>to</strong>ok the hem of Robin’sskirt between her fingers and neatly turned it backdisplaying a pair of navy blue gossamer bumbags thatwere severely straining against the stress ofcontaining the Dames over-sized sitmedown.Debs maneuvered the tail of the Warts whiteblouse up her back and then <strong>to</strong>ok up her stance.<strong>The</strong> new technology canes with straight runhandles were designed <strong>to</strong> allow the maximum whipfrom the shaft with the minimum of effort and backswing.Deborah had spent several hours on thepractice range with the full sized mannequin ben<strong>to</strong>ver the training bar. She would chalk over the areaknown as the sweet spot and check the tip of thecane after every delivery <strong>to</strong> ensure that she had hitinside the safe target area. Her reported level of

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>accuracy was an as<strong>to</strong>nishing ninety-eight point eightper-cent.She liked <strong>to</strong> stand with her left foot plantedslightly forward and <strong>to</strong> lower her right shoulder as sheswung the cane through the air; it allowed hercomplete control over the crisp wrist-breaking finishthat had made her a legend in the punishment room.No matter her personal acrimony with the evilWart she was determined that the beating would bedelivered completely safely. She <strong>to</strong>ok a deep breath,settled in<strong>to</strong> her tried and tested stance and tappedthe cane down.From somewhere deep in the cushion of thearmchair the Wart whimpered, “Please Ma’am, not<strong>to</strong>o hard.”Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n pulled her arm back less thaneighteen inches above the sea of gossamer and sweptit down with her elegant swing, breaking her wrist atthe last moment. When the cane made contact withthe upturned bum it was moving at Mach-2. <strong>The</strong> War<strong>to</strong>pened up her throat and howled.

8Too Much Like Hard WorkSince her unexpected promotion <strong>to</strong> Captain ofthe Red House, followed by becoming first the DeputyRed-shirt and subsequently Red-shirt in her own rightDeborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n had delivered nearly a hundredcanings, fifty danglings and spanked more grubbiesthan she cared <strong>to</strong> recall. She had seen every shape ofbot<strong>to</strong>m imaginable. Whether small, pert, slender,bony, plump, rounded or of the rather over-size thatshe was currently presented with they all had thesame narrow sweet spot. Deborah knew frompersonal experience that as long as the chastiserlanded the cane in the sweet spot no lasting damagewould be done.Robin Whar<strong>to</strong>n seemed <strong>to</strong> be of a differen<strong>to</strong>pinion. She was kicking up a brouhaha of biblicalproportions. She was howling and kvetching andcussing like a sailor.Between strokes she tried <strong>to</strong> leap up but shedidn’t have the athleticism and she waved her handshelplessly in the general direction of her rear end.“Pleeasseee!!!! It hurts!!!” howled the Wart.

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>Deborah tried <strong>to</strong> remain patient.“Whar<strong>to</strong>n!” she snapped. “I need you <strong>to</strong>remain in position and <strong>to</strong> put it up and keep it upthen we will be finished and go about our business.”“Nooooo!!!” squealed the Wart. “I can’t takeit.”Rosemary stepped out of the shadows.“Do you want me <strong>to</strong> try and hold her down?”she offered.Debs shook her head. “She’d probably give youa black eye or a thick lip the way she’s waving herarms about. I will give you one last warning Whar<strong>to</strong>n,please settle down and this will be finished quickly.”<strong>The</strong> Wart gurgled something incomprehensibleand then tried <strong>to</strong> push herself upwards. Deborahthought fast. She had no possibility of completing thecaning in an efficient manner. She waited until theWart was halfway back <strong>to</strong> the vertical then droppedher cane on the wooden floor with a clatter. Shemoved fast grabbing the Wart’s arm and yanking herupwards with all her strength.“Wadayadoin’?” squealed the breathless Dame.Debs used the upward thrust and momentum<strong>to</strong> spin her around and march her swiftly across theroom. Before the Wart knew what was happeningDeborah had sat down on a chair and had yanked theDame across her lap. She pushed her left hand downon the back of the Dame’s neck and pusheddownwards. <strong>The</strong> Wart was temporarily immobilized.Debs reached down below her blouse andpulled out a key on a neck-chain and slipped it overher head.

31“Fetch my hairbrush,” she <strong>to</strong>ld Rosemary.“We’re going <strong>to</strong> get this finished with whether shelikes it or not.”“Nooooo!!!” squealed the Wart. “Lemmego!!!”Despite her nose being only inches from thefloor and Debs having her neck pinned down the Wartwas beginning <strong>to</strong> put up a struggle. Her body writhedso wildly that Deborah feared that the chair mighttumble over.“For fawk’s sake’” she muttered and managed<strong>to</strong> get one of her legs out from underneath the Wart’sbody and swing it over the Dames thigh’s, pressingdown with all her strength.Rosemary hurried back with the hairbrush.“”Get her skirt out of the way,” panted Debs.Deborah didn’t waste any time. <strong>The</strong>re was notime for a long, slow, juicy text-book spanking, theWart was just <strong>to</strong>o hard <strong>to</strong> handle. She raised her armand started pumping. <strong>The</strong> punishment room echoedwith the sounds of the hard, unforgiving brushrebounding off the Warts over-sized bumbags. It wasall over in a matter of seconds.Debs did her best <strong>to</strong> get her leg out of the waybut the Warts ejection strategy was so forceful thatthey both ended up on the floor along with the chair.<strong>The</strong> Wart was screaming and bawling. “I’ll killya! I’ll kill ya!” she squawked.Debs sat up on the floor and rubbed her head.Rosemary rushed over. “Are you okay?” sheasked.“Just fucking great!” muttered Debsbreathlessly as she inspected her skull for signs of

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>damage. She found none and slowly pushed herself<strong>to</strong> her feet.<strong>The</strong> Wart was continuing her theatrics. Debsand Rosemary exchanged glances and rolled theireyes.“What should we do with her?” askedRosemary.“Leave her here,” grunted Debs. “This isgetting <strong>to</strong> be <strong>to</strong>o much like hard work.”She picked up her hairbrush and handed it <strong>to</strong>Rosemary. “Lock that up,” she muttered and wen<strong>to</strong>ver <strong>to</strong> retrieve her blazer.“I’ll kill ya! I swear I will!” squealed the Wart.“I’m sure you will but in the meantime Isuggest you take your sorry arse down <strong>to</strong> the Bunchof Grapes and throw down tequila until it pours out ofyour ears,” said Deborah contemptuously. “Now goodday Ms Whar<strong>to</strong>n,” she said and picked up her caneand slung her blazer over her shoulder before striding<strong>to</strong>wards the door.

9Liars, Cheats and Thieves“I have someone on the inside,” Lord Rufus<strong>to</strong>ld <strong>Malicious</strong>. “She’s an ex-rozzer called KateFaulkner. She’s just been sentenced <strong>to</strong> seven yearsand she’s not happy.”Melissa Forsham-Smythe scowled. “I knowMiss Faulkner; she’s the be-yotch that arrested mydaughter.”“Well what goes around comes around,” saidRufus. “She was after me for years but now she isbegging for my help. She is particularly indisposed<strong>to</strong>wards Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n. Apparently Mor<strong>to</strong>n has benther over and beaten her bandy on several occasions.She is willing <strong>to</strong> plant evidence on Mor<strong>to</strong>n and haveher arrested.”Melissa continued <strong>to</strong> scowl. “It’s not justMor<strong>to</strong>n I want. I want the unit closed down and everyone of those scoundrels and degenerates thrown inchokey.”Rufus nodded. “I understand but if we targetsuch a high-profile inmate as Mor<strong>to</strong>n the Ministry willbe obliged <strong>to</strong> open an investigation. According <strong>to</strong> Kate

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>the Grand Master has relaxed many of the restrictionson the inmates and the place is more like a holidaycamp than a government institution. I very muchdoubt that he would appreciate an audit.”Melissa nodded. “I can see the logic in that;however I have <strong>to</strong> inform you that I have been lessthan impressed by the performance of theConfederacy so far.”It was Rufus’s turn <strong>to</strong> scowl. “As you know Iwas recently subjected <strong>to</strong> unwarranted investigationsin<strong>to</strong> my private affairs and was forced <strong>to</strong> temporarilyrelinquish day-<strong>to</strong>-day direction of our activities. <strong>The</strong>sematters have now been resolved and I shallpersonally be overseeing this operation.”“And how much will this cost?” asked<strong>Malicious</strong>.“I’ll draw up a budget,” Rufus assured her. “I’llcoordinate with Armanisuit if you would prefer.”Armanisuit did not look the least bit enthusedby this proposition but he wisely bit his <strong>to</strong>ngue.“And I’m sure that in the confusion we canarrange for Sarah <strong>to</strong> be spirited away,” continuedRufus.“I don’t care what happens <strong>to</strong> that ungratefullittle vixen,” snapped Melissa. “She can go <strong>to</strong> chokeywith the rest of them as far as I’m concerned. I’vedisinherited her and frozen her trust funds.”Rufus just shrugged.Sarah, Bernadette and Ellen sat in the hotelroom watching Mrs Hayden-White’s cross-examinationon the TV. Predictably the former Grand Dame of theRipley <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit was vehemently denying

35that she was aware of any forms of corruption thatexisted at the facility. She claimed that she had tried<strong>to</strong> get Sarah and her cronies transferred <strong>to</strong> the BigHouse on several occasions but her applications werecountermanded by the highest authorities of theSystem. She also claimed <strong>to</strong> have been shocked whenthe Brass’s get out of trouble fees had been exposedat the Snobs and Rotters tribunal.“She’s such a liar,” groaned Sarah. “How is shegoing <strong>to</strong> explain the millions she squirreled away inoffshore bank accounts?”“<strong>The</strong> prosecution will get <strong>to</strong> that,” Ellenassured her. “<strong>The</strong>y want <strong>to</strong> catch her in as many liesas possible and then destroy her credibility.”“I know how that goes,” growled the Bounder,referring <strong>to</strong> her own infamous cross-examination ather father’s fraud trial. “<strong>The</strong>y suck you in and thenblow you out like bubbles.”“If they find her not guilty does that mean theycan charge me with racketeering?” Sarah askednervously.“Let’s not worry about that now,” said Ellencomfortingly.“Who do you think is telling the truth?” Jojoasked the Grand Master.Mr Humphries laughed. “It strikes me thatthey’re all liars, cheats and thieves.”“If they find Hayden-White not guilty what willbecome of Sarah?” asked Jojo.“Well, Sarah certainly wasn’t any kind of angel,we all know that, but she’s come on a long way sinceshe joined the facility and now that her mother has

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>abandoned her we’re the only family she has,” theGrand Master <strong>to</strong>ld his fiancé, “we will do whatever ittakes <strong>to</strong> protect her.”“Even if that means going up against theSystem?” asked Jojo.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master shrugged. “As I say,whatever it takes.”

10Katie Faces a DilemmaYvonne Godfrey glared at Katie furiously. “Ijust need you <strong>to</strong> turn off my transponder for fifteenminutes so I can contact Rufus,” she ranted.Katie shook her head firmly. “You areforbidden <strong>to</strong> contact the Confederacy,” she <strong>to</strong>ldGodders. “I will not <strong>to</strong>lerate the breaches of securitythat Patty allowed. It is against all of our interests <strong>to</strong>allow external forces <strong>to</strong> disrupt unit affairs.”“I have no interest in disrupting anything,” saidYvonne hotly. “I just want <strong>to</strong> get my arse out of here.If you help me escape I’ll make sure the Confederacyrewards you handsomely. I’ll even cut you in for aslice of my personal action and you know howlucrative that can be.”Katie sighed. Years earlier when she had beenthe most senior female officer of the Confederacy ofYoofs she had hundreds of foot-soldiers at herdisposal. Every night her bagwomen pitched up withbriefcases filled with loot. Katie’s cut was ten bob onthe squid plus generous expenses. Yvonne Godfreywas her first Lieutenant.

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>Unlike other members of Katie’s crew Yvonnedid not come up through the ranks. She hadappeared one day at a secret summit of the highestechelons of the Yoofs on Lord Rufus’s arm. Katie hadimmediately felt threatened by Yvonne’s presence andobjected strongly when Rufus announced that shewould be joining the Executive Board of Direc<strong>to</strong>rs.However, she was quickly forced <strong>to</strong> acknowledgeYvonne’s unique strengths and capabilities.To her surprise Yvonne had seemed satisfied inher role as number two in the organization and hadworked tirelessly <strong>to</strong> increase profits from theircriminal activities. She was entirely ruthless and anyfoot-soldiers unfortunate enough not <strong>to</strong> meet theirweekly quotas were delivered <strong>to</strong> her penthouse suitewhere they would be ruthlessly bound, gagged andthrashed. Although Katie envied Yvonne’s unlimitedaccess <strong>to</strong> Lord Rufus’s bed they became coconspira<strong>to</strong>rsand fast friends.Yvonne persuaded Rufus <strong>to</strong> increase Katie’stake by a full five-per-cent making her the mosthighly rewarded direc<strong>to</strong>r in the organization.When Katie was finally arrested and sent <strong>to</strong> theBig House during the System’s first great purge of theExtreme Ladettes Yvonne continued <strong>to</strong> line heroffshore bank accounts.By the time Yvonne was also captured andsent <strong>to</strong> the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit Katie hadfinished her sentence and had returned in the role ofMatron. Katie immediately introduced Yvonne <strong>to</strong> PattyHodge and they began <strong>to</strong> plot, plan and connive <strong>to</strong>establish Miss Godfrey as the most heinousCommandant of the SS in the unit’s his<strong>to</strong>ry.

