Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

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The next step in the derivation of classical <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> is the task toapproximate the nuclei as classical point particles. How can this be achieved in theframework of the TDSCF approach, given one quantum–mechanical wave equationdescribing all nuclei? A well–known route to extract classical mechanics fromquantum mechanics in general starts with rewriting the corresponding wavefunctionχ({R I }; t) = A({R I }; t) exp [iS({R I }; t)/ ] (8)in terms of an amplitude factor A <strong>and</strong> a phase S which are both considered to bereal <strong>and</strong> A > 0 in this polar representation, see for instance Refs. 163,425,535 . Aftertransforming the nuclear wavefunction in Eq. (7) accordingly <strong>and</strong> after separatingthe real <strong>and</strong> imaginary parts, the TDSCF equation for the nuclei∂S∂t + ∑ I∂A∂t + ∑ I∫1(∇ I S) 2 +2M I1M I(∇ I A) (∇ I S) + ∑ Idr Ψ ⋆ H e Ψ = 2 ∑ I1 ∇ 2 I A2M I A(9)12M IA ( ∇ 2 I S) = 0 (10)is (exactly) re–expressed in terms of the new variables A <strong>and</strong> S. This so–called“quantum fluid dynamical representation” Eqs. (9)–(10) can actually be used tosolve the time–dependent Schrödinger equation 160 . The relation for A, Eq. (10),can be rewritten as a continuity equation 163,425,535 with the help of the identificationof the nuclear density |χ| 2 ≡ A 2 as directly obtained from the def<strong>initio</strong>nEq. (8). This continuity equation is independent of <strong>and</strong> ensures locally the conservationof the particle probability |χ| 2 associated to the nuclei in the presence ofa flux.More important for the present purpose is a more detailed discussion of therelation for S, Eq. (9). This equation contains one term that depends on , acontribution that vanishes if the classical limit∂S∂t + ∑ I12M I(∇ I S) 2 +∫dr Ψ ⋆ H e Ψ = 0 (11)is taken as → 0; an expansion in terms of would lead to a hierarchy of semiclassicalmethods 425,259 . The resulting equation is now isomorphic to equations ofmotion in the Hamilton–Jacobi formulation 244,540∂S∂t + H ({R I}, {∇ I S}) = 0 (12)of classical mechanics with the classical Hamilton functionH({R I }, {P I }) = T({P I }) + V ({R I }) (13)defined in terms of (generalized) coordinates {R I } <strong>and</strong> their conjugate momenta{P I }. With the help of the connecting transformationP I ≡ ∇ I S (14)7

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