Gasifier Experimenters Kit

Gasifier Experimenters Kit Gasifier Experimenters Kit
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Biomass Energy Foundation: Woodgas StovesWe plan to sell these stoves in the US campstove marketfirst to establish our manufacturing and sales abilitiesbefore designing stoves for the international community.The stove sells for $55 plus shipping and comes with a fullinstructional manual. You can purchase a WoodgasStove through this site.Our second target for wood-gas stoves will be the refugeecamps around the world that have 40 million mouths tocook for, and are currently using propane, gasoline orkerosene. They have the skills to manufacture the stoveand labor to do it. They could also manufacture for thecountry as a whole. The BEF is prepared to apply ourskills to the needs of developing countries andrecommend a stove program that fits local conditions. Ifinterested in working with the Biomass Energy Foundationto develop a stove program for other countries, pleasecheck with us at can purchase a WoodGas Camp Stove through ouronline bookstore.See what people using them have to say. (3 of 3) [10/9/2008 08:23:10]

Biomass Energy Foundation Water Content of BiomassBIOMASSHomeBiomassEnergyGasification &ReformingLiquid FuelsWoodCookingEnergyRosetta StoneBookstoreAbout theBEFWATER CONTENT OF BIOMASSThe water content of biomass can be a major problem if itisn't recognized, and a wet log looks exactly like a dry one, so one can't judge "by eye".Biomass is a complex fuel, composed of the volatilecomponents (typically 70-90%), charcoal that results onheating (10-30%), some mineral/ash content (1-20%) andvarying amounts of moisture. For this reason mostanalyses are given on a "dry ash free" (DAF) basis.However, wood and other biomass are almost NEVERbone dry, and go up and down with the seasons. Worseyet, sometimes moisture content is reported on a wetbasis (MCWB) and sometimes on a dry basis. When atree is cut down in summer it can contain 50% moisture(wet basis) or 100% moisture (!) dry basis. These twostandards can cause a lot of confusion unlessunderstood.LinksHowever it is easy to measure water content. Weigh asample, then heat to 105 C for 1-4 hours, depending onsample size to find bone dry weight. (I use my wife'soven.) The moisture content wet basis (MCWB) is givenby (1 of 2) [10/9/2008 08:23:11]

Biomass Energy Foundation: Woodgas StovesWe plan to sell these stoves in the US campstove marketfirst to establish our manufacturing and sales abilitiesbefore designing stoves for the international community.The stove sells for $55 plus shipping and comes with a fullinstructional manual. You can purchase a WoodgasStove through this site.Our second target for wood-gas stoves will be the refugeecamps around the world that have 40 million mouths tocook for, and are currently using propane, gasoline orkerosene. They have the skills to manufacture the stoveand labor to do it. They could also manufacture for thecountry as a whole. The BEF is prepared to apply ourskills to the needs of developing countries andrecommend a stove program that fits local conditions. Ifinterested in working with the Biomass Energy Foundationto develop a stove program for other countries, pleasecheck with us at can purchase a WoodGas Camp Stove through ouronline bookstore.See what people using them have to say. (3 of 3) [10/9/2008 08:23:10]

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