39Now Katie faced a dilemma. On the one handaiding and abetting Yvonne in her escape plans woulddoubtless result in her secret bank accounts being<strong>to</strong>pped up liberally. On the other hand a high-profileabscondment would attract un<strong>to</strong>ward attention <strong>to</strong> theunit. Despite her disappointment at some of the moreunfortunate ramifications of the <strong>Woody</strong> Glasnostimposed by the Grand Master the unit remained ahaven for a whop junkie like Katie Beck. She did notfeel inclined <strong>to</strong> jeopardize the opportunity <strong>to</strong> slipperhundreds of pairs of bumbags each year in thepursuit of mere mullah.“I’m sorry Yvonne, but I can’t help you,” shesaid firmly.Yvonne was seething. Her reducedcircumstances were unthinkable. She had beenallocated as a general skivvy, spending her dayscleaning floors, washing out bathrooms andperforming repairs around the grounds of thecompound. Following her previous attempts at escapeshe was forced <strong>to</strong> wear an ankle bracelet at all timesand slept locked in a small room that was little betterthan a cell. During furloughs she was transferred <strong>to</strong> ahigh security prison where her natural au<strong>to</strong>cratictendencies made her unpopular and she had <strong>to</strong> sleepwith one eye open <strong>to</strong> avoid being shivved in hersleep. Katie’s refusal <strong>to</strong> assist her was in<strong>to</strong>lerable.Katie narrowed her eyes. “You have nobusiness communicating directly with Yvonne,” shescolded Patty.

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>Patricia Hodge shrugged. “I assumed that asyou have taken over as Commandant I would takeover as Oberstgruppenführer with responsibility forInterface and Communications and deal with the SSon your behalf. I assumed that you would be busywith direction and pro<strong>to</strong>col,” she said airily. “I knowfrom experience that it is inadvisable <strong>to</strong> over-extendyour roles and responsibilities, you’ll need <strong>to</strong> learn <strong>to</strong>delegate.”“Yvonne is motivated solely by self-interest,”snapped Katie. “She needs <strong>to</strong> be moni<strong>to</strong>red vigilantly.I am instructing you <strong>to</strong> ensure she has no contactwith the outside world.”Momentarily Patty’s cheeks flushed and hereyes hardened. “Yes Ma’am,” she said coldly.

11Cassie on a RollKatie relieved her frustration by slipperingCassie Cassy. <strong>The</strong> previous morning Cassie had beenred-carded out of assembly for goofing and hadattracted a second red-card for collar and tie abuse.Katie <strong>to</strong>ok the opportunity <strong>to</strong> subject Cassie <strong>to</strong>a bib-down, tie-back clobber inspection and hadunearthed a chipped but<strong>to</strong>n and a hanging thread.<strong>The</strong> two additional incidents of abuse of the Politics ofClobber resulted in Cassie receiving an additional sixspanks with the slipper.Under normal circumstances Cassie Cassywould not have given two figs about being slipperedby Katie but she was suffering from a severe case ofthe residuals. She had started the previous day beingcaned by the Grand Master as a result of her beingevicted from the assembly hall. Cassie was a fullypaid up member of the Double Berkeley Society whichmeant that she had received a twelve stroke barebender. She had ended the day bent over the end ofher bed getting six on the silks from Claire Brooks.

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>Even for a whop-hardened veteran like Cassie theshort time between being thrashed by the DormRaider and pitching up before brekker at Katie’s officewas insufficient for a full recovery.Although Katie was universally reviled amongstthe <strong>Woody</strong> community she did garner a certaingrudging respect for her ability with the slipper.Katie Beck procured her leather soled sandalsfrom an artisan located in the Plaka in Athens. <strong>The</strong>ywere cut from a particularly supple hide and sewn<strong>to</strong>gether in layers until the soles were a quarter of aninch thick. Katie had the artisan cus<strong>to</strong>mize the heelend of the slipper so it fitted perfectly in<strong>to</strong> the grip ofher palm. <strong>The</strong>y were perfectly designed <strong>to</strong> allow Katie<strong>to</strong> bring the slipper down from above her head andland full-blooded cracks across her hapless victim’srear end.Cassie Cassy gritted her teeth. Getting herselfwhopped by Claire the previous evening when shewas already scheduled for a circulation kick-start fromKatie the following morning had been an act of rankfoolishness. Eighteen whaps on the bum with aleather slipper was going <strong>to</strong> prove <strong>to</strong> be very <strong>to</strong>ughduty indeed.Katie grinned and settled in<strong>to</strong> her work. It wasdeeply satisfying. <strong>The</strong> red-card for collar and tieabuse was irrefutable and she had been careful <strong>to</strong>attach pho<strong>to</strong>graphs of Cassie’s additional clobbercontraventions <strong>to</strong> her application <strong>to</strong> deliver anextended spanking. For once the Grand Master had

43acknowledged that Cassie was bang <strong>to</strong> rights and hadsigned the paperwork without subjecting the Matron<strong>to</strong> a disagreeable interrogation. Katie was intent ongiving Cassie a bum-blistering that she wouldn’tforget for some time <strong>to</strong> come.Cassie concentrated on maintaining a fulldrape. She kept her head down between heroutstretched arms and doggedly refused <strong>to</strong> allow it <strong>to</strong>rear up as the slipper rebounded off her bumbags.She kept her palms splayed out on the wooden floorand willed her ankles <strong>to</strong> stay resolutely still. <strong>The</strong>rewas little she could do about her but<strong>to</strong>cks responding<strong>to</strong> the burning spanks with an occasional involuntarytwitch but otherwise she remained motionless.Katie continued <strong>to</strong> grin. She knew frompersonal experience that despite Cassie’s s<strong>to</strong>icperformance the heat in her behind would be raginglike a furnace. She brought the slipper down with allthe force her arm could muster.Cassie giggled as she retrieved her punishmentrecord book from Katie. She stuffed it in the breastpocket of her blazer.“Cya,” she <strong>to</strong>ld the unit matron and hurried ou<strong>to</strong>f the office.Despite the disagreeable heat in her bumbagsCassie was feeling quite satisfied. Three punishmentsin twenty-four hours had rocketed her ahead of hercompeti<strong>to</strong>rs on the Annual Big BUTT. She now had afive whopping buffer between her and her nearest

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>challengers and was confident that her lead wasinsurmountable. She could now concentrate onachieving her ambition of surpassing Jojo’smagnificent record of getting beaten fifty-eight timesin a single year. But first she had Cassie Cassybusiness <strong>to</strong> take care of.

12Taking Care of Cassie BusinessMonets was packed <strong>to</strong> the gills. <strong>The</strong> news thatthe entire contingent of inmates of the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong><strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit would be attending Cassie Cassy’s firstnight as guest chef at the restaurant had provoked afrenetic bidding war for reservations.Sensibly, Oliver, Cassie’s fiancé had refused <strong>to</strong>accept bribes and had allocated tables <strong>to</strong> his regularswho he could trust not <strong>to</strong> overly pester the <strong>Woody</strong>gals. As usual Stacks Monroe had sent a contingent ofhard bodied security guards <strong>to</strong> encourage thepaparazzi <strong>to</strong> behave themselves.Cassie Cassy had engaged Michelle Morgan,Lady Derby Hunting<strong>to</strong>n, Frankie Reese, and Heidi andthe Lash <strong>to</strong> assist her. Ms Dotty Hammell hadvolunteered <strong>to</strong> help coordinate the existing kitchenstaff.Cassie enjoyed a reputation as a completelycertifiably barking ditz and aside from her neverendingquest <strong>to</strong> become the All-Time Big BUTT theonly thing she cared about was cooking.

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>Dressed in an electric pink blouson, black cargopants and a chequered beanie she ran her kitchenwith military efficiency.She bustled around the ovens, s<strong>to</strong>ves andgrills, ignoring her flaming rear end, tasting thesoups, terrines and sorbets being prepared.Bernadette Summers Enterprises had recentlysigned an exclusive agreement with Oliver <strong>to</strong> supplygastronomic delights from the continent that were notusually available <strong>to</strong> the average restaurateur. StacksMonroe had established a supply chain <strong>to</strong> provideMonets with the generally inaccessible Arachonoysters from Bordeaux and the winter black trufflesknown as the Diamonds of Perigord.Cassandra Cassidy busied herself withreestablishing her reputation as one of the finestchefs in the world.<strong>The</strong> seating arrangements in the dining areahad been carefully designed <strong>to</strong> allow the payingpunters the privilege of rubbing shoulders with theinmates without becoming pests. Old hands like Cat,Vix, Claire and Melons had volunteered <strong>to</strong> be seatedat strategic tables so they could discretely divert anyoverly enthusiast guests from spoiling the inmate’snight out. Mickey the Purveyor and Suzy Scott satperched on bars<strong>to</strong>ols in the VIP bar keeping awatchful eye over the proceedings.<strong>The</strong> Brass had turned out in force. Even theWart who hated the possibility that she might bepho<strong>to</strong>graphed trussed up in clobber couldn’t resist the

47prospect of getting her laughing gear around hugequantities of Cassy’s cooking.Spanky Botts, Christy Cranfield, Karen Mastersand Cathy Cooper had driven up from the Smoke andEllen, Sarah and the Bounder had hitched a lift in thestretch limousine, taking a break from the pressuresof the trial.Mr Humphries shared a table with Jojo, Nix,Penny Ann, Rosemary and Debs. <strong>The</strong>y dunked freshlybaked bread in<strong>to</strong> the nectar of Belgian musselscooked with white wine, shallots and fennel; theplump Bordeaux oysters baked on the grill and servedwith lemon and Tabasco; and grilled king crab fromAlaska served with garlic and pepper dipping butter.“Well the gangs all here,” smiled the GrandMaster.“Is this entirely legal for us <strong>to</strong> all be out likethis?” asked Jojo.“Absolutely not,” laughed Mr Humphries, “butdo I look like a man who gives a shit?”Salads and sorbets followed, washed downwith King Krug. Cassie and her team had preparedsmall individual helpings of pate de fois gras, lightlyheated and served with sour pickles and baguetteswithout butter. For an entree Cassie had preparedsuckling pig served with rice and black bean dressing,and fried sweet plantains. She complimented thesucculent pork dish with a 2004 Barón de BarbónOak-Aged Rioja.

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>To finish she presented a medley of fruit,berries and cheeses accompanied by glasses of 2005Chryseia port.While the guests scooped up their deserts andenjoyed their port Cassie emerged from the kitchen,greeting the paying punters. Even at twelve hundredand fifty squids a skull <strong>to</strong> cover the costs of the<strong>Woody</strong> en<strong>to</strong>urage the patrons clearly thought thatthey had got value for money.Cassie Cassy grinned like a Cheshire Cat.

13Taking Care of DebsChief Inspec<strong>to</strong>r Kate Faulkner and DetectiveSergeant Angie Ashurst approached the table.“We’re going <strong>to</strong> take Deborah out the back,”Kate informed the Grand Master. “Stacks’s men havethe paparazzi backed up outside the parking lot butwe shouldn’t risk her being pho<strong>to</strong>graphed coming ou<strong>to</strong>f a restaurant after curfew.”<strong>The</strong> Grand Master nodded.“But we do have a problem,” said Kate. “Wethink that two pho<strong>to</strong>graphers are on the roof of thewarehouse behind the restaurant. Mickey and Suzyare on their way <strong>to</strong> check it out. We suspect that theyare Frenchmen.”Stacks wandered over. “Frenchmen, what thefuck are frogs doing lurking about on the <strong>to</strong>p of awarehouse in Sussex.”Kate smiled. “I’m sure that Mickey and Suzycan take care of this.”Stacks scowled. “I hope they remembered <strong>to</strong>put Vaseline on the ends of their lenses this evening,”he growled.

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>Kate nodded. “In the meantime Debs we’llneed you <strong>to</strong> put these on,” she handed Deborah ablack hoodie and a pair of dark glasses. “Just <strong>to</strong> be onthe safe side. One of Mickey’s guys will bring a LandCruiser around the back. Angie and I will cover youbut move as fast as possible.”Nicola Jane Nixon threw her napkin on thetable. “We’re coming <strong>to</strong>o,” she insisted. Jojo, PennyAnn and Rosemary rose <strong>to</strong> their feet. Mr Humphriesjust nodded.Rufus watched Mickey and Suzy crossing thedarkened car park through 2x24 Yukon night trackerbinoculars. He slipped out of his car and followedthem <strong>to</strong>wards the warehouse. He waited, keeping hisdistance as they padded up the fire escape.<strong>The</strong> Yoofs on the roof<strong>to</strong>p were anything butFrenchmen. In fact they would have been deeplywounded <strong>to</strong> have been wrongly associated with theirneighbors from across the channel. <strong>The</strong>y wereGeordie thugs that Rufus had hired for hisexperiment. He had equipped them with Nikon digitalcameras equipped with 51-point au<strong>to</strong> focusing and 3Dtracking <strong>to</strong> make them feel important. He planned oncharging the cameras <strong>to</strong> Melissa Forsham-Smythe’saccount at cost plus fifteen percent.Mickey quietly opened the door <strong>to</strong> the roof.<strong>The</strong> two cameramen were leaning over and watchingthe back door of Monets. Mickey nodded at Suzy andthey started off. <strong>The</strong> Yoofs reacted quickly and rose<strong>to</strong> their feet. Mickey lunged forward; one of the Yoofs

51squared off at him. Suzy gaped at the second Yoof;he had <strong>to</strong> be six foot six and was approaching hercracking his fingers.Suzy began <strong>to</strong> back off. <strong>The</strong> first Yoof andMickey were engaged, there was no question thatMickey’s assailant was a pro and had her partnersattention.“Suzy get the fuck out of here,” was all Mickeyhad time <strong>to</strong> say before the Yoof swung a crowbar athim.Rufus grinned in the darkness. Mickey wasbeing forced back, trying <strong>to</strong> avoid being beaned withthe lethal metal weapon. Suzy was cornered. Helaughed. Suzy Scott s<strong>to</strong>od four feet ten inches tall andlooked as if she might weigh eighty five pounds witha house brick in her pocket. <strong>The</strong> Geordie goon lookedas if he was prepared <strong>to</strong> unscrew her head.Suzy Scott did her best not <strong>to</strong> panic. Duringher martial arts career she had faced many opponentsthat outweighed her but she had never faced a gian<strong>to</strong>f this scale. She was stuck in a corner with nowhere<strong>to</strong> run. She felt a shiver run down her spine as shesaw the gigantic hand reach for her throat.Mickey ducked and weaved as the Yoof tried <strong>to</strong>nail him with the crowbar. Out of the corner of hiseye he could see poor Suzy about <strong>to</strong> be strangled. Hesaw the metal object crashing down and went underit, slamming his fist in<strong>to</strong> the Yoofs ribs and thengrabbing his arm and yanking it clean out of itssocket. Just for shits and giggles he kicked the Yoof

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>under the chin as his knees buckled beneath him. Hesped across the roof <strong>to</strong> save Suzy.Suzy Scott leaped in the air and grabbed on<strong>to</strong>an overhanging metal rail praying it would hold herweight. With all her strength she swung her bodythrough the air. She only had one chance.“Holy fuck,” squealed the giant as his noseexploded from the impact of the heel of Suzy’s foot.Mickey came in behind him, moving fast, he nailedthe giant with a kidney punch and then crashed hiselbow down on the <strong>to</strong>p of his cranium as the hugeYoof <strong>to</strong>ttered downwards.“Hey,” yelled Suzy indignantly. “He was mine.”Rufus grinned in the darkness. “Wankers,” hemuttered and slipped in<strong>to</strong> the stairwell.“Nothing French about them,” reported Mickey.“I doubt they’ve ever eaten a clove of garlic betweenthem. <strong>The</strong>y were definitely Yoofs.”“This is getting very scary,” said Debs.Kate Faulkner slipped her hand in<strong>to</strong> Deborah’s.“Don’t you worry we’ll take care of you.”

