Slides: Todd Sheridan "Agile Planning: Tracking ... - Rally Software

Slides: Todd Sheridan "Agile Planning: Tracking ... - Rally Software Slides: Todd Sheridan "Agile Planning: Tracking ... - Rally Software

<strong>Agile</strong> Predictability

A Little About Me• Internal <strong>Agile</strong> Coach at <strong>Rally</strong> <strong>Software</strong>• 8 years as a <strong>Software</strong>/ Web Developer• 7 years as a Scrum Master and Coach• 1 Year as a Project Manager / Product Owner• Kanban board @ home

Assumptions• Some experience with agile teams andadoptions• Understand Scrum metrics (velocity,burndowns, etc.)

To Start, A Story …

The journey“It is better to travel well than to arrive”- Buddha“Life’s a journey, not a destination”- Aerosmith

What I Believe

Understand The Value of Teams

Understand Why to Use Relative Sizes

Understand Metrics and When/Why toUse Them

So That …


Teams :: Cross-Functionality• Vertical SlicesStory 1 Story 2GUIBusiness LogicDatabase

Teams :: Cross-Functionality• Deliver Features

Teams :: Cross-Functionality• The bottleneck, a DBA story

Teams :: Form-Storm-Norm-Perform• All teams go through this

Teams :: Form-Storm-Norm-Perform• EVERY change in the team resets them

Teams :: Form-Storm-Norm-Perform• Team America

Teams > Sum of Their Parts

Relative Sizing

Relative Sizing :: Exercise Time!

Relative Sizing :: Exercise Time!• How many weeks would it take your team tobuild an e-commerce site from scratch?– Use fingers to indicate how many weeks– Raise them high so I can see them

Relative Sizing• In Scrum (generally):1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13

Relative Sizing• Another Way:[XS,] S, M, L [, XL]

Relative Sizing w/ Teams• With stable teams, we get even better at this!

Relative Sizing w/ Teams• Without stable teams, we have to reset oursizes when we change the team EVERY time

Metrics• OR: Using the right tool for the job


Metrics :: Little’s LawWIPCT = -------TP

Metrics :: Bringing it All Together

Metrics :: Bringing it All Together

Metrics :: Bringing it All Together

Metrics :: Bringing it All Together

Metrics :: Bringing it All Together

Metrics :: Bringing it All TogetherWhat questions do these metrics answer?• Throughput = When we will pull the next workitem• Cycle Time = When we will deliver that workitem once it’s pulled

What I Believe

One Last Ask

So That …


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