Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

Ab initio molecular dynamics: Theory and Implementation

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in order to compute first the diagonal elements ρ ii (∆τ) of the “high–temperature”Boltzmann operator ρ(∆τ); here ∆τ = β/P <strong>and</strong> P is the Trotter “time slice” asintroduced in paragraph <strong>Ab</strong> Initio Path Integrals: Statics. To this end, the kinetic<strong>and</strong> potential energies can be conveniently evaluated in reciprocal <strong>and</strong> real space, respectively,by using the split–operator / FFT technique 183 . The Kohn–Sham eigenvaluesɛ i are finally obtained from the density matrix via ɛ i = −(1/∆τ) lnρ ii (∆τ).They are used in order to compute the occupation numbers {f i }, the density n(r),the b<strong>and</strong>–structure energy Ω KS , <strong>and</strong> thus the free energy Eq. (295).In practice a diagonalization / density–mixing scheme is employed in order tocompute the self–consistent density n(r). Grossly speaking a suitably constructedtrial input density n in (see e.g. the Appendix of Ref. 571 for such a method) is usedin order to compute the potential V KS [n in ]. Then the lowest–order approximantto the Boltzmann operator Eq. (300) is diagonalized using an iterative Lanczos–type method. This yields an output density n out <strong>and</strong> the corresponding free energyF KS [n out ]. Finally, the densities are mixed <strong>and</strong> the former steps are iterated until astationary solution n scf of F KS [n scf ] is achieved, see Sect. 3.6.4 for some details onsuch methods. Of course the most time–consuming part of the calculation is in theiterative diagonalization. In principle this is not required, <strong>and</strong> it should be possibleto compute the output density directly from the Fermi–Dirac density matrix evenin a linear scaling scheme 243 , thus circumventing the explicit calculation of theKohn–Sham eigenstates. However, to date efforts in this direction have failed, orgiven methods which are too slow to be useful 9 .As a method, <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> with the free energy functional is most appropriateto use when the excitation gap is either small, or in cases where thegap might close during a chemical transformation. In the latter case no instabilitiesare encountered with this approach, which is not true for ground–state ab<strong>initio</strong> <strong>molecular</strong> <strong>dynamics</strong> methods. The price to pay is the quite dem<strong>and</strong>ing iterativecomputation of well–converged forces. Besides allowing such applicationswith physically relevant excitations this method can also be straightforwardly combinedwith k–point sampling <strong>and</strong> applied to metals at “zero” temperature. Inthis case, the electronic “temperature” is only used as a smearing parameter ofthe Fermi edge by introducing fractional occupation numbers, which is known toimprove greatly the convergence of these ground–state electronic structure calculations220,232,185,676,680,343,260,344,414,243 .Finite–temperature expressions for the exchange–correlation functional Ω xc areavailable in the literature. However, for most temperatures of interest the correctionsto the ground–state expression are small <strong>and</strong> it seems justified to use one ofthe various well–established parameterizations of the exchange–correlation energyE xc at zero temperature, see Sect. A Single Excited State: S 1 –DynamicsFor large–gap systems with well separated electronic states it might be desirableto single out a particular state in order to allow the nuclei to move on the associatedexcited state potential energy surface. Approaches that rely on fractionaloccupation numbers such as ensemble density functional theories – including the104

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