14Six on the Silks for DeborahDeborah put her head in her hands. “Oh no,”she groaned. “Not again. Jesus Kate is that what youcall taking care of me? My arse is sizzling.”“You might have had one or two <strong>to</strong>o manyglasses of bubbles, Ma’am,” smiled Kate. “You werevery insistent. I think that you were just caught up inthe moment. It was a very intense evening.”Deborah reached under the duvet and ran herfingers over her but<strong>to</strong>cks. She shook her head inbewilderment. Since returning from Christmasfurlough she had been a paragon of virtue and shehad gone almost a fortnight without getting the cane.Now for some unknown reason she had voluntarilybent over the end of her bed and allowed ChristyCranfield <strong>to</strong> give her six on the silks.She felt a little woozy. Her recollection of theprevious night was a trifle blurry. After the excitementat the restaurant the <strong>Woody</strong> gals had been restless.Mr Humphries had allowed Penny Ann and Nix <strong>to</strong> setup a bar in the Great Hall and had announced thatthe following day they would be allowed an extended

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>lie-in and that a loose tie and minimum whops policywould be in force.As usual, Spanky and her gang had prevailedupon Deborah <strong>to</strong> accompany them <strong>to</strong> the back roomof the library. When Spanky and Christy had firstbegun <strong>to</strong> pitch up at <strong>Woody</strong>s as paid residents Debshad been a reluctant participant in their late nighttrysts in the library, but as time had elapsed she hadbecome increasingly comfortable in her role in theirintimate and eclectic theatrical productions.Spanky Botts and Christy had been joined byKaren Masters, Cathy Cooper and Lady DerbyHunting<strong>to</strong>n. To Debs great surprise DetectiveInspec<strong>to</strong>r Kate Faulkner had asked if she could tagalong.<strong>The</strong> normally austere and forbiddingatmosphere in the backroom of the library had beenwarm and gay. <strong>The</strong> six women had taken it in turns<strong>to</strong> bend over the arm of a leather chesterfield soDeborah could give them each a thrashing. Debs hadtaken her time, after each woman was in positionwith her skirt turned back Deborah allowed a fullminute <strong>to</strong> elapse before starting.Debs knew from experience that this waitingperiod was a critical fac<strong>to</strong>r in any caning. Once a galwas finally actually bent over with her skirt turnedback sixty seconds could seem like eternity.She delivered the strokes at thirty secondintervals <strong>to</strong> allow the full cycle of effects <strong>to</strong> ripplethrough their central nervous systems. Although thebeatings were recreational in nature she knew thatthe die-hard spankettes did not want her <strong>to</strong> hold

55back. She swung the cane with her trademark powerand precision and the hushed silence of the backroomof the library echoed with the ominous swishes andthwacks of the whippy stick rebounding from herchums’ tautened bumbags.One by one the women removed their handsfrom their heads and <strong>to</strong>ok their turn <strong>to</strong> bend of thesofa. Deborah couldn’t help from observing that shehad a wide variety of bot<strong>to</strong>ms <strong>to</strong> deal with.When Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n had pronounced women <strong>to</strong>be broad of beam and ideally designed <strong>to</strong> absorb sixof the best she did not have Miss Cathy Cooper inmind. <strong>The</strong> waiflike Cathy’s rear end was miniscule.Christy on the other hand possessed a full andpatrician rear end that complimented her tall, elegantform.No matter what the size and shape Deborahcarefully landed every stroke in the safe zone knownas the sweet spot. Thirty-six strokes delivered withawesome accuracy, without a single wraparound,high or low rider.Once they were finished the women celebratedwith rueful giggles and hugs and kisses.Later they had repaired <strong>to</strong> the gymnasiumwhere the party was still in full flow. Deborah was nota big drinker but Team Mor<strong>to</strong>n had given herdispensation <strong>to</strong> have a few gargles and she hadgrown a tad tipsy.She couldn’t quite remember at what point inthe proceedings that she had begun <strong>to</strong> insist that i<strong>to</strong>nly seemed fair that they finished the evening byreturning <strong>to</strong> her study so Christy could give her six on

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>the silks before she turned in. It had seemed anentirely reasonable proposition at the time.Debs slipped her legs out from under the duvetand padded over <strong>to</strong> the bathroom. She rolled downthe trews of her striped silk jimjams and inspectedthe damage.Christy did quality work, even after severalhours the stripes were still prominent, and perfectlyformed in<strong>to</strong> a five bar gate. She hadn’t beenexaggerating when she had said her bot<strong>to</strong>m wassizzling. In some ways getting caught up in themoment was understandable but the notion that shehad actually volunteered again for six on the silks wasmost unsettling. She sighed and turned on theshower.

15Inner SpankettesKate handed Debs a cup of coffee.“I should really put you over my knee andspank you for letting me get squiffy,” giggled Debs asshe allowed her grubby <strong>to</strong> knot her tie for her.Kate smiled enigmatically, “I don’t know but Ithink I might enjoy being spanked by you MissMor<strong>to</strong>n,” she chuckled. “After all I did rather enjoylast night,” she said with twinkle in her eye.Debs rolled her eyes. “Good grief Kate, don’ttell me that you’ve discovered your inner spankette.Are we all slowly going bonkers in here? And talkingof bonkers where is Derby?”“She volunteered <strong>to</strong> help Cassie Cassy set upbrunch. I think they’ll be a lot of sore heads thismorning so she’s probably busy mixing Bloody Mary’sfor the walking wounded,” Kate informed her.Kate’s prediction that the inmate’s might besuffering from sore heads was unerringly accurate.Black coffee, Bloody Marys and mimosa’s were in highdemand as the inmates and their guests slowly

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>dragged themselves out of their scratches and began<strong>to</strong> congregate in the cafeteria.Karen Masters and Cathy Cooper wereamongst the first <strong>to</strong> arrive. Although Spanky andChristy were semi-permanent weekend residents atthe facility a trip <strong>to</strong> <strong>Woody</strong>s was a special treat forKaren and Cathy.Karen Masters was the respected web-mistressof www.woodettes.com and with thousands of guestsfrom every corner of the earth <strong>to</strong> tend <strong>to</strong> she rarelyslept let alone had time for away-days.Most weekends Cathy Cooper pursued herlucrative career as an international spankette. Shehad contracts with spanking associations in a dozennations and racked up hundreds of thousands of airmilesas she jetted from continent <strong>to</strong> continent <strong>to</strong> actas the hostess of private spanking happenings.<strong>The</strong>y weren’t going <strong>to</strong> let the minor matter of asore head interfere with their enjoyment of the<strong>Woody</strong> experience.Karen greeted Deborah with a hug and amimosa. “Jeepers Debs, you whop hard,” she saidcheerily.Cathy Cooper grinned. “You do good work,”she enthused.Deborah smiled sheepishly. “Well if it’s anyconsolation my bum is also rather tender. Christy ain’tno slouch with a cane.”Karen winked. “I had no idea that you had aninner spankette,” she teased Debs.Deborah grimaced. “To the best of myknowledge I’m don’t,” she said emphatically. “But

59somehow I seem <strong>to</strong> get caught up in the spirit ofthese gatherings, it’s very disturbing.”Rosemary Booker bustled over. “Was Idreaming or did I hear you getting six on the silks lastnight?” she asked her best chum.Deborah blushed slightly. “It’s kind of a longs<strong>to</strong>ry,” she <strong>to</strong>ld Rosemary. “Somehow I got myselfconfused with someone who actually likes getting thecane and I volunteered for a bedtime beating.”Rosemary looked at her chum curiously. “Wellconsidering the amount of times you’ve done stuffthat you knew would mean getting the cane, perhapsyou do secretly like it. Maybe you’ve got an innerspankette.”“I do not have an inner spankette,” saidDeborah rather abruptly.“What are you doing, Ma’am?” asked Kate insurprise.“Thinking,” said Deborah.Kate had returned <strong>to</strong> the upstairs study <strong>to</strong> findDebs standing facing the wall with her hands on herhead.When Deborah had returned <strong>to</strong> her study shehad fully intended <strong>to</strong> change out of her clobber andgo for a run, which always helped her think. However,inexplicably she had turned and faced the wall,pressed her nose <strong>to</strong> the paintwork and put her handson her head. She was surprised how relaxed she felt.Over the years Debs had spent countless hoursperforming nose and <strong>to</strong>es. It was never relaxing; noseand <strong>to</strong>es were invariably the precursor <strong>to</strong> being

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>caned. It was impossible for even the most whophardenedveteran not <strong>to</strong> feel an unpleasant sensationof mounting trepidation as the second ticked away<strong>to</strong>wards the inevitable conclusion.Deborah considered the previous evening’sevents. It was not the first time she had insisted onsix on the silks. Admittedly it always occurred whenshe was a tad squiffy, nonetheless it concerned her.Deborah had never doubted that she had ahighly active naughty gene. At prepara<strong>to</strong>ry school shehad regularly been sent <strong>to</strong> stand in the corner andshe admits that during her final year her behavior wasso bad that it no longer became a question ofwhether she would be put in time out but a case ofwhen. At Queensgate she had established the schoolrecord for being ‘Put on the Menu’ and the nationalrecord for being caned. At <strong>Woody</strong>s she had beenwhopped in<strong>to</strong> the number two position on the All-Time Big BUTT Hall of Shame.Over the years she had been caned, spanked,slippered, strapped, whapped with riding crops,hairbrushes, violin bows and a variety of kitchenutensils. She had bent over chairs, desks, tables,beds, piano s<strong>to</strong>ols, had been put over sundry knees,and once been slippered bent over the fountain in thecenter of the recreation area.She had always jokingly blamed her alter-ego,who she referred <strong>to</strong> as the Imposter, for hermisfortunes. Now, standing facing the wall, she began<strong>to</strong> wonder whether Rosemary was right. Maybe shedid have an inner spankette that had never revealeditself. It was all very alarming.

16Armanisuit Cough’s Up“Five thousand squids for cameras, threethousand squids for bail and another ten thousandsquids for airplane tickets,” squealed Armanisuit. “Areyou fucking deranged? You accomplished nothing.”“I’ll be the judge of that,” said Lord Rufuscalmly.Armanisuit liked <strong>to</strong> consider himself arenaissance man. He quartered in a luxurious servicedapartment located on the Strand, complete with abutler, chef and valet. On Saturday mornings he liked<strong>to</strong> stroll down across <strong>to</strong> King James and take aleisurely lunch of champagne and oysters at hisprivate club. He was deeply distressed when LordRufus Lewis casually slid in<strong>to</strong> his booth and madedemands for compensation for the previous night’sfiasco.“How did you get in here?” asked Armanisuit.Rufus smiled. “I’m a peer of the realm, theylike my name in the guest book.”

63Armanisuit snorted. Rufus reached across thetable and forked an oyster in<strong>to</strong> his mouth. “Notenough Tabasco,” he commented and proceeded <strong>to</strong>douse the oysters in considerable quantities of thehot pepper sauce.“Yesterday was just a reconnaissanceexercise,” the aris<strong>to</strong>crat continued. “Reconnaissancemissions can be pricy. Besides you mark-up myinvoices by fifteen percent, so what do you care?”<strong>The</strong> lawyer poked at the oysters dispiritedlyand then set them <strong>to</strong> one side. “I will take the matterup with Mrs Forsham-Smythe,” he said with as muchconfidence as he could muster.“Your nose looks like it’s healing nicely,”observed Lord Rufus. “It would be a shame if you had<strong>to</strong> engage in any further medical procedures whenyou are so close <strong>to</strong> recovery.”Armanisuit snorted dismally and wrote acheque.“This man Humphries has made impressivesecurity arrangements,” said Rufus. “Stacks Monroe,Ellen Millar, and by the way, who was that fuckingmidget on the roof?”Kate Faulkner smiled. “That fucking midget, asyou so eloquently describe her, is Suzy Scott. She is amartial arts expert employed at the unit. MrHumphries takes threats <strong>to</strong> the inmates veryseriously.”Lord Rufus shrugged. “Well no harm done.<strong>The</strong>y were just Geordies working for beer money. I’vebailed them out and sent them down <strong>to</strong> Tenerife <strong>to</strong>

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>work on their suntans. Now I know what I’m upagainst I’ll commission a specialist black ops group.”Kate looked skeptical. “<strong>The</strong> Yoofs have notperformed very well so far. <strong>The</strong> only reason StacksMonroe is involved is because you idiots stuck a sackover his god-daughters head when you were trying <strong>to</strong>kidnap Cat Cassidy. <strong>The</strong>n you hired the Man fromBerlin and that went pear-shaped, and you couldn’teven plant a simple tainted drug test on Debs Mor<strong>to</strong>nwithout getting your man arrested. I need you <strong>to</strong> getme out of this hellhole and you’re not inspiring muchconfidence.”Rufus leaned across the table, his eyesnarrowed and body taut. “I was indisposed, possiblydue <strong>to</strong> your interferences, but we shall not dwell uponthat,” he said irritably. “As I say I will procure theservices of highly trained opera<strong>to</strong>rs. I have alwaysliked you Kate and would hate <strong>to</strong> be the one <strong>to</strong> have<strong>to</strong> measure you up for concrete bumbags but, believeyou me, I will if it proves necessary.”“Liked me? I was nothing more than arm-bling<strong>to</strong> you,” scoffed Kate. “I’m not fooled for a moment; Iknow that your flame burns eternal for Yvonne. WhatI can’t understand is why if you’re so fucking cleverand powerful, you didn’t bust her out years ago?”Rufus retreated and leaned back in his seat. Hepoured Kate Faulkner a glass of Bolly. “Yvonnerefused <strong>to</strong> marry me,” he said simply. “She neededsome time <strong>to</strong> reconsider her decision and I believethat she has learned her lesson now.”Kate pouted. “So I guess that puts me out ofthe running as your permanent soul-mate?”

