Gasifier Experimenters Kit

Gasifier Experimenters Kit Gasifier Experimenters Kit
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Quadrafierquick and crude and without any specialized parts. While learning, I was alsocurious to see how absolutely simple and hammer and wrench fab tech thesecan be made with. Expensive McMasterCarr orders and complicated heatrecycling and embedded processor temp and mixture sensing/control will comelater.The result is the "Quadrafier Gasifier "V1.0: Updraftall updraft pictures are temporarily hereOn New Year's Eve 06/07, several friends and I built our first gasifier using anold 2x tank air compressor set. I was a bit stunned how easy it is to build andget basic gas, as well as how flexible it was on fuels (which I later learned wasonly the case with updraft designs). Of course this was tarry and wet gas, but itburned clean as nat gas on your stove. even running coal. clean coal is not amyth . . . ;-)The pictures at the link above show a short chemistry lesson on what ishappening to educate the locals. welding and plumbing. then coffee drying onthe wood stove, then filing the coffee grounds into the unit. set up of unit inyard. various lighting attempts, with success after awhile. then some poofs on acombined fuel of coffee and wood. then the hot tub and champagne rewardafterwards. (we were trying for midnight new years eve, but didn't actually get itfired until 1am.) (2 of 6) [10/9/2008 08:00:07]

QuadrafierWe ran it on sawdust, cubed wood, coffee grounds and coal dust. all workedfine, but the coffee grounds were very difficult to get to light. though once lit,they burned fine. it should really run on any biomass that is reasonably dry anddense.The tank we used is 6" in diameter and about two feet long. I put an angle fillpipe about 2/3 of the way up. the gas outlet is an existing 1/2" pipe fitting in thetank. The distance difference between fill point and gas outlet was toencourage dust settling, and used a gravity loop for the air in at the bottom.As i have been long confused about the grates, and didn't have anything to usethat was fine enough or heat resistant enough, i decided that a pipe protrudingto the center of the tank in the base, and then curved upward outside the tank,would allow air in and not allow fuel out. my other main reason for this was thati wanted to be able to run dusts, like coal dust and coffee grounds, whichseemed like a difficult proposition for grates. so gravity was engaged, andgravity proved to work rather well.V2.0: Open Hopper Stratified Downdraftall stratified downdraft pictures are temporarily hereThe stratified downdraft was built from the same 2x air compressor tank asused for the first updraft. as for fuel, we ran: pellet wood, sawdust, coffeegrounds, coal dust, coal chunks, pizza crusts, pistachio nut shells andcardboard. the pellets ran well, as did chunk coal, but the granular and loosepaper fuels packed up more than in the updraft. makes sense, as in an updraft, (3 of 6) [10/9/2008 08:00:07]

Quadrafierquick and crude and without any specialized parts. While learning, I was alsocurious to see how absolutely simple and hammer and wrench fab tech thesecan be made with. Expensive McMasterCarr orders and complicated heatrecycling and embedded processor temp and mixture sensing/control will comelater.The result is the "Quadrafier <strong>Gasifier</strong> "V1.0: Updraftall updraft pictures are temporarily hereOn New Year's Eve 06/07, several friends and I built our first gasifier using anold 2x tank air compressor set. I was a bit stunned how easy it is to build andget basic gas, as well as how flexible it was on fuels (which I later learned wasonly the case with updraft designs). Of course this was tarry and wet gas, but itburned clean as nat gas on your stove. even running coal. clean coal is not amyth . . . ;-)The pictures at the link above show a short chemistry lesson on what ishappening to educate the locals. welding and plumbing. then coffee drying onthe wood stove, then filing the coffee grounds into the unit. set up of unit inyard. various lighting attempts, with success after awhile. then some poofs on acombined fuel of coffee and wood. then the hot tub and champagne rewardafterwards. (we were trying for midnight new years eve, but didn't actually get itfired until 1am.) (2 of 6) [10/9/2008 08:00:07]

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