Gasifier Experimenters Kit

Gasifier Experimenters Kit Gasifier Experimenters Kit
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Gasifier Experimenters KitHere's what we found . . .Air In: Atmosphere to Nozzles:The air preheating lines are raising theincoming air to 450-500C by the point wherethe air lines penetrate the bottom of thereactor and head upwards to the nozzles. Thisis adjacent to the base of the reduction bell,where the syngas exiting temp is 600-650C.This is around a 150C temp differential,which is likely about as good as we can hopefor in a winding gas-to-gas heat exchanger.The air temp raises another 100C or sobetween the reactor bottom and the insides ofthe nozzles. We measured 550-625C inside (6 of 10) [10/9/2008 08:04:38]

Gasifier Experimenters Kitthe nozzles. The highest peak was 650C. Thistemp increase is from heat contributed by thechar and ash insulation around the reductionand combustion zones. I'm not clear thedegree to which this heat input is an addeddrag on the combustion and reduction zones,or if it is mostly recovered heat already lost tothe insulation. We'll have to measure theinsulation temp around the air inlets to figureit out.Remember, the point of this heat exchangearchitecture is to start mining heat from thesyngas immediately after the reduction zone,only after all thermo-chemical work iscompleted. Mining heat from the combustionand reduction zone may sproduce a net zerosum heat budget in the end, but it could stillreduce max temps achieved along the path,and thus impact tar conversion. Maintainingacceptable max temps is ultimately morecritical than efficiency, given the extreme"inefficiencies" of tar in an engine . . .Combustion Zone:Combustion zone temps wandered in the 1000-1250C range. At other times i've seen it dropto 800C and rise to 1300C with extreme pullrates or fuel moisture variations. The moistureof the fuel actually seems to have moreimpact on combustion zone temp variationsthan the pull rate (within reasonable limits).Reduction Zone:The temp drop between the top and bottom ofthe reduction bell is not as great as I expected.The constriction at the top of the reductionbell runs around 700-800C. This suggests thecombustion has already finished before the (7 of 10) [10/9/2008 08:04:38]

<strong>Gasifier</strong> <strong>Experimenters</strong> <strong>Kit</strong>Here's what we found . . .Air In: Atmosphere to Nozzles:The air preheating lines are raising theincoming air to 450-500C by the point wherethe air lines penetrate the bottom of thereactor and head upwards to the nozzles. Thisis adjacent to the base of the reduction bell,where the syngas exiting temp is 600-650C.This is around a 150C temp differential,which is likely about as good as we can hopefor in a winding gas-to-gas heat exchanger.The air temp raises another 100C or sobetween the reactor bottom and the insides ofthe nozzles. We measured 550-625C inside (6 of 10) [10/9/2008 08:04:38]

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