65“Not at all Kate, if I help you I shall expectcertain privileges. I shall, of course, install you insurroundings appropriate <strong>to</strong> a woman of your graceand beauty,” responded Lord Rufus. “In return I shallexpect you <strong>to</strong> be at my disposal when Yvonne isotherwise occupied with Confederacy business.”“I’m sure she will love that,” said Katescornfully.“As I say I believe she has learned her lesson,”smiled Rufus. “Now tell me, have you been canedrecently?”Kate Faulkner sipped her drink. “Funny youshould ask,” she said.

17Ms Angela SillsOn Monday morning Jojo got the cane. It wasa routine matter related <strong>to</strong> persistent goofing aftershe had already been shown a yellow card. Undernormal circumstances six of the best would have beenmerely inconvenient and a tad disagreeable but theeffect of the beating was accentuated by the fact thatJojo was suffering from a <strong>to</strong>uch of the residualsresulting from her weekend activities.It had been a glorious weekend of wining andfine dining. <strong>The</strong> gastronomic extravaganza of Fridaynight at Monets had been followed by the Saturdaynight feast in the Great Hall. Once again Cassie Cassyhad excelled herself serving up terrines of hand-mademushroom soup, duck breasts with a black cherryglaze, followed by a rich chocolate mousse.On Sunday Jojo had spent a romantic day withher fiancé, Mr Humphries. <strong>The</strong>y had taken a strollacross the Downs and then enjoyed a leisurely lunchat a <strong>Woody</strong>-friendly boozer overlooking the sea. <strong>The</strong>yhad returned <strong>to</strong> the compound and spent the

67afternoon going over plans for their upcomingnuptials.Before Jojo had returned <strong>to</strong> her study, MrHumphries had indulged himself by putting her overhis knee and giving her twelve hearty whaps with oneof his favorite two-tailed tawses.Angela Sills was an amiable soul and generallyminx <strong>to</strong>lerant. She palled around with Dotty Hammelland Pauline Gascoigne and was a card carryingmember of the Liberal Left. She had a reputation forallowing a reasonable degree of goofing, larking andpranking during her lectures. When Jojo had firstinterrupted her dissertation upon the stage of SamuelPepys life after he had been forced <strong>to</strong> abandon hisdiaries due <strong>to</strong> failing eyesight, Ms Sills had given heran amiable verbal warning.Ms Sills was an authority on sixteenth centurypolitical his<strong>to</strong>ry and was a compelling speaker. Bynature Jojo was a studious cove and under normalcircumstances she would have found the EnglishLiterature Dame’s discourse of great interest,however, she was in a mischievous mood and notfeeling in the least bit inclined <strong>to</strong>wards study.A second interruption <strong>to</strong> the proceedings hadearned Jojo a yellow card. Jojo had awoken aware ofthe residual tenderness in her rear end andconventional wisdom should have dictated that havingreceived a formal warning she would have been bestadvised <strong>to</strong> hunker down and enjoy the fascinatinglecture. However, Joanna Heyworth was an insatiablemega-minx and when an opportunity arose she wasunable <strong>to</strong> resist the temptation <strong>to</strong> interject some

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>further pith in<strong>to</strong> the proceedings. Consequently shefound herself at the front of the lecture room, bentforward with her fingers balanced on the tips of her<strong>to</strong>es.Angela Sills was one of the younger membersof the Brass. She had been recruited by Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n onthe recommendation of Jane Lummell who hadschooled with her.“I had occasion <strong>to</strong> swish her a few times andshe was always a very good sport about it,” Jane had<strong>to</strong>ld the former Grand Dame. “She was a nice gal andincredibly brilliant. She later went on <strong>to</strong> become theHead Prefect so she’ll know her way around a cane.”Angela Sills credentials were impeccable. Shehad attended the exclusive Day<strong>to</strong>n Manor boardingschool and a review of her records revealed that JaneLummell had not been the only Head Prefect <strong>to</strong> haveoccasion <strong>to</strong> swish her; however swishings werecommonplace at the school and the dozen or socanings that she had received was not considered aparticularly exceptional record. Angela wasconsistently <strong>to</strong>p of her year, captain of the hockeyand netball teams, and rode on the equestrian team.During the year she served as Head Prefect herHeadmistress sent a note <strong>to</strong> her parentscomplimenting Angela for the exemplary manner thatshe performed her duties and reported that she‘administers the six o’clock swishings with acommendable absence of malice’.Angela had graduated with a first class degreewith honors after reading English Literature atCamford and was planning a career in publishing

69when Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n approached her. Angela was notcertain that she wished <strong>to</strong> join the educationprofession but a hefty salary had enticed her <strong>to</strong> sign aone-year trial contract. She was surprised <strong>to</strong> findherself well-suited <strong>to</strong> the role of educa<strong>to</strong>r and hadelected <strong>to</strong> remain on as a full-time member of the<strong>Woody</strong> Brass.Angela Sills was greatly admired and adored bythe inmates; nonetheless she had also earned theirhealthy respect when it came <strong>to</strong> the business ofwhops. Although she was by no means the mostprolific practitioner of corporal punishment when shefelt it was required she did not shirk from her duties.

18A Dusting OpportunityJojo gritted her teeth. Ms Sills was not shirkingfrom her duty and was laying it on thick.During her early days as a member of the EliteJojo had made a no-minxing pact with Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>riaBromp<strong>to</strong>n. However, when Debs Mor<strong>to</strong>n had takenover as Red-shirt she had encouraged Jojo <strong>to</strong> getback in the game. For all her quirks Debs was not ahypocrite and acknowledged that her disciplinaryrecord was less than stellar and that it wasunreasonable <strong>to</strong> expect the other prefects <strong>to</strong> forgothe joy of minxing while she was constantly up <strong>to</strong> herlugs in trouble.Jojo had needed little further encouragementand since throwing her hat back in the ring had gonewhop for whop with Debs. On her Debs Diary blog,Deborah acknowledges that, ‘although I appear <strong>to</strong> bedestined <strong>to</strong> become the most beaten prefect in his<strong>to</strong>ryif Jojo hadn’t taken a hiatus I rather fancy she wouldhave given me a run for my money’.

71Angela Sills was extremely fond of Jojo. Shewas an expert horsewoman and helped Jane Lummelltrain the <strong>Woody</strong> national championship winningequestrian team on which Joanna was a major star.However, her time as Head Prefect at Day<strong>to</strong>n Manorhad served her well and taught her <strong>to</strong> bedispassionate about whops.At Day<strong>to</strong>n Manor she had been chummy withClaire Brooks as they rode on the same team.Unfortunately her chum had proved <strong>to</strong> be her mostregular client.In her diaries dated from the time Claire recallsthat, ‘<strong>The</strong> first time that Angela invited me over for asix o’clock swishing. She was terribly apologetic butthat didn’t s<strong>to</strong>p her from swishing me so hard it mademy teeth chatter. Afterwards she gave me a hug andpoured me a cup of chamomile tea. I drank itstanding up’.Throughout the year Claire’s diaries are litteredwith numerous reports of other swishings that shereceived from the Head Prefect and all share acommon thread. Claire, who was an expert in suchmatters, was exceptionally impressed with Angela’sskill with the cane and equally grateful for thecompassionate atmosphere in which they weredelivered.Jojo braced herself for the closer. <strong>The</strong> first fivestrokes had been exceptionally tight. Of course, tightwas always good but it also meant that each strokehad landed squarely across the residual tendernessfrom the previous days recreational tawsing. <strong>The</strong>re

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>was sometimes a downside <strong>to</strong> being swished by anexpert and Jojo resigned herself <strong>to</strong> the fact thatfinding a comfortable position for sitting down wasunlikely for several hours <strong>to</strong> come. She gritted herteeth as she heard the ominous whistle from behind.“Wow it looks like you and your man werehaving fun yesterday,” Nixdown chuckled as she ranher fingers over Jojo’s stripes. “It probably wouldhave been advisable <strong>to</strong> have avoided getting yourselfwhopped <strong>to</strong>day.”Jojo grunted. It had been some time since shehad last been beaten by Ms Sills and she hadforgotten what a formidable right arm the Damepossessed when she was provoked in<strong>to</strong> action. <strong>The</strong>closer had been perfectly executed and had beenabsolutely excruciating. Jojo had spent an unpleasanthour wriggling and squirming through two furtherlectures before she had been able <strong>to</strong> hurry back <strong>to</strong>her study so Nixdown could conduct a repair mission.Rosemary had provided a pro<strong>to</strong>type mint andaloe-based balm with other secret ingredients. Nixwas rubbing her fingers gently along the stripes. <strong>The</strong>balm had a curious tingling sensation as it seepedin<strong>to</strong> the weals, but it also had a satisfying coolingeffect.Jojo pushed herself up from Nixdown’s lap andstraightened her clobber. Although the mystical balmhad certainly helped <strong>to</strong> cool the flesh burns she hadno doubt that the deep under soreness in herglutinous maximus was likely <strong>to</strong> give her considerablegyp for some time <strong>to</strong> come. She sighed and slipped

73her arm through Nicola Jane’s and headed back<strong>to</strong>wards the hard wooden seats of the lecture rooms.“Why don’t you see if you can’t keep out oftrouble for a little while,” smiled Nixdownaffectionately.“That’s always a challenge,” laughed Jojo.Keeping out of trouble had always proved achallenge <strong>to</strong> Michelle Morgan. At school she hadearned herself the dubious distinction of becomingthe fourth most caned pupil in his<strong>to</strong>ry. At <strong>Woody</strong>s shehad been swiftly enrolled in<strong>to</strong> the Beaten Brats cluband was already a high roller on the Hall of Shame.Bernadette Summers was taking bets that Michellemay even become the first Phase 1 inmate <strong>to</strong> score aBull.<strong>The</strong> majority of the Brass had abandonedgiving her the cus<strong>to</strong>mary Brat Drapings and routinelyred-carded her up <strong>to</strong> the Grand Master’s office.However, Patty Hodge was not in the business ofwasting a perfectly good opportunity <strong>to</strong> dustMichelle’s bumbags and summoned her <strong>to</strong> step up <strong>to</strong>the front of the room.

19A Highly Personal AffairPatty patted the lap of her skirt and invitedMichelle <strong>to</strong> drape herself out face downwards. She<strong>to</strong>ok Michelle’s wrist and guided her over her knee.Gloomily Michelle allowed herself <strong>to</strong> be lowereddownwards. Patty had preceded the dusting with afull five minute scolding. <strong>The</strong> tall Dame had forcedMichelle <strong>to</strong> stand <strong>to</strong> attention and stare up at herwhile she berated her in a most unsavory manner.Patty <strong>to</strong>ok her time arranging Michelle acrossher lap. Patricia Hodge had attended the original<strong>Woody</strong> <strong>School</strong> and during her Brat Year she hadgained considerable experience in the business ofbeing spanked.Patty had had been assigned <strong>to</strong> grub for aparticularly brutal prefect who had done her utmost<strong>to</strong> make Patty’s life miserable. Even at a tender agePatricia was widely considered <strong>to</strong> be imperious,au<strong>to</strong>cratic and condescendingly arrogant. None ofthese traits had ingratiated her <strong>to</strong> her Personal Draperwho had taken it out on her bumbags with great

75gus<strong>to</strong>. Many <strong>Woody</strong> his<strong>to</strong>rians have proposed thetheory that it was this experience that helped moldPatty in<strong>to</strong> the tyrant she would later become.Patty’s draper had always taken her timemaneuvering and arranging Patty’s long frame in<strong>to</strong>position. It was a practice that Patty had foundintensely annoying. It was bad enough beingsubjected <strong>to</strong> being put in<strong>to</strong> the somewhat degradingover the knee pose, but the constant rearrangementswere purposefully designed <strong>to</strong> remind her of herposition of forced subjugation.In typical Patty fashion she had used her ownunpleasant experiences <strong>to</strong> make things asdisagreeable as possible for her victims of the future.Michelle Morgan gritted her teeth. Shedespised Patty and in many ways Michelle would havefound it preferable <strong>to</strong> have been shown a red-cardeven though it would have meant a painful six-strokebare bender with the cane. Patty had made it quiteclear how much she was going <strong>to</strong> enjoy giving her adamn good spanking and Michelle hated the idea thatshe was responsible for giving on opportunity <strong>to</strong> gether jollies.Patty made her final adjustments; she hadMichelle spread out in a full drape and had pulled hertightly in<strong>to</strong> the crease of her lap. She started <strong>to</strong>spank.In the early days of the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong>unit lecture room spankings had been limited <strong>to</strong> adozen spanks at a single serving but as minxdom had

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>escalated Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n had constantly adjusted therestriction at the request of the Brass. In extremecircumstances errant Brats could be subjected <strong>to</strong> asmany as sixty spanks. Patty considered that she wasoperating in extreme circumstance mode.An over the knee dusting is a highly personalaffair. Unlike other punishments like the cane wherethe number of strokes is pre-determined a spanking isunpredictable.Patty started slowly; working rhythmically,right but<strong>to</strong>ck, left but<strong>to</strong>ck, right but<strong>to</strong>ck, left but<strong>to</strong>ck,and then launching a blitz on one or the otherupturned orbs. Every now and again she would leavean extended interval leaving Michelle uncertainwhether the spanking was over.Michelle Morgan had earned herself a welldeservedreputation for being as <strong>to</strong>ugh as nails. Shewas a slightly-built individual but she was extremelyathletic and worked out regularly in the WellnessCenter. At school many of the other girls had howledand blubbed when they were caned. She hadconsidered them <strong>to</strong> be muffs and had workedassiduously at improving her pain threshold. Sheprided herself that she could take six with the canewithout <strong>to</strong>o much wriggling and squirming and remaindry-eyed at the end of it.Bending over and waiting <strong>to</strong> be caned was anerve-wracking and unpleasant experience. However,a damn good spanking was a special kind of animal,particularly when delivered by a specialist like PatriciaHodge.

