Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

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1e−050e+00−1e−051e−04E cons(a.u.)0e+00−1e−045e−030e+00−5e−030 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8t (ps)Figure 5. Conserved energy E cons defined in Eq. (48) from Car–Parrinello (CP) <strong>and</strong> Born–Oppenheimer (BO) <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> simulations of a model system for various time steps<strong>and</strong> convergence criteria using the CPMD package 142 ; see text for further details <strong>and</strong> Table 1 forthe corresponding timings. Top: solid line: CP, 5 a.u.; open circles: CP, 10 a.u.; filled squares:BO, 10 a.u., 10 −6 . Middle: open circles: CP, 10 a.u.; filled squares: BO, 10 a.u., 10 −6 ; filledtriangles: BO, 100 a.u., 10 −6 ; open diamonds: BO, 100 a.u., 10 −5 . Bottom: open circles: CP,10 a.u.; open diamonds: BO, 100 a.u., 10 −5 ; dashed line: BO, 100 a.u., 10 −4 .largest element of the wavefunction gradient which was required to be smaller than10 −6 , 10 −5 or 10 −4 a.u.; note that the resulting energy convergence shows roughlya quadratic dependence on this criterion.The outcome of this comparison is shown in Fig. 5 in terms of the time evolutionof the conserved energy E cons Eq. (48) on energy scales that cover more than threeorders of magnitude in absolute accuracy. Within the present comparison ultimateenergy stability was obtained using Car–Parrinello <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> with theshortest time step of 5 a.u., which conserves the energy of the total system toabout 6×10 −8 a.u. per picosecond, see solid line in Fig. 5(top). Increasing the30

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