Luxembourg Regulated Investment Vehicles - Alfi

Luxembourg Regulated Investment Vehicles - Alfi

Luxembourg Regulated Investment Vehicles - Alfi

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24The Association of the<strong>Luxembourg</strong> Fund Industry(ALFI), the representativebody for the <strong>Luxembourg</strong>investment fund community,was founded in 1988.Today it brings together the interests ofover a thousand <strong>Luxembourg</strong>-domiciledinvestment funds, asset managementcompanies, and more than 190 companiesactive in the <strong>Luxembourg</strong> fund industry.These represent a wide variety of serviceproviders, including depositary banks, fundadministrators, transfer agents, distributors,law firms, consultants, tax advisers, auditorsand accountants, specialist IT providersandcommunications agencies.<strong>Luxembourg</strong> is the largest fund domicilein Europe and its investment fund industryis a world leader in cross-border funddistribution. <strong>Luxembourg</strong>-domiciledinvestment structures are distributed inover 50 countries around the globe, witha particular focus on Europe, Asia, LatinAmerica and the Middle East.ALFI defines its mission asto “Lead industry effortsto make <strong>Luxembourg</strong>the most attractiveinternational centre”.Our main objectives are to:• Help members capitaliseon industry trendsALFI’s many technical committees andworking groups constantly review andanalyse developments worldwide, as well aslegal and regulatory changes in <strong>Luxembourg</strong>,the EU and beyond, to identify threats andopportunities for the <strong>Luxembourg</strong> fundindustry.• Shape regulationAn up-to-date, innovative legal and fiscalenvironment is critical to defend and improve<strong>Luxembourg</strong>’s competitive position as acentre for the domiciliation, administrationand distribution of investment funds. Strongrelationships with regulatory authorities,the government and enable ALFI to makean effective contribution to decision-makingthrough relevant input on changes to theregulatory framework, implementation ofEuropean directives and regulation of newproducts or services.• Foster dedication to professionalstandards, integrity and qualityInvestor trust is essential for success incollective investment services, and ALFI thusdoes all it can to promote high professionalstandards, quality products and services,and integrity. Action in this area includesorganizing training at all levels, definingcodes of conduct, promoting transparencyand good corporate governance, andsupporting initiatives to combat moneylaundering.• Promote the <strong>Luxembourg</strong>investment fund industryALFI actively promotes the <strong>Luxembourg</strong>investment fund industry, its products and itsservices. We represent the sector in economicand financial missions organised by the<strong>Luxembourg</strong> government around the worldand take an active part in meetings of theglobal fund industry.For more information, visit our website atwww.alfi .lu

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