77Pinned face down, arse up with Patty at liberty<strong>to</strong> pick her off with impunity was a wretched feeling.Patty was supplementing the spanking with aconstant commentary designed <strong>to</strong> deflect Michelle’sattention and <strong>to</strong> divert her from settling in. It wasvery disorientating and caused Michelle <strong>to</strong> feel like arefugee from the home for the bewildered as theextended bumbag dusting progressed.“I really hate her,” groaned Michelle. “She hadme over her knee for almost ten minutes.”“That’s <strong>to</strong>ugh duty,” Jojo consoled her grubby.“Nobody likes being spanked, especially by Patty.”Michelle scowled. “It sounds ridiculous but I’dhave preferred if she’d sent me up for the cane. Atleast being caned is a dignified punishment.”Jojo smiled. “Yes, sometimes the cane isbetter.”

20<strong>The</strong> Imposter Comes Out <strong>to</strong> PlayDeborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n was contemplating whetherthe cane is sometimes better. Tatyana Kerimov hadher bent over the piano s<strong>to</strong>ol and was preparing <strong>to</strong>beat her with the lethal ‘Mor<strong>to</strong>n Special’ violin bow.Debs heart was pounding uncomfortably. Herlast experience of Tatyana’s handiwork had beenextremely disagreeable and the Red-shirt had noreason <strong>to</strong> believe that the ex-KGB operative wouldfind any legitimate reason <strong>to</strong> make this beating anyless unpleasant.Just an hour earlier Deborah had cut throughthe corridors on her way <strong>to</strong> the Grand Master’s office.Debs was not generally of a nervous disposition butshe had good reason <strong>to</strong> suspect that the impendinginterview might prove <strong>to</strong> be a tad uncomfortable.Since returning from Christmas furloughDeborah had been on a campaign <strong>to</strong> reform. Her firstterm in the Elite had been a disaster. She was alreadythe most beaten Red-shirt in his<strong>to</strong>ry and was well onher way <strong>to</strong> over-taking Claire Brooks record as the

79most beaten prefect of all-time. However for fifteenblissful days, with the exception of the unscheduledsix on the silks, she had been sporting a cool arse.With the exception of the Wart maliciouslyshowing her a yellow card her recent record in thelecture halls had been exemplary. However, in thespace of one morning her commendable performancehad experienced a giddying turnaround. In fourconsecutive lectures she had been shown yellowcards and she counted herself fortunate that she hadnot received one, or even two, thrashings.She had not been surprised when she receivedword that the Grand Master had requested her <strong>to</strong> cutalong sharpish <strong>to</strong> his study.“I understand the Imposter has come out <strong>to</strong>play,” the Grand Master announced cheerfully.Deborah couldn’t help herself but blush brightcrimson.“I’m sorry sir,” she responded. “I’m not trying<strong>to</strong> make excuses but I don’t know what comes overme. I just seem <strong>to</strong> blurt things out or do dumb thingsfor no reason at all.”<strong>The</strong> Grand Master merely smiled. Debs wasstanding <strong>to</strong> a respectful attention and lookedgenuinely remorseful and apologetic.“You can stand easy, Deborah,” he <strong>to</strong>ld her ina friendly manner. “I have not brought you here <strong>to</strong>beat you; I just wondered whether there was anyparticular problem that may have sparked this spateof disorderly conduct.”Debs breathed a heartfelt sigh of relief andallowed her body <strong>to</strong> relax a little.

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>“No sir, I have absolutely no defense orexplanation for my behavior,” she <strong>to</strong>ld him. “I justseem <strong>to</strong> have an overly developed naughty gene thatI don’t seem <strong>to</strong> be able <strong>to</strong> control.”It was not the first time that they had sharedthis conversation. Mr Humphries had initiallyconsidered Deborah <strong>to</strong>o high maintenance <strong>to</strong> assumethe role of Red-shirt. However, the manner withwhich she had fulfilled the roles of Captain of the RedHouse and Deputy <strong>to</strong> Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria Bromp<strong>to</strong>n hadconvinced him <strong>to</strong> trust her with the unit’s mostresponsible position.She had repaid that trust admirably and was ahighly respected Red-shirt. Even her appearance hadaltered. She looked neat and tidy in her black blazer,red shirt, black tie and flared, pleated skirt, with herhair neatly brushed back beneath a black headband;a far cry from the vaguely scruffy and clobberchallenged individual he had met fifteen monthsearlier.Over the past few months she had been afrequent visi<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> his study after being shown redcards in the lecture rooms. <strong>The</strong>y had made anagreement <strong>to</strong> separate her disciplinary performancefrom her activities as Red-shirt and he treated her likeany other inmate requiring punishment.Considering her academic brilliance DeborahMor<strong>to</strong>n was particularly guiless as a mega-minx. Shealways seemed <strong>to</strong> be the one that got caught gabbingafter a no gabbing policy had been imposed. Hergoofing, larking and pranking activities rarely seemed<strong>to</strong> go undetected. Although she always felt dutybound <strong>to</strong> offer a defense of her activities and was an

81articulate advocate it occurred <strong>to</strong> the Grand Masterthat she often seemed genuinely bewildered as <strong>to</strong>how she had come <strong>to</strong> find herself in trouble again.“I hear that you volunteered for six on the silkson Friday night,” he said calmly.Deborah went crimson for a second time. “Jojo<strong>to</strong>ld you about that?” she spluttered a little irritably.“Rest assured that Joanna did not share thisinformation with me, she was sleeping in my quartersand we find it convenient <strong>to</strong> not discuss suchmatters,” he assured her. “I think that you will find itcommon knowledge, apparently it was heard all overthe landings. I just wondered whether the events ofFriday night are in any way related <strong>to</strong> this morning’sactivities.”Deborah continued <strong>to</strong> blush. “I don’t know sir,truly I don’t. It’s all rather alarming.”

21Music Room MisadventuresDeborah had good reason <strong>to</strong> feel alarmedwhen Madam Kerimov poked her in the chest with hersilver handled walking stick pushing her back in herchair. <strong>The</strong> Maestra raised the tip of the stick, placingit under Deborah’s chin and gently tilted her headback so she was forced <strong>to</strong> look in<strong>to</strong> the shadowy hoodof the Dame’s shroud. In the darkened opening Debscould only make out the two steely grey eyes staringat her.“That was not in the least bit amusing MissMor<strong>to</strong>n,” said the Maestra in her cold gravelly voice. Itsent a shiver up Deborah’s spine.Since her arrival at the unit Debs and TatyanaKerimov had become tight. <strong>The</strong> Maestra often sat inwhile Deborah was practicing new pieces on herclarinet and encouraged Debs in her efforts <strong>to</strong> masterthe saxophone. When Deborah had shown an interestin conducting Madam Kerimov had played her privaterecordings from her time as musical direc<strong>to</strong>r of theRussian Symphony Orchestra and explained her

83arrangements. However, as she stared in<strong>to</strong> the hoodDebs got the distinct impression that this amiablesocial arrangement was not about <strong>to</strong> help herbumbags.“As it seems that you very much care for six,”said the ex-KGB operative, “I shall oblige you. If youwould be so kind as <strong>to</strong> remove your blazer and bringme your violin bow I would be most grateful.”With that the Music Dame turned and limpedback <strong>to</strong>wards the front of the room.It had always struck Deborah ironic that shehad suffered so many misadventures in the musicroom. She loved music; her mother was a concertpianist and had taught Debs <strong>to</strong> play at an early age.Debs had progressed <strong>to</strong> become a renownedclarinetist in her own right; she possessed areasonable singing voice and had always sung inchoirs. She had arranged the score for Jojo’s WestSide S<strong>to</strong>ry production and had been delighted whenshe had received several compliments in the reviews.Nonetheless, the music room had been thevenue for some of her most painful encounters. Infact she had received her first spanking at the unitbent over Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n’s lap at the front of the room.Her early relationship with Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n hadbeen amiable and Debs had participated in the choirand orchestra. She had occasionally been required <strong>to</strong>bend over the piano s<strong>to</strong>ol but generally just forroutine gabbing, goofing, larking and prankingoffenses. <strong>The</strong> cordial relationship would take aradically new direction as a result of the incidentwidely known by <strong>Woody</strong> his<strong>to</strong>rians as the ‘Fabulous

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>Fart’. <strong>The</strong> infamous public bare bot<strong>to</strong>m spanking witha conduc<strong>to</strong>r’s ba<strong>to</strong>n had been far in excess of thelimits of punishment laid down in the pro<strong>to</strong>cols.Deborah had been given the right <strong>to</strong> file a complaintagainst the Wacky Whackster.Since her very public arrest on the center cour<strong>to</strong>f Wimbledon and her subsequent vilification in thesleaze-rags Deborah had sought <strong>to</strong> keep out of thepublic eye. She spent furloughs either in the seclusionof her parent’s house or at the homes of otherinmates. She had no desire <strong>to</strong> return <strong>to</strong> publicattention as a result of an ill-timed gargantuan guff.She brokered a deal that prohibited Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n frombeating her for a six month period. Deborah hadhoped that this would be a long enough interval forthe Dame <strong>to</strong> forget the incident.However when she arrived at the music roomon the anniversary of the fabulous fart she wasimmediately shown a yellow card. Moments later shewas required <strong>to</strong> step up and bend over the pianos<strong>to</strong>ol. She was given a ferocious beating thatculminated in four bacon slicers before she couldmanage <strong>to</strong> remain in position and refrain fromjerking.Unfortunately in the interim period since thefabulous fart she had been denounced as the unitsPublic Enemy Number One and was <strong>to</strong> be treated as ahostile target.<strong>The</strong> Wacky Whackster laid siege <strong>to</strong> Debsbumbags with impunity. She procured the bownicknamed the ‘Mor<strong>to</strong>n Special’ and had used itfrequently. She once gave Deborah a double beatingdespite the knowledge that the reason for Debs late

85arrival for an orchestra practice was that she hadbeen detained in Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n’s study getting a barebender for being chucked out of assembly.<strong>The</strong> reign of terror was finally ended after Jojo,Nix and Rosemary staged an intervention thatresulted in Ms Whit<strong>to</strong>n being sent <strong>to</strong> chokey onmultiple charges of assault.When Suzy Scott had taken over as Dame inCharge of Musical Studies Debs had inexplicably fel<strong>to</strong>bliged <strong>to</strong> test her mettle. It had been a mostdisagreeable experience with Suzy demonstrating herawesome capability <strong>to</strong> produce a single weal bylanding six strokes of the bow, one on <strong>to</strong>p of theother. Nonetheless, despite the awesome thrashingduring the short period Suzy had s<strong>to</strong>od in as MusicDame Debs had taken three more trips over the pianos<strong>to</strong>ol and was the only inmate Suzy had ever feltcompelled <strong>to</strong> show a red-card.Foolishly Debs had also been unable <strong>to</strong> resistthe temptation <strong>to</strong> test out Madam Kerimov and hadlearned that the ex-KGB operative was equallyawesome with the violin bow. She had promisedherself she would not be volunteering for a returnmatch.However, as soon as Deborah had opened hermouth she had known that she was due for whops.As she trudged <strong>to</strong>wards the front of the music roomcarrying the ‘Mor<strong>to</strong>n Special’, she wondered what itwas about the room that seemed so attractive <strong>to</strong> theImposter.

22<strong>The</strong> KGB <strong>School</strong> for SpankersDeborah handed Tatyana the ‘Mor<strong>to</strong>n Special’and then went and picked up the piano s<strong>to</strong>ol. Shecarried it across <strong>to</strong> the slightly raised plinth at thefront of the room and placed it in the center. Withoutneeding any instruction she bent forward and spreadherself out.Since her arrival at the unit Tatyana Kerimovhad only beaten half a dozen inmates and Deborahwas the first that she had been obliged <strong>to</strong> thrash for asecond time. <strong>The</strong> first time she had bent Debs overshe had been unaware that she had established a<strong>Woody</strong> precedent. She was the first Dame <strong>to</strong> punish aserving Red-shirt in a lecture room. However, sincethen she had learned that several Dames, including aleading light on the Liberal Left, had caned Debslocally, so she had elected <strong>to</strong> take care of the matterpersonally without involving the Grand Master.Deborah lay across the s<strong>to</strong>ol, her arms andlegs fully stretched out and her head well down. Shefelt the Dame’s fingers turning back the hem of her

87skirt and folding up the tail of her red blouse. Herheart was pounding uncomfortably as she tried <strong>to</strong>settle in.It was a critical moment in any beating. Lyingprostrated with her bumbags exposed knowing thatany second Armageddon was scheduled <strong>to</strong> beunleashed in her bumbags was a nerve-wrackingsensation. Debs felt the butterflies in her tummy andgoose-bumps on her bare legs as the seconds tickedaway while Tatyana completed her preparations.Even after several hundred beatings it was thisbrief prelude before the s<strong>to</strong>rm that Debs dreadedmost. She knew that she mustn’t panic and needed <strong>to</strong>get in<strong>to</strong> the zone. She couldn’t let the feeling ofincreasing trepidation and anxiety overwhelm her.She felt the violin bow tapping down on her tautenedbumbags. She gritted her teeth. “It’s only whops, itsonly whops,” she repeated over and over in her head.She heard the ominous whine of the bow slashingdownwards. Game on!Tatyana Kerimov had trained at the no<strong>to</strong>riousKGB Dzerzhinsky Academy where she had learned thenecessary trade arts of interrogation, <strong>to</strong>rture andassassination so she had found little difficulty getting<strong>to</strong> grips with the concept of whops.As far as she was concerned Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n’sunnecessarily ribald interjection <strong>to</strong> the proceedingshad exceeded the boundaries of good taste so sheneeded <strong>to</strong> be soundly whopped. She raised the violinbow in the air and slashed it down with considerableforce.

