Gasifier Experimenters Kit

Gasifier Experimenters Kit Gasifier Experimenters Kit
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OverviewThe Mechabolic: OverviewHomeProject DescriptionOverviewTechnologyPhysical SpecificsDrawingsPeopleWorkshopsPhilosophyMotivationMechabolic HypothesisLogisticsBudgetSafetyTimelineClean UpContactThe sculpture:The Mechabolic project is a large-scale bio-imitative installation of hydrocarbon based fuelproduction, transformation and consumption. Our goal is to create a fantastical, bio-machinehybrid environment --a burlesque of the "synthetic metabolism" of machines-- recastinginternal combustion engines and petroleum fuels as their parallel animal organs and plantgenerated carbohydrate foods.As a physical sculpture, the Mechabolic will take the form of an exploded assembly ofdigestive and respiratory organs, laid out across the desert floor, and mashed up with theirassociated mechanical metabolic machines (i.e. internal combustion engines, refining gasifiers,anerobic digesters, liquefiers, process tanks, condensation towers, etc.). All features andfunctions will be rendered in the aesthetics of human anatomical illustration meets blown V-8hot rod fetishism.The Mechabolic will encase these hybrid bio-machine organs in a giant "dinosaur slug" trashscavenging creature- a creature which slithers across the desert in search of waste biomasstrash to feed/fuel itself. All ingested trash will be converted to clean biomass foods/fuels usingthe simple technologies of gasification, anerobic digestion and Fischer Tropsch liquification.The Mechabolic will re-ingest the resulting foods/fuels to power its own locomotion as well asas a variety of high altitude fire effects.Interactivity: (1 of 3) [10/9/2008 08:18:02]The Mechabolic invites participants to walk through the innards of an exploded metabolicanimal and contribute their waste paper, wood, coffee grounds and food compost to the fuel

Overviewmaking effort. Participants can watch all fuel/food processing through transparent processtanks and plumbing, as well as handle the feed and fuels at various points in the "refining"process. All in all, a fun house walk-through journey of machine digestion and respiration --from mouth to anus, oil well to gas tank, trash dumpster to carburetor plenum-- with all theinterstitial fun and mysteries of organic chemistry implied therein.The Mechabolic creature will also function as an odd sort of biological "gas station" in themiddle of the desert, collecting, processing and dispensing biomass fuels to power "woodgas"converted art cars. The proposed project includes a series of monthly workshops this springand summer to convert vehicle engines and generators to "woodgas" operation. These "PowerExchange" workshops will teach the building of simplified downdraft gasifiers, as recentlydemonstrated at the Shipyard, which produce a synthetic "natural gas-like" fuel from any solidwaste biomass- a gaseous fuel that will run in any gas or diesel engine.As such, the Mechabolic intends to become a future vision of the ubiquitous "pump n' munch"road side gas station/diner. But in this iteration, a fuel/food stop where artcars congregate to fillup on coffee grounds, chipped wood and pelletized trash, while people stroll through fuelmaking biological organs, and lounge in a rather unlikely V-8 powered, fire spewing, carbonsequestering, lung shaped terrarium- filled with orchids, ferns, terra preta bio-char, and you.The Mechabolic Hypothesis: (2 of 3) [10/9/2008 08:18:02]Our intention with the Mechabolic is recast combustion machines and their related petroleumfuels --the foundations of our industrial energy economy-- as somewhat of a veiled project ofartificial life. Where usually a dry technical problem is seen, we want to suggest that what isreally at issue here is the the "third leg" of the grand human engineering project of replicatingourselves.Artificial life is usually reckoned as a problem with two basic challenges- one physical and onecognitive. Mechanical engineering has broadly been the replication and expansion of thecapabilities of the physical body. Computer science and AI the replication and expansion ofour perceptual and cognitive abilities. What usually goes unmentioned is the similarly bioimitativeenergy systems we synthesize to power our synthetic creatures. This metabolicartificial life project is seldom called out as such, but it is the core endeavor in the history ofheat engine development, as well as the many fuels that have been refined and fought over topower them.The biological metabolism of life is symbiotic relationship between sun, plants, animals, andatmosphere, with all combined together in a virtuous circle of photosynthesis and oxidativerespiration. Curiously, 90% of the human produced energy on the planet follows from a similarbio-imitative project of metabolic artificial life, using synthetically refined "solar energy"

OverviewThe Mechabolic: OverviewHomeProject DescriptionOverviewTechnologyPhysical SpecificsDrawingsPeopleWorkshopsPhilosophyMotivationMechabolic HypothesisLogisticsBudgetSafetyTimelineClean UpContactThe sculpture:The Mechabolic project is a large-scale bio-imitative installation of hydrocarbon based fuelproduction, transformation and consumption. Our goal is to create a fantastical, bio-machinehybrid environment --a burlesque of the "synthetic metabolism" of machines-- recastinginternal combustion engines and petroleum fuels as their parallel animal organs and plantgenerated carbohydrate foods.As a physical sculpture, the Mechabolic will take the form of an exploded assembly ofdigestive and respiratory organs, laid out across the desert floor, and mashed up with theirassociated mechanical metabolic machines (i.e. internal combustion engines, refining gasifiers,anerobic digesters, liquefiers, process tanks, condensation towers, etc.). All features andfunctions will be rendered in the aesthetics of human anatomical illustration meets blown V-8hot rod fetishism.The Mechabolic will encase these hybrid bio-machine organs in a giant "dinosaur slug" trashscavenging creature- a creature which slithers across the desert in search of waste biomasstrash to feed/fuel itself. All ingested trash will be converted to clean biomass foods/fuels usingthe simple technologies of gasification, anerobic digestion and Fischer Tropsch liquification.The Mechabolic will re-ingest the resulting foods/fuels to power its own locomotion as well asas a variety of high altitude fire effects.Interactivity: (1 of 3) [10/9/2008 08:18:02]The Mechabolic invites participants to walk through the innards of an exploded metabolicanimal and contribute their waste paper, wood, coffee grounds and food compost to the fuel

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