Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

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The two sets of equations are coupled through the Kohn–Sham energy functional<strong>and</strong> special care has to be taken for the integration because of the orthonormalityconstraint.The integrator used in the CPMD code is based on the velocity Verlet / rattlealgorithm 603,638,15 . The velocity Verlet algorithm requires more operations <strong>and</strong>more storage than the Verlet algorithm 664 . However, it is much easier to incorporatetemperature control via velocity scaling into the velocity Verlet algorithm. Inaddition, velocity Verlet allows to change the time step trivially <strong>and</strong> is conceptuallyeasier to h<strong>and</strong>le 638,391 . It is defined by the following equations˙˜R I (t + δt) = Ṙ I (t) + δt2M IF I (t) (231)R I (t + δt) = R I (t) + δt ˙˜R I (t + δt)˙˜c I (t + δt) = ċ I (t) + δt2µ f i(t)˜c i (t + δt) = c i (t) + δt ˙˜c i (t + δt)c i (t + δt) = ˜c i (t + δt) + ∑ jcalculatecalculateF I (t + δt)f i (t + δt)X ij c j (t)Ṙ I (t + δt) = ˙˜R I (t + δt) + δt2M IF I (t + δt)c ˙ ′ i(t + δt) = ˙˜c i (t + δt) + δt2µ f i(t + δt)ċ i (t + δt) = ċ ′ i(t + δt) + ∑ jY ij c j (t + δt) ,where R I (t) <strong>and</strong> c i (t) are the atomic positions of particle I <strong>and</strong> the Kohn–Shamorbital i at time t respectively. Here, F I are the forces on atom I, <strong>and</strong> f i are theforces on Kohn–Sham orbital i. The matrices X <strong>and</strong> Y are directly related to theLagrange multipliers byX ij = δt22µ Λp ij(232)Y ij = δt2µ Λv ij . (233)Notice that in the rattle algorithm the Lagrange multipliers to enforce the orthonormalityfor the positions Λ p <strong>and</strong> velocities Λ v are treated as independentvariables. Denoting with C the matrix of wavefunction coefficients c i (G), the or-71

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