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>In some ways Deborah was relieved when theviolin bow ricocheted off her bumbags. <strong>The</strong> nervewrackingwait was finally over and they had entered anew phase of the process.In her highly acclaimed treatise ‘<strong>The</strong> art ofbeing beaten’, published on the www.woodettes.comwebsite, Debs writes that ‘once the beating properbegins it is imperative that you keep it up. A skilledpractitioner will allow you a reasonable amount ofwriggling and squirming between strokes and will notcontinue until you have properly presented yourselffor the next delivery.’Deborah could not avoid a reasonable amoun<strong>to</strong>f wriggling and squirming. From the perspective ofthe Dame delivering the beating the piano s<strong>to</strong>ol wasideally designed. Its construction forced therecipient’s body in<strong>to</strong> an arch once she was correctlypositioned and forced her rear end in<strong>to</strong> the perfectcurve for delivering a safe and accurate beating. <strong>The</strong>disadvantage <strong>to</strong> the recipient was that the lowelevation of the cushioned <strong>to</strong>p of the s<strong>to</strong>ol allowedthe bow several valuable additional inches oftrajec<strong>to</strong>ry, increasing the speed of the shaft at thepoint of impact.Debs was not having a good time of it. Herarse was a highly calibrated whopometer and she wasin no doubt that she was engaged in a world-classwhopping. Every stroke was causing havoc in hercentral nervous system causing her muscles <strong>to</strong>clench, her hands <strong>to</strong> squeeze in<strong>to</strong> tight fists and herface <strong>to</strong> con<strong>to</strong>rt in<strong>to</strong> a silent howl. It <strong>to</strong>ok considerable

89will-power <strong>to</strong> slowly rearrange her body so that it wasstretched out and her bot<strong>to</strong>m perfectly repositionedfor the next stroke.Deborah’s fellow inmates watched theproceedings with seasoned eyes. <strong>The</strong> explosive cracksof the bow rebounding off Debs bumbags and theirchums anguished reactions left them in no doubt thatthey were witnessing a world-class whopping. In herlong dark hooded shroud Tatyana Kerimov cut animposing and eerie figure adding considerable drama<strong>to</strong> the proceedings. <strong>The</strong>y watched as Deborah forcedherself back in<strong>to</strong> a full drape and prepared herself forthe closer.Debs licked her dry lips. She lowered her headand braced herself on the palms of her hands and theballs of her feet, bravely thrusting her but<strong>to</strong>cks up.She knew that she was perfectly teed up andprepared herself.Tatyana waited while Deborah voluntarilypositioned herself perfectly. She unders<strong>to</strong>od that ithad taken considerable courage and she wasdetermined <strong>to</strong> deliver the closer as safely as possible.She swung the bow with lethal precision.“So is the Imposter satisfied now?” asked theGrand Master cheerily.“I’d string the Imposter up by her bumbags if Iknew where <strong>to</strong> find her,” groaned Debs. “Does theKGB have a special school for spankers? That womanwhops hard!”

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>

23Felicity Reconsiders<strong>The</strong> <strong>Woody</strong> gals congregated around the TVscreens in the common rooms <strong>to</strong> watch the latestupdates at the Hayden-White trial.Throughout the day Felicity Robertson hadtaken the stand. To Sarah Forsham-Smythe’sas<strong>to</strong>nishment her old buddy had dispensed with herusual Euro-sleaze chic and dressed in a somber darkblue velvet dress with a lace page-boy collar, pulledher hair back in<strong>to</strong> a puritanical bum, wiped her boatrace clean of make-up and polished her costume offby planting her feet in a pair of uncomfortable lookinglaced up Quaker ankle boots in a style that was lastseen worn by travelers aboard the Mayflower.She was a picture of doe-eyed innocence as hepainted a colorful picture of Sarah as a corrupt andincorrigible larcenist and criminal thrill-seeker. Felicityadamantly maintained that while Mrs Hayden-Whitehad accepted payments <strong>to</strong> allow the inmates <strong>to</strong> avoiddiscipline she had no part in Sarah’s more nefariousactivities. For her own part Felicity claimed she was

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>an innocent bystander who was intimidated bySarah’s threats that her mother had the power <strong>to</strong>have her transferred <strong>to</strong> the Big House if she didn’tkeep her lip but<strong>to</strong>ned.“She’s such a fucking liar,” groaned SarahForsham-Smythe. “My mother paid god only knowshow many squids <strong>to</strong> keep her bumbags out of the BigHouse and this is how she repays me; by serving up aplateful of porkies!”“<strong>The</strong> prosecution counsel didn’t look <strong>to</strong>opleased,” commented Ellen. “<strong>The</strong>y were expecting her<strong>to</strong> nail Hayden-White’s tits <strong>to</strong> the mast.”“Someone paid her off,” said Sarah bitterly.“She’s always had plenty of dosh but she’s a skinflint.It was always me who paid <strong>to</strong> get her arse out of acrack. She’s pretty well given Hayden-White a freepass and put me in the frame for a fifteen yearstretch.”“It’s not over yet,” Ellen tried <strong>to</strong> reassure her.“I’ll call the Grand Master when we get <strong>to</strong> the hotel,he’ll know what <strong>to</strong> do.”Sarah continued <strong>to</strong> look subdued andmiserable. Bernadette slipped her hand in<strong>to</strong> Sarah’sand squeezed it consolingly.“Oh shit!” said the Grand Master as hesnapped his cell phone closed.“What’s wrong?” asked Jojo.“That was Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n,” the Grand Master <strong>to</strong>ldhis fiancé. “She’s very apologetic. She may haveinadvertently thrown a spanner in<strong>to</strong> the works. She

93caned Felicity Robertson yesterday before she gaveevidence.”“So?” asked Jojo.“As you know, Felicity is suing Hayden-Whiteover the cane being introduced at Ripley. Ms Law<strong>to</strong>nsuspects that straight after she was caned Felicity go<strong>to</strong>n the phone and made some kind of settlement withHayden-White’s lawyers.”“So much for honor amongst thieves,” sighedJojo.Susan Law<strong>to</strong>n welcomed Mr Humphries andStacks Monroe <strong>to</strong> the Ripley facility. “I have her insolitary confinement,” she <strong>to</strong>ld them. “Are you surethat you wouldn’t like me <strong>to</strong> talk <strong>to</strong> her?”Mr Humphries shook his head. “You’re riskingenough just by giving us access. Sarah may not be anangel but she’s come on leaps and bounds. We oweher a debt of gratitude for the courage she showedduring the Man from Berlin difficulties. We’ll just be afew minutes and then we’ll disappear. As far as you’reconcerned we were never here.”Susan nodded. “I’ll take you <strong>to</strong> her.”WEDNESDAY LUNCHTIME EDITIONRobertson Admits She Got Caned<strong>The</strong> Hayden-White case <strong>to</strong>ok a remarkable turn thismorning. Counsel for the prosecution requested atemporary recess and a conference in judge’s chambers.At ten thirty the proceedings were reconvened and itwas announced that Felicity Robertson would return <strong>to</strong> the

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>stand. She was given permission <strong>to</strong> read a preparedstatement <strong>to</strong> the jury.Yesterday Miss Robertson had given evidence thathad caused many pundits <strong>to</strong> predict that Hayden-White willbe exonerated. Speaking in a hushed <strong>to</strong>ne Robertson statedthat the testimony that she had given the previous day hadbeen fabricated.Felicity Robertson revealed that on the day prior <strong>to</strong>her trial appearance she had been caned by Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n, theGrand Dame of the Ripley <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit, on a matterunrelated <strong>to</strong> the trial. Robertson has previously filed a civilsuit for damages against Mrs Hayden-White with regard <strong>to</strong>the introduction of corporal punishment at the facility. <strong>The</strong>case remains pending subject <strong>to</strong> the outcome of the currenttrial.Miss Robertson admitted that following herpunishment she had contacted Hayden-White’s legalrepresentatives and informed them that she intended <strong>to</strong>substantially increase her damage claim. She stated that shehad been offered an out of court settlement in return foragreeing <strong>to</strong> give fabricated testimony implicating SarahForsham-Smythe as the sole architect of the RipleyRackets.She produced a certified cheque drawn on a Dubaibank account signed by a senior partner in the legal firmrepresenting Mrs Hayden-White. <strong>The</strong> cheque was for thesum of half a million squids and Robertson stated she wasdue <strong>to</strong> receive a second payment in the same amount in theevent that the former Grand Dame was cleared of allcharges.Hayden-Whites legal team was immediately granteda twenty-four hour continuance. <strong>The</strong> trial will reconvene onFriday. In the meantime Miss Robertson will be transferredin<strong>to</strong> the cus<strong>to</strong>dy of the <strong>Woody</strong> <strong>Back</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>School</strong> unit withimmediate effect.

24A Radical Proposition“Is this what you meant by whatever it takes?”Jojo asked her fiancé curiously. “Did you threatenFelicity?”<strong>The</strong> Grand Master smiled. “<strong>The</strong>re was noreason for threats. I merely outlined options andpossible outcomes. It was all very civilized.”“Don’t you think that taking Stacks Monroealong might have been a tidszy bit intimidating?”asked Jojo.Mr Humphries shrugged. “Stacks didn’t say aword, he was very gentlemanly.”Jojo grinned. “Stacks not saying a word is stillquite intimidating. Poor Felicity, she must have peedin her panties. When is she arriving?”“She’s spending the night under Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n’spersonal supervision,” said the Grand Master. “She’llbe cross-examined <strong>to</strong>morrow and then she’ll behanded over <strong>to</strong> Ellen sometime over the weekend.”“Jeez,” said Jojo, “she was going <strong>to</strong> get amillion squids for getting six of the best. If I had adeal like that I’d be on the Forbes richest list.”

97Mr Humphries chuckled and quite casually puther over his knee.Lady Vic<strong>to</strong>ria ran over and hugged Sarah.“Welcome home,” she said and surprised everybodyby smiling. “Let’s get you showered and changed, MrHumphries has given you a late curfew dispensation.Cat and I are taking you and Ellen <strong>to</strong> dinner atMonets.”Sarah beamed back. A friendly welcomingcommittee was a far cry from the hostile receptionshe had experienced when she had first arrived at thefacility in the wake of the tribunal. Vix slipped her armin<strong>to</strong> Sarah’s and escorted her across the quadrangle.“I can’t thank you guys enough for yoursupport,” said Sarah. “I know I did some terriblethings and that my mother is at war with you. I justwish there was something I could do <strong>to</strong> s<strong>to</strong>p her butshe won’t even speak <strong>to</strong> me.”Vic<strong>to</strong>ria reached over and squeezed her hand.“You’re done more than enough <strong>to</strong> prove that you’rea <strong>Woody</strong> gal. Nobody blames you for your mother’sactions.”“Well it might all be a moot point if they throwmy bumbags in the slammer,” said Sarahdespondently.“We made a major breakthrough <strong>to</strong>day,”predicted Ellen. “Felicity’s retraction was rather usefuland the cheque’s were extremely damning. Hayden-White will have a lot of explaining where she has thatkind of disposable dosh considering all of her bankaccounts were supposed <strong>to</strong> be frozen.”

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>“Felicity is definitely coming <strong>to</strong> <strong>Woody</strong>s?” askedSarah.Vic<strong>to</strong>ria nodded. “She’ll be fitted for clobber assoon as she leaves the courtroom. By the way I had aprivate conversation with Deborah and the GrandMaster before we came out. You have never reallybeen assigned a full-time grubby since you joined theElite. We thought that Felicity would be a perfectcandidate <strong>to</strong> fulfill the role as your Personal Grubby.”Sarah gaped at Vic<strong>to</strong>ria. “Holy shit Vic<strong>to</strong>ria, sheis not going <strong>to</strong> like that.”“I think that’s the idea,” chuckled Cat.Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n sat in an easy chair in theGrand Master’s office. “I can’t thank you enough, Sir,for sponsoring these dispensations <strong>to</strong> let me play insome more <strong>to</strong>urnaments. I talked <strong>to</strong> Vic<strong>to</strong>ria andalthough she will fill in when she cane she is hoping<strong>to</strong> get some extra days on her internship and if I amlucky enough <strong>to</strong> win a couple of matches we mightboth be away from campus at the same time.”“That would be inconvenient,” heacknowledged, “perhaps we can find a workaroundand ask Claire or Melanie <strong>to</strong> stand-in.”“I have another suggestion,” said Debs, “of amore permanent nature, but you might think that it isa little radical.”Bernadette gaped at Debs. “Are you fuckingbarking?” she squealed. “I’m the fucking Bounder,what do I know about being a Deputy Red-shirt?”“I think you have more talents than you know,”Deborah <strong>to</strong>ld her. “You run a successful business and

99everyone knows that underneath that <strong>to</strong>ugh bad galexterior you’re actually a straight shooter.”“Sounds like a lot of work and not much pay,”said Bernadette.“You’re already richer than Croesus,” laughedDebs.Bernadette grunted. “I’ll think about it, but nopromises and don’t hold your breath <strong>to</strong>o long, youmight turn blue.”“Unders<strong>to</strong>od,” said Deborah and she reachedover and hugged her chum fondly.“I’m sorry Mr Humphries,” Oliver <strong>to</strong>ld theGrand Master over the blower. “We had takenreservations for Lord Rufus and his guests some timeago. We had no idea that any of the <strong>Woody</strong> galswould be dining with us <strong>to</strong>night. I have seatedDeborah and Bernadette at a safe table in the VIParea, if you wish I can ask Rufus <strong>to</strong> leave.”“Thank you for informing me of the situation,Oliver, I don’t think that evicting Rufus will benecessary. Ellen and Mickey are keeping everythingunder ob’s,” said the Grand Master. “We probablydon’t want <strong>to</strong> make Monets a no-go area for Rufus.”“I’ll make sure he doesn’t cause any trouble,”promised Oliver.

