Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

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3.9.2 CPMD Program: Data StructuresIn addition to the variables used in the serial version, local copies have to be defined.These local variables will be indexed by a superscript indicating the processornumber. The total number of processors is P. Each processor has a certain numberof plane waves, atoms, electronic b<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> real space grid points assigned.N p atN pN p bN p PWN p DNx p , N y , N zN p =Nx p N y N znumber of atoms on processor pnumber of projectors on processor pnumber of electronic b<strong>and</strong>s or states on processor pnumber of plane-waves on processor pnumber of plane-waves for densities <strong>and</strong> potentials on processor pnumber of grid points in x, y, <strong>and</strong> z direction on processor ptotal number of grid points on processor pThe real space grid is only distributed over the x coordinates. This decision isrelated to the performance of the Fourier transform that will be discussed in moredetail in the following sections. The distribution algorithm for atoms, projectors<strong>and</strong> b<strong>and</strong>s just divides the total number of these quantities in equal junks based ontheir arbitrary numbering. The algorithms that use these parallelization schemesdo not play a major role in the overall performance of the program (at least for thesystems accessible with the computers available today) <strong>and</strong> small imperfections inload balancing can be ignored.Data structures that are replicated on all processors:r(3,N at ) nuclear positionsv(3,N at ) nuclear velocitiesf(3,N at ) nuclear forcesfnl(N p ,N b ) overlap of projectors <strong>and</strong> b<strong>and</strong>ssmat(N b ,N b ) overlap matrices between b<strong>and</strong>s.Data structures that are distributed over all processors:g(3,N p PW ) plane–wave indicesipg(3,N p PW ) mapping of G–vectors (positive part)img(3,N p PW ) mapping of G–vectors (negative part)rhog(N p PW ) densities (n, n c, n tot ) in Fourier–spacevpot(N p PW ) potentials (V loc, V xc , V H ) in Fourier–spacen(Nx p,N y,N z ) densities (n, n c , n tot ) in real–spacev(Nx p,N y,N z ) potentials (V loc , V xc , V H ) in real–spacevps(N p D ) local pseudopotentialrpc(N p D ) core chargespro(N p PW ) projectors of non-local pseudopotentialeigr(N p D ,N at) structure factorsdfnl(N p ,N p b,3) derivative of fnlcr(N p PW ,N b) b<strong>and</strong>s in Fourier spacecv(N p PW ,N b) velocity of b<strong>and</strong>s in Fourier spacecf(N p PW ,N b) forces of b<strong>and</strong>s in Fourier space.Several different goals should be achieved in the distribution of the plane waves84

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