Luxembourg Regulated Investment Vehicles - Alfi

Luxembourg Regulated Investment Vehicles - Alfi

Luxembourg Regulated Investment Vehicles - Alfi

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19SIF SICAR Securitization vehicle – regulatedNo No NoYes Yes YesYesMonthly with due date the 10th ofthe next month based on the latestavailable NAV (when NAV is notcalculated monthly)Annually with due date six monthsafter year-end.Details on reporting contained inCSSF Circular 07/310 as modified byCSSF Circular 08/348.Creation of a SIF is not subject toprior approval of the CSSF.An authorization file must besubmitted to the CSSF within themonth following the creation of theSIF. The authorization will be grantedsubject to:• Approval of the constitutionaldocuments.• Approval of the choice ofDepositary and Auditor.• Notification of the Directorsof the fund or managers of themanagement company.YesTwice a year, as at June 30 andDecember 31 with due date 45calendar days subsequent to thereference date of the report.Details on reporting contained inCSSF circular 08/376.Creation of a SICAR is not subject toprior approval of the CSSF.An authorization file must besubmitted to the CSSF within themonth following the creation of theSICAR. The authorization will begranted subject to:• Approval of the Articles orManagement Regulations.• Approval of the choice ofDepositary and Auditor.• Notification of the Directors ofthe SICAR or managers of themanagement company.Yes (only applicable for regulatedvehicles that issue securities to thepublic on a continuous basis – forothers no requirements)When issued :• Final documents relating to eachissue.• Financial statements prepared forinvestors and rating agencies.• Annual audited report.Half-yearly :• Details on the issuing activities andsituation as at half-year.• Financial situation including assetsand liabilities.At year-end :• Balance sheet and profit and lossaccount.Creation of a securitization vehicle issubject to prior approval by the CSSF of:• Articles or Management Regulationsand main agreements with serviceproviders.• Directors of the company ormanagers of the managementcompany.• Choice of Depositary and Auditor.Notification is required of :• Investors that may have a significantinfluence on the business conduct.• Initiation of the securitizationscheme.

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