Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

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5.2 Solids, Polymers, <strong>and</strong> MaterialsThe first application of Car–Parrinello <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> 108 dealt with silicon,one of the basic materials in semiconductor industry. Classic solid–state applicationof this technique focus on the properties of crystals, such as those of CuClwhere anharmonicity <strong>and</strong> off–center displacements of the Cu along the (111) directionswere found to be important to describe the crystal structure as a functionof temperature <strong>and</strong> pressure 64 . Various properties of solid nitromethane 647 ,crystalline nitric acid trihydrate 602 , solid benzene 420 , stage–1 alkali–graphite intercalationcompounds 286,287 , <strong>and</strong> of the one-dimensional intercalation compound2HgS•SnBr 2 530 were determined based on first principles. The <strong>molecular</strong> solid HBrundergoes various phase transitions upon compression. The dynamical behavior ofone of these phases, disordered HBr–I, could be clarified using ab <strong>initio</strong> <strong>molecular</strong><strong>dynamics</strong> 313 . Structure, phase transitions <strong>and</strong> short–time <strong>dynamics</strong> of magnesiumsilicate perovskites were analyzed in terms of ab <strong>initio</strong> trajectories 670 . The A7 tosimple cubic transformation in As was investigated using ab <strong>initio</strong> <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong>at constant–pressure 568 . By applying external pressure the hydrogen sublatticewas found to undergo amorphization in Mg(OH) 2 <strong>and</strong> Ca(OH) 2 a phenomenonthat was interpreted in terms of frustration 511 . Properties of solid cubane C 8 H 8were obtained in constant pressure simulations <strong>and</strong> compared to experiment 514 .<strong>Ab</strong> <strong>initio</strong> simulations of the graphitization of flat <strong>and</strong> stepped diamond (111) surfacesuncovered that the transition temperature depends sensibly on the type ofthe surface 327 .Sliding of grain boundaries in aluminum as a typical ductile metal was generated<strong>and</strong> analyzed in terms of atomistic rearrangements 432 . Microfracture in a sampleof amorphous silicon carbide was induced by uniaxial strain <strong>and</strong> found to induce Sisegregation at the surface 226 . The early stages of nitride growth on cubic siliconcarbide including wetting were modeled by depositing nitrogen atoms on the Si–terminated SiC(001) surface 225 .Classical proton diffusion in crystalline silicon at high temperatures was an earlyapplication to the <strong>dynamics</strong> of atoms in solids 93 . Using the ab <strong>initio</strong> path integraltechnique 395,399,644,404 , see Sect. 4.4 the preferred sites of hydrogen <strong>and</strong> muoniumimpurities in crystalline silicon 428,429 , or the proton positions in HCl • nH 2 O crystallinehydrates 516 could be located. The radiation–induced formation of H ⋆ 2 defectsin c–Si via vacancies <strong>and</strong> self–interstitials was simulated by ab <strong>initio</strong> <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong>178 . The classical diffusion of hydrogen in crystalline GaAs was followed interms of diffusion paths 668 <strong>and</strong> photoassisted reactivation of H–passivated Si donorsin GaAs was simulated based on first principles 430 . Oxygen diffusion in p–dopedsilicon can be enhanced by adding hydrogen to the material, an effect that couldbe rationalized by simulations 107 . <strong>Ab</strong> <strong>initio</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> helped in quantifying thebarrier for the diffusion of atomic oxygen in a model silica host 279 . The microscopicmechanism of the proton diffusion in protonic conductors, in particular Sc–dopedSrTiO 3 <strong>and</strong> Y–doped SrCeO 3 , is studied via ab <strong>initio</strong> <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong>, whereis it found that covalent OH–bonds are formed during the process 561 . Ionic diffusionin a ternary superionic conductor was obtained by ab <strong>initio</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> 677 .Proton motion <strong>and</strong> isomerization pathways of a complex photochromic <strong>molecular</strong>119

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