Luxembourg Regulated Investment Vehicles - Alfi

Luxembourg Regulated Investment Vehicles - Alfi

Luxembourg Regulated Investment Vehicles - Alfi

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9SIF SICAR Securitization vehicle – regulatedWell-informed investors Well-informed investors All typesPossible Possible PossibleFCPCapital calls may be made by wayof capital commitments or throughthe issue of partly paid units. Thelaw does not prescribe the minimumpercentage to which each unit must bepaid-up.Capital calls may be made by way ofcapital commitments or through theissue of partly paid shares. At least5% of each share must be paid-up.Securitization fundCapital calls can be made eitherby way of capital commitments orthrough the issue of partly paidshares. The law does not prescribe theminimum percentage to which eachshare must be paid-up.SICAVCapital calls may be done by way ofcapital commitments or through theissue of partly paid shares. At least5% of each share must be paid-up.SICAFCapital calls may be done by way ofcapital commitments or through theissue of partly paid shares. At least5% of each share must be paid-up.Securitization companyPartly paid shares are not allowed forthe Sàrl and SCoSA so capital callsmust be organized through capitalcommitment. If the company is set upas a SA or SCA, capital calls can beorganized through capital commitmentor by way of the issue of partly paidshares. At least 25% of each sharemust be paid-up.

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