Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

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The eigenvalues of A when multiplied by P are precisely the normal mode frequencies{λ} (s) . Since the transformation is unitary, its Jacobian is unity. Finally, it isconvenient to define a set of normal mode massesM (s)I= λ (s) M I (326)that vary along the imaginary time axis s = 1, . . ., P, where λ (1) = 0 for thecentroid mode u (1)I .Based on these transformations the Lagrangian corresponding to the ab <strong>initio</strong>path integral expressed in normal modes is obtained 644L AIPI = 1 PP∑s=1{∑iΛ (s)ij+ ∑ ij{P∑ ∑ N+s=1I=1µ(〈〈 ˙φ(s) iφ (s)i∣∣∣φ (s)j1(2 M ′(s)I〉 [ ( )} ] (s)(s) ˙φ i − E {φ i } (s) ,{R I u (1)I , . . .,u(P) I〉− δ ij) }) 2 ∑N˙u (s) 1I −I=12 M(s) IωP2(u (s)I) 2}, (327)where the masses M ′(s)Iwill be defined later, see Eq. (338). As indicated, theelectronic energy E (s) is always evaluated in practice in terms of the “primitive”path variables {R I } (s) in Cartesian space. The necessary transformation to switchforth <strong>and</strong> back between “primitive” <strong>and</strong> normal mode variables is easily performedas given by the relations Eq. (325).The chief advantage of the normal mode representation Eq. (325) for the presentpurpose is that the lowest–order normal mode u (1)Iu (1)I= R c I = 1 P∑R (s′ )I(328)Pturns out to be identical to the centroid R c Iof the path that represents the Ithnucleus. The centroid force can also be obtained from the matrix U accordingto 644∂E∂u (1)I= 1 PP∑s ′ =1s ′ =1∂E (s′ )∂R (s′ )Isince U 1s = U † s1 = 1/√ P <strong>and</strong> the remaining normal mode forces are given by∂E∂u (s)I= 1 √P P ∑s ′ =1∂E (s′ )U ss ′∂R (s′ )I(329)for s = 2, . . ., P (330)in terms of the “primitive” forces −∂E (s) /∂R (s)I. Here, E on the left–h<strong>and</strong>–sidewith no superscript (s) refers to the average electronic energy E = (1/P) ∑ Ps=1 E(s)from which the forces have to be derived. Thus, the force Eq. (329) acting on eachcentroid variable u (1)I, I = 1, . . .N, is exactly the force averaged over imaginarytime s = 1, . . ., P, i.e. the centroid force on the Ith nucleus as already given in115

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