Gasifier Experimenters Kit

Gasifier Experimenters Kit Gasifier Experimenters Kit
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Untitled Documentsomewhat flexible steel and fabric sock. This is the "trachea", where the engine and pyro effectrespirate the made fuel into a swirling vortex of exhalation- which we might call the "throat offire". Fire effects in the throat of fire will include typical ICP-type pressurized liquidflamethrowers, and continuous and burst flow gaseous fuels.3. Abdomen- The abdomen will contain the gasification, liquefaction and digestion processors tomake fuel for both the onboard engines as well as all fire effects. The Mechabolic will only "burn"fuel it makes from trash at the event. Zero purchased petroleum products will be used.Real time gaseous fuel production for the engines and liquefaction processes will happen via adowndraft gasifier. This will be skidded with the associated cylone filter, cooling unit and dry gasfilter.A second and much larger updraft gasifier will make gaseous fuel for the wind slip stream fireeffect. This will burn with a clean blue flame, in a manner similar to the images here, but at muchlarger scale.A third skid will hold various process tanks to support Fischer Tropsch liquefaction of the gasifiergas to a mixed gasoline/diesel product fuel. We are choosing to use the FT process, as do manyDIY liquefaction efforts, as it is the only liquefaction process that can operate at atmosphericpressures, thus avoiding the difficulty and safety issues of negotiating fuel transactions under bothpressure and heat.A fourth skid will hold the anerobic digester and inflatable bladder storage, wound into an intestinelike shape. Waste wet biomass food scrapes, unlike manures, allow for fast digestion processes,going from solid to methane gas in one to two days. The product gas will fuel the central fireeffects, as well as an "eternal flame" at the anus of the creature.All these components will be modular and containerized, so the resulting "sculpture" is madereasonably easy for transport and show in future venues. A major goal of this project is to exit outthe end with a collection of containerized alt fuel "demonstration untis", ready for storage,transport and "roll right off the trailer" use in future contexts, both art and engineering.Locomotion Scenarios: (3 of 6) [10/9/2008 08:18:04]Ideally we want the Mechabolic to move so as to "scavenge" for its food/fuel. Early designsconsidered building the creature as a sort of wheeled train, but the amount of axles, wheels,linkages, drive shafts, bearings, etc etc to do as such is daunting. the vehicle undercarriage alonecould easily take up too much of the project time and effort.So currently we are exploring the possibility of just giving it a flat belly and making it slither. Or in

Untitled Documentother words, drag it, REALLY really slow, using a track catepillar tractor built into the front of themechabolic animal to pull it.This would be rather interesting we think. No one has yet built anything between a stationaryinstallation and an art car on the playa to date. No really slow moving objects that are neitherstationary installation nor large rolling people conveyance, but rather a barely moving object withno visible wheels or discernable movement.It would be a tolerable amount of work to make a snake scale belly sort of thing out of tiled sheetsteel. 4' x 8' sheets, all nearly identical, each with a hole in the front and an attach pin at the back.Then lay them out tiled and and overlapped, from front to back. The lip overlap at the front of eachone, as well as the tremendously large surface area would give plenty of flotation. (see here) Or dothe belly as three larger plates, cooresponding to the three "cavities" of the creature, and form themwith radii at the joints so the creature can turn. (see here)Either form would not dig into the playa, given the huge flotation surface. The pressure on theplaya would actually be much less than wheeled vehicles. And as the floor is solid and the beast ismoving in inches per minute, not miles per hour, there would be almost zero dust. Also, steppingon and off the mechabolic would have no vertical elevation change, which would be interesting.The digestive/respirative "walk through" would be on the belly on the ground essentially.Maybe we could come up with a path for it to follow over the week. Make about one playacrossing each day, so it is "installed" somewhere different each night. Maybe do a winding pathfrom keyhole to trash fence, leaving a "slime trail" behind it, in the shape of a gigantic "smallintestine". Well actually, that wouldn't work, as the trail would disappear in minutes from foottraffic. But still, it would kinda work.I can slide a 20,000lb container building with my big forklift, riding only on sharp corners. So atracked Catepillar D-6 or so would surely pull 30,000 lbs of perfectly flat steel and sculpturalcuriosities across the playa. But quantative modeling, as well as on site testing early in the project,would surely be needed before committing to this scenario and planning/building accordingly.So in summary, it would be great if we could make it move, as animals move to scavenge for theirfood. But such is not a prerequisite for the project to be successful. The project can work well ineither a stationary or mobile form. We can discuss and develop each scenario in more detail as weprogress here. (4 of 6) [10/9/2008 08:18:04]

Untitled Documentother words, drag it, REALLY really slow, using a track catepillar tractor built into the front of themechabolic animal to pull it.This would be rather interesting we think. No one has yet built anything between a stationaryinstallation and an art car on the playa to date. No really slow moving objects that are neitherstationary installation nor large rolling people conveyance, but rather a barely moving object withno visible wheels or discernable movement.It would be a tolerable amount of work to make a snake scale belly sort of thing out of tiled sheetsteel. 4' x 8' sheets, all nearly identical, each with a hole in the front and an attach pin at the back.Then lay them out tiled and and overlapped, from front to back. The lip overlap at the front of eachone, as well as the tremendously large surface area would give plenty of flotation. (see here) Or dothe belly as three larger plates, cooresponding to the three "cavities" of the creature, and form themwith radii at the joints so the creature can turn. (see here)Either form would not dig into the playa, given the huge flotation surface. The pressure on theplaya would actually be much less than wheeled vehicles. And as the floor is solid and the beast ismoving in inches per minute, not miles per hour, there would be almost zero dust. Also, steppingon and off the mechabolic would have no vertical elevation change, which would be interesting.The digestive/respirative "walk through" would be on the belly on the ground essentially.Maybe we could come up with a path for it to follow over the week. Make about one playacrossing each day, so it is "installed" somewhere different each night. Maybe do a winding pathfrom keyhole to trash fence, leaving a "slime trail" behind it, in the shape of a gigantic "smallintestine". Well actually, that wouldn't work, as the trail would disappear in minutes from foottraffic. But still, it would kinda work.I can slide a 20,000lb container building with my big forklift, riding only on sharp corners. So atracked Catepillar D-6 or so would surely pull 30,000 lbs of perfectly flat steel and sculpturalcuriosities across the playa. But quantative modeling, as well as on site testing early in the project,would surely be needed before committing to this scenario and planning/building accordingly.So in summary, it would be great if we could make it move, as animals move to scavenge for theirfood. But such is not a prerequisite for the project to be successful. The project can work well ineither a stationary or mobile form. We can discuss and develop each scenario in more detail as weprogress here. (4 of 6) [10/9/2008 08:18:04]

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