Gasifier Experimenters Kit

Gasifier Experimenters Kit Gasifier Experimenters Kit
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Biomass Energy Foundation: Woodgas StovesWOODGAS COOKSTOVESHomeBiomassEnergyGasification &ReformingLiquid FuelsWoodCookingEnergyRosetta StoneBookstoreAbout theBEFLinksGas from wood? That's my specialty and the name of thissite.It is now possible to turn wood into Wood-Gas which isthen easy to burn efficiently with low emissions, as shownabove. I have been working on wood-gas stoves since Ibecame aware of the world cooking problem on a trip toSouth Africa in 1985. We have developed both natural (1 of 3) [10/9/2008 08:23:10]

Biomass Energy Foundation: Woodgas StovesBecome aMemberof theBiomassEnergyFoundationconvection (with Ron Larson) and forced convectionstoves (Patent applied for). Check out these papers forthe principles of WoodGas stoves and performancedetails. We expect to continue this work indefinitely andhope to deploy a billion stoves to ease the world cookingproblem - an ambitious target. (You can also use largervariations of these stoves for clean, indoor cooking andother major heat applications.)Our first target for this fundamental new development isthe U.S. campstove market. There are lots of campersthat don't want to lug propane or gasoline on their backsand do want to use the biomass they find along the way.There are lots of others worried about possible cutoff ofgas or power. They are critical users and we will welcometheir comments (at believe our WoodGas Cook Stove far exceeds theperformance of any other biomass cooking device. It willburn twigs, chips or the wood-pellets widely sold inhardware stores (typically $3 for a 40 lb bag). It generates1.5 - 3 KW of heat, comparable to the big element on anelectric stove; it burns only 10 g of fuel/min (40%efficient); and it can be used indoors with minimalemissions. It uses a single AA cell that lasts 3 hours onHIGH and 6 hours on LOW. We hope a lithium hydridebattery and solar charger will be available as anaccessory soon.The current dimensions for the WoodGas LE are:Weight: 23 ozHeight: 6.25"Diameter: 5.1 " (2 of 3) [10/9/2008 08:23:10]

Biomass Energy Foundation: Woodgas StovesBecome aMemberof theBiomassEnergyFoundationconvection (with Ron Larson) and forced convectionstoves (Patent applied for). Check out these papers forthe principles of WoodGas stoves and performancedetails. We expect to continue this work indefinitely andhope to deploy a billion stoves to ease the world cookingproblem - an ambitious target. (You can also use largervariations of these stoves for clean, indoor cooking andother major heat applications.)Our first target for this fundamental new development isthe U.S. campstove market. There are lots of campersthat don't want to lug propane or gasoline on their backsand do want to use the biomass they find along the way.There are lots of others worried about possible cutoff ofgas or power. They are critical users and we will welcometheir comments (at believe our WoodGas Cook Stove far exceeds theperformance of any other biomass cooking device. It willburn twigs, chips or the wood-pellets widely sold inhardware stores (typically $3 for a 40 lb bag). It generates1.5 - 3 KW of heat, comparable to the big element on anelectric stove; it burns only 10 g of fuel/min (40%efficient); and it can be used indoors with minimalemissions. It uses a single AA cell that lasts 3 hours onHIGH and 6 hours on LOW. We hope a lithium hydridebattery and solar charger will be available as anaccessory soon.The current dimensions for the WoodGas LE are:Weight: 23 ozHeight: 6.25"Diameter: 5.1 " (2 of 3) [10/9/2008 08:23:10]

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