Redditch matters - Redditch Borough Council - Worcestershire Hub

Redditch matters - Redditch Borough Council - Worcestershire Hub

Redditch matters - Redditch Borough Council - Worcestershire Hub

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Focus onBatchleyand BrockhillBATCHLEY and Brockhill residents arekeeping themselves busy by gettinginvolved in a number of projects, eventsand activities taking place throughoutthe year.And with groups, organisations and<strong>Redditch</strong> <strong>Borough</strong> <strong>Council</strong> helping toback many new and exciting initiatives,community spirit is booming in this wardon the edge of the town centre.One group that is helping to raisecommunity spirit on a daily basis isBatchley Support Group, which wasrecently visited by the Countess ofWessex.Among many of the group’s projects area weekly youth club, a communityallotment and drop-in or advice sessionsfor residents of all ages.The group is also working with NewCollege to run Batchley Café in PoplarRoad. The café provides somewhere forresidents to eat, drink and socialise whilealso giving people with learningdifficulties the opportunity to learn basiccatering skills and gain a qualification.Batchley Support Group is also workingwith young people between the ages of16 and 25 as part of the nationalscheme, Vinvolved.As part of the project, participantsget involved inteam building,events, andintergenerationalwork. They haverecentlycompleted aphotographyproject witholder membersof thecommunity,which will lookat how thearea haschangedover theyears. This isdue to bedisplayed in<strong>Redditch</strong> Library.Rebecca Debenham, from BatchleySupport Group, said: “The group is reallyimportant. It brings the community togetherand gives people access to opportunitiesthey would not normally have.The Countess ofWessex on herrecent visit toBatchley.Photo courtesyof BatchleySupport GroupBatchley Cafe with l-r Elizabeth Groves, PeterLynch, Emma Bray, Chris Ray and Lucy RyanWard <strong>Council</strong>lors for Batchley & BrockhillCllr Jack CooksonLabourTel: 63122Email: jack.cookson@redditchbc.gov.ukCllr Jinny PearceConservativeMob: 07983 456146Email: jinny.pearce@redditchbc.gov.ukCllr Brenda QuinneyConservativeMob: 07944 963991Email: brenda.quinney@redditchbc.gov.uk24 <strong>Redditch</strong> <strong>matters</strong><strong>Redditch</strong> <strong>Borough</strong> <strong>Council</strong>

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