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Motohiro Sugiura, general manager ofInchcape P & I (formerly Dodwell), the club’scorrespondents in Japanhe and Sidney Fowler, ‘typically’ English gentlemen withbowler hats and rolled umbrellas, augmented by Sidney witha large white handkerchief which he plucked from his sleevewith a flourish, freely gave advice with no strings attached.The first Japanese entry in the club, reinsurance fromAmerican International Underwriters, was Tokyo Tanker in1956.In the mid-I960s the Japanese club ran into difficultiesover indemnity cover, essentially cargo liability risks, andwithdrew from that class of business. The UK Club wasasked to fill the gap. It already had a correspondent establishedin Japan. Naga Kotsuru of Dodwell & Co. Draws thestrands together: When in the late 1950s there was heavy congestionat Japanese ports, Dodwell Tramp Agencies assisted theshipowners in collecting demurrage from local charterers. This wasvery much appreciated by the owners, mostly Greek, and theirLondon solicitors, Richards Butler. The solicitors recommended tothe UK Club that Dodwell & Co. should become its correspondent.Kim Saishoji, then general manager of Dodwell Tramp Agencies, was trained by the UK Club in London for three months,and after his return to Tokyo in 1957 he set up a small P & I office, within the Tramp Agencies department staffed by himself.Shortly afterwards he recruited a college graduate, Moto Sugiura, to join them. Moto Sugiura continues the story:Kim and Sidney Fowler concentrated their efforts to make sure NYK management <strong>full</strong>y understood P & I insurance andthe advantages of their entering in the UK Club. Final confirmation to cover indemnity risks with the club was notified toSidney, who had been staying in Tokyo from earlyDecember 1965, on his third visit to Japan, on 27December. As this was the first entry materialised by himin Japan he remained here until NYK obtained approvalfrom the Ministry of Finance, which is required under thelaw concerning foreign insurers, sacrificing his happyChristmas holidays with his family and returned homeafter 1966 began. Soon after NYK entered the club, in1968 Mr Y. Ariyoshi, who held an honorary Britishknighthood for services to Anglo-Japanese shipping,became a director of the club. A number of otherJapanese shipping companies followed, among themMitsui OSK Lines, many of them placing theirindemnity risks with the UK Club, leaving their protectioncover with the Japanese club, which subsequentlyre-entered the market for indemnity.A by-product of entry to the Japanese market wasthe opening of Korea. Peter Tallis, the underwriterspecialising in Japan, first visited Seoul in 1968 withNaga Kotsuru, who enlisted the help of HyopsungMr Y. Ariyoshi, the first UK Club director from Japan from1969 to 1979, president of Nippon Yusen Kaisha from1965 to 1971, and chairman from 1971 to 1978

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