Gasifier Experimenters Kit

Gasifier Experimenters Kit Gasifier Experimenters Kit
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Gasifier Experimenters KitTechnical ResourcesGasification Worshop (June, 08)Cost: $350 (or free with purchase of a GEK kit, LevelII or higher)The recently lauched Gasifier Experimenters Kit(GEK) grew out of the first Gasification Workshop,held at the Shipyard in Spring in 07. See here forpictures and report.Now that we have an easy to assemble and wellperforming kit, the next Gasification Workshopwill focus on building these kits and documentingtheir performance over various configurations, fuelsand use scenarios. We will be using our new 6 gassensing rig (see below), tar tester, thermocouples,moisture meters and other instrumentation togenerate quantitative run data and resultingrefinements.The main group project will be using the GEK kitto convert a Honda Accord to run on walnut shells.The goal is a polished and automated installationthat is acceptable as a daily driver. Maybe evensomething that's more interesting to look at than theprevious effort . Towards this goal, we will bedeveloping air/syngas mixture automationmechatronics, condensate/steam reinjection systemsand other automated sensing and control devices. (2 of 3) [10/9/2008 08:00:29]

Gasifier Experimenters KitAlong side the Honda Accord project, participantsare encouraged to build their own GEK for personalprojects. Maybe you want to convert a vehicle,generator, forge, lawnmover, hot water heater, orfire art project. Or maybe a racer for the Escapefrom Berkeley (by any non-petroleum means) rally.Now's your chance. All tools and help needed toassemble the kits will be provided during theweekend build days. You will need to buy at leastthe Level II form of the kit, but not any of theassemly options. The workshop is FREE for anyonewho purchases the material kit.The workshop begins with an evening talk anddiscussion on the science of gasification a survey ofits design and social history. Both beginning andexpert reactor assemblies will be presented, withpointers to further reading and current issues andopportunities in the field. Also included is a basicintroduction to biochar / Terra Preta and the relatedpyrolysis reactors. (3 of 3) [10/9/2008 08:00:29]

<strong>Gasifier</strong> <strong>Experimenters</strong> <strong>Kit</strong>Technical ResourcesGasification Worshop (June, 08)Cost: $350 (or free with purchase of a GEK kit, LevelII or higher)The recently lauched <strong>Gasifier</strong> <strong>Experimenters</strong> <strong>Kit</strong>(GEK) grew out of the first Gasification Workshop,held at the Shipyard in Spring in 07. See here forpictures and report.Now that we have an easy to assemble and wellperforming kit, the next Gasification Workshopwill focus on building these kits and documentingtheir performance over various configurations, fuelsand use scenarios. We will be using our new 6 gassensing rig (see below), tar tester, thermocouples,moisture meters and other instrumentation togenerate quantitative run data and resultingrefinements.The main group project will be using the GEK kitto convert a Honda Accord to run on walnut shells.The goal is a polished and automated installationthat is acceptable as a daily driver. Maybe evensomething that's more interesting to look at than theprevious effort . Towards this goal, we will bedeveloping air/syngas mixture automationmechatronics, condensate/steam reinjection systemsand other automated sensing and control devices. (2 of 3) [10/9/2008 08:00:29]

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