25ToastLord Rufus Lewis’s eyes gleamed as hewatched Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n walk in<strong>to</strong> the restaurantarm in arm with Bernadette Summers. Rufus hadbeen planning a quiet non-<strong>Woody</strong> related eveningwith a bevy of blonde arm-bling and a vicious thugwho he was briefing regarding a gold bullion heist.<strong>The</strong> arrival of Vix, Cat, Sarah and Ellen hadbeen a surprise, and when Debs and the Bounderpitched up a few minutes later he felt obliged <strong>to</strong>reconsider his evening’s priorities. He pulled out hiscell-phone.<strong>The</strong> maitre de stepped over. “I am sorry YourLordship but you know the house rules, we do notallow the use of personal telephones inside thepremises, it disturbs the other cus<strong>to</strong>mers. You arewelcome <strong>to</strong> use it outside in the parking lot. <strong>The</strong>re isa covered area.”Rufus scowled. He scanned the room. In thecorner of the bar Mickey the Purveyor was seated ona s<strong>to</strong>ol idly sipping a Heineken. Having witnessedMickey’s street-fighting capabilities on the roof of the

101warehouse he did not see much future for his recentlypurchased Apple 3G iPhone if he went outside andstarted making calls. Grumpily he put it back in hispocket and despite none of his party having finishedtheir dinner he called for the bill.“Send those two young ladies a bottle of 1999Dom Perignon and give that blonde bimbo this card,”he said and snapped his fingers at his en<strong>to</strong>urage.“We’re leaving.”Debs turned pale. She handed the card <strong>to</strong>Bernadette. All it said was ‘TOAST’. Bernadette wavedat Mickey. He <strong>to</strong>ok one look and strode in<strong>to</strong> the mainroom. <strong>The</strong> table that Rufus had occupied was empty.Rufus smiled <strong>to</strong> himself. On the way out of therestaurant he had taken a de<strong>to</strong>ur and repaired <strong>to</strong> thebathroom. On the way he had surreptitiously palmedthe phone and snapped a shot of Debs and theBounder with the bottle of bubbles that had beendelivered <strong>to</strong> their table. It wasn’t much but it wassatisfyingly mischievous. Just for shits and giggles heemailed the pic <strong>to</strong> <strong>Malicious</strong> Forsham-Smythe’s pethack, Gossip E, and <strong>to</strong> her lawyer, Armanisuit.“Are you fucking barking,” squealed Gossip Eat Armanisuit. “I no longer work for you lunatics. Ifyou think I am publishing provocative pictures ofStacks Monroe’s god-daughter out and about scarfingdown bubbly you are seriously deluded. When histhug threatened <strong>to</strong> nail my fingers <strong>to</strong> my keyboard I<strong>to</strong>ok him very seriously.”

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>“Edit her out,” said Armanisuit. “It’s Mor<strong>to</strong>nwe’re after. Just show the picture of her with thebottle of champagne and make one of your pithyasides about Debbie Fart-pants out on the <strong>to</strong>wn. It’llbe enough <strong>to</strong> have a warrant for her arrest issued.Melissa will reward you handsomely.”“How handsome is handsomely?” demandedGossip E. “Is <strong>Malicious</strong> going <strong>to</strong> provide me withtwenty-four hour a day bodyguards and a safehouse?”“Believe you me if you publish the picturethey’ll be <strong>to</strong>o busy covering their arse’s <strong>to</strong> worryabout you,” Armanisuit assured the hack.Gossip E grunted.Mr Humphries looked down at the card. Hehanded it <strong>to</strong> Stacks.“This punter Rufus is giving me the pip,” saidStacks. “Toast? I’ll teach him about fucking <strong>to</strong>ast.Why don’t I just send around some nice chaps <strong>to</strong>whisper in his ear?”“He’s the best opportunity we have for nailingMelissa Forsham-Smythe,” said Ellen gently. “KateFaulkner has his listening ear. She’s convinced thatRufus will take her in<strong>to</strong> his confidence soon enough.She’s working him.”Stacks continued <strong>to</strong> scowl.“I’m really scared,” said Deborah in a smallvoice.“It will be okay, Deborah,” the Grand Masterreassured her, “we’ll make sure you’re protected.You’re just an easy target.”

103Deborah continued <strong>to</strong> look nervous. “<strong>The</strong>ykidnapped Cat and Bernadette and shot Nix,” shepointed out. “<strong>The</strong>y tried <strong>to</strong> blow the compound upand threatened <strong>to</strong> kill Sarah. <strong>The</strong>y tried <strong>to</strong> taint myurine sample and Kate says they are trying <strong>to</strong> haveme sent <strong>to</strong> chokey. Forgive me if I’m a little jumpy.”Nixdown went over and put her arm aroundDebs. “You could always take me up <strong>to</strong> the libraryand give me a running bender <strong>to</strong> take your mind offthings,” she giggled.“Oh good fucking grief,” said Deborah, but atleast she laughed.

26Thrashed in<strong>to</strong> the EliteDeborah hugged the Bounder. Bernadette wasa no<strong>to</strong>riously late riser. <strong>The</strong> only time she ever got upearly was when she was required <strong>to</strong> report <strong>to</strong> Katie’sfor a pre-brekker slippering for clobber abuse. Shegenerally cut brekker <strong>to</strong> catch some extra zeds andon several occasions she had received manda<strong>to</strong>rycanings for pitching up late for assembly.Nonetheless, when Debs returned from her morningrun she was surprised <strong>to</strong> find the Bounder helpingDerby make coffee.“I’ve decided <strong>to</strong> take you up on your offer,”she announced.Deborah was surprised <strong>to</strong> see that Bernadettelooked slightly teary-eyed. “I don’t know how <strong>to</strong> thankyou, Debs. Nobody has ever trusted me before. I justhope I don’t let you down.”Deborah hugged Bernadette. “You won’t, sis,”she whispered in the Bounder’s ear.

105Bernadette Summers was a no<strong>to</strong>riously gruffcove but standing on the stage in the assembly hallshe positively radiated with pride and pleasure.“I am honored <strong>to</strong> announce that Bernadettehas accepted my invitation <strong>to</strong> act as my deputy,”announced Deborah. “Following assembly she will beformally thrashed in<strong>to</strong> the Elite and will commenceher new duties with immediate effect.”<strong>The</strong> Bounder beamed.Patty Hodge and her cohorts on the RadicalRight gaped. <strong>The</strong> announcement had come quite ou<strong>to</strong>f the blue and caught them completely unawares. Itwas unthinkable that the facilities self proclaimed ‘BadGal’ had been elevated <strong>to</strong> a position of sucheminence. It was bad enough having Debs in virtualcontrol of the unit without the added indignity ofhaving Bernadette suddenly thrust in<strong>to</strong> the GrandMaster’s inner sanctum.<strong>The</strong> Brass and the Elite were seated in lawnchairs lined up on opposite sides of the gymnasium.Bernadette s<strong>to</strong>od at one end of the gym. At the farend a training beam had been lowered.Bernadette Summers was a curious lookingcove. Her habit of assuming a pugnacious scowldisguised that fact that she was a creature ofconsiderable beauty. She had flawless nutmeg skin,thick coal black hair and matching eyes. Although shescorned the practice of working out she was a naturalathlete and spectacular horsewoman. On the rareoccasions that she smiled she positively radiated her

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>inner warmth and affection that she worked soindustriously <strong>to</strong> hide. As she stepped up <strong>to</strong> bethrashed Bernadette was beaming.Bernadette shook hands with Mr Humphriesand soberly repeated the Elite pledge. Despite thesevere burning in her rear end resulting from thetwelve strokes of the cane she had recently receivedher eyes were sparkling.She turned around and hugged Deborah. “Iknow this is ridiculous,” she smiled, “but I think I’mabout <strong>to</strong> blub.”“Blub away, sister,” Debs giggled. “You’reamongst friends.”“Aw shit,” choked Bernadette and burst in<strong>to</strong>tears.Deborah Mor<strong>to</strong>n put Bernadette over her kneeand rubbed soothing balms in<strong>to</strong> the swollen, redstripes.“We’ll go in<strong>to</strong> <strong>to</strong>wn and have you kitted outwith some personalized Elite clobber,” Debs <strong>to</strong>ld theBounder. “We’re going <strong>to</strong> get you some red shirts anda Posh Coat for the days that I’m going <strong>to</strong> be awayplaying <strong>to</strong>urnaments. <strong>The</strong>n we’ll go for lunch and I’llgive you a briefing on your duties.”<strong>The</strong> Bounder wiggled her bum appreciatively.“I don’t know how <strong>to</strong> thank you Debs,” she keptsaying, “Nobody has ever actually trusted me before.”“You’re a diamond Bernie,” said Deborah. “Arough diamond sometimes but a diamondnonetheless.”

107“Aw man,” groaned Bernadette, “I’m gonnafucking blub again.”“Sir, I was shaken up and scared last night,”said Debs, “but I can’t hide away. I’m scheduled <strong>to</strong>play in at least three <strong>to</strong>urnaments beforeWimbledon.”“I’m still sending Mickey, Ellen and Suzy withyou,” the Grand Master <strong>to</strong>ld Debs. “It’s not safe forKate <strong>to</strong> be seen acting as your bodyguard while she’scozying up <strong>to</strong> Rufus.”“I’m beginning <strong>to</strong> really hate <strong>Malicious</strong>,” saidDebs emphatically. “She was responsible fordestroying my life once; I can’t let her do that again.”

27<strong>The</strong> WeaselDebs burst in<strong>to</strong> tears. She stared at thepicture in the newspaper that Oliver had handed her.Gossip E’s column showed the pho<strong>to</strong>graph of her witha bottle of champagne in front of her.Beneath the picture Gossip E had added thecaption ‘Debbie Guff-pants continued her ExtremeSocial Rehabilitation program with another night ou<strong>to</strong>n the razz’.“This is so unfair, we didn’t even open thebottle and we were back way before curfew,” shesobbed.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master strode in<strong>to</strong> his study.“What’s all this about?” he asked curtly.<strong>The</strong>re was a weaselly looking cove seated inan armchair. He shoved the newspaper across thecoffee table.“We feel that this may be in contravention ofour agreements regarding the status of Miss Mor<strong>to</strong>n’ssocial rehabilitation,” the cove said pompously.

109“We?” asked the Grand Master. “And whoexactly would we be?”<strong>The</strong> weaselly looking cove flashed anidentification card. “I am a Senior Dark Agentrepresenting the highest authorities of the System,”he <strong>to</strong>ld the Grand Master. “We have applied for awarrant for Mor<strong>to</strong>n’s arrest.”“Applied?” asked Mr Humphries. “That impliesthat the warrant has not been issued.”“I suggest that you don’t make things difficult,Mr Humphries,” warned the Weasel.“I suggest that you shut the fuck up, before Ibox your ears,” said the Grand Master in a calm voice.Tears were rolling down Deborah’s cheeks.“Can they really do this <strong>to</strong> me?” she asked.Ellen hugged Deborah. “It will be okay. MrHumphries won’t allow anything <strong>to</strong> happen <strong>to</strong> you.”Mickey closed his cell phone. “Come on,” he<strong>to</strong>ld them, “I’m taking Deborah and Bernadette <strong>to</strong> theSmoke.” He grinned at Suzy. “You’re coming with me;you’re always useful when the chips are down. Ellen,the Grand Master needs you back at the campus.Apparently there’s a weasel that needs slappingaround.”Mr Humphries refused <strong>to</strong> give the Dark Agen<strong>to</strong>f the System information regarding Deborah’swhereabouts. He got Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Brooks on thesquawk box.“Everything was completely in accordance withthe units Charter of Operation. We have witnessessaying that the bottle of champagne was sent <strong>to</strong> her

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>table by an admirer and our security cameras showthat she returned <strong>to</strong> the campus well within curfew,”he <strong>to</strong>ld the Minster of Extreme Social Rehabilitation.“I have no intention of handing Deborah over <strong>to</strong> thisjerkoff.”“I’ve just received the formal application forher arrest,” said Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Brooks. “UnfortunatelyI’m duty bound <strong>to</strong> review the situation. It will takeseveral hours. In the meantime Deborah will remainunder your cus<strong>to</strong>dy. You are under no obligation <strong>to</strong>hand her over <strong>to</strong> the Dark Agent. You didn’t hear thisfrom me but they have mobilized a task force ofagents and they will be at the gates of the compoundshortly. If there is any way that you can keepDeborah off-site until I can resolve this matter itwould work <strong>to</strong> her advantage.”Mr Humphries hung up the phone. He crossedback <strong>to</strong> the seating area. “You can wait here,” he <strong>to</strong>ldthe weaselly agent. “I’m putting you under restrictedaccess <strong>to</strong> the facility. My Head of Security will makesure you’re comfortable. I’ll need your cell phone.You’re not <strong>to</strong> make contact with the System until Ihave this resolved.”“You have no authority …,” the weaselly onebegan.<strong>The</strong> Grand Master looked at him very, verycalmly. “Your cell phone sir,” he said softly andextended his hand.“Try and keep calm,” the Grand Master <strong>to</strong>ldDeborah, “you know as well as I do that this is just abogus ploy sponsored by <strong>Malicious</strong>. Unfortunately

111there are pro<strong>to</strong>cols that have <strong>to</strong> be observed. Claire’sfather is looking after your interests.”Deborah continued <strong>to</strong> look forlorn. EvenBernadette was looking anxious and unusuallysubdued.“How long do these pro<strong>to</strong>cols take?” askedDebs.“A few hours at the most I expect,” the GrandMaster reassured her. “In the meantime I shall let theSystem assume that you are on campus. I don’t careif they send an army of agents; they’re not enteringthe facility.”“I’m so sorry about this, Sir,” said Debs.“This is not of your making,” replied the GrandMaster. “Mickey and Suzy will take good care of you.”<strong>The</strong> weaselly one was wingeing and whining <strong>to</strong>Ellen Millar.“I refuse <strong>to</strong> be treated like this,” he <strong>to</strong>ld her. “Idemand <strong>to</strong> have access <strong>to</strong> the telephone. I’m going <strong>to</strong>put your name in my report and you’ll be very sorryyou ever messed with me.”“Yeah, rock on Weasel,” she re<strong>to</strong>rtedcontemptuously. “Now s<strong>to</strong>p your whining or I’ll beforced <strong>to</strong> gag you.”<strong>The</strong> agent of the dark forces of the Systemgaped at the Head of Security.

