Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

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situations where• it is necessary to keep temperature <strong>and</strong> /or pressure constant (such as duringjourneys in phase diagrams or in the investigation of solid–state phase transitions),• there is a sufficient population of excited electronic states (such as in materialswith a small or vanishing electronic gap) or dynamical motion occurs in a singleexcited states (such as after photoexcitation events),• light nuclei are involved in crucial steps of a process (such as in studies ofproton transfer or muonium impurities).In the following subsections techniques are introduced which transcede these limitations.Thus, the realm of ab <strong>initio</strong> <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> is considerably increasedbeyond the basic setup as discussed in general terms in Sect. 2 <strong>and</strong> concerningits implementation in Sect. 3. The presented “advanced techniques” are selectedbecause they are available in the current version of the CPMD package 142 , but theirimplementation is not discussed in detail here.4.2 Beyond Microcanonics4.2.1 IntroductionIn the framework of statistical mechanics all ensembles can be formally obtainedfrom the microcanonical or NV E ensemble – where particle number, volume <strong>and</strong>energy are the external thermodynamic control variables – by suitable Laplacetransforms of its partition function; note that V is used for volume when it comesto labeling the various ensembles in Sect. 4 <strong>and</strong> its subsections. Thermodynamicallythis corresponds to Legendre transforms of the associated thermodynamicpotentials where intensive <strong>and</strong> extensive conjugate variables are interchanged. Inthermo<strong>dynamics</strong>, this task is achieved by a “sufficiently weak” coupling of theoriginal system to an appropriate infinitely large bath or reservoir via a link thatestablishes thermodynamic equilibrium. The same basic idea is instrumental ingenerating distribution functions of such ensembles by computer simulation 98,250 .Here, two important special cases are discussed: thermostats <strong>and</strong> barostats, whichare used to impose temperature instead of energy <strong>and</strong> / or pressure instead ofvolume as external control parameters 12,445,270,585,217 .4.2.2 Imposing Temperature: ThermostatsIn the limit of ergodic sampling the ensemble created by st<strong>and</strong>ard <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong>is the microcanonical or NV E ensemble where in addition the total momentumis conserved 12,270,217 . Thus, the temperature is not a control variable in the Newtonianapproach to <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> <strong>and</strong> whence it cannot be preselected <strong>and</strong>fixed. But it is evident that also within <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> the possibility to controlthe average temperature (as obtained from the average kinetic energy of thenuclei <strong>and</strong> the energy equipartition theorem) is welcome for physical reasons. Adeterministic algorithm of achieving temperature control in the spirit of extended93

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