Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

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the Car–Parrinello approach 108 , see also Fig. 1. This technique opened novel avenuesto treat large–scale problems via ab <strong>initio</strong> <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> <strong>and</strong> catalyzedthe entire field by making “interesting calculations” possible, see also the closingsection on applications.2.4 Car–Parrinello Molecular Dynamics2.4.1 MotivationA non–obvious approach to cut down the computational expenses of <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong>which includes the electrons in a single state was proposed by Car <strong>and</strong>Parrinello in 1985 108 . In retrospect it can be considered to combine the advantagesof both Ehrenfest <strong>and</strong> Born–Oppenheimer <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong>. In Ehrenfest<strong>dynamics</strong> the time scale <strong>and</strong> thus the time step to integrate Eqs. (30) <strong>and</strong> (31)simultaneously is dictated by the intrinsic <strong>dynamics</strong> of the electrons. Since electronicmotion is much faster than nuclear motion, the largest possible time stepis that which allows to integrate the electronic equations of motion. Contraryto that, there is no electron <strong>dynamics</strong> whatsoever involved in solving the Born–Oppenheimer Eqs. (32)–(33), i.e. they can be integrated on the time scale givenby nuclear motion. However, this means that the electronic structure problemhas to be solved self–consistently at each <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> step, whereas this isavoided in Ehrenfest <strong>dynamics</strong> due to the possibility to propagate the wavefunctionby applying the Hamiltonian to an initial wavefunction (obtained e.g. by oneself–consistent diagonalization).From an algorithmic point of view the main task achieved in ground–stateEhrenfest <strong>dynamics</strong> is simply to keep the wavefunction automatically minimizedas the nuclei are propagated. This, however, might be achieved – in principle – byanother sort of deterministic <strong>dynamics</strong> than first–order Schrödinger <strong>dynamics</strong>. Insummary, the “Best of all Worlds Method” should (i) integrate the equations ofmotion on the (long) time scale set by the nuclear motion but nevertheless (ii) takeintrinsically advantage of the smooth time–evolution of the dynamically evolvingelectronic subsystem as much as possible. The second point allows to circumventexplicit diagonalization or minimization to solve the electronic structure problemfor the next <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> step. Car–Parrinello <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> is an efficientmethod to satisfy requirement (ii) in a numerically stable fashion <strong>and</strong> makesan acceptable compromise concerning the length of the time step (i).2.4.2 Car–Parrinello Lagrangian <strong>and</strong> Equations of MotionThe basic idea of the Car–Parrinello approach can be viewed to exploit thequantum–mechanical adiabatic time–scale separation of fast electronic <strong>and</strong> slownuclear motion by transforming that into classical–mechanical adiabatic energy–scale separation in the framework of dynamical systems theory. In order to achievethis goal the two–component quantum / classical problem is mapped onto a two–component purely classical problem with two separate energy scales at the expenseof loosing the explicit time–dependence of the quantum subsystem <strong>dynamics</strong>. Furthermore,the central quantity, the energy of the electronic subsystem 〈Ψ 0 |H e |Ψ 0 〉14

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