Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

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CH=CH 2 using Cl(CO) 2 20 , or Sakakura–Tanaka functionalization 382 . As in thereal laboratory, side reactions can occur also in the virtual laboratory, such as e.g.the β–hydrogen elimination as an unpredicted reaction path 383 . A digression onusing finite–temperature ab <strong>initio</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> in homogeneous catalysis research canbe found in Ref. 697 .Zeolites often serve as catalysists as well <strong>and</strong> are at the same time ideal c<strong>and</strong>idatesfor finite–temperature ab <strong>initio</strong> simulations in view of their chemical complexity.A host of different studies 559,100,268,614,545,206,560,598,207,315,208,209,546 contributedgreatly to the underst<strong>and</strong>ing of these materials <strong>and</strong> the processes occurringtherein such as the initial stages of the methanol to gasoline conversion 599 . Heterogenouscatalysts are often poisoned, which was for instance studied in the caseof hydrogen dissociation on the Pd(100) surface in the presence adsorbed sulfurlayers 257 .5.11 Biophysics <strong>and</strong> BiochemistryApplications of ab <strong>initio</strong> <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> to molecules <strong>and</strong> processes of interestin life sciences begin to emerge 18,113 . Investigations related to these interests areinvestigations of the crystal structure of a hydrated RNA duplex (sodium guanylyl–3’–5’–cytidine nona–hydrate) 311 , structure models for the cytochrom P450 enzymefamily 547,548,549 , nanotubular polypeptides 112 , a synthetic biomimetic model ofgalactose oxidase 523 , aspects of the process of vision in form of the 11–cis toall–trans isomerization in rhodopsin 67,68,474 , interconversion pathways of the protonatedβ–ionone Schiff base 615 , or of the binding properties of small moleculesof physiological relevance such as O 2 , CO or NO to iron–porphyrines <strong>and</strong> its complexes527,528,529 .Proton transport throught water wires is an important biophysical process inthe chemiosmotic theory for biochemical ATP production. Using the ab <strong>initio</strong>path integral technique 395,399,644,404 the properties of linear water wires with anexcess proton were studied at room temperature 419 . Amino acids are importantingredients as they are the building blocks of polypeptides, which in turn formchannels <strong>and</strong> pores for ion exchange. Motivated by their ubiquity, glycine <strong>and</strong>alanine as well as some of their oligopeptides <strong>and</strong> helical (periodic) polypeptideswere studied in great detail 323 .5.12 Outlook<strong>Ab</strong> <strong>initio</strong> <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> is by now not only a st<strong>and</strong>ard tool in academic researchbut also becomes increasingly attractive to industrial researchers. Analysisof data bases, see caption of Fig. 1 for details, uncovers that quite a few companiesseem to be interested in this methodology. Researchers affiliated to Bayer, Corning,DSM, Dupont, Exxon, Ford, Hitachi, Hoechst, Kodak, NEC, Philips, Pirelli, Shell,Toyota, Xerox <strong>and</strong> others cite the Car–Parrinello paper Ref. 108 or use ab <strong>initio</strong><strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> in their work. This trend will certainly be enhanced by theavailability of efficient <strong>and</strong> general ab <strong>initio</strong> <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> packages which arecommercially available.126

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