28Stand-off“<strong>The</strong>re are two SUV’s at the gates,” Nixdownreported. “Some sinister looking dudes in sunglassesare trying <strong>to</strong> gain access. We’re under completelockdown, they can’t get in.”“Keep the gates closed,” instructed the GrandMaster. “I’ll make contact by phone.”<strong>The</strong> Grand Master dialed the number thatChris<strong>to</strong>pher Brooks had given him.“Agent X11,” he heard. “We’re here <strong>to</strong> takeprisoner Mor<strong>to</strong>n in<strong>to</strong> cus<strong>to</strong>dy.”“You’ll have <strong>to</strong> wait,” said the Grand Master.“I’m only authorized <strong>to</strong> open the gates under thedirect instruction from the Minister. He appears <strong>to</strong> becurrently indisposed.”“We have authority <strong>to</strong> force entry,” said theagent.“I would strongly advise against that course ofaction,” said the Grand Master. “I think it is ineverybody’s interest <strong>to</strong> remain patient.”“Hmmph,” grunted the agent.

113“How much is she paying you?” asked MrHumphries.“Who?” asked the Weasel innocently.Mr Humphries smiled. He produced a sheaf ofpapers and perused them thoughtfully.“You have only recently joined the System,” hesaid slowly.“What of it?” asked the Weasel.“Nothing,” said the Grand Master, “I was justlooking at the company who employed youpreviously. An offshore holding company in theCaribbean. I’m having a background check run on theowners as we speak.”“What’s that you’re reading,” snapped theWeasel angrily.“Your jacket from the System,” drawled theGrand Master.“That’s confidential,” said Weasel.“Not very,” laughed the Grand Master.“<strong>The</strong> agents are getting antsy,” reported Nix.“<strong>The</strong>y’re pacing up and down and looking foralternate entrances. I think that they’re planning onbreaching the perimeter.”“Stacks is sending reinforcements,” the GrandMaster reassured her. “<strong>The</strong> chopper will land on thehockey field in less than five minutes. Meanwhile Ineed you <strong>to</strong> unlock the orchard gate. Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n iswaiting outside.”“Roger on that, Sir,” said Nix.<strong>The</strong> Weasel was not having a good time of it.Ms Law<strong>to</strong>n had arrived dressed in a white military

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>suit, white shirt, dark tie and a cap with a goldbraided band. She had pulled up a chair in front ofthe agent and fixed him with a gimlet gaze.Dark Agents of the System were used <strong>to</strong>exercising their covert power, unquestioned by thegovernment. <strong>The</strong> weaselly one was not cut out forwithstanding the pointed questions being directed ather by a major from Military Intelligence. He wassinging like a canary.It was midday before Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Brookscalled.“<strong>The</strong>re’s definitely a conspiracy afoot,” he <strong>to</strong>ldthe Grand Master. “<strong>The</strong>re are several senior agentswho have filed an application <strong>to</strong> revoke theagreements regarding your authority <strong>to</strong> run thefacility as an independent entity. I have rejected theapplication but they are drafting an appeal.”“What about Deborah?” asked the GrandMaster.“<strong>The</strong> Dark Agents have secured a warrant forher arrest but I shouldn’t worry, they won’t be servingit any time soon. I’ll have it rescinded within an hour,so just keep her out of the way for a while. Thingsare moving rather quickly. I suggest that you turn onthe news.”Outside the courthouse where the Hayden-White trial was being heard a reporter was revealingthe latest developments.“Lawyers for Mrs Hayden-Whites defense haveannounced that this morning she has reversed herplea and has agreed <strong>to</strong> serve a cus<strong>to</strong>dial sentence,”

115she said. “Although the full details are not yetavailable insider sources tell us that Hayden-Whitewill be given a two-year sentence for ‘Abuse ofPrivilege’. Taking in<strong>to</strong> account time she has spent inremand it is unlikely that she will be required <strong>to</strong>spend more than thirty days in prison. In return it issuspected that Hayden-White has provided evidenceagainst Melissa Forsham-Smythe and the Direc<strong>to</strong>r ofPublic Prosecution has announced that warrants forthe billionairess’s arrest have been issued on multiplecharges of corruption and perverting the course ofjustice.”“In a related s<strong>to</strong>ry,” the reporter continued,“we have learned that the central offices of the covertgovernment organization known as the System havebeen raided and according <strong>to</strong> reports as many astwenty Dark Agents have been taken in<strong>to</strong> cus<strong>to</strong>dy.Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Brooks, the Minister of Extreme SocialRehabilitation has promised <strong>to</strong> make a statement laterthis afternoon.”“<strong>The</strong> Dark Agents are getting back in<strong>to</strong> theirvehicles,” reported Nixdown. “Are they leaving?”“I rather think so,” the Grand Master <strong>to</strong>ld her.“Keep watch for a while and then I think we shouldhave a briefing. Things are getting interesting.”

29DecommissioningDebs drummed her fingers on the table.“Maybe it would be better if we let them arrestme,” she said. “If she’s got what she wants maybe<strong>Malicious</strong> will s<strong>to</strong>p threatening the rest of you guys.After all I spent five years at boarding school, fouryears alone in hotel rooms and I’ve been banged upat the unit for the past seven years. How bad can astint in chokey be?”Bernadette reached over and held Debs hand.“Don’t be such a chump, nothing is going <strong>to</strong> happen<strong>to</strong> you or anybody else, Mr Humphries and my UncleStacks will take care of that,” she reassured Deborah.“Now here, have a drink of brandy, it will make youfeel better.”Mickey the Purveyor and Suzy had broughtDebs and Bernadette <strong>to</strong> one of Stacks’s privatedrinking dens. Suzy came over <strong>to</strong> the table.“Mr Humphries says we should watch thenews,” she <strong>to</strong>ld them and clicked the remote control.

117“What do you think this all means?” askedBernadette.Deborah raised her eyebrows. “I don’t knowbut I can’t imagine that this is going <strong>to</strong> please<strong>Malicious</strong>. I think I’ll take you up on the brandy now,”she said.“We’ll keep you under wraps for another houror so,” Mr Humphries <strong>to</strong>ld Debs. “<strong>The</strong>n we’ll bring youhome. We’ll wait until you get back before we have afull briefing. We still have some loose ends <strong>to</strong> tie uphere.”“I’ve met with the agents that we havedetained,” Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Brooks reported. “<strong>The</strong>y are abunch of elitist, secretive and manipulativeextremists.”“Sounds like you’ve got your very own OpusDei on your hands,” growled the Grand Master.“Actually no,” replied the Minister. “<strong>The</strong>se arelow-ranking agents working way beyond theirauthority level and still being manipulated by MelissaForsham-Smythe. I have rejected their applicationsand rescinded the warrant for Deborah’s arrest. IsEllen Millar there?”“She’s downstairs chatting with the first agentthat the System sent in, I’ll patch her in.”“Perfect, can you put her on a squawk box?”“You’ve got it.”Seconds later. “Grand Master?”“How’s our boyo doing?” asked Mr Humphries.“He’s very co-operative,” laughed Ellen.

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>“Good,” interrupted Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Brooks,“handcuff him.”“What the fuck are you talking about,”squealed the Weasel.“I’m bringing you in for decommissioning,”growled the Minister of Extreme Social Rehabilitation.“Decommissioning? What the fuck isdecommissioning,” yapped the Weasel.“You’ll find out,” said Chris<strong>to</strong>pher abruptly.Ellen Millar pulled out the bracelets. “Handsbehind your back jerkoff,” she ordered.<strong>The</strong> weaselly one was bombarded with waterbombs and pelted with eggs as he was shoved<strong>to</strong>wards a waiting SUV by two of Stack’s hard nuts.<strong>The</strong> minders roughly shoved him in the cargo area ofthe vehicle, making sure he banged his head severaltimes.Ellen Millar and Major Law<strong>to</strong>n got in<strong>to</strong> thefront, the two hard boys in the back. Nixdownreleased the gates and the car slid out in<strong>to</strong> thecountryside.“We have secured indisputable evidence thatthe agents are being directed by Melissa viaArmanisuit,” Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Brooks <strong>to</strong>ld Mr Humphries.“Even though she was kicked off the ExecutiveCouncil of the System her money still talks. It maytake a few days <strong>to</strong> fully decommission these agentsbut hopefully we’ll ferret out a few more of hers<strong>to</strong>oges and put a s<strong>to</strong>p <strong>to</strong> this once and for all.” Hewent silent for a moment and then <strong>to</strong>ld the GrandMaster, “I’d like you <strong>to</strong> be the first <strong>to</strong> know. I’ll be

119announcing that I shall be challenging thegovernment and standing for Prime Minister. I’ll makethe announcement at this afternoon’s pressconference when nobody is expecting it.”“That,” said the Grand Master, “is the bestnews I’ve heard all day.”

<strong>30</strong>Bend Over Your DeskWhile Major Law<strong>to</strong>n was manacling the Weaselin<strong>to</strong> an interrogation chair for the purpose ofdecommissioning it was business as usual back at theunit.“Bend over your desk, Cassidy,” said StephaniePowell.It was the best news Cassie Cassy had had allday.Cassie s<strong>to</strong>od up and shrugged off her blazerand hung it over the back of her chair. Without anyfurther encouragement she leaned forward and slidher upper <strong>to</strong>rso across the varnished lid of the desk.She felt positively ebullient at the prospect of scoringsome hard earned whops. She had no doubt that theywould be momentarily disagreeable. Stephanie Powellalways did good work but Cassie felt confident thatthe initial discomfort would quickly subside and shewould have strengthened her lead on the Big BUTT.As a general rule Cassandra Cassidy had littletime for statistics nonetheless every evening she went

121in<strong>to</strong> the databases that Nixdown posted on theGalGab web-site and studied the his<strong>to</strong>ric data. Cassiemade no secret of her intention <strong>to</strong> snatch her heroine,Jojo Heyworth’s, record as the most whopped gal in asingle year.Every night she plotted out graphs thatcorrelated her current performance against Jojo’s inthe comparative period during her record breakingyear. She was deeply concerned that no matter howhard she minxed she was still marginally behindachieving the whop rate that it would require in order<strong>to</strong> achieve her objective.As the cane sliced across Cassie’s upturnedbumbags she couldn’t help smiling. She was finally oncourse <strong>to</strong> accomplish her dream.“Bend over your desk, Sut<strong>to</strong>n,” said PaulineGascoigne.It was the worst news Lisa had heard all day.Ever since the inmates returned from Christmasfurlough Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n had been swanking aboutcampus bragging about the success of her latestreform program. Now in the space of just twelveshort hours the program had gone <strong>to</strong>tally pearshaped.<strong>The</strong> previous evening Lisa had sneaked out ofher study after lockdown so that she could make aprivate phone-call <strong>to</strong> a stud muffin she had metduring furlough.Unfortunately she was apprehended by ClaireBrooks and escorted back <strong>to</strong> her study where she wasrequired <strong>to</strong> bend over the end of her bed for six onthe silks.

<strong>Malicious</strong> <strong>Obsessions</strong>As usual Claire had landed six scorchers acrossthe tautened trews of Lisa’s jimjam trews causing theunfortunate Minxster <strong>to</strong> spend an uncomfortable nightsleeping on her tummy. Her backside was still sizzlingthe following morning.Under the circumstances it would seem unwisefor Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n <strong>to</strong> have engaged in an ill-fated peashooterattack in the lecture rooms. In fairness <strong>to</strong> Lisait was a retalia<strong>to</strong>ry operation in response <strong>to</strong> anunprovoked sneak attack with a water-pis<strong>to</strong>l by AliS<strong>to</strong>ne.Lisa Sut<strong>to</strong>n suffered from chronic ill-timing andthe next thing she knew she was shrugging off herblazer and preparing <strong>to</strong> bend over her desk in orderthat she could be absolutely creamed by PaulineGascoigne. It was not an appealing prospect for a galalready sporting tender stripes under her bumbags.Jojo listened indulgently as Cassie Cassybreathlessly recounted having her bumbags cut <strong>to</strong>tatters by Stephanie Powell.“I’ve finally matched you whop for whop,”Cassie said excitedly. “I really think I can take the titleif I just up my game a tad.”Jojo grinned. She had long ago got over beingirritated at Cassie Cassy’s claims <strong>to</strong> her many crowns.“Just keep on mixing, sis,” she <strong>to</strong>ld Cassiefondly, “and the whops will come.”Lisa lay across the Bounders lap with her skirtturned back and her bumbags around her ankles. Shewas bemoaning her misfortune.

123“It’s just my bad luck,” she groaned, “not onlydo I get whopped twice in the space of twelve hoursbut I manage <strong>to</strong> pick two of the hottest shots in theunit <strong>to</strong> do the whopping.”Bernadette grunted sympathetically as she ranthe tips of her potion covered fingers along the angryred stripes on her best chums bum.“You shouldn’t be such a naughty gal,” sheteased her chum. She chuckled. “I know, I know,before you say it. You may be a naughty gal butyou’re not a bad gal.”Even the unfortunate Minxster was forced <strong>to</strong>chuckle at that.

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